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December 27, 2023 9 mins

Life will inevitably have difficult moments but we have to remember that, as long as we put in the work, better times will come our way. Dramos gives us that message while using lyrics from The Notorious B.I.G. and a quote from Marcus Aurelius.

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Speaker 1 (00:15):
Yes, Yes, I am Dramas.

Speaker 2 (00:17):
And this is the Street Stoic Podcast, bringing to your
daily dose of Tomless Stoke philosophy remix for the hip
hop generation. Now, with that in mind, let's get things
started with your daily shot of inspiration.

Speaker 1 (00:35):
And today we've.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
Been talking all about the stoic idea of practicing resilience
when faced with obstacles, failure, and or tragedy. And I
literally this is like the most obvious lyric that I
feel like I've probably used a part of before.

Speaker 1 (00:52):
If I haven't, I should be ashamed of myself.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
But it's Biggie In the song Juicy, Obviously, Biggie's kind
of talking about where he comes from, and right at
the beginning of the song he talks about where he's
dedicating this album to, right, and he says, quote, this
album is dedicated to all the teachers that told me
I'd never amount to nothing, to all the people that
lived above the buildings I was hustling in front of,

called the police omni when I was just trying to
make some money to feed my daughter. It's all good,
And all the dudes in the struggle, you know what
I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (01:22):
It's all good. Baby Babee.

Speaker 2 (01:25):
Obviously this is just a classic record, classic line right here,
but it's sort of him, I don't know, kind of
you know, in a fun way, rubbing it in the
face of all the people that used to hate on him,
or all the people that used to do things to
kind of hold him back when he was in his struggle.

Speaker 1 (01:42):
Right. And I love this other line that in one of.

Speaker 2 (01:46):
The verses as he goes on I think it's the
third verse in the record, he says, we used to
fuss when the landlord dissed us no heat. Wonder why
Christmas missed us. Birthdays was the worst days. Now we
sip champagne when we're thirsty, damn.

Speaker 1 (01:58):

Speaker 2 (01:58):
I like the life I lived because it went from
negative to positive and it's all good.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
And obviously ends it with if you don't know, now
you know.

Speaker 2 (02:07):
But I think for me, I love this this sort
of reflection on how far he's come.

Speaker 1 (02:12):

Speaker 2 (02:12):
Obviously, he's getting ready to put out this album, right,
and it's sort of this victory lap almost for him,
right the moment where he really is about to kind
of have his coming out party as one of the
biggest music artists in the world. Right, And I love
sort of having that presence of mind to think about
all that he went through, you know, to get to

this point in life. I love sort of looking at
something like this and reminding ourselves that just because things
are one way now doesn't mean that they're always going.

Speaker 1 (02:44):
To have to be that way. Right.

Speaker 2 (02:46):
I love this quote from one of the stokes that
kind of piggybacks off of that statement just made Marcus Aurelius,
where he says, keep in mind how fast things pass
by and are gone, those that are now and those
to come and again. It's this really mindset of focusing
in on just how fast life passes us by, right,

And at certain times we wish life just slowed the
hell down just a little bit, right, so we could
savor some of the moments that we enjoy.

Speaker 1 (03:14):

Speaker 2 (03:15):
But on the other hand, the kind of you know,
blessing that is life where nothing is inherently good or bad.

Speaker 1 (03:20):
Everything kind of has a positive situation to it.

Speaker 2 (03:23):
Everything can have a positive advantage point, you know, depending
on the way you look at it. The idea of
the struggle, right, the moments that are really incredibly difficult
for us think about just how quickly life does in
fact go by, right, those moments will and netically just
be a blip on the radar of our life. Right,
They're not going to dictate our entire story, and at

some point in time we're going to look back on
them and sort of just.

Speaker 1 (03:48):
Laugh at the idea of where we were.

Speaker 2 (03:50):
And how far we've come in our life right now, right,
And you know, for me, I kind of having this
reflective moment in my own life. You know, recently, I
was a bit stressed out about the way a few
different projects were going and how certain things were kind
of up in the air, and I wasn't really sure,
you know, what the rest of my year was going
to look like, or what the year coming up was
going to look like, you know, And I was a

little bit stressed thinking about that. And what's interesting to me,
you know, you kind of fast forward a month or
two later, I feel absolutely amazing, Like life feels like
it's better than ever, right, And neverbly, I'm going to
have more of those sort of stressful moments that kind
of keep me up at night. But I think the
beauty in sort of what I'm trying to get at,
or what I'm pointing out here, is the fact that

I moved through that difficult moment rather quickly, right, and
now I'm on the other side of it, right. And
it's understanding that life has those ebbs and flows, but
life is always moving, right, So what is happening to
us right now is not going to be our reality.
You know, maybe as soon as tomorrow. Right, things change
so damn quickly. Your circumstances can change so quickly. One

little yes that you get can and nevite have a
gigantic impact on your life moving forward. And I think
that's again something you have to appreciate about life, is
just how quickly things move. The idea that we're never
going to be stuck in the same situation forever, and
one day we're going to be reflecting back and kind
of almost laughing at it, or at the very least
just sort of reflecting on how far we've come in

this life thus far. Now, with that said, all this
talk about practicing resilience, we've heard from the legendary Biggie Smalls.

Speaker 1 (05:24):
Of course, we've heard from one of the stoics, markets Aurelius.

Speaker 2 (05:27):
I've kind of talked about how I've been trying to
practice this idea of just sort of letting go of
it and understanding this is the natural rhythm of.

Speaker 1 (05:34):
Life and it will pass. This too shall pass.

Speaker 2 (05:36):
Now let's talk about how you can make it your
mantra for today. But first let's take a quick break
and then we'll be right back. All right, So today
we're talking all about the stoic idea of practicing resilience

from faced with obstacles, failure or tragedy. From one of
the greats, Biggie, we have heard from one of the Stokes, Marcusarelius.
Have you used some insight into my own life? Now
let's talk about how you can make it your mantra
for today. And I think again, as with anything, it's
just stopping, slowing down for a damn second and just
getting your mind right, think about whatever it is that

you are stressing about, whatever situation kind of has you
feeling a bit uneasy currently, right, and if you don't
have anything beautiful, just kind of save these tools for
next time when it happens and sort of just sit
there and ask yourself, like, what can I tangibly fix
right now?

Speaker 1 (06:34):
Like what legitimately right? Not like what do I want
to fix?

Speaker 2 (06:37):
What can I fix in my imagination, But what things
can I actually correct right now? Then go out and
do your best to take care of those things and
for everything else, even if it's stressing you the hell out,
you have to then just get to a place of
acceptance and just say, hey, I just have to ride
out this part of my life now to recap all

we've been talking about today. Again, this sort of introspection
from somebody like Big, particularly during this time period right
when Juicy, which is about to be his first big hit,
right and he's in the studio prior to even knowing that,
but recognizing that his time has arrived, and dedicating the
album to all the people that he felt like were
holding him back back in the day when he was

just trying to feed his daughter, right, having the presence
of mind to kind of playfully almost rub it in
their face, but at the same time saying it's all good, right,
and reflecting on just how difficult his upbringing was, right,
saying that Christmas missed us right, birthdays was the worst days, right,
and reflecting that now he gets to live this lavish lifestyle.

Speaker 1 (07:36):
That he always dreamed about. Right.

Speaker 2 (07:38):
Again, this is somebody who is recognizing the ebbs and
flows of life and is taking the time to congratulate
themselves on how far they've come, and again just understanding
the fact that life is always moving right and that
it's okay. You don't need to hold a grudge, you
don't need to be angry at life, angry at the world. Right,

your situation can change, and it will inevitably change, and
you can look back on those you know, previous difficult
times with fondness or use them as a learning lesson.
And what Marcus really has said right keeping in mind
how fast things passed by and are gone, and that
goes for everything right again, we wish our vacations were
a little bit longer, We wish that our you know,

time off lasted just a bit longer. But with that
same sort of logic, that means that the negative times
in our life they're going to pass us by rather
quickly as well, and of course sometimes quicker than others.
But inevitably every storm will pass. It's a part of life,
and you just have to accept the parts of it
that you can't control and kind of ride out that
wave which we've been talking about, and even myself kind

of reflecting on a time period, you know, just a
couple months ago where I was very stressed out to
the point that was affecting my sleep a bit. Being
able to look back on it now, it's almost silly
to think that I allowed myself to get that stressed
about it, that it affected sort of my physical health
to a degree. Not shamming myself, but using it as
a learning lesson to remind myself, like, yeah, this might

be a darker period, it might be a period of
confusion of uncertainty, but as with anything else, the answer
will inevitably come right.

Speaker 1 (09:12):
Life always keeps on moving.

Speaker 2 (09:14):
You just have to accept what you can't control that
you just have to ride out this particular moment until
a new one emerges for you, and it always will
because life continues to move forward. Now, with that said,
thank you so much for checking out The Street Stoke
Podcast for your best to apply these concepts that we
discussed into your everyday life.

Speaker 1 (09:32):
And I'll catch you next time.

Speaker 2 (09:42):
The Street Stoke Podcast is a production of Iheart's Mike
podcast Network.
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