All Episodes

April 27, 2024 37 mins

Anti-Israel protesters are wearing covid masks. NYU Professor Scott Galloway makes sense again on MSNBC. Email from a Barnard College mom, saying many parents support the protests. NYC Mayor Adams confronted on plane for supporting "genocide in Gaza." Alec Baldwin heckled by pro-Hamas protester. NYU protesters don't know why they're protesting. Will protesters disrupt DNC in Chicago?

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and buck
Sexton Show podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Wednesday edition of The Clay Travis en buck Sexton Show
is underway.

Speaker 1 (00:10):
Thanks for being here.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
A lot of news, of course, the protest madness starting
on Columbia University's campus now replicated on a whole lot
of other campuses.

Speaker 1 (00:20):
Seeing it in Oh God, it's up at Yale.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
It so, that's Connecticut, it's in Minnesota, it's I can't
even name all the states all over the place, these
campus protests breaking out right at the end of the
school year. Arrests have been made NYU and New York.
Arrest have been made there. So we're going to dive
into that whole situation for sure.

Speaker 3 (00:42):
And yes, sir, I just want to point out something
you said yesterday, but I think it's very funny and
worth pointing out. The protesters are so upset about what's
going on that they waited until the weather was good
enough to be able to camp out in the Northeast,
to actually camp out on the quad.

Speaker 1 (00:56):
They didn't use this in January and February.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
Only military escalation, invasion whatever has been going on for months. Yes,
and yet there was no occupy the Quad protest in February.

Speaker 1 (01:11):
It's very funny.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
Now that it's you know, Hackey Sack and Patuli Weather
out in the quad. You know, everyone just hanging out.
They're having a good time. So we'll discuss some of
the madness here. And also, as we said, real dedication
would be University of Michigan or Minnesota or Buffalo protesting

out of the campus quad January. Then then you're committed,
like right.

Speaker 3 (01:36):
Now, try to sleep outside when it's really cold. I mean,
it is absolutely brutal for anybody who has ever done it.
It's just very funny that it's now nice outdoors weather
and they're suddenly like, we've got to We've.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
Got to take over the quad, We've got to sleep outdoors.

Speaker 2 (01:51):
And yeah, yeah, I remember I had to eat outside
once long story, during the worst of COVID madness, and
it was January and I was absolutely like I actually
lost touch with my butt, Like I don't know if
it was there anymore, that's how cold it was. You
never want to be like, is my butt still there?
That's a bad day.

Speaker 3 (02:11):
I We had a camp sleepover in February for the
school that my kids go to, it's a dad son
camp out, and you could take all your boys. And
my youngest at the time was like five or six
years old, and in the middle of the night, he
just came over to me and he said, Dad, can
I please get into your sleeping bag. I am just

so unbelievably cold, you know, my little kid and youngest son,
and he just climbed in and just burrowed down underneath
just immediately went to sleep. I couldn't move, of course,
but it is funny. It is very worth noting, and
I haven't heard anybody.

Speaker 1 (02:47):
Else mention it.

Speaker 3 (02:48):
They're so committed to the idea of anti Israel protests,
but only if it's not that cold outside, which is
perfect for these people.

Speaker 1 (02:56):
So we've also got We're going to dive into that
a lot.

Speaker 2 (02:59):
I've I've been analyzing the masking phenomenon on campus, and
it's complicated and very interesting because there are a lot
of these protesters wearing masks. See the photos, you see
the videos.

Speaker 1 (03:11):

Speaker 2 (03:12):
I know everyone thinks they know why, but it's actually
different things depending on the protesters we're talking about. I'll
get into that in a moment. This story. Clay sent
this to me, and this one just infuriates me. This
American dad, father of two, is arrested returning from his

vacation in the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean.
This kind of hits home. I was just in the
Caribbean myself, and he faces a mandatory twelve year prison
sentence for having a few hunting rifle. I believe it's rifle.
It might be shotgun on it. Even know a hunting
ammunition rounds for hunting. It wasn't clear.

Speaker 3 (03:52):
Not a weapon, not a weapon, not just a bag
that he had had maybe ammunition stored in before and
a couple of rounds.

Speaker 1 (03:59):
It was a mistake. Anyone.

Speaker 2 (04:00):
Look, I'll tell you I have and I was taught
this by a Special Forces guy. He said, first of all,
no one ever packs your gear before you go out onto.

Speaker 1 (04:09):
The range or off the range.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
But you never let anyone else pack when you're dealing
with ammunition and farms, because you never know when someone's
gonna inadvertently stick a few rounds into this pocket because
they're loose. Loose rounds happen all the time. He said,
you were always It's almost like the airport things. If
you said you're always in charge of your kit to
and from the range. And it's because of situations like this,

and so anyway, it drives me insane.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
There is no justice.

Speaker 2 (04:36):
If somebody for an inadvertent mistake with no cost to
anyone or anything, it faces prison time. I want to
discuss that in a little bit morning, console Bloomberg Poll.
We'll get into this. I'm gonna have to calm Clay
down a little bit. It's a little early, still, Clay,
it's a little early, all right. We don't have we
we can't get too excited. We got to keep our composure.
Trump is absolutely trouncing by in all of these polls, Okay,

and we're gonna have We're gonna have to just look
at that reality, not get too far ahead of ourselves.
And then Supreme Court is looking at an Idaho abortion
law federal law. And I've got some thoughts, Clay on
how they're taking this. Oh, one more thing, Walmart getting
rid of some automated checkout stations, but not because of efficiency.

We will discuss that. Walmart's already starting to phase it out.
But let's start with this. I I was like, look,
you're hearing some sanity from people out there in the
media in surprising places. And I think it's in part
because one they're worried about the they're honestly the backlash
for the Jewish community in this country in an election year,

and and you know, they probably should be right also, Clay,
I think that they so so they recognize the politics
of this, they recognize that it's something that could come
back and bite them. But there we'll get into some
of those moments. But first off, this was this was
on I think a substack. I'll track down the author

in a second. Pardon me for quoting without sighting, but
I'll have to quote it. Part of the reason, say
organizers at Columbia that they're masking remains an attempt to
make a point about exposure to COVID nineteen and other
health risks, which some in the protest movement believe remains dire.

Part of it is the threat of a different kind
of exposure from being captured by facial recognition technology or
being docks by counter protesters. Clay I was saying this,
I think you can tell the difference because if you're
just a civilization hating pro terrorist loon, you go with
the Kafia, you go with the scarf of you know
that you associate with Hamas and this is like, hey,

you know, and you start you walk around with that
thing on, and you do you look, you pull the
whole sort of Arafat routine.

Speaker 1 (06:55):
You go with that.

Speaker 2 (06:57):
But if you're wearing a surgical mask, which look in
the photos huge, I mean thirty percent of them are
wearing either an N ninety five or some kind of
a surgical medical mask. It's because they and they say
it to their they're being asked about this.

Speaker 1 (07:11):
They still think COVID is a dire threat. They believe that.

Speaker 3 (07:15):
You know, there used to be laws to not allow
masking because the idea was clearly you're more likely to
commit a crime if your face can't be seen.

Speaker 1 (07:26):
Go figure, we need to bring back this.

Speaker 2 (07:29):
It's a public safety issue in New York for two
hundred years were unless it was needed for construction or
an imminent work task, you're not allowed to walk around
with your face covered. But I argue this during the
pandemic play so I was diving into this history back then.
It is absolutely sensible policy to say your face must

be people must be able to see your face in public.

Speaker 3 (07:52):
I think even more so it had to be connected
to the massive amounts of theft that we saw over
taking place in New York City, because in a camera age,
being able to be seen is even more of a
distraction you would think from being willing to steal. But yes,
it's evidence to me that these people are in a cult.

And the scary thing about cults for anyone out there
that has ever studied them or paid attention to them
at all, is they don't respond to rational thought. And
this has been my argument for whatever your political beliefs are,
you can be the most diehard Trump supporter out there

right now.

Speaker 1 (08:37):
Don't be cult like.

Speaker 3 (08:38):
Look at the facts and be willing to have a
difference of opinion with a political figure. You should unless
you're the candidate yourself. You should never agree with anyone
on one hundred percent of the issues. I really mean that.
And I love those of you out there who listen
to Bucket Me and you're out there every day and
your diehards and you listen for three hours, I would

say the same thing to you. You shouldn't agree with
everything that we say on this program. There should be
some things where you're like, ah, I think they're wrong
on this, or I agree with Buck, or I agree
with Clay.

Speaker 2 (09:11):
But I know Clay is wrong sometimes and I have
to tell him because of the honesty of the show.
I have to explain to him that flute players can
be quite masculine and handsome, and.

Speaker 1 (09:20):
That eating ice cream alone is not a problem.

Speaker 3 (09:22):
So and if we needed someone, Laura Travis would be
very happy to call in and lit a litany of
things that I am one hundred percent wrong with in
twenty years of marriage. And I'm sure Carrie, even though
you're relatively new in marriage, has a full list of
things that she has decided that you are wrong about.

Speaker 2 (09:39):
I am wrong sometimes, I'm wrong sometimes, and I apologize
in advance for all of those wrongs that I have not. Yes,
that's a very smart married man thing to do. All
of you out there should be willing to challenge conventional
wisdom and any opinion out there. And what you're seeing
is this is what's scary.

Speaker 3 (09:58):
And I think you said it also, and it's worth
pointing out you can be highly educated and incredibly dumb.
And what you're seeing from these NYU faculty members. Ian Miller,
who writes it out kick and has been great on
Data tweeted about it too, which you're talking about. They
were performing a human shield to try to keep the
police from being able to do anything to the NYU protesters,

and all of the in the picture, all of the
faculty members had on masks in ninety five or whatever,
surgical masks. Can you imagine being a parent that is
paying these people who are wearing masks to instruct your children.

Speaker 2 (10:35):
I have some disconcerting news for you, mister Clay, speaking
about keeping it real here, more and more it is
coming out there are a lot of parents who are
supportive of this.

Speaker 1 (10:45):
I got an email that.

Speaker 3 (10:49):
It's it's the women's side of Columbia's Barnard right Barnard. Yes,
I got an email that I want to read that
was sent to me yesterday of a mom who listens
to our show and has a daughter I believe, and
is in one of the parent Facebook groups and says,
like a lot of them are supportive of those protests.

Speaker 2 (11:07):
These people see you remember you live in a red state.
I know these lunatics, the lunatic parents and the lunatic
kids tend to not always as we know, but tend
to go together. So yes, we definitely need to have
you read that email in a second. But first I
just wanted to note that this was on MSNBC. This

has cut ten Professor Scott Galloway, who you know, like
he hates Trump, He's a Democrat. He actually does say
some sensible things. He said things before. He says things
about male masculinity and undermining men. And I think he's
obviously a high wattage guy. I mean he's like probably
the most famous professor at the NYU Stern School of Business,

him and Nuriel Rubini, you know who predicted the two
thousand and eight crash. Anyway, Galloway's going on MSNBC and
he's talking about, oh what a surprise, the whole Israel
thing about being white rich oppressors more than anything else.

Speaker 1 (12:03):
Plate ten.

Speaker 4 (12:04):
I think it's complicated.

Speaker 1 (12:05):
I think one, young.

Speaker 4 (12:06):
People have a healthy gag reflex from what people our
age think.

Speaker 1 (12:09):
And I think that's healthy. Two.

Speaker 4 (12:12):
I don't think Israel hastraped itself in glory. Over the
last twenty or thirty years, they've shifted from being kind
of that David to the goliath. I also think that
incorrectly students on campus conflate the civil rights movement with
what is going on in Palestine and have digressed, unfortunately
because of an orthodoxy promoted by me and my colleagues
that there are oppressors and oppressed and the easiest way
to identify oppressors is how white and how rich they are,

fairly or unfairly. Israel has seen as ground zero for
whiteness and how wealthy they are.

Speaker 1 (12:41):
We have been saying this months, four months.

Speaker 2 (12:44):
The reason they have mobilized this is like BLM three
point zero visit to the Middle East. I mean, this
is the white oppressing brown narrative that these kids have
all latched onto.

Speaker 1 (12:59):
And he even says because the professors all buy into it.

Speaker 2 (13:03):
Clay, Yeah, so you're hearing it from He's a Democrat,
he's a tenured at NYU professor, and he's saying with
Clay and Buck have been telling you for months, almost
like we're ahead of the curve.

Speaker 3 (13:13):
Credit to MSNBC for airing that and saying several things
that are counter I think to what would typically be
the left wing orthodoxy. I real discussion, even if it
comes from places that usually doesn't allow it, I think
should be praised.

Speaker 2 (13:28):
I also think, you know, one of the we don't
have stated principles on the show other than just being truthful,
awesome and loving America. But I do think that something
that we do and we make a point of it,
is when someone says something that is a true statement,
we praise the truth in the statement and give credit
for the statement. We don't say, oh, well, now this
person is great, listen to them on everything. But if

someone says something that is true and accurate, we will
reflect it that way. We're not going to bash some
thing that is said by a person just because we
don't like the person, which is also way of saying
a great Fetterman clip for later on for everybody.

Speaker 1 (14:02):
I do.

Speaker 2 (14:03):
People keep telling me Fetterman's fooling you, he's trying to
keep McCormick from winning. That may well be true, and
we have said that, But the soundbites that Fetterman is
putting out, I can assure you, is enraging the left
wing pro Hamas caucus.

Speaker 3 (14:17):
So oh, they've been protesting his house like crazy. I mean,
we'll talk about that and more when we come back
in the meantime, and I'll read you that email because
I do think it's a great email from a mom
who's got a daughter at Columbia. The Tunnel the Towers
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two t dot org. I want to read this email

from a listener, Wara, who has a child at Barnard College,
which is the sister school. I think Buck, you made
no better than me of Columbia University, she wrote in
yesterday after we had this discussion about how would parents
be reacting to the protests that are occurring at Columbia,
for instance, and she said, Hey, Clay, listen to you
and Buck every day.

Speaker 1 (16:08):
Love the show.

Speaker 3 (16:09):
Yesterday you wondered about the parents of these college protesters.
I'm in the Barnard parent Facebook group, and most parents
are very supportive of what they consider quote their brave
daughters and think they are being treated unfairly. Some parents
believe the images in the media have been faked or doctored.

One mom, who I assume is Jewish, indicated fear, but
then was immediately gaslighted by another mom. I guess Jewish
mom's quote lived experience isn't valid anyways. She sent screenshots
of the commentary from inside the parents group. She also said,
and I think this was interesting, Buck. I'm in many

college Facebook parent groups as a research hobby. If I
were to give parents who are looking at colleges one
piece of advice, it would be to join these groups
for any college your kid is interested in. You'll get
the vibe and values of the school very quickly. Again,
a mom of a daughter who is at Barnard College,

and she shared with me Buck a bunch of screenshots
from inside of this parent group. It's called the Barnard
College Parents All Class Years Facebook group. It appears where
they can all kind of get together and discuss and
this is what you said, And I find you're right.
I live in a red state and I'm surrounded by
more sanity. I can't imagine this.

Speaker 2 (17:36):
I was raised among the communists. They all think that
I'm insane, you know, they don't even They're always like, oh,
you know whatever. I deal with some lib in New York.
They're like, oh, well, well, where did you grow up?
And they expect me to say Tennessee or Texas. I'm like,
excuse me, I grew up on the East Side, all right,
I'm born and raised.

Speaker 1 (17:51):
Where did you grow up?

Speaker 2 (17:53):
I like to say to them, But yes, there's lunacy,
there's badness, play even among the parents will dive into
this some more.

Speaker 3 (17:59):
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Speaker 1 (18:54):
Com code Clay and Buck.

Speaker 3 (19:04):
What kind of makes sense of the craziness going on.

Speaker 2 (19:07):
Well that's every day, but particularly the insanity on college
campuses and what these protesters are running around saying. But
there's also what is the City of New York going
to do about it? I would note that New York
and specifically Columbia University. Columbia University was where an Arab
American professor named Edward Said was teaching for a long time.

And also he wrote Orientalism, which is a whole theory
around how the West views the East, you know, meaning
the Middle East specifically in this case, but really the
East more broadly, with a bit of condescension and all
their problems are our fault. So this stuff has been
at Columbia University for a long time.

Speaker 1 (19:54):
It's not new. It's been a hobbit of this.

Speaker 2 (19:56):
In fact, producer Ali reminded us that Ahmedinajad, I think
it was back in two thousand and ten when he
was the when he was the president of Iran or
was it the prime minister of Iran at the time.
I think he was the I think he was the president. Anyway,
he visited Colombia and the Columbia students Columbia University was

all very excited about this until they asked Ahmedinajad, what
do you what about gay people in your country and
your treatment of them? And his response was there are
no gay people in Iran. So, as you can imagine,
that did not go over well even with the Columbia
students run has seventy million people. I was two thousand

and seven. I'm sorry, I was a few years off.
I can't remember everything off the top of my head.
Two thousand and seven he spoke at Columbia University. But
let's just take a moment. The Mayor of New York City,
Eric Adams, was confront So he spends time flor but
I think he was giving a speech. He's down here
in Miami that I could guess with three guesses which

hotel he stayed in, because he likes to party. He does,
he like, he likes the nightlife, he likes the scene.
So I have a feeling I know where Eric Adams
would be staying, probably somewhere very fancy, very nice.

Speaker 1 (21:13):
But he was approached on his flight back.

Speaker 2 (21:15):
The Mayor of New York approached by a protester on
the plane, and the protester unsurprisingly unhinged, insane.

Speaker 4 (21:24):
Listen to this, Adams, Yes, you you supported the Jayson Passak.

Speaker 1 (21:31):
They're holtic all over New York. The Girls Party. You
ain't actually cures about the series of New York. Where
are even Miami Clay? You go ahead, you can tell
how is he?

Speaker 2 (21:48):
How is he supporting the genocide in New York or
rather the genocide in Gaza.

Speaker 1 (21:53):
No, it's a fantastic question.

Speaker 3 (21:55):
You could also tell you can't see this girl, but
you can tell by the way she's speaking that she
is ripping him while wearing.

Speaker 1 (22:04):
A mask on the airplane. There a couple of things.

Speaker 3 (22:07):
One can we stop normalizing because this happened to Alec Baldwin.
Two pulling out your phone and recording someone while you
brate them, regardless of what your politics are. And I
mean this for Republicans, for Democrats, for people who are independent.

You don't make yourself or whatever cause you believe in,
look better when you hold up your camera and scream
at someone over political beliefs. We've got to stop the
normalization of this. We should, as a nation, I believe,
ridicule people who are doing this. That's not to say

you can't protest or advocate for what you believe, but
in the same way that we've been pretty consistent on, Hey,
you shouldn't be able to show up outside of somebody's
house on their front lawn and protest and beat drums
and scream at them and wake up all their neighbors
in a residential area. On an airplane, you shouldn't pull

out your phone scream at Eric Adams. But Buck, this
is what they have unleashed. The Left doesn't know how
to put the genie back in the bottle, and now
they're turning. Instead of going after the great Satan, Donald Trump,
they now are turning on each other.

Speaker 1 (23:32):
And this is what the Left does.

Speaker 3 (23:35):
I've been waiting for it, French Revolution style to turn
on itself. And I think with the Israel protest, with
the heckling that we're seeing happen of Eric Adams. Even
Alec Baldwin, strongman of the Left, got ridiculed at his
coffee shop for not being willing to scream free Palestine.

Speaker 2 (23:57):
I think for the first time on the show say
that we stand with Alec Baldwin, which is.

Speaker 1 (24:03):
The very first time.

Speaker 2 (24:06):
But you know, if you're acting like a jerk in
public and just harassing somebody. It's not discourse, it's not
changing anyone's minds, it's not winning overhearts and minds. It's
just an act of pure intimidation. And that's why what
they're doing on campus and the stuff they're saying about.

Speaker 1 (24:23):
Jews and Jewish support for Israel.

Speaker 2 (24:25):
And notice that Eric Adams supports the genocide in Gaza.

Speaker 1 (24:29):
I mean, first of us, it's not a genocide.

Speaker 2 (24:32):
Second of all, Eric Adams doesn't support it, and third
of all, that woman is an idiot.

Speaker 3 (24:35):
And what could he do even if he did support it, Like,
what does the mayor of New York City have to
do with something that's happening five thousand miles away from
him or whatever the mileage total is, As if they're
gonna be like, we weren't really sure what to do
to respond to the terror attack, but Eric Adams, the
mayor of New York.

Speaker 1 (24:51):
City, made a statement, and so we're going to change
our mind.

Speaker 2 (24:54):
Well, this is why Israel Palestine for the Left is
such a perfect issue of virtue signal. And we've talked
about a racial dynamic, then there's a religious dynamic, the
anti colonial stuff, and of course anti anti Semitism broadly,
but also it's like climate change, it's an issue that everybody.
The proximity that you have to it is such that

you get to shout and scream and make demands and
do nothing and think that you're a good person.

Speaker 1 (25:19):

Speaker 2 (25:20):
No one is saying to these protesters, why don't you
go to Gaza and you know, work in the you know,
work in humanitarian capacity there or anything else. They just
get to spew this nonsense. And then there's also just
the idiocy of young people who are brainwashed. And I
think we shouldn't forget that we have Rudy Giuliani, Yes,
the Rudy Giuliani shared this out a moment ago on

his Twitter account. This is a I said YESTERD in
the show. If I were in New York, I would
go to these things and I would ask questions because
you're gonna just it's a gold mine of content, because
these people are are crazy, nasty and dumb.

Speaker 1 (25:56):
Overwhelmingly that's what these press. YEA, the professors too. Mind you.

Speaker 2 (26:00):
Right here is one of the and I know it's
only one, but I think it's indicative of many more
and the mindset. Here is one of the protesters outside
of NYU play it.

Speaker 1 (26:11):
What would you say is the main goal with tonight's protesting.
I think the goal is just showing our support for
Palestine and demanding that NYU stops. I honestly don't know
all of what NYU's doing. Is there something that NYU's doing.
I really don't know. I'm pretty sure there. Do you
know what ny is doing about that?

Speaker 2 (26:28):

Speaker 4 (26:29):
Why are we protesting here?

Speaker 1 (26:33):
That was more educated.

Speaker 2 (26:34):
I'm not either.

Speaker 1 (26:36):
I can't play in Numbia. I was there on Ocadombia
and we came down and our support, so I came down.
I've heard there's lots of pops.

Speaker 2 (26:44):
Some people were saying it was getting dangerous play for
for first leftists, it's just a social outing, you know.
It's Oh, we were at Columbia protesting and like hanging out,
and like now we're down at NYU and it's like,
what is it, am, why are you even doing about this?

Speaker 1 (27:01):
Like do you know? I don't know.

Speaker 2 (27:03):
It's this is just they get to bang like like
spoiled bracts. They get to bang pots and pans together
and demand attention. Nah, And they're not even calling for
a cease far anymore. Notice they're calling for Palestine to
be free. What does that mean? Cause is free and
it's a horrible place. Okay, it's a horrible place. The
Palestinians have made very poor decisions.

Speaker 3 (27:23):
I guarantee you those girls posted on social media about
the fact that they went to the Free Palestine protest,
and they probably got favorable responses on social media, which
is again reflective of the fact that this is a
social contagion. I don't really even understand. Initially, I think
the idea of the college protest. Correct me if I'm wrong, Buck,

I'm trying to be logical here and understand what they're demanding.
I believe they were initially demanding that there be a
divestment of any assets that were connected to Israel. But
does anybody even know understand how or First of all,
I don't know how many assets there are that are

connected to Israel. But the idea that you're going to
demand that somebody sell anything that's connected to Israel, first
of all, it's the most impossible. But secondly, they don't
even understand what that What would that do?

Speaker 2 (28:18):
Clay, they it's the whole thing is is preposterous. But
also again, I'm a native New Yorker, NYU and Columbia
have received enormous amounts of money from Jewish American donors. Yes,
and so these campuses are caught in quite a bind

because the stuff that is being said about Jewish Americans
the Jewish people who support Israel, and that's kind of
the defining or the separating line here because there are
Jewish protesters too. We should not lose sight of that.
As I and Clay, this goes to why I've been
telling you, I don't think the vote's going to change
that much. You said ten percent that could happen. Yeah,

it's not going to be eighty twenty. Though in favor
of Trump, I'd stake anything on that it might move
a little bit. There are Jewish pro Hamas protesters in America.
As crazy as that sounds to everybody, it is a reality.
They think this is a moral crusade for them as well.

Speaker 3 (29:18):
It would be one thing if they had started this
moral crusade before October seventh, But after October seventh, it's
really hard to decide that you need to go on
a moral crusade to attack Israel, because again, once twelve
hundred Jews got murdered in cold blood. It's very hard
to argue, Oh, the group that supported and put them

in power Hamas in Gaza is somehow deserving of your
commendation and support.

Speaker 2 (29:48):
There's also a backstory here, And as I said, I
started out my Midi studies, and I'm not an Arab
Israeli experts specifically, that's something that people spend their whole
lives on. But I started out working at the Washington
Institute for New Policy as an intern for Dennis Ross,
Clinton's envoy for the peace negotiations. I worked on the
book The Missing Piece, which you can it's very boring,

don't buy it. But I worked on that book as
a fact checker for a summer. And so I started
out on this issue, and so I have some institutional
memory of it, or just some some understanding of the
history and even the more recent history. Gaza was the
the Israelis, with tremendous internal opposition to it, pulled out

and said, fine, fine, we're gonna get rid of all
these settlements. We're gonna take people, literally Jews, kicking and
screaming from some of these settlements that are in this
area of God, and and Gaza will belong only to
the Palestinians. And it was a very difficult decision Internally.
It israelt the time because the Israelis were like, why
this would be ours? This is not but put that aside.
They did it. They gave them greater autonomy, They let

them hold their own elections, and they elected terror psychopaths
who throw gay people off of buildings and who engage
mass murder. And you find out there are consequences. I
don't know what else to say. What is what are
the Israelly supposed to say? Now, yeah, let's give them
more autonomy and freedom, let's give them more acts of
good faith.

Speaker 1 (31:12):
But how many people do you think.

Speaker 2 (31:14):
Even know Clay that Gaza, about the evacuation from Gaza
who are protesting here. I bet you five out of
one hundred kids in these protests even knows that that happened.
And the people who are all like jumping on this
bandwagon and talking about this as though it's some kind
of an uprising for justice, they're abject morons.

Speaker 1 (31:32):
Honestly, they know nothing. College kids are dumb and have
been dumb for a long time.

Speaker 3 (31:37):
We were in college and we're pretty smart, and our listeners,
some of them are in college and they're very smart,
so let's not get crazy. But I'm less concerned with
the college kids stupidity, more concerned with faculty Columbia and
NYU faculty showing up to create a human shield to
prevent any removal of these tents from the quad and everything.

Speaker 2 (31:58):
That masks the professor. This is why I said, guys,
it's not about fear of employment. Their tenured professors at
these schools. They're wearing masks because of COVID and because
of solidarity with the communist visual of the mask.

Speaker 3 (32:10):
They're in their forties, fifties, and sixties. They're far too
old to be this dumb. And that is why I
say they're in a cult, and they aren't willing to
recognize the fact that they're in a cult. They think
that they are the smart ones. We also have another other.

Speaker 2 (32:26):
They definitely think that they have another man on the
street interview where a journalist goes up and asks them,
will you just condemn like the murder of Jews as
a matter of principle, you condemn the October seventh attacks.
We will play some of that audio for you. What
are these are professors not students? What do the professors
say it's very telling. Look, we want to get you

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Speaker 3 (34:08):
As we close out the hour here, we'll take some
of your calls as we move into hour two. In
hour three, but I want to start asking you guys
the question to think forward.

Speaker 1 (34:18):

Speaker 3 (34:19):
We now are talking about these protests happening on Columbia, NYU.
We know it's happened at Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, all
these elite campuses out there. Is this a preview for
what may well happen in Chicago at the Democrat convention.
Explain to me why these crazy lunatic protesters are not

going to do in Chicago in August what they did
in nineteen sixty eight at the Democrat National Convention that
also happened in Chicago, to such an extent that if
I lived in Chicago right now, I would already be
a bit nervous about what was going to happen. Now
they may show up. You and I are going to
be for the week up in Milwaukee we love. All

of our listeners all over Wisconsin will be up there
for the week.

Speaker 2 (35:08):
It's gonna be amazing all these civilized people who love America, freedom,
the constitution, and decency and public order all gathered together.

Speaker 3 (35:17):
I imagine there will be some protesters up there, but
I don't think they'll show up in the same way
that they will in Chicago. And I think what they're
hoping buck and we'll talk more about this is I
believe graduation at Columbia as May fifteenth. I think what
all of these people are hoping affiliated with these universities
is well, once graduation happens, then all of these protests

will end. Your point is the weather's actually really good
in New York City in May, June, July. Why are
the protesters going to leave their summer courses? Certainly white.
What's going to be the impetus for them to depart?
Clay they have canceled class. I mean, you can look
at the data on this. For example, there are, if
you were burg reason, fewer shootings when it rains.

Speaker 2 (36:02):
Why because people don't want to be in the rain,
whether they're stealing or shooting or whatever. You look at
the data on protests when it's especially in Campman protests,
when it's warm outside, all of a sudden people become
more politically active, right, and by canceling classes. None of
these kids, a lot of them, I'm sure, have internships.

So some of them are probably going to show up
at Goldman Sachs in a month and be like, here,
I am guys paying me a lot of money. I
hope they don't figure out what, you know, what they
were protesting, but they have nothing to do between now
and graduation. They have nothing to do between now and
the start of the summer. So I think they've actually
almost made it worse. But they don't know what to do.
They're in free fall. A month of this play. You
think a month of this is going to be you know,

that's I think it's gonna I think it might happen.

Speaker 3 (36:47):
I don't know what they're gonna do. They've given forty
eight hours to the protesters. They're not negotiating with them
like it was midnight now it's forty eight hours.

Speaker 1 (36:56):
Yeah, that's right,

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