All Episodes

April 11, 2024 51 mins

The Element Podcast powered by FIRST LITE

On this episode Tyler Jones And K.C. Smith talk about how their Texas turkey hunts went and what it's like to experience "Good Turkey Hunting". They also go into depth on the tactics they used to get close to some Texas Rios. Check below to see everything Jesse And Tyler have going on! Thanks for listening!

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Wild Boar Sausage

Greg's Texas Turkey

Eric's Mountain Turkey Hunt

First Turkey on the family Farm

Missouri Gobbler



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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I'm Casey and you're listening to the Elephant podcast. Y'all
hear that?

Speaker 2 (00:19):
Hmm, that's my pet turkey. I keep in the house
with me at all times. That way, I know what
turkeys sound like. I don't even I don't even have to.

Speaker 1 (00:29):

Speaker 3 (00:29):
I don't have to think about it. I just know
what they sounds like. Yeah, you just speaking turkey these days. Yeah,
that's on a special new call that y'all can't know about.

Speaker 1 (00:42):
Both of those are those are on Philps calls like
that one.

Speaker 3 (00:45):
The Media podcast or the Element podcast.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
Reading. Yeah, I'm reading meeting here on.

Speaker 2 (00:53):
These calls here brought to you by first like year.
But we killed some turkey using some Phelps calls, So congrats,
Jason Phelps. That's your one for the year, sir. Anyways,
you heard this last week talk to Tyler and Jesse

at Turkey Camp.

Speaker 3 (01:15):
It's pretty cool. Uh that's Tyler V.

Speaker 1 (01:18):
Yeah. I got Tyler J TV right here, TV and TJ.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
It actually got pretty confusing at times whenever I was
in the back seat of the truck saying hey, Tad,
and he'd be like, oh yeah, sorry for that. Tyler
the Tyler V, not Tyler J. No sorrows for you.
But anyways, that was an awesome little camp that we

got to eat at, eat some delicious things, laugh a
lot tyler v over there. Archery Country is a cool
dude stop in if you're in the hill country. That's
the place to go. By Jersey Jesse and Jerseys Jesse's
Turkey Book if you have events, if you're into cooking
turkeys and seeing turkey pitches and stuff like that. Uh,

we have exclusive signed copies.

Speaker 1 (02:07):
We're friends like that. You know, when you say delicious,
you know what, it reminds me of a lot of
times my speech impediment. Don't reminds me of the the
BlackBerry glaze elk steak video still channel. Yeah it is
as far as I know. It's good. Checked on it

in a while and.

Speaker 3 (02:28):
When I overcooked some elk steak and just uh, it's
a good time.

Speaker 1 (02:31):
We were in the RV. Man, those are the days. Man.

Speaker 2 (02:34):
You can you know, reduce some blackberries and some honey
and some massamic vinegar and make some pretty good stuff.

Speaker 1 (02:41):
Well garlic onion, but some vinegar's hard to beat. A
little opinio, yeah, yeah, it's pretty good.

Speaker 3 (02:46):
Not to do that again.

Speaker 1 (02:47):
Oh for sure.

Speaker 2 (02:47):
I'm gonna really hammered down the BlackBerry harvest this year.
I cans and cans and cans of BlackBerry jelly. I
know I know where they are good. I know where
they are too, But I think the mind nights protect them.
I don't think it's on their road. I don't think
they want.

Speaker 1 (03:00):
I know where they just don't. Nobody even messes with them. Yeah, yeah,
that's good. Can't be saying though on here. It ain't
on county road. It's yeah, it's off off the main
road yet.

Speaker 3 (03:11):
Net and plums too, I want to I want to
hammer down on both of them.

Speaker 1 (03:13):
I don't know where I can't. They don't, I don't.
I got a couple of plum trees back here, and
they never have plumbs on them. I think it's because
they get eaten before, like as soon.

Speaker 3 (03:21):
As the deer hammer the plums in my place. You know,
I've got a lot of plums in the deer ham
Are they growing already?

Speaker 1 (03:26):
I haven't checked.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
They bloomed really good this year and didn't get a frost,
so I should have a pretty good crop, you know,
is there? Can we buy some burd netting and protect
them things?

Speaker 3 (03:35):
I think it's I think it's big animals, possums and
deer and hogs.

Speaker 1 (03:39):
But if you put that netting around it, the big
trunk like coolly encompassed. If there's another big, big plump patch.

Speaker 2 (03:52):
In an area that we know pretty well around the
lake over there, plumb thicket. But we're not talking about
making uh any type of food today.

Speaker 1 (04:02):
We're actually gonna talk about some hunting. Man.

Speaker 3 (04:06):
That's true. That's a good point.

Speaker 2 (04:07):
Tyler man, you're such a mediator, dude, You just you
know the whole time you're out there harvesting. Take Tyler
and I I'm going to bury the lead here as
they say, that's how it works.

Speaker 3 (04:20):
We killed some turkeys this pastor, Oh my god, I know.

Speaker 2 (04:23):
But listen, the story is worth sticking around because you know,
every seasoned, respectable turkey hunter isn't there for the kill.
They're there for the story and are easy to kill.
So we are creating an eleventh legion over here.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
Guys. Whoa, here's a bridge stroll.

Speaker 3 (04:38):
You want to talk about feeling like I just got
to tag.

Speaker 1 (04:41):
The dog is attacking the house trying to get inside.

Speaker 2 (04:44):
But anyways, we had some good turkey hunting with those
guys down there.

Speaker 1 (04:49):
Uh, and we thought that.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
Last week we gave you the camp experience, and this
week we're gonna give you the hunting experience and talk
about some things, some stuff we learned, uh, some stuff
we tried that worked out pretty cool.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
And I'm going to go and.

Speaker 2 (05:01):
Lead this off by saying that I like turkey hunting
a lot more than I used to.

Speaker 1 (05:06):
Oh somewhere Michael Stole he is.

Speaker 3 (05:09):
He's freaking out right his redhead in Iowa.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
Actually he's up there turkey hunting right now. But yeah, man,
turkey hunting is fun when you start killing turkeys like
I used to like think it was just okay, it's
because I was hunting bad turkey hut places. Yeah, but
there's a there's a video on the Element channel Circle
about twenty eighteen called Hooked, and you should go watch

it if you haven't. It's actually one of our better
productions at that point in like the Element. I still
like watching him. It's cool man, nice, It's just got
a good pace. It also has one of the best
Lomo shots you'll ever see.

Speaker 1 (05:52):
It's a it's sick, So go watch that if you haven't.

Speaker 2 (05:54):
But that's kind of where some of my you know,
like traditional turk style turkey hunting stuff started. Ever since
then we kind of gone back and forth. I think
twenty twenty we had a pretty good year where we
got to go. That was twenty one, wasn't it. We
went to Missouri and Iowa and Tennessee. Twenty two was it?

Speaker 1 (06:14):
I think so.

Speaker 3 (06:16):
Spring of twenty two, sure enough, it was.

Speaker 1 (06:19):

Speaker 2 (06:20):
Tyler has a video where he killed a Missouri bird
with her friends from Land the Legacy.

Speaker 1 (06:24):
That's pretty awesome. Biggest bird overkilled. Dude. That bird was
a monster. Yeah, Mondo.

Speaker 2 (06:30):
And there's a bunch before that that y'all didn't get
to see that happened. That was insane too. Chainsaw Chad
just running all around the mountains. Yeah, yep, but it's good.
But this hunt, we're hunting the Texas Hill Country for
Rio grand turkeys, and it just so happens to be
the most blue bonded just a week of the year.

Speaker 1 (06:52):
Yep, it was on the most blue bond place in
the world. I mean, I've never seen anything like it.
I don't know if I talked about it when Tyler
or Jesse were on the podcast, but it was like,
I mean, you almost couldn't not step on blueb on it,
so they were everywhere on the whole property.

Speaker 2 (07:09):
I grew up feeling like you weren't supposed to pick
a bluebon or step on it or get in trouble,
like you get a ticket or something, you know, And
now they're like I.

Speaker 1 (07:19):
I was. I mean, I was still, you know, today,
years old, when I didn't know for sure if I
you know, if there's against pick against the law to
pick a blue on it. So, I mean, I can't
say that there might not have been one picked in
that time, but that was Eric's fault. So yeah, that
was a bluebond of pop tart.

Speaker 3 (07:37):
It was weird, dude.

Speaker 1 (07:38):
It was like a pastry.

Speaker 3 (07:39):
Do we take a picture of that?

Speaker 1 (07:41):
I got a video of it.

Speaker 3 (07:42):
We should put like a still that on the story
at some point in time.

Speaker 2 (07:45):
Yeah, he got a weird It looked like it's like
essentially a cat faced bluebon.

Speaker 3 (07:49):
It probably the biggest one ever. Yeah, probably world record,
world record. It's what we're putting the video world record.
Real grand turkey, honey, at least watch my video there somewhere. Listen,
there's a balance there, y'all. I'm not making fun of y'all,
you need a balance not making fun of us.

Speaker 2 (08:08):
But we got to hunt on a really awesome property,
private land, which is the way all turkey hunt should
be done.

Speaker 1 (08:17):
Well, that ain't the way Michael's doing it right now,
and you know, take it out with the hunting public.
Hunting public turkeys, that's right. And there are two days
into the hunt.

Speaker 2 (08:26):
Haven't killed anything yet that we've heard, and I would
imagine as soon as they kill something, we'll hear about it.

Speaker 1 (08:31):
So two days in a year hunt, you had one tag.

Speaker 3 (08:34):
Yeah, that's right. First morning was it? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (08:39):

Speaker 2 (08:39):
So we showed up with enough time to kind of
get out in the afternoon stomp around.

Speaker 3 (08:45):
One of the good things about turkeys is that stomping
doesn't hurt.

Speaker 2 (08:47):
Near as bad as deer hunting stomping, so you can
like explore and it's not like they smell you and
leave the area. Right, So we got out and did
a little stomping and tried to see if we couldn't
shock god some birds, and it didn't really work until
like around about five thirty. It's like the turkey start
moving around and I think this is the thing we've

seen before, but like they start making ways to get
back to the roost and then they start talking. So
we like try to work some birds or something that
first evening, and I personally learning how the turkey call.
Still like I've always been able to kind of make
a noise in my mouth. In the past year and
a half, have tried to learn how to use a
diaphragm better because I can elk call, in my opinion,

pretty good with a diaphragm, But turkey is just a
lot different, even though it's the same looking thing.

Speaker 1 (09:36):

Speaker 3 (09:38):
Yeah, I didn't want to distract it, but.

Speaker 2 (09:42):
So I feel like that first evening my calls weren't
that great, and that could have been what why.

Speaker 1 (09:51):
This is funny that we were both thinking that, yeah,
well for sure, yeah.

Speaker 2 (09:56):
Part of why we didn't kill, But we also just
didn't really understand the dynamic of the property. And then
that night we did some hooting and h Tyler and
I both got our hoot figured out pretty make a
pretty good hoot.

Speaker 1 (10:12):
But we hooted up some gobblers. I just turned on
Gonglem style. It works.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
But this is like a thing that you and I
are kind of figuring out. This is like the way
we like to hunt them I think roost bird. Yeah,
you feel way better.

Speaker 1 (10:31):
I want to shoot that thing as soon as it
gets dirt on it on his feet in the morning.

Speaker 2 (10:36):
Yeah, there's an episode on media here if you haven't
seen it, where Tyler does just that.

Speaker 3 (10:42):
It gets a turkey about oh three seconds of ground like.

Speaker 1 (10:46):
It's heads doing something weird. So we're just gonna go
ahead and shoot it.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
You first asked questions later and uh it was effective,
and I'm glad you did. But we roosted some birds
that night. Made us a little triangulation plan, trying to
do the New Mexico two point zero on them where
we surround saying around them, they kind of have a
way out, but they're probably coming by us. One of
the two of us we split up. I decided to

put out a decoy set. Did you put out decoys
that morning?

Speaker 1 (11:15):
Yeah? We put out one, maybe two. We put out
put them out in the road because I just we'd
seen so many tracks on that road and I was like, oh,
they're you know, they got they're gonna fly down hit
the road. Actually there was a little hump in the
road and I if I had gone over it, I
was sworried that I'd bump them off the roost. So
I stayed on the other side of it and actually
backed off like thirty or forty yards, so he didn't
just come over the top and it was right there.

And put a couple of decoys maybe there, or maybe
one decoy there, and we got up on these rocks.
We're pretty pretty good spot man.

Speaker 3 (11:46):
Oh yeah, were up on the ridge kind of like
where we'd set up that nuther.

Speaker 1 (11:49):
Yeah yeah, yeah, but like in rocks. So it looked like,
I mean, we were hitting because of those rocks, I
felt like and uh, we were waiting and you know,
waiting on them to fly down. And the first bird
that flew down was a gob I don't know how big, but.

Speaker 3 (12:07):
I could tell it was a god by himself too,
by himself, which probably means a mature goblin from what
we saw.

Speaker 1 (12:13):
And he flew probably down like one hundred yards from us,
landed pretty much in the road, and then he could
go west to come to us, or east and go
towards like goat fencing. So I was kind of like,
I know that they go east, but I was thinking, oh, well,
you know, kind of going to be squeezed up against

the trees to go to get around that goat fencing. Well,
he went east some I would say s closed closed.
He would have been squlosed for sure. But that was
kind of the extent of the first part of our
world kind of hunting in a spot.

Speaker 3 (12:46):
The hill country of Texas is defined by a terrain
and water, so you'll have these you might call them
ridges or hills. You know, they're called hills the hill country.

Speaker 2 (13:01):
It looks like kind of like that foothills type stuff
that you see maybe in the Rockies. But there'll be
creeks that run in between all these hills, and usually
they're fairly straight. But there's this spot right here, there's
about half mile long that the creek does two squiggles,
and that's where all the turkeys were roosted in those
squiggles because they could fly down and kind of be

down in the creek bottom and some cover and then
kind of emerge where they wanted to up onto the
side hills. And so instead of setting up you went
to that side. I went to the other side of
the creek. Where I was it was kind of more
like rolling like kind of prairie grassland type stuff with
a couple of oak mots, and a little cedar here

and there or whatever, and.

Speaker 3 (13:45):
So we just kind of set up as close as
we could get to.

Speaker 2 (13:49):
The roosted gobblers without feeling like we were too much
into it. I think we're probably one hundred and twenty
hundred and fifty from the roosted birds, and I think.

Speaker 1 (13:58):
That's a good place to be.

Speaker 2 (13:59):
I mean, I know, when you got a bird roosted,
you can get real close, but you run the risk
of getting seen, of course, and then being heard, which
I think Michael and Eric dealt with last year. And
there's like this weird thing where if you put decoys
out and those turkeys, it's like real early and they
see those decoys down there and they're like, why are

those turkeys down there? They don't think that's smart. But turkeys,
you know, I'm learning things about them. They're not very smart,
but like they just process stuff pretty well.

Speaker 1 (14:30):
Yeah, they have they have like a really good instincts. Yeah,
it's like, well the instinct if it's danger at all, Yeah,
it's it just takes one little thing to like, i mean,
just mess them off of their pattern, just the slightest bit,
and their instinct, like you said, is just they don't
really get over their instinct. It's not like like a
deer might talk itself into like, oh well that's not

actually danger, calm down, go back to the right in
maybe if it's the ruts, I don't care smell that guy. Yeah. Yeah, Turkeys,
I feel like, don't do that like that.

Speaker 4 (15:03):

Speaker 1 (15:03):
They just like if you, I mean, if you get
caught the slightest, they can go from strut to tall
redhead real quick in it. And that ain't no good.

Speaker 2 (15:12):
But thankfully we set up in a really good spot.
I put out the jake like half struck looking decoy,
and Michael loves this, of course. But we have a
lay down hen and you can put the jake on
the back of the lay down hen and give a
very like anatomically correct positioning of a breeding jake on

a hen. And turkeys, you know, their whole thing is
don't let the other ones breed. You don't ever think
about her see deer like, uh, you know they were
working it all out before the breeding happens.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
Yeah. Usually Yeah, it's like it's not really don't let
them't breed. It's like, prove that I can breed, Yeah,
and prove that I deserve that dough and then we're
gonna go off over here. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (15:59):
You know, it's it's hardly ever like a copulation fight situation,
but turkeys, it seems to be a thing.

Speaker 3 (16:06):
Yeah, And so I wanted to see that happen. Essentially,
It's why the fact was out. Uh we watched the
Oklahoma hunt of mine from years and years ago, where
uh we should I shot a gob and when he
started flopping around, he came and got they got flogged. Yeah,
And it's just that's the thing, is like when any
kind of weird movement that might simulate some sort of

like breeding there, they don't keep that flogging.

Speaker 2 (16:31):
Means they're gonna they like take their spurs, their feeting
and karate chopp them pretty much.

Speaker 3 (16:36):
And so I wanted to see that happen. I've never
really seen it.

Speaker 2 (16:38):
So I was like, I wanna use that decoy set up,
and uh we called in a hen right off the roost,
and she loved us and she came in.

Speaker 3 (16:46):
And here's the thing, guys, I'm gonna do that. Try
to do this on air, but I've been around hens.

Speaker 2 (16:52):
Really, I'm gonna set my decoys up really close to
myself because I like the clutch en counter aspect of stuff.
So I've been around some hens really close a couple
of times already this year, and they do this when
they get real close to a decoy and they're real,
real quiet.

Speaker 1 (17:04):
It's like they just do that.

Speaker 2 (17:13):
Little talking thing all the time, and I think that's
like a turkey noise. And what's weird is that him
was up there doing that next to that decoy set
in a gobbler like one hundred yards away, shot gobbled
off of it.

Speaker 3 (17:25):
I'm pretty sure at least like she did.

Speaker 2 (17:28):
That one of those and he went and it's like, man,
he heard that, and it's like dogs attacking the house again,
and it's.

Speaker 1 (17:36):
Like pretty quiet.

Speaker 2 (17:38):
So I think that some of those little we used
to make fun of Mitchell Johnson for, like you know,
practice Patrick would be like, oh, he's just showing off,
you know, and it's like, well.

Speaker 1 (17:47):
Yeah, that is true, he's showing off.

Speaker 3 (17:49):
But you know, they do respond to those little noises.

Speaker 2 (17:51):
So I think I'm gonna start taking a slate with
me to do that kind of stuff and be pretty
handy too that you can be like, well, you know,
so a diaphram's nice, right because you can do it
hands free, but you can take it slate and just
sit it right there in your leg and kind of
make some noises and not.

Speaker 3 (18:08):
Move too much. It's cool anyways. That hent helped us,
I think. And then we heard a group of gobs
down in the bottom that were answering but not moving,
and they did it, and I gave them a silent treatment.
I was looking at my watch, my phone and like,
I would make myself wait five minutes.

Speaker 1 (18:28):
Hate it so much.

Speaker 2 (18:29):
Because el it seems like the more you talk the better.
It's probably not the case, but turkeys are They can
go with longer periods of silence, I think, because they
don't have as many wheels turning, so they just kind
of get going one direction, and you know, as long
as they aren't going away from you, they're still thinking
about you pretty much. But finally, after probably about fifteen

minutes of messing with those birds, I heard them kind
of move west about thirty yards, like, oh, they're coming.
They're figuring out a way to get across the creak
and come to me. And sure enough I could hear
like a drum and I kind of glanced over to
my right and I saw it just a big old
blue and redhead, and.

Speaker 1 (19:10):
I said, oh, here we go.

Speaker 2 (19:11):
Ends up there's three super jakes, which is something Jesse
talked about.

Speaker 1 (19:15):
It's a jake.

Speaker 2 (19:16):
He has like some jaketail feathers, but he has a
pretty full fan, and he has a five and a
half inch beard, so not like a little three inch beard,
tiny jake. Fairly decently sized bird too.

Speaker 3 (19:29):
And he had like I mean, they're not developed spurs,
but they stick out a little bit. They're not like
just little bumps, you know, So it's like maybe they
hatched early or something. I don't know, but they're pretty
big birds. And they came in and did the thing,
came in and gave the decoy like they pecked on

him and then.

Speaker 1 (19:50):
They whacked him.

Speaker 3 (19:51):
They gave him the flog and just and this is
all happened in eight yards from us. It was awesome
and a little bit a little bit footage you might
be seeing that somewhere on the media to YouTube channel.

Speaker 1 (20:03):
Sometimes it might be a year.

Speaker 3 (20:05):
Actually, guys, I'm not gonna afraid to just tell you
what happened because we saw what happened.

Speaker 1 (20:09):
But we always do, man, yeah, we always do. We
don't have to say it to anyone.

Speaker 2 (20:15):
Yeah, Eric was hunting with me, and he actually laid
it down on that deal and we communicated well after
they flogged a decoy kind of fell over and they
kind of scarted out a little bit, and I ended
up shooting that bird of eighteen yards just smoked him, smoked.

Speaker 1 (20:32):
Him, smoked him dead.

Speaker 2 (20:33):
Kind of choke were you using? I was using an
Academy special. Yeah, I don't know for sure what it is.
It might be a Carlson, it might be something else.
I don't think it's it's not a pattern Master, but
it's an extra fool that I bought when I worked
at Academy in two thousand and seven, and I've killed

a lot of things with that choke. Wait, is that
what I was using? Yeah, that is the gun. I
just want to make sure I got a couple of shotguns.
You do the same thing. You got to make sure
I don't.

Speaker 1 (21:06):
I don't have a shotgun currently that will shoot a shell. Well.
I shot consistently. I shot threes. I shot that turkey
with three. Really, That's why I've shot both my turkeys
with threes. I shot the oss yellow with the three.

Speaker 3 (21:18):
I'm about to buy some three and a half inch
TSS though for some of our others I got one.

Speaker 1 (21:22):
I need a couple.

Speaker 3 (21:23):
I think you can buy them in like packs of
six or.

Speaker 2 (21:25):
Something, right, I can't have to build batch of them
if you can find them.

Speaker 3 (21:29):
I remember last year is having a hard time finding them.
Wh's where we live. It's hard to find that kind
of stuff. And they have like a one hardware store
in town, and then you can go to Academy like
forty five minutes away.

Speaker 2 (21:39):
But anyways, yeah, SO smoked him. It was in the
blue bonnets. It was awesome, got the whole experience. And then, uh,
it's just fun, you know, I know, it was just
you know, elephant the room. It's a jake, right, and
like it's not a thing that a lot of people
will shoot.

Speaker 3 (21:59):
Here in Texas. There's a couple of things going on.
First off, the landowners like, yeah, shoot a jake if
you want to, because we are trying to eat some
turkey meat while we're there.

Speaker 2 (22:07):
Actually, Jesse's gonna make some turkeys for us. So and
they came in flogged. The dcoy did the thing I
wanted him to do. It was awesome. I haven't killed
a tunnel turkeys. So I'm more than happy to you.
That was the first turkey that I have like tricked
with my calling. You know, you and I when we
did hooked and stuff, we called it some turkeys, But

I think those were just kind of unpressured turkeys that
saw the decoy, heard a little calling, kind of came over.

Speaker 1 (22:32):
But like these birds were.

Speaker 3 (22:34):
Hung up and I called them across a creek, not
water in the creek, but like a you know, it's.

Speaker 2 (22:39):
Like a dry creek pretty much. But like A tricked them.
They came in and did the thing, and I was
like stoked about it, you know, And I will get
I will say this, like the jake is.

Speaker 1 (22:49):
The body smaller on those things?

Speaker 2 (22:51):
Like that breast was two thirds the size of the
ossiellow breast that we killed.

Speaker 1 (22:55):
So like it's a thing for sure.

Speaker 3 (22:57):
As far as like if you're trying to shoot a
turkey with the most meat gobblers a way to go.

Speaker 2 (23:24):
I why don't shooting know jake this year? I don't know,
but I'd like to shoot more gobblers, you know, but
I'm not. I ain't afraid to shoot a jake. Little
maid's better and know me, I guarant dad, So from there, Tyler,
what all happened?

Speaker 1 (23:36):
Well, you and me and a couple of camera guys
went to walk in that afternoon and we walked like
eight miles I mean out seriously, I think it was
seven point seven miles or something that we walked.

Speaker 2 (23:50):
That's good for us though, man, Yeah, I mean outsaw
the obvious. But we got some some mountainous turkeys to
hunt and get some legs underneath you is a good thing.

Speaker 1 (23:59):
Well, and we walked up a mountain and we didn't
have a whole lot going on. Well, actually, this place,
so this place is high fenced and high turkey's baby,
and these turkeys can't get out, you know.

Speaker 3 (24:12):
Uh, it actually is a problem.

Speaker 1 (24:15):
Yeah, no, but it's why is it a problem? Well,
there's a couple of reasons. For one, Uh, you're probably
not whatever's on that property that day is probably that's
what you got. So, like, if you hear birds across
the property line, it's not that they won't ever be
on that property, because right they're gonna they're gonna fly
up and roost on along that creek system, maybe close

to that fence, and fly over the next day. But
I don't think once they're on the ground. They don't
want to fly much until the evening, so most days
they're just gonna go away from that fence.

Speaker 3 (24:47):
They get bird flu, then the birds will fly.

Speaker 1 (24:49):
Yeah, but so yeah, it makes it, it makes it
kind of complicated, and so like when you go to
I guess my point is when we went in there
that afternoon, we didn't realize where the f was exactly,
because this property on on X is split up differently
a little bit than what it's actually split up by fences,
because there's different portions that are hunted by different folks.

So we get into the spot, we're like, oh, yeah,
we got all this room to the south to go,
and then we realized, no, we don't actually have that,
because we got all the way back to the back
corner of this thing and it was high fence. So
we're like, okay, well, I guess we got to work
a different direction. So we work up a different direction,
get up on top of this massive hill where you
can see like big lakes and stuff for miles and

miles of miles. And as we're coming up on this hill,
we bust a gob and he runs up over the
top of the very top of the hill, it's a
big hill, and so we kind of chill for a second.
We're trying to decide what should we do. So we
kind of loop around to the left and make it
a couple hundred yards through the timber, and we're kind

of coming out on the edge and we look out
and I see something red and I stop and it
probably one hundred and fifty plus, like pretty far out there.
There's a redhead. And I put my binos up and
there's several turkeys. So for the longest time, you and
I thought there was like four birds or maybe five,

and I'm sitting there, I'm like, man, I just feel
like there might be more around. We couldn't quite see
them there, milling in and out, and there was your
hens in the mix too, yeah, yeah, And so we're
just like, they're just milling around, but we never saw
more than five at the same time, and we couldn't
see them back to the right because of a saddle
they were in. Well, all of a sudden, you kind

of threw out this kind of funny idea like, oh,
we should fan them, see what they do or whatever.

Speaker 2 (26:39):
I'd taken the fan from that Jacot shot that morning.
I'd never done this before, and if you're a turkey
hunting purist, you you may or may not like fans.

Speaker 3 (26:48):
I'd never done it. It's pretty fun thing to.

Speaker 1 (26:49):
Do at this.

Speaker 3 (26:50):
Boy, you can fast forward about five minutes maybe the
rest of the fuck that's right.

Speaker 2 (26:55):
But since we're talking about that, just throw the caveats
out there.

Speaker 3 (27:02):
It probably on public land.

Speaker 1 (27:04):
Isn't the safest thing to do.

Speaker 2 (27:06):
Sure, you're looking like something wants to be shot, but
so goes about near any decoing or anything like that. Also,
it would appear that turkeys get really dumb when there's
a fan, so like it's a I get that. It
is not as woo woo is calling one in with
a wing bone and a you know whatever.

Speaker 1 (27:25):
You know, different levels of all kinds of stuff, guys.

Speaker 2 (27:27):
But for guys that don't get the turkey in a lot,
it's pretty fun to do.

Speaker 1 (27:30):
I had a blast in this. So you you had
thrown that out there as kind of a funny little
thing or whatever, and uh, almost it sounded to me
like you almost weren't too serious about it, and it
kind of hit me and I was like, no, we
need to we need to try that. That'd be cool,
you know, well, I.

Speaker 2 (27:44):
Think we're a little bit worried about like spooking those
birds and blowing out the country or something like that,
because I don't really know to what extent you can
mess up some turkeys, right, and you.

Speaker 1 (27:54):
Know, at times seemed like a bunch of them and
we didn't know where too many work, and so I
think you like get the fan out, hit a call
and then like flag flash the fan, and I'm standing
like ten yards behind you. I'm like, you know, I'm
just gonna see see what happens, as they say, you
know what I mean? And uh that that's why I

didn't get up on you, because I wasn't serious about it.
You know. If I was serious, I wouldn't have said,
We'll see what happens. But so we were. I'm standing
there and you flag them suckers, and all of a
sudden they are coming like on the line.

Speaker 2 (28:28):
Oh they like did the whole Like let me walk
up to the edge of this thing and like pop
my head around a little bit, and then everybody else
gets excited because those couple are getting excited.

Speaker 3 (28:36):
And then it is mob mentality. Yeah, And I was
standing behind you. Another reason I stay behind you is
because I was downhill, so I wouldn't. I didn't want to.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
Mess things up. And he was standing behind us. Camera
guys watched one and two. Yeah, two camera guys standing
white in the wide open yeah, and standing up. All
of a sudden, You're like they're coming and I'm like,
oh no. So I was like, are there any gobs?
You're like, I don't know, but there's a bunch of them,
and so I like start crawling up there. Well, my
knees messed up, so I'm like crawling all weird. I

finally get up to you and these things are like
getting close and I see them and uh, and I
think you had taken the flag down for a second.
I was like, get that flag up, you flag them,
and dude, that was like they just took off running
and there.

Speaker 4 (29:19):
Was one that was kicking up dust. He got left
behind for some reason. He's running down this two track.
I mean he is hall. He's going twenty miles now, yeah,
trying to catch up. And I was like and it.

Speaker 1 (29:31):
So I'm like I'm loading my shotgun, you know, trying
not to be too loud. These things are running at us,
and you're like, I was like, uh, do any of
them have beards, any gobs in there or whatever, And
you're like, I don't know, I can't tell you, and
they're getting closer, and you go Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake,
ja Jake Jake. He said it nine times and I

was like, and then you finally there was like, I
don't thinking of him have beards? Man? And they came
to like thirty and you could see, I mean, this
is on video and they finally see our camera guys
standing behind us and get kind of weird. But nine
Jakes came in and checked us out at thirty yards
and it was a cool feeling. It was behind that fan. Yeah,
like you felt like I don't know. There's just this

mystique of like I don't know what's six gonna happen,
Like I might get spurred here, you know, And it's
kind of fun to think, like, Okay, what am I
gonna do if it gets to like five yards? Am
I gonna put the fan down and go boo?

Speaker 4 (30:23):
Or what?

Speaker 1 (30:24):
Like? What am I gonna do? You know?

Speaker 2 (30:26):
Like I don't know what to do but go and
I'm here. Yeah, you know, Jake Turkey ain't got too
much for spurs. But every turkey is born with some
real nice claws on the front. Yeah, and they also
have really hard legs. I don't want to be packed
with a stick on top of the head. My turkey
had their balls of their feet are hard. Like the

whole thing is just like it is. It's like a
lacquered piece of wood or something, you know, like it
is hard.

Speaker 1 (30:56):
And so.

Speaker 3 (30:58):
That turkey I shot had a cact needle like buried up.

Speaker 2 (31:03):
It wasn't just like any like floating around, you know,
like it was like a good three sixteenths of an
inch up in there, and it was I was like, man,
that's terrible.

Speaker 1 (31:12):
Yeah, yeah, he got no way get that out of there.
They love the touch life, man.

Speaker 3 (31:18):
I guarantee you it's only like three years because yeah,
it's like, well what's the use. Yeah, But that so
that happened. That evening got kind of quiet.

Speaker 1 (31:26):
After that, we walked another couple of thousand miles, it
felt like, and I was real tired and never heard
another gobble the whole night. Who did like crazy nopes
From the top of that hill. We could see Jesse
and Greg from like a billion yards, you know, and
it was it was It was a nice evening though,
and we make it back. We eat a little fish
our buddy Tyler cooked for us, and Jesse made some chili.

And then the next morning we hadn't we didn't have
any roosted birds or anything. Well, a couple of Tyler's
friends had been there and said they had heard some
that they thought were roosted back. Where were that that
first morning you killed? So we decided to go in
there and check it out. And that next morning and
I was like, you know, this could be good. Right,

we step out of the truck and immediately we're hearing gobbles. Yeah,
and it's just like we're running little bit behind. Were talking.
We were talking, but you know, we're hearing gobbles, and
so I was like, all right, this is awesome. So
we just take off and we go down long I'm
not gonna make this long story, but we we hunted
a next to that goat fence and it was just
really narrow little spot next to the creek. I just

didn't love it, but it was like kind of late,
so we sat up there. Well it's a conservative play. Yeah,
all the birds fly down and kind of work their
way away from us to the west. So we kind
of make up pretty aggressive move pretty early, and we're like,
let's just you know, you think we should go. Yeah,
let's go. So we take off and we're headed west. Well,
we kind of get behind what sounds like two different
gobs that are heading west, and we're kind of chasing.

I should know better, but I didn't, and I was
beating myself up for a while about this, but it
played out all right. So we're chasing them, we gobble,
or we get them to gobble, and then they're still
just as far farther away, so we move up another
one hundred and fifty yards do it again. They're gobble
just about as far away as they were last time.
They're obviously moving west. So we do this a couple

of times, and then one time, you know, these are
like these little kind of same areas. CAS's talking about,
lots of blue bonnets, open field stuff, but then there's
like these oak mots and random mesquites and cedars kind
of broken up in all this. It's actually really good
hunting for turkeys, like good good country because it's open.
They can see, but they also can't see you from

two hundred yards, you know, And we go up behind
or we go up.

Speaker 3 (33:45):
There was one giant oak tree that was actually problematic, yes,
and it had brush growing around underneath it kind of
and stuff. It's a big almost like a oak mot
is what it ended up being like. And I mean
it's probably thirty yards from end to end around this
piece of brush.

Speaker 1 (34:02):
We get behind it and we hit. We make a
call and he hits and we're like, oh man, he's closer,
and I'm thinking he's coming back, but I don't know
for sure. Maybe he just turned around and face us.
So we're like, excuse me, like forty five seconds and
we'll hit him again. So we wait, hit him. This
dude is in our laps, like you know, and so

we like will basically like sit down and to me
and Michael go up to the other side. Like he's
pretty much fifty to fifty you choose this side or
that side. He's gonna come one side of this thing
or the other. But he's coming. So we go up
probably like seven yards maybe, And by the time I'm
getting close to this cover, I'm bent over and trying
to like make a dive towards this cover and get

a shot down this lane and down the edge of
the oak thicket there, and I see him and he's
thirty yards and I don't think he saw me, but
Michael was still walking and I thought he would see
me ben down. He didn't, so I had to like
turn around and tell him down, you know whatever. And
I you know, told you he's here, you know or whatever.

And I'm just like freaking out, you know. And so
I had dropped down. I just am sitting there waiting.
We wait for like two minutes maybe, and he never shows,
so he spooked. Well, then we go back over towards
you and we hear another gobbler coming and he comes
around and that bird started out from the west, yeah right, yeah, yeah,

and comes comes up kind of from the west. He's
going towards the sun, and he comes out from behind
this thicket. I actually see him as I'm moving up
to you through this old thing. He perceived us over there,
y for sure. I think he didn't know what was
going on. He thought it was potentially turkeys, yeah, but
he didn't know for sure. He was weird. It was
that instinct thing that he couldn't get over because he

strutted and gobbled out like and kind of but at
first he kind of walked past.

Speaker 2 (35:54):
But also went like kind of pinkish head. Yeah, Like
he was like he was worried, but he would truck.

Speaker 1 (36:00):
Yeah yeah, and he like mostly kind of was on
a pretty fast walking pace to the east and got
behind still ran one time. Yeah, he was like I mean,
he was pretty much gone. And he disappears kind of okase,
he's still like able to make him hit and he's
still over there like one hundred one hundred yards probably,
And so we're just sitting there and long story short,

you call him back in. He comes across and comes
out into an opening at like forty five yards probably.
I mean, I felt confident in making.

Speaker 3 (36:29):
The shot Gobbles, and there's you can see the mist
come out of his mouth through the sun.

Speaker 1 (36:35):
Fit was awesome, and he's hammered. Well, we're all just
sitting out in front of this oak tree and I'm
thinking we look like Humpty dunk here, you know what
I mean. And he comes out and so I told Casey,
I was like, hey, flag him or whatever. Right, So
about that time you can see on Michael's camera he
comes out, perfect view I should be shooting him, and

all of a sudden, a huge turkey fan goes in
front of the camera, and Michael's far enough back that
we couldn't hear him when he says, the fan covered
me up. You know, it's almost like he could have
just said moved the fan, you know, real loud, but
he you know, he's trying not to spook it, and.

Speaker 3 (37:14):
We couldn't hear him back. As to all that's.

Speaker 1 (37:16):
Going on facing us, I'm trying to get because I'm
trying to get in front of Eric, and I couldn't
shoot him at first when the first time he came
on because Eric's there, so I had to get in
front of him. You're filming, and it was just like
it was a disaster. Well, this bird comes and works
across at like forty five across this gap and he's gobbling.
He's strutting, works his way down. It spends like five

minutes gobbling's strutting, but never comes in. It kind of
works his way away from us, even though you're calling
he'll gobble, but he won't come. So he kind of
dips down in this slow thing and stops right there
or disappears. Well about that time, you're like one of us.
I don't know it was me. I was like there's
bird up the hill or whatever. To the east, there's
another gob standing there with a redhead. Because we're sitting

out out in the wide open, and I'm like, we're caught.
It's one of the jakes, wasn't it. I don't know,
I never I don't remember seeing his beard, but he
was really weird because he just kind of essentially turned
and went away.

Speaker 2 (38:09):
But we heard from there and when all this is
going on, we heard a bird from afar to the north.

Speaker 1 (38:14):
Yeah, so we kind of mess with this bird and

then slowly spook him off a little bit faster than
the last one, and and he disappears, and he's and
he's still there. He's got to be one hundred fifty
yards or so probably, I mean, he's right there. So
we're kind of just sitting there waiting to see, you know,
what'll what'll come to fruition in this whole situation, if
anything is going to come back to us. And we're

all looking kind of right back in that brush to
see if we see that bird, like messing around back
in there or whatever. And Michael goes, I see one
or something like that, and I guess you had seen
it about the time he saw it or whatever, or
he told you where it was or whatever, and so
I'm like sitting there with you, and I'm like and
you're like Michael Seesburt, And I was like where you're

like thirty yards like what is going on? I kind
of like peek over at your face, and you're looking
like behind me, like this is not good, you know,
And so we were like you and me are having
conversations about what should happen, and You're like you got
the flag, the fan in your hand still. So I'm like, yeah,

fan him. I guess give us some cover, you know,
just to calm down. Well, you go, you pull the
fan out and you or maybe you hand it to
me or some cute. So I start fanning him because
I was able to see him before, you know, I
started fanning, but I knew he was right there. And
it's this little hill that drops down to the creek
and he's just past that hill. So start fanning and

he starts walking to this man is shrutting and I'm like,
no way. So he comes up to about almost to
the crest of the hill, which he's probably about twenty
twenty five yards probably twenty and then he just starts
working to the east and never really like never like
gains or loses any elevation. He's walking on that crest

with his head just barely peeking over. He can see
our fan, and he's fulled. He knows it's a fan.
I mean, he thinks it's a turkey, right. And it
was interesting. I'm telling you this is because he never
committed after he got to where he could hide most
of his body but he could still see, and so
he just walks this crest or whatever, goes behind a bush.
You're like, it's been a good time to get your

gun up. I was like, yeah, it's pretty good time.
Let's talk about it for a second.

Speaker 2 (40:56):
You you know how to do with stuff, you know
how to kill stuff. Why did you not? Why did
you not do? Because I felt apprehensive about telling you that,
But I was like, why is he not getting his
gut up?

Speaker 3 (41:07):

Speaker 1 (41:08):
Why do I know you? You have you don't like
being told stuff like that. I don't mind being told
stuff like that, but why But why hadn't you Because
I was wanting him to come up and get better
for the joke, so I didn't I didn't want to
shoot him that quick. Yeah, but you know, he he
goes behind it. When you said that, I was like, sure,

sounds good. I pull it up and I've got my
left hand, I've got the fans spread, and then like
in my two fingers, I got the stock of the gun,
and so I'm just I gotta I'm looking through the
edge of these feathers, basically like down the down the
gun or whatever. And he, uh, he comes out from
the stuff and he's you know, he's still just kind
of down the hill, and I'm sure the cameras can't
see him that great. I can't see him that great.

I can see his head, but he's he's close. I mean,
he's like under twenty I felt like, and he's just
going he continues going to the east or to the west,
and uh and eventually, like with that fan, I couldn't
see a whole lot of what it was going to
be he was gonna be coming into. But I just
felt like, man, I don't want to lose this opportunity

for him to like walk into the brush and must
us not get a shot.

Speaker 2 (42:12):
I think that it's very normal for turkeys like gobblers
to get within twenty or thirty yards of the hens
and the hens walked to.

Speaker 1 (42:20):
Them, Yeah, I would. I would assume too.

Speaker 3 (42:22):
I don't think they like walk up to the hen
decoy very often. Yeah, so I think that he was
like in that bubble and he was like, well, she'll
come over here.

Speaker 1 (42:29):
Well, and I I mean, I go ahead and say.
The reason I thought that point was important. That point
was important was because we had deduced by the end
of this hunt that the jakes were beating the toms
up that first gobbler because yeah, I was missing a
lot of tail fe he was missing a couple of
tail feathers. And so anyway, this bird comes up, we

think he's a jake because he's kind of being a
little bit subordinate acting or whatever.

Speaker 3 (42:53):
And I saw his beard and thought it was jake.

Speaker 1 (42:56):
Really yes, so uh but I asked you to uh
make him gobble because I cut his neck was kind
of low, you know, and barely over the grass.

Speaker 2 (43:06):
I bet you were just seeing like the top of
his back and his fan and maybe the top of
his head pretty much.

Speaker 1 (43:10):
Yeah, And I didn't like how small the target was,
and so I said, make him gobble, and I'm I
might have a beat on him, you know, when you
make him gobble. I'm like, there's a lot of neck there,
you know, so I just put it right in the
middle of blue right in the to finish his mean,
I smoked him and I was using Michael's uh, Michael's
shotgun because I have three shotguns and none of them

has a firing pin. That orc that's what happens when
you shoot shotguns a lot, I guess, but and don't
clean them a whole lot. Uh. But it has a
it has it does have a crossing choked tea, which
is I think it's pretty sweet because I've shot two
turkeys of this year and they were both smoked. And anyway,
he goes down, he starts flopping. We're celebrating and we're like, man,

that's awesome. Can't believe kicking blue bonnets in there. The
only one that saw it, but it was awesome. Yeah. Yeah, well,
well he we decide finally to walk over and check
him out. And we walk up and I look. The
first thing I noticed is he's got spurs. I'm like,
I don't think he's a jake. Turn him over. He's
got it like an eight inch beard. You know, he's
probably two year old turkey, you know, he's got inch

long spurs, And.

Speaker 2 (44:16):
I was like, I was, how many tail feathers did
he have? Like, legit, four maybe I think four maintail feathers.

Speaker 1 (44:23):
Yeah, And so I don't know if that's like a
kyuti got a big grip on him, or if he's
just been massacred by Jake's you know, but like they're
missing them gobs were missing some tail feathers, and he
didn't want to come up there and get flogged by
Jake's I think is why he wouldn't come across, you know.
I do think it is common what you're saying too.

So there may have been some of that played in
there or maybe been fully that or whatever.

Speaker 3 (44:46):
But well, it's a lot of stuff going coming together.
Sure make a turkey to do what they do.

Speaker 2 (44:50):
Yeah, and uh, I think I saw that turkey's beard
and was like, oh, I wasn't looking through bios everything
like oh, it's another super Jake. But he had like
a two stay age beard. So it was like real
thick out to five.

Speaker 3 (45:03):
Inches and then half the strands were three inches long.

Speaker 1 (45:06):
Yeah. I think those reels get like that a lot
towards the end of their beard because of the rocks
and stuff like that. I mean, Greg, you know, y'all
by the time this comes out, y'all have opportunity to
see Greg's video. If you haven't, go check it out.
He shoots a mondo. But you know, you were like, man,
I feel like that beard was twelve inches and he
sayss ten and a half, And I think that's what
a rio grand beard gets to pretty much just ten

half eleven inches is like max, I think for I mean,
obviously there's different situations, right, Like there's gonna be a
Shaquille O'Neil turkeys. It's taller than the rest of them,
but like most of them, they just that it just
drags once it gets to eleven inches and you know,
just kind of drags away. I guess so, but it's
I mean, the thick beard is what It's cool to me, man, Yeah,

who is it?

Speaker 2 (45:49):
Shane Simpson posted a picture yesterday of like a paint
brush beard on this turkey.

Speaker 1 (45:55):
I was likely, man, he stacked to of them in
there and didn't tell nobody. Yeah, well, like it's unbelievable
time man, christ a turkey.

Speaker 2 (46:02):
Yeah, that was I mean, we were talking about it
will to goo off here, like as far as like
snatching victory from the hands of defeat and just cool hunts.

Speaker 3 (46:14):
That was as bad as good as Turkey had kids.

Speaker 1 (46:16):
That was I mean, that was our last morning. That
was the last time. We're gonna go, uh do some
cooking with Jesse and film that and be out. So
now this is something that you've dragged me into. But
we are halfway into a single season grand Slam.

Speaker 2 (46:38):
Uh we gotta we had to kill the hardest bird,
which one of the next trip Merriam I.

Speaker 1 (46:46):
Think had Miriams. So we got to accomplish that.

Speaker 2 (46:52):
And that's why I was like, I'm not shooting oother Drake,
because dude, any any tom out there is pretty big.

Speaker 3 (46:58):
D Offel, I think the Mariam is harder than the ostola,
or it's just the hardest one that's.

Speaker 1 (47:01):
Left, hardest one's left. I got you. I don't think
oslo Is are hardest.

Speaker 2 (47:04):
Just getting the finding osioli you can hunt is the
hard part. Like there's not many on the public ground,
and you know, getting private permission is a pretty big deal,
and we got that this time, which was awesome. And
so now we just got to a place where maybe
the turkeys aren't quite as thick and are pressured and
once if we can pull two merds out of there,

like I mean, Eastern, No, Turkey is easy, right, The
easiest one is the Rio, which the funnest one, by
the way, for US is the superior Turkey for the
it is I think for the majority of the US, though,
the Eastern is the easier one.

Speaker 3 (47:41):
Because they're the most abundant. Yeah, and they're closer to them,
I guess. So, Yeah, you got to travel to get
to the Rios a little bit for a lot of people.

Speaker 1 (47:49):
But we might be pursuing.

Speaker 2 (47:52):
The uh shotguy will out there, might be pursuing the
single season Slam. Would you accomplished your slam this year
there asila?

Speaker 1 (48:00):

Speaker 3 (48:02):
But you and I now are in the same boat
of potentially shooting a single season Slam.

Speaker 1 (48:05):
Yeah, it's just gonna be about shooting those Mirriams and
then if we get that done, then we probably we'll
try to find a way to maybe a friend of
ours would let us shoot the Eastern somewhere hunt at least.

Speaker 2 (48:16):
Yeah, we got we got some contexts, but we might
find as little something. I don't want to have to
do it on public sounds hard.

Speaker 1 (48:22):
It does I mean, these guys are out there in
first seasons right now on some of those Midwestern states
struggling because I guess because of weather more than anything.

Speaker 2 (48:30):
Probably Eric and Michael are on a draw tag, right, yeah,
something like that, and uh still, you know hadn't killed yet, so.

Speaker 1 (48:40):
We shall see.

Speaker 2 (48:41):
It's I mean, the Eastern Bird is supposedly the wariest
of them all.

Speaker 1 (48:47):
I think that's a bunch of dudes, just tenth legion
in it, think so? I think so? Maybe?

Speaker 2 (48:52):
Well, I wonder what page that song we might have
to find one of those that are half prize books
or something.

Speaker 1 (48:57):
We should I need.

Speaker 2 (48:59):
I've been cracking on it. I probably should read it first. Yeah,
well that's kind of my rule nowadays. If I'm gonna
crack on something hard, I gotta try it and just see.

Speaker 3 (49:05):
And that's why I'm gonna hunt deer with crossbows only
this year.

Speaker 1 (49:08):
It's a good decision.

Speaker 3 (49:09):
Thanks, But that's my politician answer. I'm gonna change my
mind later.

Speaker 1 (49:13):
No one's gonna notice. So I just got to read.
He had to pass it to know what's in it,
you know, exactly.

Speaker 2 (49:21):
Tyler, congratulations on the real on that appreciate it, that
for sure.

Speaker 3 (49:28):
I I it was really cool to walk around without
a shotgun and just kind of turkey hunt.

Speaker 1 (49:33):
I kind of like that.

Speaker 2 (49:35):
I'd like to kill like four a year and then
just do that the rest of the time.

Speaker 1 (49:38):
It seems like what Mitchell Johnson does.

Speaker 2 (49:40):
Yeah, he does that a lot, and it makes you
you know, I never thought about it, but there are
It's not that Mitchell has any ulterior motives, but there
are some like side benefits. If you get the call
at thirty turkeys a year, you become a lot better
turkey call.

Speaker 1 (49:58):
Yeah, I guarantee you.

Speaker 2 (50:00):
Whereas, like you know, especially that you're with Mitchell, Like
every turkey we encounter with Mitchell is the only turkey
that I saw, you know what I mean. So yeah,
it's uh, it's just different. And that's one of the
things we struggle with our whole lives, turkey hunting.

Speaker 3 (50:13):
So we don't grow we didn't grow up with them.
They're not here where we live.

Speaker 2 (50:16):
So like every turkey hunt is like a learning experience,
whereas like deer, yeah, you're learning the whole time, but
you get what I'm saying, We see them a lot.

Speaker 1 (50:24):
Turkey's totally different. Yeah, this dog's got somebody. Y'all, you'll
have had to listen to this dog for the last
minute and a half. But uh, we'll go ahead and
let y'all get out of here. I appreciate y'all listening. Uh,
we're gonna be doing a lot more turkey hunting and
talking the rest of the year, Probably a lot of fishing,
so talking about that, and then we're gonna get into
some deer hunting stuff as soon as all the turkey
stuff's over, for sure, So I'm already getting kind of

juiced about it. But appreciate y'all listening. Remember this is
your element, live in it.
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