All Episodes

April 26, 2024 38 mins

What is sexy to men?  Do they care about plastic surgery? Do they care about make up?

Edwin and Eddie share what they really think about their wives’ lifestyles, habits, and beauty routines.

Plus, who wanted to be a fashion designer? And, who does the same beauty procedure as their wife? The Eds discuss it all!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Eds with Eddie Judge and Edwin ado
Yave the husband's know best at two Tease Production. Welcome
to the EDS podcast. My name is Eddie Judge.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
And I'm Edwin Ariabe.

Speaker 1 (00:13):
How are you, Edwin?

Speaker 2 (00:15):
I'm doing all right, man, Good to see you again.

Speaker 1 (00:17):
Good to see you too. Anything new?

Speaker 2 (00:20):
Not much, just getting ready for the birthday and excited
to have a good time.

Speaker 1 (00:26):
What's the what birthdays is?

Speaker 2 (00:28):
Oh? This is forty seven years old?

Speaker 1 (00:31):
Forty seven?

Speaker 2 (00:33):

Speaker 1 (00:34):
Are you at all worried about getting to fifty?

Speaker 2 (00:38):
I want to have a big fiftieth bash I haven't had.
I haven't had like a true birthday. Well, my last
six birthdays we've been celebrating at Coachella, which is always
a fun time. But I haven't had like a grand
birthday since I think I was thirty two, So right
before I found out that I was having a daughter,

I decided to go all out on it. And it
was right before I met Teddy, because I met Teddy
eight months after that. But I was thirty two and
I just threw this big bash red carpet. Teddy always
makes fun of me because she says I paid for
the models that were there and I not paid for them.
I knew them. What I did get I actually did though,

to get free tequila. I was posing with the tequila,
taking pictures with a bunch of girls around me. So
when you're walking through my birthday, you're just seeing me
with my arms open. I got a white suit, no
shirt under, and I'm taking pictures with this tequila company
just so I can get free tequila for my birthday.
So she's always making fun of me about that bash,

But that was my last birthday bash, So I might
do it for my fiftieth, and I probably just invite
everybody I know.

Speaker 1 (01:50):

Speaker 2 (01:50):
So you love dividing people from all walks of life
and then just seeing them get together and end up
having a good time.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
Oh I love that. I love that.

Speaker 2 (01:58):
Yeah, Like you bring all your affluent friends, I bring
all my friends that I'm still very good friends with,
like everybody that I grew up with in junior high.
Oh wow, and uh, and just mix them all in
and just have a blast. You know.

Speaker 1 (02:11):
That's awesome.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
Work people and you know, just everybody street people and
let them figure it out. You know, I'm just like, yeah,
they'll figure it out. You know. Sometimes you get in
your end, You're you're in your head too much, Like
are these people gonna be able to hang with these people?
And it's gonna be weird. What I've always found is
when you do that mix, the whatever we want to

call them, the real affluent people end up having the
time of their life.

Speaker 1 (02:37):
Yes, because the other.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
People just make them get loose and it's just a
big party. I love it. Yeah, they're not when you
go to these like very like freaking I don't know,
fundraisers or those type of parties where it's just very
uh to what I'm looking for.

Speaker 1 (02:54):
Stuffy, stuffy, Yes, yes, I hate.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
It's just like you know, you bring everybody together, you
get those stuffy people to get loose, that's when it
becomes fun. Totally get it.

Speaker 1 (03:06):
Well, let's get into our fourth episode. Yeah, we're going
to talk about something very interesting today. To get the
mail perspective, we would like to talk about a topic.
The topic is going to be what are your thoughts
on beauty agent habits and lifestyle choices that stay that
keep you young or looking young, such as plastic surgery,

antip aging creams, and all these procedures in the world
which I'm not totally well versed on I don't know
how much you know about all the things out there
available to help you stay young, But let's talk about that.
What are your thoughts on our Wivee's gating plastic surgery?
Let's start with that.

Speaker 2 (03:43):
So boatox, I have no problem with I've actually done botox, Yeah,
I have.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
When did you start that?

Speaker 2 (03:50):
I started pretty young? Actually, I want to say I
started doing botox, but not like crazy, just in my forehead,
and you know, because I didn't want those crazy lines.
I want to say I started at maybe thirty two.
I think I started pretty young, right, but not like
every three months like I sucked at that. Maybe like

every eight months I'd go and do it, right, But
like I never had a problem with that one, right,
I sobs. I don't have a problem with Teddy doing it.
It's funny the first time Teddy caught me doing it
because I didn't tell her for a while. Right. I
come home and I'm thinking she's not going to notice,

and she's all like, what's all that red shit on
your forehead? And I'm like, what are you talking about?
I don't know what you're talking about. She's like, no,
did you get both talks. I'm like, no, what you
what are you talking about? Red ended? But anyway, so
that I don't have a problem with I do have
a problem right now with women injecting their lips to

an extreme, and I think that's happening more and more
and more. And I always tell Teddy, like, do not
do this extreme thing on your lips, because it's just
to me, it is not sexy. Like, I love big lips.

Speaker 1 (05:11):
Does she do that? Does she put on her in jail?

Speaker 2 (05:13):
I got a reminder, don't you get any of those ideas.
Teddy's always had great lips. It's why it's one of
my favorite features about her. Yeah, but you know it's
scary because I see like people are just getting overboard
with that. Yeah, right, Like I love big lips, but
I don't like stuff that looks fake. Yes, you know

what I mean, Like the boobs that are just too
gigantic where it's just obvious that they're fake. Like, yeah,
I don't like that. I'm a so I've always been
a big booty guy. Yeah, I've always liked the small
waist and the big booty, Like that's always been my
my thing as a man that I like about women.

Speaker 1 (05:55):
And now like like Kardashian big booty or big booty
like athletic.

Speaker 2 (06:03):
Athletic like natural big booty. Right, So, like, I think
the reason I never was into boobs as much is
because once I kind of felt everybody had fake boobs.
I kind of didn't really find it that appealing, right,
because it was kind of like in my head, it's fake.
Now it's happening with booties, where like everyone's getting fake booties.

And now I can't tell a real one from a
from a fake one.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
Oh, you have to touch it?

Speaker 2 (06:31):
Well, yeah, but only the only tipe I can touch
is my wives, and that one's real. But but yeah,
I can't, Like I can't. I don't know what's a
good one, what's a bad one?

Speaker 1 (06:41):
So what about antilists or you.

Speaker 2 (06:44):
Know those scary as well? So I always liked the
natural look. I think women that age naturally look very
I mean, and again, you could tune it up, but
I think what ends up happening is when people go
overboard with it and they all start looking the same. Right,
So for since like in the ear, I don't know
if it was the late nineties or early two thousands,

maybe it was in the nineties, Remember all the women
were looking like lions. Yes, that was the thing. They
were all like this right, so and they all started
to look the same right now and again for all
I know it's an app but I feel like they're
all starting to look like Kim Kardashian. Yeah, and I
see the most beautiful women and I'm like, what the

hell did you just do to your face? What did
you do to your lips? What did you And I'm
just like, now it looks fake, which is even worse. Yeah,
So I think if you could do it subtly and
you can't tell all for it, but when people go
and I do think that people don't even realize that

they're doing it, and before you know it, they're like
looking very you know, aggressive with their work. Let's just
put it to you that way.

Speaker 1 (07:58):
Do you think if your thoughts on Teddy was not
on the show, do you think she still do anything?

Speaker 2 (08:04):
Like? You know, she.

Speaker 1 (08:05):
Does the lips, the what does she do? No?

Speaker 2 (08:10):
She she I know she got a something with her chin.

Speaker 1 (08:13):
Okay, so she did ch Is that what it's called
chin lift?

Speaker 2 (08:19):
I think? So? Yeah? Which that one I didn't mind.
I didn't think she needed it. I was like, dude,
what are you doing? You don't need it. She does
the botox okay, and she doesn't inject her lips. She
does this whole thing that I think pumps the lips. Yeah. Right.
But sometimes I'll see a picture and I'm like, hey, Teddy,

you didn't do any of your lips, right, Yeah, that's
my thing. Do not touch the lips. I like lips
the way they are.

Speaker 1 (08:46):
Speaking of lips, there is something out there that my
wife uses on her lips that stimulates a little bit
of plumpiness. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (08:54):
I think that's what Teddy uses.

Speaker 1 (08:56):
Is that what it is? Because every time I kiss her,
I might lips start to swell, like what did I
just get stung by a d What the I don't
like it? So I don't know what chemicals are in there,
but swell. No. I make sure she definitely cleans it
up because I don't want to be itching for a
couple of days. Do you think that they feel a

lot of public pressure to be, like, you know, doing
these things because they're on TV? Or is it just
like them.

Speaker 2 (09:27):
Well, I don't even know. It's I think it's just
women in general. Right now, there's a lot of pressure
with just Instagram and everyone looking good all the time,
or seemingly like they're looking good. You don't know what's
real and what's not anymore, right, So I think that's
the dangerous part, is you're seeing these pictures of other women. Yeah,

but they don't exactly look like that, right, So you know,
it's it's it's figuring out what's real what's not. And
I think it's making sure that you're still seeing it
from the right lens. I mean this might be off topic,
but kind of the same thing. So I've always been
about my abs, right, And in fact, when I when

I was growing up, I would always do my AB
workout and I always had to talk about visualization. I
always at a Calvin climbox in my closet, so every
time i'd get dressed, i'd see that Calvin climbox, you know,
the one with the ripped abs, right. And then when
Fight Club came out, that was like my poster that
I would hang and I would just see that thing
all the time, right, Like, I'm a little obsessed with abs, right,

And there are times where I'll look and I'll tell Teddy, like,
am I losing my abs? And she's like, I don't
know what the hell you're talking about, Like you look,
you look pretty shredded. I'm like, yeah, no, I don't
think so like I'm and it's like in my head,
I have to remember maybe it's I'm seeing something that
is not real, which is I'm I'm gaining what I'm

losing my ass, But I wanted so. I know it's
happened to me and it could happen to women too.
But they're seeing something that is not real. Does that
make sense?

Speaker 1 (11:09):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, like it's fake.

Speaker 2 (11:12):
I mean like they're thinking I need to look this way,
but they're they're actually beautiful.

Speaker 1 (11:17):
Yes, yes, I mean what I know is that some
of the most beautiful women and men are the most
insecure because they base their personality and their their confidence
on their looks. And to answer your question personally, I
I never ever thought I would be, you know, married

to a woman that has done Plaska surgery, that does
botogs and does you know some limp lip plumping. I'll
never forget she's only done you can count the.

Speaker 2 (11:48):
Lip plumping though, right, or maybe you at it well
my wife.

Speaker 1 (11:53):
I think it was probably five years ago. My wife
came home one day and she literally looked like Daffy
Duck and I could not stop laughing, and I'm like,
what the hell did you do to your lips? And
she was just miserable and pissed and you know, embarrassed,
and I'm like, don't ever, please, don't ever do that
to your lips again, because it looks silly.

Speaker 2 (12:11):
You know.

Speaker 1 (12:12):
But I've always been anti I call it fake, you know,
anti fake when it comes to plastic surgery. If you
if you're not secure with who you are and how
you are, and it's it's it's a problem because eventually
there's going to be a day where you can't do
anything to change who you are, right, So you have
to start with yourself and be confident and comfortable with

your own skin and where you're from, your culture, and
you know, the color of your hair if you have it,
you know, all these things that I was like, you know,
if you're going to be to me, sexy is staying
in shape, doing the work at the gym, you know,
sweating it out, eating healthy, and really showing the real

trueness of who you are. Doesn't matter what color skin
you are, how tall you are, and how short you are.
This is who you are, and if you put the
work in, I can almost guarantee you you're gonna look
dirty damn hot.

Speaker 2 (13:12):

Speaker 1 (13:15):
And there's you know, been some exceptions where I've seen
women who have the most incredible physiques ever, naturally right,
without drugs and all that, but their face is not
so much, you know, that attractive, and vice versa. I've
seen some women that have just the most beautiful face
and the body is very like jelly soft and you know,
not very attractive. So I've always struggled with finding the

right woman, and I thought I did, and I think
I did with my wife. The only difference is that
she has had plastic surgery. She had a little facelift
where she just did very subtly about years ago.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
Well you can't even tell, so like like Tamra, I
think she's a natural, natural beauty. Like that's like there's
some women you look at and you're like, she got
plastic surgery, Yes you do.

Speaker 1 (14:01):
Yeah, And I've learned that there's a right and wrong
way of doing it right exactly. And I learned this
from my wife when she went in to get this
this facelift, I'm like, oh great, her forehead. You know,
it's going to be big and her eyes are going
to be in the top of her head, and I
want to do this. So when she did come out
of it, I was very impressed with it, and I'm like, okay,

so a little bit of here tuck nim here that
I'm okay with. Now, I'm also okay with you know,
non surgical procedures like face scrubs or face massage and
stuff like that. I've done one of those. It was
pretty amazing. But personally, I've never done both talks. I've

never done any of those things. I personally have always
been afraid of needles until recently, until you know, I was,
you know, I had my heart issue.

Speaker 2 (14:52):
But you look pretty good without any boatoks.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
Dude, no boat talks nothing yet.

Speaker 2 (14:56):

Speaker 1 (14:58):
I I think that's what it is. Because even my
wife and other people that you know have seen me
in the sun and have all this, you know, some
block caked on them. They're like, how come you don't
wear any sunblock. I'm like, well, you know, I have
a pretty dark pigment skin, and yeah, sometimes I sunburn,
but not all the time because I don't in the
sun all the time. But my son, my skin can

handle it.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
Right. Oh, don't say that in front of Teddy. She'll
tell you she'll kick your bed. Now I'm actually I'm
actually putting, which I never did before. I was like, you,
I go out, never put sunscreen. But after what happened
to Teddy, I'm like, all right, I'm putting sunscreen every time.
I'm now I'm all about it. Yeah, well, you know what.
The other thing I've noticed, Eddie is what happened at
least what's happening to me like I wouldn't. Now that

I'm getting older, I'm geting all these spots in my
face that were from what I'm learning, it was from
all those years that I never put any damn sunscreen
on my ada.

Speaker 1 (15:53):
How often on a daily basis do you get sun.

Speaker 2 (15:57):
I'm being I'm trying to be more intentional because I'm
trying to get my vitamin D going. I'm even taking
some vitamin d's. The doctor says it's good. So I
tried it in the mornings. I try to get some
sun now because I want to look tanned, but it
just puts me in a good mood, like vitamin D
is important for that, and uh yeah, so I try
to throughout the day, go out for a little walk
here and there, take a phone call out in the

sun before I get on the cold plunge. I'll spend
like ten fifteen minutes in the sun, but I normally
like doing it in the morning.

Speaker 1 (16:25):
Yeah, I'll never forget this. When I was working at
the firm, and I was wearing a suit every day,
you know, because that was one of my goals is
to look sharp and go to work and be dressed
up and look important. It was probably two years of
that and I came home one day and I looked
at my skin and I was bright white. Like, wait

a minute, I thought I was Mexican. Why am I
turning white? You know, because I had not seen the
sun for so long because I was working my ass
off and you know, working through lunch, and if I
did go outside, I'm covered, you know, I'm in a
nice suit head to toe, and I'm not getting enough sun.
And now I really wasn't spending a lot of time
outdoors either. So it made me realize, this is why

I feel like shit, this is why my energy levels
are not good. And when I started getting sun again,
I started feeling normal again, and I'll never forget when
I was younger and I had all this time to
work out and ride my bike. I used to tell
people I get solar energy when the sun hits me
on the bike. When I'm out there, I get so
energized I'm bouncing off the walls. And now as I

gotten older, you know, we spend so much time indoors
that I hardly get sun. I have to intentionally, like
you like, make an effort to go out and get
some sun. And if I don't, I feel it. I
feel like I'm losing energy. So Son, I wanted just emphasize,
don't be afraid of it, but be careful how much

you get right, because like anything too good, too much
of a good thing is it's ultimately about it. Back
to these procedures. I you know, the only thing I've
ever considered doing, because my wife has just been harping

on me and harping on me and harping me on
this is getting new teeth, you know, getting fake teeth.
Say you know you're on TV, you would better. I
don't think I have crooked bad teeth. Maybe I have
one little crooked one, but again, I don't want to
have fake teeth. I don't want to have fake anything
because one day I'm going to be like eighty years old,

and I don't want to be insecure about it. You know.
I want to age gracefully and I want to be
able to go like, yeah, you know, I gotta I
gotta wrinkle there, and I got another wrinkle there, and
I got faking gray hair. You know, I'm not gonna
got my hair.

Speaker 2 (18:50):
No, that was the same because I same thing with
with teeth, Like I'm like, yes, we have to shave
your entire teeth. I'm like, oh, I think I'll wait
till I start losing some teeth to do that. Like
if I go, if I started losing like six of
my teeth, which hopefully that doesn't happen, then I'll do it.
But I don't know if I want to take my
natural stuff out yet. You know, you know what I
have been messing with, which Teddy's gives me a hard time, which,

by the way, I just did it yesterday, which is
probably why I looked weird as hell is. I started
dying my beard. Really I never did before. I'd never
died my beard before. And then about month and a
half ago, Yeah, I saw a picture of Teddy and
I with my beard and it was like dark black.
Must have been like thirty four thirty five at the time,

and I'm like, let me try this beard thing. And
I've try to die go back to the dark because
I used to love my beard dark before, right, And
so I did it about a month and a half ago.
Teddy hates it for the first week, which again, I
just did it last night. I actually go to someone
that does it. I don't like it the first two days,

but I did it a week prior to my birthday,
so on my birthday it looks better, so damn fake.
But I started doing that lately just to change it up.
I've always liked changing my look though I did long
hair Geordie hair, even though Teddy hates when I go along,
but I like messing with just different looks. Yeah, I

think that's kind of fun. I think it's fun when
when the girls do it too. I think that's what
I love about them being on the show and the
different looks they pop up with. That's, you know, one
of the one of the great things that women do
that I love is just what they're well makeup artists
and and people that do the hair they have. They
could have so many different looks, and you know, not

that they look that much different, but it's almost like
a different girl. Like, Wow, that's sexy. That's sexy. That's sexy.
So I love when they get all done up. And
but I also like the natural look. Like I always
tell Teddy when we're gonna take pictures, I'm like, just hair, flat, yeah, flat, simple, straight.
I don't like. I don't like a lot of the
curls and the big hair. I've never been in a

big hair.

Speaker 1 (21:01):
I like the to the side every day, every day,
like every day when you see her, would you like,
do you rather like to see her all decked out
dressed up makeup looking pretty or just you know, baseball
caps wets or shorts and lounge e what do you prefer?

Speaker 2 (21:20):
Like both? I like when she's natural on the makeup
because I think she's very beautiful. I don't. I mean,
I'll take it when she does it once in a while,
but I don't like the makeup all over where you're like,
you can tell you just put on a ton of makeup, right,
the long crazy eyelashes, right. I like a more subtle,

natural look, Yeah you do. But you know, on those
days where she's got to get a little crazy, I
guess it's a it's a that's good too. Yeah, I
mean that's that's a different that that's a different look. Well,
we'll role play when she's when she's uh, she's got
that look on.

Speaker 1 (22:06):
And because we're faming, maybe I won't hear.

Speaker 2 (22:08):
As much as my wife. There might just be more
role playing on that one when she's all.

Speaker 1 (22:13):
I love seeing my watch. My wife's just relaxed because
most of the year when she's filming, she's you know, different, different,
you know, outfits and all that, and it's very stressful
for her. But the good thing is is that she
is naturally beautiful. So I'm just telling her recently, I

just still love waking up to you in the morning
when you have no makeup and anything. You're beautiful, right.
I've only met maybe one other woman, not in a relationship,
but I saw her without makeup and it was scary
as hell. I would not be happy waking up to her.
You know, that sounds really fucking scary. So she was like, oh,
thank you, honey, But it's true. You know, I really

like the natural look. But while she's filmeding. She's got
different hair on, different makeup styles, different outfits. She always
has different styles and she always looks super super cute
and I love that, and it's it's great because she's
not into all these super expensive brands. I mean, she

likes s Gucci and now she's all into Aloe. You know,
she's she used to be into I like it. I yeah,
it's actually one of my favorite brands. Now it's a
really cool brand. Yeah you know it was what was
that last one, Lululemon that was that's out now you
know that's alos in. But yeah, you know, she has

those little brands that she likes here and there, but
they're never like super expensive, like ten thousand dollars her
mess purses or whatever they're called. Do you like brands?
Do you wear brands?

Speaker 2 (23:48):
I like, well, I've always loved brands, But I love
the Aloe stuff. I love the vory stuff, Like that's
kind of my thing now. I love that. You know.
It's if I ever, when I'm ready to retire from
my businesses, I think I'd love to be a fashion designer,
like the stuff that Alo comes up with. I literally

was thinking back in two thousand and four, like two
thousand and three, I would design this in sportswear, like
this is how I would do it right, And now
I'm seeing it, I'm like, shit, you know that could
have been my idea, but I think it'd be so
fun to do. So. I've always been a big fan
of fashion. It's always I don't know, it's just always

kind of called me to it. I've always just been
drawn to it. But you know what I do love
on my wife is when she's tanned, like a even
even a spray tan, just something it's just uh, let's
just say, it makes the body look curbier, you know, so,

and you know I'm in the curves, so.

Speaker 1 (24:54):
It definitely enhances the curves.

Speaker 2 (24:56):
When Teddy's uh, when Teddy's tanned, Depp, we're deaf and
the only gonna make her go to work?

Speaker 1 (25:04):
What kind of grooming practices? Yeah, do you do? You wax?

Speaker 2 (25:08):
I don't wax. I shave. Funny story, back in the day,
I had a friend of mine that convinced me. He's
actually one of my best friends growing up, and we
were cycling and he's like, dude, why don't you shave
your legs? Like it? It's what you need to do
for cycling, right exactly, So like a dumb ass, just

not knowing anybody, I'm like, I want to be freaking
shaving this thing every day, right or every three days.
So I tried laser on my hair on my legs.
Holy shit, was that painful.

Speaker 1 (25:42):
That sounds painful.

Speaker 2 (25:43):
That's one of the most painful things I've ever done.
And the shit didn't even work. So anyways, now I
got hair all over the damn place except for my
private I like to keep that one clean, okay, but
I usually get the razor for that one.

Speaker 1 (25:58):
I don't. The only thing I whack sometimes and it's
that and I usually go when it starts getting crazy.
But between my eyebrows, my nose, and my ears, I
don't know when I started that habit, but I like
to be clean in those areas, and I do shave.
I used to shave my legs a lot when I
rode my bike all the time. In fact, my wife
used to make fun of me because you know, i'd

had smoother legs and hers sometimes. But yeah, and then
I like to keep my private parts, you know, trimmed
and clean as well. But that's about it. You know,
when it comes to waxing. Even I've thought about waxing
my legs. I don't know. I have a friend that
did it, and he says, it's amazing that last three
months and you don't have to do it for three months.

I'm like, I don't know. I'm good with just my
brow and my nose.

Speaker 2 (26:45):
And my ears. Yeah, it's it's like that sounds painful.

Speaker 1 (26:49):
Do you like Teddy having, you know, manicured nails all
the time or is that not important to you?

Speaker 2 (26:57):
Not that important? Yeah, I mean yeah, not that big
of a deal for me. Yeah, definitely nice and shaved
and not Billien hair is important. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (27:07):
I don't like hair. I mean honestly, I love it
when she's clean and hairless. Definitely don't like her. Do
you shave your chest?

Speaker 2 (27:16):
I don't.

Speaker 1 (27:17):
You don't, Okay. I used to, and it's probably because
when I was doing a lot more bodybuilding. It was
one of those things like you got to show off
the packs, you know, the lions and the cut and
all that. But lately my wife's been going, what's that
gray bush on your chest?

Speaker 2 (27:34):
I've never seen that before.

Speaker 1 (27:35):
That's baby. Another thing I wanted to ask you about.
You know, when it comes to your cell phones? How
private are you?

Speaker 2 (27:51):
Do you? Guys?

Speaker 1 (27:52):
I have a friend that has him and his wife
pretty much are on the same phone, Like she knows
everywhere he's at, he knows everywhere, or she's that when
a text message comes in, she gets a copy of it.

Speaker 2 (28:04):
That's a good one.

Speaker 1 (28:04):
Where are you on your on your phone?

Speaker 2 (28:07):

Speaker 1 (28:07):
How private are you?

Speaker 2 (28:09):
So two different times. At one point I hated her
going through my phone. Yeah, and I had a big
problem with it. But I was probably doing some things
I shouldn't have been doing anyway, right, And uh, ever,
since kind of those days have been gone, I have

no problem with her checking my phone. I have no
problem with her. She's got which before I had a problem.
What is that thing where they could keep track of you?
Or she knows exactly where I or no, not like
three sixty on your phone? It just it tells you.
It tells her exactly find my phone. Oh yeah, yeah,
she's got me on find my phone? And I have

no problem with it. Before I had a freaking problem
with it. I was like, why do you want to
know where I'm at? I need you know, blah blah
blah blah blah, and uh, after her just some of
the stuff that I did, I was like, all right,
you got you got full rain on me. Just that
it's it's it's pretty cool not to have to worry

about someone going through your damn phone. Yeah, Like like
for me, I just like I remember those days. Back
in those days, it was just like, oh like take
my phone with me to the freaking shower, you know,
take it everywhere I went, you know. And now like
not even have to worry about that ship. You know.
It's just like I got nothing to hide, Okay, knock

yourself out. And so with the reason my Instagram is
ted one Natter is because we used to share an Instagram, right,
this is before she became famous. It was ted Headwind
was taken. So she went with tedwin Nater and so
she would see like women like would DM me and

even though they knew it was a couple's one, right yeah.
And with Facebook kind of the same thing with my
kind of the same thing, right yeah. So she's like,
you can't have your own Instagram, I mean Instagram account.
So I'm like, okay, Well, but then she became Teddy
Mellencamp after she was on the show, and she says, Okay,
you can keep the ted one ador one. You can't

change the name. So that's why I roll with tedinator.

Speaker 1 (30:27):
Okay, all right, and I'm actually working.

Speaker 2 (30:30):
I'm actually working now because it's been so long now
changing it to edwin Ariabe you just reminded me. I
got to call my guy to say, hey, are we
going to change this ted one aador thing? Yeah, I'm
kind of done with tedator. I think it is confusing.

Speaker 1 (30:44):
Yeah, whenever I looked for you, I type in your name,
like it's not coming up tedinador. I personally, I don't
like being tracked every day, the every minute. And I
understand there's you know, a level of comfort from your spouse,

you know, to know that you're okay and that you're
somewhere right. We went through a spurt of about three months.

Speaker 2 (31:10):
I want to say, by the way, I would just
say if if you don't have a reason, then yeah,
I think it's perfect, right, Like, no one needs to
be looking at your phone if you don't have a reason, right, right,
do right? Like you I get the private that's the
privacy part. Like for me, it was like dude, like
give me a break, right, And uh, but I do

think at some point if you mess, if you get
caught slipping.

Speaker 1 (31:36):
Yeah, yeah, it's it's part of it. You know how
long ago was that?

Speaker 2 (31:42):
I was a while back.

Speaker 1 (31:43):
Okay, yeah, we'll bellieve it.

Speaker 2 (31:46):
Well, we'll leave it as it was a while back. Okay.

Speaker 1 (31:48):
Yeah, I don't want to more than that, more than
eight years. Yeah, I was trying to avoid unboxing that one.
You do you track her?

Speaker 2 (31:58):

Speaker 1 (31:59):

Speaker 2 (32:00):
Okay? No, I mean I guess I could, but I
never looked for it.

Speaker 1 (32:03):
Do you guys know each other's passwords for everything?

Speaker 2 (32:08):
Mmm? I well her password is easy, so yes. But
I I've never in any relationship have I ever been
snooping around or you know, that was kind of part
of why I didn't ever want anybody going on my
phone before. But I was also doing some stuff right Yeah,
but I'd never have ever cared about, you know, going

into because I've always felt like, you're looking to find
some shit, and you will find some stuff, right, Like,
it's just that I've never wanted to go there, like, yeah,
don't look for me, you don't want to find But
no one's ever really given me and I'm now talking
during my previous relationships, no one ever really gave me
a reason to want to want to do that. I

just think it's a big mind f.

Speaker 1 (32:56):
Well, you know, I have a new perspective nowadays, now
that I've been married, you know, ten years, and been
with her thirteen years, and I feel like she's going
to be the one for the rest of my life.
I handle all the all the finances, and I do
it all electronically, and it's all in my computer, and

frequently I update her with the list of all the
passwords and everything. So I think it's important for her
to have my password to my phone and everything, and
I know her passwords for her phone as well. And
the only reason I would look is if there's something wrong,
you know, going on, and I need to investigate, like
something's wrong with her phone, or something hacked into her phone,
or something hacking to her computer. But never really like

looking for anything. Like you said, if you start looking
for something, you might find something you don't want to see,
you know. I'm sure I don't know if you experienced this,
but I'm sure she has, and she's shared with me too.
I'm sure there's been people that guys that reach out
her to her on social media and send her pictures
of them and said, you know, what are you doing
with this deadbeat or whatever? Or I'm so much better

than him, And they send pictures of themselves and I
know that because I get those as well. You know
these girls and you know these Yeah, I think it's
it's straight when you're on when you are on a
platform and you have this, and I don't even know
if you have to be on a platform, but that's
just kind of like what people do to get people's

attentions right. And I can't tell you how many times
I've had to say, look, i'm married, block them, delete them,
get rid of them.

Speaker 2 (34:33):
You know.

Speaker 1 (34:33):
I just don't think it's appropriate, not just them sending it,
but me, you know, looking at them and and and
having a conversation with them because I'm married, you know,
I love my wife. I don't need that level of distraction.
But is it going to happen?

Speaker 2 (34:47):

Speaker 1 (34:47):
And is it always going to happen? I don't know.
Maybe I'll get, you know, to a point in my
life one day where I won't be you know, popular,
nobody will know me and I won't get those those videos,
and that's okay, but that is part of you know,
trust in your partner, like this is gonna happen, this
is this is the kind of shit. I know she
gets those too. So do you ever read her text messages,

Bernie Resa, Yeah, I only read them accidentally when I'm
working on her phone or you know, I'm sitting next
to her and she's having I mean, she gets like
a text message a freaking minute. I don't know how
she keeps up with all these different conversations. But I
never feel like I have to read her text messages,
you know, I've I've also always been the believer of

if you if I have to read your text messages,
then there's something wrong with this relationship, right, right, If
you don't trust me, there's there's something wrong with this relationship.
So I do know that, you know, she sometimes tells
me a little bit of the truth, not the whole truth. Yeah,
and it's usually pertaining to what she did on the show.
But that's about the extent of it. I I don't

have any insecurities about her, you know, doing something nefarious
or or you know, in that relationship, right because the
connections there, just like you and Teddy, you have that
connection and you know it's always.

Speaker 2 (36:06):
Well and I think, and I think what's important I
think that I've seen too, is if someone's very insecure
about themselves and they bring in a problem from a
previous relationship. Right. So, like let's say your ex was
cheating on you all the time. Right now you come
into a new relationship, and now you bring in all

the doubt into this new relationship and you're constantly bugging
the guy about his phone. Let me see your phone,
let me read your text, let me do all this.
Eventually you're going to push that guy or girl away,
right because they don't want to deal with that, right.
So there's also that healthy balance where you can't bring
your past into a new relationship because you're going to

push that person away, and you're you know, it's there's
a there's also that bind line that you have to
walk from a previous relationship to a new one.

Speaker 1 (37:03):
I have a friend that has the exact situation you're
just explained, and in order for her to avoid it,
she just doesn't date. So now she's alone, you know,
and she's she's just not going to trust anybody else.

Speaker 2 (37:18):
And it's tough because you're gonna push some good people away.
At some point, you have to trust. Yeah, like after
a while, like it's, you know, no big deal, like
I said, But like if I start dating you and
right away you're like I need to see your phone,
I'm like, man, you're freaking crazy. Yeah, like I'm running.

Speaker 1 (37:37):
From you for sure, like next you know, Yeah, Fortunately
we don't have to be in that situation.

Speaker 2 (37:44):
Don't we have to be in that situation anymore, But
like you have to sort of gain that trust before
you start just asking for stuff.

Speaker 1 (37:51):
Right, do you have friends that are around your age
right now that are going through that or like they're
they've been married for a long time and now all
of a sudden they are freaking single and there out there,
you know, dating at this age.

Speaker 2 (38:04):
Not that I've talked too lately, okay.

Speaker 1 (38:07):
But I have some of and it's it's just I
thank God every day that I don't have to date
in this era right now. Anyways, all right, always great
talking to you, Like I am excited to look all right,
I'm looking forward to our next episode, and I'm guys,
send us reviews, send us questions. You know, we're really

excited about doing this. We want to give you the
content you're looking for, and your reviews will help us
do that, So keep them coming and we'll see you
next time.

Speaker 2 (38:38):
Thanks for tuning in.
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