All Episodes

May 21, 2024 27 mins

Jon Stewart dives into Harrison Butker’s controversial speech, the subsequent Fox News outrage that he's being canceled, and how the real purveyor of cancel culture is Donald Trump and the MAGA movement. Plus, co-founder and co-chair of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., talks about founding the commission with the goal of representing voters from a nonpartisan perspective, how the media has affected debates over the years, and Trump and Biden’s decision to go around the commission for their upcoming presidential debates.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Comedy Central.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
From the most trusted journalist at Comedy Central.

Speaker 1 (00:11):
Is America's only sorts for news.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
This is the Daily Joke with.

Speaker 3 (00:16):
Your host show Stuart.

Speaker 4 (00:35):
What welcome in the Daily Show. I'm in the top short,
we got a great job for you tonight. There is
so much going on in the world right now.

Speaker 5 (00:49):
The President of Iran died in a helipa gopna chrest.

Speaker 1 (00:52):
The International Criminal Court is moving towards.

Speaker 5 (00:54):
Arrest warrants for bib Net Yao, and Michael Cohen admitted
on the stand today he stole money from the Trump organization.
Only in a Donald Trump trial, with the star witness
be the one who ends up going to jail.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
How lucky is Donald Trump? Donald Trump is like a
corruption mister Magoo.

Speaker 5 (01:20):
He's just stumbling around quid pro quohing metal beams falling
all around him.

Speaker 1 (01:26):
Gets out completely unscathed.

Speaker 5 (01:29):
But forget about all that, because there is one story
still with so many unanswered questions. It made its way
all the way to the White House Press Corps.

Speaker 4 (01:40):
Can you still assume.

Speaker 6 (01:41):
That the Kansas City chiefs will be visiting the White
House this year in celebration.

Speaker 5 (01:45):
Of their total victory.

Speaker 4 (01:46):
You confirm is.

Speaker 7 (01:48):
The chiefs kicker Harrison Bucker welcome out of his White House?

Speaker 5 (01:52):
Butker apparently the Kansas City chiefs Field gold Kicker gave
it conservative Catholic commencement speech at a conservative Catholic college.
Seems expected. Although we did have a shout out to
the ladies.

Speaker 8 (02:13):
Some of you may go on to lead successful careers
in the world, but I would venture to guess that
the majority of you are most excited about your marriage
and the children you will bring into this world.

Speaker 5 (02:23):
Hah, all right, Apparently enjoy the pta, bitches, not the
advice you want to hear when you're one hundred thousand
dollars in debt earning a degree in electrical engineering.

Speaker 1 (02:40):
But I imagine that the cancelation of.

Speaker 5 (02:43):
One Harrison Butker was swift and unforgiving at the White House.

Speaker 9 (02:48):
What I can say is we invite the entire team,
and we do that always.

Speaker 5 (02:51):
I don't have anything beyond that. Aha, you woke ARATEI
at the Communist Wait, well, I'm sorry, what was that?

Speaker 1 (02:58):
What did you do? Still? Go to the White House
and be honest? Football team?

Speaker 5 (03:03):
And all that's really happened is some people roasted him
on TikTok, so, I guess this is just kind of
a passing distraction or if you happened to tune into
more conservative media.

Speaker 7 (03:16):
Major scandal rocking the NFL players in big trouble, not
for doing drugs, betting, or beating women, but because he's Christian.

Speaker 8 (03:24):
The left seeks to destroy an outspoken NFL Catholic.

Speaker 9 (03:28):
He's been docks, he's been slammed, he's still calling for
him to be canceled.

Speaker 8 (03:32):
Left hates Christian values.

Speaker 9 (03:34):
And they will try to denigrate you, isolate you, cancel you,
and ultimately silence you completely. But be not afraid.

Speaker 5 (03:52):
How can I be not afraid when what you have
proffered is so afraidable, by the way, and you're hitting
us with that King James sentence structure being not afraid?
People only say that when there's shit to be afraid of.
Let's say, three to four horsemen. But my question to

the right, I guess is have you never been on
the internet before?

Speaker 1 (04:20):
Because that's all it is. It's just people.

Speaker 5 (04:22):
Giving each other shit all the time. I mean, my god,
you're all so thin skinned. Look, Jerry Seinfeld took more
shit over the past two weeks promoting a pop tart
movie that Harrison Butker did for his entire speech, And
I ask you people, what is the deal with that?

Speaker 1 (04:46):
I'm not doing an impression?

Speaker 5 (04:49):
I legitimately would like to know why he's taking so
much shit about everything from everybody? And who are these people?
It's so hard not to do the voice and who

uh these people are?

Speaker 3 (05:14):

Speaker 5 (05:16):
It's the Jerry Seinfeld impression is the first thing a
Jew learns in kindergarten.

Speaker 1 (05:26):
It's not. Of course, nothing about.

Speaker 5 (05:32):
The right wing reaction is surprising, because the idea that
there is an all pervasive, all powerful threat to free
speech called canceled culture has become a central tenet of
modern conservatism. They celebrate their being silenced at conferences, They
celebrate their being silenced on podcasts and streaming outlets. They
celebrate their being silenced with over seven hundred book titles

about being canceled.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
Why are there so many off these books?

Speaker 5 (06:03):
Unless you don't know nobody reads anymore? And by the way,
if you already read a war on woke and woke inc,
you're really not going to learn anythink from woke warriors.
Conservatives have an entire industry devoted to complaining about not

being allowed to say the things they say all the time.
Their victimhood is the entire brand.

Speaker 9 (06:33):
You can no longer say somebody is homeless, You have
to say they are unhoused, free phones, food, and clothing.
Sounds like a great deal a homeless woman in a
Democrat run city.

Speaker 6 (06:42):

Speaker 8 (06:42):
We won't be allowed to say illegal aliens because it'll
be hate speech and therefore illegal illegal aliens streaming.

Speaker 3 (06:47):
Across our border.

Speaker 7 (06:48):
Transagenda's are religion now convert or be canceled? Big Trands
has a real knack for making everything about themselves.

Speaker 9 (06:54):
Dare to speak your mind about issues like pro life,
well your life could be ruined forever. You could be canceled.
I'm never going to apologize for being pro life.

Speaker 8 (07:03):
How did we get to the point where we can't
say all lives matter? As a matter of fact, all
lives matter.

Speaker 5 (07:13):
All of you still speak? How doesn't the woke mob
have cable? But this is their identity now, constant victimization.
They say what they want and if you get upset
about it, you don't believe in freedom.

Speaker 1 (07:28):
I just believe in freedom.

Speaker 8 (07:30):
Why are liberals so afraid of freedom and freedom of speech?
I don't get outraged if you don't like with somebody saying, oh,
you can turn off the TV, turn off a radio dial,
turn off a podcast, walk out of a commencement, or
you could buy a.

Speaker 5 (07:47):
Different beer than bud Light without going into your back
swamp and assassinating six times. You're so unbelievable, They're so
full of shit that Sean Hannity can say with a
square head, I'm not the kind of guy who gets outraged,

Sean Hannity, He's basically just a meat bag support system
for a forehead vein.

Speaker 8 (08:19):
Tonight, every American has a right to be angry and
ticked off.

Speaker 1 (08:22):
We have a story that will make your blood boil now.

Speaker 8 (08:24):
The left is hell bent on banning doctor Seuss, pepe
Lepew Dumbo, Peter Panner on the chopping block, sanctimonious sulf righteous,
frankly overpaid, lazy, agenda driven liars, when a pompous jack
ass do you even know what my job is? What
part of this can you get through your thick head?
My message tonight to these snowflakes is very simple. You

people discussed me, but.

Speaker 5 (08:53):
Every snowflake is different. We can't all discuss you. Look,
it is absolutely true that in our modern social media
driven society, our interactions are incentivized and monetized for outrage,

and it is fighting exhausting for everyone. But contrary to
your conservative book industry, the outrage isn't just coming from
the left. It's coming from the left, the right, for
the right, for the left, and the swifties and YA
readers and anybody who dares to lift their head up
to say finding anything. We are not censored or silenced.

We are surrounded by an inundated with more speech than
has ever existed in the.

Speaker 1 (09:44):
History of communication.

Speaker 5 (09:46):
And it is all weaponized by professional outrage hunters of
all stripes, scouring the globe for graduation speech snippets, off
hand comments during promotional tours, out of context comedy bits,
lay marketing ideas, or any words and phrases they believe
they can latch onto to generate monetized clicks. Outrage is

the engine of our modern media economy. And sometimes someone
loses a job or something else happens like that that
should never happen.

Speaker 2 (10:18):
But but.

Speaker 1 (10:29):
I leaned over so far I may never get back
up again.

Speaker 5 (10:38):
But contrary to conservatives victimization complex, there is no organized
cancel culture conspiracy where even the slightest misstep can one
hundred percent get someone on the right canceled. Actually there is, Oh,
there is one.

Speaker 2 (10:55):
Congresswoman Liz Cheney gets kicked out of Wyoming's Republican Party
for opposing Trump.

Speaker 5 (11:01):
Yeah, as irony would have it, it turns out that
when it comes to cancel culture, the ones who smelt
it dealt it. There is someone canceling people on the right.
But the only one canceling people on the right is
Donald Trump. And anyone who dare speak out against him

refused to buy into Trump's stolen election claims, and you'll
lose your job like Liz Cheney or countless others. In fact,
everything the right says cancel culture does to them is
actually being done by MAGA.

Speaker 9 (11:36):
For example, they will shout you down and try to
shut you down as opposed to discuss with you.

Speaker 1 (11:42):
Yes, the woke mob shouts you down.

Speaker 5 (11:45):
And what happens when you're a Republican and dare criticize
the boy king.

Speaker 1 (11:49):
That is a failure of leadership.

Speaker 10 (11:53):
And I you could boo all you want, but here's
the thing.

Speaker 9 (11:58):
Donald Trump is running to stay out of prison.

Speaker 3 (12:03):
And if we elect.

Speaker 10 (12:06):
I know I know.

Speaker 1 (12:08):
I know, you know me.

Speaker 8 (12:09):
As a person who who says what he thinks, and
I don't have the fact that I wasn't a fan
of our last president's character issues.

Speaker 1 (12:17):
And I'm also another fan.

Speaker 11 (12:25):
Show some dad respect Romney, You piece of shit, mother mater.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
It's called Claire's look.

Speaker 11 (12:33):
I was telling you mother last night, Hickory Dickory doormain,
Your mom was fucking a moment.

Speaker 3 (12:47):
Oh you like that?

Speaker 1 (12:49):
What's what's another hand? I like the party? By the way,
what's another thing that the right hates about? Woke? Cancel culture?

Speaker 8 (12:57):
Many Americans feel forced to stay silent for fear of
upsetting the cancel culture mob.

Speaker 5 (13:03):
Yes, that's under cancel culture. You can only speak your
truths in private, well denying them in public. For instance,
this poor young fella who privately wrote of Trump, He's
a demonic force, a destroyer. I hate him passionately, he
wrote in private, but of course in public, fearing the
cancel mob, he's forced to stand next to his tormentor

with what can only be described as the fakest of
overlap faces.

Speaker 1 (13:30):
Grab b.

Speaker 5 (13:38):
But that's cancel culture. It won't let you speak your truth.
In fact, it makes you do something even worse.

Speaker 8 (13:43):
The left is married to censorship and has nothing else.
That's how you get people to believe in alternate reality.

Speaker 5 (13:49):
Yeah, the woke mob is so permicious it forces you
to deny reality. Like imagine if Trump ever gave a
speech about January sixth, where he clearly confuses Nicky Haley
with Nancy Pelosi.

Speaker 1 (14:00):
Nicki Haley, you know they do.

Speaker 8 (14:02):
You know, they destroyed all of the information, all of
the evidence, everything.

Speaker 6 (14:06):
Because of lots of things, Like Nicki Haley is in
judge of security.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
We offered her ten thousand people.

Speaker 5 (14:13):
Now, in a healthy discourse, you would just go, hey, man,
you know, everybody brain farts sometimes, you know, whatever it is.
But under the Maga cancel culture mob, people like Congresswoman
Stephanic have to pretend this was all part of a
grand strategy.

Speaker 3 (14:27):
That isn't a mix up. The reality is Niki he
doesn't speak.

Speaker 6 (14:31):
Nicki Haley is relying on Democrats just like Nancy Pelosi
to try to have a desperate showing in New Hampshire.

Speaker 3 (14:38):
But he was one of about January seven. Strum has
not lost his step.

Speaker 6 (14:42):
He is a stronger candidate, stronger than he is today
than he was in twenty sixteen and he was in
twenty twenty.

Speaker 5 (14:47):
He is reverse aging, he is stronger, He is Benjamin Batan.
He will be our wisest baby president. And by the way,
denying in reality still won't save you. There is no
level of loyalty deep enough to be free of Trump
cancel culture. Rona McDaniel literally dropped Romney from her name

to keep Trump happy, and he still fired her. And
that Romney name had gotten her into all the hottest
clubs in Salt Lake City, Yeah, the ones with lattes.
Truth is Trump is the real cancel culture. Emphasis on cult,
because on the right you can say whatever the fuck
you want about gay people and trans people from TikTok

to Patreon. You can decry DEI from podcasts to I
don't know the Governor's office of Florida, and chances are
not only will you be fine, you'll get a raise,
But if you ever dare speak out one iota against
Donald Trump, be yes afraid. When we come back, we'll
discuss the presidential of the basic plans.

Speaker 3 (15:51):
Acco don't go on.

Speaker 12 (16:10):
He love about it.

Speaker 2 (16:11):
The Talent Show My dad canight.

Speaker 5 (16:13):
He is the co founder and co chair of the
Commission on Presidential Debates.

Speaker 1 (16:17):
Please welcome to the program. Frank Farnkov, let me first
of all, welcome you to the show, and explain me very.

Speaker 5 (16:37):
Quickly the reason on the Commission for Presidential Debates kind
of got blown out of the water.

Speaker 1 (16:42):
You guys would run the debates eighty seven that.

Speaker 5 (16:48):
The two candidates Trump and Biden, the two main candidates,
made their own agreement.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
And and kind of cut you guys out of the process.
Is that correct?

Speaker 6 (16:57):
Well, they're trying to I see. Why would they do
that because we're not nice people, I guess, and they.

Speaker 1 (17:04):
Seemed so nice.

Speaker 5 (17:05):
But why what was the reasoning behind not having it
in the way that it's been since eighty seven?

Speaker 3 (17:11):
You know it started in eighty seven for a reason.

Speaker 6 (17:13):
We were created after two studies, one at Harvard one
at the Georgetown not familiarly for the centive, and because
there was so many problems with the candidates on both
sides over the years. We went sixteen years without any
presidential debates because they wouldn't participate.

Speaker 3 (17:30):
No one can be forced to debate.

Speaker 1 (17:31):
They thought it was through partisan when it was the
legal women vite.

Speaker 3 (17:33):
That's right, and so we were created.

Speaker 6 (17:36):
Paul Kirk was then the chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
I was President Reagan's chairman of the RNC, and we
created the commission and have done them now for well,
we've done thirty three over the last thirty six years.
And we were created for one purpose, to be in
the middle of the candidates, to be representing the people.

Speaker 1 (17:53):
Biparties and commission, not non party.

Speaker 3 (17:57):
Non partisan ice.

Speaker 6 (17:58):
And so at this point in time, with this particular
h battle, there's a lot of things unexpected happening, and
I don't know what the hell is going to happen.

Speaker 3 (18:07):
Is we go forward?

Speaker 6 (18:09):
Agreed, so we have to wait and see. Now they agreed,
supposedly they've agreed, but now the question is.

Speaker 5 (18:16):
There's gonna be one debate on Sanna apparently, and then
one other debate. I'm not exactly abc U.

Speaker 6 (18:22):
Now the questions that aren't been settled because I hear
that the former president today said he won't appear unless
a drug test is taken by Biden to show he
wasn't hopped up like he allegedly was when he made
his speech, you know, the State of the Union speech.

Speaker 3 (18:35):
I don't know. I don't think that the prey.

Speaker 5 (18:38):
They want Biden drug tested because they think he's trans
What what do they think is out of it?

Speaker 6 (18:42):

Speaker 1 (18:44):
What do they believe?

Speaker 6 (18:45):
We believe I guess that that he was hyped up
there at when I say speech.

Speaker 1 (18:49):
And would Trump then also drug test?

Speaker 3 (18:52):
I don't think so, all right?

Speaker 6 (18:55):
And the other thing is what's undecided, John, is how
do they walk out on the stage, they see.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
That these things, they decide where to sit.

Speaker 3 (19:02):
Oh, yeah, a lot of things. The mute button.

Speaker 6 (19:05):
I put a mute button in four years ago because
they weren't obeying the rules that they weren't supposed to
talk for two minutes when the others.

Speaker 5 (19:12):
I put one of those in my TV and I
used it as soon as they started. Let me ask
you a question, And perhaps this may not.

Speaker 1 (19:25):
What are we missing?

Speaker 5 (19:26):
So let's say they don't go with the Presidential Commission
and they don't go with what are we really losing?
I mean to be perfectly frank, I don't get much
substantive out of these debates anyway. The idea that their
answers have to be a minute and a half and
there's a buzzer, there's a meat.

Speaker 3 (19:46):
So that's all been changed. We changed that some time ago.

Speaker 6 (19:49):
What happens is the debates ninety minutes are divided into
six fifteen minute pods that each answer a question from
the moderator for two minutes without interruption, and then the
moderator can drill down. It's no of these two minutes,
one minute and all the rest like existed a long
long time ago. Those are the things we changed. And
so you know what they're going to do here. They

haven't answered those questions.

Speaker 5 (20:10):
But do you believe that those debates were fruitful? Like
when I think of the debates between Trump and Hillary,
or Trump and Biden or Trump, and let's say, Adore,
I didn't necessarily, I didn't find much.

Speaker 6 (20:25):
What we do, what we do after each cycle is
we go out and ask to the public, did the
debates have an effect with any good for you in
making this decision? And about sixty five to seventy percent
say it's not the only and the most significant factor.
But yes, it does play a part. And you know,
we look at it in two ways, John, Not only
are they answering the questions about issues that are important

to the people they want to hear, but you'll learn
an awful lot about the personality the attitude of a person,
how they conduct themselves in the debates. For example, I
think for former president Trump really hurt himself in the
first debate last time. I think Al Gore back in
nineteen or in two thousand walking across the stage in
front of door, so they learned that, isn't that?

Speaker 5 (21:09):
I think that's kind of my point, which is if
what we take away from it is al Gore side
and war rouge, so he shouldn't, so he shouldn't be president,
that strikes me as a methodology that is terribly flawed.

Speaker 3 (21:24):
Well, you tie that with what the answers to the
questions were also on, but no one.

Speaker 5 (21:27):
Remembers those and isn't because I think the point is
you have this sort of system set up for tradition,
but the media has changed so drastically. It's so polarized,
it's so sensationalized. They're not looking to accomplish. What maybe
the Commission even is looking to accomplish, is that now at.

Speaker 6 (21:47):
Odds, what we lose is this number one, We lose
the town hall meeting in this situation where there are
private citizens who are on the stage and get to
ask the president former president whatever questions that's a real
big part of this.

Speaker 3 (21:59):
We go to campuses we've got.

Speaker 6 (22:01):
I mean, there are four schools right now, Texas State,
Virginia State, Lafayette College in Pennsylvania, the University of Utah,
Salt Lake. They're cramped, they're they're they're working up right
now to put on.

Speaker 3 (22:16):
What they do.

Speaker 6 (22:17):
They teach civics, special civics courses. I mean, there's an
awful lot that's done. Those schools really deserve a hand
because their whole.

Speaker 3 (22:27):
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Speaker 5 (22:29):
I'm pretty sure those schools are supposed to be teaching civics.
Whether there's a debate or not, I do think we
should give them applause, like Utah is teaching physics and civics.

Speaker 1 (22:38):
And uh, I guess my worry is we have this.

Speaker 5 (22:42):
Are we clinging to an institution that nobody is particularly
satisfied with, whether they think the moderators are to partisan,
whether they think the rules are too archaic or too
steeped in Roberts rules of order, and we're not working
hard enough to design a system that will help our

democracy flourish rather than just become sensationalistic.

Speaker 10 (23:07):

Speaker 6 (23:08):
I think that that is a criticism that's been there,
but we have changed what we do now. Wasn't what
happened when we how we did it back when it started,
or how it was done before us. Just dividing, in fact,
the ninety minutes in the six months, monitoring.

Speaker 5 (23:23):
An audience seems to me a way of dispelling a
little bit of the theatrical nature.

Speaker 6 (23:28):
But do you know that was both parties, both candidates
and said, well, at our debates there were people are booing,
and those are.

Speaker 3 (23:36):
The primary debates. We have nothing to do with the
primary debates.

Speaker 6 (23:40):
In our debates. You can go back and look at
all thirty three of them. Very few times do you
even hear that there's an audience. They may laugh if
something funny you said, the ticket said you're not allowed
to make a noise. If so, the Secret Service is
going to come and drag you out.

Speaker 3 (23:52):
So they've been pretty good. They've been pretty good.

Speaker 5 (23:55):
Silver Service really dragged people out for making noise. Yes, yes,
I don't think you're making the case for democracy anect.
I think you're finding yourself in all.

Speaker 3 (24:09):
Right, Well, John, we're not perfect understood.

Speaker 1 (24:14):
I'm starting to get that sense.

Speaker 5 (24:17):
How does the the Commission regain its footing or is
it out of the barn?

Speaker 1 (24:24):
And that's the end.

Speaker 3 (24:25):
We say this as I said, we were.

Speaker 6 (24:27):
We were started so that we could provide the middle
down the middle for the public. If these two candidates.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
Clowns, no, well you know you started with that and switched.

Speaker 6 (24:40):
But if they're successful, if they do this and it
works out and so that people sitting at home and
watching on television have have learned something, we'll salute them.

Speaker 3 (24:52):
We'll salute them now. Whether that doesn't mean we're not
ever going to come back.

Speaker 6 (24:55):
But if they crash, which they may still because a
lot of things have to figure, we're gonna be there.
We're gonna be there until we know for sure, we'll
be there to pick.

Speaker 1 (25:03):
Up the pieces.

Speaker 5 (25:03):
This is one of the situations where you say to
the debate, people will be there when you fall, and.

Speaker 3 (25:11):
I remember that, yes, you will fall.

Speaker 1 (25:17):
All right, Frank Praier, Cup, ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna
take the whole break that is, don't chalk for tonight.

Speaker 5 (25:47):
Before we go, we're gonna check in with your host
for the rest of this week, mister Michael Costa.

Speaker 1 (25:51):
Michael gout, everybody, Michael Cup, I'm what are you doing here, Jordan.

Speaker 5 (25:58):
I mean, we're trying to let people know Michael cost
is hosting for.

Speaker 1 (26:01):
The rest of the week.

Speaker 12 (26:02):
The rest of the week, that's like a million years
from now. Let me tell you what's happening. Minutes from now,
my special Jordan Klepper Fingers the Pulse Moscow Tools will
be airing.

Speaker 1 (26:13):
Right after this.

Speaker 12 (26:15):
Let me tell you it's hilarious Data Informative award winning Probably.
I mean I went to Estonia. I interviewed the Prime Minister.
So you enjoy your little hosting week.

Speaker 2 (26:26):
Okay, well, look I plan on it because while you're
off jet setting to the tropical paradise in sunny Estonia,
some of us me we're.

Speaker 1 (26:34):
Pulling all nighters at the office preparing for the rest
of the week. You were pulling all laters. You think
John can hear me right now?

Speaker 12 (26:42):
I mean maybe, Frankly, I don't know how old people's
ears are.

Speaker 1 (26:45):
Well then yes, yes, but not to prepare for the show.
I actually stayed up all night in mining crypto.

Speaker 12 (26:52):
It's cheaper if I use the studio's power supply's very
much use.

Speaker 1 (26:57):
Hey, good job, guys, Maybe somebody thank you stay tell.

Speaker 5 (27:00):
For joining Stock shows kind Up Next and The Daily
Show week I'm the pasta here.

Speaker 10 (27:05):
It is a moment, is that when I'm in New York,
the amount of people that show support is actually cuge,
but they do it like this, like it's like a
thumbs up, like hit it under their jacket, like so
that no one else could possibly see.

Speaker 2 (27:17):
Explore more shows from the Daily Show podcast universe by
searching The Daily Show wherever you get your podcasts. Watch
The Daily Show week nights at eleven ten Central on
Comedy Central, and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount Plus.

Speaker 1 (27:35):
This has been a Comedy Central podcastow
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If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

Every week comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced, and brutally honest look into current pop-culture and her own personal life.

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