All Episodes

July 15, 2021 61 mins

Tyler Courtney has dominated multiple USAC series since 2017, winning over 50 feature events and earning 2 USAC National Championships. Currently driving for Clauson Marshall Racing in the USAC National Midget Series, and racing in both the World of Outlaws and All-Star Sprint Car Series, Tyler joins Rico and Ken in the studio to talk about his ongoing successful career.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Skinny with Riego and Kenna is a production of
I Heart Radio. I'm Tyler Cortney and this is a
skinny from the bath Heads I Wear Studios in Speedway, Indiana.
This is the skinny brought to you by Toyota, Rhino classifies,
General Tire and Dream Giveaway. This segment of the skinny

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Tire dot Com today. Welcome to another edition here of
the Skinny. We have a young talented driver that will
join us here today. A two time you Sack National
champion just missed another championship a year ago. However, he

did win his fiftieth race for Brian Clawson and Clawson
Marshall Racing at the end of we're talking about Tyler
Courtney has joined us in the house here. Welcome, my friend.
You are a talented, talented race car driver. I don't
know about all that, but UH had a good couple
of years here and just been fortunate to this kind
of you know, ride the wave and you know, enjoy

every minute of it. Definitely known as a youth sacked
premier driver, but you guys took a step out of
your comfort zone and went a whole different direction. I
don't say a whole different direction, but you put a
wing on top of it. Yeah, so you know kind
of you know, we're a you sac team you know
at heart, and UM kind of just kind of ran
ran its course. We kind of did everything. We almost

almost everything we wanted to do, and you know, won
two championships and UM, just me and the driver kind
of had I had other things that I wanted to do,
and UM kind of we approached it as a together
to see if it made sense to to go this route,
and you know it did. So you know, last year
we kind of did a season between you Sack and
you know All Stars Outlaws with the wing car, and UM,

we ran a little bit better than we thought we
were going to, so we we kind of just you know,
made the big step to go full time with the
All Star Series this year, and it's been it's been great.
It's been a good, good first start to the season
or first half, and um, yeah, it's definitely a big
jump to go do that, especially you know, you're you're
at the top of your game, so to say, in
you sack and you're you're taking yourself right back down

to the bottom where you're a rookie and have improved
yourself at all. So um, I think, yeah, So it's been, Uh,
it's been fun because it's been tough and to it's
been for me to you know, prove not only to
two people, but to myself that I can go do this.
And um, you know, it's kind of a you have

to take your your ego and set it aside, or yeah,
your ego and set it aside because you know, you're, yeah,
you're you're at the top of this game, but now
you're you're nobody, So um, you gotta take your lumps
and and move on. And it's it's it's worked out
so far, and you know, I feel like we're just
kind of getting started Yeah, for the fans that are
listening in what we're alluding to here is the fact
that he's made to switch from USACK over to the

All Star Circuit of Champions learning curve. I don't know
if you want to call it that or not, because
he comes in sitting here today with five wins and
fifteen top fives and leading in the points. So yeah,
it's it's like to say that you're off to a
pretty good start. Yeah, now this is our learning curve.
Then you know, I'm excited for what's to to lay
ahead and um, but I I still feel as the driver,

I've got a lot of things that I can work
on to to be even better, because you know, running
with the All Stars is tough, but when you you
go take that next step and go round with the
outlaws is even harder. So to be ready to go
do that, There's a lot of things I gotta do
on on drive, on driving and and things like that.
But it's nothing that that I'm I'm scared of. I'm
actually looking forward to, you know, the challenges, and I

think that's why racers do this, and they could petitive nature,
but um also just the the challenge of how hard
everything is, and um, yeah, we we I think as
drivers we kind of look forward to those challenges and
the guys that that exceled those challenges are the guys
that you know make it to the top and stay
at the top. I want to uh tip a hat
to you, uh the entire team when you go back

and you take a look at the entire story obviously
of the class and Marshall team and and what the
classans went through losing Brian, of course I know, a
very very good friend of yours, but his father making
that decision to push forward in racing, came back to
Chili Bowl that next year with a massive team and
a massive effort and uh, speaking of Chili Bowl two
thousand and eleven, Rookie of the Year, Chili Bowl. As

you are, but you live that entire time. You were
really a lifelong friend of that family, walk us through
that whole environment from the time you've got to that team.
I mean you were literally just a wrench on Briant's car,
learning from him and finally got up to the point
where you were able to drive. You learned a lot
from him, and then of course we all lost him,

and it was devastating, devastating hit. Yeah. So I've known
Brian and Tim since I was you know, probably eight
or nine or ten years old. Brian and then would
come back to the quarter minted track and you know,
being an ambassador things like that, and so, um got
to the point where I was, you know, I just
turned you know, fourteen or fifteen, and I was kind of,
you know, it's time to start thinking about taking the

next step and in my driving career, and um, so
I you know, got ahold of Tim and you know,
kind of asked him what direction I needed to go in,
and he said, well, how how big your your check book?
And I said, well, I don't I don't have a checkbook,
so and uh, you know, so but he offered for
me to come help them that summer. Just you know,
they had just kind of Brian I just got done

with his NASCAR stint um and then they were building
a full time USACK team, so they needed some help,
and you know, it was I felt like it was
a good opportunity for me to go learn. And yeah,
the two summers that I got to spend with them
was incredible. And uh, you know, you know, it's not
just the racing. It's all the things that go along

with it. You know, you become family and things like that,
and so obviously then like you fast forward to you know,
two thousand and ten and eleven when I was there,
then twelve, thirteen and so on. You know, I kind
of branched out on my own and you know, built
my own sprint car and they would help me when
I needed it, and you know, then we get to
sixteen and um, I my first US at Grace that

I won. It was a Gas City Sprint week and
I beat Brian that night. So it was kind of
you know, kind of almost full circle, like you know,
grow up learning from him, and then you know, I
get to beat him at his own game. And he
wasn't very happy that night. But the next night he
came up and you know, he he told me, hey,
I'm sorry about last night. I was kind of a
poor sport and you know, came up and gave me

a hug and said he was proud of me and
things like that. And obviously, fast forward later and that
that summer, we lose Brian, and um, you know get
to uh, you know, we get through the funeral and everything,
and you know obviously I'm at this point, I'm you know,
really close with with the Corstons again, UM, through through
this obviously tough process and you know, and Tim comes

to me, he asked for I want to go to dinner.
So I went to dinner and asked, UM what his
what my thoughts were about coming to drive a midget
for them? You know, they're going to keep racing with
you know, Richard Jennifer and you know kind of build
what they were going to build with Brian and UM,
obviously my answer was yes, and UM, you know, so

we started that, you know, we'd go to the first
race we ran as Clausto Marshall was with Ricky at
the left Fler Memorial and uh, I think everything that
could go wrong went wrong at night. But that's just
a product of of how how everything went. And then
you know, so that we you know, you get to January, December, January, UM,
we start building you know the Dream Team, which was
the first year in seventeen that we did. Um at Chile.

What we had, you know, me me, Ricky Stonhouse, Donny Shots,
Jason Johnson, Um, Justin Grant and Shane gall Bick and
you know, you think of those names. That's that's that's
the dream team. That's the you know, it's kind of
Brian's vision that he wanted to, you know, instead of
just having a bunch of rental kids, you know, bring
a team that you know, you could try and win
every night and you know, compete for the driller on

on on Saturday. And um, you know we were able
to we want two Prelumnits that year and you know,
I think Justin ran third on Saturday. So is a
you know, is it a great way to you know,
start a new team like that, and you know, in
honor of you know, the guy that we we all
loved and you know learned from and things like that.
And you know, I think for the Classons and you know,
myself included, the only way we the only thing we

knew how to do to get past everything is just
keep racing. And it's it's not just racing, it's it's
a family racing as a family. And you see it
across all forms. You know, when we have a tragedy
like that and in any form of motorsports, that the
whole motor sports community comes together and really you know
makes helps and makes and helps those people get through,

you know, the hardest situation their life. Yeah, you bring
up leveler. I mean that's that's another situation and that
it's it's happened. You know. In this sport, it's pretty vicious.
The sport of sprint car racing, midget racing. I think
we lose is much or more than anybody you know
in motorsports. Unfortunately, it's still a pretty wild and tumble

way to go racing on a on a Friday Saturday
night and you guys are hanging it out there. That's
part of the lure. It always has been, you know,
to to watch these guys, people in the stands right right.
You know, it's we know it's dangerous, and the fans
know it's dangerous, but they come because it is dangerous.
That's that's exactly to go to go watch guys, you know,

put it all out there for you know, for NASCAR
race four hours or for us you know, thirty laps
or so. That's that's the allure of of racing. It's
it's it's dangerous and you want to go watch somebody
that's crazy to do something that you're not willing to do.
Racing has always been dangerous and it's always going to
be Jane dangerous. Obviously, we we keep you know, making

safety improvements and and things like that too to minimize
those situations. But you know, it's the end of the day. Unfortunately,
it's it's it's gonna happen, and um but I always
tell people that, you know, kind of question, you know,
you racing, I said, I could go drive my car
home tonight and you know, if somebody can hit me,
I feel safer out on a race track because those
guys professionals you're driving home with. Most of them, yeah,

most of them, so we won't go there. But the
most that some real crazies, and so at least better
better texting and eating and put makeup on. So it's um. Always,
I always tell them life, life's dangerous. So it's just
a matter what you choose to do with your life
to get fun. It's all about timing. Yeah, it is,

you know, and that's unfortunately that's the way it is.
But that's life. It's like fourt Locusts told me one time,
and shortly after we left lost Scottie Colada, you know,
I was, you know, we were just kind of conversing
about it at a Colts game one time, he said,
you know, the sad part of it is is some
people show up to watch the wreck, you know what

I mean. They're not there to watch the competition, They're
there to watch the wreck. And you know, it seems
like a kind of a backwards asked thing to do,
but you know, it is what it is. And and
uh in yeah, I mean the whole Briant thing, the
Jason thing. I mean, I've been I've been around this
stuff a long long time. And when you said, what

how old you were when you came, think, man, you were,
that's how old you were, because I mean I've I've
known him for a few years. So well, I've called
all the Chili Bowl racisince two thousand and eight. And
I don't know why. I just feel like you should
be way younger. I mean, that's what right. I mean.
But you've been around, you've been kicking it since two
thousand and eleven. That was my first first year. Um

really was my second mid race ever. Was that my
Chili Bowl that year? And I had no idea what
I was doing, but made the b main on Saturday,
and you know, Rico Abrew was actually it was a
rookie that year too. Um we had actually really good
rookie class that year, and um, yeah I just did
did good enough to get the award. But no, it
was it was awesome. And then once you do Chile once,

you can't not do it. So and that I mentioned
justin by the way, finishing third, But if my information
is correct, two thousand and seventeen, you finished sixth in
the Yeah, I think I've ran six twice. And yes,
Saturday has just not been that good to me. But
but the Chili Bowl are you kidding me? Just getting
to that, just getting that, I like winning, man, And

then it's especially at that race, and um, you know
it's you know you've got Daytona five hundred, Indianapolis five hundred,
you know, you got the Knoxville Nationals, You've got Chili Bowl,
you have the U S Nationals. It's it's those events
that you know, you put those on your calendar at
the beginning of the year that you want to win. Yeah,
King's that's it's just running six Grant. I'm like, I'm

running six is no small feet at Chili Bill. But
once once you get there, you're your only your only
goal is to win that race, and um, just been
been close. This year we're running third and got turned
over and I just had a hell over running was
it twenty? Was it? This year? Was it? This year?
This year? Won the the heat, the qualifier and the

prelimbu I ran second on the prelim this year. Almost
the last few few years, I've ran like one my
heat qualifier and ran second on the pre in the
last couple of years. Seventeen, I won heat qualifier in
the prelim night. Um, yeah, we're good down there. Just uh,
when the money day comes, we're just a little off.
And just uh, that's just how hard those races are.

When you get to Saturday and you've got those twenty
four the best guys in that building on the same track,
it's not easy seeing Kyle Larson chase it for how
many years you have to chase I think, and and
see him legitimately make mistakes. Yeah, I mean, the guy
talking about one arguably the best in the business, right
and run the tires off of the car. Yeah, absolutely,
he's I mean, he's I mean, especially right now, one

of the best, and that in that building. You see,
you know, this immortal to make mistakes and You're like,
how like if that guy last year? Yeah, Christopher, Yeah,
that's a great two of the best guys to ever
do this, especially in that building. You know, it's just
it's just how that place is and that's what makes
it so special exactly. And I mean Larson was coming

and coming and coming, and Bell was giving it everything
he couldn't. They just kept and kept smashing it in there.
I was like that something's gonna happen here, but you're
there for one thing and one thing only. And that's
what Chris, I mean, I know that's what it's going
to Christopher's head. He's like, I'm not here to run
a second doesn't mean so it's you know, I I
understand that feeling so well. Only in the past couple

of years. You always think of yourself. You kidding me, dude,
Like you gotta walk out of there, and you do
walk out with your head high if you finish. So
you finished thirty chili bowl ring, I mean, you've accomplished thing.
But it's it's win or nothing. I know. Sitting in
driver's meetings before the five hundred starts with with Gannassy,
he comes in there. I mean, everybody talks all the
engineers talk and then Ships the last one to talk,

and he says, we have two goals when we start
the season, win the championship and when the five and
and that's it, and it's win or nothing at the five.
That's all anybody cares about. And so I mean for
midget team that we are, you know, our our goal
at being of the year, but not this year. But
you know the last few years was to win the
USAC Championship and to win Chili Bowl, and that we

we have the BC thirty nine. Now that that's obviously
on our on our list, it's you know, winning a
dirt race at the speedway for in the honor of
of Brian is is huge, so um, but you know,
you know, not a wingsprint cracing. You know, our our
goal is to win the championship. And I think our
goal is probably a little different this year. Maybe just
start with making the Knoxall Nationals and then and then

working our way up from there and then you know,
making both the kings roles if we get to run
this year. And you know, you just when you're making
making your schedules at beginning, the ear that those are
the races that you you line out and those are
the ones you focus on. Obviously, you know we're running
for a championship at the same time. But you know,
we build a separate car just for nationals, just for
Kings role thanks thanks of that nature, and so we

know we're we're best ready to go for when those
events come around. You know, Um, I'll go down this
road here a little bit. I'm not an overly religious guy.
Certainly the people in this room are aware of that.
But with that said, you know, I I do have
a belief and I take a look at a lot
of scenarios, and I gotta tell you, the older I get,

the more it seems to me that things don't happen
by happen chance. You know, you know there's there's a
path here, There's there's just too many things that line
up too many times to think that there isn't something
going on, right. I mean, that's how you landed here
with me, pretty big deal, teaching me a lesson. So
but I can't help but think when I look at

you in your situation and you talk about how early
you came into to the team and how you've grown
up with that family, and then obviously the loss of
Brian and then you step in. I mean, what are
the chances that you step in, you know, and and
you become as good as you are? You it's not
like you just it's not like because you hopped in

that car, which is good equipment, and you spoke with Brian,
you had some good mentors, a good coaching, that you're
going to be good, you know. I mean, you're you're
a straight up badass race car driver. I mean, and
you've beaten the absolute best and you continue to do so,
is it me? Man? I mean, I just find it
a little odd that that this the lines up the

Y and I you know, like I said, I've been
watching you since you started. Uh. There's a few that
have started that I thought were absolute weapons and thought
that they should never do it, and uh and have
sorted themselves out and some of them still haven't. And
still that the great thing about it is with you,
you were always you were always calm, You always stayed straight.

You know, it wasn't a bunch of wild I mean,
Paul Tracy's kind of an older guy and he's still
kind of driving like a weapon. He did it at
the kind of wiping people like a web weapon under
in the webster, there's a picture of Paul Tracy's sitting right.
He's as he wiped out Labani and they want to

shake his Handlebanni waved him off, get out of here.
He did his best to wipe out Alio. I don't know, Alio,
hang on to the thing. I don't know I did it.
But now I think, yeah, timing is obviously, you know,
it was impeccable, really obviously. You know. I don't think
that I'm in the same situation without you know, Brian
leaving us. Um. But I think it was you know,

you know, this was you know, almost meant to happen.
I don't, I don't. I don't even know if that's
the right way to say it. But it's been the
best thing to happen for myself. I think, you know,
my entire team, the Marshals, the Classons, you know, everybody.
I think it's it's been, it's been. It's been an
awesome experience the last five years that we've gotten to
do this. And and I think just I think our

success has just been a bonus. I think the rest
of it has been you know, us, you know, becoming
a better family and like honestly, and it's it's been crazy,
I think. And then yeah, obviously I learned from the
best the two summers that I got to spend with Brian.
I probably learned more watching and working on the race

cars and I did driving myself. And then you get
to listen to his conversations with his dad was who
was the crew chief and who became my crew chief?
And you just learn, you know, how they communicate and
you know why why Brian Wenten did that, and how
did you know that guy was gonna do that? And
he's like, well, I watched him every like when I'm
not racing, I go and watch that guy, so I
can know what what that guy's gonna do, what he

tends to do. And so you you take those things
and you learn, and then um, they they formed me
into a championship driver. I think I was capable of
winning races before I got there. I don't know if
I was capable of winning championships. They kind of, you know,
you know, turned me in and hey, we don't have
to win every night. We can you know, if we
put ourselves in the spot to win every night, we're

gonna win our fair share races. But if you don't
have a winning car and you're running fifth, run fifth,
and and uh and this is it goes a long way.
And but yeah, that those two summers probably honestly did
more for me than anything. And I didn't even drive
a race car those two summers. You mentioned that, You've
referenced it a couple of times, and you keep bringing
up family, and I think you guys are a great example,

certainly Tim. I mean, what Tim had to do. I
I just can't even imagine the strength that requires to
to push forward after losing your son. But um, we
constantly talk about the racing family and and it's a
camaraderie that nobody really understands unless you're out there living
the life. But you guys are a great example of

Tim pressing forward because it it he lost his son.
If he stops racing, now he loses lost everything. Yeah,
he's lost everything. He really has lost his family. And UM, yeah,
I think that's that's the beauty of the racing family,
is that they Yeah, he, like you said, he lost
his son. If he if he just gave up racing,

then he lost everything that he ever had. He lost
his son and then his the rest of his family.
He's got it obviously, yes, his family, but the racing
family is second and none. Honestly, if if you're ever
in a bad spot, the racing family steps up in
ways that you you don't even believe until it happens. Yeah,
there's nothing you could yearn for that that that if

you really needed it, the racing family wouldn't stop up.
And the thing and exactly and you know the thing
about it with Kate when my daughter and her whole
situation with Lukemi in everything, I mean, uh, absolutely amazing,
the outpouring. I mean just just from my involvement in
racing and everybody knowing her. Are you guys the same age?

You gotta think she might be a year older than me. Yeah, okay,
I thought you guys were pretty Yeah, that's what I
was thinking. So, I mean, it's just and and it is.
It's amazing, whether it's you know, I mean, it was
more from the driver's side, the ownership side, and uh,
but but you know there's been things that we've put

on you know, we did she did a blood drive
here at the shop when I have I was out
on the road, but uh, they had to turn people away.
That's how much they how many people they had to
come and donate, so uh and a lot of you know,
I mean Connor was here you know daily, and a
lot of other folks. But I mean, you know, our

first our first group or are one of our first
people we probably ever sponsored was uh was Coddle, you know,
was Shane and uh you know when he didn't know
what car he was driving, but he was driving and
uh we had him stay ambro of course, Dave Darling

forever and uh So it's uh, you know, it's something
that I have a passion for and that's probably one
of the main, you know, main reasons we're involved in it.
But it's turned into a great business for us, you know,
because the race fan is an unbelievable loyal fan. I mean,
NAS could spend money anywhere they wanted, and uh they have.

They have found a way to put a hell of
a marketing program together around the They've seen the return
on it because you like you just said, race fans
are the most loyal fans unbelievably Like yeah, I get
you know, tweets all the time. People I got got
an awestinity drink for you know, supporting Tyler Courtney or
Justin Grahan or Chris Wyndham or Sheldon Han Shield and um,

it's just awesome to kind of, you know, be a
part of you know, something like that and see you
know how involved the fans it and it's it's the
reason we get to have the sponsors that we have.
So it's it's really cool to be a part of it.
It's pretty amazing the people that Lauren picked. Yeah, yeah,
it's it's a great It's unbelievable. We're gonna take a

quick break care We'll be right back on the other side.
More information about Tyler court This segment of the Skinny
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we got two different two different birthdays. He was one

thirty on the twenty second I was today. So we
we parked next to each other at Chili Bowl because
they have cars and so our pits are right next
to each other. And so I don't I'm just the driver,
So I just I show up at you know, three
or three o'clock or so. But he's there with his
cars working on him and stuff and half people. He's like, dude,
I I took so many pictures today, he said. I

finally just I stopped telling him I wasn't you and
just took pictures and signed my name. So that that's
the way Mario's brother was all the time. Well, Aldo,
Aldo was that was him in the picture of the
sixty three front row because Mario got burned up sixty
three wasn't that correct? Yeah it was. It was right

there somewhere, but it was Mario was the front row,
and uh, he was so burnt his face was all
messed up. And Aldo is the one actually in that picture. Yeah.
It's it's funny, you know, most people have started to
figure it out now. And as soon as yeah, as
soon as I talked to him, I mean I knew
you guys were um, you know, he kinda he moved

to Texas, right when we returned twenty and so that's
kind of right when I first started racing a lot,
you know, sprint cart and started making a name for myself,
and so he wasn't around a lot for people to
know that I had a twin. And so you know,
the you know social media and things now people are like, oh,
like then so we think we think Texas. Yeah, but

he's racing in Indiana. Yeah, what is Yeah. So it's uh, yeah,
it's been it's been fun and you know, kind of
a fun way for him to screw with fans. And
so he does he drives as well. Um, he so
he races. Um, he's got a three or five sprint
car and then he's got a modified as well that
he runs down there mostly Devil's Bowl and you know
the area tracks around there in Dallas. And uh he's
actually uh he just married Kevin Ramy um. Um. So

he married his daughter. Um but just over a years.
I was just gonna say, I'm glad you followed up
with his daughter married his daughter and we're all inclusive.
It's just the aged So you know, you know, one
racing family into the next. And uh, so they've got

they've got a compound on there. They all live on
and they've got a big shop with I think they've
got late model too modified. It's a couple of midgets.
What's he doing down there? Um? So he works? Do
you remember the print place people? So that guy he
started out working at what they're when it was called
print place and then guys sold it and I don't
know what it's called now, but uh so he works there.
He's he's a like, I don't even some kind of

manner he hired, like they let him hire guys and
things like that. And we're growing up. We were in
the immersion program at Lawrence and uh, I'm here in
Annapolis and so he we we were fluent in Spanish,
so he he gets to hit that. He gets to
use that down there in Texas and things like that.
So that helps, uh helps slot. It's funny because he's
always like, yeah, my my employees forget that I can

speak Spanish half the time. So I catch them trying
to talk crap and then I start speaking spanning like
oh busted. Yeah, well that's pretty cool that he's that.
He's driving a race car. Yeah, so he he doesn't
do it for a living or anything. But he has
a blast doing it, so he doing quarter mentions. Yes,
we didn't quarter minted all the way through the micros.

And then, um, kind of when when I started going
to work for Brian, he just kind of you know,
went a different, different way. And um, then he ended
up in Texas, you know, working on micro's for for
a buddy of ours. And then because I remember him
being around, yes, and he worked for Tracy for a
couple of years or not a couple of years, but
for a year. And then right after he's done working
for Tracy, he moved to Texas for Tracy Tracy Hines. Yeah,

I mean it's it's about that. It's about you're talking
about Paul Tracy. Tracy. We need to say you worked
for Krista. Yeah. So I so I was in Sandusky.
I saw Kristen and Tracy and their family. So I
grew up with Tracy. Yeah. Um, one of the kind.

So you know, he every time I would seem he
would always poke fun at me. Wo, it looks like
you're putting some weight on, you know, and just you know,
just just being Tracy because that's him. And then uh
so I saw him. I said, wow, Jim looks like
your bellies growing, just like his dad. But it's funny.

I've got a good story about Tracy. So first year
racing sprint cars. Um, I've got my own car, maybe
a couple of spares, things like that. So this thing,
it's it's a heap of jump. It ain't nothing to
look at. It's nothing special, but it did the job.
And so we're in West Memphis and he's parked next
to me and Tracy. He helped me out quite a bit.
This isn't a rag rag or rag on Tracy or anything.

But so he he comes up, he's looking at my
car and he's like, motor plates bent, Like yep. He's like,
if you're not, he's yeah, he's like. He's like, he's like,
you're not gonna pick up. He's like, you're not gonna
fix us it. I don't have anything to fix it
with or an thing to put in it to replace it.
So I said, everything square where it needs to be.
I'm just gonna keep running it. So I want quick

time at night and beat him in the feature and
I said hey, I said, hey, you might want to
bend your motor plate if you if you want to
go faster and it he just just Tracy. He's like,
it shouldn't work. I said, I agree, it probably shouldn't work,
but it did the night, so I'll take what I
can get. Tape measure doesn't a lie. Yeah, So that's
awesome stuff. Those stories are so cool. Then you know

what you're thinking about him, you know, and it's it's
when you're doing it at the time, you know you don't.
You know, Tracy is a legend in our sport obviously,
and you know you're getting a race with those guys
and you're just doing it so that that's the same
night I ran third, John stamper one and Dave Darlin
ran second. So when you sit back and think, like,
all right, just my rookie, you're racing a sprint car
and I just ran third. I'm mad the night at

the time because I ran third, Like I felt like
I should have ran better than that, but I couldn't
realize that I was a rookie and that two of
the best sprint car drivers that have ever beat me
that night. But now you can sit back and you're like, wow,
that's that's pretty dank cool. I watched Stambro so many
times do so many things with a car that just
just didn't seem feasible. And uh watch him back and

end to turn. I mean it was almost like he
had an in reverse, you know, going in there. And um,
I remember we were racing the Eastern Storm. It was
the first year out there, and Buckley was doing his
video thing, and um, I don't know anyhow we were
out there, you know, hanging out and and uh and

it was just amazing. I think we had Hunter and
John that year that we had sponsored, so um but yeah,
it's uh so Hunters running All Stars. He's on a
full time deal with that too. Yeah, so he's their
full time They're supposed to run the whole the whole thing,
and then you know, hit the same outlaw shows that
we kind of go to the ones that you know,
don't conflict with the the All Star thing, you know,

do Knox on Nationals and and King's Royal and all
those the big races and um, yeah, his his car
on our thing is from Iowa or somewhere out there,
so they tend to travel more out that way when
when they're on their off weekends and and things of
that nature. Rio. No, I don't know why he doesn't
because he's at damn near all of them. And I

think Tony, I think he still gets some in sentis
and stuff from Tony for for being at most of
the races and things like that, But I think he
just likes having the freedom to, you know, be able
to if he doesn't want to go to the trip
that we're going to, he can go either go back
race in California or you know, go go pick and
choose somewhere else. But he's on He's on the where
where can I sell the most T shirts at? And uh,

which is a big part of what we do in
a big way of how he makes his money. So
like he's in Pennsylvania this this week running the speed
Week because he knows he can sell a lot of
T shirts there and he runs pretty well up there,
So places he can go run well at and sell
a bunch of T shirts. You better hope that fourteen
doesn't come back. Fourteen is on a roll. But now
that's awesome, that's I love it. Good for Carrie and UH.

I texted Ricky both nights that they won last week
because I don't think I don't think I've seen him
smile like that in a long time, so obviously he's
been through a lot the last couple of years, so
for him to have a smile says a lot. And
I'm telling me it was. I was. I was standing
in the driveway at Earl's house where Roger lives down

at Eldora Thursday night with Tony setting on the four
wheel or holding his phone like this as we're watching
it on dirt Vision. And then the next night I
think we watched it. Uh so he couldn't get it
put together the third night though, Huh. Yeah, the track
was I think just a little fast, um, not not

a whole lot of passing, but it rained a whole
bunch the night before. Um. Obviously racing on Sunday, they're
trying to get all the fans in and out of
there as quick as they can. But it was still
a pretty good race. But yeah, I think they're just
off there on it was ended up being Sunday. But
I mean how it went in two out of the
three shows that weekend against the laws and any small fee,
that's pretty good. Especially they're still fairly like Carrie and

Rinky Yours. I mean they're still probably their third or
fourth week together. It's hilarious what Carrie said. He goes,
and I'm sure you can elaborate. He goes, I just
have to learn to trust the car more. Yeah, he goes.
It it's there. I just have to learn it there. Yeah,
And it's just you know, getting in a new car
is always tough. Um, you know, not knowing what this

guy does the car to set it up and things
like that, and you know, different chassis act different ways.
And yeah, absolutely, he's just gotta I think I think
he's he's trusting it now. So it didn't it didn't
look like that Silver Crown car was tough to trust.
You know. Some I think it's more of the fact
that is love Eldora and I don't care what I'm
driving there. I just want to be fast, and and

you were fast. I look at the half miles, you know,
like Eldora, Knoxville, Tera, Hope, Williams, Grove, Port Royal. You
look at those places, and you look at the guys
that won't have one there. And you know back in
the they didn't have quarter miles at a half miles.
That's all those guys ran half miles and miles. So
you go, you go win at those places you can

add your name to the list of bad m efforts
that that one there before you, and that's that's when
I go to half miles. That's my goal. I want
to I want to be one of those guys and
be on that list. Time for a quick break, don't
go away. This segment of the skinny is brought to
you by Toyota. I'm kind of curious how long it

took you to trust making that transition from the non
wink to the wing, because you do drive it a
good bit different, but you really do count on those
those sideboards of the wing, you know, really do help
you out a lot. And um so it's probably easier
to go towards the wing stuff coming from the non
wing than going the other way, just because you can
go trust the down force. But learning what to do

with that down force has been probably the harder thing
for me. Learning, you know, where you aim that left
sideboards where the car goes, So learning to you know,
hold your arms straight and turn as latest possible like
a rudder. Yeah, it's just like a rudder, and it's
cutting through the air. So when you turn it this way,
it opens opens that air up and you know, lays
the car down and things like that. You especially at

a half mile, you're you're trying to be as straight
as possible to make sure your car is stuck the
whole time. Any time you open like a place like Knoxville,
anytime you open up your car a little bit with
the sideboard is at least a tenth and when you're
fighting for a tenth, a tenth is so it's uh,
that's been the toughest part for me to learn. And
then honestly getting like when the track slows down, not

slowing down as much as we do in the knowing stuff,
we're still trying to keep the wing speed up to
keep your car loaded. Has been harder for me, just
to you know, trust going fast but slow at the
same time, if that makes sense. And who's car did
Brian run out there in Knoxville. Um, so he drove.
He drove a couple of different cars. The last one
he was driving when he won the Friday Night Show.

I think in fifteen, um was Matt Wood's car, the Outgrowth,
and then um he drove the beat Us car. Um.
I think they made the show the year he drove
the beat Us car. Yeah, he drove for a couple
of different guys out there. Were you up in the
suite with us half when I bought that in sweet
at Knoxville. I think, I think you're supposed to have
ten people, and we had about thirty. Yeah, I think

nobody actually listens to it. The reason is they don't
want to. They don't want to see it cave in. Yeah,
we didn't think about any of that, and everything was
going great. I'll worry about it later. Yeah, go get
another drink. Every Yeah, I was just thinking about that.
I remembered, I remembered watching Brian go to it, and
and I I mean, listen, Matt Wood has exceptional stuff.

We'vetored some guys that drove the beat us car and
good stuff too. But the equipment that class of Marshall
has is nothing short of of extraordinary. I mean, it's
it's pretty amazing to watch some of the things that
go on there and having having a car the corners
that we do, you know, we have you know, we
have a meeting tomorrow. You know, always in our meeting,

you know, our top one of the topics is what
do we need if we need anything at all? And
because Richard, he said he never wants to have the
excuse that we didn't have the best thing possible. And
when you have a car in or like, that makes
your life a lot easier. And um, you know that
you're always gonna have the best stuff to to go
compete with the best in the world and makes a
big difference for sure. Um. So I'm very fortunate that

you know have the people behind us that that I do.
Do you get excited? Um? I mean just recently, Kyle
Larson wins RICO second your third. I know you're chasing points. Yeah,
I also know you want to win. But when Kyle
shows up, is that little extra sparkle, Like I know
he's not in the hunter points, He's not gonna threaten
me there, but I just want to straight up, and
you want to because especially right now, if you can

beat that guy, you're pretty damn good. And Kyle is
a good friend of mine. But yeah, he people complain
when he comes around. I love when it comes around
because it gives you that, It gives you where you're
at the benchmark, the know how good you are, um
or you can see, hey are we're not We're not
that good. We need to get better and um yeah,

So I love when he shows up and whether it
kicks or asked or not, you know, your goal is
to to beat beat him, and um, you know, I've
been fortunately to do it a couple of times. It
doesn't happen very often, but it's it's really you know,
fulfilling when you when you get to do that. But
now he's he's changed the game for sure, and uh
made it made not just sprint car image racing better.
He's making a NASCAR guys step up their game, late

model guys step up their game. And I think if
you put him on a drags so you probably do
the same thing there used to. He's a natural. I
think we've we've heard Tony Stewart say, you know a
lot of people have to think about what they're doing
in a race car, where he's just it just as
it's kind of just like a video game for him. Honestly, Um,

he might not see it that way, but when you
watch him, it looks like it, and uh that's impressive.
Um yeah, no, it's it's cool to watch, you know what,
because at the end of the day, I'm still his fan,
so you know, just to you know, see the guy
do that and night in night out in different race cars.
Is just incredible really him because when you, like, as

a driver, I know how hard it is to do that.
And so when you go when he's going to all
these different things and winning and all of them, like
driving them is one thing, winning in them is another,
and he wins and everything that he gets in. Yeah.
I texted him after he won his first Cup race
or you know, back and uh, I just told him,
I and you know, I talked. I talked to him

when all of you know, all of the stuff had
you know, happened and everything, and I just said, listen, man,
this is a this is a minor setback. You'll get
things sorted out and you know, be better than ever.
And over the years, I mean, I've watched a lot
of people do things that have set them back in
their career. Uh generally it wasn't something like that. It

was usually something where you know, they had uh you know,
there was a few guys that we helped that unfortunately
had some substance abuse issues, you know, and and so
you know, they get out of there and it's like, listen,
if you want it bad enough, you'll get back and
make it happen. Yeah, and there's one person that controls
what you do, and it's yourself. Yeah, and I and

I text him after we want I said, I said,
you deserve it, I said, and uh so I I
read an article the other day and can't remember where
it was at now, but it says Kyle Larson is
Rick Hendrick's biggest problem, because now it's like, okay, now
what do we do? Now? What do we do? But

but that's a that's a good problem. That's high class problems,
and that's a that's a good one to have. But
Kyle is a pretty little guy. I don't think he's
gonna go anywhere from Rick anytime soon. And listen, uh
confidently nobody else could have pulled off what Rick pulled
off because he told General Motors, by the way, this
is who's coming, and he's driving that car. Yeah, you know,

kind look at you know Rick or or Roger. You know,
they're almost they're like the gospel. Whatever they say people
people believe in. And you know, if if Rick Hendricks
coming along and saying, hey, we're going to give this
guy another chance, then everybody's probably gonna give him a
second chance. That's exactly all right, you know, they kind
of supersede the the the rule. I don't want to

say the rules, but well they general the general population,
if you will, you know, they can take a lot
of they can take a lot of the staying out
of it, you know what I mean. Very people look
at them and say, if they see that there's an
opportunity inside of this guy, then maybe we're missing something.
You know. Yeah, yeah, absolutely, And I mean I I

loved it. I mean, I know Willie T, you know
well enough, and uh and you know he you know,
he called him after it all happened and he said,
if I thought he was a racist, I never want
to call him. And uh, and it was kind of
interesting what Willie and Robin Miller wrote the article. I've

read that read the article, That's where I got it.
But Willie T said he was telling what he told Kyle,
and he said, no, this doesn't mean that you need
to go out into the African American community and you
know and start you know, trying to fit in. He
goes that that just is going the exact wrong way
with this, you know. And uh, but I like I said,

I mean, and him coming from his heritage, I mean,
my my wife sent Anesian. So you know it's uh uh,
you know, we're all the people. Man, we can mistakes,
we can make mistakes, and uh, it's a matter of
how you learn from him and how you handle handle
the rest of his is. And like I just said before,
and there's one person that can make everything happen in

your life and it yourself, so good or bad, good
or bad. Absolutely, that's how that's life in a nutshell. So, um,
when you see Kyle come along and you know, hey, man,
there's a path right there is would you would you
love to work your way up into a cup car?
I know it sounds like, oh, of course I want

to be in a cup car, but you're you know
that the I think the support has changed to a
degree where you can make a living doing what you're doing.
And it's a pretty good living and and you're driving
a really cool race car. You know, for a career.
It's pretty awesome. Yeah. I get asked this question a lot.
And you know, obviously, you know your goal is a
little kid growing up, you're you know, watching Jeff and

Tony those guys on Sunday and um, you know, knowing
that they came from doing the same thing that I did.
So your goal is always, obviously you want to be
a Cup guy. And that's like I grew up in
Indianapolis loved the five Hunter, but I was just like
the guys that I grew up watching went to NASCAR
instead of Indy Car and things like that. I mean,
obviously know Tony Tony did great things in any car too,

but NASCAR was what we watched on Sundays. That's what
we did. And so you know, I my goal growing
up was always to you know, try to get there.
Now I'm in the spot from seven years old. Um,
I don't have uh gazillion dollars behind me to go
down down South. Um, I think I have the talent
to be competitive down there, and I don't have I

don't have the time anymore to do. You know what
a Chase Riceo did and you know, give up everything
that he had here to you know, go sweet floors
and work his way up from the bottom to the
top and rightfully earned his right to be to race
on Sunday. Um. So I'm very comfortable where I'm at,
you know, racing sprint cars for a living, and um,
you know, my goal is to be a world of

out all sprint car driver now, not not saying I wouldn't.
If someone came along and said, hey, you want to
run a truck race here or there, Um, if it
made sense, I would go do it, and um to
say that I did it. But you know, my my
goals now have changed to, you know, be the best
sprint car driver that I can be. And that's what
I'm comfortable with. And like you said, I can make

a pretty good living at it and have a lot
of fun doing it. Absolutely. I mean I've I've constantly
succumbed to the fact that you've got to enjoy the ride. Man.
I mean, here's the goal, and that's great. Keep your
goals up there and keep striving to get there, but man,
make sure you enjoy this ride. Ride you're on dude,
it's you know, you know coming. You know. I got
to be a part of Brian's first championship as a

crew guy, just and that was in two thousand ten,
and in en I won my first midget, won eighteen,
won the Sprint Card championship, but the midget one kind
of felt full circle because his first championship was in
a midget and you know, almost ten years later, I'm
doing the same thing on my own and so just
enjoying that and then you know, you know, kind of

going out on on a on a new limb here
and you know, having this tess that we're having is
just you know, kind of surreal, but um something that
you know, it doesn't ever get to happen that that
that often, if ever, and you just enjoy it. Man.
I never thought I'd get to, you know, drive race
cars for a living. So the fact that I get
to do it now is just awesome. Like who, I
don't know, anybody unless you don't like racing it wouldn't

want to drive race cars. I couldn't agree with you.
We're gonna take a quick breakcare we come back on
the other side. We'll wrap things up and get some
final thoughts from Tyler Corny. This segment of the Skinny
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did you Where did you start? How did you get started?
I mean, can I bring this up all the time?
Marcus Ericson right, Marcus Marcus Ericson. He started out racing
go cards in Europe out of his the back of
his dad's paint vans. I'm like, I love that this
guy ends up in F one, you know, and you know,

in Formula one, and then he comes over here and
it was actually kind of entertaining. I gotta tell this
little tidbit where you know, you come over from F one.
You know, you're a big deal, right Well, we were like,
so tell us what your first impression of and he
was and they were like, and he's like, listen, I've
raised this, this this. I mean, he was naming off

all these F one tracks. He goes nothing ever like that,
and the five hundred is very hard to explain to
anyone until they go yeah, and he said, he said,
he came out of turn four and it was like
the thing went down to one car Rane he's just
you know, all the all the people on both sides,
and so I've spotted I think I've done maybe seven

five hundreds. I did a couple of Hinchcliff. The first
one I did was with Michael Ocean, and then I
did one with Jay Howard Um and then I've done
a couple with Jack Harvey. Was that in seventeen with
Jay when he Dixon? Yes, it was. I was in
Turn one and so boy, I'm on the radio like,

hey there like actually didn't even say anything. He something broke.
I think I'm not really sure. Um, but yeah, I
was scary because I was like, man, did I like,
did I do that? And there everyone like no, just
that's how it happened, and um, yeah, so I've done
done that one. Then I was with I was in
Turn three when Hinchcliff crashed, Like so I'm this eighteen

nine year old kid and here's James Hinchcliff and clinging yeah,
and like I'm like whoa like And that's like obviously
you know the five Hunter. But until something like that happens,
you you kind of forget about it because we I
was like the you know, sixth Day were running just
a hundred laps around that place and nobody really crashed

and then here's James and then obviously everything that happened
after that. But then you know, I got to come
back the next year, and um, you know, we sat
on the pole. So as a as a twenty year
old kid, it's pretty dayn cool to be on the
pole and you know, get up at five am and
go to the track. They got the car on the front.
We're taking pole pictures in front row pictures and um,
so to get to experience something like that as is

really cool. But they had the five is unreal. So
I've been in Turn one for most of them and
to stand up there for opening ceremonies and all that,
and I got chills right now just thinking about it.
It's just there's no way to describe the pageantry, the feeling,
the electricity. And it was for the hundred one, so

there's the place was jam there was a half there
was a half million people. It was unreal. And they
brought the bald eagle up that flew down that he
was literally like I have a picture with him, just
like right here, and the bird was older than me
on the spot stand because they and it flew. They
had his blinders on. As soon as they took the

blinders off, they had the little thing shine him to
calm him down there, and he flew straight down there.
It's really cool. It's awesome. Wow out He's like, I'm old,
I'm gonna fly to whatever that is. You know, they
feed me when I lay down there. So yeah, So
the last couple of years I did for Meyer Shank,
and then I didn't get to this year because I
had a race on my own and I had been
a pretty good one goes on to win the five.

But that was really cool, really cool for those guys,
and they worked really hard at it. Jim Jim Meyern
and Mike Schenker two really good dudes. Yeah. Michael Schenk
is uh he's a hustler. Yeah, and I'm telling you
he fights it, uh scrap from nothing right, absolutely the
biggest races. You know, he's won the twenty four, he's

won the five utter now and it's wild. It's you know,
from the guy from Ohio, Yeah, a little bit from Ohio.
I just wanted to go racing right, and Jim Meyer
really really helped accelerate that way and make that happen.
So that's all. It takes one guy to believe in you. Yeah, yeah,
I mean, and that's the that's the I think that's
one of the cooler parts about the closet Marshall thing too.

You know, Marshall wouldn't be anything without awesome and vice versa.
And it's it's just such a cool it's a it's
a cool chemistry between the two and uh and so
all right, so I gotta ask the question. We may
have to edit this out, but I have to ask
the question. So is Richard Marshall related to the guy

that was married to see I've been asked this question before,
and I honestly do not already know where you're gonna at.
I honestly do not know the answer. They a nicole
and yeah, so the old man that was Yeah, And
I don't know why I've never asked him, but I
guess I should. But yeah, I don't. I don't think
so because I feel like that was something I would
feel like that would be something that would get brought

up over a couple of beers or something like that.
But would you would think so? Right, but like the
same thing would be like I bet it not because
at the same time, like you know, we're like, well
that that guy had money. That's where Richard guy's money.
Richard made all of his own money. Yeah, he's probably
yeah out the same he Um, he worked, He's worked
his ass off and and like he's come up from nothing.

And um, same with Jennifer. Jennifer was the same way
before she met Richard. She worked, she was a personal
and so yeah, they they both worked really hard for
what they've got and still worked hard. Richard. I don't
think Richard ever he says he's retired, but I don't
think he's actually retired. He's always got something going on
outside of racing, Like like I know lately has been

you know, um big, and I think the like real
estate market they've been. They've got a house in um
Veil and so there's a bunch of property up there
that he was kind of looking into and things like that,
and those are most cool personalities. Yeah, they It's so
it's cool to see, like and he gets his mindset
on something, he does it and you know that's what
he that's how he attacks life and that's obviously why

he's so damned successful. And it's cool too. It's cool
to have those people around you because it helps you
become successful at the same time. And you can learn,
you know a lot of things from those people that
just the way they just the way they do things,
and they're never I can always if I've got questions
about things like that, i can always go to them.
And they've they've always got the answer that they don't
have the answer, they know somebody that does. So yeah,

and I mean that was the thing. I mean, I
traveled with Forrest Lucas for a long long time and
you know, just out of pure friendship more than anything.
And and uh and I'm telling you one he's he's
beyond words of funny and uh too, he's he's uh,
he's one of the smartest people I know. And I

mean he's just amazing in all of his uh and
his infamite wisdom if you will, and talk about coming
from nothing, I mean he he he did. It's still
my favorite picture and even is where he's got like
the afro and the big black mustache driving that cab
over Semi. It's like I told Morgan, that's my favorite

picture by the means. But uh, but now, I mean
it's uh it's uh, I think, I think anywhere you
want to go, man, you're going to go there. So
I'm I'm proud of you for what you've done. And
it's exciting to watch because, um, you know, we we
helped Cody Swanson and have for a long time. You know,

Cody's Cody's kind of at that age it's like, Okay,
well what's the next staff, you know, and uh, you know,
and we've we ran him an ARCA. He was successful
in that and he was getting anything and gets yeah,
and you know, so it you know, I want you
to fulfill your dreams, but you know what, uh, you know,

don't fulfill other people's dreams. You know what I mean.
If you're happy doing what you're doing, then keep doing it. Yeah.
That's and I kind of learned that, you know a
few years ago that you can't you can't live for
other people. You gotta live for yourself and and um,
you know, do the things that you want to do.
And I am. I get to I get to wake
up and do what I want to do every day
and pick Harry winning machine. Yeah. So I I love

it man. It's um, you know, it's been a cool
journey and just uh, you know one that doesn't. I
hope it doesn't stop fear anytime soon. Before we wrap
things up here, what is the plan? So obviously All Stars,
Circle of the Champions, but you said that the goal
is World of Outlaws, So how long do you stick
with All Stars and then make the move. It's just
gonna be whatever makes sense, honestly. Um, you know, Tony

has built a great series and to keep making it
better and better. So if it makes sense, they just
keep running running with them. Um, We're probably gonna keep
doing that. UM. I think the next logical step would be,
you know, to either do another year running the All
Stars or do a um um, a year of like
a true Outlaw schedule, you know, hit a bunch of
All Star shows at the Outlaw shows, go to the

Outlaw shows in California, at the tracks you have we
haven't ever ran at, or anything like that, and do
it with no pressure. Um, because like when you commit
to run the Outlaw deal, you go out there, you
race for points, and it doesn't matter if you're twelfth
and points or not. You're still racing against the other guys.
And so if you're out there, you know, sucking it's uh,
it takes all the fun out of it. So we

can go out there and you know, if we suck,
it didn't count for anything. We didn't. I mean, obviously
you go out there, going out, go out and learn
and hit those tracks that you haven't got to go
to yet, and then that way you're you're you've got
a notebook to go to go full time outlaw racing,
and you're ready to go and and do that sort
of thing. It's like, because you can't just show up

with the Outlaws, don't expect to expect to just win.
And those guys, those guys show up and expect the
Larsen the Outlaw. Yeah, it's just not hell. Even this year,
he hasn't shown up in Larsen to the Outlaws. This
year he made everyone step up their stuff. And when
he shows up now, I think obviously he's in a
different situation now, but um, he's almost a little normal
when he shows up with the with the Outlaws. I

say that he's I think he's still won one or
two Outlaw shows already this year. But um, when you're
when you're coming off the year that he had last year,
just used to him showing up if if I was
a Cup owner, a NASCAR owner, uh, indy car owner,
you know, had had driver, I would encourage them to
go do what he does. Yeah, And I think you

see you see more guys in the Cup Series going
and running, you know, kind of going back to what
they grew up racing. You know, Chase goes back and
runs the super late Model stuff. Now, um, Ryan Priests
has gone back and round a lot of his lates. Like,
I think you see more guys, you know, because just
racing helps you, and said Larsen runs a hundred races

a year, that that's going to help you more than anything,
just like anything. And they used to raise hell with them.
Hendrick was he was one of the him and Gibbs,
both of them, but uh and Gibbs may be worse,
but you know they they would push against that worse
than anyone. And it's like, especially these are more fans,

let's get them watching on Sunday meeting after one of
his races and they were questioning him and he said.
One of them said, you know, do you think it
it helps you go to a sprint car back to here?
And he said, I absolutely think it helps you said
most of the guys out here, he said, they're not
going to be in a race car now for another week.
You said, I'm gonna be in a race car another
three or four times yet before next and all your

your motor senses are are ready to go. And obviously
five mile rais is different than a thirty lap race,
but you're still using all those same muscles and and
and senses that you know, your your brain is ready
to go. And um, and and and he knows when
when when the when the chase starts to the playoffs, Um,
you'll see him back it down until that's sure. And um,

because his goal now, I mean, he's a he's a
Cup guy. He wants to win the Cup championship. And
I think that's uh, you know, he knows it's for real,
it's not something just go play around in. And uh.
But I think until then, he's gonna keep doing this
because it's it's working for him. I think, you know,
Christopher Bell is running a sprint car. The next two nights,
I think you'll see him start getting back in the
sprint car. Um, depending on what coach Gibs that left.

Which is pretty amazing with Gibbs, But man, you can't deny.
The proof is in the pudding, like with what what
those guys got there doing, with doing what they did,
there's no read like it's gonna keep helping him and
so it's uh, that's cool, un awesome stuff, and keep
your eyes on him. He drives a seven B ceeds

sponsored by NAS for a Class and Marshall Racing, chasing
the championship in the All Star Circuit of champions and
who knows, you might see him out on the West
Coast taking taking some notes somewhere along the way as well.
Tyler Courtney, thank you very much, man. We appreciate you
spending some time with us here on the skinny. I
appreciate you guys. Thank you out of blast, thanks for
being with us here on the Skinny. This episode has

been brought to you by Toyota, Rhino Classifies, Dream Giveaway
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