All Episodes

August 23, 2021 52 mins

Britney's pets are now the source of her latest drama. Carrie Underwood is being chastised for her social media activity. Is Lady Gaga doing enough to help out her dog walker? Kylie is pregnant again. Why Erika Jayne is fearing for her safety. Channing has someone new on his Tatum.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Shall I take your order or do you need a minute?

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Yes, I'll be ready. Just buying a car on Carvana.
What it's super convenient. I already got pre qualified in
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Speaker 1 (00:10):
What that's handy.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
Yeah, Now I'm customizing my down and monthly payments.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
What that's an exquisite deal.

Speaker 2 (00:17):
And just like that, carvan is delivering my car in
a couple of days.

Speaker 3 (00:21):

Speaker 2 (00:22):
Oh yeah, sorry, I'll have the burrito.

Speaker 1 (00:25):
Visit carvana dot com to finance your next car financing
subject to credit Aport Literary. Thank you for listening to
this podcast one production now available on Apple Podcasts, podcast one, Spotify,
and anywhere else you get your podcasts.

Speaker 3 (00:40):
From Los Angeles.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
It's a PREHP.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
Podcast Moments book.

Speaker 1 (00:48):
And one and only world famous Perez.

Speaker 3 (00:50):
Perezrez be Perez Hilton credit.

Speaker 1 (00:54):
It's the PHP. By Hello and welcome to the PHP.
I would be Booker, that would be Perez. How are you?

Speaker 3 (01:00):
I'm great. I'm still coming at you from Vegas. And
I've said this before. What I do is a lot
like surfing. Some days, some weeks you have small waves,
some days and weeks you have big waves. Thankfully. This
week's podcast is full of big waves. Let me tell

you what we're going to talk about. Major drama at
Britney Spears House. Channing Tatum and Zoe Kravitz are a thing.
All the Jeopardy craziness. Lady Gaga's former dog walker is broke,
homeless and asking the public for money. A sad Aaron

Carter development. Carrie Underwood is an anti masker allegedly, and
people are losing their minds. Erica Jane from the Real
Housewives of Beverly Hills is in fear of her safety
and more. But first, how are you?

Speaker 1 (02:03):
I'm great, Thank you so much. Not the new report,
No dogg he's hit by cars. Nothing nothing crazy this week.

Speaker 3 (02:09):
Oh well, that's good. You had some Wi Fi issues.
Oh that's all resolved. That's the most excitement you've had.

Speaker 1 (02:16):
Very exciting. I needed a new motive, which I got
and now I'm up and running.

Speaker 3 (02:21):
Well. I'm still in Las Vegas, and I love it
here too much. It makes me too happy. I think
I have two options right. One option is I need
to make a lot more money so that I could
have a second home here, like when you had your
palm springs. House, and I think that's what would be ideal,

because then I could come out here on long weekends.
I could come out here for spring break, I could
come out here during Christmas. I could come out here
for two or three months during the summer. Or I
could just move here. But I'm afraid to move here.
It's just scary that thought to move here full time.
The way that I would love to move here is
if I got some job here, a residency, like headlining

something or I don't know, or like working on a
local TV show at the news station, doing a thirty
minute entertainment show or whatever it is, but having the
best time, even though things started off at a real
awful place in a real awful way. We were in
the Airbnb from hell. But I made a video about that,

don't you talk about on the website on the podcast.
All is good. So let's get to it, and thank
you to everybody that has supported my new business, my
True ten CBD gummies. If you haven't gotten some yet
for yourself or to try it for others, check it
out my True ten dot com. I not just excited

about it because it's a new business and it could
maybe help me get that Vegas house that I want,
But I also love this because I really believe that
it could help people. It has helped me, So check
it out at my true ten dot com. I should
send some to Britney Spears, Britney Spears, who is like
Brittany in that some people like just cannot escape drama,

whether it follows them or they create it themselves. And
I'm not saying Britney's doing that. I'm just saying, for
whatever reason, it's one drama after another drama. It's exhausting
for me. I cannot even imagine what it must be
like for her. The latest drama with Britney Spears, the
police got involved. Oh my god, the police got involved.

Several parties were involved, somebody's been fired as a result
of it. Britney, being skeptical, thinks that her dad has
something to do with this. What went down is Britney
has these dogs and the housekeeper was concerned for the
well being of the dogs. She thought that the dogs

were malnourished, so the dog walker took the dogs to
the veterinarian, and the veterinarian allegedly was concerned as well
for the well being of the dogs, and then the
dog walker did not return, or the dog career. Maybe
it's not a walker, maybe it's a little bit more

than a dog walker. You know, when you're that rich,
you don't have dog walkers. You have people that look
after your pets for you. So the dog whisperer took
Britney's dogs to the veterinarian, and veterinarian was concerned, so
the dog carr did not return the dogs to Britney.

Brittany noticed that had a confrontation with the housekeeper who
was showing photos to Brittany of the malnourished dogs, and
this is where the drama went down and the discrepancies.
The housekeeper claims that Britney smacked her and smacked the
phone out of her hands. Britney said that there was
no physical contact whatsoever. Part of me, I'm gonna be

Chris Booker for a second, and part of me thinks
that it smells of a shakedown. It smells that, you know,
people are just trying to get money out of Britney
spears or it could have happened. I don't know. You
don't know either.

Speaker 1 (06:24):
Yeah, we'll just be guessing at this point.

Speaker 3 (06:26):
Although I wonder if Britney Spears has cameras inside her house.
I have cameras inside my house.

Speaker 1 (06:32):

Speaker 3 (06:33):
Do you have cameras on the inside of yours?

Speaker 1 (06:35):

Speaker 3 (06:35):
Oh? I have kids, you know, so it's important for
me to have cameras, you know, not just outside but inside.
I wonder if you know, that could be subpoena and
if we could see what happened or whatnot. You know,
Brittany had that confrontation because she thought that the housekeeper
was sending photos to her father, and for his part,
Britney's dad, who still currently is her conservator, claims that

he has nothing to do with this. So that was
the big Britney Spears drama.

Speaker 1 (07:05):
There's problems and there just continues to be problems. And
I'm not buying shakedown though, Oh you're not. No, Oh
think it's a shakedown. I think where there's smokeer's fire,
those dogs are probably not being taken care of properly.
For someone to take a dog in to a vet
and a vet to agree, yes, these dogs are not
being taken care of properly, then the confrontation ensued. After that,

whatever the confrontation was, But I don't know. I just
think that there's there's a reason for the conservative ship.
That's what I keep going back to. There's a reason
she needs to be watched and helped, we'll say helped.

Speaker 3 (07:43):
Well. According to People magazine, which you know I've established
on here, I think they're the most reputable and insider
told them quote her dogs are a sensitive breed that
often has health issues. She has gotten clear instructions about
how to care for the dogs now, and that housekeeper

no longer works for her. What's interesting is no word
about the dog person being fired or not. Yeah, it's
that so interesting. I haven't read anywhere what kind of
breed the dogs are.

Speaker 1 (08:20):
It could be like a bulldog. They have breathing issues.

Speaker 3 (08:22):
No, but I'm just saying it's interesting that that hasn't leaked.
You know, so much else has leaked. But we don't
know what kind of breed.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
I figured on her social media somewhere we'd see her dogs,
or we would have at some point. Now we don't
know what kind of Taylor Swift. We know her cats,
we know what they look like, we know their names.
It's odd that we that she has dogs and we've
never seen them on social media.

Speaker 3 (08:44):
Yeah, well, I wish Brittany boring Miss God seriously. Also,
there was this story theory circulating that you know, about
a decade ago Britney Spears secretly got married because of
leaked legal paperwork that her conservatorship paid to a Beverly

Hills family attorney for the dissolution of marriage occurring in
July of twenty twelve. That was just after she was
dating her former agent Jason Trowick. Why would Brittany's conservatorship
pay about ten thousand dollars for the dissolution of marriage

for consultation on dissolution of marriage? I mean, maybe they
were being proactive. Maybe you know, they were looking to
get married and they didn't. But her ex Jason Trowick
responded to this. He was texted by Billy Bush and
he said, I believe you would have known if I
was married, But you would have made a perfect usher.

All right, let's get to Carrie Underwood in a second.
But first, I'm in Vegas. I have not gotten my
new bowling branch yet, but he did. Yes, let's tell
them what Bolan branch is. These are Bolan branch are
the most premium but not insanely expensive sheets. There you

go for your bed.

Speaker 1 (10:18):
They do betting. Well, this is a true story. I
swear to God on my life this is a true story.
So about two or three weeks ago, I'd said to Kel,
we need some better betting. Let's go buy something really nice.
Let's go out and let's start researching it. So we
start researching. I go online and I keep seeing Bowlin Branch.
I'm like, it gets great reviews, the prices are great.

So I order the comforter for the bed and it
shows up phenomenal. It's so pretty. I actually could drag
it in here in Chote if you wanted me to.
It's like in the hallway. It's so pretty. It's such
great material, and I was like, we gotta get the
sheets now. In the very next day, I get an
email for podcasts and they're like, hey, Bowl and Branch

is gonna be on your show. And I was like,
what you got the right person, because I already loved
this company. I love the presentation. I love the way
their stuff feels. It's just luxury. That's the word. It's
luxury at a fair price.

Speaker 3 (11:16):
These are one hundred percent organic cotton sheets, and the
best part is it comes with a thirty night worry
free guarantee. If you are unsatisfied, support your boys our
podcast and check them out. Go to Bowl and Branch

dot com. That's b O L l A n D
b R A n cch dot com to experience an
entirely new standard of comfort. Get fifteen percent off your
first set of sheets with promo code Peres. That's Bowlandbranch
dot com. Promo code Perez. All right, Carrie Underwood, everybody

knows her, She's beloved. I would say, you know, unproblematic,
lovely kind, winner of American Idol, gone on to be
extremely successful in country music. She's originally from Oklahoma. She
currently lives in the Nashville area. And she did something

so simple. She liked a tweet. And that tweet was
this guy who is a conservative commenter, commentator, Yeah, commentator, commentor,
a conservative commentator who spoke in front of a school
board meeting against mask mandates at school for kids. Okay,

and she liked that tweet. I doubt that Carrie Underwood
is like me, and I like everything. When Carrie Underwood
likes something that has weight to it is how many
people will interpret it. It's a sign of agreement and
a lot of people were not surprised or shocked. Oh yeah, hello,

it makes total sense that Carrie Underwood would be an
anti masker, But a lot of people were still outraged, disappointed,
and saddened. And I was texting with one of my friends,
I am concerned here and we're not here. I'm in
Vegas now, but in the state of California, you know,
we've got that recall election. I think that COVID is

gonna be the deciding factor for many people on how
they vote, because people are over wearing masks, especially you
know now that the FDA has approved the Pfizer, Like,
why do we still have to wear a mask? People
think and listen. I'm one of those people. If I'm
with my kids out somewhere, I'll make sure that they're

wearing their masks so they're not vaccinated yet, but in
school because they're not vaccinated. I absolutely think that my
kids should should be wearing their masks and that everybody
at school should wear.

Speaker 1 (13:59):
Mass It's like common sense to me.

Speaker 3 (14:01):
Yeah, but I guess Carrie Underwood does not agree, And
I think it's also awesome though that she has not commented.
She's not released any statement, which leads me to believe
that she intentionally liked that, and she stands behind that.
She didn't release a clarification, she didn't apologize. She liked it,

and that's what she did.

Speaker 1 (14:25):
If I find something humorous, I may click the little
like or you know what I mean, Like, I put
no thought that.

Speaker 3 (14:31):
That guy wasn't being funny.

Speaker 1 (14:33):
It is such a weird thing to blow up for
just hitting a little heart, but I guess when you're
that famous, it happens. It's a hot button issue for parents.
I think kids are getting sick. They are they are,
so I would want to mask up. I think I
would make my kids mask up. They don't seem to
care so much, right like they kind of you just
tell them to do stuff and they go, okay. Do

they get pissy about it like we do.

Speaker 3 (14:55):
No, They're totally used to it, especially because I got
sized for this by so many people throughout this year.
When I would take my kids, even like often to
outdoor places, I'd have them wear their mask a lot
of the time.

Speaker 1 (15:10):
What is wrong with people?

Speaker 3 (15:11):
They're like, you're outdoors, you don't need to be wearing
your mask. And I would just reply with I'm just
getting my kids used to and comfortable with the masks.
That is just second nature for them.

Speaker 1 (15:20):
I would have replied with, mind your own fucking business,
is what I would have replied with. It's your kids,
your parenting the way you want to. Who just thinks
they have the right to walk up to you and say,
you know, you don't have to wear that matt like,
fuck off, you don't have to talk to me is
what I would say.

Speaker 3 (15:36):
Ugh, well, we're not done with mask talk yet. Another
big story. Jay Cutler, the former NFL player and ex
of Kristen Cavalieri, has been fired from a job because
of his anti mask stance. He was supposed to do
a commercial for Uber eats and they let go of

him because he's been an anti vocal, anti mascer. Not
not only that, he in the past has also been
an anti vaxxer, and so has Kristen Cavaleri. For their part,
Uber Eats says, we are proud of all the work
Uber has done over the last year to help get
as many people vaccinated as possible. As such, we prefer

to partner with those who support that work. I want
everybody to get vaccinated absolutely.

Speaker 1 (16:25):
I'm glad we're starting to fire people that just are dumb.
Let's just start reading out dumb people. You're dumb if
you believe this stuff. It's FDA approved. Now go get
your little shot.

Speaker 3 (16:35):
Well, what's so crazy is like all these dumb people
are like, yeah, but people have people have been dying. No, no, no,
no, no no. The biggest, the newest talking point, which is
just fake new your false information. Most people being hospitalized
now are vaccinated. Like that's not true. It's not true anyways.
In more wacky news, sad news, disappointing news. Speaking of firing,

Jay Cutler got fired from Uber Eats and I won't
say he was fired because I want to be accurate.
But Aaron Carter, whom we spoke about last week and
the week before, has parted ways with that musical that
he was supposed to star in in Las Vegas. Yeah,
let me read to you the press release of the

announcement quote, we are disappointed and a bit embarrassed to
announce that Aaron Carter will not be appearing in the
Las Vegas production of Naked Boys Singing. Within a few
days of the announcement, it became clear for multiple reasons
that Aaron's participation in Naked boys singing was not going

to be was not going to work out. We requested
his letter of resignation and received it.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
He was fired.

Speaker 3 (17:53):
Well, I mean, yeah, how else can.

Speaker 1 (17:55):
You interpret if they made him quit? Yeah, they said, listen,
we're going to fire you, or you can just resign yourself.
And he probably got a check for doing the latter.

Speaker 3 (18:03):
But why not just say we fired him? I don't know,
like that's weird, Like we asked him to resign, that's
firing somebody.

Speaker 1 (18:11):
Right, Yeah, that seems like to men.

Speaker 3 (18:14):
Anyways, his fiance took to my Instagram saying I was
slandering him.

Speaker 1 (18:20):
I kind of think you took up for him if
I did. I don't think that they're paying attention if
they think that you're slandering him. I know, we both
took a lot of shit just for the dumb clip
that we put up, hoping the guy gets the best
and you know, and his life turns around and works out.
And people hated on both of us for that.

Speaker 3 (18:39):
I'm like, okay, why did people hate on you more
for that? Or Britney Spears.

Speaker 1 (18:45):
Well, there were two camps of Britney Spears, like our listeners,
the logical ones just kind of agreed with what I said.
I didn't really say anything. Definitely not Britney, because I
didn't say anything about Britney except where I don't know,
you know what I mean. Like, I didn't take a
stance against No.

Speaker 3 (19:00):
But this week you straight up said earlier today that
she should stay in a conservatorship.

Speaker 1 (19:04):
No, I didn't. I said there may be a reason
she's in a conservatorship.

Speaker 3 (19:10):
No, you said she should remain being that.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
It's funny, you are just as bad as our listeners.

Speaker 3 (19:16):
That's not what's what you said.

Speaker 1 (19:18):
I know, I know exactly what I said, saying one
more time, I'll clarify, Ok, clarify what I said one
more time. I'm betting there's a reason why she's in
the conservatorship.

Speaker 3 (19:29):
All right, That's that's what I said. No, but you
also said that she should stay being watched something along
those lines.

Speaker 1 (19:36):
And there's a reason she's being that you.

Speaker 3 (19:39):
That you think that it should stay. You said think anything,
all right.

Speaker 1 (19:45):
I just think that there's something there happening, and maybe
she's in a conservatorship for a reason. Where there's smoke,
there's fires, saying typically.

Speaker 3 (19:55):
All right, well, speaking of smoke and fire, from Boom.
Let's talk about grilling because summer is not over yet,
and if you want to cook on the barbecue, or
you could even use your meter without cooking in the barbecue.
Like making sure that the food you cook is cooked

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put your meter in there and make sure that it's
done just right. Meter is a bluetooth meat thermometer that
keeps an eye on your food and lets you know
when it is ready to eat. Booker is a big

griller and loves his meter, and he can set his
food down, walk away and check.

Speaker 1 (20:44):
It's nice because I do have a bad habit of
walking away from open flames sometimes and I'll go get
a drink and I'll start talking and I'll forget. But
that is the great thing about the meter. When it
hits a certain temperature, bebeep, It'll beep, your phone will
and you're like, I'm at one fifty five, I gotta
go get my chicken.

Speaker 3 (21:00):
Comes with cloud service, you can have limitless range, so
you can monitor the barbecue while at your neighbor's house.
And right now we're gonna give you guys ten percent off.
Go to meter dot com and use code perez to
get ten percent off. That's m e a t Er

dot com and let's get to grilling. I'm fascinated by
this whole Jeopardy thing.

Speaker 1 (21:28):
Yeah, it's wild, isn't it. I mean, what a story.

Speaker 3 (21:31):
Well, I'm fascinated because I thought only really old people
watch Jeopardy, but apparently not. I mean, this story's been
huge and so many people are invested in it, not
just those sixty plus. I think maybe because of Alec Trebek.

Speaker 1 (21:49):
It was so beloved that he was such a national treasure,
and you look at the years of excellence and what
he did. I just think that that really lends itself
to it. And it's a show based on smart things,
you know, people like to be associated with knowing stuff.

Speaker 3 (22:04):
So it was announced that Mayam b Alec would be
one of the two new hosts of Jeopardy. She will
be hosting the primetime specials and spinoffs, and Mike Richards,
the executive producer of Jeopardy, was going to be continuing
to executive produce and starring in the syndicated version. A

lot of Jeopardy viewers were not happy with that decision.
There were other folks that thought would be better. And
then a few things started to bubble up. A previous
lawsuit that he was a part of. You know, he
got sued while he was working at the Prices right
by one of the models, who claims that he was

you know, making fun of her because of being pregnant
with twins, or not even making fun of her, just
like being in an insensitive jerk boss and wanting the
models to wear skimpier clothing. And then there was this
old podcast that he did where he was trying to
be funny. You know, he used to be a comedian

and the podcast wasn't even that long ago, it was
less than a decade ago, and he was trying to
make jokes, and honestly, I don't even think he should
have stepped down for his stupid jokes. They were stupid jokes,
they were dumb.

Speaker 1 (23:21):
I just think there's more to it. I just think that,
you know, like there's a pattern of behaviors. So like
there's one thing reported. You know, when someone puts themselves
out in the spotlight, and you know, they try to
forget about their past transgressions, and I think that there's
a little bit of that. I bet you there may
be was even a lot more. Maybe the behavior caught

up with him, that'd be my guess. But the whole
thing's bullshit. Like they do all of these people they put,
they run out hundreds of guest hosts or dozens or whatever,
it was a lot, and then they just have the
guy that was the executive producer like tap himself, Like
then why did you have all these guest hosters and
why not just give it the ken Jen And you know,
that's who the fans really wanted. And of course he

had some insensitive thing he did before too. Yeah, he
was really going to start digging up everything everybody has
ever said in their life. I mean, who was Perry?

Speaker 3 (24:11):
Who are these saints? Yeah? Come on, I think a
lot of people though it also rubbed them the wrong
way that this guy got to oversee the process of
selecting the next.

Speaker 1 (24:25):
Host and then you just picked himself.

Speaker 3 (24:27):
Well, and some people weren't even given the opportunity to audition,
or their tapes weren't shown to the higher ups, like
Alex Trebek. Alex Trebek not Alex Geez. I think I
miss messed up earlier Alex Trebek had said in an
interview whom he wanted to replace him before he died,

And those two women didn't even get the opportunity to
have audition.

Speaker 1 (24:53):
Yeah, they should. That's crazy.

Speaker 3 (24:55):
So that's crazy. For the meantime, though, they're going to
go back to rotating guest hosts. Speaking of crazy, Erica
Jane is fearing for her safety for her life. She
took to Instagram over the weekend to share several messages
that she's been getting from strangers, saying things like feeling scared.

Yet the further the season gets, the more you should
be worried about being in public talk about a marked woman.
I mean, there's only one way to interpret that. I
want to be too worried because a lot of people
like to talk a big game on social media. But still,
what kind of a d bag are you to send
a message like that to somebody like you just should

not do that. That's lame af and another big crazy
Erica Jane development. According to the ongoing investigation by the government,
the government is alleging that Erica Jane was given or
spent twenty five million dollars from her husband's law firm.

That was you know the law firm gave her that
money and in about a decade's time, spent twenty five
million dollars. A lot of that went to like her
music career she spent She spent over a million dollars
in backup dancers. Oh my god, craziness, more craziness. We're

gonna get to Amber Rose. But first, briefly, has your
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And actually we're gonna talk about OnlyFans later in the show,
but first amburrows her baby daddy is a dbag. She's

got a child with this man who's a music executive,
Alexander AE Edwards, and she put them on block last
publicly claiming on IG's story that he cheated on her
with at least twelve women that she knows of, and
there's probably even more. She caught him cheating, and she

explained that the reason she did this publicly was to
kind of hold herself accountable because if she didn't do
it publicly, then she may have stayed with him, and
she didn't want to stay with him. She wants to
be done with him because she said in her own
words that she wants a happy ending and that she
wants to be respected, and that she wants monogamy. I
don't know, I would imagine. I think we've had this

conversation before. Most women are probably not down with an
open relationship, but some are, so if you really want that,
find that woman that is down with an open relationship,
because now like your son is going to know what

you did to mom in the future. It's out there,
especially because you're a public figure, and this guy's explanation
of it is like the worst thing ever. He said.
I love her, that's like my best friend, the mother
of my son. I love my step son too, but
expect Talking about commitment and fidelity, he says, I don't

want to force it. I don't want to keep putting
her in positions where she's looking over her shoulder every
time my phone goes off thinking it's number thirteen fourteen.
I was selfish. I did what I wanted to do.
I moved how I wanted to move. She loves me
and shit, but I ain't gonna keep doing that to her.
You know what I'm saying. I could stop, I could

give her a good solid six months and just really
deprive myself of my true nature for as long as
I could take it. But I don't want to live
like that. My desires.

Speaker 1 (29:54):
How much of this you gotta read, I don't know.
It is not even a famous person who cares.

Speaker 3 (29:59):
It just kept getting funnier to me.

Speaker 1 (30:01):
Okay, we got it. The guy is a he's a martyr. Clearly, Yeah,
he did it for the betterment of man do.

Speaker 3 (30:07):
Speaking of martyrs. Actually, I'm surprised at how this has
all played out. Ryan Fisher, Lady Gaga's dog walker, or
maybe former dog walker. I don't think he's still her
dog walker, claims that he is broke, homeless, and trying
to crowd source money to buy a vehicle so that

he can go on a cross country trip. He says
that he refers to it as a sabbatical and he
thinks that traveling around in a van will be good
to heal from his trauma. So he's started to gofund
me and is asking for help. A lot of people
are criticizing Lady Gaga, saying that she should be taking

care of this, but we don't know what's happened behind
closed doors. Maybe she's already given him hundred of thousands
of dollars and maybe he already spent it all. We
don't know. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (31:05):
Didn't she pay for his medical that was reported?

Speaker 3 (31:08):
Right? I believe so.

Speaker 1 (31:09):
Yes, it's a horrible thing that happened, but it's not
Gaga's fault. She gave someone work.

Speaker 3 (31:15):
Well, he's raised, you know, he's almost at his goal.
He wanted forty thousand dollars.

Speaker 1 (31:19):
Yeah, and you know, I got no problem with that.
If people want to give him the money and he
wants to ask for it, people can say no. It's
not like anyone's being forced to give him their money.

Speaker 3 (31:28):
Yeah, somebody just donated, you know, five thousand dollars an
anonymous person.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
That's awesome.

Speaker 3 (31:34):
Yeah, this famous photographer dude I know, gave him one
thousand dollars.

Speaker 1 (31:39):
I'm going to set up a GoFundMe for myself.

Speaker 3 (31:41):
Do you think it's Lady Gaga's responsibility to this? You know,
when she saw this to say, hey, I'll help you
out with your forty thousand.

Speaker 1 (31:49):
I don't know if it's her responsibility, but I wouldn't
be shocked if she did. Like the anonymous five grand
I could see it being her.

Speaker 3 (31:56):
Noah, Well, you know what, this guy has been through
a lot.

Speaker 1 (32:00):
It's hard to criticize him, right.

Speaker 3 (32:01):
Exactly, He's been through a lot.

Speaker 1 (32:03):
I got shot.

Speaker 3 (32:04):
If this is what he wants to do to get better, then.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
God, that fun. Yeah, I've got a problem with it
all right.

Speaker 3 (32:12):
Well, speaking of setting up a GoFundMe, that's also what
this former nineties sitcom star Brett Butler has done. She
through a friend, set up a gofund me because even
though you know, she used to make a ton of
money and she claims that she went through twenty five

million dollars, blew it. She's now broke and almost about
to be homeless. I don't see any problem with this either.
Like you said, nobody's forcing anybody to donate.

Speaker 1 (32:49):
And if you're a fan of that person and you
want to feel like you did something to help that
person out that you liked, cool, find by me.

Speaker 3 (32:56):
She actually surpassed her goal. You know, her goal was
twenty thousand dollars. I'm checking now and she's raised over
thirty eight thousand dollars.

Speaker 1 (33:05):
Wow, she was big like that that. She was a
big start one point.

Speaker 3 (33:09):
In the nineties money. Yeah, she did twenty five million dollars.
But what's crazy is you know she's she's worked. You know,
apparently she was on The Walking Dead. Either that's right
for a couple of episodes or so, I personally wouldn't
give her money just because it's clear that she's got
money management issues. So I would give her money if

if it went to like some person that was gonna
make sure that she wasn't blowing it all away or whatever.
Like you know, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (33:41):
I don't know how anybody blows twenty five million bucks?

Speaker 3 (33:44):
Did you never watch those behind the music episodes on
BH one. Let me tell you. Let me tell you
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dot Com. Oh god, our Wackynews segment is just very
wacky this week. There's a lot. This one is a
brief one, a little update. We've spoken about her before,
Jen Harley. She's the baby mama and ex of Ronnie
Ortiz Magro from Jersey Shore. Earlier this summer, she checked
herself into rehab for alcohol addiction. Prior to that, she

got into a domestic violence incident with her boy friend
and was arrested for that. Now she's been charged with
felony domestic assault after, according to authorities, threatening her boyfriend
with a gun threatening to kill him. So good luck

to her. She lives here in Vegas. God, I love
Vegas so much. I can't stop thinking about wanting to
move here.

Speaker 1 (35:23):
Is it hot? Is hades a? It's going to be
hot this week here in La.

Speaker 3 (35:26):
It's been over one hundred degrees every day. But I
don't mind. It doesn't bother you, It doesn't bother me. Yeah,
you just got to make sure you drink a lot
of water if you're doing outdoor stuff, which we have been.
So just take a lot of water, all right. Even
more wacky news. This is so upsetting, but typical only
fans really built that platform off the back of sex

workers posting explicit photos and videos. Right now that they're
big and they've gone mainstream, getting traditional celebrities on there
doing on pornographic content. They just announced that in October,
they will no longer allow pornographic content. You'll still be
able to post nudes, but you won't be able to

post videos of you having sex or this or that
or the other. And it sucks because these sex workers
made OnlyFans of what it is today and this might
be affecting a lot of their livelihoods. Lame on, you
only fans.

Speaker 1 (36:25):
You know, there'll be a new version of this somewhere.
Someone's gonna do it, you know what I mean, Like
they'll just.

Speaker 3 (36:31):
Block somewhere else.

Speaker 1 (36:31):
You would think, Look, if there's money to be made,
someone will develop a way to take that commerce. But
I wonder why OnlyFans said not us anymore.

Speaker 3 (36:41):
Well, because they're trying to grow even more. They were
finding it hard to get investors.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
And also that does make sense.

Speaker 3 (36:48):
Allegedly they claim that the banks that they which I
find I think this excuse is bullshit. Banks told them
their credit card partners that they don't want to be
doing that anymore. But there's porn all over the Internet
that people pay for and they accept credit cards and
bank partners and all of that. I think it's more

the former of them trying to, like, you know, raise
capital and grow it even more and it being difficult.
But what if this backfires tremendously and it implodes and
it blows up. I don't know, We'll see. Yeah, and
even more wonderful news. Now we're done with the wacky news, thankfully.
Congratulations to Kylie Jenner, though she is not herself confirmed

that she is pregnant. Last week, you guys watching and
listening heard it first that Kylie was most likely pregnant
because of Nailgate, and now it has been reported by
multiple outlets that she is indeed pregnant. Congratulations to her,
and yes, the dad is Travis Scott. They have another

child together, Stormy. It also positive news. Channing Tatum and
Zoe are dating. How exciting is that they first developed
a special bond on the set of this new movie
that she directed. I think it's called Pussy Island. I'm

pretty sure it's called Pussy Island. It could be called
something else, but it's p Then three little asterisks and
the why.

Speaker 1 (38:21):
I got a feeling wherever Channing Tatum.

Speaker 3 (38:23):
Goes it is pussy Island. So she directed that they
met there, and you know, they were caught by the
paparazzi and certain sources report that they are at the
very beginnings of a relationships, so Mazzle. Also more couples news.
Ben and Jen are intermingling their families. Over the weekend,

all of the kids that they both have. His children
and her children went out on a family playdate to
the Magic Castle in Los Angeles. That'd be fun. I'm
going to put that on my list of things to
do when I get back to LA. Also, Jennifer Lopez
is not just through with Alex Rodriguez romantically, she's done

with him financially as well. They are going to be
splitting up all of their joint assets, all of their
businesses that they have together, and it's quite a bunch,
so she doesn't have to deal with him in any way. Okay,
I got some Prince Harry news. But first, I love
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lot of negative Prince Harry headlines, so it's really nice

to eat something positive. Prince Harry has donated one point
five million dollars to this charity that he co founded
called Sente Bail. I think that's how you pronounce it.
It's a charity to help children affected by HIV in Africa.
So there's that. In more positive news, my dear friend

Selma Blair has revealed that she is in remission from
multiple sclerosis.

Speaker 1 (41:30):
Really, she used to listen to this show. I don't
know if she still listens, but that's it's great news.

Speaker 3 (41:35):
Yeah, she underwent this experimental treatment that worked. I think
it might have been a stem cell treatment. You know,
she's in remission, meaning you know, there's no new lesions,
but she's still she's not quite who she used to be.
She's still suffered greatly because of having multiple sclerosis, but

at least it's not progressing. At least you know she's
in remission, which is a wonderful positive things. All right.
Some music news, Iggy Azalea is calling on record labels
to hire psychologists for artists mental health. She says that
every label can afford a psychologist and that artists should

be able to have some expert to speak to because
it's hard to struggle with the level of hate and
pressure that comes with fame. So I think that's a
good idea. Why not. Yeah, professional athletes have access to that,
Why shouldn't musicians Some music New music talk. There's only
one new song that I got to listen to over

the last week. This new Sean Mende's song called Summer
of love I like it? Do I love it?

Speaker 1 (42:48):

Speaker 3 (42:49):
But I like it and I think it could do well.
I liked it more with each listen. I liked it instantly.
The first time, it didn't love me, maybe because it
was just it caught me off guard much a departure
for him. It's kind of very pop, very dance, and
I love I saw him he hit up this club

in New York and he did like that whole like
I'm gonna show up and give the DJ my song
and I'm gonna perform this. I always love when when
musicians do that, Like it's always such a treat.

Speaker 1 (43:18):
I finally heard the Cardi Lizzo that blows.

Speaker 3 (43:21):
Yeah, sadly heard it on the radio. I was like, ugh.

Speaker 1 (43:25):
He got to the point where I was like, I
have to turn this off. This is a terrible song.

Speaker 3 (43:29):
Loop. And finally Lord released her new album. Did you
listen to the album?

Speaker 1 (43:37):
I did? I like that song. What's the one song
that everybody thought was about a guy but it was
about her dog?

Speaker 3 (43:42):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (43:43):
I can't remember the name of it, damn it. Yeah,
it's good, it's interesting.

Speaker 3 (43:46):
I hated it.

Speaker 1 (43:47):
You don't like anything about the album? It a couple
of times.

Speaker 3 (43:50):
It's a hated interesting. I mean, there were some songs
I liked, but first of all, it felt like they
were just remaking the same song over and over again.
Each one saw felt too much like the other, where
it was hard to differentiate one song from the other.
And it got to a point like where I was
maybe like halfway through it, it felt like such a drag.

I'm like, it felt like work and a chore. I'm like,
this is paining me to listen to this.

Speaker 1 (44:15):
Music in general is in such a rut. I still
just blame the computer, you know. I think everybody's using
the same program and it's generating the same sounds, and
nothing inventive is happening, and nobody plays anything anymore. Nobody
knows how to play an instrument anymore. I don't know.

Speaker 3 (44:29):
Oh well, do you own or rent whichever one you do.
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Speaker 1 (44:44):
That's a great idea, hey, for as in.

Speaker 3 (44:46):
Booker, it's clear from Destroit, I love you guys, listen
to you all the time. Sorry about the dawn barking,
but I just I'm just saying, like, Okay, if it's
a full Newsweek booker, I love you. I do, but like, yeah,
like Chris, I just roll with it. I mean, I
I was kind of interested in that story about the bating.

Speaker 2 (45:04):
It's fucking weird and I would have liked to hear
I would have liked to.

Speaker 3 (45:07):
Have heard your guys' opinions on it. And yeah, like
it's your job to just kind of talk about it
and run with it. Like I get it, you're snarky,
but sometimes just have a little fun. Again.

Speaker 1 (45:17):
Love you both, But isn't that my angle on the story?

Speaker 3 (45:22):
No? Not when it's annoying and it's like a it's like,
this is what it's like, Right, You're about to have
sex with somebody and then somebody just like farts in
your face or whatever.

Speaker 1 (45:33):
I don't know, I think that's my point of view.
I see those clickabait things and I just see them
for what they are. I can't even get into the
story because I'm like, oh, it's like another Dak Shepherd
whatever thing and it's not even real. And it's like
I just feel like everyone talks about those things, these
talking points sometimes and I just get nausey. I just like,

I don't like want to be that show because I
just think we have so many better Yeah, but that
was angles on things.

Speaker 3 (45:59):
It was a day's long thing with multiple people involved,
from Dax Shepherd, Tomi La Kunis, and Ashton Kutcher to
Jake Gillenhall, all.

Speaker 1 (46:08):
A bunch of annoying people. Let's take another call.

Speaker 3 (46:11):
Okay, Jack Shepherd and Kristen Doll are so thirsty. I
would put something out there that's they don't feed their
children that often.

Speaker 1 (46:22):
Fucking scares Thank you Boks.

Speaker 3 (46:25):
Right, this is a sad blow news Week where's sefer see.

Speaker 1 (46:30):
I guess I get I understand what you just said,
but my point of view is my point of view.
It's like I don't get why people are pissed at
my point of view, Like I don't care. This is
a sad, dumb story, Like it just seems goofy. I
don't even want to talk about it. She agrees with me,
like why are we wasting time talking about dumb things
like this? And by the way, we need some comments.
And the fucking anti vaxxers does morons? They got on

our Apple page. So it's so oh yeah, it's so
much Booker hate. It's through the fucking roof. But it's
all because of my stance on anti vaxers that I
think they're fucking dopes.

Speaker 3 (47:03):
I didn't know this.

Speaker 1 (47:05):
You're gonna read the first ten comments are like Booker sucks.
You'll love them because they're all very positive Perez. So
I'm telling the Booker people, we gotta we gotta, we
gotta get rid of that.

Speaker 3 (47:14):
We gotta wait wait, wait, see y'all, I'm let's move on.
No love listening to you too very entertained. Okay, something
that was a Booker positive.

Speaker 1 (47:23):
Oh no, that's not good.

Speaker 3 (47:25):
Book Oh here, this is a good one. Booker is
a bully, despite the fact that many of his views
are spot on, his delivery is too harsh and rude.
He clearly hates Perez and thinks he's better than everyone.
Oh okay, another wild.

Speaker 1 (47:40):
Hate Perez, and I definitely don't think I'm better than that.
Another one, but I am better than you fucking anti vaxers.
You're all fucking dopes.

Speaker 3 (47:46):
Another one. You are an entertainment host. Not every topic
is going to resonate with you, but pretend it does,
because many of us care about some of those topics.

Speaker 1 (47:56):
And many of you don't. As the girl just proved,
She literally proved my point.

Speaker 3 (48:00):
Wow, all these comments. I used to love this podcast,
couldn't wait to listen every week. Recently, the co host,
Booker sounds so angry and depressed. Oh I love this.
I've been a loyal listener for over four years, and
I read your blog on the daily since it came out.
I was once a huge Booker fan. But Booker is
completely destroying your show. Chris is an idiot. Another one

says everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and to
call people idiots for having a different opinion from you
makes you the bigger idiot. So many Wow, fucking pissed.

Speaker 1 (48:30):
Good fuck you guys, that's what I say.

Speaker 3 (48:32):
Oh, these are listeners.

Speaker 1 (48:36):
The haters they can all go get fucked.

Speaker 3 (48:38):
But a lot of these are listeners. Are listeners.

Speaker 1 (48:41):
They're fucking here there.

Speaker 4 (48:43):
Oh it's Kathy from Colorado.

Speaker 3 (48:45):
I love you guys so much, Booker.

Speaker 1 (48:48):
I'm with you a thousand percent about the vaccine.

Speaker 3 (48:52):
These people are fucking idiots. I hate it when somebody
says I don't trust the science, but the men that
they go to the scientist.

Speaker 1 (49:03):
Right, they go to the hospital, like, we don't trust doctors.
I saw this great post the other day. It was
really funny. This girl is like, she works in the hospital.
She goes, did someone that had COVID? But she's, you know,
an anti vaxxer And she's in there and she's dying,
and she's saying to this person, you know, why didn't
you take the shot? She goes, well, I don't know
what's in it. And the response to the nurse said, well,

I just gave you three different drugs. You didn't ask
me once what was in those either. It's crazy at
this point people are not let's wrap it up all right.

Speaker 3 (49:31):
Well, if you enjoyed our podcast, we love having you here.
Do you ever wonder what it's like to create a
listening experience like this week to week? Do your friends
always tell you that you should have a podcast? Well,
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self made to find out more, see official rules and

sign up for your chance to win. That's launchpad one
dot com slash self made. And I don't think once
we've told people are number to call eight hundred seven
two one one one eight five. If you want to
call and tell us anything, that's eight hundred seven to
one one one eight five. And if you want to
leave positive comments.

Speaker 1 (50:38):
Yeah, I'm only taking book or positive calls. There'll be
no book or negative calls this week. I will delete
those immediately.

Speaker 3 (50:45):
Rude, I will.

Speaker 1 (50:46):
God, I you know I love them more than I
like the positive ones. They give me superpowers. I think
you taught me that. That's fucking on you.

Speaker 3 (50:55):
All right, Well, thank you everybody, We love you. See
you next week.

Speaker 1 (50:58):

Speaker 3 (50:58):
Guys, love listening to this podcast. I love that you
are here to listen. Do you ever wonder what it's
like to create a listening experience like this week to week?
Do your friends always tell you that you should have
a podcast? Well, now is your chance. Our podcast network,
Podcast one is looking for the next podcast star. Think

it could be you. Enter the Self Made Podcast competition
now to find out. All you have to do is
visit launch pad one dot com slash self made for
a chance to win a contract with podcast one, valued
at over one hundred thousand dollars in promotion and so
much more. Enter now until September third and tell all

your friends to listen and download. Go to launch pad
one dot com slash self made to find out more,
see official rules and sign up for your chance to win.
That's launchpad one dot com slash self Made. Hey guys,
Jake Cutler start in a new podcast. It's called Uncut
with Jake Cutler.

Speaker 4 (52:02):
Most of you know me from the NFL, some of
you see me on Instagram, and some of you know
me from the reality TV world. Each week, I'm taking
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and some new people that I like and respect. That's
what you're supposed to do, right podcasting. I think I'm

doing this right. Can't wait to get started with you
Go subscribe now Uncut with Jake Cutler, Apple Podcasts, podcast

Speaker 3 (52:32):
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