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December 2, 2021 24 mins

Only two singers remain as pressure builds to secure a spot in the Group A Finals. Join host Bow Wow, AKA The Frog (S3) and Masked Singer Celebrity Insider Brian Strickland, as they unpack every detail from tonight’s episode. With exclusive new clues, behind-the-scene intel and surprise drop-ins, you never know what’s going to happen or who is going to show up on The Official Masked Singer Podcast. Look for new episodes every Wednesday night on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your favorite podcasts. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Welcome to the official Mass Singer podcast, Oh My Goodness,
a production of Our Heart Radio and Fox Executive produced
by Katie Studio. We are the one the only official
podcast for the Mass Singer. You know what time it is?
Man America's number one show in the biggest best mystery

game on TV. Who is tonight with the Ultimate show down?
There's the bull? Is Skunk went hand their head in
the epic Group A Finals. I'm talking my unbelievable superstar
Dude wets and one of the closest votes and mass
taking history, The bull is charging the head to the
season finale. I am your host, bow A k A

the Frog. Listen. You can talk regularly to me. Okay,
you don't have to rip it. I don't understand rib
it language, but understand who's in the building with me.
It's my main and my brother from another mother, Brian.
Strictly to talk to the good people. Your favorite unfortunately
was eliminated tonight, Sculsa, Good night today, Grab me a

water wedding. Such a pleasure to have the y God
in the building, the goose bumps, the soul, the passion.
You are and will always be one of my favorite singers. Ever,
so thank you. What an upset. I couldn't believe it.

How do you choose between those two? This might be
the closest competitors we've ever seen. They're both really strong
in their lane. Yeah, the skunk is like so full,
takes us to church. But then the bull is the
everything entertainer. This feels like the season finale and it's
just Drew bas congradulations out the Bull man. You keep
doing your thing, dancing, flipping and singing and doing everything

else that you're doing doing death drop. No wonder why
the studio was smelling the way and smelling, because if
you're just now tuning in, we do have skunk in
the building. A K eight Faith Evans drop the mic.
I cannot wait. The chap it over her, just so
much to talk about tonight. If you don't want to

know all the goods, I suggest you just handphones down
for a couple of seconds and come back because you
don't want to miss this. Who Brian, Let's go ahead
and jump into a man a final showdown singer versus singer,
singer versus single. Two performances from me each one solo,
one dude. We had bulls sing with Jesse McCartney. It

is so good at this just made my day just
to see you and to see you two together. This
is like just nothing but smiling. And then Skunk and
Grammy winning legend Michael bolt the Spa and the one
and only Michael Bolting. That's crazy. That was a classic

performance Deep for another passionate performance song I Never Loved
the Man. You dig so much deeper into your soul
when you sing that. We can feel the pain that
you have to go through to love a man, the
pain that it takes to make a relationship work. Come

on ding that that's what we're all feeling. And and
that performance you got on your knees. You left every
single note that you have in your body on that stage.
Thank you. Her strong points are those ballot records love
deep type of songs, so I figured she would pull
one of these out of that, and once again she

did a phenomenal job. I see this April here, it's fiddling, guest,
that must be my first impression. Look, my feet are
up on it. That's today because I'm so comfortable. Brian.
Can you tell the beautiful people I had in the
mask universe? Who did I say was my first impression,
I'm assuming your first impression guest was not Mary j bl.
I'm gonna open this up and see Faith Evans. I

know that voice. Everything just led to her. The usher
who we saw off the camera was filling his back
at the top hat on that resemble Biggie Smalls or
something that the late great Notorious Big would wear, the
puffer fish thing puff puff Daddy wo. And also me
and Robert have something that comm he guests Faith Evans
as well. Well, you know, like I said, all the clues,
you know that we've seen New York City, We've seen

her tell heartbreaking tale of not getting to say goodbye
to somebody who passed in her life many years ago.
I believe the person that she didn't get to say
goodbye to was the notorious p I. G. So now
it's interesting. We've got a three way tie between Robin, Nicole,
and Ken. Jenny is the only one with zero points,
which never happens because she's a double Golden Ear Trophy

winner and to be honest with you don't tell right said,
it's not happy she's losing. Let's take a look at
what the panel is competing for. The highly coveted Golden
Ear trophy. Oh my goodness for men and black I
am so sorry, get ahold of yourself. My goodness. Hey,

po is a trophy, okay, And I will say this,
someone is a clear winner and it is not Jenny.
I'm telling you right now. If Ken wins, this is
gonna be holiday. We'll never hear the end of it.
You know, next thing, he might just sit the trophy
right there the whole season, you know what I mean,

No telling what kid's gonna do. I don't waste time
thinking and like planning. We know, we know, I just
go off the I have but my stomach because we
can never have too many clues. We got another exclusive
clue from the incomparable Miss mask Let's hear what she's
got to say. Banana Split is a Hollywood royalty and

between them they've conquered it all from working with greats
like Whitney and ken Jong. They've even made headlines attending
the met Ball. Thank you, Miss Masky for that gym.
We needed that. Banana Split has worked with Whitney and
Ken Jong. Like who has worked with Whitney, Houston and
Ken Jong. Man, now you got me thinking about Banana

Splits rules Yeah, who do you have? Meaning bulls in
the fun I have a real soft spot for Banana
splitod I really love a strawberry sun Day, but my
second choice is always bananas flood. I love carbs, I
love sugar, I love Baskin Robbins. We've never had a

duo or a group in the finals, so if Banana
Split advances to the finals will be the first time
I'm gonna drop a clue. Okay, now I've said this
before two times. You might have missed in mind floor
over your head, but I believe this is a one
to punch. Can you talk about songwriting? I believe the
person that is playing the piano is a legendary songwriter.

I'm gonna give another clue about Banana Split battingfield right,
And of course we've discussed the fact that she's saying
the thing to the hills. Banana Split also has a
connection to the hills. That might have been the best
clue of the season. Now to get us close to
home like that, let's go ahead break this down real

quick man, because both performed straight up, straight up a booll.
It's not playing This is definitely his rain. Once again,
Bull brought back the moves, Brian, Yes, when you're singing
Paul Abdul, you're gonna bring some moves in him seeing

straight up. Now, tell me, do you really want this?
You've got to bring out the moves the whole to bank.
What an incredible way to kick off the group a
finale with your best performance and the most entertaining performance
we've ever had on the show. For real, I can't
said it was the most entertaining performance ever on the show.

We're gonna have to have to talk about that, can okay? Okay?
I might want to have a private meeting about that
checkered flag a mermaid tail on the tip of the tongue.
Clue hasn't been in Hamilton's yet, has performed at the
venue where Hamilton's had its Broadway debut. That's big. That
is big because that eliminated basically anyone who's been in Hamilton's,

which is Leslie Jr. And Manuel, Anthony Ramos and Andrew Reynolds.
That eliminated a lot of people. His celebrity bestie clue
was Matthew Morrison from Glee's It fills my heart with
Glee to see you Strutton, those beautiful hoofs and that
gorgeous voice of you was on the mess singer Now
I know you're gonna kill it, probably make it all

the way to the end, and that's no bull, good luck,
my friend. So that had a lot of people thinking,
is it somebody Fromkly Darren, Chris poured Over Street, Kevin McHale,
Chris Cole for Harry Shum Jr. There's the whole list
of very talented triple threat types that have been on
that show. Miss MASKI gave out an out of this
world clue, which was a black hole at Galaxy? Can

you figure it out? The ball at jets Away. I
did not know what that meant me neither. Great to
see him do it with Jesse McCartney, Gregg even falling
to pieces. Maybe I'll make a Robin Dick Dad joke

in this moment, go for I don't know who this
bull is, but it ain't his first radio you can
and you can have that one Partney was the Turtles
season three runner up. He was your season Yeah, shout
the Jesse. Speaking of bull, let me ask you now
that he's in the final, he's he gonna win, But

you want a hot seat, you can put me in
the hot seat. I think if anybody can take out
like a Banana Split, I believe Bull can take them out.
They're gonna need to add the cherry on top. The
cherry was a costume. They're gonna need the cherry on
top to go with the banana, and that banana is
gonna have to do some backflips or something, yeah, something.

He has everything down that it takes to win. The
singing is there, the dancing is there. Everything that you
want from a good performer and an Entertainabull hasn't. With
every round, I discovered what I had in common with
the Bull. I am tough, I'm a romantic, I'm a fighter.
I think I've learned that in order to find out
who you are, you have to forget everything you already

think you know. And this for me. So Bowls advanced
to the finals. Next week we've got brut B, which
is Banana Split versus Queen of Hearts. Whoever wins that
goes to head to head with Bull. This is the
most competitive season we've had some Season three. You smell

at Brian Lightsol can't take care of this. We a
lot of million candles in this room. It's not gonna
kill that sin. My guest tonight earned her stripe with
an epic line of a performances on the massing Of
stage all season long, with the elegance and incredible vocals. Honestly, Brian,
I had her winning the whole thing. Just a Grammy
Award winning Artists, Producer, actress, and I'm so honored that

she is here with us tonight. Please welcome to one
the only Miss Faith Evans a k scum to the
podcast to please. I get don't Oh, this is go Okay, Yeah,
I'm going ahead give you your roses and all your
flowers right now that you're here winning. That is how
we like to do things. Okay, will take them. I'm

gonna let him dry out and let them be the
forever rolls. You know, I'll take care. Yeah, speaking of hands,
let's go and talk about this. Amazing dude, what Michael
Ball It felt great? Michael. It's an honor to have
you on our stage doing the shows. What I'm saying
is first stop Mass Singer, second stop will be Skunk

Michael Bolton Tour and will be there. I was. We
love you, Michael, michaelcording engineer and I we went to
this party in Malibu about ten years ago, and turns
out Michael Bolton was there. So my Ratchets and family

and my engineer, Michael Bolton's up there and he wants
the Sangwiches. So we ended up singing together. So my god,
we were just jamming, drinking wine and having a ball.
So I know when he finds out that that was me,
he's going to be like, oh, I remember that. It's
crazy to have performed with each other and is that
close to one another? And I recognized the voice? Did

he at least try to figure ot who you work?
You know how that forehead when you're trying to think
and figures on out. When we were doing the sound
check that episode, I know he was like, this voice
sounds familiar, but I know he couldn't figure out what
was he do. A great duet is chemistry, so it's
a little challenging because we can't see each other and
make eye contact. But she's great, voice is great, so

it was a total pleasure. I haven't tried to make
sure that nothing stunk about the performance. I gotta ask you,
what did you think about what Robin gets you correctly
in his first impression because I knew off the jump
it was you. I definitely figured Robin Wood that's like
my homie. I mean it's been a few years, but
I mean I actually used to go to Robin's house
just to try and write stuff with him, and stuff

that probably never saw the light of day, you know
what I mean, in addition to the duet we have together,
so I knew he would know. He knew within minutes.
Audience is on your side, Robin. You know, I do
think it's faith. But no matter who it is, how
lucky are we to have you on this season? I mean,
you've been so blessed, so bust. Out of all the

competitors that was competing this season, who did you feel
was probably your biggest competition. Everyone was competition to me
at first. But then when I got a chance to
hear and see all the energy that Bull was bringing,
I was like, oh no, I saw the splits in
the cart wheels. And after that rehearsal that day, I
went to the director was like, I need more lights?

Can I get a platform? You know, we could have
harned the skunk up floor across the man looking at
Bulls costume. It's easy to move and that was it
hard performing in it absolutely was. The tail is self
weighed about twenty pounds. Tad was actually like a backpack

harnessed onto my back with this twenty pounds tap. And
then the dress itself had three layers to it, and
then you add in the times if I want to
wear a waste train or not. You got the mask itself,
which is all first and just a couple of holes
for air. I'm gonna tell you something. The first episode,

I literally stopped singing almost halfway through the song. I'm
so glad that it came out sounding right because the
sweat was pouring in my eyes, my nose, my mom,
I was like choking on my sweat, and I'm pinned
because I've never had that happened to me. Made some
adjustments after the first episode. I was the vision inside
of the skunk outfit. Were you able to see? Was
the vision? Right? I could only see below my nose

unless I was to hold my head up, which I
couldn't do because your mask would move and you would
see my skin tone. It was difficult, and thank god
I'm not a dancer like the boy, because well, look,
I couldn't complain because I chose it. Yeah, did you
have a strategy bind your song choices. I probably didn't
realize how much of the competition the show was until

after the first episode, so you know, I love Sam Smith.
I was trying to pick a song that would be
so obvious for an R and B singer like myself.
Right after that, I was like, I'm only doing the
songs that I can do. I'm familiar. I'm doing a
rethu because people don't understand faith. The further you go,

the less time you have to learn these songs. I mean,
you brought it. What we're talking about, diamonds. It's a
man's man's man's world. Midnight Trainer Georgia Square Biz, I
must say was my favorite. I was up in the
living room party and Brian, you know, we're about to
get into something that I'm really not good at in faith.
I need your help because we're gonna go ahead and
dissect and break down some of these clues. Yeah, talking
about the reveal clues. First, we saw a vase with

the d on in your album R and B Divas,
I the puffer fish mask because of the Homie puff.
Shout out the puff one time he calls himself love now, Brian.
So you know that she has like nine, ten eleven
million different names, okay, the Big Book of Acting, of course,
a clue about Jumerita, the Late Great, the Best MC
to me, the Notorious b I one time for Biggie

the Presidential sweet Key your album the first Lady. I
get it, Brian. That one kind of flow over my head.
Now that was the time, Brian, I should have called
you as a lifeline like Brianie's melt man, break this down.
I know it's faith that was, But what is the president?
You keep that? Man? There's a train ticket, a golf
club on a book cover, box of cookies, the statue
of Liberty. The locker clue was the projector, and then

also of the party favorite clue was the boom box
because I had party record. That's true. You know you
got those. Now. This is funny to me because I'm
always telling Brian a difference between somebody who can sing
and sing a lot of people don't know that. When
you do the show, we have vocal cultures. Did you
even have to go through that? I know I did.
I can't sing or sing. Well, there's a twofold answer

to that. I didn't have to, but I did choose
to because maybe once, it's try to say in my
life work with a vocal coach. Once was when I
was a little girl auditioning for star s and that
was to learn the right song. It once with Papa,
it just didn't work out, but I chose to do
it because this was something new I was going into.
I didn't know the pace of the show, you know
what I mean. I'm like, well, there's songs that you

might think you know when you're singing your head and
you really don't know them. Words like square bits and
me and Tina was mac who I've sing this song
and dance to it at every barbecue, but guess what,
I didn't know what the hell she would say. It
helped me took more self, go over the songs and
be familiar with the words and the arrangements because there's
different rankings. It's not like you're doing a full song.

You might do a verse and go straight to the bridge.
So I may helped just a moment because I don't sing,
you know, usually people be like I had a voice
like that, I'll sing all day. I've never sing unless
I have to because I have so much on my plan,
you know what I mean? Yeah, my focus on me
has followed my family on my longest song. Those are
a little on this maybe down, but going to see

the round through his eyes talking oh, actually gave me
the courage to do both, to put out there In
a crazy third, I have one question, since I worked
so close with the panel, because they were all over
the place other than Robin, Nicole was very split it.
You know, one minute you think it was Mary J. Blige,
then she'd say it was you. Other names were Queen Latifa,

ju know, Scott, ericabt do, Jennifer Hudson. What do you
think about the other guesses? I thought they all were great.
Is definitely Mary J. Blind. But the g on the
when you say Bligh, it's not Blin? Family friend Nick,
she told me, and I quote Ken, I prefer that
you because we're so close that you call me Blin,

I said, But Nick Cannon said, Bin, She said, Blin,
you're blind right now? How dare you? How dare you?
I was like, wrong? How did you keep this whole
thing a secret from family? From friends? Because listen, I
know your phone was blowing up. Them was blowing up,

Like are you Skunk, but you know we can't talk
about it when we're on this show. What was your
strategy for keeping this thing very top secret from everybody? Well,
that's how I am every day in life. Okay, it
was something to be excited aboutn't even know. Brian, you
know what I want to do? Do you into a game? Yeah?
Let's do that. Yeah, Okay, we got a cool little
game we're gonna play with Faith a k A Skunk.

Now we like to call this game U Masked the Truth. Okay, Now, Faith,
I'm gonna ask you a series of rapid five questions.
You'll have five seconds to answer each question. Okay, if
you run out of time or decide to pass, which
I don't mind if you do that, because Brian has
to give us a new clue about one of the
remaining contestants. Brian don't like that, but we love that though.
So there's really no way to stick up this game. Okay, Faith,

are you ready? All right, Brian, You're ready, I'm ready.
I mean, the clues are getting so obscure at this point.
Last week I gave a clue for Skunk that really
threw a bow off because I said, Tim mcgrawl and
he's like Tim mc braul, what does that have to
do with faith? Evans go? First question? Would you do
the mass finger again? Absolutely? Okay? Would you change your

costumes absolutely to what? Well? If I didn't had the
time to prepare, I would be that sexy mirror hello,
and I wouldn't have to wear a waste trainer. All right,
that's about to get a little hot here here we go.
Who is your favorite celebrity panelist? Oh? You know what?

Only because I'm not going to count Robin because we
already know each other personally. I don't you know what
I can? I'll ask because I like it. That's what
I'm talking about the fact. Then come on, Brian, here's
one of them clues. Brian, we need a clue, Brian,
come on now, I was nervous about that. Okay. The
first performance of the premiere was scump That's how great

she was. She sang diamonds of course by Sam Smith
Well the identity of Queen of Hearts. She also has
a connection to diamonds. Then our last final question, one
word to describe bull dope? I like that one? Faith.

Do you have any idea of who you think bullers?
So I was asking the vocal coach is it a
boy band because he said free Prittany, I'm still something
the whole bullies. I think I know I made the
connection Broadway energy, moves dance, that's all of that boom
boom cat right. That's why I like have a special

guest on the show, you know, because I see when
they do that. Guess it's almost as accurate. Brian, your clues.
You've been throwing me off sometimes she would understand. You
come on the show. You have fun, but you learned
a lot about yourself too. It's a lot of work.
There's a process to this. Like I said, I'm giving
your flowers, Faith, thank you, and I just gotta thank

you for just putting the time to the side for
your boys, you know what I mean. We appreciate over
the massing of podcast and any time you want to
come through let us know. How about that. I love it.
Thank you so much. Faith, appreciate you a k from
the bricks way, I like that. Yea, this is it

for tonight. Thanks to Faith Ever's ak, the Skunk for
stopping Biden speaking up student, We definitely appreciate it, and
the Brian Triple for hanging out pracise you. My brother
Big things is always to each and every one of you.
Keep using hashtag asked mask Singing to sing us your
questions on i G as well as Twitter, at mask
pot and at mass Singer Fox and check out mask
verse dot com. I gotta check that out. That's right.

The official Mass Singer podcast is a production of Heart
Radio and Fox and Zinger produced by my family. That's right.
I can say that because they are my family Kati Studios.
For more podcast from our heart Radio, visit the our
Heart Radio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your
favorite podcast from. Tune into the Mask Singer every Wednesday
night Fox. I'm Frog, that's my main man, Brian Strickly,

and we are Oh you peaks right. They don't falls
about of spallet, but you just found out. Good night.
Who is that h
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