All Episodes

April 25, 2024 31 mins

Ronny Chieng and Jordan Klepper question just how "courageous" Speaker Mike Johnson is for finally allowing a Ukraine aid bill through the House, Pete Buttigieg forces airlines to pay back disappointed passengers, and Grace Kuhlenschmidt weighs in on teachers being allowed to carry guns in Tennessee. The great turf wars between tennis and pickleball players comes to a head as Michael Kosta recruits former pro and sports commentator Patrick McEnroe to narrate an epic pickleball showdown. Plus, Rep. Andy Kim, of New Jersey’s 3rd District, chats with Ronny and Jordan about his Senate run and Asian-American representation in politics and how America can solidify its role in the 21st century amidst growing neo-isolationism.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Comedy Central.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
From the most trusted journalists.

Speaker 3 (00:08):
At Comedy Central, It's America's only source for news. He's
the Daily Too with your host Jordan's.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
Supper and Roddie Jang.

Speaker 4 (00:38):

Speaker 2 (00:39):
I'm Ronnie Chang and he's Jordan's Leper.

Speaker 5 (00:42):
I truly am and We've got so much to talk about. Tonight,
Congress finally passes a bill. Tennessee teachers are getting strapped,
and pickleball is coming for your family. So let's get
into adlines. Let's begin with a major announcement from the
President of the United States.

Speaker 2 (01:03):
It's a good day for America. It's a good day
for Europe. It's a good day for world peace. A
good day for world peace.

Speaker 6 (01:11):
I'm one of those I wonder what happened.

Speaker 5 (01:14):
Did the nations of the world finally banned together to
outlaw war? Did they finally buy everyone in the world
a coke?

Speaker 6 (01:21):
Is there?

Speaker 5 (01:22):
They're finally peace between Kendrick and Drake?

Speaker 7 (01:25):
What is it?

Speaker 2 (01:27):
Moments ago at the White House, President Biden signed a long.

Speaker 8 (01:30):
Awaited aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan into law.

Speaker 7 (01:35):
In total, about ninety five billion dollars. We'll go toward
assisting Ukraine and Israel's war efforts and money to counter
China's aggression in the Indo Pacific.

Speaker 2 (01:45):
Oh oh world peace?

Speaker 6 (01:49):
Okay, okay, it was peace.

Speaker 5 (01:52):
The one with the tanks is that the one I
went to public school that wasn't funded because they spent
all that money on peace.

Speaker 2 (02:00):
I mean, maybe he's being right, yeah, maybe maybe the
President is being sarcastic, you know, like it's a good
day for wold keise to everybody.

Speaker 4 (02:11):
It's by right, yes, yes, yes, but yes.

Speaker 5 (02:15):
After months of delay, President Biden today signed a military
aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.

Speaker 6 (02:23):
Yes, Taiwan.

Speaker 5 (02:24):
Now they're not at war yet, but you got to
book a reservation in advance just to save yours spots.
And even though even though this bill passed easily, it
had been held up for six months because right wing
Republicans threatened to kick Speaker Mike Johnson from office.

Speaker 6 (02:42):
He helped Ukraine.

Speaker 5 (02:43):
But now that he let it go through, everyone's been
talking about him like this.

Speaker 4 (02:48):
I applaud Speaker Johnson's courage.

Speaker 2 (02:50):
What you're witnessing here is moral courage.

Speaker 9 (02:53):
A profile encourage is putting the nation above yourself and
that's what he did.

Speaker 7 (02:58):
Not only put this up for a vote, but he
also separated the bills, which I thought was courageous.

Speaker 2 (03:04):
Did the right thing, made his own decision, made his.

Speaker 6 (03:06):
Own decision, put his job on the line. And that's courage.

Speaker 7 (03:11):
Is courage in this case, that's courage.

Speaker 2 (03:15):
Courage. The world is courage.

Speaker 6 (03:18):
Both filing courage. There's a courage, curl courage.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
So courage.

Speaker 5 (03:28):
Yeah, okay, thank you. So apparently Mike Johnson is the
hero here. Sure, a couple of Ukrainian cities fell while
he decided whether or not to be courageous, but he
got around to it. I mean, we're always praising the
first responders. What about the eventual responders. Huh, the ones
who jump in there firetruck and say, hey, let's stop

for throw you on the way. Huh, where's their takeer
tape parade?

Speaker 2 (03:55):
I salute you, my Johnson. I mean now, but six
months from now, I woke up the courage to do it.
But moving on, because with all this money in Congress
is sending overseas, you might be wondering, hey, when does
Ronnie gallow taste of this? Now, where's the government gonna
do a little something from me.

Speaker 4 (04:15):
The Biden administration revealing new airline passenger rights protecting folks
from hidden fees and other frustrations of flying, like the
refund policy for flight delays.

Speaker 9 (04:25):
Passengers must now get automatic cash refunds when a flight
is canceled for any reason or delayed by more than
three hours for domestic flights more than six hours for international.

Speaker 2 (04:36):
Okay, cash refunds, that's something.

Speaker 6 (04:39):
Yeah, I mean, I'm always happy airplane delays.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
Yeah, that's pretty good. I mean, but but you know,
delays is only a small pop of the problem. I mean,
what if you know, you know, when airlines make you
change airports, all they add connections, and they always just
trying to screw over.

Speaker 9 (04:52):
If the airline changes any of your airports, adds connections,
downgrades your seat, or even changes the plane to one
that's less successible.

Speaker 6 (05:00):
To those with disabilities, those.

Speaker 9 (05:02):
Are all new reasons for cast refunds.

Speaker 2 (05:05):
Okay, I'm caustiously optimistic. It's good. I'm got my attention.
It is pretty good. In fact, it feels a little
too good to be true. But hey, I guess all
I have to worry about now is losing my luggage
and a shitty WiFi.

Speaker 9 (05:24):
If your check bags aren't delivered within as little as
twelve hours or your WiFi doesn't work, you're entitled to refunds.

Speaker 2 (05:32):
This is the greatest thing the government has ever done
in history.

Speaker 5 (05:38):
I mean the New Deal, history in history.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
Jordan, the man is refunding you for Wi Fi and
the sky and it doesn't work. What more could you want?

Speaker 5 (05:47):
I mean, you still gotta fix that thing with the
doors falling off into that.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
But thank you, Joe Biden, thank you for making my
life better. And I'll just bring back rov waste so
i'd have to sit next to a crying baby on
a red eye. Okay, you're gonna chew.

Speaker 5 (06:04):
Up for that's provided to a problem that America hasn't solved,
gun violence. A lot of people think the answer is
reducing the amount of guns, but Tennessee lawmakers are going
in the opposite direction.

Speaker 8 (06:20):
Chaos erupting in Tennessee state capital, where lawmakers just passed
a bill that would allow teachers to carry concealed handguns
in schools. If signed by the governor, the Tennessee law
would allow teachers to carry guns and schools where top
administrators agree the teachers would be required to have a permit,
due training, and get a background check and mental health evaluation.

Speaker 5 (06:44):
Congratulations, Now your shop teacher is going to have two
stories about hey, how he accidentally lost a finger.

Speaker 2 (06:53):
Look, I mean, can the students at least vote on
which teacher gets the gun, because you know, my gym
teacher was all do on a massive power trip and
all he had was a whistle.

Speaker 5 (07:02):
So for more on the new Tennessee law, we go
live to the State House in Nashville with Grace Coolan Schmidt. Grace, Grace,
aren't legislators worried that giving teachers guns will just lead
to more gun violence?

Speaker 6 (07:20):

Speaker 10 (07:21):
You silly, scarecrow of a man. The lawmakers here are
putting teachers through a lot training, permits, background checks, mental
health evaluations. You don't want to give teachers guns without
making sure they're responsible.

Speaker 5 (07:37):
That actually raises a good point, Grace. If they're going
to require teachers to go through all that, why don't
they require it for every gun owner.

Speaker 6 (07:47):
I'm not following, I'm.

Speaker 5 (07:50):
I'm just saying if all that training is good for teachers,
it's equally good.

Speaker 6 (07:55):
For all gun owners. But they aren't all teachers, right, Yes,
but they all own guns. Rock and roll. Good for that.

Speaker 5 (08:06):
Okay, Hello, let me try again. Let's say you walk
into my classroom.

Speaker 6 (08:11):
Hello, mister slender man.

Speaker 5 (08:13):
Okay, fine, Now you see I have a gun.

Speaker 6 (08:18):
How do you feel?

Speaker 10 (08:19):
I'm glad because I know that you received firearms training.

Speaker 2 (08:22):

Speaker 5 (08:23):
Now, instead, you walk into my bar and you see
I have a gun.

Speaker 6 (08:26):
Now, how do you feel you're my teacher?

Speaker 10 (08:29):
Why do you own a bar?

Speaker 6 (08:32):
I guess I'll have a beer. I'm only in eighth grade.

Speaker 4 (08:34):
No, I know I did not make you.

Speaker 6 (08:36):
I didn't make you in eighth grade. And that's not
what I said, Jordan.

Speaker 2 (08:40):
Analogies are stupid. Okay, let me let me try. Great. So,
you know how everybody needs a license to drive a car? No,
you don't.

Speaker 6 (08:48):
Who's checking the.

Speaker 2 (08:51):

Speaker 10 (08:53):
They're all in DC.

Speaker 2 (08:54):
I'm a peak. Okay, yes, she's not getting it.

Speaker 6 (08:58):
Hold on, let me try to do one.

Speaker 2 (08:59):

Speaker 6 (09:01):
You know how on Love.

Speaker 10 (09:02):
Is Blind there's two different people and they talk to
each other without seeing each other, but then eventually the
walls come down and they see if they're still in love?

Speaker 6 (09:12):
Uh yeah, yeah maybe. Okay, that's a great show.

Speaker 2 (09:19):
What is the analogy?

Speaker 4 (09:21):
Oh that's what you guys?

Speaker 2 (09:22):
Were doing.

Speaker 10 (09:22):
I thought we were just making up situations.

Speaker 2 (09:24):

Speaker 5 (09:25):
We're saying if teachers need training to have a gun,
then it's only fair if the entire population has training
to have a gun.

Speaker 10 (09:32):
You're right, it doesn't make sense that some people should
get training while other people don't get training. Let's make
it fair and remove the training for everyone.

Speaker 5 (09:40):
Oh my god, we were so close, so close, we
were we were, Yes, Grace Coolichman, everybody.

Speaker 4 (09:49):
We come back.

Speaker 5 (09:49):
Michael Costa takes on its great at enemy you don't
want to offer. Welcome back to the Daily Show. Now

that spring is here, people are back outside having fun again,
whether it's sneezing in the park, or sneezing in a cafe,
or dodging angry stares from a mother who's child you
sneezed on at the playgrounds.

Speaker 2 (10:24):
But there's one activity that Michael Costa wants you to
stop enjoying. Hi.

Speaker 11 (10:30):
I'm Michael Costa Daily Show correspondent, an intrepid journalist.

Speaker 2 (10:34):
But this story is not about me.

Speaker 6 (10:36):
It's about him.

Speaker 11 (10:38):
Michael Costa, former professional tennis player once ranked eight one
hundred and sixty four.

Speaker 4 (10:43):
In the world.

Speaker 11 (10:45):
Because right now, there's a serious threat to tennis enthusiasts
like him, slash me.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
I'm talking about pickleball.

Speaker 6 (10:53):
And it needs to be.

Speaker 2 (10:54):
Stopped now the battleover court space between tennis and pickleball
players can both.

Speaker 8 (11:00):
Use the tennis courts and both are fighting for space.

Speaker 2 (11:03):
Pickball is the fastest crewing sports. Sorry for.

Speaker 11 (11:10):
To discuss the monstrosity these picklers are imposing on my
beloved sport. I sat down with legendary professional tennis champ McEnroe.

Speaker 3 (11:18):
You cannot be serious.

Speaker 11 (11:20):
No, No, not that one. The other one his brother Patrick,
also a former tennis champion and current sports commentator.

Speaker 2 (11:27):
From one pro to another, tell me what yearbook pro.
We've crossed paths many times. I've said, hike to you
at the tournaments and stuff.

Speaker 7 (11:34):
Were you were you like a ball boy or something?

Speaker 11 (11:36):
Or I was ranked eight hundred and sixty four in
the world.

Speaker 6 (11:38):
We don't be ranked that high. I made eleven thousand
dollars over four years. On we go, Let's talk about pickleball.
What is this craze? I can't believe he didn't know
who I was.

Speaker 7 (11:48):
Well, the thing that annoys me about it, Michael, is
that the pickleball courts are taking over thirty five percent
or so of the tennis courts here in the US
and in Canada. Hey, get off, aren't tennis turf?

Speaker 6 (12:02):
Let's just discuss the differences. And here's a can of
tennis balls. Is there anything better than this?

Speaker 2 (12:06):
Ready to listen to this?

Speaker 7 (12:07):
I'm here, Yeah, I love the smell.

Speaker 2 (12:13):
Give me that.

Speaker 6 (12:13):
Oh my give god. It's like a fine wine.

Speaker 11 (12:16):
And now let's just contrast that with this.

Speaker 7 (12:20):
Oh my god, what the hell is that?

Speaker 2 (12:22):
This looks like an old guy's ball sack.

Speaker 7 (12:24):
You can't compare it to It's loud, it's obnoxious. Tennis
is elegant, it's classy. Well, there's this sweet Look at
this tennis it's just look at that. Isn't that a
beautiful thing you want? And then pick a ball?

Speaker 6 (12:37):
It's like a car crash. What's the solution for the
turf wars?

Speaker 7 (12:41):
And the great Martina Navtolovo said, build your own pickleball courts?
And the truth is pickleball get out of my yard.

Speaker 1 (12:50):
The one person who needs to take that note is
this guy. He may look like a yodler on a bike,
but don't be fooled. Every morning he electronically pedals little
pickaball bike to set up his little pickaball nets on
our turf, and he's known as Albert the pickleball Doctor.

Speaker 11 (13:08):
Why do you think that pickleball deserves that overtake a
tennis court?

Speaker 2 (13:13):
I think you guys have too many tennis courts.

Speaker 9 (13:15):
You can get two pickable course and a tennis court.

Speaker 11 (13:18):
So is your answer then to eliminate tennis courts for pickleball?

Speaker 2 (13:22):
That's a good idea.

Speaker 11 (13:26):
You are unhinged and worse than pickleball is their terminology.
I'm hearing kitchen dink adyl flawful.

Speaker 2 (13:35):
I mean, is it a sport or is it a
food truck? So I say, look, a universal game. It
might be more universal than tennis.

Speaker 11 (13:43):
Tennis doesn't have stupid made up words. Yeah, deuce when
you're tied and zero is love and we score by
forties and fifteens.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
But that stuff makes sense.

Speaker 6 (13:52):
Won't you just try it?

Speaker 11 (13:53):
You want me to try pick a ball? You know
what that means to be eight hundred and sixty four
in the world in tennis, it means I'm the number
one pick a ball player right now.

Speaker 2 (14:00):
Why don't we do a little head to head.

Speaker 6 (14:01):
How about that?

Speaker 2 (14:02):
I'm gonna whip your butt.

Speaker 11 (14:03):
I'll see your geriatric ass in the kitchen. Okay, but
dink time baby.

Speaker 7 (14:10):
All right, welcome to what is sure to be a
waste of everyone's time. But here we are. I'm Patrick mcner,
reported live through the losing of bet to cover a
most unanticipated game of pickleball.

Speaker 6 (14:23):
On one side, we have.

Speaker 7 (14:25):
The handsome and the one and a half time employee
of the month at the Daily Show, Michael Costa. Okay,
clearly he wrote this, Costa will be playing against Albert
doctor of pickleball.

Speaker 6 (14:39):
And what's this?

Speaker 7 (14:40):
He's got a twin? Will Costa go for the obvious
doubles joke?

Speaker 11 (14:46):
So I guess doubles is literally doubles.

Speaker 2 (14:50):
There is my twin, brother Gil. You know what, I
got my own sacred weapon. Ronnie, Ronnie Ronnie. Why let's go, dude,
we're the pickles. We're playing pickleball. You said to be food.

Speaker 7 (15:06):
And for his doubles partner, Costa has Ronnie Chang, who
seems to have been tricked into being here.

Speaker 2 (15:13):
That makes two of us? Is it two of the
same people? That was a surprise for me too.

Speaker 7 (15:19):
So here we go, Costa and Chang versus the pickle twins.
And Costa blows it.

Speaker 2 (15:30):
Dah, let's go. We can't lose to the double of
the twins. Let's get over the net yet a word?

Speaker 4 (15:39):
Dah, take back, grass hop up.

Speaker 2 (15:43):

Speaker 7 (15:43):
Never before the history of commentating have I heard more
vicious words spoken on a court.

Speaker 2 (15:49):
These guys take it.

Speaker 6 (15:58):
Oh my god, this changes everything.

Speaker 7 (16:00):
I've never had siachrameow in a sandwich before.

Speaker 6 (16:02):
What's the score?

Speaker 7 (16:03):
I wasn't even watching take that.

Speaker 2 (16:06):
Yeah, I hope we've got a feeding June. I was
shoving ship down your throw all day. That's what I'm
talking about, right here, right here.

Speaker 7 (16:12):
Finally they're coming together as a team.

Speaker 2 (16:16):
Michael, I think you're having fun here? No, yes, yes,
I'm not having fun.

Speaker 7 (16:23):
Three two Nobody, I mean nobody saw this coming because
nobody's even watching.

Speaker 2 (16:29):
Yes, that's illegal. You disqualify, not disqualified.

Speaker 4 (16:38):
Shut up, get out of here, Grasshoppa.

Speaker 2 (16:41):
Let's go, but they just qualified its let's go. Uh,
let's go now. It's like I'll meet up with you later. Hey,
you guys want keep going?

Speaker 7 (16:50):
Yeah, there are no winners in this game tonight. In fact,
I think it's safe to say after watching this game,
we all feel like losers. This is Patrick McKinnon reporting
Homwark Srwin. This is rock body of my career.

Speaker 2 (17:11):
Thank you, Michael Cossa. When we come back, Representative Andy
Kim be joining us from the show, so don't the way.

Speaker 6 (17:31):
Welcome back to the Daily Show.

Speaker 5 (17:33):
Our guest tonight is the third term congressman from New
Jersey who's.

Speaker 6 (17:36):
Running for US Senate.

Speaker 5 (17:37):
Please welcome Representative Andy Kim.

Speaker 2 (18:00):
Thank you. It's nice to Asian representative. Thank you, and
Kim House representatives you're currently running to replace. Are you
writing for Senate? That's right, to replace the previous guy
in New Jersey who got caught with gold Boss in
his house? That's right, right, So yeah, I guess.

Speaker 4 (18:16):
That's a big no no in politics, right.

Speaker 2 (18:18):
What do you have against gold Boss?

Speaker 4 (18:20):
Yeah, apparently I'm anti gold bars.

Speaker 6 (18:23):
Anti Federal Reserve guys, your platform.

Speaker 4 (18:26):
Okay, this is getting a heated into interviewing right out
of the gate here.

Speaker 2 (18:30):
But what you're right for Senate?

Speaker 4 (18:32):
Yeah, Look, I mean it's not something I planned to do.
You know, I'm a three term member of the House
of Representatives. I got a six year old, eight year old,
two little boys at home, so I would not you know,
planning to take on a statewide election. But look, I mean,
right now, I mean, I'm sure that the audience feels too.
I mean, we live in the time in the greatest
amount of distrust in government in modern American history, and

eighty four percent of people in New Jersey believe that
their politicians are crup Like eighty four percent like, how can.

Speaker 2 (18:57):
Well they were kind of validated?

Speaker 4 (19:00):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean you're so you're wondering what's
wrong with the other sixteen percent?

Speaker 6 (19:06):
Right, Yeah, They're just not that educated.

Speaker 4 (19:10):
Now, look, I mean we have to I believe that
the opposite of democracies is apathy. It's if people give
up on this, it feel like they're elected officials are
not in it for the right reasons. So I just
I feel like at this critical moment, we have to
restore a sense of integrity back into our politics and
try to do our best to give the people New
Jersey a choice.

Speaker 2 (19:30):
Sure, and yeah, yeah, I mean you you're running in
a district. If I'm not wrong, voted for Donald Trump twice.

Speaker 4 (19:41):
Well my congressional district.

Speaker 2 (19:42):

Speaker 4 (19:42):
In twenty eighteen, I was part of the class of
twenty eighteen that flipped the House of Representatives tried, you know,
take that away from Donald Trump. And I won a
district that Trump one, And in twenty twenty, I was
one of only seven Democrats in the entire country that
want a district Trump one.

Speaker 2 (19:56):
So yeah, and you're like, so it's you want in
a district at Trump one and your I'm assuming a
minority in that district both in race.

Speaker 4 (20:08):
And yeah, my district is eighty five percent white, less
than three percent Asian. When I was first elected, there
were zero Korean Americans in Congress, and I had a
lot of people tell me there's no way that Asian
American can win a district the vast, vast majority of how.

Speaker 2 (20:21):
Did you win it? No, seriously, did you win because
you want it? Then?

Speaker 4 (20:26):
Well, look what I'll say is no, no offense. Yeah,
I mean no. Look, I think what I learned is that, like,
I'm not going to let other people determine what I
am or am not capable of accomplishing simply because of
the color of my skin. In my last name, you know,
this was.

Speaker 2 (20:44):
This was.

Speaker 4 (20:46):
This is the district where I you know, I grew up.
I did my entire kindergarten through twelve in the public
school systems of my congressional district. I'm raising, you know,
two little boys in that school system. Like I have
every bit as much right to represent that district as
anybody else, and I have every bit as much right
to represent my state as anybody else.

Speaker 2 (21:03):
I will say that is that.

Speaker 5 (21:05):
Is both inspiring to hear and a little gross.

Speaker 6 (21:08):
That's a lot of time in New Jersey. I just
I guess it says wow, that you're really New Jersey. Yeah, God,
bless well.

Speaker 5 (21:15):
I think you talk about this feeling in America right
now we feel very divided. Yeah, but in the House,
you guys just had you just passed this bipartisan bill
funding for Ukraine, Taiwan. We had the TikTok bill in
there as well. Mike Johnson seemed to want across the
aisle and work.

Speaker 6 (21:33):
With you guys. What is this?

Speaker 5 (21:35):
Is this the beginning of some sort of bipartisan coalition
or is this a one time spring fling.

Speaker 4 (21:42):
Now, look, I think what he realized is he has
no other choice. He can either be a speaker that
gets zero things done for the entire time that he
has speak. Everything that he's done, whether it's passing our
government's funding or anything else, it's required us on the
Democrats side to be there with it. I'm basically, you know,
he and Hkem Jeffries are co Speakers of the House

right now. There's nothing that the Speaker of the House
Johnson can get done without Hackem Jeffries and the Democrats
and so looks it's out of necessity in that way.
I mean, you know, I hope that there are some
places where we can find some agreement. But I'll be
honest with you, like I'm not holding my breath. We'll

see where things go. But I mean, you guys, you know,
you all see it. I mean, I basically work in
the world's worst reality TV show.

Speaker 7 (22:32):
You know.

Speaker 2 (22:32):
It's just like, well, speaking of that, I mean you
are on the ground there, you know you presumably you
talk with these people every day, if not all the time,
you know. So I guess my question is like, how
is it different to what we're seeing on TV you'll
vibe on the ground in Congress. Is it as divisive
as what we think it looks like on Instagram? Or
is it when you guys are in the same room,

is it more like, hey, you know finger guns tell us, Yeah.

Speaker 4 (23:00):
How did you know that's it's like no, I mean, look,
it's it's very frustrated. I'm not gonna you know, and
I say that as someone who's never thought that i'd
be in politics. I don't enjoy that aspect of it
so much. But I mean, look, you know one of
my one of my colleagues, I guess I call him that,
Matt Gates, for instance. You know, he has his line
where he says, you know, if you're not making news,

you're not governing. And I just think that is so
indicative what's wrong with our politics right now. You know,
it's this idea. You know, it's this idea that you're
equating attention with governance. You know that that's absolutely the
wrong thing. You can see how someone who has that
kind of mindset is then incentivized to just say crazy things.

You know, so like I always think about it if
you gamify Congress, you know, Congress is a game, and
you think of what is the points system? You know,
it's like people are chasing you know, likes online, the
followers on social media, you know, the money into their fundraising,
how many cable news hits they've done, you know, things
like that, and like you know, I have colleagues of
mine who are more interested in being social influencers rather

than lawmakers. And and that's that's really crazy, you know,
Like I get to work, like I get to work
a job whose job description is in the Constitution of
the United States, like me as a son of and
we're a getting some public school kid gets to do
that kind of work, Like that should be a deeply
humbly experience, not some platform for you to just go
chase your ego and your ambition.

Speaker 5 (24:27):
That being said, just alder kid.

Speaker 4 (24:35):
Picked every single one of them to come in from Jersey.

Speaker 6 (24:38):
You never chase attention. But we do appreciate you coming
on our television show.

Speaker 4 (24:43):
It's not about life, no, no, this is I'm a
humble many central appreciation.

Speaker 6 (24:51):
I am curious.

Speaker 5 (24:53):
Democratic Party is an interesting place right now. And I
think this last bill that just got passed had funding
for Israel with very few conditions put upon it. The
more progressive wing of the Democratic Party wants there to
be more conditions with Israel funding.

Speaker 6 (25:07):
How do you balance that? Right now? It seems as
if the.

Speaker 5 (25:10):
Progressive side of the Democratic wing is wants more from
a Democratic Party that's not willing to give it.

Speaker 4 (25:15):
Yeah, No, Look, I mean I think what we need
is to be able to move forward and have as
much leverage as possible. What we see is that, you know,
Netan Yahoo is taking a path forward that I think
is very dangerous, you know, dangerous for Israel, dangerous for
our world, and we need to make sure that we're
stepping up to be able to have as much strength
as possible, to be able to end this violence as

soon as possible. And I'll be honest with you, a
lot of Democrats feel that same way. A lot of
my colleagues feel that same way. We're just trying to
figure out how we can have you know, that kind
of approach going forward while addressing you know, the humanitarian crisis.
I mean, there's a famine that's imminent right now in
northern Gaza. You know, that's devastating. We got to make
sure that we're providing the kind of aid and support

to that, also making sure we're tackling all these other
issues around the world. Ukraine, we have you know, we
were trying to pass humanitarian assistance for the catastrophe in Sudan,
which is something that doesn't get enough attention. So yes,
you know, we got to make sure that we're pushing
forward in all those directions.

Speaker 5 (26:14):
I'll say, also, some of your colleagues made news talking
about in regards to this Ukraine funding bill, that they're
seeing Russian propaganda being echoed and talked about on the
House floor. Are you seeing colleagues, colleagues echo this Russian
propaganda in terms of whether or not we should be
funding Ukraine?

Speaker 4 (26:31):
Absolutely, I mean, you know, it's it's scary. It's scary
to see how you know, what we're seeing right now
is basically a new movement of neo isolationism, you know,
something that's really about weakening America's position in the world
and just turning not even just turning a blind eye
to Vladimir Putin, but actually enabling him. And you know,
when I think about leaders in other countries, when they

talk to me about what's happening, first they ask, you know,
what is happening in America. And the second thing they
ask is they say, is America a reliable partner? That's
what they ask themselves, and they say, and the answer
to that right now is no. You know, we are
not a reliable partner in the way that we can
and should be. You know, and you see that with
three cards to Ukraine and hopefully we're going to be

able to provide some support. But that has a lot
of impact in terms of how we're perceived all over
the world with all sorts of other crises that are
out there. So you know, this is one of the
biggest questions that we have of just what is America's
role in the twenty first century. What is the value
of the American handshake right now? And that's very much
under question right now in the world.

Speaker 2 (27:34):
Right and what you know, just on that note, like
to solve a lot of problems that you know are
facing the point to me point like I can't help
with that Asian dog, you know, making it happen. But
a lot compromise is required. So when you're talking to
like your best friend Matt Gates, for example, like you

did say that, you did say no, good friend, Matt Gates,
he went out when when you are talking, is this
some kind of like, look we put the cameras off
right now, let's just talk or is it always just
you know, this guy's always on. You know, everyone's always on,
even in private meetings, everyone's still you know, yelling about
Jewish space lasers, and you know, like.

Speaker 4 (28:17):
When I came into Congress, a lot of people ask me,
like do they really believe what they say? And when
I first came in, I kind of came up with
category three categories. You know, there are sort of the
traditional conservatives, of which there are very few of them left.
There are the crazies and you can you know, mad libs,
fill in the blank, whatever name you want. And then
they're the cowards, you know, the people who know better,
but just you know, for their own purposes of staying

in their jobs, they continue on. I'll be honest with you,
just in the five and a half years that I've
been in Congress now, there are a lot more crazies
than that even when I started. And it's it's really alarming.
I mean, like they some of them really do believe this.
And I you know, I remember it, you know, on
the night of January sixth, when we came back into

the House of Representatives after the insurrection, you know, hearing
their speeches, like watching them like only a few feet
from them, and I could tell like some of them
really do believe the big lie. They've bought into this,
they're they're they're feeding it and and that's what I
find so scary right now. You know, my first boss
in government, he had this line, he said, you don't
have good government unless you have good people working in government.

Right now, you know, if you have a government that's
filled with you know, egotistical, narcissistic, power hungry people, you
will have an egotistical, narcissistic, power hungry government.

Speaker 7 (29:30):
You know.

Speaker 4 (29:30):
So we have to try to find a way to
be able to stop it. But part of their plan
is to try to make government so toxic, politics so
toxic that reasonable decent you know, people don't want to participate,
and that just leaves it for them.

Speaker 2 (29:44):
All right, Well, good laugh, Thank you, PREMI your time,
and as far as from what I'm hearing from you,
I just think that we just need more Asian people
to be running into everything representative and you Kim everybody,
we'll go tell you a quick break, but we'll be
right back.

Speaker 7 (29:59):
Up this.

Speaker 5 (30:12):
Other show for tonight. But before we go, please consider
donating to every Town for Gun Safety. They work with local, federal,
and state governments to end gun violence and build safer communities.

Speaker 2 (30:22):
If you want to support them in this work, please
donate at the link below, now here is your moment
of zen.

Speaker 3 (30:28):
Remember it was trying to deal with COVID.

Speaker 2 (30:29):
See just subject a little bleach in your veins.

Speaker 3 (30:34):
He missed it all went to his hair. Look I
should have said that. Explore more shows from the Daily
Show podcast universe by searching The Daily Show wherever you
get your podcasts. Watch The Daily Show week nights at

eleven ten Central on Comedy Central, and stream full episodes
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