All Episodes

May 17, 2024 41 mins

Dan reminds us that Caitlin Clark is on a terrible team and she will turn things around once she gets settled. And legendary broadcaster Marv Albert stops by to chat with Dan.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are listening to the Dan Patrick Show on Fox
Sports Radio Final Hour on this Friday. It's a meat
Friday at that And case you're wondering, and I know
you are pulled pork sliders, pork belly, bourbon baked beans.
Who has it better than we do? No, Buddy, Marvin
left about an hour and a half ago. He went

to the dentist Wisdom Teeth and Seceitan is in the
front row sitting next to Paulie assuming the position his
old spot, and Fritzy is all alone with all of
his friends in the back row. Can you think of
a more surprising way to start your day, your sports
day than what happened to Scotty Scheffler. Also, if Scotty
Scheffler doesn't win the PGA Championship, the person who wins

the championship is going to be overshadowed by Scotty Scheffler
no matter what. Let's say Tony fenw wins his first
major and we're going to go God, you remember that
PGA in twenty twenty four who won it? So although
one where Scheffler got arrested in the morning after his
second round.

Speaker 2 (01:04):
Yeah, yeah, that guy, Tony Feene Yeah, that's right. Feels
like this is the Scotty Scheffler PGA Championship winner lose.
He's on the course, he didn't have much time to
warm up. He got there about an hour before he
teed off. I think Bertie Bogie Birdie so far for him,

so we'll keep an eye on his round. And Xander
Schoffley is the star so far at a sixty two.
Here's the issue. Xander Schaffley has done this before. He's
really good in the first round. The second round is
where Xander Schaffley loses tournaments historically. If he's going to win,

he better put up a good number today because historically
he has not weather conditions. It's been drizzling in Louisville
and they did have a delay which helped. Scotty Scheffler
got a mug shot. He was in his prison jumpsuit
and he got bailed out and got to the golf course.
So now he's in a sweater in slacks. He's on

the golf course as we speak. One under for the
day and I put the over under at sixty eight
and a half for Scheffler, and I'm taking the under
today for Scottie Scheffler all right, age seven seven three.
DP Show Email ender Sdpatdanpatrick dot com Twitter handle. A
DP Show stat of the day brought to you by

Beninia America Official trading cards of the program. Good morning
watching on Peacock and those listening on our radio affiliates
around the country. Poll question seatan if you can help
us with that.

Speaker 3 (02:40):
Yeah, we had up there a better excuse for missing
a day of work the birth of your child, getting arrested,
or wisdom teeth getting pulled. Right now, fifty two percent
of the audience are says getting arrested. Wisdom teeth unfortunately
has fallen to last place. Okay, it's finishing a third
right now.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
What's the new poll question we're gonna go with? Do
you have one for the final hour? I think t
obd is gonna step in. Yes, I had a fear here.

Speaker 4 (03:07):
I had If you're the number one golfer in the world,
then you need to get onto the course for round
two of a major. You should just sit in traffic
and holpe it clears eventually, try to get around it
and be prepared to say do you know who I am?

Speaker 5 (03:17):
To the police. That was one thought.

Speaker 2 (03:19):
I don't think it mattered who he was to the police.
They didn't know who he was.

Speaker 4 (03:23):
There was also the police handcuffing and arresting Scotti Schefer
was the right thing to do or bogie.

Speaker 6 (03:30):
And then we had a Kaitlyn Clark one.

Speaker 2 (03:32):
Oh, we haven't even touched on. Caitlin Clark got shut
down single digits didn't play well again. Frustration.

Speaker 4 (03:41):
Yes, don Caitlyn Clark will dot dot dot turn the
corner and play much better very soon. Continue to struggle
on the pro level for the foreseeable future.

Speaker 2 (03:50):
Now she'll turn the corner. She's not on a good team.
She has a really good big person. Uh and but
but it's there's a reason why they the number one
pick because they're not a very good team. But look,
it's a learning curve for her. I mean, this is
something that she's going to have to adapt. She's going

to get there, understand speed, physicality, what she can can't do.
Her teammates got to help her as well. But yeah,
this has been a surprise, I think certainly for her,
probably for fans as well. And you're this is a
home opener and they get blown out by nearly forty
you know, Liberty or a good team. By the way,

maybe the most well not the most, but one of
the most underrated basketball players in history is Brianna Stewart
because if you look at her resume all four years
at Yukon, four titles, most Outstanding Player in the tournament
all four years, nobody's done that. WNBA couple of titles,

and she was the MVP in the finals for those
two titles, even won a title overseas. She was unbelievable
last night. You know, I had like thirty and ten,
but if you look at what she did, nobody will
ever have a better college career than her. She won
four titles four years, MVP all four years, like you can't, no, no,

But just watching her last night, it's just a reminder
of how great she is. And it's not to diminish
what Caitlyn Clark. This is what we do. If you
struggle in the pros, that diminishes what you did in college. No,
it's they're two separate things. Caitlin Clark was spectacular, wonderful
must see in college, and I assume that she will continue.

She's still a great shooter, still a great passor. Now
she has to understand the complexities of being a pro
playing against pros. Their job, Like you can go to
college and your scholarship, they give you a scholarship. Hey,
go out there and shut her down. Well, these are
women who are paid to shut her down, and they've
done that so far in the first two games. But

they played two good teams. I don't know what's going
to happen when they face Las Vegas. But she struggled,
and I don't think we should be that surprised. I
thought she'd be more of a facilitator that. I didn't
think that if she was going to average close to
maybe twenty, that'd be a good season. But so far,
let's just struggling. It will continue to bing Kyle and Idaho.

Hey Kyle, what's on your mind today?

Speaker 7 (06:30):
Hey Dan, thanks for taking my call. Speaking of Vegas,
I'm headed to Vegas. My real good buddy, Matt Ballinger
is two turning thirty five years old.

Speaker 8 (06:41):
He is a huge fan.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
Oh man, I you know what, let me give man
a shout out. I thought that he was around yeah,
thirty four, thirty five, Well done that, I mean he
looks a little older than that. I mean I thought
he was around thirty eight, thirty nine. But you know,
I think he's been beaten down by by life itself.
But yeah, Kyle, thanks for the call. Yeah man, happy birthday,

Yeah thirty fifth, We're so yeah, happy birth Yeah Yeah.
Larry and Illinois, Hi Larry. What's on your mind today?

Speaker 5 (07:17):
How you doing?

Speaker 9 (07:18):

Speaker 10 (07:18):
The Happy Gilmore two movies coming out, So we got
Dan Patrick is the police officer and Happy. He's running
the late to get to a match. So he tries
to drive around. You jump on the car and then
he stops and then it turns into the Bob Barker brawl.

Speaker 2 (07:42):
Oh so I fight with him, Thank you, Larry. Yeah,
we mentioned that earlier today Happy Gilmour. We got a
couple of script ideas, and one was maybe we recreate
what we had in the Longest Yard remake where I
arrest Semdler at the beginning of the movie, but he
goes to Jay and of course don't want to spoil
the ending. He's the star player, the start quarterback Mark

in Texas high Mark, what's on your mind today?

Speaker 11 (08:08):
Hey, good morning, glad to be here man. Uh, first
time caller, Hope was not the last time I'm along?
Sixty three years old, fIF six three and a hard
one eighty man, anyone a hard one eighty. Anyway, I
wanted to bring up something on the Scheffer situation that
nobody's really talked about today, and the fact is there

were everybody had a job to do this morning, and
Scottie Sheffler did his job. He was getting there on
time and doing what he was supposed to do to
be paid. You know, he paid to show up, he
paid to play, and people came, they paid a lot
of money to watch him. And imagine what the outcry
would be if he had missed his tea time this morning.

It would be you know, it'd be beat him up
over that. So understand, I have the utmost respect for
our police officer and law enforcement. I put events on
all over the country. Now they're rodeos, not golf tournament,
so it's on the other end of the spectrum. But anyway,
those officers this morning, I can guarantee you aren't being
paid by Louisville PD. These guys are working overtime, they're

volunteering to work overtime, and they're being paid by the PGA,
and particularly in that VP VIP area, those guys have
been told you've got one job and that is, you
need to make sure that the stars get into that gate.
That that's your job. You make sure they arrive and

you make sure they get him in. I just well,
I think I think the guy that didn't do his
job this morning was the guy at the gate.

Speaker 2 (09:43):
Well, and thank you. Yeah, it's dark and rainy. I
think we got to be you got to see both sides.
I think there was a lot of confusion here. And
did Scotty Scheffler know he wasn't a police officer, That's
what he said. But then did he drive away? Was
he driving away with the police officer attached to the car?

The police officer got roughed up here somehow, some way. Now,
we're going to get the information here eventually, but it's
a question of he said, he said. But all I
know is the police officer at his pants were ripped
up and suffered minor injuries. They took him to the hospital.
So something happened there. We can't get into the speculation

part of it if somebody did or didn't do their
job until you get all the information here. We want
to believe Scottie Scheffler that I got to be fair
to the police officer there was a fatality. It's dark,
it's raining, there's traffic is backed up, and all of
a sudden, somebody's not listening to your command. Police officer reacted,

You're supposed to listen to my command. I said, stop.
He kept going, and then you had the incident there.
But when you speculate, it's dangerous to do this, having
covered serious stories and situations, When you speculate, it's when
you get in trouble. I just I'm taking what I've
been told so far, and there's going to be more

information that comes out, and we'll hear from him after
his round today, and maybe the police officer then has
something to say. It's not over. I mean, he's playing today,
but the story is not over. There's four charges here.
I mean there's some serious at least one serious charge here.

But I don't know if it's a situation where you go, oh,
you know what, he'll be exonerated or we'll move on
from this. I don't know that. I just know that
it was a wild morning where he shows up trying
to play golf three hours early, ends up getting cuffed
back of the car wearing an orange jumpsuit in jail

mugshot bailed out and now he's playing golf today. Other
than that, how was your day, Danny in California? Hi Danny,
what's on your mind?

Speaker 12 (12:09):

Speaker 5 (12:10):

Speaker 12 (12:10):
Glad to hear uh because the second time, long time. Hey, Uh,
Fritzy's been struggling here lately, and I wanted to help
him out a little bit here Scotti Scheffler, I was
one of my uh sissy didn't say he's had a
jailbirdie on the first hole. That seems like a joke
that you would say.

Speaker 5 (12:27):

Speaker 12 (12:28):
Also, I was thinking if this would have happened to
Ricky Fowler, what do you have to change his clothes
into an orange jumpsuit or could he just wear his
orange outfit?

Speaker 2 (12:36):
Yeah? But all right, two for two there, Danny. Yeah, Yeah,
Ricky loves to wear orange. Take that time.

Speaker 4 (12:42):
Yeah, I don't know why he couldn't just deliver that
without taking a shot. It still work.

Speaker 2 (12:49):
You still have time.

Speaker 4 (12:50):
Not a lot of Albert coming up, And that's what
we learned in the food and I don't know if
there's a lot of time.

Speaker 2 (12:55):
Yeah. I've been kind of following this uh Mike Tyson
fight and they made a huge tactical error in my opinion,
they should have already had this fight. I think we
have to we have to wait like two more months
for this fight. It was a Jake Paul and Mike Tyson.

That's right, And it's is it two months? You mean
it's not this weekend? No Ah, And they get together
and there's workout videos and then hey, I'm gonna do
this to you and I'm going to do this to
you and then I go when's the fight?

Speaker 6 (13:30):
And that's Saturday, July twentieth, Arlington, Texas.

Speaker 2 (13:34):
That's a while.

Speaker 4 (13:35):
It's not a two months, but it's important that we
talk about it and ahead of time.

Speaker 2 (13:38):
All right, all right, thank Mike. Yeah, it's they just
missed the opportunity. Like now it's like, okay, come on,
get it over with. And this is what this happens
when you're you know, you're covering boxing matches, or at
least it used to be. There was so much build up,
so much build up tension. Oh they hate each other

and then you finally are like just fight each other.
Was that Mike Tyson's actual laughter there seating was that

where he was sitting seated at his breakfast table and
he was was he talking about his marijuana company. You
never know what you're gonna get with that fella, right, No,
you do not. You want to talk about opposites because
he can either be really quiet or he can be lively, and.

Speaker 3 (14:46):
He has that kind of left to like in those
moments when he's doing that, he was like bouncing.

Speaker 13 (14:50):
Up, like whoa dude?

Speaker 2 (14:53):
What Some of the other headlines here, The Timberwolves over
the Nuggets by forty five, so serious, three games apiece.
The next game will be on Sunday. The Nuggets are
favored by five at home. Mavericks are favored by four
on Saturday, and the Knicks are getting six points tonight
in Indiana against the Pacers. Also, the New York Rangers advance. Well,

this could be a great couple of weeks, a few
more weeks for New York sports fans with the Rangers
and the Knicks. Canucks go up three to two on
the Oilers, and then you have, of course, this weekend
the Preakness. You got the PGA basketball tonight, basketball Saturday,
basketball Sunday, and hockey as well. When you speak of basketball,

when you speak a hockey, very few did it any
better than this guy, If anybody, Marv Albert, the Hall
of Famer, will join us coming up next. More of
your phone calls as well on this beat Friday. We're
back after this.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio APPSR to listen live.

Speaker 14 (16:02):
Hey, it's Ben, host of The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller.
Would mean a lot to have you join us on
our weekly auditory journey.

Speaker 13 (16:09):
You're asking, what in God's name is the Fifth Hour?

Speaker 14 (16:11):
I'll tell you it's a spin off of it Ben
Mather Show, a cult hit overnights on FSR.

Speaker 13 (16:16):
Why should you listen? Picture if you will a world will.

Speaker 14 (16:19):
We chat with captains of industry in media, sports, and
more every week explore.

Speaker 13 (16:23):
Some amazing facts about human nature and more.

Speaker 14 (16:26):
Listen to The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller on the
iHeartRadio app, Apple.

Speaker 13 (16:29):
Podcast, or wherever you get your podcast.

Speaker 2 (16:32):
With the baseball season in full swing, there's a new
Peacock original docu series called Bronx Zoo The nineties, Crime,
Chaos and Baseball. The Yankees nineteen ninety baseball season, first
hand accounts of those closest to the team, streatment now
only on Peacock. I don't think I was around the Yankees.

I was there in the eighties. I was there when
Billy Martin was there. There there was a so I
had juxtaposed this with Don Mattingly was there, who was
extremely professional, just getting started in his career, and then
you have George stein Renner and Billy Martin. The drama
that was going on there. Every time I went to
Yankee Stadium, there was something, always something going on. So

the bronx z Doo on Peacan. Marv Albert will join
us coming up here in a moment. Let me see
Jeff and socou Hi, Jeff, what's on your mind today?

Speaker 10 (17:31):

Speaker 7 (17:32):
Dan just driving in Friday traffic. So thanks for calling. Yeah,
I got a couple couple quick things for you. Uh
you called back to you know, Todd speech challenges the
other day and just drives home my theory that the
the Lazarus Naturals commercial was you know, content creation gold
on top of the orthodontics about maybe me spit taking

my car brothers.

Speaker 9 (17:54):
So thank you for that.

Speaker 7 (17:56):
I's open maybe for the audience. You'd reach out to
Sandman see what he saw, as you know, star power
in Anthony Edwards when he was casting him for Hustle,
and then on the third see every time you have
Ryan Leaf on your show, man, I call in to
no avail only the hope to go on record as
the second person you know with a son named mcgiver.

The only difference in my situation is it was my
wife's idea.

Speaker 2 (18:20):
Well, well, thank you. Jeff Sandler's the one that told
me about Anthony Edwards. He's like Danny. This guy has
so much charisma. When we did the movie Hustle, and
then I watched it and I said to Sandler, I said,
that is natural, man. He has charisma, he has the
riz as the kid saying he was perfect, he was unbelievable.

And I said to Sandman because I didn't know much
about Anthony Edwards, but when I saw him, I just
knew his game. I didn't know his personality, and all
of a suddenly I'm going, Wow, this is this kid
has so much personality there. Speaking of which segue, he's
the Hall of Famer for Nick's broadcaster Marv Albert joining

us on the program, Marv, how's life life is good?

Speaker 5 (19:07):

Speaker 15 (19:07):
Help you?

Speaker 5 (19:10):
Well? I must say retirement has has been has been great.
I do miss the preparation and you know, the people
I work with and we do stay in touch. But
I have missed a binge TV so and I do
a lot of reading, work out, all those kinds of things.
But all is good. But I've been enjoying the playoffs.

Speaker 2 (19:33):
Also, three years ago today you announced your retirement.

Speaker 5 (19:39):
Was it to the day?

Speaker 2 (19:40):
I think I think May seventeen, I think, wow, okay, yeah,
Now do you do any play by play like around
the house, a playground, anything only?

Speaker 5 (19:51):
Yeah? Only dinner time?

Speaker 2 (19:52):
Yeah? How often? Like the strangest way you've been recognized
for your voice is how.

Speaker 5 (20:02):
Let's see the strangest way, Well, it would usually happen
on a phone if I'm calling for some service or
you know that type of thing, and I don't say
my name and they pick it off. You know. I'm
always amazed by that. But you know, usually I'm not

speaking the same way I would on a game, you know,
so that would be a little crazy if I were
doing that.

Speaker 2 (20:33):
I was also wondering Scottie Scheffler got arrested this morning
going into the PGA tournament, and the strangest like you
were there when OJ the Mike Bronco the police chase
right ninety four.

Speaker 5 (20:49):
I was doing the game.

Speaker 16 (20:50):
Yeah, I was doing it and going back and forth
with Tom Brokaw, who was following the car chase, and
and then I would throw it to.

Speaker 5 (21:02):
Bob Costas or to Uh to Tom. It was one
of the strangest events to cover with that, you know,
with that going on. In fact, it was at first
We're looking across the way and there were TV screens
along the press table at Madison Square Garden, and you
could see people coming down to stand behind the writers

to watch what was what was going on, and it
was and then players would come over, you know and
check it out during timeouts. So it was kind of
a weird, a weird seeing you know. Oj uh was
at one time doing sideline for US for NFL games,

and I remember I was working with Paul McGuire at
the time and we would rehearse and Uh, Paul. All
of Paul's comments during the rehearsal were used by Ojay
what he would go on the pregame show.

Speaker 2 (22:05):
So he just took he took Paul McGuire's info.

Speaker 5 (22:09):
No, No, it was Paul's mostly, I must say. The strategy.
You know, we had met with the coaches and met
with players, and Paul would always have great stuff. And
then what we had to do after a couple of
games went by in this fashion, we were actually throwing
the rehearsal or as we made things up.

Speaker 2 (22:33):
Just to see if OJ was going to use him.

Speaker 5 (22:36):
Yes, he did a couple of things.

Speaker 2 (22:37):
He did, Yes, But how difficult was it?

Speaker 5 (22:40):
But that's my searing memory of OJ, you know, working
with us at NBC.

Speaker 2 (22:46):
But how difficult was it? You're trying to You're broadcasting
an NBA Finals game. Meanwhile you got this going on
where Tom Brocawn News, Bob Costace is involved in this,
and then now back to you, mar So just the
rhythm of trying to keep that going. How difficult?

Speaker 5 (23:04):
Yeah, it was the most unusual and Dick Eversoll, the
president of NBC Sports was sitting to our left in
the stands, but he had an earpiece so he heard
exactly what was going on and he was kind of
directing the activity. You know, also set it back to Tom,
go over to Bob, you know, all this kind of stuff.

And you know, by the way, there's Charles Smith with
the jump shot, you know, It was really the most
unusual situation I have been.

Speaker 2 (23:37):
In on the air talking to the Hall of Famer
Marv Albert, former Knicks broadcaster and the lead play by
play voice the NBA on NBC. I was also wondering
with style, now, how is play by play style? Has
it changed very much in your opinion.

Speaker 5 (23:56):
In terms of basketball? No, little, I would have to say, Uh,
in other sports, perhaps there's more talking. Uh that in
the past. Uh. I watch a lot of baseball, and yeah,

I find on TV this is sometimes more talking than
the than it had been in past years. But I
don't think in basketball it's changed very much.

Speaker 13 (24:25):
Well, I was.

Speaker 2 (24:26):
Wondering, I I love silence, like the use of silence
in a building.

Speaker 5 (24:32):
Yes, uh, I agree.

Speaker 2 (24:33):
And it feels like that that's kind of a lost
art that when somebody does it, like we feel like
we got to go wall to wall when we talk,
when we describe the action, when sometimes you just pause,
that makes it even more exciting with with what you're
gonna call next.

Speaker 5 (24:49):
Well, I totally, I totally agree with that, and you
have to let particularly on you know, radio is different
because it's describing every move that players make or what
you know whatever's happening. But on TV you can certainly
you have to learn to use the crowd. And you

know there there are color commentators who you know, really
pull back, which is great. They come in at the
right time, you know. That's why it was a you know,
a pleasure working with people like Steve Kerr, Reggie Reggie Miller.
I don't want to leave people out. Those are, of course,
Mike Pritenne, but and there are some people I won't

name names who talk too much. There's no question, and
you can use the crowd. The crowd is very important,
particularly at times like this, they're in the playoffs, where
the crowds are at another level. I mean, what takes
place at the garden now was at I was at
the Philadelphia Nick Series and it was so loud. And

then people talk about when Bronson got hurt and came
out out in the second half after going back to
the locker room. They compared it to the Willis Reid
return in nineteen seventy in the Championship Series against the Lakers,
where he was not supposed to play, came out at
the last minute and I happened. I did that game
on radio in New York and that was the loudest

crowd I've never heard about his square guard. When Willis
came out of court, the Lakers couldn't believe it. I
remember Chamberlain and West, the whole group just stopped during
the war. They were at the completion of their warm
ups and they just turned and looked toward the area
where Willis was walking out, and they were a guest.

I mean, they couldn't believe he was playing that. He
comes out, of course, it hits the two jump shots
and then Clyde l. Frasier just took over and they
beat the Lakers for the championship. But that was the
loudest crowd I've ever heard ever anywhere.

Speaker 2 (27:00):
Do you think when you what do you see when
you see this next team?

Speaker 5 (27:06):
I see such a scrappy, surprisingly excellent team that is
hampered by injuries, and that's unfortunately eventually gonna you know,
we're going to see that's going to take its toll
because without well, they're missing Julius Randall, but they've been
able to, you know, survive very well without him because Brunson,

Heart and de Vicenzo have been terrific and Ananobi, who's
out again for Tonight's game has been such a key,
and so has Mitchell Robinson in terms of rebounding. So
they are so hampered, but they're so interesting because despite
all this, they've been able to play extremely well. Particularly Brunson.

He amazes me. How made the footwork, the shooting touch
so difficult to guard. How far he's come from his
days not only at Villanova but in Dallas too. But
he didn't get the playing time there. But I don't
know how he made the quick recovery from the previous game.
He could elevate when he had that bad game and

came out and the last game, game five was unbelievable,
you know. But there are so many injuries now, I
mean even Jamal Murray's taking a lot of criticism, but
he is hurt. I mean, that's the rea. I mean,
Edwards did a good job on him, but in many
Minnesota is a very good defensive team. But still he's hurt.

And the same as crew of Tyrese Halliburton, who's hurt.
You know, it happens. It's it becomes a different sport
in the playoffs because fowls and a lot of fouls
that are called during the regular season. At I'm not
called it's a more bruising game. It's you know, it's
played differently, and the playoffs, and then you have these

swings in terms of the scores, which happened before. I mean,
that's happened before. You got one game the team wins
by thirty forty fifty. Uh, and then the next game
it's like it never happened. I know.

Speaker 2 (29:16):
Well, it's great to talk to you. Do you ever
do you ever shout out yes?

Speaker 5 (29:22):
No, but you know I'll be uh sometimes walking, you know,
very innocently. Somebody who'll feel yes, you know, scares me.

Speaker 2 (29:37):
Pizza shows up and you go, yes, yes, yeah, yeah,
uh coffee for Marv.

Speaker 5 (29:43):
Yes, yeah, that's good. You do that very well.

Speaker 2 (29:48):
Then thank you, Thank you, Mark Hey, great to talk
to you, and thanks Pa. All Right, that's the great Marv.
Albert called twenty five All Star Games, thirteen NBA finals,
eight Super Bowls, eight Anley Cup finals, the Dream Team.
They're run through the nineteen ninety two Olympics. So he's
been a busy, busy man. Great to talk to him.
Yah three years ago today now it's his retirement.

Speaker 6 (30:10):
Yes, Paul, Well, once in a while we have someone
on the show, and when they say their first word
or two, it's just like, Oh, it's like a refreshing
feel to hear Marv Albert's voice. Yeah, it just feels great.

Speaker 2 (30:21):
Yeah, let's see take a couple of phone calls here.
How about Kylie in Iowa? Hi, Kylie, Hey DP.

Speaker 15 (30:34):
I wanted to thank you ABS for bringing some some
fun to an awkward procedure I had today. I wore
my I can feel it in my plums T shirt.

Speaker 2 (30:47):
Did you'll be spending the week?

Speaker 5 (30:49):

Speaker 2 (30:49):
Are you frozen peas?

Speaker 17 (30:52):

Speaker 15 (30:52):
I'm cradling some peas. It feels like there's vice scripts
down there right now.

Speaker 2 (30:56):
But okay, we'll get through, all right. Kylie having a
little surgery there. You can feel it in his plumbs. Uh.
Adam in West Virginia, High, Adam, what's on your mind?

Speaker 5 (31:11):
Hey Dan?

Speaker 17 (31:11):
Do you think that Scotty Scheffler had any pause into
going back to the tournament because you know, if he
doesn't win, is it really a good idea? Do you
think he'd like actually want a mulligan on that or
or what? And I'm also going to be in New
York in a couple of weeks to get married, and
I know you're a man of great taste. So I
was wondering if you could tell me a nice restaurant

to take my wife to while I'm there to you know,
just after we get married and everything, just kind of
try some more nice.

Speaker 2 (31:41):
Keenes Steakhouse k E E n s Keen Steakhouse in
Midtown if you can get in. If you can get in,
ask for Ira when you get there. See if he's there.
Uh yeah, Keens Steakhouse. I don't think Scotti Scheffler gave
it in any thought other than I you know, I

came here to win this tournament. In favor to win
this tournament. History is going to grade my report card
by winning majors and if anything showing that I'm able
to compartmentalize and go out there and play great golf
even after what happened. Uh So, I don't know if
he ever wavered on that thought. I mean, we're going

to find out when his round is over. We'll get
a lot more information. If you're watching on Peacock you
want to see grown men eat, you have an opportunity.
We'll have that for you coming up in the look
in and last call for phone calls. What we learned
what's in store Right after this.

Speaker 1 (32:39):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Dan
Patrick Show weekdays at nine am Eastern six am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio WAPP.

Speaker 13 (32:50):
Since I was a tiny boy, I don't want no.

Speaker 2 (32:54):
No, no, no no. It's one line, just one larn Yeah,
Marvin's one line.

Speaker 18 (33:01):
Got a little enthusiastic there, Yeah, got carried away alrighty Marvin.

Speaker 2 (33:13):
We wish him well undergoing surgery with his wisdom teeth there.
Hopefully he'll be back on Monday. He should be back
on Monday, right, don He should be back on Might
be a liquid diet, yeah, every day.

Speaker 4 (33:26):
Or two, but I'm thinking by Sunday afternoon, Sunday night.

Speaker 6 (33:28):
These are ready to come in Monday.

Speaker 2 (33:31):
Uh, what we learn? What's in store for Monday? And
final call for phone calls Jonathan and Long Beach. Hey Jonathan,
thanks for holding what do you have for me?

Speaker 5 (33:42):
Well? Enjoy the show.

Speaker 8 (33:44):
First time caller six foot stocky two. But I just
wanted to chime in on the dental title conversation to
medical school. I went to Mahara Medical College. As a
number of medical schools do have on the university has
a medical school and a dental school, and my father

actually went to dental school enjoy the oral surgery part
of it so much he went back to Maharry's Medical
School and became a general surgery. He was awarded a
DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery and an m D Medical doctor.
So I just wanted to chime in and give my
dental colleagues they should be afforded their you know, respect,

And they are called doctors school and dental school and
not medical school. And we do share a few of
the same classes the first year, but after that they
do their own thing.

Speaker 2 (34:39):
All right. Well, thank you Jonathan for that update there.
I called my dentist doc Batry. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (34:47):
Yeah, I think there's there's a difference between an m
D and a is a d m D. I think
there's there's a medical doctor and then like a doctor
of dental medicine whatever it is.

Speaker 2 (34:59):
Oh, by the way, we sold out of all the
Dead Dad's Club stuff, but we're going to replenish that.

Speaker 3 (35:04):
And a lot of Dead Dad's out there. Dad's well
and people with six senses of humor, which I love
people who have had Dead Dad's Club. No Dead Dad
is going to buy a Dead Dad's Club. But I
did hear from a man in Colorado yesterday.

Speaker 2 (35:19):
Ken. He said, Hey, you know, I'm kind of a
death's doorstep, so it's kind of awkward for me to
hear that people are buying Dead Dad's Club t shirts.
When is there something for us that we're not part
of the Dead Dad's Club? I said, but your dad
is not alive, so you would be able to buy

a dead Dad's Club. He was a little more more
sensitive than I thought, because he said every time I
hear it, I wonder if my kids are going to
buy a dead Dad's Club when I passed away. But
I would say, you know, order now, Ken, Order now.
Joe in Ohio, Hi Joe, what's on your mind today?

Speaker 5 (35:58):

Speaker 12 (35:59):

Speaker 19 (36:00):
You know, in light of my career in law enforcement
and reflecting on this Scotty Scheffler situation, just a couple
of insights. One is that the observation that after Scheffler
started to drive by the stop point, the officer I
believe quote attached himself to the vehicle indicates the officer overreacted.
It would be crazy for an officer to put himself

in harm's way by putting himself on or along a
moving vehicle in that situation, and that overreaction by the
officer then escalated the situation because by now the time
he stops the car after ten yards, that officer's really
jacked up and is going to rest this guy no
matter what. And his putting himself in that harms way
likely created the fact pattern of recklessness that led to

the selling the assault charge. But fortunately prosecutor's officer will
review that incident in totality of the circumstances, and I
think life very likely that's the only charge.

Speaker 5 (36:49):
Is going to be dropped.

Speaker 2 (36:51):
Thank you, Jill, you would know better than us. We
appreciate that. That's why there's so much speculation. We do
that a lot. You got to be careful. I mean
we spec on just sports things. Now this is a
serious situation. Somebody lost their life. Now Scottie Scheffler had
nothing to do with that. But there was traffic, it
was early morning, it was dark. He didn't know that

it was a police officer, at least that's the report
by Jeff Darlington, and that he took off police officer,
attached himself to the car, ripped up his pants, got
some minor injuries, and then they eventually pulled him out
of the car and took him down to the jailhouse.

Speaker 5 (37:27):

Speaker 3 (37:28):
Well, that's what I was going to say, is we
should actually be careful about using the word attached. That's
Jeff Darlington's word. That's not the police's word, that the
word attached. I don't think they used that in the
police report that they filed. Yeah, so that's Jeff Darlington
says that Scheffler didn't know that it was a cop,
but then in Scheffler's statement says he did know it
was the police. So, you know, the Jeff Darlington's words

shouldn't be put into anybody else's mouth either.

Speaker 2 (37:55):
That's just his report ESPN reporter and what he saw
on site eight. Now, I don't know did he see
the entire thing unfold. I'm guessing he had the car
right behind him and maybe would have seen this police officer,
you know, was he physically holding onto the car trying
to prevent Scotty Scheffler from driving off. And then Scheffler goes,
you know, drives for ten or twenty yards. Police officer

pants are ripped and he got banged up a little bit.
Scotty Scheffler is one under after six I placed the
over under it sixty eight and a half and I
took the under. Everybody else took the over. Jimbo in Alabama, Hi, Jimbo.

Speaker 9 (38:34):
Tell you Dan, Hey you Dan, first time caller. I
just wanted to come in. Been trying all week. Finally
got a chance. The lady who had discovered she had
three dance yeah, with the Dad Dance Club. I would
just like to be the first to welcome her to
the Dozens of Cousins Club.

Speaker 2 (38:57):
Okay, that's the d c C. Is that right, Jimbo?

Speaker 9 (39:02):
Yes, yeah, yes, sir, and uh, you know, I'm very
thankful to find out that we've grown another member, so
you know, we're we're thankful for that. And certainly you
know we don't have merchandise outs yet. We've we've got
dozens of cousins to reach too, so we will, you
know what.

Speaker 2 (39:21):
I'm working on that as we speak, Jimbo.

Speaker 3 (39:24):
I think Jimbo won today.

Speaker 2 (39:26):
Yeah, Dozens of Cousins Club close it out well? Does last?
The DC? I like that this day in sports history, Paulie.

Speaker 6 (39:34):
Just a couple of Dan nineteen fifty three, the New
York Yankees and the Cleveland Indians set a record when
they used forty one players in a single game Hank
Aaron in nineteen seventy ninth player to get three thousand hits.

Speaker 2 (39:44):
Whoa, whoa, whoa turned around.

Speaker 6 (39:49):
An, whoa, she's out?

Speaker 2 (39:50):
What happened?

Speaker 5 (39:51):
Oh? What's up? Guys?

Speaker 2 (39:53):
Are you all right?

Speaker 12 (39:54):

Speaker 2 (39:54):
Man? Get what the hell you doing? Man?

Speaker 5 (40:02):

Speaker 2 (40:02):
You know I gotta pick it my midt around the corner.
So I was like, why not stop.

Speaker 3 (40:05):
By total respect?

Speaker 2 (40:09):
Is your delivery hampered at all by your surgery? Marvin?

Speaker 3 (40:14):
Can you do me a favorite? Can you say the
words for me? He wasn't even sure if he should
have showed up.

Speaker 2 (40:20):
He wasn't even sure if he should have shown up.

Speaker 18 (40:23):
Sure if he should have shown up?

Speaker 13 (40:24):
How was he saying, it's so much better than me?

Speaker 1 (40:26):
And I didn't just have my weakness?

Speaker 2 (40:27):
Sad wisdom say say so much more?

Speaker 6 (40:29):
Well, let's read.

Speaker 2 (40:30):
Damn, this is unbelievable.

Speaker 4 (40:32):
He wasn't even sure if he should have shown up.

Speaker 9 (40:34):
Okay, he wasn't even sure if he sure is shown.

Speaker 2 (40:37):
Okay, all right, because true chist right now, Dody Dan
out of the year.

Speaker 5 (40:45):

Speaker 2 (40:47):
We may look back on this moment and say When
did he win it? That day May seventeenth, came back
like a champ. That's what we learned. Brought to you
by tire rack dot com, the official tire expert of
the Dan Patrick's Show. Special offers free road hazard protection,
mobile tire installation. Tirec dot com The Way tire Buying
should be? How can I quit this?

Speaker 5 (41:11):

Speaker 2 (41:12):
Too much fun? Thanks for joining us. Have a great
weekend everybody. We'll talk to you on Monday.
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