All Episodes

May 4, 2024 51 mins

Dan Patrick talks with Pacers Head Coach Rick Carlisle after eliminating the Milwaukee Bucks. NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley discusses the uncertain future of "NBA on TNT." Plus, Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney preview season 3 of "Welcome to Wrexham" on FX.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are listening to the Dan Patrick Show on Fox
Sports Radio Milwaukee Bucks sent packing by the Pacers. Rick
Carlinle third season as the Pacers head coach, joining us
on the program. Go back a week when you heard
that Giannis was not going to be able to play,
might be limited. What adjustments did you make?

Speaker 2 (00:23):
Well, you know, a couple of the adjustments had to
be with any notion that it was then going to
be an easy task to try to beat these guys
because they have veteran experience, they're a proud team, They've
got a lot of physical toughness, and so, you know,
it was just it was uncertain.

Speaker 3 (00:44):
You know, I.

Speaker 2 (00:45):
Think Giannas's injury it happened about eight to ten days
before serious was going to start. Seemed pretty clear that
he probably wouldn't play the first game, maybe the first
two games, but there was a lot of just stuff
lying around.

Speaker 4 (00:58):
It was he just didn't know.

Speaker 2 (01:01):
And then so that was something and they were, you know,
you know, the not not unpredictably.

Speaker 4 (01:09):
There was I think their team fed the little.

Speaker 2 (01:14):
The missing the the information, you know, pathways a little bit.
There was a lot of rumors about this, rumors about that,
so you know, it became, in a way, a different
kind of challenge.

Speaker 1 (01:29):
What's the differences between playoff coaching and regular season coaching?

Speaker 2 (01:36):
Well, Dan, the playoffs are insanity. I mean it's you know,
I and I. You know, Steve Nash once said this,
it's the playoffs are so intense and so emotional that
when you win a game in the playoffs, it's you
get so exuberant, you feel like you're never going to
lose again, And when you lose a game in the playoffs,

you feel like you're never gonna win again.

Speaker 4 (01:59):
I mean, it's that it's that extreme.

Speaker 3 (02:02):
And so.

Speaker 2 (02:04):
You know, you can have some big games in the
in the regular season. This year, you know, the n
Season Tournament added to the intensity level a pretty significant amount,
you know, back in November December, But there's nothing like
the NBA playoffs.

Speaker 1 (02:21):
When you guys get done with your win, you close
out the bucks, how quickly do you turn on the
next game?

Speaker 4 (02:27):
Well, I.

Speaker 2 (02:29):
Drove home, which is about twenty five minute drive, and
then turn it on and watched, you know, whatever was
left of the third quarter and the fourth And I
mean you talk about ups and downs, I mean the
stuff that was going on in that series was it
was crazy. I mean, you know, Phillies down eight with
like two minutes to go when they tie it, you know,

last night, and then in game five, I mean, we
go out, we go out for our game five, which
was after the nixt Game five. You know, I left
the locker room in Milwaukee to go out for our game,
and you know, New York was up six with like
forty five seconds left, and he just said, okay, well

the NIXT one. And then you find out after the
game they lost it over time, like what. But that's
that's how that's how crazy things can be in the playoffs.

Speaker 1 (03:23):
Who does Jalen Brunson remind you of.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
Well, that's a great question. He's a he's he's forged
out a you know, a niche in in in the
NBA and really in league history, in nick history, which
is you know, very very very unique. You know, there's
there's a little bit of Steve Nash. I suppose there's

some James Harden, There's some you know, I you know,
I could go on and on. I mean, there's some
Dame Lillard, there's some there's a lot, there's a lot
of different elements. But he's he's doing something that is
very uniquely him. And you know, I know Jalen well
because we had him for his first couple of years
when I was when I was in Dallas. He's just

he's a He's a guy that is has extremely strong
belief in himself, and you know, New York has turned
him loose, you know, to really go and just take
it to whatever extreme he can take it.

Speaker 4 (04:31):
And so it's been amazing to watch.

Speaker 2 (04:34):
I'm very very happy for him, very proud of him,
and very much not looking forward playing coaching against him.

Speaker 1 (04:42):
We're talking to Rick Carlisle, the Pacers head coach, and
then you have Tyrese Haliburton. Do you allow him the
same kind of freedom that the Knicks do with Brunson.

Speaker 3 (04:54):
Well, I think it's pretty evident that we do.

Speaker 2 (04:56):
I mean, you know, Tyree's runs the team, he calls
the plays, he has the latitude to be as aggressive
as he deems necessary offensively, and I just I'm just
a believer that if you have if you have special

players like a Tyresee or a Brunson, you know, or
a Doncis, which I who I coached for three years,
you know, you you've got a rare opportunity to allow
these guys, you know, to have the keys.

Speaker 4 (05:33):
And when you do that.

Speaker 2 (05:36):
And empower them, you know, great things, great things can happen.

Speaker 1 (05:40):
What was your reaction or opinion first time you saw Luca.

Speaker 4 (05:45):
In person? The first time I saw him in person was.

Speaker 2 (05:51):
You know, he he he didn't play in the Summer League.
We we we felt that, you know, since he he
would get gone through to two euro the EuroLeague and
one of the other leagues. They have like different trophies.
It's similar, it's somewhat similar to soccer over there. But
his season is is the last part of his season

ended like a couple of days before the draft, and
so we just felt that, you know, having him jump
into Summer League from the draft would have would have
been a mistake from a physical fatigue standpoint, So we
held him out. He said on the bench during the
Summer League he wanted, he wanted to play, and you know,
we just we just said, you know, this is not
the right thing. And so the first time I saw

him play in person was in a pickup game that
fall in twenty eighteen, and he he came in and
you know, we had signed DeAndre Jordan, we had you know,
Wes Matthews. We had who else, Harrison Barnes was on

the team. We had the makings of a of a
of a of a pretty good team. And he came
in and and he was He played the pickup game
like Magic Johnson. He passed the ever loving crap out
he was he was getting every rebound. He scored some,

but he was just absolutely controlling the game with vision, passing,
you know, a few shots here and there, and you know,
I watched this and I said, Jesus, this guy's this
guy's actually a point guard. We weren't sure he played
point in the in in his team at Real Madrid,
but you're just never sure how it's all going to

translate to the NBA. But you know, on day one,
it was clear that that he was that he was
a point guard. And so, you know, then from there,
figuring out how how to kind of take that in
the direction that needed to go was was a little
challenging because we had Dennis Smith Junior, who was a
young player, very talented too. So but that was what

day one looked like. And then once we got into
the season, you know, you know, Luca found out that
you know, he could really score. I mean, it's scoring
became very easy to him in the NBA. And you'd
have to ask him this, but I think I think

he probably would say that, you know, he just he wasn't.
He didn't realize coming in that he would would have
been able to impact the game scoring wise the way
he did.

Speaker 3 (08:34):
And so he was.

Speaker 4 (08:36):
He was a super dynamic from from day one.

Speaker 2 (08:39):
And obviously you know he's with a finalist for for
m v P now and if it doesn't happen this year,
it'll it's going to happen soon.

Speaker 1 (08:47):
Who's the best shooter in the building? Which building like
your your practice? How about the city of Indianapolis? Who's
the best shooter in town?

Speaker 4 (09:00):
Boy, it'd be hard, it'd be hard not to say
that it's Tyree Saliburton right now. Now, if you know
Freddie Miller was in town.

Speaker 1 (09:11):
What about Kaitlyn Clark.

Speaker 4 (09:13):
It might be a different conversation.

Speaker 1 (09:14):
What's that Caitlin Clark? Is she factor in?

Speaker 5 (09:18):

Speaker 2 (09:18):
She fact chief factors in? This is a trick question.
I knew, I knew you'd hit me with one of these,
but I I I've gotta I've gotta lean toward my
team just because you know, these these are these are
my guys. But uh, you know, Caitlin being on the
scene is is really cool too. And the city I

think part of part of the buzz around our city
and our team, you know, comes a little bit with
the buzz of her arriving in town as well.

Speaker 1 (09:50):
Is Bird still in town? Do you see him often?

Speaker 2 (09:54):
Uh? From time to time? Yeah, he I don't know
if he's back in Indiana yet. He's in Florida in
the winner and then he'll be back at his ranch
and uh in uh in in southern Indiana sometime soon.
But uh, if you're asking if he's in the conversation
for best shooter, I think I think that's an obvious.

Speaker 1 (10:14):
Yes, I'm sure that he would still think he's the
best shooter.

Speaker 2 (10:18):
And I know and I know, I know you're gonna
probably ask me about the left handed scoring thing.

Speaker 4 (10:24):
You asked me about that one other time.

Speaker 1 (10:26):
So if that was against Portland, right, yeah.

Speaker 4 (10:28):
That was against Portland.

Speaker 2 (10:29):
It was it was if it was about left handed
jump shooting, you know, if you're righty and he'd be,
you know, he would he'd.

Speaker 4 (10:36):
Win that contest.

Speaker 1 (10:37):
Okay, imagine if Luca said I'm going to take just
left handed shots in a game. How would you have
reacted to that if you were his coach?

Speaker 2 (10:46):
Well, knowing what I know about Luca, I would have
let him do whatever he felt the right, you know,
the right.

Speaker 4 (10:53):
Thing at the time.

Speaker 2 (10:54):
Like I can't tell you the amount of money I
lost Luca betting against and making half court shots in practice.
I mean, you know, like coach, you know, you know,
you know, I'm not gonna give you. I'm not gonna
give you the amount of money. One out of one,
out of three, one out of three. I was like, yeah,
no way. And then he makes the first or second

one like every time. I mean, it was, it was.
It was absolutely uncanny, and you know he just Luka
was one of the was one of those guys that
all all he can ever see is how something is
going to happen, like and like doubt never never seemed
to enter his mind at all, and therefore, you know,

he never thinks about missing and so you know, a
lot of these guys are very unwilling to take you know,
these end of quarter you know, full court heaves, and
you know it's interesting, Dan, Like I was on some
committees you know over the years where you know, we
talked about this, and you know, some people said, well,

why don't we just come up with a rule where
if a guy takes a shot at the end of
the quarter beyond half court and it misses, it doesn't
count as a field goal attempt. You know, then then
you won't have all this you know, holding on the
ball till the red light goes on and then flinging
it knowing it didn't count.

Speaker 4 (12:19):
And then and then we talked about it, and then,
you know.

Speaker 2 (12:22):
One of the things I said was, if we do that,
you're going to have guys getting the ball with seven
seconds left in the back court, keeping it in the
back court, keeping it behind the line, behind the half
court line, so that on the on the on the
chance that it doesn't go in, they.

Speaker 4 (12:39):
Don't get a they don't get a field goal at ten.

Speaker 1 (12:41):
Oh, So that's all stat related that these guys don't
want to take these shots.

Speaker 4 (12:47):
Yeah, and you're really seriously asking that question.

Speaker 1 (12:50):
Well, I'm surprised that. I mean, these guys just shoot, That's.

Speaker 3 (12:54):
What I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (12:55):
No. But but in the case of in the case
of Luca, in the case of Tyres, I had Darryl
Armstrong for one year as a player, and Darryl Daryl
took it as a personal challenge and he made.

Speaker 4 (13:06):
Two or three of them from like sixty feet. And
I'm saying, like, if you, if you took, if you
eliminated all.

Speaker 2 (13:14):
The you know, full and three quarter court heaves that
Luca takes and Tyreese takes, these guys would be shooting
him like they're already shooting a great percentage from three.
I mean it would be like exponentially higher. So there's
a different wiring for for some of these guys. And
Bert was the same way. Bert would shoot it every time.

But you know, you see a lot of guys at
the end of at the end of the commerce, they
hang on to it and then you know they hear
the buzzer, red leg goes on, and then they like
that then they fling it up there.

Speaker 1 (13:48):
When did carrying get out of control? Carrying carrying the ball?
I mean, we're already past traveling, But like I go
back to Stockton and Iverson, it felt like they were
the first guys and now everybody carries the basketball.

Speaker 3 (14:07):
Why is that.

Speaker 1 (14:09):
Said bother me? I love I love this show.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
And you were my mentor at ESPN, which is one
of the reasons I've had such a great broadcasting career, probably,
But I'm not into a fifty or sixty thousand dollars
fine talking.

Speaker 1 (14:22):
About oh oh, okay, okay.

Speaker 4 (14:26):
I know this is a very highly rated show.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
But it's the concept. It's not the reps. It's that
we've we've allowed it in college, in high school. How
about you can be the anti carrying chairman.

Speaker 4 (14:41):
As if you're one of the ones that this responsible.

Speaker 1 (14:44):
It bothers me, It bothers me.

Speaker 3 (14:48):
Yeah, I don't.

Speaker 2 (14:48):
I don't see it as as as that big of
that bigger problem. And you mean we had to carry
call on Tyres in Game five or something like this,
and so it still gets called I think. I think
the bigger thing is that players have adjusted to it,
and I don't think players carry the ball as much
as they did and perhaps in the old days. You know,

traveling is another is another big challenge. But the league
has made a point of it. I think they've done
a better.

Speaker 3 (15:13):
Job with it.

Speaker 1 (15:15):
You're not gonna get fined, I won't now, But there
was a chance you were headed down that path. Did
I ever tell you when I got Steve Kerr fined
accidentally did you ever tell me?

Speaker 2 (15:29):
I probably saw it on you know, your Instagram stuff
comes up all the time, so you know I may
have seen it.

Speaker 3 (15:35):

Speaker 1 (15:36):
He I think I cost him twenty five grand. He
was the GM of the Suns and I was asking
him about maybe, hey, you got the mid level exemption
for Lebron and he talked about that and he wasn't
allowed to talk about like he was joking, and the
commissioner find him twenty five grand.

Speaker 3 (15:57):
So yeah, I.

Speaker 2 (15:58):
Mean, you know, after the after the Indiana Fever got
the first pick, you know, I got a couple of questions, Hey,
what do you think.

Speaker 4 (16:08):
About Caitlin Clark? You know?

Speaker 2 (16:10):
And then I said, well, I gotta be careful about
what I say because I don't want to violate any
rules here. But you know, I can't get enough of
these step back forty footers. I mean, this is this
is the best watching watching her play, you know. So
we're obviously looking forward to they played pretty soon. Yeah
they jump right into this thing. But but anyway, yeah,

I know.

Speaker 4 (16:34):
I look, I there are certain things you gotta be careful.
I know I'm tugging about.

Speaker 1 (16:40):
Yeah, I know, all right, we'll rest that voice for
Monday against the Knicks. You're gonna need it in the garden.

Speaker 4 (16:48):
Appreciate that. Good to see as always.

Speaker 1 (16:49):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (16:50):

Speaker 1 (16:51):
That's Rick Carlo, Pacers head coach, two time NBA champ.
He was there with the eighty six Celtics and coach
of the Mavericks twenty eleven. All right, let me take
a break here. Thanks for listening to The Dan Patrick
Show podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weekday
morning nine until noon eastern sixty nine Pacific on Fox
Sports Radio and you can find us on the iHeartRadio

app at FSR or stream us live on the Peacock app.
He's the Hall of Famer. He's Charles Barkley, NBA on TNT.
Has Patrick beverly played his last game in the NBA.

Speaker 3 (17:27):
No, but he gonna get a really good suspension because
you know, he fired that ball in there twice, hit
that lady in the head, which you know, I'm a
really big domestic person man. You can never hit a
woman on the end of circumstances. So he's going to
get a big suspension for that. And then he fired

it in there twice. And I don't care what anybody
said to you. You cannot do that period.

Speaker 1 (17:54):
I think you send him to the Wizards and then
you punish him that way.

Speaker 3 (18:02):
That is a punishment. But no, man, you know I've
always liked Patrick Beverly, But man, you can't, like I say, man,
you know, I've always had this theme going with the
NBA about domestic violence under those circumstances, can you ever
put your hands on a woman? And he hit that
poor woman in the face with that ball the first time,
then he did it again, throwing it back in the stands.

So listen, I've done stupid things like that where I
got arrested, got fighting with fans, and I was one
hundred percent wrong, one hundred percent wrong. But you can't
do that under any circumstances.

Speaker 1 (18:37):
All right, Are the Knicks a great team?

Speaker 3 (18:40):
No? No, Bronson is a great player. He's unbelievable. You know,
everybody gave me a lot of hard time this year
when I said that's one of the great free agent
signings of all time. You know, Kenny says, like, what
about Lebron and what about kd I Seyeah, those guys
are all time great. But Bronson is one of the
great signs in NBA history. I don't even think the

Knicks thought he was going to be as good. The
Knicks did even think that. Yeah, they thought when they
sign him, there's no way they thought he was going
to be as great as a player. So, hey, man,
he's a great kid. I don't know him well, but
I'm happy for him. Period.

Speaker 1 (19:18):
Sometimes when you have that team that you know the
sum of the parts makes it a really good team.
They're not necessarily a talented team, but they know what
to do and when to do it. And I think
that that's those are dangerous teams sometimes where sometimes you
rely on stars. Other times its just everybody knows we
have to do this every single night. We can't take

knights off.

Speaker 3 (19:41):
Well. I think that the one thing I always say,
every player at the NBA is a good player. Every
player and the player. They're not all all stars the superstars,
but everybody can Everybody in the NBA is a good player,
and you factor in. He's that guy. Every team has
a guy who everybody follows. That's what makes them dangerous.

Now I'm saying that I'm taking the Pacers. I you know,
I'm taking the Pacers in that next series. You know,
the two things, the two things I said earlier this year,
the Pacers getting Ziakam and the MAVs getting gafferd and PJ.
Those were the two best trade deadlines, the deals that happened.

I still feel really good about my prediction. I think
the Pacers and the MAVs are the two most dangerous
teams left in the playoffs.

Speaker 1 (20:36):
Wait, you got the MAVs going to the Western you know,
representing the Western Conference in the NBA Finals.

Speaker 3 (20:41):
I do not. I didn't do that. I'm saying though,
that they had the best. Getting Gaffered and PJ made
them dangerous. Listen, I think listen, I gotta tell you something, man,
OKC in Minnesota, Man, what they're doing is incredible. We
got the first game tomorrow or the MAVs the stunt,

the bath, excuse me us Tonight the Nuggets against Minnesota
is a heavyweight slugfest. I got a zero idea who
gonna win that series. But that's a big boy matchup.
I can't wait to get it started tomorrow. I think
Okac beats whoever comes out of the MAVs cluper series.
I do. But I love what the MAVs did getting

Gafford and PJ. But I love Okac I think they're
gonna win that bracket. And man, I'm really excited about
this the Nuggets. I'm really excited about them against Minnesota
because that is a big boys series.

Speaker 1 (21:40):
When can we start making any kind of comparison with
Anthony Edwards to Michael Jordan.

Speaker 3 (21:46):
Oh in five to ten years.

Speaker 1 (21:48):
Oh, I can't do anything now of starting his career
in Mike. Starting his career.

Speaker 3 (21:53):
Well, Mike average. People forget he averaged thirty eight a
game back back when you could really knock the hell
out of people. He have his thirty eight points a game.
People forget that. And then you know Anthony, who I love.
I love he don't have to go through the bad
boy pisson when they just beat the hell out of
you three or four years in a row. I love

Anthony Edwards. I love his mentality. I love One of
the best things I seen on television this year was
when he was with Scott Van Pelt and he says,
I'm just gonna kill everything in front of me. I
haven't seen but two players in my NBA career but
said that, and that's Michael and Kobe. They didn't care
about anybody, they didn't want any friends. They didn't want

any front ofies. They just wanted to kill everything in
front of them. I love Anthony Edwards. He's my favorite
player in the NBA now because all these guys out
here want to hug and kids and seen Kumbayer, Anthonywis
just want to kill everything in front of him. I
love watching him play.

Speaker 1 (22:53):
Isaiah never tried to kiss you, did he we.

Speaker 3 (22:56):
Isaiah's was you know. I feel bad for Isaiah because
he's the as little man ever until Steph Curry. He
never probably got the credit or respect that he deserved,
and so I feel bad about it. Love. I got
an of respect for Isaiah because, like I say, he's
the best look until Steph Curry came along. And I'll

be honest with you. If I was in a game,
if I had to choose, and I love Steph Curry,
and I know people gonna go to the internet because
they ain't got no life. If I had to choose
between Steph Curry and UH and Isaiah, I'd probably go
with Isaiah in a in a scenario. But I love Steph.
I love Isaiah. But if I had one guy, if

I had to choose between those two, I'm not going
to ever choose against Isaiah.

Speaker 1 (23:42):
Were you involved in the discussions with the Olympic team
of not winning Isaiah? Were you around that conversation?

Speaker 3 (23:50):
Never? They never asked me.

Speaker 1 (23:51):
You never heard did you hear it?

Speaker 3 (23:54):
Never? Never? You know, So I'm glad you asked me
that beause every time I hear that BS like.

Speaker 1 (23:58):

Speaker 3 (23:58):
Man, they never asked me, said Isaiah have been on
the team, probably, but I don't. I was never asked.
And well, I mean, like I said, obviously, you know
it's come out a couple of times if Michael didn't
want him on the team. I think Jack McCallen came
out with a quote last year saying, and he had
it on the record that Michael didn't want Isaiah on

the team. That's between them. But no, I was never
asked about Isaiah on the Dream.

Speaker 1 (24:25):
Team seventy six ers going forward. They got cap space
and they got draft picks. What are you gonna do?
What are you gonna do?

Speaker 3 (24:32):
I think they're in a great situation. They got to
get Joel healthy. But and maxi Is turned into a
star right before our eyes. So, man, you know it's funny.
I asked for a list. I asked for a list
last night of the most available free agents, and there's
some interest and names on there, Paul George og and

a new Bay Pascal see Akham. So they gonna have
some choices because Joel is an MVP, Maxie is an
emerging star. I think Philip Davis done a great situation
going forward, But they got to find the right guy
because if they get the right guy, man, they gonna

be a contender. Because let me tell you something. I
said this on the air, the Boston Celtics are probably
going to be the favorite to win the NBA Championship
for the next five to seven years. They are, you know,
Jason and Jalen, they're both like, I think they're twenty
three or twenty four. They just signed Drew Holliday for

the next four years. I don't think for Zingers is older.
So they're going to be the favorite going into this.
You know, obviously Denver's right there because the joker, he's
the best player in the world. But the Celtics are
going to be the favorite for the next five years
or in the conversation.

Speaker 1 (26:00):
Talking to Charles Barkley, the Hall of Famer feel better
about the Lakers or Warriors going forward.

Speaker 3 (26:06):
As radio said both. I don't feel good about either.
They both stink, and I know what they're gonna do.
They gonna throw the coach off the bus overboard. Excuse me,
it's not Darvin Ham. It's not Darvin Ham or Frank Vogel.
That the reason that the Warriors and the Lakers suck.
The Warriors got old. That happens you get old. Well,

first of all, you hope you get old or you're dead.
So the Warriors got old and the Lakers got old too,
so there's nothing you can do about that, but neither
one of them, and it really bothered me. I went
off a couple of months ago about all these jackasses
and idiots on other networks that who's gonna make a run.
The Lakers are the Warriors, I said, neither neither gonna
make a run either. Want them are any good? And

uh and they and they're not any good going forward
unless they do something drastic.

Speaker 1 (26:57):
How do you feel about the Suns moving forward?

Speaker 3 (27:00):
Well, they're really do they're they're probably they're probably worse.
They're probably worse, and I know they're gonna probably throw
Frank Vogel on the overboard. It's not his fault.

Speaker 1 (27:12):
He just got there.

Speaker 3 (27:14):
I know. But you know what, we're in a generation
where these players, if you say anything about them, they're sensitive,
and it's always the coach's fault. That's the one thing
I hate about the game today. It's, well, it's the
coach's fault. I'm like, well, the Lakers they're not any good.
The Wars aren't any good, The Sons aren't any good.
They ain't have nothing to do with the coaches. They

all three got good coaches. You know, they're the Lakers
in the Wars, their imaginarys I call them. We have
to make up stuff to get them in the playoffs.
The play in stuff is not eve a thing. That's
not even a thing. We just made it up, you know,
like like we normally have eight teams in the playoff.
Now let's let's let's find a way to get the
Lakers in the Wars in the playoffs. And then they

both lose in the play in bull stuff, and so
they both they got to make some tough decisions. You know,
part of your job as a general managers make tough decisions.
And all three of those teams got to make some
tough decisions. Period.

Speaker 1 (28:11):
Well, they don't fire the GM they fire the coach.

Speaker 3 (28:15):
Well, but none of those situations have anything to do
with the coach, all right, none of them.

Speaker 1 (28:21):
What is the future of NBA on TNT your show.

Speaker 3 (28:26):
I have zero idea, you know. It's so it's interesting
you asked me that question because I think today is
the deadline. I don't know. It's nerve racking for everybody.
It's very stressful, but I don't think anybody knows. Listen,
I love T and T. I hope we keep it.

I hope we keep it. I love T and T.
But right now, I think I talked to Ernie last
I talked to Ernie last night. I think they're going
to make a decision by the end of the day,
and I don't think any of us know what that
decision is going to be.

Speaker 1 (29:03):
Now they have to match NBC's offer.

Speaker 3 (29:06):
Yes, but I don't think we know what's going to happen.
But it's very stressful at work right now.

Speaker 1 (29:13):
But if the NBA goes away, are you a free agent? Yes,
is Shack.

Speaker 3 (29:20):
I don't know their contract situations, but I made sure
because we had a disagreement. We had a disagreement when
I was redoing my deal two years ago about well
what happened if we lose to NBA, and they're like, well,
we don't know, and I said, well, what does that mean?

You don't know? And I want to put myself in
the best possible scenario, and I said I would like
I said, I want to be a free agent if
we lose to NBA. And they said, they said no way.
I said no. I said no, don't be a way.
And I said, I said, guys, I'm not signing a

new contract unless I can be a free agent in
two years now. I want to make it clear. I
love T and T. I love everybody at T and T,
and they've been great for me. But I don't want
to be in limbo if we lose to lose to NBA.
That wouldn't be fair to me. Like there's no person
watching this shoe right now. I want to be like

I don't have a job and know what I can do.
I wanted to make I said, I want to make
it perfectly get clear if y'all lose to NBA, I
want to be a free agent. So that's the situation now,
and I can say that I hope we signed the NBA.
I love TNT, but it's nerve. I can overhear right now.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
You guys got a lot of power though, you and
Shaq and Kenny, if you guys want to I know
Ernie said, uh publicly that he wants to stay at TNT.

Speaker 3 (30:56):
Well, we all want to stay at TND No, but if.

Speaker 1 (30:58):
The NBA leaves, Ernie said that he wants to stay
at t MT.

Speaker 3 (31:02):
Well, I don't know how that. See. That's the thing, Dan,
none of us know how that works. They don't need me,
Ken and Ernie because he does other sports, Yes he
does baseball and things like that, but us other three,
that's that that's a great question because us other three
are screwed basically, not necessarily screwed. But we'll we won't

have a job. No.

Speaker 1 (31:28):
NBC would then just say, guys, come on over.

Speaker 3 (31:33):
Yeah, but I don't see. I don't know how that
works without Ernie, to be honest with you, and I
can't speak for NBC. I don't know if they want
all three of us.

Speaker 1 (31:41):
So I think so, I would think so.

Speaker 3 (31:43):
Well, But like I say, our show won't be the
same without Ernie. Ernie is the most important person on
our show, yep. So so I don't that's the thing
that I.

Speaker 1 (31:53):
Want to about. Adam leftko Oh, I love Adam.

Speaker 3 (31:56):
Adam is great.

Speaker 1 (31:57):
There you go.

Speaker 3 (31:58):
But but but hey, listen, I Adam, But I can't
be giving people.

Speaker 1 (32:02):
Job, Dan, Yes you can, Yeah, I can.

Speaker 3 (32:07):
Yeah, let's say listen. I don't know what Kenny and
Shaq listen. See, that's the thing that's really scary about
this whole scenario. I can't speak for Ernie. I can't
speak for Ernie, Kenny or Shaq. Yeah. Do I want
us to stay together? One hundred But I can't.

Speaker 1 (32:25):
Say can you can you try to speak for Shack.
Let me hear how that sounds?

Speaker 3 (32:30):
Well, you know, Chuck, you know, if you want to,
you know, we got to find a way to stay together,
and you want to, we got to go to NBC
or Amazon and blah blah blah. You know, but you know, Dan,
it is And first of all, I want to make
this Clay. I feel bad for the people at T
and T. I feel bad for the people because if
we lose the NBA, the people who've been great to
be behind the scenes. You know, you know, we've merged,

We've merged three times in the last five years, and
we fired hundreds of people, hundreds of people the last
five years. And we, like I said, we've merged three
times in the last five you and we fired hundreds
of people. If we lose the NBA, I can't imagine
how bad it's going to be a turning. But I

really hope we keep the NBA. But man, I will
tell you we've been talking about it because you know,
this is the first time we haven't signed the deal
doing that exclusive window. We've always signed. It's never went
out for open bidding. Never in my twenty fourth I

think this is my twenty fourth year. Every single year
we've always signed doing the exclusive negotiating period. So it's
very stressful over here right now.

Speaker 1 (33:47):
Great to talk to you, appreciate your brother.

Speaker 3 (33:51):
Hey, what like you say? You know what's interesting about
this whole thing. They say that they're going to make
a decision by the end of the day. So what
I'm gonna do.

Speaker 1 (34:04):
You got to work tonight, No, we're off tonight.

Speaker 3 (34:07):
We got the game one Minnesota Denver tomorrow. ESPN has
the two games. So I'm gonna go and get drunk
on the golf course. Okay, I'm going to play golf.
I'm gonna get drunk as hell on the golf course.
And if they call me sometime today and tell me
I don't have a job, I'm gonna be sad. But

I'm hoping they called me and tell me I still
got a job. But I'm gonna be drunk and playing
golf either way.

Speaker 1 (34:32):
Who you playing with?

Speaker 3 (34:33):
Them? Underdog and Alex, two of my T and T
buddies who are really concerned about their jobs.

Speaker 6 (34:41):
I might add lose some money to them. How's that
they both cheat? They both cheat? And I'm better than them, Dan,
and I'm better than you. I'm better than you.

Speaker 1 (34:52):
You are now okay?

Speaker 3 (34:55):
Now I am? I am? I just want to hear it.

Speaker 1 (34:57):
And you got new glasses?

Speaker 3 (35:00):
Well, you know, Shaq, Shaq's keep it being glasses now
he has these.

Speaker 1 (35:05):
Are Mariana glasses that that looks like you know, when
Harry Carey used to do the games, those big they
looked like they were miniature TV sets that he screened.

Speaker 3 (35:16):
Shout out, shout out to the great Harry carry I
missed him. But no man, Shaq Shaq has he imagine
that Shaq has I wear a deal so he gives
me all types of glass about.

Speaker 1 (35:27):
It of course he is shack.

Speaker 3 (35:30):
Of course he does.

Speaker 1 (35:32):
Is he a billionaire?

Speaker 3 (35:34):
He's close, He's close. He's a great business man. He's
a great business man. I give him a lot of credit.
He's a great businessman. I don't know if he's a billionaire,
but he's in the neighborhood. He's right up the street.
Deed Patrick, shut the hell up.

Speaker 1 (35:51):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (35:51):
Charles, Hey, Hey, none of us gonna have money if
we get fired.

Speaker 1 (35:56):
You're gonna be okay, Uh, Charles Barkley, NBA on Yeah,
I know that Peacock and NBC. They put a pretty
good bit out there, and I didn't know the deadline
was later today, but NBA on TNT, maybe NBA on NBC.
Thanks for listening to The Dan Patrick Show podcast. Be

sure to catch us live every weekday morning nine until
noon eastern six to nine Pacific on Fox Sports Radio
and you can find us on the iHeartRadio app at
FSR or stream us live on the Peacock app. Season
three of Welcome to Wrexham It premieres with two episodes tomorrow.
That's a ten Eastern end Pacific on FX. Also available

the next day on Hulu. We got a chance to
speak to the owners of Wrexham AFC and the executive
producers of Welcome Torexham, Ryan Reynolds and Rob mcilhoney. We
talked to them a couple of weeks ago, and here
is our conversation. That's a handsome contest. And I think
I'm kicking ass right now.

Speaker 5 (37:00):
You sure are sure?

Speaker 3 (37:02):
Are all right?

Speaker 7 (37:03):
I didn't wear my Monster Energy drink colors today. I'm
glad you did.

Speaker 1 (37:07):
Do you have a problem with that?

Speaker 5 (37:09):

Speaker 7 (37:10):
No, that is a solid sweatshirt. Actually most I do
not own a neutral colored sweatshirt anymore.

Speaker 1 (37:15):
It just feels like we're set in the tone here,
and I don't know if I like the tone that's
being set. I would give you a yellow card right now, right.

Speaker 5 (37:23):
Yeah, I know much.

Speaker 7 (37:24):
I know better than to anger, mister, mister Dan Patrick. Okay,
I would never never even dare.

Speaker 1 (37:31):
Okay, all right now, let's play nice, Okay, Okay.

Speaker 8 (37:36):
I believe what you're wearing is brave. Now, that's worse
than what I said.

Speaker 1 (37:41):
That's a shot too. That's a shot too.

Speaker 5 (37:43):
It's not what are you talking about? Bravery?

Speaker 1 (37:46):
I could kick both of your asses if I wanted to.

Speaker 3 (37:48):
I do not doubt that much.

Speaker 1 (37:50):
Yeah, let's not do that, Okay, all right? How close
to this almost not happen?

Speaker 8 (37:56):
Robuh the entire endeavor? Yeah, not at all. I mean
I think it was it was something we were going
to figure out how to do. It was just a
matter of how to do it. But once the pieces
started coming together, it was it was clear that it
was that it was going to happen.

Speaker 1 (38:19):
Ryan, your best day has been what with this this club?

Speaker 5 (38:24):
My best day?

Speaker 7 (38:26):
You know, it's you know, the automatically I think you
might think that it was being promoted. But but I
have two best days that are tied. One is I
think when the club drew against Sheffield I just the
the you know, there's the Championship League club that went
up to the Premier League that same season, and you know,
the kind of heart and soul that we saw in

that field that day was one of the most beautiful
things I've ever seen. And then the other moment I
think was probably Ben Foster save against Notts County. You know,
and also you know, I'd been privy to Ben's doing
an interview year before where he said, they said, what
would be your fictionalized greatest moment in a football game
that you could ever dream up, no matter how ridiculous.

Speaker 5 (39:09):
And he described that moment I think to the letter.

Speaker 7 (39:13):
Which happened to him a year later, you know, coming
out of retirement like that was I don't think I've
ever been that emotional in my life.

Speaker 1 (39:19):
Worst day, Rob, oh.

Speaker 8 (39:23):
Wow, I would say that that loss, the loss against
Grimsby Town in the playoff at the end of the
first season was was pretty low.

Speaker 5 (39:38):
That was that was That was pretty low.

Speaker 8 (39:40):
I would I would probably have to rank that as
one of the worst days of the of the experience.

Speaker 1 (39:46):
When did you guys decide or did you decide to
ship the focus from you two to the actual team,
the actual club from the.

Speaker 3 (39:55):
Yeah, that was that was?

Speaker 7 (39:56):
That was that sure thing, mainly because and and and
it wasn't because we were being falsely modestering the real
The thing that is so compelling about this town is
its inhabitants and people, I mean, in their relationship to
this club and how so many of their benchmark moments, hopes, dreams,

and feelings are that corollary between that and the club
is just unbelievable. So and and also the stories are
just falling off the trees out there I mean, it's
it's incredible to walk around talk to people.

Speaker 5 (40:29):
You just you can't believe the kind of character they have.

Speaker 8 (40:32):
It's really And we knew that would maybe draw people,
that that we would be able to draw people to
at least attention to to to come and watch the
first episode, but that it really would get old very
quickly just watching the two of us bumble around, and
ultimately those weren't the stories we wanted to tell. We
wanted to tell the stories that we believe in as

a sports fan. That most sports fans don't understand is
that actually sports are not about triumph, They're actually about
loss and despair. And because that's the vast majority of
what being a fan is, and how do you overcome
adversity and if you can transcend sport and talk about

that as people are going through cancer or going through
difficult things, mental issues in their lives, or literally just
trying to get through the day on a basic wage
through as the cost of living is being raised, we
thought that would be a much more compelling show and
that and A Fish.

Speaker 5 (41:34):
Out of Water is really a sea plot.

Speaker 7 (41:36):
You know, how you're going to can take you can't
sustainability isn't there with that sort of mindset, So yeah,
it was no brainer.

Speaker 1 (41:43):
Well, also, we look at sports movies like Bull Durham
or Hoosier's and they're not really sports movies. It's about
relationships in trying to capture those relationships is why we invest,
Like I want to invest in somebody that I would
never invest in, and that's what you guys were able
to capture. Like, uh, there was a Leads United documentary.

I watched it, uh Sunderland until I die. I watched it.
I'm like, I don't even care, but I cared so
damn much about it. And that's ye. Like you guys
go from scripted, this is non scripted. How much do
you can you control anything or do you want to
control anything?

Speaker 3 (42:21):
With that?

Speaker 7 (42:21):
That one thing I could speak today is that you
know Wrexham is is. Yeah, it's a town in North Wales,
but it's also a town in Pennsylvania. It's a town
in uh Saskatchewan, Canada. It's it's it's Australia, it's Brazil,
it's all, it's everywhere. I mean, there's working class to
people see themselves in that and that that story to
me is quite quite evergreen. Uh, but you know that

the thing that I, I, I probably you know, will
never ever forget is that first step, that first time
we went to Wrexham because what I think, the thing
that's most insane about the stories we couldn't go there
because it was the apex of the pandemic. We couldn't
actually go there, so we had sort of assumed stewardship

of this club before ever you know, touching a blade
of grass in the racecourse, which is you know, this
is the most financially irresponsible endeavor you would ever possibly find.
It's just absolute idiocy on paper. But you know, we
don't know that much about financial investments to say. But
what we do love, and something we've loved our whole
adult lives.

Speaker 5 (43:28):
Is emotional investment.

Speaker 7 (43:29):
And emotional investment can kind of create that moat around something.
And I feel like that mode is around Wrexham and
and and it is special for that reason.

Speaker 3 (43:37):
Have you go?

Speaker 1 (43:38):
People asked?

Speaker 8 (43:39):
People ask me all the time to like, well, what
are my one of my favorite documents sports documentaries, and
like what are the biggest influences in making the show?
And then I'll say it's actually not a documentary and
then they'll say, oh, it's got to be rocky, because
we make a lot of Rocky references. And clearly there's
a lot of Rocky in my life and a a
lot of Rocky in the story. But the truth of
the matter is that the the movie that has been

the most influential and the one that I want the
show to feel most like, is Field.

Speaker 5 (44:06):
Of Dreams, which is not a movie about baseball. Yeah
all it's you know, of course not.

Speaker 8 (44:11):
It's about a father and a son, and that is
exactly the story that we want to tell.

Speaker 7 (44:16):
About every movie I've ever produced. I've stolen the score
from Field of Dreams, and that's been our temp score
for the whole thing. And I realized the last couple
of years that it's just cheating. Nothing will ever live
up to it, So stop doing it.

Speaker 1 (44:28):
So I know they are the owners of Wrexham AFC.
We're talking to Ryan Reynolds, Rob mclihanny joining us. Season
three of FX is Welcome to Rexham premiers with two
episodes on May second at ten pm Eastern End Pacific
on FX, available the next day on Hulu. If you
guys played in an exhibition match, how would you fare?

Speaker 3 (44:50):
Oh? God.

Speaker 7 (44:51):
I mean, if the exhibition match was in the lobby
of a hospital, I think I'd be all right.

Speaker 5 (44:55):
I mean, you know, given how close the proximity is
for medical attention. But no, when I play, I.

Speaker 8 (45:01):
Mean I think that the thing that because you just
can't help it, You're like, Wow, I'm in pretty good shape.

Speaker 5 (45:07):
Maybe I could keep up a little bit.

Speaker 3 (45:09):

Speaker 8 (45:10):
And at the end of one of the games, we
had Charlie Day and the rest of the cast of
Sunny come out and the guys that already played the game,
and what they do is they warm down at the
end of the games, which is tragic that they just
run six miles at full speed, but they still have
to warm down. So they're running a very slow pace
and Charlie's like, I'm gonna sprint with these guys to
see if I can keep up, and they're running at

half speed and he is running at full speed and
he could barely make it across the pitch.

Speaker 7 (45:37):
The greatest song ever written was the sound of Charlie
Day's hamstring snap for the center line at the Wrexham
Racecourse ground, like a beautiful harp.

Speaker 1 (45:51):
Ryan, are you going to have Blake? Maybe be your
Taylor Swift with the franchise here.

Speaker 7 (45:58):
Well, there is only one Taylor Swift and there will
never be another Taylor Swift. But so but but but
Blake is as emotionally invested as anyone.

Speaker 5 (46:06):
I mean, she's been a ton of matches.

Speaker 1 (46:08):
Well, can you get Taylor to show up? Maybe, as
you know.

Speaker 5 (46:12):
That would be a coup. Yeah, I would love that.

Speaker 8 (46:14):
Actually, I know for sure the Kelsey brothers are coming
out to a game.

Speaker 1 (46:18):
So yeah, that's season four.

Speaker 5 (46:21):
That's our that's our door plan.

Speaker 1 (46:23):
Yeah, that's yeah.

Speaker 5 (46:24):
That's how you how you lure the Queen Bee?

Speaker 3 (46:26):
Are you?

Speaker 1 (46:27):
Are you still trying to buy a hockey team?

Speaker 3 (46:29):

Speaker 1 (46:30):
No, sir, No, not at all.

Speaker 3 (46:32):

Speaker 7 (46:34):
Uh no, No, I love Ottawa. I spent time there
as a kid. I lived in Vanner. Uh And but no,
that is a that is a not not happening, all.

Speaker 1 (46:43):
Right, So just one franchise is all you can have.

Speaker 7 (46:47):
This is I mean, look, I wake up in the
morning eighty percent of the emails in my inbox have
to do Wrexham. I mean, this is a I'm chewing
and blowing bubbles with Wrexham all the livelong day.

Speaker 5 (46:56):
I don't there's nothing there's no room for anything else.

Speaker 1 (46:59):
But if you ever said, honey, I just bought a midfielder, Like,
do you ever have one of those days where you know, wait,
what are you doing? Ah, I got a striker?

Speaker 7 (47:07):
You know, Well, it's like beer, you're borrowing it, really
Uh yeah, I don't think you're buying or owning.

Speaker 5 (47:14):
Uh but yeah, but.

Speaker 8 (47:15):
Yeah, but we are investing heavily into those players. But yes,
it's the same. It's it's actually a lot like golf,
where like you could have as everybody knows that plays golf,
nobody cares about how you played golf, and so I'll
come home and I'll be like, honey, i shot an
eighty and she's like, oh my god, do the dishes?

Speaker 5 (47:34):
And I'm like, I get it. So, but it's a
similar thing where I'm like.

Speaker 8 (47:37):
Honey, we just we just like signed a midfielder and
she's like, oh my god, congratulation. She's actually really legitimately excited.
So that that's a really a really good feeling there.
She's very much invested in the.

Speaker 1 (47:50):
Piand well, hopefully you guys are are you still acting?
You guys gonna actor? You're giving up acting?

Speaker 4 (47:56):
So I'm sorry, Dan, we're Oh, I.

Speaker 1 (48:00):
Think to please wrap this well, that's a cliffhanger.

Speaker 8 (48:04):
Let me say one Let me say one thing before
you go, because I've met you in person many times,
and I've said this to you already, but I'd like
to say it on your show, and I'm sure you
hear this from so many people, but you are such
a huge part of my generation and so many people
younger than me and maybe a little bit older, in
bringing the story of sports to life in a way

that I'd never seen before. To bring you literally created
it the comedy, but also the excitement, and to present
it in a way to a whole new generation of
sporting fan I believe actually like change sports. And so
I think that you in particular have just been a

beacon and a guiding force for us.

Speaker 5 (48:50):
To be able to do what we do.

Speaker 7 (48:51):
One of the great storytellers that I know we're run
out of time a long time ago. But I also
want to say that I was so nervous the first
time I got to meet you, and is as Super
Bowl twenty sixteen San Francisco, and I sat on your
show there and I was utterly geeked out because you've
been one of the great sports storytellers of a generation.
And I'm we're very grateful to have got to actually
sit down in the hot seat with you.

Speaker 1 (49:13):
And don't like Rob was sincere, you weren't as sincere
with that, Ryan, No, I'm just competing Rob.

Speaker 7 (49:18):
I wasn't at super Bowl in twenty sixteen, that was
It's ben a fleck, Okay.

Speaker 8 (49:25):
I like that. I love that you can't take a compliment,
just just like we can't.

Speaker 3 (49:28):
So that's fine.

Speaker 5 (49:29):
You just the fly. You just a fly.

Speaker 1 (49:31):
You go ahead, have a great day, everybody, and good
luck to season three. Thank you, guys, thank you. That's
Ryan Reynolds, Rob Macklelhanning. Season three of FX is welcome Direction.
You know the moderator interruptsos his.

Speaker 3 (49:44):
Face, Ryan Reynold's face when you're here, I'm sorry, Dan
rat time.

Speaker 5 (49:48):
His face was absolutely polite.

Speaker 1 (49:51):
That was priceless. Oh, Welcome Direction tomorrow at ten Eastern
and Pacific on FX.

Speaker 9 (49:59):
Yes, do you remember this happened a long long time ago.
We Fritzy worked for like six months to book Tom Cruise,
and we got Tom Cruise on and we're four minutes
into the innery, six minutes in and the moderator jumps.
He goes, Tom has to move on to entertainment side
or whatever, and you go whoa, whoa, whoa, and Tom
Cruise jumps. He goes, We're good. I'm good with Dan. Dan,
go as long as you want. And you did another

like eight minutes with Tom Cruise.

Speaker 1 (50:22):
Yeah, yeah, it's cool interrupting us. We run a roll.
I'm sorry, Dan, and then Rob Rob I've had I've
had private conversations with about, you know, doing some business together,
and this is a couple of years ago, and he's
always been very nice. But I thought that he was

being sincere. I thought Ryan was maybe acting like he
was sincere, and that's why I called him out. But
it was good acting. Though it's tough to be the
second guy.

Speaker 7 (50:52):
Yes, in that it's tough to be sincere after following
the person who seems more sincere.

Speaker 1 (50:57):
It would have been nice if Ryan started instead of Rob.
I think Ryan was sincere.

Speaker 3 (51:03):
I do.

Speaker 5 (51:04):
I think he just unfortunately was second man in.

Speaker 1 (51:08):
Well, the only actor in this room. I would say,
I think he was acting sincere, but he's a good actor. Todd,
were you buying then?

Speaker 8 (51:18):
I was, But I understand the thought of the piggybacking
thing where whoever said it first, We've had that here too.

Speaker 1 (51:23):
You do that show? Who said good show and that
go yeah, good show to you too. So what is
that right man? Yeah, your nickname is piggyback. That's what
you do. You just piggyback somebody else.

Speaker 3 (51:34):
I miss piggyback.
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