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May 15, 2023 40 mins

R.C. Buford and Peter J. Holt join Bill Schoening for the last episode in this season. R.C. and Peter reflect on the 50th anniversary of the Spurs, and then they describe what it was like to have alumni back in San Antonio. Later, they share what they're most encouraged about for the future, they discuss what it means to be building new facilities, and then they wrap up answering how they view the Spurs legacy.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:06):
Welcome to another edition of Sad of Spurs Podcast. I'm
the longtime radio voice of the Spurs, Bill Shooning. This
is the final episode, episode number twenty five, and we're
so happy you've been with us all year long to
celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Spurs and of course
the Sunda Spurs Podcast in conjunction with that anniversary. A
very very special day today because we've got two of
the main factors in Spurs Sports that entertainment, the chairman

of SS ANDDE and of course that is Peter J. Holt,
and the CEO of Spurs Sports and Entertainment that is R. C. Buford.
Very good have both you guys here, and what a
whirlwind celebration we just had for the fiftieth anniversary. Talk
for a moment about how important it was to have
this celebration of fifty years with the Spurs organization.

Speaker 2 (00:48):
It's a big start, Bill, to me, and I think
to our family and to our community.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
We have such such interesting and strong roots.

Speaker 2 (01:01):
When you can take moments to reflect on that foundation,
it's really special and and quite honestly, I was you know,
the game has changed, the team has changed, the city's changed,
I kind of thought, oh, are we are we going
to be appealing? Is this going to be interesting to

a lot of people? I mean, it's definitely interesting to me,
But I would say like there's just some moments where
I was like just blown away at the how much those.

Speaker 3 (01:38):
Roots mean to so many different people.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
One of the ones that just kind of smacked me
in the face was the Alamodome.

Speaker 3 (01:46):
And really before the game, you know the Alamodome.

Speaker 2 (01:50):
I don't go as far back as Hemisphere, and so
my childhood is rooted in the Alamodome. But I thought,
you know, is this going to the appeal to to
everybody or or anybody? And and that you know, when
I think we did like the first release date or
announcement or whatever we did, and we're I mean, we're

driving by the Alomodon, which I do like every day
like many San Antonians, and seeing people lined up and
like basically camped out like it was it was, uh,
you know, I don't know, Cameron, Cameron indoor at Duke
or something where there where people are camped out for
tickets and.

Speaker 3 (02:31):
Just just those types.

Speaker 2 (02:33):
Of moments are are are I don't know why, They're
still surprising, but they're They're pretty amazing for me to
see those moments where it's like, oh people, people are
are still just so connected and that connection is so impactful,
and so the the fifty year season has just has

just been so joyous.

Speaker 4 (02:58):
I think it was such a celebration, and the Dome
Game is a great example. You know, there were people
like Peter sent me a picture in the afternoon of
the game from the top row behind the basket, and
so far it seemed so far away. Yet when we

got to the game, the relationship that we had with
all those fans was so real, and everybody in the
building when the strolls were going up and down, and
I think the whole building got into that in a
way that I have very few arenas or stadiums I've
ever seen. Then the waves going and people were so connected,

and I think it was just an amazing celebration of
the relationship we've had with this community and with our fans.
I was really proud of our team of organization execution
across so many unique activations with our community, whether it

be the docuseries, the Dome Game, connecting in Viva Erabus,
one of the first international sponsors. It really showed you
the impact and the relationship that we have with people
across our region that's very unique. I mean, you know,
you think of the New England Patriots are kind of

New England's team, and I think our what what we
shared with our fans this year elaborated on how unique
and important we are from but beyond the border of
Texas throughout south central West Texas. That's to be able

to honor all those memories with them was powerful.

Speaker 1 (04:50):
One of the things that I really enjoyed, guys, and
I'd love to hear both your comments on this was
bringing the old guys back, the alums back and letting
them hear the cheers again, whether it be Kevin Willis,
you know, who was basically a role player when he
was here, but that year of winning that championship meant
so much to Kevin Willis. He was just all smiles
that night. So just your thoughts on some of the

guys that you brought back and hadn't seen in a while.
Maybe and I brought back a memory or two when
they were honored.

Speaker 2 (05:16):
Well, Uh, you mentioned the sharpest elbows in the NBA.

Speaker 3 (05:22):
So much he had to may I think that was
a regulation.

Speaker 4 (05:25):
He's still about two percent. I mean as hard as
a rock.

Speaker 3 (05:32):
Yeah, you know, it's hard to point out.

Speaker 2 (05:35):
I actually when you were asking that question, Bill, I
was thinking how cool, how cool it is for me
and I and I hope for like our fans and
our city that that that our our team is probably
the youngest team that we've maybe ever had, like ever,
And so that's that's a long time. I mean, I
don't know if you go to research history, but it's

got to be it's got to be out there and
four nineteen year olds, right.

Speaker 3 (06:02):
And just average players under twenty three unbelievable.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
So to me, I think that's that's a really cool
like paradox where where we just went through so much
this season that was reflective and and like an honoring
of our of our history and our foundation that.

Speaker 3 (06:24):
It was really neat for me to.

Speaker 2 (06:26):
See that like crossover, that crossover of of what the
future looks like and and and a lot of those
players ask questions and and recognize the history, whether it
was the players in the alumni games, or it was
when Red McCombs passed and we put the patch on
the jersey, like I remember the first game that happened

hearing some of the guys like asked Tom James, like
like what is you know, like, tell me about this?
And and I though I think those moments happened. I
even I even got to observe other teams ask questions
or see us honor you know, other other players. You know,

when Jaron Jackson, right, we honored Jaron Jackson when we
were playing Memphis, and and I think Jared Jackson Junior
said after the game it was like it was like
he won the championship again or something like that, you know,
and uh, And so I think those are just we've
had such special people come through UH for so many years,

and and just the fact that our our fans uh
uh are.

Speaker 3 (07:39):
Are so connected to that and honored about it.

Speaker 2 (07:41):
So I don't know, I I don't know if I
can point out one or two that Jared Jackson game
was was special, That that was one to me, but
but man, Terry Porter see and Terry and his family
and that that remembering that team, that gritty team with
him and drunk, and so, I don't know, it's hard.

It's hard to point out like individual ones. I just
thought each one was was really really neat.

Speaker 4 (08:11):
But first of all. It was an amazing lift and
production by Tom James and Chris Davis and Jordan Howenstein
to coordinate all that to have us be able to
share those moments with so many former alumni. And I
think one night we came close to breaking the string

and the NBA through Leon Wood as one of the officials,
and thank goodness, that would wed.

Speaker 3 (08:38):
It was.

Speaker 4 (08:39):
I can't remember the date, but it was just a
difficult date to schedule, and all of a sudden we
were like, oh man, we're not going to get it
done for this game, and here Leon Wood shows up.
So we got to honor one of the officials. It
was a former Spur. Having having said that, the I
think it was really important too for our next year team,

our current roster, to connect with those players and to
see how important they are to our fan base. And
I think from a legacy standpoint, it was really meaningful
and powerful, I think for them to see how people
in San Antonio feel about the people who have dedicated
their lives and careers to making the Spurs a successful franchise.

Speaker 1 (09:24):
Was there a player that you hadn't been in touch
with that it was really good to see him because
you can't stay in touch with everybody all the time.
But like you know, we mentioned Kevin Willis earlier, so
Mario Eli for instance, you know, and it just brings
back memories. You know. Mario of course is an assistant
as well as a player here, so I know sometimes
it's hard to stay in touch with everybody. But when
you see a guy a Elik Rose that maybe haven't

seen it, while youve probably seen a leak more than
I do. But just those connections and Pop talks about
the importance of relationships, and that really came to the forefront.

Speaker 4 (09:52):
I think this season, I think it was really helpful
to recognize and to hear from the players who came
back how meaningful their time here was. And I think
we can be more intentional in the way we create
and develop future alumni programming. The Paul Pressey was one

we that had not been to San Antonio in a while,
and Paul came back with his wife and I've heard
from him probably a dozen times since how meaningful it
was to be recognized and to be able to share

their experiences with their next generation families. And I think
we've we've got an opportunity to build on this fiftieth
year and really elevate our alumni relationships as we as
we move.

Speaker 1 (10:49):
Forward this season with this core group of young players,
it was so much fun to kind of get to
know them a little bit and hear their stories, because
some of them are very unique. As you know, RC,
And when you look at this young group as you're
building for the future, what do you encourage most about.

Speaker 4 (11:06):
I think the connection of this group for a team
that went through a challenging season, but the connection of
a group that never fragmented, that believed in each other
and cared for each other and and trusted each other
was really unique. I've talked to some agents and such
that have been around the league, and when they came

in to visit their players, they were like, Guys, this
is a different atmosphere than we most of the time
feel when teams are rebuilding and going through challenging times.
I think the other part I'm most encouraged about was
just this team's opportunity to play for Pop and to
see how connected they they were with, you know, an

iconic figure not only in our organization but in basketball,
and also for them to see the legacy and to
celebrate fifty years I mean, most people that have gone
through here wouldn't have seen the entire history of our
organization laid out together in not necessarily sequenced but in reality.

And I think for their ownership of our culture for
the future, this was a great opportunity, Peter.

Speaker 2 (12:26):
The young guys, for me personally, the one percent most
encouraging thing is that they are They are really good
people with good hearts that want to help others. I
think that's like to a t that gets expressed in
a bunch of different ways, which is special because, like

you said, they all are different and unique, with different
backgrounds and upbringings and from different places. But just the
the the ability, the ability for us to align core
values with with young players and and for them to

have a service mindset is just so incredibly encouraging, especially
them being so young and and and them being open to, hey,
we come, you know, we have an event with veterans,
or we have this, and and they're just not only
I think are they receptive to that that I've heard
numerous stories where they're actually pushing on us on on,

you know, how can we do some more things.

Speaker 5 (13:36):
A great example, Lay's mother developed that screening program that
helped us then take that out to the community, uh, through.

Speaker 4 (13:48):
Their own personal and so yeah, and then KBD was
was recognized for that and we didn't developed that initiative.

Speaker 3 (14:02):
That was it was great that the league recognized them
for that too.

Speaker 1 (14:06):
One of the things that you know, pick up a
couple of players late in the season and both Sandra Mamma,
Chaylas Fheeley and Julian Champenney told me that when they
got to the locker room, they were really welcomed. And
you know, so the guys weren't threatened by playing time
or you know, they all understood the situation. But that's
kind of unique too, and that these guys, even though
it was late in the season and as you mentioned,

a challenging season as far as Winds are concerned, but
they immediately felt okay, they're part of the group.

Speaker 3 (14:33):
I was.

Speaker 2 (14:33):
I still am convinced that that bringing Mamu in was
a conspiracy, just that Pop wanted to rib Manu and say, hey,
by you're retired, nobody's going to remember your name anymore.
We have a new Mamu. That's my opinion. Nobody's nobody's
confirmed that or not.

Speaker 1 (14:49):
You talk about the future now, and before we talk
totally about the future, I wanted to talk about one
of the things that the Spurs have done in the community,
and that is, uh, the Spurs the Pizza Hut Youth
Basketball League and how important that has been to the
community and the tie in or so I know you
were involved very early. Was Pop's idea at first, right,

and that is totally evolved. Can it kind of take
us through the connection between the Spurs and the youth
basketball league well.

Speaker 4 (15:16):
As an assistant coach, Pop developed that programming and with
Frank Martin and the two of them were recognized by
First President Bush with one of the Thousand Points alike.
And the longevity, the history, the commitment to engaging underserved

youth in our community in a way that it's been
impactful to our community. It's been impactful to my family.
I mean Chase and Ceci both played in those leagues.
Going up now we're even I think we're developing even
a higher purpose and more access and impact as it's

continued to grow. But to see Pop's commitment to it
to continue to have a player who is the captain
of that program every year and that's that player is
selected by Pop. That's a real honor. Pop's not going
to put somebody in there that he doesn't trust and
respect to carry that vision forward. And each of the
guys who have been in that role over the course

of time have taken real ownership in it, and I
think that has allowed it to continue to.

Speaker 2 (16:31):
Grow, whether it's the youth basketball league or the camps.
Like I was saying, you know, his kids played in
the basket League. I went to all the camps, you know,
like and one of the things I remember about the
camps and the league is the the the inclusion that
was there. It was people from all you know, San

Antonio is a sprawling place with very very significant diversity,
and there were people from every neighborhood, every socioeconomic background,
every race. And guess what, we all cheered the same,
you know, high pitch squeal when the Coyote came out,
or when Sean Elliott came out and pot like it was.

We were all on the same page, and we were
all there because of basketball and the game and joy
and the Spurs.

Speaker 3 (17:21):
And I think that.

Speaker 2 (17:22):
That's to me what is most exciting is I reflect
back and look at what the next phase of that
is going.

Speaker 3 (17:28):
To be is is it may look different.

Speaker 2 (17:32):
There may be a different type of camp, or a
different type of league, or maybe something I don't even
can even.

Speaker 3 (17:37):
Name right now, but you know, just it being rooted.

Speaker 6 (17:41):
In that that uh, that unity and inclusion and just
so much joy.

Speaker 2 (17:48):
I think is it makes again, It's just it's just
part of what makes the Spurs special and San Antonio
special makes makes it.

Speaker 3 (17:55):
It's a very it's a it's a special thing.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
And then you know to to help to say, you
know that we've helped out a bunch of kids, I
think is an understatement. I also think it's a probably
an overlooked piece on how much that's helped the Spurs
stay rooted in humility and higher purpose. So why are
we here? Yeah, we want to win basketball games, but

there's there's a bigger picture here and that's to help others.
So I think that that the reflection is amazing, but
it's also a good reminder that whatever the future looks
like should be rooted in that service.

Speaker 4 (18:33):
I've got I got some funny memories that I was
talking with Joe Clark with This Morning Pop and Alvin
Gentry and I were assistant coaches together and we come
to San Antonio, like we thought we were pretty cool.
We were NBA assistant coaches, and Bob Bassa, the GM
at the time, says, you guys need to go out
and work the Spurs camp. So here, the three of us,

we're working for Joe Cortez, who was the head coach
at at Central Catholic High School, and that put us
in our place pretty quickly. So then just this morning,
Joe Joe Clark showed me a picture of Alvin and
myself out on the court with Joe Cortes standing over

us with his cutboard.

Speaker 1 (19:19):
That's a real good point as far as the future
is concerned, there's a lot a lot of bright stuff
down the line.

Speaker 2 (19:25):

Speaker 1 (19:25):
And I want to certainly talk about the Victory Capital
Performance Center out at the Rock at Locintera. I know
that is that's where the future lies. So first of all, Peter,
if you could talk about your involvement in that and
what you're looking forward to most about this beautiful new
facility opening up.

Speaker 2 (19:41):
My only involvement is when Arci says this is a
good idea, then I got to find the money to
pay for it. No, I just think that that we
have such we have such special people with higher purpose
ideas it can advance others and those around us, and so,

uh you you just talked about one with the Youth
Basketball League, and and I think that as as a
family and as an organization.

Speaker 3 (20:16):
We just we have to go where that energy is.
We have to follow that energy and support it.

Speaker 2 (20:20):
And when you you know, we're we're very lucky as
a family to be surrounded by uh, just just phenomenal.

Speaker 3 (20:29):
People that want to do good things.

Speaker 2 (20:31):
And and so when those doors open, uh, you got
to run through them. And so I think the rock
is a great representation of of what the future can
look like when really special, brilliant people come together.

Speaker 3 (20:49):
Uh to to help others.

Speaker 2 (20:52):
And that's how I see it. And and the physical
representation of that is a is going to be a
very very, very very special place that that has both
the sanctity of developing great athletes but also a new

openness to the world that can help translate that and
provide access to weigh more people and communities to drive
better outcomes for for not just athletes, but for for
all humans. So it's a very it's a very it's

a very unique and a very special representation of of
what the the uh ARSES vision and team and community
that he's been such a big part of that.

Speaker 3 (21:49):
This is going to be a very cool representation of that.

Speaker 4 (21:53):
Only thing I'd add to that is what I think
we're really finding is as we want to come together
and solve the problems and just how we're going to
guard to pick and roll tonight, we're finding so many
really elite partners that want to join with us in
ways that work on health equity, that work on performance

advancements that aren't just tied into sport, but with ut
health with UTSA was sweary with the military community. With
the technology and the medical sciences that we have throughout
this region, and our ability to democratize that across communities

larger than our own, I think people get excited about
it an opportunity to be a part of something bigger
than themselves.

Speaker 1 (22:46):
You bring in professionals at all levels from all over
the world. The people that are working with your athletes
right now are from Spain and Canada and England, and
they're all great people. And this is something not just
with you were on the forefront also of bringing people
in in other areas as well. Is the genesis of

that you going overseas and seeing basketball as a scout
years ago, and your relationship with Pop, because Pop obviously
has that same affinity for people that are great no
matter where they are.

Speaker 4 (23:17):
What really starts with Pop When Pop and our assistants here,
Pop went and pulled Zarko Posspy off the Serbian was
spoking a cigarette in the time a pack a day
or more. But you know, Pop had a great affinity
as a player playing with USA basketball. He had traveled

the world in places and seen not only the love,
but the skill and the team commitment that you find
in international basketball. And over the course of time, we
learned a lot from not only the twenty eight different
nationalities that have played with US and maybe maybe more,

but also being embedded in their programs and see where
they go to look for resources, to see how advanced
the Australians and sports science were. To see the commitment
to different places and different communities had expanded a vision

that I think that allowed us to diversify not only
our talent pool of players, but also learned from some
of the world's best in player care in player recruitment,
and in organizational excellence.

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Speaker 1 (25:17):
Okay, obviously out of town market out of town games
next season, We've got a couple just just our thoughts
on what's coming.

Speaker 3 (25:25):
Up in the future.

Speaker 2 (25:27):
I know they they can be considered out of town,
but I just think that as as fluidity enters all
of our lives way more that that, I don't really
necessarily see them as like out of town games. You know,
they're there, are are This has always been our region.
Our region has always been Austin down to South Texas

and and and maybe you could say Mexico is kind
of growing, but I've always considered the connections there, and
so now we're just formalizing it, and and we are
we are connecting more folks directly, and so it's incredibly exciting.
We we we feel strongly about being innovative in dynamic

and and connecting with with as as many fans in
as many way as possible, and so uh it's it's
phenomenal to be to have such a strong foundation here
in San Antonio forever, uh and also have this uh

interesting way to connect with the broader region.

Speaker 3 (26:34):
So it's gonna be fun.

Speaker 4 (26:36):
The The only other thing I'd say is, I don't
believe that this is just the spurs building these relationships.
This is our San Antonio community and Austin's community connecting
in a way that will be powerful for everybody, for
all across this region to connect with Mexico, to bring

our fans together, but also so industry leaders together. This
is going to help the growth of this region, and
we want to be a partner in that.

Speaker 1 (27:08):
We've had a steady train going up there to Springfield
from San Antonio and this year. You know, Powell of
course is here three years, but Becky coached here and
played here, Pop obviously and Tony.

Speaker 4 (27:21):
It's going to be emotional for everybody. And I know
how how we've all enjoyed our prior Hall of Fame
mates that have been recognized. Again, I think it's the
whole family leadership who have put us all in a

position to be successful and then given us the opportunity
to be different. And I think, you know, Pop is
a Division three head coach, nobody expected this to happen.
At the same time, the coach from Amherst is going
in in this Hall of Fame class, And I know
Pop will take great joy that he's entering the hall

with a with another division for coach, because I think
that's what he still considers himself. Clearly, Tony's impact too
French basketball and our organization is recognized by banners and medals.

To see him recognized as as in such an unexpected
position is very similar to the way that I feel
with Manu, you know, not even knowing he was drafted,
you know, gets gets finds out the next morning after
he wakes up, you know, And it's just like to
to be able to see people who have exceeded expectations

in an environment that the whole family that Pop put
together for all of us is incredibly rewarding. And then
to see Becky recognized as a real pioneer but also
a fierce competitor and I remember her taught her first
days in our gym. She captured the attention and the

imagination of a roster that was competing in the NBA finals.
But she could really teach, She could really get out
on the court and explain her thoughts well. And now
it just continues to grow.

Speaker 2 (29:22):
I think that one of the best part of my
observations of some of our most successful individuals or teams
over the years is that I think a lot of them,
or what I've seen, they don't necessarily talk about these things.
They don't say like, oh, I want to be a
coach and I'm going to be in the Hall of

Fame one day.

Speaker 3 (29:44):
I'm gonna, you know, I'm going to make to the NBA.

Speaker 2 (29:47):
And wear that jacket that you know, hideously beautiful.

Speaker 3 (29:51):
Jacket one day. You know, like.

Speaker 2 (29:55):
The Pound the Rock is like just rooted in real things,
like real life, real day to day stuff, and it's
just a great lesson. It's a great lesson that if
you do enough of those next right things, the rewards
will come. You don't need to worry about them, you
don't need to talk about them. You don't need to

you know, I mean, yeah, there's high standards that are set.
But you know, it's not like you know, when my
mom and dad BoNT it was.

Speaker 3 (30:23):
Like, oh, they weren't. They didn't say like, hey, you
know we're doing this.

Speaker 2 (30:26):
We're gonna our goal is to win five championships in
twenty years and our winning percentage be this, and like
that's not what they said, you know, and and and
and so they said ten.

Speaker 3 (30:38):
By the way, I'm just kidding, No, they I guess
what I mean by that.

Speaker 2 (30:43):
The Hall of Fame I think is just a great representation,
especially the people we've had be in there that deserve
it so heavily. I would I would bet that not
many of them thought about that on a daily basis.
They thought about what's today look like, what's how can
I help? How can I get a little better? How
can I do this? And to me, I think that's

a great what a great lesson that is that that.

Speaker 3 (31:09):
The outcomes are so phenomenal, the outcomes.

Speaker 2 (31:12):
Are elite and uh and and it's really based on
just daily commitment and joy to the work is a
great is a great lesson.

Speaker 3 (31:24):
I I thought I'd be.

Speaker 2 (31:25):
Playing, to be honest, when they first said, when my
parents first said, like you know, hey, we're doing this.

Speaker 3 (31:32):
I was like, oh sweet, like easy pathway. Now you
know I'm gonna be playing. I'll be playing with Traj
and Langdon and Duke and a little as I know,
I was not that good, So that kind of limited
my playing career is just general talent.

Speaker 2 (31:49):
But no, I I you know, I always I always
wanted to be in and around the Spurs.

Speaker 3 (31:57):
And I'm just really lucky.

Speaker 2 (32:01):
Like I I when I whenever I walk still into
the AT and T Center and get to put my
toe on the court.

Speaker 3 (32:08):
Like I get a little chill. It's just it's, uh, there's.

Speaker 2 (32:12):
Something I tell you, there's just something so special about
the power of sport. Uh And and I think that
that the power of sport, the power of basketball very
specifically the power of basketball in sport. And then take
it down to San Antonio and our community and and

the Spurs place of unity and common ground and joy.
To be to be part of that is is uh. I.
I never imagined that I would that I would get
the opportunity to be to you know, just be close
to it and influence it. And and it's really there's
it is so the fulfillment and fun that it provides

me is I will always get out more than I
put into it.

Speaker 1 (33:04):
Final questions, guys, And throughout the course of the season,
I've asked people to reflect on what the Spurs legacy
might be. And it's interesting because throughout the course of
the season we interview with different people from different organizations
that might have had just a brief time with the Spurs.
And you know, one of the things that always came
up was commitment to excellence, and the other thing is relationships.

And we talked about this earlier about Pop's relationships. So
as you look back on the fifty years of the Spurs,
of course you grew up in this organization, but what's
the Spurs legacy in basketball?

Speaker 2 (33:39):
I honestly think the Spurs legacy has has some really
interesting contradictions that I think are are fun to explore.
I mean, you just mentioned too that in a certain way,
you could say, how does that happen? Like I guess,
I guess some of them are even quandary to me.
For example, like even like Red mccomb's on his card

that he would send people on the bottom of says
expect to win. And yet you know, when he first
brought the team from Dallas is his first interview.

Speaker 3 (34:13):
He said was like, I don't know that. I don't
think this will work, you know.

Speaker 2 (34:17):
And and so there are these interesting paradoxes, like like
pop has such high standards but can also develop really
meaningful relationships that are based on service to others.

Speaker 3 (34:32):
And that, to me is such an interesting.

Speaker 2 (34:34):
Quandary because part of it, in the simplest form, you
could just say, well, somebody that has such high standard
and holds people accountable to those that's hard. That could
be hard to develop meaningful relationships with, because because you
could be hard ass right, and and but I think

that the Spurs legacy and Pops, all these people's legacy
are rooted in these core values that that are we're unwavering.

Speaker 3 (35:04):
And so you could disagree.

Speaker 2 (35:05):
You could disagree with the play or the way we're
going to travel.

Speaker 3 (35:10):
Or who we're going to or how the youth league
was developed.

Speaker 2 (35:14):
Like that was okay, you could you could do that,
you could disagree, But what there couldn't be was misalignment
of those core values of doing the next right thing,
of commitment to the work, of service to others, you know,
team first, Like those are things that had to be unwavering.
And so I think that's what as I as I

look back on it and observed today, it's it's a
living legacy. It's not one that's historical. It's living. And
so as I look at it today, there are these interesting,
really really interesting almost oddities around paradoxes that I think
have allowed it to flourish so much because because it's
it's one of our sea loves. When I use this word,

it's one of abundance. We're very versus binary thinking, right,
It's like, well, it's Pop gets on your ass or
our CS high standards or tim is the first one
in the first one leave.

Speaker 3 (36:08):
It's not to say that the way you do things
is wrong, it's it's it's an it's an and conversation.

Speaker 2 (36:14):
And I think that's that's what's been very cool to
watch is is.

Speaker 6 (36:20):
Is that that that uh, the the special people that
have brought the values to life and the legacy to
life via living in that.

Speaker 2 (36:31):
Gray area, that gray area of Hey, yeah, our foundation
of values are the same. Now let's go live in
the real world and figure it out together. So I
think our our legacy is one that's living. It's bigger
than any one individual, yet it's rooted in some really
special people bringing it to life.

Speaker 4 (36:54):
You know, I think leadership has been an incredible part
of ogacy, and it's based on values that that we've
identified more definition to when the Holts, when Peter's father

became the chairman of our organization. Having said that the
leadership before with with Red and Angelo, with Bob Bass
with and then as we've carried forward, not only with
players Avery and Ice and and James Sivas and and

you know, then David and Tim, Manu Tony and then
the ultimate leader throughout the consistency of a coach no
more than twenty five years leaders you know, he led
the program. It's it'll be thirty years next year. And
that leadership is has challenged us all to raise our

standards because they held themselves accountable to such high standards.
Along with that, Peter gives an example of pop Pop
could coach guys really hard because he spent so much
time beforehand developing the personal relationship that allowed them to

understand that everything he was demanding out of them was
nothing more than he was demanding out of himself, and
that players like Tim allowed him to coach him hard
and then the time off the court, he was and
remains a really big part of those relationships and those

you know, if you listen to Tim's The Ring of
the Raw Seri, he talked about Pop as his surrogant father.
And so that's a real lesson for leaders is to
learn how you can hold to high standards if you

get people to understand how much you care. And I
think moving forward, doctor Carra Allen, who's become our impact
in People and cultural lead, joined us and has given
us a real definition to our future legacy building leaders
in legacy, I mean that fits who we've been. It

also gives a really defined direction on where we can
go and how we can impact our community. And it
can be in very unique ways. It doesn't have to
be just one way. But focusing on that legacy of
leadership and service and building the future leaders of our

region and hopefully the world.

Speaker 3 (39:52):
We start to look forward to the future.

Speaker 1 (39:53):
Rcy Buford, Peter J. Hold, thank you so much for
joining us for the Sounds First podcast. It's been great,
Avenue guys, thanks to your reflections on what has been
a fun for me twenty two years as the voice
that sper Thank you. That's today's edition, and we'll see
you next season by on
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