All Episodes

February 1, 2023 48 mins

Juanita Carmelita sits with Peter to talk about Cabo, edging techniques and what he learned about geckos. Plus JC takes calls and gives the spiciest advice. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
We got that laughter for your soul and now too
the into the breaking on the show. Beautiful, No, baby,
thank you. You always compliment me and everything, and I
know that you don't say the same compliments to those
tennis hours that we talked about, like, I mean not
even I mean no, not unless if they had a
really good shot, I'll give them a nice compliment, but

nothing like to the level. No, but not about their
looks and stuff, because obviously they don't look as good
as me, you know, yes, and no, it's like, well,
if they hit a really beautiful back in really extend, No,
but I was talking about looks, not athletics or tennis

like that. Well I'll just be like, oh, that was
a beautiful You look really great doing that swing, because
they did. They have a nice smooth, fluid motion. They
really get out. But once again, once again, hey look
at me, get me once again, we weren't discussing that
right now where we know. I was talking about looks,
not how that way she they said that I could
do that to a you know, but you had just

told me I look good today. We're not on a
tennis court. Does this look at a tennis court out there? Okay,
tennis racket. Keep your risks firm until after contact. Jac.
Now you're being Now you're acting a certain way like
you wanna. Do you need more attention than I'm already
giving you or what? What's the issue right now? Why
are you throwing jobs? I feel like you're throwing jobs like, hey,

I'm just being him. Okay, just with all the mics
and everything. I get excited. Oh you get excited with that?
You want to turn into a ham sandwich. Uh okay,
well it's better stop to that and let's keep it moving. Okay,
ladies and gentlemen, we're here. This is um you know,
with my men Peter once again on the FRANKI on

the show podcast. I'm j C. And this is my
man Peter, who enjoys being around me all that time.
I love being around you, jay C. I have to
be that's right. So how you been. I've been good.
I just was home reading the book. Oh well, what
are you on? Geckos get goos? Ah? Dagn you see?
I had it around. Oh actually, yes I did, but

I thought it was from the clothing company. Oh no, no,
it was just about geckos. A lot of amphibians in
there because we remember we went to um where are
we going to Cabo Lucas? Were we in Cobbosa Lucas
And we saw that that gets that came into our
hotel room. I said, I go out on and it
was they have like the little like the little things

you get in the marks at the store, the corner machine,
that little the little jelly hands. They have like that
on their hands and I you know, they can call
into the walls like that. I love those. Remember what
I did when it came in the room. What'd you do?
I protected you, that's right because I had got skuying

and then I jumped into your arms like that and
you said, I it's fine, jay Z because I was
gonna strike him out on you know, we had I said, hey,
you know, remember you had your heel on your and
and you were because I didn't know what it was.
It was the middle of the night. I was uf
asleep and I was scared. And I feel like they know,
you know, if they're going he we know this isn't

our path right now, like we're sneaking in. You know,
you told me no, all their harmless. They're just looking
for bugs they are. And you hit me that with
the heel. I think you were scared, remember, oh I did,
But it wasn't And it was because I was jumping back,
I said, I and I had the heel, I said, I,
and I jumped for it with a backward motion and

I had hit you. Like, but I think you liked
it because you gripped me hard immediately after. Luckily that
they had a really good um sort of a what
do you call that a medical center or whatever? That
girl helped me out that she stitched me up nice
and nice, and well, what what girl? Did you come
with me to the hospital. Why are you like so

willing to go astray in your mind right now with
these other uh these other floozies and medical floozies and
tennis horrors? Then like, why are you jumping to that
right now? I don't know, rally me up for what
I mean we're doing. We're doing an interview right now,
and it's like, oh, yeah, they have a good medical

because the nurse and we weren't even talking about that.
You said you were reading reading a book about get
gos okay, so you know, just the story just went there.
I was talking about getting stitched up. You put some
gaulls on my head because you hit me in the
in the head with the heel and is great, great
medical center. Great, okay, great medical center. We were at

the resort. It wasn't that that little medical center wasn't
available for the whole city that right there was that like, hey,
anybody can come. Okay, let's just start. So you're like
saying you don't sound like you're like you're educated on it,
or like you're speaking well or like you know what
I mean, and you're better than that, you know, to say, oh,
they have a great medical center and the blanket this

whole city we were at a resort out on it
was you know, all you can eat, all you can
drink right there, and that medical center is not available
to anybody that goes to Copas and Lucas. So you
know what I mean, Like, just don't sound dumb like that.
I'm sorry because and I don't mean to call you that.
I'm just saying those actions right there that you just
display that's a little bit like oh, he doesn't know,
he doesn't know. Yeah, Oh I am sorry. I'm sorry

to listeners to Okay, so you got gassed up and
she was touching you and then what happened. I know
they were just really carrying out on. There was nothing
to it. But anyways, but we had a good time.
It was so fun, remember, but that was that was cool.
That was fun though, because you did have that gas

on your head and and we remember we started to
role play like you know, you're that patient. And that's
why it surprised me he brought up that other nurse
because then I was playing nurse that night. Yeah, and
then we're guilt tripping me, like, wow, you did this
to me, And I said, maybe it was an accident.
And I saw that get go. But when I saw
the get go, I you know, if you don't know

what it is in the middle of the night, they
could be scary. They're little slimy, like a little bit slimy,
you know, they're like slimy lizards that can, you know,
go open to the walls. I sighed, you know, yeah,
but then remember when you had that little bandage on
your head and I said, let me balance it out,
and I was writing you like that. I was just

a little injured patient you were, and I said, let's
balance it on night, bang your head on to the headboard.
Or the other side because I was right boom boom boom.
Oh yeah yeah, and you were reaching like you were
looking for more assistance and better not have been that
other nurse coount, but you were looking for like a
handlebar or something because I was putting it down. I
was just trying to grab onto anything because it was

all you could drink. I got horny. I was definitely really,
really really horny. M hm. Remember, yes, I remember you
were all horny, all bandaged up, and there were skeet
goos and a lot of sexual energy where you kept
making the edge. I know because I didn't want you
to busk out on. I wanted to last to night.

Doesn't last for to night because you told me before,
like you've been like, oh, let me holl day or
let me bust or that one time remember I think
we were in as the Bakersfield or something. I was
doing a show. No, but they were like, no, I'm
gonna bus they do I go, just give me ten
minutes and I'll go more. And then you had nah
you couldn't you get it? And I was touching your

places and then nothing out on. You have pizza and
you went to sleep. So I was like, okay, now
I know, now, I know, but that doesn't always happen.
Sometimes I get it gone, well it didn't. It doesn't
happen when I have you. Edging like that does keep
me pretty strong. Mm hmm. Do you like that? You know?
When I get those things? Um? For those who don't

know what edging is, that's when you know you're about
to have an orgasm. Better know, you hold it, you
pull it back. Remember, I'll put up as day. I
have photos on my phone ready, uh um. I had
Little Precious from as the Lord of the Rings, a
little troll. I had a picture of look out on

and when you're about two bucks, I say no, and
I put that picture of that. You almost took me
off the cliff that one day, though. You took me
right to the where I just was falling over. Your
legs were shaking. God, you looked very weak, you know,
like you were like I was out of your control.
Whatever happens. Yeah, that was you also give me strength,

I know, because you held it in. You recovered you like,
oh boom when we went for another to forty seven minutes,
om boom boom like that boom boom. Yeah, So I
know what I'm doing is what I'm saying. So I'm
good thing that you trust me and you're not. You know,
I have to trust you with everything, my whole heart.

So what else did you learn about get goes in
this book? Well, some slither different ways. Yeah, some kind
of oh, it's kind of okay. So they're like Michael
feltin it, like yes, yes, that's a very very doing
that up on the dancing like dancing I ain't and
then the classic ones kind of the smooth that was

the one in San Lucas. Yeah, yeah, I will sign okay, Yeah,
you just slip through the door. Okay. Yeah. They eat crickets,
eat bugs. Um take some like four hours to digest.
It's just I just started the book, okay, But if
you want to read it, your obviously feel no, you

can read it and then we can talk about it
and you know, while you're edging, you know, like amphibians,
so like it. Maybe it'll help you keep you from
busting too soon if you start telling me about Amphibian.
It's the fact they thought. So you know, like, dude,
we'll do a little that could be another technique that
we could use so I don't have to keep showing
you that's there. What's his name? No, that's the come on,

say I'm the precious call them yeah, because call um,
I need to delete them from my phone. I'm like,
ye fail, let me edge me cout on. We know
it's different with women. It's very scary. It's not like

you know, it's only when I'm really horny, you know
that I can't bus mustuple of times, you know, or
when you have your little head better from tennis. You know,
I don't want to give away too much because you're
going to use it against me, and you know, I
need to have the power. But what else when you
have that little tennis go almost wedding, the red one

and that red one, because it's like fire, you know.
But usually it takes me. You know, you're lucky to
get one from me, you know. Yeah, but usually it's
that's all you need exactly exactly, it's just well, you
know how happy Yeah? Yeah, after you know, yeah, afterwards yeah. Yeah,

that's when I feel like you're getting better at it,
because you know, when you want to go out with
your friends or go watch a movie, I don't never
let you stay for the whole movie. Better when you
when I want to let you. Okay, you can go
with your friends for an hour. You know that if
you make me bust put you down for about an
hour and like, okay, I don't go, you know, because
I'm good right now. You know you give me like

seventy year eighty minutes at one time. Oh that was
because I yeah, I bust, I had but crazy you
hit the egg timer and I was back right before
brain mm hmm. But yeah, you swing, you're swinging flu
you get pretty violent, aggressive and violent, you know during
But I mean then you're really funny nice after. Of

course I'm always a nice You're so sweet. I'm always
nice to you. To me, yeah, yeah. Sometimes in line
at like target or something, you can be a little bit,
am I doing too much? You're looking at me in
a certain way that says no, no no, no, you're saying
do you want to know? This is a free platform?
You said that you turned into a ham when you

see the microphone, so you know him ham it away? Um. Well,
just sometimes in target, in the line, in line at
target or some sort of a story, you can get
a little impatient and if people in front of you
are behind you or to the side of us, step
in a line or say something too loud, or bump
you or something you can get a little I would

say ferocious maybe. Well, I mean, you know that's it's
rude to just bump into people, especially now post pandemics
or whatever. And people, hey, they don't say excuse me.
It's just simple manners, you know, etiquette. You know that's true.
That's why you know when I saw that get go,

come into the room make I don't you know who
invited you, who opened the door for you. So I'm
sorry that I hit you in the head. Am I
with my heel you know my wedge at all? You
know it wasn't And you're very welcome or I accept
your apology, is what I mean for the apology there.
But you kind of hit me a little bit. It

wasn't like a reflex to the It was like a
few seconds after it came in. M Do you remember
did you notice that? No? I just remember I saw
they get going. I had jumped back boom like that
in it. You were there ready to protect me. But
you said after that you were mad because I didn't
close the door all the way. So you did curse
a little bit at me. Do you recall I was

in a and I feel like when you hit me
in the head, you actually said something like idiot or something.
I can't Hi, Peter, why would I call you an
idiot like that? Sometimes to act no, Obviously you did
that earlier in this interview when you said, oh, yeah,
the medical center, and but I wouldn't call you an
idiot like that? You swear. Yeah, man, Okay, now I'm

tempting me to too. It's like you want me to
name call you or something like you're trying to make
me out to be this monster. You're the sweetest, jac
You're the sweetest You know what time it isn't relationships
they always what they seem. You gotta be on the

same page to fulfill the dream. Talking it out will
help you realize things you didn't see. That's why it's
time to call it for advice with j D. Hey,
what's up? This is j C. Who's the next color? Hey?
This is Darrell. I'm excited to hear your voice. Oh,
thank you, Daryl. How are you doing? You know what

I'm doing fantastic. I just got out of a long
term relationship for twenty years and just got going through
some operation whoa. Okay, Well it sounds like you're happy
to get out of that relationship. Well, you know, some
people might feel sad, but my therapist told me to

open up a new chapter, you know. But I got
a problem though, Oh what's that problem? Well, my problem
is that I've been out of the dating game for
years now when I just don't know how to romance
a girl, you know, and maybe that's part of the problem,
you know, would lead to the separation. But I'd like

to know, you know, about taking nine nice young female
out and uh, what's the ideal date you got there? Well,
you know, find first of all, all strike a conversation
with their compliment or maker feel good about herself, you know,
and then just maybe try to find hints at things
that she's into, you know, like what kind of called

me that she likes, you know, or if she likes
that be each or things like that, or or something
that they like as the museums or art shows. And
that's always kind of a cool look, you know, like
if you I mean, I look like a cool little
art show, you know, or a or a concert. Concerts

are good if the musica is good and it's a
good artist and then you pay for the tickets, because
then he's like, oh, he has a job, you know,
So that could lead to a lot of things, just
knowing that you have a job. But I would say,
you know, feel around, see what she likes, and don't
put too much pressure on her or yourself, you know
what I mean. Just buy it out, hang out, you know,

and then I don't know if you like to dance
or if you like music, but that's always a good vibe.
And that's where you can see if they're sparks involved.
Oh well, that's that's a testing thank you for you.
What if I'm not into what she's into, do I
shake it just to make it? Oh, I see what

you're saying. So just to to please your sexual appetite,
you're saying to just lie to her, see, And that's
probably what led to your separation of your last relationship,
because you're willing to fake the funk and put on
up front um to get what you want. And that's
that's an overall problem with men in general, you know,

because and I could see that you're a little too thirsty,
and you did that cheesy little laugh like, oh, should
I just say what I want to to get what
I want or make up fake the funk and put
on up front basically to too, so that you can
get your follow wet or wherever your intentions are. And
that's only gonna lead to you just being alone like

you are now and calling me for advice. You know.
So my advice is keep it realk out on, you
know what I mean? Uh, don't play around, because then
you're gonna be in the same cycle, except this time
you'll be old and like super old, and you'll be like, oh,
pretending to be happy that you got out of another relationship,
but really you're just sad to be alone. Oh I'm

sorry about that. You saw right through me. I appreciate
that advice. Okay, well, good luck, Darryl, and hopefully you'll
find a girl that you don't like to or try
to fake a funk and maybe just show her that
I have a job and take her to a nice
concert and treat her right the way she deserves to
be treated. Okay, okay, okay, goodbye, Daryl. Mm hmmmmmm mmmmmmmm.

We got that laughter for your soul and now too,
then to the breaking on this show. I wouldn't want
to call you those names, but if you act as such,
then I would. But I was have a sleep at
that time, you know, because you're my man. Like that's
to me. When when couples are in public and they're
calling each other, hey, you're stupid, or them that looks

them look dumb, you know, because it's like that's your partner,
that's your party right there. Then why are you like, hey,
you idiot it and you're stupid. But then you continue
to get into the car with them and go to
live your life with them. How does that make you look?
It doesn't look good. So for you to get on
this interview and say, oh, I remember when you come
in an idiot like you're trying. It's like you're trying

to make me look some kind of way, and you
know that it's not I don't take care of you.
Look at me, Look at me. I don't take care
of you, okay, And you're saying, oh, when I make
you edge and you bust the craziest nuts and all that,
and and then you turn around and tell me all
but you call me names, and like, like, what's you know?
What I mean? I don't get it. It's like it's

like do you you know you say I'm that badst
you look good, but then you try to make me
look like this little like hood rat like I call
my man, And it's just all part of the same
it's just the same stew, part of the same stew. Yeah,
it's interesting. Mhm. I need to see what else is

in that little get Go book that you're reading. It
seems like they're that little sliminess is kind of getting
off on you a little. You're you're turning it into
a little what can I get away with? What can
I slither into? Calm? No, no, no, no, please, I'm
no early get goes are mysterious to huh and and

a little bit wishy washy. Are you okay? No, seriously, Peter, Peter,
are you okay? No, I'm just wanting to No, I'm
just Forgrett. I just wish I didn't say all that
stuff earlier. So you also, I also minute in a
good way. It's like you hit me because you know
you love me and we have a good connection and
you're probably just coming out of a weird dream or something.

And I was stupid. I left the door screen door open,
and the lizards slithered in and mm hmm. Yeah, so
I mean those are you're trying to make. You're trying
to paint a picture that I was I'm like an abusive,
violent person. I hit you with my shoe, when in
fact you left the slider open, get go, got in Illego.
I I don't know what it is. I was trying

to protect us, and now you're trying to convey or
can save that, oh that I call you names and
I'm hitting you with the show, and you don't you
want to leave the focus of the story, which was
I was trying to protect us from this foreign creature,
and that was moving into our place where we're being

naked and sexual and feeling that we're supposed to be safe.
And it's like I was on Lucas Illego, I see
a thing lurking. Of course, I'm gonna do what I
can to protect us. And now you're saying, oh, you
pull a shoe out and hit me and call me
an idiot. And I was just trying to paint the
whole picture. But me trusting you with an edge, it's
like you take me to the My life is in

your hands when you're edging me. I trust you with everything.
Of course you do of course you do, because you
have the best orgasms you've ever had in your life,
count on, and you know that everybody knows that. Everybody
knows that make me. They can see it when they
see us walking around together. People say that they're like, oh,
she takes she gets in there for sure, because look,

often have that glow. People know that's right. And your
skin looks good everything because those all those juices and
everything are just boom. They're flowing and exiting and rebuilding,
you know, even a they're honking right now. Yeah, we
know the energy of it, you know. So if anything, congratulations,
you know. And you're trying to say that I call

you names and I and I abuse you, but now
here you are saying, oh, you know, you know you
don't call me names. She don't abuse me. You're kidding,
that's ridiculous. Do you think that you would have a
life like that and gobbles lucas, edging and and all
that and buzzing all crazy and having with anybody else,
you know, with that little nerves at the best medical center,

your little tennis horse at the at the country club.
Look at me, and there's no way my life would
be held without you. Do you see me. You look
so beautiful right now, by the way, and I'm so
sorry I made you upset, and I'm so sorry I
painted a picture that was made you looking flattering in anyway.
I only think you're just I mean, you're my queen.

And right now, if you I don't know what I'm
if you look at my Gecko book and you get
if you get home before me, that I want you
to look at the bookmark I'm using as the polaroid
I took of you. I got on one of those
little small cube polaroids. Was they wearing the nipple tassels?

You know what you remember? Oh my god, you look
so all the way up and all the way h

who me me? Who me? Me? M sleeping? I love
you so much. You're my writer. Die huh h always
always in forever only sweet. Tell me say that those

little tennis hords have nothing on you, j C. Those
little tennis hords have nothing on you, Jase, nothing, They're
just horse Hello, next dollar, what's up? Jase? What's up? Girl?
Dangn you sound like you're you're just run a marathon

or something. I need your advice. I it's Michael Madre.
What happened with your core. You know, she's packed on
a few pounds, okay, and anybody okay, no, no, we
just take the holidays, toll of themis and all that.

I'm all about loving yourself, girl, okay, yes, as you
should be girl. Yes, yes, she loves to dance. Okay.
We were at Akinset last weekend. I guess she was
imagining it that it was her kinset. Okay, she wore
a white dress. Okay, who is that white dress to at?

That's not your exactly j C exactly. I said, no,
it's not your king set. Remember you got pregnant. You
didn't have a king set. Okay. So there's that deeper
issue because she missed Turkeen Tech got pregnant. So now

she's trying to relive it. She's relieving, you know, And
I said, it's not anymore. Okay. So we go to
the king said she's got on the white dress, and
you could tell she had a bikini. Okay, I no,

and I'm bikini the vikini Okay, okay, that vikini. But
listen to this. When brick House came on, Oh the
Commodore's break count Brickhounds, O King all hell broke loose. Okay,
before my life, those were eaten up and they became

a tongue. Oh okay, you're not little. So she was
eating a bikini. She was eating a bin with a nas.
I said, mother, you're not little little can afford those
nadias that hold it all? He said. Co compression even

if you're not you guys are hanging out, It holds
it all in. Yes, little little, she has that faire
to have those those compression medias or whatever you call it.
You can't even afford that media's okay, And she ate
up the bikinis and I'm like, oh comre, no, no, no,

you can't. I try to beat General jac It was
all you can't eat at the game set, but she
took it the wrong way. I try to be general,
but she comes bad, you know, with ship like I.
All the young guys are looking at me. Okay, So

she's disconnected with reality. No, they're scared. They're scared. She's scared.
I so that young men are like I, they're there.
There's yeah to do no more. This is a tough one, girl, okay,

Because of course you do as you should, as you
should be at the same time you don't want out
there eating a bakini with or a not less in
public like that, a tech like that. I don't know
what to do. J C. I. I love Michael who.

I don't want to go to no more parties with her.
It's gonna tak our relationship, and you know, I don't
want negativity in our relationship. I want to stay positive
and I want to stay dancing with her. Yeah, you know,
you know, girls gone wild and all that. Okay, we
can relive it like it's nine nine that you're taking

it too par com it's too far, okay, girl. So
obviously I don't know if it's a mad life crisis
or what, but I think that's something that you can
do and that you can throw her a little surprise
kinset because obviously there's a hole, there's an emptiness inside
of her because she had got pregnant when she was

fourteen or can say, and she had to miss her
kingset and she's been missing that that having that empty
hole in her heart. So I think put it better
better give have an outfit set up for her so
she's not eating her bakini with or nine glass like
that in front of and scaring the kids or the
young man and and you know, and just sit and

talk with her, a we love you, how you are?
You know, encourage her to walk, to keep dancing, you know,
and to just you know, to to to have her
connect back with reality, you know. And I think the
way that you can do that is to show her
love and and show throw her a little king set
you know for her. That's eight ideas. That is a

great idea. Yes, I I love Michael mother, and she
got a little Gordita or a lot you know. I'm
counds she's still wearing the same vikinnies, you know, and
I'm like, no, no, you know, it's kind of sad. Now, Okay,

we'll get her that Johnny is that that fit her
good and give them to her at that kingcent and
just and just let her know that she's loved and
she don't need to be pretending that she's at than that.
And when she because deep down she knows, girl, she
knows that she put on those forty pounds. You know. Okay,
sky so much? Oh no problem, girl, thanks for colling. Okay,

I love you back, girl, I love you back all day.
I know. I know that's how I do. Girl, Okay,
still talk to you next time. Okay, next color. Hello,
Hey j C. I just started a new job and

my boss has been making me just feel a little
bit uncomfortable. Yeah, like the other day he told me
that I should keep my hair down and smile more.
Excuse me, you know, yeah, that's a little weird. I
could see maybe smiling more because if you might have
resting cavona face, and sometimes when you are resting cavona face,

it looks like damn, like you know, it creates a vibe.
But for him to say to leave your hair down,
that insinuates like like you know, um that that oh
he wants like a sexual kind of a vibe or
something like oh, she's not sexy enough for something like that,
you know, And that's a little weird that that has

he said any other comments or well, it's just like
I know I look good, you know, but it's just
like I don't need to put my hair down. And
then it was like he was like, oh, I like
told me I looked so good at dresses. It's like,
I know, hold on a second, hold on a second,
red flag. He said, you look so good and dressed. Yeah,

that's a direct cold Jacy. I mean, I'm just like
I want to complain to the HR. But this is
the thing that the HR person is his wife. Oh
my god. Okay, Okay, we have a little situation here. Okay,
do you get along with her? I mean yeah, it's

like whatever, but you know she's not like my best friend,
right right? Okay? Wow, Okay, Well this is interesting because
obviously there's some issues here. He shouldn't be telling you, oh,
you look good and dresses or or you know, leave
your hair down, and you know who who do you

think you are? You know what I mean saying like that,
And I could tell by your energy that you you
you look good in anyways, regardless wearing sweatpants or whatever.
I mean, you shouldn't wear sweatpants to work. But you
know what I'm saying, So it definitely know what you're saying.
I'm glad it's translating to there's okay. So the wife
that that does the HR dies, she does she seem

like a happy person or is she just kind of
like a robot or I don't know. It's like, honestly,
like I've seen her lunch every day and I'm just like,
I don't know if you're you know, ecstatic, bouncing off
the walls. It's like every day you're just like having
grapes as a snack, you know, like it's a fine snack,
but every day I don't know, m Yeah, that is

the right flag, because grapes are good and delicious, especially
when they're nice and ripe and juicy. But every day, um,
it's like monotonous, you know, and that could be a
red flag, you know. And so what I'm thinking this
is that she's not getting the sexual attention that she

needs for her man. So she's always having to have
something that's circular or in a ball shape, something like grapes, yea,
to be like, oh see, I'm getting action. And that's that,
you know. That really is that she's using the grapes
to replace um, like, you know, like her man's webls

or a man of her desires webbls, you know, to
be like, oh look see I'm playing with something um.
And and that's why. And you know, obviously her man's
not putting it down because he's over there saying stupid
things to his employees like oh, you know, smile more,
you look good at dresses. And you know who does that?
You know, so I would say, yeah, I would say

next time, I don't, I don't know, maybe do a
little undercover work and try to try to set him
up and record something on your phone and play it
for her, like looking to how he talks to me.
But you don't want to create that drop. You don't
need that in your life, girl, you know what I mean.
So maybe not at all. Yeah, So, but first of all,
don't let him tell you things like that anymore, you know,

even if you have to stay straight up like hey,
you know, like um, you know, don't don't talk to
me like that. And maybe concentrate on your wife because
she's over there and she's about too old and grapes again,
you know, and I can only take so much to
witness so much great beating, you know, And so maybe
you need to pay attention to your wife, brother than

to make your stupid little comments here, you know. Yeah,
I'm just jotting that down. I mean, really good stuff. Yeah,
So the main thing is maybe check on her, because
she is hr you know, to be like you know,
she reads all those pamphlets, those little classes that you
have to take, and maybe she needs to be taken

through those steps you know, to be like yeah, and
just you know, check in with her, check in with her,
and be like, oh, you know, so I see you
eating grapes every day and you know, I'm not saying
exactly not even not even sometimes real that they're just
always read and it's like switch it up. M h.
You know, yeah, it's just hard. Yeah, because okay, I

see because she's probably reminiscing when she probably is that
type two two they maybe they used to get freaky
and she would slap her men's levels and they would
turn red. And so she's trying to relive those old
days and that's that, you know. But but yeah, check
in with her. How are you doing? Girl? And you know,
you know you don't want to start drama right away,

you know, but but first and foremost, don't let him
talk to you like that anymore. You know. God, thanks Jasey.
I really needed to hear it. It's like you know that,
but then just to hear you say it, it just
sounds different. Yeah, okay, girl, Well I'm always there for
you always, but you know, maybe yeah, offer her some

different type types of snacks and then you know, maybe
talk to her and be like, hey, how's your relationship.
And it's not your job to even do this, but
I'm just throwing out different angles that you can take.
But first and foremost at Coveron needs to stop saying
stupid things, you know, and I think and the thing is,
I think she would agree with you. You know, I

never thought about it like that. Yeah, yeah, okay, girl,
Well best of luck. And where your where your hair
up if that's how you do, because I know you
look good and if you're resting covert on our face
and so then that's the way it is. Okay, Okay,
thanks so much. Okay, no problem, girl, have a good day.

M m m m m mmmmmmm. We got that laughter
for your soul. And now to the into the Frankick
on this show. And it's sad to like like when
I see highs or other girls women they're like, you know,
like to live like that in like everywhere they go,

they're going to write aid or consale. They're going, I, oh,
I'm looking for a man. I need a man. Or
you can just see it, you know, see it and
feel it. They try to even always the manager right,
it's good enough for me, and try to let's see
about it. And he's like Damn, he's just trying to
get through his work day. You know, he already has
a a girl, you know. But there's just I'm just saying,

they're always praying like that, like they're looking for praying.
They're they're nasty. They're nasty, little horse they're out there,
you know, and and you're right there at the tennis courts,
and so you can see why it bothers me when
you say, wow, j C. If they do a good movie,
a good back can or consale, I'm gonna compliment them
because in your head you're looking at the sport of

it criticism, but they're looking at I. He likes my technique,
you know. Check it's a little I tingerle and suthing.
I see you know under their little horse skirts or
little tennis skirts that I have it short because that's
the length for tennis. No, it's because you're trying to,

you know, get your aromas out there and be a
little hore that you are, you know, and it's you
just concern to me that you're in that environment when
you teach tennis. You know, I'm going to be much
more responsible with my compliments. Thank you for saying that.
Thank you for saying that. Just be aware that you're
looking at it from athletic point of view. They're looking

at it from they're trying to get your ballot, you know,
and too. But you don't need that because obviously I
take care of that with you know, and I edge you,
and I get you a week and your legs all
shaking like that, another to thirty seven minutes and then
I let you bust got on? And how long are
you satisfied after I do that to you? Minutes especially, yeah,

fifteen minutes. Come on? Oh do you see if I'm
around you, I mean, you get me right back going,
I get refilled up, real question. That's right, that's right,
that's right, you're clone right now. I have I'm thinking
about putting on those nipple tests later if you behave

and stop seeing them things. Got on. I'm getting on.
When you dressed like a little horr at the house,
that's for us. That's a more private thing. You got
a little too excited right now. Now you're letting our
private You don't call you those names outside of the bedroom.

I don't. Okay, I understand that's our little secret thing. Understood. Okay,
you got that. I understand, because I'm excited thinking about
those things. But we have our private time for that bedroom.
He looy. Well this which is in the public, there's
cameras and you know, I get a rational I get corny.
I know you don't believe me. I know you do.

It's a heartreak gets going on. Yeah, you're a little
too excited today and they might need to be tight
up later, you know, like to be punished. Have you
seen the avatar I was gonna see if you want
to go see it, okay, you want to see it
in three D D. I want to see three Okay,
you know what. It's like three hours. I'll be able

to stay awake. Okay, maybe all it's a little bit.
It turns me on a little when they get you know,
because just the you know, they're like bigger and they're
blue and and when they boom boom. Well the new

one is supposed to have some of those scenes in
it were all ram crazy. Yeah, I just you know
what I mean, just to see a big alien cout
on like that, and with this I am not just bomb.
It's crazy because they have tail scout on, you know,
that little avatars or that big but they're bigger. What
happens to the tail when they're exciting? That's the thing,

that's what I'm curious about. Oh my god, what can that?
You know? Where does that tail go? Should we see
you tonight? Because obviously? Okay that the men they have
apolos obviously and the alien polos promore. Who knows what
the hell looks like charged supercharger, alien juices or consala.

But I imagine you have that tail with them. Yeah,
so you know different options. I could swing the tail
around and do something else with it, maybe to play
with your cool o wile oh sitting the very back.
Let's go tonight night out on. Yes, we get a

big popcorn, you get a big soda. See now I
see where it's coming from. You read the book about
the get gos there. Some of them are blue and
slide me now to the avatars, which they can be
slightly too. Three are I'll be able to stay away
for the whole thing. Edge me to the finish line. Yeah, well,

if we get one of those, we can get the
reclimbing seeds with the three D glasses. Come maybe you're follower,
look three D eyes jumping at me, stuff like that.
There's there might be kids, you know, it's PG thirteen.
I think, m hm. But we'll bring a blanket. We'll
be that couple. I love the bringing a blanket into
the theater and you go wear your little tennis man.

Whether do stretches right there outside before we go into
the movie. Like I made a look, he's wearing a
said van. They're doing stretches. They have a blanket. I
can do cat stretches on stairs. See love that there
you go. I love when you think, like so now
you're looking smart. Now this is the side of you
that I like, you know, backing some mince our happiness

in those situations. I think that's I can totally keep
doing that. I cover now. I want to dress you
up like a little like an avatars get a little
t Are you gonna paint me? Yeah? We have that.
We have the part from party City. We have that
blue blue paint, remember from the gender party from my

from my Amanitas gender reval party. They thought I was
gonna be a boy, but then last minute it was
a girl. So we have a lot of blue paint left. Oh,
so we can paint you like that? Give me a
can paint your pollo picture, just like you can see
it a different color and three D. It's always three D.

Don't get me wrong, baby, you know because I you
know your little paints Pete Sampers moves that you do.
I okay, since you say you said the little names,
I let you call me in the bedroom. I can
say what you do when you have when he has this,
when he has this follow he does it like when

he has this sallow when it's like you red. He
pretends that he's in that tennis class. Yet he does
a little and I'm laying in the bed. He's walking
around the room. He goes, Piz Sampers. He says, he
goes one side like that. Oh he goes. It's like
you told me to do it. I mean say, comeric
out on, you know, jump into that bad okay baby,

So damn. We talked about a lot of things. I'm
excited for you to learn all you have to learn
about get gos. You how many types of different get
gos are? Are? You only got to that part. I've
only gotten about four or five so far, but I
think there's at least nineteen nineteen different kinds get I think,
so yeah, I go wrong, you know, I'm excited to

learn about that because Get Goals. They've been doing good
lately obviously what Geico and they got a good career going.
But I said, there's at least nineteen different times say
oh from all over they all slithered again in different ways. Yeah, wow,
And is there anything else? Okay, So we're looking forward
to we'll get a final report on Get Goals. We

finish that book, and and that's that. You're still teaching classes,
you want to plug that or if anyone wants any
tens lessons at Griffith Park, um men or women, Uh,
don't sleep for them. And if four dollars an hour
sliding scale, you know forty, If you don't, if you
can't afford it, you know, just let me know and
I'll slide you in. And mm hmm you are you

gonna sometimes you come out and watch, and especially when
the girls are there, just to support, yeah, but also
to watch my man make sure he's okay, and uh
yeah it's Griffith Park and let me know all right, okay, Well,
thank you Peter for joining me again, baby, I love you.
Thank you. Forward to watching avatars with you with you.

Illego painting New blue and all your follow blue and
putting a little tail and uh, you know, rapping your
brains out and we're having you edge and addressed as
an avatar. Little get go book right there. Hey, we're
getting on slight. I just wanted to say I love
you Jay, seeing you look as beautiful as ever. You're

sooth sweet. Okay, thank you guys, I'll see you next thing.
There for tuning into another episode of the Breaking in
Your Next Show, presented by Will Ferrell's Big Funny Players Network.
Shout out to the Homies Times, Olivia Neck, the Homie

Earn Dog here in the studio, James Fritz, Kevin Kamia,
Bobby d J Buzz, the legendary soul assassins by me.
You know how we do, Homie. Thank you for giving
it as an opportunity of the get Down and if
you get a chance told me it's going and rank
and review the podcast or continue living your life. We'll
see you on the next episode the Frankie Dinone Show.

That's what soft break There
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