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February 12, 2024 35 mins

Grading Usher and his halftime performance. Taylor Swift was clearly the big winner of the night. Beyonce had a big commercial moment, but it wasn't viewed as a total success. Kanye has moved on from upsetting the public to now upsetting other musicians.



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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
From Los Angeles and moments.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
One and only word, famous Perez Hilton.

Speaker 1 (00:17):
Why, Hello, everybody, Welcome to DPHP. I'm Booker, he is Perez.
What is doing well?

Speaker 3 (00:24):
I appreciate every single person listening to today's super episode
of the PHP. We're of course talking all things super Bowl,
Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Usher, Post Malone, and more, plus some
personal insights and moments that happened with me over the
last few days here in Las Vegas, host city for

the Super Bowl. A few people on the Patreon wanted
to ask about the poker tournament I was in and
how I did, and I'm honestly shocked.

Speaker 4 (00:57):
I did better than I thought I.

Speaker 1 (00:59):
Would, better than I I thought you would.

Speaker 3 (01:01):
There were seventy six people in the tournament. And my
problem is I took Booker's fucking advice. He strained me
in the wrong direction, didn't He said to play a
conservative and I did it too conservative?

Speaker 1 (01:16):
Well, I said, to a point, and he was texting
me during it, and I told him, I said, the
blinds are going to increase, and you're gonna have to
get aggressive soon because once those blinds go up, you
got to find a hand that you could win. This
is when they start clearing people out, and it's exactly
what happened. But you were playing against probably pros at
this point. I mean, people were actually really good at

playing cards. You did very well by not going out
on the first table. On the first three hands, you
did great.

Speaker 3 (01:43):
I think my problem is I should have been more
aggressive earlier with hands that I knew I was gonna win,
where I like had.

Speaker 4 (01:50):
Three of a kind.

Speaker 1 (01:52):
Yes, you should have for three of a guy.

Speaker 3 (01:53):
I know I should have put all my money in
or not all, but like I should have put more
than I did. I was still a little too conservative
because my mom was like, I just want to come
in ninth. I want to come in ninth because I
come in ninth, I can win some money.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
The Nuby is not going to come in ninth. I
told you that to begin with.

Speaker 3 (02:07):
Well, there were seventy six people that competed, and I
lost somewhere in the fifties range, and three other people
in my table went out before me. So I was
pretty happy. You know, I think I did well.

Speaker 1 (02:17):
I think you did very well. But you were living
in the clouds if you thought that you were going
to get to the final table. You were not going.

Speaker 4 (02:22):
I thought I would. I don't know.

Speaker 3 (02:24):
I was like, the odds are like one in seven something.
You know, it's not awful odds.

Speaker 1 (02:30):
Those are not the odds.

Speaker 4 (02:32):
They're not the odds.

Speaker 1 (02:33):
They're not the odds. When you don't know how to
play cards, you know you took one lesson. No one
takes one lesson. It's like taking one lesson and saying, Okay,
I'm ready to fly the space shuttle. Okay, there's a
lot to cards.

Speaker 3 (02:45):
My big takeaway for me is that betting is very important. Anyways,
there I had some run ins with people. Yeah, to
never believe this. So I go to the bathroom during
a break, and I see this guy and I don't
know whatever. He looks very familiar, but I don't put
two and two together. So I'm in the bathroom and
then I go I go pee, and then I go

back to my table. And as I'm walking back to
the table, the same guy stops me and said, hey, Perez,
it's Mark Demilio. Just wanted to introduce myself. That's the
father of that influence, Oh, Charlie.

Speaker 4 (03:19):
Of them, I guess, but yeah, both of them, right,
And I'm sure you remember, But if not, I definitely
think a lot of our listeners remember that very embarrassing
cringe video I posted in December of twenty twenty when
I was kicked off TikTok for the first time.

Speaker 3 (03:35):
I was crying and literally begging Charlie d'milio and her
father for help.

Speaker 4 (03:41):
So I don't like, why why did this guy even
say hello to me? Like?

Speaker 3 (03:46):
What was the point? I'm thinking? Is this a power move?
He was a I DM him, I messaged him, I
publicly pleaded with him, and he ghosted me, ignored me.

Speaker 4 (03:58):
Why even say hello to me?

Speaker 1 (04:00):
I mean, I think most of us that you couldn't
have been serious with all your crying and oh I
was very serious, I know, because you're a mental patient.
But I'm sure that he did not believe that you
were as nuts as you were at that point, especially
with something so stupid and silly. So I don't blame
him for staying away from you with a ten foot

poll on that. I would have too. I would have
laughed and said, this is a bit.

Speaker 4 (04:25):
A bit, I was asking for help. What is there
a bit with.

Speaker 1 (04:28):
About getting back on TikTok.

Speaker 4 (04:30):
Yeah, it was important. It still is Okay. Anyways, I
think that was like either to like, I think it
was like a power move, you think. I think, so
it's just a.

Speaker 1 (04:40):
Guy savvy enough to make a power and what's the move? Like,
what's he getting out of it? He's like, Oh, whatever,
let's move on. There's so much to talk.

Speaker 4 (04:46):
Anyways, it rubbed me the wrong way.

Speaker 3 (04:48):
Also, this influencer Bryce Hall came up to me and
he's popular with a certain demographic and he just wanted
me to know he's a good guy. Yeah, a good
guy that gets into fights all the time.

Speaker 4 (05:00):
Time. He's like, what am I supposed to do if
somebody comes up and pushes me? I'm like, walk away, dude.
So that was interesting walk away.

Speaker 3 (05:08):
I also went to this event at Durango Casino Durango
Resort here in.

Speaker 4 (05:15):
Vegas called Power Slap from Dana White. Oh my God
of UFC, and it's literally when it sounds, it's men
and women slapping the life out of each other. And
I had the best time.

Speaker 1 (05:30):
You did.

Speaker 4 (05:31):
It was so much fun.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
It's too violent for me, Oh it was. It's hard
to watch the videos of it, like watching it in
person must have been. Does it make you feel squirmy
and stuff when you're on.

Speaker 4 (05:42):
I loved it. I was like, hit him, hit him,
knock him out, hit them harder, Like one guy started
bleeding and everything, and sure, I'm like, how do their
teeth not fall out? Like I don't know, it's just
all insane, But I loved it, had so much fun.

Speaker 3 (05:59):
And I also made it to this uber one party
where Post Malone performed, and I guess this will be
a good segue to just start talking about the super
Bowl because we'll talk Post Malone at that party and
his pre game performance.

Speaker 1 (06:15):
He kind of started off the whole thing on TV,
the first great moment of the day.

Speaker 3 (06:19):
Yeah, so Post performed, and yes he uses auto tune
when performing, and god, he made so much money because
it was to track. He did not have a band
with him, so he pocketed that entire check.

Speaker 4 (06:34):
But he was just so effusive.

Speaker 3 (06:37):
I guess it's the good word, like just radiating good
vibes and like I had never seen him perform before.
And actually what really sealed it afterwards for me was
when he was done performing, he literally had his sound
guy come take off his mic pack and ears and
he went out into the audience and started taking.

Speaker 4 (06:59):
Photos and with everybody. Yeah, fucking love him. I love him.
I'm like the biggest post.

Speaker 3 (07:05):
Malone fan now, and even more so after watching his
super Bowl performance, because yes, he also used auto tune
during his super Bowl performance, but I think it was
very minimal.

Speaker 4 (07:19):
I don't think it was a lot of auto tune.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
No, he does live performances, like if you remember Back
of the Pandemic when they did the entire Nirvana performance,
that was amazing. There was no autotune. He was just
playing in a band.

Speaker 4 (07:29):
He's good, you know, because I always thought that like
he would sound like crap without auto tune.

Speaker 3 (07:33):
And it was nice to hear him real, so to speak.
And I loved he totally transformed that traditional song.

Speaker 4 (07:41):
I loved it. It was a real highlight. I actually
this might shock you enjoyed him more than Riba.

Speaker 1 (07:48):
There's nothing shocking about that. Riba was so boring. Yeah,
I mean, I guess it's okay for some people to
go down as a non memorable performance. Like you took
the whatever the press from it. You didn't embarrass yourself.
You got the cloud to being a part of a
super Bowl. But it was just so boring.

Speaker 4 (08:06):
No, but you know, but I'll take it.

Speaker 3 (08:08):
I'll take it because better to have a boring national
anthem than a Fergie one, you know what I mean?

Speaker 1 (08:13):
Did Fergy suck? I don't recall. I don't remember that.

Speaker 4 (08:16):
Oh I got remember.

Speaker 3 (08:16):
I think it was like some basketball game, and she
did like a jazz interpretation.

Speaker 4 (08:21):
Of the national anthem.

Speaker 1 (08:24):
And the thing is she can sing to really sing
her face off. She just tried to do something different.
It's just go out there and sing the dumb song.
No one's there to hear you sing the song. They're
there for the damn game.

Speaker 3 (08:34):
The more I think about it, how they are really,
I guess not bad, but like a wrong choice national anthem.
It's not the worst thing ever, because, like I think
that Fergie national anthem, now that we still talk about it,
we still remember it.

Speaker 4 (08:46):
That's fucking cool.

Speaker 1 (08:47):
It's the bad that everyone remembers. It's like Roseanne bar
at the Cubs game doing take me out to the ballgame,
and you know, everybody still remembers that and talks about it.
It was horrible, but that's kind of what you want.
You go out there, unless you're a powerhouse like Whitney,
who did some sort of thing that will never forget. Yeah,
it's hard to do that. So if you're not going

to do that, like you said, don't pull a Fergie,
just go out there and sing your song. But post Malone,
no pressure. You know, he was pre game and kind
of just started it off. You were sitting down and
you're like, oh, this is cool, and it's like you said,
he just radiates that thing. He should look into a
couple more tattoos, though, really should There's a couple pieces
of real estate on his face. He could still tackle.

Speaker 4 (09:29):
And Andre Day was fabulous as well.

Speaker 3 (09:31):
And before we get to all the good stuff, Las Vegas, man,
I don't think there's a better city in the world
to throw events of this scale.

Speaker 1 (09:39):
It should be there every year.

Speaker 4 (09:41):
Yeah, that's a great it should be.

Speaker 1 (09:43):
I almost wish they didn't put a team there and
they would have just built a stadium and like had
a rotating game every week in that stadium, like let's
say the Chiefs and whomever. The forty nine ers, fine,
you know, one game every week. Should just be in
Vegas for your fan base to go there number one
and everything was perfect. It's just like everybody there knew

what they were doing. They do that, you know what
I mean, that's their lives events and god it came
off without a hitch.

Speaker 4 (10:11):
Although I like that we have the Raiders. Hopefully Raiders
do better next season.

Speaker 3 (10:15):
Yeah, all right, before we get to Usher, and I
know you all want us to, we have to talk
about the Taylor Swift show of it all.

Speaker 4 (10:23):
Yeah, and even before Taylor got there over.

Speaker 3 (10:28):
We don't even need that guy, the Jack Kid or
whatever his name is, that's in college that Taylor's threatening
to sue because over six thousand people were tracking Taylor's
jet from Japan to the United States. Yes, apparently you
can see the number of people tracking the jet.

Speaker 1 (10:45):
That's pretty wild.

Speaker 4 (10:46):
She gave the Jets some like cute nickname or whatever.

Speaker 1 (10:49):
It's like the.

Speaker 4 (10:49):
Football era, I think.

Speaker 3 (10:51):
But she got a lot of criticism even before leaving
Japan because she was not going to miss the Super Bowl.
She was not risking anything. She had her private plane
and a backup on standby in case anything happened, So.

Speaker 4 (11:07):
They had to fly two private planes to her.

Speaker 3 (11:10):
Really, yeah, she had two private planes flown to where
she was in Japan in case something happened with the
first one. Thankfully, she made it to La on time,
flew out to Vegas Sunday morning, arrived at Allegiant Stadium
with her posse, including Blake Lively, her mother, her father,
and Ice Spice, who, in her own little way kind

of also stole the show because I loved watching all
of the cutaways. Of course, there was a camera dedicated
just to Taylor and her suite, and it seems like
Ice Spice has no idea how football is played, because
like everybody was explaining to her what was happening and
the rules of football.

Speaker 1 (11:49):
And by the way, I hate that. I hate when
you're sitting there trying to watch a game and you
gotta explain every goddamn thing that's happened.

Speaker 4 (11:55):
I mean, have you never watched football? Like I understand football?
And I'm not like a pro.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
Yesterday she had no idea. I was trying to explain
first downs, those touchbacks, like just trying to explain the game.
A lot of people don't understand the game.

Speaker 3 (12:08):
My eleven year old son almost my son turns eleven
later this week, he kind.

Speaker 4 (12:13):
Of understands it. I love it. You just pick things up.

Speaker 1 (12:16):
I don't know, you watch a few games, you got it.

Speaker 4 (12:18):
You know. I loved watching Taylor.

Speaker 3 (12:19):
We got so many memes from her that night, from
the moment that she was put on the JumboTron and
she was playing along to the Taylor Swift drinking game.
Every time they showed her, she would take a drink.

Speaker 1 (12:32):
I love when she slammed the one down. That's the
one meme I saw, which I thought was great.

Speaker 3 (12:36):
That was good one, but then all of the other ones,
and like the photos of her face looking all stressed
and tense because it was a real close game it
went into overtime.

Speaker 4 (12:45):
It was exciting. I got I got nerve. I'm like,
oh my god, I can't handle the anxiety of this all.

Speaker 1 (12:50):
San Francisco missed an extra point to lose the super Bowl.
That is just unbelievable. It is the most gimme score.
I bet the percentage of the regular season of extra
points made. I bet it's higher than ninety five percent,
you know what I mean. And to have one block.
As soon as it happened, I looked over to everybody

and I said, that point will decide this game.

Speaker 3 (13:13):
Well, thank god I was listening to the commentators because
when I understand football, but then the rules and overtime
were different.

Speaker 4 (13:21):
Yeah, so I'm like, oh my god, this is stressful,
even more stressful because the overtime rules are different, like,
oh my god, oh my god.

Speaker 3 (13:27):
But it was a great game, and thankfully for Taylor Swift,
the Chiefs won. I was rooting for the forty nine
ers just because I like the underdog.

Speaker 1 (13:35):
Chiefs were the underdog, but they had they.

Speaker 4 (13:36):
Won last year and they've won so many times.

Speaker 1 (13:39):
It was weird to me to pick them as the underdog,
you know. And I guess it was only two points
or two and a half points. But it's Patrick Mahomes.
He's twenty eight. He's on pace to wipe the floor
of Tom Brady, who's been the guy that they call
the all time greatest three super Bowls out of the
last five and be the MVP and three of them.
How do you think that he's not gonna win?

Speaker 3 (13:59):
Tailor's boyfriend was asked last night after their win, you
know his plans for the next season and if he's
going to retire, and he's like, hell no, I want
that three.

Speaker 1 (14:08):
P that's never happened before.

Speaker 4 (14:10):
That could be the coolest I know.

Speaker 3 (14:12):
I listened to the commentators say that I was paying
attention Okay, anyways, did you just watch it home?

Speaker 4 (14:19):
Yeah? No, I was so busy. Oh my god, I
was posting so much.

Speaker 3 (14:23):
I loved seeing Taylor and Travis embrace and kiss. And
there's I don't know, there's a lot of Tailor Swift
haters out there. As much as she has lovers.

Speaker 4 (14:31):
There are a lot of.

Speaker 3 (14:32):
Haters and suck on your hateration. Okay, I celebrate them.
They made me happy.

Speaker 4 (14:37):
Usher. Here are my thoughts. I like Usher.

Speaker 3 (14:40):
He's iconic, He's been around for fucking thirty years. He
has so many hits. Part of me doesn't understand why
some people were underwhelmed with him as a choice. There's
been so many instances of quote legacy artists performing at
the super Bowl that haven't been quote relevant per se, Like, yeah,
he hasn't had a hit in a while, but Prince

have a hit recently when he performed at the super Bowl. No,
did you two have a hit recently when he performed
the Super Bowl. No, they're fucking icons. They're fucking cool.
And if I had to grade it from F to
A plus, I'd give it a solid B plus, almost
a minus.

Speaker 1 (15:16):
Here's why I think I'd give the exact same grade
by the.

Speaker 3 (15:18):
Way, Okay, I was really underwhelmed with the beginning. I
love pomp and circumstance and build up and anticipation, and
it just started with him sitting down and that's also
a little low energy, like Michael Jackson would not be
sitting down to open the Super Bowl like he was
at the top there anyways. And then for me, this
is just opinion and personal preferences. It kind of took

me out of it. I didn't like seeing him open
his segment performing on the turf. They couldn't build a
walkway a runway, and they couldn't build a stage here,
like what is this?

Speaker 4 (15:49):
I didn't like it.

Speaker 3 (15:50):
And the biggest problem for me with the opening was
it felt too busy. There was so much going on
to the point where it.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
Was distracting press so down a concert. It's a halftime
show at a football killt I get you.

Speaker 4 (16:04):
It needed focus.

Speaker 3 (16:05):
After that, when Alicia Keys came on and he peeled
away all of the other people, that's when things just
really honed in and became awesome. And I was a
little worried for Alicia at first because that first note
she hit was a bum one?

Speaker 1 (16:20):
Was it? I didn't catch that.

Speaker 3 (16:21):
Oh yeah, if you watched the clip again that she
started off like real flat, like bad, like aw but
then she corrected herself. It might have just been a
sound issue.

Speaker 1 (16:30):
Yeah, she probably can't hear it. Yeah, yeah, because it's
a football game, it's not a concert. I'm sure it's
not really put together for that. But she took the
performance to the next level. That's when everything took off exactly.

Speaker 3 (16:41):
That that was the point, you know, because then it
was like not about Usher and one hundred people. And
also I'm tired of the marching bands at the super Bowl, Like,
can can we be a little more creative people?

Speaker 1 (16:51):
I think it's just trying to fill up that space,
trying to fill up that floor.

Speaker 3 (16:55):
My favorite parts of the Usher show were when he
was by himself. So then after Alisha, it was awesome.
Everything was great for me. I loved all the guests.
I loved her, loved.

Speaker 4 (17:05):
Singing my old pal will I Am and Little John,
and I loved that Little John got to sing a
little bit of one of his solo songs.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
Little John was the best part. That's when that was
very Vegas and when bothers when he was out there.

Speaker 4 (17:17):
Definitely a highlight and then all of this, I was
like so feeling and loving it. He ended it the
same way he began it. The ending was a little
bit of a dud. I'm like, oh, that's it. That's
the ending.

Speaker 3 (17:29):
Like I love a dramatic ending too, Like when Madonna
performed and she fell off and like went into the
abyss Like that was a big diva moment.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
Wasn't God got like thrown up in the air, Yeah,
off of something.

Speaker 4 (17:40):
Yeah, I love all that shit. Like he just kind
of like it just kind of ended.

Speaker 3 (17:44):
Yeah. But like I said, overall B plus, maybe even
a minus, thoroughly enjoyable.

Speaker 1 (17:49):
He's amazing, to be honest, I thought it was a
little long. I am there for football, and the halftime
was far too long, and you got a dogfight of
a great game going, and I'm like, this just feels
too minutes too long. And it's funny. They gave him
two minutes more.

Speaker 3 (18:02):
Yeah, I said that on the Patreon on Thursday. They
gave him more time than any other halftime show performer before,
so he performed for fifteen minutes instead of the usual thirteen.

Speaker 1 (18:13):
So yeah, it felt like thirty though, And I just
didn't feel like a lot of times he didn't get
into the meat of all of the songs for long enough.
And I get that it's your greatest hits real, but
every song I just kind of I wish you could
get to the hook quicker. Like I said, it's a
fucking football game.

Speaker 4 (18:30):
I just thought it was good.

Speaker 1 (18:31):
I thought it was really solid. While I look back
at it as one of the most iconic and best,
probably not, but it was better than Timberlake.

Speaker 4 (18:38):
It was better than Rihanna last year too.

Speaker 1 (18:40):

Speaker 4 (18:41):
A highlight for me.

Speaker 3 (18:42):
Also was that Wicked commercial. Very excited for the movie.

Speaker 1 (18:45):
Oh I didn't see that.

Speaker 4 (18:47):
Still pissed they're splitting it in two though.

Speaker 3 (18:49):
That's just such a cash grab an unnecessary move.

Speaker 1 (18:53):
The ben Affleck j Loo commercial was pretty funny.

Speaker 3 (18:56):
I was gonna say, you were talking about how usher,
you know, it felt like he didn't get to the
meat and potatoes. And I forget what year it was,
two or three years ago. Jalo and Shakira.

Speaker 4 (19:05):
Had just six and a half minutes each basically, and
did more with those six and a half minutes. I
feel like and.

Speaker 1 (19:12):
I kind of got the feeling that they both felt
slighted by some small amount of time. They shouldn't. It
was perfect. They both went out there with ten energy.
It was a pack great six minutes apiece and I
enjoyed that. So, you know, next year, I think they
need to peel it back a little bit because I
really think it was a little too long. If you're
there for football, I gotta tell you that game must

have went four some hours last night. I just could
not believe how long that game was, just because of
the halftime.

Speaker 4 (19:38):
Well, it also went into overtime too, but the halftime
show is a big draw for a lot of people.

Speaker 3 (19:43):
Yeah, before we talked about Beyonce, we have to go
back to Ariana.

Speaker 4 (19:48):
For a second. A little update on her song.

Speaker 3 (19:51):
It did go to number one, but in its third week,
yes end is at number seventeen on the Hot one
hundred and projection for this week the Hot one hundred
should come out later today have it going down even further.

Speaker 4 (20:05):
So like the song is done already.

Speaker 1 (20:07):
I think some songs take six months to take off.
Some happen immediately. It's a weird way to I don't
know gauge music.

Speaker 3 (20:14):
Beyonce had a Super Bowl halftime show commercial for Verizon.
It was cute, funny to see Beyonce try to be humorous. Yeah,
I agree, And she surprise released two new songs and
announced a new album, kind of like Taylor Swift.

Speaker 4 (20:33):
Although I don't know if most people caught that.

Speaker 1 (20:36):
I didn't. Yeah, Kel said that afterwards, she goes, well,
she announced her new album. I said, when she goes
at the end of that commercial, I go, oh, that
didn't print. I thought she was just kind of being
funny or trying to be funny, like I'll just launch
a new album. She was saying, she's launching a new album.

Speaker 4 (20:50):

Speaker 3 (20:50):
No, people didn't get it. That's why I'm saying, like
Taylor at the Grammys, everybody listened and was aware.

Speaker 4 (20:56):
The new album from Beyonce, Act two comes out March
tw nin so next month, in just six weeks.

Speaker 1 (21:02):
Well, let's just go ahead and say it all win
Album of the Year next year at the Grammys, because
jay Z's already shamed the Grammys.

Speaker 3 (21:09):
Well, it might because also she's trying something very different
for her, and I do believe that Grammys like that
any like people like seeing others try new things, even
if it isn't the best. It's a bit of a
country album, a country inspired country pop country ballad. She
released two preview songs already last night in conjunction with

the release. One is called Texas Hold Them, which I
like it. It's solid.

Speaker 1 (21:34):
Lady Gaga references Texas hold Them in poker face.

Speaker 4 (21:37):

Speaker 3 (21:38):
Yeah, it's not like an break my soul song, you know.
It's not like an obvious over your head smashed. I
don't know if this is going to be a hit,
but I liked it. I enjoyed that one.

Speaker 1 (21:47):
I haven't heard it yet. I'll take a lesson.

Speaker 4 (21:49):
I did enjoy it.

Speaker 3 (21:50):
And then she released another one called sixteen Carriages, which
is fine. That's more of like a ballad.

Speaker 4 (21:57):
It's fine, it's you know, there's it's like Riba doing
the national anthem. There's nothing wrong with it. It's not bad.

Speaker 3 (22:04):
But it's not like I'm not excited for the album
because of that one song. Speaking of musicians, Kanye West
had a pop up show last night in Vegas, charging
dumbasses three hundred dollars a ticket to watch him perform,
and I did not go, thankfully. He also is so
disrespectful to fellow musicians, and I think the rules, the

law should change because the music industry somehow has these
loopholes that allow artists to, I guess, just pay a
penalty or a fine. You know, like if you release
a song that has a sample and you don't clear it,
the worst that will happen is you'll just pay all
of the money you make from that song to the songwriters.

And Kanye clearly doesn't give a shit about making money,
so he's been doing that. He's like, I'm going to
use whatever sample I want, even if I don't get
permission from it. On this new album of his. Two
different people said no to Kanye, and he went.

Speaker 4 (23:00):
Ahead and still used it.

Speaker 3 (23:02):
Ozzy Osbourne refused, Kanye did not grant permission, and Donna
Summer's husband Bruce Sadano also refused, and both of those
songs made it onto the new Kanye album.

Speaker 4 (23:14):
Wow. I mean, you're an artist, how would you feel
if other artists did that to your music? Or like bad?
I don't know. I feel like permission should matter.

Speaker 1 (23:23):
I don't disagree. Lame balls and Ozzy came out and said,
oh no, no, I did not sign off on this.
But he also dressed up as Kanye for Halloween.

Speaker 4 (23:32):
He did.

Speaker 1 (23:33):
I think he did. I think it was this year.
I didn't know that, maybe the year before, but he did.
At some point I saw that online atocracy of it all,
I'm like, come.

Speaker 4 (23:40):
On, well, it's still his song, you know.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
And by the way, speaking of the Kardashians, did they
go to the game?

Speaker 4 (23:46):
Well, I was about to get to that.

Speaker 3 (23:47):
Speaking of the Kardashians, I don't think I saw Kim Beer.

Speaker 4 (23:50):
She might have been there, and you know, hiding.

Speaker 1 (23:53):
She wasn't hiding, the NFL was hiding her. Taylor Swift
was there. Okay, they were not going to put a
Kardashian on TV for a billion dollars. They weren't gonna
make it on a TV. That's my guess.

Speaker 4 (24:03):
She might have been there. I'm not sure, but they
all were in town for the Super Bowl.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
They probably got paid to go somewhere.

Speaker 3 (24:09):
Even Yeah, Kim was there with Odell Beckham Junior, her
new man and they're soft launching that relationship. Courtney was
not here though, she was in Australia with her kids
because Travis is there with Blink one eighty two, and
she must have a really good relationship with Scott Dissick
because I would not let my kids play hooky from

school to go on tour with Blink one eighty two.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
Aren't they homeschool?

Speaker 4 (24:35):
They go to this one school in the valley. I'm
not going to say the name, but if you google
it you can find out. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (24:39):
I mean they got enough money to take a teacher
with them.

Speaker 4 (24:42):
I don't know. Enjoy that.

Speaker 1 (24:44):
By the way, So Bieber was in town.

Speaker 3 (24:46):
Oh yes, shit, I forgot to talk about that. Bieber
was in town, and I'm glad he did not perform
with us, sure, because he would have sucked. Okay, let's
be honest.

Speaker 4 (24:55):
How do you know?

Speaker 3 (24:56):
Because first of all, I just knew he wouldn't commit
to it, because Bieber's the kid that's canceled multiple tours.

Speaker 4 (25:04):
He is lazy, He's.

Speaker 3 (25:06):
Got a lot of issues, and he would not have
been able or willing or wanting or excited to put
in all of the rehearsal necessary to do something great
for the Super Bowl. I feel that, and also maybe
his nerves or whatever might have gotten the best of him.
He was in the stadium watching, But I'm thankful he
did not take part.

Speaker 1 (25:26):
Did they show him because I don't recall seeing him anywhere.

Speaker 4 (25:29):
I know that the NFL did show him on their
social media.

Speaker 1 (25:33):
Yeah, I didn't see him on the broadcast.

Speaker 4 (25:34):
Yeah, I was watching Cooking exactly exactly.

Speaker 3 (25:37):
I was watching and also listening to and I was working,
so it's not like I was watching one hundred percent
the whole time.

Speaker 4 (25:43):
I was listening and watching. But yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (25:46):
Maybe they showed him, maybe they didn't. He did hit
up a few parties and is enjoying the famous life
in Vegas and super Bowl weekend some.

Speaker 4 (25:56):
Non super Bowl stuff.

Speaker 3 (25:58):
I saw these photo that made me so happy of
convict and Real Housewives of Salt Lake City alum Jen
Shaw and fellow convict and fraudster Elizabeth Holmes. The two
of them are in the same detention facility, the same prison,
and they're friends.

Speaker 4 (26:19):
And somehow this is loking crazy.

Speaker 3 (26:22):
There are paparazzi photos of them in prison.

Speaker 1 (26:27):
How the hell? Right?

Speaker 4 (26:29):
I mean, maybe a security guard.

Speaker 1 (26:30):
Yeah, I'm gonna say a guard is probably allowed to
have their phone. I'm sure they're probably not allowed to
take a picture and.

Speaker 4 (26:38):
Way yeah, yeah, yeah, all right. Finally, a Patreon supporter
asked us about that Traders show, and you actually are
watching it?

Speaker 1 (26:48):
Right? Love it?

Speaker 3 (26:49):
What do you love about it? Is it like Survivor? Like,
what's the gist of it?

Speaker 1 (26:52):
Yeah, well it's Survivor like set in a house. Well,
first of all, they have Alan Cummings who pretends that
he's Scottish the whole time. He is very fucking weird.

Speaker 4 (27:00):
No, he is Scottish.

Speaker 1 (27:02):
Well, but he's the he's the house nanny, whatever the
fuck it is. But he's over acting. He's playing like
the caretaker. Oh okay, but he's like acting. He's like
hosting and yet acting at the same time. It's very odd.
But the whole premise of the show is you have
these uh you have a group of people are faithfuls, right,
so they are. I don't know if it starts with

like twelve people, and then there's a group of people
that are the traders, and that's three people. Nobody knows
who anybody is. And if the traders end up at
the end, if even one trader ends up in the
whole finale, then they get the money. But if the followers,
if they get at the end and they figured out
how to weed everybody out, they get the money. So

and I may have botched that a little bit because
I kind of side watching this and that, but every
time I sit down for twenty minutes for it, it's
very good. And I was telling Perez, it's all celebrities.
It's ex reality show people on the show, and I
don't know who fucking any of them are. There's like
I knew Ari from The Bachelor, everybody else may as
well be my neighbor. I have fucking no idea who

they are. And I was telling President should be on
the show, and he's like, oh, they didn't want me
on the show. But I think because you're too big
right now on the show, so I would have done it.
You got to understand the show is it's just starting.
It's the first season. It's trying to get.

Speaker 4 (28:17):
Its leg and I think it's the second season.

Speaker 1 (28:20):
It's the first season to me. I just started watching it.
So I kind of think as it starts to get
bigger and more people like me find it and start
talking about it, they'll need bigger celebrities.

Speaker 5 (28:30):
I e.

Speaker 1 (28:31):
They'll grab you for the show. But you'd be great
on it. I mean, you'd be fantastic on the show.
And it's really a fun watch. I enjoy it. I mean,
Kellen's got it on twenty four hours a day, so
she's burning through all of them.

Speaker 4 (28:41):
Oh, I would love to do it, but I don't.

Speaker 1 (28:43):
Think you'd be good on me. You'd be very good.
I mean it's a lot of gamesmanship, which I think
you'd be very good at, and you really have to
act a lot of these people. You just like you're watching,
You're like it's like playing cards. It's like you could
see the people's tell You're like, that person's definitely a trader.
I just know by watching.

Speaker 4 (29:01):
I did that on Celebrity Big Brother. There was a part.

Speaker 3 (29:04):
Where I pretended to quit the show and I was
very convincing and I ended up not quitting the show.

Speaker 1 (29:12):
Right, it's a fun show. If you guys aren't watching it,
I think maybe Netflix. I don't even know where the
fuck it is, but it's good.

Speaker 4 (29:18):
Peacock. Is it on Peacock?

Speaker 1 (29:20):
You're right, one hundred percent, it's on Peacock. I saw
her logging on the other day.

Speaker 4 (29:23):

Speaker 3 (29:24):
I want to thank a few folks that have signed
up recently for our Patreon. Thank you for going to
patreon dot com, slash Perez Hilton and supporting. Thank you,
Lynn Dees, Caitlin Vaughn, Danielle or Teas, but enjoy the show,
get a bonus episode, and actually even last night is

a little thank you for all of our Patreon supporters.
I did a really brief initial thoughts on the Usher
halftime show performance, which people enjoyed watching before Booker and
I talked about it today.

Speaker 1 (29:57):
All Right, here we go.

Speaker 5 (29:57):
Some calls, Hey Perez, Hey Booker, Elvi Jersey calling because
I have to recommend the greatest night in pop It's
on Netflix. It's about the making of We Are the
World where Mine, Ritchie and Michael Jackson and the most famous,
powerful and actually talented celebrities of the ladies.

Speaker 1 (30:17):
I love her telling it like we don't remember it.
We saw the video on TV when it happened. Okay,
we know what it is, but everybody else may not.

Speaker 4 (30:25):
I appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (30:27):
I do too.

Speaker 1 (30:27):
I'm not making fun of her, It's just I'm kind
of making fun of our age.

Speaker 5 (30:30):
He's got together and wrote a really awesome, powerful song,
Write Up Your Alley.

Speaker 1 (30:35):
I've heard nothing but great things about it. And they
talk about Huey Lewis. I saw this one part because
Huey Lewis's part was supposed to be Prince's part, and
Sheila E supposedly was brought in just to get Prince there,
and Chilae has been upset about it for all of
these years because she felt like she was used by

Lina Ritchiean. So it's a really fascinating story about how
Prince couldn't make it and typical Prince, like he's March
just to his own fucking drum.

Speaker 4 (31:05):
I don't remember. So Prince was not in it.

Speaker 1 (31:07):
Prince wasn't in it. No, Michael was in it.

Speaker 4 (31:10):
Well, I think Prince and Michael Jackson did not get
along back in the eighties.

Speaker 1 (31:13):
It was like Michael Jackson versus Prince. That's how the
press always kind of threw it out there. I mean,
they'd met before, and they'd done things before, and there
are some stories about that I've heard on podcasts. Maybe
that was a little exaggerated, but I think everything was
a competition with those guys back then, with everyone, you know,
it was all about blowing the other people off of

the stage. But I could go on forever about a
lot of that Prince stuff. Bob Dylan was in it,
and apparently like Bob Dylan was freaking out because he
didn't know how to sing in the confines of what
they wanted him to do, and Stevie Wonder supposedly sat
him down and said, I want you to sing it
like this, and Stevie Wonder did his Bob Dylan impression,

and then Bob Dylan mimics what Stevie Wonder did, and
that's what you hear in the song. So it's it's
a bunch of little stories like that. I'll get to
watch the whole thing. I've clearly seen enough clips where
I can tell you pretty much what it's about. But
it does look like a fantastic doc.

Speaker 2 (32:10):
Hi Booker High Press. It's Tanya from La I Am
with Booker.

Speaker 5 (32:15):
I'm so.

Speaker 2 (32:17):
At this point, she's almost, dare I say, inching towards
overexposure like a Kardashian Like it's too much constant all
the time. And why does she behave like she's a
seventeen year old accepting her first grand like, knock it off,
you're a pro, You've been there before, You've done this before.
You ignored Selenion, You look ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (32:39):
I don't think she ignored Celie Dial. I think she
just was overwhelmed by the moment. But I guess to
her point, it's not her first time in that moment.
I still would have freaked out that Celi Dion was
in front of me, but that's just me. But it's
hard to judge her for that. I still think it's
funny that Selene was standing there, she didn't know what
the fact that the one more call.

Speaker 6 (33:00):
Hey, Chris and Bres. My name is David and I'm
calling from New York. And my comment is in regards
to what Booker said around from people being kind of
just viewing Taylorship as he did, which was, Oh, it's
all about me and me, and that's how most people felt.
And I actually disagree. I think that.

Speaker 1 (33:18):
Last call wasn't the call to lead into your point
with but let's continue.

Speaker 6 (33:22):
I agree with Perez Booker, you are not most people.
You are an industry insider. You've been in the business
in multiple facets of it, so I think, although you
might sometimes feel like that your most people, and that's
maybe what's really helped you in your career. I actually
think like you have a very critical lens because of
the amount of industry insider information and knowledge that you have,

So I actually don't agree that you are most people, and.

Speaker 1 (33:47):
I'll let him continue. And I don't disagree with that
point either. I am somewhat of an insider and I
have access that most people will never have. But I
also can read the tea leaves. I can also read
the articles that are out there. I can also listen
to the calls that come in on this show. For
me not acknowledging their point of view, I wouldn't be
doing my job. You just heard what I think about

Taylor Swift. I just took up for her for the
whole thing with Celine die On ten seconds ago. I
don't think she did anything wrong. I think she was overwhelmed. However,
I do think it's funny. And I also can see
how people say, well, it is a little me me
me like her up there, everybody. My favorite number is thirteen.

Speaker 3 (34:26):
Oh wait wait wait the Chiefs one from the thirteen
yard line.

Speaker 1 (34:31):
Oh god, stop it. I mean that's another thing, though, Perez.
I mean, this is a grown person constantly telling me
her favorite number, what's next? Your favorite crayon color? Like,
come on, what are we fucking nine? You're in your thirties, Okay,
let's stop with the fucking favorite number. Nonsense.

Speaker 3 (34:47):
Seriously, Miley Cyrus has a favorite number two.

Speaker 1 (34:50):
That's kind of where people think that she was throwing
a little shade that way, like my favorite number three,
and I'm in seat three. I mean I think she
was trolling her a lit a little bit. You know whatever,
Let's finish this because I like this guy's point of
views though well.

Speaker 6 (35:04):
And I don't actually think that as most people felt
that Taylor was making it all about me, me me.
I think she was just celebrating a huge feat. I
love the podcast.

Speaker 1 (35:14):
Yeah I think she was too, but it did feel
a little me me me by all the points I
just made. But whatever, we get a great to disagree.
I love your call, love your point of view. Let's
wrap this baby up.

Speaker 3 (35:22):
Thank you all, appreciate you, and hopefully we can see
some new listeners and supporters.

Speaker 4 (35:28):
At patreon dot com.

Speaker 3 (35:30):
This Thursday for that extra special, extra awesome show.

Speaker 4 (35:34):
Have a great week everybody.

Speaker 1 (35:35):
Thanks guys, take care of yourselves.
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