Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:16):
Yes, yes, I am dramas and this is the Street
Stole Podcast, bringing your daily dose a timeless stoke philosophy
remix for the hip hop generation. We are combining ancient
stoic philosophy with lyrics and quotes from some of the
greatest to ever grace a microphone. Now, with that said,
let's get things started with your daily shot of inspiration.
And first and foremost happy holidays to everybody. I know.
We are in the holiday month. Things are a little
bit slower right now. You have some time to maybe
think a little bit more and just get some clarity
on what exactly you want. And it is the perfect
time for this episode to drop, right. We are talking
all about the stoic idea of focusing on what you
can control. And we're going to go to my cheat code,
which is the late great Nipsey Hustle, because he is
an endless supply of quotes, particularly on this topic, and
I love this one right here from him where he says,
I'm about seeing long term, seeing a vision, understanding nothing
really worthwhile happens overnight, and just sticking to your script
long enough to make something real happen. The thing I
really want to focus in on is him talking about
seeing long term and seeing a vision, right, And this
is what made Nipsey Hustle so incredible and what allowed
him to sort of defy the odds of his situation
but also sort of rewrite the modern day artist to
a degree. Nipsey was playing the long game, and his
path towards success and recognition was far longer, probably than
it would have been had he have just taken the
e sort of short term gratitude of easy money and
a lack of independence. Right, if he wasn't sort of
holding the torch of wanting to be an independent artist
and wanting to really have control of his career, he
probably would have found some greater success earlier. And this
leads to a quote from one of the Stokes Epictetus,
where he says the world turns aside to let any
man pass who knows where he is going. I love
that quote so much. It's like the world opens up
for any man who knows where he is going, right,
And it doesn't mean it's going to open up easily,
doesn't mean it's going to open up quickly, but at
some point it's going to open up for any man
who knows where they are going. And I think we
are at the end of the year. It's the holiday season,
right We're probably not working as much or maybe for
some of you, depending on what you do, but there's
not as much going on right now. Right things are
a little bit slower as everybody's kind of in vacation
mode to a degree. And I would really sort of
challenge anybody listening to to get into the mindset of
thinking about what they really want. I don't mean some
like asinine goal that really doesn't have an end day
or doesn't have anything specific. I mean really get clear
on it. Right Like for me, I have been prepping
for the new year. I know exactly what I want
my twenty twenty four to look like. I know exactly
what I'm going to be prioritizing in twenty twenty four.
I've begun putting in the team in place. I've begun
putting all the pieces to the puzzle in place to
be able to act on the vision that I have
for twenty twenty four. And I think that's sort of
what a lot of people are missing when it comes
to why you're not getting to where you want to go.
And we're talking obviously about what you can control, and
you can control your vision and the plan that you
put forth to bring your vision to life. And I
don't mean this in terms of like a new Year's
resolution like we all have, like oh, I want to
lose weight, I want to go to the gym, and
like it's something we fall off of, but really having
a theme for your year. Somebody told me a while
ago a really great practice that they do every year
that I'm gonna share with you, and their practice is
setting an attention, like two words that you want to
define your year, And just to give you a sake
example of what this looks like in a real practical
sense right for me twenty twenty four, is how do
I actually scale my business into being something that you
know is going to last for years and that I'm
not having to constantly be on my grind right, that
I'm not constantly having to be the person driving every
single day. I've literally now been reading books basically only
that are on scaling businesses and then figuring out how
to apply them to my own personal brand. I have
been resetting all of my goals and scaling down and
just focusing in on things that are going to help
me build a long term business vision rather than something
in the short term, some sort of short term validation
that I probably would have done a year ago. Right,
But again, like I have it all laid out, like,
this is our focus this year. We are figuring out
how to build a tangible business this year. And that's
what twenty twenty four is. This is our make or
break year, basically, right, That's what I've set for myself.
I'm doing that because I can't control all of the
other outside things. I can't control who listens to my podcast,
how many people listen to it. Right, All I can
do is create the best possible product. All I can
do is try to elevate my personal brand so there's
more eyeballs on me. And then all I could do
is sort of enact the plan that I have laid
out in my mind and laid out on paper for
my team essentially. Right, So we've heard from Ncy Hustle,
We've heard from Epicteta's all about this idea of focusing
in on what you can control. Now we will talk
about how you can make it your mantra for today.
But first let's take a quick break and then we'll
be you, right, now all right, So say we are
talking about the stoic idea of focusing on what you
can control. And we heard from the late great Nipsey Hustle,
We've heard from one of the stokes Atpictitis. I went
off on a strange tangent to try to give you
some insight in tibout how my crazy mind works around
this idea. Now, let's talk about how you can make
it your mantra for today. And listen, I like being
practical more than anything. I'm not trying to sell you
some some dream or some you know, easy idea of
what this looks like, or that I can give you
the right answer all of a sudden boom, It's like
a light switch. I'm very practical. You have to just
start thinking about what you want your damn year to
look like ahead of time. Don't be in there, you know,
in the midst of twenty twenty four, and life is
just throwing punches at you, and you are just sitting
there playing defense all day, and then next thing you know,
it's December twenty twenty four. Because that's what so many
of us do, right, And even if you are happy
in wherever the hell you are, right now, Like you
love your job, you know you and your your boo
are like on the best of terms. Plan out how
the hell you're going to maintain that right? How can
you make it even better? What are the little hiccups
that you can adjust for? Right? Like, how do you
maintain that happiness that you already have? Right no matter
where you are. I'm not talking anybody who's like in
turnmoil and just hates their life. This isn't just for you.
You could love your life, but that takes maintenance, and
you have to make a plan of action for said maintenance.
You have to have a vision for what you want
your life to look like. And again, I think that's
where so many people go wrong. We just blindly walk
into our days, into our life and just think that
shit is going to fall in our laps. And that's
just not the way that it works. Of Course, we
get lucky sometimes the universe rewards us, and opportunity may
come our way that we didn't see, of course, but
we can't plan on that. We're not in control of that.
And that's what we're talking about. Focusing on what you
can control. This is like, I get frustrated because we
overcomplicate it so many people if they actually just figured
it out and sat down for a second. That's why
this is like the best time of year to do it,
because it's quiet. You're maybe like reminiscing on the year
if it was trash or if it was amazing, whatever
it might be. You are excited for the new year
and everything else. Right Like, there's just an energy in
the air that is amazing for figuring out exactly what
the hell you want and say that vision. Right we're here,
end of the year, almost twenty twenty four, make that plan.
Tell yourself, this is what you want your year to
look like, and figure out how do you live in
accordance with that? What things can you control in order
to bring that vision to life? Now the recap all
been talking about today, the late great Nipsey Hustle. Again,
what makes him so great is the fact that he
was always thinking with a long term vision in mind.
He wasn't giving in to the short term temptation of
the easy money or the easy accolades. He knew who
he wanted to be, how he wanted to live life,
and what actually made him happy. So he was holding
out for that. And epictetis talking about how the world
turns aside to let any man pass who knows where
he's going. Eventually, the world will open up for you
as long as you remain on your path and stay
clear with your vision. And me, I've been preparing for
twenty twenty four, probably for far too long. I've been
doing this for months of envisioning what i want my
year to look like, and now going into it, I
am energized, i am excited, and I'm ready to hit
the ground running because I've put in the work to
tell myself this is what the year is going to
look like, and this is what I'm in control of
and let's get to damn work. So I want the
same for you. Create that long term vision and start
building that life that you want for yourself here in
the new year. Now, with that said, thank you so
much for checking out the Street Stoke Podcast. Do your
best to apply these concepts we discussed into your everyday life,
and I'll catch you next time. The Street Stoke Podcast
is a production of Iheart's Michael Dura Podcast Network.