All Episodes

December 4, 2023 36 mins

The publicist for Taylor Swift is now making headlines of her own. The Beyonce movie numbers have come in, so how did she do? Britney is spending time with her family again. Drew Barrymore has become a little too hands on with her guests.


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
From a.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Famous Perez Hilton. Everybody, welcome to the php On Booker.
That would be Perez.

Speaker 3 (00:22):
How you doing?

Speaker 2 (00:23):

Speaker 3 (00:24):
Oh god? Okay, Well a lot to get to today.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
We have to talk, of course, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Bethany
Frank Old, Britney Spears, Drew Barrymore, Kelly Clarkson, Diddy.

Speaker 3 (00:35):
So much to get to, Oh my god.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
But first, I still can't believe it. It's interesting how
a big development, whether negative or positive, can both affect
you similarly. I just got really good news, and it's
so wild because I feel like somebody died, meaning like

I still can't accept this good news, Like I don't
believe it. Okay, you're gonna make fun of me. You're
gonna think I'm overreacting. You're gonna think I'm an idiot,
but it does involve you in a substantial way. I'm
just gonna say it. I'm just gonna say it. I'm like,
I still can't. I still cannot believe.

Speaker 3 (01:20):
Is No, it's not it's nothing we can know.

Speaker 1 (01:24):
No, although it does affect our podcast, so I still
can't believe it. I Hoerez Hilton am officially allowed back
on TikTok.

Speaker 2 (01:39):
Oh, that's good, the build up was worth it.

Speaker 3 (01:42):
You think it's funny, but I still can't believe it.

Speaker 1 (01:46):
If some of you have been following us for a
long time, you know that I have been banned from
TikTok for three years. And actually I sent a friend
a link to that one traumatic episode where we were
talking about my ban on TikTok and I tried to
listen to it and it was one of the most

cringe Yes, it was embarrassing, humiliating, sat it lives on forever.
If you are bored, you can go. It was December
of twenty twenty. Listen to that show. But look at
the trajectory now from band to I was off for
two years and then I had like a light bulb

moment where I was like, you know what, I'm just
gonna make a new account and if they banned me again,
I don't care because I'm banned and now because I'm
officially back, so please follow me. My new for real,
not going anywhere account is Perez Hilton Videos Perez Hilton Videos.

They didn't give me my original name back, nor my
original account, which in December of twenty twenty had five
point nine million followers.

Speaker 3 (02:57):
Oh my god, that's okay.

Speaker 1 (02:58):
I'm happy to start from at Perez Hilton Videos. And
the thing is, you know, people dis TikTok and this
and that, but the videos there get views. And you know,
one of my consistent main pieces of content are clips
from our show. So me being able to grow an

account on TikTok and get an audience there is gonna
help our podcast.

Speaker 3 (03:25):
I'm so grateful for that.

Speaker 2 (03:28):
Okay, So you haven't told us how did you find out?

Speaker 3 (03:31):
I'm not talking about it.

Speaker 2 (03:32):
Oh you don't even want to talk about it. Okay, fine,
I don't want you to lose it. I'm gonna go
ahead and make a bold prediction right now, it'll be
four months before your band again.

Speaker 1 (03:42):
No wait, no, I've learned. No, I know what not
to post, even if it's questionable.

Speaker 2 (03:50):
Just tell me this did it come? And email form
like how do you know?

Speaker 3 (03:54):
Okay? Oh yeah, no, no, okay, So here's why, right Sokay.

Speaker 1 (03:57):
So I found out on Thursday and I didn't believe
it and I was like, this cannot this is not true.

Speaker 3 (04:03):
I still don't believe it.

Speaker 1 (04:04):
I said, I need to speak to somebody at TikTok myself.

Speaker 2 (04:09):
So you can ruin it there.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
I need to hear I need to hear it from them.
So on Friday, I set up a zoom actually it
was a Google meet. I spoke to this lovely person
from TikTok and they confirmed that yes, I am officially
allowed back. And even after talking to a TikTok person,
I still.

Speaker 3 (04:30):
Don't believe it.

Speaker 2 (04:31):
So you're verified.

Speaker 3 (04:32):
No, I'm not verified yet, but hopefully that is all.

Speaker 2 (04:36):
So they probably will verify you once you get it going.

Speaker 1 (04:39):
Yeah, And I got to thank my sister because you know,
she and I are very different, and my initial inclination
as soon as I got off that call with TikTok
with I've got to reach out to the media. This
is a fucking story. I gotta blow this up. And
she's like, don't you don't want them asking TikTok why they.

Speaker 3 (04:59):
Let you back or why they bann you in the
whole place?

Speaker 2 (05:01):
Creative firestorm exactly, be exactly now you're learning.

Speaker 3 (05:06):
Look at you.

Speaker 2 (05:07):
Well, welcome back, Perez Hilton Videos. Let's start the show.

Speaker 3 (05:10):
What a fucking great week.

Speaker 1 (05:12):
I'm still thankful, Like twenty twenty three has been wonderful
and a lot of change, but difficult also as well,
And I'm just excited. On Wednesday evening of this week,
I'm gonna be on MTV, which is really fun. I'm
gonna be on Cribs in my shitty ass Vegas rental.

So I'm showing off my small Vegas rental this Wednesday
on Cribs. And I'm so grateful to MTV for that opportunity.
You know, I love doing television and I and I
am let's start seeing more.

Speaker 3 (05:49):
Enough, what's new with you?

Speaker 2 (05:51):
Nothing? I got nothing new to report. Had a nice
dinner this weekend. I went out place called Monty's, which
is like an old school steakhouse out in Woodland Hills
and it was awesome.

Speaker 3 (06:02):
There you go.

Speaker 2 (06:02):
I did some pruning of my trees this weekend of
my backyard, very exciting stuff.

Speaker 3 (06:09):
I still can't fucking believe I'm back on TikTok.

Speaker 2 (06:12):
Well, congratulations, I'm happy for you.

Speaker 3 (06:14):
All right.

Speaker 1 (06:15):
One of my favorite people, Taylor Swift, and one of
my other favorite people, her publicist Tree.

Speaker 3 (06:21):
Payne, are in the headlines. I really love Tree Payne.

Speaker 1 (06:26):
There's a lot of shady and shitty publicists out there,
and she is not one of them.

Speaker 3 (06:31):
She's been Taylor's.

Speaker 1 (06:32):
Rep for Oh God for ever.

Speaker 3 (06:36):
At least eight years or so. I've been in og Swifty,
so I.

Speaker 1 (06:40):
Even knew Taylor's prior publicist, the one that helped her
from the very beginning of her career, this lovely woman
named Paula Erickson. And you know, Tree's been an instrumental
part over the last decade, and she usually doesn't publicly
speak out, but she did a couple of days ago
after this gossip account Doumois posted about Taylor Swift. Well,

what's interesting is there's more to this than people might
think or know given what they saw. Tree responded to
this one post of Doomoise about Taylor and her ex
boyfriend Joe Alwin getting faux married in the UK either
in twenty twenty or twenty twenty one, some kind of

commitment ceremony though not a legal marriage, and Tree saw
that on Twitter and responded with the following enough is
enough with these fabricated lies about Taylor from Doomois, specifically
naming the outlet.

Speaker 2 (07:42):
Congratulations to them, by the way.

Speaker 3 (07:44):
I know, I know right, I would love I would
love something like that.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
Tree, Step up your game. Please, could we get a shout.

Speaker 1 (07:50):
Out there was never a marriage ceremony of any kind.
This is an insane thing to post. It's time for
you to be held accountable for the pain and trauma
you cause with posts like these. Now, I love Tree

and I love Taylor.

Speaker 2 (08:12):
Right, but let's not get carried away the pain and trauma.

Speaker 1 (08:15):
I know, but initial reaction when I first saw that
tweet was Ooh, I love it Sassy Tree A and
then b I'm like, what's so traumatic and painful about
a false rumor that she had a commitment ceremony. Here's
the real ty, Here's what Tree was really responding to,

but chose not to because she didn't want to make
that fire bigger, So instead she responded to this one,
which is seemingly.

Speaker 3 (08:45):
Innocuous but a lie according to her.

Speaker 1 (08:48):
Over the last I don't even even know exactly the timeframe,
but recently du Mois had posted something else about Taylor Swift.
I think it was just within the last week because
Taylor released a new song from the Vault which was
about allegedly Joe Alwin, and the post from Dumont claimed

that Taylor Swift suffered a miscarriage while she was with
Joe Alwin. Okay, now I could see how that would
be painful and traumatic and offensive and wrong if you
claim that Taylor was pregnant and lost a baby, and
she was never even pregnant, or if she did even
lose the baby, she just doesn't want that out there.

Both are possible, So that is definitely inflammatory and could
upset Taylor and Tree. And I think that that's really
what's behind this.

Speaker 2 (09:41):
Well, no offense, I mean, but I still think people
are gonna say crap all of the time. Who cares
if it's true or not true. It's just it's the
nature of the business. It's like picking a fight with
the weather. You're never gonna win. Now that's out there.
I hadn't heard it, hadn't heard it. So I think
you should just kind of let people say whatever they're
going to say say sometimes.

Speaker 1 (10:01):
Unless you know, because like I've said, Tree doesn't really
comment publicly.

Speaker 3 (10:06):
Well she shouldn't have, I don't think.

Speaker 1 (10:07):
Unless she did so at the request of Taylor. That's
my thought.

Speaker 2 (10:13):
I gotta think that yes, it's that, it has to be.
It's not her first day. I cannot imagine in a
million years she would go out there on her own
account as her speaking for Taylor about a certain topic,
and like you're saying, you're right, it's probably not about.

Speaker 3 (10:31):
The first thing.

Speaker 2 (10:31):
It's about the second thing, which I didn't hear in
the first place, which you've just made it a story
now it is a story.

Speaker 4 (10:37):

Speaker 1 (10:37):
What's also interesting is, and I would love to hear
from a PHP listener that's a lawyer. I wonder what
the legal ramifications are, because you know, when you use
language like it's time for you to be held accountable
to me, I interpret that as legally accountable, right.

Speaker 3 (10:58):
Like potentially a lawsuit. But dou MOI on.

Speaker 1 (11:02):
Their bio or you know, historically and repeatedly says they
post rumor nothing they post is true. So if you're
saying what you're posting is not true, can you be
sued for that?

Speaker 3 (11:16):
I think you still can.

Speaker 2 (11:17):
You could be sued for anything, whether you have a
case or not is the point. And I don't know
if you do. It's like I said, what you're gonna
sue somebody on some a rumor? Look, I get it,
because it's it is a hurtful kind of.

Speaker 3 (11:30):
Thing to say, especially for women.

Speaker 2 (11:32):
Yeah, yeah, it's not cool. But I just don't think
putting it out there is the answer either, because there's
always there's always something that's batshit crazy. I don't really
believe anything from that site. And it's almost like with
the show. People get upset with me when I don't
let you go crazy on the speculation. But people like

to do that. People like to spread gossip and rumor,
and they like to chat about things like this.

Speaker 3 (11:57):
No no, no, no no no right.

Speaker 1 (11:59):
One of our Treon supporters wanted my general just overall
thoughts on DOUMOI, and I was on her podcast.

Speaker 3 (12:07):
She's lovely.

Speaker 1 (12:09):
Historically, I'm not been a fan of that account, just
because what I do I take very seriously. I don't
engage in posting unverified things. You know, I get a
ton of dms and emails and I always have and
if I don't know the person, if I don't know
if something is true, I'm not going.

Speaker 3 (12:28):
To share it.

Speaker 1 (12:29):
And the whole premise of Doumois is doing that. And
people can make things up like I could say, oh,
I saw Chris Booker kicking a dog.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
That's true.

Speaker 3 (12:39):
Yeah, I saw him kicking a dog.

Speaker 1 (12:40):
I thought it was a big animal advocate thoughts, I know,
like and they'll just post whatever right like. So that's
why I could never really get into it. But a
lot of people did, and it's grown to be a
big thing. She's got over two million.

Speaker 3 (12:54):
Followers on Instagram.

Speaker 1 (12:56):
Posting unverified sightings and news. That's one thing speculating when
what I'm saying is pure speculation, that's a different thing.
That's conjecture, that's not trying to pass off something as true,
you know, So they're separate things.

Speaker 3 (13:14):
Speaking of Taylor before we end.

Speaker 1 (13:16):
Things, she was at the Sunday night football Packers Chiefs
game last night. It was the Packers right that they
were playing, yep, and the Chiefs lost and.

Speaker 3 (13:28):
A huge upset.

Speaker 2 (13:30):
I know they were calling this Jordan Love dead four
or five weeks ago, like this isn't the air apparent
to Aaron Rodgers, He's not it. It's not going to work.
And then they've kind of got hot, and you know,
they knocked off the big dog last night. It was
a great football game too.

Speaker 1 (13:46):
The backlash, though, I think has begun because silly some people.

Speaker 2 (13:52):
Kansas said he can't win every game. Only one team
in history has.

Speaker 1 (13:56):
Not specifically that. But I don't know. This is what
one of our Patreons supporters said. She claims that Travis
has just not been playing well recently. Do you think
that's an accurate assessment?

Speaker 2 (14:06):

Speaker 3 (14:07):
Okay, all right?

Speaker 2 (14:08):
Is his head completely in the game? I have no idea.
I don't think anybody does. You know, does he look
slower out there?

Speaker 3 (14:14):
To me? No, He's a beast. He's one of the.

Speaker 2 (14:17):
Greatest ever to play that position. And every day he
gets older. I wouldn't say he's at his exact prime
at the moment, but he's probably on the other side
of it. So no matter what, it's not going to
get better for him. At some point, he's going to
start to wear down. The average lifespan of an NFL
player I think it's something like three years. He's well
past that, you know what I mean. So he's great,

So don't let anybody tell you that stuff.

Speaker 3 (14:41):
He's in his thirties too, I think.

Speaker 2 (14:43):
Right, yeah, he's no spring chicken.

Speaker 3 (14:46):
He is.

Speaker 2 (14:46):
You know, he's done it and done it at an
elite level for a very long time. It's hard to
maintain that when you're out there taking bullets every day.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
A lot of Taylor Swift's records being broken here and there.
She this week has five albums on the Billboard two hundred,
the top album chart. Five of the top ten albums
this week are Taylor Swift albums that has not happened
with a living artist in sixty years. Also, she it

was reported earned through Spotify alone one hundred million dollars
in twenty twenty three. Wow, and it was really interesting
that that news broke. And then you know, over the
last seven days all of the Spotify wrapped year end bullshit, right,
And then late last night, very very late, Spotify posted

a press release on their website that they are laying
off seventeen percent of their workforce.

Speaker 3 (15:51):

Speaker 1 (15:51):
A thousand employees are getting fired, laid off, terminated just
before Christmas at Spotify, their third round of cuts in
twenty twenty three. Bummer, and they still don't pay the
artists enough, all right. Wrapping up our Taylor Swift coverage,
she flew from Kansas City to London to support Beyonce

at the UK premiere of her renaissance film. Beyonce was
off tour and you know, already home in Los Angeles
when she went to Taylor's The Era's Tour premiere in la.

Speaker 2 (16:26):
Right, she made a four mile johnt.

Speaker 1 (16:29):
Yeah, Taylor got on her private plane, flew all the
way to London and spent twenty four hours supporting Beyonce.

Speaker 3 (16:37):
But I loved it that it was awesome.

Speaker 1 (16:40):
And the numbers are in, and congratulations to Beyonce. She's
got the number one movie in the United States. The
Renaissance film took in twenty one million dollars. And because
I know people are curious by comparison, how well did
that do?

Speaker 3 (16:57):
Well? It was well enough to land Beyonce on the.

Speaker 1 (17:00):
Number four list of the highest grossing concert movies of
all time. I said, Beyonce took in twenty one million,
and remember Taylor did ninety two point eight million.

Speaker 3 (17:12):
That first weekend in the US.

Speaker 2 (17:14):

Speaker 1 (17:14):
I don't think we've seen a hysteria and just a
level of fervor and impact and relevancy with an artist
since Michael Jackson in the early eighties, I think.

Speaker 3 (17:26):
And the craziest thing.

Speaker 1 (17:28):
Is that Taylor Swift is seventeen years into her career.

Speaker 2 (17:32):
That's a good boy.

Speaker 3 (17:33):
That's the craziest thing.

Speaker 1 (17:35):
Speaking of Taylor and Beyonce, Taylor Swift's ex boyfriend Harry Styles.

Speaker 3 (17:40):
Is in the news.

Speaker 1 (17:41):
I will get to that in a second, but first,
there's a lot of chatter and gossip, unconfirmed reports that
Harry Styles and his girlfriend Taylor Russell have broken up.

Speaker 3 (17:56):
That's all there is.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
I didn't even know he had a girlfriend, and I
think it's funny name is Taylor.

Speaker 1 (18:00):
But that one Dumoi account that we spoke about earlier,
they posted a sighting of the two of them, So
maybe they're not broken up. Who knows, But I don't
know if we can trust dumoint.

Speaker 2 (18:10):
I'm gonna say we can't.

Speaker 1 (18:12):
Also, speaking of Harry, he still has not been announced
as a headliner at the Sphere in Las Vegas, but
Fish has been announced. They're doing four shows in April.

Speaker 2 (18:26):
It's a weird number two.

Speaker 3 (18:28):
I know, that's the point I would think.

Speaker 2 (18:30):
You'd want, like a big I don't know, a number
two splash the Harry Styles for a few shows, or
just anybody that makes it young. You're going from U
two to Fish talking audience is both fifty plus. I mean,
let's get a little younger here Sphere or.

Speaker 1 (18:46):
Maybe you know that's you know, the tickets are so expensive,
that's who they're marketing tours.

Speaker 2 (18:51):
Maybe you might be right all right over.

Speaker 1 (18:53):
In the UK scandal, the alleged royal racists have been
out and it's not a minor royal or an outlier.
The two that have been named in this new autobiography
not autobiography.

Speaker 3 (19:10):
The two that have.

Speaker 1 (19:11):
Been named in this new royal book long speculated Megan
Markles nemesis Kate Middleton is one.

Speaker 3 (19:20):
Yeah, and King Charles is the other.

Speaker 1 (19:23):
You know what they are, like the og Tree pain,
They're not gonna say shit. Tree does say shit, historically
she doesn't. But King Charles, I don't think we'll confirm
or deny or even give context like oh, I was
not speculating or talking about the skin tone in a
negative way or this or that or the other.

Speaker 3 (19:43):
But maybe he will speak out.

Speaker 1 (19:44):
I mean, I don't know, Like would like to know
exactly what was said, you know, like what if he
just said something like, ooh, I wonder if he'll have
blue eyes like Harry, or if he'll have darker skin
like Meghan, Like is that offensive?

Speaker 2 (19:59):
No, not at all. If Kellen and I had a kid,
we would speculate whose skin tone the kid would get
her very white skin or my kind of olive skin
like big deal. It's not a big deal. Everybody just
gets so carried away. It's just stupid.

Speaker 1 (20:16):
So that was an interesting reveal that got a lot
of people talking. Also, a lot of people were talking
and some intellectually challenged.

Speaker 2 (20:26):
Fans, there's a polite way to put it.

Speaker 1 (20:31):
We're not thrilled with this development. Over the weekend, Britney
Spears celebrated her forty second birthday.

Speaker 3 (20:39):
In middle Age.

Speaker 1 (20:40):
We grew up with Brittany and now we're old with Brittany,
but we're not the only ones with Brittany. I was
surprised to see that her manager shared photos of her
birthday celebration, which included her brother, Brian Spears, and he's
been reported to be in Brittany's life and spending time
with her over the last twelve months. But the real

story is that her mother was there. Lynn's Spears and personally,
though these fans, a lot of them are upset. They
don't trust Lynn, they don't like Lynn. I'm thrilled with
this development. I think that Britney needs her family. Dysfunctional
as they may be, hopefully they can mend things, improve

and move forward. Flawed as the mother may be. And yes,
the mother's not perfect, but I do believe the mother
loves her daughter.

Speaker 2 (21:33):
I agree.

Speaker 1 (21:33):
So Happy Birthday, Britney Spears. Speaking of the Spears family,
her sister Jamie Lynn abruptly and dramatically quit that UK
reality show that she was on, I'm a Celebrity, Get
me out of here, huh. She lasted just two weeks.
The official reason was that she left unquote medical grounds

okay translation, she just freaking couldn't hack it.

Speaker 3 (21:58):
It's a hard show, you.

Speaker 2 (22:00):
Know, as dalistic as she is, even her quitting is
a good headline for the show because I got to
be honest with you, I have no idea a where
that show airs and be who the hell is on it?
So her quitting it is good for the show. No
one's rooting for her anyhow. Look at Dancing with the Star.
She didn't make it past the first week. It's good
for them either way. I guess if she toughens it

out or if she leaves.

Speaker 3 (22:22):

Speaker 1 (22:22):
Billie Eilish has gotten a lot of people talking. Speaking
of musicians, from Brittany to Billy Billy.

Speaker 3 (22:29):
In a new.

Speaker 1 (22:30):
Interview, Announced confirmed spoke publicly about not being heterosexual. She
didn't label herself, but she said that she's into women
as well, And then she was asked about that on
a red carpet this weekend and said she was surprised
that people didn't know.

Speaker 3 (22:50):
And then all the lesbians are like, oh, girl, we knew,
we knew.

Speaker 1 (22:53):
But then the interesting thing is she called out Variety
after that for outing her.

Speaker 2 (23:02):
Come on, if you talk about something, yeah, it's okay
for other people who ask about something. Yeah, to clarify,
you can't call people out for that. You can, but
you're gonna end up with a little egg on your face.
And my summary, that's what's happened here.

Speaker 3 (23:15):

Speaker 1 (23:15):
But and like, I would like to believe that she's joking,
but I don't know if she was joking or not.
And that whole gray area of is she joking or
is she not joking is really not a nice way
to treat those journalists who I think were respectful and
didn't out her.

Speaker 3 (23:32):
They didn't know her, so lame. Some sad news to share.

Speaker 1 (23:37):
Shannon Doherty, the iconic actress from the nineties, has revealed
that her breast cancer that is stage four has spread.
It's now in her bones.

Speaker 2 (23:51):
Poor thing.

Speaker 3 (23:51):
She's just fifty two. Years old.

Speaker 1 (23:54):
All right, I saw this one clip of Drew Barrymore
interviewing Dolly Parton, and I just had a moment of
exhaustion and being fed up.

Speaker 3 (24:05):
Like she keeps touching her guests.

Speaker 2 (24:07):
Drew Barrymore, she's a toucher.

Speaker 3 (24:09):
You you haven't seen this? Oh my god. They even
made fun of her on Saturday Night.

Speaker 1 (24:14):
Live because of it. Yeah, And I just really need
her to stop. I need the producers to give her
the note that it's just gone on too long and
too much.

Speaker 3 (24:25):
And too far.

Speaker 1 (24:26):
Because while the guests might be okay with it, personally,
as a viewer, I think it makes her a bad
viewing experience. It feels cringe and it makes me uncomfortable
and awkward, and I don't like it for the guests.
I don't like it as a viewer for myself. So anyways,
had that thought. Speaking of daytime television, some shocking Kelly
Clarkson news. She's divorced from her husband, but the legal

issues persist, and now Kelly's ex husband, who also used
to be her manager, is being forced to pay her
millions of dollars Because Kelly won this decision from the
California Labor Commission, which ruled that her ex husband overcharged

her while wrapping her Wow, there's an asterisk though. Okay,
he's got to pay her two point six million dollars
because what happened. And you've been in this industry for
as long as I have, We're gonna spill some industry
tea and share some secrets. He was her manager, But
there's some fucking legal law loophole or situation where only

agents are legally allowed to procure work, but fucking managers
procure work all the time even though they're not legally
allowed to. It's the agents that have to procure the work.
So to me, it's real shitty that she's bilking this
guy out of two point six million dollars that he
probably rightfully earned but legally is not allowed to have.

So shady, and the guy's her father of her two kids. Yeah,
all managers do it.

Speaker 2 (26:03):
Listen, he could have legit overcharged. You're making the assumption
that maybe he only made that much. What if he
made something like twenty million, Okay, and there was just
the charging was way above the ten percent.

Speaker 1 (26:16):
If it's that, then that's absolutely fine. But I don't
think it's that. I think that she just used the
loophole of he got money from that, and he shouldn't
have because he was not allowed to procure work for
me as my manager.

Speaker 3 (26:28):
All managers do that. You're right, they need to change
that law.

Speaker 1 (26:31):
Remember Rachel levis the former vander Pump Rules start. She
has a new podcast with Bethany Frankel producing it.

Speaker 2 (26:43):
If it's about like mental health or something, I'm gonna barf.

Speaker 3 (26:46):
No. I don't think it's about that.

Speaker 1 (26:47):
I think it's about you know, her life, and she's
gonna spill the tea, share the secrets. It's called Rachel
Goes Rogue. Not a fan of the title, but I'm
sure it'll do well. It's with iHeart, and I'm sure
Bethany will help. And I don't think she needs Bethany's
help promoting it because I think the vander Pump Rules
audience will listen to it regardless, you know, so congratulations

to them. An update on ditty new allegations against him.
This former Bad Boy recording artist Mark Curry claims that
Ditty and She's not here to defend herself. She died
tragically a couple of years ago, but his former baby
Mama Kim Porter Diddy allegedly broke her nose, got so

upset and physically violent towards her that he broke her
nose allegedly and was so small and insecure that he
allegedly wire tapped her house and her phone. According to
Mark Curry.

Speaker 2 (27:47):
Like I said, we talked about it a little bit
more in depth on the Patreon. I've got my own experiences.

Speaker 3 (27:53):
Yeah, Booker shared a story.

Speaker 1 (27:55):
Listen to that ditty story on our pat last patreon
from Thursday Patreon dot com slash Perez Hilton.

Speaker 3 (28:02):
If you want an adulterated, extra juicyt That's where we speculate.

Speaker 2 (28:08):
We do a lot of speculation there, that is true.

Speaker 1 (28:11):
We share personal stories, We do things on there that
I don't do anymore, and I won't and I'll leave
it at that.

Speaker 3 (28:17):
Patreon dot com slash Perez Hilton.

Speaker 2 (28:19):
Good holiday gift for anybody.

Speaker 1 (28:21):
Kylie Jenner and Timothy Shallomey are going strong and she
loves her man so much. Kylie Jenner pull the Taylor swift.
She flew to London to support Timothy Chalomey at the
premiere of Wonka There.

Speaker 2 (28:35):
What else does she have to do? By the way,
Wonka looks fucking terrible. I thought, you think it looks great.
I look it awful.

Speaker 3 (28:42):
I love absolutely, I'm gonna go see it. What do
you mean, why does it look awful?

Speaker 2 (28:46):
It looks terrible. I watched the trailer. I'm like, this
is awesome.

Speaker 3 (28:50):
I love the trailer.

Speaker 2 (28:51):
Did not do it for me.

Speaker 3 (28:52):
Well, you're clearly not a gay man man. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (28:54):
Well, I think that's been established.

Speaker 1 (28:58):
Or maybe you're not a woman. I think women are
in I don't know. I like the trailer.

Speaker 2 (29:02):
I did not unless you saw a different one than
I saw. I just thought this looked like a gigantic turm.

Speaker 1 (29:08):
In addition to Wonka, he's also going to be appearing
in Dune two, which is also coming out soon, and
he went to Brazil to promote that. He went to
comic Con there in Supaulo, and that made headlines because
there is a video of Florence Pugh being.

Speaker 3 (29:27):
Attacked by a fan.

Speaker 1 (29:29):
Remember that stupid trend of people throwing things at musicians
in concert. While somebody at this comic con did the
same thing to Florence Pew. They threw a bracelet and
it hit her in the eye and she wins it
looked like it was painful poor Florence Pew wrapping up
our Kardashians segment briefly or quickly. According to reports, this

might be the end of the Kardashians on television. Allegedly,
they are not going to renew you their Hulu deal.

Speaker 2 (30:01):
What a tragic loss time.

Speaker 3 (30:03):
His sisters just don't want to do it anymore.

Speaker 2 (30:06):
But no one wants to watch anymore either.

Speaker 1 (30:07):
I know a story that captivated people for a while.
Juss Smullett, the former Empire actor, has lost his appeal
in Illinois because he did it, and he is now
going to have to finish the remainder of his one
hundred and fifty day jail sentence. He only served six
days or seven days before he was allowed to leave

pending appeal. However, his lawyer says they're going to take
it to the Illinois Supreme Court, so we'll see what
happens there.

Speaker 2 (30:37):
Keep wasting the court's time. Just go serve your time.
You did it, you asshole.

Speaker 1 (30:41):
Congratulations to bad Baby. The twenty year old Only Fans
creator and sometimes rapper Danielle Brigoli is pregnant expecting her
first child.

Speaker 2 (30:54):
Sure that kid will grow up perfectly normal.

Speaker 1 (30:56):
In relationship news, Jada Pinkett Smith was a guest on
a podcast.

Speaker 3 (31:01):
I respect her hustle. She continues to promote her memoir.

Speaker 1 (31:04):
She straight up said, flat out said she and Will
Smith are never getting divorced. They are going to stay
together forever. Also, congratulations to McCauley Culkin. He received a
star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame. And I think
I'm around his age exactly. And you know, I got
real sentimental and emotional watching him there and having a

moment with his Home Alone co star Catherine O'Hara.

Speaker 2 (31:30):
He was tearing up and she.

Speaker 1 (31:32):
Did too, and everybody got an emotional It was so beautiful.

Speaker 2 (31:36):
He signed off with the filthy whatever animals from Home Alone.
That was really nice.

Speaker 3 (31:42):
And he has two little kids now house is sweet.
All right.

Speaker 1 (31:46):
Two last things, Congratulations to Jeremy Allen White, the actor
that you're a fan of.

Speaker 3 (31:53):
He's the star of the Bear.

Speaker 2 (31:54):
Oh yes, he's one of those guys that I love
his work. If you put a gun to my head
and said what's his name, I'd be like, I have
no idea.

Speaker 1 (32:01):
He is dating Spanish singer Rosalia. What an unexpected duo.
Congrats to them, I am excited to hopefully watch this.

Speaker 3 (32:13):
I have it on my vision board.

Speaker 1 (32:14):
I'm gonna attempt to watch it next month when it
comes out. I saw this trailer of Sophia vid Gatta.
Oh I saw that too, in a new Netflix show
called Griselda, and a lot of Latinos are upset about this,
angry that so many drug related Latino stories are being told.

Speaker 3 (32:32):
It's like, oh, we are we just the narcos bullshit?
And I get that. I get it.

Speaker 1 (32:38):
Having said that, I'm also just happy that Latino actors
are getting employed. But Sophia vid Gotta is fucking phenomenal
in this trailer, Like it's so just refreshing and wonderful
and impressive to see her not doing this dumb character
and just legit drama and acting in Fearce. And I'm

so impressed and so happy for hers, Sophia. Let's take
a couple of calls.

Speaker 5 (33:03):
Hello, this is Chloe in this phone call is not
so Perez or Booker, and it's for the person that
called to defend Beyonce on the Patreon episode My God
starting podcast immediately. I will subscribe immediately, You're Kiden.

Speaker 2 (33:22):
He was very bitty he was fantastic. I loved him myself.

Speaker 5 (33:26):
Hey, pres this Onem's coming for you.

Speaker 1 (33:29):
This is Chloe.

Speaker 5 (33:30):
I just wanted to say I think you got the
Selena Gomez ke wrong. Selena Gomez has lupus and they're
always on long term anti rejectionments for their kidney transport.

Speaker 1 (33:43):
I have said that on the Patreon I said that
it might have been health a health related issue.

Speaker 2 (33:48):
Perez, Are you telling me that people don't pay close
attention to what we say? Is that what I'm hearing
from you?

Speaker 3 (33:54):

Speaker 2 (33:56):
I mean, I'm usually the victim of that, but I'm
glad to see that you're the victim of it.

Speaker 1 (34:00):
I'm not gonna I'm not gonna reveal what I said
on the Patreon show. But I did say the issue
might have been health related, Okay, I said that.

Speaker 3 (34:09):
Hi, guys, love you both. This is Kelly calling from Chicago.

Speaker 4 (34:13):
I just finished the first part of the new season.

Speaker 3 (34:17):
Of The Crown and would.

Speaker 4 (34:19):
Love to know what Booker's thoughts are.

Speaker 2 (34:23):
My thoughts are. I'm not there yet. I'm just wrapping
up Yellowstone, which has been phenomenal. That's the next show
we're going to watch, but we're going to get into
the Crown, and I can't stress enough to people. If
you've never watched The Crown from the beginning, watch it.
It's phenomenal TV. It just does not get any better
than the first couple of seasons of that show. Top
five all time for me.

Speaker 3 (34:44):
Fantastic show. Hey, guys, I just.

Speaker 4 (34:46):
Want to comment on the Pat Jolie comment. I think
that was derived by Angelina because Brad just went public
with his new girlfriend. So I still she holds a
lot of animosity, which is just superstart.

Speaker 2 (35:04):
What do you think I mean I sort of alluded
to maybe somebody wrote those statements. Yeah, I just am
shocked that she's that Uh, I would be shocked if
she is that wrapped up in it. Still, at some point,
you got to let that boat sail, you.

Speaker 1 (35:16):
Know, she's a fiery personality. All right, Thank you, guys,
We appreciate you. Perez Hilton videos on TikTok follow me.

Speaker 3 (35:27):
I still can't believe it.

Speaker 2 (35:28):
I don't believe it.

Speaker 3 (35:29):
I don't believe it either.

Speaker 2 (35:30):
I'll believe it when there's a check mark next.

Speaker 3 (35:32):
I know. I kind of feel the same way too.

Speaker 1 (35:35):
I'll tell you off the wreck, I'll tell you I
can't even share on the Patreon.

Speaker 3 (35:38):
But I'll tell you more some other time. Privately.

Speaker 2 (35:42):
Look at you. You're growing up. You're not fucking putting
it all out there for everyone to consume. Well done.
I still say you'll be gone in four.

Speaker 3 (35:49):
But no way, pere video follow.

Speaker 2 (35:52):
You can't fucking help yourself. I know it.

Speaker 1 (35:54):
I will not have I learned new and improved on TikTok.

Speaker 3 (35:59):
All right, thank you guys. Have a great week.

Speaker 2 (36:01):
I have a great week, by everybody.
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