All Episodes

November 28, 2024 39 mins

Covino & Rich are in for the great Dan Patrick! They have some fun Turkey Day observations. Should you be "kissin' azz" to your bosses? They talk Rich's kids & their NFL knowledge. Can the Niners go on a run, or is their window closed? Plus, what do you want from a last place NFL team this time of the year?


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are listening to the Dan Patrick Show on Fox
Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Danny g is super produced and went up, Danny Gay,
Happy morning, Give, Happy Thanksgiving to you little gobble gobble.

Speaker 3 (00:13):
Gobble gobble monther Sucker.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Gobble gobble eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox. If
you want to call up and get involved, say hi
to Danny J and great to see you. Perfet, Happy
Thanksgiving to you man. I mean that dude is thankful
for his lions. Oh yeah, this is like a This
is like a fantasy year for you. You like, is
every day a good day in the life of Prefet?
When when the lions are ten and one, per Fet
woke up thankful for the lions and all the fixes.

He's about the house goodness.

Speaker 4 (00:38):

Speaker 2 (00:38):
All right, So we got a lot to get to today.
We are going to talk a ton of NFL. We're
gonna talk about trends. I guess someone's never won in
the snow or cold. Does that mean they'll never win
because everyone's everyone's talking about how Tua, this guy's from Hawaii,
played in Alabama. I thought we're gonna talk about how
you were always late to the trends, like Rich is

just wearing skinny jeans.

Speaker 4 (00:59):
Now, damn it's not.

Speaker 2 (01:02):
But we'll talk about gambling trends and sports trends of course,
like I said, a lot of NFL, and I want
to talk salary cap and baseball and have the Dodgers
become worse than the nineteen nineties Yankees. We'll get to that,
but three quick Thanksgiving questions. We can move on briefly. Okay,

I heard that intro. It said the elastic in your pants?
H Is it okay to wear sweatpants on Thanksgiving? I mean,
if you're a slob, Yeah, sure, I'm what.

Speaker 4 (01:33):
I was saying.

Speaker 2 (01:33):
If you're hosting and you just have like your immediate
family and a couple people come over, do you need
to put jeans on in your own home?

Speaker 4 (01:40):
I mean, it's a holiday, dude. That's how I feel
about it.

Speaker 2 (01:43):
I think we all got we the public, everybody the
Fox Sports radio nation, including myself, all got way to
casual and lazy after the pandemic. We use that as
an excuse to stay home, get fat, and get lazy,
and enroll to work. Like that and everything opened up again,
Like nah, sweatpants are the way of the world. Let's

go like, yes, Thanksgiving put some jeans on. You know,
I want some slack. Four years since COVID, I bet you,
the sweat pet market is at an all time high.
Without a doubt, we've used that as a way to
be extra comfy. I guess, so those sweats at your
own home aren't check. I mean, if it's like close
to bedtime and you're throwing on a movie after all

the football. But if you're celebrating the holiday, today's the
day that like throwing a nice sweater.

Speaker 4 (02:33):
They're on something nice sweat. I'm just saying, because.

Speaker 2 (02:38):
You're gonna be mixing it up with family and friends,
it's like a slob. It's the one day you should
look you know what, dressing up today. Let me write
that down. I'm not saying you can't put on your
last sticks later on Tubby. Of course you can. But
when you're going somewhere or if you have people coming by, yeah,
take your crocs off for once and don't want something nice.

It's not asking a lot fair enough. Second question, you
keep the tradition alive of kid's table, right, like you
don't want the little nose pickers sitting next to you, right.
If you have a good group of people like, is
it fair of my wife sets up a separate table
for my kids A couple other friends and family kid's tables?

Speaker 4 (03:18):
Still legit, right, that's not like wrong nowadays? Oh legit.
I'm actually gad here's I'm glad he brought that up.
It makes me think of a bronx tail.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
Remember when they didn't want certain people, you know, playing
craps with everybody, like I don't want his face looking
at my face into the bathroom, and they would throw
them into the bathroom because they didn't want them there.
If I see a little nose picking kid causing a
ruckus at the table, into the bathroom, get them out
of here, back to the kid table. Okay, yeah, you

know why though, Here's why you gotta pay your dues
in life. I have, I really have people like, how
did Cavino and Rich get this opportunity? We paid our dues,
beat it, just like we did at the little kids
table growing up. And I feel like I spent way
too much time there. I so you like, I had
a mustache already, I was still at the kids table.
You had a mustache with you're twelve, right, yeah? But

still so it's it's not like I don't think it's
anything to be ashamed of, but I think there's a
designated spot where kids could be kids. All right, Because
I was gonna say, your niece and nephew. A couple
of my daughter's friends were stopping by for dessert, so
I'm like, you get the kids table.

Speaker 4 (04:22):
I love kids.

Speaker 2 (04:24):
Let them have their own fun or throw them in
the bath room. Okay, there you go, Danny. If you
want to call it for dessert, you're mother welcome. Just
know co is going to the kids table. Yeah, that's
where he belongs. He can throw as much food around
as he wants. Kid's table. And one last question. I
got one question too, actually two more. Is it white

trash or totally fine to serve certain things on paper plates?

Speaker 4 (04:51):
Or do you want the.

Speaker 2 (04:52):
Nice plates for every side in dessert and everything?

Speaker 4 (04:56):
I think it depends. Here's why.

Speaker 2 (04:58):
Once dessert comes out, do I have to do a
round of dishes or can I be like, no dessert
we're doing on like nice turkey paper plates. Look, I
feel you. It's a holiday. It's the one day you
do go all out right, break out to nice stuff.
You get dressed up. You know those clothes you have
for special occasions. Yeah, now you wear them, right, You
have all these clothes you never wear, wear them. So
when it comes to your dishes, yeah, I think you

bust them out. But if it's like real just intimate
close family and fans, you mean break out that turkey
dish my wife bought at home Goods.

Speaker 4 (05:28):
Why do we need a dish for the shape like
a turkey?

Speaker 2 (05:30):
But if you're having a low key sort of situation
where it's just your immediate family, you're not really trying
to impressor who really cares for dessert? Paper plate it up.
I'm with you on that. I'm not going to complain
about that. My question do you have one? Wear by
the way?

Speaker 4 (05:46):
One less one?

Speaker 2 (05:46):
Okay, and then we'll get into the NFL. But these
are very hard hitting important question. Should pose them later
to people still wake it up. Today's the day people
sleep in late, so I think you should post them
again in about three hours. I see most people like
do Thanksgiving dinner around three o'clock, and I can't get
with that.

Speaker 4 (06:06):
I don't know why.

Speaker 2 (06:08):
I don't understand one day a year the rest of
the year, you eat dinner at five, six, seven o'clock
on Thanksgiving everyone's like, break out the dinner table three pm.

Speaker 4 (06:18):
Get them bat of here because you're feasting.

Speaker 2 (06:20):
I know you could your could feast, But I told
my people four or five o'clock the earl is come
over for dessert. After six o'clock, we'll watch some football,
watch a movie three o'clock.

Speaker 3 (06:30):
Brenda's reasoning when she was setting up the three pm
meal today, she said, you don't want to eat food
that heavy any later. Plus, she's like, football is on.
You need it while the games are on.

Speaker 2 (06:41):
And you gotta make time for dessert, right, dessert's probably
around six o'clock.

Speaker 4 (06:46):
You got company over.

Speaker 2 (06:47):
You don't want them staying the whole night, right, so
you want to, like, you know, sweep them out the
door at least by eight. So you got to start
a little early so you can have a nice night
at least to yourself.

Speaker 1 (06:57):
You want to talk about the rhythm between food and football.
Usually we'd be able to serve food when the Lions
game's done, and then it's the Cowboys game. And usually
everyone in my household, I've got like on one of
my cousin uncles is like a Cowboys guy, and he'll
watch that. But like that's kind of in between time
and then you're all done by the time the late
night games on.

Speaker 2 (07:18):
Hey, speaking of fat family and your drunk uncles and
everything else later on. We do it every Thursday on
the Cavino and Rich Show, and we're bringing it to
the DP show Old School Win fifty hits. Let's just
say it has to do with drunken moments with your family. Okay,
so we're gonna get to that later on. Now I
have one question too, and we'll take your feedback. Fox

Sports Radio Nation DP Show eight seven, seven ninety nine
on Fox. If you want to chime in on any
of this, I get it. Start the dinner early so
that way you could put your sweatpants on. You're so
desperate to throw some sweatpants on. Rich, get everybody out
of the house by eight o'clock. Watch the Penguin. Put
your sweatpants on, go see Wicked. You know, you get

the live your life a little bit if you started early.
My question is on Thanksgiving. Of course we're gonna watch football,
We're gonna talk football, But is it a good reason?
As my dad would say, kiss a mass, meaning if
you are thankful to I don't know employers, management, certain

people in your life that make your life easier or better.

Speaker 4 (08:24):
Is this a reason to actually.

Speaker 2 (08:25):
Go a little bit anyway and kiss some mess and
say hey, you know what, hey boss, I appreciate the opportunity. Hey,
a person that helps you with my kids just want
to say thanks. You know I'm kissing ass. Yeah, it
is a reason to kiss some ass or no, or not,
just kiss an ass. Calling people on Thanksgiving to tell

them you're thankful for them is the equivalent of what
Danny g refused to let us do today, which is
what every radio show does or TV show.

Speaker 4 (08:54):
What team should be thankful for? Blink or something? Yeah,
but thanks Giving.

Speaker 2 (08:59):
Little text, a pal or something there. You know, I
really appreciate it. You're just wanting corn.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
I embrace it. Come on, that's that is a social
connection with people. Embrace the corn. It's corny, but it's people.

Speaker 4 (09:12):
It's people. It's people in your life. Hey, you don't
know how valuable they are until they got right here.
It is ready. I am really thankful to be part
of the Fox Sports radio family. Right.

Speaker 2 (09:22):
You know, you lose a few gigs here and there.
When you get one you love, you really appreciate it.
In a different way. Would it be kissing ass? Hey,
don't go kissing ass.

Speaker 4 (09:31):
Like Rich says like that.

Speaker 2 (09:33):
Would it be kissing ass if I hit up the
boss and say, hey, guys, just wishing you and your
family's happy thanksgivings, real thankful.

Speaker 4 (09:40):
To be part of the Fox. That's up to you.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
I'm I'm talking completely into friends and family context there, man,
Like I mean, I've had too many who I did
not get a chance to say thanks to in my life.

Speaker 4 (09:50):
I'm I'm gonna do it.

Speaker 1 (09:51):
You want to call that corny, then go off your
life thinking you're tough until suddenly they're all, no, no,
not doing that.

Speaker 3 (09:57):
Friends and family, that's cool. I'm talking about the workplace
and the topics. You're here on the radio.

Speaker 4 (10:02):
Why he go through the Fox Sports and iHeart directory.

Speaker 2 (10:07):
Hey, how many people have we bothered for tickets throughout
the year or something like that? Right, Hey, just want
to say, you know, keep those relationships going. It's not
necessarily kissing ass. It's like, hey, they helped me out.
I'm thankful for that. I want to keep that going
in the future. I can get with that.

Speaker 4 (10:23):
I don't. I don't hate it.

Speaker 2 (10:24):
Reason, what are you most thankful Yeah, I'm asking, is
it kissing ass? That's what I'm asking. Well, you know,
I talked to my dad yesterday, right, he goes, Man,
you gotta kiss stop kissing so much ass.

Speaker 4 (10:40):
I'm like what, Dad, He's like, you always kidding? He says,
I kiss too much ass? Right in my life?

Speaker 2 (10:46):
That's like your dad's old school Italian size it right.
I'm like, what do you mean dad? He's like, yeah,
talking about this net right, because here's our radio show.
I'm like, Dad, is child support?

Speaker 4 (10:57):
I have to pay that? Ye was? I'm like, what
do you mean? I mean this not kissing ass? This
is a kissing as my mortgage, kissing the base.

Speaker 2 (11:11):

Speaker 4 (11:12):
I'm like, god, I got it. I don't know what
what do you want me to do about that? Yeah?
And look at you can't peeking her up in school? Dad,
it's my daughter, your swear to God. That's what it's
like talking about.

Speaker 2 (11:22):
Well, hey, listen, you're gonna have a lot of Rando stories,
I'm sure today with your friends and family, enjoy and
we're gonna get to a lot of NFL. Keep you
company if you're going to Grandma's house today, and uh,
one one last not a question I have one last
statement to wrap up the Thanksgiving observations, and I want
you to take offense to this. If this doesn't apply
to you, I'm this is intended to. This intended to

be a truthful statement. If at no point today does
someone in your family say, yo, let's go outside for
a minute and you throw around the football. If you
don't do that, it's a fail. Your family's full of nerds. Yeah,
you got to keep those traditions going. No, if your uncle,
your dad, your younger cousin, your nephew, if no one

in your family, your niece, your sister, if no one
says let's go outside for a few minutes and throw
around the football, then honestly you must be in a
family of wienies.

Speaker 4 (12:18):

Speaker 2 (12:18):
That to me is like the most thread is like, oh,
I didn't bring any tennis sneakers, Like, man, uncle Fred,
you're a nerd. Yeah, you need cooler family, Like it's
the one time your uncle probably throws around the any
type of ball. Yeah, no, I agree, that's that's a
fun move. After dinner, burn a few calories, get ready
for some football. Was it last year you came over

for dessert and we threw around the football. Yeah, well
you're more than welcome tonight. Just uh, just prepare for
paper plates after six pm because we're having.

Speaker 4 (12:47):
A late night.

Speaker 3 (12:48):
The other thing my uncle would always do, he would
bust out the whiffleball bat and he'd be like, throw
me a curveball.

Speaker 4 (12:54):
I was just gonna say that that that for me
was the Well, no, football is always there too, but
was number one. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (13:01):
Then you know, he'd get the basketball out. He had
like a makeshift basketball court in his backyard on uneven dirt,
and he would take the whiffleball stuff out.

Speaker 4 (13:11):
Yeah, throw me a few pitches, let's go.

Speaker 2 (13:13):
I think it's one of the few days of the
year where traditional roles, which, by the way, for some
reason have gone out the window. In a lot of
aspects of life, traditional roles are still very clear. Seems
like a lot of times mom and grandma and your
aunt are like get out of the kitchen. They want
the guys out, Like god, this is the day where
a lot of women are like, met are only a

terrible distraction. And that's why it's you know the stereotype
of guys should sit around scratcher belly and watch football.

Speaker 4 (13:41):
Enjoy today's day. You wish you had a lazy boy.

Speaker 2 (13:44):
All right, well, enjoy your day, enjoy your thanksgivings. It's
okay to kiss some mass I guess it's a holiday,
but we have lots to get to. Put on pants,
throw some pants on, pants and pants on later. Enjoy
your early dinner and uh kids tables. Hey, okay, now
we're live in the Mercedes Benz studio and in an emergency,

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Speaker 4 (14:21):
They're coming up. We're gonna talk about Lebron.

Speaker 2 (14:23):
There's a great baseball thought and it's gonna really upset
Danny and dodgersns so I NK type for that and
trends in the NFL.

Speaker 4 (14:31):
Will preview a bunch of games this week.

Speaker 2 (14:33):
Because I also have a theory about my forty nine ers.
We'll get to all that next right here. Covin and
rich In for the great Dan Patrick on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (14:43):
You see the video I posted with my kids or
no yeah, were they named all thirty two NFL teams.

Speaker 2 (14:49):
I don't think I've been this proud as a dad
maybe ever. My kids were, let's be honest, annoying me
a little bit, and I said, oh, because they're all
they're all little chips off the old block.

Speaker 3 (15:00):
What's weird? Those Riches kids are sixteen and eighteen years old.

Speaker 2 (15:04):
My kids are seven and four. And they were just like,
you know, they're off from school this week. I'm like, hey,
if you guys memorize all thirty two NFL teams, because
we know dad loves football, you like watching with me,
I'll give you guys a prize. They're like a prize,
and now prize could be like let's go target and
you get to pick out one thing. So they huddled
together and I was like, I like this their teamwork.

They memorized all thirty two logos of every NFL team,
and I posted a video.

Speaker 4 (15:31):
It's cute.

Speaker 2 (15:32):
If you want to see some family niceness at Rich Davis,
I posted a video. It's also at covin on Rich.
Kids barely know the alphabet, but they know all thirty ravens.

Speaker 3 (15:44):
You let them off the hook, though a little bit
rich because they didn't name the city of each team.
Some of the teams they had the city, and other
ones they didn't. Oh you know what, that's next level city.
His son never heard of AE, I owe you, but
he knows. He knows the Dolphins exactly. All right.

Speaker 4 (15:59):
Well know, NFL is king.

Speaker 2 (16:02):
It's continuously showing that it's number one ratings interest parody.
We talk about even your bad teams. There's great storylines,
like you could talk about the Jets, you could talk
about the Raiders. In any other sport, you can't talk
about the bad teams because no one cares. In the NFL,
it's fun to talk about the Cowboys stinking.

Speaker 4 (16:25):

Speaker 2 (16:27):
I'm not bringing this up just because I'm a Niners fan,
but I feel as though the rest of the NFC
should be rooting terribly hard for the Bills this Sunday
up in Buffalo. And I say this because sometimes you
want to shut the door on someone. And I know

it looks like the Lions the conference to lose. It
really is one Lions Eagles, then a little behind that,
you'd say maybe Vikings Packers, and then there's a big
drop off. I don't really believe anyone. Maybe the Falcons
or they get hot again. But it really is like Lions, Eagles.

Speaker 4 (17:07):
Vikings and Packers. If one of those teams turns it
on and then after that.

Speaker 2 (17:11):
Vikings are nine to two, really downplaying them, I very
well might be. But the Niners at five and six
are only one game behind the I don't believe in
at all Arizona Cardinals, who I think are going to
get stomped by Minnesota this weekend. In fact, I think
Seattle might lose to the Jets this weekend.

Speaker 3 (17:30):
That's also what you said right before the Cardinals beat
your Niners.

Speaker 4 (17:33):
I don't want you to mention that again, but Danny,
I think that, honestly, NFA team should be hoping that
the Bills shut down the Niners, because I think the Niners. Yeah,
but you come from this belief and standpoint that they're
going to turn it on or something.

Speaker 2 (17:49):
Ibody showing you ability to turn it on at all. Yeah,
I think everybody's coming from that standpoint. You know, I
prefet because they've outyardaged their opponents more than anyone else
in the NFL, and they lost three games in the
last minute. They also just and they're what five and
six last in the NFC West, they got stop battling
injuries all season. They got stomped by the Packers when

they were missing like five Pro bowlers.

Speaker 4 (18:15):

Speaker 1 (18:15):
That's the problem though, is that they can't stay healthy
right now, and health is key when you're down the
stretch in December in the.

Speaker 4 (18:20):
NFL, bro health is wealth. Agreed.

Speaker 2 (18:22):
I'm just saying, if you're an NFC fan, you want
the Niners out because I'll give you, like a Colin
Calhert type analogy.

Speaker 5 (18:30):
The forty nine ers stars stars and stars. Forty nine
ers have stars dinner Stars. Forty nine ers are like
chocolate pudding pie. Okay, Jim, you let them, You let
them on the table. They may go all the way.
It's a favorite. You put that chruckle putting pie on

the table tonight. It's the easiest deserve to make and
it goes first. You let the forty nine ers in
the playoffs and they get healthy, they could do damage.
If you're an NFC fan, you should want Rams last year,
you should want Buffalo, or they're just not that good
this year. And that's what I'm getting.

Speaker 3 (19:09):
I mean.

Speaker 4 (19:09):
But when you're saying no big tread in the division,
that is bad math.

Speaker 2 (19:14):
Yeah, we've often given the analogy of this. When you
watched the Mike Tyson Douglas fight, right, he was the
biggest favorite of all TA was at forty two to one.

Speaker 4 (19:24):

Speaker 2 (19:25):
Yeah, we had this belief, this delusion that Mike Tyson
was unbeatable, invincible, kind of how Rich feels about his
forty nine Ers. But truthfully, he didn't have it that
night and he lost the entire fight. Yeah, he had
one moment where he knocked Douglas down, But if you
watch that fight back douglaswhoof disaster the whole fight.

Speaker 4 (19:46):
I know you're saying. Perspective is we had this belief that, Nah,
he's still gonna come back. Ah, he's Tyson, He's gonna
come back. He's gonna win this fight. No, he didn't.

Speaker 2 (19:57):
And that's your Niners this year. From our person, you
have this delusion that they're still good or something this season.
I mean, they haven't played really good at all. That analogy,
sadly is awesome because the forty nine ers are Mike
Tyson against Buster Douglas for a lot of people, because
you're thinking, well, they can't really we've been waiting for
them to turn it around.

Speaker 4 (20:17):
They'll turn it around. Dude, you're already eleven games. We're
already in.

Speaker 1 (20:20):
Week thirteen, you know, but it's getting late early.

Speaker 4 (20:22):
Yeah, you aan kidding.

Speaker 2 (20:23):
And Profet, I'm just a sad optimist here because I
think the division is so bad that if the Niners
do somehow find the way to strap together some wins here,
that division is so mediocre.

Speaker 1 (20:36):
Your problem is that the forty nine ers are playing
a first place schedule while the Arizona Cardinals are playing
a fourth You have to play the Lions, the Bills,
and the Dolphins, where like meanwhile, the Cardinals are going
to have another game against the Seahawks and then they
play the Panthers and the Patriots. Right, I think that
the map is against you no matter how you slice it.

Speaker 2 (20:57):
Rich as a fan of the forty nine ers, I'm
not hating on them any means. I enjoy watching the
forty nine ers. I think you're judging them based on
their potent, their potential and where they should be playing. Yeah,
the math ain't math, and as Profet pointed out, and
their schedule is way tougher down the stretch. It's just
if you let the forty nine ers in. I just

think the NFC fan bases should say Buffalo put them
out of their misery this Sunday night, because if the
forty nine ers find a way to beat the Buffalo Bills,
maybe that's the little confidence boost they need.

Speaker 4 (21:30):
I think you're big.

Speaker 3 (21:31):
Dreaming, bro.

Speaker 2 (21:31):
Hold On, I think the Bills are gonna stop. I
think they are gonna stop. Well, hold on, forty nine
ers have one of them still. McCaffrey's eventually going to
continue to get better, and you know now that he's healthy, or.

Speaker 4 (21:42):
It's just just like it wasn't pass night. It's just
that their year. No hate on.

Speaker 2 (21:46):
Forty nine ers have still a solid run offense, better
than the Bills.

Speaker 3 (21:51):

Speaker 4 (21:52):
Trent Williams still a question mark.

Speaker 2 (21:54):
Some are saying he's having a hard time walking, let
alone getting on the NFL field. But Danny g hit
me over the little meme, little text. This Sunday night
football in Buffalo. It's gonna be like four degrees snowy, windy,
and gross, which could end up being just run the ball,
run the ball, run the ball, and that could favor
Kyle Shanahan in the forty nine ers. I know I'm

just big dreaming. Let me big dream of hills better
in bad conditions.

Speaker 3 (22:19):
Rich how you feel about Moody? How you feel about
Moody kicking in thirty mile per hour wins?

Speaker 4 (22:24):
How do you feel about getting disinvited for dessert tonight?

Speaker 2 (22:30):
I'm not your question, though, but I think the rest
of the NFC is sort of counting the forty nine
ers out. You're the only guy or real fans of
the forty nine ers. I still believe in that they
have a shot. Well as I blame you for that,
Kyle Shanahan said, we put ourselves in a tough bind.
You think profets right one to three in the division,
and that's the worst part because those three losses were

the three winnable games. If you look at the forty
nine ers six losses, I'm not some delusional guy that's like,
like so good.

Speaker 4 (23:01):
No, they got stopped by a couple good.

Speaker 2 (23:04):
Teams, one without their quarterback, but those three losses within
the last minute of the game against three division opponents
stealed their fate. The forty nine ers are not playing
good football, but they could very well be. I know
that sounds ridiculous. They could very well be eight and
three and not five and six. If they finished three games,

they had every opportunity to finish and that's.

Speaker 1 (23:27):
Football for you. That rubber band's a bit in the
next season. But I only bring up the division thing
because as close as this division will be, you will
probably have some even in the best case scenario, you'll
have like very close equal wrecords between either the forty
nine Ers and either the Seahawks or the Cardinals. Absolutely,
and then tie breakers, well no division tiebreaker just ends
up killing it. And you only have one division game left,

which is against the Cardinals, which again, if everything goes
right for you, that could be for the division, and
a winner get in between Cardinals and forty nine Ers.

Speaker 4 (23:56):
Well, the backup rich and on the positive roast the Bill.
That's where the wins on the table.

Speaker 2 (24:02):
They have to turn it around against the Bills. So
your phone calls, should the NFC be scared or be
rooting for the Bills to just put them out of
their misery? Well, because I think that all right. If
you would have looked after Riches asking if you were
to look at the odds in Vegas of all the
Super Bowl teams and odds, I think the long shot

bet that might be appealing would be. I wouldn't know
what it is now, but the Niners who are under
five hundred are the team that, if they turned it around,
that is a scary team with playoff experience. I think
the NFC should be saying shut them down. Just a
lot of ifs that aren't this season, you know what
I mean? Well, health wins just not there. Let's go

to Jeff in Rhode Island. Jeff, you're on Covino rich
In for Dan Patrick. It's somebody, Hey Jeff, Hey, guys.

Speaker 6 (24:54):
I'm a Niners fan out here in Rhode Island, and
I'm not divisional. This team has no shot of I mean,
all we're banking on is we're playing in a bad
division and like you guys just said, the tie break
is what's going to kill us. I mean, I see
it's just getting blown out this week. And then I

mean we've got Detroit coming up. I mean, in this team,
even if they were a luck out and get in
our help, our special teams, our defense, I mean, wee we've.

Speaker 4 (25:27):
Been talking about it. What happens? What happened to the explosive?

Speaker 2 (25:30):
What happened to their playmaking abilities, the excitement, the explosiveness,
hasn't been there the entire season. It's all of a
sudden going to be there against Buffalo in bad conditions.
Let me ask Jeff, Jeff and Rhode Island. You're a
Niners fan like I am, what happened to the explosivess?
And does Deebo Samuel feel like he's lacking some type
of leadership or vibe on the field like what happened
to Debo?

Speaker 6 (25:49):
Absolutely? First off, that they can't get any openings, there's
no space on that offense. And just that that played
last week with Deebo, that little trick play that they
threw the stream too. Normally he would take that to
the house and he got taken down. So I mean,
and as far as being a captain, I wish he

had the fire of a George Kittle or Fred Warner
or a Juon Jennings because I assume Deebo is going
to be gone this year as well after this year.
I mean, I think we've just got to reload.

Speaker 4 (26:23):
You're right, you know it could very well be the case.

Speaker 2 (26:25):
But to answer the question, I don't think anyone's scared,
you know, player for player, yeah, you got a lot
of great players. But as far as the way your
team's playing. I don't think anyone's scared of the forty
nine I've heard, I've heard this season that's no hate
at all.

Speaker 1 (26:38):
I like one, if they were going to turn it on,
I would have expected them to turn a little bit earlier,
like the Eagles Dead. The Eagles were a very uneven team,
but there was this point late until October where all
of a sudden they looked like a completely different team.
And now we're talking about them as being one of
the two best teams in the NFC.

Speaker 2 (26:54):
Yeah, listen, the forty nine ers feel to me like
a Rocky Balboa in Rocky three and when he, uh
he lost his eye of the Tiger.

Speaker 4 (27:04):
Yeah, where's the fire d bo, where's the d No?

Speaker 2 (27:08):
I got like I got like a puffy hair dude,
But I don't have no I don't have the eye
to dagger.

Speaker 4 (27:13):
Absolutely no. Like what happened to a team that Listen
the forty nine ers entered this year.

Speaker 2 (27:18):
It's the last I'll harp on on my team because
there's a lot of other other NFL to get to.
But Rocky three is also when mister T was hitting
on Adrian. Remember that get with a regal Man. Yeah,
I don't appreciate that, mister t Absolutely no. I the
forty nine ers entering the season, there was such a
cocky vibe and I'll admit it by me and other

Niners fans. Remember the whole stat of they were not
underdogs in any game this year the forty nine Ers.
When they released the schedule preliminary, the preliminary look at
the schedule was the Niners were favored in seventeen of
seventeen games that went well. You know what I always
thought about when you talked about lack of leadership this

with your forty nine ers. You ever get in a
situation in your relationship right where things aren't getting done
because you're just relying on the other person to do it.
But when it's just you, it gets done. Meaning you're
just living your life and throughout the week, the dishes
are adding up in the sink.

Speaker 4 (28:19):
Why are they adding up.

Speaker 2 (28:20):
In the sink because you're counting on your wife or
your partner whoever, to put them in the dishwasher.

Speaker 4 (28:26):
She's counting on you to she's counting on you to
do it right.

Speaker 2 (28:30):
But when she's not around, it's always done because you're
not relying on anybody else.

Speaker 4 (28:35):
I feel like there's so many.

Speaker 2 (28:37):
Stars, so many stars and stars and stars and big
players and big eagles on your forty nine ers, that
everyone's counting on the other person to take that leadership role,
Like who's gonna step it by? Like Deebo's like, well,
I'm not the only leader here. What about Kittle? Kittle's
like me, what about the quarterback? And Party's like me,
I'm just prop Party? What about Both's sons? Both are

like well what about this guy? They're like a game
of all the Spider Man's pointing at each other. Yeah,
they're all pointing at each other, and no one's putting
addition anyway. No one's taking that leadership role the way
they should be because of that, and what happened to
that defense that was feared is a defensive coordinator's fault.
Is Kyle Shanahan having a hard time finishing he I mean,
you can't say he's the problem, right, I mean he's

one of the most sought after coaches, But I don't know,
shake up on the defensive end in San fran Next year,
we shall see.

Speaker 4 (29:27):
Let's go to Keto, We'll take his call. We'll we'll
move along. Keto in Alabama. What's up?

Speaker 3 (29:31):

Speaker 4 (29:31):
Hey, buddy, what's up?

Speaker 6 (29:33):
Boys? How you doing this early morning?

Speaker 4 (29:34):
Good Man? What's on your mind? Keto? Keto five?

Speaker 5 (29:36):

Speaker 6 (29:38):
I know, Hey, I was looking at uh this point
spread of the Giants Cowboys game. Man, I said, that's
three and a half. Just teasing me, Man, I don't know.
Can the Giants do anything offensively?

Speaker 4 (29:47):
I just I don't know, man. Well, do we have
an update?

Speaker 6 (29:51):
Is it?

Speaker 4 (29:51):
It's a little hobby Cutlets?

Speaker 3 (29:52):

Speaker 4 (29:53):
He is he out?

Speaker 2 (29:54):
Cutlets is out with upside not lock lock. I'm pretty
sure the forearm it's it was too much a signaling for.

Speaker 4 (30:02):
Tommy. You gotta get out.

Speaker 1 (30:06):

Speaker 3 (30:07):
Yeah. Drew Locke spent most of the time with first
getting those first team reps and uh and of course
the Cutlets didn't travel with the team.

Speaker 2 (30:15):
It should have been his gig anyway, So all right,
well he has to step up today. He's worrying about
Thanksgiving shark couterie boards. Hey, let me ask you this though,
based on that Giants Dallas game, and I'm with you, Keto,
Dallas by three and a half, by a point minus
two and a half, you're wagering a little more, but
Dallas by two and a half. That seems like a

Thanksgiving present, mere a little early Black Friday sale if
he asked me. But if you're a Dallas Cowboys fan,
ask yourself this and we'll take a little feedback on
this as well. Eight seven, seven, nine nine on Fox
in for the Great Dan Patrick. If you're a Cowboys
fan at this juncture, what do you want? There are Cowboys.
There's two groups of Cowboys fans that I seem to

interact with. Half of them are like, I think we
could run the table and go ten and seven or
nine and eight and then make this thing happen. And
then there's other Cowboy fans that are saying four and seven,
let's lose, let's revamp, get rid of McCarthy, Jerry Jones,
got to get some Wayvos and make the right moves.

Speaker 4 (31:16):
If you're a Cowboys fan, which direction do you want
to go? Do you believe that there's hope here? You win? Today?
You're five and seven?

Speaker 2 (31:25):
The Cowboys schedule coming up, Bengals, Panthers, Bucks, Eagles, I
don't know.

Speaker 1 (31:31):
I mean, lose to everything except maybe what was that
middle one that said the Bengals I mean that's the win.
So your thoughts, Cowboys fans, what do you want? We'll
take your feedback. Next Covin on Rich and for Dan Patrick.
Right here on Fox Sports Radio, you.

Speaker 2 (31:53):
Get one show of Coveni and Rich, which means you
have to catch us at a regular time two to
four on the West, five to seven on the East.
Search Covino and Rich. Wherever you stream your podcasts, join us.
And we also have a bonus podcast called over Promised.
It's on Fox Sports Radios YouTube page. You could watch
it or listen to search over Promise with Covino and Rich.

We appreciated everything at Covino and Rich, at Fox Sports Radio.
On social media, we're live in Mercedes Benz Studios. We're
gonna do a little old school in fifty hits next
hour right the Energy, Yes, sir, we do that every Thursday.
We throw it back and reminisce and it involves family.
It's Thanksgiving, but it involves let's say, those inebriated drunk moments.

How about that, those drunk moments with the family that
you try to forget, but when enough time passes, it's
kind of funny to look back up. I just remembered. Yeah,
a terrible drunke admission a family never made on Thanksgiving.
Hold on, I gotta write this down. Joel will share
some terribly fun, embarrassing stories. Start thinking about it, some

MLB Denny, We're gonna come that a little hard on
your Dodger, so get ready to defend yourself. And I
know we're on five seventy this morning in Los Angeles,
So Dodgers fans.

Speaker 4 (33:08):
You're not gonna like this take, so hang tight for that.

Speaker 3 (33:11):
Don't worry.

Speaker 4 (33:11):
He's all. I wanted to hit you guys up with a.

Speaker 2 (33:15):
Thanksgiving quiz because you know I love asking questions when
I know the answer. On Thanksgiving. Three famous plays. I'll
give you the year. You tell me if you remember
the Thanksgiving play twenty twelve?

Speaker 4 (33:34):
Is that the year of the Is that the Buffoball year?
Is this but funny? Twenty twelve? Wow? Twelve years since
Mark Sanchez.

Speaker 2 (33:47):
We pardoned the play because I think we went a
year or two where it hadn't been brought up, and we.

Speaker 4 (33:52):
Said, you know what, Mark Sanchez actually is a nice guy.
And not only a nice guy, I mean that play
shouldn't define him.

Speaker 2 (34:00):
Yeah, he was the guy that actually gave the Jets
stick at him for a good ten years. It was
it was the the last time the Jets had a
little sniff of success. So I think Mark Sanchez is
off the hook. So twenty twelve to the butt fumble
nineteen ninety three. It was in the snow and it
was a blunder. Can you remember the play?

Speaker 4 (34:20):

Speaker 3 (34:21):
Is that leon Lett leon Let? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (34:23):
Remember he went to touch the balls, like what do
you do? Yeah? That was That was in nineteen ninety three.
Three wow.

Speaker 2 (34:29):
And the following year, ninety four, a play happened on
Thanksgiving that I remember watching.

Speaker 4 (34:36):
This on my I remember watching with my dad.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
I was a little kid. Let's just say it had
to do with a deception and a dolphin. That'll be
my clue. Nineteen ninety four.

Speaker 4 (34:49):
And a dolphin?

Speaker 3 (34:50):
Is it a fake spike?

Speaker 4 (34:52):
Danny g on the money?

Speaker 2 (34:53):
That was when Dan Marino went to the line of
scrimmage against the Jets and everyone's like, oh, he's gonna
spike the ball. Fake spike corner of the touchdown. And
that was ninety four, thirty years ago. Today, I would
think that one was older. So my perception of the
deception is a little off on that one. Now, I
don't feel like that one's older, not on this day
on Thanksgiving.

Speaker 4 (35:12):
So there you go. So three, I would say, you
watched that with your dad. I was watching Benny Hill
with my dad.

Speaker 2 (35:18):
So Leon let Marinos fake Spike and the buff fumball
Happy Thanksgiving.

Speaker 4 (35:25):

Speaker 2 (35:25):
Now to wrap up the Dolphins, not the Dolphins, Cowboys, Cowboys.
If you're a Cowboys fan, really ask yourself, what do
you want, Like Danny g you're a Raiders fan, it's
very clear you sort of want to lose out. Maybe
you get Dion's kid, Maybe you get your kid, Maybe

you get your pick of the college litter, you get
your player, your future. You really don't want to win
if you're a Cowboys fan. If you're a Cowboys fan,
you have to be realistic. You're four and seven in
the NFC East. Eagles are playing big. Well, you got
to see what you do against the Giants. The Giants, right.

Speaker 3 (36:03):
Rich, but you want to look competitive at least you
want to like give the fans something like last week,
the Raiders had a fake punt and Diablo ran like
twenty five yards down the field after catching the pass
from the punter.

Speaker 2 (36:18):
It was great, You at least have to be somewhat fun.
You want to you want to bring it fun. He
said it, Dang said it.

Speaker 4 (36:24):
This week. You start rooting for moments.

Speaker 2 (36:26):
You're not necessarily rooting for the season anymore for this
particular team, but you're rooting for players, like when you're
so when.

Speaker 4 (36:32):
Your baseball team stinks, you're like, well, hopefully my guys
like get a home run leader or something. Yeah, oh look,
my favorite picture is e ra is in the top five.
I get it.

Speaker 2 (36:41):
But as I heard an analogy earlier this week and
had to do with like looking too far ahead and
things like that. The analogy was, it's like driving in
a storm. You can only see in front of you,
like in a snowstorm right and night, you can only
see in front of you, but you eventually get there.

Or as Rocky Balboa says, one step, won't punch, won't
round it at that.

Speaker 4 (37:07):
Someone once told me, if you look too far ahead,
you'll trip over a little person. Right.

Speaker 2 (37:12):
But when you do look ahead here and you're realistic.
You mentioned their schedule, it's tough. It's tough, so you
have to call the season a wash and you have
to be realistic. Four and seven. You're not getting anywhere,
was my point. You're not getting anywhere with that schedule.
Maybe you beat the Bengals if you're realistic. The Dallas
Cowboys might not even beat the Giants with a backup

quarterback today if they go four and so. We didn't
think they were gonna beat the Giants yesterday when we
thought Tommy DeVito was if they went five and one,
they'd be nine to eight, and that's not even a
wild card, I would think.

Speaker 4 (37:49):
So my point is you could see ahead and you
know you're not getting anywhere. Be realistic.

Speaker 2 (37:55):
You don't want to say you know tank, but root
for good moments for players, and just be realistic that
you're not winning anything. Now. To tie it to the
previous thought about the forty nine ers, I genuinely think
the forty nine ers could run it back next year
with a healthy squad. If Trent Williams and Nick Bosa

and Debo and Ayuki's back and that team. They may
be older and not the team they were two years ago,
but I think that's a team you could quote run
back and have a completely different result. Can you run
back dak Ceedee lamb Zeke, This current team and.

Speaker 3 (38:32):
What you want to run back last season not this season?

Speaker 4 (38:35):
Yeah no, but I'm saying like I think with the
core of the Niners, while they have got older, it
was over.

Speaker 2 (38:40):
When Dak Prescott said, what do you say, we're so
ass What do you say when when the lip reading
thing happened, he said, ass on my granny, he said,
we f been suck I think or something that right,
It's been over since then, like he admitted we sucked.
But I think there are times where you could see
and I think we could admit there are teams that
are stinking, but you're like, you know what, But if
they got healthy and made a couple of adjustments, they

could turn it around. I think you could say that
about the Bengals, the forty nine ers, some teams that
don't look good. But I think you look at the
Cowboys and you look ahead and I don't think you
could run back this team next year and expect like, oh,
we are some bad luck next year. They won twelve
thirteen games. I don't think that's the case. I would
say take it one game at a time, but those
are some tough games. Well, your thoughts, your feedback at

Cobin and rich Will go old school. We'll talk about
embarrassing drunk holiday moments, some more NFL, and why the
Dodgers are the new evil team of Major League Baseball.

Speaker 4 (39:35):
All coming up right here, Fox Sports Radio,
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