All Episodes

October 21, 2021 28 mins

Join host Bow Wow - AKA The Frog, and Masked Singer Producer/Head Writer Brian Strickland as they jump onboard the Masked Singer timemachine. They’re decoding, debunking and discussing each Group A performance including their retro clues and all the juicy backstage gossip. Plus the latest unmasked celebrity is joining them in the studio for an exclusive interview. Look for The Official Masked Singer Podcast every Wednesday on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your favorite podcasts. 


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Welcome to the official Mass Singer podcast, Beautiful, a production
of Our Heart Radio and Fox Executive produced by Katie Studio.
We are the one the only official podcast for the
Mass Singer. I'm just thrown away. You know what time
is Man America's number one show in the biggest best

mystery game on TG Who is alright? You guys group
as unbelievable performance in retro Clues where a blast from
the past. Tonight thanks to a man single time boy,
my very she no will CALIFORNI into the fuge jury.

I'm your host bout and as you can hear, because
you can't see me unless you're in the studio, I
have my brother from another mother from me men Brian
stripping his back for I say something to the one
for people there? How you doing? I just want to say,
already bound, I'm coming for you. You've been paying attention.
Brought my a gate. Maybe I might be too overcoming

and maybe I brought like a minus be plus kind
of game today. Usually don't allow this kind of thing,
but tonight we've got a rope in the studio and
usually we would call pest control, but of course we
don't need it because it's the Hampson we got rock Snider,
Sir Ham Sir, Yes, Rob is in the building. I
said him walking in through the glass. There he is.

My may man is on the way. I hope Hampson
shower before it comes up, you know, Hamps and they
got a little smell too. You know, he's been around
skunk somewhere if that staye So make sure that Hampson
took him a nice bath before he comes into the studio.
Comedian Rob Snyder, that's right, he's somewhere around hand Up Building,
running around. But we're gonna catch up with him soon
for a dope dope interview. But before we get into it,

we are about to drop some big time sport. You
don't want to hear him, then I just don't go nowhere.
But maybe you might want to turn it down a
little bit. Who is the group A is back? They
did the thing we saw Bull who was always coming
through Pepper, beautiful, beautiful voice, Hamster, the wildest wild card yet, Jester.

I've been cold and nicon. You could say I've changed
the course of history. I've even been voted one of
the most influential people of all time. This is a legend.
No Jester reminds me of I'm a big w w
e thing. He reminds me of bray Wyatt a thing.

The scene was like this killer clown playing around, kind
of creepy. Jester is just eerie and perfect time. And
this is the mother Halloween. Yeah, this is the month
to get in the spirit. Good boy, this was smart
to have something like this. I don't think we've ever
had a scary mask, not at all. Hide the kiddies
because this one. They called some Night to the Jester. Wow,

oh my god, that entrance from the back. I don't
think we've ever done that before. It was given me
like clockwork Orange. I don't know what was happening. I'm
ready to make my first impression. I'm on the stand.
I think this person did a movie. I believe this
person worked with a big time music mogul. This person
definitely worked alongside of this person in a major film,

a film that I love, a film that I can
relate to because I'm in the music business. And I'll
just leave it at that. Let's go ahead and write
that first impression. Guests down, Okay, all right, gave it
to you fast. I told you I was ready for you, bro. Okay,
I'm not gonna open it. However, I am gonna open
the hamster guests. As I learned tonight, it was Rob Schneider.

But who was your first impression? Guy, don't laugh at me. Okay,
I'm opening up Jim Carrey. Boom. That's a disappointment. The
Mask was one of my favorite movies growing up. He's
been rocking the Mask. He suck a lot in a
spin tour. I couldn't think of anyone else. He just

came to mind the access the different characters he plays.
I guess I found it was closed. It's a funny
movie star, so you were coming close and it wasn't.
Rob's not you know, I should have noticed all the
water bottles. I should have noticed this. We've had back
to back comedian reveals in Crupe. We had Larry the
Cable Guy and Rob Schneider. This maybe our last comedian

reveal of the season. That maybe it you guys, So
no more joking around. It's time to get down to business,
baby soft start, take it off, take it out, start.
I guess daddy list tonight when not w I love

how we started off the show tonight. I'm like wait
a minute, and then saying wow, Card, so wait, I
wasn't even thinking of like a celebrity guest panelist on
tonight show. Neither my eyeballs broken here and if I
don't hold it, sing my face just a little behind
the scenes. He really wanted to sing, which is why
we came up with the soft serve. And the panel

legitimately did not know he was gonna be on, so
we really surprised them with that. And it was funny
when Jenny thought he was Michigan gun Callum just a
little bit off, but he was a great sport. Thank
you for being with us here today. Wow, I'm not
worthy on me. This is too awesome. Well, you're gonna
have a good time. Let's be joining, ladies and gentlemen.

Let's go out. This is my favorite part of the show, Brian.
Let's go ahead and dive into it. Let's start off
with Bull make you feel my love. I just want
to say Bull that I honor you right now with
that performance. You stripped it all back and you just

said I'm gonna let my voice and my heart and
my soul just speak for itself. And thank you so
much for letting us in look closer at the stage
is his home, which I definitely agree. Ken mentioned Tay
Diggs because the onstage clue was a modem. I saw
that bodems were popular in the nineties. Tay Diggs was
in Rents. He also said lives in my mind Rent Freeze,
So that was a great guest. Leslie Jordan mentioned another

Broadway star, shy And Jackson, who is his co star,
and called me Cat saw that, And then Jenny mentioned
little Nazac. We did see the drama mask and we
know he's very theatrical. The only thing is little noses. Actually,
like six three, we saw the pile of nails. That
kind of threw me off a little bit. I know
a lot of people out there right. I will say

nails are key. They are a very big nails are key.
Nailing to be a property brother, what at the could
be Tim Allen Home improved, Jonathan Taylor, Thomas, somebody like that.
You got me thinking, now, Brian, I wasn't thinking that deep,
but now you put it there. It could be your
throw off. That voice could be the throw off. This
person might be a wild person too. Underneath this nice voice.

He's like, I'm making up excuses a while didn't go
to the bathroom. He might need a clean X and
runs off the stage and trying to scope out the competition.
I saw me gave it away. Dafty was being real nosed.
We gotta put some security. You were probably in studio.
I know they won't let me in studio, so let
me tell you. Yeah, that's right. Even I was a frog.
I have to stay up here in this nice, beautiful studio.

They won't let me go down to the main floor.
I have to stay up here for Brian gets to
go everywhere. I'm in, but I'm out. You know what
I mean. You said that in the past. This one,
more than anybody else, is really thrown you. When I
watched the show every season, Brian, there's always that person
that throws me. But the person that's usually throwing me

off usually last a long time, and there's always that
one slip up song and I hear something that I
wasn't hearing before, and I tend to get them as
it goes further and further and further. So I'm believing
that Ball might be one of those that I end
up knowing. As we get closer to the finals and
be getting into that space Tar Machine take Me to

the finale. Skunk Get Square Bears. What a classic tagging
us back in time. As we know, like Tina Marie
one of the best vocalists in the game, and for
someone like Scunk to be able to just easily Tina

Marie runs was we bowed down again. Jenny said that
this song was the perfect choice, which I agree, because
Skunk has been killing us with the ballots. We know
this person has a unique voice and unique sound. We
know that this person is a queen and R and B,
and so we started the Champagne toast. Her clues really
stuck out to me and makes sense because I think
I know who this person is. I'm gonna go ahead

and greet with my good friend Robert Thick on this
one tonight. I see these clues about not getting a
chance to say goodbye to somebody that you loved, and
then I see the pager and the message being I
miss you. I think the person that you didn't get
to say goodbye to was the notorious v I G.
And I think that I Miss You was the song

that you sang with Diddy called I'm Missing You. I'll
be missing you. I think this is Faith Evans, and
I'm gonna go ahead and stick with that. And the
reason why is because she said that she would gret
it a night where she didn't get a chance to
give that love one that hug and to share that
last intimate moment with. And we all know who Faith
Evans has been historically attached to and also was her

ex husband is one of the greatest hip hop rappers
and lyricists of all time, the notorious b I G.
If you are a fan of bad Boy Records, or
if it Evans or the Notorious b I G. If
you notice when she was at that ball was there
the gentleman who was waiting at the hat pat like
Viggie used to wear and also had the king like
big And if you missed it, it could have flew

over for maybe that was an usher at the event,
or it could have been, you know, a ballroom dancer.
But if you know who Faith Evans is and what
she represents and the label she comes from, and who
she wished she could give that final hug to her,
it was Biggie Smalls all day long. That was a

compelling argument. You almost had me convinced. I watched this
episode with my family, and they all kept saying Skunk
reminds me of like a young Aretha Franklin, like this
woman is a legend and stuff, which is interesting because
both Jenny and Nicole named people that have played Aretha
in movies this year. Jenny said Jennifer Hudson because she
was then dream Girls, and of course they used the
term dream Girl in her clues. And also Nicole said

Cynthia Riva. I just saw somethe Reva the other night
at the Hollywood Bowl and she actually wrote this song
for her father and it had the entire Hollywood Bull
in tears and for me that resonates with this word.
And then Ken's guests mysteriously disappeared. I'm not sure who

he said it didn't make together because maybe it was
complete nonsept maybe it was right. You know, he's still
on the lead for the Golden Air drope. Just to
wrap it up with Skunk in the sixth or seven
on the pageant, that's I miss You. I would have
caught this even if Robert didn't say it. But I
remember asking Diddy myself, like, YO, what is your biggest
record of your career? Remember him telling me to my face, Brian,

no lie, he said, the biggest song of my careers,
I'll be missing you him sting in faith Evan Yes,
which was a song dedicated to the tourist the past.
So I love the other comparisons, I really do, but
all roads leads to faith. Yeah, okay to me, you
know how I feel about You're always crushing it, always

killing it. You change it up tonight. Thank you for
sharing your heart. We got Pepper not tear has left
to cry. What an amazing performance. Outstanding and every way

he picked it up, this up tempo this week, last
time it was like a ballad that put us and
Nicole especially to tears. It just shows your versatility and honestly,
you're rapidly becoming one of my favorite amazing jobs. I
love Pepper, Pepper. I'm onto you. Okay, Pepper, you might
be hot, but in fact I'm on. First I introduced

to Pepper, I was thrown off. I just said, this
person sounds familiar, but I don't know who this is.
But now I kind of know who this person is. Okay,
and you give me a little taste, Yeah, why not?
I think this person has one of the biggest records
of music. You can't have a big record, Brian, and
it's just yours. When you have a big record, that
means it's big, but people want to use it for something.

Do you see what I'm going with this? You might
have heard Pepper on your commercial. This could be a
sing song to a TV show. This person is big.
One of her biggest records has a hundred and two
million views on YouTube. And even if you don't listen
to her music, you heard this record. Okay, that's all
I'm gonna say. Pepper's time travel clue was an iPod.

All you have to do is plug it in and
let's get the bodies. Bart, you heard what she said, right,
get the party started? Who sang that song? She was
her night success, pulled in many different directions. She's got
that amazing voice. They can pull off changing it up absolutely, Ken,

said Adina Menzel. So that, Nicole said Ellie Goulding who
got her big break, great soundtrack. She also mentioned Natalie
and Bruteleia, which is great because we didn't listen to
torn on their iPod. And then Robin's guest didn't make
it on the episode. He mentioned and this is actually
a very good guest there was a son and he
was thinking, soak up the sun Yarrol Crowe, Google Cheryl
Crowe and Courtney Cox. They're best friends. They run in

a group, Jennifer Aniston, Caryl Crowe, Courtney Cox, Laura Dern.
They're like these Malibu ladies. Is that you were thinking,
Cheryl Crow do do do do? Do? Do? Do? Do? Tech?
Kylie Mino have no idea? Is this mass singer named
that too? Yeah? I just gave him a clue. I
gave him a good clue. I listen, I'm not on

the massinger this season. Okay, room up, Okay, But is
this person good friends with Courtney Cox? Do you have
any idea? You know? She was her celebrity friend. Hi, keeper,
congratulations on tonight. You're gonna be so amazing and I
can't wait for everyone to see you have the best time.
Do your thing? Is the connection they're speaking of connections.
Robin said that she was fearless. I definitely agree, confident,

but going to be on stage signed on only a
few days before the show started, which We've had a
couple of our contestants do that prior. It's funny last
season that happened in the Clasheney and I went in
the whole thing. What I'm saying, maybe it's a good
luck sign. Maybe Pepper is gonna win. I got Pepper
going to the finals. We got Bold, we got Skunk, Like,
how do you choose between those three? I know, because
we have a whole other group. Only one of them

can make the finals. I think it's going to be
between Bull and Pepper. Okay, I'm trying to stay calm
because the semifinals are so close and last but not
least the Jester. Yes, we got Robin jumping up on

the desk. We have never had pure metal like that
on this Yeah, awesome. Schools out what other song congestor
have done to start it off like this? Alice Cooper,
It's just the perfect song from the costome looks scary
and it's like, how far it was good? But my

hair brand I was like, you brought me bad musing performance. Honestly, Jester,
you sir, are the wildest of all wild cards, and
we thank you. Penel was definitely excited for Massinger, the
first pure metal performance voted one of one hundred most
influenced people of all time. That is a key clue

by the way, time travel, clue, torn up jacket, this
is pl style, your style. Yeah he's creepy. I mean, yeah,
this person represents rock. But once again, i'm when other
fans understand sometimes the clues are there to throw you off,
just because there's a lot of things that are appointing

us to the rock star. To think about if this
person was an actor and played a rock star, playing
a rock star as an actor just to sing like one.
So maybe this person is really not a musician, So
think about that before everybody just jumps ahead. It just
thinks this slash, you know what I mean. The first
thing that came up to me was remember that Jennifer
Aniston movie again we bring her up rock star with

Mark Wahberg, somebody who's played a rock star. Robin and
Ken both said legitimate British rock stars. Robin said d
Snyder that Jackie reminds me of Twist. His sister TikTok
has like a celebrity who you look like? And I
came up as d Snyder said Roger Dawtry from the

by the way, the who sings our theme songs, so
that would be nice symmetry. Leslie Jordan's went the other way,
he said, a British comedium, I definitely get English bobes,
like like British. Do you think like a Russell Brand
I mean he's a little taller and he's tall and skinny,
like a Ricky Gervais type. Yeah, Ricky Ricky. A couple

other names that were thrown out that didn't make the
episode where Eddie Izzard, Graham Norton, there was a mention
of scoundrel and of course who was in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,
but Steve Martin and Michael Kang I think Ringo Starr
was mentioned and they were basically mentioning every British recording
artist outside of Adele. I'll do whatever it takes to
hating this cart and that's no joke. You guys keep

on sitting and tweets my way with all your guest is.
I love it. I'm watching the show, We're tweeting and
reading all of you guys. DM. I'm gonna affward you
guys Brian's number because he can probably get you guys
a little closer to your question. Okay, he has all
the answers God can only give you, but so much.
Keep the d MS coming, keep the tweets coming you
guys don't want to find me, and I know where
to find you, guys. My guests tonight hand it up

on the mask singer stage improved his talents cannot be caged.
He made us laugh. He's saren at us a Spanish
which was crazy. Please telling me welcome one of my favorites.
And when I say favorite, I really mean that I'm finishing.
I've never you like this. I'm gonna call him a
legend because that's me is to me into a lot
of other people. Rob hey, k. The hamsings in the building.

Very nice. I appreciate it. I bought most of it.
Oh man, just right? It just how much fun was
it being a hamster? And were there any time just
where you robbed being in the costal? Well yeah, I
mean you can't breathe in the thing, that's one so
like if you can just get used to breathing, it
kind of takes the pressure off because it's hot. There's

like fans inside there and people holding you up until
they get you on the stage. It was fun. I
just wish I could move in it. The bull I
mean he could do the splints and they run around
eighty pounds more of outfit than that guy. Did you
know what are hamsters? They're fluffy on a lot of

people understand. It's hard to see out of some of
these costumes. All of them are designed differently. Did you
have any trouble seeing out of it? Oh? Yeah, I
had trouble seeing. I couldn't see. By the third song,
I said, you know what, I got this, and that's
when they kick you off. Jenny McCarthy was so upset
she texted me because she was like, Hamster should be
going to the finals in six seasons, by far the

funniest character we've ever had. Oh, thank you very much.
I appreciate. I enjoyed. I wanted to stick around for
one more song because the next one was gonna be
a killer Who was gonna be the next one? It
was gonna be Amish Paradise take off of Dangerous Minds. Yeah,
but I had a great time. The first week is
the toughest because you can't see where you're going, and
then after what you kind of get used to it.

You know you're having a good time when you get
kicked off in your bum Oh, I know. The feeling
the singer headed home is Hamster we love. I want
to know as far as like preparation and adding your
own thing into the hamster, and I know improvising is

big and what you do. Did you feel like that
was an advantage that you had because we listen, we
saw you take a whizz on Nick. That's not the
first time I've been event Bryance saw him, but it
was just me whizzing on. You have to feel all
the space, you know, and if you're a comedian and
you're an entertainer like yourself, there's space there. You gotta

fill it entertain people. My go to choice as a
Hamster was the whizzle. I gotta ask a million dollar
question now. I always asked to guess this. How did
you keep this a secret from friends? From family? When
you go off you're doing work for a small center time,
it's like the mask singer is so high in with security.
I tell people, like the White House, you can go on.

Were in a mask all day, You're in gloves, you're
in hoodies. The hoodie say don't talk to me. How
did you keep this a secret? I don't know how
I kept it a secret. I just took it seriously.
A lot of things I don't take seriously in my life.
As a matter of fact, I don't take anything seriously
in my life. There's like nothing I take seriously. So
finally I got something I had to take a little seriously.
There's only a couple of people that I told my wife.

I had to tell her where I'm going because I
want to stay married. My little kids they figured it out.
They hear me singing around the house. You know. So
it really was a fun show, and you really don't
want to spoil. Go ahead and play a fun game
with Rob. Since you made massing of history for being
the first celebrity to ever drop the F bomb on

our stage, we thought it would be fun to play
a game what you called F bomber. I'm gonna ask
you a bunch of questions. All you have to do
is answer each question by using a word that begins
with F. If you choose not to answer it, you bomb.
Now if you don't answer it, it's cool with us
because Brian has to do something that he hates doing.
That's given us a clue. Real clues today, right right, real,

not the little ones up the end. Yes, you have
to answer every question with all right, now, let's see
where this goes. It should be interesting. Okay, are you ready? Rob, alright,
let's do it here. It is the first time you
put on the hanswer constule, you thought, boy, this is

all right? Okay. One word to describe Jenny McCarthy is boxing.
I would agree. I would agree. The Jester is funny. Oh.

I wasn't expecting that the skunk might be a killer performer,
but her are dead arts notorious. One word to describe
the celebrity panelist Leslie Jordan's is fantasy. Yeah all right.

The word sums up your experience on the Mass Singer
is the most fun you could have not breathing. You
mentioned that you were a little nervous tonight. It wasn't
because you had to do this in Spanish. Oh yeah, well,
doing something not in your own language, and also you

here on live TV, and the degree of difficulties a
little higher. For some reason, the Bulls got it sold.
He had like pyrotechnics. The whole theater almost burned down
because the Bulls performance explosions. It was like he was
the Super Bowl halftime show, and I was like a
high school game parking lot clown or something. All right, now,
Bryan I might be able to dissects clues here. I

told you I'm a big fan of your work. Rob,
that hasn't been any of that having things. So if
we're gonna go over your clues, and I know for
a fact some of these clues I'm spotting. I'm telling
you this the first clue package that I really know.
So let's go ahead and reveal some of these clues.
Making copies you famous SNL joke correct bottom bottles. Of
course you can do it. Bottle boy, you know what
that is? The copy machine guy? Other boys? Either way,

carrass up. We're gonna win tomorrow. What do you think
of the guests? By the way, Jim Brewer, Will Farrell,
David Spade, I didn't realize it. People knew my voice
so well, yeah, I think they changed it with the
first time I was out there. Everyone guessed it, and
so the producers says, what, we have to recut this.
They don't give it away the first time because I
think three of the four is that Rob, because let's

nix it up. Guys, I think this is Neglesias, but
only one of them. Fluffy. Nicole really thought you were Fluffy.
She was convinced it was Gabriel Iglesias because of the singing. Maybe, yeah,
I should have done the Spanish one earlier, I think,
but then I thought I would to get kicked off.
You know. They wanted me to do that other song,
the Queen Song. Luckily I didn't know it, so I

was kind of just made it my own. I literally
didn't know what the words. I mean, I've heard it
like everybody else. It took me a while to learn that.
The Goldfish, I believe that's from this big along with
my right. Yeah, I told you, Brian, I'm on fire, Yes,
two thousand three. That movie is forever classic to me.
Every time I watched Thank You, it's like, it's just
it's so crazy. That was a fun movie. Thank You.

So we saw the baseball bat and It's locker. What
was that about? That was for the movie bench Warmers.
You're too old for that. Oh that was for the kids.
The kids like them should have got that one. I'm
mad at myself about that one. We saw the portable TV.
I never imagine that many many on your years later

the Hamster would be on this all my amigos. Was
there any other clues robbed that were in your clue
package that you should have been like, okay, Brian bound,
you definitely should have got this week, the one that
said in the locker, that said this is Rob Schneider.
That was the one you should have got. But no, no, no,

you have to have a good time, and I really did.
As you can tell about after a while you get
sucked into the competition and you started going to yourself.
Maybe I can get further in this thing. Well, Rob,
I gotta thank you man for your time. It was
a pleasure having you here was an honor. Like I said,
our doors always open for you many time you want
to come over here. It's a pleasure. Thank you so much, man,
A legendary Bryan Man. I was just so happy to

have him. Yes, it was. Man's amazing, amazing. Man. You
just never know, you know. We just brought out the
red carpet. They pop up, they show up. We just
have a good time. That is it for tonight. Time
flies when you're having fun. Man. We gotta thank Rob's
not ak the Hanser chumping in the studio. Oh my god,
my stomach still hurts. I'm laughing so far. Of course, Brian,

this show would not be what it is without you,
my brother, Thank you, thank you, thank you. Listen man,
we are pipping in Jordan, Kevin Durant and Jane Hart.
That's how good of a duo we really are. Check
us out on I G and Twitter, at Mask part
and of course at Mass Single Fox and send us
all your questions. Okay, don't be afraid. Every question is

a good question. Blow them up, Twitter feed up, blow
up our Instagram feeds up, blow up the Official Mask
pot and of course at Mass Single Fox feeds up.
Ask us whatever you want, all right, we are here
for you guys. The Official Mask Singer podcast is a
production of Our Heart Radio and Fox Executive produced by
Bam Bam Family Katie Studios. For more podcast from Our

Heart Radio, visits our Heart Radio app, Apple Podcast, or
you get your favorite podcast, tune into The Mass Singer
every Wednesday. All my favorite network. That's right, oh X,
that is Fox. Do you like I did that? You've
done this before? Every day? It feels like my first day,
you know. We just have so much fun with this.
Thank you so all the Mass Singer fans that watch

the show each and every Wednesday. Thank you all for
sticking with us after this show because we know you
guys can't get enough of this mass stuff, this moll
we do, baby, We're gonna always give you the four
one one. Absolutely. I'm signing off as Frog. That's my man. Man.
Brian will catch you guys next week for another hot episode.
And that's right, Brian. I'm out, Brian, I'm out party
and challenge. Yes, yes, sir
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