All Episodes

August 19, 2021 • 114 mins

It's Fboy Island Season 2 on HBO MAX announcement day but there is so much more to dig into from Season 1. Nikki and Andrew are joined by CJ Franco, Josh McDonald and Garrett Morosky. Lots of behind the scenes stories, shocking revelations that even Nikki the show's Executive Producer didn't know about, who is together today and who might be together in the future!

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Nick. Yes, yes, Nicky, Hello and welcome to the
Nicky Glazer Podcast Special F Boy Island Edition. We're talking
all F Boy Island on this episode today. We have

c J. Franco, who's going to be on. We have
Josh whose name I for last time? McDonald Josh McDonald
had a farm. Um, and then we have Garrett Moronskys Morosky.
I always want to put an N in there, and
I wonder why now I'm just kidding. Uh, just having
a lot of fun here, very excited to have all

these folks on the show. Andrew Colin is also here
with me. How's it going, Andrew? I just sleep Okay, Well,
we watched F Boy Island last night. Yes, we watched
the last two episodes. Yes, we watched the man spl
in episode nine and the finale episode ten. Andrew, you
had taken kind of a break you. I think you

watched the first two episodes, you book ended it and
then you joked into the end. I felt like I
understood you were there. You were there, you were there
with me on the island. Um. As you all know,
we started this podcast while we were filming F Boy Island. Uh,
there are a lot of questions we want to get
to that were submitted by fans about the show. About
our experience on the show, we want to give some

behind the scenes details. Uh. This show came about because
I my friend Elon Gale, who created the show, has
always been was a guy that produced on the Bachelor
for I think over a decade. He Um, he knew
I loved reality. He was a fan of mine. I'm
a fan of his. He also is a author. I
was wrote up a piece for his book. Actually, um,

he did a comedy book of Like You're Just Not Great.
It's it's like a it's like a self help book
about how like you're not that special. It's pretty funny.
And I wrote a little blurb about how my therapist
told me I wasn't a beauty and um, but uh,
he called me up and was like, you might you
might be perfect for the show I'm doing. And he
said the name, and I go, oh my god. I
saw that in an email from my agents a while back,

and I wanted it so bad because I just a
show called that Boy Island clearly is a show that
makes fun of itself and it needs a host that
is funny and also is a fan of the genre,
and I said, Andrew. I got off the phone with
Elon and I go, Andrew, I remember where I was.
It was to St. Louis to essentially live with you. Yeah,

this is, by the way, this is January. You moved
in January one, and this is I get a call
January maybe eighteen from Elon, and then within three then
I hop on with producers on a zoom call. I
thought it went so well, but then it was a Thursday,
and then I fat Friday, I heard nothing, and I'm like,
oh my god. I've never followed up with my agents

and managers about something so fast. And I was like,
I didn't hear from them, and They're like, just give
it till Monday. It's okay, and I'm like stressed whole weekend.
I'm texting Ellen like thank you so much, like doing
anything I can to like just move this along. I
wanted so bad. And then um and then Monday boom,
get the offer and I go, Andrew, I think you
gave out of your room all like bleary eyed. This

is before you found golf or Brenna, and I go,
I was right around the time I think maybe you
started dating Brenna and you're taking your nat before your
first date, and I go, Andrew, I got f Boy Island,
which is at that time, seemed like the most absurd
thing ever. Yeah, I remember you telling me about it
and you're like, it's called f Boy Island. I know.

I don't know whether it's like you were still like
a little bit on the fence just because of the
name and the silliness of it, But I don't think
it was really I was psyched about the name, like
I'm like, because I just thought it was so funny
and ridiculous, Like if you're gonna go hard, like, if
you're gonna do it, do f Boy Island. Don't start
with some like you know, love Island, Like be funny

about it. You. I honestly think you've voiced this job
into it, and I've seen you do this before into existence.
Like so I remember being on your balcony in New
York and you being like, because I was taking ship
the balcony, I remember, and Luigi was shitting and we
both were on the balcony. If you don't know inside joke.

Whenever Andrew and I back in my New York apartment,
if you would come over and I had to take
a poop. I'd go Andrew balcony and he would go
out to the balcony while jump off. And but it
was and I remember you just saying, like, not exactly
this job, but like somewhere in this genre of like
you know, either being the Bachelorette or reality being something

in reality with dating, dating around the world, like you
voiced this into existence also through hard work the show.
I pitched a show with an incredible producer that was
me dating around the world, and like, and I mean
it was really fun, but um, this was pre code.
This was better though, because that although this was the

perfect wave. I mean, I do want to be the
subject of a reality show and it's it's it's something
that is truly I keep uh, it's it's it's in
the works, y'all. But like this, I do believe that.
After my Dancing with the Stars run, I was like,
I know, I didn't get enough. I didn't get that
ended too soon. I'm not done. I went back in
and um, you're perfect free, You're so good at it.

I mean you're boasting. This show is like you're perfect.
Thank you. I hear that a lot. I watch it
and I go, wow, I could have done that better.
That There's a lot of things I want to improve on.
I'm happy about my performance, but there's a lot. Like
I realized one thing, Um, I want to be more expressive,
like I was saying it last night. I was like,

I to you because I think you were saying some
of the same things, and I was like, no, man,
I could have done better. I just want to be
more I want to make more faces and like have
my feelings show upout your face a little bit. I know,
maybe I got a little bit too much both from
my dentist before my dentist gave me botox right before
I left, and so I was, no, you were you

had these pensive looks though, when like the more serious
looks you were giving, I felt like, No, you watched it.
I thought it was so funny and faces. Okay, tell me, um,
like give me scenarios that happen on the show. All right, Um, yeah,
so Garrett, I think you're an f boy and like,

tell me something that happens and I respond to it. Oh, okay,
Like give me an example, o G. Jared tells Nikia
that he loves her. That really was a moment I
got goose bumps on my face. That was That was
when I knew, Oh, I'm I love the show and
that I'm sold and this is we're making magical TV. Okay,
so give me another one. Um. Sarah found out that

she is not adventurous because she is. Gary kept saying, God, Sarah,
you're just so adventure risk. I saw you like put
foot in the water, and she goes Smirkeling is not
an extreme sport. I loved her responses to that. Um, yeah,
it's all about the faces and and uh, there were some,
there were some great ones. I mean, Garrett made me

laugh so much on this show and despite myself, I
am a huge Garrett fan, and no one can understand it.
All my friends are like, how could why didn't you
punch him during the finale? How did you just stand there?
And I go, first of all, that's not my job,
and I don't I don't like the idea of my
fist hitting someone's face. It hurts me to even think
about that. And um, and I honestly I was disappointed

him and like mad that he would do that to Sarah.
And after he just got done saying I want to
wake up every morning and kiss you before I go
to work, and I want to eat cold pizza with you,
like right after that speech. It was diabolical, but he
also makes me laugh. A blonde hair and blue eyes,
and you happen to have blonde hair and blue eyes
probably ing ing ding ning. That's all I need to

like someone is if they look a little bit like me.
Um no, okay, So Andrew you, I invited you to
f Boy Island with me almost immediately, I said you're
coming along because I had a quarantine for two weeks.
And I go and we're starting the podcast come on
out there with five degrees in St. Louis. Yeah, we
we go to Cayman Islands. We quarantine for two weeks.

We can't leave. We have caution tape on our front
porch to keep us inside the beach. We can see
the beach. We're on the beach on some in front
of your bedroom door. For me, I think keep me out,
which I thought was rude. Well, it was a flood
zone and I didn't want you to get in. I
brought there now in the Cayman Islands. I do want

to say that it's a very Christian. Um. Yeah, you weren't,
but you had to smuggle in toys. You were not
supposed to bring sex toys. That memo did not get
too old glaze dog, and I brought like six different ones.
I brought my whole you know, I brought a whole
jail for bringing a dildo to the Cayman. To be
the best thing that happened to me, my like Kim
Kardashian sex tape, whre, I'd be like, oh no, great,

this is a great headline. But then I ended up
dealing them to other people of the show. There was
a producer on the show who was like, I didn't
bring any because they're illegal here. You know, all people
in the Cayman out there's no sex stops shops. You
just have to go to sharper Image and get a
fucking the new tree. You just have to like, I

don't know, like dry hump a turtle. It's it's it's
not easy out there. So I dealt one of my
sex toys to a girl that I had only used once,
and I cleaned it off like with you know, dawn soap,
the same stuff you clean ducks off in an oil spill.
Because let's say this thing I'd been through, you know,
the Eggs on Valdez disaster, just with one rodeo with

me and um and I gave it. We had a
blast on that island. Let's get to some questions, uh
from our fans about the show and about behind the scene. No, uh, alright,
I have great questions from our bestie. So can we
do these kind of rapid fire yes? Okay, uh okay.

Science Guy Underscored nineteen seventy six asked what were memorable
moments for you in the show that did not air? Oh,
memorable moments that did not air? I mean for me,
it was the the therapy session with all the guys. Uh.
Anthony uh was so hilarious during that session, and he
did this really um heartfelt moment where he was talking

about how hard it was for him to not be
having sex all the time on this island because he's
an f boy and he's used to having sex. And
we had to take this over probably five or six
times because everyone was laughing so hard. But he really earnestly,
very sadly, like he was almost you know, recalling how
his mom passed away or something. Was just like and
then you know what, Nikki like, it was just really
hard for me. And there were a lot of times

where I just like I just had like had to
beat my meat, and just like him saying beat my
meat with such with like a tear coming down his
face was so funny. I just remembered Division and Peter,
We're all like just cracking up. And then the other
biggest moment for me was Charlie's elimination. It was on
the second episode Charlie, the french Man F boy, who

claimed to be a nice guy when it was time
for him to reveal his true status was actually an
F boy. I got confirmation in my um little ear
from producers that he was indeed and F boy, and
I lashed out hard at him, and uh took out
like ten years of bad boyfriends out on Charlie, I know,
and and and in those ten years, I had one boyfriend.

So yeah, you know, I took out ten years of
you know, guys lying to me and um people lying
for general poor Charlie and my aggressions for France. You know,
they were rude. The one time I went in high
school that the guy at the cafe, and that's the
whole country. I love when that looked at me. But

now I just I couldn't believe this guy was lying
to me, and like, and what just boggled my mind
was that we this is what a recurring thing for
me on these reality shows when these people lie. And
then it's gonna air, We're gonna see what you've already said,
you've claimed you. We didn't just cast you as an
F boy. I mean, I wasn't part of the casting process,

but I knew that we had done our research on
these guys. No one was there as an F boy
that didn't claim to do F boy things and and
admit to it. Now whether or not those were true,
that's another story. But like he had said these things,
and so during his thing, I lashed out at him
and I go, Charlie, I go, right now is when
we are going to actually cut to videotape of you

saying that you had a woman tossed a drink. And
I go, now, let's cut to that clip right now.
And I turned to the camera and they cut that,
and then at one point I go, are you even French?
And that really made me laugh and then Charlie at
one win goes no, but everyone all of these guys
behind me. They know who I am. They know and
I go, well, you're not trying to bang them, and

like they cut that. So but they cut around it
because I look I looked too unhinged and I didn't know.
I didn't know how crazy I looked. Because the next
night I was so thrilled by it. Everyone loved it.
But the next day people came up to me at
the the you know cast party. We had a day
off and everyone was drinking down at this bar and
all this these crew members that had not even said

a word to me before. I had a couple of
drinks and finally got you know, like the liquid courage
to say and they all came up to me and
were like, dude, last night that was terrifying, Like you
you like destroyed him. And so I actually had to
go to Limbro and um, before we shot therapy sessions,
I took Charlie aside and I said, UM, I really

want to apologize to you for like lashing out, and UM,
you know I didn't I didn't do any of the
but you lied. I just said that was that was out.
I didn't mean to make you feel that way. Because
he was really sad after and now we're like really cool. Um. No,
next question, Okay, that was not rapid fire, but there
was a lot of good. I guess I'm thinking that

me talking fastest rapid fire, but that's not what that
means at all. Okay, next question comes from THEO Scotty. Uh,
if you can answer this, who wrote the line? F
boy f by? That was a joint production. But I
do believe Andrew was that you. I don't, I don't,
I don't know. I believe, but I don't want. I

think Ellen and Andrew both came up with it, uh individually,
if I do remember, um, because I was texting with Ellen,
the creator of the show, and I think Andrew and
him had both put that on their list of possible
things to say. And once I saw it twice, I
was like, let's do that, but we we were almost
gonna do. Uh what was it gonna be? Fun boy?

I forget what the other boy? F boy funck off
off it was gonna and let me just say on
the elimination, I don't know if they aired it because
I I zipped past Garrett's uh finale last night. I
couldn't watch because it was so it was so uncomfortable,
but I did. When I said goodbye to Garrett on
the show, I go, F boy, fuck you, and I

and everyone like I did take it again, but I
did say that to his face, and um, that was
really fine. One more question I remember before we get
to c J Franco, who is going to be on
the show very shortly. Okay, oh man, I have one question. Okay, Um,
wasn't o G Jared's so hot in turtlenecks? It was

an island and that comes from a lynch. Oh my god.
His outfits. Let me just say, I wanted to trash
his outfits so badly and wrote so many jokes in
my head and we we would talk about him and
I'd go, like, what's he wearing tonight? But there were
certain people that you couldn't make fun of because they
don't have a sense of humor about themselves, and he

is on top of that list. Like he just he
was there taking it very seriously, even though he came
in as an f boy, so like he was lying.
But then in the end he was, you know, end
up being a nice guy. But um, yeah, his outfits
were ridiculous. He looked like a poet laureate most times.
He never looked sweaty though in the sweaters and turtlenecks.
I was shocked. It was like degrees to Yeah, he

was wearing layers. He had scarves on. Here's the thing
when you're when you're in a centric person and you're
kind of like out there and you wear whatever you want.
I love that. But there's something about wearing something different
and knowing it's different to be cool. You know what
I'm saying. Does that make sense? Like I've seen the
centric people wear scarves in a hundred degrees And remember

when someone he got accused of stealing someone's outfit's shoes
and yeah, it was maybe divisions And he's like, you
never even gave those vacubarred them and those are mine.
He's like, these are not yours. Man, their mind, It's
like wait what that was such a weird moment. There
were so many moments. Let me just say the finale.
This is the inside of the finale. You saw where

Garrett came out and gave the and and and after
he had confessed his love to Sarah and said I
really want to be with you and I'm you know,
I came in as an f boy, but I want
to be with you. Then she chooses him. He then
takes the hundred thousand dollars that he has the right
to either split with Sarah or keep it all. He
keeps it all and says, Sarah, I want to break
up with you. That was so devastating to the whole situation.

We stopped down for like an hour. I mean, it
was crazy. So then it cuts to me being like Nikia,
this is a rough night. That was an hour later.
I mean we there were so many moments where it
was so tense that everyone had to like go walk off.
There was a lot of walk offs that didn't air,
and a lot of um, you know, there was a
whole drama with Kevin, which I want to get into

with Garrett because he had a great Kevin line. But
there's a whole drama between c J. CJ and Kevin
knew each other. We're gonna get to see J in
a second. But apparently Kevin has a helicopter company in Hawaii,
and and c J was a model for the Like
she's on his helicopters. I'm not even getting It's like
her face is on the website and stuff. I bet
he's taking it down by now, and he never paid

her for it, so he she he shows up and
she's like, I know that guy, well I know what
he is. It was, but they didn't end up like
using it and in the end I think they like
patched it up. He like ven motor or whatever. I
don't know. Uh, maybe we'll find out. C J Franco
is up next. Our first guest on the show today

is Uh, one of the three women on f Boy
Island who was there looking for love found love. We
are going to find out if she retained that love.
But welcome to the show, Model h a comedian, um, actress,
and reality star. C J Franco. Everyone, so good to

see you again. We've only communicated through d M. But um,
how are you girl. I'm doing really well. I'm doing good.
I've been having a lot of fun. Um. I've been
hanging out with Sarah a lot. She's in town visiting.
I saw you guys posting together, so she's out there
for kind of like the finale. She came out to
just I mean, you guys have been waiting, I guess

to talk about the show until the last three episodes
came out because you couldn't really say much before then, right, Yeah,
it was hard. It was hard if we didn't say anything.
It was very delicate, like tiptoeing around the topic conversation. Yes, okay,
so let's just get into it, um we I have

a couple of questions as someone who was also on
the show. Was it hard for you to watch yourself?
Or are you someone that doesn't have a problem with that.
Was it hard for you to watch this show? I'm no,
I'm shameless, So you like, couldn't put you flat screen?
I couldn't actually watched them a projector. I made it

as big as possible. You know what. My friend Leah
Lamar actually posted from your She was at your viewing
party for it, and I was like, where is this event?
I thought it was like at the grove or something.
You it was on your rooftop. You had a party
for the premiere. That looks so much fun. Um, and
I'm so sorry I couldn't attend even if I didn't
get an invite, But um, now you know I wasn't

in town, and uh, that's right. I was so c J.
I want to know, Um, so did you were you
able to see all the episodes before they came out,
or were you watching them in real time with everyone else?
Horror with everyone else? And what do you mean by horror? What?
Let's talk about your number one moment that you go,

oh god, either about what someone else had said about
you behind your back, because that's the thing on these
reality shows. All the contestants are talking about each other.
Don't they know that someday it's gonna air and the
people are going to see it. Well, you can't think
like that, Yeah, you can't. Is there any moment that
you really cringed at? I think there was. There were

quite a few moments they cringed at. Um, yeah, you guys,
You guys really threw us out there. Uh no, tell
me what you mean by that? Yeah, who's you guys?
I was gonna blame everyone. No, yeah, you're gonna take
no accountability at all. God damn it. Noah, I blame Noah.

She wasn't our ear the whole time. I feel Wait,
so what yeah what cringeing part? Yeah? Like, what's a
moment that you were just like, oh no, or you
had to maybe DM someone and be like I heard that.
I think the first big one m was the Man's
plane for me because I have been put in a
lot of time into Casey, and so the bombshell from

the Man's plane, Um, yeah, that was that was I knew.
I knew something would come out because all the f
boys have a dirt like, that's why their f boys.
So I knew something would come out. But I felt
like I got to a point with Casey that I
was like, you can tell me anything. I can deal
with anything. I'm fer in l A. I'm used to
all of you guys, but you have to tell me.

And I think because we didn't have that open communication
that you can see on my little face that I'm
like very disappointed and it was embarrassing. It was an
embarrassing moment because I felt like I put a lot
of faith into somebody and then they made me look bad.
But I'm on f boy Island, so I mean that
seemed like a gamble. Yeah, you know what. I was

a little disappointed how that Man's plain got edited, because
I at the time was just so I mean, I
talked to you about this separately. When it came out
that Casey had referred to you as a glorified escort
or whatever the hell he said, which I wonder if
he even knew that was something that was like waiting
to like if he if he even remembered saying it.

Do you think it was something that he could have
gotten ahead of, like it was on his mind, Like
I hope this doesn't come out, or is it just
like he just says so much stuff he couldn't keep track. No,
I don't think that was on his radar because I
don't think that was I think they repeated something that
was said to him with a nasty tone. I believe
that that happened. Yeah, I don't think that that was

at the forefront of his mind because they think he
was just gossiping while I was with Sean or like, sure,
these guys get such fragile egos that they do lash
out in ways and they say hurtful things, which we
all do, but there's cameras on them, and there's other
guys listening who are angry. But I just wanted to
say the way you responded while we were at the

Man's Wain was awesome because and I wanted them to
keep it because to me, it was just every girl
gets referred to as gets slut shamed at some point
in her life. No matter what part of the spectrum
him of slut, you get called right and c J
just to me, that was watching you, not an embarrassing

moment that that's your Like, I don't get to tell
you what not to be embarrassed by. But for me,
I was like, oh my god, I love the way
you handled it because I don't think it translated as much.
I thought it was awesome how it came out on
TV and it was accurate. But you were just like, listen,
I've been I've been called less and worse. It just
it doesn't even like the way you were just like whatever.

You didn't go like you were like what is that? Why?
What does that mean? I am not. You didn't get defensive,
you didn't have to go through a list of why
that wasn't true, that you're you're getting paid or whatever. Yeah,
that was perfect, I said, I I said fun and

I think we all know that. Yeah, if that was
you were, I thought you instantly took in role. And
then man, I was saying it last night when we
were watching The Man's Plaint, I go, this was when Casey,
like man. The Man's Plain really changed Casey's chances like that,
and that changed everything. And then he got up and
walked away and then came back. But I thought that

you you saying if you would have just been honest
with me, and like, if he would have said to
you beforehand, when you had given him the license to listen,
I may have said some nasty things about you when
I was jealous when you were out with Sean and
I was insecure and and said I said this thing
about you and said it to you in private. Would
you have been able to forgive him like I know

you can't, Actually you would have yes, Yeah, Oh my god.
I have dealt with fotboys before, like, and it's not
just it's not just f boys, it's people. People make mistakes.
I make mistakes, and it's the only thing is taking
accountability for the mistakes that you make. And I go
so far out of my way to try not to

hurt people that I care about, or to hurt anybody,
and so to not give me that courtesy was what
kind of shook me, and it kind of made everything
else that got called out after that comment, a comment
I've been called oh a million times, do not care?
Does not affect me? I mean, and I'm really sick
of men trying to slat shame women to control them,

to make them feel smaller. That's not a cute. Look,
it's not fun. I'm actually bored of it. But the
comments that followed that were like, he has a girlfriend
back home, he's gonna use the money to live with Garrett,
and you know, they're listening off these things, and I
was like, I believe that. I believe that. Yes, I
believe that. And I'm like, and the only reason I

have the the mindset to believe those things is because
you didn't get ahead of the other thing, right, and
you were willing to forgive him for all that stuff,
and because you knew he really did care about you
a lot, as we saw, and he was going to
actually split the money with you, as we also found out.
Now I want to know, Um, are you still with

New Jared? Physically we are not together right Um? Spiritually, digitally,
visually we are together. It's together, we are together together,

but it's like he lives in Miami and he works,
he works a lot, And so I think what we've
been trying to do is we've been trying to try
to have a long distance relationship because the truth is
he is a really great man. He is a really
good guy. And the there was a comment that was
made which I was seeing for the first time in

the finale, where he did not look like such a
great sweet guy. And wait, what what comments that dic taste?
No one needs to know the flavor of any day?
Oh dude, I texted. I texted one of the producers
and I go, how does my dick taste? I go,

how could he? Because for those of you who don't know, uh,
there was she had a mega date with Jared where
they spent the night together, and then the next night
she had a date with Casey. And then Casey comes
back to the house, sees Jared and talks about having
a lot of cardio that morning, which I really thought.
I was like, he got up and went for a run.
That's so cool. I wonder where he went. Like I
was thinking about the house and like I wonder where

he went. I totally went over my head. And then
Jared's like, I got cardio too, Yeah, man, how's my dictate?
Like it was just so not nice guy. Nice guy.
Mom called me and was like, I don't think I
don't think he's a nice guy. I'm not convinced, Mom,
How do we know he's a nice guy. That's my
thing is like we're just taking these guys word for it.

You know, when the guys would admit that they were
an F boy or you know, come out as an
F boy, they would cut the casting footage of being like, yeah,
I lied to women. I don't care. I've heard a
lot of women. I gotta do what I gotta do.
But the nice guys when they came out, there wasn't
like footage of them, you know, volunteering or you know,
the cuddling kitten. I saw Jerry just asking random people

his dictates, and I'm like, man, that is a good man.
It's so nice. You're doing that at a carnival. You're
such a good guy, you know what he I think
he really wanted to know. Maybe he's never take it
introduct that we're going to come out with. Oh my god,

I know he sells tea. He was he was d
having me this morning. He wants to send me to
and he was like, I have it for immunity, for
good clean skin, for mental health, for a better tasting dick.
And I'm like, I think it all comes back to
that he Um, yeah, I can't believe he was a
nice guy because he just came on so strong when
he first walked in, and then you chose him. I

had to say goodbye to Casey. Have you seen Jared
new Jared since? Have you guys been in the same
place since? Yeah? Yeah, okay, yeah, of course. So what's
hotter though, Like an F boy surprisingly being good or
a good guy being bad? You know what I mean?
Like F boy been good? Yeah? Nah? Really no, Like

when a nice guy is seemingly nice guy has edged
any guy can perform for long enough that he's a
nice guy. Yeah, okay, I've stepped in that dick sand before.
Now is there any regret you have from the show
watching it back, thinking I wish I would have done
that differently, or um, you know, like, is there is
there anything that you would do different? I know, I'm

so glad just said that. I'm so dared actyl. What
a mean thing we're looking at watching that, we were
like it was a little too obvious. You got to
choose a better what did to be a little more
subtle with it? Of like, hey, what's your favorite dinosaur?
Mine is a pterodactyl, Like you were just like having Yeah,

yeah it was. It was hilarious. You were so funny
on the show. I want to know how they found
you and how we hadn't seen you on a reality
show before because you were just reality gold. You're just
gorgeous to watch your funny, You're you know yourself. How
did this come about for you? My therapist sent it
to me, No way, I was making too much progress

and you know she wants to keep you around and
hang on a second. So so did they just I'm guessing, uh,
because I asked a bunch of people this, and I
think producers just like go through Instagram and find people
that that you know, look like Garrett Garrett's Instagram. They

must have just been like, it looks like every photo
looks like a stock photo you would like buy at
Walmart of a hot man that's already in a frame, Like, yeah,
I would look good on my dresser. I won't ever
switch it, but c J, I want to know, aside
from the dictase line, when you were watching it back,

were there any moments to you where you go, oh, no,
like of of of things you saw on the show
when you were watching it that you didn't know and
that you heard and we're like that bummed me out,
or like had to student text to someone and be
like anything, I'm tough, I'm I know you are you
like how you were portrayed and I edited? Do you

like how you came across? I mean, I probably shouldn't
say this, but I love how I came across. H Honestly,
all of all of my friends were on this text
chain about it and they're just like, we love c J.
Want her to we want to be friends with her.
I mean, I'm sure you're getting a lot of UM
d M s from people just saying the same thing

over and I'm like, I'm actually responding to a lot.
I'm trying to send a lot of video messages back
and it's my d ms are off the hook. It's
not like I'm getting as many d ms as O
G Jared, But like I'm getting a lot of like
from women and um, a lot of a lot of
gay guys and a lot of people that feel like
they've navigated relationships in the way that was unfavorable for them,

and the saying that they haven't seen a woman take
charge ant reality TV and not tolerate any vs and
that we all kind of like let things go and
let things slide. And then you didn't let anything slide.
You really didn't when you didn't hug or when that
first time that you didn't hug Casey and left him

hanging and he just goes brutal and he sits down.
I felt that was like, I need to do that more.
He was early on and I forget what he had.
Oh he had it was about Garrett because they were
buddies and you were going to confront him about his
relationship with Garrett, which then turned into a whole thing.
But at first he walked over and you're just like, no, no,

and he walked over. He goes, come on, and he
goes in for a hug and he goes not now, okay,
brutal and he just said it to himself. And it's
just this moment. And I'm someone who always just wants
to give guys what they want and just in general,
people what they want, and so I just I I
liked that moment that you were willing to leave him
hanging there, and it's like that it's so public, but like,

but that's how I am. It's like you want to
set like good boundaries and you have to teach people
how to treat you. And you can't expect me to
be on your team if you're not on my team,
you know. And I feel like I did get some
comments um for the middle three episodes saying that, oh
you his friend. Oh, like that's really mean, and you

know what, like, it's not me And I thin that people,
if you want to be in a relationship, you need
to prioritize your partner. And I think I I value
people with character and integrity so highly that I would
never say, like, hey, this is a great person. I
would never put my name on someone else who I
didn't truly think was a good person or had good intentions.

And I think a big problem for me it was
that Casey kept saying that, you know, Garrett is a
good guy, and I'm like, you can say Garrett has
a good dick, you could say he has a personality,
but you can't really say he's a good guy. And
in the context of this show, right, so you wouldn't
maybe have had an issue with him saying listen, he's

my friend because we have fun throwing the ball together
and laughing together, and he makes me laugh when he
does impressions of people and says stupid things, but I
don't think he's actually I know he doesn't have integrity,
but he's still my friend. Would that have been okay?
Or do I have friends? I have a million friends

that are just garrets. They're just garrets, and it's fine,
it's fine with me, But it's you know what you
can expect from that person, right, because it doesn't feel honest.
It doesn't feel honest when you're like, I know he's
a good guy, he's a great guy. You just don't
know Garrett. I think case he's just too young to
know the difference between like you can say you're friends
with someone and still say they're not a great person. Yeah.

I have a plenty of piece of ship friends. Yeah. Yeah,
because I actually felt the same way that maybe people
felt that we're dem ng you of of saying, well,
you can't tell him who to be friends with. But
it's now I understand it. I did. I thought, you
just go, no, you can't be friends with him no
matter what, because of how I feel about him. But

all you wanted was him to acknowledge that Garrett's uh,
not a sincere honest person. Have to campaign for him. Yeah,
you don't have to hand out. Yeah, yeah, we're like,
I mean, going door to door, you know, I know
it was Garrett Murowski. Yeah, I thought the plane with

the sign that was a little much, a little much
where he shouldn't have spent his hundred grand on that. Um,
you are also a vegan, and I wanted to say
there was a brilliant moment that got cut from the
show where she eliminates divis and it was I think
it was Davidge when when you said the vegan thing,

was that right? It was? It was poor Peter. It
was Peter, poor beautiful. Your reading line was great too, Yeah,
I read it for she mean, CJ. Was so funny.
There would be time for a little while. You lost
your voice every but you did a great line. Do

you remember the vegan line? C J? Um? What was
the vegan line? Um? While I'm not one to push
my ideas on other people, I do expect them to
respect my the things that are important to me. When
I said I was vegan, your reaction was rude, and

for that reason, I don't think we're compatible. There was
something about like cruelty to animals, like you know, all
animals have the have the thought to avoid pain and suffering,
and so do I. And for that I thought it
was just so great. It was that was so good

that I know I was actually flexing on this table,
um c J. I loved that because that is that,
like people always roll their eyes about when you say
you're vegan and not everyone, but it's just it's kind
of a a kid thing people do have, like vegan.
They just love to make fun of you. But the
point you made about the suffering and pain, like that's

what it boils down to. I don't honestly don't even
care killing animals the best part of its life when
when they're in these like when people are like talking
about your vegan because you don't like they kill animals, Like, go, no,
they're actually I like that they kill because they put
them out of their goddamn misery. It's the pain and
suffering that leads up to that, honestly, Like every animal
has to die at some point, but like it's just

the brutal suffering that they that they go through. It's yea,
the facilities they live in, they're sick constantly, they're taking
they take their children, they killed it the little male
chickens that are the cute little baby chickens. There's so cute.
I mean, is there anything cuter? It's like and and
just the hypocrisy of people with their dogs and being

like I love animals and then eating meat. I just
can't and people can't handle it. They can't. If if
everyone was forced to watch factory farm footage, I think
the world would be a different place. But they're not.
So just people. I don't understand that anyone can say
they're an EmPATH and then not be vegan. I don't
know how anybody had to say that. I agree, I

completely agree. Before you go, I wanted to say the
thing about I wanted to ask you about losing your
voice honestly, because I lose my voice a lot. What
do you do for it? Okay? Because I don't know,
I was gonna ask you, what do you do like
I'm drinking like lukewarm coffee. I drink like throatcoat tea,
which probably tastes like Jared's New Jared's dick. It's like

it's it's um. I just read recently had to quit
smoking weed, like I just have to stop inhaling things.
Have you had these little cannabis drinks, these little cans. No,
c J, don't get me started on that. Hold. Oh
god damn it. She's going to find a way for

me to get it in my system. Andrew's like, please don't.
She's like, what you do is you pour out the
drink and you smoke out of the can. The best
things in the world. What is it? It's a wonder
or there's can And it's like, because I can't smoke
anything with my voice like this. Yeah, and so I've
switched to these and it's like super light. It's like
having one little toke. Not that I'm promoting cannabis at all. Yeah, no, no, no, okay,

if I was, I'm telling you these little I'll guess
some of these drinks, that's what I'll look into it,
c J. You can follow c J Franco, who is
hilarious and I honestly some of your captions, I'm just like, God,
she's brilliant. How did she think of this? She's just
really funny and such. No, she's this bitch does not
need a write. Most people do this one doesn't. Um.

Are you still doing stand up? By the way, c J? Yeah,
I mean I'm not for forty minutes like Netflix special.
But I love I love stand up. I don't know
how good I am, but I am doing a show
and I think two weeks at the Comedy Chateau, at
the Comedy What the comedy Shatau Chateau? Okay, look for that.

Follow c J Franco on Instagram at It's c J Franco,
c J. Um Wait, Noah, is there any burning question
you have as a fan of F boy before we
let c J go? Because I know probably she's on
the edge of her seat. Our producer, Noah loves you
an a show you. I was actually curious about your outfits,
if you styled yourself, if those are your clothes, you

just oh man, you killed it, thanks so much. Um Yeah,
I had to pack like four suitcases. Most of my
things were from my friend, um a house of pink lemonade,
and we created actually a collection together of like swim
and resort where I didn't know that you did have

fantastic style and I just love the idea of her
swim where just more it's like we stayed at Oh yeah, well,
no one knows that. I didn't think that was going
to get alloud. I mean out there c JS. CJ's

outfits were incredible, and you know what, my friend recently
wrote me and said that his young daughter was watching
the show, like ten year old daughter, and was like,
you know, I go, that's he goes, We you know,
we have we can't tell other parents. We gotta keep
this like secret because it's just like we shouldn't let
our ten year old watches show. And I go, actually,

I think it's really good for her to watch the
show and it's and I said especially, He said, you know,
she's gonna have questions about the outfits, and I said,
let me just say that c j's outfits to me
were the first time I saw someone dress in a
way that I'm dying to dress. But I'm so scared
that men are going to discount me and say that
I'm dressed slutty or women are gonna hate me because

I'm showing off my body and how thirsty is that?
Because the first time I saw someone wear it, and like,
I felt like you were like Glorious steinhum in a
like you know, like it felt like you Ruth Bader
Ginsburg could have worn some of the stuff you wear
and it was you had this air of like, I
don't I'm not wearing this for anyone else, And I
wrote him this entire thing of it's important for your daughter,

your ten year old daughter, to see c J's outfits
and to know that her body is not someone else's
uh to judge and that she can wear whatever she wants.
And I don't know why it took me so long
to understand that, But did you take a while to
get to that with your own like sexuality and your
body because you're a stunning woman who has probably been
beautiful most of her life. Was this was this ever

something that you were worried what other people thought about?
Because I I just really struggle with it. No, other
people can't don't bother me, Like at whatever someone else thinks,
that's on them, and that's a reflection of how they
feel about themselves. So none of that, None of that
affects me. I don't let what other people's insecurities are

be projected on me. And even if it is projected
on you, it's up to you whether or not you
decide to take those feelings on. You don't have so
that anyone else's opinions of anything affect you. And starts
with like, I'm gonna wear whatever I want to wear.
I'm gonna do whatever I want to do because I'm
so confident in myself and I'm proud of myself and
I like who I am. I like way I treat people,

and if someone decides to treat me differently, that is
totally a them situation. And I hope that they grow
and get better and get the confidence. You know, uh
said like a true nice girl, And um, and I
just you're very secure, and I think it was just
a great example for not only me and the other

women on the show. I mean, you all had a
security about yourself and self esteem that I lacked at
your age. But um, I just and that's what I
keep hearing over and over is how great the women
were on this show and how you guys weren't pitted
against each other, and how that's so refreshing. So thanks
for leading the charge with that, because you were truly

someone on the show that always just seems so comfortable.
I even said it the first day. I was so
nervous and the first elimination and c J every time
every elimination really because they were so tense and the
girls would walk out I'd go c J, Sarah Nikia
and they walk out, and c J, you just always
had this like confidence in this like I'm just here

having fun, like I don't know it, you just you. Really.
I'm gonna miss you for second season and I hope
we find a way to to sneak you back in
because you really made me feel a lot, like very comfortable,
and I just loved having a vegan sister on set
and and and just trying to sneak in all of
those lines you knew they'd cut around because they really
they really did. They did well. We got them in today.

Thank you so much, c J. H. We will be
in touch. You were a great gust and I hope
to see you on the show again. And please look
at my road dates. If you were ever in any
of the cities I am in, I would love for
you to come be on stage with me. You're doing
this circular stage this week now, and I was supposed
to do that, but I'm not. I'm not in town.
I canceled my gig, but I have like a bunch

of theaters that I'm doing, So if you ever want
to drop by, you have an open invite, as do
uh the other girls. So so let's Sarah know too,
and tell Sarah hello and we will be in touch
with her shortly as well. All right, bye girl, thank
you so much. All right, let's talk to Josh bring
I'm on nice guy there he is, Hi, Josh, do

you remember Andrew? It's good to see. Where are you
right now, Josh? And I'm at my home in in
in Chicago right now. All right, you just got back
from l A right still we're still were coming that
is for short. Oh my god, I want to talk
to you about it because you went to l A
for like the premier party where all the a lot

of f boys and nice guys got together. Who was
all there? We get along from time to time. Yeah. Um,
it was honestly like the whole the whole cast of characters.
I mean, you had Um, Colin, Greg Mark, Um. I
think it was Israel because it was. It was Division
and Nando's birthdays. Yeah. So they gave us an opportunity

to like come together and really be able to like
because a lot of times that was that. That That was
the first time we've been back as a collective group
since the show adjourned back in when we stopped them
in April. Yeah, now who have you who did you
have the best friendship with? Uh? You know, after the show,
like who do you who do you think you're gonna
be lifelong friends with? If anyone? So I think, like
so definitely like Greg Gregor's that's my that's my dog,

Damie U. Super cool with Peter Park as well, and
Garrett Garrett as well. I know he's you know, publican
to me number one. But we were all him, Greg
and myself. You know, we all room together, so so
we were okay, we had like we had a relationship
while we're on the show. What was it like rooming
with those guys? You guys were all at the cottages
um together and you never you know, you didn't say

goodbye to you until the last episode, So you were
never at the good Guy Grotto or the castle, So
you were always in those colleges. What was it like
going to bed at night in those bunk beds with
like what happened throughout the day? Yeah, I mean, you
know's we'll start with physical comfort and you know, I'm
six to um to twenty and I you know, they

they were hanging just a little bit. Uh, you know,
it was it was a lot of it was not
the most comfortable set up, but I think that was
like that was part of It's definitely an exercise and
mental fortitude. Um. But I mean with as far as
like Garrett and Gregg, there were so many guys on
there that we're backstabbing and that we're talking about each
other and we're snitching on each other and just had

no respect for the game at all, Like I've so
it was nice to be in a in a situation
where you know, guys could operate with a with a
certain code and and even even though Garrett and I
were going off the same girl like, we were still
able to like, you know, at least be gentleman about it.
That's what I was shocked by. I was thinking about
it today about Garrett and I go, gosh, Garrett to

me didn't seem to have many enemies on the show itself,
aside from like it was like Garrett against like public opinion,
but it was never and I was thinking, wait, Josh
and him never seemed to not get along, and they
were the ones that were in the end on both
sides of Sarah at the Man's plane. And it's like, so,
how did you. Was that intentional for you to not

put yourself against anyone and to not have some drama
that you know you didn't need to have. Did you
try to avoid I mean, you had a little tiff
with Chris, but that felt like more his deal than yours. Yeah, yeah,
I mean, you know, Nikki, one thing about me is
I'm gonna stay out the way. You know, I don't.
I don't try to start anything with anybody necessarily, but
I'm also not the one that anybody won't smoke with.

So if somebody brings me, I'm very happy to settle.
And that was what happened with Chris, where I was
just like, look, man, I've been I've been cool with everybody,
you know, Like, I haven't had any struggles with anybody.
I haven't talked bad about anybody. But he brought the
drama to me, and so I was ready to you know,
I was ready to put my hands on Oh my god,
that was so no it was gonna be I was

scared for him. That was one of my most uncomfortable moments,
but like a good moment because it happened during ending shank,
which Josh you were one of the first ones to
grab onto my pronunciation of douche tank and make me
feel safe, and yeah, you were like you were really
in from the get go. It was during Douche Tank

Chris is sitting there with a bucket over his head
about to get water poured on him, and you know,
says this apology to you and says, uh, you know
because he said something about you saying it was a
bitch move, which he was just you know, talking off
the top of his head, is what he said. And
he goes, where where I come from? We just talked
that way? And what was your response? I was like,
where I'm from, people get knocked stuff helping him, like

I have people from New York. I'm certain that they were.
I mean there were people from New York on the show,
like and we was like, no, that's not that's not
how that's like coma say needs Italian and to get
away with it. No, it's just a New York thing
to call you a little bit York. I know. Um

was Chris at the reunion that you guys all have
We squashed it in in person. I'm not one that
necessarily holds on the grudges, but I also believe what
people say when people are mad, they say what they mean,
they've had they've had that ship like bubbling up there,
they get off and they just had an opportunity to
do so. So that's why I was just like, you know,

at that apology, like, I don't really I don't really
care about that eventually accepted it. You accepted his apology.
I just kind of let it left it at that.
Why why that? That kind of bummed me out, honestly, Josh,
because you are a nice guy and you just seem
like level headed and and and take people at their word.
Did you just not feel like his apology was sincere
because I felt it wasn't. Then when you said no,

I'm I'm good. I don't want to like accept what
what was that for you? Like? Why for me? For me,
I think there were some guys who were, you know,
and who could have been like playing the game and
who have been playing it up for for cameras and everything.
I'm a pretty authentic due, you know. I think that
the way that I've lived my life, you know, it
has a certain appeal to it. But I'm gonna be
me at the end of the day and like it.

So cameras are not and I said this. I knew
it was gonna get cut, but I told him was
like this cameras an't gonna say it, bro, Like it's not,
it's not gonna I don't care about any of this,
Like this is it's nothing that you dispected me on
like a man and man low. So he came to
me off camera and was basically saying, like wanting to apologize,
and I was like, no, Bro, the the the apology
needs to be as loud as the disrespect was, Like

you call me a bitch on national TV, like you're
gonna apologize? Okay? That was sense. Yeah, so that was
really where it came from. All Right, that makes that
actually makes sense to me. Um. I wanted to also
ask you about you don't seem like someone who would
end up on a reality show. You seem like someone
who would probably go that's not for me, And I

think a lot of people listening to our show would
say the same thing about themselves. I would never go
on a show like that. I speak to those people,
what what what made you do this? And would you
do it again? Knowing what you know? Yeah? I mean
you know I'm somebody who's who's open to experience. So
you know, I've traveled a lot of I tried to
challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone and
so when this opportunity came up, you know, this is

the first time that I've been reached out to by
Are You Not? Reality TV franchise and so but I
had this was the most intriguing opportunity and I feel
like I was in like the right place in my
life to be able to take advantage of it. Yeah,
and it was. It was cool, man. I definitely thought
it was Firefest when I signed up, not the food.
The code was similar then, uh, you know when the

beds were better at fire Passive actually the entire body. Um.
But when I got there and I said this on it,
Sorry for the shameless floy but I said, this is
my spokes. When I was on on my back podcast
to travel Guys, I was Travel Guides g U y
d e S is Josh's podcast about your travels various

different different destinations, you know, different travel hacks had to
travel for cheap, you know, and just really expanding your horizons.
Were like having fun at the same time. Um, but
I was talking about the show on there, and I
was saying we showed up, it's just a meat market.
Like it's just like it's almost as if people were
cast to look exactly the same, like with you know,
with with some with some degree of diversity in there.
So I think to answer your question, like, yeah, I

would definitely do it again. Like it was cool. We
developed a lot of like it's a unique experience, Like
it's definitely a mind funk, Like they put you in
like this this environment, this ecosystem where things are being
controlled and you're just like you know, upon in it,
but you know, you create lifelong friendships and got a
got an experience that most people don't get to have. Yeah,
a lot of people didn't. Uh, well, no one besides

besides us who were there know this. But when when
Greg was eliminated, people were sobbing, like you guys were
all a wreck everyone on the show, and they kind
of cut around it. But that was what I was
really moved by. Was not just like the Casey and
Garrett bromance that we saw, but there were a lot
of really deep friendships that formed on the show between

the guys being in such close quarters, not having your phones,
not being able to talk to you in quarantine where
you guys were all in your individual rooms, but your
balconies kind of connected and that's the only place you
could go. And so you all like, uh, developed a
friendship kind of before during quarantine did you get to
know each other? So I think other guys did as well.

I kind of guess through it in the whole room
selections that I was up in the corner, but I
was next to Colin and um and new Jared was
down on the was down there. So I mean, but
to your point, like, yeah, it was all good, like
we were developing friendships. I mean we're, you know, playing
cash and not supposed to. Like you're, you know, you're
doing whatever you can to have some type of human
interaction because you're in a you know, ten by Ten's

face for two and a half weeks, like you're just
trying not to go crazy. At the end of it.
I can't believe you, guys, because I brought Andrew with
me because I knew that it was going to be
really I couldn't have done it alone, and especially with
not knowing what you were about to get involved in,
because you guys didn't really know what the show was
going to be. I remember when those three girls came out,

you guys were like, that's it. Like there was a
lot of I think a lot of you thought it
was gonna be like just as much of a meat
market as you had seen on your end of things
when you were in quarantine. Seeing all these guys, are like,
there must be an equal amount of girls. What would
you say to someone about to go on a reality
show that maybe you wouldn't have known going in a

piece of advice. So I do want to say I
was I was prepared for either scenario because in the
worst of scenarios, I thought it was fifty guys and
five girls. I was like, because I was trying to
be When we came in, I was like, oh, there
was another bus with all these people that came in.
I was like, fifty dudes on here. I didn't know
that those dudes were cast as well, but our were

through as well. Um, there were some boys on the
crew took um. I think for for folks that are
going thinking about going onto a reality show, I would just, honestly,
I think the best piece of advice is just to
like be open to the experience, Like you give yourself
to the experience and like, um, the people who fought it.

I think we're people who you know, who didn't make
it far or who didn't make it on the show.
And I think you know, you know what I mean
by that, and so um, but I think I don't
there were some other cast members that did that. We
don't know anything about oh right, right, right, Well, you know,
you don't know what's going to happen on the island.
Someone might test positive for like you don't know what's
gonna happen, someone might get sick, and they had, you know,

replacements just in case that happened, and and and some
people actually had to be replaced that we're supposed to
be main cast members because um, they just they got
too big for their bridges too early, and we're too demanding.
And it's like you got to understand, like you're in
for a ride, and you signed up for not knowing
where this is gonna go, and you have to trust

and and just I think you really have to know
yourself to do a reality show and be okay with
the worst sides of yourself coming out, because they will
come out. Like Josh, did you find watching back on
the show, uh, that you saw a side of yourself
that you go, I would wish I would have like
held that in. Was there any moment that made you go, oh,
I didn't know I talked like that or looked like
that or said that, or were you pretty like, oh,

this this is me? It was kind of the kind
of the opposite. I think the I think the biggest
thing for me, like it just speaking candidly, I think
a lot of like my personality, like the the be
fun and exciting and you know that, like the daring
part of my my personality was kind of like cut out,
which I understood from like a from a storyline perspective
and kind of like you know what what the overall
narrative was. But I think that anybody who has already

been following me on on socials or where I know
in real life, like they know they're like I've gotten
several messages They're like, well, when are they gonna show there?
Like what is this? And so I was like, I
I understand that, um, but I think to your point,
like with the with the Piece of Advice, I think
like a lot of guys came on there and they
knew who they were going to be on the show,
and when I showed up. I was just like, Okay,

I'm gonna see the environment and then I will adapt
to their When I saw the three girls, it was like, okay,
I talked to Sarah, talked to the kids out to
c J, like gotta feel for how they were. Like,
I'm somebody who can who can flex to whatever situation.
I mean, were you really uh? Are you? Uh? Let's
talk about Sarah for a second, because you did just
post on your Instagram story a selfie of you and Sarah.

I'm guessing it was in l a. Um you just
saw her? What what's going on there? Um? I mean
that was honestly the first time we had talked on
the phone and and whatnot, like since the show had aired. Um,
but that was talked before then. Yeah, we had we
had talked before then. Okay, okay, this is the first
time that we had seen each other in person since
since the since the show. I missed her once when

we were both in Chicago, like shortly after, and then
we missed each other in another place too. But so
we were able to like actually like talk and it
was a little bit media of a conversation. Just knowing
that the show had already gone. Had like all the
episodes that aired, we had seen how it was going,
and I think, like, when you're playing it back, you
can you you it puts you back on the island.
You know, it put in the in the scenario, so

you're thinking, like, Okay, this is what was actually having,
especially knowing that we had, you know, hundreds of hours
of footage that like got condensed down, and so I
think there was there was definitely some conversation going on,
but it was good to see her. You know, I
have nothing but but love Sarah, and you know, I
wish I wish you the best. Is there any chance
that that flame will spark up again? You know? I mean,

you never know. We'll see, we'll see. I think we
tried to be in the same in the same spot
a little bit more. But I will say there were
there were several responses to that, to that picture that
I put up, word that I freaked out to that
stay away like it was. It was definitely a lot
of a lot of balance there right now. Have you
forgiven her for choosing Garrett over you? Yeah, I mean,

you know, I don't. I don't doubt her her ability
to choose and you know, the hard ones with the
hard ones I like him to do do is be
me at the end of the day, And like it
was her choice. So if I wasn't, if I wasn't
suitable to her choice, then like, so be it. Uh,
you know there's someone out for me. I think what.
I don't know if you remember, but when we were
after I've been eliminated and you're asking, like, you know,
what do you what do you think? I was like,

you know, happy, all right, you know, I gotta I
gotta like going for myself, you know, handsome misterio and
you know six, I mean, you're gonna be good man.
We heard your abs are popping through more than ever.
You got a nice smile. I like how you got.
She was asking you your favorite, like your favorite physical attribute.
You guys both asked that. I thought it was an
interesting question because people don't often get to like say

that about themselves. And and you said, I got a
great smile and my and my abs and she cut her.
She cut him off though he was going to say
another great thing about him. I mean, he could have
kept going, but I like that she just skipped up.
Shoulders are solid, my cats are lean. You got to
work with your temple. You know you're Yeah, you are

such a humble, sweet guy. And everyone loved you, I
have to say from you know, everyone on the show,
like all the crew, everyone had a great, great interactions
with you. You were kind to everyone, and um, you
were always just. I was never scared about that. There
was a certain part of me that was scared of

the anger from certain guys if they got eliminated or
if things in the show changed in a way that
they didn't want. Like when I the double elimination, when
I had to kick Casey off, I was so scared
he was gonna like yell at me or something like
I was. I was not as confident as some people
might have thought. And I never worried about that with
you because you just like you said, you're gonna be

fine either way, and you just I thought. And in
the moment where Welcome tried to like throw you under
the bus about having notes in your hat, and instantly
was like, who cares if he had notes? He honestly,
it's it's benefit. Everyone should have notes in their hat.
It's like, yeah, I thought that was a good move. Yeah,
that's your least that's your worst quality. You'll be okay

in life. You know, why are you single though? Josh? What?
Why are you? Um? Also, he probably has you know,
new or o G Jared M. I would argue that
Josh probably has more d m s than Shared is
not even close and looking at him me and modest
is d ms are going wild. You can tell there.

When I put out the question of what do you
guys want to know about Foy Island, so many people
were like, how do I get in touch with Josh?
How do I what's going on with Josh? Um? I'm
telling you, I know, I think so. I would love
to be the biggest loser on a show like that.
It would be the best thing. Well, I not saying
you're a big you know you're six to you know.

I appreciate that. Know you Why are you single? Though? Josh?
Why is a guy like you that knows what he wants? Uh?
You know, successful man? Great smile, abs, YadA YadA, YadA.
Um why are you single? Um? Well? First, thank you
for the comments. I do appreciate that now enjoying everybody
else who was on that, who was on the cast
and crew also, so it was very very genuine and

reciprocal they're good, I will say, you know, I think
I'm so. I mean again, not that it came, it
didn't come through on the show necessarily, but I'm someone
who keeps it moving. I enjoy an adventurous life. I
will drop every guy. I enjoy a certain level of stability.
But on the other hand, I will sell all this
ship and move to South Africa tomorrow. So, like, I
think that there's like there's a there's a variance there

that throws a lot of people to be all the
way honest. And so I'm not somebody who believes that
you should have to settle down and looking for somebody
who will settle up to me and we can like
just roll together, you know um. And so I think
that that's you know, it gets into I think that's
that in short, that is the reason I just have
not seen a person who has like, you know, who
wants that the same things. Well, I think, now I'm

going to South Africa with you tomorrow. Bro. I love
your beer. Get in there. I did. I wait to
get the thing off my face a contuity purpose. I
switch it up like it just depends on what it is.
And I when I filmed the we got halfway throughout
it and I need to shave. They're like, no, no, can't.

You have to keep them five weeks in your life.
And I was like, I know you, I know that
was wild because all the interstitials, you know, all the
interview pieces. You guys would have to change back into
that same outfit to do those interviews, right, because they
got to keep it the same. I haven't been able
to wear it since, like I've like I've retired about them.
Oh yeah, I'm sure. Putting that on was like just

such a drag every day. It's like getting dressed in
clothes that after a hook up that you find on
the floor and you got to like dress like a
like in a tight little skirt in the morning and
you're just like, look um so like and then you're
just taking it off putting it back on. Theyre just
giving a little air drive. It's not it's not this. Yeah,
there's a lot of little secrets to these shows that
I realized that you once you see it, you're like, oh, yeah,

of course, because this this moment where they're all you
cut to them sitting in a chair talking about the
moment you're watching, where you have to phrase everything like
so when Sarah and I are so Sarah and I
are in this cave or how do you have to
phrase it? You have to say like like you're there. Yeah,
it's like they're like Sarah and I are talking about

something like and Sarah is looking really good right now,
and I think that's would be like you're right that,
like you're in the moment. It's it's hard to like
do do you still find yourself narrating your life that way?
I will say it made me a much better speaker,
like just being cognizant of and an understanding of, like
you want to get this on the first take, and
like to be able to go this was honestly like
a wild Like I learned so much from from you

and from like all the cast and crew just in
terms of like how to make a show and everything
goes into it. And so I've basically been ruined to
where like, well I can't watch TV without having like
a critical eyey, like I know what they're trying to
do right there, Like I get I get the game.
You're absolutely right. It's uh, it does ruin TV and
movies for you a little bit. But you know what

I found that I thought it was going to ruin
reality TV for me and I could never watch it
the same way. And now it didn't, Thank God, because
I do love reality TV and I love people like
yourself who are open themselves up to you know, not
knowing what the hell this is gonna be, and walking
away from your life. And like you said, you're an
adventurous guy, which I want to talk about. You have

a podcast about traveling called travel Guides. G U y
uh d e s um. What do you do for
a living? I'm a brand marketer by day, but I'm
a serial entrepreneur, So so you can just travel. That's
what I'm gonna finess something. I'm gonna make it work,
you know, like that's just kind of how I've always

lived my life. I'm a weekend warrior, so I'm good
for uh, you know, jumping down to Belize or Costa
Rica for like five four or five days and coming
right back and and just like picking up seamlessly. Okay,
tell us, uh one place we all need to go
before we die. And also I want to a good

travel to I'm someone who travels every weekend for work,
and I want to I want to know a good
travel tip, especially international travel, because it really intimidates me customs.
I always feel like I'm somehow smuggling Heroin, and I
get I get so nervous that I don't who knows
I could. There's been a lot of things up there
before Heroin. Yeah, that's a good point. One. Well, I

had to smuggle sex toys into into the Caymans unknowingly.
I didn't know that was a band there. Yeah, I
was sharing, I gave I gave him out. I was
washing them off and strolling him out. I still I
want them back to uh. But yeah, tell us where
to go and UM a travel tip maybe that we
wouldn't know about. I would say, UM one every Thanksgiving,

I do like a big group trip and trying to
figure out what it's going to be this year. I'm
leaning towards brew in the Galapagos Islands. But one year
we did Israel Palestine Egypt in Paris and the UM.
The Palestine Israel peace was wildly interesting because from like
a biblical perspective and also from your current events standpoint,
like you actually understand and everything's going on and in

the history of it. UM, I will say that beyond that,
Egypt was was a place I've been waiting to go
for forever to see like the Sphinx and the Pyramids
and and all that in persons King Tut's tomb um.
It was. It was very dope. So I would say
Egypt is probably where people need to go just to
understand like the origin of civilization and everything. Yeah, I
would say, yeah, it's crazy, like when you and then

you think about them not being able to do with
modern technology is like it's not like Mount Rushmore where
you go with this Yeah, yeah, I just always yeah okay.
And then travel tip, travel tip, everybody needs global entry broo.
Yeah he doesn't even have t s a pre this guy,
and it's the it's the best hundred dollars you will spend. Okay,

So global entry, that's gonna You're absolutely right. That line
is never has anyone in it. It's the clear of
international travel. And I'm gonna do it when you're when
you're traveling, when you're coming back in. But if you don't,
mobile passport is another good app to have where you
can like skip the line as well. Well. These are
great tips and um. For more of those and more

of Josh McDonald, check out his podcast travel Guides do
U Y D E S. I'm guessing you can find
it anywhere on any podcast app and where what is
your um? I wish the type in Josh and then
your thing comes up, but it's not your name. What's
your Instagram handle so people can follow you and d
m you? Yeah, so I definitely, um, I can you can.
You can find me on Instagram and Twitter at g

Q fifty on TikTok at Josh g Q fifty and
I just joined Cameo, which is like a whole new yeah. Interesting.
I don't know if you're already on there, but I'm
on there. My price is a thousand dollars because I
just didn't want to do them anymore because they were
just coming in too hot and I got overwhelmed. And
now people think I think I'm too cool, but it's
like I just know no one would pay that, so

I just want to break. But yeah, you're on cameo
now too. It is very interesting. A lot of the
guys are on there, and so when they were talking
about I was like, Okay, like's we'll see what's going
on some of them eating, but I was like, but
I'm I'm knowing it I've gotten it took off pretty quickly.
So Josh, we're about to interview Garrett. Tell me one thing?
Why what? I like Garrett? Too? And I have to

constantly defend that I like him and that he's someone
that I would like to have be friends with, even
knowing that he what he's done. Oh, what's something? Why
do you like Garrett? Because now I feel validated that
someone like you also likes him. M I will get
I'm gonna keep it a thousand with you. This is how,
this is how, this is how I feel about about Garrett.

I feel like Garrett has a way that he wants
to be perceived, and I think that he puts that
out into the world also, and I think that that's
what a lot of people get um and he is
like Borgers a lot of a lot of times. You know,
we are kind of two sides of the same coin,
just we just go about it in different ways. I
will say that, well, he's he's a he's a really

nice guy when you get to when you get to
know him, And guys interact with guys differently than guys
interact with girls. So like, that's just that I'm seeing
a different side of him. Um, you asked earlier, while
we were able to get along on the show because
he kept he kept working up, so like I didn't
have to I didn't have to talk about him, you know.
And then but then he had a historic comeback at

the end, you know, obviously, so that was why I
was like, I didn't need to kick I think he
benefited from having the last date. I think whatever the
last thing is, you kind of go that's had the
last date. Yeah, it's a good I don't know. I
I think that there was something about that. But Josh,
thank you so much. We gotta interview Garrett now, and

and we don't want to keep him waiting. I'm terrified
of him. Uh, but you were amazing. Well I'll see
you soon hopefully. And thanks for just really representing the
nice guys on the show in such a real authentic way.
You're you're you're real dude. I appreciate it. Can't wait
to see you in uh in November. Yes see you then,

all right, bye, Josh, Thanks, all right, we're gonna take
a break and be right back with Gearing. Oh Garrett,
good to see you. Gary. Um, oh my god man,
you're our headline or guest for a good reason. You

are iconic, uh controversial. I mean people either love you
or hate you or both. And um, I just want
to ask you, following the finale of f Boy Island,
how are you? And um? Are you? Are you? Are
you okay? Are you talking to people? Are you, like
you know, specialists? Are you processing your feelings because you're

you're getting you're getting a lot of hate and whether
it's deserved or not, Like that's a lot to take on.
I'm guessing like people are probably being mean to you. Uh, yeah,
you know, I think the first well, that Thursday, we
had The Last Drop. My parents are watched everything and
I did because Casey is over my place. So I
watched the first two episodes of that Last Drop in

my ad calls and he's like, yeah, I get you know.
Not a good look, man, not a good look. So
and that's whenever we went, that's whenever we went to
like Division had like a birthday party. At the birthday party,
my dad's calling me, I'm talking to you while there,
And then all of a sudden, I was like just
stream my after stream my after stream d M s

from like again all of like the little trolls out there,
and that's when I was like ship, So I left
the party and actually came home to watch it. Yeah,
and I think that it was like that first day
of watching it where I was just like Ship, like
definitely definitely didn't look at didn't get the best cut
on that one. UM, tell me, though, what what did

you think? Was? What did you between the end of
April when we shot that last episode and and airing
last Thursday, the finale, because that's the one that really
sealed the deal for you. Were you worried about anything?
Were you kind of preparing for, like, you know, hunkering down,
taping up the windows, ready for the hurricane of hate

that was gonna come your way because you knew what
you did. Yeah, I mean I knew what I did,
but I didn't think it was like that, you know.
I Like again, I was like, all right, you know,
it's a competition dating show. The whole thing was just
to hide that you're an f boy. It was very
clear from the start of what I was. The first
thing I said to me whenever I initially went and
talked to her, and I had that first date in
a little like club v IP area, I mean she

literally was like, I mean you're wearing rip jeans. You
looks like a fun boy. I was like, all right, so,
I mean I was kind of out of off off
rip um and then uh yeah, I mean definitely wasn't
really prepared for the hate. I would say more like
I was like, all right, cool, Like I won the show.
I did, but I did. God, I think I did
more work in therapy on the response that Garrett would

go through once because I was honestly worried about you,
because I go, this is a guy that does not
you know, I always liked you, and I even advised
Sarah that I think she should pick you because I
believed that you really liked her, and I think you
actually did. I don't think that was bullshit. I think
you just in the end wanted to play the game

and chose the game over a girl. But were your
feelings real for her? Absolutely? I mean I was just
with Sarah not too long ago. So what Oh yeah,
t MC article came out this morning at eight am.
Bombarded are one yesterday with Greg Actually, but you, Sarah
and Gregg went to air one together and wait again,

what uh that's a that's like a high End grocery store.
For those of you who don't know in l a um,
are you and Sarah like talking? What's going on? We're
definitely trying to hash out some things. Uh? Has she
forgiven you? Did you apologize? Like? What was the fallout?
What what happened after you left island? We'll get to
right currently and TMZ, what happened when you left the island?

We want to know because I remember leaving that night
the villa after you were after you chose the money
over Sarah. And by the way, how okay, I'm gonna
I have a lot of questions. First off, how watching
it last night, Garrett, I had just I had to
fast forward through it because it was so awkward for
me because I knew what was going to happen. How

did you give that monologue about wanting to kiss her
in the morning and he told Pizza? How I knew?
I know that that was sincere? Like did you just
have to like knowing because you knew what you were
about to do? How did how did you do that?
How were you able to be so sincere and and
say that to a girl and then know that you

were just about to like really devastate her, and did
you think that I was in the devastat her or
did you think she was going to understand like what
was going through your mind? All right, so obviously you
know you have we had that last date that's way
for our mega date. Yeah. Yeah, that was the first
time that like from that date and then like spending
the night we got to talk in bed like off camera, um,

pretty thoroughly and pretty pretty like really in depth. I
mean we're up tilling I think like five am that day. Um,
so that's whenever we started talking about like I don't know,
just like just shooting this ship, like just normal stuff,
like you know, stuff just like you know, again we
were talking about like all right, like the cold pizza,
like all this like ram stuff. So that last speech
is like kind of all subliminal messages because it was

all off camera. So I had a feeling those were
things you had talked about an inside jokes because she
was sitting there going like she was smiling and like
almost getting like emotional, like, oh, this guy's referencing these
little things we talked about. I knew that, okay, So
how could you take those and then flip keep going Okay,
so you know we have you know, probably like a day,

but I don't know, like twelve hours before we have
you know, the finale and everything. That I think the
biggest thing for me at that moment was the fact
that like I'm not good, Like it was like the
entire time in the doghouse and then you know, I
get this amazing day there, and then I'm also not
good at sharing someone. So I think for me, I
was just sitting there and I was like, Okay, well,
like do I want to you know, try to like

fake some relationship after And in all my interviews I
was even saying I was like, you know, if I
get picked, like you know, I'm gonna take the money
and then I'm gonna give her sixty forty because I
left there at sixty forty still fun boy, but you know, right, yeah,
all right, I'll give her six. I'll take forty, and
then she can take me on a date and we
can see if things you know, actually like really spark.
You know, outside of the show, that opportunity obviously didn't happen. Um,

but I think in that moment for me, it was
like man like kissing like another person and hooking up
with another person and then like just it was just
so much confusion in my head, and I was like,
do I really want to leave here and be like
O G Jared and the oh yeah, I'm in love
with you. Um So at the time, I think it
was more or less just like I don't want to

try to fake something, but I don't know if this
is real or not. Alright, that that's real good? I mean,
and I felt the same way. You know. I hate
on these shows when people are forced into proposals, when
it's just really like, all I want you to say
is like you like each other and you're willing to
give this a shot, that it doesn't have to be

this like love thing and the fireworks and everything, Like
agreeing to date someone off of a show is big
enough for me. But I think you're right, like she
she's these girls both spent the night with guy. I mean,
Nikia made what's his name sleep on the Nando sleep
on the cot, but uh, you know, Sarah and c

J both spent you know, intimate moments in bed. Not
we don't really know what happened, but you know she's
in a bed with another guy the night before you.
And then you're supposed to just go all in on her,
and yes, that's the name of the game. And she's
she's we don't need to be like, oh, what a slutter.
So it's slut shaming. That's the way you play the game.
But that I think that's smart to not want to

go all in. I guess we're What was that first
conversation with Sarah, like after the elimination and who reached
out to who? How did that go down? Okay, actually
later that day, so I have multiple phones, three phones.
Actually we knew you had three phones. You That was

phone Gate was a whole other side of the show
that didn't come out when everyone was like Garrett's got
a phone. They're they're talking, they're texting at night, and
they were they searched your cabin like you know, it
was a jail cell. They're looking for, you know, contraband,
but they could not find your damn phone. Where did
you hide those phones? Have? Jared Scarf's No one wanted

to touch those. I wrapped I wrapped it up into
Jared Scarf And then there's just a little like pockets
in the remost suitcases that you can like like rip
down and I put them in there and then I
had another one that was hitting somewhere else. I actually
got one of my phones confiscated. But I never used
my phone when I was there. It was actually just
I would just give it to my boys, uh or
other people when they needed to, uh you know, rub

one out in the bathroom. Um. They love technology on
just the idea of holding a phone again made them
mart Literally, how did you feel when Gary? Oh sorry, sorry,
st I was just gonna say so after that, like
after the finale, after everything like that, you know, we

had a couple of days and they came out. Was
just to kind of like chill out, um and I
DM Sarah because we kind of like all got our
phones bag. And then later that night, I actually snuck
out because they were saying at the more it's that night,
which is right, Yeah, I don't know a couple hundred
yards down. So I snuck out and like I like
went and we had like a full blown conversation that night. So,

and then everyone was trying to find me from production
and I was like hiding underneath the bed and they
all came in the room like full blown, like all right,
we gotta kick everyone out. They kicked out Casey out
of c j's room and Jared. So Casey and Jerry
were still going for c J after everything. It was
the on thing ever, Yo, Jared throwing rocks that CJ's window.

Wait wait the elimination. I didn't hear any of that.
After the elimination, you guys are in the Caymans for
a couple more days. Just you get back your phones.
We so she she let Casey go. We saw there
was still some sparks there. Jared comes and is throwing rocks.
How did this all? Walking through this? So I DM S.

I was like, yo me in case you're gonna come
over and they get CJ there and she was like yeah,
but like new Jared is you know, like trying to
come over to CJS or not. And mind you like
they were both Casey and Jared were trashed at this point.
They were both drunk, like walking on the sand like
trying to get through feet getting wet. I mean there's
production everywhere, so it was like full blown like reminded

me of like a little kid. And we were like
going to egghouses and stuff like that. Yeah, it was
like Devil's not all over again. So like you know,
we're like sneaking it out. We saw the vans everywhere.
We snuck up to the rooms. We asked what rooms
they were in, and uh yeah, I mean she opened
the door. I went in. And then because Jared was
doing rocks outside like an idiot, like obviously obviously production's

got a good arm too. Yeah, he's good on It's
like honestly, at one point he was doing rocks so hard.
I think he's hitting the wrong window at one point.
And then he's going fars room. We come outside and like, bro,
what are you doing? And we just look out and
there's this dude behind it like a tree, just like
like like super creamy, and we're like then he smiled
and starts chuckling and you can see his bright smile.

It's like, bro, like come up here. Meanwhile, he comes
up to c J's and Casey is in CJ's room.
At this time, they had like beef like there's just
so much stuff that they have gonna throw down or no,
I mean there are some words that were exchanged and
they were both drownk too, and they're both more or
less like like just looking at like like, bro, like

what's going on here? Pick us again? It's all over again.
When you're hiding under to bed. You who knew there
was a show after the show? I didn't even know this.
So production leaves you come out from under the bed
and wait, so they didn't catch you. They were in
the room and you're under the bed. Yes, So there's
three people that came in. I'm not going to listen

to names, but they came in and they looked everywhere.
They're like literally opening up like dressers and stuff like that.
They didn't check onto the bed, and then they all, right,
let's go. You're such a big guy to like your
feet are like sticking out under the get under. Oh
my god. Okay, so you So you and Sarah patched

things up and um, and she forgave you that night,
like she she heard you out and understood where you
came from. Yeah, I mean she heard me out at least. Yeah,
I mean it was I think that she handled it.
I think we were watching last night and both agreed
this all what the best it could for everyone. I

think that like if Sarah would have chosen Josh, she
wasn't ready for that kind of relationship with Josh. It
wasn't about people keep asking me, why would she choose, Like,
why would you choose an F boy when he says
he's an F boy? Because that is true, Garrett, you
you were always enough boy like you kind of at
least I almost say that the F boys I trust

more than the nice guys. Not not the way they
portrayed themselves to the girls. Because you guys had to
lie to the girls. It was kind of like part
of the game. But um, the way that you were
even admitting on camera that you were an F boy,
I was like, honestly, that's I trust them more than
I do the nice guys. What proof do we have
from the nice guys? I need to see some evidence
of what makes them a nice guy? And and and

I wanted to even I mean, next time around, I
want to contact their exes and like, I really do
our research to make sure I saw. Speaking of exes,
why did you not delete that those images on your
Instagram of you and your ex four weeks or something

before coming on the show. It wasn't like normal photo.
It was like you a video you and your ex
girlfriends like asked embraced like it was it was why
would you not delete those? Um? So if you look,
if you look at my feed, uh, just in general,
like the I have a couple of other girls that
are on my feet as well. And I think for me,

the biggest thing when it comes down to that, like
I'm not the type of person who's in a relationship
who's gonna be like, you know, insecure that some girl
was with some guy, and also like you know they're
they're pretty cool photos, not gonna lie. And I think
the biggest thing though, is like why would I erase
certain memories and moments of my time that were special
to me for someone else's satisfaction. They were four weeks

before you came on a show where you were looking
for love where you point what about that? Yeah, but
you know, I mean we ended things and that's kind
of how it went. Yeah yeah, all right, Well what's
going on with your dating life? What's up? I've said
I've surmids because people keep I did an interview. I've
been doing so many interviews with you know, real journalists

who want to ask me about the difference between an
F boy and a nice guy and why do the girls,
after knowing he's an F boy still want him? And
and I just say, because we want what we think
we can't have. Uh, they're dangerous, they're charming. I mean,
you're you're all of those things. You're mysterious, you're also
there's some kind of like weird honesty to you that

I mean last night the quote that I want to
play for everyone right now that you said, uh to
when when Casey threw you under the bus at the
man splane and said that you were the one who
told him that c J was a glorified escort. You
you said that at at the man splain uh. Later
on you go up to Casey and you're like, man,
that sucked, Like why did you do that? And He's like, no,

it was a bitch move. And and you got you say,
I watched it so many times because I couldn't say
it was so funny. God, damnit, where is it? I've
filmed it? Well, what you said was you said, um, dude,
why didn't you just blame Why didn't you just blame
it on Kevin? Why why was that? You said? It's

so sincerely too, like, man, just say it was Kevin
because of the helicopter thing, but no one knew about that. Well,
there you go. Now he just made a great point
right there. I was the one who I wasn't the
person who said that. Oh yeah, what do you mean?
So I wasn't the person who made that comment? Well,
then why did he say it was you? Because you

knew at that time that he had to blame it
on someone who looked like they could, who would like
be able to take the blame and person. I mean,
we have really big conversation after that. I was like, Bro,
you want to move with me? Move in with me? Bro, like,
and I can't trust you like interesting throwing under the
bus like that, especially when this is something that I
didn't say. Um, again, it goes back to the helicopter
Kevin who said that, Uh so supposedly whatever cases in Limb, bro,

uh there were some words that were exchanged. Um. Yeah, okay,
we'll leave it at that right now. Well, no, I
actually checked in on this. Give us an update of
they go. I think they should go by Karen Gaycey
reminds me of the serial Killer, which actually is more

fitting for your sociobathic tendencies that everyone's been calling you
out for what's going on with Gacy right now? Alright,
so Casey stayed here for like five days. Um, you
know it's one of those things after to show you
want to come out to allis. He was like, we
had a great time to say the least. Um, tell
me how many girls you guys bang together? How many

Paris things were going on? Yeah? Did you guys answer?
Be honest with me, because you you were very honest.
You're casting video is one of my favorites of all
the sexual escapades you have. You were like, I take
down two girls, three girls, four girls? You could have
kept going. Um, you said you were just You've done

a lot of sexual things. You're also a freak. You
also kiss. When you would kiss the you would grab
her neck, which me and my producer Noah were so
turned on by. We like felt we had to like
we had to stop and go change underwear several times
throughout that episode because that was so hot. Is that
a move, Garrett? Do you do? You do? You know
that girls like that and not all girls do. I

don't want to say that everyone should go out there
choking women right away, but it was a gentle It
was a gentle touch, But that was that was a
hot move. Well yeah, I mean the first time, I
guess I didn't do that. It was more the side
of the face. And then I think, as you get
to know someone, you need to understand like as welcome
and say there's trigger points and things like that and
how to touch someone. Was there okay with me? That's

you're the kill you know? Yeah? It was. God, don't
I've felt a little weird with that. Yeah, I got
this chair is gray easily, get very little. Tell me, Garrett,
you you I am a very sexually open person. I
was glad to hear you kind of talking openly about

sex before you and Sarah had even actually gotten into
a bedroom together, and I think you had kissed at
that point. But we were actually talking about on the
show yesterday about when is it okay to start talking
about like likes and dislikes in bed? And I said
I liked that Garrett brought it up and was like,
what's your favorite kind of for play? And and I
didn't put her on the spot. I mean, you were
just like very comfortable having those conversations. Uh, what when

did you start having sex? And? Um, are you addicted
to it? Um? When I started having sex? Actually, I'm
not gonna lie. The first time I lost my virginity
it was from growth like two years older than me.
I was like seventh grade summer and at the seventh
grade I didn't hit puberty. And this girl, me and

my cousin actually we went to the the mall and
that's when having mall has had like the condoms, and
me and him meet and him. Me and him were
always so competitive, and it was my uncle's fiftieth birthday,
so we were like, we go to the mall. We're
in hereie Pennsylvania, which is like bump fuck nowhere, and
really trying to act all cool and stuff like that.
We're like, yeah, but like if you hung out with

the high school as yet, bro, like have you drank yet?
We're like, yeah, man, I drank not too long ago
this summer. We're like yeah, like there should be some
girls there too, and really trying to just like outdo
each other even though neither one of us had drank.
Either one of us has had sex at this point,
and I actually got caught, uh fucking a girl sorry,
having sex with this girl who was two years older

than me behind our parents and they caught us drinking.
We really trying to figure out like who could drink
more that night so we'd keep the bottle caps and
put them in my pocket while we would take like
two steps of like a Heineken and like pour it
out and like all right, yeah, like I just drank
that one. Like wait, how did you meet this girl
with she had the party? Yeah? So she was one
of my cousin's friends. Okay, I'm so glad. I I

thought I was gonna stud with cousins and I just
West Virginia. Okay, so you lost your virginity in seventh grade,
which is very early. Then when did you start having
you know, like your Instagram Garrett? Sometimes I just want
to comment how am I supposed to take you seriously?
I mean, that's all I want, because you're such a

funny guy that like actually has a good personality I think,
and and is emotionally vulnerable. I mean, you cried several
times on the show in ways that I thought we're
not staged? Did you trick me? Every time I cried?
Was never staged? They didn't show a lot of it,
but every time I cried, And those are raw emotional feelings.
I believe you when you say that, and I just
have to take your word for it. But I don't

think anyone is that good of an actor, but I
believe you. Uh so, what was I even getting at?
Sex addict? Do you feel like, oh no, no, no no,
but I was getting at the emotional side of you.
And then the uh Instagram Oh yeah, Instagram post you
I mean you're nine eleven post? Can we remember? Do

you remember that? Garrett? We trashed you so hard? Like
I couldn't because you know, you can't find it. It's
gone somehow, just like the tower. I pretty sure I
remember posting that and like getting some serious hate from people.
And that was my college and in my head at

the time, like I might have been so because I
was a lot different, like five six years ago. Yeah,
I didn't give a shit about any like I just
like you posted a shirtless picture, like a really artistic
shirtless hot picture where he's wearing you can only see
like a little inch of camo a pant. He posted

a nine eleven tribute thinking about all the victims and
the people who had fought for our freedom since then,
and a very sincere I'm not even there was no
irony here and the reason why he was wearing camo.
He I think you even referenced. I think you even
hashtag camo and like, never forget it was so funny. Garrett.
I'm not even joking you. I liked you so much

on the show. Like I I just was always like,
just very tickled by you. You always were just very uh.
I feel like you you were invested in the show,
emotionally vulnerable at the same time, like you would like
to have fun. You would laugh at my jokes. You
made me feel a lot more comfortable than a lot
of the other guys did. And then I remember someone
showing me your Instagram and I go, you have to

put that away because I hate that person and I
like him so much. This does not represent him to me. Garrett,
Why are you? Why do you post like that? What
are you someone who like rents fake private planes to
like take pictures in? Or is that real? That was
a real one, my friend. That was the first actually
private JED I ever went on. It was from l
A to was from where was? Where were we? We

don't care, Garrett, it was it was from I think
it was from the Vata to Um asked him. That
was the first private d I ever went on. It
was actually a lot of fun, my friend. Actually, Okay,
so it wasn't a fake one. Because I know that
some people like buy those sets, you know, take pictures.
But what is this Instagram persona? I feel like I
want you to be your I want you to have
I want to watch more shows with you on them.

I just you're so funny. We just lost video, okay,
we You're so funny and you say such ridiculous things.
I want more of that on your Instagram. Can I
get more of that from you? You know? I just
I just signed up for TikTok, so I'll start to
start sharing some my TikTok talk about rios. When it

comes to like photos and stuff like that, Yeah, I guess,
I guess I need to step it up. It's just
like I don't want I don't want you to try
to be funny because you are, but I want you
to just stop trying to be cool because you also are.
You know, like you don't need to try and like
have these poses and like these faces like it's not

I mean, maybe it is you. I don't That's what
I would Morowsky. You are so funny, you saying, man,
why don't you just blame Kevin for it? Was? So
there's so many lines on the show that I have
to watch again and again because I'm hysterically laughing at
just the way you talk and how your bromance with
Casey was so funny because you were when you asked
him to move in with you, it was like it

was a real moment. I mean that was not that
was not like, uh you You're not You're not funny
enough to write these things like like you're you know
what I'm saying, Like I knew you're a calculated person,
but you write some lines for yourself that comedy writers
couldn't even come up with. So I I want to
see more of that from you. It looks like me
and you might need a little uh well bromance show.

I mean it's like like Polly d and Benny but
Jersey short as I would watch a spinoff of you guys.
All I want to see is you guys growing down
and talking about your feelings and because you're both willing
to go there. When I talked to Casey and Limbro
and did like therapy with him, he was very like
vulnerable and open as well, which I was shot sucked

by because you guys are f boys. And then I
don't know when you cried on the show, I was
moved by it. And when you, oh my god, during
the The Man's Plaine, you sitting there just looking shell shocked.
I wanted to put like a blanket around you, like
you're a refugee. You look so there. I don't know
why I like you so much? What is what is it?

What is it about F boy that says he's an
F boy? Where we girls and guys? I mean, I
just got off the call. Josh was on the show.
He loves you, and I go, thank God, someone else
I trust, like Scarrett too, because everyone's telling me, how
could you like Garrett? Now? These are people that have
only watched the show and didn't actually know you, And
I don't know. I what is it As a guy?

I think, oh, go ahead, Sorry, sorry no. I just
remember throwing the football. Yeah, I wanted to bring that
up in the football with you on the beach. I
don't know if you remember that. It was one of
the best days of Andrew's life. But guys like other
like strong athletic guys. I don't know what it is.
There's a confidence to to him. He has a great arm.

If you have a good arm, you know it's pretty quick.
You're gonna want to be friends with him. It's guys
are very simple like that, you know what I mean,
definitely simply that's like, Yo, you can play cornhole and
you're gonna cornhole, all right, Cool, you're my best friend.
But yeah, yeah, I just want to it. I didn't
want to hang out with you. I want to smell.
And that was the interesting thing that c J said
about you. We talked to her today to um. She
had said that, you know, she got mad at Casey

for standing up for you so much, and she just
she didn't mind him being friends with you and living
with you. It was about him saying you were a
good guy, just like they can't say that. I mean
that you get but do you think you're a good person? Um?
I think the reason why again I was you know, Sarah,
can't we tell the end? And why you know people
are saying that I'm a good person is because I

am definitely type of person who is rough round the edges,
but the second you can get inside, I'm a giant
teddy bear. It's really hard for me to trust people
because I haven't hurt in my past and stuff like that.
A very generous person for the people that I and
I'm like very generous, like a puff and beyond generous.
So I think that's why I like, again, a lot
of people still say good things about me. I mean

I really I was really friends with every single person
honestly on the show except Matt and Chris little sucking
rap boys, but besides them. I still that's the thing
that I still sit here and I'm like, all right,
you guys. You know you did your part. I mean,
you had no game at the end of the day.
I still respect both of you guys as people, and like,
you know, leaving here, I mean, you're still a little

rap boys. But what's one thing on the show that
you wish they would have aired that they didn't Chris's
little penis? Maybe that was so me? That was I
that's the thing, Like I I got that line from Casey,
like you know, and Casey got it from Kevin. There

you go. I think the biggest thing that could have
aired on the show, which would have been uh, I
would probably say whenever I was on my hands and
knees and multiple times begging and pleading to the girls,
I can't believe they didn't air you. You getting on
your hands and knees and and and asking, and I
mean you took a lot of ship from Nikia and
c J. They would be so mean to you when
you would show up to not be too sympathetic for

it a character. I think they just didn't have enough time.
I mean they cut some they'd cut me yelling at Charlie.
You know, like there were so many great moments where
you go, how did that not air? And it was
just there was too much good stuff. Him begging like
that proved to me like why he was still on
the show, Like that was Yeah, it gave it, It
gave it context. And I know that, Um, I know
that there were some people that were upset about you know,

the girls chose the way they chose because not just
of what you saw on camera, but what you didn't see.
And you can't say I would never have chosen Garrett.
You don't know what it's like to be the girl
that Garrett has his arm or his hand wrapped around
her neck and is uh, you know, twisting around on

that fucking thing on the ocean. What was that? You
were great at that? Oh the little I don't even know,
it's like a little hoverboard. But with like I just
know that every guy on RYA has a picture on
one of those, so I guess it's a thing that
rich Um. But Garrett, Uh, I'm not gonna let you
go without answering if you and Casey engaged in any

sexual activity together or have engaged in any sexual activity together.
I am, um, someone who is a huge advocate of
men joining forces to have fun with women. I don't
think it's a gay thing or like anything that. So,
um have you have you and Casey banged girls together
at the same time? I mean we've crossed swords for sure,

whenever we pea like you know, stuff like that on women. No, No,
are you are Kelly and out there know whatever? Like
you know we're the bathroom and stuff like. Help me.
I'm asking you if you and Casey got into any
um because I know you like having multiple partners. You've
had threesomes, foursoms, five sums? Was there? Um did you

and Casey? Uh? Have you? Are you showing him your
your ways? Because I don't think Casey does that has
the sexual escapades that you have a l a back
in Ohio and I think you were like I can
show you the world and like took him on an
adventure the world. Oh he's got a voice to Garrett,
what did you is that? A? Yes, I would tell

you this much. Casey stayed with me. I have never
seen Casey on such a hot streak in my life. Um, well,
you just met him, so that's not a crazy statement.
But okay, after the show, I went out to Columbus
and I hung out with him for a little bit.
I did get to see another side of Casey as well,
whenever he was hanging out with the girl that he liked. Yeah,

I mean as far as us, you know, gay seeing girls.
I mean, let's just have to leave you guys a
little teaser on that one. But you know, sarahs in
l A, so you know that's not a good look
for me, you know. So actually I was a good
boy in case he was here. You you don't want
to talk about dating other women because of maybe something
that might be happening with Sarah. So you and Sarah

possibly aren't done yet, and she would maybe be sad
hearing that you would hook up with other girls, which
you're not saying you did, but with the status of
you and Sarah right now, she would not be happy
to hear. There are certain things that I can't say
that I would love to say right now. Um, like
these suitcases that are in my place right now. But

oh ex motherfucker shock under the bed she wrapped up
in some scarves. Okay, well that's all we need to know. Well, um,
let Sarah know. I told c J to tell Sarah

that will be in touch soon to talk to her
about her experience. But um, I guess I should tell
you to let her know, and I bet she could
call her hearing. Hey Sarah, Sarah, Hey, Sarah, Josh said, Hi.
C J says, Hi, Uh, you looked adorable on the show.
You carried yourself so well. You are a stunning, smart,
beautiful woman, and I look forward to seeing you on

the gay Cy spinoff Spinner. I'm sure she's yeah, she's
taking a trip to that to the Eiffel Tower, uh
this weekend in the private jet there. All right, Garrett,
thank you so much for your time and for being
so candid. We love you and uh f boy f

by all right, Garrett appreciate. Oh boy, final thought, I mean,
we're not gonna ever beat this pod. I mean, this
was unbelieving, Garrett. Is do you see why I like
Garrett stopped coming at me about Garrett and how how
could you like him? Nikki? How could you have stood

there and let that happen? Did you know he was
going to do that? I didn't know what. I trust Garrett.
I want to be friends. I want Garrett in my
life because that's hysterical. He just he just gave us
stuff that he probably wasn't supposed to give. I'm honestly
gonna have to check with producers to make sure that
any of that stuff you can actually make it and
I won't have to cut some stuff out because let's
let's be honest, guys. I want to make season two

because you know what. Today Season two F Boy Island
was announced. It is happening. Stay tuned for all the details.
But today it was announced that HBO Max has picked
up F Boy Island for season two. And I just
want to thank all of my besties for supporting and
watching the show, reluctantly getting involved and then loving it
so much. Noah, tell me the big takeaways you've had

from today as being a huge fan of F Boy Island.
The first thing about Garrett, Um, I think the reason
why we were all kind of rooting for him and
attracted to him, even though he was telling us the
whole time that he is an f boy the whole
time is because he is so candid and he's so

honest and you just have to love that. I want
to have him on again because I wanted to talk
to him about he was like adopted from an orphanage
in Russia like he has he has, you know, when
you come from first of all orphans. I don't want to,
you know, say anything that didn't happen to him, because
I want to get his experience, not that he remembers
as a baby, but those babies don't get touched a lot.

It's often that they have developmental issues later on because
they don't get cuddled and touched and they they a
lot of those babies end up going on reality shows
and becoming the villain. I mean, honestly, Amarosa, Juan Pablo,
all Russian orphans. But you know, there was something about

Garrett's uh honesty with every person on the show, even
him being able to say that Chris and Matt were
little rats and just like staying true to that. I
it's a it's a quality I have to work on
about myself where I want to give everyone in front
of me they want, and like, I'm such a people pleaser.
I want everyone to like me, even a villain. You know.
I'm working on a bit right now about how I

have dreams that I'm nice to Donald Trump and I
can't even when Garrett broke my girl Sarah's heart, I
walked out of there that night, Remember God, I went up. Well,
it was really interesting on the show because they kept
me very removed from all the f boys and even
the girls, like I was what you saw and camera

was kind of like my only interactions with them. Except
when the show ended, I was just like, fuck it,
I'm going to go up to the guys and talk
to them. They were all kind of corralled in this area.
It was I think it was Garrett Casey. Yeah, it
was all the final six. Um. I actually think O G.
Dared wasn't there. Um, But maybe I just didn't recognize
him underneath. Uh maybe he had taken off a scarf

and I couldn't recognize him one on he was wearing
his own shoes, so I couldn't. I didn't know who
he was. Um. But the thing I said to them,
I go and they all looked like kind of shell shot.
I mean it was rough that finale, as rough as
what it was that what you saw, it was very
uncomfortable and it lasted really a long time, and it

was it was a long, long night, and um and
I just went up to them and I was like, Garrett,
thank you for making this show amazing. I know you
just took a lot of heat, but like you're very entertaining,
and thank you for that. In case you know, I
went up to all of them, but I remember, um,
just I remember Garrett looked really sad afterwards, like oh no,

I hurt this girl. But even even though I was
mad at him and I was like how could you,
I was just like thanks for being you. Like without that,
without Garrett, I don't know what that show would have been.
We someone would have risen to, someone would have filled
his shoes and it probably would have been a home
che chair and he would walked off with him. I

don't remember what happened with the shoe thing, but I
do remember someone saying, you borrowed my shoes. Those are
my shoes, and he goes, no, they're out, and I'm like,
well this we have to there has to be an
answer here that we could come up with right now
you can't. It was just so funny. But um yeah,
I was. I there's something about these guys, nice guys.

We just had to take them at their word. But
why would you say you're an F boy if you're
not a n F boy. I feel like F boys
are actually the ones that are being the most honest.
I mean, not to the girls on the show, because
that was kind of the game. But it was interesting.
When I did an interview with the I think it's
coming out like today, I wanted to warn Garrett that
I compared him to Trump, but I did because you

why did Why did Trump win? It's because uh and
why how could you like him? After the things he said,
the things we've heard, like the documentation that the bed
of needles, you know, the bed of nails is like
you can land a bed of nails, but one would
hurt or whatever. Garrett kind of had that same vibe.
I don't think I would. I would much rather the
country be in the hands of Garrett then Trump, because

Garrett actually is like an animal lover at least, you know,
I don't think Trump has ever like sincerely pet and
animal and had affection for it. But good Trump, you
got him. Garrett actually has great Like Garrett's hair is
what Trump thinks his hair looks like, Yes, it's fantastic,
but it's just it's just people go, why why would

this guy last on the show so long? And I go,
why did Trump win? People like someone with unbridled confidence
that tells you who they are, is honest all the time,
insulting lee honest to people, and there's something about that.
I mean, Trump is not honest. So I don't know
if Garrett is actually being honest, but I feel like
he is. But maybe I'm just one of, you know,
another pawn in his game of checkers. I'm not even

gonna give it chess. I'll say checkers. We gotta go. Uh,
this show is amazing. I think it's four pm now
and we started at ten am. Um, what a marathon.
Thank you for joining us for this very special f
boy episode of the Nicki Glazer Podcast. We'll back tomorrow.
I think the show have been as good if we
did it yesterday. What do you mean? Oh no, we
definitely needed I'm so glad that you booked the wrong

flight two yesterday. We work out the third thing works
about the baseball game last night, and Andrew gets an
alert on his phone that says says, uh, you're playing
a flight eight sixty two now boarding head to the gate,
and we're sitting in at the Cardinals. Alright, guys, don't
be cut out there, and uh,
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