All Episodes

May 13, 2024 25 mins

Lots of Bravo updates! Vanderpump Rules may not be coming back! Should it? Is it's time over? Andy Cohen reigns triumphant! Real Housewives is good for TV, but not good for marriages! Paris Hilton needs to take the advice that's offered here! Kim & Kanye's oldest is getting her nepo baby on!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You want from Los Angeles, pH and one and only,
well famous Perez.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Perez Kildon.

Speaker 3 (00:17):
Hey, guys, welcome to the PHP A booker. He's Perez.
What are we yapping about today?

Speaker 2 (00:22):
I have a lot of Bravo content for all of you,
Bravo Hollicks. We are talking vander Pump rules, We're talking
Real Housewives, We're talking Andy Cohen and more. Had a
little disagreement with my mother because she gave my daughter
too much for her birthday. Oh really, and it was

so much that I was like, I don't know if
she's appreciating this all.

Speaker 3 (00:50):
Was it things that were expensive?

Speaker 2 (00:52):
It was it was a lot of clothes, and I
get it, like kids don't necessarily like or love clothes.
But still she's like, well, she needed, like we should
have given to her a different time, because I went
to Los Angeles with my daughter and that's how I
celebrated her birthday, and my mom gave me some money
to buy her things there and then she bought her

most whatever. Anyways, I don't want this getting back to
my mom. I'm not trying to have there be drama.
There's already enough drama that we're talking about today. So
let's get to it. I'm a little behind, but I
have absorbed enough of vander Pump Rules finale to talk
about it. So what's interesting is Bravo just announced all

the shows that are coming back next season, and vander
Pump Rules was not announced. That doesn't necessarily mean that
the show was canceled, but this last season finale, it
looked like it was like the end of the show,
Like it felt like a finale for this series. And

what was so interesting was obviously it's not like a
Tom sanderbal redemption, but it was a lot of the
cast members, especially or mainly, you know, Lala turning on
Ariana saying, you know, after she got cheated on, she
changed and thinks she's beyond. She literally said she thinks
she's Beyonce and is not wanting to film, and she

dropped some bombs and made some really solid points like
if you are a reality TV star, it's your obligation
to film even during the bad times, and film even
with people that you don't want to and Arianna didn't
want to film and didn't want to film with Tom,
and I love that Lala called her out. And I

think it might be the end because Also, I saw
a different report from a credible outlet that said Lala
is in early talks to join the next season of
The Valley, which that show has been renewed for another
season and announced to come back on Bravo.

Speaker 3 (03:10):
Yeah, I think vander Pump has run its course. I
said that last season. I mean it was toast. They
got to hail Mary because of the whole scandal all that,
and that was just absolute luck that they had that.
And then they didn't put rock kel Rachel on, so
you killed that heat that you had and they didn't
spend the money to bring her back. So the show

is toast. It was toast before it was unwatchable. So yeah,
it's got to be over. I'm gonna go ahead and
say it's over. And to La LA's point and your point,
this girl's trying to pivot. She's trying to do some acting,
she's trying to do some hosting. She's trying just to
keep the ball rolling. And you can't fault her for
that because she also knows the writings on the wall.

The show is toast. It's over. If all these other
people want to sit around and look at the phone
all day long and for it to ring heads up,
it's not going to okay. Like most of you people
are just gonna slip into obscurity. You your lottery ticket
winner as it is.

Speaker 2 (04:09):
They've been smart with their money and saving.

Speaker 3 (04:12):
Well, let's hope that they have. But I mean you
need to pivot. Look, if you're gonna be a sandwich
shop owner, be a sandwich shop owner, and you know,
put a camera in there if that's what you intend
on doing. But these people are long in the tooth
at this point, Like to the next crop of people.
Do I think it's gonna be the Valley? Do I
think that that's gonna like be the next hot thing?
Not a chance in hell. Do I think some people

will watch it because they like these people? Sure, but
you catch lightning in a bottle, they're so lucky to
be a part of that. But pipe down, la la.
This is all like, this is all jealousy. You gotta understand,
all of you. I've got to get on the horse
and try to gallop off and find something to do next.
And Arianna, you know, she's lucky. She's done that. So enough,
the show is over. It's been over.

Speaker 2 (04:54):
It was so painful for me to watch, though, because
I'm like, these people are clearly acting. Yeah, this is
bad acting as well, that's bad acting. I'm like, why
do people like this? I mean, I guess every once
in a while there's some truth and it's based on reality,
but it's it's so fake.

Speaker 3 (05:14):
Well, it's forced plot lines, and that's why I didn't
like it before scandalval and thankfully she extended Rachel Raquel
their careers. That's why I kept saying they all should
be celebrating her, not like picking or apart. They got
another year in the sun because of her, Like, come on,
it's a reality TV show, so they'll all do nothing now, congratulations.

Speaker 2 (05:36):
I have a question for the for their hardcore Bravo holics,
though vander Pump Rules has been on TV for less
time than Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Like why does
the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and the Housewives franchise
still work and vander Pump Rules not.

Speaker 3 (05:56):
Youth? I don't know. Maybe I don't know. I think
there's a difference between you're at the end of your
ride versus you're at the beginning of your ride, and
like Ariana is like moving on to the next phase
of her life, and all those people are gonna move
away from the show because they have to. They got
a lot of runway in front of them. These old
fucking Housewives battle axes. I mean they're at they're knocking

on a grave at this point, so they're just bitching
between one another. I never understood why anybody watches any
of the Housewives shows. I find them to be more
phony than the youth things because they're adults, like behaving
like they're vander Pump rules. Cast members never talk about acting.
Never made any sense to me. It's like this such

a phony world, you know, with the kids, at least
you can look back in life and go, well, I
was like that when I was twenty. You can relate
to it.

Speaker 2 (06:44):
Well, Actually, I think that's the actual appeal. I think
people like watching the Housewives because they cannot relate to
it like and they also love watching the opulence and
the just like the really rich bitches.

Speaker 3 (06:58):
Yeah, I get that.

Speaker 2 (06:59):
It's like going to the zoo. Speaking of the rich
bitches from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, one of
them has made headlines. Dulrite. She announced that she and
her husband Peek are separating. The Real Housewives of Beverly
Hills star took to her Instagram and wrote the following,
We as a couple have been subject to a lot

of speculation about our marriage. We have had our struggles
over the last few years and continue to work through
them as two people who love each other and share
two amazing children together to safeguard whatever it goes on
and on. It's what I've said before, yo, the reality

TV curse. You know, like two names like instantly popped
into my mind. Not everybody's Lisa Rinna, right, Like, Lisa
Rinna was with her husband for decades and it's just
such a pro and she's she knew what she was
signing up for and so did Harry and it didn't
affect their relationship whatsoever. But then on the flip side,

Kyle Richards is with her husband for decades also, and
the difference is neither one of them, neither Maudycio nor
Kyle were famous before Reality Team.

Speaker 3 (08:18):
And that's what I was gonna say. I think that
you know, when you have Harry Hamlin, that was an
actor that understands the camera, you know what I mean,
And it's pretending that thing when that thing staring at me,
pretend is coming out, a performance is coming out. So
there's nothing that's going to affect me. I'm bulletproof to
any sort of drama or anything that says this is

a role. When you get these regular people, you know,
I think it all starts to bleed together, and that's
where you start to find the real good shows, you know,
when you're like, oh is this acting because this person
seems really pissed, so there's something to that, you know.

Speaker 2 (08:53):
Well, I'm surprised though, because this is marriage number two
for Peak, and usually marriage number two. You know, they
have a good track record. You know, they lasted a
decent amount of time. They've been married for nine years,
and it's probably over. They're gonna work on fucking nothing.
It's over. It's done.

Speaker 3 (09:14):
I like the name det You know, you were named
for Dorito, you know what I mean, Like, that's where
the fucking name came from.

Speaker 2 (09:21):
Well. In even more Bravo news, congratulations to Andy Cohen.
According to a rep from Bravo, he has been cleared
of all wrongdoing following an investigation. A Bravo rep says
the outside investigation into the recent allegations made by Brandy

Glanville and Leah McSweeney against Andy Cohen has now been
completed and the claims were found to be unsubstantiated.

Speaker 3 (09:54):
Who did the investigating John Mayer.

Speaker 2 (09:58):
I don't know, but he he still in good graces
there and his show Watch What Happens Live has been
renewed for a fifteenth season. Wow, So congrats to him.
And actually, speaking of John Mayer, Andy Cohen gave an
interview where he was talking about his relationship with John Mayer, saying, quote,

let them speculate. I honestly love John Mayer and he
loves me. But because we're so affectionate toward each other,
people don't know what box to put that in. They
assume we're sleeping with each other, which we are most
definitely not. I don't think I ever said they were sleeping,
but I think I think I said they might have

like hooked up when drunk or high or made out
or whatever. Like there's a difference.

Speaker 3 (10:46):
There may have been a fun hand job just for
the hell of it. But look, John Mayer likes pussy.

Speaker 2 (10:51):
All right, I mean he likes a lot of it.
He's definitely calmed down, though I have not heard of
him being linked with anybody in a while.

Speaker 3 (10:58):
He's all sober now. Good for him, Good for him.

Speaker 2 (11:01):
All right, remember that story. We definitely spoke about it
on the Patreon and I think also on the last
Monday show. The Miss USA controversy, Well, it's so much
bigger than I thought. After our Wednesday show, Miss teen
USA also resigned. So now Miss USA resigned, Miss teen

USA resigned, and this other woman who worked as the
social media manager for both brands also quit. And apparently
there has been a lot of drama and friction with
the new owner of the pageant. There was a recent
change in ownership, and there are allegations that this new

owner was bullying these young women, making life miserable for
all of the three that quit. We'll see what happens.
Shana Moechler remember her. Yeah, she is a former pageant queen.
She was first runner up at Miss USA who ended
up becoming Miss Usa because her year, Miss USA won

Miss Universe. So in pageant rules, if Miss Usa becomes
Miss Universe, then the first runner up becomes Miss Usa.
So technically, SHANEA. Meckler was Miss Usa. And I've been
in the pageant world. I was a judge on Miss
USA once I was a judge on Miss Universe. She
is the owner I think of a couple of the
pageants or executive producer or whatever they call them. And

she obviously is aware of this controversy and took to
her Instagram to say as much as she could, revealing
that she too has signed an NDA and that there
is not a lot that she can say, but that
she and a lot of the other stakeholders are doing
all they can behind the scenes to move things forward

and work with new ownership and keep this organization going
that they all genuinely love. Like the weird thing about
pageants is that pageant people really love the whole pageant world.

Speaker 3 (13:10):
Yeah. It seems like everybody's really invested in it.

Speaker 2 (13:12):
Yeah, So I hope that things work out for them.

Speaker 3 (13:17):
And by the way, Perez had the wildest take of now. Oh,
I'm not gonna say it. I'm just gonna say he
had the craziest take on the Patreon and it got
it got some traction. Let's just put it that way.
There were people stirring on the message boards about uh,
Perez's wild take.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
I don't think it's that wild. I stand behind it.
I still think.

Speaker 3 (13:39):
It's the same.

Speaker 2 (13:40):
Yes, wow, yes.

Speaker 3 (13:41):
Guys, you gotta get the Patreon because it's uh raw
and unfiltered is an understatement.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
This take is the most wild take you'll ever hear.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
I think two things could simultaneously be true, the drama
with the new ownership and the thing that I said
also could be true. Okay, I stand behind it.

Speaker 3 (14:02):
How do you get Patreon again?

Speaker 2 (14:04):
Patreon dot com slash Perez Hilton.

Speaker 1 (14:07):
I'm telling you it's worth the five bucks just to
get his take. It's the wildest take efver. He had
me investigating his take, and you know, it's.

Speaker 2 (14:17):
Very I think, I I mean, I'm pretty confident. I'm
pretty crazy, all right. Congratulations to Kim and Kanye's oldest child, Northwest,
ten years old, has been cast in a live version
of The Lion King based on sheer talent alone. It's

going to be at the Hollywood Bowl.

Speaker 3 (14:45):
Say, Perez Hilton is funny.

Speaker 2 (14:47):
Everybody at the Hollywood Bowl. We don't know what role
North is going to be playing. They didn't announce that yet,
but listen, I hope nobody thinks I'm fucking bullying a
ten year old. That was a joke.

Speaker 3 (15:01):
I mean, okay, Well, that happens to be true. But okay, yeah,
I wasn't mean no.

Speaker 2 (15:07):
And also similarly, Beyonce's daughter, the oldest one, Blue Ivy
is gonna she's one uping Northwest sorry North North is
just gonna be starring in the Hollywood Bowl production. Blue
Ivy is gonna be starring in a film, another Lion
King film for Disney, and that's gonna be in theaters.

Speaker 3 (15:27):
Blue Ivy has such a cool vibe about her. Her
dad is clearly jay Z. I love that kid, and
they've done a good job of kind of keeping her
off the radar. But she seems sweet every time you
get like a shot of her when dad brings her
on stage. She seems like a pretty well adjusted kid
for having billionaire parents that are Jay Z and Beyonce.

So I like that kid.

Speaker 2 (15:52):
Yeah, I mean, I don't really have any opinion. I mean,
she doesn't have social media. No, she has made appearances
on her mom's tour. I mean, I think I don't
have a I don't have a single thought.

Speaker 3 (16:05):
No, I just I like, you know, when dad brings
her on a red carpet or kind of shares what's
going on, weirdly, seems healthy. It never seems staged or
put on, and her reactions all seem genuine. And I
don't know, I just you know, from afart it looks
like they've done a nice job.

Speaker 2 (16:22):
Well congrats, congrats. It's hard, especially, you know, I was
telling you about my mom, like I don't want spoiled kids.
You know. It's like I want you to say thank you.
I want you to appreciate it. That's why I also,
I don't. I don't. I didn't do it this past
year because there was so much transition in moving houses
and everything, like, but I normally don't give my kids

all their Christmas presents at once for that very same
fucking reason. Anyways, last night I texted Booker this new
Gamila Aveo song with lil Na's X. I couldn't even
make it through the hire song it's It's I like it.
I love it song and a lot of people don't
like that. I love it. I love it, I love it.
I like that one. That song sucks that one, I

like this one, this one's this, this one sucks.

Speaker 4 (17:10):

Speaker 3 (17:11):
Look I don't hate it, As I told Perez.

Speaker 2 (17:13):
I don't hate it, I just don't like it. They
couldn't even finish it.

Speaker 3 (17:16):
Well, yeah, I don't like it for sure, but it's
just so generic. I actually I actually reached out to
somewhat at that label and.

Speaker 2 (17:25):
To shit on her song. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (17:28):
I had a couple of glasses of tequila last night
I did. I was like, this is hot garbage. Oh,
this girl has so much talent. They should stick her
in the studio with like some live drums, something that's
got some real shake.

Speaker 2 (17:40):
She tried that on her last album and it was
a flop.

Speaker 3 (17:42):
Get people that know what they're doing.

Speaker 2 (17:44):
The last album was good. It was a lot of
Latin inspired music and live instruments, and it was not successful.

Speaker 3 (17:50):
Sadly, well, then it sucked find someone to do that right,
because she has talent, she could sing. I've seen her perform.
She has it, she's always had it. But to perpetually
put out garbage like this, it's like, come on, like,
she's so much better than this. Listen to Havana. That
song is so fucking good. You know, when that's the bar,

you can't be releasing things that aren't that good. Just
scrap it.

Speaker 2 (18:15):
Sadly, her moment has passed.

Speaker 3 (18:17):
It doesn't have to. One song can change everything.

Speaker 2 (18:21):
After a lot of unsuccessful eras. It's kind of over.
I think, like Azalea, even though she had the hottest
song in the world, it come back is not happening.

Speaker 3 (18:32):
Okay, yeah, you know it's different when it's like rap,
it is harder. I think you get a little bit
of a moment. But when you sing, you know, one
song can change the world. It really can. It's a
hit song can really change things. And she's got it
in her because we've heard one of them. I don't know.
I think she's just got to maybe take more control

of her career and really dive into the studio and
figure out how that studio works. It's like when you
look at Taylor Swift behind the scenes, she's usually in
a studio and she doesn't know how to do a
lot of things. Either. She's usually with somebody that's making
noises or whatever and she's like, oh I like that
or that's the way to go. But she's in it,
is what I mean, Billie Eilis, she's in it. She knows,

you know, what Phineas is doing at all moments.

Speaker 5 (19:18):
You know.

Speaker 3 (19:18):
I think you get a lot of these pop stars
that don't know how to do this stuff. And they
should learn.

Speaker 2 (19:22):
Yeah, Ariana knows how to do it all exactly.

Speaker 3 (19:25):
There's another perfect example. She knows exactly what every fader
in that studio does. She gets it.

Speaker 2 (19:30):
Oh she She even like records herself a lot of
times and mixes herself and all of that. Like she's
when it comes to that side of things, nobody can
touch her technical skill.

Speaker 3 (19:41):
Yeah so, And I think when you master that, it's
just like mastering an instrument, you know, when you understand
what everybody else is doing in the room as well.
If you're one of these artists that just shows up
to sing your lines and you've made it, consider yourself
the luckiest person on the planet. Selena Gomez, because it's
the people that know what they're doing.

Speaker 2 (20:01):
I love Selena, Oh, I love.

Speaker 3 (20:03):
Her too, But she's not that kind of She could be,
but I don't think she has that kind of interest.
I think her interests are in other places, cooking, acting,
spread thin.

Speaker 2 (20:12):
All right, some exciting news from the TV world. Paris
Hilton and Nicole Ritchie are teaming up again for a
new show. It's not going to be a reboot of
the Simple Life. It's a new concept. We don't know
what the concept is. According to reports, it's already been

greenlit at a streamer, although we don't know what streamer,
and here I think it's not. I think it's a
good thing that they haven't shared the concept yet, because
it's not too late to change it. They need to
listen to me right now. The best way to ensure
a true hit for Paris and Nicole. It doesn't even

matter if the show. I mean, obviously the show should
be great. But you can have a great show, but
if people aren't talking about it, it's like a tree
falling in the forest. They need a show that will
generate headlines for every episode. They need a show that
will get them trending on social media with every episode. However,

you can make that happen. That is the number one priority,
end goal.

Speaker 3 (21:23):
Yeah, well, you act like that's easy, though.

Speaker 2 (21:24):
No, I'm not saying it's easy. I'm not saying it's easy.

Speaker 3 (21:27):
It's highly improbable. Look, you caught lightning in the bottle.
I think we talked about that earlier in the show. Once, congratulations,
the chance of them catching it again, I'm going to
tell you right now it should be called canceled because
this is like tree in the fucking forest exactly. I
don't think anybody's gonna care, you know, And nothing's wrong
with these two people. The innocence of who they are,

what it was is sort of passed. And unless it's
a whole other different genre, I don't get it. I
don't see it.

Speaker 2 (21:54):
Well, if they listen to me and are able to
do what I say, it'll work, all right. One last thing,
but before that, a quick thank you to some new
Patreon supporters who signed up recently. Thank you to Karen Burns,
Lacey Bernath, Monica Rufenner, Bomb Digityo, Kaylee Speed, Barbara Valente

who signed up for the year Wow. Thank you to
Emily Hannah, Clia Barnett, Elavia, and thank you to Ingrid.
Appreciate you guys so much. And finally, I have to
watch this when I get time. But have you watched
that Baby Reindeer Show?

Speaker 3 (22:34):
It's been on in the living room. Kellen is watching
it what I saw, and I haven't. I'm not totally invested,
but I understand what's going on. It's very odd. I
get why people are watching it because it seems like
it's very different than anything else on TV. But I'm
not all in on it.

Speaker 2 (22:50):
Yet it's getting a lot of buzz.

Speaker 3 (22:51):
Oh totally.

Speaker 2 (22:52):
So if you want to check out what you know,
the new water cooler thing is Baby Reindeer. Check it out.
It's based on a true story, I think. And actually
I just saw a couple of days ago this interview
that Piers Morgan had with the woman that the show
is based on, and she was denying everything. Oh it's
like I'm intrigued, definitely, and it's on my radar, So

that says a lot. All right, let's take a couple
of calls.

Speaker 4 (23:19):
Hi, my name is Kira Curzy. Hi Booker Hyperez Fillo,
West Virginia. Here Booker calling from Saint Pete, Florida, just
to answer your question about is marijuana a depressant? No,
I don't think it is. Coming from somebody who does smokeweed. However,
it does sometimes make me emotional. For instance, my perfectly healthy,

happy dog will be sitting there looking at me after
smokedweed and I start to cry just thinking about loving
him one day. So it's totally random, but yeah, it
definitely could make you cry.

Speaker 2 (23:52):
Well, that sounds like a downer to me.

Speaker 3 (23:55):
Yeah. Well, I read some of the comments on the
message board, and people were saying there's two different types
of weed, like the Stevie and what. I don't know
what they fucking are, but apparently they both have polar
opposite things that happened. One's an upper one's a downer.
So I don't know. I'm still not into weed. It's
just not my thing me neither.

Speaker 2 (24:14):
Hey, what's up, guys?

Speaker 5 (24:15):
This is ording from Brucelyn, New York. I haven't left
the message since last year. I'm I'm out here driving,
listen to today's podcast, and I gotta say, Cheretz, really you're
worried about Bernie Spears.

Speaker 4 (24:27):
She's none of your business.

Speaker 5 (24:29):
It's not your business what she does. Mind you them
fucking business, you know what. And if she feels some
type of way, or if people feel some type of way,
feeling's there not facts, bitch facts.

Speaker 3 (24:43):
I cut off. See, I was just getting warmed up too.

Speaker 2 (24:46):
All right, Well, see you know what you you're listening to?
All right?

Speaker 3 (24:51):
Eight hundred and seven. You got a question about anything,
We'll feel it. And of course you can always join
us on the Patreon hal.

Speaker 2 (24:59):
Paraz patreon dot com, slash Perez Hilton awesome.

Speaker 3 (25:04):
We will get together on that Patreon show this Thursday.
Thank you all for listening. We'll talk soon.

Speaker 2 (25:09):
Have a good one.
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