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September 29, 2022 35 mins
Statewide test scores are really low. ICE cannot use private prisons. Update on the shooting in Hesperia with Steve Gregory.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
They're calling them eighteen footstorm surge in the area of
Fort Myers, Florida from this hurricane Ian. Eighteen feet of water. Yeah,
that's yeah. Story side. Lots of videos of homes just
gobbled up and some homes floating by. I think the

weatherman you were talking about before, I'm watching a video.
His name is Jim Cantor, and he's been known to say, well,
I always await Mother Nature's latest temper tantrum. He was
knocked to the ground by a piece of tree branch
that he tried to duck from, and then he's holding
onto like a stop sign. An anchor is saying, are

you okay? Are you all right? He's a veteran meteorologist
who says, this is what I do report live amid
the hurricane. I'll take a tree branch to the face. Good,
good report. I'm unconscious now hanging to stop side. I
still remember after Katrina, because we've been talking this afternoon,

that catfish, sharks had been spotted, perhaps alligators floating by.
Do you remember what happened after Katrina in New Orleans?
Dead bodies, right, dead bodies came out of the cemeteries.
Oh that's right, Yeah, remember the cemeteries got all soaked,
and some of the newer bodies just when floating by,
the caskets got all broken open. And that's a tough days.

And what's the name of was it Brian Williams who
said he saw a body go floating by his hotel room. Yeah,
oh he made that up. But that's what got him,
That's what got him. Yeah, he was conflating. I was
like that word. Yeah, he had he had war stories
from a rock that never happened. He had bodies floating
by that never floated from his hotel room in New Orleans.

I saw a body float. I never understood what particular
mental illness that was. Oh, it's the need to feel
like you're really involved in everything. But he had plenty
to talk about. He spent decades covering big news stories.
He had already seen a lot of cool stuff, Like
if you hired him to do a you know, a

dinner speech off the top of his head, he could
keep things going. Why why would you have to make
stuff up? That's weird? And in a photo that could
only happen during these tense political times, there is a
man who stood out there with the American flag bracing
against the wind in Florida. Yeah, Trump flag too, now

just a US flag stars and stripes. Hurricane Ian is
now a Category three storm and it'll make its way
through Florida head northeast, where it will effect East coast
states like Georgia and the Carolinas all the way up
to Virginia. But by then it'll probably be a tropical storm. John,
is there anything else brewing out there in the Atlantic

we should know about? I don't know, paused because I'm
trying to think. Good day. Had they were tracking other storms,
but this is the one they picked out was going
to get on the track to spin into Florida, right,
and they but they had called for was it? How
many storms did they say we're gonna hit us mainly
this hurricane season? I think nine nine, and this is

the first. Nothing was going on in uh, you know, June, July, August,
and most of September. It was one of the quietest
seasons on record. I think only five times had you
had a stretch like that that that quiet. And because
all the hurricanes combined into one, this one so wait

together because they can't you know, I heard today on
the news, Uh you know, somebody prattling about climate change.
Even the United Nations issued a report not too long
ago and said, to sum it up, nobody's discovered any
evidence that climate change has anything to do with hurricanes,

because we've always had powerful hurricane. They've always hit the mainland,
They've they always form every year. It's random as to
whether you're going to get none to hit the US
that are very damaging or you might get five that
I mean, they can't attrack these these hurricanes from hour
to hour. How many times you go to bed the

hurricane was supposed to at Tampa, Remember, yeah, yesterday, and
then all the climate change. Everybody likes to terry pick
that's the way the world is, just from the right
point right there, or say there's no evidence. There's no
evidence that has anything to do with the formation, intensity,
or frequency of hurricanes, so stand down. There is a

great story this week in the state of California. Apparently
the state Superintendent for Instruction and the Department of Education
is slow walking the Academic at Cheapened test results. Normally
they're released in late summer early fall, but this year

the department has denied a request for state ride results,
even though local districts can make the data available. The
statewide release is going to be delayed, probably till after
the election. Mary Nicely, the Chief Deputy State Superintendent for Instruction,

said that, well, we're releasing a new dashboard that includes
other metrics and we're working hard to finalize the data
for that. That's to bull crap. Here's here's the story.
Tony Thurmond is the state schools superintendent. You probably never
heard his name. He's just a bureaucratic hack, but many
of you probably voted for him, and he was on

board with Gavin Newsom and everyone else to shut down
the schools for a year and a half. And that's
why the scores are disastrous now and LA Unified, as
we told you, seventy two percent of students did not
meet minimum standards in math and in English. Fifty eight
percent did not meet standards in English. So the LA

school district specifically is next to worthless. It's you'd be
better off letting your kids just roam freely on the
streets now, and it's that way and then in a
lot of the public schools. But we're not getting a
statewide look individual schools, and I guess LA Unified did
release some of its scores, but from what we understand,

there's been a sharp decline statewide in all of the
children's basic skills, reading, in math. In a rational world,
Tony Thurman would be too ashamed to even run for reelection,
and certainly nobody would vote for him because he presided
over the most disastrous breakdown of education in American history.

I mean, I mean, there's never been a time where
in any state people refuse to educate their kids for
a year and a half. And they did it here,
and they did it gleefully and righteously, and they were
shaking their fist and they thought they were on their
moral high ground, and it was a complete disaster. Again,

Florida is not having that problem. Problem. Union for LA
Unified just kept fighting the return to the classrooms because
so long they wouldn't stops. They didn't want to work.
They didn't want to work. They not only got full pay,
they were they were demanding and getting bonuses. They they

they actually strong armed Newsom into putting extra funding into
the school budgets, so they had this bonanza they had.
They held the kids hostage and they don't care about
the kids. And in LA it's mostly minority kids. And
the teachers don't care about the minority kids here. They
don't it, flat out don't they could They can never
say otherwise. After a year and a half of them

being shut out. No, oh my god, dad put in prison.
This this uh, this superintendent which is named Tony thurnmotu.
Here this guy, what's he been doing? All the union
hack who came up through the ranks. He's been there
a while, Tony Thurman. Well watching. I always put up
like a charter school guy against him, and the charter
school guy loses. Watch him get reelected for destroying the

education of millions of kids. Just watch because nobody knows
who he is. Nobody knows who they vote for. All Right,
more good stories coming up John and Ken's show on
kf I Am six forty live everywhere on the iHeart
Radio app. You want to leave a message for the
moistline which plays it exactly this time in two days.
You can do that using the iHeartRadio app as a

little microphone icon that you used to leave your message.
You can call the tell free number one eight seven
seven Moist eighty six one eight seven seven six six
four seven eight eight six I forgot to mention a
special guest on the show tomorrow. Oh, Sheriffe and a waver.
Oh is that right? Yes, they offered us a media avail.
You like that termament media avail because the word availability

is too long to still. Yeah, everything has to be short. Yeah.
They called it pressors, not press conferences. There, pressers right, right,
because well, press conferences is too long to say too.
It is, yeah, thurdly long in this age where people
are on social media using just three letters for expressions,
like on the way is OTW? I'm on the way
ot W. Yeah, I know. I hate when people do that.

Half the time, I don't know what it means. I
have to look it up. I'm always googling all these
all this internet. Yeah, see what it is? Yeah, I
never used it. I refused to. Oh look at this.
Sir Han Sohan is challenging his parole denial. So Han Sahan,
of course, was convicted of killing Robert F. Kennedy in
nineteen sixty eight, so he got his parole denied. Can

he get guess going on his side for this? Can he?
I'm sure? I'm sure gas guns got no problem releasing
Robert Kennedy's killer. Yeah. Newsom denied his parole earlier this year,
so what can he do? Uh, going to a court
and kind of claim the this was unjust. I don't know.
You're not, you're not. It's an abusive discretion, a denial

of right to do profit. That's an oxy baron abusive discretion.
The word just kind of like discretion implies that you
have a choice. That's right. He could give it to
you or he could not give it to you, and
it's whatever. His reasoning is not yours. Here, the governor
acted with personal bias, incorporated the wrong law, ignored mitigation evidence,

and did not afford Sham the same rights as others
mitigation evidence ence. Robert Kennedy still dead. No, no, no,
there was another gunman. There's still a bullet hole in
his skull. Did not shoot the killer shot. You have
to produce the other gunman. See. Oh well, yeah, I
always there's a phrase that stuck in my head a

while ago. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. It's on you.
You're making the claim. You come up with the proof
and then we'll talk. Now, something that we predicted would
be the case when Assembly Bill thirty two passed. This
is in twenty nineteen. It takes like three years for

it to finally get up to a court that matters.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has found that that
law and will explain with it as in a moment
violates the Constitution. And what was the law at the time,
we said you can't do this. They passed the law
and Sacramento that would ban private prisons and immigration detention

facilities in the state. In other words, immigration and customs
enforcement in order to hold on to the illegal immigrants
in the state of California would not be able to
contract with a private prison. Yeah, this private immigration detention facility.
And I looked at it, and you can't do that.
It's it's their domain. It's federal government business. The federal

government decides to put the illegal alien prisoners in a
private prison inside California, it's none of your business, California.
Just because it's our state, we get to decide. No,
it was, it was woke politics. It was it was
virtue signaling. You know what it is. It's the supremacy
clause in the Constitution. States cannot interfere with the enforcement

of federal laws. I think we saw that. We remember
when Arizona tried to enforce the immigration law. I know,
well it works both Obama's Yeah, an attorney general came
after them on the same thing. They wanted it. They
wanted to supersede weak immigration enforcement, and the judge slapped
him down. I like that state law in Arizona, but
they were right. You can't overrule the federal government. And

the same goes here. You can't. You can't overrule the
federal government. If they want to put illegals in private prisons,
that's their business. But you know, and the thing is
Newsom and all his stupid lawyers, they know this, but
they want to go through the public ritual anyway, and

so they could look self righteous and look like they're
on the side of the poor, downtrodden illegal alien prisoner.
Guess whose bill this was in twenty nineteen, don't be
Rob Bonta. Yeah, he was in the Assembly, he wrote
the bill. Yeah. They's now California Attorney general proves he
doesn't know the law. He doesn't deserve a job like
ag Right, So I'm going to use all sorts of

letters today. For the rest of the year, you're gonna
use just acronyms. Yeah, you know what he said today,
He's d D let's say, A deeply disappointed with this
decision and the entire show you'll keep going. What does
that one to mean? Explain that one. They actually had
lost a lower court decision, but this appell of court
decided no, this is unconstitutional and now the case has

to be reconsidered. Oh good god, this could take forever. Yeah.
He One of the contractors, Ceo Geo Group, sued over this.
Say you can't tell ICE because the obviously they operate.
Rob Banta is gonna tell the Federal Immigrant Department that
they can't where they can and cannot keep their detainees. Exactly.

That's ridiculous because to them, no person is illegal, so
you shouldn't have any distensions. It's wonderful to have that idea.
It's wrong, though, the things people say in these circumstances.
You're just wrong. People are illegal, they're here illegally. Sorry,

all these wacky progressive ideas they think. If they just
say it really loudly and forcefully, it is no, it's not. Yeah.
By the way, Geo and two other companies did run
four private immigration detention centers in California with contracts worth
six and a half billion. There were fifteen year contracts,
so you could see they get something at stake here.

That's why they sued. Good they want a round in court. Silly,
Do you even expect that? All right, let me come back. No,
we never talk about pipelines. You talk about pipelines. Well
as a big story out of Europe that we got
a leak in the north Stream pipelines and who did
that that's supposedly going to bring the natural gas? The

French words sabotage, sabotage. Well, I was trying to spell
that this morning, the Russians by nine different times to
spell it. The Russians are the top suspect sabotaging their own. Oh,
some say we did it. You didn't hear that story?
I heard that. Yeah. No, I don't mean you. I
don't mean John and Ken. I mean at the US.
I mean yeah, that we did it. Yeah, it was

an underwater attack. Well, we'll give this story coming up
John and Ken show Cafe far Friend to ABC News,
Alex Stone sent this. San Bernardino County sheriffs are saying
that evidence indicates that fifteen year old girl that they
shot to death after the wild shootout, was a participant

in shooting at deputies during the gunfight with her father.
She was wearing the tactical deep gear and made a
rush at the deputies and they fired and killed her,
and everybody wondered, wondered why. Well, the Jeff's Department is
saying that, what is this evidence? Sheriff missus Sheriff Shannon
Dicas dic Us discuss Dicas. Yeah, in case you don't know,

on Monday, a guy went to Fontana and killed his wife,
ran off with his fifteen year old daughter, their only child,
and then yesterday police tracked them down and there was
a shootout and both died. And a lot of astonishment
over the fact that they killed the fifteen year old
who was running at deputies in tactical gear is all
we heard. So the implication was was she also shooting

at police? And that's what they're saying to she was
participant in shooting at deputies during the gunfight. Now was
she shooting at the time that she rushed at them
or is that what they perceived reasonably perceived. That's not
clear from the statement, but you know, they said there
was only one weapon of rifle found. But was she
taking turns shooting it right, love what they're saying. Somebody

had to drive and somebody had to shoot shooting. Maybe
it's your guest. They do have some sort of bodycam
or dashcam proof of that. Maybe you cannot large kind
of I don't know how prevalent body cams are. Children's
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at Children's National dot org slash Innovation. This is the
smell of the leftover tuna fish sandwich you left in
your lunch box over the weekend in a whimpy trash bag.
Whippy whippy whitty Yeah. And this is the smell of

that same sandwich in a hefty ultrastrong trash bag. Ah.
Smell the difference. Hefty ultrastrong has arm and hammer with
continuing ouder control, so no matter what's inside your trash,
you can stay one step ahead of stinky and for
bigger jobs, try the superior strength of hefty large black
bags and ashtam would be better in the police chase. Yeah, yeah,

and I made a joke before, but it's true. Sometimes
you know, the police just turned the thing off. You know,
who would know or the tape disappears. We think Steve
Gregory would come on at five fifty to tell us
is he coming on? That's what I've just been told.
You can do it at five fifty the last segment.
All right, I didn't know he was still here. He's
always there, or we are. We get him at a

closets emergency reporter, we're calling Martin's bar. And apparently he
did like nine different stories yesterday because he was the
only Calfie News reporter working yesterday. I say, well, he
read we have pipeline leaks in the Baltic Sea. Three
major underwater natural gas pipelines have sprung leaks. The Europeans

are investigating. Many believe it is likely sabotage. The largest
ever single release of methane into the atmosphere from the
energy sector is what they're saying. Well, my understanding is
one pipeline was shut off by putin from maintenance and
the other one is not done yet. It's not ready

to it's like experimental phase. Here's here's the thing. Putin's
pissed at Europe for yeah, pissed. Putin is upset because
the Europeans have been helping Ukraine out in the war.
And Germany is screwed because they went all into green
energy and that's been a bus just like in California.

So they were re lying on this natural gas pipeline
to provide natural gas for the winter cold, and the
Russians said recently, we have some maintenance we have to do,
and a lot of people in Europe didn't leave that.
They believe now this is retaliation for supporting the Finders

are telling us in California to know that the Russians
want to freeze out the Germans as as a penalty
for supporting the Ukrainian war. And but you know, they claimed, oh,
it's just temporary. We're gonna read And I saw writers
who said, watch, something's gonna happen. That's gonna make this
pipeline problem permanent. And maybe it's just a coincidence. But

a few weeks later, the pipeline problem is a whole
lot more serious. Three breaches on the north Stream one
and two pipelines in the Baltic Sea. That's not a
scientsmologist in Denmark and Sweden said, and I don't think
it was caused by earthquakes, landslides or any other natural activity. Now,
so they believe the tremors were caused by explosions. What

they do, John and Putin's good at this. He sends
dolphins down there, Russian dolph bombs on their noses. What
Russian dolphins? Yeah, the bombs strapped to their noses. They
deliver a device. Sure, yeah, it's possible. We could haven't
I don't know, but would they not be if it
was an underwater diver. Whoever, if they plant the little bombs,

somebody has to get down there, right, Yeah, And that's
probably what they did. And the Baltic Sea, So, I mean,
it's it's I mean, they're not going to have any
evidence of this in terms of, you know, underwater videocams.

I don't think so. No, I mean, if you have it,
and if you have an explosion that sounds like the
pipes would be severely damaged. Like this isn't just a
little pinhole leak that they can plug. Uh, Yeah, it's apparently.
Satellite imagery reviews by reviewed by the Washington Post showed
a massive methane bubbles spanning you're roughly thirteen miles in diameter,

that appeared on the surface of the sea Monday warning,
and then a second blast was recorded by seismic sensors.
Putin I find insane. I think he's That's why I
think he's capable of shooting. That's why you have That's
why I'm a bunker, so I and I think this
is an example of his insanity. But I don't know.

I don't have any evidence. I wasn't there. But what's
the motivation for anyone else to do it? Uh? Do
you think Putin would that would try to convince Trump
to poison Hillary too? Making news tonight, Trump is offering
to go over and negotiate a Russia Ukraine ceasefire, says

he can do it. Yeah, they're gonna take him up
on that. Well, can he do it on his own? Like?
Who else was supposed to do that? Trump's Trump's gotta
gotta Dennis Rodman. He always likes to do that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Well,
Trump is another version of Dennis Rodman, or Rodman is
another version of Trump. What Trump is? He's Putin's puppet.
Trump's gotta get it together. Otherwise, it wasn't it the

Ukrainian president he called up for a favor for bad
stuff on the on the Biden, so you know he
knows both of them. Some of the famous phone call,
that's the clean, beautiful phone call. That's the thing nobody
really wants to RELI relive all those episodes again if
he runs, if he starts talking about that, I read
a couple of pundits who believe it is going to

be Biden against Trump once again in twenty twenty four.
I don't know. Yeah, we gotta hope. There's a lot
of exhaustion out there. All right, Well, we're looking for
an update from the crack KFI News reporter Steve Gregory
with the news this afternoon that the San Bernardino County
Sheriff's Department is saying there is some kind of evidence

to show that that fifteen year old girl name is Savannah,
who was killed in the shootout with San Bernardino County
Sheriff's deputies yesterday in Hysperia. She was killed alone with
her father, may have been an act the participant in
shooting at officers. We'll see what we can find out.
Coming up, Johnny Ken's show KF I Am six forty
live everywhere in the iHeart Radio app Jackie, Are you here?

Where's Jackie? I didn't think she shouldst be here to
help make this a reality. Here as Joe Biden today
looking for a woman who had already died a month ago,
Where's Jackie? And couldn't find her in the audience. See
a Republican congresswoman who was killed in a car crash,

and Joe was looking around to honor her as part
of the ceremony they were having over a particular issue,
and Jackie wasn't there the way his spokeshole said, It's
just that she was top of mind, and everybody does it.
We can all relate. M. Yeah, I've often looked for
dead people in the crowd. Yeah. That and him turning

around to shake the hands of imaginary people. Yeah. And
he did that the again the other day. He finished
a speech and he couldn't figure out how to get
off stage and didn't know where to go, and he
puts his hands up, like, huh, isn't it weird? Like
groupthink or group behavior? You have most people who work
in Washington professionally in politics, media, right, they're all college graduates,

many of them Ivy League graduates, they all recognized dementia.
They probably many of them have it in their families, right,
their parents or grandparents. And yet everybody plays pretend and
tell us about, oh, the presidency. It's the leader of
the free world. A most a more important man has
his hand on the nuclear codes. Yeah, it's so important

that he could have like blackout dementia. A quick update
on a story we did earlier this hour. Apparently the
state Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tony Thurman, will now release
the test scores sometime in October. Ah see we talk
about it. Story changes. Republicans who were calling for this
Sacramentos say, though it better be before the male. The

ballots are going to be mailed to people on October tenth,
so they might try to put at the end of October.
Some people already voted. But all right, we're gonna bring
out Steve Gregory from Cafeine News in this last hour.
So we have a big update from the Saberdadino County
Sheriff's Department concerning that shootout yesterday in Hysperia off the
fifteen Freeway where a father and daughter were killed by

sheriff's deputies. The father was wanted for murdering his wife
and he went off with the fifteen year old girl,
which set off a Amber alert. And they're both dead
and h Steve will be here with the latest. Yeah,
here he is. Oh are we I don't know where
we're at in the break thing. I just ran over
from the other side. Are we starting? You got about

four minutes? So can just pop? I just kind of
summarized the story to get the important update. I'm sorry.
The sheriff's department has said that the girl participated in
the shooting. Now shannondikas sheriff of saying Bernardino County, has
confirmed that the fifteen year old girl, Savannah, did shoot
at deputies. So what's the proof. Well, that he's not

talking about because he's now asked for the Attorney General's
office to step in under abe A fifteen oh one,
and that's for them to investigate civilians who were shot
fatally shot by law enforcement unarmed. So he wouldn't say
at what point during the shootout yesterday that she participated,

but they have enough evidence to say that, according to
the sheriff, that she did participate in the shootout. It's
not clear whether she was doing it during the drive
or sometime when they were stopped near Hysperia and she
was in the truck with her father. It's not clear
at what point. But then we know that she did
jump out. She was decked out in a ballistic vest
and helmet and ryan towards deputies. Now, based on what

the sheriff is saying, it doesn't appear she had the
gun in hand, but they did recover an AAR fifteen
at the scene. Now, what do you know about the
San Bardino Kennedy shows deputies as far as cameras are concerned,
you know, I'm I that's a great question, Ken. I'm
trying to figure that out because I could swear they
have cameras, because cams or bodycams or bones. I think

dashcams at the very least dashcams, because I want to
say that that incident where that one deputy got injured,
that guy that that drove up on him, and I
want to say that that was caught on his dashcam.
But I'm trying to recall, and I think somebody's going
to probably text me here correct me, But I um,
I do know that also the girl was living with

her father for weeks prior to the killing of her mother. Yeah,
because there's an out of his trucker hotel. Because the situation,
a lot of people got the impression that this was
a custody battle and she was abduct hostage of some kind, right,
And I guess it was hard to believe that she
would be part of the shooting dads to take on

the take on law enforcement. But apparently when things were
going bad between the husband and wife, father, mother, the son,
the young son stayed with the mother. The daughter went
with the father. Oh there is another sibil and the
and the daughter was living with the father in his
pickup truck and in and out of hotels for at
least four weeks. And that was a better schooling her apparently, Yes,

what in the in the car? Yeah, have a desk?
School boy? Boy? She muster really not like mom. Well,
here's the thing, Uh, you know, obviously, I don't know
that we'll ever know this, but social services had never
been called to the home. Apparently there had never been
at least documented issues with this family prior to this incident.

And that's what kind of has people baffled, because there
was really no indication or ready kind of a blowout
leads to a guy just deciding to shoot his wife
to death right there in the street. Yeah, and in
right near a school, and apparently he just opened fire
and then you know, hit her multiple time. Probably plenty
of stories. There is my understanding. She got into his
truck and then they had an argument. She was and

it wasn't clear whether she was trying to escape and
run away or whether she was just walking, whatever the
case was. But at that point, um, you don't think
that a fifteen year old girl is going to be
complicit or an accomplice in this particular situation. But now
the sheriff is saying she shot, she opened fire. She
was decked out in the ballistic gear. It's not clear
whether she donned it or whether he made her wear

it or does it still matter though at the time
they killed her, she was not holding a weapon, right
or well, no, And I believe that is why they
have called the Attorney General's office under A fifteen oh one,
which is they they will investigate fatal civilian shootings when
there's no weapon involved on the part of the right.
So they're dumping the story where they may have thought
it was him coming at them. Well there's another possibility

all they're doing. Well, No, that he was dead already
in the truck. She knew that. Yeah, she is the
one running at the depanese. And that's all they're gonna say.
They won't say at what point during the chase she
was firing. You have to presume it was during the
point when he was driving the truck and the deputy's
cars were taking on gunfire at some point. You gotta

think that she was probably participating at that point. All right, Steve,
thank you for also the reason the John Doe complaint
was filed as John Doe. Oh the other story, And
that's that's the homeless guy that killed His fingers were
so badly cut up they couldn't get a fingerprint. Oh
I see. So that's why they had to file out
as a John Doe complaint. Just beat her exactly. So

there you go, all right, Steve, there you go. It's
comedy now, han you gotta you gotta follow. Yeah, got
a mighty man right down stories. Tim Hey, I all right,
So I when every time there's an incent like what
happened up at Victorville, I always put people in heaven
or hell? Right, So I put the father in hell. Yeah,
I put the fifteen year old in heaven. And I'm

still on the fence with the wife. Wait, are you
gonna move the fifteen year old out of heaven? No,
fifteen stays in heaven. But I'm I'm thinking, yeah, I
don't know. She's fifteen, her dad talked her into it.
I give her pass. But but the wife, I'm thinking
should be I'd like her to be for eternity standing
next to the guy that killed her and have her

complained forever. Wow, you know, because obviously she was complaining
too much and that's how she got killed. Right, She
was doing stuff here from any of us. Look, I'm
saying I'm still saying he should be killed, he should
be dead and everything, But but she was. You know,

she and him had difficulties and he went nuts. It's possible, sure, right,
I'm just saying, Look, it's your game. You're the one
doing the assigning here in heaven. You well help. John
had already said, because he had a tattoo of Frankenstein
on his throat that maybe that was an indicator. I mean,

isn't that obvious that's a bad guy? Right, Yeah, that's
a bad Frankenstein on your neck right, well any throat
all right, yeah, but I mean so clearly see that
that's any tattoos on your face unless you're in the
rock business or music business, are tough. Yes, this is
clearly talk radio now wow, no, this is this is
what it goes on at bars. That's dive bars. That's

exactly very late at night. That's exactly. Yes, that's what
the show is. That's a dog all right. Lots of
hurricane stuff. This uh, this whole state of Florida is
wiped out, man, I mean over it might be more
than twenty five billion dollars. It's going to be glad.
Oh my god. I mean it's just it's it's a
complete the wreck. And and it's much worse than people thought. Um,

you know, with the surge and you know the flooding,
the wind damage one hundred and fifty mile winds for hours,
a million and a half people without power. This could
be this could really devastate that state for years to come,
years to come. And they were it's such a high god,
I mean they were you know, they were no masks.
What happened? Everybody's moving there, you know, and somebody just

sold their house yesterday or two days ago and the
check cleared, and now that new person gets screwed with
that house. Oh, we almost bought a house there, is
that right, just a few months ago because my wife's
families from there, and so we were going to buy
a place as a second home. And the guy's price
was too high. Wouldn't come down. But h but if

Florida's tough, man, I mean, you know, you get the storms.
The summers are tough. It's it's a tough life down there,
it really is. You know, well, it's the fastest growing state.
I get it. Next to texts. I totally get it.
But man, those summers are radical. Yeah, you know, don't.
I mean the June, July, and August you cannot survive.
So we'll be you down for a no on the

Florida relocation. Not not in the summer. Not in the summer.
Not in summer. But you know what, the Disney World
was operating even up until like an hour ago on
the on the normal condition hour ago really something like that. Yeah,
it was like it was I think three hours ago.
Up till three hours ago, there were still selling on
the rides in the wind. Yeah, you want to be
on top of the ferris wheel at It's crazy and

if the thing breaks off and rolls, it's just the
worst conway. Let's roll, He'll play the game. Heaven or
Hell coming up. Let's we got to crush. In the news, KFI, KAOS,
T HD two Los Angeles and Orange County, Live everywhere
in the iHeartRadio app.

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