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May 8, 2024 13 mins

Tom Brady’s Roast has everyone talking… the good, the bad, the ugly. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is the most dramatic podcast ever and iHeartRadio podcast.
Chris Harrison and Lauren z E mccomedy from the home
office in Austin, Texas. It is a big week for us,
for our family, and I bet it is a big
week for hundreds of thousands of other families around there.
It's graduation time, folks. So for everybody whose children are graduating,

whatever level they are at, we feel you because we
have a son graduating college this week, so everybody's kind
of going through it. We are excited. I was watching
the Tom Brady Roast on Netflix, and I do feel
that there is finally a shift in our culture from

being so worried about who can we cancel? And why
that last night was. I don't know if it's the
tip of the iceberg, but it's part of this breaking
through this barrier of the bullsh and they just had
this really fun night that was really inappropriate, and as
Kevin Hart kept saying, get comfortable in the uncomfortable people,

this is happening. This is comedy. This is what comedy
is all about, pushing those boundaries. Did every joke work?
Did every joke land last night? Gosh, no, most of
those people weren't even professional comedians and.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
Had a lot of them though.

Speaker 1 (01:24):
It was really funny, but a lot of stuff was
written for these people and they did the best they could.
But to me, it was really more it personified what
we are all so thirsty for and desperate for, which
was kind of an inappropriate raw night where they touched
the third rail. They went there, they pushed every single

boundary and offended everybody and we all laughed. Everybody in
the room laughed. Nobody stormed off stage, nobody got in
a fight, nobody protested. It was just comfortably uncomfortable the
entire night and it was brilliant. God, we needed that
and it was.

Speaker 2 (02:00):
It was incredible. I usually don't watch a roast, and
you know, I'm not into sports, so I didn't really
know the Tom Brady roast thing was happening, but you
were watching it, so I watched with you, and I
thought it was so funny. And you know why, I
think in part it worked is because there was unification
in the uncomfortable. Like, like you said, nothing was off limits.
Everybody was getting made fun of by everybody else, and

everyone was laughing at themselves, and it reminded me that
comedy and society used to be like this. I mean,
roasts used to be a thing that people did all
the time. Comedy used to be more free. And I
saw someone say the other day, what was it about?
It was? It was something you and I were watching
together and somebody was talking about, like how Americans are

so not comfortable making fun of themselves like that in
other is this familiar to you?

Speaker 1 (02:50):
Saw that?

Speaker 2 (02:50):
Okay? Never it was somebody like saying that, you know,
Americans just it's a little like like other countries don't
take themselves so seriously culturally. And I agree, Like you
think about British people and they kind of like give
each other crap more than we do, and I don't.
I mean, I think we used to be less like this,
for sure. And it was just so nice that everybody

was on the same page about like not being sensitive.
And remember Kevin Harr went through that you know, semi
or full cancellation, whatever you want to call it, when
they removed him from hosting.

Speaker 1 (03:22):
The Oscar cancel. Yeah, he got canceled by the Academy.

Speaker 2 (03:26):
And good for him for like coming back and you know,
having the career he has. He was so funny last night,
and I just thought that, yeah, it was refreshing, and
it was like a little there was a little part
of me tensing up with some of it, and I was,
but then I felt at ease because, like he kept saying,

and everyone kept saying, hey, this is what we're doing tonight.
We're just making fun of each other and it's okay.

Speaker 1 (03:51):
And it's sad how jarring it was because this used
to be commonplace where we would, as the British would say,
as you just said, would take a piss out of
each other. It's you go at each other and laugh
and take it all. And by the way, kudos to
Tom Brady because why did he I don't know why
you did this, but man, you know what, this is
why he's the goat. He It wasn't maybe the hero

that we asked for, but he was the hero we needed.
Where Tom Brady allowed himself to be the center of
ridicule in all the jokes. Number One, Netflix didn't promote
this well enough. As a Tom Brady sports fan, I
didn't even know it was on. I stumbled upon it,
so I'm not sure how big the numbers were. I
did a very unscientific poll today on social media, over

seventy five percent didn't watch it or watch it live,
which worries me.

Speaker 2 (04:45):
Well, maybe they will know that they've heard that.

Speaker 1 (04:47):
I hope it will get more penetration. I hope more
people will watch it because now it's on Netflix and
it's on streaming and you can go back and watch it.
But the fact that we all kind of missed it,
I'm glad Netflix did live. The fact that it was
live meant more. I hope that means more streamers will
jump into that game because that vibe last night. The
Forum was packed, They had a great There was.

Speaker 2 (05:08):
So much energy. It felt so unifying. It's the same
reason I remember someone saying, Okay, look Taylor Swift's Eras tour.
Of course it was going to be big. It's Taylor Swift,
and people hadn't been to concerts in a while, so
we knew it was going to be big. But why
was it the biggest tour ever? And maybe in part
because we were all looking for a unifying experience. And
I felt that same energy last night of like people

in the room laughing, and it was such a variety too,
like athletes and you know, Kim Kardashian and stand up
comedians and Ben Affleck and.

Speaker 1 (05:39):
Dana White, and there was a lot from the It
was amazing and the comedians, by the way, crushed. Jeff
Ross the Roastmaster came out. I mean he started the
night off. I mean Kevin Hart kind of did because
he was the host. But when Jeff Ross the Roastmaster
came out in his OJ Simpson Jersey, Oh my gosh,
and that's how the night started. Did you knew here

we go?

Speaker 2 (06:03):
I think shout out to Kevin Hart, Nicki Glazer and
that comedian Tony Hinchcliff.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
Is it Tony from kil Tony? Oh, he was just
in Austin. He was just at the Mothership with Joe Rogan.
Everybody who saw him said he crushed here in Austin.

Speaker 2 (06:16):
He just was like firing. He was. I mean, he
went there with people, but it was just line after
line after line after and it was you couldn't stop
laughing as you're on this roller coaster of insanity with him.

Speaker 1 (06:28):
And I agree, Nicki Glazer did great. Will Ferrell showed up,
did a great cameo. Peyton as Ron Burgundy as Roden Burgundy.
I said this on social I'll say it again. The
most awkward award went to Ben Affleck, who I thought
was just a perfect fit for this Boston icon. He
and you know, obviously Brady just did the Dunk King's commercial,

the Dunkin Donuts commercial for the Super Bowl, and man
did he was Not only did it miss, but it
was bizarre.

Speaker 2 (06:57):
It was weird. He wasn't roasting him. He was talking
about haters online. He was screaming, and I was confused.
I'm like, this isn't a You're not this is a
roast though, this isn't like a I don't know. Sometimes
it's funny the people who are the performers actually end
up performing the worst. I don't know, maybe because you
get in your head, like Grant killed he was really funny.

Speaker 1 (07:19):
Wow, that guy's a lot of energy.

Speaker 2 (07:20):
Anyway, watch it if you haven't, and let us know
what you think it was. I think you noted not
for the certainly, don't bring your young kids in the room.

Speaker 1 (07:27):
Not for the faint of heart. But it was a
good night. It was a great night to exhale, and
everybody in the room, like you said, I think everybody

was jarred a little bit. And then everybody settled in
and was like, oh, that's right. We used to be
human beings. We used to be able to interact as humans.
No matter where we come from, no matter how we talk,
what we look like, we can all get along and
laugh and make fun of each other. And again, Tom Brady,
you're the hero We needed man because you needed someone

who's so big and so untouchable that we got to
just rip on him for three hours. And it was
kind of based on him. So I don't know if
anybody intended for that to be the consequence, but it was.
And I heard so many people saying the same thing today.
What a weird blessing that was.

Speaker 2 (08:25):
You know, we've talked about this a lot, but I
think we've sometimes lost the plot on the importance of intent.
It's very different when someone's insulting you were trying to
be mean, versus when they're obviously trying to be funny
and having fun with you. Like and I guess I'm
sitting here saying, like, I can laugh about my dead dad.
I make jokes about that. I make grief jokes all

the time. Other people can make grief jokes. It's cool.
I would rather laugh about it than cry about it.
So that's fine, and I think we just need to
get back to a little bit more of that, like
what's the intent. So yeah, we were I was laughing
a ton. Highly recommend. Also highly recommend. We saw The
Fall Guy over the weekend. I cannot figure out why

this movie didn't have a bigger opening weekend than it
did because you guys, Ryan Gosling Emily Blunt, the chemistry
they have. It was so good to go see movie
in the theater or wherever, but just to be reminded
of what a good movie, good acting, good script, and
chemistry is.

Speaker 1 (09:26):
There are several there are mini scenes with the two
of them. I couldn't get enough. I couldn't wait for
the next scene because the tension, the chemistry was so good.
I forgot what great acting looks like. I forgot what
great chemistry looks like on screen. I just wanted to
see those two keep going for hours. The movie was great. Obviously,
it's a throwback to an old TV show of my

childhood and I did not with Lee Majors, and I
think it was Heather Thomas back in the day, and
so a great nod by the way, which maybe people
have talked about this I didn't know, but it was
a great nod to the stunt community and just to
Hollywood in general. There was a lot of movie references
in it, which you and I are big movie buff
so we loved all the little references and all the

easter eggs. Great movie. I did not expect it. I
thought it would be kind of slap funny, silly. No,
it's witty, it's it's smart, it's smart.

Speaker 2 (10:17):
Every side character is great, Winston Duke who plays like
Ryan Gosling's friend and fellow stunt guy. And it is great.
It just it moved so fast, great action sequences. And
by the way, it is one you can take your
kids too. I think it's PG.

Speaker 1 (10:31):
Thirteen or something like.

Speaker 2 (10:32):
It is such a fun movie. I would take your
family and enjoy it.

Speaker 1 (10:36):
Kind of like going back to the Brady thing. It's
like our expectations are set so low now. I wasn't
expecting to go enjoy the movies again. We go to
the movies all the time, and we walk out and
we're like, oh man, that's two hours. We'll never get back.
We left the Fall Guy and I'm like, okay, well
you know what, all week, baby, we're back I.

Speaker 2 (10:54):
Think we've also lost It's interesting the criticism is still there, right,
but we've lost the value of critics. And by that
I mean you used to kind of be able to
read a movie reviewer. God, I said, we sound so
like back in the day right now, but truly like now.
I do think people are afraid of being critical because

they don't want, like I don't know, they don't want
to get called out online by an actor, by a
studio or something. But the critics are still there, they're
just like everybody instead of like the official paid critics.
Sometimes like I can't figure out. I have to admit
I hate to say it because I wanted to like it.
But we also watched another movie last night, The Idea
of You with Anne Hathaway, and I had heard this

movie was so great, and I found it to be
so painfully slow, the pacing of it. I didn't laugh.
I didn't understand the characters. I didn't sense why they
were into each other. The plot didn't like. The plot
points didn't make sense, the character's motivation didn't make sense.
Now all that being said, anne Hathaway looked incredible. Well,

her bang her bangs. I might go get banks yeah,
I might get bangs. I mean, I'm constantly debating on
this and usually my friends text me, no, don't do it.
But she looked amazing and she was great. But the
movie was not great, and yet it's getting rave reviews.
I'm so confused.

Speaker 1 (12:16):
The best thing I can say about this movie Anne
Hathaway's Bangs, and the soundtrack was great. If you would
like to see this movie, go see it. It's called
Nodding Hill. That's how this movie was done well. When
there was great acting and there was chemistry. All the
things we talked about with Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling

was not in this movie. It was in Nodding Hill
with Julia Roberts. Yeah, I do see that.

Speaker 2 (12:42):
Although I don't think it was the actor's fault on
this one. I think the script was bad. It was
right again and again. The pacing just I don't know.
Don't waste your time on this one. I texted a
friend about it and I said, the best part is
Anne Hathaway's Bangs. She watched it and said, I agree.
I should have listened to you. Why did I watch it?

The best part was her bangs, a comment I usually
reserve for Dakota Johnson Films. So wow, we are endorsing
The fall Guy. We are not endorsing the idea of you.
The idea of it was good, the movie itself was not.

Speaker 1 (13:16):
And the Tom Brady Roast was a twelve out of
ten absolute home run.

Speaker 2 (13:21):
So I guess we're just here with recommendations today.

Speaker 1 (13:23):
Go that's what we got and have a great week everybody.
We have a busy one. My heart will be with
my boy who's graduating, and my heart is with you
as always as you are going from one grade to
the next, whatever that is in life. Wish you all
the very best, all our love, and we will do
it again next time because we have a lot more
to talk about. Thanks for listening. Follow us on Instagram

at the most Dramatic pod ever and make sure to
write us a review and leave us five stars. I'll
talk to you next time.
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