Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
How happy New Year.
Speaker 2 (00:02):
You see that number right there, right, it's one million plus.
That means one million subscribers plus for the steven A.
Speaker 1 (00:08):
Smith Show. Can't thank y'all for the love and supporting number.
Speaker 2 (00:10):
But that ain't why I'm here today. It's a new year,
new show. Lots of stuff going on. Got a lot
of stuff to get into. Okay, I got Jimmy Butler
to get into, all right, I got chad Ocho Sinko
stuff to get into.
Speaker 1 (00:22):
Plus I have a very very special guest.
Speaker 2 (00:24):
She's a dear friend of mine, and she's about to
invade the ear waves, don't you know?
Speaker 1 (00:29):
Don't don't that fellas Relax? Calm that held down you
and she's taking all right. But she'll be here.
Speaker 2 (00:34):
And oh, by the way, my knuckleheaded ass nephew's gonna
be here too.
Speaker 1 (00:40):
It's a new year.
Speaker 2 (00:42):
We'll try to be nice. Who knows what I'm in for.
It's all gonna be fun. Steven A Smith Show in
the house. Let's roll. What's up, everybody? Welcome to the
latest edition of The steven A. Smith Show, coming at
you as I love to do, at the very least
three times a week over the digital airwaves of YouTube
and of course iHeartRadio. As I started off by saying
in my cold open, we have now eclipsed over one
million subscribers to the steven A. Smith Show channel right
here over the digital airways of YouTube, and of course
we've had millions of downloads over the last few months
on iHeartRadio. The love and support that you all have
given the show, I can't thank you enough. My gratitude
knows no limits. I thank you from the bottom of
my heart. I hope you will continue to support the show.
You keep on coming with your support. Now I'm gonna
keep on coming. To continue to like and follow the show.
Just click the bell to get notified for all of
our new content, and you too shall be the latest
member of the steven A.
Speaker 1 (01:44):
Smith Show family. And while you're.
Speaker 2 (01:46):
Doing that, even though the holiday season is beyond us
now and we're into year twenty twenty five officially, that
doesn't mean my book's going anywhere. New York Times best
selling book Straight Shooter, A Memoir of Second Chances and
First Takes now in paperback Straight Shooter Book dot Com
to get yourself a copy. Wants to get in that
Straight Shooter Book dot Com to get yourself a copy.
I hear it's highly motivated. I was just saying, this
is what they're saying, we're going to go with that.
Got a lot of stuff to get into today, got
a lot of interesting folks to talk to, so I
can't wait to get started. But before I do any
of that, I feel compelled to start off today's show
with some news because Jimmy Butler, star of the Miami Heat,
is making some noise. There have been rumors over the
last several weeks that indeed he wanted out, even though
his agent, Bernie Lee, had denied it at that time. Nevertheless,
it's been made official because we heard from Jimmy Butler himself,
and boy did we all hear from him. When he
spoke up, it was not that pleasant. If you are
pat Riley in the Miami Heat, this does not seem
to be a star that wants to stay in this
South Beach. Nevertheless, you don't usually hear such things from
a player playing for Ley, but you heard it last night.
Speaker 1 (03:03):
Listen for yourself.
Speaker 3 (03:04):
I want to see me get my joy back from
playing basketball, and wherever that may be, we'll we'll find
out here pretty soon. But I want to get my
joy back. I'm happy here, you know, off the court,
but I want to be back to somewhere dominant. I
want to hoop and I want to help this team win.
Right now, I'm not doing that.
Speaker 1 (03:28):
Can you get your joy back here on the court?
Probably not, Damn, ladies and gentlemen.
Speaker 2 (03:34):
I've been covering the NBA for close to thirty years.
In that time, I don't recall hearing anybody that has
played for Pat Riley when pat Rally was a coach,
since pat Rally has been president of the basketball operations
that have spoken that defiantly against an organization run by
Pat Raley.
Speaker 1 (03:52):
It has never happened. Well, it's happened now.
Speaker 2 (03:55):
Jimmy Butler wants out, and I'm here to tell you
I can't blame him. When you look at the Miami
Heat presently a top six seed in the Eastern Conference,
seventeen to fifteen, two games over five hundred at the
time that we are recording this show. Nevertheless, nobody has
them in the championship equation. And when you listen to
Jimmy Butler, what essentially is it that he is saying.
I'll tell you what he's saying he're saying, we're not
very good and we're not going to compete for a championship.
We're likely not better than the Milwaukee Bucks, We're probably
not better than the New York Knicks, we definitely ain't
better than the Cleveland Cavaliers, and we damn sure ain't
better than a reigning defending NBA champion Boston Celtics. In
other words, we have no chance at this particular juncture
with the team that we presently have.
Speaker 1 (04:38):
In this assemble.
Speaker 2 (04:40):
If you are the Miami Heat, you can be a
bit salty for how Jimmy Butler has chosen to handle this,
and we would all understand that, but respectfully, how wrong
is he? We hadn't heard anything from Jimmy Butler up
to this point. And when we look at pat Riley,
a person that I've known for you years, that I
revere and I have a lot of love and respect for,
even have him in my book Straight Shooter, in terms
of the contribution he's made to my life and my career,
there is no getting around the fact that pat Riley,
the Great pat Riley, the Winner Within that was the
name of the book that he authored, The Winner Within,
who's been a champion on every level, as a player,
as a coach, as a president of basketball operations. This
man knows how to win, and he knows how to
build a culture, and he knows how to have structure
in order to an organization.
Speaker 1 (05:29):
He is a leader, and there's no question about that.
Speaker 2 (05:31):
But when it comes to Jimmy Butler, or the Jimmy
Butler ever in Miami, one could easily ask what have
you done for him lately?
Speaker 1 (05:42):
Bam out of Bayer can play.
Speaker 2 (05:45):
But this is not Joe Ellen, Biid, Nicola Yokich to
somebody of that caliber that we're talking about. Okay, let's
just get that out of the way right now.
Speaker 1 (05:54):
That's not what's going on here. And when you look
at Jimmy Butler, a player option for next season, the
fifty two point.
Speaker 2 (05:59):
Four one million, who's being paid over forty nine million.
Now just look at some of the stats. Look at
this here. Think about it. Minutes per game thirty point eight,
fewest since twenty twelve, twenty and thirteen, scoring average seventeen
point six, lowest since twenty thirteen, twenty and fourteen. Now
you would look at those numbers to say, well, Jimmy Butler,
that's on you right?
Speaker 1 (06:24):
Uh uh hold on brother shooting fifty five.
Speaker 2 (06:27):
Percent for the field fifty eight percent on two pointers,
which means that when you give him.
Speaker 1 (06:32):
The ball for him to shoot the basketball.
Speaker 2 (06:35):
It goes in more times than it doesn't. Why isn't
he getting it more? Why am I looking at a
usage rate of twenty point three percent for the Miami Heat,
which is the.
Speaker 1 (06:42):
Lowest on the team. Some dude named.
Speaker 2 (06:44):
Heyward Highsmith has a higher usage rate than Jimmy Butler.
Speaker 1 (06:49):
How how it makes no sense?
Speaker 2 (06:54):
Tyler hero can ball, but he shoots difficult shots at
timso shots elections, leaves a lot to be desired. Bam
out of bar ball, but he's not that kind of
a stud offensively.
Speaker 1 (07:02):
Jimmy Butler's the one.
Speaker 2 (07:03):
That got you the two NBA finals in a four
to five year period, and what has he been clamoring
for over the last three summers or so?
Speaker 1 (07:13):
Help? Now you're to Miami Heat.
Speaker 2 (07:17):
You had an opportunity to get Kevin Durant didn't work out.
You had an opportunity to get Damian Lillard didn't work out.
Not only did you not get Damian Little, not only
did you not get Kevin Durant, but it's in the
aftermath of losing Lebron James because Lebron James felt that
it was too tight of a ship that pat Riley
was running. I don't know how true that is, because
we all know that, like the Lebron James had aspirations
to go back to Cleveland and make amends for the
party from them before delivering a championship to the city
who was enduring the fifty two year cursed before he
ended it in twenty sixteen.
Speaker 1 (07:52):
But still, in all it leaves the question what help
has Jimmy Butler got. The answer is minimum, and because
of that.
Speaker 2 (08:02):
Is why he's probably said enough and why he spoke
out is because after acknowledging that he wanted out, pat
Rally came out last week and said.
Speaker 1 (08:11):
We ain't trading them.
Speaker 2 (08:12):
So he's making it clear I don't want to be here,
and if he doesn't want to be there, why keep
him there? To me, it's very very simple, ladies and gentlemen.
I don't think there's anything to think about here. When
I think about Jimmy Butler his four options that he
would prefer Phoenix Suns, Golden State Warriors, Dallas Mavericks, Houston
Rockets number one, number two. He's probably worried that par
Rally gonna send them someplace that he don't want to
go to, to a MORI enfranchised, mired than basketball purgatory
that has a shot in hell of winning anything. Because
when you speak out, pat Rally's not gonna do you
any favors.
Speaker 1 (08:53):
Now. But if I'm Jimmy.
Speaker 2 (08:56):
Butler, or shall I say, if I'm one of those
teams interested in Jimmy Butler, listen, there's a case that
could be made. Jimmy Butler with Luca and Kyrie. Yeah,
I don't know if you need that, but it's not
a losing proposition. Jimmy Butler with the Houston Rockets, a
young team, Yeah, he can help their veteran leadership, but
they already got Dylan Brooks and Fred Van Vliet.
Speaker 1 (09:23):
But Jimmy Butler doesn't hurt. Let's call it what it is.
Speaker 2 (09:27):
The Golden State Warriors. Steph Curry, you need another Klay Thompson.
You don't need a Jimmy Butler in my estimation, even
though Jimmy Butler with Traymond Green in the same locker room,
that's some fire for you, bro. That could go either way,
but I think it would be a positive more so
than the negative personally, because I think they're both winners.
The ideal landing spot for Jimmy Butler is the Phoenix Sons.
Speaker 1 (09:50):
I don't mean to be disrespectful.
Speaker 2 (09:51):
I'm just telling you what I know based on reporting
on the league for all of these years. The Phoenix
Son's an ultra talented team with a lot of offensive firepower. Nevertheless,
they are considered a team as soft as cottonlt tissue.
Nobody is concerned about their toughness, and toughness is what
gets it done for you in the playoffs. If you
are the Phoenix Sons, you should get on your knees
if you have to, and beg Bradley bial to wave
that no trade clawes and take his ass to Miami,
so no state income taxes there.
Speaker 1 (10:29):
The weather is.
Speaker 2 (10:29):
Beautiful, along with various other things that we won't mention here,
and you should look forward to go on the South Beach,
No state in come taxes, warm weather, got hurricanes in
the summer time and stuff like that. But Demmi, you
ain't gonna be there. You're gonna be in one island,
one island or another. You know I'm saying, wonderful wife,
wonderful family, Bradley Bill's good people. Go to Miami. Dog
go to Miami. Let Jimmy Butler go out to Phoenix, Arizona.
Because Jimmy Butler in that locker room with Kevin Durant
and Devin b as his teammate, with Mike Budenholzer as
a coach, with skilled but soft ass Nurkics as.
Speaker 1 (11:06):
Your big man.
Speaker 2 (11:08):
Let me tell you something that culture would change quick
fasten than Ari.
Speaker 1 (11:13):
That's where I'm at with Jimmy Butler.
Speaker 2 (11:18):
Jimmy Butler should be a Phoenix son. It's brun the
rest of Phoenix's hierarchy.
Speaker 1 (11:30):
Do what you.
Speaker 2 (11:30):
Can to get your hands on Jimmy Butler, and then
you won't be in the middle of things in the
Western Conference.
Speaker 1 (11:42):
You'll be at the top of the heap. You feel
what I'm saying. My next topic.
Speaker 2 (11:49):
Has to be Sakwon Barkley, only in this regard, I'm
kind of disgusted. He's a star running back for the
Philadelphia Eagles. He's rushed over two thousand yards. Six of
the eight previous players to rush for two thousand yards
all reached the postseason but only one of them played
in the Super Bowl, which was Terrell Davis, who won
the Super Bowl in nineteen ninety eight with the Denver Broncos.
What Saquon Barkley has accomplished this year is incredible, no
doubt about it. But he's sitting out the last game
of the season because the Eagles want to make sure
that he's ready for the players.
Speaker 1 (12:25):
That he doesn't get injured, so you're trying to protect him.
As a result, he's one.
Speaker 2 (12:31):
Hundred and one yard shot of the all time single season.
Speaker 1 (12:35):
Russian record set by Eric Dickerson, and he's not going
to get an opportunity to go for it because.
Speaker 2 (12:41):
They want to arrest them now the most circumstances.
Speaker 1 (12:44):
I will completely understand that. Here's my issue. It's the
running back position.
Speaker 2 (12:54):
It's the one position in the National Football League where,
no matter what numbers you produce, no matter how extraord
whenever your season is, they look at your birth certificate
and say, oh, you're thirty, You done. We ain't invested
in you long term. We're not paying you, We're not
making that investment in you. Your birth certificate is collected
too much dust.
Speaker 1 (13:11):
We ain't messing with that by this is what they do.
Remember de marcol Murray.
Speaker 2 (13:14):
With the Dallas Cowboys years ago, Remember when they gave
him the ball three hundred and ninety two times.
Speaker 1 (13:19):
The brother was.
Speaker 2 (13:19):
An eagle after that because they said, Yo, we don't
need you, We used you up, and now we're gonna
throw you out with the bath water. The Giants, the
New York Giants, that pathetic, moribund franchise that's contaminating the
city of New York and all of northern New Jersey
worse than the damn swamps, and it's surrounding areas. That's
how much the stench from the New York Gumpants has
smelled up East Bruther for New Jersey, which is right
by the liquor tunnel. That New York Giants squad.
Speaker 1 (13:55):
They had hard knocks on television last year. They talked
about Sa Kwan Parkley like he was nothing. Then they
said let him go, we don't need him. Push them
right out the door.
Speaker 2 (14:06):
Advertised it damn near monked them act like, yo, we
don't care. It is after you gave Daniel Jones forty million,
the same Daniel Jones that you ultimately benched.
Speaker 1 (14:15):
Before you let him go. That dude.
Speaker 2 (14:18):
You gave him four years, one hundred and sixty million,
forty million park.
Speaker 1 (14:23):
You couldn't pay Sacon Parkley.
Speaker 2 (14:25):
He has an opportunity to go up against that team
this Sunday, and you're not letting them do it.
Speaker 1 (14:32):
These bad taste in my mouth.
Speaker 2 (14:34):
Now, I know you're kind of worried because it's like,
all right, he might get hurt.
Speaker 1 (14:39):
Did it ever occur to you.
Speaker 2 (14:40):
The Giants might let him get the yardage because they
just as pissed off of the organization that they let
him go.
Speaker 1 (14:45):
As he was never No.
Speaker 2 (14:48):
I mean, if Brett Falk could sit up there and
give Michael straight hand that sack like Mark Gastano was
crying about as if straight hand in having an illustrious
career before that damn last sack breaking.
Speaker 1 (14:58):
The all time single season sack reckon.
Speaker 2 (15:01):
I mean, if something like that could happen, and I'm
not saying it did.
Speaker 1 (15:05):
Who's said that the Giant's gonna do the same thing
with sain Kwon Barkley this weekend.
Speaker 2 (15:08):
By the way, game's gonna be in Philadelphia at Link
Financial Field. You think the offensive lineman don't want to
block for sain Kwon Barkley. They don't want to wear
as a badge of honor. Those were the individuals that
blocked for the all time single season rushing leader.
Speaker 1 (15:23):
You don't think they want that.
Speaker 2 (15:25):
What stinks about this is that the running back position
has been has been minimized and diminished for years. And
this dude went out this season and reminded you just
what the hell of running back and do for a team.
And he wasn't the only one. Dereck Henry did it too,
Josh Jacobs did it too, but especially Saquon Barkley really
really stinks, really really stinks that this has happened to him.
Speaker 1 (15:51):
But I'll say this Nick Sirianni, head coach of the
Philadelphia Eagles, So be it, bro, you go ahead and
do your thing. I'm gonna say.
Speaker 2 (15:58):
This this man, say Quon Barkley is one of nine
players in league history to rush for two thousand yards
in the season.
Speaker 1 (16:05):
I told you about the other eight.
Speaker 2 (16:08):
Let me say this to you, since you made this decision,
you better win that. You better win this shit bill God,
theren win the NFC. Be'll going to super Bowl.
Speaker 1 (16:15):
You better not be home for the Super Bowl. And
Sakwa Barkley didn't get the record. I know that much.
I know that much.
Speaker 2 (16:23):
Let me transition to a different subject, even though it's
gonna be in the world of sports. Okay, put me
over here on this can replease? I have seen myself
on the big screen right now. Got to talk about this.
Speaker 4 (16:34):
This is about a football player who had Hall of
Fame credentials, who once donned a Hall of Fame jacket
on the sidelines when he was catching touchdowns for the
Cincinnati Biggles before his career went in a different direction,
having to go to New England and play.
Speaker 1 (16:46):
With Tom Brady and Bill Belichick. I'm talking about the
one and.
Speaker 2 (16:49):
Only Chad O Cho Sinko, famous these days for being
the co host.
Speaker 1 (16:54):
Of Nightcap with My Man Shannon's show. He was on video.
Speaker 2 (17:01):
Talking about a uh breakup with his girlfriend, I suppose,
and he was talking about some things, pretending about how
she left him.
Speaker 1 (17:13):
You don't believe me. Take a look for yourself, please,
Why are you breaking with that beautiful girl?
Speaker 5 (17:19):
Nigga? Have you seen men?
Speaker 6 (17:21):
Look at me?
Speaker 7 (17:24):
She left this.
Speaker 8 (17:27):
Look look at this.
Speaker 6 (17:28):
This means look at look at this fucking chocolate.
Speaker 8 (17:30):
Speaker 6 (17:31):
It's not any kind Its really lock of chalklate.
Speaker 8 (17:33):
She left, she left this.
Speaker 6 (17:34):
Thank you, you know left me.
Speaker 9 (17:39):
She left you when I'm in my season too, my season.
Speaker 2 (17:46):
Oh lord, Let me say a couple of things real quick.
Number one, I'm proud of my brother chad O Joe Cinko.
He's been through a lot in life, He's overcome a
lot in life, and to see what he's doing on
a man Sharnon Sharp is admirable. I love seeing last
week chad O Cho Sinco in those commercials previewing a
Monday night football game.
Speaker 1 (18:13):
I love seeing that.
Speaker 2 (18:14):
I love seeing him on this Inside the NFL show
where Ryan Clark and Bill Belichick and.
Speaker 1 (18:19):
All of those guys. I love that.
Speaker 2 (18:22):
I love that because Chado Josinko has a phenomenal personality.
As far as I'm concerned, He's made for this business,
made for television, and I will never root against him.
Speaker 1 (18:31):
He worries me, though.
Speaker 2 (18:32):
When he talks about these subjects, because you never know
what kind of stuff people might bring up about him.
Speaker 1 (18:37):
And don't I worry about him because I root for
him all the time. So I get the whole sexual
chocolate thing. I got that. I feel you on that.
Speaker 2 (18:47):
You know what I'm saying, ain't nothing wrong with a
confident brother, but be careful about how much you're willing
to talk about yourself in that regard. You never know
when stuff can come back to on. That's just my
thinking in today's generation. You know what I'm saying, and
I leave it at that. But that's my man, that's
my dog, and I root for him all the time.
And I'm not commenting about who he's in a relationship
with or whatever. But I'll give him credit for this.
I have never seen him with anything less than a
die piece ever ever.
Speaker 1 (19:25):
The band got good tasted, the man.
Speaker 2 (19:27):
Got good tastes in turns of beauty, he's got good taste.
Speaker 1 (19:30):
I give him that.
Speaker 2 (19:33):
Anything outside of that, I think it's important that I
shut the hell up and leave it to a woman
to come in here and touch on these issues, not
only somebody that's smart and been educated, but accomplished as
a journalist as well. Some of you might have heard
from her, particularly of you down south, particular Atlanta.
Speaker 1 (20:01):
You might have heard of Tory Cooper before.
Speaker 2 (20:04):
But in case you have it, you're about to, and
I assure you I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Speaker 1 (20:10):
I'll let her comment on this.
Speaker 2 (20:13):
It's a little less risk gay for her to talk
about these things than made. But that's just how I
feel about it. Want y'all le met a buddy of MoMA.
She's in the house. If I could let my knucklehead
and nephew on the show with no credentials alright, who
calling himself the brownie James or the media? Remember that
if I could let his no credential have an ass
on the show, I can certainly let her on the show.
Speaker 1 (20:40):
Wait till you see her, Wait till you hear from her.
She's up next.
Speaker 2 (20:44):
She'll provide a proper perspective on a few things. Chad
Ocho Sikre just being one of them. The first thing,
but certainly not the last.
Speaker 1 (20:54):
Stick around. Steven A. Smith Show in the House with
my special guest up next. All right, y'all, listen up.
Speaker 2 (21:09):
Do you know that the NFL playoffs are right around
the corner and that we are smacked in the middle.
Speaker 1 (21:13):
Of the NBA season. So with all this action going on,
The Stephen A.
Speaker 2 (21:17):
Smith Show wants to make sure you take advantage of
it all. That's why we've partnered with Prize Picks, the
best place to get real money action while watching your
favorite sports you see. With Prize Pecks, you pick two
or more of your favorite players and then you simply
select the more or less.
Speaker 1 (21:31):
On the projected stats for the game.
Speaker 2 (21:33):
Pick Joe Burrow's passing yards, Lebron's total assist and Adam
Fox's total time on the ice.
Speaker 1 (21:38):
All in the same entry. And to celebrate the start
of the new.
Speaker 2 (21:41):
Year, Prize Picks is given everyone a free twenty five
dollar lineup to utilize and start the year off right.
Members can opt in by midnight on January fifth to
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So download the app today and use code say Yes
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Speaker 1 (22:07):
Five dollar lineup Prize Picks. Run your game. Now, let's
look at my picks for today.
Speaker 2 (22:13):
First up, Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson facing Miles Garrett
in the Cleveland Browns.
Speaker 1 (22:18):
Defense more or less than two hundred and four and
a half passing yards.
Speaker 2 (22:21):
Look as Lamar Jackson, Cleveland has nothing to lose, and
I know their defense and get out there and Reek Havoc.
I understand what their potential is. Offensively, they stink. So
as a result of that, they're gonna give the offense
to Baltimore Ravens a more opportunity because they ain't gonna
spender too much time on the field. That's gonna give
Lamar Jackson opportunity, an opportunity to operate. You got two
hundred and four and a half passing yards. That ain't
much for the two time league MVP of the.
Speaker 1 (22:43):
National Football League to accumulate.
Speaker 2 (22:45):
We go go with more on this run here more
for Lamar Jackson.
Speaker 1 (22:49):
Next up, we've got Bengals.
Speaker 2 (22:51):
Quarterback Joe Burrow going up against the Pittsburgh Steelers in Pittsburgh.
Speaker 1 (22:54):
More or less than two hundred and eighty five and
a half passing.
Speaker 2 (22:57):
Yards thrown to Jamal Chase.
Speaker 1 (23:02):
Have you seen Jamal Chase? Have you seen what this
brother can do? Have you seen the sixteen.
Speaker 2 (23:06):
Hundred plus yards he's accumulated, the fifteen sixteen touchdowns that
he's accumulated. Have you seen Joe Burrow in a month
of December, completing seventy five percent of his passes, throwing
for over sixteen hundred yards, got fifteen damn touchdowns. This
is Joe Burrow we're talking about here. Of course, we
got to go more. Even though it gets about Pittsburgh Steelers.
Speaker 1 (23:23):
Which hurts me. I still got to go with more
on this one, all right? Next up, steal his signal caller.
Speaker 2 (23:27):
Russell Wilson facing the Cincinnati Bengals secondary more or less
than two hundred and thirty and a half passing yards.
Speaker 1 (23:33):
Look, I'm a bit reticent about this.
Speaker 2 (23:35):
I don't like the chemistry that exists or doesn't exist
between him and George Pickens right now. I don't know
if another receiver you can rely upon if you're Russell
Wilson right now, I don't know where the hell of
running game has gone With Warren and obviously Naji Harris,
the offensive line has been absolutely suspect. Cincinnati's defense is suspect,
no doubt, but they do get pressure on the quarterback,
led by this kid Hendrickson, Who's what is it, fourteen
sacks on the season, leading the National Football I still
got to go with more because I gotta believe in
Russell Wilson.
Speaker 1 (24:03):
You're lost three straight.
Speaker 2 (24:04):
You don't want to go into the players for the
four game loser streak. I think that's what the Steelers
are riding on right now there on their home turf
in Pittsburgh.
Speaker 1 (24:09):
I'm gonna go with more on this one.
Speaker 2 (24:11):
Finally, New York Giants quarterback Drew Locke playing the Philadelphia
Eagles in Philly more or less than one hundred and
ninety three and a half passing yards. Look, I don't
expect most of the steel of the Philadelphia Eagles starters
to be playing, and I get that part, but damn,
as far as I'm gonna serg jew Locke in't a starter.
I mean, he lucky to be in the damn lineup.
I'm of the mindset that I'm looking at it and
I'm saying I'm not expecting big things from anything associated
with the New York Giants.
Speaker 1 (24:37):
Then a lucky Saquon Barckley ain't playing, or you lucky.
Speaker 2 (24:41):
Having said all of that, that's why we're going with less.
I don't have any expectations for.
Speaker 1 (24:47):
The New York Giants.
Speaker 2 (24:49):
I hope my man is true that straight hand is
gonna be the new GM.
Speaker 1 (24:52):
I believe in that, brother.
Speaker 2 (24:54):
I don't like anything else that I've seen with this
more abunenfranchise, and I'm not sold on the Giants. Everything
about theim shit be less, including ticket prices to their
customers since they've been robbing.
Speaker 1 (25:03):
Them for years.
Speaker 2 (25:04):
But since that's not the case, all I can do
is point out that when it comes to jew lock
and one hundred and ninety three and a half passing yards,
I'm going to have to go with less. That's rare
because when I'm talking prospects, I'm usually talking more, as
in more money in your pocket.
Speaker 1 (25:18):
It's why they represent this show. We appreciate that very
very much. Welcome back to the Stephen A.
Speaker 2 (25:28):
Smith Show right here with the digital areas of YouTube
and the course of our Heart Radio. You know, when
I'm usually sitting up here, when I have a guest,
that's usually not someone that's in studio. On a rare
occasion that there has been somebody in studio, whether it's
a Tay Diggs, or it's an Ariva Martin, or it's
an Ebony K.
Speaker 1 (25:49):
Williams, you know that usually stops there.
Speaker 2 (25:52):
I got a lot of friends, and I got a
dear friend sitting next to me right now. She's been
waiting to come on this show because most of the
time she's disagreeing with me.
Speaker 1 (26:00):
I don't know if you can believe that, but she
actually disagrees with me. But she has the credibility to.
Speaker 2 (26:05):
Disagree with me because she's a renowned journalist, very reputabullet
what she does.
Speaker 1 (26:10):
The one and only Tory Cooper, How are you? How's everything?
Speaker 10 (26:13):
I'm doing great?
Speaker 2 (26:14):
So you finally you're finally at the You're finally on
the show right now? I mean, why is it you
said to me you wanted to come on because sometimes
I just don't agree with you?
Speaker 1 (26:24):
Is that true? You really don't agree with me?
Speaker 10 (26:26):
Yeah? Sometimes I just really don't.
Speaker 1 (26:27):
Why not? I mean, how could you possibly disagree with me?
Speaker 11 (26:30):
I mean because I have an opinion and it's not
the same as yours, especially in the relationship space. Okay,
So I figured, why not we can poke him a
little bit, get some questions answered. Got a little curiosity,
like I like knowing where you fall on certain things?
Speaker 10 (26:44):
You know, and I see people come on here, tell
the truth.
Speaker 1 (26:47):
You go back to your man.
Speaker 2 (26:48):
You go back to your man because I know you
have a wonderful fiance and all that. You go and
so you go back to your man, and what you
do is you go to him and and you tell
him what I said, so you could get a feel
from him as to whether I'm right or not.
Speaker 1 (27:00):
Is that true?
Speaker 10 (27:01):
I don't know if I'm that balance. I don't know
if I'm that balance.
Speaker 11 (27:05):
But you know, we do talk about some of the
topics I've talked about with you and where you fall
on things. He's been watching you for fifteen years, so
he understands where you're probably gonna fall on things.
Speaker 10 (27:17):
But he's a little different than you.
Speaker 1 (27:18):
He's a little different.
Speaker 10 (27:19):
Yeah, he's is he different? Well, for startings, he's a
bit younger.
Speaker 2 (27:25):
Okay, okay, ed okay, so I'm old old hey now.
Speaker 1 (27:30):
You okay, okay, okay, okay, we'll go with that. We'll
go with that.
Speaker 2 (27:34):
Let me ask you this because I want you to
tell the orders before we get into because I got
to get to you about what you saw with chad
Ocho Sako, along with a couple of other topics. Just
give some people your background because I don't just let
anybody I know. I left my knucklehead and nephew, but
I love him to death, and he is smart, he
is talented, and I love him to death. But you know,
you are a seasoned journalist. I want you to tell
people about your background.
Speaker 10 (27:56):
Yeah. So, spent ten years as a news.
Speaker 11 (27:59):
Anchor andorter, working from the back of the camera all
the way to the front of the camera. Started off
in Denver, played soccer Division one soccer. I played for
the University of Georgia, the University of Colorado Boulder, and
then you know, after that, I had some professional soccer opportunities,
and then I realized that I didn't want to do
that because the news came calling as a sports reporter
and intern, and I said, look, I'm going to just
take this and run with it and never look back
and to hang up my soccer collets. And then so
from there I essentially took off with it. I started
behind the scenes as a camera person. I went to
cover Peyton Manning as he was winning the Super Bowl
in Denver, and then applied to a bunch of jobs
and then landed my TV my first TV job as
a sports reporter and anchor in Washington State.
Speaker 10 (28:48):
I was filming my.
Speaker 11 (28:49):
Own highlights, editing my own highlights. Well yeah, but then
I had some guys coming from my job in a
small market, the weather man wanted my job. I said,
I'm good. And then I had guys just macing on
me at games and you know names I will not
name in the NFL who were very disrespectful.
Speaker 10 (29:10):
And I said, I'm good off this.
Speaker 11 (29:11):
And then you have people saying that, you know, you
didn't say it right, and I'm like, look the paperwork
in the documents say I'm right about this homicide.
Speaker 10 (29:20):
You know.
Speaker 11 (29:20):
And so I transitioned into news, fell in love with it,
fell in love with crime, investigations, politics, and then yeah,
I got moved to Bakersfield doing I was working as
a MMJ multimedia journalist there, shooting all my own video,
all my own stories, editing everything myself.
Speaker 10 (29:36):
And then I, you know, rose in the ranks.
Speaker 11 (29:38):
Became the anchor in Bakersfield, California, which is like the armpit.
Speaker 10 (29:42):
Everybody knows that. And then I got my call in Atlanta.
Speaker 11 (29:45):
Started off again as my own cameraman, my own editor
and reporter and going live by myself, shooting two stories
a day on a deadline, and eventually I worked my
way up to the anchor and became the anchor at
CBS News in Atlanta.
Speaker 10 (30:00):
It was great, and you know, things changed. You know,
I had an.
Speaker 11 (30:05):
Opportunity for, you know, to elevate there, but overall I
felt like it was time to move forward in a
different direction.
Speaker 10 (30:11):
But ten years of covering crime.
Speaker 11 (30:14):
Politics, sports, have just traveled with the Hawks, most recently
along the road with my boyfriend.
Speaker 10 (30:19):
Actually that was fun. Okay, he's on the news too.
Speaker 1 (30:22):
There's nothing wrong with that. But let me ask you this.
Speaker 2 (30:24):
You you brought up the NFL real quick and how
you didn't like how you know, folks approached you in
the NFL.
Speaker 1 (30:30):
How do you.
Speaker 2 (30:30):
Feel about the modern day athlete? I mean in terms
of what you're seeing. I'm not even talking about them
on the field. I'm talking about people with their own podcast,
their own platforms and stuff like that. You know, how
are you feeling about the advent of that industry growing
in terms of professional athletes having a voice and a
microphone and the camera in front of them.
Speaker 11 (30:49):
I love it because I love it because use your platform,
use your voice.
Speaker 10 (30:53):
Don't just be an athlete, you know.
Speaker 11 (30:55):
Show that you have more depths, show that you have
an opinion in these rooms, be welcome on any topic,
made sure that you come correct with the evidence to
back your perspective, period. But I also think that many
of these athletes are not recognizing the moment. You know,
at the same time, you know, if we just talk
about the shadow Jo Cinco moment. Yes, you know, you
recognize your platform. You know, people love you, people enjoy you.
You're you have a great background and stuff. But when
you start talking about relationship stuff, you know, you can
lose respect very easily.
Speaker 1 (31:26):
Explain that. I mean, I mean, don't get me wrong,
I wouldn't.
Speaker 2 (31:29):
Advise that that that chad Ocho Cinko go out there
and talk about himself too much. But in the same breath,
one would all of you no harm, no foul in
the YouTube age and what have you.
Speaker 1 (31:40):
People find that very very entertaining, of course.
Speaker 11 (31:43):
But when is it a private partnership, Like when are
we going to get back to that?
Speaker 10 (31:46):
When is it private?
Speaker 5 (31:47):
Speaker 10 (31:48):
You know, because that's what's the biggest power moved Stephen.
Speaker 1 (31:52):
You tell me silence. I agree with that.
Speaker 10 (31:55):
Speaker 1 (31:55):
That's how, that's how I flow, That's how.
Speaker 2 (31:58):
But for some men would that, you know what, not
being silent actually works for them?
Speaker 1 (32:04):
What do you say to that I mean, by the way,
let me transit. Hold on, wait, there are a lot
more women talking.
Speaker 2 (32:12):
I mean usually usually it was supposed to be the
ladies that insisted upon you shutting your mouth. Now you
got a lot of them telling their business.
Speaker 1 (32:23):
What's up with that?
Speaker 10 (32:23):
You know? And I'm gonna side with you on that.
Speaker 11 (32:26):
It's pretty inappropriate some of the things that I'm saying,
and not just from you know, celebrities. You know, as
we're talking about Shadow Cho Cinco's ex fiance, you know,
she has an incredible resume. You know, spent thirteen years
as a paratrooper in the army. You know, has a
real estate empire for selling luxury real estate and Tampa.
You know, so she also has her own power that
you can keep and you don't need to go out
online and be shattering your men.
Speaker 10 (32:52):
And she was on there talking about them exactly.
Speaker 11 (32:55):
Well, so so I'm trying to tell you, you know,
I've been more disappointed in the women that I've been
seeing online. And enough people talk about that, because honestly,
I have friends doing this. I have friends that have
millions of followers, millions of followers on Instagram killing it
just batties, but they're posting screenshots of relationships stuff. They're saying,
look who he flewed out.
Speaker 10 (33:16):
I'm like, take this.
Speaker 1 (33:17):
Down right when you tell them to take this down?
Speaker 10 (33:22):
So I don't.
Speaker 1 (33:24):
Why don't you?
Speaker 11 (33:25):
Because they're too sensitive and they can't handle it. And
I will not even drop names right here because they
can't handle it.
Speaker 1 (33:30):
So you're telling me so.
Speaker 2 (33:32):
And then you went to one of your girls and
you said to them, look, take it down.
Speaker 1 (33:35):
It's none of nobody's business.
Speaker 2 (33:36):
They would take that to heart and their feelings would
be hurt over something the simplistic as that.
Speaker 11 (33:41):
Look, not everybody has the wherewithal to move with that
level of decorum. And you just got to recognize your
friends where they at. They bring certain talents to the
table and they don't bring certain things that they maybe
need still and they need to. You can tell someone
not to date someone, but at the end of the day,
they're going to date that person.
Speaker 10 (33:57):
You can you know what I mean. I can tell
you not to post something, but you're gonna post it.
Speaker 1 (34:00):
What's your criteria for a man?
Speaker 10 (34:02):
Speaker 1 (34:03):
What's your criteria? Number one?
Speaker 10 (34:05):
Number one?
Speaker 1 (34:08):
You want to give you number one?
Speaker 10 (34:09):
Speaker 1 (34:10):
Okay? And now what does that mean. What does that mean?
I mean humility?
Speaker 10 (34:13):
Okay, you can have a quiet confidence.
Speaker 1 (34:15):
There's various levels to humility.
Speaker 11 (34:17):
There is various levels to humility. But it's been lost
in the wind in the world that we live.
Speaker 10 (34:22):
In, stephen A, because the confidence is no longer confidence.
It's arrogance. I know everything, I'm great.
Speaker 11 (34:27):
I have so many fault you know, it's just too
much about the ego. If you can pull up with
a quiet confidence and you could show out in what
you do and you be low key, you're the person
in the back chilling, quiet, not on their phone, just observing.
Speaker 10 (34:41):
That's my type of person.
Speaker 1 (34:43):
Is that how your men dear? I say dear to
himself to you? Did he have a quiet confident?
Speaker 11 (34:51):
Yeah, very much, a quiet confidence. And you know, he
had every reason to be cocky. He's handsome, he's smart,
he's elevated. Ah, he brings it all, you know, and
he has every reason to be cocky and rude and
mean and oh you should be chasing after me.
Speaker 10 (35:05):
And that was never the case. It was someone like, hey,
I know what you do. I respect what you do
in any way I can elevate you.
Speaker 2 (35:11):
I'm in an elevation so after humility be a step
number one?
Speaker 1 (35:14):
What step number two?
Speaker 10 (35:15):
Family? You have to treat your mom right, You can
have to treat you that's all right.
Speaker 1 (35:20):
Any man that doesn't treat his mama right, he's just looking.
Speaker 2 (35:23):
I mean, I'm a head of receptual even I'm look
at a man and don't treat his mama right.
Speaker 11 (35:28):
But I do want to talk about something because we
need to honor our black men who we can. This book,
you did an excellent tribute to your grandmother and your mother.
Speaker 1 (35:36):
Thank you so much, you know, and.
Speaker 11 (35:38):
It was a pleasure getting to learn about them through
your eyes. And I didn't mean to like derail that conversation,
but she just really enjoyed learning about, you know, where
you grew up, what it was like, you know, and
to see the star that you are at this moment
in your life and to be glorifying God in such
a big way.
Speaker 2 (35:53):
My mother is the greatest woman I've ever known. I know,
and very few you know, like like my nephew over there,
my mother, his grandma. I'm love the ground that he
walked on. My grandmama loved the ground.
Speaker 1 (36:03):
That I walked on.
Speaker 2 (36:04):
So I had it really, really really really good and
it's taught me. Dare I say some of the things
to avoid and to make me more attractive to a woman.
Speaker 1 (36:14):
Because I know how to act. I know how to act.
Speaker 2 (36:16):
Having said that, I'm very particular about a woman.
Speaker 1 (36:20):
Knowing how to act.
Speaker 11 (36:21):
Yeah, I gotta ask you, Okay, so what do you think?
What do you think about this issue? Do you feel
like they both share equal you know, blame for how
they talked about this? You think they both should do?
Speaker 1 (36:31):
I do because I think that.
Speaker 2 (36:33):
I think in Chad's case, because of so much that
he's endured.
Speaker 1 (36:37):
I know what he's had to overcome.
Speaker 2 (36:38):
I know some personal things about him that the typical
person wouldn't know, and what he had to go through,
and so for him to work so diligently to get
through all of that, I just don't want him putting
himself in a position where he's reminding folks and stuff.
Speaker 1 (36:53):
But I got so much love for him and so much.
Speaker 2 (36:54):
Appreciation for how far he's come, and I respect him
for that. But I also think that he's an entertainer.
He's absolutely phenomenal at what he does. I love him
with Shannon on Nightcap. I love what they're doing together.
And most importantly, you know, Chad is one of those
dudes that he want to make people smile, He want
to make people laugh, he wants to have a good time.
And you got a lot of ladies out there, dare
I say they they seem.
Speaker 1 (37:19):
Harder than they've ever been.
Speaker 2 (37:21):
And when you are and when you talk to them
about it, a lot of the ladies will say it's
because of y'all, you men, You've done this to us,
as opposed to owning up to them just choosing to
be that way.
Speaker 1 (37:35):
That would be my answer to that. Do you have
a problem with what I just said?
Speaker 10 (37:38):
Speaking you know, I'm soaking it in.
Speaker 1 (37:41):
Well, let's just say this. There's nothing wrong with saying
Stephen a right, not wrong.
Speaker 11 (37:45):
No, I agree, I no, I agree with what you're saying.
I feel like they both share an equal blame here.
But I do agree that, you know, don't give people
a reason to reminisce on the past. And you know,
with Chad, you know, I think that's a fair take.
Speaker 2 (37:58):
You sent me a tag, okay, because you want you
want to make sure that there was a couple of
subjects that.
Speaker 1 (38:04):
You wanted to touch on. You know, when you when
you paid a visit to the show.
Speaker 2 (38:09):
So I was like, okay, I mean, I'm down for
I was a little nervous. You know, I'm nervous because
I mean, I'm like, it's sir. Tory could come up.
Speaker 1 (38:16):
With some stuff.
Speaker 2 (38:16):
Now, this is a professional journalist here, she could try me.
You know, I don't know, but you you brought up
something about open relationships or something open dating? Could you
explain that that what you wanted to get what you
wanted to hear from me about that?
Speaker 11 (38:29):
It's the hottest topic on the internet, open relationshipship.
Speaker 10 (38:35):
And I know not to hit.
Speaker 11 (38:37):
On you with your age, I don't buy be looking
at our generation like what are y'all doing?
Speaker 10 (38:44):
And I wanted to hear what you had to say.
Speaker 2 (38:47):
So when we talk about open dating, I need specific
I mean, what the what the what do they need
when they say open dating specific?
Speaker 11 (38:55):
So I've read a few articles about just you know,
people's understanding about what an open relationship is, why it's
more acceptable in society now as.
Speaker 10 (39:04):
Compared to before.
Speaker 11 (39:06):
And they're saying, you know, I have enough love for
more than one person. So where do you say about
that you feel like you got enough love for more
than one person.
Speaker 1 (39:14):
I do, but it's not how I wrote.
Speaker 2 (39:16):
I mean, I'm the kind of person I'm in a
relationship while I'm not. So if I'm in a relationship
my attitude, there ain't no damn open relationship. Now, if
I'm not in a relationship, then we might as well
be open because I'm gonna do what the hell I wanted.
You could do what the hell you want. I ain't
gonna lose no sleep.
Speaker 1 (39:30):
Over it, that's me.
Speaker 10 (39:31):
So you have to make the commitment.
Speaker 2 (39:32):
You have to make the commitment in order for it
to be a relationship. But once you make the commitment,
that's the commitment.
Speaker 1 (39:37):
Right. So having said all of that, let me tell
you what I think the issue is. Okay, women have
to accept the fact. I'm gonna have to say this
to me, I'm glad to say this.
Speaker 10 (39:46):
Here we go.
Speaker 2 (39:47):
Women have to accept the fact that there is in
a man's mind a double standard.
Speaker 1 (39:55):
Here's what I mean by that.
Speaker 2 (39:56):
I'm not talking about his actions, I'm talking about his mentality.
A guy can sit up there and no matter what
he does to transgress to violate the relationship, no matter
how guilty it is, he'll lose it.
Speaker 1 (40:13):
If you did it.
Speaker 2 (40:14):
Don't they for one second that if you his woman,
that he's gonna be okay.
Speaker 1 (40:19):
At any point with you letting somebody else hook up
with you, he's gonna lose his mind. But there's a
reason for that. I've said this to.
Speaker 2 (40:31):
Many women, and I'll say it to you right now.
If you walked up to a man and you said, look,
I'm really not interested in anything.
Speaker 12 (40:39):
I really just where.
Speaker 11 (40:46):
Experience giving vulnerable, this.
Speaker 1 (40:51):
Is what I'm saying. This is what I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (40:53):
If a woman comes up to a guy and she says,
to a god, I really I've been through a lot.
I just I don't want a relationship. I want us
to have a good time. When we have a good time,
and then when we don't. You know, you do what
you want to do. I do what I want to do.
Ain't a man alive turning that down? He got no
problem with it, you understand, zero down?
Speaker 1 (41:19):
Speaker 2 (41:19):
No, wait a minute, okay, fanom I shouldn't say, I
shouldn't speak indefinitives like that, But most men are not
turning that. What I'm saying is is that even though
you said that to him, he won't turn that down.
You come up as a woman to him, and you're
saying that to him, He's cool with it. Right the
second there's any kind of commitment whatsoever.
Speaker 1 (41:46):
All of that changes because he's.
Speaker 2 (41:48):
Thinking, my woman, the woman I've chosen to be with,
the woman that I want to be committed to, wouldn't.
Speaker 1 (41:54):
Do such a thing. This is why most guys lose it.
Speaker 2 (41:56):
Because they never anticipate that the woman that they've invested
in would do something like that.
Speaker 1 (42:01):
Whereas we know.
Speaker 2 (42:03):
As men, that's a potential that we have to work
against a lot of times. Like, for example, I've told
that for allder sisters. I've got nine nieces and nephews.
I've got numerous tens of female relatives, cousins.
Speaker 1 (42:16):
Stuff like that, and I've told them all this.
Speaker 2 (42:18):
I've said, look, when you go up to a man,
I don't care what you say. He could sit up there,
he could be with you, he could have your speaking
in tongues.
Speaker 1 (42:29):
He can love you, can love him to death.
Speaker 2 (42:31):
You will still walk out of there thinking about what
you gave.
Speaker 1 (42:35):
We always know we're getting.
Speaker 2 (42:38):
So because of that, there's a detachment that we might have.
Whereas a woman she's invested herself physically, physically, physiologically, emotionally, spiritually,
et cetera. And when she invests herself in you as
a guy, you're convinced she's all in. So when she
veers left, it's a shock to his system. It's devast dating.
Speaker 1 (43:00):
To his ego.
Speaker 11 (43:01):
Yeah, and then you have to compensate. Right then you're
going to find yourself compensating for maybe what you're not
getting no longer in your partnership. And so that's what
I want to touch on a little bit because I
have a lot of friends and family members that are
this this open relationship topic and issue, I guess you
could call it. At this point, it's in a lot
of different families, and it's not just confusing for the
people maybe in this relationship when their partner approaches them
and says, hey, you know you.
Speaker 10 (43:26):
Want to open this up. You know it's not it's
not just confusing.
Speaker 1 (43:29):
For that as much as.
Speaker 10 (43:31):
Women are doing this, women are yes, women are doing this.
Women are doing this. And you know, you know.
Speaker 11 (43:43):
You had a caller actually on your show that wanted
her man to dress up like a.
Speaker 1 (43:48):
Firefighter because she wanted the fire fight.
Speaker 10 (43:50):
She wanted the firefighter.
Speaker 11 (43:51):
But yeah, okay, she wanted her husband to do that.
But then you know down the street was the fire.
You know, I'm just saying, but that's not what I'm
That wasn't this. But I'm just saying, there are women
who are doing this, who are opening this up. And
it's not only people who are in relationships who are
maybe you know, in their marriage, who are married and
may have kids and then want to bring a third
party in. And so now not only is it confusing
for the kids involved, it's confusing for your partner because
now your partners now trying to compensate for maybe they're
not getting from you. And then let's take a step
further to the younger generation. Really quick, let's speak to
you guys. I have friends that have family members involved
in these types of relationships, and the parents are in
their sixties and seventies.
Speaker 10 (44:33):
They're like, when are we going to see a wedding?
Speaker 1 (44:35):
Speaker 10 (44:36):
Why an't we going to see a wedding?
Speaker 1 (44:37):
Speaker 11 (44:37):
So, you know, the traditional values, you know, you know,
it's confusing, it's hard for family members, and you know,
I'm speaking to them and watching them be open minded,
and there's you know, they're trying to be open minded.
And then I've seen people say, you know, I was
only being open minded. I didn't actually want this, you know,
my partner wanted to.
Speaker 1 (44:52):
So if a woman wants an open relationship, why do
they want that tour?
Speaker 10 (44:57):
I think it's because they're bored, bored with tory.
Speaker 11 (45:02):
Could be, you know, there's a lot more. It depends
on the type of woman you are. But if you
can't have stimulating conversation with your man, one conversation, converse, okay, sex, yes,
we're gonna say sex, yes, okay, yes, they're born in
the bedroom. One okay, that's for starters. Okay, you're not
doing it. You're not able to communicate.
Speaker 1 (45:23):
Starting in the bedroom with your man.
Speaker 2 (45:24):
Why would you want an open relationship when he's doing
it for you?
Speaker 11 (45:28):
Hey, you know it's gonna start, it's gonna start, and
you know, But the thing is, it's it's deeper than that.
Some people don't feel like they're hurt, don't feel like
they're in the you know, they're not getting enough emotionally.
You know, you can some people they lose interest, even
if the sex was good at one time, they lose
interest in you know that pan.
Speaker 2 (45:44):
So a woman could be thoroughly enjoying herself with her
man physically, but she's not getting enough attention. And so
as a result that I got to be here and
going in a different direction because he's not paying me
enough attention.
Speaker 1 (45:57):
He's not watching friends.
Speaker 2 (45:58):
Or more and or or something something like that with the.
Speaker 11 (46:02):
Screaming on Xbox with his friends playing cod and you know,
maybe you are.
Speaker 2 (46:08):
Well he's doing that while she's sitting up there saying, baby,
you want to come up in here, and you're trying
to tell me that's what doing.
Speaker 11 (46:14):
Look, I've seen a few comedians talking about how you
know they're cool if their their girlfriend just disappeared.
Speaker 2 (46:22):
Yes, So let me ask you this question, so so
so so, with all of that knowledge that you just
disseminated to the masses.
Speaker 10 (46:30):
I'm probably gonna get cut up for it.
Speaker 2 (46:32):
But what what do you say to people yourself included,
who are looking forward to marriage?
Speaker 1 (46:39):
Oh? What do you say?
Speaker 10 (46:40):
Don't rush?
Speaker 11 (46:42):
Don't rush and don't be so pressed on the Instagram photo?
Speaker 10 (46:46):
Right, it's so annoying, so annoying to watch.
Speaker 2 (46:49):
So I tell ladies all the time, you're gonna show
it to everybody? What's what am I getting?
Speaker 1 (46:52):
But it's what's the adventure?
Speaker 2 (46:53):
Of what I'm getting it don't show that everybody you
under what I'm saying.
Speaker 1 (46:57):
I mean, what what what?
Speaker 11 (46:57):
What's the intrigue with do you truly I want to
ask you though. Okay, you're talking a lot about my relationship.
You know, I've had to be an open book today,
which I was, you know, not really.
Speaker 1 (47:07):
Really really highlight my man.
Speaker 10 (47:18):
But what about you, Steven?
Speaker 11 (47:19):
Where's your commitment at a lady?
Speaker 10 (47:22):
You got a lady. You know that I know that
she's a place.
Speaker 2 (47:29):
I mean, don't get me wrong, I mean it is
what it is. I'm happy at the moment.
Speaker 8 (47:33):
You can get marriage.
Speaker 1 (47:34):
I hope to one day.
Speaker 10 (47:35):
Really, I mean, I hope this is refreshing to hear
from you. This is refreshing.
Speaker 1 (47:41):
I got news for you. Marriage for me.
Speaker 2 (47:44):
Marriage for me has never ever once been about an
issue of monogamy.
Speaker 10 (47:48):
That has never been very the issue.
Speaker 1 (47:51):
The issue because because I would hope that.
Speaker 2 (47:54):
Listen, I'm not gonna get married knowing that I'm gonna
cheat on my wife.
Speaker 1 (47:56):
I'm not gonna do it, but I think I'm gonna
do that. I'm a bound.
Speaker 10 (47:59):
So what hold you from getting there?
Speaker 2 (48:00):
Money, the society that we live in, you you wake
up one day and decide you don't want me. In half,
my shit's gone, you know, I mean my pension, my retirement, all.
Speaker 1 (48:12):
Of this other stuff that's meant to me. Forget the
women and the men. Society has messed with.
Speaker 2 (48:18):
Marriage because we've made it putative. In other words, if
it don't work.
Speaker 1 (48:23):
Out, it's gonna cost you.
Speaker 2 (48:25):
It's very few marriages that people amicably separate from one another.
Speaker 1 (48:29):
I love you, you love me. So I'm like this.
You know you could wake up one day and not
want me, but I gotta.
Speaker 10 (48:38):
Pay a hass So what are the perimeters?
Speaker 11 (48:39):
We are these tests that she's been put she's being
put through, or anybody in that matter, who's maybe you know,
speak more general, because let's be respectable to your relationship
unless you want to go there.
Speaker 2 (48:47):
No, here's the deal. I'm gonna say it very plain
and simple. And my nephew's here and he will attest
to it. And I'm ashamed to admit it, but it
is true. My mother knew this about me, My sisters
know this about me, my nieces and my other nephew knows.
Speaker 1 (49:00):
Everybody knows this is true.
Speaker 2 (49:03):
I'm gonna be very, very comfortable when I get married.
Speaker 1 (49:07):
You know why you gonna be old, You're gonna be.
Speaker 10 (49:11):
You ain't got nothing.
Speaker 1 (49:13):
I know you love me. Now I'm gonna tell you why.
I'm gonna tell you great.
Speaker 2 (49:18):
Ready, you're gonna be I'm gonna have a lot.
Speaker 1 (49:24):
I will have put her through hell. Here's what I
mean by that. Here's what I mean by that.
Speaker 2 (49:30):
Anybody can act right when everything is good.
Speaker 1 (49:36):
Where's the adversity? Where's the stress? Where's the strength? This
easy path?
Speaker 10 (49:42):
It's not it's not stressful dating you? Is that what
you're saying?
Speaker 1 (49:46):
It is stressful dating?
Speaker 10 (49:49):
Speaker 2 (49:51):
It's part of on purpose because it's like I don't
stress you out.
Speaker 11 (49:56):
I'm gonna come here and stress you out well and
see how far I can push you.
Speaker 1 (49:59):
You don't love someone, here's a deal. I'm not playing
games though. Here's what I mean by that.
Speaker 2 (50:05):
It's not like calculating and playing. It's just a level
of defiance. Like you roll up in my life. There's
certain things I'm gonna be hard headed about naturally. Why
wait until we married for you to find that out.
I'm gonna show it to you from joking hard.
Speaker 1 (50:21):
From now, I'm gonna be I'm gonna be a pain
in the neck from now. I'm gonna be this. I'm
gonna be that, I'm paid.
Speaker 2 (50:27):
I'm showing you this is what you get in and
you're gonna have to learn, Yo, this is this is money.
This is my man's that's what comes with him. And
some women have had a difficult time dealing with that.
Speaker 1 (50:42):
They departed and you.
Speaker 11 (50:44):
Know, their flight left, and I think that does they
flew out and.
Speaker 10 (50:49):
It is so how she do it? See how she doing?
How she means these moments?
Speaker 1 (50:53):
Fossil, gup, we gotta go to break, got breath, We
gotta go break.
Speaker 2 (50:57):
You're trying to get all in the mind right now,
coming up. I mean, you heard us talking.
Speaker 1 (51:03):
It's the new year. He happened to be in studio.
Speaker 2 (51:06):
My nephew got a lot to say about stuff like this.
And I asked Torri ahead of Thompson, you mind.
Speaker 1 (51:10):
If he joins us with the last block of the show.
Speaker 2 (51:13):
She's like, I don't want she's scared. If she ain't scared,
how the hell am I gonna be heard her?
Speaker 10 (51:18):
I'm excited. He's my cousin. He's my cousin.
Speaker 2 (51:23):
A good week already, my nephew Josh up next, I
don't go away. Everyone right now needs to stop what
they're doing and listen up and listen good. With all
the big time sports action that's happening each and every day,
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Speaker 1 (51:43):
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Speaker 1 (52:58):
Welcome back to stephen A. Smith Shill right here. It
was with YouTube. Of course, iHeartRadio.
Speaker 2 (53:04):
Before I get to my next additional guest, once again,
I wanted to thank Tory Cooper for being on the
show with us. She is a bit overdressed, but it's
a perfectly logical explanation. She usually was watching How I'm Dressed,
and she was working and came straight here to see
me all of this other stuff, but don't worry about it.
Speaker 1 (53:19):
Here's the deal.
Speaker 2 (53:21):
I wanted to move on and talk about various other subjects,
but my nephew was in the house, and you know,
I'm not gonna call him a knucklehead because I love
him and he's not I just love him messing with him,
but I don't mind.
Speaker 1 (53:32):
Calling him a knucklehead. Because he's always taking.
Speaker 2 (53:34):
My stuff, Torri, the man sitting next to you, my nephew, Josh.
Speaker 1 (53:40):
Do y'all have footage of the last time he was
on this show? Please? Could you show a split.
Speaker 2 (53:45):
Screen to him now compared to them now, ladies and gentlemen,
that's a different pair of shades.
Speaker 1 (53:53):
He keeps stealing my shades, and then he.
Speaker 2 (53:57):
Doesn't consider it stealing because he believed that whatever is
min it's his.
Speaker 1 (54:00):
It's ridiculous. And oh, by the way, you were lying
about being this nick fan. Why you wearing a.
Speaker 2 (54:06):
Spurs jacket if you you don't see me wearing another
team's jacket.
Speaker 8 (54:10):
Well, so she mentioned a jacket. Let me take it
off because I got merch and I was.
Speaker 1 (54:19):
Speaker 10 (54:21):
Mhm, it's split.
Speaker 1 (54:23):
It's lit. I don't want rich. He's not rich. He's
not rich.
Speaker 8 (54:28):
I'm so you're with me.
Speaker 1 (54:30):
We were rich.
Speaker 9 (54:33):
Let me give you some perspective. And I don't want
to just make it seem like I'm this loser. Let
me show you how I an't my check. So growing up,
Stephen would call me, he's two levels upstairs.
Speaker 8 (54:45):
He's all the way at the top.
Speaker 1 (54:47):
Don't ever call me Stephene. What's my name.
Speaker 8 (54:49):
What's your name, Uncle Steve.
Speaker 1 (54:51):
Don't be disrespectful. I will whip your ass. We tell you.
Speaker 2 (54:59):
My daughters, it was say daddy. One name you understead
of saying with you is uncle Steve. Don't ever flip
up on me.
Speaker 1 (55:05):
So then we are rich, none of Uncle Steve, because.
Speaker 2 (55:09):
I got I got plenty of uncles that have money and.
Speaker 8 (55:13):
They didn't have anybody else.
Speaker 9 (55:16):
Us emphasize, but let me get back to myself. So
he's two levels up, like it's in castle or something.
I'm in the basin the cellar.
Speaker 8 (55:24):
He'll call me all the way upstairs.
Speaker 1 (55:27):
Can you pass me the cup?
Speaker 8 (55:28):
Where's the cup? The cups right there.
Speaker 1 (55:30):
That's a lie. He is lying.
Speaker 8 (55:34):
He has my nephew.
Speaker 1 (55:37):
Tory. He knows good.
Speaker 2 (55:40):
No, that's a lie. That's what my mother, his grandmother
did to me. And then ultimately him stay at gun
in the house and we run from outside and we
went all the way to yes, maham, what's going on?
Speaker 1 (55:51):
Turn off the light and it's three feet away. My
mother would do something.
Speaker 2 (55:56):
So he's whiting off of that to try to act
like I did it when he knows that it's not true.
And here's the proof. Grandma would have never allowed that.
That's a lie.
Speaker 10 (56:03):
Did you do this to created storyline?
Speaker 1 (56:05):
Speaker 8 (56:06):
No, you promise.
Speaker 10 (56:09):
Okay, wow, it's a promise.
Speaker 1 (56:10):
Your promises me. He will embellish and he will take
his uncle's stuff to go.
Speaker 2 (56:22):
Would you mind telling her the story about how you
would call me and I wouldn't answer the phone, but
you let the voicemail be heard by ladies?
Speaker 1 (56:29):
Do you bring that up?
Speaker 10 (56:30):
I did my homework.
Speaker 11 (56:31):
I thoroughly remember that part. But it got you through
the door right in big places, right.
Speaker 1 (56:38):
Hold hold on.
Speaker 2 (56:40):
That is very inconsistent tory with what you just finished
talking about in.
Speaker 1 (56:45):
Terms of the need for men to be honest.
Speaker 2 (56:47):
You got this kid here, and now you're saying him
it got you in the door, didn't it?
Speaker 1 (56:50):
It got you in the door. Didn't excuse me?
Speaker 11 (56:53):
Where are fine with a man being deceitful to get
in the door?
Speaker 10 (56:59):
Is that this seems the fact that you are a family.
Speaker 1 (57:02):
I'm a family member.
Speaker 8 (57:05):
There's no.
Speaker 10 (57:07):
Where's the dec where's the see? He said, my uncle's
right here. You're gonna believe here? What's up?
Speaker 1 (57:16):
Can we move on?
Speaker 2 (57:18):
Before we move on a couple of these other subjects,
let's talk about for a second before I move on
away from sports, you wanted to comment about Jimmy Butler.
What possible problems could you have with what I had
to say about Jimmy Butler.
Speaker 9 (57:30):
I heard Jimmy Butler say he needs to find a
joy in basketball.
Speaker 8 (57:35):
How much you making sure?
Speaker 2 (57:36):
Forty nine forty nine million is gonna make fifty two
next season?
Speaker 1 (57:42):
We'll give me the money.
Speaker 8 (57:44):
I'll find a joy forty nine million.
Speaker 1 (57:47):
Is it just about the money? Can I Is it
just about the money? But after you've already had that,
can I.
Speaker 2 (57:54):
Tell you a little secret? A little secret. I mean, see,
if we were really rich, you would know this. But
since we are not really rich, allow me to help
you out here. Do you know that when you think
about the money, you think about it during contract negotiations.
You think about it when you know that it's supposed
to be in your bank account, once you can take
for granted that it's going to be there. Do you
know that you really never think about your money because
you already know you've achieved it. So why he's not
lying what he's saying is I know I got the money.
Speaker 1 (58:26):
I earned it. This is what I brought to the table.
Speaker 2 (58:28):
They gave me the contract, commiserate with my talents. Cool,
but that doesn't take away from the fact that I'm
unhappy right now when you got me standing in a corner,
when you're giving the ball more to some dude named
Heyward Heidsmith than you are with me, or letting Tyler
Hero and Bam out of Bile do whatever they want
at my expense, and you not prioritizing getting me the
ball and involve in the offense around me. You're trying
to tell me that Jimmy Butler don't.
Speaker 1 (58:48):
Have a case in that.
Speaker 9 (58:49):
I'm trying to tell you that if it was Kawhi
or somebody like that that y'all didn't like personally, y'all
would have a different attitude.
Speaker 1 (58:56):
I don't dislike Kawhi Leonard. I just like the fact that.
Speaker 2 (58:59):
He's never there, but he's always available to get a
contract extension in every perk that comes with it. That's
what I like I dislike about Kawhi Leonard.
Speaker 9 (59:07):
Well, Jimmy Butler, to me, he shows up in the
playoffs and stuff like that, But you make fifty million dollars,
you complaining about your role on the floor. You're standing
in the corner. What about Steph Curry who shot a
faith from three last night?
Speaker 1 (59:21):
The goot Okay, he is the greatest shoot that God
has ever created.
Speaker 9 (59:25):
Greatest player okay, and the lineup that he plays with.
You don't hear him ever complaining. You don't hear him
ever trying to demand a trade or demand players to
his team.
Speaker 8 (59:34):
He kind of works with what here?
Speaker 11 (59:35):
But at what point is it about not only your
mental health? Because again, to your uncle Stevens point, he
already knows the money's coming.
Speaker 10 (59:41):
He's already done it. It's in his bank account. We're good.
Speaker 1 (59:44):
Speaker 11 (59:44):
He has a moment to leverage his own power. So
you know what about that? Not only is mental health?
Obviously he wants to win championship. He doesn't see it
happening with the current players around him. So at what
point does he exercise his right to maybe push into
that and get a better spot in environment for him
to shine in that question?
Speaker 9 (01:00:03):
Nephew, Yeah, I mean, I'm a Nick fan, so what's
going on with the Miami Heat doesn't really interest me
like that. But to demand the trade when you're making
forty eight million dollars and you're the guy.
Speaker 8 (01:00:17):
In your team y'all giving him excuses.
Speaker 9 (01:00:19):
Now, this is not the same stephen A that judges
certain other players. I ain't gonna, you know, pin us
against nobody because we rich and.
Speaker 1 (01:00:26):
Well, listen, I will say this to you.
Speaker 2 (01:00:28):
I get where you're coming from. You're wrong, no surprise there,
but I do get where you're coming from. I would
normally be harder. I've known Jimmy Butler for years and
I know what his mentality is like. And I watched
the Miami Heat get blown out last night by the
Indiana Pacers, and I saw him standing in the corner.
And I know that's not because of him, That's because
of the offense that's being called. And I've seen this
on numerous occasions this season. And so if you're not
actively involving him in the fabric of the offense, You're
going to get an attitude for Jimmy Butler. Everybody knows that.
And so that's where I'm at with it. But let
me let me transition to the whole Chad O Joe
Sinko thing. I'll get into the oh, you know, open
relationships in just a second.
Speaker 1 (01:01:09):
Josh, what did you have to say about Chad Oh?
I'm scared to damp and to ask. But what did
you have to say?
Speaker 9 (01:01:15):
I mean, it's not so much a comment, it's more
a question like what are you saying wrong?
Speaker 11 (01:01:21):
It's not about what's wrong, it's why why not say
like why just not be just be quiet?
Speaker 10 (01:01:27):
He's a podcast, Yeah, but this wasn't even that moment.
It wasn't like he had his shades on and was
on the podcast. It wasn't that. It was look at me,
I'm beautiful. I'm beautiful. She left me in my season. Look,
you're in your season all day.
Speaker 11 (01:01:40):
We understand that you're keying like you do great, but
right now it's giving.
Speaker 10 (01:01:44):
You aren't keeping things private.
Speaker 11 (01:01:46):
You feel like you need attention right now from the world.
And also it's also giving. I may have you go
to my TikTok right now and check out my skincare
routine because.
Speaker 10 (01:01:56):
I'm beautiful and I'm in my season, so you know, like,
what are we doing? What are we doing?
Speaker 5 (01:02:00):
Speaker 9 (01:02:00):
Why didn't we just like let it go when y'all
find y'all glory in the negative situation?
Speaker 8 (01:02:05):
It's woman power and stuff like that.
Speaker 11 (01:02:07):
I didn't say that, though, you saw right so that
I said, why are we posting screenshots of text messages.
Why are we not letting our men be the men
that they were in our lives?
Speaker 10 (01:02:15):
You know, at some point you were friends.
Speaker 11 (01:02:18):
That's my deal is at some point you were friends,
and why can't you just remember that.
Speaker 2 (01:02:22):
And remember that and respect one another enough to keep
your stuff from that part?
Speaker 10 (01:02:28):
I agree about y'all.
Speaker 8 (01:02:34):
Y'all know what y'all did. Y'all put me on the
outside of the couch. I don't got no tea. Y'all
agreeing with each other's two against one, It's all right.
The comments is is gonna to do so.
Speaker 2 (01:02:43):
So you know what, when do you ever want t see?
That's the bs right there? You usually drink whatever. You
don't even want that.
Speaker 8 (01:02:50):
I'm not saying I wanted it, but nobody asked.
Speaker 1 (01:02:52):
That's a matra that's on Sumatra right there.
Speaker 9 (01:02:55):
So the water over here parsh harsh.
Speaker 1 (01:03:00):
You know, good to damn well. Your mother would have
told you to get your own damn tea.
Speaker 2 (01:03:03):
Let me move on to this last before we get
to the callers, because we got some callers on the
line and want to holler at us.
Speaker 1 (01:03:09):
What were your thoughts about the whole open dating issue?
Speaker 8 (01:03:12):
Josh, it's not an issue.
Speaker 1 (01:03:14):
It's not an issue dating.
Speaker 8 (01:03:15):
It's not an issue. Use use the support everyone.
Speaker 10 (01:03:17):
Yeah, I'm just listening. I'm just listening. I just you know,
I'm learning about it.
Speaker 1 (01:03:22):
She agrees with me, I'm learning about it. I didn't
get the impression that you agreed with him. Whoa, whoa.
Speaker 10 (01:03:28):
Wait, okay, here, hold on, I'm in the middle that.
Speaker 11 (01:03:32):
But what we're gonna say, Look, I understand this is
I was bringing you up to speed that this topic
is out there.
Speaker 10 (01:03:38):
This is happy, this is women want this. This is
not just men. Women are doing this too. I just
wanted to get your I haven't.
Speaker 2 (01:03:44):
Encountered any woman that that that has expressed that desire.
Speaker 1 (01:03:49):
I haven't encountered that.
Speaker 2 (01:03:50):
Okay, usually they want monopolization.
Speaker 1 (01:03:54):
I want you all to themselves.
Speaker 11 (01:03:56):
I mean I'm one of them, open date and like
the ones open to d Yeah, it's not just see.
Speaker 1 (01:04:04):
Look at that. Look at that.
Speaker 10 (01:04:06):
See so when a woman asks you, ain't about it?
Speaker 9 (01:04:09):
You know, And the reason why is because we buy
our way into being able to.
Speaker 8 (01:04:14):
Do so when we because you rich, so you know,
when we're not rich.
Speaker 9 (01:04:18):
Though, when you go on a date with somebody doesn't
he have to pay first. Yeah, no matter where you work, right,
even if you have a great job and you could
afford it.
Speaker 11 (01:04:30):
Is it like this, you asked me out on a date?
Or is it like, hey, we're just meeting up, you know,
get to know each other for a moment, like it's
not established, like this is the date?
Speaker 8 (01:04:39):
What if you're hungry?
Speaker 10 (01:04:40):
I'm just saying, like, let's I want to know, Josh,
Are you saying.
Speaker 11 (01:04:43):
That this is like you asked If you ask me
out on a real date.
Speaker 10 (01:04:46):
To eat, then yes, you're gonna pay.
Speaker 8 (01:04:48):
You're gonna eat too.
Speaker 10 (01:04:49):
Yeah, and you're gonna pay.
Speaker 8 (01:04:50):
I'm gonna pay. You're rich no matter where you work,
I'm gonna.
Speaker 10 (01:04:52):
Pay, Yeah, because it's principal. What if I like, what
if it's the burrito?
Speaker 5 (01:04:56):
Speaker 10 (01:04:57):
You know what I mean? Because well, here's the thing.
Here's the thing.
Speaker 11 (01:05:00):
It's not about the expectation, okay, because I'm not gonna
expect it because I'm always gonna come prepared to pay
for myself no matter what.
Speaker 10 (01:05:06):
But I'm gonna.
Speaker 11 (01:05:07):
Test, you know, see see if he offers, because our parameters,
I gotta see where you're at.
Speaker 8 (01:05:12):
So this is where I'm and you're gonna agree with you.
Speaker 10 (01:05:13):
You got your own test, don't you.
Speaker 11 (01:05:15):
You just sat up here and told us all that
you have a series of tests.
Speaker 10 (01:05:21):
Speaker 11 (01:05:22):
So yeah, So I'm gonna show up ready to pay
the period and I'm not gonna be entitled, but I'm
gonna see how you move.
Speaker 8 (01:05:29):
So what about us testing you?
Speaker 9 (01:05:30):
So me since i'm you know, we're since we're since
we we're financially slavey okay? When when you take us
when we go out, when we go out on the
first day, it's usually so the god can prove like, oh,
he has something.
Speaker 8 (01:05:46):
He's paying for me to go out. We're gonna eat together?
Speaker 1 (01:05:49):
Is it? But with me?
Speaker 9 (01:05:51):
Why should I let you in on our rich life?
You gotta show me why So when we go out,
you gotta pay?
Speaker 8 (01:05:57):
Speaker 10 (01:05:58):
Wow should want to pay for my tacos? You should
want to pay for my tacos.
Speaker 8 (01:06:03):
Speaker 11 (01:06:03):
Yeah, tacos are great, But what if it's just tacos?
Like what if it's not something elaborated? What if we're
just going to taco It's like you're not.
Speaker 10 (01:06:10):
So here's my thing? Why can't you downgrade the date?
Why is it gonna be so much like yo? We're
going to the Five Seasons or the rints. Carlton like
downgrade the date.
Speaker 1 (01:06:19):
Grandma is turning over in but it's fine. But but
staten Grandma here, you get this wrong.
Speaker 9 (01:06:31):
She's pro safe and she raised me in the second half.
Speaker 1 (01:06:36):
You gotta go to the calls. I can't.
Speaker 2 (01:06:38):
I got to hurry up, get out of here. I
got I can't have America listening. And let's go to
Caleb in Rochester, New York. You're with stephen A, along
with my dear Frank Tory and of course my nephew Josh.
Speaker 1 (01:06:50):
Go ahead, what's up, bro? Go ahead?
Speaker 13 (01:06:55):
Talk to me, man, I got a relationship question for you.
Speaker 1 (01:06:58):
Go ahead.
Speaker 6 (01:06:59):
I'm here, all right, So I'm on the East coast,
New York.
Speaker 13 (01:07:03):
Right, Yes, I've been talking with this girl.
Speaker 1 (01:07:06):
West coast.
Speaker 6 (01:07:07):
Okay, Washington.
Speaker 1 (01:07:09):
Okay, that's pretty far. That's six hours.
Speaker 6 (01:07:11):
Yes, that's that's far.
Speaker 1 (01:07:13):
Six outs.
Speaker 13 (01:07:13):
You think you think you think we could work out,
You think you think that could work.
Speaker 2 (01:07:17):
Hell no, hell no, listen, long distance. The only way
that long distance works is if she doesn't care that
much about being with you, and vice versa.
Speaker 1 (01:07:36):
If you really.
Speaker 2 (01:07:37):
Really want each other, then it becomes painful to be
a part which builds frustration. Frustration Ultimately, animosity isn't far behind,
and eventually.
Speaker 1 (01:07:50):
The heart.
Speaker 2 (01:07:51):
You know, absence makes the heart grow fonder, but too
much absence makes the heart wonder.
Speaker 1 (01:07:58):
It's just that simple. I don't under staying, how why
are you looking at me like that? Tory?
Speaker 10 (01:08:02):
Because I'm in a long distance relationship?
Speaker 1 (01:08:05):
Okay, wait, wait a minute, Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Speaker 12 (01:08:08):
Time out Atlanta, Yeah, New York, Right, the same, but
it still is like when you go from having your
partner in a.
Speaker 11 (01:08:21):
Certain place, the same place as you, and then you go.
Speaker 10 (01:08:22):
To a different spot for a little bit. But it's
just for a little bit, right, And that's what I
was gonna say.
Speaker 11 (01:08:27):
There's an that was I was letting you finish with
our beautiful and awesome call here.
Speaker 10 (01:08:32):
What's Caleb? Thank you? Caleb.
Speaker 11 (01:08:34):
Look, there has to be an end in sight to
the long distance otherwise, no otherwise.
Speaker 2 (01:08:39):
Stephen is right, Yeah, very much, go ahead, Josh, scared
to hear the answer for glhad.
Speaker 9 (01:08:44):
The only way that it's gonna work is that if
their relationship is what we.
Speaker 8 (01:08:48):
Just spoke about, open, open, open too.
Speaker 2 (01:08:52):
What what's the difference between open and open open right
like open.
Speaker 9 (01:08:56):
Open open, open is what we explained. She she could
be in on the openness too. Just open is when
men is late, you know, h keleb.
Speaker 1 (01:09:07):
Does that answer your question?
Speaker 5 (01:09:10):
Yeah? Answer? Thank you man, I love the insight.
Speaker 1 (01:09:12):
Appreciate it. Man, Thank you so much. Toby and Maryland.
You're live with Stephen Ay and his crew? What's going on? Man?
Speaker 7 (01:09:19):
Speaker 1 (01:09:22):
How you doing? Female?
Speaker 14 (01:09:24):
Go ahead, I'm good.
Speaker 7 (01:09:25):
I have a question for you. Yes, So, how do
you feel about the youngest son and the only daughter
diamic the relationship dam.
Speaker 1 (01:09:35):
Youngest son, oldest daughter, only daughter, only daughter. Let me
say this to you, dad, that's a problem. That's a problem.
Let me explain why I thought you Originally you had
said the oldest daughter.
Speaker 2 (01:09:54):
See, the oldest daughter is usually associated with the matriarch
of the family, so he's nurturing everybody. She's raising us
like on Linda, you know, stuff like that, You raising
us up.
Speaker 1 (01:10:04):
You see what I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (01:10:05):
So she's used to being a nurturer and to some
degree in control. The youngest is the baby, so they
used to being nurtured and used to being baby, so
it works.
Speaker 1 (01:10:18):
But if he is the youngest, and she's the only Both.
Speaker 2 (01:10:22):
Are using the used to being spoiled, and it usually
there's one with slippage because no matter how much spoiling
you do, one of the other usually requires more than
what they're getting.
Speaker 1 (01:10:35):
And because well, in most situations, I would tell you
it's the only it's it's the girl.
Speaker 2 (01:10:40):
It's the only it's the only child, the only child,
it's the only child, the only child, which is the
girl in this particular instance, she's.
Speaker 1 (01:10:47):
Accustomed because she don't have to share.
Speaker 2 (01:10:49):
See, you the youngest, You might be spoiled, but you
still understand that there's certain stuff that's doled out for
everybody else. When you the only you don't have to
share everything with yours So because of that, Oh, hell no,
that that's a bad situation, Toby, I'm sorry, sweet, I mean,
that's a bad situation.
Speaker 1 (01:11:10):
Go ahead, go ahead tell me.
Speaker 10 (01:11:11):
Are you in this relationship?
Speaker 5 (01:11:12):
Speaker 10 (01:11:12):
Are you the.
Speaker 5 (01:11:15):
Speaker 7 (01:11:15):
But it's funny, it's not like she's the only child.
Get it right.
Speaker 5 (01:11:19):
I'm not the only child.
Speaker 7 (01:11:21):
I'm the only girl, but I'm the youngest. And the boyfriend,
my boyfriend is the youngest son, but he's not he's
the second only so see.
Speaker 1 (01:11:30):
What I'm saying. Now, that's a different thing.
Speaker 2 (01:11:33):
Yeah, but still at all, there's still it's still not
an only Yeah you still.
Speaker 1 (01:11:38):
You got a chance. It's a better change, definitely a
better chance. That's a better chance, Josh chance. It sounds
like there's a chance. Told me you're in a good situation.
You're in a good situation because you got a chance.
Speaker 5 (01:11:48):
Speaker 2 (01:11:48):
It's a custom to share it, and as long as
both sides are accustomed to stuff being shared, the requirements
lessen to some degree.
Speaker 9 (01:11:56):
If the guy is the youngest, though, you're dealing with
a stephen A.
Speaker 8 (01:12:00):
What's you been You're the youngest in the house.
Speaker 1 (01:12:03):
I'm just saying, what's a step the spoiled? Go get
me this?
Speaker 2 (01:12:07):
How am I spoiled you?
Speaker 1 (01:12:11):
Speaker 2 (01:12:11):
You know your mother and your aunts? When was I
spoiled by them? They slap me upside their head and
tell me to go get do it myself.
Speaker 8 (01:12:20):
All in love.
Speaker 1 (01:12:21):
It was all in love. Thank you, Thank you. Toby.
Speaker 14 (01:12:25):
Give a shout out really quick, go ahead, real quick.
Speaker 5 (01:12:28):
Shout out to my dad Patrick, my boyfriend Olu, and
my brother Toby.
Speaker 7 (01:12:32):
With an eye, Toby with an eye, Mine is with
a wife, got you, no problem, Thank you day, have
a nice day.
Speaker 1 (01:12:38):
Happy New Year.
Speaker 2 (01:12:39):
Matthew, South Carolina. Talk to me and the crew. What's
going on?
Speaker 5 (01:12:43):
What's up, guys, how y'all doing?
Speaker 1 (01:12:45):
We here?
Speaker 5 (01:12:46):
We here?
Speaker 1 (01:12:46):
What's up?
Speaker 14 (01:12:48):
So let me let me set up the stage for you.
Speaker 5 (01:12:51):
Stephen A.
Speaker 14 (01:12:52):
Smith, right, let me let me set the stage for you. Okay.
So a couple of years ago, I talked to my
boys Steve Harvey Okay, about how to pick up a girl.
Because I was clueless, I didn't know how. He gave
me some great advice. I use it now. I've been
married for a few years, okay, and.
Speaker 5 (01:13:13):
I feel like that we've kind of been just doing
the same exact thing over and over in the bed,
and I want your advice. How do I spice it
up in the bedroom? And how do I get like
Shannon Sharp?
Speaker 1 (01:13:26):
Well, a couple of things.
Speaker 2 (01:13:28):
I have no idea what the hell you mean in
terms of how do I get like Shannon Shaw.
Speaker 1 (01:13:33):
Let's get that out the way. I have no clue
what you're talking about. Secondly, when you talk about.
Speaker 2 (01:13:39):
Spicing it up in the bedroom, I think it's important
to ask a certain question to work with me.
Speaker 1 (01:13:43):
He Torri work I think it's important to ask a
couple of questions.
Speaker 2 (01:13:47):
Number one, is she complaining about the lack of spice?
Speaker 1 (01:13:52):
Good question, Matthew. Is she complaining about the lack of spice?
Speaker 13 (01:13:58):
I mean, I think I mean my.
Speaker 1 (01:14:00):
Last I asked you a direct question. You know the
answer to that question?
Speaker 2 (01:14:04):
What's up with the studying or the stuttering rather and
and the wiggling your way around?
Speaker 1 (01:14:08):
Ask you a direct question?
Speaker 14 (01:14:10):
Is she I mean, she's not complaining.
Speaker 5 (01:14:13):
I'm just saying that I would love to it up
a little bit more.
Speaker 1 (01:14:17):
Speaker 2 (01:14:17):
What I'm saying to you is this, If she's not complaining,
then you're confident she's satisfied.
Speaker 13 (01:14:24):
I mean she's satisfied.
Speaker 1 (01:14:25):
I said she's I said she's satisfied. I said, you're
confident she's satisfied.
Speaker 5 (01:14:30):
Speaker 1 (01:14:31):
Speaker 2 (01:14:32):
Okay, Then anything you do that's different, it's going to
help you out because it's a deviation unless it doesn't work.
Now you try something new and it don't work, that
would be problematic.
Speaker 10 (01:14:42):
Sounds like he's the one that wants to spice it up.
She you know, she's good, has.
Speaker 11 (01:14:47):
Been established in this conversation. That's what I'm getting from you. Matthew,
is that correct. You're the one that wants to spice
it up.
Speaker 10 (01:14:51):
You're a feeling like it's getting predictable, exactly.
Speaker 11 (01:14:54):
Okay, okay, okay, So but keep in mind, this is
someone who expects a certain show from you every time.
Speaker 10 (01:15:01):
So you deviate, you're gonna ask for this. This is
coming from what is coming is coming from? Did you
get this from the internet? Did you get this from
testing it out somewhere?
Speaker 4 (01:15:13):
Speaker 10 (01:15:14):
Why are you interested in this?
Speaker 5 (01:15:15):
Speaker 10 (01:15:15):
I'm gonna call my friend. So you're opening up. You know,
I think it's always better to have an open.
Speaker 2 (01:15:20):
Because she says in communication for Matthew, did you hear
what Tory saying?
Speaker 10 (01:15:23):
Open communication first?
Speaker 2 (01:15:25):
What she's saying, right, Matthew, She said that the minute
you deviate, the minute you deviate from the norm, you're
gonna raise antenna's slash suspicions.
Speaker 12 (01:15:33):
Speaker 2 (01:15:33):
When you get this from what you're doing, who you've
been doing it with, where you've been you feel me?
Speaker 1 (01:15:41):
Speaker 5 (01:15:41):
I feel you.
Speaker 14 (01:15:42):
I just want to I want to raise the bar
you can.
Speaker 10 (01:15:46):
But you got about it first, Matthew.
Speaker 1 (01:15:48):
You got to talk about it first.
Speaker 10 (01:15:49):
You got to say, hey, I love you. I just
have something.
Speaker 9 (01:15:51):
Why are you looking like that, Jo, because you're coming
down on the course. Support what Matthew, Matthew, Matthew, Look,
I thought he hung up. They don't understand, they don't
understand where you're coming from. You try to break it
down two different times. It's about him wanting to be better,
and y'all still crashing.
Speaker 8 (01:16:13):
Down on him.
Speaker 2 (01:16:13):
No, we supported, We just better, meaning wants better, He
wants more, he wants more spies.
Speaker 8 (01:16:21):
Yeah, he just wanted You said you want to spice
it up?
Speaker 1 (01:16:24):
Speaker 9 (01:16:26):
Go watch me, go watch go watch Steven a show
two episodes ago and see what I told y'all to.
Speaker 8 (01:16:34):
Do on tender meet another one and add her to
the bedroom.
Speaker 5 (01:16:37):
Speaker 11 (01:16:39):
Yeah, but I said, you know, Matthew, that's what I'm
talking about.
Speaker 10 (01:16:43):
Don't listen to.
Speaker 1 (01:16:48):
Don't do it. Trust me, trust me. You're gonna be
ready to want, You're gonna want to throw Take it easy, Matthew.
Thanks a lot, man. Two more callers left. Let's go
to Kyrie in Maryland. You're live with Stephen A and
the crew. What's going on, Kyrie?
Speaker 6 (01:17:03):
Stephen? Stephen A was good? How you doing the new year?
Speaker 1 (01:17:06):
Talk to me? What's up?
Speaker 6 (01:17:08):
So you know, we've been watching you on TV for
a long time now, right, So I'm quoting. I'm quoting
your nephew Josh. He said, you gotta find someone to
be old with you. So my question is have you
You don't got to say the name. We just want
to yes or no. And the second part of that question.
You know it's twenty twenty five.
Speaker 1 (01:17:31):
I believe, I believe. I believe I found out to
answer your first question. But go ahead. What's your second question?
Speaker 6 (01:17:37):
Okay, second question? It's twenty twenty five. Can we expect
that Stephen Ay pop out with the person he is
being old with? Mate?
Speaker 1 (01:17:47):
I have been seeing with my lady on several occasions.
I just don't advertise.
Speaker 2 (01:17:54):
You see us holding hands together, walking, walking in public places,
at events and things of that nature. She has been
with me. I haven't hid or anything like that. I
don't do that, either with me or you not.
Speaker 6 (01:18:07):
Okay, I feel it. I feel it. So you want
to just keep it private?
Speaker 1 (01:18:10):
No? No, I don't you know why?
Speaker 2 (01:18:12):
Because God forbid we break up and we ain't together.
You know, you get with somebody else. Oh that's stephen
A's X. See that's the kind of shit I don't
like you. Understand, I'm saying, why can't it be hard?
Speaker 1 (01:18:24):
Why I got to be? Oh, that's stephen A's X.
I don't play that stuff.
Speaker 8 (01:18:28):
I don't.
Speaker 1 (01:18:28):
I don't.
Speaker 2 (01:18:29):
I don't you know. I will cheat you with respect,
courtesy or whatever. But once we've done, we're done. I'm
not deferring to you. I'm not referencing you. I'm not
pointing out that you used to be with me. I
don't want anybody else doing that.
Speaker 1 (01:18:40):
Et cetera, et cetera, either with me or you not.
Speaker 6 (01:18:43):
That's how we're gonna walk attached to them if you.
Speaker 1 (01:18:47):
Let me, unless you with me. I've often said this.
I've offen said this.
Speaker 2 (01:18:51):
I'm not hiding anything, but I've often said this, You'll
definitively know who I'm with when she's missing stephen A. Smith,
why are you advertising the relationships that have been out
there where you walking around and you're advertising this is
the person that you're with, and then she ends up
with somebody else and you in the news because of
somebody else's business. Has nothing to do with you, cause
you ain't no longer with the person, but you in
the news. I don't want no parts of.
Speaker 1 (01:19:12):
That, I don't. I don't discuss it. I don't debate it.
I'm not revealed. I don't. I don't play that nonsense.
I can't stand people that get in the people's personal business.
Speaker 2 (01:19:20):
Of all the years that I've been a reportatory, all
the years i've been a reporter, I don't get in
the people's person I got my man Galen over there
and so Mantra and every I don't get in the
people's personal business.
Speaker 1 (01:19:30):
I stay you. My nephew knows this.
Speaker 2 (01:19:31):
If you basketball or football box and whatever into your study,
I'm talking about your.
Speaker 1 (01:19:36):
Profession, or if you end up in the police blodders,
I have to talk about that.
Speaker 2 (01:19:40):
That's a matter of public information. If it's private, it's
none of my business. No matter what I've seen or heard,
I keep it moving. It's none of my business.
Speaker 6 (01:19:50):
I respect that.
Speaker 10 (01:19:52):
That's all about you.
Speaker 11 (01:19:54):
I would say, that's that's what I would hope that
everyone watching would take that and move like that, because
especially the men that are in high places, because you
will get so much more respect from the woman around
you if you move like that.
Speaker 8 (01:20:06):
Damn man, would you say you because you just started
claiming me. They want to know who your girlfriend is. Yeah, family,
don't even really claim yet, Like you gotta work your
way in with.
Speaker 1 (01:20:15):
Right cools down. Tell him.
Speaker 5 (01:20:21):
That for him.
Speaker 1 (01:20:22):
Cole last colon Colon Michigan. You love of Stephen. It
was a cold.
Speaker 7 (01:20:26):
Mister Smith.
Speaker 1 (01:20:27):
How's it going, man, I'm all right. I'm waiting for
this show to end because my nephew is getting on
my damn nerves.
Speaker 13 (01:20:31):
We'll go ahead, yeah, I mean shit, I'll be He'd
be getting on my nerves too if I were.
Speaker 6 (01:20:40):
All this stuff.
Speaker 13 (01:20:42):
Come on, No, I'm playing.
Speaker 5 (01:20:45):
Go ahead for sure.
Speaker 13 (01:20:47):
Thank you guys for your time and congratulations on a
million steven A, thank you.
Speaker 6 (01:20:53):
So I called in.
Speaker 13 (01:20:54):
I tell you tweet you're asking about? Uh you were
talking about relationships stuff. You want to questions for that?
Speaker 1 (01:21:00):
Speaker 13 (01:21:00):
So my question for you is with Josh. I don't
know Josh's background, but uh you know you obviously I don't.
Speaker 1 (01:21:08):
Want to know Josh's background.
Speaker 13 (01:21:09):
Go ahead, yeah, okay, okay, why what's Josh the other way?
Speaker 5 (01:21:14):
Speaker 1 (01:21:14):
Just keep it moving? Go ahead?
Speaker 7 (01:21:17):
Speaker 13 (01:21:17):
So, being as successful as you are, traveling as much
as you are, you know, how do you keep healthy relationships?
How do you how do you manage relationships well.
Speaker 1 (01:21:27):
First of all, I don't travel as much as I
used to.
Speaker 2 (01:21:30):
When I did travel that that much, I refrained from
having relationships because I know I couldn't be as honorable
as I would it would be compelled to be. If
I'm traveling two hundred plus days out of the year,
that's number one.
Speaker 1 (01:21:39):
Number two. Now that I travel significantly less, it's a
lot easier.
Speaker 2 (01:21:43):
But I would tell you listen, nobody's perfect, and we
get that, and especially us trifling ask men.
Speaker 1 (01:21:51):
Sometimes we do the wrong things. That's all true, But
there is never an excuse to.
Speaker 2 (01:21:57):
Be emotionally dishonest to let somebody know how you feel.
If you ain't happy, say so. If you're not turned on,
say so. If you need more excitement, say so. If
somebody is not the conversations are not a stimulating enough,
or the sex ain't working, or you know they working
hard enough, or they're not supportive of you and your goals,
your ambitions.
Speaker 1 (01:22:20):
Except whatever it may be, there is never an excuse.
Speaker 2 (01:22:25):
For not letting somebody know how you feel, because when
you let somebody know how you feel, they can deduce
what's inevitable. If you let them know where you stand,
and that is the rule that I've religiously followed.
Speaker 11 (01:22:40):
Go ahead, Tori, Yeah, I would say the exact same thing.
You have to communicate over communicate, and otherwise you're not
going to have any stability in your relationship. You're not
going to go know where you stand in your relationship
if you're not, because you're going to pick up on
where the person's feel what the person's feeling, and if
they don't say it now, you're creating.
Speaker 10 (01:22:57):
A rift between the two of you.
Speaker 11 (01:22:59):
But that's the only way to have a cohesive partnership
is through communication.
Speaker 2 (01:23:03):
Josh, I'm gonna okay, I'm really starting to believe.
Speaker 9 (01:23:07):
That I speak for the people that really don't care
about their relationship stuff because it's.
Speaker 1 (01:23:13):
What's in it for us. Who's us?
Speaker 8 (01:23:16):
The man men come, I'm speaking for men you like
in the middle because you know this is different and.
Speaker 10 (01:23:21):
He's doing a good job. But I feel like it's genuine.
Speaker 8 (01:23:25):
It is genuine, trusting is genuine.
Speaker 1 (01:23:28):
I was raised by five women. He knows it's me too. Ahead.
You weren't.
Speaker 8 (01:23:32):
No, you weren't in the same house.
Speaker 1 (01:23:34):
Yeah, but no, you weren't. You weren't. At first of all,
you weren't the same house you was living on two fourteenth.
She stopped that. Okay, that's number one. Number two.
Speaker 2 (01:23:41):
You know Grandma shielded you from all of that stuff,
all right, all right, and you were around me more
than you were around your aunt, So stop it.
Speaker 8 (01:23:49):
I was around you. We'll talk about some years. Listen,
he ain't everything. He cracking up. I'm not understanding.
Speaker 9 (01:23:56):
He's the sixty year old version of me. Maybe in
twenty five is I'll tony down. But for now, when
you're in these relationships, I just don't feel like it's
much in it for us.
Speaker 8 (01:24:09):
We gotta pay for everything.
Speaker 9 (01:24:10):
If somebody breaks into the house, he ain't gonna wake
you up and be like figure that out.
Speaker 8 (01:24:15):
That's me and light of danger.
Speaker 10 (01:24:17):
That's true. I mean not to laugh about it, but yes,
this is what I'm saying. Expected to do something about it.
Speaker 9 (01:24:22):
So can y'all answer that for me? Like what's in
and don't give me the corny? Oh, she's gonna love
you and know what's in it for us, because we
know what's in it for y'all. You look at somebody
to pay half the bills at least sometimes all of it.
Right that you told me in the car the other day.
Speaker 11 (01:24:35):
He told me, I'm not the right person to ask
that question because I pay for my bills.
Speaker 10 (01:24:41):
I pay for all my bills with the boyfriend. With
a boyfriend. Yeah, we had that, We had that tough
conversation early on.
Speaker 3 (01:24:47):
Speaker 11 (01:24:47):
He said, there's no there's no expect expectation here, there's
no entitlement.
Speaker 10 (01:24:51):
And I said, look, you still gotta.
Speaker 1 (01:24:54):
Want to buy. He's misconstruing my point.
Speaker 2 (01:24:58):
His whole thing is that when I talked about and
all the bills, I'm not talking about all of her bills.
Speaker 1 (01:25:03):
I'm talking about in my home, in my habitat.
Speaker 2 (01:25:07):
This is I'm living like this. So in other words,
I'm not looking for a woman to come along and
pay bills where I'm living. Yeah, where I live, this is,
this is my dra and I'm and obviously I believe
it's gonna be upgraded enough where you know it's gonna
be up to snuff and you know you'll want to
be there too.
Speaker 1 (01:25:26):
But the point is that I'm.
Speaker 2 (01:25:27):
Gonna take care of me, and I'm gonna take care
of anybody in my habitat. That doesn't mean I'm gonna
go outside and take care of your stuff.
Speaker 1 (01:25:36):
That's not what I said.
Speaker 8 (01:25:37):
So he's missing so pretty much just said it again.
He's missing a whole he's saying in my my me.
If you're in a house with your woman, is our house, right?
Speaker 5 (01:25:48):
Speaker 10 (01:25:49):
Me together? But sometimes you're not always living together.
Speaker 8 (01:25:53):
We're not talking about that. If we living together, you're
trying to be funny.
Speaker 15 (01:25:56):
We living together, we split in the bills. I'm not
even getting a girl that can't help me. Okay, well
I'm not get a girl. Okay, yeah, no, I respect that, Listen, Helen.
Speaker 1 (01:26:07):
Well no, I'm passing it. Stuff it, Listen.
Speaker 2 (01:26:13):
I gotta get on out of here. He knows it's
not He wasn't raised this way. He was not raised
this way.
Speaker 1 (01:26:17):
You understand. And this is the thing. And you asked
the question. I'll end the show by saying this. You
ask what is it?
Speaker 2 (01:26:23):
What's in it for a man? A relationship, marriage, all
of that stuff. A It depends on the right woman.
But if you have the right woman, one that communicates
with you, one that takes care of the things you
don't want.
Speaker 1 (01:26:38):
To take care of, that enables you to be positioned
to take care of the things that you have to
take care of.
Speaker 5 (01:26:43):
Speaker 1 (01:26:44):
Let me explain. If Uncle Steve is about paying bills right, well,
I want to pay bills.
Speaker 2 (01:26:50):
So when I come home, I don't feel like cooking,
I don't feel like cleaning. I don't feel like doing
a whole bunch of domesticated household stuff because I have
no desire to do that because I've been.
Speaker 1 (01:27:00):
Working all day handling my business.
Speaker 2 (01:27:01):
If we have that understanding and she takes care of that,
that's a lot that's off my shoulders that I don't
have to be concerned about because she handles my business
on that personal level, and that enables me to do
all the things that I want to do without having
to be preoccupied time wise with a whole bunch of
domesticated obligations because I have nobody at home to do
that for me. Not to mention the fact that I
ain't got to go out and look for nothing that
I want in between the sheets, because it's right there.
Speaker 1 (01:27:29):
So I got all of that going on for me too.
Understand a partner that that that does matter.
Speaker 10 (01:27:36):
So this is what you get out of it, that's
what you get out of it. What's your impression? What
do you get out of it?
Speaker 9 (01:27:42):
So everybody's be careful, right, So everybody always asks, like
Steven Ay, really your uncle, cause you know his hair
and this and that.
Speaker 8 (01:27:59):
My hairline has no going to do with hereditary Oh women,
did this?
Speaker 5 (01:28:03):
Speaker 1 (01:28:04):
I was gonna say, because I've only seen you with
the hat on.
Speaker 10 (01:28:06):
I've fully seen you with a hat.
Speaker 1 (01:28:07):
On until this moment.
Speaker 8 (01:28:09):
Man, And I've been bold because I was twenty two,
so you just had looking off.
Speaker 1 (01:28:16):
Now y'all heard me exposing my story.
Speaker 8 (01:28:17):
Man, let me get this, Michael.
Speaker 1 (01:28:20):
I hope y'all enjoyed the show staying They shouted off
until next time. That's it, y'all,