All Episodes

May 15, 2024 32 mins

Biden and Trump have agreed to debate each other. Biden is planning an executive action to shut down the border once daily crossing reaches 4,000/day. The LADWP General Manager is the new highest paid city employee. A bull attacked a woman on the beach in Mexico. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Can't. I am six forty.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
You're listening to the John Cobelt podcast on the iHeartRadio app.
We're gonna be on from one until four every day
and after four o'clock if you miss something, John Cobelt
show on demand on the iHeart app as well, and
it's a podcast for him, and then you could pick
up what you miss. Eric, do you have somebody close
the door in here because the door is open and

there's nothing. I don't want people in the building to
hear what I do see, thank you. It's just people
in the building can't hear what you do, but everybody
else can write. Yeah, I don't mind going out on
the radio. I don't like that I'm echoing down the halls.
Everybody who works here should not be aware of what's
going on in the room. Whatever goes on in this

room stays in.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
The room, all right.

Speaker 3 (00:44):
I'm also worried because you're not wearing a belt today.

Speaker 1 (00:47):
Yes, I am. Thanks for sharing win a publicly outfore
on that one.

Speaker 3 (00:55):
Oh, please, all the things he says to me and
about me.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
I'm in danger of dropping my pants at any moment here,
and you've been carefully watching just in case there's an accident.

Speaker 3 (01:09):
Now my camera's out.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
I ran out in a hurry, and actually I did
not run out in a hurry. I just forgot to
put on a belt. And I don't know why these
pants used to fit. Now they're too loose.

Speaker 4 (01:22):
You've eaten one less Hamburger a week or something.

Speaker 2 (01:25):
Like that weight apparently I am, and so my pants
are going to fall off at any moment. So don't
anyone take it personally. It's not meant there's any kind
of a message.

Speaker 1 (01:37):
I guess. Now we have.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
Biden challenging Trump to a debate. You got to hear
this clip because they had you know, Trump had been saying, yeah,
I'll debate them wherever, and everybody figured that Biden wouldn't
because you know, it's it's tough when you're senile and
you can barely remember your name. But he put out
a thirteen second clip. And the thing is, if you
watch the video, there's five jump.

Speaker 1 (02:03):
Cuts in it.

Speaker 2 (02:05):
They cut in and out and in and out, and
I don't know if they were trying to make that
artistically interesting or he couldn't get through more than three
words without fumbling the script.

Speaker 1 (02:15):
So anyway, play the clip.

Speaker 5 (02:16):
Here Doonald Trump walls two debates to me in twenty twenty.
It sends that he hadn't shown up for debate. Now
he's acting like he wants to debate me again. Will
make my day, Pal, I'll even do it twice. So
let's pick the dace Donald. I hear you're free on Wednesdays.

Speaker 2 (02:32):
I hear you free on Wednesdays because Wednesdays is no
court day for his trial. Ooh wow, that's sure. So
June twenty seventh is supposed to be the first debate,
and they're not going to use that debate commission. For
the last thirty three years they've had a non partisan
debate commission, and they would make the deal with the
networks to come up with the moderators, the location, the

rules of the debate. They were supposed to be a
neutral party, and neither side wants them. So the Biden
people of unilaterally come up with the dates. They don't
want an audience because they don't want people hooting and
hollering for Trump.

Speaker 1 (03:10):
Not a joke and.

Speaker 2 (03:13):
No word on the modern is Trump accepted right away,
and both of the debates are going to be before
the traditional stretch run of the of the race, because
normally it's after Labor Day where the the intensity really
picks up a lot, people start paying more attention. But
now with early voting, you know, people start voting a
month in advance. Uh, you know, in early October. So

the Biden administration says, we want all this out there
before early voting, and uh, I find it hard to
believe this will actually go through, but we'll see. I
wonder how much how much of this is posturing on
both sides because Biden is going to be I know,
Trump had a bad debate against Biden four years ago,

and then the next debate he had and do you
know the Biden people are still pissed that Trump came
to the debate infected. I mean, he could have killed Biden.
He could have died himself. Would that would have been wild?
Huh if both candidates got wiped out by COVID. But
that was twenty twenty and they're still pissed about that.

And they also want a mute on the microphones because
if you remember, Trump steamrolled over Biden repeatedly wouldn't follow
any of the rules. So, I you know, there's so
much there's so much animosity, and they both have reasons
not to do this. Well, we'll see if he goes through.
Everybody's getting all excited and whooping and hollering that we're

going to have two presidential debates, and I'm gonna believe
it when I see it. One of the things I'm
sure they're going to debate, obviously, is a legal immigration
and BOYD, does Biden have a losing hand on this bill.
Malugen has a report from Fox News and the number
of border patrol got aways. This is a specific category

illegal aliens who avoided agents but were detected by other
surveillance like cameras and sensors. Well, Malugen and Fox filed
a Freedom of Information Act. I guess these are numbers
that are normally kept secret, and they found that between
the fiscal years twenty ten and twenty twenty, there was

a total of a million four gotaways total in ten
years and ranging from a low of eighty six thousand
to a high of one hundred and seventy one thousand.
That was in twenty thirteen, but cut to twenty twenty four,

which began in October, we only have about a half
year's worth of data. And Fox News says there's been
more than one hundred and seventy five thousand gotaways one
hundred and seventy five thousand in about six months, which
is more than any other single year since twenty ten.

Six months, it's more than any twelve month period in
the past fourteen years.

Speaker 1 (06:19):
If that gives you a And.

Speaker 2 (06:21):
You know, obviously they can't count everybody that got away.
They have to be detected by the cameras of the sensors.
But the ones that they can detect, it's a record number.
Now I don't know how anybody in their right mind
could defend this, and I am hoping that whatever media

moderator is assigned to this that they're going to bore
in on this particular issue because it is disastrous because
the number that gets through that we can document is
in the millions. But imagine this, one hundred and seventy
five thousand. They went out of their way not to

be detected. They didn't come here to claim asylum, they
didn't come here to work. Because everybody knows if you
claim asylum, you will be allowed free passage into the
United States and you could blend in and never be
heard from again. That your court date's not going to
be for seven or eight years.

Speaker 1 (07:21):
They all know that. So this one hundred and seventy
five thousand that go out.

Speaker 2 (07:25):
Of their way to avoid being documented by border patrol,
and they are only picked up in shadowy video or.

Speaker 1 (07:33):
The beeping of some censor. What are they up to?

Speaker 2 (07:36):
There's gotta be a lot of bad guys there, There
has to be. And when is that going to surface?
When is that going to blow? Well, eventually we're going
to find out, because they can't all out of that
one hundred and seventy five thousand, even if one percent, right,
even if it's one percent, well, that would be almost
two thousand bad guys. And there's got to be at

least one percent if you're taking people who went out
of their way to avoid detection. When we're when we're
offering free asylum here or at least temporary asylum. All right,
we've got we've got more of that. More coming up
on that because Biden. The New York Post has an
exclusive that Biden has an executive order to do something

that he claimed he didn't have the power to do,
and of course he was lying, but because his campaign
is floundering so badly, he's going to do it. Anyway,
it is about the border, and that is next.

Speaker 6 (08:26):
You're listening to John Cobelt on demand from KFI AM
six forty.

Speaker 2 (08:33):
So we were telling you last segment that Trump and
Biden are going to debate twice, first one on June
twenty seventh, and there's a lot of illegal immigration news.
Biden has two overwhelming issues that he is deeply unpopular on,
and one of them is the border and the illegal immigration.
And he's got a big majority against him on this

and it spans Independence, Republicans and Democrats and Hispanics. Most
Hispanics are upset with the border situation because they feel
that they are just clawing on to middle class status
after all these years, and now here come new migrants

to undercut them, undercut their wages. And so you see
a surprising percentage of Hispanics who are really unhappy with
the immigration situation. And there was a build illusion at
Fox News. He's a terrific reporter. They got a Freedom
of Information Act and they found out that the number

of Godaways has exploded over the years. I'll give you
an example here. There were more Godaways and these are
these are illegal aliens who are not encountered by a

human with border patrol. These are the people they detect
on camera and through sensors who seem to be motivated
to avoid any connection to humans like they which means
they're bad guys. It's got to be right, because we're
giving them an asylum hearing in eight years, and you

can come come into the country, no questions asked. You
go to New York City. They're going to be paying
you thousands of dollars and you're gonna get a room.
I mean, come here to Los Angeles the same thing.
We even pay your legal bills and you'll get healthcare
for the rest of your life. Right, So what you
want to do is check in and apply for asylum,

and then you get all kinds of goodies between New
York and California. But how about the ones that don't
seem to care about that, huh? The ones who are
sneaking through the sneaking through the woods, Well, those are
god aways. And there were more Godaways in the years
twenty twenty one to twenty twenty three than the entire

decade betwe twenty ten and twenty twenty. So you take
a ten year period between twenty ten and twenty twenty.
There were more gotaways in a recent two year period,
a million six to a million four. You had ten
years worth of gotaways in two years, which means the
number of illegal aliens who are sneaking into the country

completely unmolested has quintupled. That means it went up five times. Yeah, so, Biden,
according to your posts, they claimed to have an exclusive
here a source close to the White House, Biden is
planning an executive action. He will shut down the US

Mexico border once the number of migrant crossings reaches four
thousand a day. Now do you have the same reaction
I do. Why four thousand a day? Why not four
or four hundred? Why are we letting in four thousand
free illegal aliens before shutting the border down. If you
can do it after four thousand, you could do it

before even one guy gets across.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
I don't understand that.

Speaker 2 (12:07):
Why four thousand a day? This was similar to something
they put in a congressional bill which failed, and when
it failed, Biden blamed the Republicans and claimed that he
had no power to do it on his own. Now
suddenly the White House is going to do it on

their own. If this story is true, right now, well
uber the last month. They have statistics right now, there's
sixty three hundred illegal aliens every day coming over that
excludes the gotaways. They have ten thousand illegal aliens in custody.
Five border patrol sectors have exceeded their holding capacity. San

Diego has sixteen hundred and seventy five illegals in facilities
that can only hold one thousand. Biden was quoted in
January saying, just give me the power. I've asked from
the very day I got into office. Give me the
border patrol, give me the people, the judges, Give me
the people who can stop this and make it work.

Speaker 1 (13:13):

Speaker 2 (13:13):
Of course, he was lying. That's what he does. He
has the power. That's why this wasn't happening under Trump
or Obama. It was not happening under Trump or Obama.
They have the power, and they used the power. He
has the power and refused to because his White House
has been taken over by all the wacko progressives you

see in the streets every day. They have putting new
restrictions on asylum interviews so they could quickly remove the
legal aliens who do not have a credible reason for asylum,
but he's constantly said, we're examining whether or not I
have that power. He has the power. Other presidents have

used it, but his former boss Obama to use it.
They used they used to call Obama the deporter in chief.
That's what the activist crowd said. So there's no so
what he does he did, He did this the other day,
and he's done this repeatedly.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
He just lies.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
He keeps going around saying, you know, inflation was nine
percent when I took over from Trump. No, it was
one point four percent. That's an easily proven fact. It
was one point four. And there was a reason it
was one point four. We were in the middle of
a pandemic. Prices were going down because nobody was buying anything.

Speaker 1 (14:30):
Of course it was one. It was low.

Speaker 2 (14:35):
The nine point one didn't kick in until a year
and a half later. Say he'll he will say anything,
and nobody knows if he has a bad memory, or
he's a liar, or he's given bad statistics, or when
he's given good statistics, it just lilies out of his head.
But the information he's giving is wrong. All right, we

come back, we have that clip yet, is it no?
Do I have to do I have to go hurt somebody.
I'm gonna go and hurt somebody if we don't get
this clip. Do you know where to get this clip?

Speaker 5 (15:07):

Speaker 3 (15:08):
The one you and I were talking about.

Speaker 1 (15:09):
I heard it on the newscast.

Speaker 3 (15:10):
Yeah, I'll get it for you.

Speaker 1 (15:11):
You can get it.

Speaker 3 (15:13):
I can get it.

Speaker 1 (15:14):
I'm just asking the wrong person. I thought Eric had
the power. Actually put it in an email to Michael Monks.
He hasn't responded.

Speaker 3 (15:20):
Oh no, no, I'll go talk to the editors.

Speaker 1 (15:22):
After the editors told me Michael had it. She has power.
I'll figure it out.

Speaker 3 (15:26):
Don't you worry.

Speaker 1 (15:30):
All right, we got more coming up.

Speaker 6 (15:32):
You're listening to John Cobel's on demand from KFI AM
six forty.

Speaker 2 (15:38):
Every once in a while, what normally would be an
obscure story just pops because there's something so outrageous about it.
Normally I wouldn't I wouldn't think anybody would care. Who
the Department of Wader and Power Executive general manager would be. Right,
it's this is the DWP general manager. Right, you don't care.

You couldn't name any of them in your lifetime. You
don't know what they make. Well, you're gonna care about
this one because they have a new general manager of
the d WP. Now, the d WP historically has been
a colossally corrupt organization with with their I think the
one one recent GM ended up in prison.

Speaker 1 (16:24):
Their union, Oh my god, the union.

Speaker 2 (16:27):
There's all kinds of nonsense going on there, and of
course it causes our water and power rates to be
unreasonably high.

Speaker 4 (16:36):
John, You know, I can go on vacation right and
be gone for two weeks and not turn the sprinklers off. Right,
nobody's showering, nobody's doing anything, and my bill could be
the same or higher. There is no friggin' rhyme or
reason to It doesn't matter how many times we complain,
it goes nowhere.

Speaker 3 (16:55):
It's don't even.

Speaker 1 (16:56):
We've had the same experience, you know.

Speaker 2 (16:59):
We'll have We'll have a period where my sons are
staying with us and then they go away, or we're
on vacation and there's hardly anybody in the house. Ye
for a number of weeks, and the bill goes up
and they have X amount of electricity, X amount of
water being used that month, and it's like, well, how
is that possible?

Speaker 3 (17:18):
There was nobody here, right, It's not possible.

Speaker 2 (17:20):
Everybody cleared out, no, and my wife calls up and
yells at them, and then they send some goon over
to stare at our meter to see if it's working,
and of course it's always working, and whatever they say goes.

Speaker 1 (17:31):
They're always right. No, DWP's a corrupt organization.

Speaker 2 (17:34):
If you remember about ten years ago, they had a
new billing system that they installed, and it was there was.

Speaker 1 (17:39):
A whole I mean I could spend a tier system.

Speaker 2 (17:42):
Yeah, I could spend the rest of the show going
through the court cases and the lawsuits and the people
that went to jail, and it all related back to
this billing system that people were getting bills for fifty
thousand dollars for a two month period, fifty thousand dollars,
and people are freaking out and screaming in tears, having
heart attacks. And then the last one of the recent

gms ended up getting the getting thrown in prison.

Speaker 6 (18:06):

Speaker 2 (18:07):
The union was involved in all kinds of uh malfeasance.
In fact, I remember we talked a few years ago
about them going up to Las Vegas and spending lots
of money on stakes and shows and hotels and things.
So it is it is corrupt to its bone marrow
there at the d w PA.

Speaker 3 (18:28):
And you know what John back to.

Speaker 4 (18:29):
You know that that billing system when people were complaining
and they found all these different errors. Do you know
how hard it was for people to prove that their
billing was wrong. DWP would say, okay, you need to
do this. I mean there was a whole laundry list
of things that you had to do.

Speaker 3 (18:45):
So people said, forget it.

Speaker 1 (18:47):
That's what they counted.

Speaker 3 (18:48):
These because it was impossible.

Speaker 1 (18:49):
That's what they count on.

Speaker 2 (18:51):
They create so many hurdles that you lose the will
to live. It's just not worth your time. You might
as well just say, oh fine, we'll pay it, because
you know it, I I make more money at work
than I do spending the day trying to sort out
this bill. So they have hired a new general manager.
Guess where they got her from.

Speaker 1 (19:09):
PG and E, which may be the only energy organization
worse than the DWP. PG and E. PG and specialized.

Speaker 2 (19:17):
In burning millions of acres in California because for one
hundred years, one hundred freaking years, since they put up
the electrical wires, they didn't maintain their equipment and electrical
wires were falling over during all the windstorms, igniting fires
that would go on for months and millions of acres.
And you remember what they did to Paradise up in

northern California. I think eighty five people died. They burned
down that town in almost its entirety. And this was
all pg and E and then the board eventually had
to step down. But they had multimillion dollar parachutes that
they got out out the door, and they donate tons
of money to newse them and new some wife, and

then Newsom gave him a sweetheart deal to cover all
their losses from the fires. And you know, life goes
on and everybody's happy. Newsom's happy, Newsom's wife. She gets
her feminism films funded by PGNA. The PGNE executives, they
make millions of dollars. Of course, the poor people in Paradise,

a lot of them were dead or burned out of
their homes. So out of that rubble, out of that mess,
we got a PGE executive named Janice Keenanez who's the
next general manager of the DWP. Get this her salary,
you ready, it's going to be seven hundred and fifty

thousand dollars and you're probably thinking, is that the normal salary?
I have nothing to compare to. Yeah, well I'll give
you something to compare it to. That's almost twice as
much as the last person who had the job.

Speaker 1 (20:58):
So somehow Jane can.

Speaker 2 (21:00):
Own is is so smart, so sharp, so wonderful that
she's gonna make almost double the last person who had
the job.

Speaker 1 (21:09):
And I'm thinking, well, who is she? So we got
a couple of clips to play and you'll get the idea.
Let's play clip number one first.

Speaker 2 (21:19):
I guess she's talking to the city council because they
confirmed her yesterday.

Speaker 7 (21:24):
My intent is to continue to do that, continue to
execute on the things that we do well, and improve
on the things that we need to make improvements on,
to serve our customers in an equitable way.

Speaker 2 (21:36):
Equitable, all right, we should play woke bingo with this stuff. Equitable.
Hey did you hear what she said there? We're going
to keep doing the things we do well and try
to do better on the things we.

Speaker 1 (21:49):
Don't do well. You have to pay.

Speaker 2 (21:50):
You have to pay seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars
for that philosophy. Isn't that everything every day for everyone? Yeah,
you try to do the things you do well, do more.
Things you don't do well, do less of that are
do them better. I don't get what's worth seven hundred
and fifty thousand dollars. How about fix the billing so

that when we leave the house for a month in
the summertime, we're not paying more when we come back
for the electricity. Everybody knows it's a scam. We can't
prove it, but we know it.

Speaker 3 (22:21):
It's not equitable.

Speaker 1 (22:23):
That's right.

Speaker 2 (22:25):
The bills we get are inequitable. Now listen to this clip,
play that number three clip.

Speaker 8 (22:31):
We're seeing unprecedent that needs for power and a lot
of the transformation that's needed to eliminate some of the
climate change impacts require a lot of investment on the
power system and the water system.

Speaker 2 (22:43):
Climate change impact seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars gets
us another lecture on climate change. You know what's going
to screw up the electrical system is forcing everybody to
drive electric cars when there's not a power grid to
handle it, and there is it. There's not a power
grid and there's not going to be anytime soon, and
we can't all plug in our electric cars remember that

mandate is still there. At twenty thirty five, they won't
be selling gas cars anymore, and that is now only
about ten and a half years away. For this, she
gets seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. I heard some
other eclips of her, and it was just the usual
platitudes and jargon. She almost sounded like newsom So, I

don't get it. What's the justification for doubling the salary
for this position? Last year the council had approved a
salary range between four hundred and thirty five thousand to
seven hundred and fifty one thousand. Well, how did she
get the seven hundred and fifty one thousand?

Speaker 1 (23:53):
And what do they remember?

Speaker 2 (23:55):
Was it last year of the year before we were
so short of electricity in this state that we were
told not to plug in our electric cars between four
pm and nine pm. Because not only do they want
to drive us out of gas powered cars, they want
us to be off the road entirely. They have dreams

and I'm not making this up of what they call
a fifteen minute city. You go google that, look up
fifteen minute city. They would like to compress our lives
into little neighborhoods where we live and work and commute
all within a fifteen minute range. We live in some
little apartment box. We go downstairs and we go to

our government approved Whole Foods or Starbucks, eat our proper meals,
and then walk or bike down to our office and
then come back.

Speaker 1 (24:50):
And there will be no more gas.

Speaker 2 (24:53):
Powered automobiles, and there's not going to be any swimming pools.
There's gonna be no more driveways, no more grass, no
more single family homes that we can live in with
our families. That really is their dream, and you have
to watch the incremental changes that you can shrug off.
Oh it's not that big a dale. Oh it's just
a little thing. Oh you know, you can get used
to that. No, no, no, it's not about the one

little thing. It's about a thousand of them that they
stack up, and before you know it, life is transformed.
And that's what they want to do. This is not
some kind of paranoid conspiracy theory. You go read their
words what they want to do, and they all are
going to get rich off of this. Why the hell
this genie canonas gets seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

Speaker 1 (25:33):
Well, no wonder.

Speaker 2 (25:34):
They jack up our are electric and water bills when
we're out of the house on vacation because they need
the money to pad her salary. This is a huge ripoff.
And you can always tell somebody right away. When I
hear somebody talk, within seconds, I know what she's about. Okay,
she's another newsman. Okay, full of jargon, full of cliches.

She had to say the prayer about climate change. Oh,
we'll be why her coming up? We've got to coming
up at two o'clock here. Oh yes, Michael Monks, you're
gonna like this. We're well, it's we're going to talk
about the uh LAPD Chief Dominic Choi, who went before

the LA Police Commission to talk about how how crimes
have gone up here in Los Angeles. And you'll be
really interested in this. That's gonna be a two.

Speaker 6 (26:28):
You're listening to John Cobels on demand from KFI AM
six forty.

Speaker 2 (26:33):
Run from one until four, and then after four o'clock
it's John Cobelt's show on demand on the iHeart app.
And uh we're gonna have Michael Monks on from KFI
News after two o'clock. He covered Dominic Choi the LAPD
interim chief who spoke before the Police Commission. And guess what.

Homicides are up about nine percent, we have burglaries, and
robbery is up. Robbery is up ten percent. And uh,
it's it's a lot of bad news. Because again, as
long as it's a revolving door with George Gascone, the
bad guys either don't get arrested, or if they get arrested,

they're let out right away. And what do you think
a guy who burglarized a house on a Tuesday if
he if by chance, he gets arrested, and ninety nine
percent of burglaries are never solved, but long shot chance
he gets arrested. What are the odds he's out on Wednesday?
They're one hundred percent. So what do you think he's
going to do Wednesday night? Anyway, we'll talk about that

with Michael Monks. Okay, you know I saw this and
I thought of you right away for multiple reasons. Cabo,
that's a vacation halted arms. Right on the Cabo Beach,
a bull got loose. There were tourists laying out on
the beach and the bull was a little aggressive and

made its way towards a female tourist who looked up
and she was face to face with the bull. She
was under a tent that she and her family had
set up. This happened Saturday, but this woman didn't try
to flee from the bull, but started feeding it from
a bowl I guess whatever. From a bowl. Yes, the

way you would feed a puppy. Probably an animal lover
like you.

Speaker 3 (28:32):
I wouldn't even feed a bull.

Speaker 2 (28:36):
She was wearing a tan hat and a black son dress.
Eventually she started gathering all her belongings up, but now
the bull started to follow her. So she drops all
her stuff and the bull sticks its nose in her handbag.

Speaker 1 (28:53):
Uh huh.

Speaker 2 (28:55):
I don't know if it was I don't know if
it's a productor or a Birken bag. But she wasn't
going to have this.

Speaker 3 (29:01):
Yeah, I don't blame her.

Speaker 1 (29:03):
So that's what I'm saying. I can see this happening
to you.

Speaker 2 (29:07):
So the bull sticks its nose in her bag and
she gets close to it, trying to yank the bag
away from the ball. Eric, don't you see this bag? Yeah,
this is the total Depporah moment here. So and somebody
started yelling at her, Lady, you're really playing with it. Now,

don't do that. She pushes the bull's head away from
the bag, and the bystander is saying, move away. You're
not doing us any favors. Because everybody thought they were
going to get stampeded. Then the bull began to attack
and shoved its horns in her direction. Then she dropped
her bag. Instead of fleeing, she tries to grab one

of the bags. The bull takes its horns and shoves
them directly into her, plowing her body into the sta
and while everyone else hid behind their cars. She gets
up and the bull strikes her in the face with
one of its horns, causing her to fall. And now
she's repeatedly attacked and rolled by the bull's horns. She

we tried, effing we tried to effing tell you. Eventually,
another woman carries a bucket of water out from behind
a truck and throws the water at the bowl and
it ran away. Yeah, we gotta cut of some of
this or play play the cliff.

Speaker 1 (30:31):
Right, don't do that.

Speaker 8 (30:33):
Please, please got away, jesus.

Speaker 2 (30:42):

Speaker 1 (30:43):
You're not doing a favor. Never get away, It's just
a bag. I'll buy you another bag.

Speaker 3 (30:55):
Try to tell you.

Speaker 2 (31:11):
Everybody else is screaming get out of there. This one
lady has to have her bag.

Speaker 3 (31:16):
I am dying to know what bag that what brand?

Speaker 2 (31:21):
And this is normal in Cabo apparently livestock. We're on
the coastline. Ranchers have have you never seen a ball
their herds?

Speaker 1 (31:29):

Speaker 2 (31:30):
This is this is your next on this. So I
don't know what. Nobody knows what happened to the woman.

Speaker 3 (31:35):
I was gonna say, how hurt was she?

Speaker 1 (31:37):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (31:37):
I got to look up and see if I can
find a follow up on that. So anyway, don't.

Speaker 3 (31:41):
Do that, okay, John, I won't.

Speaker 4 (31:43):
I'll remember your warning if I ever get accosted by
a bull.

Speaker 1 (31:47):
If a bull hook's your bag up, just you can
have the bag.

Speaker 3 (31:50):
John Cobell says he'll buy me a new one.

Speaker 2 (31:53):
Here you go, all right, we come back. Michael Monks
from KFI News.

Speaker 8 (31:57):
L A. P.

Speaker 2 (31:58):
D Uh, the Inner Chief Dominic Choice, spoke before the
Police Commission and he had some statistics that probably nobody
in progressive government wants to hear. But we have a
nine percent increase in homicides this year, and total robberies
are up by ten percent and burglaries are up as well,
and we will talk to Michael Monks from KFI News

so about that and other things as well. He's been
on a number of good stories this week, Debormark Live
and the KFI twenty four hour Newsroom. Hey, you've been
listening to the John Cobalt Show podcast. You can always
hear the show live on KFI Am six forty from
one to four pm every Monday through Friday, and of
course anytime on demand on the iHeartRadio app.

The John Kobylt Show News

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