Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are listening to the Dan Patrick Show on Fox
Sports Radio Our two.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
On this Thursday, Dan and the Dance Dan Patrick Show
talk some NBA coming up. Chris collins Worth will join
us a little bit later on Thursday night football. Bengals
are getting six against the Ravens Lamar Jackson nine to
one against Cincinnati. A win tonight would make him the
fifth quarterback with double digit wins against Cincinnati. This is
all time. The leader of most wins against Cincinnati is
a runaway winner, Paul Beneth, then broad roblinspurs Good, followed
by Hall of famer and another Hall of famer the
other guy not a Hall of Famer, Marvin Joe Flacco,
Joe Flacco, No, Warren Moon, Oh, Terry Bradshaw, Steve McNair
heard of them? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (01:08):
How stead of the day stand of the Day, Statuta day,
scant outa day.
Speaker 2 (01:15):
This is the stat of the Day Scat of the Day,
brought to you by Patani America, the official trading cards
of the program. Makes you shop all your holiday needs.
You know, my neighbor put up Christmas lights yesterday and
I'm watching him doing it, and he goes, what do
you think? I said, the lights look nice, he said,
But I said, not even at Thanksgiving.
Speaker 4 (01:44):
It's not the day after Halloween. He let a breathe
for a week.
Speaker 2 (01:48):
I know, but I said, we're first week in November.
He goes, Whang, just turn off the lights. I said, no, no, no,
you can leave them up. I'm just telling you the
lights look great. I just oh, you're saying.
Speaker 4 (02:01):
You said this to him.
Speaker 5 (02:02):
Yes, oh that's great that you did that.
Speaker 3 (02:04):
You know, does this fall under not everyone gets your
sense of humor territory way or.
Speaker 6 (02:12):
Speaker 2 (02:12):
I wasn't trying to be funny, just rude. Yeah.
Speaker 4 (02:16):
Oh, he asked you. What was the question?
Speaker 2 (02:17):
He said, what do you think? And I said, the
lights look good? And then he said but And then
I said, it's the first week in November.
Speaker 4 (02:26):
Is there a history here with the lights being early
and you may be commenting in the past.
Speaker 2 (02:31):
No, but I have commented on other people. Friend of
mine has a huge tree and he said to me,
and I'm thinking about doing all white lights. And I said, no, no, no,
ned that's Martha Stewart's stuff. He goes, what do you think?
I said, no, color color. We want colored lights, colorful lights.
We don't want white lights all the way.
Speaker 4 (02:54):
Now, this is your neighbor, not your house.
Speaker 2 (02:56):
No, no, no, oh no, my neighbor. I told him
this is what I didn't like the lights. I didn't
want him white. I want him colorful.
Speaker 5 (03:05):
Yes, Todd, do you think the tree is too big?
Is it like obnoxiously showy big? Or you have no
problem with that where you can make some kind of
comment like are you.
Speaker 2 (03:13):
Trying growing in his yard?
Speaker 4 (03:15):
Yeah, but it's.
Speaker 5 (03:16):
Always competitive with the lights and everyone's out doing each other,
and like I'm trying to have something as night as
big as well.
Speaker 2 (03:21):
You don't have control of how big the tree is.
I mean, it's in his yard. It was just I
didn't want the white lights. Was the key, not the
size of the tree, Todd, fair enough, I was going color.
Speaker 3 (03:33):
It's the color of the lights, not the size of
the tree.
Speaker 2 (03:38):
That's what she said. That's what she said.
Speaker 3 (03:41):
It's the color of the lights, not the size of
the tree.
Speaker 2 (03:44):
No, doesn't matter to me.
Speaker 4 (03:45):
He's to be motioned in the ocean.
Speaker 2 (03:47):
Yes, Todd, you could.
Speaker 4 (03:48):
Have been extra sarcastically.
Speaker 5 (03:49):
You guy said, aren't suppos to starputting lights on like
around Labor Day weekend while you wait so long. Really,
you're going to really take a shot at him.
Speaker 2 (03:56):
I don't know if you go back for a second
helping after the first time, Like I'd just back away
from the table after the tree. Yes, Paul.
Speaker 4 (04:04):
So you do a thing when a neighbor asks you
your opinion of something, you give him your opinion of something.
I kind of have a policy. I have a neighbor
who did this big elaborate thing, these all these blow
up things for Christmas, and he walked me through it
a couple of years back, and I just do the
that's awesome, good for you. I do that's awesome, good
for you as my staple.
Speaker 7 (04:22):
Speaker 2 (04:22):
But I'm getting to an age where I can be honest.
Speaker 8 (04:25):
You know.
Speaker 2 (04:26):
I just tell you what I think. If you're asking me,
I'm not gonna go, ah, that's awesome. Yeah, man, I
gotta get me some of those. It was just the
tree look good, the lights look good. It was just early,
that's all. It's like when you go into Starbucks and
all of a sudden you're hearing Christmas music and you go, no, no, no,
it's just it's it earlier and earlier then. I'm not
I'm just not. I'm not wired for that yet. Yes, Paul,
that's good.
Speaker 4 (05:00):
I think that's good. I think it's healthy to be honest.
But some neighbors don't respond well. But I guess you've
known these people for quite a while with them in
the community.
Speaker 2 (05:08):
It's not their wives that I'm saying that too, you know,
I'm saying it to you know, two guys. And and look,
Ned asked me this, and then you know, my other
neighbor Dan, and then I just said, I, you know,
a little early, Ned Ned the head. Yeah, and Ned
was fine with it. And what did he do? All
colorful lights?
Speaker 3 (05:29):
You know, because Ned didn't feel like being out there
putting up the lights either. His wife made him do it.
And I was like, you know what, Patrick, just go home.
Well Ned, Ned is divorced, so oh yeah, well, maybe
he should have spent less time on his lights and
more time in the house.
Speaker 4 (05:42):
He kept the white lights, he took the colored lights.
Speaker 2 (05:44):
Well, imagine if she was just like privately, like Gott.
Speaker 4 (05:47):
He just puts the damn lights up so early.
Speaker 2 (05:49):
You know, I can't, I can't take this anymore. I'm
going to leave you. Why you put up the Christmas
lights so soon?
Speaker 8 (06:00):
Was my tree not big enough.
Speaker 2 (06:01):
It's not the bottom side.
Speaker 4 (06:04):
It happens.
Speaker 2 (06:08):
Wait, was that your President Trump in person?
Speaker 8 (06:10):
They'll get divorced for all kinds of reasons. It happens.
Sometimes you got to take a pill. Sometimes you don't
need one. I know I don't need one. I'm very
good in that department. Everybody knows it. Probaly thin. Guess
you've ever seen I hate them.
Speaker 2 (06:26):
There's a small mind's large.
Speaker 8 (06:27):
Everybody knows this.
Speaker 2 (06:28):
Alrighty, alrighty. Poll question for Arnold Palmer. So when I
order an Arnold Palmer, it's not a drink that I'm
asking for. I'll take the Arnold Palmer place.
Speaker 4 (06:43):
I can go to a doctor.
Speaker 2 (06:44):
So that's what she said. What would you like I'll
take an Arnold Palmer. Oh, I don't know if we
have that soft drink soft? Okay. Poll question hour two
is going to be what, Well, we need a.
Speaker 3 (06:56):
Little help populating this one, because okay, there's a lot
of options. Since from Paul NFL player if he were out,
the team is out out m m all right, Patrick
Mahomes is first on that list. However, there's already a
lot of Apparently that's just a system. There no no
Josh Allen, Mitch Trubisky, Mitchell True, how about Lamar Jackson,
Matthew Stafford, Jared Goff. I would put the Bengals in there.
There is a significant drop off from Joe Burrow.
Speaker 2 (07:32):
Not last year, not last year. His when he was out,
his replacement.
Speaker 3 (07:40):
Was better than this year was really good, Yeah, really good.
Speaker 4 (07:45):
I do like Matt Stafford on that list. He is,
you know, maybe not considered top five anymore, but I
can't imagine the Rams doing anything without him, even with
healthy receivers.
Speaker 2 (07:55):
Who's their backup is because he was out last he
was out all last year.
Speaker 5 (08:02):
I could be wack.
Speaker 2 (08:03):
Thank you? Why do I hear President Trump now? Every
time you do, could be wrong, could be wrong. Probably
not Jimmy g and st Okay So he was suspended.
When't Groppolos suspended for like a month or so?
Speaker 3 (08:21):
I said, I wouldn't have been suspended.
Speaker 2 (08:24):
Oh by the way, uh e me. I was talking
about who has the most threes made? Peyton Pritchard has
thirty five off the bench. Buddy Healed has thirty made
threes off the bench. But the person who has the
most made threes this year in the NBA is no
surprise it's Jason Tatum at thirty eight. Uh. Steve Kerr
was asked after the game about the whole Jason Tatum,
the Olympics, him not playing him, and Steve had this
to say, I don't.
Speaker 9 (08:55):
Give it a whole lot of thought other than yeah,
I didn't. I didn't enjoy, you know, not playing Jason
against Serbia, not playing Joel against South Sudan. Those are
those are not fun decisions. But our guys were all amazing.
They committed to each other, they committed to winning the
gold medal. They brought brought the gold home for their country.
They all handled themselves with incredible dignity and class, and
that's the real story.
Speaker 2 (09:26):
So they just meat the Celtics. He did win the
gold medal, and he's still defending himself or being asked to, Uh, Steve,
can you explain why you didn't play Jason Tatum? And
that much? This feels like it's it's fan generated or
kept alive by fans. The media likes this. But Steve Kerr, hey,
we won the gold. I had great talks with Jason.
Who would you have in there, lebron kd or Jason Tatum?
Now you'd never say that but j Jason Tatum should
be better than k D and Lebron at this age.
But in international play, I wanted those guys out there
in crunch time. You can say, remember Anthony Edwards, Yeah,
this is I'm the guy. Basically it was going to
be his team. I go, you have no clue zero.
This is going to come down to Durant, Lebron and
Steph Curry. Which that's what it did. Speaking of Lebron,
he went for thirty nine last night, but they got
blown out. They got blown out by Memphis one thirty
one to one fourteen. A couple of phone calls in
here Dave in Cincinnati, Good morning, Dave, what's on your
mind today?
Speaker 10 (10:40):
I got here head backroom, I went over there, got
a pop at a five hour, hit five hundred.
Speaker 6 (10:48):
Who I want a five hour one?
Speaker 10 (10:50):
And as well, I hit five.
Speaker 6 (10:51):
Hunts one around.
Speaker 2 (10:58):
Hey Dave, Yes, sir, are you buying a lottery ticket?
Speaker 8 (11:04):
Speaker 2 (11:04):
I was my ball.
Speaker 6 (11:06):
I was just my quick questions.
Speaker 2 (11:08):
Hey, hey Dave, Dave, can you take me off speaker?
Dan Patrick? Yeah, I gotta mean to interrupt your busy day,
but you called me.
Speaker 1 (11:18):
All right here right now?
Speaker 2 (11:20):
Yeah, I guess good.
Speaker 6 (11:24):
Basically, we're in a I feel like the Bangles are
in a must win situation. Today they ended up losing,
which my positions are gonna win by four late touchdowns?
Do we do we try to move off the Higgins
and secure the secondary because it seems like the secondary
is what's falling off in this season.
Speaker 2 (11:45):
Well, I don't what are you going to do? I mean,
the trade deadline's done. You know, the t Higgins situation
was kind of hanging over this team. Uh, I get
the feeling Cincinnati's winning tonight. It just feels like this
is the desperate team. Now there's six point underdogs here.
But in the last time they played was a shootout.
That was what overtime? Was that forty one thirty eight
something like that. They expect to be high scoring again tonight.
Lucas in Texas, Hi, Luke, what's on your mind today?
Speaker 9 (12:20):
Speaker 2 (12:20):
Dan? Good morning, Good morning, Hey, Honor.
Speaker 8 (12:23):
Of that Mike.
Speaker 10 (12:24):
Tyson talk earlier, I'm feeling a little punchy. I haven't
heard in a while, So I'm gonna throw a stuck
and back row in just a kind of Cuba on
their toes.
Speaker 4 (12:31):
Speaker 6 (12:31):
But hey, you.
Speaker 10 (12:34):
Guys talked briefly yesterday about Bob Costas what his post
retirement plans are. Here's the thought, and this is not
meant as an insult, but as a strategic play. Bring
him on next week at some point in the month
of March, let him talk baseball, Let him host. You know,
let's say procedure comes up for a surgery and you know,
something like that. Let him host for a week and
then guess what, that's an automatic Emmy for the show.
You know, No, would the dan ed take that? Would
they take a Bob Costas induced Emmy?
Speaker 8 (13:05):
Or would they?
Speaker 10 (13:05):
Would they ride or die with DP?
Speaker 2 (13:08):
I don't want one. You know, we got to do
it on our own. Now. I can ask the rest
of the dan Nets if it means we get an Emmy.
But Bob Costas is on the Emmy reel as part
of our award winning submission. Todd, how would you feel
about that?
Speaker 5 (13:28):
I go with you. I want us to kind of
ride and die with just what we're doing, not add
somebody the last minutage see.
Speaker 3 (13:33):
Will Connor, Well, I mean it would be our decision
to put Bob in that. I mean, it would still
be us doing it correct.
Speaker 2 (13:46):
Yeah, but he has to perform.
Speaker 3 (13:48):
It isn't like Bob and Dan in the mornings, and
then it's a whole new show. And then so you're saying, yes,
you would take the sports semi just like any other
guest that we put on this show. Bob would be
just like any other guest.
Speaker 2 (14:00):
He wouldn't. He'd be guest hosting with you. Yeah, yeah,
he'd be guest hosting.
Speaker 3 (14:06):
Would he get an Emmy?
Speaker 2 (14:08):
He probably would know. He probably would not.
Speaker 3 (14:10):
He wouldn't count as an Emmy recipient if.
Speaker 2 (14:13):
He was co hosting with me. I would buy Bob
a Sports Emmy. I would give one. I'd give mine
to him. Now he'd pass on it. He'd be like,
I'm full, I have no My wife will kill me
if I bring home another Sports Emmy. Marvin, what would
you do?
Speaker 8 (14:32):
I'm rolling with you.
Speaker 2 (14:33):
Okay, thank you.
Speaker 4 (14:34):
That's the right answer, Paulie checking the Sports Emmy rules.
Any content we send doesn't matter who's hosting the show.
Just you know. And but Bob would only get an
Emmy if we put him on the production list for
a show.
Speaker 2 (14:46):
And I would do that, Okay.
Speaker 4 (14:49):
If you guys had an unbelievable segment together, that's worthy
of consideration.
Speaker 2 (14:55):
Like we're fighting each other.
Speaker 4 (14:57):
Maybe it's an unbelievable debate segment emotional. Yeah, if it
was a word semi worthy, yeah, pop it.
Speaker 3 (15:04):
In, okay, point counterpoint. Yeah, it's still the Dan Patrick Show.
It's still us.
Speaker 2 (15:10):
What if I make him cry? What if I make
him cry? Right?
Speaker 8 (15:12):
Speaker 2 (15:13):
Okay, great? See, then I would submit that question is
why haven't you cried?
Speaker 7 (15:17):
Speaker 2 (15:19):
He cries with laughter every time they say, and the
winner is Bob costifs and then he goes And then
I just decide it's time to go get a beer.
I get up and leave the ceremony. Let's go get
some What if I had somebody call me a poor
loser one time? I said, you're right, I am, I am,
I am, I'm but I'm not poor.
Speaker 8 (15:42):
I have to come back.
Speaker 2 (15:44):
Yeah, yeah, I'm not a poor loser. I'm a loser.
But yeah, I'm a sore loser is what I am.
I'm a sore loser. Absolutely, you're well off loser. All right,
Then we come back. We'll talk somebout basketball. Chris Collinsworth
will join us a little bit later on Greg McElroy
from the Mothership. We'll talk some football also, when we
come back. I got to play this Jamar Chase response
to a reporter asking him about going to class at LSU.
It is great back after this Dan Patrick show.
Speaker 1 (16:18):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live. Lebron scored thirty nine. The Lakers got blown
out by the Grizzlies, Lebron's third game of at least
thirty nine points since turning thirty nine. Also, Mike Cavaliers undefeated.
They beat the Pelicans. They've won nine in a row,
and first nine and oh start in franchise history and
the first nine and oh start in the NBA since
the Bucks a couple of years ago. Vincent Goodwill, Vincent
Goodwill is back. Was Vincent you know when we had him.
What a wonderful debut, no pressure whatsoever. The Good Word
podcast on Yahoo and a host of Sirius XM NBA
Radio channel Yngho Sports Senior NBA writer.
Speaker 2 (17:15):
Great to have you on a get well. Look at
the shoes behind you, Marvin. Look at that.
Speaker 8 (17:21):
That's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. In my life.
Speaker 2 (17:24):
Okay, the number one seed, give me the number one
seed of your shoes behind.
Speaker 8 (17:28):
You back there.
Speaker 7 (17:30):
It's probably the air Jordan wants, the original Air Jordan's.
It's it looks like they're the top over this show. Yeah,
at the very top. I lo not the best shoe
I have in my closet, but the best shoe on
the wall. You can't have your best stuff on the wall.
Speaker 2 (17:45):
Okay, your best shoe is what?
Speaker 7 (17:48):
Wow, Dan, I'm gonna embarrass myself because I might not know.
Speaker 8 (17:51):
Okay, you know what?
Speaker 7 (17:52):
The Jordan three, the cement, the cement, black cement, Jordan three.
Remember the free throw line dunk he did All Star
Weekend and on nineteen eighty eight, I was all three
years old. Then that particular shoe where you stepped on
the free throw line he did the flying in the
air thing.
Speaker 8 (18:08):
You know that thing?
Speaker 2 (18:09):
Okay? Are you married?
Speaker 8 (18:13):
If I was?
Speaker 7 (18:14):
I'm not sure.
Speaker 8 (18:15):
If this shoe always.
Speaker 2 (18:19):
That's a single guy's wall right there, Vincent.
Speaker 7 (18:22):
That is look man, his shoes come with the package,
my man.
Speaker 2 (18:28):
Okay, shoes all right? The New Look Warriors, I love them.
They're might team out West. They got youth. You still
have veterans there. I don't know if this philosophy of
their game plan is any different than it was years ago.
Maybe they don't shoot as many threes. They are playing
great defense. Assess the Golden State Warriors after last night's
winning Boston.
Speaker 7 (18:55):
I think you said it, man, their defense is much
more aggressive. And remember the key to that death lineup
and everything else that they were doing in the early
aughts was how aggressive their defense was.
Speaker 8 (19:07):
Is set up their offense.
Speaker 7 (19:09):
It's set up the pace that the NBA hadn't gotten
used to at that point. You saw how they were
trapping Jason Tatum at half court yesterday, forcing backcourt violations
and traveling violations like those things make teams uncomfortable, and
the Boston Celtics are the most comfortable offensive team in
the NBA.
Speaker 8 (19:28):
Because you want teams to take threes.
Speaker 7 (19:30):
The Celtics want to take threes. And outside of that
third quarter where the Celtics score forty points after not
scoring forty in the first half, the Warriors kind of
kept them at bay and polished them off in the
fourth quarter, even after going down six. Then I'm not
sure if this means anything like I'm being very careful
about the level of competition that they've played. Even though
Stephen Curry has missed a few games, their net rating
is pretty damn hot. I think they're like plus twelve
point three, but they haven't played a lot of people.
The thing I am encouraged by is all of these
young pieces on affordable contracts. You know what that means. Hey,
if you want to come and have a news since
we're having relationship analogies here, gonna play love doctor. Hey,
if you're a player under your last year your contract
and you're not feeling great at your home, you know
you want to try a new place out, why don't
you come over to the Bay Area? Because we win
championships here and we have Stephen Curry here. They need
one more shot, creator Dan for me to really believe
in them, and you never know who that player is
going to be. But they have the assets to make
the move possible, and that's something a lot of teams
don't have.
Speaker 2 (20:34):
How did the Celtics not win the East?
Speaker 8 (20:38):
Speaker 7 (20:39):
Have you looked at the Milwaukee Bucks and the Philadelphia
seventy six ers. Have you seen their movies? Because I've
seen their movies. They're both one and six. No team
has gone one in six and made the playoffs. I
think in like fifty years or some crazy stat like that.
I think the question you have to ask Dan is
in what world do the Celtics not repeat?
Speaker 8 (21:00):
I think they have.
Speaker 7 (21:01):
Broken the math of basketball in terms of how many
threes were taking, how many threes were taking approximate to
the style we play, as far as not shooting anything else.
Like everybody talks about the Warriors of vintage era, but
they maybe took thirty percent of their shots from three,
maybe thirty three percent of their shots from three. I
haven't checked recently, but as of a week ago, the
Celtics were taken nearly half of their shots from three
and they look comfortable doing it. Remember last night, we
can talk all about the Golden State Warriors and how
great they looked on the road, and they did look great.
But the Celtics, the champions, were missing two of their
three best players in Christaps Porzingis and Jalen Brown and
still almost pulled that win off. And Jason Tatum only
had a great third quarter. He did not have a
great game. He did not put his stamp on the game.
And getting still because of the math that the Celtics
have implemented a math that I'm not necessarily a fan of.
They've broken the game and they might win because of
the math.
Speaker 2 (21:58):
Okay, I brought this up first hour Shack was coming
into the NBA. How would you utilize Shaq in today's
NBA where it's about shooting the three pointer? If Yao
Ming was coming in any of these post players, does
somebody get around to maybe they have a counter attack,
and that is We're gonna make you pay inside, We're
going to dominate you because nobody's really geared towards stopping
anybody inside, not even Rudy Gobert. So how would you
use Shaq today?
Speaker 7 (22:32):
If you're saying Shaquille O'Neil at twenty years old is
coming into the league, not Shaquille O'Neil coming down the
prep path. My fear is that Shaquille o'nil come down
the prep path, they would try to turn him into
a three point shooter and not into maybe one of
the most dominant players we've ever seen.
Speaker 8 (22:48):
That'd be the consign.
Speaker 2 (22:49):
So Shaq doesn't happen in your opinion.
Speaker 7 (22:53):
I think everybody thinks they're smart. I think the name
of the game is get as close to the basket
as you can possibly get and dunk on everyone. Dan,
You're not seven feet taller, neither or mine.
Speaker 8 (23:06):
But I can dream, and I.
Speaker 7 (23:07):
Think that if if Shaquille O'Neill was a rookie coming
out of LSU with the physical gifts that he had,
you surround him with shooting and you try to protect
him as far as the pick and roll and probably
trying to keep him away from the perimeter. But you
dumping down to that big dude with all the spacing, Dan,
you can't double them without leaving someone butt naked wide open,
and your bigs get in foul trouble and you control pace.
So I do think there's a way in today's game
that someone that's special can do it.
Speaker 8 (23:37):
The problem is, Dan, it takes.
Speaker 7 (23:39):
Someone that's special for you to change the way that
you play the game. Not just a really good post center,
not in a Linzone morning, not a Patrick Ewing, really
good Hall of famers in their own right. But you're
saying the top of the top Shaquille O'Neill would be
the only person to break the trend of the way
the game is played. That to me is alarming.
Speaker 2 (24:00):
He's mentioned Goodwill, host of Good Word podcast on Yahoo's
Ball Don't Lie Channel, Yahoo's Sports senior NBA reporter. If
I was going to take the most unstompable players of
all time, let's say top five. They cannot be stopped
in their prime, can't be stopped. Who would you put.
Speaker 7 (24:25):
If you're giving me a if we're given are we
doing positions?
Speaker 8 (24:28):
Oh, we're just.
Speaker 2 (24:29):
Doing most unstoppable players of all time.
Speaker 7 (24:34):
Well, let me say this, that big dude that we
just talked about, Shaquille O'Neill from a stress from nineteen
ninety nine to two thousand and two. I know it's
a very small arena, but there was no one and
nothing stopping that man because of his athleticism, his dexterity,
his sheer strength.
Speaker 8 (24:53):
Right, let's have him there.
Speaker 7 (24:55):
Now, I'm saying, let's go to the greatest player of
all time at the peak of his power, like say,
nineteen ninety to nineteen ninety three, and that's Michael Jordan.
Where in a game that was based on the big man,
remember the illegal defense rules, the handshacking and everything else,
Michael Jordan that's six foot six and two hundred and
ten pounds, was dominating a game that was made for
the big man, and he was doing it with his
level of physicality. So we're gonna have him there, Okay,
Lebron James from two thousand and nine to twenty thirteen
when he almost won unanimous MVP. We can have him
there where you know, the athleticism, the both ends of
the floor, the fury right, have him there. Now it
gets interesting because you're asking me where does Stephen Curry
fit into that? Because of once again breaking the math
right in terms of the three point shooting. You have
to defend him from half court. You have to defend
him at all points of the floor, including when he
does not have the ball. And then I got a
surprise for you. I gotta wink wink nod for you.
You're choosing to me between Larry Joe Bird, Akeem Elijahwan right,
I think those are no no.
Speaker 8 (26:12):
Who am I missing? Who am I missing?
Speaker 2 (26:13):
Kareem Abdul Jabbar is the greatest, greatest, most unstoppable score
of all time in modern era. No one ever ever
ever stopped Kareem with the skyhook. It was unstoppable. The
other person I'd put in there is Kevin Durant. I
think Kevin Durant is unstoppable. I think that he can
get what he wants to get when he wants to
get it. I wouldn't put a Keem in there. A
Keem was just might be the best two way player
in the history of the sport and one of the
most underrated. Larry Joe had a three year run where
he was unstoppable. Uh, But I like, I can look
at the totality of Kevin Durant's career. He's unstoppable. Lebron
had thirty nine last night, so I'm going to factor
in longevity with this as well. I thought Iverson was
unstoppable as well.
Speaker 7 (27:08):
I disagree on that one, okay. I think Iverson was relentless.
I think the style in which he played. You can
put Allen Iverson with Jahn Morant and Russell Westbrook and
guys that just keep coming at you. Like the scene
in Rocky two where Duke was talking about talking to
Apollo Creed that man beat you was getting beat within
the ende of his life and he just kept coming.
That's Allan Iverson, that's Russell Westbrook, that's John Morant, that's
not Kareem Abdul Jabbar. And I think your point about
Kevin Durant is well taken. I don't look at longevity.
I look at the fact that he's had an achilles
and an MCL and we don't even think about that
when factoring in the Kevin Durant that we're watching now,
who's a walking fifty to forty ninety that is very
comparable to Larry Bird. Dan, I can't believe you, of
all people missed to go in the crates, you're going
to dispute me talking about Larry Bird playing the ugly
flat ass commerce with those spots in the Boston Garden.
Speaker 2 (28:07):
Wait wait, Vincent, it feels like you're profiling me.
Speaker 7 (28:12):
Absolutely, I am profiling and I'm sure you don't take a.
Speaker 8 (28:16):
Fits to it.
Speaker 2 (28:17):
Well, then I got to throw in Jerry West in
there too, and uh, George Mike and and John Havelchek.
Speaker 8 (28:24):
I don't think you go back that far. I'm not
going to send you back that far.
Speaker 2 (28:30):
Look, I got to see Bird in those years up close,
and he was the guy game on the line. That's
the only guy that I wanted taking the shot.
Speaker 8 (28:41):
Speaker 2 (28:41):
It's weird and unstoppable, like no one could stop Kareem
from doing what he was doing Mike down low when
he was on the post, and then he would hit
that fade away. Unstoppable. I think Durant mid range game
is unstoppable.
Speaker 7 (28:55):
So those see I think you're missing. So I think
we funny how we have turned Michael Jordan.
Speaker 8 (29:03):
You just did it.
Speaker 7 (29:04):
You turned Michael Jordan into this free throw line and
down player who had the fade away.
Speaker 2 (29:09):
No, I'm talking about a signature move. I'm talking about
No Well driving to the basket and dunking on you.
Speaker 8 (29:18):
That must the unstoppable. Dude.
Speaker 2 (29:20):
Well he had a go to move when he was
getting beat up going to the hoop. He started taking
guys down low on his hip and then shooting that shot.
So I'm talking about Kareem with the skyhook, Durant mid
range jumper, Lebron driving right handed to the hoop. Like
there's certain things even Jordan talked about. If Lebron gets
you on his hip and he's going to the hoop,
you can't stop him. That's kind of what I'm like.
There were signature moves that guys made where you knew
what was happening and you couldn't do it, you know,
Like Bird would say to Xavier McDaniel X. I'm gonna
get the ball. I'm a fake left, I'm gonna shoot
go back right, I'm gonna hit the jumper right in
your face. And then he did. Okay, that's unstoppable. So
that's what I was kind of going for.
Speaker 7 (30:04):
Well, Dan, you or your honor, you did not make
your instructions clear to the jury.
Speaker 2 (30:09):
No, No, this was this was an addendum to that
that I was looking for most unstoppable offensive players and.
Speaker 7 (30:16):
Gotcha, and we did short Kareem, and I did short
Kareem shoot the bar even before. Look, Dan, I can
admit when I'm wrong. I live in the crates Kareem
before the Slowdown, before nineteen eighty five, Kareem was the
most unstoppable basketball player to walk the face of the earth.
Speaker 2 (30:34):
All right, okay, who's your NBA Finals pick?
Speaker 9 (30:40):
Speaker 8 (30:40):
Is it too early?
Speaker 1 (30:42):
Speaker 2 (30:42):
No, we have preseason predictions. Uh huh, Like you can't
wait till Christmas? Like, wait, what's going on here?
Speaker 7 (30:51):
Okay, here's what I will say, Dan, And I'm not
saying I'm wishing for this to happen because I don't
know if I want to spend a week in Oklahoma
City but I feel like it's going to be Oklahoma
City in Boston.
Speaker 8 (31:01):
Speaker 7 (31:02):
I'm rooting for real estate. If I'm going to be
somewhere in you for the better part of twenty days,
I want to be somewhere where I want to hang out.
And Boston grows on you, right. I don't know if
Oklahoma City really grows on you, but it looks like
that because Oklahoma City last night. Notwithstanding, I still think
they have a little bit of growing to do as
far as how they handle lay game situations. But I
don't see anybody in the West that complete and that young.
So much of this DAN is going to be a
battle of attrition, which means you have to have stamina,
which means this is a younger man's game as opposed
to veterans and older teams. I still think you have
to have veteran experience, but you have to be in
that sweet spot. I feel like Oklahoma City is approaching
the sweet spot. And in the Eastern Conference, I don't
see anybody that's challenging the Celtics because the Bucks and
the seventy six ers and the Knicks can't get their
stuff together right now.
Speaker 2 (31:55):
Have you ever had a player who challenged you, pushed
you confronted.
Speaker 7 (31:59):
You confronted, yes, pushed. No, If it was pushed, you'd
hear about it. Trust me, you would hear about it.
But confronted. I think when I was a beat writer,
you have to have confidence. I'll say it because it's
statue of limitations. Me and Richard Hamilton, when I was
a beat writer for the Detroit Pistons, heded on something
that he didn't like. And as per custom, when you
write something, you go onto the locker, show up, you
show up the very next day, and you show up
on time. That team will send a limo for your
behind to make sure that you show up at that
arena on time. And we wound up having it out Dan.
He didn't say the B word, he didn't say the
N word, but he said basically everything else. And it
went for about ninety seconds until PR came in and
broke it up. Now I was not physically intimidated because Rip,
for all of you, his gifts was six seven and skinny.
I feel like that at my age, we could have
you know, we could have matched wits.
Speaker 8 (33:08):
You know what I mean.
Speaker 7 (33:09):
If it were Ben Wallace, I'm gonna have a little
bit more diplomacy and back down in this situation.
Speaker 8 (33:16):
You know what I mean?
Speaker 2 (33:18):
I know that feeling another great appearance. How about a
round of Paul's.
Speaker 8 (33:23):
Love it like the Prince Hoodie too?
Speaker 2 (33:25):
Yeah, we got it all, got it all, got a
Prince Hoodie on. He's got his Jordan's behind him and
he's from Detroit.
Speaker 8 (33:32):
This might get me in trouble with the bad boys.
Speaker 2 (33:35):
No, they don't care. They can't.
Speaker 8 (33:38):
Have you met Isaiah Lord, I have.
Speaker 2 (33:42):
Now that's the guy you don't want to confront. Isaiah
is gonna hurt somebody now.
Speaker 8 (33:49):
Zeke is more demure, shall we say? I don't know.
Speaker 2 (33:53):
It feels like there's a.
Speaker 7 (33:55):
He's still fiery, he's still firing, he's still that, he's
still from the West side of Chicago.
Speaker 8 (33:59):
I don't think he fight me.
Speaker 2 (34:01):
You think you could take Isaiah Thomas?
Speaker 8 (34:03):
No, no, no, no, no, no, no no. I don't think he
would fight me.
Speaker 2 (34:07):
Oh okay, I thought you were saying he knows better
than to fight me.
Speaker 7 (34:11):
No, man, don't get me.
Speaker 6 (34:15):
I won't.
Speaker 8 (34:16):
I can't be texting me right now. Don't do that.
Speaker 2 (34:18):
All right? Thank you, Vincent, great to talk to you again.
Appreciate that Vincent Goodwill, host Good Word podcast on Yahoo's
Ball Don't Lie Channel and Yahoo Sports senior NBA reporter.
We forgot all about how good he is. Marvin goes, Hey,
what about Vincent Goodwill? Because there's been some NBA stuff
and as you as you heard, he's really good. He's
just conversational, whether it's today, it's thirty years ago. Fun stuff.
So good suggestion by you, Marv. We'll take a break.
We got some phone calls coming up. Jamar Chase has
a great answer to a question about going to school
at LSU. Fritzi has a pet peeve to bring you.
We have Dour ranking to bring up as well. We
got Chris Collins. We're top of the hour.
Speaker 1 (35:04):
Back after this, be sure to catch the live edition
of The Dan Patrick Show weekdays at nine am Eastern
six am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 2 (35:15):
Get to your phone calls coming up. Jamar Chase with
a great answer. Fritzi's got issues and Dower rankings as well.
Let's see Dodman in Michigan. Hey Dodman, Hey Daran.
Speaker 11 (35:28):
What's going on?
Speaker 8 (35:29):
Speaker 11 (35:31):
How was your shoulder? Buddies are doing okay?
Speaker 1 (35:33):
Speaker 2 (35:33):
You know still rehabing.
Speaker 11 (35:35):
Good good.
Speaker 8 (35:36):
Speaker 11 (35:37):
I have two things. It's like about the whole sneaky
athlete thing. I drew up a Lions fan, total Lions fan.
No one ever ever brings up how fast Aaron Rodgers was.
No one ever brings it up that guy has more
thirty yard runs against my team than any.
Speaker 2 (35:56):
I don't even know what his forty yard dash time is, PAULI,
have you ever heard of Aaron Rodgers forty yard dsh
Is he a four to seven guy?
Speaker 4 (36:06):
I can get that, give me a second.
Speaker 2 (36:08):
He has great footwork. I don't know if anybody really
singled out his speed and went wow, because I still
believe that Rogers was doing things that Mahomes is doing now,
maybe not as athletic and running straight down the field
because Mahomes is really it feels like Mahomes has one
of those runs every single game, certainly in the postseason
where you go, I'll be damn you know, fourteen yards
to keep the drive alive.
Speaker 4 (36:33):
Yes, Pauline, I have two different things here. I have
Aaron Rodgers with a four to seven to one pro
day forty yard times which would be pretty good, yes,
and another one where it's for eight to two result.
Speaker 2 (36:46):
Okay, Jamar Chase, Bengals wide receiver, was asked the following
question short read Jamar the frecoration. Obviously this crutched down
by a lot.
Speaker 1 (36:58):
Fel to you like me for a test in school.
Speaker 12 (37:02):
I didn't study in school, But it's a lot. You
just got to stay focused, you know what I'm saying.
You just got to really lock in right now. So
I mean we get a little break time before we
start Friday, you know what I'm saying, Friday's practice. So
I just got to stay locked in when we on
the field and just pay attention to it. But when
we get to bray time, then we could do whatever.
Speaker 2 (37:24):
He didn't study in school, Now, that doesn't mean that
he didn't go to class. Maybe he's one of those
gifted students who doesn't need to study. Now I'm guessing
it's probably didn't go to class. Maybe he is. His
major was general studies or communication. Yes, Paul, what do
you guys.
Speaker 4 (37:43):
Think it's really like for a star athlete at a
big football school. Do you do you have to attend
any classes?
Speaker 2 (37:50):
Speaker 4 (37:51):
Attend in person.
Speaker 2 (37:51):
Well, it depends on your coach and depends on the
Athletic Department, like the president. You know, they some schools
are like, hey, you know, we got some things set
up for you. You don't even have to go to class.
You can zoom a tutor comes over. I've seen it firsthand,
where I probably could have gotten pretty good grades and
tutors coming over to your place helping you out. So
I you know, imagine if an athlete said that thirty
years ago, I don't go to class or I don't
study what you put them on probation. Now we don't care.
And as I've said before many times, I still think
that we should be teaching things that are applicable in
real life. Understanding stock market, understanding financial things, loans, buying
real estate, reading contracts, hiring a lot, you know, things
that you could actually put in place that could benefit everybody. Yes,
even just the.
Speaker 3 (38:57):
Like mental and emotional side of what comes with the
extreme wealth that you're about to have. A lot of
these dudes are about to have several millions of dollars
plopped right into their bank account out of nowhere, and
maybe they didn't already have that. I mean, I know
that college is a little different now in nil and
all of those things but there's a lot that comes
with having a huge chunk of money dropped in your
lap out of nowhere. Not just understanding how to manage
your finances, but also just the how to manage the
people around you too.
Speaker 2 (39:27):
Hiring an agent, understanding you know, interest rates, like all
of these things, I think they would be beneficial. And
you're right with nil. You're getting this money sooner than
you did before if you had gone into the pros.
But you know, I think that that that should be
something that is taught, you know, to everybody, or given
the opportunity a todd you have your your pet Peeve.
Speaker 5 (39:50):
Yes, well, I understand they make these schedules in advance,
sometimes several years in advance. That aside, looking at the
schedule for Yukon's opening game and John call Power's debut
at Arkhams so Yukhon back to back champion Yukon John
to go three in a row played Sacred Heart in
a thirty six point blowout in their opener, and John
Cala Parry's debut is against Lipscomb.
Speaker 2 (40:09):
And I have a problem with lips Lipscomb. Yeah, I
can't even pronounce any not Lipsicomb.
Speaker 5 (40:15):
So uh that's I find that very weak. I don't
know if you guys can wink at that. And well,
great teams play cremy teams all the time. This one
gives them a million dollars to lose and all that stuff.
But opening game for a two time defending champ Sacred Heart,
I don't know.
Speaker 4 (40:28):
It's kind of.
Speaker 2 (40:29):
Yeah, but it's good for Sacred Heart to have that opportunity.
It's good for Ellpsom to play, you know, a quality opponent.
They can get highlights, they get on national TV. Now,
granted they both got blown out, but still you got
an opportunity to play. Now, this happens all the time.
You front load your schedule, now you go ten and zero.
College football does this too. Chris Collinsworth Well John is
coming up. Greg McElroy from the Mothership as well. Final