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September 21, 2020 62 mins

Rico sits down for a chat with Chris Lytle, an Indianapolis native and retired mixed martial artist, boxer and a veteran of the Ultimate Fighting Championship.

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
You're listening to The Skinny with Rico Elmore presented by
fat Heads I Wear. It is the Skinny with Rico Elmore.

Chance to get involved with some of the uh members
of your life. People you've met, people you've known, crazy stories.
I don't know how if you looked at a roster
of everybody you've met in your life, it's a it's
an unbelievable list of people. It is an unbelievable list,
you know. And it's interesting the people that come in
and out or go in and out of your life,

I guess you could say, and you know some that
have been there a long time and some that were
there a little time. So it's uh, it's cool, lucky
to have have the friends and people around me like that.
So yeah, it's well, I'm glad I'm on the list
as as your co host of the Skinny. Madam read
I'm man. Yeah, yeah, I'm trying to having here today
for having um. We're gonna get the Skinny today from

your pal Chris lights Out. Little tell us about Chris
and how you met him. So Chriss, you know, has
been an m M A fighter for many years. We
had another friend, a mutual friend of ours that introduced
us way back when you know, Fatheads was just getting started,
and uh, Chris, being the unbelievable great guy that he is,

you know, was was kind enough to work with us
on a on a low budget uh type of deal
and give us, give us the full, give us the
full deal for a low budget deal. So it was
it was a great deal. And you know what, that's
been uh ten plus years ago and still friends, still

still talking, you know, quite a bit, and still where's
our stuff? So it must be good. I mean, I
hate to correct Eurico, but I think that low budget
was no budget. I think alright, I was trying to
make it a lot better. I'm just kid, and I
just kid. But now it is funny to, like you said,
I've I've I've been there, and I've talking to just

random people at random times, and uh, somehow it comes
up that they know you, and I don't, like, how
does that even possible? And it seems like everybody has
a story with three go It's pretty funny. It's it's
like one of those things where you look on Facebook
and you're like, so, how do these people have two
hundred mutual friends and we don't know each other. Maybe
we do and you don't like me. Maybe that's really

what this spoils. So but yeah, it's it's been great.
And like I said, we've you know, we've participated in
a lot of different things that Chris has been involved in. Uh.
You know, we were laughing the other night talking about
UFC fifty four. Yeah, fifty four and what we're a

two hundred and two just happened. Two hundred and to
just happened. So we were a great story. Myself, Chris
or myself and Tom Erickson and another friend of ours
went out to the fight uh in Connecticut at the
Mohegan Sun. You know, so I'm all jacked up. You know,

this is really the first UFC fight that I've ever
went to, so it was it was an exciting deal.
H We you know, back then it was a little
bit different. You were able to get some pretty cool
passes to get back in places where there's no chance
you would get to now. Um. Anyhow, we we went
out to that and uh and Tom Rickson a good

friend of Chris and I. He is He is a
wrestling coach and was a wrestling coach at Purdue for
a long time. But he's also an m M A guy.
And uh Ericsson's nickname was the Big Cat, you know,
and he's he's pretty he certainly is. He's huge man, Yeah,
he's huge. And I I almost got to encounter the

Big Cat that night or that morning. We got him
lost on his way back the airport. Get me back
to the airport right now, okay, he said, uh, we
were going to get a room. Well we didn't get
a room because we were at a UFC after party,
you know, which we'll talk later just the funny things
that happened. But yeah, Tom's like, if you got it

in the GPS. I'm like, yeah, we're good to go.
Of course, I'm I'm pretty well on my way. And
uh Tom does not drink period, So you you go
to go, which he should have never trusted me to
put that in the GPS. So the next thing you know,
we're out in the middle of absolutely nowhere, and he's like,
what have you done? What are you doing? I'm like, okay, alright, alright, alright,

you just turn it on yourself. I don't know what's
going on with it. Loy was short of it. We
got to the airport and got got out of there
in time. But you know, great great memories. Not such
a great fight for Chris. He was was a great
fight for Chris, but didn't end the white Chris. I
was on top, winning the fight and the guy hit
me from bottom with an elbow and split my head

open like three spots, and so they called the fight
and hey, guy's next fight. He got the title shot
because he beat me, and like we're kind of like,
whoever won that fight got the title shot. I'm on top,
I'm like, all right, I'm about to win, and he
hit me with the elbow from bob on bottom with
If you ever watched the fighting, that never happens. The
guy on bottom never hits the guy with an elbow
and wins. But that happened. It was a bad It

was a huge gash and it was like are you
kidding me? So yeah, it made for not quite as
good of a night as it should have been, but
we still had fun afterwards. When was the first time
someone referred to you as lights out? Were you like
five years old? No? That was when I first started boxing.
It was funny. I was doing M M A and
I started boxing and within a month, I think my

boxing coach was like, hey, you want to go to
a pro boxing fight? And I was like sure, what
is it next week? All right? And it was on
a ESP and two card, and you know, I'd ever
really had any boxing. They just said we needed a
tough guy who could you know, fight this local guy.
So like that was me. I was like the to
be an ounce guy kind of came in last minute.
This guy thought he had like fifty amateur fights and

he was two and os a pro. I had zero
amateur boxing fights. I know how I was supposed to lose.
I know that that's what you call But I went
out there and it was funny because the guy who
was a guy named Pete was a guy who worked
for Top Rank Boxing and he was got me the
fight gun and he didn't know who I was my
boxing training and he said as soon as he saw

me warming up, he was like, good lord, Keith, you
couldn't have got somebody better than this. And this guy
doesn't look like he knows how to box. I went
out there and they said I just beat the brakes
on this guy the whole fight. But he was a
little I was an Indian on on his Indian reservation,
so come to find out. They called it a draw
but every I mean they were like, dude, you you
wont every round. I don't know. You know you get
a draw out of that. That's a pretty good deal.

So exactly. So then the guy for a top rank,
he was like, man, he's like, I thought you were
gonna get killed. It like what's your name? And I said,
my my name is Chris Lite and he's like light on.
He's like, I'm gonna call you a lights out little
because you know you're gonna knock a lot of people out.
And he was he like, James Tony, he's done. He
doesn't need that name anyway. This is before James Tony

made a big comeback, so I kind of stold his
name somehow. It wasn't I wasn't my doing. I'm a
firm believer. You don't give yourself a nickname. If you
do that, we make fun of you. So that was
probably back in two thousand and two. Maybe gave me
the nickname. So alright, and rap about fourteen years so
then the transition from boxing two M M A and

why I had been doing both. I'd been doing both,
but for a while I did a lot more boxing
because I was liking it more. It was fun. I
was doing a lot of things with it, so um
I was doing boxing and m m A. When I
went and signed the contract to be on the Ultimate
Fighter reality show, I asked UFC if I could keep boxing,
and they pretty much said no. So that was that.
They go, well you can if you don't want to

sign this contract. And I kind looked at my UFC
contract and look at my boxing and looked at the
UFC again. I kind of said, boxing, what's that and
just kind of do that way? What pain? As much
people think boxing pays a lot more, No, boxing pays
a lot more for like the top point one percent,
Floyd Mayweather and a few of the guys make all
the money. If you're below that, you don't do well
as a boxer. Is it an easy transition for a boxer,

I guess to learn that skill set or did you
have martial arts experience? It was? I think it's easier
for m m A got to go to boxing than
a boxing got to go to m m A. It
is because, I mean the groundwork is so much more
infold boxing is easy as far as training. You go
in there, you hit the bag, for a minute, you jump,
broke your sparts over. I mean with m m A,

you gotta do groundwork. You have to do jiu jitsu,
you have to do kickboxing, you have to do boxing, wrestling,
and it just takes so much more, so much more
of a toll on your body. It's just so much
more difficult, time consuming than boxing. Boxing is a easy practice,
to be honest with. I mean, you can make it
as har as you want, but it's much easier on
your body than m m A. That's how tough is
Rico boxes easy. I was just sitting here thinking, you know,

I've worked out places we did that boxing routine. I think, man,
that wasn't easy. I don't know anything about that, what
he's talking about. I wouldn't say it's it can be difficult,
but you do that. That's the first phase of m
m A practice. Now you gotta do kickboxes like I
do all those three and one day I'm dead. I
mean I'm dead. You can't do anything. And that's not
counting condition it in the it's so much more involved.

It yeah, yeah, has five different you know, uh effects
to it, you know, and it's interesting. Chris also is
a firefighter, and uh and how long have you? How long? Uh?
Fifteen years? Now fifteen years. So I missed any work
over m M A from from once once I had

when I had replaced my A c L. I missed
six weeks. It's six weeks to the day I went back. Yeah,
that's pretty strong, that's awesome, that's you know, just think
about it. You're you're doing all this training and you
go go into a fight and then the next thing,
you know, I'll buy the way you need to be
on shift tomorrow with you. I've had that happened before.

You know, I show up a big black eye, doesn't
look real good. The fireman shows up to save someone,
looks like he's been beating down. You know, I can
help you, man, I think you need to help. Sir. Yeah,
when you get up, what do you do? Call it us?
Have you been on a call in your fire suit
and somebody said, hey, it's Christal lights light? Oh yeah,

it happens quite a bit. Actually, it was funny. I
just had the other day and there's a lot of
tornadoes and drills and everything going off, and I went
up to l a fitness and as soon as I
got done, you know, it was an alarm. I went
in there to check out the alarm. Everything's finally come outside.
All the employees come out and are getting pictures taken
with me and doing selfies and stuff, and other people,
all the the people on my engine and going come on, Chris.

I'm like, hold on a second, I gotta he's more
important public service here. People that don't know who you are, like,
he must be a really good fire put that fire
up by himself. Yeah, exactly, Well, it's it's it's I

heard the joke the other day talking about fireman. It says,
you know, they call the fire department to get the
cat out of the tree. How many dead cats have
you seen in a many skeletons of I think you're
the one that. Yeah, probably, that's a great point. I've
never seen a cat. They make it down. You're fine.

You might not want to come down right now, but
we'll get then they'll figure it out. Yeah. Good stuff.
But going back to the the the UFC uh fifty four,
I think it's fifty four of fury because I do
remember that I saw something that's light in my office
in the bank from it. Yeah, So the fight's over

and we go to this after party. That is really
not saying action by the hotel. It was more of
a we're going to have an after party and this
guy sweet and it was supposed to hold I don't know,
maybe fifteen people, and there were forty five there about

and uh, you know another friend of ours, Keith, he
was there and he was he was so so excited.
The Zience girl was there. And I mean everybody was
at this party. It was Chris, you know, Randy co Tours,
Randu Tour, you had Liddell there, you had all the

champions were at this party. And I mean I was
back then. It was like now you go to after
fight party at a huge club and you know, but
back then, I was like, yeah, this is gonna all
hang out in this room and to be all the
it was a closer community. I guess you'd say fighting
was back then and that's and that's you know, so
those you know, one of the things he and I
were talking about. But Keith was all excited. Remember the

zion An's girl, you know, that was that was in
all the zience science was a supplement and it was
like it was like by zience, yeah, yeah, I mean
very attractive, by all means. But Keith was just, I
mean just googly eyed over this check. I mean, he
loved her. Well, we're like, there's a four you when
you walk into this suite. Well we walk in there

and and she's standing there and she says hey to me,
and I'm like, what's up. She goes, we need we
need to get rid of all the people in here,
but the beautiful people. And I said, well, I said,
if we do that, baby, I said, it's just me
and you. And then what neither one of them who
want to say? At that point, He's like, I can't

believe you said that to her, was like, but it
was a great time, you know. And I mean it was,
like Chris said, it was like a fan you know,
a very tight knit group. And uh, and I have
been to you know, when UFC was in Chicago. I
went to an event up there afterwards with some people,
and yeah, I mean it was it's just a little

bit different. It's a lot bigger, you know, from a
money standpoint, and you know where they're at with their
you know, corporate contracts, which you know it's awesome, good
for them. You know, they've they've you know, Dana has
taken a product and and really put it over the top,
you know where he's got a lot going on. But

it was just it was just a lot of fun
because everybody, everybody was just everybody. Joe Rogan was there,
so Joe Rogants sitting there right and Ericsson, which is
you know, our buddy that was with us. Ericson was
it what fight wasn't where he choked the guy out.
I mean with we called the rapists choke. He just
grabbed him by the throat and choked him out. So

you there's like choke moves or you know, you know
to sifferent different holds. Ericson this big, big dude. He
chokes this guy out with his hand, like chokes him out.
And Rogue and his so excited. Oh man, I remember
watching that fight, you know, and he's all he's all
upon it. But it was but yeah, it was it was.

It was pretty funny and I mean he was cool man.
He was taking pictures with whoever wanted it and uh
and things like that. But yeah, we getting back to
Andy was a bit of an adventure, but we we
made it back. So and that was you're saying UFC
fifty four, that's when Chris, You're you're in the middle
of it. I mean it had already hit and become

a national phenomenon and very popular with them. Yeah, but
it was just it's probably on the front end of it.
On the front end, I would say, really didn't get
super big too Pipe and maybe UFC, So it was
still it was. It was on the process of that.
Like the reality show, it already came out and uh

by this point, but it wasn't until probably a few
fights after that before I think became more mainstream. So
Joe Rogan from Fear Factors doing the play by play
or whatever, the interviews. What other media was involved during
your time? Was it on pay per view? He was?
I was on pay per view for sure. You know
what's funny was and they were on Spike TV. They

were on the couple of news that was big. Now
it was funny. Um. I retired I think in two
thousand and eleven, and two days after I retire, they
came out with the announcement that they were gonna um
merge with the Fox and beyond Fox everything. So I'm
like the son of a bitch. They don't know what

Fox has against Old Lights Out, but they were like,
as soon as this guy's going rent, we're not doing
it until he's out. And then it says like, okay,
we're red because as soon as I happened pages who
you know, it rises quite a bit. So I'm like, hey,
I didn't know that was gonna Couldn't you told me data?
Couldn't you give me heads up? I mean, you know,
you might not want to retire right now to retirement.
You might not want to retire today, Chris, uh, distrust

me on this one night minute, three days to exactly,
you know, just sleep on. He didn't give me that,
So thanks a lot of Dana. Maybe the merge ever happens,
I don't know, Like I said, maybe Fox doesn't like me.
I don't know that. That's said one of their daughters
when I was in college. I don't know. I don't know.
It's a ploy. So in two thousand eleven, your last fight,

I mean, I'm sure you remember it was there at
the end of the fight where you're like, all right,
I'm ready for the next phase of my life. That
kind of hurt were you? Like? I was funny I
announced before that happened, you know, because really what happened
with me was. I was, like Rico said, I've been
on the fire department for fifteen years. I have four kids.
I was trying to train full time. It was just
very difficult to do with four. Yes, I'm trying to

the thing. I realized I hurt my knee and had
that surgery. We were talking about the a c M. No, no, no,
this was a different time. I heard it again and
I stayed home and rehabbed it, and I never took
off time. I was always busy. And I kind of
realized when I was off and rehab and I went
to my kids, you know, basketball game, gymnastics practice, and
I kind of realized, you know, I had been missing
a lot of my kids life. My kids were getting older,

had my sons, I think a freshman in high school.
My daughter was getting ready to be in high school.
When I realized, man, you don't know your kids very well,
and you're not doing a lot of things. So um.
After that, the UFC called me for another fight and
I go to that was okay, I'm gonna take it.
And I went to the gym that day getting ready
to train for the fight, and I just started feeling
real guilty, like I should be more of my kids
practices and stuff, and that I never felt like I

didn't want to be at the gym before that. So
I remember I came home that night and I started
talking to my wife and we're like, you know what,
this is my last fight. I knew once I made
that decision, I was gonna go to the gym every
day because I was gonna win my last fight, you know.
But then after that, I was gonna, um stay home
a little more and dedicate more time to you know,
get rere equated with my family. And because I was
realizing I was gonna miss that stuff, they're gonna be

going in college. I wouldn't even know who they were
very well. So, um, I made that announcement. I didn't
make the announcement n til day before the fight, and
you know, I have the Way Ends. I didn't really
tell anybody. I walked up at the Ways. I handed
Dana White like this three page letter and uh kind
of did the way Ends, and then then it kind
of got announced it. I've announced my retirement before the fight,
so after the fight, I kind of had to already retire.

It ended pretty well for me. It's pretty happy. Hewitated
well that's good. That's great. I'm sure your kids benefited
the most. Yeah, that's great. Our guest is Chris Little.
This is the skinny presented by fat Heads. I have
a fat heads question for you. Um, early on in
the early days of fat heads, you say, Chris lights
out Little was was paid barely to endorse your product.

I got a comment on on the size of your head.
It's it's fairly normal, which makes me think fat heads
isn't just for for big heads. That's right, We've we've
got us. We like to call it fat heads skinny.
Is there a line fat we've got We've got a
a slim line, if you will. So all right, you know,

not everybody can have as beautiful big nogging as I
had as you. But but no, we've we've got some
we've got some regular stuff as well, a uh that'll
fit everyone in the in the place. So you know,
that was kind of the thing, and really in the
beginning when we did it, because you know, I didn't

know what I was doing, zero idea what I was doing.
I was from the auto industry fifteen years and I
come up with the idea because I can't find glasses
to fit this thing. You know, So I'm like, okay,
I'm gonna make glasses. And you know, my wife, of course,
loving the love of my life, twenty years together now,
you know, she says, okay, you know, you know it's

like so we uh you know, when it all gets started,
I absolutely drained the bank because I'm that committed. And uh,
she goes, you sure you know what you're doing. I said, yeah, yeah,
I got this. It's about ninety days this thing will
be rolling. Well about five years and ninety days later,
after a lot of stuff, we got rolling. But anyhow,

you know, in the beginning, we made you know, smaller
fitting glasses for that reason. We needed to support athletes
or have our friends wearing this stuff because you know,
unless you're you know, running around with the alignment of
the of the NFL, you know, you're not exactly going

to have everybody wearing your stuff. So that was kind
of the beginning of it and why we did it,
and it's kind of carried on. You know, one of
our lines John Raymond has you know, half of them
are probably could fit anyone and uh, you know, uh
like our knuckle duster, uh, you know, glasses, we have

two sizes so but yeah, that's no, that's good because
it's uh. Fat heads is uh is an attitude and
Chris has a wonderfully shaped head. But you want that
fat heads attitude. Oh yes, he doesn't want to get
beat up. That's why he said that. Now. Absolutely, my

head is only felt like maybe I'm like bigheaded, you know, like,
there you go, that is what you need. I think, yeah,
that it But if it worked out, it was really cool.
And you know what, like I said, ified I had
gazillions of dollars, then Chris would have had a lot

because you know, we it was just one of those
things that we were we were trying to do anything
we could to get it out there. You know what, man,
I've always just had a good time hanging out with
you guys, so you know I would do it for nothing. Well,
so it's just been fun, he did. Yeah, I'm always
going to do stuff with these guys here. You find
there's only so many good people you can trust around,

especially um these kind of industries. So if you find
you find to try and stick with him the whole time.
And Rico's definitely that we ran into each other. I mean,
this has been a couple of years ago now, uh,
in Vegas on the flight. I was like, just like,
what are you doing here? He's like, what are you doing?
I'm like, well, we got it out to this show

with it, you know, the optical show. And he's like
Long Corner and Metrion, which is another you know friend,
and uh and I'm like, oh cool, Well we're gonna
be over here. He's like, okay, well I'll get a
hold of you. And I'm like okay. So the next thing,
you know, he gets ahold of me and We've got
a villa or whatever at you know, one of the
Cabannah there you go at at the hotel we're at

and you know, next thing, you know, Chris and about
six of his hoodlums come over and start start stealing
his alcohol and stocking it down, start knocking it back,
and all right, we're good, go and cut this off.
My tab is final air. But we had a lot
of fun and that and you know the thing about
it is away from work. You know, when when we

do see each other, it's always fun. But the other
night I'm looking at Facebook and uh, you know, and
as to town and I'm kind of just trying to
find some trouble to get into. And I'm looking at
Facebook and I see that Chris Lionel is live, which
I get. And I'm entertained by people going live on
Facebook because it's kind of hard to say what may

really be going on at that point. But he's live
and he's doing his podcast, uh, you know, from from
a place up on the North Side. And I roll
in there and he's like, what are you doing here?
I came to watch you Huh. I'm like yeah, because
I told him when I saw him last or last
time we talked, I said, I'll come in one of

your podcast, you know, and it's schedule thing. But anyhow,
we hung out there until they literally kicked us out.
It was, it was, it was. It was a great
time though. Like I said, we've we've we started a
business relationship that turned into a great friendship. So well,
I gotta ask about your podcast, UM, tell us about it?

What is it? What's it called? How can we find it?
It's a lights outline of live podcast. Um. I'm on
City three sixty TV, UM, which is how you can
hear it anywhere, but most people get just watch it
live on my Facebook. So'll be a Facebook friend with me,
and uh, that's the easiest way to do it because
I like to go live. And the good thing about
when you do it that way is it's very interactive

because people can ask me questions and we comment on
whatever they're or whatever they're asking, we try and comment on.
I think the last one I did had Ken's Shamrock
on it, which is UFC Legends. So we had about
all right close to four thousand people who have viewed
that since, and there was a lot of questions being asked,
which was nice because you can go back and forth
and I can ask Ken whatever they want. Or it's

pretty cool to do with that with remember Shamrock that
does ring about Yeah, it was one where there the ones,
Yeah they were out. Yeah, Yeah, it's awesome and and
uh always kind of faded into the shadows and uh,
Shamrocks showed back up a few times. And he's how

to play the heel from pro wrestling pretty well? Yea
that yeah he was. Wasn't he given Tino a hard time?
Oh yeah, Tino beat the breaks off him a few times?
You know, it happens. Nobody's undefeated that sports. So that's right,
that's right or not? For long if they are exactly
what somebody is always bigger, better, stronger, at least that

day they get laying that one punch you ever known? Yeah,
So what's coming? What's coming up next for you? What
do you got going on? Damn busy all the time?
I don't know. I do a lot, like you said earlier,
with my my charity, the Cryslino Foundation, and that is
primarily a lot to do with anti bully speeches. I
go to schools, I go to boys and girls clubs,

I go to any event with her younger people, high schools,
middle schools, elementary schools, and I try and speak about
anti bullying. That's a very cool thing, especially coming from
somebody with your your skills. Well, that's the thing that
I think, uh kind of sells it right away. Is
the first thing I actually do is show a highlight
video of me trying to, you know, beat the snot

out of a couple of people and beat them up
and show them, put them in the bars and punch them.
And then I come and start talking about you know,
not even necessarily trying to be nice to people. That's
definitely part of it, but it's more about standing up
for people who can't stand up for themselves. That's usually
what we're really focusing on. UM. I get tired of
seeing people on Facebook recording somebody getting beat up and

they they're laughing and they put it on social media
and thinking, hey, why didn't you put your phone down
and stop this from happening. That kid did not deserve that.
Break this up instead of sitting there and being a
willing by center and laughing and stuff like that. Bothers
me to know wins. A lot of what we're talking
about is talking about standing up for other people who
can't do that for themselves, and that's where the fighting

comes into play. I tell them how people professional athletes,
especially or just anybody who has the ability, UM, they
get a really good feeling from helping other people out
and makes them people look up to them for that.
It feels good to be looked up to for being
a great athlete, but even better when you make a
difference in somebody's life or what you can do for them.
So I've been doing that for the last couple of years,

going to different schools. I wrote a children's book and
it's been great. It's been great. So so you feel
like you're getting traction? Is there is there anything? I mean,
I'm with you on all of it, exactly what you're
talking about. And and uh, you know, would would be
a willing participant to help out not getting the snot

kicked out of me. So I'm not gonna go be
the beat up guy at the at the school. We
don't do that. We do now, this is how you
don't want to anyhow, because you know, I I understand it. Uh,
you know, the the uh the word bullying is uh
misused a lot of times, but there is a lot

of it that goes on, you know, where where kids
are abusive to other, kids can't take up for themselves,
and uh, I you know, I think everybody has a
little bit of that in them. When you're a little
kid and you don't know any better, you know, you're third, second, third, fourth,

fifth grade, but you know what you start getting in
about fifth grade because you know, I mean I was
rowdy as the youngest of five boys. I got beat
up all the time by my brothers, So you know,
I surely had to find somebody else to take some
aggression out all, you know, but uh, nobody bullying in particular,
just just going at it with each other. But you know,

by the time you get that age, you know, I'll
never never forget. You know, there's a guy in seventh grade.
Where I went school, we had you know, elementary went
you know, K through six, then we had the seventh
grade building, and then you had junior high in high school, well,
the seventh grade building I remember so that you know,
it brings in all of the grade schools in the

in the city, if you will. And I remember this kid, Craig.
You know, little dude had had some some sort of
health issue. Have zero idea what it is. Uh would
would I would love to hear how he is if
he still is doing today. But it was one of
those it was one of those deals that you know,

we we you know. I was always kind of like
the guy that you know, what you jack with, Craig,
I'm gonna lay out, you know, And I mean, it
was just one of those things that you know, and
I think I think a lot more people need to
know that that's a lot cooler than you know, jumping
on somebody that can't defend themselves. He's the thing I
bet Craig probably still looks up to you as a hero.
Probably now. I mean I look up when I was little,

you know, I was younger, I hung out with the
older kids, and I'd get beat up a lot. But
I remember when I became friends with them, they realized
it didn't bother me, and they'd kind of stand up
for me against other people. And I still look up
to those guys, you know, and I was you know,
I guarantee they might be like five ft eight right now,
a hundred and forty pounds, and I'm looking up these
I'm a lot bigger, stronger top than them now. But
I mean, I'm still my mindset is thirty years ago.

Used it up for me, man, that was awesome. That
was cool. You used it up for a little kid
like me. You made my life east here exactly, you know.
So I think people can realize that this is a
good thing to be true. That that's one of the
reasons I try and do it, not only for the
person being out, but you know, you helpe the guy
who stand up for the people that can do positive
things for their life as well. It's just a good
thing all around. And you think about, you know, our

age group. You know, back then we didn't have Facebook.
So so if you got the brakes beat off of
you at school, or get bullied. Well that's that that
was over. Okay there, that's just starting, and now the
video is going to go and then you might be
in other states people might be making fun of me.

People kill themselves over there exactly, And you know, so
that that's what I was getting at. I mean, it's
such a different different deal now, you know, and you
you you don't. People don't understand it, and people don't
understand that that scars people for their life. You know
that that they that they may go down a total
different path than what they were. I always bring this up.

I read this thing about said kausn Skin. It says
how he was so smart they moved him up in
high school when he was like third ta can't maybe
he was young. He says he was bullied every day,
just picked on. I'm like, man, this guy had this mentality.
He was a genius. You know, he could have maybe
went out and chured cancer, who knows what. But he
went to school and then he went out in the
cabin and build bombs and killed people. Why because he

had a negative view of the world. Yeah, he was
picked on his whole life. He didn't like people he wanted.
That's what I mean. He was really smart. But I mean,
what could he have done for this world that he
didn't do because what happened him when he was a kid?
You know? So I keep telling people maybe we got
somebody here today who could do something great. But if
you help, maybe they will, or maybe they'll be out

trying to blow people up. I said, maybe if somebody
hadn't stood up for me, I would have been out
in some cabin in the woods. But I'm not that smart,
so I'd probably accidentally blown myself phone, you know what
I mean. Cabin? And Chris, did you start the foundation
because of the sort of obvious Um, I guess you're
because you're you know, you bet you made your living
off fighting, so it's sort of an obvious platform. Or

was there a deeper meaning? Did deep meaning? I got
four kids, Like I said, my youngest son has autism,
so it was more of me thinking of him being
treated differently and being made to feel bad for something
he has no control. And there's really nothing I can
do about that as a parent. But you know, and
that and that and that kind of not only scares you,

but it makes you really focus and pay attention to
all these other cases. You know, I'm watching on TV
when this kid's committed suicidden, this happened. I can't think
of the worst thing as a parent to know that
something negatives happened to your kid. You can't control something
like there's anything I can do about this. I'm gonna try.
So I'm gonna try and educate people, and I'm gonna
go try and get people to do things for people
like my son to help him out. So it was

very personal connection for me for from that reason. But
the the fighting was just the good platform him to
help me get this start and give me some credibility
and have people actually listen to me. Do you bring
up your son and your message to the absolutely? Absolutely?
And I try and tell him. Then you know, my
son didn't choose to be like this. There's nothing he
did to make himself like this, you know, So how

is it fair to treat him different because something he
has no control? I mean, everybody here has something they
can't control. Well, how would you feel if if somebody
makes you feel bad about that or hurt your I mean,
it's it's uh, not only unmerited and unwarranted. But it
doesn't do anything positive. If you're making fun of somebody
and you're making them feel bad, I mean, really happy
people don't do that. You've got your own issues. If

that's what you're trying to make you like, I don't
now it's like, I feel bad, but I don't feel
bad as this guy's kind of mentality. And that's just
that's sad. You're gonna take a look in the mirror.
Part of that crazy what you're talking about. Part of that,
you know, growing up with me, I mean hard to believe.
I've always been a big kid. You know, yeah, news slash,

news slash, but anyhow, you know, I've always been a
big kid. And you know what, there's some of that
that goes with it, you know, and and you know,
all of that stuff's out there more, you know, so
the you know, back back when you're a big kid,
and you know, at my age, you know what, there's
probably a few jokes you could tell, you know what

I mean, and make fun of. Well, now they can
take a video or a picture of you and and
put it on the internet and just rid aculias so
and they can team up on you when you're not
even at school or even you're not even there, so
they can team up on you on their social communities. Um, Chris,
have you had a kid and one of your presentations

or keynote speeches that has come up to you and
talked to you at the end of the speech, where
um not that they were bullied and they're thanking you
for coming, but you can kind of and they're not
admitting that they are a bully. But you can tell
this kid maybe was trouble and could have been even
more trouble had he not just me speak. And I
can see it in his eyes now he got my message.

He connected to me because I'm a fireman, I'm a
tough guy, I'm a UFC fighter, and this kid got
the message. You can see that. Yeah, you can see that.
Sometimes The only thing is you hope that at last,
you know what I mean, that's the hard part is
without being able to follow up on too much. I mean,
you know they get it right there, but it's you know,
it's hard as a kid, especially when you're there, and

it's it's sometimes it's hard to take that step and
go out and stand up for somebody when when all
your friends or all the other people are doing something.
I get that, and I try and talk about that.
I understand how difficult this might be for you to
do the right way. But I tell him this, like,
I would rather people make fun of me, and that
might bother me for you know, a couple of hours,
like man, they made fund But it's gonna bother me
for the next two months if I don't do anything,

I'm gonna sit there and beat myself, like why didn't
I do something? You know? So what do you want
to do? Want two months of shame of thinking about
why you were a coward to do the right thing?
Or do you want to have you know, a couple
of hours of like, man, they got made fun of me.
So I try and explain that because it is kind
of hard to do the right thing, especially at that age.
And I try and tell them this might not be
the easy thing. But you know, courage isn't about you know,

doing what's easy. It's about being afraid and still doing them. Yeah,
and you know that the thing about it is it's
you know, be that positive deal or be that positive
person in your crew. Maybe your crew is the one
that likes going on jack and with you know, kids
and doing this and that, and you know, hurting people

that can't defend themselves. You know, it's like, hey, man,
let's stop, let's stop doing that, you know, And so it's, uh,
that's a that's a great deal man. And I knew
that you were I knew you were working on that.
I didn't know how long how long it had been,
and uh, but that is that is very very cool?
Is that online the Chris Little Foundation dot org dot com,

Chris Little Foundation dot com. And I have to follow
up with something you said, you wrote a children's book.
That's right, tell us about the children's book. Well, is
the thing, like I said a little bit ago, I've
been going to schools and talking for a long time,
not only about anti bullying but about everything. So the
thing I noticed, what we already talking about. You go
there and sometimes you give a speech. Is that How

that last for maybe a week, maybe two weeks, I
don't know, but a lot of times it goes away. So, um,
I decided I want some tangible, physical things to help
get my message across. And I want to talk about antypo.
When we already talked about why my son, so I
wrote this children's book that kind of reiterates a message
about standing up for other people. Um, I go to

schools and whatever school says, and I go to it
for the high school, middle school, elementary school. I try
and make it to where Um. Part of the thing is,
I try and get sponsors to donate to where I
can give that whole school system some books, so elementary
schooling one in each room or at least one each library.
The school has all the different school systems about that,
just to make sure that there's something there even if

they say kids weren't there for this speech or they
were and they see that book and that brings it
all back home what I said. Try to give away
some wrist bands as well that basically says, you know,
when you wear this, you have a responsibility to stand
up for people. And even some shirts if I can
to try and um, you have to earn those shirts.
If a teacher like maybe give a school five shirts.
And if a school teacher sees that you're standing up

for somebody else, boom, you get a shirt now. So
I try and give them something that they can have
in hand that makes that message last more than one week.
At my last one year, So that's kind of the
goal behind the book is to do that and to
hit people who didn't get to hear me talk. What's
the book called. It's called lights Out on Bullying, lights Out,
Lights Out on Books. With a couple, I got some

of my cars who drew the pictures in the book.
I had to get a guy from Minnesota. Just have
a lot of Facebook friends, and I got on there
and and some like, hey, does anybody know how to draw?
Because if you don't want my stick figures on there,
it's horrible, Chris, I know, leave me alone. So is
that a bruise or is that a broken stick? Which there? Yeah,

exactly so, So I gotta ask you. We were shifting
gears back a little bit where we started. So what
do you think your best fight ever was? Oh? Man, jeez, Rico,
they're all so good. Uh, the big head, here's the
fat head. It's coming out up and you know, I

don't know. In many ways, I'd almost have to say
my last one if you saw that was against Dan Hardy.
You know, we'd fought from the title not too long
before that, and I kind of came out already said
I was retired, so I was gonna put everything into it,
and it kind of bothered me because a lot of
people are saying, oh, Chris, he's really good on his feet.
You need to take him down and you can submit

him on the ground. Maybe. I mean he had been
you know, GSP went five rounds with him, didn't get
him in and be like, you know, you'd probably do
better with him on the ground. So I kind of
feel like it's a slap in my face, you know,
like I'm pretty good on my feet too. You know,
I'm not bad. So you're saying I can't beat him
on my feet. That's a challenge, like I to do it.
So you know, I decided I'm gonna stand up in
bang with this guy. I'm not gonna try and take
him down once. And you know, in the third round,

I'm I'm beating him and he shoots in with my
mental left. He shoots in and tries to take me down,
and I submitted him and got the fight the night
in the sub of the night, and I wanted hartily
and I want a lot of stuff, and I walked away.
So it was it was as good as it was.
It was really nice and really memorable. I submitted him.
I love that, you know, or he's gonna go unconscious,

and so it's like, and trust me, sometimes they don't tap.
That's funny. They're trying to wake him up. It's funny. Yeah,
the Pacific Salts trying to get them moving again, or
the or when they're getting you know, like an arm
bar or something, and you know, if you don't submit,
you will get your arm broke. You seem like when

a no Gara he had who was it um Frankmir
had him in his arm bar and he the Brazilian
black belt. He's a lot of pride, all sadden his
arm to snaps and he goes. I was like, oh
my god. He goes all the way around, not good
and he wants because of his pride. He's like, you
put me break it and he broke it. Is that
that's the end of the fight. You break my arm?

Yeah he put a ricky bottom. I can't be good reference. Yeah,
you broke farm. But uh anyhow, that's that's uh, that's uh.
And you know the interesting thing is like one of
the other things, probably one of the most successful at

it unless I'm missing something and I maybe you know
it was Cotur where he went after afterwards with business
you know with Uh he had a fliction, right, he
had the or was part of that in some sense.
He's dabbled in a lot of things and he's done.
He's done well. I mean he's he was such a
good fighter and people respect him so much. And he

was kind of early on, like right when the sport
got big, he was the big name and he just
dominated in in one in different weight classes, and he
was an older guy. So yeah, he's been able to
really capitalize on. He's done some movies, He's had a
lot of different things. He he wrestled, if I'm not mistaken,
at Oklahoma State with Tom with Ericson, I'm not really sure.

I don't know. He was like Olympic level, that really
good Tom, that Ericson that we keep talking about. He
was the runner up. And I may be wrong about this,
but I know it's got to be close. I think
four Bruce bomb Gardener kept edging him out for four Olympics.
He edged this this friend of ours out that we're
talking about four times by bomb Gardener watching and I

was just just suf I mean, if you know much
about wrestling, he's you know, everybody, he's the elite he's
the he's the guy you know, which is head over
USA Wrestling. Now I saw, yeah, that's a that's a
huge deal. Good for them, but it's a it's a great,
great sport. And like like we said, I mean, it
was just to give you an idea. Here we are

at this at this party with all of these folks
that we mentioned, you know, uh you know the UFC,
some legends at this point, you know, and uh you
know Rogan and other people like that, which was absolutely hilarious,
and we're all in one room. Well we go to
I go to the UFC event in Chicago, and this

has been a little ways back, a few years back.
But it's like he said, I think I think I
was trying to think who fought in that because I
saw you there, you were on the floor, and I
came down and talked to you. But anyhow, I can't
remember who the main I think is Rashid Evans. I
think that, Yeah, I'm sorry, but I can't anyhow, So

they have this and we're at kind of this one
after fight party that all the guys from what were
the guy's name, American Top Team that the dudes with
the clothing that no no, no, no, no, that the
guy that had the big hair and that there was

tap out. So the tap out guys were there, right.
So one of the guys that I was with was
was Big Black from uh MTV, Robin Big. So we
were together and uh and bam bam Big Blacks buddy,
which is a lot of a lot of horsepower in itself,

and uh and little Jr. Todd that that drives you know,
top fuel nitrocars. But all of us are together. And
then the next thing I know, and I've I've rented
a car, a Limo so we can all get around safely.
And uh, next thing you know, the tap out guys
are getting in with us, and uh, one of one

of the one of the one of the NASCAR guys
that's with them, I won't mention any names, gets in
the car and he says, hey, I just want everybody
to know, UH, don't be tweeting or facebooking that I'm
in the car or with you guys. I said, hold
on a minute. I turned the radio down. I said, dude,
if you're I said, like you're that relevant theirs, But

I mean this is you know that stuff never want
to happen back like what we're talking about. Because everybody
was there, they didn't care. Well, there wasn't that much
Facebook and you know all that stuff at the time either.
But you know, then we'll go to this other party
and uh, the one dude from entourages there and I
mean so it's kind of like the who's who party,
but you know, everybody's just walking around looking at each

other like should I say sometimes like dude, it wasn't
like that, you know, And we had Chris and I
had this conversation the last time we saw each other.
Were just laughing about it because it was it was
its own deal back then. And now it's like there's
not a big enough room to hold, you know, all
those guys in one room. So it's a it's pretty
funny though. So along those lines outside the sport on

the red rp it I guess, and those those after
fart fart after after fight parties, um tell us some
of those stories of who's the most famous person that's
come up to you to say, hey, man, I loved
your fight, or movie star or talk show host or
some of that sort of glamor of the well the

I mean, the first time something big having this is not.
I mean, it wasn't that big most people, but to me,
I had a fight I think in California. I think
right after wear your glasses and a uh louf regno
kind of game. You said something like you're the whole dude,
You're like my idols a kid. You know. You kind
of came up and saying something came up to video

is a bad man. I love he was still big.
I was like, dude, you're you're still big man, but
you look way better than still and beat it, but
you'd still look better than talking h sayce, I'm not
like with Charles Barkley. That was pretty cool man. He's
always another one of my you know, basketball heroes. It's
still my favorite player probably of all time. M I
was bark so and talking with him was really cool

as well. So where was that at he came up?
It was in Phoenix. It wasn't at the UFC in Phoenix,
so it's pretty cool man. He was there, probably betting
on the fight. I don't know if you know if
you can bet in Phoenix, but I'm sure Vegas. Yeah.
Jordan's Michael Jordan talking about stories about Barkley, you know,

gambling and then playing golf together and gambling against each other.
I love that hurt Charles Barkley once and he was like, like,
somebody said you you think you had a problem gambling.
He was like, well, you know what, you know, I've
lost I've lost a few million dollars, but I still
got several millions, so I don't I don't have a problem.
I got money. Money. You have a problem. Like if
I didn't have any money, it would be a problem.

I got money. I don't have a problem. Oh, it's
so funny, like Charles says it like it is. You know,
I think about his physique, the round mound of rebound
man six four and a half. Yeah, I mean, just
what would he be the same guy today in this league?
That's that's that's a good quick I should a lion's heart,
you know what I mean? He yeah, and and Price

say some stuff to you in the midst of it,
and yeah, I remember when he was playing, he was
he would he would have some off court uh issues
where he threw the guy through the window seeing because
he was jacking with it was like, well, what do
you want to happen? You know, It's like it wasn't
gonna allow the people to take away what he wanted
to do and think, I'm gonna live my life and

if I get in trouble, I guess yeah. It's like
it's like we were talking the other day to uh,
you know, Jeff Clark, one of our guests the other day,
were talking about the media, you know, and they jamming
cameras and microphones in your face after you get out
of a hot car getting wrecked or wrecking somebody or

losing the race or something. It's like, what did you
want him to say? Hey, that was cool and thanks
for asking. You know, it's probably not going to be
what you want to hear. And I mean the same goes,
you know, they entered. You know. That was the other
thing after the old UFC events, you know, and I
don't know how present that that it started. You know,
you didn't get these guys you know, interviewed, you know

what I mean. It was down to the deal. You
beat each other up and that was the end of
the deal and the next guy's came out, you know,
And it's pretty funny how bad the interviews too. When
you started watching, they'd be like, how was it good?
It was good fight? And I was like, come on,
give me something, I'm looking They just people weren't as
good an interviewing as they are now you have to
be now, I mean they before the fight, you're doing
like four hours a day of press conference, you know,

so you get better at it. But back then they
were horrible. They were Marshawn Lynch and them and didn't
even know it. Yes, okay, yes pathetic. Did you have
a post fight interview where you just wanted to beat
up the journalists more than you just beat up to
You know? What's amazing is like a lot of times

it's so weird when you get done with a fight,
like your adrenaline has you two that we're on another
level where you'll watch your interview later you're like what
was You don't remember what you said? Like what was
I talking about? Why do I sound something? What did
I say? Like it's almost like you're wanting yourself give
your interview like oh man, because it's like this big high,
like adrenaline upper, like you know, you're for feeling, you're

so happy. Then you just it's definitely weird. You don't
you don't even realize what you're saying, Like, man, I
sound like an idiot. But it was like talking. Maybe
that's what happened to Howard Dean. He was on that. Hey,
that ended his career pretty much when it came like
he was like talking about being the Democratic nomination that

when did that? Yeah? That was awesome. Yeah, if you're
exactly right. I mean, it's like it's like they asked
these questions that I always joke about. I have several
friends in the league and coaches and so forth, and
I totally feel for me because is it's like you've

got this very nice lady, assuming nice lady, asking a question.
So you guys are playing football. What do you think
you know? They hand the bike to you. It's like,
what about this? You guys are down thirty two to
nothing and a half. What can you what's a problem? Woman?
You don't understand how I mean, I'm gonna break this

microphone in half, and you're asking me an honest, well, jeez,
how can you keep your calm? You just broke a
chopboard in the other room or whatever exactly, and now
you want me to explain how I'm feeling. Yeah, well,
I'm feeling great after this. I mean, probably gonna play
golf tomorrow. When we get that, and uh just brush

it off and see if we can't lose the next one.
That's one of my pet peeves. Male or female sideline reporter.
What you're wasting my time as a viewer. What are
you gonna tell the guys that half time? Well, I'm
gonna tell him they need is Ryan harder? What do
you think I'm gonna tell him? Tell him to exit?
They're going to give something. Well, what we're saying is
you need a double team that you're not gonna give
your game plan out. You know the other teams watching. Okay, okay,

hold on, Yeah, they're double team put the other side. No,
you don't do they're gonna give any real information. What
are you trying to look for insight? They're not gonna
give it. And you wonder, and you wonder who, and
you know with the league office or the network or
whatever said this is gonna be awesome. Let's ask stupid
questions while they're walking off the field irritated to no end. Okay,

so well, these are a great interview. I mean, maybe
they're just waiting for like a Bob Knight thing where
they can throw a chair like choke the reporter or something.
I think that's what they're trying to think. They're waiting
on another Joe Namath, I want to That was awesome.
Remember watching what is He? Hey? So if you're one
of his kids, it's like dad, come on dad, Oh dad?

But that was that was classic, if you know what.
I love that side. Yeah. I would have kissed him. Yeah, yeah,
if they would have got a few of those mixed
in there. Yes, Broadway, Joe, don't disrespect I mean, what's
a kiss? Yeah? The best to me now are Nick
Saban the sideline reporter. You can tell it's pretty much

the only time a sideline reporter is afraid to ask
a question. He's just looking at him like, I dare
you ask me something stupid? Yeah, we have had for
D'Antonio at Michigan State the same way that they don't
want to talk at halftime. They're only gonna They only
do it because they have to. It's in the contract. Yeah. Um,
all the Sunline. I gotta tell you, I go back

to the Marshawn Lynch thing. Beautiful. You want me to
answer these questions, no problem, you know. So what do
you think the what do you think the game's gonna turn?
Out like, okay, so what do you think this is
gonna be? Okay? You know it was ten minutes of
that ten minutes super Bowl media day. Yeah, and he

never sways from the okay in the yes, no, and
it's okay to nothing. It's not an okay question. So
but you know, there's some there's some people. I mean,
Tony Saragus is a great friend, and you know what,
he's a ham Get that dude one there, but the
right dude on camera. They're gonna make it entertaining. It's like, hey,

let's go talk to the guy that hates us. Let's
go talk to the guy that does not want to
talk to us about anything, you know. And so I
I get, I get a lot of that. So anyhow, Chris,
is there a UFC Hall of Fame? And if there isn't?
When there is, When there is one, how long will
it be before they contact you? That's a good question.

There is one, and uh, I don't know. Well we'll
see hopefully again there sometimes where is it? Where is it? Okay? Yeah?
For all the fight charts with the headquarters is um,
you got a jockstrap hanging in there or anything? I
don't have anything in there yet. There's not too many
people on in there yet. It's only been around for
you know, the sports started nine, so it hasn't been

around that long. There's probably ten people in it right now.
I think so. And I said something day, but we'll see.
You know, the original UFC two he said ninety three,
which was interesting. You know, you could be to eighty
and Gracie was one nine and they were fighting. When
I first started fighting at ninety nine in Japan, there

was no weight classes. I thought, guys way bigger than men,
you know, how big? What's the biggest two ten two?
I mean they had big guys, way bigger. I didn't
find him, no, but I mean I lied to him
to tell him how big I was to get in there.
But I have to think after they saw me, they
didn't put him. I mean I did see a guy
who was about one sixty. Guys to sixty, but would
you fight at and that was mine? I said, that

was what I weighed back to solid rock. But there
was bigger I mean mostly guys I thought were bigger
in there. I don't think I fought one guy smaller
than me. Yeah, it was in jan loved it over there.
But once again, that was when they treated this in
the nineties. They didn't treat this like a real sport here,
and they did over there. So I was, you know,
a guy had like little baseball cars. They traded kids,

came up and got their autographs, and they treated me
like a real athlete. And I kind of like going
over there. That's kind of like when I you know,
if I go to China, I'm kind of treated like
an Amazon or you know, it's some giant walking through
the street. It's kind of the same same program. But yeah,

that's cool because you're exactly right. I remember watching old
you have, not UFC, but mixed martial arts stuff, uh,
you know from from back then, you know, guys overseas
and and uh and you know you would watch it
here and it was it was literally it was like
a brawl. I mean, there wasn't. There was not nearly

the talent that that that with with the the persus
and work and every I mean just there was nothing
like it. I mean you had Tank Abbot, Yeah, he
was a guy off a bar who could hit hard
there and he knocked people out or he'd get knocked out.
Butter being either you were getting it or he was
gonna take it on there. But it was funny, guys,

weren't it skilled there. But people would get wrecked. I
mean people would get on the ground, they'd start getting
they'd be knocked out, and the guy would still be
hitting them. The referee be looking at like he might
get up. No he's not, dude, he might die. Better
stop it, you know that. I mean people would get
in their fights at last two minutes and the one
big guy, he got the guy in the ground, he
starts throwing these elbows him like three and I'm like,
oh man, he's gonna kill that guy. And finally the

referee stuff, it's like, right about that guy, you know,
that's no good. So there's a lot of good rules
in place now and a lot of and it is
it's always been a sport. It's been a tough sport.
It's uh boxing. Like he said that, the you know,
the training and all that stuff that goes with it
is a huge deal. But you know, you've got like five,

you know, five different things you're training for, whether it's jiu, jitsumitai,
I mean, all of this different stuff to try to
have the advantage in your arsenal. When somebody comes, you're
gonna have what you can get. And the thing is,
it's not even you have to be You have to
be good at every one of those things, because if
you're weak at one of them, they're gonna exploit that

and you're not gonna win the fight. Because if you're
not good at wrestling, you're gonna get taken down and
held down the whole time. If you're not good at you,
you're gonna get submitted. If you're not good on your feet,
unless they're that's really really good at taking down, they're
gonna work on keeping on their feet, and you know,
so you have to kind of at least be decent
in everything, and they're probably gonna pick that one thing
that you're the worst that and try and beat you
at it. Are you still doing any wrestling stuff? I

do everything, Still still work out, I'm trying to train guys.
I got guys that help out with who are still fighting.
Do you think I, Adam and I have any chance
at anything? They got? Like I'm trying try keep saying,
there's a seniors league. I'm in as warming up where
I see he's getting the rotator cuffs all day A goes,
so maybe he's getting ready to swim. I don't know. Yeah,

I think that's a swimming act. You guys probably missed
your window. That's all I'm saying. We have the expert here.
I was actually going to try to work out and
get into UFC. But now that you've said that, I'm
gonna not waste my time and just sit on the
couch with a handshake. That's when I was cant with handshake. Friends.

You know, well, here's what I learned today, um, your
character and integrity for retiring for the betterment of your
children and your family and then starting a foundation for
bullying awareness and a children's book. I mean, that's if
there's character or ever integrity questions that come up with
some of these tough guys and UFC fighters. You got

to know, these guys are down. They save cats and trees,
their firemen, dogs, trees, They throw away their career for
their children. I mean, these are quality people, so I'm
glad to and most most fighters are actually pretty good guys.
You'll see a couple of radiots, but them are pretty good.
Guess did they throw water bottles at each other at

press conferences or they do Now if that's a problem,
you start seeing every bottle you throw as about ten
grand to your purse. I think I don't know, so
I think that helps. And McGregor are rifling water bottles
across this this conference from area at each other and
Data's like, that's enough, that's enough. And it didn't stop.

It was until there weren't any more water bottles left
in the area. Watch next time there will be no
water bottles. They'll find a way to Yeah, better give
them plastic sippy cups or something they may weren't glass.
Huh oh yeah, beer cans. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Well for
more information, Chris Little Foundation dot com. That's right, Chris, Hey,

I appreciate that. Thank you very much for getting that
out there. Thank you for coming on the skinny with Rick.
Loved it. It was fun. Yeah, and Adam and I'll
have to come on yours. And oh that'd be great.
Cost cost problems or I mean, help you out with
whatever you want to know. We'll shoot for more than
four thousand viewers. There we go, that's the goal. You
might not get there, but we'll shoot for that. We
could get your forty maybe friends, family, I'll just have

have fun, hanging out absolutely on on the lights Out podcast,
we do a lot more beer drinking. It's kind of weird. Yeah,
we we'd like to do that too, but Adams stopped
and I've actually got other things are supposed to do today,
So yeah, I gotta have yet as up to duty. Well,
take care of my kids. Still, go save lives and
take care of the kids. So you've been listening to

the skinny presented by fat Heads eye Wear, the undisputed
leader of oversized eye wear. Check them out at fat
heads dot com. That's f A T H B A
d Z dot com.
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