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January 21, 2025 41 mins

Dan reacts to last night’s College Football Playoff National Championship Game that featured the Ohio State Buckeyes beating the Notre Dame Fighting Irish for the title. He thinks any Ohio State fan that is still upset about the loss to Michigan is out of their mind and he takes call from elated and disappointed fans alike.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are listening to the Dan Patrick Show on Fox
Sports Radio. Welcome to the program. It's our one on
this Tuesday. The college football season has a period at
the end of the sentence, it's over back to back
national titles for the Big Ten. Wonder what SEC Commissioner
Greg Sankey is thinking, because it used to be the

SEC was the powerhouse. But once everybody got an opportunity
to pay players and transfer portal, all of a sudden
nil that changed things dramatically. Welcome to the program. Eight
seven seven eight seven seven three DP.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
Shows everyone got the chance to pay eight seven seven
three d P show Guy up, Yeah, h I own.

Speaker 1 (00:51):
Oh HDP oh age I owe a debta gratitude to
the Big Ten. Uh the Ohio state is bad? Who
cares about a loss of Michigan? You win the national championship.
We will dissect that coming up and your phone calls
always welcome each seven to seven to three DP show
email address Dpatdanpatrick dot com, Twitter handle a TP show.

Good morning. If you're watching on Peacock, the Talented Christopher
mad Dog Russo a little bit later on Rick Neuheisel
CBS Sports will stop by as well. Operator Tyler sitting by.
He'll take your phone calls today. Seaton will have the
poll question. The Minister of Humor is here, Marvin Paully. Backroom, guys,
and yours truly, Notre Dame, that was a good year.

If I would have said back in that weekend when
they lost in Northern Illinois, they're going to play for
national championship, you probably would have thought not this year.
Ohio State beating Michigan. And if I would have said
after that game, hey, don't worry, they're going to win
the national title. After they lost to Michigan, they're going
to win the national title. You have these moments. The

question is how do you react after those moments? After
those games. Notre Dame reacted and won and continue to win.
And Marcus Freeman IS's star in the sport. Ryan Day,
the embattled Ryan Day. You lose to Michigan again, if
you don't have a twelve team playoff, you may not
have Ryan Day winning a national championship this year. In fact,

you probably don't. But this is college football. Now. Who
knows what it's going to be like next year or
in five years from now. But give credit to Ohio
State because they were the better team. Last night when
it was thirty one seven, I kept thinking, all right,
Ohio State, just maybe another field goal so I can
go to bed. And then all of a sudden, here

comes Notre Day, and then here comes Notre Day, and
then all of a sudden, I'm going, what's the point spread?
Eight and a half? Oh my goodness. Now I'm watching,
and I thought, if they don't get that third and
nine when they throw it to Jeremiah Smith, Now all
of a sudden, you got some people going, all right,

there's a lot of money the cover of the year.
When you think about it, it's thirty one to seven,
and you're going, I'm good. I all these Ohio State
fans they laid the eight and a half. They're like,
this is going to be a blowout halftime high five
in each other. Yeah, hey, I got your beers. Marcus
Freeman comes out second half, Notre name head coach. He

looked like he had just been in the washing machine
and was like what just happened? And then they got
a couple of plays made it interesting, and Ohio State
did what they needed to do with a crucial you know,
I mean, going for it third and nine. Here's Ryan
day with that call on the completion of Jeremiah Smith.

Speaker 3 (03:45):
We felt like we had an advantage with Jeremiah on
that shot. And you know, we talked about it all week,
really hadn't thrown one all game, and it was like,
you know what game in a line, you know, let's go,
Let's just be aggressive. And I just thought to myself,
you know, you only even won National championsh I get
one opportunity, you know, a year to do this. Let's
just lay it on the line and put it out
there and be aggressive. And that's what we did.

Speaker 1 (04:07):
Yeah, third and long, and they were aggressive. Notre Dame
would have gotten the ball back, they'd have had about
two minutes to go. Maybe maybe we could have had
a dramatic finish. Stat of the Day brought to you
by Panini America, the official trading cards of The Dan
Patrick Show. First hour of the program brought to you
by Rapid Radios, the official walkie talkie for The Dan
Patrick Show. Instant Pushed to Talk, offering national LTE coverage,

no subscriptions ever, perfect for instant contact with your friends
and you can go to Rapid radios dot com. Sixty
percent off and free shipping all right. See poll question
for hour one is going to.

Speaker 2 (04:43):
Be Okay, well, we've got one from here from Marvin.
We've got a bunch from Todd All has checked in.
Where would you like to start?

Speaker 1 (04:50):
Dan, I'm going to go Marvin because it's rare when
Marvin offers up something. Poll question wise.

Speaker 2 (04:57):
If you're an Ohio State fan, you'd rather lose to
Michigan but win a national title or beat Michigan and
lose in the college football playoffs.

Speaker 1 (05:05):
I think this is crazy that there are fans it's
so important to beat Michigan. That has been your identity,
and yeah, we won a national title, but you need
to beat Michigan. If you said to Ohio State fans,
you're going to lose again to Michigan next year, but
you're going to play for the national championship. You have

to play for a national championship.

Speaker 2 (05:30):
You would think you would, you would think.

Speaker 1 (05:33):
But you know fan bases, the old school fan base
how important it was. Because it used to be if
you lost that game, you weren't playing for a national championship.
That was the importance of it. Now with the twelve
team playoff, fourteen team playoffs, sixteen team playoff, Okay, you
lose bragging rights there, but man, that national title that'll

cure everything. That's the greater a national title. I have
an idea.

Speaker 4 (06:02):
I'm to present it to you specifically because you know
Ohio State in the history. Today is the day to
start de emphasizing the Michigan game going forward. Step you
are the national title holders. You're on full scholarship. Now
going forward, you've got the big payroll. Start using the
word Michigan when you talk about them. Don't say the
team up north. Start saying Michigan like you would say

Ohio State, like you'd say Purdue or Iowa Wisconsin.

Speaker 1 (06:28):
Treat them all the same. But why can't you have both?
Why can't this still mean so much? But the national
title is more important than that.

Speaker 4 (06:37):
Because, like we've been saying, it's meaning a little too
much the past decade, Start de emphasizing it and making
another game.

Speaker 1 (06:44):
Beat them.

Speaker 4 (06:45):
You're going to beat them or not either way, but
start saying Michigan, Iowa, Purdue, step.

Speaker 1 (06:51):
One, Ye won't happen. Not the team up north, not
gonna happen. Just not not. Don't fight it. I know,
just saying, hey, I'm not one of those that would go, boy,
I'd rather beat Michigan and than win a national title.
That's silly.

Speaker 4 (07:06):
I want to follow up on that. Okay, there's no
one who really believes that. That's more of a perception
of the national media about Ohio State fans. Maybe maybe
because I can't imagine an Ohio State fan today going,
you know what, if I could have a duo over
this year, I would wax Michigan and take it on
the chin and Notre Dame.

Speaker 2 (07:24):
Yes, right, But like Michigan fans are somehow taking a
little bit of a victory lap too, being like, yeah,
but we beat the national chair, so I guess we
really are, like, which is absurd. That's I get how
tongue in cheek that is too. But these two fan
bases are that crazy that somehow they find a way
to take losses and make them wins depending on those circuits.

Speaker 1 (07:46):
Oh, if I'm Michigan, I'm taking a victory lap. Oh
heck yass. You know you had a bad season, couldn't
find a quarterback first year without Jim Harball, and you
beat Ohio State at Ohio State. And this was brought
up to me by a former Ohio State player last night,
and he said, you know what changed when Michigan tried

to plant the flag? He said, that changed this football team.
All of a sudden, they in their minds became us
against the world, and they were underdogs somehow. And I said, okay,
I mean, I'll factor that in that all of a sudden,
Jack Sawyer's grabbing the Michigan flag and throwing it away,
and now, all of a sudden, there's a different purpose

with Ohio State. Sure, okay, I mean if you feel
that that was a seismic shift with his team, they
became a little bit more I don't know together, but
there's so much talent there. That's why, you know, when
we look at Ohio State, it's hard to say that
they were an underdog. I mean they're incredible. You know,

you poached guys from around the country. You spent over
twenty million. I mean, you should be great. The fact
that you couldn't come up with an offense against Michigan,
that was what was mind boggling here. I know you
lose to Oregon, but that was a close game at Oregon.
This was a great team, yes, Marvin.

Speaker 5 (09:11):
So last night Ohio State was David not in order dame. Yeah, okay, no,
just making sure. Yeah, well David got knocked down. David
didn't have a slingshot, and then all of a sudden,
David had a shotgun. And then you're like, here comes David,
and David's going to put some heat on Ohio State.

Speaker 1 (09:26):
But Ohio State was a better team. Can't imagine that
somebody's gone, eh, but we better beat Michigan next year.
I don't know if there's pressure on Ryan Day. And
once again, I grew up in this environment. I grew
up in Ohio. I understand that feeling when Michigan would
beat Ohio State and ruin your college football season. But

I can't imagine somebody like, next year, if Ohio State
doesn't beat Michigan, that Ryan Day is all of a
sudden going to be on the hot seat again. Are
we reheating Ryan Day? Yes?

Speaker 2 (10:02):
Yeah, How in the world can that even be a
conversation today?

Speaker 1 (10:05):
I trust me, we get to next season, and if
that happens, then we will be discussing that. People will
discuss that about Ryan deck Rick new Heizel a little
bit later on, and I got a couple of questions
for him, and have great respect for Rick one of
the smartest college football guys. I know I'm watching Jeremiah

Smith and he's a freshman. If I said, let's say
the Patriots, you can have Travis Hunter or Jeremiah Smith.
Who would you take with that second pick overall? Is
that what it is? Who would you take because you
got a two way star? Or you have this guy

who's great. So we'll talk to new Heiseel. Also, who
is more likely to go to the NFL first, Ryan
Day or Marcus Freeman. How about that Patriots have the
fourth pick here. But so we'll talk to Rick new
Heuizel a little bit later on.

Speaker 4 (11:07):
Yes, I was thinking about nil and Jeremiah Smith as
a freshman. What is his retention fee to stay at
Ohio State?

Speaker 1 (11:16):
But if you're Georgia oh like you, you at least
have to You won a national title at Ohio State,
So they can't be that mad. If you say, you
know what, I got to do something for my family
now I'm a freshman. If you say that, I would,
I mean, I'd at least kicked the tires on it.

Just say how much am I worth? How much my worth?

Speaker 6 (11:41):
I don't know?

Speaker 1 (11:42):
I mean, is he worth?

Speaker 7 (11:45):

Speaker 1 (11:45):
A quarterback's worth. I'd say, yes, my surprise is in
the previous but my surprise is against Texas. I think
he had three targets. I mean that to me is criminal.

I would I'd get him the ball no matter what.
Like there's certain players where you go, I'm gonna devise
things to get you the ball. You have Chip Kelly
devise something, and that's what amazed me. Ill will use
him as a decoy. N let's just use him as
the best player on the field. They went to him
last night, I still would have gone to him more.

Notre Dame plays man coverage. I would have gone to him,
and I would have kept going to him until they
put two guys on him, and then I'd take advantage elsewhere.

Speaker 4 (12:36):
Yeah, Paul, I know all's well in Ohio state Land today.
But let's say Jeremiah Smith doesn't catch that ball or
they target someone else. Notredame gets the ball back and
sends us to overtime. I know it's unlikely, but the
math was there that Notre Dame can win that Jeremi
Smith had one second half target.

Speaker 1 (12:53):
I don't get that.

Speaker 4 (12:54):
I was sitting there thinking about the downside, and I
was like, if Ohio State loses this game, it's gonna
be catastrophe. If their star player had one or fewer
targets in the second half.

Speaker 1 (13:03):
I don't. I don't understand it.

Speaker 8 (13:05):
You know.

Speaker 1 (13:05):
I'm sure there's a lot of smarter people than me
that could tell me. But I have to get him
the ball, have to like remarkable though, I mean, when
they did go to him, he made the great catch
and you know his band coverage all right, Yes, Marvin.

Speaker 8 (13:23):
Sorry, one more thing?

Speaker 1 (13:24):

Speaker 5 (13:25):
Is it too early to play the career salary game
with Jeremi Smith?

Speaker 1 (13:29):
He should changed the s and put a dollars sign it. Yeah,
what's he worth? Ten million dollars? Is that fair?

Speaker 9 (13:41):
I ain't.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
Quarterbacks get six seven million dollars. There's nobody like him
in the country. I don't. I'm sure Ohio State fans
hate hearing about what if you're Michigan? What if you're
Michigan and you go, hey, how much we got in
the collective?

Speaker 10 (14:01):

Speaker 1 (14:01):
Can you call Larry Ellison again? You know, one of
the five richest people in the world and a booster
there notre name where his wife went to Michigan. Hey, Larry,
we need ten million dollars? Which four h Jeremiah Smith?
Oh yeah, okay, yes, Pully.

Speaker 4 (14:22):
I have on three dot com their NIL valuations and
they're very spot on. Arch Manning is number one, Carson
Beck number two. Jeremi Smith, the wide receiver is number three.
His NIL valuation is four to five million dollars. He's
the only non quarterback in the top twelve. Yeah, well
what's he worth?

Speaker 9 (14:42):

Speaker 1 (14:43):
All right? Eight seven seven three DP show. We'll get
to other possible pull questions. Yes, Tom, what would be.

Speaker 11 (14:48):
A reasonable number to leave one school for your arch
rivals where you can feel comfortable with that and not
get destroyed if you care about your social following, what
people think of you.

Speaker 1 (14:57):
I would not go to Michigan. I'd go south. And
he's from Florida. I'd go south.

Speaker 8 (15:05):
Well, Michigan give you like three four million dollars more?
Is that enough? And you're not getting that money anywhere else?

Speaker 1 (15:10):
For whatever reason, I'd think somebody's gonna match the offer,
But I would I'd be curious what is it costing
Ohio State to keep him? And does anybody reach out
to him or one of his middleman or agents or whatever.
All right, we'll take a break, just getting started, phone
calls and base all fired up today we'll get to

phone calls coming up. We're back after this Dan Patrick show.
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the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
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Speaker 12 (15:48):
Hey, Steve Covino and I'm Rich David and together We're
Cavino and Rich on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 10 (15:54):
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Speaker 10 (16:15):
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Speaker 12 (16:19):
Right, So check us out. We like to get you
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Speaker 1 (16:46):
Ohio State is the third two loss national champion since
nineteen thirty six, LSU in two thousand and seven and
Minnesota back in nineteen sixty. You know, Minnesota used to
be a powerhouse, like a serious powerhouse. I think they
won two or three national championships in a row, but

a long long time ago. But you don't think about
Minnesota and go boy, Now that's a great football team.
Minnesota won national titles in nineteen forty and nineteen forty one.
Ohio State won in nineteen forty two, and then you
had Minnesota in nineteen sixty. You wouldn't expect Minnesota having
a couple of national championships. All right, we got to

settle on a poll question. Marvin already offered up, what
was your poll question suggestion?

Speaker 8 (17:32):
Would you rather have Michigan if you're Ohio State?

Speaker 13 (17:35):

Speaker 5 (17:35):
Okay, would have would you rather lose to Michigan win
a national title or vice versa?

Speaker 1 (17:42):
Matt in Ohio, Hi Matt, what's on your mind today?

Speaker 6 (17:46):
Good morning Dan, how you guys doing today?

Speaker 14 (17:47):

Speaker 15 (17:48):
Great, great, awesome, great city Alima, Ohio from so we
are on the map a little bit between ann Arbor,
Michigan and Columbus, so we get a little bit of everything.

Speaker 6 (18:00):
As far as Michigan fans, a high State fans, Notre
Dame fan.

Speaker 15 (18:03):
To answer Marvin's poll question, the Michigan game to me,
and as it's starting to lose a little bit of relevance,
it can still be a great game. But the people
that are waking up this morning and trying to tell me,
and I've heard all morning long, that it's still a
staying national championship because you come and beat Michigan.

Speaker 6 (18:19):
It doesn't matter. It just doesn't matter. I don't get it.
I don't understand where that's coming from, but I do
in a way. But I always say regular season games
are like the JV game. You can win that all
you want, But nobody came on a Friday night in
high schools them to watch the JV game. They watched
the varsity game. That's what the national championship was last night.

Speaker 1 (18:37):
All right, thank you, Matt. By the way, whenever I
think of Lima, Ohio, I think of the Thomas Crown Affair,
because in the movie in the beginning, they pronounced it Lima,
Ohio and it bothered me the entire movie. And that's
saying a lot because Renee Russo was topless at one
point in the movie. I'm still thinking about Lima or Lima, Ohio.

So the Thomas Crown Affair that Pierce Brosnan was in
that with Renee Russo. But they say, oh, Lima, Ohio,
and I go, oh no, no, no, no, It'slima Jamie
in Ohio. Hi, Jamie, what's on your mind today?

Speaker 16 (19:15):
Good morning? Actually it's Jamie like.

Speaker 1 (19:19):
In in the middle, not Janie's got a gun.

Speaker 16 (19:23):
Yeah, exactly, exactly. Good morning, long, long, long time listener,
first time caller. I am bleeding Scarlet and Gray. I
live in Columbus, Ohio, alumni of Ohio State. But I
gotta tell you, Dan, I'm a little bit sad this morning,

and I'm kind of mad about it. I feel that
somehow there's this huge narrative of like the high State
Buckeyes one. But their fans are so stupid and like
being a fan Lifelky, I've had a heartbreak after heartbreak
after heartbreak, and it was so wonderful to win, but

I kept hearing this stuff that you guys are even saying,
which is like, you know, they'd rather beat Michigan, you know,
and it looks like they're idiots. So a bunch of idiots,
and I think it is such a small, tiny voice
that the national media likes to take as a narrative
because it makes a good story.

Speaker 1 (20:24):
But I don't think that those people are idiots. They're
they're delusional that they get caught up in something. It's
a myopic view of your season. It's about Michigan. It
used to be about Michigan. And I'm not saying this
about you, Jane, but it used to be that was
your identity. Did you beat Michigan. That's not your identity

anymore because we do have a twelve team playoff and
therefore that's why they won a national championship. If you
didn't have it and it was just the top two
teams or maybe the top four, then you're going to
keep that as your identity of beating Michigan. But that's
not the case anymore.

Speaker 16 (21:02):
I think that's exactly right, and I think that will
probably play out as this new era comes in. You're right,
for so many years. I'm sixty years old, so I
remember so much the seventies and eighties, where really you
had to beat Michigan to do anything, and honestly, there
weren't national championship. It was just going to the Rose Bowl.

So you had to make those things that we don't
have to do it anymore. But I think it'll still
be a rival a rivalry, but I think people make
it what it has to be. And when that's all
you had, that was live or die with that.

Speaker 1 (21:40):
Okay, after you lost to Michigan, what did you think
was going to happen to Ryan Day?

Speaker 16 (21:46):
Gosh? I was I don't know. I really hated it,
frankly because I'm a very sensitive High Estate fan and
I don't like when fans go against each other, So
it was I felt like it was very difficulve here
where some people, and I think it was out of
pain and frustration and knowing how good this team was

and just thinking that for whatever reason, Ryan Day's a
good coach he's a good guy, but he cannot beat Michigan.
And I think right after that game that was what
was bubbling up.

Speaker 1 (22:18):
But Jane, you know what's going to happen next year?
If Michigan beached Ohio State. How are fans going to
react to that?

Speaker 16 (22:28):
Exactly? Yeah, well, and it's yes, you're exactly right. And
ohisates beat Michigan a lot in the last twenty years,
and sometimes I think younger people forget. I mean, I
went through all the Cooper years when we couldn't beat Michigan.
So I think you get used to something that you've had,

and then when you see it not happen, you think,
oh my god, you know what is this? The earth
is ending? But it's kind of how rivalries go.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
Well, I'm glad that we have have that rivalry, and Janey, congratulations,
thanks for the phone call. I'm we don't have many rivalries.
I like that it means something. Now, does it mean
a little too much to some people? Yes, But I
do think this is the minority fan base that it
might mean more too than somehow winning a national championship.

I don't think you can pay you know, the entire
fan base that way. It's weird. It should be joy,
should be celebrating. And so what if Michigan beat you?
I mean you got the ultimate scoreboard, you won the
national championship. Marcus Freeman was talking about being aggressive when
Ohio State had third and long late in the game

and if they somehow stop them, they got a chance
to maybe you know, score touchdown and get a two
point conversion tie this game. But Marcus Freeman, Notre Dame coach,
talked about blitzing on that critical third downplay.

Speaker 9 (23:57):
Yeah, we it was do it. It was that type
of down and you know if they run it, you know,
when they get a first down, you're gonna we got
to get them stopped. And we thought at that moment
the best way to get them stopped is to run
zero pressure. And we have to have faith at some
point that we can make a play. And there was

times in a second half that we did in man coverage.
But you know, he's a heck of a player. He's
difficult to cover. You want to play his own and
they'll find ways to pick your part. You want to
play man. You know, they find ways to get him
the ball. And so it's a talented offense. But that's
that situation right there.

Speaker 1 (24:36):
Judkins was wonderful. Could have given him MVP. He was
he was great, He was great. But that's a talented team,
a really really talented team. It's one of those where
you see the end result and you go, how did
they lose? How were they shut down at home against Michigan.
Now Michigan is always great defensively, but it felt like

Ohio State outsmarted Ohio State going into that game or
in that game. And then the Oregon game Cross Country Oregon.
You know, that was great. It was great to see
Oregon winning that game, and it kind of set up
the entire season of how good is Oregon and how
good is Ohio State. But we're starting to see that

you're going to have more of these where teams get
picked off because you know, the talent is spread around
the country. It's not just loaded up with a couple
of schools. I mean, Georgia, Alabama, Ohio State, Notre Dame, Michigan,
maybe USC maybe Penn State, Clemson maybe, like you're it's

kind of the same. But then you're going to get
a couple of outliers there Arizona State, who would have
thought Boise State. Who would have thought. That's the fun
part of this as we move forward, and I do
think it's not going to be a surprise to have
a team that has two losses that wins the national
championship again because it's a longer season, more games, playoff games,

and I just think I think that's what the new
norm of college football is going to be.

Speaker 4 (26:10):
Yeah, Paul, and a team like Ohio State can win
a national title with a good twenty three year old quarterback.
Maybe not a five star recruit, which Will Howard wasn't,
but a guy who just played like forty games for
Kansas State comes in and plays good football with tons
of talent around.

Speaker 1 (26:26):
Him, and he played well. But he's not a big
time recruit. I mean he's at Kansas State.

Speaker 7 (26:32):

Speaker 1 (26:32):
I watched him at Kansas State, but I have no life,
and I'm usually watching, you know, those kind of games,
and I knew he had athleticist Riley Leonard was great.
It was a lot of fun. Notre Dame got their
money's worth. You got him from Duke. So once again,
you're not getting these guys from traditional powerhouses, but sometimes

that's all you need. And you're seeing a school like
Notre Dame take transfer portal people, and you know they
had you know what, eight starters who transferred in I
think Sam Hartman a couple of years ago. I mean,
that's what's happening now with college football. And I would
take a twenty two or twenty three year old quarterback
over an eighteen year old quarterback. Yes, I want to

have somebody there for four years, but at that position
in that sport, I got to have somebody who's been
through their battle tested. A couple of phone calls, let's
see Dan in Pennsylvania. Hi, Dan, what's on your mind today?

Speaker 17 (27:30):
Hey DP, I'm calling in because I owe Fritzy my
last pie to the faith and our multiple pie to
the face bet, so quick recap since the twenty twenty
two season. I bet that Notre Dame would win a
national championship in football in the next three seasons, and
for every year that they don't win, I take a
pie to the face. So this is the final year

of the bet, and I need to know what pie
to take. Also, I'm trying to work on something special
for you so you can be a little bit patient
with me. I'm trying to create the video and submit
I might be able to pull something off that's fun for.

Speaker 18 (28:04):
All of us.

Speaker 1 (28:05):
All right, Todd, what pie should Dan take to the face.

Speaker 8 (28:08):
I'm going to say a slightly warm blueberry pie.

Speaker 1 (28:13):
Slightly warm blueberry, not with his scalding right out of
the oven.

Speaker 11 (28:17):
No, don't at anybody to be getting third degree burns
after being rushed to the hospital. But slightly warm blueberry
cherry would be my set.

Speaker 1 (28:22):
But like second degree burns, you're okay with that? Yes, yeah,
something that.

Speaker 8 (28:26):
Looks like something happened to your face, but nothing dreadful.

Speaker 1 (28:28):
All right, Dan, thank you.

Speaker 4 (28:30):
Yes, that does bring back memories of when Todd and
I baked the blueberry pie at three fifty for twenty
five minutes, and then Todd was going to take it
out with his bare hands, Oh my goodness, and he
was no joke about to grab a tin with his
bare hands.

Speaker 8 (28:43):
Paly saved me. I was gonna have to be rushed
like some kind of local medical.

Speaker 1 (28:46):
No, you would have. You, you would have burned your hand.
You would have. You've never used an ovenmit, and and
you we now we think you're joking when you open
up the oven and you're getting ready like, oh, look
at look at Todd he's crazy. And then all of
a sudden, I go, oh my god.

Speaker 8 (29:02):
We're stupid. Flash very excited about jumping into that dessert.
I guess.

Speaker 1 (29:06):
Chris in Sacramento, Hi, Chris, what's on your mind today?

Speaker 19 (29:10):
Thank you for taking my call. Sorry about yesterday. I apologize.
But here's my dilemma. I want to bet. I'm a
diehard Eagle fan, and I want to bet James of Virginia.
I'll give him the points. He could either bet me
upie of the face, a shower shame, or a will
of punishment.

Speaker 1 (29:26):
Wow, okay, all right, well maybe Tyler can reach out
to James in Virginia. We'll see if so. You'll take
You're going to give him the points. I think it's
six points now with the Eagles, all right, Chris, We'll
see what we can do with James in Virginia. James
in Virginia is he is sky high man? Sky High

got another baby do in August? His commanders like, when
you like, you're growing with somebody, You're you're walking with somebody,
and you know, go back to when he would call,
when he first started calling, he would just say, hail
the commanders, and they weren't any good and every year,
like every week, he would call hail to the commanders

and just to see that they're there in the NFC
title game. That's awesome. I was talking to a friend
of mine and yesterday and we were talking about the
window of opportunity because he knows that I've talked about
the Niners. I don't know what that window of opportunity
is now and here we have the Detroit Liones. Now
I look at the lines differently than I do the

forty nine ers. The forty nine ers spend a lot
of money, and you're going to spend a lot of
money on your quarterback. The Rams are going to be there,
you know, if Stafford comes back, you know, I think
the Rams would be the favorites in the NFC West.
So you're looking at window of opportunity Detroit. Now, Ben

Johnson's going to the Bears. I think it's a great
hire for Caleb Williams and the Bears. I don't know
if he's a head coach, but I do like that
they got him and they spent money to get him,
and they normally don't do those things. If you're not
getting him, you're getting Pete Carroll. Maybe Pete Carroll may
now go to the Raiders. Aaron Glenn looks like he
would be going to the Jets. I don't know who

goes to the Saints the Jags. I think Mike McCarthy's
going to get a job, and I don't know if
it's the Saints of the Jags. But so you know, now,
all of a sudden, we're starting to see movement here.
You still have four teams left. I don't know if
anybody from these staffs will get an opportunity to come
in an interview, but the window of opportunity with Detroit,

you're losing your two coordinators. You still have all of
your talent, young talent wrapped up with contracts here. So
that's different than what the forty nine ers future is.
Detroit still has a bright future now that may only
be one or two more years. San Francisco, I think
that window of opportunity closed now all of a sudden,

I'm spending fifty to fifty five sixty million dollars on
my quarterback, Christian McCaffrey. What's his future? Deebo Samuel, what's
his future? Trent Williams, what's his futu. I mean you
start to look and you go, they're going to be
losing some parts here. And Fred Warner, how long can
he stay at an elite level? I mean, there's a
lot of questions here, but that's how quickly it changes.

Andrew and Washington, Hi, Andrew, welcome.

Speaker 6 (32:24):
Back, Hey, thanks to taking my call.

Speaker 14 (32:28):
Good morning, Dan Danet. I just had a real quick
thing on Will Howard. But real quick. You're an Elvis band.
I don't know if you caught the Netflix documentary Kings
of Tupelo has to do with Elvis impersonators, has to
do with national security. Of course, some crazy Southern storyline,
So I just wanted to put that out there. But
I was just really impressed with how Will Howard turned

his season around after that Michigan loss. You know, he
had two interceptions. He was nineteen and thirty three in
that Michigan loss, and then during the College Football playoff
he threw at a seventy five percent clip and the
average two hundred and eighty seven and a half yards
and he had eight touchdowns two interceptions. So although he
wasn't a great recruit, it just shows like you were saying,
how much the transfer portal can help you out. But

if you have time, I also have the stant of
the day. If I could have a little bit of music, the.

Speaker 16 (33:20):
Dime Die Die.

Speaker 14 (33:29):
The Boston Celtics went to Golden State and achieved the
win that hadn't been done in over forty years. The
Celtics beat the Warriors one twenty five eighty five, handing
them their first home loss by forty or more points
since January fifteenth, nineteen eighty five.

Speaker 12 (33:45):
The Dime Di.

Speaker 1 (33:54):
Nat of the Day brought to you by a Panini America.
I turned on that game and I think they were
down forty and I'm like, oh, it's Martin Luther King Day.
They started the game earlier, and I'm going, wait, this
is at Golden State. Oh my god. Steph Curry had
a dowel over his head. I was thinking, damn, they
better make a deal. They better do something, because you're

you're starting to see what the artist formerly known as
the Golden State Warriors. We'll take a break, play the
Day up next. Be sure to catch the live edition
of The Dan Patrick Show weekdays at nine am Eastern
six am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio wapp.

Speaker 19 (34:34):
Oh my God.

Speaker 1 (34:37):
Of the Day letter, what's.

Speaker 11 (34:39):
Like got it?

Speaker 1 (34:41):
This is the play of the day.

Speaker 8 (34:44):
Check this out.

Speaker 1 (34:45):
Howard out of the shotgun back to pass at his
own twenty five. You've gotten that deep down the right.

Speaker 7 (34:49):
Side, and it has caught back Jerlina Smith at the
thirty Notre Dame.

Speaker 20 (34:52):
He's taken to the fighting Irish ten yard line by
cornerback Christian Gray Howard.

Speaker 1 (34:58):
The Smith getting the buck eye? Is it a giant
eagle red zone? That's courtesy of lear Field Sports. The
fifty six yard catch was Smith's only target of the
second half. He ended with five catches for eighty eight
yards in a touchdown. That's your play of the day.
Most cars on the road could use a little TLC.
At Maco, they're bringing your car back to life with

affordable paint jobs and light collision repairs. Get a free
estimate today. Uh oh, better get Maco seat and update
the poll results if you can.

Speaker 2 (35:30):
Yep, I'd be happy to We got Marvin's up there
for the first hour. If you're an Ohio State fan,
you'd rather lose to Michigan but win a national title,
or beat Michigan and lose in the college football playoffs,
right now I'm happy to report seventy eight percent of
the people who voted in that would rather lose to
Michigan but win the national title.

Speaker 1 (35:51):
I'm proudy. What's with the twenty two percent? What are
we doing?

Speaker 2 (35:58):
God, we have no way to verify if the twenty
two percent are actually Ohio State fans?

Speaker 1 (36:04):
John in La, Hi, John, what's on your mind today?

Speaker 6 (36:07):

Speaker 18 (36:08):
How you guys doing good?

Speaker 1 (36:10):

Speaker 21 (36:10):

Speaker 18 (36:11):
I just wanted to say, and I'm a USA guy,
I'm not either ohiose there or Michigan. But I do
feel that if Ohio State had beat Michigan, they don't
win a national title. They improved by far as a
team not playing for themselves, but as a team by
losing Commichigon. If you look at if you watch the
games after, they were a whole different team.

Speaker 1 (36:32):
Yeah. I had a former Ohio State player who said
the same thing. It changed after Michigan tried to plant
the flag, and it's almost as if they were You
take talent for granted sometimes like can we're going to win,
We're supposed to win, We're the most talented team of
the country, and then all of a sudden you get humbled.
Then you react two different ways, and we saw that

just like when Notre Dame loses had home to Northern
Illinois and you're thinking, oh my goodness, well we saw
what happened after that. They went on a run. John
in Pennsylvania, Hi, John, what's on your mind today? Good morning, Dan?

Speaker 20 (37:09):
I got a good college trivia question for you and
the boys. All right, There's only ever been two coaches
in the history of college football to have competed in
and won all five of the major bowl games, that
being the Orange Row, Sugar Fiesta and Cotton.

Speaker 1 (37:27):
Joe Paterno, very good, Bob Stoops.

Speaker 13 (37:33):
Oh excellent, excellent, Dan, you got them both both correct.
All right. Your last show, John Fogerty doing center field
because that's what you are in your in your wheelhouse.

Speaker 1 (37:47):
All right. I'd love to have John Fogerty on again.
Zach and Grand Rapids. Hi, Zach, what's on your mind today?

Speaker 16 (37:56):

Speaker 21 (37:56):
How's it going?

Speaker 16 (37:57):

Speaker 21 (37:58):
Everyday listener just wanted to talk about the Michigan Ohio
state poll question. First of all, I want to start
off by saying that I got swirling emotions right now
because I'm a Detroit Lions fan and feeling a lot
of resentment right now. So it was tough last night

to watch that Ohio State Notre Dame game because it
was like which needy to cut off, you know. But
the only thing that kept me going through it was
hoping that I'd get to see Lou Holtz lap in
his recliner's hair at Ryan Day when he lost. But
to go back to Jane's comments, I don't understand how

she doesn't understand the narratives of Ohio State fans. I mean,
this goes back deep. I feel like Ohio State fans
are hated, not just by Michigan fans, And there's a
deep resentment for Ryan Day because the COVID year, he
said he was going to put up one hundred against us,

you know, and has it won.

Speaker 8 (39:03):

Speaker 21 (39:04):
I love the hardball comment that he was born on
third base. But as a Michigan fan, you know, they
get the top recruits every year, they you know, dump
nil money into their program, which is the trending thing
to do. But they still come up short against Michigan
at least for the last four years. And I me,

as a Michigan fan, thinks it's going to be longer.
But we're still their daddy.

Speaker 1 (39:32):
All right, well, thank you, Zach. Take a victory lamp.
If you're a Michigan fan, sure, I mean not a
big victory lap. If you're a Lions fan, but you
know you beat Ohio State, go ahead, beget a victory lamp.
Doug in North Carolina, Hi, Doug, what's on your mind?

Speaker 7 (39:49):
Well, I'm one of the twenty two percent, then, and
I take I take as my guide exhibit A the
famous words of one Woody Hayes, who is rolling over
as grave at how related the folks from Ohio are today.
He famously said, you can't claim a national championship unless
you win the game. The only thing that matters is
how many times he beat Michigan. That's what he hates.

It's the game. And yes there's an asterisk, and yes
you had a wonderful season, and yes you did what Listen,
you can go to prom and your day can look beautiful.
But if it's not Jenny batch it doesn't matter. That's
my opinion. There's an asterisk next to the national Championship.

Speaker 1 (40:25):
And Jane's Jenny Batchie, Jenny Batchie, get that correct, there, dog,
Thank you for your phone call. Part of the twenty
two percent. That would rather beat Michigan than win a
national championship. It's crazy, crazy, yeah, Paulin.

Speaker 4 (40:44):
There's no asterisk, but I could see how an Ohio
STA State fan would be bummed that Michigan can talk
during the offseason. Weirdly, it's it's like, I'll rock in
your shoe when everything's going well. I would be okay
with it, yes, okay, but I wish it didn't have
to beat. If I were in an Ohio State fan, oh
my god, not a big deal.

Speaker 1 (41:06):
I can't be that insecure that I'm gonna go well, yeah,
you're right. You guys did beat us. I'd be like, oh,
you know, I want to watch that national title game again.
What do you guys?

Speaker 14 (41:19):
Were you?

Speaker 1 (41:19):
Oh yeah, that's why you played Alabama in a bowl game, right,
Christopher mad Dog Russo joining US Hour two Dan Patrick
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