Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Welcome to the Official Mass Singer Podcast, a production of
Our Heart Radio and Fox Executive produced by Katie Studio.
Game Changing. We are the one, the only of official
podcast for the Mass Singer. Oh my god, you know
what timing is Man America's number one show in the
biggest best mystery games on TV. The stars were out
and shining bright tonight for the first ever Masque Awards.
I'll repeat dundun, The Masque Awards went down tonight. Welcome
back to the Official and Mass five podcast. I'm your Way,
vow eight k A the Frog, and tonight We're gonna
kick off the show a lot that different, OK, because
this is big, I mean, b I g all in cash.
This is something I've never done before, but I'll say
this is history making for the Masking franchise. Continuing the
prestige up tonight's episode, I am giving out one more
mask award. That's right, I got my gloves on. I'm
Hank shining it off from good. I've been trying to
keep it under wraps for weeks now, but tonight I'm
so proud to present the masking for Blessed Super Secret Inside.
Oh my god, I'm crying right now I'm not opposer.
I can't believe I've been doing so good. A thank you,
You'll never be insight inside. It's like my man, man,
Bryan Strickman, thank you, what's going on? Brian? Thank you
for the mask. I don't want to turn off halle
Berry when she want her obscars. And you're gonna keep
the blood and say thank you very very much. Now,
Prian's requesting police escorts in private Jackson while we're doing
the podcast. Hey, man, I do not blame you, but
it went down tonight. Man, it really did. And as
I said, Brian, you here with me every week, ditching
out all the East aids, giving up season vis spoilers
and tell us all the juicy behind the sees gossip
because that's what they want, and that's what we're gonna do.
We're gonna give them the news that they want. If
you want to stay not clued in, then I suggest
you clue out. Alright, alright, well, Bryan says, no one
was unmasked tonight. I thought it would be fun to
go ahead and pull out the red carpet for the
woman who is creatively responsible for every single thing that
you see on the mask. Finger. Each week. She has
her hands in everything the sets, the dancing, the costume,
the clue packages, the episode things, the lights, the colors,
the sounds. I could keep going on and on, and
we're so honored to have her back on the podcast.
Creative director Slash for a tuc Tiana Gantleman's in the building.
Hey see what's going on? God bless you. What an
amazing intro. My goodness, thank you. Well, that's going to
just talk about tonight show. I mean, this was different.
I wasn't even expecting a mask He Awards, and I'm thinking, hey,
it's going down to night, and no one went home,
and it was special. And let's go ahead and just
say this. This was the first ever mask He Awards,
So you know, shout out to everybody who made that happen.
And we got to see a lot of never before
seen backstage footage and this was the first time, you guys,
really let us get a glimpse to see the artists
of these celebrities in the costumes but without the mask,
their actual preparation and rehearsal, just a lot of behind
the scenes footage. Let's just talk about that. How we're
just giving the fans a taste of what actually goes
on in the world of the mass singer. I thought
that was very different and I liked it. For me,
I thought that was really special because those videos circulate
within productions, but to share that with the world, I
thought was really special. And they were honest reactions to
seeing their costumes for the first time, you know, it's
a process. I thought was really cool. Absolutely, Ye like
to see Bobby Brown behind the stage, Yeah, looking at
his crab costumes. I've never seen any of that fast
things in Caitlin Jenner and all that. It was great. Yeah,
And that's what the fans want to see, right, We
get to see the glitz and the gland, but we
all love the dirty stuff, the behind the scenes, the
rehearsal and the messing up things. And I just thought
that was just a home run and it won me
over completely. And clutodue was very disruptive tonight. Yes, right, agreed.
I'm hacking in to give you the exclusive clue scoop
from the Clue coupe Cue the fire. Hold up, I'm
the only one that can cue the fire. I'll be
back with new clues that the fire. I was like,
what me too. Little dude is up to no good
and he is just popping in it out and given
clues and it's fun. It shakes it up a bit.
But yeah, he was definitely all over the place. Yeah,
I hope the fans are into a most definitely not there,
he goes right there, Tianna. Just never know. He's even
disruptive fare on the podcast. Okay, how can you work
with someone that's just so disruptive backstage? Dude definitely in
our space when he wasn't when you need to go together,
we let him do his thing. But you know, I
guess that's just the name of the game exactly. And
then tonight he mentioned that he has connection to the Grimlin,
which is one of his clothes. This is the first
actual clue that clue to Due has given us about himself. Drumstick,
I mean, drumroll please. I have a connection to another
mischievous masked singers from the past, the Grimlin on that
Nick Cannon. That was shocking to me. Yes, what does
that mean? I don't know. I was surprised. And next week,
Spicy six, Yes he will reveal even more. The reveal
is coming. I'm not gonna say when but it's coming.
Tiana has a big part of it. It's going to
be a surprise, and like I said earlier, it's somebody
who is never been on the mask singer stage before.
I can't wait before we go back tonight's episodes and clues.
What I want to do is have a little fun
to play a quit game, and I would like to
call this one and the award goes too. And here's
how this thing works, Siana. I'm gonna ask you questions
about the masks, and you just need to tell me
the answer. Okay, if you guess incorrectly, Brian needs to
give us a new clue about clue to do, which
we all hope that you do answering, Tiana, are you ready?
I hope so. Okay, here we go. The Chameleon wanna
mask it tonight for Best Rap Performance. What other talent
to performers were nominated with him? Oh, that's kind of hard.
The ticks. It really puts the pressure on you when
you're trying to answer these questions. It really was. It
was Bulldog and Grandpa Monster in the correct asso was
not He was the only one nominator. The ticks are very,
very intimidating they are. I'll give a clue to Dulue
a little hint. Alright, this person starred in an Oscar
nominated movie, a Best Picture nominating that we've all seen.
That's very big and I'm probably gonna get fired for note.
I got to say not Tiana is like Sweetie down.
But the only thing we know is that this person
is definitely big time. Okay. We also know that this
person was a part of some big, big movies. But
just say, okay, this person starred in an Oscar nominated
movie for Best Picture. All right, now right there, I'm
not saying necessarily this year. I'm not saying this year, right,
I'm just saying in general. And that's the tricky part, Brian,
because do you know how many people were nominated for that? Yeah,
I know, think of all the Oscar nomin in the
movie Chicago Twelve Years a Slave. There's a ton king speech.
You can talk it back to Star Wars. Star Wars
is nominated for all right, you know, let me go ahead,
and Harrison Ford had let me go ahead, and another
one of these questions. All right, here we go. Black
Swan won a MASKI for Best Performance of a love song.
Who did she credit for being the greatest vocalist ever
Whitney Houston. Wow about that's what I'm talking about. Yes,
you have me, That's what I'm talking about. Okay, and
then why not? Why now let's do one last one
for the role The mask he award was modeled in
the likeness of what MS five family member Nick Cannon.
That's what I'm talking about. Very girl back, Beth, thank you,
thank you. I had to get myself together. You guys,
It's okay. Look it comes around. The longer you hang around,
it comes to you. Tee. I promise you that. All right. Now,
moving on, because, like I said, tonight was extremely jam packed.
First ever MASKI So let's go and break it down. Brian,
this is my part of the show. You know. I
love this. The world loves when we do this, dissecting
the clues. Let's talk about it. Black Swan, she wants
tonight best love song? How will I know? And it
also clue to do what's helping us out tonight? He
highlighted some things that we kind of saw earlier in
the week when it came to black Swan of her
clue package. We saw Montana right, we saw the state
of Montana right there on her backpack. We saw the globe,
the red chest piece. We also saw a ring in
a box with a spotlight on it, dive into it.
The globe could mean they've traveled the world. Maybe they're
a Golden Globe winner Montana. Maybe they're from Montana. Maybe
they've been on hand in Montana saying that. The red
chess piece. Maybe they're a big fan of Queens Gams.
The ring in the box spotlight on it. Maybe they're engaged,
maybe they're married. Favorite Really yeah, Tiana, I'm not being
gonna lie. Black Swan is scaring me. She could sang,
not sing, but she could sang, you knowice a difference
becoming the black Swine have unlock and fairly fatting me.
And I'll never forget the first time I put hand,
she puts it down, She does her homework, she changes
things up. She's so so talented and rightfully so I
think that you should be a fan of her talent
because she is remarkable. Absolutely, And it also saw three
tens nicking in the Penny Dinosaur cloud. I mean, there
was just so much going on in the clue package,
A lot, a lot, so hopefully just to help us
unravel who black Swan really is. Yeah, moving on, Here
we go another one of my favorites, the Piglet. The
Piglet once tonight most emotional performance for seven years, The
Piglet seven years. Thanks. I'm so excited I could squeal.
I like to beautiful family who put up with me
despite living in a pigs guy kisses. Here we go.
Let's dive into the clues. Look closer at the number
of clues. We saw the scoreboard tonight, eleven till eleven.
I was trying to do math, but unfortunately it was
moving too fast and just messed me all up. I
saw fifty ten on the clock. Ball on three the
white boards said three thousand and five D eight rushing
in a game. Listen. Early on, we saw the football helmet.
I would like to say a horse on or Bronco
on it. I don't know if this person is an athlete.
I'm not sure of a football player who can sing
like this. Now. We've seen NBA players come on this show,
Victor Oladipo. We've seen some guys that can sing and wrap,
but I've never seen an NFL star or football player
sing the way that pig is doing it. So Brian
over to you, man, let's dissect this close. We've had
a couple of football players. We've had grawl right, he
was a great performer, not exactly a football clue. This
could have mean they're a football player looking at me
like a Tony Romo, or it could it be somebody
who's played a football player, maybe like a James Vanderbeek
or a Taylor Kids, somebody from Friday Night Light. So
there's a lot going on there now just tonight, and
not even talking about the orange foam finger. A lot
of football references, a lot of sports references going on,
which just draws your brain to automatically think this person
has to play football or is still currently playing football,
and that it is the off season right now for
the NFL. True. The panel says, this person is maybe
the most versatile yeah performer that we have. Would you
agree with that? Because you work with them directly. Biglett
is very open to anything and everything, whether it's standing
still or learning a few steps. But I think you
will see a lot more versatility in his full journey,
which is unexpected. Little Yeah, I like that, And Tianna,
I just want to know, did you in any way
in corporate clues with this season's performances could have been
anything as far as the set design or clues on
the outfits we've seen this season. Good question. This season
we really explored things on a bigger scale. We wanted
things to be larger than life and that could be
the screens, that could be the set props that are
on the stage, or even the costumes like the big
House dancers, you know, everything. We just kind of wanted
to supersize. But when it comes to some clues, we
definitely had a few clues sprinkled in the bingo performance
that Grandpa Monster did. Even the little flags that were
kind of strung between the two poles on the bingo table.
There were clues there, and they don't necessarily have to
be huge and massive, but they're there. Yes, let's go
back into the show because we still have Robopond to
talk about in the category of best John Legend covered
by a sideboard covered in sharp coils and the mask
goes to for all of me. Thank you, nick I
feel so blessed. A lot of DNA jeans, spaceship flying
through some type of futuristic city, stuffed cat and a
mouse angel wings. We saw the Washington statue, the lightning boat,
and also the Roman statue. Well they confirmed that the
DNA is not for DNA but actually jenes for maybe
denim jeans. But there was that be Maybe they have
a connection with Gladys Knights. There was that cat mouse.
Maybe they were in the movie Tom and Jerry. There
was a Washington statue. Maybe they're from Washington, Seattle. Could
be like a Russell Wilson. But I'd like to ask,
because she works with tell us what it's like working
with them. I'm not an actor, but if I understand
what they called method acting, that this would apply to
Robo Pine. A lot of the time that we work
with him is just strictly on the stage. You wanted
to be as natural as possible. Nothing's force and organic,
and we just ride the wave of Robo Pine did
be quite honest, and we just let him kind of
drive the ship. And I'm really sited for everyone to
see who he is, especially you. But Tianna, I hate
to be the bear of a little somewhat of sad news,
but absolutely do he knows it's Steve Harvey. Yeah, perfect, listen,
these ears knows voices, especially if you have a good
voice that stands out. So that's all I'm gonna say, Yes,
I know exactly this person. We'll leave it at that.
What everybody keep guessing. Okay, they maybe have worked together? Okay, okay, Brian,
see this when I stopped, that was a big clue
right there. That was maybe they were together? Question Mark
not Aria. I love how you said that, Bron absolutely
moving on to another favorite, the Russian Dolls. Listen, Tiana,
y'all did y'all staying when it came time for this performance,
I was not ready. I didn't think that they were
about to do. Brian, Man, please help us get closer
to who the Russian Dolls are. Let's talk about their
clue pass because it was interesting. Twenty nine was very
specific and it was done in Roman numerals. So I thought, well,
maybe that means they had something to do with Super
Bowl twenty nine. So I actually did a little homework, okay,
and googled who did the halftime show? Who did it? Brian?
That was little known fact to quote Ken Mighty sound
Machine to the halftime show. I know who's saying the
national anthem? Kathy Lee Gifford that then there was a
Misfits toys store and they said it was spelled that
way for a reason, and there were a lot of disease.
So could it be boys to men? I'm not going
to say it right here on the show. I think
that the Russian dolls actually have the chance to be
in the finals. I think they will be in the finals. Sia,
what do you think. I think they're going all the way.
I think they have the most potential because it is
so challenging to not only be just one person on stage,
but to be multiple and then you have a very
restricting costume. The vision is very limiting. They are constantly
trying to just basically not bump into each other on
the stage. I feel like they had the most challenging experience,
and yet they sound so beautiful, so precise, and there's
so much fun that I do think that the potential
is strong. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you all two, three, four five. Truly
humbled by this masky once we figure out how to
share custody of it, of course, how is it different
to make costumes from more than just one singer, and
especially when you're dealing with the snow eyes. And with
the Russian dolls, I'm sure we're dealing with height, We're
dealing with a whole bunch of things. Yeah, Marina Toybina
really does her job well when she does the costume designs,
and I think because she herself is Russian, this was
a very special costume for her to create. And from
my perspective, it was hard to really stage them because
you can't see their mouths. You don't know who's singing.
So then the directors having a hard time trying to
figure out who to capture when to capture, because you
need to capture the right person singing, either the right solo,
the right duet, the right harmonies. There's just a lot
of layers to putting the rush dolls together. Man, just
hear you break that down. I would have thought they
might have been like the easiest, stand straight and they
just put the thing over you and you s wanted
and if you nail down, it looks you have no
legs or feet. That's what I thought. But just to
hear that, you know, I never really took a consideration
of the detail of the designing, the actual thing, the
color schemes, the paint just that everything, the mouths, the movement.
When it comes down to the performers and the costumes.
This season was incredible because we saw things that we
never have seen. The snail moving first automated costume, I
mean it moves on its own. Piglet has moving parts
with its costume. The chameleon with the moving eyes. We
really took it there this season. And when we say
game changing, we definitely mean game changing season. Moving on
to the Chameleon best rap performance, Ride with Me, Chameleon
Ride with Me. Thanks Nick, great hit. I grew up
jailing to this song, and I'm having so much fun
bringing up already old school vibes to you as a Chameleon.
I could be here all day talking about the Chameleon
clue to do point out some of his clue highlights
as well. We saw four playing cards, two of diamonds,
Ace of diamonds too, have clubs, and I have my
guests on who this person is. I believe that I know.
I won't speak too much. Other clothes we saw it
was twenty three on a fuzzy dice. We saw a
graduation cap, Swiss cheese and peach slices. We've seen just
so much stuff with the Chameleon. Let's go ahead and
dive into Yeah, we had the diamonds on the cards
were significant. Isn't diamonds you sell a million records? Or yes,
recording artists? Maybe correct? And then the clock reading three
four six and no, it's significant. That happens to be
the area code to Houston, and a couple of guesses
have been from Houston, including Machine Gun Kelly, and the
lit match is very lock a flock of Flame. We
always bring up block flock fla. Maybe it could be
somebody like that. You know, we began with a basketball
player and now we're into the professional rap artists. Tiana,
what's it like working with Chameleon? I love Chameleon and
I truly do everything is just easy. Sure, yeah, let's go.
Let's do this. Obviously, we're not giving him a bunch
of damce steps. And I think because you see the
costume and you initially think, oh, this is kind of
a disco viber, you know, you can go one way,
but then we took it completely left, and I think
through the journey of Chameleon on the show, it just
becomes a vibe and it's just awesome. And last, but
not leave someone else who I have my own guest.
I think, I know everybody's like frog, be quiet, you
tell us who think? Yet? Actually, what tonight for most
game change of performance with Lonely? What a game changing honor?
It launts my heart. I'd like to thank all those
hours I spent rollerblading growing up, because skating in this
costume was terrifying. Clue to dudes, clue highlights. Raspberry and blueberry.
They were sandwich is multiple hints of one worth a
thousand dollars, a donut in the shape of a letter,
of course, looking I don't. I'm sure you guys know
what letter that is. Also even the skating as a clue.
I mean, there was a lot of things actually going on,
and I got to say another first yet he was
the first person who graced the mass finger stage in skate.
So let's go ahead. And that's like our last character here.
He is Yetti the raspberry blueberry. People were thinking something
with a yummy Possibly that's a Justin Bieber hit the
doughnuts kind of a hole in one which is getting
people obsessed with the O cisco a marian Neo Mario
oldest of people that it conte with that, and then
people on Reddit or convinced that even the skating is
a clue, and can you confirm or deny what's rollerblading
was without a clue? Absolutely, yes, definite clue. Here we go.
Can I say that? Yeah? Oh yeah, yeah, go ahead,
I'm trying to pull out Yeah, we need, we need.
It was like we had the concept of this performance
for Yetti and it was brought to our attention from
Yetti himself to just say can I do this? And
we said yes, please. It's hard because that costume is massive.
It's not some kind of like manageable costume by any means.
And then to practice, you don't get a lot of
stage times, and the floor that we have in the
dance studio is very different than the stage, so it's
not like he was blessed with this immense amount of
time to practice. He nailed it and figured it out
in a very short amount of time and then vocally
did his thing. I mean, you don't see that on
any show. You don't see that on any award show
or anything out there. And I just gotta say, this
is Tianna. Yet he is someone who definitely can roll
out of bed. And learn any type of moves at
any given time quickly. Yes. I mean I can name
maybe two other guys in the industry who can do
all of that. And if anybody can do it, trust me,
mask it will be yet I will bet the bank
on that. One thing I have to just talk about
to Tianna is just it has to be enormous pressure
on you to make the wild card performances more memorable.
Is they are supposed to be looked at as a threat.
What's the secret? How do you do it? To you?
I wish I had the answer for that, but I
will say it's a combination of this. It's the costume,
it's the person, and it's the song. Those three things
play such a big part of it. And then specifically
for the wild Cards, we just say, how can we
make this person's performance explosive and with Orca coming from
the ceiling, with Yeti busting out of this cage and
doing his thing, with all these dancers, we really just
try to push as far as we could, and all
the wild Cards were down for it. Once they realized
they were the wild Cards, they were like, yeah, I
want to come out with the bank. I was like, great,
let's go. Man. That's phenomenon. And just so I can
give Tiana some very deserved props. She really is the
creative brains out behind all of them. Absolutely. She is
the last one there at night. She's the one there
at the crack of dog. She really is sort of
the reason why all the performances are so good. Thank you,
Thank you. Know what you're giving. Frog is a little
bit upset with Frog. It's just a little upset because
when I was there, I wanted to come out the
ceiling and no one had done it. And I'm like, yeah,
I look up and I'm like, oh, so they've cleared
it from the ceiling. So sorry. I will be honest.
This is not just because I'm talking to you or
we're on this podcast, but I swear to you the
journey that you had Frog, it made me believe in
myself as a creative director because you brought your heat
every time, and the music was right and you were right.
We got to do so many different things with you too,
So I gotta give you credit to Because of you,
I actually felt confident about me doing my job. Wow,
that means so much to me. That's the beautiful thing
about this show Man is when you're on it, it's fun,
but also you get to compete in is challenging, and
I must say, to get to the finals, it's tough.
Like you're a winner in your own right. Even if
you just get to the finals. The things that you
have to go through, and you will notice that time
is definitely not on your side. The further you go,
the faster you have to turn around and learn things
about the next day. By the time you go home.
You have to learn these things and be ready to shoot.
Speaking of time, that leads me in to our final game.
Before I let you go, because I'm sure you got
to get back to work, because you see it's not over.
You got work. I would keep your all that, but
let's go ahead and do it because our next game
it's called Time's up. Okay, now we all know Ken
John has no concept of time when he rambles on
trying to put together some of this wild guests. Now, however,
this season the good Doctor has really up. It's got
some skills. I've given him his props. So I'm gonna
played clip of kin making a guest about a contestant
this season or season past. Now, once I played the clip,
who have ten seconds to try to tell us what
character kid is talking about? But when you hear this sound,
don't you know what that means? It don't mean you
missed the jump shot. It just means you're time. It's
just that something. Now, if you correctly guess, you get
a point for every wrong answer. Brian has to give
us an exclusive new clue about the remaining performers, and
they need to be good clue to under one words.
So basically, t it's a win win situation. So here
we go because time is not on our side, So
let's go. Let's go root Clip number one. I know
exactly who this is. I think this is a fighter.
I think this is someone who has gone through a
lot in life, paid his dues for it, and came
out on the other side. I'm gonna go with Mike
Tyson right now. All right, Tianna, who was he talking about?
Go ahead, give her hand, give her hind wow thing,
oh raccoon? Yeah, thank god for the dancers? Answer all right?
Clip number two. Maybe just maybe someone like Dr Fauci.
I'm thank you that hear me? Alice here stop, let
me finished tall? Dr Fauci is look how short? You
are Dr fauci is Andre the quickly Monster. Yeah, there's
glad World. Clip number three in the clue package said
he was a troublemaking fool and the first person that
came to mind was naturally Scott Disick. Let me finish queen,
he said Punk. Scott Dissack was on an episode of
Punk and the number is because he only dates ladies
born as your seven. Oh my god, I'm just saying,
like Scott Disick, right, who you got, Tiana? I feel
strong about Grandpa Monster. Yeah, Tiana is not playing today,
is the master Man? She is not playing a day
in big shout out to Logan Ball. Actually it's crazy.
I just see them last week here in Atlanta's brother
had a big fight down here now actually yeah, yes,
brother Jake Man first round ko. Yeah, I'm staying away
from you only hit me. My final clip here we go,
let's go ahead and roll it. And here it is,
don't poke the bear, That's all I'm saying. Wrong or wrong, wrong, wrong?
You do that. In the next clue package, it is
on on on on. Okay, Tiana is the last one.
You gotta get this on on on Yeah. Maybe one
of the most talented people we've ever had on our show.
And I'm not just saying that because he's on this podcast.
Groups like No No No, I pressed that what you
can tell? Oh my goodness, Well, just give it away, Brian. Listen,
I know the mask, universal listener said, man, only if
Brian could just give us the clues that Tiana. I
have to thank you so much for jumping back into
the studio kicking it with us. Continue to do your
thing on this show. You're bringing it each in every week,
and I cannot wait to see what you're gonna do now.
I don't know what what's next. Jumping out to helicopter say,
I don't Thiana, things like that can happen. Okay. She
thinks big and we do big things overhead. So Tianna,
thank you much and we will talk the doors always. Absolutely.
That's right, Sana gabblement in the building. That's right. That's
how you're doing right. There was good. We got some
good stuff, Brian. I got a lot of stuff. Okay,
So Brian, I want to go ahead and roll out
the red carpet for a man of many talents. This
man is responsible for it all included keeping the format fresh,
and knew while still staying true to the original format
that we all love so much. Please welcome to Mask
singer executive producer Jane Breen to the show. Please Beck
fright of applause. Yes, And that's how we like to
treat the guests when they come on the show. We
wrote the red carpet out completely feel very special, and
it says a special night because one thing about the show,
the fans love all the inside information. That's what they want.
They want to get close to the clues. They want
to know what goes on behind this stage, inside the trailers.
And one thing about this show, not only just being
a fan of it, but also being a part of it,
is that the people really don't understand how a show
like this is operated and how it has to be
so precise. I mean even to the security detail of
how the performers can't talk. We are muted. We have
to wear these hoodies that say do not talk to me.
And one thing that I would like to know is
how far in advance do you guys actually start when
it's time to search for talent for the show. Well, yeah,
I'm sitting in my office now looking at calendar for
season six. Who we're casting. I think we've got four
of the cast so far. While we're building costumes, we're
working on music, so it's a process. It takes a
moment to cast, as you know, don't just cast anyone.
You've got to be really special to be on the show.
That takes a long time. And then working with people,
getting the right music for them, and getting the right
costumes and having those costumes build. It all takes time.
I started really on season six the minute we finished
shooting season five, and then Mike and Patriot roses in
the edit on five while I'm setting up six, and
I think you said it well in the intro. There's
a show here that people love. We don't want to
change it too much. We don't want to make it underrecognizable,
but we want to lean into the things that work,
and we do want to keep it fresh. How do
you go about always keeping it fresh every single season?
The lucky thing about this show is unlike other competition
reality shows, but just the nature of this show, almost
anything goes right, so there's room to try stuff. It
would be very hard to bring in a wild card
halfway through American Idol without causing uproar exactly, but you
can do it on this show. We can try crazy things.
We can try animated packages. In season four when covid
meant that we couldn't travel around the city or go
to set. So I think the advantage of this show
is that there's just more scope. It's its own crazy world,
and so there's lots of new things we can try,
and surrounded by super talented creative people in every department
of the show. Hardly, hardly, no one food will do
more than James Bridge. Yeah, cut don't. Yeah, I did
not liking him, but that was an interesting time. I
was sitting in the control room thinking, Okay, I'm just
about to send a gihnt chicken out to shout at
ken Off day through is guessing, how's this gonna guy?
And then you go, look, James, you never know when
he just pops in. It's like on the show, he
just pops said, even right on the podcast, it always
has to be president. And one thing that you said
that leads me into my next question is you brought
up the creatives talk about that process of adding the
wild cards in the mix and all of the wild
things that you guys are put in this season. Well, look,
the world Card was and I didn't even toying with
for a few seasons and I actually thought it work
really well. So that was the kind of thinking behind
the World Card. And James have to ask, you, man,
what is the secret formula to keeping everything so secure,
so tight? Because nothing leaks. It's so hard, specially with
social media, and I just want to know, how do
you keep that thing such a tight niche within the
Mask family as far as who's coming in, who the
performers are, the clues, and what information is cool enough
to even give up. So a lot of this stuff
was set up before I ever joined the show, and
it is. It's incredibly impressive when you become part of it.
From the first moment of casting. There's a very small
group you know who people are on the show, very smart.
I'm not even one of them. Brian's not one of
Brian has incredible pop culture knowledge and it's smart, so
he guesses a lot of them, but he never knows.
The stage manager doesn't know, the director doesn't know. There's
very few people in the network. We call them by
the character names straightaway. That's true, and within weeks I
have to sometimes sit back, and I have to ask
black one again because the black Swans forever forever, even
after the show their black Swan. Nick knows everyone. But
when the mass about to come off, I have sometimes
sit there and I'm like, WHOA, I should be telling
Nick their name black Swat, so I can keep a
secret easily because immediately they're the character to me and forever,
I'm afraid. Oh, Mark McGraw will forever be a will
forever be Crabs, Wendy Williams lips always yeah, and credit
easy in the team that we're here before me, because
the system is incredible and when you come in and
you're part of it, you're like, this is really impressive. Yes,
it is. One thing the fans always want to know
that we say is the behind the scenes stuff we
actually goes into a performance and even before it. So
let's just talk about the preparation even for the contest
is on the show, Like, let's just talk about that,
for example, the actual rehearsing time that the artists actually get.
Can you just talk about the scheduling and how that
kind of goes on a day to day basis if
you're on the show, Yeah, and it varies you know,
some people want to put in more rehearsal time than others.
Some people are very serious singers, some people are here
for fun, so it does vary. They'll start by meeting
with our music supervisor Miguel. He'll go over songs with them,
discussions with the net work, and then we'll settle on
which songs we think are going to work for them
over the season. Then they meet with our vocal coaches.
They start working on their vocals. Some of that remote.
We do some in person stuff in a studio locally here,
but again in and out of the studio, advisors in
hoodies and gloves, no skin showing, so the secrecy still
exists there. And then there's choreography we do here on
set with Tiana and her team. Tiana puts together the
amazing visual creatives that go with each piece of music.
Then you come into stage. We do what we call
a dry block, which is without the cameras. There we
have the screens and we have some of the lighting
and we just look at it and listen to it.
Then the next day we'll do a full camera block,
which is almost like a dress rehearsal of the piece,
and we'll do notes overnight on both of those and
then it's showtime the next day. It can be very
simple if someone's here for fun and they just only
expect to last a couple of episodes and they're not
that invested in how they sound, or you can take
it incredibly seriously, you know, and it can be months
long process. You know. Listen, I can tell you right now, James,
I took it very, very seriously. I walked in with
the mindset of, oh, there's no way I can hang
with these guys on this show. They're singing, singing, and
then next to you don't end up in the finals,
And I think it wasn't until I go advanced like
the first round, because I said, you know what, I'm
gonna put my tour rehearsals on hold and I'm about
to focus on rehearsal a little bit. I have people
mad at me, something you can be mad at you
want to. I want to win, Okay, That's what I'm
here for. I'm not here to be playing around. I'm
here to wear the trophy. Play one game right now, James.
We're gonna call this game. Mask me anything. Okay, I've
got some questions, but in this game you only get
to answer using one word, so just give me your
honest answer by using the first word that pops into
your mind. And if you think answering the question gives
you too much away, then you can pass. But then, Brian,
you already know what you have to do if you
passes the exclusive new clue, So you can pass games,
we can. Okay, well keep them really easy. All right,
here we go. Let's go ahead and play mask me anything.
Question number one, do you have a favorite character on
the show this season? Yes? Who might your favorite character
of the show be this season? I'm gonna pause, so Brian,
can you please go ahead and enlighten us with an
exclusive new clue? Please? Okay, I'm gonna give you one.
It's about clue to do oh perfect he or she?
It was revealed as a personal connection with Gremlin Nicky
work correct. This person also has a very very deep
connection with one of our remaining scenes. They've shared the
screen to you. Okay, that was your exclusive clue, but
we're still not done with the game. We need more
than that, so here we go. Question number three, it's
clue to due someone who has been seen in movies? Yes, okay, okay,
okay somewhere Okay, question number four, are we going to
see any more Russian dogs appear on that stage? I
am gonna pause off that I get the clue book out, Brant.
I'm lucky at I think maybe I'll do a clue
about the Russian dogs. I'm going to say the number
fifteen sign. Oh, I don't tell me there's gonna be
fifteen more. I'm saying, that's all I'm saying. Okay, have
you ever caught any paparazzi on set? Security is tight
as yes? Okay, here we go. Who is the funniest
celebrity pens? I'm definitely gonna past I'm not. There's no
winning all of them. His phone with me blown up
right now? Yeah, let's photo one right now. That was
a safe answer, right there, Jay, Say what clue you
got for bro? Oh my god, I'm sweating over here.
That's it. Okay, I'm gonna give you one about giggle it. Okay,
I'm gonna say Chris Harrison, Okay, he's back with one
or two word answers. Is a clue? That's just a
thank you, It's a clue. Let's clue. I'll text you
what it means I get it, I get it, I
clue it through. Listen, James, I know you're a busy man.
I'm showing you know offense, you got the podcast so
on while you're working hard. But this is what I
had to do it everywhere when I need to Brian,
it's it's James starts off like, man from are you
ready for this clue? And I'm like, yeah, what's the clue?
And he says the clue is wind. I'm like you,
I'll dare you. I sympathize. I know who they are,
and I still don't understand the clues he's giving yourself.
And for my final question with James, now, this is
another tough one. I told you I'm putting you in
the hot seat today. Okay, who has the better parking spot?
That's easy? Brian's string that I oh man. The only
reason is because we can't fit James's range rover. I
put my Homer over. I love it, James, man. We
are so thankful that you've swung by the studio tonight.
Thank you absolutely to join us right here on the podcast,
the Official Mass Single Podcast, and we don't have every
time is and we definitely appreciate you, Thank you so much.
Thank you mus again, James, bring everybody, Dames, no problem.
That's how you do it, Bryan, that's all the time
we have the night you Thanks again to MS five
creative director Tianna Ganelman's big shout out exact producer James
Breen from coming through the building. We had the exclusive
very exclusive, of course, man, our residents secret inside of
my brother from another mother, Brian Crickland and of course
all up you you you, you, you and you for
being the reason we do what we do every week.
And you know we'll be back with all the exclusive
new clues and have many interviews. You know, you can
only find it right here. Where can they find it
that Bran, I'm I'm gonna go ahead, we text you
what can they find? They can find it here on
the officials sec see that's how we do it live.
Do you hear me? Man said? You know, I caught it. Listen,
Brian is sitting now roughly across from me, right and
I caught him. Okay, he was writing notes down and
he was looking serious like he was talking something talking
about and right as what we do man, all you
m S five super fans out here. You can find
us on Instagram and Twitter, at mask Pod, I repeat
at Mask Pod and of course at Mass Singer Fox
and to ask those burning questions. And don't forget to
download the Fox Super six app to try your hand
at winning a ton of cash. I mean us tug John,
I want some cash. I got some things out, like Brian,
we're talking about our money that you know we're talking Brian,
I can park my car wherever your Lotney. That's a
lot of money right down. The Official Mass Singer Podcast
is a production Her Radio and Foxes that can produced
by Kati Studios. For more podcast Heart Radio, visit the
I Heart Radio app, Apple podcast or whatever you if
you I'm talking to you wherever you get your podcast from,
tune in MS five every Wednesday on Fox. You know
when you can find me. You know when you can
find Bryan. Bryan. This is part but I don't like
I said every single time. Let's go face love you all,
good night, good morning, good evening wherever you are around
the world, and we will catch you guys next week.
We are gone. Peace