Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Welcome to the Official Mass Singer Podcast, a production of
Our Heart Radio and Fox Executive produced by Katie Studios.
We are the one the only official podcast for the
mass singers of great You Know What Time it is?
Man America's number one show in the biggest best mystery
game on TV? Who Is Mass Singer? Rolled out the
red carpet for the Group B semifinals tonight, but only
two singers were rewarded the chance to move on for
a shot at the coveted Golden Mask trophy. You Know
What Time? And boy ballot ak the frog and with
me is my main man, my brother from another month
crying stripping people may have us up. Man talked to
him brod double elimination. It was tough for you to
say goodbye to two great singers. That was not an
easy thing to do. An like that, of course. Caterpillar
home tonight, Mallard, Wow Wow, audience saying with me. Take Kid,
ta Hey Kid, Willie robertson TV Residality, Joe Commander the Dynasty,
the second singer unmasking tonight. Man is the Caterpillar. That's tough,
that means banana split and Queen of Hearts. You are
advancing to the Group B finals in two weeks. Congratulations minutes.
Willie Robinson a k the Mallard will be ducking his
way through the studio, probably to Catapool, will be with
us tonight. Also, before we get into it, you know
what time it is. Getting ready to talk about tonight's show.
So if you miss it by any chance, I think
you should rewind Jadeva, go back watch the show, okay,
then come back to us so you can listen on
Group by semifinals flights. Tonight it went down double elimination
stars of two of the most influential but very different
reality shows in the last ten years. We're I and
Duck Dynasty. Who knew Willie Robinson has singing skills like that? Right? Dynasty?
You got as good? Willie Art is formally known as
the Caterpillar. Bobby Bird. I can't believe it. Your voice
is incredible. Thank you. Oh my gosh. I want to
go to your concern and by your oli with your husband.
You bring it back. I guess panelists to night. Cheryl Hines,
She's like Joe McHale. It's not a season until we
have the great Cheryl Hynes, your family. Thank you, I
am so happy to be here. It's so fun being
with everybody. It's just like it's electric in here. Can
we get some sad music, Brian, I only did too
great performance go home tonight, but also take it all, Buzzer,
it has a fishly been retired, Bron It's no longer here.
It's been misused. Be careful. Buzzer has been hit. It's
Jake Jilan Hall. Are you sure it's not Jake Chilling Halley,
wasn't Jake Jilling Hall? Y'all? Okay? Panel, this means to
take it off. Buzz there is officially retired for the season.
To her credit, all the clues did lead to Jake
jill and All. And I'm a huge Jake chill and
Hall fan, so my fingers are crossed. It was all
about having a sister. Of course. Maggie Caterpillar had a
cowboy hat got an Oscar nomination for Broke pap Mountain.
I mean, all the clues did lead to Jake Jill
and All. We'll ask the Great Bobby Burke about that,
because that's a great compliment. This is the time where
I get a little down because Brian wants to read
my reveal yes, I got two pieces of paper in
my hand. Yes, you got your Mallard and the Caterpillar.
First impression, guests, let's do Mallard first Duck Dynasty. How
did you know? I mean, you didn't say Willie Robertson,
but you said Doug dynast. I did not, but I
think it was one of those things where the outfit
was the clue, right there in plain sight, right in
front of you. But do you think country music? You
think in Texas, you're thinking the Great State of Tennessee.
You're thinking Georgia deep down in the South. So it
would kind of playing with me that maybe this is
one of those throw off. You know, I love the
word throw off. I know you do. Think that got
me closer, so that the Doug Dynasty thing, And I
was right. Your first impression fit the Bill Caterpillar, your
first impression gaff a J McClaine. Listen. I think anytime
we hear a singer it sounds really good, your brand
is just fixed to go for boy band always. I
think it will forever be that way. Each season when
we hear a good voice and it sounds young, we're
just automatically gonna go boy band. I was wrong, Okay, man,
tonight was action packed. Man, let's go ahead and start
things off with banana splint before a poker face. Oh
my god, bro bananas blit? Why a way to open
the show? What? It was absolutely incredible and now it
is driving me even more crazy because like, I don't
know who you are under that mas Yes, and to
play piano and the drums. These are some talented thinks
their strength is being theatrical, which their performances have been
that way. I felt like this is definitely a double threat.
This is a team and you can tell about the chemistry. Yeah,
we don't know. We're guessing if their family, if they're related,
are they married? Also making nineties second movies. There's so
many angles here has been thrown at us. The drums
really influenced the panel's guests tonight. The new clue that
we saw today of him playing the drums made me
think of Ed Sharon because Ed Sharon could play the
piano amazing. He knows how to play the drums and
guess who his b f F is. Jesse J Robin
mentioned Ryan Tetter, one of the great songwriters from Like That,
and he wrote Leading Love for Leon Lewis, So he
want with Leona Lewis and Bryan Tetterer Nicole. I don't
know what Nicole, what was going on with her? She
guess John Krasinski and Emily blood On. Krasinski loves to
play the drums guy. What no Quiet Places? And that's
one of those guests where you have to guess and
you're just saying exactly the defender it said making nineties
second movies, and John Grazinski, of course famously directed A
Quiet Place with his wife Emily Blunt, so maybe that's
where she was going with them. They will be moving on. Also,
Queen of Hearts, she got you. Can I just say,
creative hearts? You have such a gift, what a beautiful voice.
The way you enchanted all of us, You took us in,
but you also really touched our hearts. Absolutely, she definitely
got us. After overcoming her nerves last week, she feels
like she could do anything. Know, you get the first
performance out. If you advance, you start getting in your
groove and things become a little easier. I definitely can't
agree with that. The song reminds her of the best
worst time of her life, and this song represents that
if it don't work out with the man, you thank
God because that means a better one's come. God's right
that she's the Queen of Hearts. I think there's a
lot of women out there listening that like that word. Okay,
I have a lot of ladies Brian that love the
mass singer. Let me repeat that one again. Things don't
work out with a man, thank God because a better
one is coming. I like that. That's nice all the
ladies out there. I'm gonna give you a little spoiler.
Hearts has had a couple of famous excess a lot
of Oh of course, Kristin Chenna with is most famous
for Wicked, and then Nicole Guest Sia. It could be
Cia Oh, I love it's a good one. This is
a c S type of outfit. Yeah, I can see
her swinging from the Shanda of the year. Yes, we're
all over the place with this Queen of Hearts. But
I really think what's kept me here is always trust
in my heart. So I stop, ma'am. So now we
only have two singers left in Group B. Groupie finals
is in two weeks, which one is going banana splitter
Queen of Hearts. I think that it will be Banana Split.
Even I would like to see a duo win the
mass singer for the first time, and there's two golden
masks that have to be given. We've never seen it happened.
It will be new, it would be refreshed. Unfortunately, there's
another animal and it's black and it's white, and it's
a skunk. If there's anybody who can hold a candlestick
close to Banana Split on their own, gotta get with
the skunk. Can you imagine what it would be like
to watch Queen of Hearts and Skunk duled it out?
To imagine what that would be like if that happened.
We got four, we got Vananda's flip, we got Queen
of Hearts, got full, we got Skunk. Any one of
them could win. I'm gonna go ahead and pass things
off to somebody who I love, Miss Maski. She has
an insclusive new clue just for the podcast. Let's go
ahead and hit when she got the same, Miss Maski,
it's all yours. Queena Parts has captured our hearts. That's
certainly no doubt. She's won several awards for being a
top singer and has shared the screen with an Avenger
and Pete Davidson. But will she have super strength when
singing with the Cold Show singer? Well, thank you, miss
Maski for that, Jim, we definitely needed that. And Especiky
said she's worked with an avenger and eat Davidson an avenger.
It could be Jeremy Renner, could be Robert Downey Jr.
Chris Evans, Paul Rudd. I mean, there's anybody. The big
reveal is that she's gonna be you want the duet
with the cultures. Oh, that's gonna be so big. Remember
Diva's Live on BH one, remember those two thousands. It
is a real Diva's Live moment between the Coaster singer
and Queen of our Oh my goodness, it is so good.
So stay tuned for that. It's gonna be great. Mallard,
there is he's coming to the studio. I see him.
I see the beard and said the beard, I can
see the haxe. Everything ran. Our first guest tonight had
no problems taking his tail feathers. He's no stranger to
entertaining huge audience. Is this is what he does? Okay,
But when he was unmasked tonight, you could have definitely
knocked me over with a feather. I'm just saying, all right,
it sounds of Duck is a CEO? That mean he
is at the top of the pyramid TV personality and
author welles from a very famous flock. Please welcome my
main man, Willie Robertson to the show, a k a. Mallard,
Willie Robertson. What's going on, Willie? Come on, let me
see your checky tail feathers. The mass single effect, that's
what I like to call it. The mass single fact
is when you're done with the show, you find yourself
still in character, right, And I just want to let
you know, really, you will forever be Mallard. Like no
matter where you go, airport, grocery store, dentist, everyone's gonna
say Mallard, Mallard, Mallard. So I want to go ahead
and give your problem man, you digit thing. And I
just got to start off with saying this, The Mallard
can sing. I mean you can sing. That is very,
very difficult. People do not understand. It's not the singing.
It's not the singer. It's the whole mask and the breathing,
and it's tough, and it was the most difficult thing
for you with your constantly. You know, the height of
the hat was so tall, so you get a little
off balance. They're not being able to see what's really difficult,
especially when you were moving around stage. Because at one
point I went all the way up to the judges,
I came back down. I couldn't see the floor, like
I couldn't see the well. The breathing was tough, too,
and the songs I chose, it seemed like there was
no breathing room whatsoever. But the sweat would go on
my eyeballs and you couldn't wipe your eyes, and my
eyes would just be like bloodshot red, and my nose
would started itching and all of that on top of
making sure you you know, remember the lyrics, remember the songs.
I mean that that was the longest nineties seconds of
my life for a minute there. You know. The panelsts
thought that you were a big time country star. They
named everybody Luke, Brian Jason, Dan, Alan Jockson, Billy Ray
Cyrus and Garth Brooks Spentley. They named every country star
under the sign. Well. I was laughing so hard because
I know all those people. And when they said a
little bound, I got so tickled because I was just
thinking about Luke hearing that somebody thought that I sounded
like him. I knew how mortified he would be in
his career to think that Willie Robertson sounds like him.
It was cracking me out. But I knew the clues.
Like man, I had the best clues that would throw
you off, because we have sold a million albums, and
so you gotta think, well, who said it was a
million albums? It's got to be a singer, and so
we did that with our Christmas album, Duck the Halls,
and so I had so many clues that would just
throw you so far off. You mix things up, even
wrapped a little bit, threw us off with the singing
and then the whole country vibe. But then you swung
it to my house float right, I mean cigarrette with
fly That's so important when you're doing this show. Was
that a part of your strategy to throw us off completely?
My strategy was I wanted songs that everybody knew, like
a party song, stuff that people could sing along with.
And that's the way we are, and I just want
to have fun with that aspect of it. Doug Dynasty,
Then you're Mallard, Trevor Pauls, and it just say me
being Mallard might just be too close for comfort. They're
gonna there was a there was a costume that was okay,
and then they said this is what we really like
and when I saw it, it just blew me away.
I was like, that's it. And then because of dogs,
I was like, I don't care if it's a clue
or not. I gotta be in that cost There's a
billboard on Sunset Boulevard and Mallard's front and center. So
that's when you know you've got a good costume when
it makes the billboard. That's the second time I've been
front and center on that billboard. So one without a mask,
I want you to help us. That's set somebody's clue.
Of course, we saw the costume Duck commander of course,
Douck Dynasty, Abraham Lincoln, you and your family's famous beers
boot boot shaped home State of Louisiana. Shout out to
the boot one top. We saw the deer. We saw
some sweet tea. Sweet tea I think symbolizes the South.
Also celebrity bestie Chris Pratt, Hey Mallard, Chris Pratt here. Wow, Mack,
you and I went out catching frogs. Any chance you
could send someone to come pick me up? I mean,
I'm waiting a while. The muddy in this swamp sitting
helped Mallard. I have a question about Chris Pratt because
Ken was convinced once he saw Chris Pratty he thought
you were Nick Offerman because they were Parks and Wreck together.
I knew that would throw people off totally through everybody.
I met Chris years ago, I think when he was
on Parks and Wreck and we became buddies. And then
he actually came down to the house and we took
him frog hunting when he was filming Jurassic World in
New Orleans. He drove up. We hung out for a
day two. Yeah, just friend. He loves the outdoors and
we caught some frogs. That's amazing. Kindred spirits, I guess.
And yeah, when I met him, he was chubby Chris Pratt.
That was pre Guardians of the Galaxy when he got
ripped Lettony at the Galaxy. Back then, I was saying, Brian,
any other clues that we missed? There was a speed
that in clue. It was a connection to Jenny do
you know what that was the clue there was wall
Burgers show was on A and E right after Duck Dynasty.
That was the connection that we had, is that her
family's show and our show, we're right behind each other
for a few seasons. Jenny had no idea what that
was about. There was another clue on the third episode
when I sang play something country there was a whale,
and I was watching the show with my wife and
I said, what's the whale? I didn't get the clue
in chords and that's free Willie. And I said, oh
my gosh, free will That should have been a lay up,
like yeah, because she saw it was like they just
literally put your name up there. I would love to
come down to Louisiana. Way. How do you catch frog?
How do you catch meat? It's a little sketchy. Now,
it's a little dangerous because you gotta do it at night.
So you're looking for the reflection of the eyes. Now
that the eyes are red, that is an alligator, so
you don't want to grab that. So and then also
there's snakes, frogs, and so once you see a frog,
you pull your boat up to it and you literally
jump out of that boat. Grab that and it is funny.
Now we're not talking about little frogs like you see
like get your patty. These frogs when you stretch them
out or like a foot lall, like these are giant frogs.
They jump like you know, four ft. I mean, this
is Louisiana thing. I didn't even know people did this.
That's amazing. One time we were grabbing a frog and
right before we grabbed and we realized his body was
halfway in the mouth of a snake. So the snake
was eating the frog and we were gonna grab the frog,
and then we immediately aborted the mission because that frog
was already taken. Part of this question him getting a
little sad that you're not frying my legs. Catch me,
You frying my legs like you dipping them in some
Louisiana fish battery. Yeah, what do you do with the frogs?
Don't tell me, don't make me call. You don't have
to cry. You're gonna feel way better about that because
I'm not frying the legs. I'm salting them in butter.
They're cooking me. It's like a butter bath for your legs.
The frog. You don't get that at the cheesecake factory.
All right, then on to the party. Let's laughing things.
I'm a little sad of it. We got a game
for you, Malon. All right, season, you proved that ducks
really do deserve top billings, So I thought it would
be fun to play a quick game called no harm,
No Foul. I'm going to describe a few famous ducks.
All you have to do is correctly guess the name
of the duck that I'm talking about. Okay, here we go.
This duck has a slight lisp as black feathers, is
one of the looney tools and can be a little
self senting. Who am I talking about? Uh? Daddy, you
gotta yes? This one wears a sailor's uniform, has white feathers,
and he definitely believes he's the number one And as
part of Disney, who am I talking about? Oh man,
I can see this du You got this, Willie? You
got this? Don't know donald duck? You got it? All right?
Two for two? Here we go, let's see we can stump.
It's a sports team. They are located in Anaheim, California.
They also have a movie. Go ahead, all right, go ahead, Willie?
What is it? The Mighty Ducks. Yeah. I haven't seen
the movie and I don't follow the hockey Steff, but
but I heard of it all right. I don't think
he can get this from Brian. Let's see, it's Duck
loves money. Who loves money? He's I would say, filthy rich.
Now he's Scottish. Happens to be Donald Duck's uncle is
very stingy with this money, has a lot of it,
but doesn't like giving it out. Who am I talking about?
Scrooge McDuck? Wow, Okay, you know what? Tag? How about that?
He knows it's dust. I have to thank you so
much man for your time. Man. I have fun with you.
Thank you so much, thank you, thank you, oh Man.
Willy Robinson right there, ak the matter? Man? What a
cool dude, Brian cool dude and other guests has just
wiggled his way through the hallway. It's in a social
butterfly and the merge, along with incredible votals that led
him all the way to the semifinals. Most successful wild Card.
We have the wild card that went the farthest its caterpillar. Yes,
and we're gonna go ahead and roll out the red carpet.
He's an interior designer I might need itself. He's an author.
He's also an Emmy nominated host of their hit show Queer.
I please welcome to the podcast Bobby Birke, a k a.
The Caterpillars of the Buildings. He completely stumped everyone. Let's
go ahead and jump into it. Man up. Why do
you think the panel who mostly focused on thinking that
you are a boybander? Because I'm not gonna lie, I
kind of thought the same thing, too mean to me,
that's a huge compliment. Obviously, the boy banders are of
my generation. I think that maybe kind of we have
the same sound, that we're all about the same age now,
probably all turned forty in the last year or two.
I grew up with boy banders and they had a
huge impact in my life and my love of music.
You fooled Jitty so much that she actually went for
it take it off, Buzzer, which my heart dropped. How
did you go for it one time? She went for
it twice, and god, she was so wrong both times,
so wrong. But luckily her golden ear had turned into
a rotten hear because she did not know. I like that, Sorry,
but I mean, I I don't mind being the least.
It was the Cowboy, the country song because of Brobat Mountain.
She heard sisters. She was thinking Maggie Jillen All. She
was obsessed with figuring you out. And you know I
worked really closely with him. She was so upset you
couldn't figure you out. I love it. I love it.
Talk about your overall experience here on mess Singer because
a lot of people they hear about it. We talked
about it every week. Everyone's experience is different. Did you
know it would be that series? I definitely was not
expecting to be covered all the time. It doesn't matter
if I was in the caterpillar coffin. I say coffin,
not costume, because it felt like coffin. My backup dancers
didn't know why we were. The producers didn't know who
I was. I honestly really shocked that we actually had
to sing. Like seeing live like I've watched it and
the sound is just so great from most contestants that
I'm like, oh, they must pre record, because there's no
way in those costumes that they could move like they're
moving and their vocals still be okay and them not
pass out. But no, no, no, no, like I actually
had to sing live in that catepillar coffin. It was
probably a hundred and twenty degrees inside that costume because
we hadn't figured out how to ventilate it. Luckily, by
episode two they got me an ice vest. We drilled
holes in the top of the head to let all
the heat out. What for the instinct song, We did
all the choreography and everything before I put on the
costume on stage at all, So we had all this choreography,
plan were jumping around, we were moving like it was great.
And then I went to practice the stage run in
the costume and I'm all, yeah, it's so Fox execs
were like, um, yeah, y'all are going to have to
cut out almost all that choreography because he can't breathe
more or less. Since it was also the longest costume ever,
so I don't know how you would have been able
to dance in it, you know. And I look at
like performers like the Bull My god, what a performer
performer like the Splits, jumping up and down, and I'm like,
damn it, I wish I had a costume I could
have done that. Not that I could have done it
as well, as he does. What's funny. We had Hamster on,
you know, a couple of weeks ago Rob Schneider, and
he was not having the fact that Bull could move
like that with that. Gods, it's really funny. He wants
to fight Bull badly. I don't know why Bob Schneider
is all upset. Anyways, girl, you can't move like that anyways.
If you notice there's a similarity with Bull and Frog.
He has his mask, of course, but after that it's
human body. It's all him in a suit. It's just
him loose pants, loose shoes. I mean, he's moving, and
it does give you an advantage. You can run, you
can do more moves, you can spend your your more mobile,
you can do a lot of things. Did you pick Counterpillar?
Did you get any other options to choose from? Or
was this Cauda eight Bobby, We're gonna put you in
the longest console. No. So they're like, we're really excited
because not only does this this costume kind of fit
for your storyline, but they're like, you're also tall and
fit and one of the only people in the season
that could win. Well, okay, I guess like we're really
excited because you're gonna be able to fit this costume.
That's fine. Now, one thing I want to dab into
your clue package. Let's go ahead and talk about. Of course,
you know, the basketball your initials BB threw us all off.
A lot of people are thinking boy band, Backstreet Boys, Backstreet,
also the odd patch, your show, queer I of course,
five Great Lakes, just so many things, the hurricane, sitting
on the Dancing with the Stars. Talk about some of
these other clues. Man, what did these clues mean? We
start the bean bag, Vietma nomination, Emily Hampshire of course,
celebrity bestie, talk about all the clues that we might
have missed. It was funny. The producers are so good
at these clue packages. Like I actually would see the
clue packages and I'm like, great legs, What the hell
I'm not from Michigan, No, No, No, five legs, fat five.
And I'm like, oh my god, that's brilliant. I'm like,
you're even throwing me off more than any singer this season.
The panel was so fixated on Caterpillar, and Ken kept
asking me think Caterpillar is and because you had such
a great voice, but you're also really really funny. I
kind of thought you were Billy I could so I
would whisper to Ken. I think it may be Billy
I caner, but I think he mentioned that one. And
they were so god smacked when they saw you. It
was such a great view. It was awesome. All right,
let's go and have some fun. Each week, Caterpillar inched
his way into our hearts with amazing performances. But how
much detail do you remember about your lovable character Caterpillar?
This game, I'm gonna ask you a bunch of random
questions about your costume. If the answer correctly, you get
a point. Answer incorrectly, Brian has to do something that
he hates doing this. He has to give us some
clues which we all love. Okay, are you ready? Then
the life the music? It is game time number one?
How many team does Caterpillars have? Oh? Three? The correct
answers to what a great answer, Bobby, I'm like, I can't.
I couldn't even see out of the costume. It doesn't matter, Bobby.
I never even knew when Nick was next to me
until he would like move like awesome. I'm like, okay,
he's here, it's here, Brian, go ahead, and give us
one of those fresh black calls. Bundy, I'll give one
about banana split. We're preparing for Thanksgiving. It's November. We
think of turkeys or whatever, but bananas plot. But I
think of bananas. Put I think of a different holiday.
I think of Easter because Easter has bunnies, bunnies, banana
split bunnies. Alright, Question number two, here we go, Bobby.
What color are the caterpillar's eyes? God? Blue? You got it.
I think they modeled them after my own instead of eyebrows,
the caterpillar has? What others? Can I give my hands?
I gotta give my hand. This is a famous Sam
Smith song and also a famous Rihanna song. Oh they're diamonds,
there you go? Yeah yeah. How many fingers does the
caterpillar have on each hand? Oh? Three? Hey, you got that?
He got that. I knew that because I had to
shove my hands in there so oddly every single time
I put those gloves on. Now, this is the hard one.
How many blue circles does the caterpillar have on his body? Zero?
The answer is twenty two? Would I know that? Again?
For me, the caterpillar is nothing but a dark black
hole with a little vent in the front, like a
hundred degrees inside, Bobby, and I gotta give it to you, man,
you might gonna go and throw a professional singer in
a mass singer costume under your boy because you did it, okay,
And we want to thank you for your time. I
know you are a busy man. I understand you've got
things to do, places to go, people to see, and
I want to say thank you for your time. The
door is always open for you whenever you want to
stop through the show, just let us know. And you
know when you want to redesign the studio, we need
a little help in here, Brian. Let me appreciate you man,
right absolutely, thank you to see it? Right you guys,
that doesn't fun tonight, Brian? What you what's your what's
the paper? Was that a cheap sheet? You already roughly
with what you got? No, I still have your first impression. Gas.
I cannot believe you got duck Dynasty. That's very good.
I know it was well. Thanks to all the great
producers of the mass singing for putting him in that
mouth of costume. That definitely helped the brother out. I'm
gonna tell you that right now that helped from Okay.
Huge thanks to Willie Robinson a k A Mallett of course,
and Bobby Burke a K. The Caterpillar for stopping by
the show. Definitely appreciate you guys for that. Thanks to
Brian Circle for hanging out and dealing with my crazy
self each and every week. Man big. Thanks to you,
you you, you, you, you, and you and I mean you,
I mean the fans. Keep hitting us up on I
G and Twitter, at mass pod and of course at
Mass Singer Fox, and be short to use hashtag asked
Mask Singer to send in your questions. The official Mass
Single podcast is a production of Our Heart Radio and
of course my family wrapped Fox exactly reduced by my
other family. I have so many family members, that's right,
Katie Studios. For more podcast for our Heart Radio, visit
the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcast, or ever you
get your favorite podcast. Tune into The Mass Singer every
Wednesday night right here on Fox, and do not forget
we are also keeping the party alive. As soon as
you get done watching the episode, you come right here
and you highlight me and Brian and we got you
because only we get the exclusive, right Brian, That is
true Group A Finals next week. We got full that
versus Skunk. Only one of them can make it to
the finale. Who do you think? Hit us up on Twitter? Alright,
we love you guys. Good night, We've kept you all night. Brian,
I'm going home and I'm going to sleep frog out.
You deserve it. Who is doing