Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Welcome to the Official Mass Singer Podcast, a production of
Our Heart Radio and Fox Executive produced by Katie Studios.
We are in the presence of greatness right here. We
are the one the only official podcast for the Mass Singer.
You know what time is man America's number one show
in the biggest best mystery game on TV? Who is that?
The Mass Singers came out swinging tonight in the Group
A semifinals. That's right. All four contests were tops and
they brought their a game. Of course, it's your host
ballot a k A. The Frog. And you know who
I got to counsel with me? My brother from another mother.
Brian Strickland is in the building, Jamie. That's right, my
celebrity inside it. He's gonna tell us everything. We are
the one and only Chili Pepper. That's right. A k
Ain't Natasha betting Field would be in the building. It's
a pack show. And of course let him know who
else we got to go to Brian. Let him know
we got our guest panels from this evening, the great
Will I am? Okay? How are you doing? Man? Oh man?
I can't wait to top it up? Will have you
met Will of course you met Will I Am. I did,
and he was an absolute delight. I think I said
this before, but I love any man that compare a
Blazer with soccer George. He and Nicole are really really
good friends that were doing behind the scenes. Yeah, I
loved him. I've never met him before. He listen, man,
a lot of spoilers. We're about to leave. If you
don't want to know everything, I suggest you just turn
it down and then turn the volume back up. Who
is you know what time it is? We got a
lot to discuss, a lot of things to talk about, Brian,
Let's go ahead and dive right into it. We talked
to eliminated singer the double elimination gesture and Chili Jester
audience say it with me? He yea love it? Roy,
lead singer on the Sex System, Johnny Rotting in the
building literally the inventor of punk rock, Johnny freaking rolling
Jnny Roding right here. Will I Am. You got one
life and we must explore all the possibilities and being
limited by no one for no reason. True punk rock baby.
The second singer unmasking is Pepper. You guys make some
noise for Pepper. That means Bull and Scump. You will
be battling it out for the title of Route A
champion in two weeks. We get to read your first impressions.
So for jesters I'm nervous, go ahead and read it.
Get him to the Greek star Russell Brand. Yeah, not bad, Brittish.
That was not bad at all. That was good. Everyone
online weirdly thought it was Jack Black. Let me see
who you said for Chili Pepper the cod got it right.
Your first impression guest for Pepper was Natasha betting Field.
I don't know if you'll remember there was a Hollywood
sign in the clue package too, because unwritten was on
the hill. That's got to be my girl, Natasha betting
All right, Okay, so she's now tied with Cannon for
one point each for that Golden ear truphy. Let's see
you said you got this one right. Remember when I
hummed the song fan No, that guy could have been
You're not could have been? I could have been. I
mean the song on it has a hundred and two
million views on YouTube. Mars has heard that record. I
can't tell you how many times I've rolled down the windows,
turned down the sun Route and blared that pretending I
was long comrade at the beginning of the Hills. It's
a song. It's so good, it's so good. All right, Brian,
let's go ahead and dive into the show's bull Man
rain on the Grand Day and the Lady Gaga. The
bull has done it again. Not about the dance moves.
We must have my old trader. That frog dripping swag
is floating around the studio somewhere, incredible dancing, which is
so hard to do in that consule. I'm short, it
is the bullhead And then that was pure talent. That
was natural up here, my dude. Yeah, find the wait?
Is it real that you're that worried about your competition
every single time? Wow? When you don't know who the
other person is under the mask and your backstage and
hearing them warm up, you are always thinking that, but
also think this from future celebrities coming to the show.
While you're thinking that, don't think that the other contestors
aren't thinking the same thing about you. That is a
good point, So Bull, I understand this, my brother. When
you're back there singing, let's not think that Skunk and
everyone else is not feeling a little nervous. Absolutely and
that ring clue. That's what got Ken to Billy Porter, right, Well,
we have more in common than you think, does that ring?
So he knows you You him in a ring, me
him in a ring. Maybe the rings is like you know,
Billy Porter was on the New Yart Eve Show and
he was ringing in the New Year, So I'm thinking
can Billy Porter? Yes? Okay, and Nicole had a lot
of good guesses. She mentioned Usher, Jason Derulo, and Neo
all three triple threats and also used to be a
solo performers and that killed the whole band thing exactly
by shout out to Bull one more time and definitely
doesn't see one of my favorites. And I have Bull
going all the way to the finals. That's just me.
I could be wrong. If I were unmasked, I would
definitely be devastated because I so desperately want to get
into the Group A finals. Wait before we keep going, Brian,
you know what time it is? Right? What time is?
You don't know what it's time for? Exclusive clue? Miss
mask is about to go ahead and deliver us some information. Oh,
miss Masky, we learned Bull maybe from Cooper's down, but
also has a connection to the Windy City. This front
runner has a lot of slashes on his resume, even
performing on Broadway singing and dancing. Very pretty alright, miss mask,
we appreciate that coming in there dropping some Amazon's interesting
what she said, you know, maybe from Cooperstown. But also
it's a connection to the Windy City. So there's Chicago
thing there. You know who I was thinking of? And
this name comes up later on. I think the podcast
listeners like this sort of thing. Who does have a
connection to the Windy City Chicago? Who was in Chicago
and can do all of the singing and dancing the
bullets done? It's t did oh in any world could
be moving on the Skunks song At last they had
a James song. That's not an easy song to sing.
Hey bro, yeah, Robins standing up on the desk, I
get so like when you sing, I hang on to
your every note. I can't wait for the next phrase,
and I just I can't get enough for your voice.
Thank you. And I can tell she wants it. Yeah,
you can just hear it in her voice. I can
tell she wants to win this thing. So about you
said you were gonna tell who you think Skunk is.
You seem pretty determined and pretty confident about your guess.
I know who this person is. I paid attends are
all the clues. You know what I'm saying. My eyes
are open, my ears are open, I'm focused. I've been
listening to this R and B singer for years. She
was bad boy, affiliated woman, bad woman, So you know
what I'm going with this. There's none other than Faith Evans,
That's my guest. The clues just hit too home to me.
When she was like in the ballroom masquerade thingy and
her clue packets, I saw somebody that resemble Biggie Smalls,
the top hat with the cane. She mentioned that she
lost somebody she wishes she could give that last hug
to her say something that's Biggie and I'm sticking with it.
That's what it is. It's the bad boy queen, Faith Evans.
I know I'm right with this guest. Well you and
Robin Theft, I feel like I know this voice. The
reason is because I believe I saying duet with her
on one of my albums, and I think this is
Faith Evans online. Though everyone seems to be between Mary J.
Blige and Faith Evans Okay, listen, it's Faith Evans. Okay
and listen. Now, my guessing is not Brian's guessing on right,
So I want to make sure they know like he's confirmative. No,
I don't. Once again, Bow doesn't get a cheat. I
don't get a chance to walk around the Fox studio
to let it be known. I've not been to the
Fox studio since season three. Okay, just so they know.
I'm guessing no different than you all that are listening
as fans. I'm a fan of the show. You know
it's a part of it, and remember, part of the family.
I'm a still a fan of the show. And honestly,
that's what helps me with the podcast. Me not knowing
because I represent you guys, I represent the listeners. I
don't know nothing, and that's why I guess everything. But
this is a correct guess. I know music, I know
R and B. I know what Faith Evans sounds like,
and I'm sticking with it. And that's just what it is.
I just can't wait to see how far she goes. Well,
only one of them can make it to the fartals.
It's making me I need more. I need more emotion,
I need more, so honey, we got to run. It's
just too tough, man. People like Pepper going home. It's
early on. Oh my gosh, it's really really competitive. I
don't know what she's gonna bring down next week. She
might bring on one of these ballots and just serve it.
I just have a feeling, man, that she is not
coming to mess around with bulls. She drop about the
bull bs, She's not bull around. She's gonna grab the
bull by the horn. Every time I think I got
me a going, Brian just tops it. I really think
that you're a rapper. You're like MCB or something. It's
a rapper in you somewhere, bro, And I'm gonna find
it before we're ending this season's podcast. He's gonna wrap fun.
I really think Brian is a rapper. Dollar Signe's got
a lot to worry about it. Let's do it. I
guess tonight really spicy. Listen you hear singing right now. Listen,
it doesn't even she's still going. Man, that's what I like.
And it's live. It's live, and she sounds exactly how
she sounded tonight. That's what I like. That's how you
know you can really really sing? Okay, tonight's guests definitely
one of my favorites. I had her going all the
way a lot of people did. Yes, I'm talking about
Grammy nominated singer songwriter and Mom's superstar in the TSA
betting Fields here. Thank you, I can pull a sunshine.
What's going on that t Thank you so much. I
was so mad. Yes, I had separate going to the final,
so I was devastating. But let's go ahead and talk
about the take it off, Buzzer, Take it off, Buzzard,
are you really gonna hit it? I'm really gonna do this.
You don't get this is not a joke. Are you
nervous when they take it off? Buzzer came out like,
oh my goodness, he's gonna guess me? Or were you
like kin guessing I might still have a chance of surviving.
The person I was trying to trick was Nicole. Your
performances were crushing at like jaw dropping. Thank you. I
just want people to feel something. Every time I got
on stage, I can feel her looking at me. We
really close and I could just feel her like knowing
that it was me. I got to stop bringing people
into the show who were like friends. We just go
way back. Were both fans of each other. Is there
an advantage when you come in as a wild card?
You know, you don't really meet any of the other characters,
you know, so you just kind of focusing on trying
to learn your song and get used to singing in
the suit. As I've watched it back, I do feel
like Bull stepped his game up in a big way.
Like I was just guessing that maybe he was trying
to hide his identity and he's like, yeah, I got
actually like just really sing. That next show was just incredible.
I had heard him singing in the dressing room. He
was kind of next to me, and I was like, oh, man, okay,
if he might win it, I was like, that's a
good singer. Do you have any idea who he is?
You can tell us. Well, it is very sporty, and
I almost thought he was like a sports stop. He
just feels like he can do all those moves really well.
It happened on this stage before you did a kick,
he almost kick one of your horns. Are I've never
seen no Bull do no back kick. They hove up
boot players do dance in the end zone when they
score touchdown. Victor Cruz or something sauce of dancing and
all of that. I know, it's amazing. I thought he
was like a boy band guy at first, and then
came up with these amazing riffs and stuff. And I
met the skunk. She's really tall. That's one thing I
will say. It was this probably the most difficult thing
that you've done. But it is getting used to singing
in a mask. It's quite hard because we rely a
lot on our facial expressions, and and then I was like,
are people going to know I'm English if I use
my English accents? So then I had to work on it,
had to work on these question fittings and just trying
to move in it. I move a lot on stage,
like I channel Dinah Russ when I'm on stage or
Tina Turner, like I'm trying to move, And then I
couldn't do with my head flips and stuff that I do.
So guy, there was one moment, guys, well, I really
was getting into character. That really was one moment where
I actually felt like a heat inside me when I
was singing, Like I actually felt like I was a
chili pepper. I promise it was amazing. I kind of
had like a good girl thinking for a long time,
and with the pepper comes a lot of spice and
hotness and energy. One thing, though, I have to say,
I really didn't like when I was wearing the mosque.
I did feel nervous. Wow, that's the first time I
heard that. That was weird. I felt like a teenager, really,
like my hands were shaking, Like how do I hide
my hands shaking? You know? Oh man, I actually thought
that it's easier because no one can see us. So
I'm like, if I messed up, it's the frog. It's
not just the pepper that messed up. You know, they
can't really see us. I think it's just like trying
something new, you know. It's kind of thrilling to feel that.
So now that we have you here, I figured, you know,
I will understand some of these clues a little bit
better because you can you can let us in right.
Some of the clues that were revealed, well, of course
dead in a Field which we know last name that
was broken down. That was a good when Brian was
that your idea coming up with down Rell in your face?
Very subtle, very subtle. The tik tak So board, of
course going viral on TikTok with your song unwritten, which
I mean just took off completely. Roller skates. Roller Skate
is because I did a song with Linda Perry called
roller Skate. I feel so not smart because as I'm
breaking these clues down, like these are so blaming in
your face and I'm always looking for the easy way
out when it comes to these cruise and the fact
that I couldn't get this, I just feel like I
have no brain. You're seeing them written down and it's
a little bit easier when they're flashing in the package.
It's a whole other story. Oh, you gotta catch it.
The big clue I think was your celebrity best sie
Courtney Cox. I thought that would totally give it away.
That was a big clue. Ikever, congratulations on tonight. You're
gonna be so amazing and I can't wait for everyone
to see you have the best time, do your thing.
And I think the Hollywood the Chili Wood thing is
because of being yes man. When you know what Tom
and is, Brian, it's time to go ahead and play
some games and go aheading and enlightened things up here
in the room. Let's go ahead and do this. Do
it I'm working on my the hotness. Oh yeah, very hot,
very hot. Let's go ahead and do it like this,
because you spice things up all season. Now, all you
need to do is answer each question honestly. Ready, Yes,
here we go. Jenny McCarthy eat a whole chili paper
live on stage. Hot or not very hot? She's really hot? Yeah, okay,
here we go. Shouldn't get some milk for it? Great
for this from Tsha, Here we go. Not being able
to tell your fans you are on the mass singer
hot or not hot? Not hot? Lying to you not
like that? It's tough. I mean, that's one of the
things we always talking about when you do this show.
You want to tell your fans. You want to tweet,
you want to post on I g like, hey, like
tune in the Fox I'm on and you just can't
do it. But what I love is that I have
my own emoji, so I'm getting chili peppers in the comments.
Same with me the Frog movie. Well, you're definitely iconic.
Brian is the real No, No, Brian, Brian, you marry
me where you're on this show. You're a producer. You
don't on the inside information. How do we get Brian
to give us some insider information. I can tell you
just say passed, okay, okay, pass I should say I
have to ask a question, Brian, give us a clue.
She just passed. I didn't have to ask the question. Well,
this one, it's dedicated to Pepper, herself, to Tasha Betty.
But I'm gonna tell you something. Probably gonna get fired
for it, but I'm just gonna say it. Boo is
not an athlete. He is not a sports star. The
Mike Brian so mind blown, but it's a good guess.
I'll give you another one about stop hook u up,
hook us up. She was attached to play Edda James
in a movie, which is why is she's saying Edda
James in this episode. And also we will learn in
the next episode that her biggest influence and a good
friend of hers is none of her than Winnie Houston.
That's some skunk knowledge for you. She's a legend, her
voice is legendary. It truly is. You are a legendary.
Came through, was a wild card, you shut it down,
you had the stage on fire. Also, I don't know
if you know this, were you a last minute edition?
Pepper very last minute. I had like two or three days.
I had a whole vacation, had a change of the thing.
Oh wow, Well, thank you for coming. Thank you, pepper Check,
thank you. My next guest picked an epic night to
stop by the show as a guest panelist. Man. His
guesses and insights into the clues were almost as much
fun as his reactions. It's a nice, huge moments. Man.
It was so glad he's there with us right now.
A creator, supernager, producer, rapper. I'm talking about seven times
Grammy Award. When it will I am is in the
building where I got a superstar in the building. He
was treating him. Where what's going on? Bro? Bro gonna
be here with y'all. Man, when you got the call
to be a guest panelist on The Mass Singer, Man,
what was your first initial reaction? Because you know, The
Mass Sing is a wild show, is different than anything
else on TV. Man, just talk about that for a second.
I've been trying to do TV in America for years.
I've been on TV in the UK for this is
my eleventh year, so wanted to be in America. Man.
I've been trying to be in America for minute Grudge
on the altar ego and founding and lead Remember of
the Black now on alter ego. Man, it's a dream
come true. And Mass Singer that's my home girl. Me
and the Coles like this this lolcome to the last Sad.
I'm so proud of the car. She's been on X
Factor in America, X Factor in the UK. Now she's
like rocket it heavily on the Mass Singer. And my
mama loves the mask thing. I don't think you get it.
Like when I told her I was gonna be on
TV right after the Mass Singer, she was like, what
do you want after the Mass Singer? Now my mom's
like my mom my little niece does, my cousins they
love these shows. And so for me it's just like, so,
I'm so happy you have the ear for music. You
know when someone can sing, You know talent when you
see it. The competitiveness is getting it's up there now
between Bull and Sunk, these are the ones that are
bringing it this week from their group. I gotta ask you,
only one can move on to the finals. Who do
you feel is going to make it to the finals
out of those two Skunk he said that one conflict. Yeah,
if you get fixated on bulls attire and the way
bull looks and the aesthetics of bull is like a
complete package. I see why someone can be transfixed by
the appearance and the detail of the That's awesome. I
wouldn't be surprised if somebody from Europe, for somebody, some
of your kids gonna be like, YEO, I'm about to
be the bull. DJ I'm gonna give me a bull.
You know, got march me. I'm there would be like, yo, DJ,
no bull. I see that because that kind of was
freaking out. But unk, I don't know if that's Mary J. Bis.
I don't know that's faith, Mary J. Blige, your faith.
I agree with you. I thought the same way. I
was like the bull my season. That was the dancing,
the the loud cost to them. I'm like, I got him.
I was the first rapper to make it to the
finals on the show. I said I got him till
that Candy Birds came up there and start that singing,
and I said, you know what, but I'm not winning it.
It's over. So I definitely agree. It always comes back
down to that voice. You know. That was my pick too.
Before you came on the show. I said, Yo, it's
tough because Bull has been coming out swinging every week.
But there's something special about Skunk. And I think if
she comes out next week and does like a crazy
ballot and just really grabs America and just grabs the judges,
it's over pushed the ticket. She's going to the finals.
That's just that's what I There's something a beautiful hunting
when she sings, and you can feel the pain, you
can feel the joy, and there's only two singers that
can transmit that emotion for today's generation. That's Mary j
Bies and think happens. I know you're busy, man, but
we're gonna have a little fun real quick. But we're
going to play this quick little game. Let's go ahead
and do it like this, but let's go ahead and
change music up a little bit. What celebrity panelist is
your favor? Well, if I don't say Nicole um that
that uh yes, Nicole, there you go. But who was
that inspired by? When I went on the show, I
was just sorry by crazy ass Kim that three this.
I'm like, yo, man, I thought I was bro really
freaking like I had about bottle of shirt he's pounding
those coke zeros. Oh my god, it's crazy, these crazy things.
Who will win this season's mass singer? Bryan, I think
so too. I think it's gonna go down between banana
splitting and skunk. Pretty dude, that's skunk is something special.
And I could just tell like she wants it the
song choices of delivery, her voice. I can just hear
it a a lot of passion behind that, Okay, true or false?
Jenny McCarthy Walburg was once invited to the Kardashians Halloween party,
but when she arrived, she realized she was the only
guest at the whole entire party. Is it true or
is it false? But nobody was there. She's the only
one at the house. It's the only one there. I
would say that's true because it's too random. Yet, So
I think that's true. Yeah, absolutely right. I was too.
She came on the Showler told er and I was like, what, Like,
he went to a Kardashian party of Hollywood and he
was the only one that's like I was. It was
the craziest experience ever. And I was like, you must
have been late, you must have been moving on CP time.
I don't know, I don't know that's where she met
Caitlin Jenna. Well, look, well, I want to thank you.
My brother is always a pleasure talking to you, man,
and I know you're a busy man. I can't wait
to see what use you got coming up, big fan,
and you know that I've been following you for a
long long time, my brother, and I gotta say God,
bless you YouTube like for real and like I said,
I wanted to be in the Medica TV and I'm
to be no man, you already know well man for life, bro,
Thank you so much. Man. You inspire all of us. Bro.
And uh, like I said, I can't wait to see
what you're coming out with next, because you always coming
with something funky fly and you always on top of it,
you know, big, big, big, big, big, big love going
out to you. My brother and I appreciate you man
for the checks and the door is always open you
tell you when to come through. Thank you always always man. Man, Well,
I am want to check in, man, That's what I'm
talking about. That's all the time we have to day.
Thanks to the top to better Phil A can't pepper
for stopping by Tonight celebrity guest panels, my boy, will
I am. You know, I always love chopping it up.
You know with our guests on the show Man, they
really just light the room up full of energy. I
want to thank both of them for spending time with us.
Full show, pack show, and we got another one next
next week. We got another semifinals double elimination next week
as well, so that's right, gonna be a good one.
We want to thank everybody. Thank you, you, you and
you because each and every week you come back, you
watch you guess and hey, sometimes there's a little stress
involved with the guesting. Okay, we understand you guys want
to know everything right the way, but that's the fun
part of the show was the fact that you have
to wait and play the guests a game. And you
guys know where to find this man keep sitting us
those questions I G and of course Twitter at masspot
and of course at mass Singer Fox using the hashtag
asked mask singer. That's right, that's that's a lot right,
there's like a tongue twist um and he's sure to
check out mass Verse at mass verse dot com and
sign up man for a digital wallet so you can
start doing your own Mask Singer n f T collection
n f T that means money, that means digital money.
Let's get rich. Can we all get rich? I mean
it's about time, man. We gotta have the Brian n
f T soon. We gotta bribe the Brian n f
T that's coming soon. All right. We're gonna talk to
Fox about Brian having his own n f T. So
we gotta talk to Craig about that too. I mean,
I mean they would sell like OCAs. I mean from
my mom. Only my mom would care for Brian n
f T. Run. As soon as we tweeted out, they're
sold out. I can tell you that the official Mass
Singer podcast is the production of Heart Radio and Fox
executive produced by my family. Of course, I always say
that because they're my family, KTI Studios. For more podcasts
from our Heart Radio, visit the I Heart Radio app,
Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your favorite podcast. Tune
into the Mass Singer each and every Wednesday on Fox.
I am your Way Ballot a k A. The Frog.
That is my man, man, Brian strict Land. See that,
and I'm a rapper, Brian, I can make anything. My
name is nothing like that. All right, keep it locked.
We will see you guys. Next week. We will have
another hot show coming your way. This is the Official
Mass Singer Podcast and we are out of here. Brian,
I'm gonna beat the traffic. I am gone. Who is