All Episodes

January 3, 2024 34 mins

Picture this: Would you rather move to another country to find your perfect soulmate or find a mid match close to home? In this episode Curly and Maya tackle some of the most absurd and outrageous dilemmas ever conceived by no other than ChatGPT!

Maya Murillo and Curly Velásquez are the hosts of the Super Secret Bestie Club with production support by Karina Riveroll of Sonoro Media in partnership with iHeart Radio's My Cultura Podcast network. If you want to support the podcast, please rate and review our show!

Follow Maya Murillo on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok @mayainthemoment 

Follow Curly Velásquez on Instagram and TikTok @thecurlyvshow and on Twitter @CurlyVee

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Would You Rather?

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Game Show?

Speaker 1 (00:03):
A game show where we ask would you rather? The
winner gets a million dollars and the loser has to
get back with their ex. Are you ready to play
Carlito's philasquezes?

Speaker 3 (00:16):
What is this? Is this what you're inviting me over for?
And who are all these people?

Speaker 2 (00:21):

Speaker 1 (00:23):
Just hit the buzzard.

Speaker 3 (00:27):

Speaker 4 (00:29):
My name is Curly and I'm Maya And welcome to
the Super Secret Resty Clubs Podcast. A super secret club
where we talk about super secret things.

Speaker 3 (00:38):
Yeah, like secrets that are super That's what it is.
In each episode we'll talk about love, friendship, heartbreaks, men,
and of course our favorite secrets.

Speaker 1 (00:52):
Get in here, well, ladies and gentlemen and days and thems, Gays,
Days and thems and Hayes. Come on down to the
coolest game show called Okay, we're playing a game of.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
Would you Rather?

Speaker 1 (01:06):
All right?

Speaker 3 (01:07):
Yeah, so.

Speaker 1 (01:10):
Today we're going to be playing a game of would
you rather? And we asked chat GBT like, hey, what
are some kind of risky risque would you rather? Dating questions?
Life questions? And they gave us a bunch. So this
is something for you to answer yourself. See maybe at

the end, who you're most like me or curly, And
also like maybe pop this on when you're with your friends,
like maybe it's a group thing and write down your
answers or I don't know, just like just laugh about
how silly we are or about how smart we are
with our decisions.

Speaker 5 (01:51):
Yeah, and absolutely send this to your best friend too,
if you're not with them right now. Definitely like see
what they're going to say. And like Maya SAIDs which
one of the besties you relate to? And also too,
it's interesting because this is a computer. This is a
These are questions asked by a robot. Yeah, yeah, so

you're like, okay, computer, okay, robots.

Speaker 3 (02:15):
Show us what your guts. Yeah, okay. First question, would
you rather find true love but have all of your
friends dislike your partner, or stay single but have the
most amazing friendships?

Speaker 1 (02:36):
Oh my gosh, so be isolated from everyone but have
but find true love.

Speaker 2 (02:43):
Is it really true love?

Speaker 1 (02:44):
Though? If and this is a computer, you know, so
we can question it, dumb computer, I'm just kidding.

Speaker 2 (02:52):
Is it really true love if.

Speaker 1 (02:55):
Your partner is not really concerned that all of your
friends don't like that, you know, like when they want
your friends to like them.

Speaker 3 (03:05):
Yeah, you would.

Speaker 5 (03:05):
I mean, but here, here's the thing, Like it depends,
like are all of my friends haters? What are the
what are the circumstances or are they hate?

Speaker 3 (03:12):
Are the haters?

Speaker 5 (03:13):
Let's just assume that these are just kind of like
there's no other no other information available, like because literally
I would put all of you guys in a boat
and just kick it off the shoulder, like.

Speaker 3 (03:29):
Friends, I got my man. He's a big old man.
Bon voyage kicks him into the water.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
At this point in my life, I've had the most
amazing friendships.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
I think.

Speaker 1 (03:40):
I think they would be okay if I were to
abandon them for someone.

Speaker 2 (03:44):
So, yeah, we were picking true love.

Speaker 5 (03:47):
Picking true love, I think I think on the reel
on the real road, which is probably well, it's scary
because probably what my spirit chose before we got here,
like and this is you know, I'd probably of course
be like, oh fuck, I don't have the most amazing
friendships ever. I'd rather have like twenty people that I
can call on to love and who will wipe my
ass if I need help.

Speaker 1 (04:08):
Yeah, platonic platonic friendships. Platonic love is like just as
important as romantic love.

Speaker 3 (04:15):
Yeah, but for the sake of just being playful in
this question. See you later, mahta, I love now. I
don't know none of you. Please, I know none of you.
Peasants who don't have any love.

Speaker 2 (04:30):
I'm in love pushes me off the cliff.

Speaker 3 (04:33):
Isn't it obvious that cruising love?

Speaker 1 (04:37):
It's obvious?

Speaker 3 (04:39):
Nice question.

Speaker 1 (04:43):
Would you rather discover your perfect soulmate but have to
move across the world to be with them, or find
a decent match who lives just a few minutes away
from you? I'm moving, I'm moving, I'm moving. I'm moving.

Speaker 3 (05:02):
Oh my god, You're like Tutulu America for sure, at
the first chance I get. I do feel like this
one's hard because I love La so much.

Speaker 5 (05:11):
I'm from La. I'm an La boy through and through.
Somebody you want me to leave La?

Speaker 3 (05:16):
Do we have? Where do we live? Are you a
Millionaire's that?

Speaker 5 (05:19):
But not having any other information, I would say, I'm
gonna wrap La to the day I die.

Speaker 3 (05:25):
I'm not going nowhere. Get over here, decent mass.

Speaker 1 (05:27):
I would love to live in a little cottage in Switzerland, Zurich.
My friend Chris lives there. He says, anytime he's my
high school crush and we still talk. He says, anytime,
Chris Swiss, Chris from high school.

Speaker 3 (05:43):
Oh, you should go, We should go.

Speaker 1 (05:45):
He said, anytime, anytime, And I said, And I was
in Switzerland, but I was like a train ride away,
but I didn't have enough time to get over. There
is a gay Wait for me, Chris, wait for me, Chris.
He was a foreign exchange student at my high school.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
So I love you.

Speaker 5 (06:09):
I would totally just be like I mean, there's plenty
of decent, mediocre men, like ten minutes away and.

Speaker 3 (06:14):
Like atwater village or something like.

Speaker 1 (06:16):
You wouldn't move.

Speaker 5 (06:21):
Fine, Okay, find a decent match, perfect soulmate, but I have
to move across the Yeah, I would live it'eel like
I can't come back. There's airplanes that exists.

Speaker 2 (06:31):

Speaker 1 (06:32):
And if you're in another country, I'm in another country.
How fun would it be to visit each other? Do
a little house exchange a husband exchange?

Speaker 3 (06:40):
That's true, that's true. Did you say husband exchange?

Speaker 1 (06:43):

Speaker 5 (06:44):
Okay? Because you broke up for a quick second, I
didn't hear I heard. Did you say house exchange or
husband exchange?

Speaker 1 (06:54):
What fucking those?

Speaker 3 (07:02):

Speaker 1 (07:03):
Next question, would you rather marry someone who is everything
you've ever wanted in a partner, but your family disapproves
of them, or settle for someone who is in your
ideal match but is adored by your family. I just
this one stuck out to me because my cousin in
the seventh grade had this boyfriend that her family really

really really loved and but she didn't like, and they
were so mean to her when they broke up, and
she was like, would you love me more than you
love or do you love this guy more than you
love me? Like what the heck? And they're like, we
just see you with somebody more. Fuck that He'll no.

Speaker 5 (07:44):
I mean, for me in this instance, I'd be like,
call me Selena bitch, because I'm gonna marry Mike Chris Perez.

Speaker 3 (07:49):
I don't give a fuck if you don't like my man.

Speaker 1 (07:52):
So we have no friends, we have no family, and
we're moving to another country for love.

Speaker 3 (08:00):
We're so quick to sell everybody out. We're like I
love you, So we're like bye.

Speaker 1 (08:04):
At this point, give us something, Give us something.

Speaker 3 (08:10):
Lord, all the emotional labor we have done, for all.

Speaker 1 (08:15):
We have been good daughter deserve sons, goodness, good nieces,
good best friends, get colleagues.

Speaker 2 (08:24):
Let me go get my in another country.

Speaker 3 (08:29):
Yes, let me get dug out.

Speaker 1 (08:32):
Let me get doug out in the dugout.

Speaker 3 (08:37):
After all we have done.

Speaker 2 (08:39):
Let me go peacefully.

Speaker 1 (08:40):
It's like, take me off the life support.

Speaker 3 (08:43):
Let me go. So we have no friends and no family.

Speaker 2 (08:52):
We have each other.

Speaker 3 (08:53):
Oh my god, we have each other. Okay.

Speaker 5 (08:59):
Would you rather be in a relationship with intense passion
that could end at any moment or a stable, secure
relationship with little to no excitement. This is a question
that I think, depending on how you answer, will actually
tell you more about yourself.

Speaker 3 (09:17):
Oh God, and your healing journey.

Speaker 1 (09:19):
Because this is where I'm at right now. I'm at
a crossroads because I just had like a little mini
reading yesterday and they were like, you need to build
a foundation. You need to build something and it's not
going to be exciting all the time. You have to

build something stable and secure and it's not going to
be intense and passionate all the time. And I'm like,
yes it will for me.

Speaker 3 (09:53):
I know.

Speaker 5 (09:54):
Look that's what they tell you. They're like, healthy relationships
can seem boring when you're used to trauma, when you're
used so like fucked up shit. You think that passion
and intense passion is love. You equate it with love,
but actually stability and security is what real love looks like.

Speaker 3 (10:12):
But in saying that, oh, am I gonna die right after?
Like what's my like? I want to know, Like, am
I going to be a live for ten more years?
Five more years?

Speaker 5 (10:20):
Because if I'm going to be here for five more years,
I'll do the passionate one. I'd rather do the passionate
one and then pop off. But if I'm going to
be here for like thirty forty years, I'll do the
stable I'll do the boying one.

Speaker 3 (10:28):
It's fine. We can like follow our taxes together.

Speaker 1 (10:32):
Right, we have to ask ai how long? How long
do we have to live? How long do we have
to live? Well, that's very telling that, like, you know,
if you isn't that how you should be acting all
the time, is as if this was the last day
of your life or something.

Speaker 5 (10:50):
Yeah, But at the same time, it's like when when
you just have a bunch of like intense passionate ones,
You're like, who's really the fucked up one you are?

Speaker 1 (10:57):
But if it's me, it will always be an intense
and passionate and secure and stable, So we're putting a
lot on the other person.

Speaker 5 (11:07):
Would you rather be in a relationship with intense passion
that could end at any moment?

Speaker 1 (11:11):
So all of my exes intense passion, intense passion.

Speaker 5 (11:32):
Intense passion, But definitely and certainly would love to find stability.

Speaker 2 (11:36):
And yeah, of course, but live, laugh love.

Speaker 5 (11:40):
If you're listening, sorry, my dog's scratching herself in case
you can hear.

Speaker 3 (11:43):
But live, laugh, love, live, laugh love. Chloe scratched that flea.
Chloe doesn't really get fleas, but she certainly does get
a ge. Okay, would you rather be with someone who
fulfills all of your sexual fantasies but doesn't connect with
you emotionally, or someone who is emotionally perfect for you

but sexually incompatible.

Speaker 2 (12:10):
Emotionally perfect, sexually incompatible.

Speaker 3 (12:14):
Because you can just masturbate, Yeah right, you can just
you can just flick, You can just flick your own being.

Speaker 1 (12:20):
But you I feel like the emotional part actually builds
into the intimate parts, you know.

Speaker 5 (12:30):
Yeah, would you rather be with someone who fulfills all
your sexual fantasies but doesn't connect with you emotionally? I
think that would have that would leave me feeling drained.
I think that, yeah, would make me feel like especially
because with men, you know, I don't know how this
is with women so much, but with men, once you
like orgasm and that's it, Like it feels.

Speaker 3 (12:51):
Very like that's it, Okay, get off me now. Like
it feels very.

Speaker 1 (12:54):
Like, yeah, well, because men have those things that make
you that make them not connected, whereas women bond, we bond,
release a bonding chemical and we bond. And I have
to remind myself all the time with an ex that
I'm like pining over, I'm like, it's just the chemical,
the chemic because you chemically bonded with them. That's it.
It's just chemicals, that's it.

Speaker 5 (13:16):
It helps me a lot, Yeah, I mean it certainly
does help me to when I hook up. I don't
really hook up that much because I just I don't
really hook up that much because I don't like how
I feel after and if it's not an emotional relationship,
like somebody told me that I might be what's the
word demisexual?

Speaker 1 (13:32):
You need like an emotional connection.

Speaker 5 (13:34):
Yeah, so I think that I would pick like the
emotional one. But what do they mean by sexually incompatible,
like where I'm like, it's just bad sex all the time.
Like I have questions, like I've been sexually incompatible with
some people because their style of fucking is just like
I don't like this, Like I don't this is actually
I don't like it at all?

Speaker 6 (13:54):

Speaker 5 (13:54):
Or is it just like or there's just like we're
just I don't know, I don't want to. We don't
really fuck, like we just hang out.

Speaker 1 (14:03):
I think for me, my fantasies are emotional, so they
go hand in hand.

Speaker 3 (14:09):
Okay, I like that. I like that.

Speaker 1 (14:10):
Cheat to cheat if you will.

Speaker 5 (14:12):
We both chose emotionally perfect for you, but sexually incompatible.

Speaker 1 (14:18):
Would you rather be forced to choose between your dream
career and your ideal relationship knowing you can't have both
career career.

Speaker 5 (14:26):
I don't even finish sentence. I got bills to pay,
I got goals to complete.

Speaker 1 (14:34):
Yeah, well, because I think people can change, and obviously
career can change too, But career depends on you and me,
myself and I and I think that's why it's like,
what are you doing that for? Curly smiling? Weird?

Speaker 5 (14:50):
I'm trying to dead eye smile. Yeah, but you can't
tell because I have I have naturally happy eyes. Yeah,
and I don't my eyes curb.

Speaker 3 (15:03):
When I like smile anyway because my cheek so it
looks like I'm happy.

Speaker 1 (15:06):
It takes me effort to anyway. We're so just why
we're having a smile off.

Speaker 3 (15:13):
Guys that you can't see.

Speaker 1 (15:18):
I oh man, ideal relationship knowing you can't have both.
It's like a freaking movie. And they always choose love
at the end of the day because your career, your
career can't love you back.

Speaker 3 (15:31):
You're like Scrooge in your bed. And then they're like,
you chose gold over love over and over again.

Speaker 1 (15:39):
Your ideal relationship. Ideal relationship isn't even isn't selling me?

Speaker 3 (15:44):
I feel like that is he rich?

Speaker 1 (15:48):

Speaker 2 (15:48):
Okay, let's get into the details.

Speaker 1 (15:51):
Do I have to have a career? Do I have
to have a career?

Speaker 3 (15:57):
Yeah? Are you going to be paying the bills? And
are we signing a tract? Will you be supporting me
for the rest of my life?

Speaker 1 (16:02):

Speaker 2 (16:03):
What's the Is there a prenup?

Speaker 3 (16:05):

Speaker 5 (16:06):
And like your is this ideal relationship? Will you be
putting some of your money into my goals? Should I
get an Etsy account? Should I start a deepop.

Speaker 2 (16:18):
Are we going to be on TikTok live asking for
gifts all the time?

Speaker 3 (16:22):
What's going on?

Speaker 5 (16:23):
Because if that's the case, certainly is my So if
your ideal relationship is to be a housewife, you might
just be able to pick a or a house husband
or a house person, whatever it is.

Speaker 3 (16:33):
Like, you might be able to just pick your ideal relationship.

Speaker 1 (16:35):
Let's say that they live somewhere where you are unable
to do your work, like they live in the jungle
somewhere no Wi Fi nothing, I.

Speaker 3 (16:47):
Need a contract drafted by a lawyer, multiple lawyers. Pay
like that.

Speaker 5 (16:54):
You will be taking care of me for the rest
of my life. You will be paying my bill for
the rest of it.

Speaker 1 (17:01):
Now, I will sue you and take your money, even
though I'm already taking your money.

Speaker 5 (17:04):
Well, you're saying in California for ten years, where in
the state of California, I legally will get half of
everything that you have.

Speaker 1 (17:10):
If you now you hear that, your future person who's
listening right now, look, or I work in you work
bo like, yes, that's it.

Speaker 3 (17:19):
And that's it. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (17:20):
If I'm giving up my career for you, what am
I getting out of it.

Speaker 3 (17:27):
Would you rather find out that every love interest you'll
have is someone your best friend has been involved with?
Or never have a romantic relationship again?

Speaker 1 (17:38):
You know what chat gybt is very much like would
you rather find the love of your life or die
in a fire?

Speaker 3 (17:43):

Speaker 2 (17:45):
You're like chatg ebt, what have you been through?

Speaker 1 (17:48):
What are you scouring the internet for?

Speaker 3 (17:51):

Speaker 1 (17:51):
Where are you finding these? Like either oars or never
have a romantic relationship again?

Speaker 2 (17:58):
Yeah, what I'll be with my best friend has been with?
Fuck that ship?

Speaker 5 (18:04):
But also like that's like, would you suck a dick
who's been inside of your best friend?

Speaker 3 (18:08):
Like that's someone else's coocie juice on your man's dick?

Speaker 2 (18:13):
Right, Like when you put it that way in terms of.

Speaker 5 (18:16):
Juice juice, I don't know that I could look at
my man's dick the same way, knowing that it's been
up in you somehow. I don't know that I could
sit across from me a Thanksgiving and being like that
that has been in you. It would depend Let me see,
let me, let me let me think about this again.
Would you rather find out that every love interest you'll

have is someone your best friend has.

Speaker 3 (18:40):
Been involved with? I would question you, I'd be like,
what's happening? You know?

Speaker 6 (18:43):
I actually you.

Speaker 5 (18:46):
I have a friend shout out to this friend who
every single time there's like a new bear, like a
new hairy, beefy man, like in the scene or like that, like, oh,
he's so cute, Like he's chubby and hairy and tall,
like they have all been with this one friend.

Speaker 3 (19:02):
Like I know that if you are Harry, chubby and
tall and beefy, you have hoked up with this one friend.
And I'm kind of like.

Speaker 5 (19:11):
It doesn't bother me, Like I'm like, oh yeah, we
can hang out bother.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
Me because Love Island is like that, except they're kissing.

Speaker 2 (19:19):
They're just kissing.

Speaker 5 (19:20):
If your future hobbies d has been all of my budans.

Speaker 1 (19:25):
I don't care because it's mine. I'm gonna be the
last poudan.

Speaker 3 (19:31):
What is that? Well, be careful getting an uti bitch, because.

Speaker 1 (19:37):
Why are you nasty?

Speaker 3 (19:39):
The coach is dangerous? Asked The coach is dangerous?

Speaker 2 (19:44):
Never mind, I don't want to play anymore.

Speaker 3 (19:49):
I'm a lone wolf. Like I'll just say a single ship.
That's fine.

Speaker 5 (19:52):
If you couldn't, if you couldn't look at me and
know that you wanted me, and I was the one
for you, and you went for my best friend first.

Speaker 3 (19:57):
That's on you, bitch.

Speaker 1 (20:01):
I think it's different. I think I think I wouldn't care.
But I know, Yeah, I'll be single.

Speaker 3 (20:08):
I'll I'll never have a romantic relationship. It's okay. I'll
just get a dog.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
If it was if you were a girl.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
I'll get a cat, I'll get a fish.

Speaker 1 (20:15):
It'd be different if you were a girl, I would know.

Speaker 2 (20:19):
Actually, yeah, you're right, Actually, yeah, you're right.

Speaker 3 (20:27):
Yeah, because you're.

Speaker 5 (20:27):
A girl, I feel like it's fine. He had a
thing before girls, and now he's and now he likes meet.

Speaker 1 (20:31):
Yeah, exactly. Would you rather be in a relationship where
you're deeply in love but always poor, or in a
loveless relationship with all the wealth and comfort you desire.
I already know what.

Speaker 3 (20:48):
You're going to say.

Speaker 1 (20:48):
What am I going to say? I'm flying first class
in this guy the damp not an alcoholic yet.

Speaker 3 (20:59):
Thinking in the great words of Beyonce jing A LinkedIn Ting.

Speaker 5 (21:07):
Yeah, absolutely, what the fuck like wealth? Okay you answer
first of you? That says you know my answer, jing
A Linkeding Ting, that's my favorite. That's my that's my favorite,
favorite favorite.

Speaker 3 (21:19):
Line and all of yep. I feel like, well, look.

Speaker 5 (21:25):
One of the I forget what the some of the
main things that people argue about in relationships. It's like intimacy, finances,
I think children is one of them, and then social
media that we learned from doctor Nicole, right, But I
feel like it gets kind of hard with finances because
you're like, am I dating a broke bitch?

Speaker 3 (21:47):
Did I date? Like? Did I?

Speaker 5 (21:50):
You know, by the way, when I say bitch, I
don't mean females, I mean everybody.

Speaker 1 (21:54):
Yeah, yeah, there's something with like a mentality when you

have I don't know, I don't know, it's a little sticky.
I think I would home deeply in love always pour damn.
This was hard loveless relationship with all the wealth. But
then what if you can have a little something on
the side.

Speaker 5 (22:35):
Yeah you know what though, Okay, here's the real, honest answer.
My plateful answers are always like jingling dinging, you know, like,
but my real answers. I think that I've had a
lot of opportunities to be with people who are financially
well off, and I have never been interested. I have
I've never been interested in their money. I just would

I feel like, for my own spirit, for the sake
of my own life, my own soul, Like I would
much rather be in love, Like we can fucking have
metal chants expensive though, right, you're done, it's expensive, right.

Speaker 3 (23:12):
T's kind of crazy now, dude.

Speaker 5 (23:15):
Back in the day, they were like ten cents each.
Back in the day, moto chon soup. You could spend
like a quarter on them and you just put chile,
lemon and sour cream.

Speaker 1 (23:25):
That was my thing, and and that's good enough for you.
For me, yeah, obviously, the serious answer is like, I
would love to be in a in a deep passionate
in love relationship. And you know, because for me, I
can always make a dollar holler. You know, I can
always spend some gold. Yeah, I can always spend some gold.

I can always you know, I can do it. I
can chingling chain chain as well.

Speaker 5 (23:53):
Would you rather be forced to betray your best friend
to save your relationship or sacrifice your relationship to save
your friendship? Best friends all the way?

Speaker 3 (24:03):

Speaker 5 (24:04):
Like, hell no, I would never betray my best friend
for a relationship.

Speaker 3 (24:08):
Sorry, is it?

Speaker 1 (24:10):
Are you like? What about save?

Speaker 3 (24:12):
Is it?

Speaker 6 (24:12):

Speaker 1 (24:13):
Am I dying? Is the other person dying?

Speaker 3 (24:15):
No, like save no. If you want to be my lover,
you got to give it.

Speaker 1 (24:20):
It's a relationship. If it's a good relationship, you shouldn't
have to sacrifice anything.

Speaker 3 (24:24):
But it says forced, so it must.

Speaker 1 (24:26):
It must not be forced to betray. Oh no, I
would not betray my bestie.

Speaker 3 (24:32):
What if this is like the era of like King
Henry in England and you live in a castle and
the king is saying, who stole this diamond from my lair?
And he's like, it's only one of two people. It's
Curly or Joe Jonas. Who is it Joe Jonas? One

of them?

Speaker 1 (24:56):
Has Joe Jonas the actual love of my life? What
is wrong with you with.

Speaker 3 (25:00):
The actual Curly?

Speaker 2 (25:03):
It was Curly.

Speaker 1 (25:04):
I saw him.

Speaker 3 (25:07):
To the chopping boards, the guillotine.

Speaker 1 (25:11):
It's Joe Jonas.

Speaker 3 (25:13):
This had this happened like two months ago, it would
have been like, it's fine.

Speaker 1 (25:20):
No, I wouldn't be happy if it was Joe Jonas. Listen,
I can't Joe Jonas, but I know Jojonas. Now I
don't know.

Speaker 5 (25:28):
I'll never be Joe Jonas. I did, I'll never be
Jo Jonas. I'm like, just go for it. It's fine,
just do it.

Speaker 3 (25:33):
It be for me.

Speaker 5 (25:35):
If it was between who am I in love with?
Like who am I just so in love with? Oh,
William Moran and you.

Speaker 1 (25:44):
William Moran, they were like somebody stole a loaf of
bread and must suffer the consequences. It's either Maya or
William Moran. Curly, you were the witness.

Speaker 3 (25:58):
That's hard because williame moren I'm like, I.

Speaker 1 (26:00):
Love you, but what if he stole the bread?

Speaker 3 (26:05):
What if he stole the actual bread, slap it out
of his hand into your direction.

Speaker 1 (26:11):
And then lay miss the musical stunt? Who am Jean bo?
Yeah you know what stole anymore? We'd stop being having
friends after.

Speaker 5 (26:26):
This runs away from Brad, who's like totally straight, by
the way straight, like has children, has a beautiful wife.

Speaker 1 (26:37):
Like okay, but you're manifesting every single time we get
on this podcast. I know I talk about I mean
I haven't talked about this time, but you always talk
about William Brand. So you're manifesting.

Speaker 3 (26:48):
You know what you remember when Rosie.

Speaker 1 (26:50):
And his full name and it and his full name.

Speaker 5 (26:54):
Oh yeah, I love him. You know what though, like
Rosie O'donnald back in the days talk about how much
she loves Tom Cruise and she was a whole ass lesbian.

Speaker 3 (27:05):
I feel like I'm Rosie and he's my Tom Cruise. Okay,
but I would pick you.

Speaker 6 (27:10):
I'd be like, yeah, man, sorry Joe, And.

Speaker 3 (27:23):
Now welcome to the astrology section. In this game, we
will be discussing who would you fuck, marry, or kill
in the Zombie Apocalypse.

Speaker 1 (27:35):
So we're marrying a zombie and we're fucking a zombie.

Speaker 3 (27:40):
Also, honestly, yeah, absolutely, are you, Kimmie? If they freaking
survived death, they can fucking they probably can go for
multiple rounds a zombie.

Speaker 5 (27:51):
If a zombie is gonna eat some meat, it is
gonna breathe. There's meat, Like, there's so much zombies. They're
hungry for some flesh.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
Mary Aery kill Taurus fuck, Mary kill f Gemini, Mary
f cancer Mary Leo.

Speaker 5 (28:09):
Okay, wait, what's your final answer? What's your final final answer?
Zombie Apocalypse?

Speaker 3 (28:13):
What are you talking about?

Speaker 1 (28:14):
I'm telling you right now.

Speaker 3 (28:15):
Zombie Apocalypse is zombies running around one yes, one for
each like this is it? Like you need to pick
and choose who you're gonna have with you in Zombie apocalypse.

Speaker 1 (28:25):
Okay, Mary Verio, because they're gonna get me out of there.
Because I'm a dummy, sometimes I will f uh, let's
let's go, let's go with the it's called Scorpio and kill.

Speaker 2 (28:44):
Well one want to say, kill kills, kills to the zombies.

Speaker 3 (28:48):
This is who you feed to the zombies.

Speaker 6 (28:49):
Who feed him?

Speaker 1 (28:50):
Oh, we feed him to the zombies the zombies.

Speaker 2 (28:53):
Oh my god.

Speaker 1 (28:54):
I can't do that to any Taurus.

Speaker 5 (28:57):
Okay, I can't do that to Endaurus. I would f
I love how I said fuck several times and now
I'm like, f I would fuck a Scorpio because I
feel like they would put it down the last few
days of our lives. I would marry a Capricorn or

an Aries because, like, you know, they're going to get
shit done, That's right, you know, like you know, damn well,
we are going to survive that zombie apocalypse. We are
with a Capricorn or an ares kill or feed to
the zombies, can feeds to the zombies.

Speaker 1 (29:42):
I'm and this is the lowest vibrating, like the worst
version of these signs. I love Taurus. Yeah, but I'm
just saying I think I think, y'all, I think you
guys would want to do it your way or the highway,
and I think I would trust a virgo to get
us out of something.

Speaker 3 (29:59):
I feel like, I think you.

Speaker 1 (30:00):
Guys would I think you guys would give up, we
would give up. No, I think you guys would be like,
you know what, I'm good.

Speaker 5 (30:08):
I feel like, who would be dead weight? Who's like, Oh,
I'm feeding the pi the zombies.

Speaker 1 (30:14):
Oh man, I forgot about that. Oh my god, isn't
even on here? It is no you know what? I
had to change that. Yeah, I'm Pisces.

Speaker 2 (30:23):
Sorry, I take it back, Taurus. Sorry, Taurus, Pisces.

Speaker 5 (30:28):
You know what, all the Pisces in my lives are
such great leaders, Like they're just great leaders and stuff.

Speaker 2 (30:34):
So we're talking about the low vibrations.

Speaker 5 (30:36):
Low vibrations, uh, Taurus, then okay, that totally changed so fast.
I don't know any low vibration Pisces. To be honest,
I don't know any low vibration Tauruses either.

Speaker 1 (30:50):
We chose each other hard, dude.

Speaker 3 (30:52):
Have you? Some man? Shout out to Brandy who also
listens to our podcast. It's kidding, And.

Speaker 1 (31:04):
That concludes the astrology portion of the podcast. This is
allegedly for entertainment for purposes only.

Speaker 2 (31:11):
Thank you so much for listening for our game For
the game show, would you rather tell you up your scores?

Speaker 1 (31:19):
Who are you? Most were pretty much like, oh, we
kind of said the same thing maybe, and some some questions.

Speaker 3 (31:28):
If you've picked Maya, what do they win?

Speaker 1 (31:31):
You win a lifetime lifetime supply of my leftover hair
from the shower when I had to entangle my hair today.

Speaker 3 (31:39):
Amazing And Curly. If you chose Curly, what do you win?
You win a lifetime supply of getting ghosted.

Speaker 1 (31:53):
That's not rare either, Boom, just kidding.

Speaker 5 (32:00):
I would never go to any of the best of these,
the best these we're out here ghosting these, these toxic men,
and I wouldn't ghost you.

Speaker 1 (32:06):
We have one last question coming from the audience.

Speaker 5 (32:10):
Yes, okay, would you rather bow down to and promised
to be a lifetime assistant or suck a turd?

Speaker 1 (32:25):
Oh to who?

Speaker 5 (32:28):
I can't I can't mouth it because there's so much
botox on my face.

Speaker 2 (32:38):
Yeah, oh hell.

Speaker 1 (32:41):
No, suck that turd like it was the last popsicle honor.

Speaker 3 (32:46):
I would suck on that turd and look it dry.
I love so much that I have like, you.

Speaker 2 (32:56):
Can't mouth the word no, let me try it.

Speaker 3 (33:00):
I can't. Wow.

Speaker 2 (33:03):
I had to really just the future of future of America.

Speaker 5 (33:06):
I had to really move my face really hard to
say that because it's frozen in time. She doesn't know
it's my face was frozen in time in fucking twenty nineteen.

Speaker 3 (33:18):
It just that's the best.

Speaker 1 (33:20):
What about you?

Speaker 3 (33:22):
I fucking sucked a turd from the source. I would
suck that turn like that clean girlid oh no, shake
that aspect rake.

Speaker 5 (33:33):
Anyways, Well, guys, where can people find you?

Speaker 1 (33:38):
You can find me at my in the Moment m
A y a in the Moment Anywhere were you girl?

Speaker 2 (33:44):
Or click?

Speaker 5 (33:45):
You can find me at the Curly b Show on
Instagram and TikTok anywhere that you watch content really except
for maybe twitch switch Twitch.

Speaker 6 (33:54):
What's that called twitch?

Speaker 1 (33:56):
On Twitch? My twitch is my the plays and I
may be doing some Twitch content soon.

Speaker 3 (34:02):
I haven't played video games since like nineteen eight. All right, guys,
make sure you join us for another episode of the
Super Best Chicken Fan Club. Yeah, and send us.

Speaker 5 (34:14):
What the Super Secret Bestie Club, And make sure that
you send us any comments, concerns, or ideas for future.

Speaker 3 (34:19):
Episodes no Concerns to our to our to our dms,
no content from all Concerns, Tomaya Back.

Speaker 4 (34:34):
Make sure to hit that subscribe button to hear more
episodes every single week. The Super Secret Bestie Club podcast
is a production of Sonodo in partnership with iHeartRadio's Michael
podcast Network.

Speaker 3 (34:45):
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