All Episodes

March 13, 2024 49 mins

We love celebrity and social media gossip! Let's join Curly and Maya to take our minds off our own lives to delve into some juicy news. 

Maya Murillo and Curly Velásquez are the hosts of the Super Secret Bestie Club with production support by Karina Riveroll of Sonoro Media in partnership with iHeart Radio's My Cultura Podcast network. If you want to support the podcast, please rate and review our show!

Follow Maya Murillo on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok @mayainthemoment 

Follow Curly Velásquez on Instagram and TikTok @thecurlyvshow and on Twitter @CurlyVee

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome back to the Super Secret Bestie Club Jerty Pop episode.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
On this episode, we'll cover j Lo Jlulu de Lulu.
Who the fuck did I.

Speaker 1 (00:09):
Marry a Gemini? Dexta? You're a Wenka?

Speaker 2 (00:12):
Is it Adam Sannder No, it's Rihanna as the wedding singer.

Speaker 1 (00:15):
Y'all the wedding singer. This is the Chicken Stop episode.
You don't even know we weren't there.

Speaker 2 (00:23):
I'm a Spice Girl fan for live. I don't care
about it in sync. I spit on you sing.

Speaker 1 (00:30):

Speaker 3 (00:35):
My name is Curly and I'm Maya And Welcome to
the Super Secret Bestie Club Podcast. A super secret club
where we talk about super secret things.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
Yeah, like secrets that are super That's what it is.
In each episode we'll talk about love, friendship, heartbreaks, men,
and of course our favorite secrets get in here. I
don't spit on in sync. Imagine, I like, if Lance
Bass would call me more like my boyfriend, I'd be like, well,

maybe he'll like me more because I spit on en
sync and I don't care about anything.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
I love Lance Bass. That was like I for sure
thought I was gonna either I was going to marry
him or my aunt was going to marry him, and
then he's gay.

Speaker 2 (01:19):
I was convinced that I was going to marry Ricky
Martin or Leonardo DiCaprio. Like, I just was just so
convinced in my head that that was gonna happen. I
could not watch anything with Leonardo DiCaprio after a while
because it just hurt my heart too much that I
couldn't do.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
That's how I feel about Joe Jonas.

Speaker 2 (01:36):
I know, but he's kind of a He had a
new girlfriend.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
I think he has an Australian girlfriend.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
Oh. I just saw that, like in a headline that
he's looking to like introduce the kids to her already.
And then I saw this other thing that said, like
the here, let me see if I can find it. It basically
was like the person who gets into a relationship first
is probably the toxic one.

Speaker 1 (01:59):
Really really wow, that is so real all my exes, Yeah,
the toxic one, you heard it first?

Speaker 2 (02:09):
It's okay, So dying full on Instagram says after a breakup,
the loyal ones stays single and deals with the damages
until healed. The other one is already in another relationship.
And that's true.

Speaker 1 (02:22):

Speaker 2 (02:23):
Here weod speaking to period. Did you see that our
period video was actually up on Snapchat the other day?
It's pretty cool.

Speaker 1 (02:29):
No really yeah, from BuzzFeed on their account.

Speaker 2 (02:34):
Better Like, Yeah, if you haven't seen our period video
where I play Maya's period, go watch it. There's like
three episodes. It's super cute and I literally just play
Maya's mentro cycle and it's It set off a chain
of events where people started creating a mental cycle content
and ripped those off.

Speaker 1 (02:55):
Yeah, there's yeah, we were the first. We were one
of the first.

Speaker 2 (03:01):
Well, Maya, here we are. How's your pop spirit doing
my pop spirit?

Speaker 1 (03:07):
It's good. It's very excited about this episode because I
love me some pop culture. Yeah, me too, And I
have a lot to say. I have a lot to
say that I feel like a lot of people are
not going to agree with me, but I also feel like,
who cares? You know? How's your spirit, Curly?

Speaker 2 (03:27):
My spirits good. I'm actually really excited to talk about
this episode today. I don't think we've really done a
lot of pop culture stuff. We like to do things
that are a little bit more evergreen, and so we were like, Okay,
let's just do an episode on what we actually talk
about like, oh did you see this? And d da dah.
I feel like pop culture and kind of knowing what's
happening in pop culture kind of gives you a little
bit of the edge, like when you're like have you

heard or have you seen or blah blah blah blah.
Like it's not as bad as like gossip. It just
feels a little bit more like you're in an inside
joke before other people are in on it too. So
if you don't what we're talking about today, we'll we'll
describe it to you and we'll explain it to you.

Speaker 1 (04:03):
It's kind of late. All these topics are kind of old,
but it's okay because we want to talk about them.

Speaker 2 (04:09):
Yeah. Yeah, we were going to talk about this last
week and then we like had to make some move
some things around. So yeah, this is a little late,
like re memory. But you know, if you wanted in case,
you wanted to hear our opinion on the Jululu movie.

Speaker 1 (04:21):
Okay, So everyone by now should have either seen or
heard about the new Jalo movie. What is it called?
This is Me Now? This is Me and it's kind
of a playoff of This Is Me Then, which was
her album that I got when I was a kid,
my uncle burned remember you could burn CDs back in

the day. Yeah, he burned that CD and he he
gave it to me for my birthday and he like
copied the like he made it a full CD, like
even like the book and everything, and it was so cute.
So I still have that CD and I love that CD.

Speaker 2 (04:58):
The album that Chicken Nicka Peking. Yeah, I could think
anythink anything.

Speaker 1 (05:02):
Yeah, Well the movie. She came out with the movie,
and I remember my mom was like, oh, there's a
new Jalo movie. Oh it's uh huh, it's very interesting.
And then more and more people started saying it's very interesting,
it's very interesting. And then I feel like it hit

like a big wave of criticism and critiques about j
Lo and her story and like, you know, does she
have just a lot of yes people around her and
even you you love j Lo, that's your girl.

Speaker 2 (05:43):
That is like my goal to be like one of
her gaze. I want to be one of her lap dogs.
I want to be one of her like like one
of her little puppies. I just want to I'm wouldn't
be one of her. Yes, people, you were.

Speaker 1 (06:00):
Talking some but we're talking some shit about her. You're
talking some ship.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
One thing about me is I will be one hundred
all the time. So from afar, I will say what
I think. When I get to her house, I will
tell her you did great, kid, that's seen in the
water with the umbrella.

Speaker 1 (06:18):
But you don't get it. You don't get it because
you're not a theater kid.

Speaker 2 (06:21):
I didn't care.

Speaker 1 (06:22):
I thought that was it. Okay, listen, the movie was
in a nutshell. It was a musical movie type of
thing where the every the music was her new album. Okay,
so she made like a movie musical from her album
and the storyline was, you know, it started off this

tenal folklore love story and ever.

Speaker 2 (06:51):
In the history of Jeli dum As she ever brought
up being than you.

Speaker 1 (06:55):
Know, but go ahead, go off, and so it it
morphed into this thing of like she's in this uh
and I don't want to give too many spoilers, but
go watch it. She's in this like I don't know
what is it, like a factory kind of setting that's
like her heart and she's riding on a motorcycle and
it's obvious that she's with Ben and then they fall
off the motorcycle and basically her heart stops working like

her love and so she goes throughout the movie trying
to you know, her friends give her an intervention, like
she gets married again. And so they're basically these are
all music videos with like a storyline. That's basically what
it is. Yeah, and they're all very eclectic and like
the budget is crazy huge. She they had like a
bunch of movie studios turn it down, so she made

it herself. Yeah, there's also like a documentary after, and
a lot of people were not happy about it.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
Yeah. I mean, look, as somebody, I will always say that,
you know, there's I heard somewhere. I don't know where
the line is from, But nobody has ever built a
statue for a critic, right like, Jayla will be remembered
years to come. She is an icon, She's been solidified
as somebody in entertainment history. But I feel like, and
I could not do all the talent that woman has

in her pinky Oh my god, I could not do
I can she She was.

Speaker 1 (08:14):
A middle child Leo, So yeah, I.

Speaker 2 (08:16):
Could literally do a one two step and even that
it would be like less than mediocre, right Like, but
j Lo can do the whole thing. I feel like
for me, the movie just felt like And here's the thing,
as we know we discussed this earlier. She doesn't suppose
that she doesn't like virgos. This is why virgos are
great to have around, because we know how to edit,
we know how to be like, this is wonderful. You

have a lot of stuff to work with. Let's edit,
Let's let's bring it down a little bit right, Like
I didn't have to get that scene in the river
and the water with her mouth open at an umbrella.
It should still be a good scene, you know what
I mean. Like it's like I just went to this
fancy restaurant the other day and I like ate this.
I had this like ravioli, and I was like everything
else was delicious, but this piece of ravioli I wasn't.

I wasn't here for and they were like, oh that's blah,
and I'm like I don't care, Like you could tell
me it's like the King's delicacy. I just wasn't here
for it, Like I just didn't like it, you know.

Speaker 1 (09:07):
So the movie goes through basically like she gets married again.
She has an intervention where her friends are like and uh,
what's his name is? This is his name still fat Joe?

Speaker 2 (09:19):
Yeah, Joe is hers Joe.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
Now that's her therapist. There's a lot of cameos from
different celebrities. Allegedly there's a lot of celebrities that turned
these roles down because they were all busy or they
just you know, all this stuff. And then the movie
kind of settles on like an inner child healing type
of thing, and I really liked that part. And then
she's dancing in the rain, you know, uh kind of

nod to singing in the rain after he kisses his
love interests and then he like, you know, dances she
does like kind of the same choreo, which is like,
you know, I don't know, like I think as like
a performer dancer of old Hollywood stuff. I respect the
nod also to Gene Kelly like iconic as well. Here's

my thing with the movie, okay, is like, is there
no room for like cringe anymore? Is there no? Is
there a world where we have everything has to be
super perfect? Like I kind of liked it, I kind of,
and I don't. I'm not a super hardcore j Lo

fan because I don't really like the way she came
up with like the whole Ashanti stuff and ripping off
of blackness, like that stuff. I just can't come back from.
Thank you for what you did for the Selena movie.
Killed that shit. I think she's an exceptional actress. Like

Made in Manhattan although problematic, and Monster in Law and
uh Musama was the other one wedding planner. Those are
some of the Those are some of my favorite movies,
like of all time because they're just so classic early
two thousands. Like she's just so good. I think she's

a great dancer. I'm not really sold on her singing live.
I think, you know, I think they can work wonders
in the studios. I was not mad at the songs
that I heard in the film. Also shout out to
her vocal coach, Steve Mackie Stevie Mackie Stevie. Shout out
to Stevie Mackie, who is her. He is one of

the most iconic singers of all time. The greats have
worked with him and he has done a number on
her voice. I've been watching her evolution and he has
worked very hard. He does Taco Tuesdays in LA, which
is like Taco Tuesdays is like it's for all of
like some of the top LA vocalists to go and

sing and stuff. So I liked it for this reason
only it was weird as fuck and it made me
be like it kind of made me be like I
would make something like this. I don't know if that's bad.

Speaker 2 (12:08):
Yeah, I guess it depends on how you're thinking about it,
Like is it weird, like how the Pee Wee Show
was kind of weird? Is it like it's so bad
it's good kind of a weird? I think that. Like
for me, it just felt like, you know, you you
kind of see projects that exist like that already, like right,
like Black is King, right, or you see projects like
Lemonade that there are Lemonade representations of music and there's

this cohesion and if not, if not artistic, there's just
a cohesion, I think. And I feel like that was
my one critique of I had many, but I feel
like I like cohesiveness and I like knowing where I
might be going with a story. I also just feel
like I am more of a fan of smart visuals

that are not reliant on CGI, and.

Speaker 1 (12:59):
Yeah, there's a out of CGI.

Speaker 2 (13:01):
Yeah. And then the last my last critique is like, look,
I'm not an individual who can wear heels. I've never
worn heels. I've never been able to wear heels in
my entire life. But the scenes with all the flats, like,
I'm like, can you get can you can you put
some sparkles on the flats of something?

Speaker 1 (13:20):

Speaker 2 (13:23):
God damn heel on her? Why did you do it? Like?
Just they are you know what like the flats that
she was wearing. It's like she forgot she was wearing
flats in the scene and she's like fuck and they're like,
fuck it, girl, just wear the just wear the flats.

Speaker 1 (13:35):
I didn't notice it. I did not notice it at all.

Speaker 2 (13:40):
They look like the flats that they give you at
the end of like a wedding or like at a
club when they're giving us senor as the flat so
that they can take their shoes off.

Speaker 1 (13:49):
And maybe that's representation too.

Speaker 2 (13:51):
I've ever thought about that, and that is why, you know, But.

Speaker 1 (13:54):
I just I wasn't mad at it. I wasn't like
it didn't I think honestly, some of the TikTokers I've
seen are over reacting and they're like, what the hell
is this? Did you see the new Jayalen movie. I'm
like it it. I wasn't like I wasn't like really
enamored with it and like this is some of the

best cinema we have ever seen come from an artist.
I just thought it was like, oh, okay, she did a
cute little like you know, montage like of her entire life,
and like, I think it resonated. You'll always get me
with the inner child healing thing, you know, like at
the end when she was like when her inner child
was like you didn't love me, and then she hugged

her Like I was also like, did you get that
from me? I'm like, haven't I always said, like I
hug my inner child ay blah blah blah. And then
you see that in the scene. So j Lo, where's
my writing credit?

Speaker 2 (14:49):
Yeah? I mean I just felt like she could have
done that. Like I said before, I feel she could
have done that movie. It literally could have been like
another movie in the Bronx graphics needed. It's just the
girl who gets married a lot. Finally at the end
decide to.

Speaker 1 (15:05):
Just you know, do you see do you remember then?

Speaker 2 (15:11):
And that's it, like just do the thing, keep it moving.
J Low, Like I don't understand. One thing too that
I understand is like in the beginning she's with Ben
and she fallows off the bike right, and then it
starts right, and then at the end she meets Ben
and she gets on the bike.

Speaker 1 (15:33):
She gets back on the bike.

Speaker 2 (15:35):
She gets back on the bike. Oh, I thought she
got on the bike for the first time. So I
was like, is this the never ending story or this
is the song that never ends?

Speaker 4 (16:06):
You know?

Speaker 1 (16:06):
A side note too, I love when Uh do you
remember that meme? Or was it a meme? It was
a video of Jennifer going back to her apartment in
the Bronx and she's like, this is where I used
to live. I used to live up there, and this
guy's like, who are you hi, I'm Jennifer Who, Jennifer,

I used to live here? You live here now?

Speaker 3 (16:30):

Speaker 1 (16:31):
I used to live here. Oh what do you want?

Speaker 2 (16:36):
It was just like Jennifer Who. She's like Jeff Lopez.

Speaker 1 (16:41):
Jennifer, Jennifer Lopez. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (16:45):
Here's the thing. Though, I love her like I do
love her, she's like she's I don't know, problematic, She's
like in her own head. It's interesting to also see
her behind the scenes stuff where she's like looking for
celebrities to help help her or not help her, but
like be in her film and who am I Like,

you know, I'm gonna nobody can j Li.

Speaker 1 (17:08):
So like I just I will never be mad at
somebody taking a creative creative risk and if it and
it being a little bit weird, like those are things
that I'm like, I will never fault somebody on, like
being like this is so weird, this is so like
I'm I don't have When she was like, I don't
have to do this. I want to do this when

you are an artist and you want to do something
out of your own creative like like I will never
fault somebody for that, And guess what, you don't have
to fucking watch it, like I don't. I think it's
a thing of society being so harsh on these actors.
And this is why sometimes I'm like, do I really
want to get up there on that status to be

critiqued when I'm just having fucking fun when I'm just
making something, because that's even now, I mean I'm nowhere
near that, but even now, I'm like, are people going
to think it's too weird? And like fuck that? Like
be fucking weird. Be cringe because you're gonna find a
soft place to land and find your medium, and like

that's why I just I think I was more so like,
you know what, no Jlo do your little thing, because
you know, it wasn't hurting nobody. She It only hurt
her bank account, you know, and she got another little
documentary out out of it, and I wasn't mad at it.

Speaker 2 (18:27):
Yeah, you know, I think.

Speaker 1 (18:28):
We're too we'd care too much about what celebrities are doing.
And I'm just like bro.

Speaker 2 (18:35):
I will say that I do believe that criticism is
actually an important part of art as well. I think
that criticism allows for people to see outside of themselves
and grow more. I feel like criticism from people who
don't know what they're talking about might be something to consider.
But I also feel like in terms of like, you

know what, I think at the end of the day,
I think that it just felt a little.

Speaker 1 (19:04):
Out of touch, like they're they're out of touch.

Speaker 2 (19:06):
Thank you, Okay. It just felt like a little out
of touch. And I think that when you get into
a point where you go, I funded this huge movie
during a time when there's like this a lot of
stuff happening in the world. You're kind of like people are,
inflation is up, all these things. You're like, great, I'm

so happy that you were able to make this wonderful movie.
But speaking of marriages, there's also another amazing thing that's
going around right now. Actually there's like the two next
topics are kind of like marriage related and kind of
like love related. But like, the other thing that was
going megabig for what the past two weeks almost maybe

two and a half weeks or three almost at this point,
is the who the fuck did I marry?

Speaker 1 (19:54):
Yes, So it's like a fifty one to fifty fifty
plus part series on TikTok by Riesa Tisa, and she
basically was just storytelling her marriage with this guy who
was a Gemini, right, he was a Gemni. Now she's

on I just saw her in Good Morning America Cia. Yeah,
she's on all these different news outlets, and I really
like the way she because you know, some of these
people they disrespect TikTok and the creators, and they when
they put them into traditional media, they think they can't hang.

But Resa Tisa is like she's a true star. I
think she's a true star in her storytelling, and just
in the way she's conveying like she's not changing her
story up versus legion is totally changing up her story. Curly,
can you give us like a rundown of some of the.

Speaker 2 (20:59):
Events for context for people who don't know what how
we're talking about. Maya mentioned that it's a fifty one
part series and you can watch the full like recordings
on YouTube. That was easier for me to just play
the videos on YouTube and continue my day. But like
she basically recounts the story about meeting the man of
her dreams who just kind of keeps throwing her wild

ones like over and over again, and it's it's quite
spectacular because like when you talk about her story in
regular conversation with somebody and you're like, oh, what part
on you are you on? And someone is like, oh,
the part where she discovers it as a twin or
they're like, oh, what part are you on? They're like, oh,
the part where like he she discovers that like he's

been cheating and sleeping with like a sw like all
these things that you're like, oh my god. And when
you think the story is over, it's not. And then
by the time you're like on episode thirty eight, you're
kind of just invested. You're like, I just got to
finish this. I just want to hear you already know,
like it's not and like, uh, it's not going to

pan out in a good way, but it's just wild.
The other thing too, I think the reason why it's
it's all over the world now, it's like kind of global.
I think it's because it's like super relatable. Like a
lot of us go like, oh my god, that sounds
a little bit like somebody I dated, or like I
feel like I dated somebody who was just like that too,

Like I've been with somebody who was I don't know
if he's a pathological liar, but he's certainly a liar.
And you're kind of like, oh, this sounds just like
somebody that I know, and you keep listening to see
what's going to happen.

Speaker 1 (22:38):
He was diagnosed with bipolar and I think a pathological liar,
but like a schizophrenia. So uh, and that's with that
that that was a part of recent tees's like updates

past like the episodes because the brother so basically with
this story, yeah, she like finds out all these things
and this guy is like, you know, they try to
buy a house and and he she sees him sign
the documents, but they need proof of funds and he's
like gets freaked out and doesn't show the proof of funds.

He says he's gonna buy her this big car and
it's gonna come like at this time, and it never comes.
And then she gets pregnant, has a miscarriage, and he
like he accuses her also of like, uh, cheating on him,
and they go to marriage counseling, and even the marriage
counselor who it was from the church, the couple even

like you know there they don't want couples to get
divorced because it's you know, a part of the religion
and stuff. Even the wife was like, girl, you need
to leave him. He was like faking phone calls every
single day on like to her, to his brother and
like so the brother actually spoke out and was like, yeah,

none of our family fucks with him because of he's
known to do this, like and it's and this is
not She's not the first wife. Also, I think she's
like the second.

Speaker 2 (24:19):
Or third something like that. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (24:21):
Yeah, And so I think the thing the phenomenon about
this was that everybody was everybody watched it, and it's
like this thing where I mean total I think it
was about five hours.

Speaker 2 (24:36):
Hours longer. I think it's like eight hours. I think
it's like longer. It's long.

Speaker 1 (24:43):
Yeah, it's long. And it was just such a wild
story because like it's interesting that they can document these
stories and then someone can respond, like Legion, who was
the Gemini who did all this? That's his like code name.

He has his own TikTok and he was claiming that, Okay,
well I have you know my maya. I've been shooting
my Netflix documentary in response to Resa Tisa's videos for
the past sixteen days. And he posts a picture of
himself at Netflix headquarters. Somebody google searched that picture and
it was he just super imposed himself on the Netflix background,

and then he posted a video at Netflix headquarters. That
video was from Netflix Singapore. Yeah, and you know, like
and then he just keeps adding all in all these
things and like listen, if he's been diagnosed with this
mental illness stuff, I feel like it's a little bit
worse on the commentary for everyone, like you're crazy, your
bah blah blah, Like he's diagnosed, Like.

Speaker 2 (25:50):
Yeah, yeah, I mean that's where kind of like the
part gets kind of weird because there's so many people
who aren't diagnosed, right, There are a lot of people
who are dealing with different mental conditions who and that's
one of the things that I've just kind of dealt
with in my life is like how much of it
is the mental condition of what is happening in this
person's brain, and then how much of it is them
just being somebody who should be held accountable for the

actions right right? How much of it is it that
he's a pathological liar and perhaps a narcissist, And how
much of it is that all of it his brain
is just telling him that that is his reality. And
then you, as the sane person, get to go once
you figure it out. As soon as you can figure

it out, I got to go, you know, But sometimes
we don't. We stay longer with these narcissists anyways, Like
in the next show, because.

Speaker 1 (26:43):
Just one more side note about that, like when women
have sex with men, we become chemically bonded. So I
get it, I get it. Moving on to One Day.
One Day on net Flix is.

Speaker 2 (27:01):
A limited series You're looking at Me and you'll say
to me, baby please, that goes.

Speaker 1 (27:11):
I always think of when I hear one Day, I
hear one day, more another day. End of the Destiny
in Calgary?

Speaker 2 (27:19):
What is that?

Speaker 1 (27:20):

Speaker 2 (27:28):
Wait, what's a movie where they go like love what? Like?
I don't know, I'm trying to think about movie. They
say that leasing Compito. I remember that movie like Home Alone. Yes,
she goes, you're with the French, like to call Lesi Compito.

Then she walks away.

Speaker 1 (27:53):
Speaking of French. So One Day is a limited series
on Netflix as base on a book and then it
was a movie with Anne Hathaway and I forgot his
Name's really cute. It came out like I think to
twenty eleven or something or and now it's a limited

series and it features these two best friends who meet
and basically you check in with them every single day
every year for twenty years on July fifteenth. So they
met July fifteenth, nineteen eighty eight. And then you see
when the series ends July fifteenth, twenty five or nine

or something.

Speaker 2 (28:38):
Around that, four or like oh, something like that.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
Yeah, And so it follows Dexter and Emma, and you know,
Dexter's kind of the avoidant. Emma's kind of an anxious
attached and it kind of follows will they won't they.
Bestie's kind of friends to enemies, and you know, deals
with a lot of like substance issues, but then also

like following your dreams as a young person and you know,
and so it follows their journey.

Speaker 2 (29:09):
Yeah, I mean the first few episodes, if I'm honest,
I had them on while I was working. I was
kind of and everybody that I've talked to about this,
by the way, has been like, yeah, I literally wasn't
paying attention to the first few episodes. I would say,
get into it. Yeah. Like my friend Anaka led On,
who's this amazing DJ is the one who first told
me about it. She's like, you have to watch it.
It's so good. She said the same thing. She's like,

I didn't pay tmes the first two episodes. Once I
finished it, I had to start all over again. She's like,
you miss the characters, like you you become like like
you miss being with them, and so you want to
see it again. And that's exactly what kind of happens.

Speaker 1 (29:46):
Yeah, it's we're gonna say some spoilers, so if you
have not seen it. You want to see it, turn
this off now, come back after you've watched it. We've
given people enough time. I feel like it's been on
I think, yeah, last month.

Speaker 2 (30:00):
I mean, look, if you haven't seen it now, maybe
you're not going to watch it, but just maybe just
just go and watch it and just know you're welcome.
You're welcome.

Speaker 1 (30:09):
So the thing about it is that you know they
It's like, think of that one person, if you have
that one person where you maybe you guys you dated,
or maybe you guys have never dated, but there's always
been that spark, and it's kind of like, when is
the day that we're finally going to look at each

other and be like, let's be together. And you know Dexter,
he's kind of a player and he is not super
serious about Emma, but you can tell that he is.
He loves her. And he ends up getting married and
has a baby, gets divorced and he's a little bit messy,

and then he finally realizes he wants to be with Emma,
and okay, the it's aligned right now, they're together, they're
so great together. They get married, all this stuff, and
then what happens. She fucking dies. She dies she dies,
I have I just have like tension in my head,

like I gave myself an acute sinus infection because I
cried so hard.

Speaker 2 (31:19):
She really did. I cried. Look okay when she died.
I was like, what when you watch it though, I
don't care. Whatever, We're gonna pretell like you watched it
as the girl's dying, Like the actress does this amazing
job of like doing this like facial expression or acting
with her eyes. She does like a slight twitch and
they do this flashback memory of her as a girl

on the Swings. And I am a sucker. I am
a sucker for memories because I feel like, in real
life that's all that we have. And it's so crazy
because every time I talk about it, I actually get
really emotional. I was telling my parents about it and
I was like I can feel it, like behind my eyes.

Speaker 1 (31:59):
I get feeling right now.

Speaker 3 (32:00):
Don't clink.

Speaker 2 (32:02):
Like I'm.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
What great?

Speaker 2 (32:06):
Do? Wait? Kbot, have you watched one day yet? No? No,

you guys. K is Ka is our audio engineer slash producer,
and okay, the movie is really dumb, Kbot, go and
watch this show and tell me you think so. It's
just I think that for me, the difference between the
movie and the show is that the show allows you
more time to fall in love with the characters in
small ways, and then unlike the movie, you see Emma

come back, like you actually see her come back almost
like in spirit form in a way, almost through like memories,
and you kind of like that's the part that hits
you the most, I think, because like I mean, at
least for me, like when you have like a lot
of different deaths in your life and all these things
and you go, wow, really all we have is like

these memories. There is this beautiful, beautiful transition where he
remembers walking down this hill, this like steep hill with
Emma and they're walking down and you see these two
other people coming up at the same time. Mine I'm
literally gonna and like you know, walking down. And then

when they're walking up, it's like Judson and his daughter
came on the cheers.

Speaker 4 (33:54):
Oh my gosh, so good, oh my good, go ahead
good right now, like thinking about it, like it's just

really sad like to think about to watch, like, and
those are the things I feel like to me, like
they kind of those feel the most.

Speaker 2 (34:22):
Real, Like those moments feel the most real when it
comes to love, because you think about number one, who
in your life is somebody that you love that deeply?
Who is somebody that is like the one that.

Speaker 1 (34:33):
Actually wasted time, wasted.

Speaker 2 (34:35):
Time with yeah, or the one that you're like you're
still kind of holding your breath a little bit for
like is there a chance for us? Like all these
different human emotions that go get packed into these last
few episodes. I really feel like it is a slow burn.
Slow it is a slow burn of a show. But

the end, the final climax, the last episodes, once you
have fallen in love with characters, are just so worth it.
There it is. It is quite the experience, I would say,
to the point where like even just talking about it
now is making us both cry. I can't.

Speaker 1 (35:11):
I like I'm trying to like collect.

Speaker 2 (35:13):
Myself by the way, like this isn't normal for us,
Like we don't cry a lot like this to I'm,
like Cabal said, I don't know if I've prepared for
all that, Like, oh, I don't know if I'm prepared
for all the emotions. I think it's good emotions and
it kind of it's one of those things that puts
life into perspective. I was I was just talking to

quick side where I was talking to my mom, and
my mom's going through radiation currently, and she was telling
me that somebody in our family called her, and she
was telling they were just talking, and she was telling
my mom like, I pray for you every single day,
twice a day when I wake up before I go
to bed. And it also just made me emotional too,
because you go like and because they didn't always get

along to Pieva and all the time. And so when
you come up against death or sickness and somebody who
you had beef with for so long or somebody, they
cared it to multuous relationship at that moment where you
realize that the only thing that matters, just like life
and love, like you kind of go like, ough, it
just that's what it's all about. And so I think

that that's what the emotions are when you watch this.
The only thing that matters is life and love. And
I know, so good not of crying. Okay, well go

check it out. Also to a special shout out to
the show the last two episodes of also do the
same thing, Definitely check it out. VOS about a woman
who trans experience who became mega famous in the nineties.
It's on HBO Max. It's all in Spanish with subtitles.
The last two episodes, she also dies. She comes back

and she remembers her life, but in her she remembers
her funeral. But she imagines her funeral the way that
she wished her funeral would have been like versus how
it actually went. And I think how many of us
think about her own funeral.

Speaker 1 (37:17):
It's very Latino of us to think about our funeral,
like who's gonna come, who's not gonna.

Speaker 2 (37:21):
Come, who's gonna cry the most? Yeah, who's going to.

Speaker 1 (37:23):
Cry the most? And who's not going to show up?
But like wish that they did show up?

Speaker 2 (37:28):
Yeah, I actually want to have a list of people
who I expect to talk because sometimes people go up
there and I'm like, why are you talking? You were
not that close to so and so, And then I'll
be like, I want cend people to talk, like have
the speech prepared, you know. But you know what what
else was on the on the blip on the pop

radar this week?

Speaker 1 (37:52):
Well, love is blind? Is I mean, by the time
you're listening to this, it'll be next week. So yeah,
it's probably the finale. I think this week as finale
as were recording it literally tomorrow, so this may be
old news, but I was telling Curly about the Sarah
Anne situation and basically like there was they were in

the pods together, Sarah Anne and Jeremy, and then Jeremy
didn't pick Sarah and Sarah Jeremy picked Laura. And then
Sarah Anne texted DMT Jeremy and was like, Hey, thank
you for this experience. If there's any like if you
guys change for your feelings change at all, or something
doesn't work out, like I would love to get to

know you or more or something. And then he was out.
She was out at like five in the morning talking
to her, and he came back and he lied to
Laura because he was like, you have my location, My
location is on and she was like, your location was
in h by her house. Noah was in a parking lot.

He left his phone allegedly in the car so that
the the phone will appear on location wise to be
in that parking lot. He had an Apple Watch on.
Oh my god, god, you're dumb. You're dumb. First of all,
you're dumb. That would be more hurtful to me, if

you try to lie like that and then so you know, uh,
is it problematic? He was engaged, he had picked this
other girl for I wasn't problematic for Sarah and to
message him. Basically, everyone's like, he's an engaged man, leave
him alone, but he's not married yet.

Speaker 2 (39:39):
I feel like, in the context of a show, a
reality show where that's what their life is to be
dramatic and controversial, I don't think that's a stretch to me.
If it happened in real life, like you'd be like, yikes, yeah,
like that's weird. He's engaged, get over it, and he
should not be answering out of the context of love.

Speaker 1 (39:58):
Is he hearted?

Speaker 2 (39:58):

Speaker 1 (40:00):
Hearted it?

Speaker 2 (40:01):
I mean, look in terms of people selling their souls
to get publicity for a show and followers and all
that stuff. You're doing great kid. That girl texting him
after she's engaged, Good for her.

Speaker 1 (40:14):
She may they deserve each other.

Speaker 2 (40:16):
Yeah, she knows how to work the system.

Speaker 1 (40:18):
But it's also like the girl he was with did
not like any of his Hawaiian Aloha shirts at all.
She thought he was a nerd all this stuff. So
I'm like, you really didn't like him in the first place,
I think it was messed up, you know what he
did and stuff. But yeah, so that's that's going on
for the Love is Blind stuff for me. The finale,
I think is tomorrow where you find out if they're

gonna get married or not. Would you be on a
reality TV show like that?

Speaker 2 (40:43):
No, I actually think I'm really boring, to be honest,
I live like such a really chill life. Like my
life is so pleasant and so sweet and like, yes
it has ups and downs with like a lot of drama,
but like there's not like the peak of my excitement.
I mean I have a lot, but like I went
to the Christina Aguilera show. Oh my god, I'll tell
you later about my Las Vegas weekend, but I literally

went to Las Vegas. A friend of mine who styles
Christina Aguilera, and then my friend we want to see her.
Then my friend who knows Edvantis we went to see her.
And then my friend who knows Tea Change Two Chains,
we went to see Two Changs. I some girl pulled
my hair at the club. This drag queen told me
I was super adorable, like just wild. That's the extent
of my of my life. It's not like anything that's

reality TV.

Speaker 1 (41:28):
Right, totally chill, not not the norm. My my life
is reality watching reality TV shows.

Speaker 2 (41:38):
But it's my life. The uh oh, I did want
to say super super quick pop things for me that
were like kind of hit me. Rihanna being a wedding singer,
I was like, what is happening? But supposed they're talking
about that fent He's coming to India and the people
that through the wedding will be her future employers. So
she wait, all have to sing a dance for our

money and you have to sing for your supper essentially. Also,
Wendy Williams supposedly was diagnosed with a form of dementia,
which is kind of wing linked to why she's been
acting really weird. When I found out, I was like
crying so hard. Not crying so hard, but I was
like crying for her, like washing my dishes, just because

you know, when you are the family of somebody who
had dementia and you kind of see one of like
your pop culture faves suddenly dealing with that's here, you
kind of go, oh, that fucking sucks. And I just
cried for her because you know all the people that
were like she deserves it is.

Speaker 1 (42:33):
Her karma reserves it.

Speaker 2 (42:37):
Nobody deserves that.

Speaker 1 (42:38):
Nobody deserves that.

Speaker 2 (42:40):
That sort of energy. All this to say, blessings and
maybe soon as to Wendy and the just you know,
she's not listening to this but just putting it.

Speaker 1 (42:48):
But also like like other people's careers haven't been helped
by her talking about it, Like she's kept these people relevant.
She's been. She's been literally any talk sound you hear
or any pop culture type of reference you hear her voice,
or you're someone's quoting her, or someone's using a gift

of her, like she is a staple in entertainment, whether
people like it or not.

Speaker 2 (43:13):
The other thing, too, is that I will say a
special shout out. She would always say, how like when
she was coming up, nobody was doing gossip on hip
hop artists, Like nobody was like kind of like treating
hip hop stars like celebrities that needed to be talked about.
You know, they were just like whatever, And she was
the first person to go, have you heard about what's
happening with Whitney and Bobby? You know, like have you
heard about what's happening with all these other people? And

you know, she really was kind of like the mother,
the mother of an entire genre of entertainment. So you know,
good luck to her.

Speaker 1 (43:52):
Welcome to the astrology portion of the podcast. So listen.
We wrote down Jlo Dash Leo and the Astra app
and Jlo's a Leo, She's a middle child. There was
this allegedly, it has been known at one of the

dance calls, one of the girls who actually used to
be on Glee, she said that when she went into
an audition a dance call for j Loo, that she
picked out everybody who's virgo and told them to leave.

Speaker 2 (44:27):
Yeah, and how do you feel about that?

Speaker 1 (44:29):
About your friend not liking you?

Speaker 2 (44:33):
That's why she was in flats and that weird ass
scene in the movie Okay, that's why. I don't know
if you saw some of her interviews, she had some
crazy ass makeup. I was like, girl, what happened? Who
did this? Who did this to my j Lo?

Speaker 1 (44:52):
She is a Leo. Let me see what her rising
in her moon?

Speaker 2 (44:58):
What was the name of her label back in the day,
she had a label called SWEEDYE or something like that.
You mean, bai, I don't okay?

Speaker 1 (45:09):
Let me well, okay, so j Lo her son, Oh,
my god, Curly, Oh, my god, Scorpio Moon.

Speaker 2 (45:21):
Oh that makes a lot of sense.

Speaker 1 (45:24):
Rising. Oh she's she's missing, we're missing her Rising Venus
and Gemini, Mercury and Leo, Moon, Scorpio, Pluto, and Virgo.
Let's see Mars and Sagittarius. So she has like a

lot of fire in her chart in the most predominant
well most predominant houses and signs, because like to how
fires Mercury, Leo, Son, Leo, Mar, Sagittarius, Moon, Scorpio, Scorpio
is not a fire sign, but that is a lot

that is intense.

Speaker 2 (46:11):
She's dealing with a lot of stuff, like you know,
I heard that, Like she is, she is what people
think she is, Like she's a powerhouse. She's doing it.
You would not. I really believe that you don't get
to these sorts of levels without being really intense. I
can't imagine j Lo Beyonce, Chris Jenner being chill people

like they.

Speaker 1 (46:36):
Are second thing on the list. I want to put
people onto this app called astra as t r A
and it's basically like an astrological AI type of thing.
You can get your daily horoscopes. You can like type
in romantic compatibility. You can basically search on the internet

and do all of this stuff, but this is like
it's going to be pulling from you know, the so
you don't have to like search and stuff. Also has
dream interpreter Tarot card interpreter, so you pull a card
and it can interpret that card. I think it's a
great tool to have if you're if you want to
learn more about astrology.

Speaker 2 (47:18):
I am downloading it right now as we speed.

Speaker 1 (47:21):
There's no this isn't an ad or anything. I just
wanted to put people onto that.

Speaker 2 (47:25):
Yay. I'm excited. I'm gonna be like, am I going
to get that boyfriend? So thank you?

Speaker 1 (47:34):
And I conclude the astrology portion of the podcast.

Speaker 2 (47:38):
Well, my here we are in pop culture.

Speaker 1 (47:41):
How do you plead ditop? If you have my love
and my game, can I just.

Speaker 2 (47:50):
Stay by the way side the other deskside of my mom?
And I was like, I was asking me about music
that I listened to her. She was like, you always
like the Spice Girls, and I'm like, yep, that's true.
I've always been loved to Spice Girls until this day.
I gadass Man, and I still love the Spies Girls.

Speaker 1 (48:06):
As you should. What about you, yeah you, yeah, yeah you.
What'd you think about what we talked about today? Did
you like it? Did you fiken hate it? Sun Pisces,
that's not true.

Speaker 2 (48:20):
Well, Maya, where can people find you on social media?

Speaker 1 (48:23):
You can find me at my in the Moment, m
A y a in the moment, anywhere you scroll on
your phone. What about you?

Speaker 2 (48:30):
You can find me at the Curly v Show on Instagram,
and I post more on TikTok these days. So I'm sorry, Thank.

Speaker 1 (48:37):
You so much for listening to another episode of The
Super Secret Bestie Club Podcast. Okay, j Lo's ascendant horizing
is Libra allegedly anyway, make sure it hits up on
our social media to let us know what you want
to listen to. On another episode of The Super Secret
Bestie Club Podcast, Love You Bye.

Speaker 3 (49:04):
Make sure to hit that subscribe button to hear more
episodes every single week. The Super Secret Bestie Club Podcast
is a production of Sonodo in partnership with iHeartRadio's micaeoh
Tha podcast Network.

Speaker 2 (49:16):
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