Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Let's go to the tweets that Calos Boozer and Ryan Hollins. Uh,
since my producers aren't aren't wise enough to blow some
stuff up because they don't see that. I don't wear
glasses like they do. Okay, I actually cannot see that,
but it is what it is. Ryan Hollins really popped
out with the Carlos.
Speaker 2 (00:25):
Speaker 1 (00:25):
I don't want my producers in my hear talking about
you gonna say to me, no, you should have had
it blown up. I want to see it now and
keep this in the show. So because I want the audience,
don't getting on my producers, you go and try to
make fools of me because they know I can't see
the damn thing. Okay, I can't see that either, but nevertheless,
it's clearly something about the hairline. It's Ryan Hollins, it's
Carlos Boozer. All I gotta say is this, Devin, I'm jealous.
I wish my hairline was like that. I really do.
Speaker 2 (00:49):
That would be nice. I wish I wish my hairline
was like that, even.
Speaker 1 (00:53):
Like even Ryan's which is little kind of crooked there,
I still wish it was that way. Carlos, I don't want.
I don't ever want my hair shining like that. You
know what I'm saying. It looked like you threw some
damn blue paint on your head at the time. That's
call those Boozo when he was younger. That's not him
right now. But nevertheless, you know Ryan's attaining too.
Speaker 2 (01:10):
But I get it.
Speaker 1 (01:11):
But I gotta admit I'm jealous of the hellline. I
wish my hairline was about three inches forward. That would
be nice. I ain't gonna front. That's one tweet. Give
me the next one.
Speaker 2 (01:20):
Speaker 1 (01:20):
At GTA six plus right, Steven Nate Smith, when you
play GTA six when it releases.
Speaker 2 (01:27):
Hmm, I didn't think about it, but I might. Why not?
I can't do that. I mean even they'll have to
teach me because I never did it before. I don't know.
Speaker 1 (01:34):
Whe's my nephew, his son or one of my producers
who pay attention to this kind of stuff.
Speaker 2 (01:40):
I don't know, but I tried. I'm all about it.
I'm all about it.
Speaker 1 (01:44):
Next week, what we got which Batman would win in
a fight, Ben Affleck or Michael Keaton. Well, I think
in a fight it would be Ben Affleck. That's a
big boy. Ben Affleck ain't no small dude. Plus he's
from Boston. But I ain't gonna sleep on Michael Keaton.
I think Michael Keaton was more suave. Ben Affleck is
a big boy. I'm definitely gonna do that. I like
Ben Affleck. I just didn't like him in the Batman movies.
I loved him in The Accountant, loved him into it.
In the Accountant he was great. He was great.
Speaker 2 (02:12):
Okay. I didn't like the Batman movies.
Speaker 1 (02:14):
I didn't like GG with him and j Love, But
I liked most of the other stuff that Ben afflete.
Speaker 2 (02:19):
I liked him in the Town. I thought he was
great in the town. Okay.
Speaker 1 (02:22):
I like Ben Affleck in a lot of things, just
not Batman. In GG or or whatever, it was all right,