All Episodes

April 26, 2024 29 mins

What exactly is the Israeli military up against with Hamas? More on the anti-Israel protests across college campuses. Former LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva comes on the show to talk about Diana Teran's lawyer calling him out in an article regarding the 11 felony charges that have been filed against Teran. John found a new fashion trend he thought Debra might like. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Can't. I am six forty.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
You're listening to the John Cobelt Podcast on the iHeartRadio
app around from one until four and after four o'clock
John Cobelt Show on demand on the iHeart app and
that's where you can hear the podcast same as the
radio show, just moves faster and you can.

Speaker 1 (00:19):
Pick up on whatever you missed.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
We've got Moistline today coming up after three o'clock. We're
going to do it twice. We have acts of the dumpster.
It's going to be quite the crowded dumpster. It's going
to be an extra extra large Jett dumpster. That's also
in the three o'clock hour, and we're going to cover
quite a bit this massive scandal in George Gascone's office.

This is serious stuff because the State Attorney General, Rob
bonta friend of Gascone, is pressing criminal charges against his
buddy's top assistant deputy district actually assistant district Attorney, Diana
to God. Diana Tehran is accused of eleven felonies for

misusing government data, taking the private personnel records of officers
that she wanted to investigate and accessing them and she
broke the law. She wasn't allowed to do that. And
this has a direct connection to former Sheriff Alex Vineeva.
We're going to talk to him coming up after one thirty,

and then we're gonna have Nathan Hackman, who's running against
Gascone at two o'clock and Hawkman running against Gascone to
become a district attorney. November fifth is the day Hawkman
is over twenty points ahead of Gascon in the early polls.
And this is this is quite the case because this
is a serious felony violations that Diana Tauran could go

to prison over. And this is this was obviously if
Rob Bonta because to usually would cover up his for
his side, for his buddies, and the fact that he's not,
that he's coming down with a huge hammer on Diana
Turan is an indication that this.

Speaker 1 (02:11):
Is a really rotten mess.

Speaker 2 (02:13):
And it's right on Gascone's lap because Diana Tauran is
directly reports to Gascone and he appointed her to that position.
She used to be a public defender. She had no
business becoming an assistant district attorney. But Gus and you
know what it is is this is a den of
cop haters to Hornet's nest of cop haters between gascon

Diana Turan and other top administrative officials. They despise cops
and if you believe the prosecutors, Taran was willing to
break the law over it. So we'll get into all
that at one point thirty with Alexaviana Way that at
two o'clock with Nathan Hawkman.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
It is very difficult.

Speaker 2 (02:54):
To watch the news, listen, read and deal with all
the insane garbage and nonsense about the Israeli Gaza war.
It really is surrounding these demonstrators and all the stupid,
ignorant thing things that these toddlers say. I mean, I mean,
I watched more coverage. We have some clips. We've played
a few this week. These This is if you've ever

heard the term useful idiots. That is, most of the
college students involved in these in these protests around the country,
including at USC and UCLA, they literally have no idea
what's going on. And when they start prattling about cease
fire and ending the war and Israel should withdraw, I

think I think we know what happened to Israel.

Speaker 1 (03:45):

Speaker 2 (03:46):
There's a professor named Azar Got and he is Chair
for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, and he
has written a piece at the Israeli paper Haretz, and
I'm going to read you just two paragraphs and you'll
understand what's actually going on in Palestine and what the
Israelis have to deal with. Professor Gott says he has

to push back against the derangement that has come to
play a significant role in public discourse in the West,
especially in academia. And that is the perfect that is
the perfect description derangement because these are not reasoned arguments,
These are not legitimate competing points of view. This is insanity,

is what you're hearing. The stuff that the students are
saying is not only wrong, it's absurd.

Speaker 1 (04:36):
I'm not sure there's English words to.

Speaker 2 (04:38):
Describe how insane and disconnected from reality. They are two
paragraphs and you'll see what I'm talking about. From Professor Gott,
he says, this is what the Israeli soldiers have to
do to invade Gassa. They're going to be running into

tens of thousands of armed men hamas embedded in a
dense urban civilian fabric with booby trapped buildings, all linked
by hundreds of kilometers of tunnels, unprecedented in scope and
military sophistication. Added to this is a massive deployment of

rockets that are fired from within these towns and villages,
a situation unprecedented in the history of gorilla and counter
guerrilla wars. There is no way to eliminate this without
causing massive destruction. Anyone who argues that it is forbidden

to cause such destruction must propose feasible alternatives that would
enable the elimination of Hamas in Gaza. Otherwise, they're arguing
that the situation in effect gives Hamas immunity. In other words,
because Hamas is hiding behind so many non military Palestinians.

I'm not going to call them innicent, but you have
civilian Palestinians. Hamas is hiding behind them and has built
this intricate network not only of tens of thousands of soldiers,
not only booby trapped buildings, not only hundreds of kilometers
of tunnels underneath, but all these rockets embedded inside all

the towns and villages, all the buildings. And if Israel
doesn't flatten everything, then Israel is going to be destroyed.
Because Hamas only exists to destroy Israel completely to kill
all the Jews, drive whoever they don't kill out of

Israel itself and then let Palestinians and Muslims take over.
And so Israel has said, no, we're not going to
let you do that. And so the only way to
do that is completely destroy Hamas. And that is the truth,
and those are the facts. And what these students, I

think most of them are just completely ignorant idiots. But
the ones who know better, that's evil. That is supporting
terrorism and death on the part of Hamas. There's no
other way to look at it. There's no other side
to this. Because if the United States was being attacked
in this way, Let's say the Mexican drug cartels decided

that it's their mission to annihilate everybody in the city
of Los Angeles and to drive us off the land
and to kill us all.

Speaker 1 (07:41):
You'd want.

Speaker 2 (07:41):
The Israeli attitude, of course you will. And they have
to do this, they must do this, and believe me,
they are not. I started looking up the death tolls
in World War Two, how many German citizens were killed
when the Allies started bombing the Nazis. Israel has done
nothing compared to that. This is. This is what war

is when you have when you allow evil to develop
in your midst and the Palestinians allowed evil to metastasize
and develop and spread. It's the same thing on the
German people. They allowed Nazism to metastasize and spread. And
that's what you get. And and you know that's the
payoff in the end, when the good guys come in
and have to do you have to take care of business.

It's going to be really ugly and bloody and deadly,
but it's required. Otherwise you have Nazis and Hamas regimes
running the world, and you're not going to want to
live in that world. And I'm now I'm only going
to refer to the students at UCLA and USC are

protesting as a bunch of Jimboree toddlers because them them
running around in circles, dancing, banging drums, speaking in rhymes
is exactly what I remember my kids doing when they
were toddlers, when they went to jim Maree class. And
it's about the same amount of sophistication about the world.

When we come back, I want to play you one
of these lunatics. There's an activist named Kaimanni James. He
had a live stream after meeting with Columbia University officials
and he said he would fight and kill Zionus people
believe that Israel is entitled to the land. When you

hear this clip, you'll see what these activists who organize
these protests are really about. And it's fascinating. He's also
furiously backing away from all the views he espoused in
this video. I mean, he really did it. His words
aren't taken out of context. And we're picking on this
one guy to give you an example of the real

to the extent that there's thought in a belief system
in all these protests.

Speaker 1 (09:59):
It's this we'll play for that. We'll play you that
when we come back.

Speaker 3 (10:03):
You're listening to John Cobelt on demand from KFI AM
six forty.

Speaker 1 (10:10):
All right, we're gonna have Alex Wueva.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
We're gonna have Alex Viennaweva on the former La County sheriff.
You heard yesterday the George Gascones Assistant District Attorney Diana Turan,
very high up in his office. She's being charged with
eleven felonies by the California Attorney General for misusing government data,

accessing the private confidential files of police officers that she
wanted to investigate. It's eleven felonies. And the attorney for
Diana Tauran is James Spurtis. Spurtus is blaming Alex Fienaweva
for orchestrating the case.

Speaker 1 (10:54):
We'll talk to Alex about that.

Speaker 2 (10:56):
Also, Nathan Hockman, who's running against Gascone, coming on at
two o'clock to give his view of this massive scandal.
Boy Gascoen's having a rough time. Huh really on a
resign for God's sake, So it's surrender already. He is
just an incredible disaster. And I think Nathan's going to
talk about whether this is going to compromise other cases

that Diana turn has been involved in.

Speaker 1 (11:22):
We'll get to that.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
I went through last segment the writings of an Israeli
professor who wrote a piece in an Israeli newspaper trying
to explain what the Israeli military is up against and
why they can't just put their weapons down and go home.
And it's because Hamas has tens of thousands of soldiers

embedded in a very dense urban area and the buildings
are booby trapped. There's hundreds of kilometers of tunnels underneath,
and there's a massive deployment of rockets within these towns
and villages. And that's what the Israeli Army has to
take on because again Hamasa's mission, and they have it
in writing, is to kill all the Jews and drive

all the Israelis off the land that Israel occupies. There's
no there's no question about this, there's no debate that
that's the point of this. But let's most of the
protesters don't know what they're talking about. Some of the
leaders are truly evil. And we're going to play you
a compilation video of one of the activists named Kaimani James.

This is a live stream that he had after meeting
with Columbia University officials and he said he was going
to fight and kill the Zionis, the people who want
to live in Israel. And you'll hear what he says.
He is black and he uses all kinds of pronouns.

Speaker 1 (12:50):
He she they here's the audio.

Speaker 4 (12:53):
I'm Kamani James, I use he she they pronouns.

Speaker 5 (12:58):
The meetings of Joe.

Speaker 4 (13:00):
They definitely were hoping that I was going to walk
back the eye fights A killed.

Speaker 5 (13:06):
A lot of people agree that Hiller needed to die
in order for world order to move forward, in in
order to establish some inkling of world peace.

Speaker 6 (13:19):
And so if we can agree as a society as
a collective that people that person, some persons need to
die if they have an ideology that results in the
deaths of thousands, hundreds of thousands of millions.

Speaker 5 (13:40):
If there are people like that who exist, shouldn't they die?
Why would we want people who are supporters of genocide
to live?

Speaker 7 (13:52):
I'm confused.

Speaker 4 (13:54):
Zionists, along with all white supremacists, need to not exist
because they actively kill and harm vulnerable people.

Speaker 7 (14:02):
They stopped the world from progress.

Speaker 8 (14:04):

Speaker 6 (14:04):
Oh, okay, thank you, what, thank you?

Speaker 7 (14:10):
And so be glad, be grateful that I'm not just
going out and murdering Zionus.

Speaker 1 (14:22):
I've never murded.

Speaker 4 (14:22):
Anyone in my life, and I hope to keep it
that way.

Speaker 5 (14:27):
That meeting was so dumb.

Speaker 4 (14:30):
I actually kind of hope they do kick me out
because I've.

Speaker 1 (14:32):
Been meeting to I've been meaning.

Speaker 5 (14:34):
To travel to South America.

Speaker 4 (14:37):
Obviously, the United States would never support the murder of
Next and Yahoo, but imagine how many lives.

Speaker 1 (14:46):
Would be saved by the way, he's right now.

Speaker 4 (14:49):
Possibly right, because we all we all know that the
replacement will I think you get the idea that you know, philosophy.

Speaker 1 (14:57):
To explode here. These people are in sh John.

Speaker 9 (15:01):
Why so they think it's okay that Hamas murdered all
those Israelis.

Speaker 2 (15:07):
Yes, yeah, I apparently there's a lot of Americans who
don't want to believe that that's what this is about.
That they applaud Hamas killing those Israelis and they support
Hamas killing more Israelis.

Speaker 10 (15:19):
I mean, the hypocrisy is mind blowing.

Speaker 1 (15:21):

Speaker 2 (15:22):
What they've done is somehow, after Israel suffered that horrific invasion,
with all the murder, the rape, what they did to
the babies, it got flipped on its head and it's
Israel causing Palestinian genocide. No, no, it's in the Hamas
charter to commit genocide and wipe out every last Jew

in Israel. They all must die or at the very
least be out of the country. I don't know how
this got inverted, but well, I think we know. I
think it's nearly impossible to get truth out into the
public realm anymore. But you know that that's that's the
kind of person behind all these protests that you're seeing.

They're they're functionally insane. In another time, they would be
tied up in a rubber room somewhere and fed meals
under their door.

Speaker 8 (16:14):
Well, and you talked about it yesterday too, John, about
how the a lot of these people, and this person
specifically of the audio we just played, what would happen
to him if he were to go into Gaza.

Speaker 2 (16:25):
Right, he's he's uh, I don't know exactly what sexuality is,
but he uses alternate pronouns.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
He's putting on lipstick.

Speaker 2 (16:34):
Believe me, you go to Gaza and do that, they
will execute you and there's not going to be a trial.
They'll execute you in the street for your for your
sexual being.

Speaker 1 (16:49):
It's just it's amazing.

Speaker 2 (16:53):
I'm again, this is absolute ignorance or it's evil. I've
just never seen any like this. There's no way that
that guy would live for more than ten minutes. And
that's because of Sharia law. That's because of what the
government mandates, in addition to what most of the people
believe and buy into.

Speaker 3 (17:14):
More coming up, you're listening to John Cobels on demand
from KFI AM six forty.

Speaker 2 (17:21):
We're on from one till four after four o'clock, you
can hear the podcast John Cobelt Show on demand. We're
going to talk out with former La County Sheriff Alex Vanueva.
Yesterday you heard that La County Assistant District Attorney Diana Tehran,
who works directly for gascone. She's been charged with eleven

felonies by the Attorney General. Eleven felonies for illegally accessing
the private confidential files of a number of police officers
and presumably she wanted to investigate and it involves eleven
in sheriff's deputies. So the state is coming down on

Diana Tehran, and Tehran's attorney, James Spurtis is saying this
is all bit orchestrated by Alex vin Aeva. Let's talk
to Alex Mianoeva right now. How are you, Alex?

Speaker 1 (18:19):
Oh? Not too bad?

Speaker 11 (18:20):
How you doing John?

Speaker 1 (18:22):
We're doing that. I'm doing good.

Speaker 2 (18:24):
This case here, what was Diana Tehran gonna do or
what did she do with all confidential files of all
the deputies they used to work for?

Speaker 1 (18:35):

Speaker 11 (18:36):
Well, you got to go back to the McDonald administration.
June of twenty two of eighteen when I got past
the primary the downloading of personnel files. Mine mine was
the first file downloaded, Then my Tim Murakami, my under sheriff,
was downloaded. Anybody associated with my campaign had their files
pretty much downloaded and copied by Diane Turant and Mac Huntsman,

who was the Inspector generals. And when she left the
department at my administration, she went to the CEO and
she bounced around county departments till she wound up at
the DA's office with her file still intact that she
was not allowed to possess, and then she used them
in twenty one. So this is really a come full circle.

Speaker 2 (19:19):
And she used him to try to prosecute to Sharish deputies.

Speaker 11 (19:24):
Yes, and she has a long history of basically treading
the constitution. While she was a constitutional policing advisor, she
was unfamiliar with the document for some reason.

Speaker 2 (19:35):
Why does her attorney, other than just you know, kicking
a growing mud at the air, why does he say
you orchestrated these charges that Tehran is now facing.

Speaker 11 (19:47):
We when we discovered the data breach, we launched an investigation.
In the beginning of twenty nineteen. We advised the supervisor.
We were doing this, we invited in the Attorney General
the FBI, so we were told totally transparent and everything
we did, and AG gave us the green light to
go ahead do the investigation, and we did it and

the results we turned it over to the age and
two years later now they're filing charges. So how I
orchestrated it beyond me. It's actually literally our job.

Speaker 2 (20:19):
What I mean, this is clearly a huge violation, is
it not.

Speaker 1 (20:24):
I mean, explain to explain to people why this is
so serious.

Speaker 11 (20:30):
This is an earthquake that's going to ravor rate throughout
county government. Because now everything that she's done, he has
to look at it in the light. Did she alter
the record? Did she conceal exculpatory evidence, which we have
a lot of evidence that that was what she was
doing under McDonald's tenure, and now under Gascone's tenure we
have the same situation. Those thirty four lawsuits they've been

filed against Gascone for retaliation. She was the one, basically
the loyal soldier of Gascone doing all the hard moves.
And this is is going to bear a lot in
the criminal justice system here in La.

Speaker 2 (21:06):
So these are sheriff's deputies who were facing some kind
of legal issue, and Diana Tran was interfering with the case.

Speaker 11 (21:17):
Well, what she was doing putting her finger on the
scale and eliminating exculpatory evidence because what they wanted was
a high body count of terminations to look good in
the eyes of the establishment in the press. Look, we
fired all these people, but she was cheating while she
was doing it, And therein lie is a problem because
now you destroyed people's life just for someone else's political benefits.

Speaker 2 (21:39):
It's extraordinary that that Rob bonto would file charges against
Gascon's one of Gascon's top administrators. Because Gascone and Rob Bonta,
I mean, they're they're they're soldiers, they're on the same
side together. They're both progressive politicians who favor criminals over
the victims, who are not particularly fond of police and

for for why do you think Bonte has turned on
gas going like this was this case just too overwhelming
to ignore?

Speaker 11 (22:11):
Well, there's this is one case of many. You have
the Max Huntsman case, you have Shelok Hugh, you have
Patty Giggins piece overre violentce, you have Sanchi Hamai in
the gift at one point five million dollars by the
Board of Supervisors. All these cases are sitting on the
AG's office, and if he doesn't do his job with
the evidence, he could be under the heat himself down

the road by the SBI in the United States Department
of Justice for obstruction of justice. So I think he's
starting to realize that maybe I better do my job.

Speaker 1 (22:40):
All right?

Speaker 2 (22:41):
Uh what what? What do you think is ultimately going
to happen here? I mean, it is likely Diana Turan
goes to prison, and my guess.

Speaker 11 (22:52):
Is she's gonna, you know, the first to squeal gets
a deal. As the saying goes, I think she's gonna
roll over on someone else.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
Hire up in the food chain, Gascone.

Speaker 11 (23:03):
And the ones left is the huntsman, gat Scone, and
the Board of Supervisors. There's no one else left.

Speaker 1 (23:09):
Is it possible Gascone doesn't know what she was doing?

Speaker 11 (23:13):
No, because when that we gave that cave to the AG,
that was in twenty one and we had telegraphed it,
and there's no way he could have not known that
the person he hired was under investigation for felony charges
with the AG.

Speaker 2 (23:27):
Right, did he know what she was carrying around all
those files when she joined the office?

Speaker 11 (23:34):
That part, I don't know that. That's going to be
up to the AG, to the determined, and again is
going to go down to what did you know and
when did you know it? To gascon always ugly questions
to ask.

Speaker 2 (23:44):
All right, Alex, thanks for coming on with us. I'm
sure we'll be talking again about this case.

Speaker 11 (23:49):
Indeed, yes, thank you, John.

Speaker 2 (23:50):
Alex VIANOEV who was the former La County sheriff, and
he had originally alerted the Attorney General Rob Bonta that
that Diana Tehran has been walking around with a lot
of a lot of government private, confidential government files on
well eleven sheriff's deputies who used to work for, who

used to work for Vanna Wava and al Bonta is
charging Diana Tehan with these eleven felonies. And he's a
top administrator for George Gascone. Big scandal. Nathan Hockman's going
to weigh in on this. He's running against Gascone for
La County District Attorney.

Speaker 1 (24:32):
He'll be on after two o'clock.

Speaker 3 (24:35):
You're listening to John Cobels on demand. From KFI AM
six forty.

Speaker 2 (24:40):
Two o'clock and Nathan Hakman coming on. He's going to
discuss the big scandal in George Gascon's office. Hakman running
against Gascone for La County DA. Gascon's top assistant district attorney,
Diana Tehran, has been charged with eleven felonies for accessing
confident information about sheriff's deputies and using the information to

bring cases against them. As you heard, Sheriffy and a
Wave turned over a lot of this case to Rob Bonta,
the Attorney General, and it looks like Bonta felt compelled
for his own integrity to bring charges against Gascone's top
assistant district attorney. Bonta and Gascon are both tight on

the same side, but Bonta had to turn on Gascon
because this was just too egregious to ignore. Nathan Hockmann
kind of come on after two o'clock. Now, something completely different,
just for a minute, because whenever fashion stories pop up,
I always think of Deborah because she's one of the
very few fashionable people here at the station. Well it's
Deborah and Ray Ray.

Speaker 10 (25:48):
Yeah, I guess I haven't noticed.

Speaker 2 (25:51):
So I saw this and I gave a black and
white copy of this photo to Deborah. She hasn't seen
it yet. I want her to turn it over and
see if she could. Well, I'm trying to think, should
I tell you what it's supposed to be first, or
do you want to look at it?

Speaker 10 (26:09):
Let me look at it?

Speaker 1 (26:09):
Or why don't you turn it over?

Speaker 2 (26:10):
It's black and white, but I think you'll get the
idea and you'll you'll see a man dressed in a
denim jeans. Yeah, okay, okay, and you can see it's
two toned.

Speaker 10 (26:19):
Yes, okay, well okay, so go on.

Speaker 1 (26:24):
These are called peace stained denim.

Speaker 10 (26:26):
Yeah. I was going to say, it looks like he
peed in his pants.

Speaker 2 (26:28):
Yeah, and that's the idea. It's supposed to look like that.
It's made by company called Jordan Luca and that model
was on the Milan Fashion Show runway. It's it's part
of the new their new fashion line. It's a dark
stain in the groin area of the pants.

Speaker 1 (26:51):
It. It goes for eight hundred and eleven dollars.

Speaker 9 (26:56):
Are you kidding me?

Speaker 1 (26:57):
They're sold out online?

Speaker 10 (27:01):
Okay, I don't get it, and I wouldn't wear these, okay.

Speaker 2 (27:03):
And it really does look, it's a lighter colored Jane
with these dark splotches, and it's all and the splotches
look like pee that had spread in an irregular pattern.

Speaker 1 (27:17):
You know, my birthday is coming up.

Speaker 2 (27:19):
I was gonna say, when I think of fashion, I
also think of you as well.

Speaker 1 (27:23):
Nothing. This is definitely something you would wear now.

Speaker 2 (27:26):
I would see old guys wearing this right because it
covers up their problems and or it looks like they
can't control themselves any time.

Speaker 1 (27:37):
For a catheter. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (27:38):
Brother, if somebody accuses them that, it's like, no, no,
this is the fashion. They were died this way. It
was the opening look at Mulan Fashion Week by Jordan
Bowen and Luca Marcetto. There you get Jordan Luca. Sales
have soared fifteen percent in recent years, and it's a

The brand is a fan favorite.

Speaker 9 (28:02):
I first of all, would never spend eight hundred dollars
on any pair of jeans. I'm just gonna throw that
out there. Yeah, I wouldn't pay fifty dollars. I wouldn't
pay I wouldn't even buy these jeans.

Speaker 1 (28:14):
Well, you wear torn jeans.

Speaker 10 (28:16):
Jeans, I'm gonna look like I've peve you.

Speaker 1 (28:19):
Wet yourself.

Speaker 10 (28:19):
I don't understand how that's a fashion statement. I mean,
I truly, I truly don't.

Speaker 1 (28:25):
Well, it's definitely a statement.

Speaker 10 (28:26):
It was a statement, but I mean, this is so stupid.

Speaker 2 (28:30):
I guess the people at the fashion shot so said, oh,
that's just brilliant.

Speaker 1 (28:33):
Look at that pays stains on jeans.

Speaker 10 (28:36):
Now, next we're gonna have poopy pants.

Speaker 2 (28:38):
Well that's what I was thinking. It's gonna be the
homeless look. And you look like you just took a
dump in your pants.

Speaker 10 (28:45):
And then bloody pants.

Speaker 9 (28:46):
You've been you know, stabbed on on the metro train.

Speaker 2 (28:50):
Yes, George Gascon's running into Nathan hawk By Nathan Hakman
is coming on and he's gonna give his opinions on
Gascones top district attorney being indicted on eleven eleven felony
charges for mishandling. She stole data, she stole private confidential
files on eleven of sheriff is the way of his

deputies and wanted to use that against them.

Speaker 1 (29:16):
We're going to talk with Nathan Hoffman about it. Coming up.

Speaker 2 (29:18):
Deborah Mark Live in THEKFI twenty four hour newsroom. Hey,
you've been listening to the John Cobalt Show podcast. You
can always hear the show live on KFI Am six
forty from one to four pm every Monday through Friday,
and of course, anytime on demand on the iHeartRadio app

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The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show. Clay Travis and Buck Sexton tackle the biggest stories in news, politics and current events with intelligence and humor. From the border crisis, to the madness of cancel culture and far-left missteps, Clay and Buck guide listeners through the latest headlines and hot topics with fun and entertaining conversations and opinions.

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