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March 30, 2020 24 mins

Series creator Bret Wood shares a selection of scenes that were removed from The Seventh Daughter prior to its release.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
MMMM. Hi. I'm Brett Wood, the writer and director of
The Seventh Daughter, and it's my pleasure to present the
first of three bonus episodes. In the first two of
these episodes, I'll be sharing scenes that got left on
the cutting room floor m M. Originally The Seventh Daughter

was designed to have thirteen episodes, but during the editing process,
we decided on a more streamlined structure for the show
to remove some of the digressions that tended to slow
down the linear action. Even though there was good reason
to remove them, I can't help but still miss some
of these detours because they sometimes provided historical detail as

well as some additional motivation for the character's actions. This
episode is recommended for those who have listened to the
entire series already and still have it somewhat fresh in
their minds. I'll present the scenes in chronological order and
briefly described the context in which they originally appeared. Now.
I don't think any of this will radically change the

dramatic effect of The Seventh Daughter, But for those super
fans who enjoyed briefly inhabiting the world of Rose, Pearl
and Corbeau, these return trips to steal city should be
a welcome treat. I'm not yet yet today that is
not McCauley, But I am giving you a gift that
is almos as valuable as life itself. I'm following a

demonstration of the wonder Child. I will reveal to you
the sauce of Amirs and give once more life your
full vigor and energy. We're floored, Troyo as it did
when you are? Are you to? Sixteen? Episode two, Lotus

Blood focuses on Pearl's preparation for performing a street corner
medicine show. I'll hang the torches, did you fill them
with gasoline? Yes? I did. Unpack the jars and line
them up across the front of the table, yes, ma'am,
just like last time. And make sure the two headed

calf and the tape worms are out front where people
can see them, yes, ma'am. And then hide out. Hide
out behind the banner, and change into your dress while
I drum up the crowd. I'll be back in two
hours for the wagon. You need anything else? Did you
did you chalk the wheels? Yeah? You said you're going
to pay me a night for the rest, and I

will just give us a chance to work in the
longer version performs a second time after having been sugar
talked by the Pinkerton. Having grown overconfident in her skills
and distracted by the predatory man, she quickly loses control
of the performance. What do I odd between my arms now?

It's difficult to see. It's impossible to see calm because
it is invisible. It is priceless. Yet every man owns
his share. He can save it, he can spend it,
You can waste him. Just tell me bandor But he
can never get more than God has allowed him to have.

A rich man cannot buy it from the poor. The
poor cannot sell his share to another. Sometimes Pandora's vision
surprised as even me. I was order in a pocket watch.
But through the power of Lata's blood, she saw the
true essence of what the mex hachannical time peace represent. Amazing?

And what do I have in my hoard now, my dear?
A flower? A caronation from a gentleman's lapel. Yeah, what's
the concentrate, my dear, don't be distracted by the attention
of all these admirers. Tell me again what I all

did in my hand? Is it a walking stick? A
walking stick, but the silver cat. Apparently someone did not
kick a lot as blood this afternoon. Let's have a
fresh start. What do you have there? A newspaper? Yes,

let me hold that now, Pandora. Allow the image to
crystallize in your mind and tell me what I a
limmians is? Pandora? Is it? It is a pin from
the hat of the dark haired woman. I'm afraid, child.

What do you strike a child that away? Don't touch poll?
Could you allow that to happen? All you have to
do is sit there and say a dozen words? And
where did you learn that awful dog one? I'm sorry

when I tell you, hey, you are you still interested
in this one? After that little performance? No saying hey,
give me a hundred dollars and she's yours? What fifty?
Take her off my hands? Give me fifty and you
can have her. I'll throw in the dress. Please. Definitely

not the woman I thought you were. And if you were,
and you're not anymore, I see you're around China Rose.
This scene of the Medicine Show Gone Wrong never really
worked as well as I hoped it would, so I
was happy to remove it. But much to my chagrin,
removing the second Medicine show necessitated the removal of another scene,

one that I liked very much between Rose and Pearl
in the apartment after the show. How are we supposed
to eat if you make foolish mistakes like that? The
alphabet code? You can't even comprehend that our supply of
medicine is gone, we've barely enough left for doesn't work

harder we can. You're supposed to pay for the wagon, Massaria.
Know how much those specimen jars cost, not to mention
what goes in them. No, of course you don't, But
you'll find out because you will replace them. You'll pay
for the jars, and you will go to the slaughterhouse

to get the freaks to put inside them. Not me, you,
I will. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Fix my pipe, destroy
us everything we worked for, and no chance of ever
accomplishing anything. God damn it. Hall Pearl here, lie back

and let me hold the pipe for you. You'll feel better.
I feel better. How am I supposed to feel better
when I'm being robbed and beaten all over again, over
and over again. M hmm. You can't win in this world,
no matter how much you plan and how hard you work.

They won't let you. It's okay. We'll find a way.
I'll work hard, I'll try my best. We'll survive somehow. No,
I'm sending you back where you belong, among the believers.
You're sending me back m first thing in the morning.

M hmm. This is no place for the likes of you.
I should have known. What about her act? You mean
my act? I'll manage. Maybe I'll just hire a trained monkey.
At least a monkey can hold its tongue. So you'll
just find another girl, Yes, someone older, prettier, more mature,

someone whose mind hasn't been sullied. I won't go. You
can't make me, can't I No, you can't. I've wasted
so much time on you already. I'm sorry, pearl. You're
strong willed, but you're weak to the core. You're useless

to me. Don't say that allowing yourself to be distracted
by a man ross. During the performance tonight, you said
we were going to perform the word apostle. That's right,

you were spelling a different word. M hm m hmm.
What word did I say? You spelled a P O C. No,
you're wrong. What were you spelling? Bloody paint? Goods, So

at the end of that episode we find out that
the disastrous performance may not have been entirely Pearl's fault,
but sabotage Rose's way of keeping Pearl in line. But
Pearl knows that Rose sabotaged her, so the relationship thickens.

Episode four, Asleep in the Deep is one of my favorites,
and a pretty big piece of it was removed before
the series was released. We began the episode after the
passage of many months, with Rose and Pearl on stage
at a variety theater store me the night and the
waves roll high, its bravely the ship rod Hawk White,

the light husbands, Sol cry prease all the salt bad.
They're on the dicky to the start, too hot, beating
and hot. She why siddeds th most deed. But in

the longer version we hear an entirely different origin story
for Pandora. She had one origin story for the medicine
show that she was raised in the Orient, but in
the music Hall she has been transformed into a daughter
of Royalty. The reason this was removed is because we
dwell so long in the fictional origin story that we

thought listeners may have gotten confused. About where we are
in the main frame of the narrative. If this were
a film or a television series, the visual style of
this fraudulent flashback would have helped orient the viewer, But
on radio it was harder to bracket this as a
false narrative within a larger fiction. Anyway, Kititon, it happened

three years ago when Pandora was in her eighth year.
Born to parents of wealth and means, she lacked nothing.
I was a midwife at the time. I attended her
mother during the birth, and it was I who brought
her into this world. From the moment she was born,
the seventh child of her mother, all of them girls,

it was obvious that this child was special. No child's
future ever seemed to shine so bright. She was given
the finest education, but somehow possessed knowledge that even her
tutors had not yet attained. She had an uncanny ability
to commune with animals, and loved nothing more than to

wander the shadows of the forest or to pick among
the stones of the village cemetery. There she seemed most
at peace. Born in Russia, her mother had been a
mystic and had been a spiritual consultant to the most
influential heads of Europe. Her father was an American diplomat

and had accepted a post in London. But then three
years ago the family, Pandora's mother and father, and her
six older sisters all set sail together for Britain, but
not Pandora. The child had fallen ill with pneumonia, was

suffering disturbing visions, and the family doctor insisted she delay
her voyage. Her parents and sisters had no choice but
to go on ahead, and so they left Pandora with me,
with the plan that we would follow. Two weeks later,
when Pandora was told of these arrangements, she became hysterical, inconsolable.

She begged her parents not to go. It was more
than a child's fear of separation from her parents. It
was something much worse. Pandora saw their fate and warned
them of their impending doom. I heard the screams in
the night when she witnessed nightly visions of her family's fate.

It was I who marked the cold sweat from her
body as she lay trembling in horror. Mommy day, please
listen to me. If you go on his chiselthing, Terrible's
going to happen to you. But what called an eight
year old child possibly know such things. If you go
on that voyage, you're all going to die was now

be known. But we know that Pandora's premonitions of death
and suffering were accurate. We know that the mother, the father,
the six older sisters all boarded the ship on May first,
bound for London. We all know the name of the ship,
the ship that was spotted by a German U boat

ten miles off the coast of Ireland. We know that
more than one thousand souls perished in the frigid depths
of the Atlantic air. When they plunged into the water,

they were wrapped in one another's arms. My father was
a strong swimmer and he tried to keep them afloat,
but the sinking ship created a whirlpool that set them
all down into the blackest steps of the sea. We
know what happened to her family because Pandora witnessed it.
All my sisters held hands from oldest to youngest like

a daisy chain, all dressed in white pinafores. The youngest
of the six, Rebecca, was the last, and as she
was pulled down down into the abyss. Her hand was outstretched,
reaching up towards the surface, open empty, the hand that

I would have held had I been there. Any breath,
Heart are ross deep and kno deep. So we w

and yes that is Minca Wilts performing her own vocals.
I really hated to lose this next scene because it

allowed the still invisible Corbo to start sinking his fingers
more deeply into our story. Having declined Houdini's offer of work,
having declined Albert von shrank Natzing's request to perform a
cabinet sitting, Rose and Pearl find that someone is interfering
with their efforts to make a living. Even in pop.

Rose say, pop who took us off the Plaquet's Jules
finally giving us the bill and we to charge just
a second, Rose, Juels needs to speak to you. Fine,
have him come up to room dressing rooms locked Rose,
Just would you just just right here a minute? Were you?
How do you expect the girl to get take a second?
Here he comes, now, jus come into my office. Someone

reported her act to the police. The police send someone
out and they said it violates an ordinance against fortune telling. Nonsense,
it's mentalism. Not Fortunately, all the same. She can't do
her act on that stage. She can perform magic for
the entire audience, but can't you know, single out audience members.

Typically she's not a magician. All right, listen, we'll figure
out another act demonstrations of her her communing with the spirit.
Right well, until you do, she cannot go on that school.
We got served an injunction, Rose, So if she goes on,
we get shut down. You know, we get taken to court,

not you the theater. I've already talked to the owners,
and we're just not willing to take that change. When
did this happen this morning? It was Houdini? Probably jealous bastard.
Show me the injunction. There's no name on it except
the judge that signed off on it and the clerk
who delivered it. Here. You want to know more, you're

gonna have to go down to city Hall. Rose. I'm sorry,
but it's out of my hands. You can go up
to your dressing room and you can clear out any
of your belongings. Otherwise we'll put it in a trunk
for you. Such a gentleman, Come on, Pandora, who would

want to keep us from performing? The egotist Houdini can't
tolerate competition, even from a child. But I'm not so
sure it was him. You've captured the attention of other
would be suitors. Shrank, shrink, and whoever shrank is working
for Corbo. Possibly, But even if this isn't Corbo, it

will be soon. The current is catching you. You feel
it tugging at your legs, starting to pull you downstream.
You can struggle against the current if you want to
buy a little time, but you'll exhaust yourself. You could
try to swim for shore, get out of the water
and swear never to get back in, or or let

the current carry you. Navigate to the waters and prepare
for the whirlpool that's waiting downstream. I didn't think it
would happen so quickly. Neither did I, but you exceeded
my expectations. It's time that we stopped trying to find Corbo.
He'll soon find us. It's time to begin thinking about

what we're going to do once we reach him. We
me you no reason to be apprehensive. There are still
things I have yet to teach you. Okay, time for

one more, right, This one's really cool. You remember an
episode five Paradise we met Trudy the chorus girl I
Told you I Sing, who was invited by Baxter to
have a private date with Corbo and he is looking
for someone to provide him with inspiration. Oh like an
artist model, where she is eventually schooled in the rules
of sex magic and given a sound thrashing. But then

we get this, where are we going? Where are you
taking me? Shut up and sit there? Did I hurt
your ad? We need to go to the police or
the hospital. I need to go to a hospital. I
think if I need to take you to a hospital,
I'll take you to a hospital. You don't need to

go to a back my legs. Fifty dollars for tearing
up my body like that, I won't be able to
work for We trust me. You got off easy, come back,
he says, come back, and we'll make it a hundred.
If that's when it gets fifty, I can't imagine. What
do you do for a hundred? You don't know the
half of it. A hundred. He wasn't serious. Do you

think he was serious? Do you really think he'll pay
me a hundred dollars if I go back another time? Oh,
he'll pay he'll pay I love the Baxter character. I
wanted her to come off as that kind of Mannish
woman whom you see in Hollywood and German films of

the nineteen twenties and thirties, sort of a visual shorthand
to suggest lesbian you know what I'm talking about, the
woman who dresses in a man's suit with slicked back hair.
But then I wanted to show that there's more to
her than a stereotype, and that maybe she's not just
a procureur for Corbo. If given the opportunity to record

a season two of The Seventh Daughter, you could be
assured that we will hear more from Baxter. I hope
you're enjoying drilling deeper into the world of The Seventh Daughter.
Please come back for the remaining two bonus episodes. The

Seventh Daughter is a production of iHeart Radio.
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