Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Donald Trump has been certified as the forty seventh President
of the United States of America. The NFL playoffs are here,
and there's a few surprises to go with that, and
of course there's a lawsuit out there in this industry
with big names being accused of very very big and
bad things. All that and more coming up. It's the
Stephen A. Smith Show in the house. But I'm not alone. Holla,
what's up, everybody. Welcome to the latest edition of The
Stephen A. Smith Show, coming at you over the digital
airways of YouTube and of course iHeartRadio. As I love
to do at the very least three times a week.
As always, I like to pause and take a moment
to thank my subscribers and followers. We've now eclipsed over
one million. We just did that the other day. We're
approaching one million and about twelve thousand, about twelve thousand
subscribers over the last couple of days. Of course, there's
been millions of downloads over the last few months or
so on iHeartRadio. Just another testament to you guys supporting
me and supporting this show. Can't thank y'all enough for
the love and support. Keep it coming and I'm gonna
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Just click the bell and get notified of all of
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Speaker 2 (01:21):
Smith Show family.
Speaker 1 (01:22):
And why you're doing that, don't forget to pick up
a copy of my New York Times best selling book,
Straight Shooter, A Memoir of Second Chances and First Takes,
now in paperback.
Speaker 2 (01:31):
Just go to straight Shooter book.
Speaker 1 (01:32):
Dot com to get yourself a copy. Once again, that
Straight Shooter book dot com to get yourself a copy.
I got a lot of stuff to get into today.
Donald Trump was certified as the next President of the
United States. That certification took place, obviously, it's the four
year anniversary of January sixth, the insurrection that took place
on the nation's capital. I know a lot of people
don't want to see it that way. Damn that you
had people storming the United States Capital, you know, pushing
through barriers, breaking windows, you know, making cops and law
enforcement officials along with elected officials literally run for cover
if not their whole damn lives. That's in insurrection, that's
in this direction. Everybody there may not have been guilty
about for it, but there are some people that were
guilty of it.
Speaker 2 (02:14):
Nevertheless, that's not what transpired four years later.
Speaker 1 (02:16):
That's something that we'll get into a little bit later
on in this show, because I'm about to highlight a
couple of things that people need to know about Trump
that you may not have even thought about, but you
need to think about.
Speaker 2 (02:26):
I'll get to that a little bit later in the show.
Speaker 1 (02:28):
Of course, I'll have my man Chris Carter, talking of
coming on to talk about the NFL. Of course, I
will definitely do that because there's some things that went on,
not just in the NFL, but in college football, and
he's more than qualified to talk about those things, particularly
being an alumni of Ohio State University and you see
the way they rolling because they are my favorites right
now to win the national Championship. We'll touch about that,
some NFL stuff, particularly the Vikings getting stomped on Sunday
Night football.
Speaker 2 (02:50):
We'll get into all of that. But the first order
of business.
Speaker 1 (02:54):
I'm going to get into I'm gonna make sure that
I don't get into it alone.
Speaker 2 (02:57):
Before I bring up the subject. Let me introduce all
of them.
Speaker 1 (03:00):
You to a friend of mine a dear friend of
mine who's contributing to the show. This her second day
contributing to the show. She is the wonderful, the incomparable
Tory Cooper. She is there sitting in my seat in
my studio. How are you, Tory, how's everything going? How
is your weekend?
Speaker 3 (03:15):
It's an honor to be here, you know. I spent
it here in New York. I enjoyed it. Steve. It
was great to get a call back from you to
talk with you on your show again.
Speaker 2 (03:22):
That's right, and that's what we have to do.
Speaker 1 (03:24):
And I'll get back to you in just the second, Tory,
because I definitely want to get your take on a
couple of matters, because I think it's apropos that I
have you here with me. I have to get started
with this subject because we all know that anytime you
mentioned Skip Bayless, anybody wants to Most folks want to
hear what I have to say. And that's where we're
going to get started, because it's sports media news, which
makes it apropos, and it involves a recent law suit
filed against Fox Fox Sports and several people, including my
buddy Skip Bayless, my former colleague at ESPN. The suit,
filed by a woman named Nachine Fara, a former hairstylist
for the company, cites several instances of workplace misconduct. Okay,
The forty two page that's right, forty two page suit
names several defendants, including Fox Sports executive vice president Charlie
Dixon and even host Joy Taylor. Faraji alleges Dixon grabbed
her buttocks at a birthday party, and when she relayed
the encounter to Taylor, the Fox host allegedly told her
to quote.
Speaker 2 (04:31):
Get over it end quote.
Speaker 1 (04:33):
As for Skip Bayless, Faraji says he touched her inappropriately
and propositioned her for sex, offering her one point five
million dollars end quote. I'll get to Tory and her
thoughts on him for a second. First things first, let
me tell you why I had to cover this. Number
one is news Number two. I was just on the
air a few weeks ago and took some heat for
the f fact that I pointed out that I've been
friends with jay Z for twenty five years and I
know nothing about what happened, no intimate details. Certainly, can't
be irresponsible and not try to interfere with a legal
matter of lawsuit. But in the same breath, I didn't
think it was a crime to point out that the
person that I've known for twenty five years, I've never
seen somebody that would be capable of that, with that
meaning that person that I was around for twenty five years.
The same applies to Skip Bayless. Now, I don't know
what happened. I don't work at Fox. I worked at
Fox from two thousand and one to two thousand and three.
Speaker 2 (05:37):
I haven't been there.
Speaker 1 (05:38):
I haven't been in that building, and over twenty years,
I don't know any details or anything like that, and
I'm not here to cast a gate ms Varaji or
anybody else. I don't know Charlie Dixon that well, even
though he used to play, used to work I'm sorry
at ESPN. I don't know Joy Taylor that well, even
though she and I have interacted with one another on
several occasions throughout her career, and I find her to
be a consummate professional, very good at what she does,
very capable, very knowledgeable about the world of sports and
what have you. I also know that she's big on
women empowerment, so it's hard to imagine her saying get
over it.
Speaker 2 (06:19):
But again, I don't know, but we all know that
when you see Stephen A.
Speaker 1 (06:23):
Smith with a subject like this and the name involves
Skip Baylor's, that's what you want to know about.
Speaker 2 (06:29):
And here's what I would tell you.
Speaker 1 (06:31):
I don't know what happened, But just like I said,
I've known jay Z for twenty five years, I can't
imagine that I've known Skip for just as long.
Speaker 2 (06:38):
I can't imagine it.
Speaker 1 (06:39):
I can't imagine it, especially when they brought up the
one and a half million dollars. The Skip Baylor's I know,
has a hard time giving away fifteen dollars. He's one
of the cheapest people I know.
Speaker 2 (06:49):
That's just me.
Speaker 1 (06:51):
But that doesn't mean that I have any inside knowledge
about any of this.
Speaker 2 (06:55):
I don't. I don't, and I'm not going to get involved.
Speaker 1 (06:58):
I think it's incredibly icy and irresponsible for people who
don't know to act like they do know. But in
the same breath, I also feel it's important that if
you know people, or you think you know people, and
you've had a long standing relationship with those people, that
it's not a crime for you to say the person
that I know, the person that I've been around, the
person that I worked with in his case, you know,
for four straight years from twenty twelve to twenty sixteen,
doing First Take every weekday morning at ten am to
twelve noon. The person that I knew since our days
at Fox Sports, when we would appear on Jim Rome's
show Okay the Last Word and stuff like that, and
we were in the same Fox building off of Pico
Boulevard and Avenue of the Stars.
Speaker 2 (07:42):
The person that I've seen that.
Speaker 1 (07:45):
Really really trusts almost no one and doesn't expose himself
to anybody, you know, eating the same breakfast at lunch
every day.
Speaker 2 (07:55):
His vice is a diet Mountain dew, and he doesn't
socialize with people. That's the guy I know, So.
Speaker 1 (08:07):
Imagining him being in this kind of position is shocking
to say the least. All I could tell you is
that it's not the Skip Bayliss I know. But obviously
this is a legal matter he's going to have to
deal with because this situation doesn't appear to be going away.
A lawsuit has been filed. This person, who's a hair stylist.
The people that I've spoken to in the last twenty
four hours that have some knowledge about her says that
she's the kind of person that she's meticulous with her
details and she's going to.
Speaker 2 (08:38):
Chronicle things and.
Speaker 1 (08:41):
That's how she operates. I don't know her, I don't
know them. I know Skip, and I'm very, very heartbroken
that he finds himself in this situation being accused of
these allegations. But I can't be over the airways being
irresponsible and attaching truth or in a you know, or
guilt to anything that I know nothing about. All I
can say, and I don't think it's a crime to say,
is just like I said with jay Z, the person
that I know for twenty five years, I've never seen
anything like that from that person, anything close to that
from that person. That's the same thing that I would
tell you about Skip Bayles's. That's all I can say.
I have nothing else to add because I don't know
what happened. I don't know what was said. I don't
know whether something was misconstrued or anything like that. That's
where I'm coming from with it.
Speaker 2 (09:29):
Speaker 1 (09:30):
I know you had thoughts and opinions about this. I'm
really interested in hearing what you have to say. You
are a lady in this industry. You've been a journalist
for years, you know what level of professional integrity is
supposed to come with the business, you know the tenets
that come associated with it.
Speaker 2 (09:46):
And obviously I am not a woman. You are, and so.
Speaker 1 (09:49):
When you see a story like this, I like to
know what your thoughts are in any perspective you can provide.
Speaker 3 (09:55):
My initial reactions were disappointment as well, because Skip Bayless
has an incredible legacy in the sports commentary world. You
worked alongside him. Everybody knows Skip Bayless, and it was
disappointing to know that his name was going to be
when you google his name today. This is the lawsuit
that's going to pop up, and this may pop up
for several weeks now, So you can't get away from
something like this once it's in writing. Now, this is
a civil matter, and anytime you're reading a forty page
document like this, when I read through it, you know, initially,
you know you have to be unbiased when you're listening
to these allegations, but you have to remember that this
is simply that allegations, and this is going to be
an issue that's going to be talked about for several weeks.
But initially I was disappointed to see Skip's name in
this as well as miss Faragi. You know, as a woman,
I can tell you that whenever you hear about your
colleagues or anyone going through this, you're hurt for them,
you know. And based off her allegations in this civil lawsuit,
she says that she spoke to several people about trying
to talk about some of the things that she was
allegedly exposed to, and she was told to be quiet
and that if you want to keep your job as
a single mother, you need to let this go. And
seems like she was there for a number of years,
seven to ten years that she was there, and she
talks about a number of different allegations in different instances
when she was exposed to other people. She mentioned Charlie Dixon,
Dixon executive vice president. She mentioned that she was allegedly
at a bar where you know, her back was growth,
et cetera. So there's a number of different allegations as
you come through this suit that are alarming, and then
the silencing behavior that allegedly took place, and unfortunately, Stephen,
in this world that we live in, I mean, it's
one of the reasons why I left the sports industry
initially because I felt like I was, people were flirting
with me and not taking my perspective or my preparations
seriously when I would show up to interview them, because
it's hard to get past your looks. And as you saw,
she's an absolutely beautiful woman, you know. So that's just
it's the unfortunate reality that the sports world is that world.
But it's not just in sports, it's in news too.
So yeah, I.
Speaker 1 (12:00):
Got a couple of questions to throw you away because
I'm very interested and intrigued by something. A couple of
things that you said. Number one, you talked about the
parting from the sports from the sports industry for a while,
because you know the way folks approached you. It's one
thing for folks, and I'm not saying it's appropriate, please
don't get me wrong, but it's one thing for somebody
to flirt with you or to not take you seriously
because of your looks. Were they Did you consider it harassment?
And if so, what would you define as harassment? Just
for a lot of youers out there, both male and female,
who don't get that sometimes explain.
Speaker 3 (12:37):
That I would definitely not consider it harassment at all.
I just was advancements that I was not interested in
being around at all, especially when I'm at work. I'm
trying to focus on work, and I come here to
respect you, and I would expect the exact same in return.
If I'm going to prepare questions and watch you for
nearly two hours and take notes on your play, and
then I show up in your locker room to have
a conversation with you, and I'm even filming this myself
and editing this myself at times, how come you can't
give me the same respect as a professional. That was
the environment I was in, and for me, that's not
the level of respect I wanted to be exposed to
on a daily basis. And I saw that this was
going to be a mountain climb with men potentially just
being disrespectful doesn't now, as you asked me about the
difference between disrespect essentially and harassment, no one touched me.
I didn't have to push advances away, and that's in
the sports arena. But I did have to push advances
away in the news arena. So you know, someone unfortunately
you know, ended up getting fired, uh for the way
that I was handled inappropriately, And won't you know, go
into specific details about that, But I was at work
mining my business and essentially someone made some advances that
were inappropriate and they were eventually fired. And as it
relates to speaking up about that, I can tell you personally,
I was scared to speak up about it. I was
genuinely scared. This is one of my first jobs in TV.
I just landed a sports reporting an anchor job, and
the last thing I wanted to do was attract any
attention to myself in any way, and I wanted to
make sure that the focus will remain on my talent.
Toy is and not a problem. Tory comes in as
a professional does her job, and I'm not ending up
in HR with complaints and having to go back and
forth and prove that this happened when there's no cameras
around and so. But by the grace of God, I
had women around me who said, Tory, absolutely not. This
has been an issue with not just you, This is
an issue that we have all been dealing with, and
now this he just took it too far and it
just happened to be with you. And you owe it
to not only yourself to respect yourself, but also all
of us who have been going through this too. To
speak up about it, so I did.
Speaker 1 (14:47):
So, what are your thoughts about the you know, the
allegations that Joy Taylor, another woman you know who's in
this industry, who's recognized as being very attractive but also
very capable of very professional What are your thoughts with
the allegations that she told Ms Varaji get over it?
Speaker 2 (15:08):
I mean, first of all, is that.
Speaker 1 (15:10):
Something that you deem plausible possible that women may say
to each other in this industry?
Speaker 2 (15:17):
Do you find that to be far fetched? What do
you make of that.
Speaker 3 (15:21):
We were not in the room, so we'll never know.
These are allegations, right, I want to make sure that's clear.
Whenever we talk about topics like this, we have to
make sure that these are, of course really well understood.
These are allegations. We are not in the room. Now.
On the other side of that, I will say that
luckily I was in a room where someone was telling
me to come forward. But I am not shocked that
other women would essentially say, look, it's not you're dealing
with Fox. This is a huge corporation. Keep your hairstylist job,
don't speak up, just try to let it go. And
you know, I would not be shocked by that. At all. Yeah,
it would not be shocked by that.
Speaker 1 (15:57):
I know it shocked me. It definitely shocked me because
when I see a lot of women with their podcasts,
the television shows, et cetera, and very very big on
women empowerment, you know, big, you know, uplifting ladies in
this industry and what have you, it's hard to imagine
that something like that would be said because obviously that
stays with you forever. But you know, the I think
the tough part for Joy Taylor is that these two
were considered friends for a very long time. If there's
anybody that you can find in in terms of your thoughts,
it would be somebody you perceive as a friend. So
in that regard, I don't know what to make of it.
I just have to acknowledge that. Having said that, when
we look at this situation right now with Skip, my
problem is this, and I said this Tory, and I
took heat for this, but I didn't care. It's one
thing if you come over the airwaves and you're proclaiming
somebody's innocence and you weren't there, didn't you couldn't provide
an eyewitness account, et cetera, et cetera. I think that's
beyond the pale. I don't think any of us could
do that. I can't do that for Skip today. I
couldn't do that for jay Z a few weeks ago.
I couldn't do that for anybody. But it's another thing
entirely where you've known somebody for twenty five years and
it's a crime for you to say that's not what
I saw. I've never seen anything that would give me
that kind of indication. I would hope that if somebody
had made an accusation something like that against me, that
people would look at me and be like, Nah, Stephen
ain't doing that.
Speaker 2 (17:22):
That's not who the hell he is. He wouldn't at
least say that. That's how I feel as.
Speaker 1 (17:27):
A woman in this industry, as a woman period, in
the world that we're living in, where such heightened awareness
has been pushed towards acknowledging what women have had to
go through and what you've had to be silent about
for so long, how do you feel about people who
take such a position like the one that I just described.
Speaker 3 (17:48):
At the end of the day, it's a character witness.
I mean, you have twenty five years of a relationship
with someone and as you said, I would hope that
friends of mine in the industry would know that it's
if someone was making allegations against me that they felt
were out of character to go alongside the Tory Cooper name.
I would hope that a friend like you in the
industry who's had personal experiences with someone would speak up.
You know, but at the end of the day, be
cognizant of the fact that, look, at the end of
the day, this is the person I knew and I
was not in that room.
Speaker 2 (18:20):
Torey, I appreciate your perspective on this.
Speaker 1 (18:22):
Thank you, but don't go away, because I got to
come back to you a little bit later on in
the show. We got some other stuff to talk about, Okay,
but before I get into that, I'm going to get
into the National Football League. That's the subject coming up next,
because there's a lot of stuff that happened in the
NFL at the end of the NFL regular season that
I got to get into. I saw Detroit stamp Minnesota.
I saw Pittsburgh lose four straight. I saw the Buffalo
Bill secured a number two seeds. I saw a whole
bunch of stuff going on. Okay, I got to.
Speaker 2 (18:49):
Get into it.
Speaker 1 (18:50):
Next with my man Chris Carter, He's up next. Don't
go anywhere. The end of the NFL season is here.
Speaker 2 (18:55):
The playoffs have a ridd cotllege.
Speaker 1 (18:57):
Football players already started all of that to get into Well,
my man CC Chris Carter up next with yours truly
back with more in a minute. All right, everybody, I
need your full and undivided attention. You do know that
the NFL players are about to begin, right and that
we're right in the middle of the NBA and NHL seasons.
So with all that action happening, The stephen A. Smith
Show wants to make sure you take advantage of it all.
That's why we've partnered with Prize Picks, the best place
to get real money action while we're watching your favorite sports.
You see, with Prize Picks, you pick two or more
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Speaker 2 (19:51):
Download the app and use.
Speaker 1 (19:53):
Code says to get fifty dollars instantly after your first
five dollar lineup prize picks.
Speaker 2 (19:57):
Run your game. Now, let's look at my winning picks please.
Speaker 1 (20:01):
Today, I'll be picking for this Saturday's NFL playoff game
between the Chargers and the Houston Texans.
Speaker 2 (20:07):
First up, Los Angeles.
Speaker 1 (20:08):
Charges quarterback Justin Herbert more or less than two hundred
and thirty two and a half passing yards. I'm going
with more, y'all. I'm not sold on Houston's defense right now.
I don't like what I'm seeing from them. I need
to see more.
Speaker 4 (20:19):
I think that.
Speaker 1 (20:19):
I think Justin Herbert, despite the fact that Keenan Allen
and Mike Williams are no longer there, I still think
he's gonna have a big game. He's gonna throw for
more yards than that. Next up, we got charges Rookie
whiteout Lad McConkie more or less than seventy and a
half receiving yards. With this one, I'm saying more as well.
I just told you what Justin Herbert's gonna do. How
you think he's gonna do it by throwing the guys
like that guy. That's how he's gonna do it. Next up,
Houston Texans quarterback CJ. Stroud going up against the Chargers'
secondary more or less than two hundred and thirty three and.
Speaker 2 (20:46):
A half passing yards.
Speaker 1 (20:47):
This could get tricky because playoff time, we're talking about
Jim Harbard here, who knows what the hell he's doing,
all right, And if anybody can neutralize an opposing quarterback,
he can, Especially with cjh being in the second year,
Stephan Diggs being out them having a couple of injuries.
I just think you tanked heel as well. I just
wonder about it, but I'm still gonna go with more. Okay,
finally we have textan star receiving Nico Collins more or
less than eighty three and a half receiving yards. I
definitely think it's more to this question more and more
as an answer to this question, because that's the primary
target of CJ. Stroud in this game. I definitely think
Nico Collins gonna end up getting his make no mistake
about it. I expect a good game with the Chargers
and the Houston Texans, and I'm going with more on
this one.
Speaker 2 (21:32):
More and more and more.
Speaker 1 (21:33):
This is the kind of things we like when we're
talking about prospects more because when we say more, we're
really eluding them.
Speaker 2 (21:39):
More in your pocket sooner than later. Welcome back to
the steven A. Smith Shows.
Speaker 1 (21:46):
Time to get to the end of the NFL regular
season as promised. It concluded last night with the Detroit
Lions beating down the Minnesota Vikings. Okay, So who better
to have as my next guest in the aftermath of
that than the man I have on with me right now,
all Worldwide Receiver Hall of Famer. All he did was
catch touchdowns. The one and only Chris Carter is here
with me right now.
Speaker 2 (22:11):
What's up, bro? You okay?
Speaker 1 (22:13):
You know, just ignore football first. Let's ignore football first.
I want to know if my brother is all right.
Usually he got the purple pom poms, you know, he
got the purple in the background, got purple mugs, got
purple yeah, got purple outfits, all.
Speaker 2 (22:27):
Of this other stuff. Oh, I want to know, is
Chris Carter okay?
Speaker 1 (22:32):
After that ass kicking the Minnesota Vikings took on Sunday
night to a Detroit Lions team that had thirteen dudes
on defense on an injured reserve how's Chris Carter doing.
Speaker 5 (22:44):
I'm doing good, But we got booked last night. I
mean that was disappointing. And the most disappointed part about
it was the first half because we had the game
to take control. Sphis is about momentum and when you
force quartererback golf into a couple turnovers, when you have
a short field, when you're in the red zone four times,
you're only getting six to nine points that you're.
Speaker 4 (23:07):
Not gonna be able to beat.
Speaker 5 (23:09):
D Trager's played the most consistent football throughout the season,
so in this nine game winning streak, this was not
the game that they needed to see on Sunday night
to build to finish the season. But you can't take
away what the team has done this year. Detroit had
a great game plan, Aaron Glenn choosing to play a
lot of man the man covers zero and attack the
Vikings wide receivers. That to me, was one of the
biggest storylines, if not the biggest storyline of the game.
Speaker 2 (23:36):
Yeah, I've just said you know what to me. Listen.
Speaker 3 (23:38):
Speaker 1 (23:38):
They blitched Sam Donald, you know, more than sixty seven
percent of the time. It was the second most the
season that any team has done in the National Football League.
They had you know, they had him that I think
it was about sixty sevenercent. Either that or they had
him in single cover that a man covers that amount
of time, which basically means that's something you don't normally
see if you're justin Jefferson and you Addison. But nevertheless,
they clearly felt that if you put pressure on Sam Donald,
we gonna see the Sam Donald we've been seeing it
for the first the last six years or so, not
the one we've been seeing for this entire season.
Speaker 2 (24:08):
So now that you saw what you.
Speaker 1 (24:09):
Saw, Chris Carter, how are you feeling about Sam Donald
going into the playoffs?
Speaker 5 (24:13):
I still feel good about Sam Donald. You know the
reason why, Because I'm a fair JOURNALI I'm not gonna
keep moving the gold post. I'm not gonna keep moving
the in line marker. Because what Sam Donald has done,
taking over for a first round draft pick and JJ
McCarthy and stepping in this offense, resurrecting his whole career.
They didn't lose that game last night because of Sam Donald. Now,
and if this was the old Sam Man, they would
have scored fifty points. He would have thrown two or
three picks. Now, were they out of Saint Did they
rush up his mechanics? Yes, but that's other people. It's
a team sport. He didn't play the best game that
he's played in the last ten games. But the Vikings
didn't lose because of Sam Darnold.
Speaker 4 (24:56):
They've had a great season.
Speaker 5 (24:58):
And I guarantee you Lamar had lost and their team
had fourteen and two and they lost to Detroit and Detroit,
we wouldn't be talking about Lamar. Of course, he's got
a better track record Josh Allen, But all these fours, right,
Sam Donald. Sam Donald has matched these guys for the season.
Speaker 4 (25:15):
Speaker 5 (25:15):
If we want to keep going back to viewing in
his past, then we can keep doing that. But Sam
Donald has painted the commentary on his whole career and
last night was not an indictment on his ability. He
is still going to be someone starting quarterback next season
if it's not the Vikings, which I do believe the
Vikings are going to franchise him.
Speaker 4 (25:38):
I talked to you know, a couple of people, and
I do believe.
Speaker 1 (25:41):
That, but they said, I mean, it's a one year
it's a one year, ten million dollar deal. He's playing
ounder now, You're damn right to franchise him. You don't
want to just place all your face in rookie. JJ
McCarthy ain't playing an NFL game because he got injured
before the season started. But let me ask you this
last question on the vikings. So how do you feel?
How do you feel cc when you had the number
one pick, The number one's a slot rather in your grass.
You would have been a number one seed had you won,
and the road to the super Bowl would have had
to go through Minnesota. Now, because you lost, the road
to the Super Bowls gonna have to go to Detroit.
You got to start out at a wild card and
despite having a better record, you got to start out
on the road in Los Angeles against the Rams next
Monday night.
Speaker 2 (26:25):
How are you feeling about that, Chris Carter?
Speaker 5 (26:28):
It's the worst possible scenario. We had the home field advantage.
If you look at if the players the players do
a survey, Minnesota is one of the top three or
four places the hardest places to play, Kansas City, Seattle, Denver, Philadelphia.
Minnesota's always up there. So you got two games to
go to the super Bowl. We haven't had number one
seed since nineteen ninety eight, the fifteen to one team
with Moss, myself, Jay Greed, Randall Cunningham.
Speaker 4 (26:55):
So this was, man, this was this was precious, precious,
precious cargo, and we fumbled it. Me like, we didn't
handle it the right way. Now with it?
Speaker 1 (27:04):
Is that your way of saying that you no longer
think that the Minnesota viks is going to Super Bowl?
Speaker 2 (27:08):
Chris Catter, That's what I'm asking, That's what I'm asking.
Speaker 5 (27:11):
You know, they still have a chance, they still have
a chance. But trust me, the other teams don't want
to see Minnesota coming to playing like Minnesota is not
a team. Everybody done. Oh yeh oh, let's just play Minnesota. Man,
that'll get us an easy win.
Speaker 4 (27:23):
But I'll tell you this much.
Speaker 1 (27:25):
I'll tell you this much, Chris Carter. I don't think
the Detroit line's got a problem seeing them. I don't
think they got a problem seeing them at all.
Speaker 5 (27:31):
Well, I don't think Detroit they got a problem seeing anybody.
What happened to them last year? Last year they started
off the season beating Kansas City. They finished the season
losing in San Francisco, a game that they out played
the San Francisco forty nine ers. So they have been
on the mission all year. Respect to Detroit, respect of
what they've done, respect to the defensive coordinator, the adjustment,
respect of Ben Johnson, the offensive scene that he that
I believe is the most difficult to guard week in
and week out as offensive coordinator for the Detroit No man,
respect Detroit man, respectful what they're doing.
Speaker 1 (28:03):
By the way, before I move on, real real quick,
what the hell did Aaron Glenn do defensively to neutralize
Minnesota's office to hold him to nine points and not
a single touchdown.
Speaker 5 (28:14):
Well, for one, he changed up what they were doing
in the last three games week fourteen to seventeen, they
were giving up thirty two points a game. You talked
about playing Manda Man in Blitzing's but he played zero
covers where he took the safety out of the middle.
I think twelve to thirteen times. That's not something the
Bite can see a lot of because they have such
skill at the positions wide receiver, running back in at
tight end, so that threw them all.
Speaker 4 (28:40):
They got in Sam Darnold.
Speaker 5 (28:42):
State even when they couldn't sack him, they got in
his face to make his throws a little bit higher.
And when they needed to guard Justin Jefferson one on one.
I gotta tell you they did a hell up a
job against JJ.
Speaker 4 (28:56):
That's not something that we normally see.
Speaker 2 (28:59):
Let me transition real quick your thoughts about the Philadelphia.
Speaker 1 (29:02):
Eagles not letting Sakuon Barkley go for the all time
single season rushing record he clips in Eric Dickerson and
instead letting him sit out to make sure he's preserved
and ready to go come playoffs.
Speaker 5 (29:13):
The reason because even if he breaks the record, if
they don't reach their goal as a team as an organization,
because that's what they brought him there. They brought him
there to win a Super Bowl. And by the way,
if you can break you know, Eric Dickerson's Ed's rushing record,
then that'd be just excellent. But you can't jeopardize the
whole team goals for one individual. And I'm a wide receiver,
I'm as selfish as they come. But when it comes
down to one game, well, you should have got it
in sixteen games. If that's the case, or if you
would have had been the better position where you had
the number one seed, then we might play you in
the first half because you gotta buy week.
Speaker 4 (29:49):
But when you know you're planning the following week and.
Speaker 5 (29:51):
It's gonna be a headbanger three weeks in a row
to Bill to get to the super Bowl again. No,
you have to sit him because the team's goals and
the team's aspiration in the team sport is the number
one priority. It's keeping the main thing the main thing.
Speaker 1 (30:08):
I feel you on that, and I don't disagree, but
I still can say I agree, but I hate it
because the running back position is so devalued.
Speaker 2 (30:15):
You got guys that miss.
Speaker 1 (30:17):
Out on money in long term contract just because of
their birth certificate. You don't even pay attention to their production.
You say, hey, they thirty, their time is up. We
don't need them. So I hate that, but I understand it.
Speaker 5 (30:27):
And a little sidebar, it would have been nice to
see him do it against the.
Speaker 1 (30:30):
Giants, that's right, because we know how they treated them. Oh,
by the way, I'm glad I remember that. I almost
forgot to ask you what the hell.
Speaker 2 (30:37):
Is up with the Giants.
Speaker 1 (30:38):
I have no problem with Table because Davel proved to
me that he could coach.
Speaker 2 (30:41):
Give him something to work with and he can coach.
Speaker 1 (30:44):
But that damn GM who was so smug on hard
Knocks and letting Sakuon Barkley go and investing in Daniel Jones,
the Giants electing to keep both of them in place
for next season. I never thought that I'd look at
the Giants organization and see them as being as bad.
Speaker 2 (31:01):
I never thought to them. I never thought so.
Speaker 4 (31:04):
No, it's not something you think about.
Speaker 5 (31:05):
They are one of the patriarch franchises that we have.
But you lose your way tomorrow, family, They've lost their way,
their selection of players, their management of players, the players
they draft, second third contracts. They had mismanaged that, and
to me, the question is what are they gonna do
at quarterback? Is the Giants and Lamar family that they're
not known to have an African American at quarterback, and
the best two quarterbacks are African Americans. So what they
gonna do now, that's what I'm interested. I don't care
who the coach is. I want to see what they
do at quarterback because their history and history tells you.
How do I know what they're gonna do in the future,
what they've done in the past. I want to see
what they're gonna do at quarterback. We should start conversating
about that.
Speaker 2 (31:50):
Yeah, they got the third pick.
Speaker 1 (31:51):
New England messed up because you know what, you fired
Rod Mayo after one year and what have you. But
what the hell was he doing when in that game
yesterday they went from having the number one overall pick
to drop into the number four overall pick. You got
some people in New England feeling like he should be
five for that alone. Your thoughts about that, real quick man, you.
Speaker 4 (32:10):
Shouldn't be at the end. It's overwhere.
Speaker 5 (32:12):
The only way you can help the team is by
continuing what you already did.
Speaker 4 (32:16):
You can't be trying to be a hero and win
the last game.
Speaker 5 (32:19):
You got a chance to change the franchise and run
stroke And he had to know there was bad vibes
in the building.
Speaker 4 (32:25):
I believe that he.
Speaker 5 (32:26):
Knew he was going to be out of there, and
he went on and inspired the guys and they end
up winning in spight to stick at the Craft.
Speaker 4 (32:31):
That's what I believe happened.
Speaker 1 (32:33):
I never thought about it that way because Kraft supposedly
loved the guy, gave him a shot, you know, but
they clearly want Mike Rabel That's who they wanted all along,
and an opportunity to get him him being out there.
I think that's what they see right now. Let me
move on to the Pittsburgh Steelers. Because the Baltimore Ravens
are the AFC North champions. The Pittsburgh Steelers have lost
four straight. Mike Tomlin looks on the verge of having
another playoff loss because they play Saturday night and nobody's
gonna pick them to beat the Ravens. That would be
yet another year. It would be since twenty sixteen that
Mike Tomlin and the Pittsburgh Steelers have not won a
playoff game.
Speaker 2 (33:13):
Your thoughts about what you've seen from the Steelers.
Speaker 5 (33:16):
There is one way to correct the Steelers' problems. And
if they need a better wide receiver room, they need
better guys, They need better people.
Speaker 4 (33:30):
They need a coach.
Speaker 5 (33:31):
That will take control of that wide receiver room because
they have had problems with that room even when Ad
was there. They have problems with that room and that
has continued after.
Speaker 4 (33:40):
He is left.
Speaker 5 (33:42):
Pickens is an issue. He is not playing up to
his abilily his ability. I'm not saying they're coddling him,
but I'm saying they're doing things that are making him
not necessarily developed as fast as.
Speaker 4 (33:57):
He should develop. They should that had another veterans about
the quarterback? No, no, no, what about the quarterback?
Speaker 1 (34:04):
I gotta I imagine receivers would be happy if they
had a better quarterback throwing.
Speaker 2 (34:08):
Them the football.
Speaker 5 (34:10):
Steven A, This is not something I'm guessing about, Okay.
I know I've had conversations with Mike Tonell over the
last year and a half that room is a problem.
And then we just start hearing about the interviews and
stuff the last couple of weeks.
Speaker 4 (34:26):
So Pittsburgh does a lot.
Speaker 5 (34:27):
Of things well, but now they cannot overcome because they
can run the football, they got a strong defense, Mike.
Mike's leadership is that is one of the best in
the league. But you can't overcome a bad wide receiver
room when you have a quarterback, especially this temperamental and
their relationship could be fractured fairly.
Speaker 4 (34:48):
East Russell had issues when he.
Speaker 5 (34:50):
Was in Denver. Russell had issues when he was in Seattle.
Now with the weak wide receiver room, do you think
they're not gonna be some issues in Pittsburgh?
Speaker 4 (34:58):
Obviously there are. Just listen to them.
Speaker 1 (35:00):
Tyreek Hill, he's made some noise to This is the
guy that departed from Kansas City, went and got the
bag in Miami. Swore up and down that tour was
gonna be just as good as Patrick Mahomes and now
here he is. Look at this quote. There's a lot
of things that I need to reassess about my career.
This is the first time I haven't been to the playoffs.
I mean, I just got to do what's best for
me or my family that's here or wherever the case
it may be.
Speaker 2 (35:26):
I'm opening the door. I'm out.
Speaker 4 (35:28):
Speaker 1 (35:28):
It was great playing here, but at the end of
the day, I have to do what's best for my career,
all right. This is Dolphin's head coach Mike McDaniel. He says,
I was informed that he was unavailable right before drive.
I was not informed that it was a new injury.
There were guys on the field that were competing. We
were trying to win a game, so my focus was there.
We will see how the next couple of days progress.
In convos with him and I, here's what the's two
things going on here? CEC Number one, you Tyreek Hill,
you depart, you go get the bag of Miami. You
swore up and down at that the two A tongue
of low was gonna be as good as Patrick Mahomes.
Speaker 2 (36:03):
Very stupid thing to say.
Speaker 1 (36:05):
Kansas City has won two championships without Tyreek Hill ever since.
He hasn't won a playoff game. He hasn't you know,
he hasn't really done that. Secondly, you see the Twitter
handle right there. He superimposes his face on Antonio Brown's body,
so clearly he's telling you that's where his head is
at number three, he ended up pulling something like that.
Dude Campbell for San Francisco did a month ago or
so when he walked off the field, Uh, didn't want
to play for the team, didn't want to enter the
game in the third quarter. Tyreek Hill essentially did that.
The only difference is he stayed on the bench. He
didn't go inside the locker room. This is egregious stuff.
What do you make of it?
Speaker 5 (36:43):
Well, I'm not gonna correct you, but I'm just gonna
let you know as far as what happens on the side,
not Tyreek Hill, you kind. We got places here in Florida.
I go to a lot of Dolphins games. I follow
the Dolphins. So he's had a knee problem that he
hadn't played about all year. And when you go to
a Dolphins game. After he makes a big catch or something,
typically he comes out of the game. Now, I've watched
him every year in Miami. No year has he been
banged up as much as he has been. What typically
happens in a situation like this, they're scoreboard watching, they're
watching the Denver Kansas City game. The Denver Kansas City
game starts to go sideways. Oh man, we ain't got
a chance.
Speaker 4 (37:25):
Guess what, I'm not very getting ready to do. I'm
not getting ready to get hurt out here playing for nothing.
Speaker 5 (37:31):
All right, I've been putting myself in armsway all season.
I'm not I'm getting ready to check out. And my teammates, well,
then why.
Speaker 2 (37:38):
Just say that? Why not just say that? He didn't
say that, Cec. Why not just say that?
Speaker 5 (37:44):
Because I don't believe he's as good as with the
media as I am. He's very very young, very very emotional,
he's got a lot of other stuff going on that
he didn't realize the long play. Because that's a professional
decision right there. That people saying your teammates himself understand
how much you've been sacrificing, then that whole look like
ad Man. You know, I take exception to that because
to me, you know, I don't know where ad is
as far as his mental health to be able to
mockt to be able to try to put yourself in.
Speaker 4 (38:16):
The same light.
Speaker 5 (38:17):
And then also I see them five kids, and I
hear that you got more than five kids. I see
five kids in the picture on your headshot, and everything
it should be.
Speaker 4 (38:25):
About them, man, like they're gonna always be.
Speaker 5 (38:27):
Able to go back, go back and google today and
what their dad was doing.
Speaker 4 (38:31):
So be careful what you put out there.
Speaker 5 (38:33):
Man. A lot of this stuff is permanent and it's
not about you. So he's still got plenty good years
of football.
Speaker 4 (38:38):
Left in him.
Speaker 5 (38:39):
He's a very, very explosive player. But I don't know
why certain wide receivers towards the end of their career
they decide to blow up places as they decide to
transition to a new home, going to a new home.
There's nothing wrong with that, but there's a way to
do it, and there's a way to handle your business
and handle your affairs, and he's not handling that the
right way.
Speaker 1 (39:00):
Two quick questions for I'll let you get on out here.
Out of here, is McCarthy going in Dallas.
Speaker 5 (39:05):
Should he be gone, Well, I don't think Jerry Jones
has a better option, and that's why he let the
contract play out. I do believe that he has slurred
around with Dion, and I do believe that he entertained
maybe some other ideas, but he believes probably long term,
I'm probably better off sticking with the guy that I
have because I can keep running the Cowboys the way
that I want to, which is the most important thing.
It's not who's the head coaches? How do I run
this football team the way I want to do it?
And I have someone that agrees to that right now.
Speaker 4 (39:39):
And I mean, how many more contract coaches contract Jerry
think he got left in it. I mean it was
a few years ago.
Speaker 5 (39:46):
He went to see the plastic surgeon and everything like,
you can't go see nobody else. Ain't no blood transfusion,
ain't no hey man, you getting old, dogson. These visions
become somewhat permanent.
Speaker 2 (39:58):
Oh my God, like you.
Speaker 5 (40:01):
This man wants to win. He is about winning, and
he gonna try to do everything that he can to do.
But this not that he tied is gonna be hard
to impossible to untied.
Speaker 1 (40:12):
I believe but he wants but he wants to win
his way. He wants to win his way. And listen,
he ain't trying to leave. He ain't trying to defer
to anybody else. He wants to do the work because
I think he's afraid the minute he steps away, he's
just gonna lay down and die. And he doesn't want
to do that. And and and that's really what it
is about Jerry Jones. Uh But anyway, last question to you,
I'd be remiss in not bringing up the Ohio State
and college football.
Speaker 2 (40:38):
Speaker 1 (40:39):
I want to say this because you know, I took
a lot of heat you had people because Kirk Curvestreet
came at me, and you know, he came, but I
didn't take it personal or anything like that the way
Shannon my Man Shannon Sharp did. But Kirk Curvetreet and
Chris Fallery came at us because we talked about how,
you know, Ryan Day, you know, what his job could
be in jeopardy and people thought that was ridiculous. And
I'm like, even after he blew out Tennessee, I said,
I want to hear that shit. I meant what I said.
What I said was going into the playoffs having lost
four straight games to Michigan. If this man would lose
to Tennessee, he got to go. And then I love
seeing you on the sideline for the blowout victory over Oregon.
You're right in Pasadena, I said, my man, I said,
my man. CC was on the air talking about the
same damn thing, and he right there on the sideline.
He ain't backing up. Yeah, you better be here. You
got That's what I'm saying. So I want to know
your thoughts about what you've seen from Ohio State. How
surprised are you if not at all? And what does
this say about Ryan Day that he's been able to
win both of these playoff games in such a lopsided fashion.
Speaker 5 (41:50):
No, I'm very, very fortunate to be able to get
inside the program when they were at the Rose Bow,
and that's be around the kids. Listen to Ryan Day,
Listen to what they're saying before the game, whether they're
justiness at halftime. And I'm gonna tell you, I like
what Ryan Day has done. I don't like the fact
that we've lost the number of games to Michigan, and
I don't like the style for which we lost, you know,
two years, being totally out physical.
Speaker 4 (42:23):
And then this year being idiots for not throwing the
ball to our explosive players.
Speaker 5 (42:27):
No, I don't like that when I look at the
overall state of the program, what kind of kids we had,
how they play, how they represent the buck guys.
Speaker 4 (42:36):
I'm pleased with Ryan Day.
Speaker 5 (42:38):
The only thing that's going to be able to overcome
people talking about Michigan is for this team to reach
its potential. That's what they are doing now. They are
playing the style of football, and everybody talks about the
twenty million in nil.
Speaker 4 (42:50):
They're third or fourth in college football. Oregon has twenty.
Speaker 5 (42:53):
Three million nil for the football team. Texas has twenty
two and a half million for their football team.
Speaker 4 (43:00):
You know, so.
Speaker 5 (43:01):
People act as if Ohio State got twenty million, everybody
else got five million. No other teams are outspend them.
This team has the potential to be the only team
in Ohio state history that wins the national championship without
beating Michigan. We've won eight national championships and all those
seasons we beat Michigan. So he does have the program
in the right state where it needs to be. Are
we upset about the Michigan of course, and we should
be and we should be able to speak our minds
about our head coach. If you don't beat Michigan, you
are going to have a problem with a certain amount
of Buckeye thinking. And that's the way it should always be.
This is a prime time job.
Speaker 4 (43:43):
But he is built for it.
Speaker 5 (43:44):
I do believe that he can take this to an
all time high as far as a program, because they're
going to be sacked for the next three to five years.
Speaker 2 (43:54):
Here's here's my dear christ and I'll let it. I'll
end up by saying this.
Speaker 1 (43:58):
I certainly would an advocate for him being going down
because he's in the final four.
Speaker 2 (44:03):
He's in position.
Speaker 1 (44:03):
You went two more games, you're the national champion. Ain't
nothing but respect for that. But I stand by the
position that I took initially after you lost to Michigan
for the fourth straight time. If you had ended up
losing that first game of the playoffs to Tennessee, well
damn it.
Speaker 2 (44:19):
It's the Ohio State.
Speaker 1 (44:20):
If you can't handle the responsibility that come along with that, somebody.
Speaker 2 (44:23):
Else needs to. And it's just that simple.
Speaker 1 (44:25):
It's just that he has stepped up and he has
handled it, especially blown out the number one team in
the Nation, Oregon.
Speaker 2 (44:31):
So I'm gonna give him his respect and his flowers.
He deserves it now, but three media ago, I'll be
damned if he deserved it.
Speaker 4 (44:38):
Speaker 5 (44:38):
We have to realize he is still a young coach man,
like he is still growing as a coach, Like he
is still getting better as a football coach. Like the
landscape of college football last six years. Man, since he's
been around, it's changed every other year. So there is
a thing called professional development. And I do believe I
would not take another coach over any coach than rehaving
Ryan Day at Ohio State. I wouldn't take Smart, I
wouldn't take Kirby Smart. And listen all these other coaches.
Dabbo Davo went through this Ryan Day period before he
got the national championship at Clinsive Kirby Smart. Remember, remember
he couldn't win the big game at Georgia.
Speaker 4 (45:19):
Before he got a couple of championships.
Speaker 5 (45:21):
So mister c for Ryan Day, getting his reputation, getting
the Buckeyes back on the national stage, winning their ninth
national championship, the only time they're gonna be able to
do it without defeating.
Speaker 4 (45:33):
The team up north.
Speaker 5 (45:35):
And he has the program exactly where we want the
program to be.
Speaker 2 (45:40):
Chris Carter always loved for talking to you, my man.
Speaker 1 (45:42):
I look forward talking to you next week after we
watch some of these playoff games.
Speaker 2 (45:45):
Man, you take it easy, I'll holler at you.
Speaker 4 (45:46):
Then appreciate dogs.
Speaker 2 (45:49):
He's a love, no doubt coming up.
Speaker 1 (45:51):
We're just a few weeks away from the inauguration of
mister Donald Trump and he's already making waves in Washington.
Speaker 2 (45:59):
I'll tell you why that that matters in a minute.
It's the Stephen A. Smith Show.
Speaker 1 (46:03):
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Speaker 2 (47:25):
Run your game.
Speaker 1 (47:29):
Welcome back to Steven Special right here with the digital
It was a YouTube. Thanks again to my man Chris
Carter for coming on and breaking stuff down.
Speaker 2 (47:36):
We always appreciate that.
Speaker 1 (47:37):
We always appreciate that Tory Cooper, the one of the
only Tory Cooper, is here with me.
Speaker 2 (47:41):
Right now.
Speaker 3 (47:42):
Speaker 1 (47:42):
I usually don't do this, but because it's shield, my buddy,
you have some stuff on your mind involving Angel rees
and what have you. So usually I'm the one that
introduces a subject. But I'm gonna turn around and give
the floor to you. Since you hanging out in my
studio and all, I'm gonna get a floor to you.
Speaker 2 (47:59):
Tory, take it away. Way, what's up? What's on your mind?
Speaker 3 (48:01):
Well, Angel Reese, she's scheduled to play in the new
three on three league that's coming up. The unrivaled basketball
season is starting this month, but she came under some
scrutiny around New Year's Eve because she shared a post
on her Instagram. You know, she's had a stellar season.
This is the video that is actually still on her TikTok,
and she got some pretty serious pushback after sharing this,
and people were pretty unhappy with the way that she
shared this on a public platform. So I wanted to
get your thoughts on this, because, as a woman in
the industry who has come under her own scrutiny myself,
I have, I wanted to hear where you fell on
this issue. Because she deleted her Instagram and that's the
most important part about all of this, because clearly she's
uncomfortable with some of the backlash that she's getting because
she deleted her Instagram.
Speaker 1 (48:52):
Well, here's the part that I like about the backlash.
Clearly it's something that a lot of people can take.
So if it's something that you can't take, maybe you
shouldn't expose yourself to the backlash in provoking the backlash.
Speaker 2 (49:10):
You know, I'm glad you're here for this conversation.
Speaker 1 (49:13):
I'm glad you brought it up because here's the reason
why I love angel Reaes. I think that Adrew Reese
is great. I think she's fantastic for the WNBA. I
love the fact that she's participating in this unrivaled league
because she's made it very clear she doesn't.
Speaker 2 (49:28):
Want to have to go overseas to play.
Speaker 1 (49:30):
We all know what happened with Britney grind and when
she went to Russia, we all felt like it was
politicized that she was railroaded. We always we all saw
that she suffered months of her life. Okay, we don't
wish that upon anybody, and we lamented the fact that
she had to go overseas. Not angel Rees, but Britney grinder.
She had to go overseas because like a lot of
them have had to over the years. You got to
supplement your income because the income that you're making at
the WNBA isn't nearly enough. I think when you talk
about the average salary, it was like approximately one hundred
and twenty four thousand if I remember correctly, Well, guess
what the average salary in the NBA is over ten million.
And so when you look at it from that standpoint,
to supplement your income by playing three on three basketball
in the United States and Miami specifically for a few months,
where they're talking about doubling the salary that you were
gonna make as a w NBA player, I'm all for that.
Speaker 2 (50:19):
But here's what I have a problem with Tory angel
Reese in doing the things that she has done.
Speaker 1 (50:29):
Let's face reality, she's going to be attached to Caitlin
Clark to some degree. If Angel Reese had never waved
her hand in her face when LSU was beaten Iowa
for you know, in the final for the National Championship,
If that hadn't happened, Angel Reese's name night now to
be as big. Yes she's a talent, Yes she would
have made the w NBA, but in terms of her popularity,
it really soared after she took down Caitlin Clark, and
then Kaitlyn Clark came back last year and got revenge
by knocking LSU out in the Elite eight.
Speaker 2 (51:01):
If I remember correctly, Caitlyn Clark.
Speaker 1 (51:04):
The reason I bring up Kaitlyn Clark is because they're
attached at the hit with one another, which means they're
ultimately going to be compared Tory. And when you look
at Kaitlyn Clark, Kaitln Clark is bawling.
Speaker 2 (51:15):
She's a Rookie of the Year.
Speaker 1 (51:17):
She was one of the finalists for the league MVP
honors as a rookie, breaking all types of records. She
should have been on Team USA. She did choose to
play in an unrivaled league. Her brand building has been
incredibly impressive. Now, we could get into the white black dynamic,
because inevitably that's inescapable in terms of you being white,
and as a result, it's contributing to your marketability more
so than in ajur Reese. We could debate that, but
what's not What's not debatable is the fact that Caitlyn
Clark has handled her branding extremely well, whereas with aur
Reese sometimes you find yourself scratch you out your head
and wondering what the hell she's doing like that photo
right there.
Speaker 2 (52:03):
Listen, I see the way you walk in the game.
Just listen.
Speaker 1 (52:07):
She's a beautiful young lady, and there's a lot of
beautiful young ladies in the WNBA. But when you do that,
you can't come down the line and complain about being
objectified later on. It's not gonna work with people. Whether
it's right or wrong, it's not gonna work. And when
you do stuff like that and you're drawing attention to
yourself because of that, that can be problematic for you,
especially when the comparison is going to be drawn to
Caitlin Clark, who isn't doing such things. That might not
be fair. I'm not saying it is. And you certainly
have the right to dress how you want and to
do what you want and to.
Speaker 2 (52:42):
Live your life. But people have a right to have their.
Speaker 1 (52:45):
Opinions about what you put on display, and if they
don't like it, and they believe that it's not it's
not the right thing for you to be doing when
you talk about building your brand.
Speaker 2 (52:59):
I don't know how you can argue Thatt Toriy, that's
my struggle.
Speaker 3 (53:03):
Well, we have to remember one thing, She's not Caitlin Clark,
and we can't ask her to be anyone else besides herself,
and especially not right here. We're not going to do that.
We want you to be you. We love seeing the
great parts of your journey. But we also have to
remember she's twenty two years old, and I have no
problem sharing my age. I'm about to be thirty two
this year. So you know, you have to remember that
we all had this time, and we've all made foolish decisions.
We've made decisions that maybe we're not proud of, you know,
And you have to remember that we're dealing with someone
who's twenty two and is now looking at a million
dollar paycheck potentially. I mean, she's making a lot of
money very fast, and she was just thrust into a spotlight.
And you know, Stephen, when you were twenty two, if
Stephen A was given millions of dollars, we could have
fancy cars. You know, I'm sure that you probably had
some decisions that you made that you weren't excited about,
and that you're glad that maybe the entire world and
have to learn about, you know. So the difference here
is that she's having We're having to watch her all.
We're having to watch her learn this in front of everybody,
and so I want to give her grace in that way.
But I also want to encourage her to bring her
Instagram platform back, because that is her brand and she
built that for the last X number of years and
now she can't use it as a platform to market herself.
But you have to be cognizant that no matter how
you step out of your house, you are now Angel
Reese and you will always be picked apart. Unfortunately, it
comes with the crown. You're a queen. You're beautiful, you know.
So you just have to remember that. If you're not
ready for the heat, then you know, you just got
to be mindful. That's what comes with it. You have
to be mindful with what I got.
Speaker 1 (54:43):
I gotta say to you, Tori, I got to push
back on you a little bit. Okay, I think you're
being a little bit too PC. Let's call it what
it is.
Speaker 2 (54:50):
What I am not trying.
Speaker 1 (54:51):
To say that she should be criticized or she is wrong.
What I'm saying is by pulling it down. Clearly you
felt there was something wrong with it. Now, yes you
are twenty two, Yes you are young, and there's a
lot of things that we didn't want people to know
about when we were her age.
Speaker 2 (55:09):
Fair enough, especially me.
Speaker 1 (55:10):
Okay, because I'm thirty years thirty plus years removed from
that age.
Speaker 2 (55:14):
I got that part.
Speaker 1 (55:15):
There was no social media then or whatever. But here's
my point to you. She knows this social media. She
is not dumb. She's quite a brilliant young lady. She's
very smart, very accomplished, and on top of it all,
she is in this age where she does know social
media exists, and she has exploited it to her advantage.
Speaker 2 (55:37):
And so when you take that into consideration.
Speaker 1 (55:39):
That means you're mindful of the imagery and the perception
that you're resisting in.
Speaker 2 (55:45):
Creating about yourself, and you have to.
Speaker 1 (55:49):
And I'm saying to you it might have been a
right or wrong decision depending on what she feels with
what other people feel. I'm just saying that what's inescapable
is that it's going even though she's not Caitlin Clark.
She's going to be reminded she's not Caitlyn Clark. With
every good thing that Caitlyn Clark does because that was
her number one numbersis and a lot of people's odds
number one number two. She was seeing doing various interviews
and what have you, talking about threats, talking about insults,
crying about how people were coming at her with such
venom and hostility, particularly in her last year at LSU
before she ultimately graduated to the pros.
Speaker 2 (56:25):
She brought up all of these things, which means she
was aware of it.
Speaker 1 (56:29):
And if you're aware of it, you have to understand
that that's going to be part of the judgment that
comes against you, fear or unfair.
Speaker 2 (56:37):
That's what I'm saying, Tori.
Speaker 3 (56:40):
The youth is dealing with this issue. Many of them
believe that the more I share about myself, the more
like liked I'm going to be. People are going to
know me off the basketball court. We want to know
you off the basketball court, Stephen. I agree with a
lot of the stuff you're talking about, but I just
wanted to make sure we're still showing her grace and
where she's at in her life and understanding that. Look,
she is twenty two years old still, you know, I'm
not saying, but that doesn't get to the other point
that another take that I have on this where the
youth needs to understand that it's not all about sharing everything.
It's about actually keeping a lot of this stuff intimate
in private. Personally, I wouldn't wear that because that's not
the way I want to be represented.
Speaker 1 (57:20):
Okay, and personally personally to put myself on Frost Street,
I wouldn't want my daughter to listen. My daughter's gonna
be in college in a few years. Troy, let me
tell you something.
Speaker 2 (57:30):
This is just daddy. This is just daddy talking.
Speaker 3 (57:32):
Okay, Yeah, I got it.
Speaker 2 (57:35):
My daughters are fully aware.
Speaker 1 (57:37):
Daddy had better Dan Well not see an outfit like
that on social media. Now, I ain't judging andreuries, live
your life. I'm talking about my daughters, right, I promise.
Speaker 2 (57:48):
You, I promise you. I better not see that.
Speaker 1 (57:52):
They could be in college in la and in Boston
or anywhere in between.
Speaker 2 (57:58):
Daddy would drop.
Speaker 1 (57:59):
The mic, hopping the car on the plane or wherever
I'll be.
Speaker 2 (58:04):
That ain't gonna happen. You said, I'm not having it.
That's me.
Speaker 1 (58:08):
So again, without judging somebody else, we understand that everybody's
got their own taste, they own flavor and certainly their
on rights, but there are other people that's going to
exercise their rights to be ultra critical about it. And
then I'm not even talking about the outfit that Angel
Reese is warn I'm talking about the overall pressure of
having to be compared as a brand to somebody who's
conducting their branding with near perfection. That's what I'm saying.
She's gonna have to deal with that, Tori, whether she likes.
Speaker 2 (58:41):
It or not.
Speaker 3 (58:42):
She's opening yourself up to every opportunity, is what I
want for Angel Reese. I don't want Adidas. I don't
want Nike turning her down because they don't see her
as someone that's marketable, because neither do I, you know,
And that's that's the pain that I had for her
in this. But I want her to know if she's listening,
work dec to still see you bring back that beautiful
Instagram page and just learn from it. And I think
this is a perfect segue because I also want to
talk about the pressures that you face in this realm
of social media at this age, and I am not
immune to it. I have had my own issues with
this stephen in the industry being thrust over the spotlight. Yes,
and I thought I showed you the picture. I texted
it to you, and I think it's a good segue.
Here it is. This is the picture. I posted this
picture in twenty nineteen. This is when I had my
first anchor job. I was excited about the fame. I
was like, Wow, I want to show people the less
serious side of me, show them I could be relatable.
Maybe a brand will want to do this, you know,
collab with me, maybe he gets some brand partnerships. The
news quickly shut this down and they I got called
into HR for this photo and I was told I
had to take it down because it was suggestive, risque
and inappropriate. Now alone, I never thought that posting a
photo like that would be suggestive, risque and inappropriate.
Speaker 2 (01:00:04):
Really no, I'm.
Speaker 1 (01:00:06):
Not saying it wasn't inappropriate now, it wasn't inappropriate. It
wasn't I'm not trying to imply it wasn't inappropriate or
anything like that. But when you post a photo like that,
you do understand that men are gonna look at that
and be like, hey, that looks very nice.
Speaker 2 (01:00:20):
You do you get that part, don't?
Speaker 3 (01:00:21):
Well? That comes with stepping outside in a beanie and
a hat like, no matter what, I'm going to be
subjected to the beauty that I have periods, So that
part I can't get away from. But what I was
after in that moment, I can honestly tell you was
not the certification from you know men. I was actually
in this moment, I was like, I would love to
get a brand deal. That'd be so cool. You know,
That's where I was at, and that's the world you
live in a social media at that age, you know.
I mean I was probably twenty two actually at that time,
and that's what I was after. And you know, I'm
not speaking for Angel Reese. I'm not saying that's what
she was after, But you're I want to tell you
where I was at emotionally. I was excited about my fame.
I was excited to be able to expand into different
realms potentially. But again, look at look at that dress.
You know that that arguably to mepropriate nothing, that was
doing anything inappropriate, but apparently HR did so.
Speaker 2 (01:01:15):
H But I'm saying, but but let me let me
let me share this with you. Let me let me
share a little story with you. First of all, let
me say this to you.
Speaker 1 (01:01:23):
I've given advice to women in this industry more times
than I can count. I have never given advice without asked,
without being asked for it. First, I don't volunteer it,
but if you ask me, I'm gonna.
Speaker 2 (01:01:38):
Give you advice. And I have told countless women over
the years.
Speaker 1 (01:01:44):
In this industry, the bosses are always watching, whether directly
or indirectly. There's always eyes on you, okay. And so
you could be in a nice dress, you could be
on a red carpet, you could be on the beach
on vacation or whatever. What you post is what they're
paying attention to because they're trying to measure what your
intentions are based off of what they see. The other
thing that's important to point out, Tori, is this, Having
said all of that, sometimes they're wrong.
Speaker 2 (01:02:22):
A lot of times they might be wrong, But you
know what the golden rule is.
Speaker 1 (01:02:29):
Those who have the gold. Those who have the gold
make the rules, and so it fluctuates. It shouldn't, but
it does. And there's rules that they don't want to
we don't want to act like it. There's rules for women,
there's rules for black people, there's rules for other folks.
Speaker 2 (01:02:48):
Some folks don't have rules compared to what others have, and.
Speaker 1 (01:02:52):
We continuously point to the level of unfairness that exist,
but we ultimately always end up concluding it's inevitable, and
so you have to be mindful of it all moving
forward in this industry.
Speaker 2 (01:03:07):
That's what I had to say about that.
Speaker 3 (01:03:11):
Younger kids right now are also not able to see
forty years from now. You know, you post that photo,
you're not thinking, what's this going to do to me?
Forty years from now? You know, think about that. You
know when you post this, what's gonna happen to my sponsorship?
And my last thing is if you're a young member
of society today and you have social media and you
are at big time, just remember that you need to
have advisors around you, paid advisors as well as people
who knew you before your face.
Speaker 2 (01:03:37):
That's great advice, because it's great advice.
Speaker 3 (01:03:40):
Beyonce, she had her mom on Dour and her cousin
right out the gate. I want to pay. She wanted
eyes around her who were paying attention to the world
she was going to be living in. And the people
right now who are going through this, who are facing
these moments, who are thrust into the spotlight take a
look at your advisors around you. Do they have your
best interest? And if you do get pushed back in
this way, ask yourself the people who were the people
around me during that time and what do they say
about this? And keep that in mind because your reputation
at the end of the day, you have the power
over that.
Speaker 1 (01:04:11):
Tory Cooper, your big time girl. Appreciate you. I know
you got to catch a flight. Thank you so much.
All right, we'll talk soon. Thanks a lot coming up.
We're just a few weeks away from the inauguration of
Donald Trump and he's already making waves in Washington, DC.
Speaker 2 (01:04:25):
I'll get into that.
Speaker 1 (01:04:26):
I'll tell you exactly what he's doing and why and
how it's going to work.
Speaker 2 (01:04:30):
Stick around. It's to stephen Ate Smith Show.
Speaker 1 (01:04:32):
Coming right back at you in a minute.
Speaker 2 (01:04:37):
Welcome back to stephen A. Smith Show.
Speaker 1 (01:04:40):
Before I get on out of here to that, I
want to get into some politics, okay. As mentioned, today
is January sixth, and the results of the twenty twenty
four election were certified today on Capitol Hill, just the
four year anniversary after the insurrection of the Capitol Hill.
By the way, we didn't see it repeated the riots
from four years ago, needless to say, or obviously when
Trump Oil has tried to stop certification of Joe Biden's
victory in twenty twenty one. Meanwhile, President elect Donald Trump
is trying to stop him sentencing Friday Friday in New
York related to his conviction in a hush money case.
Speaker 2 (01:05:13):
You may recall Trump.
Speaker 1 (01:05:14):
Was convicted in May of thirty four felon accounts of
falsifying business records related to a hush money payment to
adult film star Stormy Daniels in twenty sixteen.
Speaker 2 (01:05:24):
Here's a portion of the motion that Trump's attorneys filed
yesterday to the court.
Speaker 1 (01:05:28):
Quote the court should vacate the sentencing hearing scheduled for
January tenth, twenty twenty five, and suspend all further details
or further deadlines. Rather indicates until President Trump's immunity appeals
are fully and finally resolved.
Speaker 2 (01:05:42):
End quote.
Speaker 1 (01:05:43):
See, you might be surprised with what I have to
say about this. This is the kind of stuff that
just validates assertions about stuff being politicized. Maybe not specifically
with Trump, but the suspicion definitely is there.
Speaker 2 (01:06:00):
What is the purpose of this? Is he going to jail?
Are you going to jail. You know you're fine. We
gotta sit up there and go through all the.
Speaker 1 (01:06:11):
Pomp and circumstance when you know you're not.
Speaker 2 (01:06:13):
Going to do anything.
Speaker 1 (01:06:14):
He was certified today as the next President of the
United States of America. Come January twenty first, he will
be sworn in as the forty seventh President of the
United States of America. But you want to have you
want a sentence him. You're jan Mrshawan, who is he?
The State Supreme Court justice in New York. You want
to sentence the next product. And by the way, what
is the sentencing about? Because here we gotta be real
about it. We just gotta be real about it. Thirty
four fella in the council sounds sounds very very damaging.
It's a hush money case. Essentially, the case against Donald
Trump is that he is alleged to have engaged in
relations with a former porn star and he made efforts
involving finances to keep her mouth shut.
Speaker 2 (01:07:18):
That's what all of this is about.
Speaker 1 (01:07:22):
You know what some people said to me when they
were talking about this, They said, could you please tell
me what's the difference between this and somebody signing an
NDA I don't know the answer to these questions. I'm
just telling you what people's thought process is and when
something like this happens, even after he has won the election,
even after he has been certified, even though this was
before he was certified in terms of the judge's opinion
that he was gonna give a sentence in next Friday.
The point is why, just like Attorney General Alvin Bragg
in New York talking about, Hey, you know something, the
case should still be heredy we should treat him as
if he's deceased. For cride out loud so you can
have the sentence it's on the books. Why that's gonna
validate everything for you? Did you get him, did you
put him in jail? Did you prevent him from winning
the election?
Speaker 2 (01:08:12):
No, you did not.
Speaker 1 (01:08:13):
So now all you're doing is further impugning the name
of the president elect soon to be the forty seventh
president of the United States. Doesn't involve any jail time.
Does it prevent it from being in office. Does it
prevent him from signing anything in the law? Damn sure
didn't prevent him from helping Mike Johnson win Speak of
the House the other day when not one but two,
but three Republicans didn't want to vote him in again
as speaker and Trump got on the phone and sway
two of them, sway two of them, and they came
back within the hour. First book, This wasn't a Kevin
McCartney situation that went off.
Speaker 2 (01:08:52):
For days with numerous votes and roll calls. No, it
was one.
Speaker 1 (01:08:58):
And when it didn't sign in Mike Johnson's favor, what happened?
They called Trump on a phone while he was on
a golf course. He got on a phone with two
of the three politicians. The Republicans said, and what did
they do? They put it. We voted for even though
we don't want Mike Johnson in there, even though we
don't like some of the things that he's done, even
though he's made promises to us that he hasn't kept.
Speaker 2 (01:09:21):
Damn it.
Speaker 1 (01:09:22):
We want to make sure we don't impede the agenda
of the president elect Donald Trump was coming into office
January twenty.
Speaker 2 (01:09:29):
First, we are not going.
Speaker 1 (01:09:30):
To get in a way that he got them to
do what he wanted them to do. Totally different for
what was going on the previous four years with the
Body administration.
Speaker 2 (01:09:41):
How many times did.
Speaker 1 (01:09:42):
We sing strong leaning towards the extreme left, and it
was courtesy of the squaw, the AOC's of the word
Alexandria O Cassio, Cortez and Elon.
Speaker 2 (01:09:53):
You know, I'm just think about that, think about it.
Speaker 1 (01:10:02):
Biden was capitulating to them. Folks in Congress are capitulating
to Trump. And he hasn't even arrived yet. But you've
got some folks and of course they'll say stuff about
the judge. They'll say it was politicized, and all you're
doing is giving them farther and adding to the point.
And that is what annoys me, because all you're doing
is making their points when they swear up and down
stuff has been politicized. That's what they say. I just
don't understand it. I really really don't. Mershawn's daughter the judge.
His daughter, Lauren Merschan, is the head of a digital
marketing agency, Authentic Campaigns, which works with Democratic candidates and nonprofits.
That's an excuse for Trump to sit up there and say,
excuse me, he shouldn't he shouldn't be residing over this case.
Speaker 2 (01:11:00):
He shouldn't been making a decision.
Speaker 1 (01:11:02):
Actually, Trump in the past had repeatedly attacked Lauren in
the run up to the trial, He called her it
won social media post quote, a rabbit Trump hater who
has admitted to having conversations with her father about me.
Judge Mershawn acknowledged this, but decided it didn't provide a
justifiable reason for his recusal, which Trump had requested. The
New York State Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics found the
case didn't involve Lauren Hershawn or her business, either directly
or indirectly. So Trump lost getting here removed from the case,
and here he is now insisting on sentencing the president,
but the president elect, but openly admitting it won't involve
any jail time.
Speaker 2 (01:11:39):
Boy, then what is the purpose of it? That's why
the American people got tired of that BS.
Speaker 1 (01:11:48):
That's exactly the kind of stuff, all pomp and circumstances
and much ado about nothing.
Speaker 2 (01:11:54):
A waste of our damn time, That's what it is.
Speaker 1 (01:12:00):
Why should we be surprised, because that's what the Dems
have been doing, right, wasting our time.
Speaker 2 (01:12:07):
However, that doesn't mean that all is right.
Speaker 1 (01:12:13):
Want y'all to take a look at this video involving
Kamala Harris, the Vice president of the United States. The
Democratic presidential nominee. She had to preside over the certification
today because she's the head of the she's the president
of the Senate. That's what the vice president is, and
she has to Her job is to count the votes,
and she count the votes and with one senator invited
her in showing her respect, shook her hand, congratulations, etc.
Speaker 2 (01:12:46):
And her husband was there.
Speaker 1 (01:12:47):
With her and the vice President of the United States,
the president of the Senate, cordial as can be, respectful
and decent as she could be, wants to shake this
man's hand and watch his reaction to her. Please take
a look at this. It was posted by Rolling Martin
on his page.
Speaker 2 (01:13:05):
Look at this now you see first of all.
Speaker 1 (01:13:15):
That woman should have checked her husband on the spot.
That is just rude. That is just rude, you know.
And I'm not gonna get into the racial portion of it.
She's a black woman, you're a white dude, and you
elect to be so rude and disrespectful that way. I'm
not gonna even get into that. I'm not gonna get
into the misogyn the misogynism of it treating a lady
like that, where's your decency in your manners? See, somebody
should have called them out right there. I want people
to see that video of that man that's this woman's husband.
Speaker 2 (01:13:49):
I think, how rude can you be?
Speaker 1 (01:13:52):
Is that necessary? Especially with you might be a Trump supporter.
I've seen plenty of Trump supporters that wouldn't do that.
Is that necessary?
Speaker 2 (01:14:04):
Speaker 1 (01:14:04):
It's not enough to give her your vote instead of
somebody else or something like that. But it is indicative
of folks association some folks, not most, not all, but
some folks associated with Trump. And the one thing that
is apropos about it is that it happened on a
four year anniversary of the insurrection. Just knowing how to
apply core decency in terms of your behavior to a.
Speaker 2 (01:14:33):
Common man and woman.
Speaker 1 (01:14:38):
But his old ass, curmudget ass couldn't even do that.
I wish I was there. I'd have been like, that's
just rude as hell, and God helped me. If I
was a relative of Commala habits without have been living.
Speaker 2 (01:14:49):
Is wrong with you? You're bastard. That's what I would have said.
That's what I would have said. But that's just me.
That's just me.
Speaker 1 (01:14:59):
Before I get on out of I got a couple
of tweets to get to three of them to be
exactly right. So let's get to the first tweet here.
Let's se would have to say. I don't know who
says it's Austin T. Wright, Stephen A.
Speaker 2 (01:15:07):
Speaker 1 (01:15:08):
How much would you pay Sam Donald in the offseason?
Would you pay him more or less than perty? And
why I'm not saying I would paying more than brock Purty.
One season doesn't make you comparable to brock Purty, but
I will say this, it would be somewhere in between
Baker Mayfield's thirty three and the fifty five million the
Burroughs of the world and the Trevor Lawrences of the
world have gotten. It would be more than Daniel Jones,
who got forty. I would tell you right now, with
the kind of season that Sam Donald has had, I
would tell you that he would warrant he'd warrant a
four year, one hundred and seventy one hundred and eighty
million dollar deal. I'd say that about Sam Donald. I'm
so I would, with the year he's had lead them
to a fourteen and three record in a playoff birth
playing the way that he's played, with the exception of
the last night's game against Detroit, yeah, I would do that.
Speaker 5 (01:15:57):
For him.
Speaker 2 (01:15:57):
That would be the answer to my question.
Speaker 1 (01:15:59):
Next twet you yeah at Billy M two k, writes
Steven ay Smith. If you could only eat one kind
of meal every day for one month, what would it be? Steak,
potatoes and broccoli? Because I think that it would be
healthy for me. I'd have my protein, you know, have
my veggies stuff like that, of course. I mean, if
it's just for my taste buds, it'd be lasagna with
ground beef, you know, and all types of cheeses. I
love my turkey wings as well, but a safe bet
every day for a month, I would tell you it
would be the steak, baked potatoes, not mashed baked potatoes,
steak a filet medium well close to the well done
mac and cheese to throw that up in there, because
I just love me some mac and cheese. And it
would be the broccoli or the string beans. That's what
it would be for a month, okay. And so I
would tell you that, even though let's not sleep on
my chicken wings, because I love me some chicken wings, but.
Speaker 2 (01:17:00):
Not least last tweek. What you got it's a little.
Speaker 1 (01:17:05):
Small there, video games and chill, that's what it says.
I don't know what the Twitter handle at something at
V whatever it is, rights VG and Chill rights. Who
is the greatest TV dads of all time? Rank these
TV dads from greatest to least.
Speaker 2 (01:17:29):
Uncle Phil.
Speaker 1 (01:17:32):
Called Winslow, Danny Tanner, Tim the tool Man, Taylor.
Speaker 2 (01:17:44):
Well, you know, I don't know. I really don't know.
Speaker 1 (01:17:49):
I barely watched any of those shows. That's why I
can't tell you that. I'm sorry. Nice try, but you
should have came up with a better question because I
don't have an answer to that.
Speaker 2 (01:17:57):
That's it for this edition is Steven A. Spistrow.
Speaker 1 (01:17:59):
I gotta get on out of here. Thank you for
joining me. I'll be back in a couple of days.
Thanks againing to the one and only Toy Recooper for
joining me on the show. Loved having her the last
couple of days. Thanks to my man Chris Carter for
coming on the show as well. And I hope you
all enjoyed it and I'll be back in a couple
of days. Until then, Peace of love, everybody, stephen A
signing off.