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March 29, 2024 48 mins

On this very special episode, Shazi is joined by new mom of twins, entrepreneur, activist, and two-time Academy Award winning actress Hilary Swank following the announcement of Hilary’s new role as HealthyBaby’s Chief Innovation Officer. The duo sit down to discuss their experiences from planning to pregnancy to parenting, talk about what it takes to pioneer new safety standards in babycare, and explore their shared mission to empower parents with the resources and essentials to make informed choices.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hi, Hello Shazi Vizrael.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
Hello, Hilary Swank.

Speaker 1 (00:04):
How are you today?

Speaker 2 (00:06):
I am more thrilled than ever just to spend this
time with you. So I'm awesome. How are you?

Speaker 1 (00:13):
I am too? Me too. I feel the same.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
Well time time is limited and I want to make
the most of this. So everybody in the world knows
who you are. I don't unless they like live under
a rock, and I practically live under a rock. But
I know who you are. How do you? How would
you introduce yourself?

Speaker 1 (00:41):
I would introduce myself as a It's funny. I was
going to say a person, but I'm going to say
a woman because I'm really happy to be a woman
who is able to bear children, which is something that
I didn't know I would be able to do, and
I'm so grateful for it. I am a mother of

two beautiful babies who are about to turn one, so
it's a bit heavy on my mind. How the time
flies and just a year ago, where what place I
was in, and how I was feeling them and excited
for them. I would say I'm a storyteller. I love
playing people, walking in their shoes and seeing through their eyes.

And I am a dog rescuer and a human that
is super happy to be on this earth and curious
about all things.

Speaker 2 (01:46):
That might be the best introduction I think of all time.
So let's just let's go ahead and say that's the
best intro of all time. And I mean I personally,
I am so in awe of all mothers because I
know it's I used to want to be an artist, actually,
and I would think that making art was so important.

Then I started a business and I thought, okay, well,
making having a great business is like a living, breathing
work of art. And then then I had my babies,
and then I realized the most creative thing one could
do is to create new life. Can you share your

journey into motherhood.

Speaker 1 (02:34):
Yeah, it's obviously so emotional, especially with what I just
shared about them about to turn one. And I loved
being pregnant so much, and so it's so interesting how
for me that I didn't recognize what you don't until
you experience it. You know, people can tell you like

it's the biggest love you'll ever feel, and I'm like, well,
I feel big love. What does that mean? And then
you have them and you're like, oh, this is what
you mean? This explosive love and joy, and it's more
everything than I ever imagined. It's so fun and they're

so funny, and you just learned so much about yourself.
But I remember when I found out I was pregnant,
and what a surprise it was, and what a joy
it was, and what almost a disbelief it was. But
then I was working throughout my pregnancy, which is a blessing,

but also I wanted to be so present in my
pregnancy that I wasn't able to really because I was
also working so hard up until like the second third
week of my third commester. And then but that point,
I was just so tired and just wanted to sleep
all the time. But I remember then having my babies,

and I was so happy that they were here, but
I also grieve not being pregnant.

Speaker 2 (04:06):
And then it's not about you anymore. Yeah, that it's
not about you anymore, even though you're you or whoever
is the center of their universe, it's you have a
new center of your universe. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (04:18):
And then and then it's so interesting because every day
is kind of a it's a letting go and a
and a and and a new So it's like a
letting go of It's like I almost go through for
the first six months especially, I went through like a
grieving process of them getting older, but then just as

excited about the new day that was unfolding. It was
the most incredible like give and take. You know, does
that make sense?

Speaker 2 (04:48):
Oh, it's such a dichotomy. The more you can love
is the more you can feel pain and sadness too. Yeah,
that's I have a child that has issues and it's
been a really challenging time and I love him more
than anything on God's green Earth. And when he is happy,

I'm on the moon. And when there's a saying you know,
like you're as happy as your least happy child, and
that's also the case. But when he's happy, I mean,
it is just it is so it's magic. It's literally
magic to see your baby smile, wake up. And I've

had the pleasure of meeting your babies and om and
Iah are they are. They're two little balls of magic
and it's I'm just I'm so excited for you to
experience every single milestone and every step of the way
his motherhood is. I think it's a role you can't

prepare for. I mean, it's funny. I can't believe I'm
saying this to you, given who you are, but it's
like the role you can't prepare for.

Speaker 1 (06:03):
Yeah, you're right, you know it's funny. You're right, you
can't prepare for it. Every day brings something new. Every
you know, every person is similar in some ways, but
we're all unique in different in different ways as well.
So our babies are going to be their own, unique
selves and we don't want to like pigeonholed them into
anything that we've heard and just let them evolve into

who they are each day and each minute. Really, they're
learning so much. They're exponentially growing every day. What did
I read from or learn from you? That they're making
a million connector neural connections every what is it second?

Speaker 2 (06:44):
Every second second? More than one million neural connections every second.

Speaker 1 (06:49):
It's so fascinating. And I've always been fascinated by the brain,
but like now more than ever. And you know, that
was one of the things that I think surprised me
the most is that their brains are grow eighty percent
of the max capacity from zero to three and it's

such an important time in their lives. And I didn't
know that there's so much you don't know going into
becoming a.

Speaker 2 (07:24):
Parent or a caregiver, that's honest to God. That is
why I started a diaper company because I care about
the time of babies and diapers. Because that is exactly why.
Because I feel like we as parents, and especially me,
if we talk about you don't know what you're going

to get. I mean, you don't know what you're going
to get, but it's a gift. And then at the
same token, you learn a lot and then you use
your tools, and for me, it's creating a platform, creating
a business. But products that live in our lives every
day and touch our babies every day, to me, those

are the things that matter because you're having that time
with them, and that time is so magical. So I'm
just curious because nobody really knows healthy baby. Honestly, we're
like this, it's it's our time. But how did you
find us?

Speaker 1 (08:27):
Yeah, I'm gonna I'm gonna say that story, But I
don't know how many people Since you said people are
learning about healthy baby, will you share And I know
you've shared about your son's Zane, and you should also
share about your beautiful daughter. But I I was because
you had started a company before this, But then was

it what what? I know? You just said you were
so interested from zero to three and giving the babies
the best from zero to three. But was there anything
in particular that made you I mean, was having a baby?
What made you say I got to do this because
you wanted the best for them?

Speaker 2 (09:07):

Speaker 1 (09:08):
No, or that just the idea like every baby should
have a healthy start.

Speaker 2 (09:14):
It's crazy. I was twenty four when I started Happy Baby,
and Happy Baby is the biggest organic baby food company
I think possibly in the world. And I literally started
it because I thought that would be my way to
make change. I thought, if babies can have clean, whole

food from their very first bite, it would improve our environment.
It'll be organic, it will take so many pesticides and
chemicals out of their bodies and out of our soil.
And I could even though I was young and had
you know, I just I knew I could go all in.

Every day, I'll wake up and I will go all
in because I believe. I believe in using business as
a force for good, and that's that's what I wanted
to do. And then Happy turned into this big, huge,
magical platform and I'm so proud of it. And then
and I had my own baby.

Speaker 1 (10:18):
How old were you at that point twenty ten? I
was thirty four, So ten years after you started a
baby company, you had your baby.

Speaker 2 (10:28):
I know, it's kind of like having a baby and
then having a human wood, you know, and then.

Speaker 1 (10:34):
Beautiful that you you felt this this words don't come
to me easily after having a baby, having two babies.
Compulsion is not the word. What's the word that you
had a that was like, it's like a calling, Yeah,

a calling. It's not a makes for babies that wasn't
out there because what they were getting wasn't good for them.
It wasn't healthy, it wasn't helping them become their best selves.
And I think that that's so beautiful that it wasn't
the seed wasn't dropped once you had your baby. It

was something you saw that was needed. And I just
love that. I love that about you. You're a big empathizer.
See you see where a need is and you're like, hey,
i'm gonna, I'm gonna I want to provide that. And
I just love that about you. You're like that with
people that you meet, and you're such a gift in
that way. I mean, I knew it from the second

that I met you, So thank you.

Speaker 2 (11:42):
That's very kind of you. I there is something about
helping people that just makes me so happy. And actually,
with Happy, Happy Baby, the first conversation how the moment
was having a conversation with a friend who was going
through a hard time and upset it herself for not

making their baby food homemade from scratch. And I thought,
this is terrible. You're like one of the best people
in the world. How could you ever ever put yourself down?
You just and she had twins too, ironically, Hillary and
she had twins, and yeah, I just thought, there's got

to be something better. And then I looked into it
and there was nothing better. And with healthy baby, which
is so funny. You know, many years later, we're talking
about fourteen years later, I realized that I had done
everything I could to change the food system. When I

first started Happy, organic food was only three percent of
the baby category. If you walk into a Target today,
it's seventy one percent organic, and Happy is the biggest
brand in Target.

Speaker 1 (13:00):
Thank you, thank you so much.

Speaker 2 (13:01):
Well it's not that, but it's like, okay, now I'm
done with that, you know, And then with I learned
so much about development. With my son, he has a
developmental diagnosis. It's it's autism. It's real, it's it's severe,
you know, honest to I don't know if he'll ever
live independently. And then I had my daughter, who's this

like also magical little being, and I've seen this night
and day difference, and when to prepare for her. I
did so much research because I'm a freak, you know,
from a research standpoint, and I did everything I could say, Well,
what could have contributed Zane's autism. I can't control my genetics.

What can I control my environment? From an epigenetics standpoint?
What are all the things I can do to have
a healthy baby? Because I already had a happy baby.
And now I'm like, I really this is this is,
this is what it's all about. Like health comes first.
And I with my daughter, I mean the pregnancy and

learning about everything from the Neurological Health Foundation. From learning
about everything from the Neurological Health Foundation n HF, I mean,
the chief science officer would tell me everything I should
be taking. And it was literally like this massive table
full of different vitamins and supplements in the different form

and from the different you know, it has to be
methyl folate, not full of acid. And there were so
many things I learned, you know, like if you're taking
full of acid the day, you can see if you
have a forty percent decreased chance of having a child
with the neurological disorder it. You know, every woman in
this world should know that.

Speaker 1 (14:48):
So let's just talk about the fact what you're bringing
into this. I have two things to say. One is
you're not just I mean, you're creating healthy babies from
concept and preconception, because what a lot of women don't know.
And I wish. I mean I feel like I was
pretty healthy, but I didn't have all the vitamins that

healthy baby provides because everyone, you know, the people will
first know you as probably a diaper company. But to
think that you're providing a vitamin that is absolutely vital
from the information you just gave, that's just one piece
of the information which we could go on and on.
We could make a whole podcast just about the vitamins.

It is like I didn't start. I mean, I had
a prenatal vitamin, but it only has it doesn't have
the one that you the vitamin you just said, it
doesn't have that.

Speaker 2 (15:43):
It doesn't have methopolictyl tetrahydrofolic.

Speaker 1 (15:46):
No, you just had folate or fullic acid fullic acid. Right.

Speaker 2 (15:52):
Yeah, what's interesting is when I have a son with
autism in the beginning, I'm trying to figure out what's
going on. Yeah, And we did this full gene testing,
and I learned about this MTHFR gene mutation which I
have there and I have two. I have two versions
of it myself. And I learned about how your body

doesn't like even if you're taking full of acid, if
you have that gene mutation, it's not bioavailable to you.
So you have to take this other form, which is
methyl tetrahyd fulling, which I'm not.

Speaker 1 (16:26):
But my doctor did not tell me about that. I
did my own testing prior a long time ago and
have been on that vitamin separately outside of my pre needle.

Speaker 2 (16:36):
Because you're a visionary that puts your health first and
has The thing about the thing about this period of
time is that it's really exciting, it's really overwhelming. It's hard.
I don't want to scare anybody. At the same token,
I want to support people with everything I know yes,
because I know it's the most magical time. From the

inception of life to age three is the most magical
time to shape a life. And we all want a
healthy baby, and you know our prenatal healthy pregnancy, a
healthy pregnancy, and we want to be healthy mothers when
we come out of it, right, and because then the
real job starts then when you role starts.

Speaker 1 (17:18):
That's right. And you have the post natal vitamin which
is was non existent until you created it, which I
am taking and my babies are about to turn one.
So how long do you take a post natal vitamin?
Could like it? Is it indefinitely? Can that just be
my vitamin? Now?

Speaker 2 (17:36):
I take it as my vitamin. I take our trimester
for as my multis. It's a lot of pills, but
it's everything that you need. And yeah, I mean especially
I would take it always while you're breastfeeding, if you're breastfeeding.
But yeah, you know, we go we go into a

lot of things in our life with a with a tank.
It's not full, uh you know. And for me it's
like I learned, you got to fill the tank before
you start this journey. And I'm just wanting to help
people like fill the tank and then give them the
products during the part of the journey. That's so challenging
because really the dipe once it's similar, Like I saw

baby food as something that should always be clean. It's
obvious you can't not give a baby organic food. And
then and then we did it, you know, yeah, together
as a team, we move mountains and we did it.
And now then.

Speaker 1 (18:34):
Weated the body products, the diaper. You well, you explain it,
but I but I before really quickly, I also want
to just say, I want you to just quickly say
the vitamins. Would they start pre pre and then through
your first tromester? Like, how does that work? How? What

are the boxes? Tell us all the boxes?

Speaker 2 (18:58):
Yeah, so the vitam the it's the only vitamin that
has everything that the NHF thinks you should have and
they are cutting edge from a science standpoint. So there's preconception,
trimester one, trimester two, trimester three, and then there's trimester four,

which is to replenish, which I love because you'll send
me a text like with one of the sachets saying
that you just it quite literally makes makes my day.
I when we started selling the prenatal when it started
selling I would cry almost every time anyone would take
I just get so excited because I knew you put

so many it's going to help.

Speaker 1 (19:40):
Yes, And let's talk about the doctor that you helped
create the vitamins with, who gives those wonderful quotes that
are in the back of the packets, which I love,
Like every night, I'm what, what's doctor Cowan going to
say today?

Speaker 2 (19:55):
Well, you know, you can now write quotes on the
back of that, like as our chief innovation officer, because
I care about your voice. I want your voice on
the back of the packs. And a lot of those
some of them are statements of things you need to know.
You know that I believe strongly that we all need
to check our water quality. Go to WG type in

your zip code, make sure your water's clean, you know,
while you're thinking getting pregnant, when you're pregnant. I lived
in Jersey City when I was pregnant with Sane, and
there was the water had lead in it, you know,
And you learn that and it's like, Okay, what am
I gonna learn do with that? This is what? This
is how we're gonna do it. And I so the

the messages on the prenatal sachets. The whole point is
to give you a boost or information when you're when
you need it or want it. It's there for you.
And some some messages are just about invest in rest
and some are hardcore. But and you know, it's hard

to talk about chemicals and pregnancy, but nobody wants chemicals
in their body. Nobody wants chemicals in their baby's body.

Speaker 1 (21:08):
Like and that's the thing that you're helping women and
people understand is the fact that we are getting these
chemicals from a bunch of places, trusted places that we
believe people would never steer us wrong. Like how in

the heck would the FDA approve some things that were unhealthy?
People just aren't aware of it. We think that whatever's
on the shelves has been approved and been through testing,
not monitored. It's not monitored exactly. And that's what we
really need to talk about, because I don't I really
think that people go into stores and say, of course

it's on the shelf, of course it's safe. But there
is reason why. And that's why you said, I want
to create something that gives babies truly a healthy start
and makes them healthy babies after already getting pregnant is
and through again more information from you, was a placenta

has microplastics in it from and people don't even know,
Like we're just catching on to like how bad plastics are,
yet so much is still in plastic. Like I will
go and buy soup from a store and they'll put
it in plastic, and I know I'm about to get microplastics.
You know, there's sometimes when you can't get away from it,
but I'm so good about not. But then the other

thing we learned is when you go and get your
coffee and they put it in that to go cup,
there's a forever chemical in there that you can't get
out of your body once you get it in your body.

Speaker 2 (22:44):
These it's in a polar bear. It's in polar bears.

Speaker 1 (22:48):
Like that's crazy, And you know they're not drinking coffee.
It's in your world, it's in our world. So here's
the thing, it's in our world. So what can we do?
What actions can we take to give our babies their
best start? And that's how I found you because I
did my research, which I was very diligent about because

I have health issues from the endocrine disruptors, which are
all these things we're talking about, which come in many
different forms, and.

Speaker 2 (23:22):
In diapers, there have been in diapers, so and that's
what I.

Speaker 1 (23:25):
Was about to get to, which you know, I mean
I started in those diapers and then I went through
my whole. I mean, they're in elastic, which I was
in as a gymnast and as a swimmer, and you know,
I mean to this day, I used to wear elastic
because that microplastics are in that microplastics are in polyester,

which are are what I wear when I go skiing.
And you know, so there are some ways. I mean,
now I wear wool, and I find ways to avoid it.
But my point is is that I suffered horrible endometriosis,
horrible like debilitating pass out type of endometriosis.

Speaker 2 (24:07):
I had a.

Speaker 1 (24:10):
They thought it was a tumor because it was so big.
And when they operated on me and took the endometriosis out,
their words was it was bigger than a full term
baby's head in my uterus. So it was horribly challenging,
and to this day it's it's now better, but it

was made it very hard to get pregnant. But the
point is is how much of that was still in
my uterus. How much of those toxins? Yes. So I
then was like, I want to get my babies a
healthy start. I didn't know I was having a boy
and a girl. I didn't know what gender I was
having until they popped out. But I know that, you know,

I know what they're the disruptors are now And so
I did my research on diapers, and you're the only
diaper company that is EWG certified the environment and Environmental
Workers Group. For those people that aren't aware of it,
I don't buy anything without looking up online what You

can type the product into their app and check it out.
You're the only diaper, which means that you don't put
the twenty eight hundred chemicals that are found in other
diapers that they don't disclose. I find this mind boggling,
and I get really angry that they don't have to

say the ingredients. They list some of them, but they
don't have to list all of them, so we don't
really know what's in those diapers.

Speaker 2 (25:46):
Linked to human harm? How is how are things linked
to human harm criddling our baby's body from the first
the first product that ever touches them during the three
magical years we're talking about how there be and how
can you change? How can you make change when all
I care about is supporting parents during a time they're

in diapers. And then you look at the diaper category
and you realize these these are not good enough. And
Europe has the standards. European standards are so they regulate.
The US nothing's regulated. You don't have to be transparent,
you don't have to list any ingredient. And I love

that you recognize that about us, because it's not easy
to maintain that level of quality. But we do it
because we really.

Speaker 1 (26:38):
Love our babies, you know, yeah, And you know what
in here like.

Speaker 2 (26:42):
I love your babies. I want you to have healthy babies.
I have experienced things that I don't want others to experience.

Speaker 1 (26:49):
That is right, and you know that firsthand. And and
people love their babies no matter where you live, no
matter who you are, people love their babies. And they
don't know. They don't know what's in their diapers. They
think they're getting something good, or they don't know what's
in their body creams that they're pointing on or their

diaper creams. They don't know. And the thing is is
if people just knew. Of course they would make the switch.
It's a no brainer. And I'm angry with our government
because of their inability to limit these things that go
into these precious new life. But the other thing is,

I mean the baby comes out and the first thing
that goes on them as a diaper, and they wear
it twenty four seven for three years. If they're absorbing
all of those toxins, it's just a terrible start. So
we have to get the word out. So I'm so
happy we're talking about that today and we're able to
talk about it wherever we go and just make people aware.

And I thank you so much for creating this because
I would be I. I have to have my baby
and cloth diapers, and I know that with twins you
do have a cloth dip and you do have a
cloth diaper, you know, with twins, I mean we go
through twelve diapers a day. So it's a lot, right,

It's it's you know, I mean up to I mean
it can be, but it.

Speaker 2 (28:22):
Could be yeah. I mean obviously it could be a
really hard day and be sixteen yeah exactly.

Speaker 1 (28:28):
So I mean doing that amount of wash, you know,
keeping up with that as it is, keeping up with
the laundry is hard. So and and I find, you know,
even with cloth diapers because I use them in in
in a pool, you know they're they're not perfectly leakproof.

Speaker 2 (28:46):
But I and sorry, I have a swim We do
have a swim diaper. Sorry, we do have a swim
diaper and a cloth diaper. Yes, you do. People need
people need disposable diapers. So women like you can do
what you do and share your gifts with the world
instead of archaically somehow thinking about the laundry, I.

Speaker 1 (29:09):
Want to talk about people's antiquated ideas around dipercream and
the idea of petroleum and things like this, that some
of the chemicals that are in dipercreams that aren't healthy
and again absorbing into those tender areas, and how toxic

that is as.

Speaker 2 (29:33):
Well well, because I feel like proactively, if you have
a healthy it's like everything in life. If you start healthy,
if your skin microbiome is healthy and the baby hasn't
developed a diper rash because there aren't chemicals rubbing up
against wet skin, I mean, that's how you get a

diaper rash. And it's like the most horrible thing. It's
like so we found that many of our customers say
they don't ever get diaper rashes. So if you start
with the healthy microbiome, hopefully you're not even putting anything
on your baby's skin to treat a rash, because hopefully
you don't even have it from the get go. But

then if you do, think of that, open that that
sensitive area, and like babies are truly like a sponge,
think of it as a sponge.

Speaker 1 (30:28):
Are still like our biggest organ So you created a
diaper cream that is awesome. I mean, my my babies
were getting rashes simply because they would, you know, in
the night, sometimes go poop and then they would were

in it maybe a little too long so it would
burn their skin. That's how they were getting their diaper rashes.
And they weren't crazy bad, but they were there. And
your diaper rash cream just works. It works, and it
doesn't have all the pollutants in it that everyone says
you have to have in order to make it work.

Speaker 2 (31:07):
So like petroleum, yeah, I mean petroleum. It's petroleum, you know,
because you're supposed to slather your baby in petroleum after
they sit in a diaper twenty four to seven, which
by the way every single diaper ours is ours has
it in Ours has petroleum in it too, But every

diaper is made with one cup of petroleum one cup.
And ours is the most plant based diaper on the market.
It's at thirty five percent. It will be increasingly get
We will have a plastic free diaper. That is that

is my dream. You know, take chemicals out of baby's bodies,
then take them out of their environment, and then actually
create an environment where parents feel good and are happy
and are able to connect with their baby instead of
worrying about those first two things.

Speaker 1 (32:07):
And be clear, there's a cup of petroleum and other diapers.

Speaker 2 (32:12):
There is one that is an average. There's almost one
cup of petroleum in every single diaper. And diapers are
the third largest item in landfills. And why would a
big industry that's one of the most profitable, multi billion
dollar industry change like because it doesn't change unless someone fights.

And this is what I love about you is that
you found us and then you and I connect on
an awesome level because I think we're both fighters and
I will buck the system. Your a new movie, Ordinary Angels.
It is you exemplify the character exemplifies never giving up

and fighting against all odds. Actually because health comes first.
I mean, it always comes back to it. But like you,
if we challenge a system and we create something better,
ultimately you raise the bar. Okay, so we raised the bar.
It didn't a bar didn't exist. We raised the bar. Now,

hopefully in many years from now, you and I are
in the city here and we're gonna say, you know what,
seventy one percent of the diapers at Target have no
plastic in it, and then guess what we just did.
We raised the bar, you know. So that's I don't
know why, but I just gave myself goose bumps.

Speaker 1 (33:39):
Yeah, me too, because we're going to get there, We're
going to make that happen, and that is going to
change lives and it's going to save lives. That's why
you gave yourself goosebumps. So thank you, Thank you for that.
I also want to talk about the cream because they're

also healthy and you've added pre biotics and pro biotics
in them, and that also helps a baby's microbiome on
their new soft and tender skin that is so fragile
and susceptible to unhealthy ingredients from maybe possibly other products.

That could be giving them rashes and other things that
then are inexplicable that you have to go buy other
things for. So thank you fans.

Speaker 2 (34:33):
Putting a band aid on a band aid and putting
another band aid on it instead of addressing the root cause,
which is to support a healthy microbiome on the skin.

Speaker 1 (34:43):

Speaker 2 (34:46):
I remember when you called me and said home had
a rash and you slathered him in our cream and
it went away the next day. Maybe really happy because
we were just enabling him to heal himself.

Speaker 1 (35:00):
Yeah, you know, yeah, letting his body, letting his body
do its thing, rather than blocking it and with and
making it worse with with dangerous and unhealthy ingredients. Yeah.
I also think it's important that people understand that it's

not just the products that are going on the baby.
By the way, your wipes are one hundred percent natural,
which is biodegradable and biodegradable and a bigger a bigger
wipe so you can use less, so that's less garbage
out there as well. But the thing is is that

there's also I feel like still there's a lot of
ways people clean with unhealthy products because they and I
did it forever too, because we thought that the idea
of certain smells meant it was clean, and we're just
kind of brainwashed into the chemical pharmaceutical company's idea of sanitizing. Yeah,

and the best sanitizer is vinegar. I use a lot
of it. But I also was really happy to learn
that you created cleaning products. So you have your your
laundry detergent, which, by the way, I mean we're just

I mean in New York City, I think like three
laundry detergents got banned because they are proven carciogenics proven,
and this is there's still some of those carciogenic ingredients
and others. They're just not as high as the ones
that got banned. But why would we ever do that,

Why would we ever use anything that could cause cancer
in our bodies.

Speaker 2 (36:59):
Call them chemicals, chemicals of convenience, chemicals of convenience that
that were created, that were created eighty years ago. I'm
not saying someone created them to hurt people, but we
now know what we know, and we need to take
them out of the system.

Speaker 1 (37:18):
That's right, And that's also raising a bar because we
don't need we don't need those chemicals in anything to
make it work, to make it clean. And do their job.
That's the thing is a lot of people are like, well,
that's that's not going to work well.

Speaker 2 (37:31):
But Asha was putting everything in her mouth, and I'm
sitting there thinking, what am I? You know, I need
to make make things and I want to share all
this developmental information about the connections that we make and
I'm thinking of and I want to do that. Meanwhile,
she's putting everything in her mouth. They're crawling around on
the floor. And if you care about a baby's environment,
then go three sixty, you know. And so so we

do have a we do. I love our home cleaning
system because it's a concentrate and one bottle makes like
seventeen spray bottles and it's stainless deal. So there are
no microplastics, you know, because you can't avoid them all.
And I think that we if you know, it's like
changes like that ultimately, you know, one change at a time.

I feel like that's how you make a difference. It's
really hard to you can't just change the world like this,
but we can change or start with our baby's environments.

Speaker 1 (38:30):
And that is that's huge. And also just to talk
about the fact that, like you said, you can make
a lot out of the concentrate. So you're not going
out and buying, buying, buying, buying all the time. You
can make that concentrate go a very long way.

Speaker 2 (38:45):
Otherwise, Yeah, you would have gone to the store. Yeah,
I'm sorry if you would have gone to the store
ordered and it would have been shipped to you buy Amazon,
like sixteen seventeen plastic bottles that you didn't need to
ship around water.

Speaker 1 (38:59):
That's right. And you can make the concentrate stronger if
you need. If you feel like you know the floor
is extra oily or whatever you can make, you can
dilute it as much as you want or as little
as you want, which I like as well. And then lastly,
I think it's really important for people to know because
I feel like as a new mom, the less I

have to think about things I don't want to think
about the better because it gives me more time to
think about how I want to spend my time with
my child, my child, children, my child. So I almost
said with my babies, I want to spend as much
time quality time with them and do less of the
other things that I don't want to have to think about.

And one of them is going to the store and
purchasing things or running out of things and being like,
oh my gosh, I'm out of wipes, I'm out of diapers,
And it happens quickly. It's on you before you know it,
and then you have to take time away and you
have to go do it. And so you have the subscription,

which we definitely need to talk about because it takes
one less thing to think about. You put your order in,
and what I love about it is it comes with Well,
I'm going to let you talk about it because I
love how you came about the idea of what's in
the box, so please share that with us.

Speaker 2 (40:24):
Well, the idea is, you know, you get your box
every month, and it makes your life easier. It makes
your life less stressful because you don't have to worry
because if it comes from us, I mean you can
tell I actually really care, you know, I read the
mission is pure It's so pure hearted. So everything in
the box you should feel good about. And it comes

every month and you can easily change size, you can
change quantities, but it'll come every month and it'll come
with information that supports your baby's development or gives you
ideas for different games to play that are brain builders
and you know, just different ways to connect that I've

learned are the basis of kind of the birth to
three program and the basis of development. And it's there.
It's these things that I think parents, you know, it's
one thing to protect the environment, but also let's enrich
the environment. So to me, the subscription is about protecting
and enriching. And you get these cards, and you get
these trays and they'll tell you about the power of peekaboo,

or they'll remind you that or tell you know, use
our dryer ball and roll it back and forth. That's
baby's first conversation. It's a dialogue, you know, that's called
serve and return. And you know, I want to take
all of this heady information that I've learned and just
give it to you every month when you need it,
based on the age and stage of your baby. And

that's the beauty of the subscription, is my dream, and
we will continue to improve it. As you have the
best diapers ever that work, you have the best wipes,
you never run out, and because you're not worrying about it,
you can look at the cards, you can look at
the tray, you can play these activities, you can be inspired.
Sometimes you're really tired, and when you're tired, it's hard

to be creative.

Speaker 1 (42:15):
And also I'd like to add that a lot of
people don't know how to play with their babies, which
I understand. You know, it's like, what do you do
if you can't you know, sit there and build blocks
yet or how can you interact with a one month
old baby? You can? There are ways, there are things
that you can do. And so this also takes another

thing that you have to go and research and think
about out of the equation. You can be there and
be present with your child because in your subscription box
comes a card that says, here's some ideas of what
to do with a one month old. Here's the picture
and a picture. It's like, it's wonderful. And I also
love the fact that the products come The cream that
we're talking about comes in a in a uh not

no plastic by the way, and your diapers aren't even
in plastic. But it comes in a cardboard where once
you take the product out, you put it back together
and it acts as like a little carousel that has
a little window. And so all of a sudden, here
comes a penguin. I love it.

Speaker 2 (43:17):
It's called the object permanence, and it's like it teaches
your baby resilience from the beginning of life. You can
be like, look, it's not there. It's there. It's high contrast,
black and white. They're going to look at it. They
get obsessed. It was so funny when Om was here.
He was holding this thing for the longest time. Just
absolutely and transflate it. And it's it's just the exterior

packaging for our moisture cream, which I bomb.

Speaker 1 (43:44):
So you just upcycled right there. You upcycled. You made
a packaging a toy. It's it's so genius. I love it.
How am I is the Chief Innovation's Office? Are going
to come up with anything better than that?

Speaker 2 (43:58):
Let me just ask that, well, because I only want
to set the bar higher and higher. That's why you're here.
Clearly you've done your research and you know this is
not like some rangy pangy little mom and pop show.
We're trying to change the world and you do that
with people like you, and your ideas and your knowledge
and your ability to share them with so many people.

It makes a difference. And you I love I mean,
the thing is we get to brainstorm together and it
will be so fun because at the end of it,
you know, you see your ideas come to life. And
then when they touch a family, when they touch a baby,
you just know you're doing the right thing. I don't

know anything better to do with my time. I just
I haven't found it yet. You know that's I want
to be with my kids. When I'm with my kids,
but this is the way I get back to the world,
is that's the way. But yeah, why buy a toy.
You don't need a toy. This is just and you
know you don't need a mirror. You have a mirror.

You just need to be reminded to play with your
baby in the mirror and you can read why. And
doctor Cowan, who's been a developmental pediatrician for over thirty years,
is a zen master genius. And because developmental issues are
challenge and one in six babies born not yours will

have a developmental diagnosis, and we're doing everything we can
to proactively prevent that. But because parents are so concerned,
and here in New York, you know it's New York City,
people hire they try to get doctor Cowen over to
their house just to watch him play with their babies,
watch their babies, just to watch their babies and give

give them tips on how to connect. And that's what
we have. We have one hundred and sixty of those
videos because I've known the man for eleven years and
he's a zen master and the things he has to
offer to the world everybody wants and that's not fair
for somebody in New York to pay somebody five thousand
dollars to come over. I'm making up the number, but

imagine it's a million. You know, it's it's whatever it is.
It's not attainable for everybody. But like, if we know,
why aren't we sharing it? And doctor Cowen is there
for healthy baby? So like when you get the subscription,
you're also getting doctor Cowen's knowledge. You're getting the wow
and the how as he says it, You're getting the

you know, why is what's going on? Developmentally? Why is
that so incredible? But then how can you encourage that?
And I think that that's this to me, that's the
beauty of the subscription is that diapers are the best
in the world. We know that they work, We know
that the wipes are the best in the world. We
know that now, don't worry. We've protected you. How can

we enrich this time?

Speaker 1 (46:51):
Yeah? I love that and I've already learned that.

Speaker 2 (46:54):
I just did a qvc AD.

Speaker 1 (46:56):
I learned so much from him as well. And I
remember you showed a video off here's the other day
and I'm like, I need more, I need more, I
need more.

Speaker 2 (47:04):
So they'll sleep, sleep disruption and age.

Speaker 1 (47:07):
For it's sleep progression because at this age that my
baby's right now, they're starting to dream. And I just
love that. I love that when you know you can't
unknow and then it's like you you you're your getting
to know your baby in another deeper way and so

you can help them. That's the thing is you're helping
them be them best, their best selves. I'm so grateful,
thank you so much for including me to be a
part of Healthy Baby and a part of your vision.
I am honored, and I'm so excited about what the
future brings for all of us, not just you know
you mean and the company, but all those that it

will touch. This is so exciting and I do think
we are going to make huge changes and raise those
those bars raism, raism, raism.

Speaker 2 (48:04):
Well, I am grateful to have you on this journey
with me. I know we will be more successful because
of your involvement, and we will succeed. And I can't
wait to have this conversation in twenty years about how
we what we did. I don't wait.

Speaker 1 (48:19):
Go and that'll be crazy because my babies will be
twenty one.

Speaker 2 (48:24):
Then then we'll figure out something else to work on
to change the world because you can't stop.

Speaker 1 (48:29):
But maybe they'll be helping us.

Speaker 2 (48:31):
That would be great.

Speaker 1 (48:32):
You're babies and my babies.

Speaker 2 (48:34):
Well, Hillary, thank you, thank you for all this time.
It was great.
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