All Episodes

March 28, 2019 42 mins

Ron and Carolina interview an actual, real live psychic after Ron gives listeners their horoscopes.


Ron Burgundy: Host, Writer, Executive Producer

Carolina Barlow: Co-Host, Writer, and Producer.

Producers: Whitney Hodack, Jack O’Brien, Miles Gray, and Nick Stumpf

Executive Producer: Mike Farah

Consulting Producer: Andrew Steele

Associate Producer: Anna Hossnieh

Writer: Jake Fogelnest

Production Supervisor: Colin MacDougall

This episode was Engineered, Mixed and Edited by: Nick Stumpf

Music Clearance by Suzanne Coffman

Guest Expert: Laura Powers

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:07):
Burn ron Berg any talking and say anything. Hello, this
is Ron Burgundy. You're listening to the Ron Burgundy podcast.
Last night, I was drinking alone, staring at a painting
of a lighthouse and crying my damn eyes out. I

like that lighthouse. AM in the middle of the ocean
looking for a ship to take me onto whatever is next. Also,
I had I twisted my wrist. Yeah, I don't know,
I pulled something in it right before I sat down.

I mean, I think I when I was looking in
the medical journal as I keep in my library, I
think I sprained my clevius ligament, which connects to the
the fifth metatarsal. And but regardless, it hurt. And Caroline,

you know this more than anyone. I'm no pansy. Well,
when you get sick, you get pretty upset. But when
something hurts, you've just got to scream and let your
cry ring out. Don't hold back, even if you're in
the middle of a transatlantic flight. Oh god, you've just

got out ah my wrist. Oh, oh God. So while
I punched a hole in my wall, hurting my wrist
even further. Because of the state I was in the

emotional state, I thought about why bad things happen to
good men, meaning me, I realized the safest way to
prepare against the apocalypse of the future is talk to
a psychic. And that's what we're gonna do today. Great,

I mean, you want to know the weather, You want
to know what happened to your grandpa's jewels you dropped
in the ocean? M h. You want to know if
Carolina will ever find love's then please turned to a psychic.
H These women or men, some of which have been

alive forever, tell your futures. They tell our futures, and
the good ones they make it look easy. So today
we will meet with a psychic, interview her, and get
some trade secrets, and once again specifically, we will find
out if Carolina will ever fine love. I mean, I

meet people I date, do you? Yeah? You know, Malcolm,
I've never met the people that you've met. Well, you
met that one guy and Charlie. Yeah, I was kind
of a bad experience for both of us because he's
you would you say that Charlie is par for the
course in terms of the people you're meeting. Sure, you

know a nice guy. He worked on a podcast. Also,
he was a snooze fest. Yeah, no, you said that repeatedly,
and I said it to his face. I know. And
you pretend to fall asleep at dinner. It was just
a whole yep. Here. Do you remember the cartoon I
forget which one where the guys falling asleep and he

goes whoo hooooo when he keeps the feathers suspended. Yeah,
that's what you were trying to do. That's what I
was trying to do. Hm. Anyway, back to our topic.
But before we sit down and and talk with our psychic,
I think it's time for me to read your horoscopes.

Those of you listening, you'll you'll hear your horoscope today.
So if you're Taurus, your horoscope is come on, pull
your ship together. Capricorn, you have a serious drug problem
and you need to kick it. Buster Aries, drink more water.
Your body is liquid, you need it, but try to

stay away from the bottled water. We were having an
intense discussion earlier today with the crew. I mean this
is for every Aries, This covers every areas out there.
Drink more water. In fact, drink and on occasion if
you can, if you can think of it, this is
what I do on occasion for maximum health benefits. Drink

your own urine. That's not necessary. That's for all the horoscopes. Oh,
I mean, I guess everyone can stay hydrated, but these
are very specific. Moving on, Libra, open up a checking
account overseas, deposit the money you stole discreetly and never
look back. You know what I'm talking about. Quit shaking

your head at me. Don't talk to me like that.
Come on, Libra, Is this sneaky Libra? No, this is
all libras Pisces. You look good, really good. Keep shaking
your sister. It only gets better. A little dirty today,

these horoscopes are dirty. This is a new side of you. Gemini,
talk to the twin that lives in your neck and
make sure you're at peace. Being a Gemini is a
serious medical condition. I don't think every Gemini has two heads.
Have you ever met a Gemini? Sure, and they don't

have two heads one nothing that lives in their neck,
I'm not Do they have long hair? And maybe they're
hiding that second head somewhere? Maybe? I mean, maybe these
are hard things to check, but I can safely say
I've never met a Gemini. Yeah, maybe that once slightly fanciful. Um,

let's see. I think that's all of them. Oh, I
think there's like five more signs really serious blah blah blah, cancer, leo,
who cares? Um? What's left? Um? Yep, I think that
covers it. Anyway, that was your horoscopes. So we did

that new segment. Check it off the list. Maybe we
returned to that periodically we read horoscopes. I think there's
a lot to work on there. What's the first time
we've done it, so it's not gonna be perfect, but
we'll see what comes up. In the mail bag the
mail Have we started a mail bag? Really writes letters anymore?
It's predominantly online. M That's that's sad to me. I

know it is a lost art to sit down with
parchment and quill and ink quill and the craft letter. Oh,
I love it. I still have a lot of pin
pals throughout the world, over a thousand pin pals, So
you spent most of your time. I write five letters

a day, just as constant rotation. I'm always behind you.
Never it's kind of like emails. Because I'm writing letters.
It's like the San Francisco Bridge, the Golden Gate Bridge.
I'm familiar. Once they start, they have to paint it.
Once they get to one end of it, they have
to start repainting it. It's a year round process. Yeah,

kind of Sysiphus, Yes, Sisiphus who got turned to stone
because he looked at adu Usa. No, I think after
hours or am I thinking of the minotaur? I think
we're mixing a few myths in here. We'll have to
Greek mythology never my strong suit. Sure never. Never, Like

from the beginning. I remember I was in the third grade.
I raised my hand and said, Mrs Gladsworth, I don't
get it. I'm never gonna get it. I can't and
I'm going to close this book up. Mythology, Greek mythology.
But Sisyphus is my favorite. Well, you seem to have
a little bit of a grasp there. But Sysiphus was

was chained to the rock and had its Oh, Sisiphus
pushed the rock up. Who was the one who was
chained to the rock and had their liver eaten out
by a bird of prey, only to have the liver
grow back the next day and then eternally the liver
was being eaten out. I think that must be something

that's well, well, you know, you know, what we'll bear
out the mail bag. They'll let us know. I'll try
to start one, but again, I just don't think besides
your pen pals, I don't know who would be writing
in well it it will be predominantly my pen pals
who writes Okay, I'll get the bag and then we'll
go from there. We'll be right back on the Ron

Burgundy Podcast. Welcome back to the Round Burgundy Podcast. Today
we are joined by psychic Laura Powers Um no relation
to Austin Powers because that's a fictional character. And and

I gotta be honest, I'm getting a little creeped out
because I can tell she's reading my mind right now,
and she can tell what word I'm about to say,
okay next, So I did you know I was going
to say next after okay? So you know, there are

different types of psychics, and I am somewhat telepathic, so
I do receive information through thoughts and can sometimes get
other people's thoughts, but I also try not to dig
in people's thoughts, so you can receive similar to a dolphin. Sorry, no,
I would say it's a little bit different than a dolphin.

Dolphins are pretty smart. We should take out our dolphin questions.
I was gonna ask you most of my questions were
about dolphins, but let's just let me just throw those out.
Dolphins are amazing. I would say they are very sensitive
and problem to a psychic intuitive, but it is different
for humans. Laura, can I ask you this? Did you
become a psychic through training or was this just an

ability you had from as far as you can remember?
What's what's the genesis here? Sure? So? I think, like
many things, it's a combination of your natural all ability
and then training. So Ever since I was little, I've
seen and sense ghosts and other things that most people
don't see. But then on top of that, I did
get a lot of training to help me do this

as my work and to better manage it. You got
to check out Ron's garage because he's insistent my garage
is haunted and Carolina doesn't believe me. But that's for
another episode. It's definitely haunted. I don't know, I'm I've
been there. I've seen that, and it's not just because

I turned it into a haunted house Halloween. Yeah, right,
you turn it into a haunted house because you refused
to go in. You just let the kids in the
I let the kids in the neighborhood and I'm like,
for you guys, find the candy. I can't go in there. Yeah,
so what makes you think it's haunted spirits? Yep, they've
talked to me. In fact, just real quick, there are

no ghosts in this room, right, I don't sense any
in this room. In particular, Nick at the controls, he's
he's kind of a google. Oh no, I mean that
with love. Nick's great work. We're heading off for the
weekend and yeah, we're going up the coast. We're driving

to Carmel. Why didn't you even Nick has a convertible
Gulf Volkswagen Golf that that thing loves the highway, right Nick? Ye? Laura,
what did ghosts look like when you're a kid. So
sometimes ghosts can look very solid, like you know, a

live person would, and other times they can look kind
of partially embodied. So maybe I would see, you know,
the head, and then it kind of fades out towards
the feet. And sometimes I don't see them at all.
Sometimes I simply feel or hear them. And can you
communicate with them? Like definitely, I work with paranormal investigators. Yeah,
I communicate um with them. And I also work as

kind of a ghost whisper, so people will hire me
to help them. Uh, let's say, if they have a
ghost in their house and I can help them cross
over or clear the space so that they're not bothering
them anymore. So, do you you visit the police precincts
that you work with? I would assume. Actually, I have
never actively worked with the police. I've worked on criminal investigations,
but usually it's the family members that hire me. And

Ron worked as a horse whisper for a summer, really
just for a summer, and I never quite got the
gist of it. Yeah, it can be challenging. I would
try to whisper to them and they'd usually they usually
throw me or try to kick me. But I never
I never got it down. Truth be told, I didn't
know what I was doing by lied like a horse whisper.

You saw that. I fell in love with it. Ah,
Bobby Redford, I'm telling you right now, if Bob's in
a movie, I'm seeing it. He's got my twelve bucks.
Sure is it still twelve bucks to go see a
movie or is it more like eighteen? Are? Like? Yeah,
like sixteen times have changed. So, Laura, what is your
day to day like? Is it? Is it every day

is a new adventure? Uh, you're working on a different
project or are there situations that you work a year
on or is it in small bursts? Yeah, every day
is different. I do a lot of traveling. I see
clients all over the country and actually internationally as well.
So yeah, every day is different. I do a combination
of teaching classes, the paranormal work, UM, doing readings for individuals, UM,

I do other interviews. But yeah, constantly just using my abilities.
I want to help people understand the spiritual realm and
better navigate. And at other times where you're just real
frank with people and just said I'm sorry, I blew it,
I gave you wrong, I gave you a wrong reading
that's never happened. I do think one of the challenges
of being a psychic is you receiving information and it's

interpreting it correctly. So let's say you receive an image
or something and and you know, it's tempting to put
your own spin on it. But the best psychics are
the ones who can just really the information without you know,
interpreting it in their own way. UM. So I have
a pretty good track record, but a lot of times
it does take time for it to manufactured, to develop

clients where I'll say something and maybe three years later
I hear from them and what I That's kind of
what it was like. I remember when when I was
horse whispering. At first, I would whisper delicately, and then
I get frustrated, like you listen to me, you dumb
bag of bones. I can't help gallop? Yeah anyway, Um,

any different languages ghosts speak or spirits speak? Well, yes,
spirits do you speak you know, their own language like that? No,
But in terms of the spiritual realm, it's like I
am usually receiving whatever information they're intending, versus sometimes I
do hear specific words, but it's more like receiving their intention,

so the language doesn't matter as much. So if you
were in France and you saw a French ghost, they
would speak in French. Away we Um, what was Hogwarts like?
And how hard is it to make friends there? Wow?
You know, I think Hogwarts is amazing. However, it is
a fictional place and I have never you've never visited? No? Yeah, yeah, yeah,

but it's very magical. I wish it were real. Likewise,
it's something Ron just finished the books. So yeah, I was.
I planned my host summer vacation to visit Hogwarts and
it's um, so it doesn't exist, so I can cancel
my ticket. Yeah, good to know. Um, do you frequently

work under a bridge? And do you have to do
people have to give you a riddle to pass over
that bridge? Yeah? No, I have never worked under a
bridge before. I think you're thinking of like a magical.
I'm thinking of a troll or a hobgot are like
rum still skin? Yeah? Yeah, I don't, That's what I'm

thinking of. Yeah, I work, you know, like most people do.
I will talk people over the phone and they're home
or in an office. Okay, so you don't live under
a bridge. This is good. We're getting through this. There's
there's been one question that I've been kind of scared
to ask. Um. I kind of don't want to know

because it might ruin my day, but I'm going to
ask it anyway. Uh, what what will my mustache look like?
In ten years? Okay? Well this brings up a really
good point with questions that people ask me because we
have free will, So what your mustache will look like
will really depend on how you shave it. So that

voice is that you make. That's great to know. So
I I can control. I control my own destiny in
terms of my mustache. Absolutely, it's not so when I
hear my mustache talk back to me, I don't have
to listen to it. No, because we have very, very
stimulating conversations. Um, let's talk about second lives and do

we have them, and if so, can we bring our
jackets with us into that second life? Ron loves his jacket.
Oh yeah, I can understand why I think you might
be referring to reincarnation. Yes, reincarnation, okay, yes, so I
believe that almost everyone who's here has already lived before

and has had many incarnations. Um, but no, you can't
take your physical belongings with you to the other side.
That said, when you're on the other side, you can
actually present yourself however you want to. So when I'm
connecting with a spirit on the other side, they may
not look like when they pass. So they may have
been a grandmother and they're showing themselves as a twenty
year old could be. I just want to look really

hot when I pass. Yeah, exactly, wouldn't you want to
look the best. So that's what tends to happen, is
to tall. In my next life, I want to be
able to dunk a basketball. Okay, that's my main goal
in my next life. Here's a question, scotch on an
empty stomach? Yeah, I think that question is actually better

for a doctor. Let let her answer. Yeah. I would
say nay, And I'm going to say it here because
I'm actually very sensitive to alcohol and I think it
affects your abilities cognitive I don't drink, and um, there's
a you know, the old fashioned term for alcohol is spirits,
and that's there we go, and I think there's not

a coincidence. So when you drink a lot, say on
an empty stomach where there's food to digest it, you
will actually be more prone to being impacted by spirits.
So when you get a little too many cosmos in
your system, what does it feel like like? Kind of
I get overwhelmed. So because I could be what's called
a trance medium where spirits come in and communicate through

my body, I have to be very careful to have
strong boundaries. So I actually even being in a room
with people that are doing a lot of drinking can
be challenging for me. Have you ever seen a drunk spirit?
So there was actually a ghost that was a little
tipsy lived in my house. He was an alcoholic, wanted
to get in people's bodies so we could drink again.

Would you ever leave a little cup of vodka out
for him? No? I tried not to inc You know
what's interesting, and this makes a lot of sense because
I used to see a drunk psychic when I lived
down in San Diego. Um, and he gave me terrible readings.
And now I know why where would you meet him?
I would meet him at the trailer park. Yeah, that's

and and the bus station, the sketchy situation and zoo. Yeah,
I would not recommend that type of psychic. How often
we would cut a hole in the pandit age and
that's what we do most of our meetings. Oh wow,
that just seems so dangerous. Talk about a psychic animal
pandas incredible, incredible, beautiful creature, very psychic. Um. What did

the psychic say to the waiter at the steakhouse? I
don't know. I'll have my steak medium. Okay, so now
I'm not trying to be funny here, but were you
about to predict that I was going to say that joke.
I was not, actually, but it's a pretty good joke, right,
you can use it, Laura Fell, Thank you very much.

My drunk psychic used to say that joke all all
the time to me, to the point of like give
it a rest, Phil, Ye, yeah, get another joke. Here's
a question for you. If Carolina doesn't do her job,
how hard would it be for me to put a
X on her? Would you teach me how to put

a hex on her if she doesn't do her job?
That's not something I do, and I really don't recommend Texas.
So here's the thing. I believe in karma, and whatever
you put out to someone is going to it's going
to come back in space exactly. So I really don't
recommend that. So you don't. You don't encourage hexes. You
don't use chicken bones in your practice? No, definitely not. No,

you don't need to add that into the working environment
because I've been collecting chicken bones. Are you serious? I
have a trunk full of chicken bones that I'm using
two for a future hex um. Here's something interesting. I
bought some ax body spray. I don't know if you're
familiar with it, because some faults advertising told me it

would make women on the street cling to me like
a fire pole. And every morning I'll stand in my
hallway nude and I take about ten minutes and I
coat myself in it until is dripping down onto a
puddle onto the floor. My question is do you have
an actual love potion that works? Um? Yeah, No, I

don't work with potions. There are some practitioners you might
I actually just recommend just being your best self and
you know, using your natural spirit and energy. Ver So,
if I want to delve int hexes or potions, I
don't come to Laura. That is correct. Maybe just asking
like a woman, like how she's doing, what her interests are,

what her hobbies are. There she want to go to
a movie? There are angels you can potions? Oh yeah,
maybe maybe she does. If I see a white wolf
alone in the woods, is it best that I follow
it and see to what future it leads me? Or
is that or is that dangerous? Should I just let

the white wolf go? Hmm? That is a very good question.
I I think it could potentially be dress, but I
would say to follow your intuition. Maybe you just let
it go. Just from our experience with dogs, Yes, you know,
it's so interesting. I am I can always tell when
a dog's attacking me. Does that make me a psychic? No?

I think that's just being aware and observance. Okay, because
it's uncanny when a dog. When a dog bites me,
I'm like, oh, it's biting me. I'm getting bitten by
a dog. So yeah, I know you're in tune with
your body, which I'm proud of. I'm not gonna I'm
not going to back down from Laura. I have aries

moon rising. Am I handsome? Okay, So this is a
good time to bring up that I am not an astrologer.
So astrologer not one and the same. No, No, I
mean there are you a numerologist? I am not. I
do believe in numerology and astrology, but I don't practice
either professionally. So those are two very different things. One

is looking at the planets and the influences, honest one
looking at you know, numbers and their deeper meaning. I
actually use my abilities. I'm clairvoyant, I'm clear audience, so
I see, I hear in an EmPATH, I feel and
I received information that way versus using those other tools,
so you can see auras a little bit like Actually,
you know, that's the interesting there's a lot of different
types of psychics. I don't see auras, I actually feel

them more than I see them. So even with a clairvoyant,
which clairvoyant means basically psychic seeing seeing in the spiritual realm,
there's different ways that that can manifest for different things. Hey, hey, someone,
Zora just pinched me in the fannie whoa wow. So
if I brought you with me to a craps table,

could you predict what number I'm about to roll? You know,
I've never tried craps, but I actually have used my
abilities to play poker, and I've I've one. Okay, so
I've thousands of dollars. No, not that much, but I
would say small potatoes. What percentage of your business would

you say comes from children's birthday parties? Pretty much? Zero? Yeah? Okay, gosh,
I'm I'm shocked. Yeah, I think. I don't think children
really connect with what I do. It's really more for adults.
I just remember growing up, we would always have a
psychic our birthday parties. It was a pretty like somber mood.

There are not a lot of laughter. Mhm. Wegi board
in a psychic. That was my birthday party from the
time I was three until I was eleven. Eight years
in a row, draw the curtains, lights and black candles.
Bring in the psychic. Everyone shut up, it's time to

have a birthday anyway. My party's we just had like
a face painter. And now I know as a psychic,
you've been alive forever. Um, what was the Civil War? Like? Okay, yeah,
that's not true. I have not been a life forever.
I'm you know, just you know, aging, just like everyone else. Yeah, okay,

so you don't know what the Civil War was other
than books. One thing that psychics can do that maybe
others candas. I can access past live so I can
look at things from other historic periods. But it wasn't
like me, you know, in this body doing that Ulysses S. Grant.
Yeah you couldn't. No, I do have past life memories

from other periods, you know, ancient Egypt. And speaking of agent,
because I've always told Carolina that I feel like I
come from royalty and is there a chance, is there
some chance that I was Cleopatrick in a former life.
There's got to be. I think that's very, very slim

chance not the thing we can confirm. Because I'm a
huge Elizabeth Taylor fan, and you know, it's such a
long movie that you watch so frequently. I just get
sucked in and identify with her and that time period
in ancient Egypt, and I'm just like, I've got to
be I wonder if I was Cleopatrick, Cleopatra Cleopatrick. No, Caroline,

I'm sorry, because the monks from Ireland came down. The
Vikings took the monks from Ireland down to what was
now known as Egypt. They built the pyramids. Her name
is Cleopatrick. We can address that later. Sorry, Laura, that's okay,
but I'm gonna side with thank you. Well, maybe you

won't be paid after the show. Then, Um, do you
have crystals at all? To use crystals? And if you do,
do you have any that I could trip balls on? Okay? Well,
first of all, I don't think crystals and tripping balls
are connect did but I do believe that crystals can
be very powerful. I don't actively use them in my

work now because I bought some of the Pasadena swap
meat and uh, I carry a satchel with me of crystals.
I know you took them to call last year. Yeah,
I've handed him out. How close have you worked with
Whoopi Goldberg? I have never worked with Whoopy Goldberg. I

think she's she's a medium. No, she I believe she
played one in a movie. But that's very different. I
think you're thinking of the movie Goes. Yes, the documentary Ghost. No,
that was a movie with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore
their actors. Okay, so she's she's an actress, but it

was speaking of ghosts. What about that pottery scene? Huh
pretty sexy steph Yeah, do ghosts ever? Ghost try to
get it on? They do? Actually, and just went up.
I just got pinched in the butt again. Maybe that's

what's going on, see it or something might be also
like starting around watch like there's a lot of meal
goost that will be like peeping toms. They like to watch. Okay,
well not in the me too era. Unfortunately they still do.
They still they have. They not got the message. I
don't think, so give me a break. Let me ask

you this, and I don't. You may not be comfortable
because a lot of people don't like to get into politics.
But President Trump, what's his psychic aura? Do you get?
Do you pick up anything? All? Right? Yeah, I try
not to get to into politics. I will say that
I think that he is a younger soul. I'll just
say that, so a younger soul, implying that there isn't

wisdom there. I would say that, Um, yeah, there's a
lot to learn. Do you think Trump and kid share
the same soul? I'm getting a no on that kid Rock.
Though he knows how to put on a show, I'm
not really a fan, so I'm not really familiar with

his music. He's not a kid either, that's just his nickname.
So one for Ron, zero for Carolina. Yeah, Ace Ventura.
He was a pet detective, he wasn't a psychic. Yeah,
detective and a psychic very different. So a psychic is

using information from the non physical realm, and a detective
is using information from the physical realm. So I do
work as a pet psychic. I think I understand. Oh,
so you work as a pet psychic too. Let me
ask you this. People probably call you in when they're
dealing with cats and dogs. What's the what's the smallest

animal that you've worked with to pick up their psychic energy.
I mean, could you like a flea or is it
more of a man emmal? Uh? Something with a vertebrae.
I've I've never worked with the fleet. I have worked
with hamsters, so yeah, small mammals occasionally insects, Commodo dragon.
I've never personally worked with the Commoto dragon, though I'm

open to it. What about a parrot um? I have
a client that I'm supposed to be communicating with, but
I haven't actually done it yet with the parrot. How
crazy if you're working with a parrot and then they
started talking back to you, m is there? Did you
bring food in today? Oh? My god, that doesn't smell
good at all? Well did you? Obviously someone has passed

gas in the studio at this point, didn't do it?
Someone has passed it with Laura. Let's see how good
you are. Can you tell who passed gas between the
two of us using your psychic ability? Because I don't
think it was you. No, No, I don't think that
that's probably an appropriate use of my guests. Whoever smelled

a del that that's my psychic ability? This is so
really run you just say you farted. It's fine, I didn't.
I honestly that was me. Oh my god, that we
have a guest, I know, but the first one. So
really you can't tell with your ability. No I can,
but I was trying to be plate and who did it?

Come on, Carolina, No, No, that's actually not what I
was thinking at all. Oh so me, Yeah, all right,
guilty has charged? That was boy. Come on, I should
not eat a shrimp salad before we do a podcast.
Oh oh my gosh. And that was a couple of

days old too. Remind me two day old shrimp salad,
don't eat it. Yeah, that's when you want to eat
fresh off the boat. Laura. We cannot thank you enough
for sitting down with us. You were obviously an extremely
talented individual, and you have really opened our eyes into

the possibilities that are out there, and we wish you
continued success. You're welcome back anytime on the podcast. Thank
you for your time. Great, Thank you so much for
having me. We'll be right back after this important announcement. Yeah. Well, Caroline,

I don't know how you felt, but I thoroughly enjoyed. Uh.
Laura powers very powerful from powers, and I think she
enjoyed it too. You know, sometimes when we do these things,
you can tell that people are just hating it well,
which reflects more on them, you know. But I think
she had a great time and she loved to talk

about her craft. So, um, let's do our fact check here. Yeah,
today was pretty strong show, right, I mean, okay, we
have to go over a fugit basics. I'm the Occlivius Clativous.
I think you're, um, right right along here, I'm pointing
to it. Now, that's that's just a made up I think. Um.

And then the met it's a it's a part of
your foot, oh all right, um. And then Cleopatrick Cleopatra
I think are the you might have some crossover in
terms of Egyptian history. Um, there's no Irish involved. We

don't know that for sure. Continue it's pretty well recorded actually,
but okay the astrology Cleopatrick is also a band, I
know that. Okay, Yeah, I mean sure. And they got
their name from Cleopatrick. No, no, like, I don't think
that's so. Um then where when then we're do they

get their name? They just make it up? Potentially, Yeah,
it's just a play on words. Sounds like our horoscope readings.
Geminis have one head most human beings, I think I
just have one solid head. No secret twin. Um, he
actually missed Virgo. I don't know if you had a
reading for them. Oh wait, hold on, let me look. Yes, Virgo, Virgo,

you should be sensitive to time management. Okay, there we go. Um,
five letters a day? You're you? You write five five
letters a day? Because I have over a thousand pin pass,
that's three sixty five days a year. I'm assuming if
you're really strict, d and twenty five letters a year,

that's just pretty impressive. I don't think that makes any Okay,
I'm gonna I'm gonna go with you on this one.
I trust you, my my. What I meant I miss
My goal is to write five letters a day. That's
my goal. I don't always get there. Um. Dolphins and
pandas no uh no actual powers in terms of this

is where Laura was wrong, because I know for a
fact there is a dolphin a team of dolphins that
l A p d use and they are a coordinated
strike force and they patrol the waters from San Pedro
all the way at to Catalina, and they're the tip
of the spear on our war on drugs. Dolphins some
covert operation, and it's very dangerous for the dolphins because

just like Ethan Hawk and Training Day, you can get
hooked on the bad stuff. A lot of the dolphins
will find, you know, bags of cocaine on the ocean floor,
and they get hooked. They get hooked baby. Um. That's
why if you ever see a dolphin in the wild,
you should give him a Did you give him a salute?
So I appreciate what you're doing. Yeah. Um. Psychics have

been alive for just how long they've their ages. They
haven't been a wife, so they don't live for eternity. Yeah, well,
you don't live forever unless you're psychic. No, that's what
we just confirmed, all right, So I think that is it.

I mean, we can't say for sure Cleopatra is who
you were in a previous life, but like Laura said,
it's pretty slim. Well, that's what I was trying to
hint with her, like, maybe she's wrong sometimes, you know.
So I guess we just won't know. But I've often
heard okay, fine, maybe it wasn't Cleopatra in the past life,

but I've often heard from people on the street who
just walk up to me and say, you have features.
You resemble Cleopatra in your features. So that's where I
got it from. Um the Greek myths, I think, and
you admitted this, but it's just in it's an over
I'm with you on this one, this one that was
a disaster. All right, Well, thank you. That was the

fact check. Carolina appreciate it. Well, here's Ron Burgundy's final thoughts.
I think we've we all learned quite a bit about
our futures today. In fact, Carolina will probably go home
to night and drink away her sorrows and hope that
she meets her Prince Charming one day, something I take
really seriously. And I'm going to look back at that

stupid lighthouse picture and tell it's something it doesn't know.
I am the lighthouse now, buddy. I see all the
ships heading in my direction, and I've got a newsy.
In other words, see you later, suckers. This is Round Burgundy.

You just listened to the Ron Burgundy podcast. Why did
you make that? You made that weird noise with your
mouth after I read that final left like a crazy
thing to tell. Lighthouse painting is it crazy, I mean,
or does it make perfect sense? Lighthouses are threatening, talk
about haunted. You don't have anozy, I was just a

figure of spoon. Stay tuned for scenes from the next
episode of the Ron Burgundy Podcast. On the next Ron
Burgundy Podcast today, we are having to accord this show
from my garage because my living room flooded last night.

My garage is haunted and I was whispering because I'm
afraid of waking ghosts. And of course our street we
still have old metal trash cans. We don't have the
plastic ones, so they make That's why it's so that's
making so much noise. As long as the ice jackal
doesn't show, we'll be fact never mind. Okay, they you
no attention, Caroline. Let's just keep doing the showy attention

to what you didn't hear that. If we just ignore it,
maybe it'll just go away. Ron ran out of the room,
so we're just looking through um the house for him. Ron. Hey, buddy,
did you did you captured with the golden net of invincibility? Yes?

Maybe we just get dressed. I'm gonna pull some clothes. No,
we have we have some The whole cruise here okay,
all right, okay. Denial is a much easier path to
take when you've witness something beyond recognition, something your soul

will never process. The Ron Burgundy Podcast is a production
of I Heart Radio Podcast Network and Funnier Die. I'm
Ron Burgundy. I'm the host, writer and executive producer. Carolina
Barlow is my co host, writer and producer. The show
was also produced by Whitney Hodeck, Jack O'Brien, Miles Gray,

and Nick Stuff. Our executive producer is Mike Farren. Our
consulting producer is Andrew Steel. Our associate producer is Anna Hosnier.
Our writer is Jake Pogolis. Our production supervisor is Colin McDougall.
This episode was engineered, mixed, and edited by Nick Stump.
See you next Thursday on The Ron Burgundy Podcast.
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