Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Comedy Central.
Speaker 2 (00:03):
Now, Hey there, this is Daisy Lightik. The Daily Show
is on break this week. I know, I know, but
don't worry. We picked some of our favorite recent moments
from the show in case you missed them. We'll be
back with brand new shows next week, but until then,
enjoy today's episode.
Speaker 3 (00:26):
Four years ago, a miracle was inspired by an uplifting slogan,
yeah we come, later turned into an insufferable pop song,
Yes we came this year. The slogan is forward, which
sounds like the kind of thing that Matthew Broderick shouted
at his soldiers in Glory before they were shot to pieces.
The Democrats clearly needed help. Let's think of a punchy
slogan you can slap on a bumper sticker and that
will make everyone excited for the four years ahead.
Speaker 4 (00:55):
So he didn't create this, he inherited this.
Speaker 3 (00:58):
I don't hate it, but I've definitely don't like it.
Speaker 5 (01:01):
I'm looking for a like a three word slogan, moving on,
moving on up.
Speaker 6 (01:08):
We've still our trials and tribulations and we're going to
get through them.
Speaker 3 (01:13):
That's do you know what a slogan is?
Speaker 4 (01:16):
Nobody's perfect.
Speaker 5 (01:18):
Nobody's perfect.
Speaker 4 (01:19):
That's that's not bad. It's pretty bad.
Speaker 3 (01:22):
I feel worse than I did when we started this conversation.
I do apologize.
Speaker 4 (01:27):
That's not bad.
Speaker 3 (01:28):
I do apologize.
Speaker 4 (01:30):
Oh okay, oh okay. He's trying the best that he can.
Speaker 3 (01:35):
Right, He's trying the best that he can. That's that's
a pretty good slogan. Obartma twenty twelve. He's trying the
best that he can.
Speaker 4 (01:49):
He's trying the best that he can. He's trying the
best that he can. I think that he's been blocked
by Congress.
Speaker 7 (01:56):
I think I really believe that there's been no comp
remise there.
Speaker 4 (02:01):
He's trying the best that he can.
Speaker 3 (02:04):
I don't love it, and I do hate it. So
anything better.
Speaker 4 (02:07):
It's just taken longer than we thought. So some people
started to lose hope.
Speaker 5 (02:11):
I'm not sure that really works as a slogan.
Speaker 3 (02:13):
Are you excited to have the president we elected?
Speaker 8 (02:15):
Speaker 4 (02:15):
Speaker 7 (02:16):
Speaker 3 (02:16):
Would you mind telling your face, voice, and personality about
that excitement?
Speaker 4 (02:21):
Sure, I'm real excited. It's difficult to be president. It's
difficult to be president.
Speaker 3 (02:28):
It is a very difficult job the States.
Speaker 4 (02:31):
You're responsible for an entire country.
Speaker 3 (02:36):
Logo needs to be U. He doesn't know.
Speaker 4 (02:39):
It's difficult to be difficult. I told you it was
not a good slow it's.
Speaker 3 (02:43):
A terrible slogan. There are no bad ideas at this point.
Slogan for future go let us do it. Okay. So
that's the bar that we're working from.
Speaker 4 (02:54):
So I'm looking for a slogan. What do you got?
Yes we can, Yes we can, Yes we can?
Speaker 5 (02:59):
Is to the isn't a name, it's an old T
shirt to wear?
Speaker 4 (03:02):
What do you got now? Yes we can, but we
need to wait?
Speaker 9 (03:05):
That was that? Was it?
Speaker 4 (03:08):
Say that again? Yes we can, but that's it. That's it.
Yes we can, box, yes we can, but the European
debt crisis is completely out of his control. No way,
it's not as ball. Yes we can, but he heard
it crap, I mean, I mean, was terrible.
Speaker 10 (03:29):
Yes we can, but with three words and an extra
words that will ring from coat the coast, from yes we.
Speaker 5 (03:40):
Can't, but yes we can, but yes we can, but yes.
Speaker 8 (03:46):
We can.
Speaker 3 (03:49):
Forward in Denver, there's only one question on every ridiculously
dressed upond it's mind.
Speaker 1 (04:03):
Will the Clinton forces and the Obama forces unite?
Speaker 4 (04:06):
Can the Democratic Party truly come together.
Speaker 3 (04:08):
We sat down with a diverse group of Democrats to find.
Speaker 4 (04:12):
Out we're unified. Then the fact that we don't want
Obama to become our next president.
Speaker 2 (04:16):
I will not vote for Senator Barack Hussain Obama.
Speaker 3 (04:19):
Apparently the Clinton supporters are united, and they've got the
websites to prove it.
Speaker 10 (04:24):
Clintonsfor McCain dot com, Democrats for McCain dot com, Higher
heels dot com, Wait dot com.
Speaker 4 (04:30):
It stands for a party unity.
Speaker 3 (04:32):
My ass did you consider fatbuy dot com?
Speaker 5 (04:36):
It's taken, and we'll look at a few names similar
to that.
Speaker 4 (04:39):
But they were taken.
Speaker 3 (04:40):
They had their reasons and an unassilable logic.
Speaker 4 (04:43):
The DNC has betrayed us as Democrats.
Speaker 6 (04:45):
There was an abundance of fraud.
Speaker 2 (04:47):
Florida and Michigan was completely unfair.
Speaker 4 (04:49):
Speaker 9 (04:49):
It's not like she ever agreed to exclude the vote
in Florida Michigan. She didn't agree to that except in
two thousand and seven when she did agree to it,
but that was before she needed the votes.
Speaker 3 (05:01):
I couldn't help but feel for them.
Speaker 2 (05:05):
I am proired of being called a racist just because
I do disagree with them.
Speaker 4 (05:09):
Oh, you didn't vote for my candidate.
Speaker 2 (05:10):
Therefore your racist give me a break, that's lazy, give
me a better one.
Speaker 3 (05:13):
So what explains what happened in the primary?
Speaker 2 (05:16):
The media created a dialogue that was truly sexist.
Speaker 1 (05:20):
Center Clinton, her gender was always made to be the
main issue at hand.
Speaker 3 (05:24):
Clearly these people needed healing. I spoke with child psychologist
Wendy Ludlow.
Speaker 9 (05:29):
That's cheating.
Speaker 4 (05:32):
Sometimes children just aren't group reddit. They need a little
individual support.
Speaker 9 (05:36):
To develop their pro social skills and behaviors.
Speaker 3 (05:40):
I found suffering Clinton supporters who were only too happy
to be helped and brought them to the celestial Seasonings
post primary human center And who have Dan who's doing
a picture of what the is that?
Speaker 8 (05:56):
Then the man is still the elections?
Speaker 3 (05:58):
The man still in the election. Do you feel less
angry than you were this morning?
Speaker 8 (06:02):
Speaker 2 (06:03):
Well, use play therapy techniques to help kids develop coping falls,
such as I can keep my hands to myself, then.
Speaker 3 (06:14):
I feel mad.
Speaker 11 (06:15):
I stop my feet when I get upset and shake
my fists in the air, and then I feel better
and I stop acting like such a bitch. Okay, I
don't like using the naughty corner for kids.
Speaker 3 (06:32):
Okay, girls, this is the naughty horn.
Speaker 4 (06:35):
That's rights. I don't be a Jones, that's not He's
not way agree.
Speaker 3 (06:41):
We're gonna come on.
Speaker 8 (06:45):
Some play therapists do use animals in their play.
Speaker 4 (06:49):
That can be a great way to help.
Speaker 6 (06:51):
People learn how to keep calm a terrible So go
get him?
Speaker 11 (06:58):
Get him?
Speaker 12 (07:07):
How is it?
Speaker 3 (07:08):
Can we get it?
Speaker 4 (07:09):
Can we hear it again? She could up?
Speaker 3 (07:14):
Moscow must go. Yes with the plumper approach. Party unity
is with Leach.
Speaker 1 (07:23):
Pennsylvania Democrats passed a new law, but not some foreign policy.
They cooked up a loophole to push last call to
four a m. After everybody go just to B and
C delegates.
Speaker 4 (07:35):
Good times beers.
Speaker 1 (07:39):
Yeah, twice as much privilege, Yes, double up on the privilege.
All right, what about the people who can't get in?
I have to stop drinking that too. Come on three
and these Democrats getting told up till four in the morning,
and we were getting stuff done. According to my main man,
Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey, you do.
Speaker 4 (07:58):
A lot of networking. For example, someone just brought me
this beer and I'm in a network with that. First. Okay,
let's roll play.
Speaker 1 (08:04):
You be you not be another senator. I want to
be a Republican from Alaska because there ain't no black people.
Everybody would vote for me. Okay, all right, so show
me how networking happens in these you starting, Hey, Joe.
Speaker 4 (08:21):
Joe, I really love Alaska, bro, and I love you too.
Speaker 1 (08:25):
Vote for my meal.
Speaker 4 (08:27):
I'm from Alaska.
Speaker 1 (08:30):
Okay, cool, it's a good networking with your good time. Yes,
this exemption is hip the critical as hell man, but
I discovered you can't keep the good people of Philly down.
I always drink past you though. I just drink. I
don't worry about the laws. I understand. I'm gonna be
drunk as hell, Bro, I'm gonna be drinking right over
there a garage until that time. You're drinking a garage. Yeah,
in a garage. You politicians have your loopholes. The people
of Philly have, even if it is in a creepy
ass garage.
Speaker 4 (09:06):
Thank you so much, or I thank you so much.
Speaker 13 (09:09):
Now now, Ronnie Shang, it's his first time in Philly,
and he also took to the streets after I asked
him to investigate the scene in Philadelphia.
Speaker 7 (09:20):
Yeah, you did send me to investigate, Trevor, but it
was ninety nine degrees out and after ten minutes, don't
you can?
Speaker 3 (09:25):
I wanted to investigate. Was a cold drink?
Speaker 4 (09:27):
Can I get some ice water?
Speaker 12 (09:28):
Speaker 4 (09:29):
We saw water ice, ice water water ice. No, you
don't get it. I want ice water.
Speaker 13 (09:34):
Well, there's a store for that.
Speaker 8 (09:35):
Speaker 4 (09:37):
Why do you have a sign that says ice water?
Speaker 1 (09:39):
Because it's a Philly thing.
Speaker 4 (09:40):
It's frozen dessert.
Speaker 8 (09:41):
It's water ice.
Speaker 4 (09:43):
Listen, buddy, we can call it addicting a teacup.
Speaker 5 (09:45):
If you want to what flavor do you want?
Speaker 4 (09:48):
Lemon cherry chop with a pineapple.
Speaker 12 (09:50):
It's not hard, it's fourth flavors.
Speaker 6 (09:52):
Speaker 4 (09:52):
Can you give me cherry without the cherry.
Speaker 9 (09:55):
I'm not a scientist.
Speaker 3 (09:56):
I cannot take the flavor out of the water ice.
You get it? How I give it?
Speaker 2 (10:00):
Thank you?
Speaker 4 (10:03):
Well, it's a problem.
Speaker 8 (10:04):
Man. You're way out of your league here.
Speaker 4 (10:05):
But we're gonna do about it. Man, try it and
you might like it.
Speaker 1 (10:10):
Tib I don't like I will come back and kick.
Speaker 4 (10:13):
Let's go, buddy, I'm always ready. That's actually really good.
Speaker 8 (10:18):
Thank you.
Speaker 1 (10:18):
Family Wrestling nineteen forty five.
Speaker 4 (10:20):
I get like a large show. Thanks a lot, man,
have a good day.
Speaker 12 (10:24):
Yeah, thank you.
Speaker 3 (10:29):
I was at the Pepsi Center to Whitney's history just
outside the security perimeter and next to the Jamberdoo stand
you ready to heal?
Speaker 4 (10:39):
Speaker 8 (10:39):
I want to watch this.
Speaker 2 (10:41):
Can you back home?
Speaker 3 (10:42):
Let's just heal together. Are you ready to heal? Are
you ready to heal? Are you ready to heal? Are
we gonna heal? Come on or I don't move? Are
you gonna heal?
Speaker 4 (10:58):
For Rock?
Speaker 3 (10:59):
Obama and Joe fin God bless you and God see
Hillary supporters, did you heal tonight? Just forty five minutes ago?
These people couldn't walk.
Speaker 4 (11:13):
We heal, we heal.
Speaker 3 (11:15):
They said he couldn't do it, but he might have
done it. Pending tomorrow's press narrative. The speech was amazing.
It brought people together.
Speaker 4 (11:24):
How do you feel? Not great? Actually?
Speaker 3 (11:27):
What are you talking about? What are you talking about?
Speaker 4 (11:29):
I don't think we can use a band aid to
cover this wound at this point.
Speaker 3 (11:32):
Let me get this strike. You don't think we've healed.
Speaker 4 (11:34):
I don't think we've healed.
Speaker 2 (11:35):
I think if you look at a circumstance like what
happened in Nevada where Hillary Clinton won the stage, and
that's not the kind of you know, the politics that
any real politics, knew politics.
Speaker 4 (11:44):
Anything that anybody should condone. Are you all right?
Speaker 13 (11:46):
You're gonna be saying.
Speaker 3 (11:47):
Why do we have to fight?
Speaker 4 (11:50):
Speaker 2 (11:51):
Let this be it?
Speaker 3 (11:52):
Oh Hillary? Is no one gonna help me up? Like
hopeful Cattles, I spill out into the night on what
into a bright future and the inevitable defeat in November.
Speaker 12 (12:19):
There's one key message at the Democratic Convention that's just
not in dispute.
Speaker 8 (12:23):
We are the Big ten party. We represent everyone.
Speaker 4 (12:27):
We're definitely the arms wide open party. We have a
party of inclusion.
Speaker 3 (12:30):
We have just about everybody you can possibly imagine in
the party.
Speaker 4 (12:33):
Yes, they were open to everybody.
Speaker 7 (12:36):
Basically, we're Latinos, Hispanics, we're blacks, we're the LGBT community
where women.
Speaker 4 (12:41):
We're pars. Everyone's welcome.
Speaker 7 (12:43):
Ever, everyone's welcome except except unless you own a corporation
or if you're a hunter, a gun owner, white males.
Speaker 4 (12:51):
Really all there.
Speaker 7 (12:53):
Are a bunch of gun tote and hillbilly tea partiers,
That's all I have to say. Bang bang bang bang
bang right, a bunch of turcos right definitely, how open
are you well?
Speaker 4 (13:04):
Open enough to include everybody?
Speaker 8 (13:05):
Speaker 3 (13:05):
Really, who wouldn't you include We.
Speaker 4 (13:07):
Wouldn't include those beer totin fakers down in the Florida
the Tampa convention guys, you know the types, hot belly
and church going, small minded, anti science.
Speaker 7 (13:17):
Nine to seventy sam hail belly.
Speaker 5 (13:19):
Whack job, evangelical, gun nuts.
Speaker 4 (13:22):
They don't want to hear a message of difference and
of hope.
Speaker 11 (13:24):
What can you and I teach these whack jobs about inclusion?
Speaker 4 (13:28):
You go first. You can't teach them anything.
Speaker 8 (13:30):
Don't have a clue about science, Very questionable on any
kind of thought that involves more than two or three sentences.
Speaker 6 (13:40):
We are the Big ten party and we will let
most anybody in, unless, of course they're carrying guns.
Speaker 12 (13:45):
Right, Who needs that?
Speaker 4 (13:46):
One hundred and forty six million people.
Speaker 9 (13:47):
In your party?
Speaker 3 (13:48):
The Democratic Party, we don't stereotype.
Speaker 8 (13:50):
We don't generalize.
Speaker 6 (13:51):
The Teabagger is generalized because they have very narrow minded people.
Speaker 8 (13:55):
Speaker 5 (13:56):
This has been historically the party of tolerance.
Speaker 6 (13:59):
The teapeag yours are the least tolerant group I've ever seen,
and they're destroying us.
Speaker 5 (14:06):
Can you say that more dismissively?
Speaker 8 (14:09):
Speaker 3 (14:11):
How's that?
Speaker 5 (14:12):
I've always called them Nazis and evil even before it
was appropriate.
Speaker 6 (14:16):
Actually, these Christian evangelicals don't get it because I don't
believe they ever actually.
Speaker 4 (14:21):
Read the Bible. I have a feeling they have read
it well, possibly but didn't.
Speaker 5 (14:26):
No more than possibly.
Speaker 6 (14:28):
This is so inclusive.
Speaker 8 (14:30):
You know, we even invite that redneck freaks in.
Speaker 4 (14:33):
We don't judge. What don't they get about the tolerance?
I would never call a redneck and name.
Speaker 6 (14:42):
I don't know.
Speaker 12 (14:42):
I'm thinking like a couple of teeth, you know, hair
out of place, maybe a nice gut, okay, like, yeah.
Speaker 4 (14:52):
We're gonna go now, tamer if we don't to.
Speaker 11 (14:55):
Throw me party, I don't put on the clean t
shir and maerage my let go po po do.
Speaker 9 (15:02):
It so.
Speaker 6 (15:06):
None the world would be very beautiful if we could
just accept everybody's.
Speaker 5 (15:11):
Differences exactly, accept everyone's differences. M h, everyone's differences. Yes,
we need to accept everyone.
Speaker 6 (15:25):
You mean I should accept them?
Speaker 4 (15:27):
Is that what you're saying?
Speaker 12 (15:34):
The conventions are in full swing and the race is
on to see who's going to win the news war.
If we have the best political team on television to.
Speaker 9 (15:43):
Hear the best political coverage anywhere.
Speaker 12 (15:45):
The best political team in the business, maybe the twenty
four hour snooze networks haven't heard.
Speaker 4 (15:50):
That the DS was in town the time to introduce
these clupls to the new Alpha.
Speaker 12 (15:58):
Don't have a taste, Cooper, because we own this convention.
And then you and all your boys are fresh meat.
Speaker 3 (16:15):
Look down on my news, mighty undersband. I will now
sign autographs.
Speaker 4 (16:22):
What are you a delegate?
Speaker 9 (16:23):
No, I'm a guest.
Speaker 5 (16:24):
Oh what kind of guests?
Speaker 6 (16:26):
Special guest?
Speaker 4 (16:27):
A special guest? You walk down by yourself?
Speaker 6 (16:31):
Speaker 11 (16:32):
Yes, for you.
Speaker 4 (16:36):
You're very proud of somebody.
Speaker 3 (16:37):
What do you look forward to not accomplishing this year
in Congress?
Speaker 4 (16:42):
What kind of question that.
Speaker 5 (16:47):
If you saw a fellow delegate littering or doing something
that was not very green.
Speaker 3 (16:52):
How would you handle it?
Speaker 4 (16:53):
Well? I would stop them and ask them to.
Speaker 7 (16:55):
Pick it up.
Speaker 4 (16:56):
That sounds like a democrat to me. Yeah, demonstration demo.
Speaker 5 (17:00):
I don't feel like recycling this.
Speaker 4 (17:01):
Ask pick it up, please, thank you, pick it up?
Speaker 7 (17:05):
Speaker 5 (17:23):
You're gonna ask me a question?
Speaker 6 (17:24):
I sorry, I thought you were gonna ask me a question.
Speaker 9 (17:27):
You Ibama delegate from the state of Michigan.
Speaker 8 (17:30):
Speaker 7 (17:31):
This is boring.
Speaker 4 (17:31):
I don't want to talk to this.
Speaker 5 (17:32):
Turn Hey, Sam Losers are part of this convention too,
answer Sam, we.
Speaker 1 (17:39):
Really want Hey, ladies and gentlemen, I'm old. I don't.
Speaker 4 (17:45):
You I thought you want to ask me.
Speaker 5 (17:48):
You thought I want to ask you a question.
Speaker 3 (17:50):
That's why I want to ask.
Speaker 4 (17:51):
You a question. All right, what's that.
Speaker 3 (17:55):
I'm with BABYC with BBC. Well, I'm British, so I
think I'm allowed to known British. You don't need the
credential to be British. This my voice is my credential.
Listen to this Aluminium That mean now the question is hi, Hillary,
this is I'm telling you. My voice is my credential.
Will Oh, you are kidding me. You're kidding me needsucing,
But that.
Speaker 12 (18:20):
Korting population means a Republican cab.
Speaker 4 (18:25):
All right, you're ready for use now.
Speaker 8 (18:26):
No, I'm not ready for you.
Speaker 4 (18:28):
No question number one. Don't don't blow this.
Speaker 3 (18:31):
Don't blow this interview? You are you boy?
Speaker 9 (18:39):
Speaker 4 (18:40):
Looks pretty good. I'll be taking that. I want some
more about three thirty You got me? Oh yeah. We're
not just reporting the news. We are the news. That's
how we roll.
Speaker 11 (19:03):
This week's Democratic Convention became the center of the media universe,
a universe ruled by television. Is there anything that you
would like to say to our audience of infidels, Uh.
Speaker 4 (19:19):
Who do you have to to get in here? Tons
of people?
Speaker 11 (19:22):
But there were other forms of media too, like newspapers.
Speaker 4 (19:27):
Bob Woodward kind of a dick. No, great guy, Let's
pretend the camera's not running. What word's kind of a dick?
Speaker 5 (19:37):
Woodward is somebody who knows how to get people to talk.
Speaker 4 (19:42):
You also know, no guys like that? Diss a dick?
What's the deal with Ziggy.
Speaker 8 (19:48):
Speaker 4 (19:48):
Yeah? I mean's Tom Wilson just phoning it in these
days or what?
Speaker 5 (19:52):
I don't know.
Speaker 8 (19:53):
We never make up stuff.
Speaker 11 (19:55):
Wasn't there a guy who made up a bunch of stuff?
Speaker 8 (19:57):
Well? And talk about Jason Blyer that that was not
under my watch as managing editor.
Speaker 1 (20:05):
What session does he work for now? He's gone from
the arms.
Speaker 4 (20:09):
Kelly's a pretty good comic. Oh yeah, yeah, fun days
are terrible thing. I get a kick down. It's good,
it's good, it's good. I hang it up on my cube.
Speaker 5 (20:22):
And then there's radio.
Speaker 4 (20:23):
Liberal media to me is the New York Times, in
the Washington Post and the ABC. Those guys might as
well be wearing a dress.
Speaker 1 (20:29):
Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 4 (20:33):
When you were a kid, Did you always want to
be a radio talk show host?
Speaker 8 (20:36):
You know?
Speaker 4 (20:38):
Do you want me to turn down the volume? I
don't know. Maybe your equipment's acting up. It could be
your mouth.
Speaker 8 (20:46):
We know.
Speaker 12 (20:49):
Yet the problem with.
Speaker 4 (20:51):
This, But we're just that's much better, is it?
Speaker 12 (20:54):
Speaker 11 (20:54):
Okay, keep going and finally getting a seat at the
table Internet bloggers all right, of the big name bloggers.
Speaker 5 (21:01):
Here, a lot of the higher are mostly red bloggers
have been around Adria's Josh Marsh the right talking point
in Steve Winer.
Speaker 11 (21:09):
Okay, now I'm talking about the big time bloggers, the
big time top tier.
Speaker 6 (21:13):
Are they here?
Speaker 4 (21:14):
They are the top tier? Coss who else? Oh, Coss?
Coss is here?
Speaker 7 (21:20):
Speaker 4 (21:20):
Where are they? It's been around. I think he's in
the front row too, cos he's distracted.
Speaker 11 (21:31):
Speaker 4 (21:32):
Do you think that the Democratic National Committee has treated
the nerds? And by nerds, I mean you well as
well as nerds can be treated.
Speaker 8 (21:41):
Speaker 3 (21:42):
They don't like him, so they gotta hold it up
like that? Is that right right there? So he's got
to reinvent himself?
Speaker 12 (21:50):
Speaker 1 (21:55):
Speaker 6 (21:57):
Is this weird for you?
Speaker 3 (22:00):
Are all one?
Speaker 11 (22:00):
Speaker 4 (22:01):
For sure?
Speaker 11 (22:02):
As journalists, the most rewarding part of the week was
being among our peers.
Speaker 10 (22:08):
Do you think the Democrats have successfully put their agenda
out there during this convention?
Speaker 4 (22:12):
Yeah, Papa booy, Papa booy. Howard Service, King Wall Media,
Papa boo, Papa Hooo.
Speaker 10 (22:16):
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Speaker 4 (22:23):
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Speaker 13 (22:25):
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Speaker 5 (22:29):
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