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May 13, 2024 • 25 mins

In this episode, Lara Trump discusses the changes and successes at the RNC, including fundraising efforts and the importance of donations. She also talks about the challenges faced by the Trump family and the impact of the indictments on the election. Lara emphasizes the need for election integrity and encourages early voting and mail-in balloting. She discusses the selection process for the vice presidential running mate and the focus on issues such as the economy, immigration, and national security. The Truth with Lisa Boothe is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network - new episodes debut every Monday & Thursday.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Look, you guys, we know how Democrats do politics. Right.
They're trying to put Donald Trump in jail right now.
They've tried to bankrupt him, or they're trying to bankrupt him.
So we know that they're going to throw everything but
the kitchen sink at Donald Trump. Well, in fact, they're
going to throw the kitchen sink at him right hook
or by crook. That's their mentality. So we don't know
what's ahead between now in November.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
The polling looks good.

Speaker 1 (00:22):
Things do look good for Donald Trump and the Republican Party,
but we don't know what's ahead. So we need to
be prepared. We need to raise money, We need to
be focusing on early voting and mail in balloting. So
I'm going to have someone on the show who's doing
just that. At the rn C, you know, at Ironom
McDaniel's leadership, there were so many articles and headlines about
how the RNC was broke and how we were in
a very bad position heading into this election. Well, big

changes have happened. One of those changes is LARRD Trump,
who's now a co chair of the RNC. She's also,
of course President Trump's daughter in law. But these numbers
that they're raising are big, big, big numbers. I mean,
the rn C and the Trump campaign and collectively raised
over seventy six million dollars last month. Together they broke
fundraising records with raising over fifty million dollars at a

single dinner. So how do they plan on putting that
money to work? What does that mean for the election,
and what do they plan on doing with election integrity
this cycle? I mean, we saw how Democrats used COVID
to change all the rules. So we're going to get
into all of this and more with Laura Trump, co
chair of the RNC. Stay tuned. Well, Laura, it's awesome

to have you on the show today. You guys have
been doing a lot of interesting things at the RNC,
good things that the rn C good changes, and so
just wanted to talk to you about that and bring
it to the audience. So appreciate you making the time.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
Yeah, thank you, well, thank you for noticing. First of all,
I guess we've been like a month and a half.
Michael Wattley, the chairman, and I've been in our new roles,
and yeah, look we hit the ground running because quite frankly, Lisa,
we don't have a lot of time to waste. We've
got an election to win, and we had a lot
of work to do, and I think, you know, one

of the big things people probably have noticed is the fundraising.
You know, we started out in a pretty rough spot,
and we're really pleased that we were able to have
our initial kind of launch of the major, major fundraiser
we did.

Speaker 2 (02:19):
At John Paulson's house.

Speaker 3 (02:21):
We brought in fifty one million dollars for the one
single event. And the funny part of that is people
probably remember that the week before the media went bananas
over Joe Biden, who had to have two presidents, had
to have you know, famous people like Stephen Colbert and
Anna Wintour to raise twenty six million dollars and then
Donald Trump, of course, just doubles it.

Speaker 2 (02:42):
The next week.

Speaker 3 (02:43):
But our small dollar fund raising as well has been huge,
and I think that speaks volumes. In the month of April,
we raised seventy six million dollars and our average donation
is under thirty dollars, And that means that even at
a time like we're in right now, where life is
really rough for people, the Biden economy has hurt people,
you know, all cross the country, and over every socioeconomic

space possible.

Speaker 2 (03:05):
People are still.

Speaker 3 (03:06):
Donating their money and they're showing support for Donald Trump
because I think they truly understand what is at stake
in this election and how important this election truly is.
So we're honored to have the money. I can promise
you it's going to great use. Something else we also
did when we first took over the RNC was we
combed through all of our vendors and contracts and made

sure that our money was going to the highest and
best use possible. And we're truly grateful, and obviously we
need to do.

Speaker 2 (03:33):
More of that. Donald J.

Speaker 3 (03:34):
Trump dot com. If anyone listening wants to help support us,
we're very grateful. And as you probably know, you need
money to win elections.

Speaker 2 (03:42):
So absolutely five and a half to go five and
a half months.

Speaker 1 (03:45):
Well, and for people to just kind of understand the backstory,
which I'm sure they've been paying attention, but I mean
there were reports when before Rona left about you know,
they ared and see basically being broke, having to take
out a line of credit. You know how dire things
were for the Republican Party. These numbers are huge and
just a significant, significant, turnaround, which was really a testament

to the new leadership. So you know, great job with that,
we need it. What surprised What do you think surprised
you the most or has surprised you the most since
taking over at the R and C.

Speaker 3 (04:17):
Well, you know, somebody asked me this the other day
and I ask not original. The funny thing is I
had to really think about it, because look, if I'm
being honest, Lisa, if you would have asked me six
months ago, would I ever be the coacher of the R.

Speaker 2 (04:29):
And CEO, just said, I don't think so. Probably not so.

Speaker 3 (04:32):
Just the nature of this change in my life has
been very unique and certainly something that I didn't anticipate.
But what's so funny to me is when you go
to DC and I have to spend I guess unfortunately
now in the swamp a lot of time there, the
people who are often the biggest critics of my father

in law, of Republicans in general, our family then get
it face to face with you and they're very nice,
very pleasant, and so for me, I'm like, so is.

Speaker 2 (05:01):
This all a game?

Speaker 1 (05:02):

Speaker 3 (05:02):
Do you guys understand what's really at stake here? Do
you understand that these are.

Speaker 2 (05:06):
Our lives as a family.

Speaker 3 (05:07):
This is the America's you know, the future of this
country that hangs in the balance, and oftentimes it's you know,
these folks in the fake news, as my father in
law likes to say.

Speaker 2 (05:18):
But that to me I found very interesting, just like.

Speaker 3 (05:21):
Wow, so do they And the real question is is
it just that they go out there and they spew
their trash and garbage because they think that that's what
it will take for them to keep their jobs, or
do they really believe this stuff and they've had a
change of heart.

Speaker 2 (05:34):
I don't really know.

Speaker 3 (05:35):
But to me, that's been a very interesting thing to
be subject too, because I would have never guessed some
of these people would even talk to me, let alone
be nice to me.

Speaker 1 (05:44):
Well, and you guys have been put through the ringer,
as you know, as a family. Obviously President Trump has
been put through the ringer. I mean, you know, they're
trying to throw them in jail, which is a really
sad state, sad reflection of where we are as a
country right now. How how has that impacted the election
from your estimation, just the indictments and what he's going

through right now in New York City.

Speaker 3 (06:06):
Well, you know, traditional sentiments and knowledge when it comes
to politics just don't apply to Donald Trump. And I
think we saw that out of the gate in twenty fifteen.
You know, all the experts so to speak, who have
been in the political game their entire lives, These pundits
who made their living off of predicting, you know, candidates
and elections, all thought they had Donald Trump pegged, and

he very quickly proved everyone wrong. And so conventional knowledge
and wisdom does not apply to him. And I think
you're seeing that in this space right now. As you
pointed out, Yeah, they're throwing literally everything they possibly.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
Can at my father in law, at our.

Speaker 3 (06:45):
Family, really anyone in the Trump orbit, anyone they can
try to take down his collateral damage, they're happy to do.
And it's been incredible to see and really sort of
funny in some ways to see how it has backfired
credibly on the Democrats. And it's amazing because you go back,
you know, two years ago, prior to the first indictment,

prior to you know, the rate at mar A Lago,
all of these unprecedented things that we never thought would
happen in America, and you would think that one of
these situations would take somebody completely out of the race.

Speaker 2 (07:19):
That would be it end of their political career.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
And the incredible thing that's happened is that, of course,
every time there's been an indictment, and I would say
especially with that mugshot, it boomeranged and it actually increased
Donald Trump's poll numbers in an amazing way and in
an unpredictable way. And so yeah, now he's there stuck
in this courtroom in Manhattan, where he's got to be

four days a week. He gets Wednesdays and the weekends
to try to campaign, to fundraise, all those things. But
he's utilizing that time in such a smart way because
you see him do the bodega visit. You see him,
you know, delivering pizzas to the FD and Y. You
see him out there at six point thirty in the
morning with these instruction workers, these union guys who are

traditional Democrats in blue blue New York City, in Harlem.
And the amazing thing is that has gotten him such
good will and I think it has only gone to
show people that this man will not stop, that nothing
will slow him down, that he will not be you know,
laying it down and saying, you know what they're coming
after me too hard.

Speaker 2 (08:22):
He's never going to back.

Speaker 3 (08:23):
Up, back down and give up ever, And so in
terms of politically it sort of has helped him. And
I know it's crazy to say, because again, nothing that
we would ever see in any standard case can apply
to Donald Trump, and this is evidence of it.

Speaker 2 (08:39):
Right now.

Speaker 1 (08:40):
I don't know how he does it or how you
guys do it. I mean, I just moved and I
couldn't sleep for a week because of the stress. So
it's just not even remotely in the same arena as
you know, what he's being put through and what you
guys are being put through. You know, I got to
get into the election integrity stuff. You know, obviously voters

are really concerned after saying all the changes that were
made to elections in twenty twenty with the mail in
balloting and they're early voting, you know, but to win,
you know, we have to take advantage of it, right,
We've got to utilize it. So how do you ease
those concerns about election integrity while also encouraging people to
take part in mail in balloting and early voting so

we can win?

Speaker 3 (09:24):
Well, we have to, I mean least here exactly, right, Look,
we would love to have one day with paper ballots
and voter ideal across this country and we can get
back to a day like that. We can't get back
to a space like that. But we've got to get
through this election cycle. We've got to get Donald Trump
elected as the forty seventh president, expand our lead in
the House, take back the Senate, and then potentially we
could see that happen. And I think that's what most

people want. We want free, fair and transparent elections, period.
But we do have to play the hand that we're dealt,
as you point out, and we no longer have an
election day, we have an election season. We have mail
in balloting across this country. Now, what I will say
is that we need to embrace those things, and we
want people to go vote however they can and as
soon as they can. Because look, we all, as Republicans

and Conservatives, I think, often think, oh, you should go
out and vote on election day, and I understand that,
but we also know that life happens. You know, you
look around the country at states like Arizona where you
had an entire you know, polling location with the machines
going down for hours on election day, how many people
didn't vote? Would that have swung that election had they

been able to vote. You look at recent races in
Nevada where you had bad weather that prevented a lot
of people from coming out and participating. We know, life happens,
and so what we want to encourage people to do
is get out and vote early, and then every day
from that moment up until election day, you make it
your mission to get people to the polls, get people

out to vote. We have to make it too big
to rig. But what I can tell you is that
from the RNC, it is our number one focus election integrity.
We have two things that we need to do over
the next five and a half months. That is, of course,
inspire people to get out the vote, which our candidate,
Donald Trump at the top of the ticket will certainly do.

He is our best motivator for people to go out
and vote for him. And then of course the down
ballot races. But then we have to protect that vote.
So look, right now, we have eighty four lawsuits out
in twenty five states in this country. We have been
winning really big you know, lawsuits and cases that I
think are going to make people feel a lot better obviously,

you just reference how a lot of the states in
this country illegally changed the way we vote under the
guise of COVID in twenty twenty. We have been systematically
working at the RNC to make sure that we change
those back that we want to make it harder to
cheat and easier to vote in every single state. We
have a lawsuit right now in Nevada, for example, that
you know, they wanted to extend mail in ballots to

come in days after election day. We said, no, election day,
is it. That's the cutoff? After election day? We need
to know who has won this election. So we're working
on that right now. In Pennsylvania, we want a lawsuit
to keep dates on mail in ballots because of course
the Democrats wanted to remove them. They wanted eight hundred
thousand non citizens to vote in the city of New York.
We pushed back, we fought that one, we won that one.

So we are working really hard to turn these things
around from our perspective, But we also have to embrace
things that we never have as a party that the
Democrats are experts at, like legal ballot harvesting. So you
better believe that everywhere we can in this country. We're
going to capitalize on things like that.

Speaker 2 (12:34):
We're going to have to.

Speaker 3 (12:34):
Play this game a little bit differently if we truly
want to win, because I think we've seen in the
past how masterful the Democrats are at using every possible
angle they can to win elections. Now whether they do
it legally or not is up for discussion. We will
do everything we legally can, but it is our number
one focus, and we have pledged to have one hundred

thousand volunteers on our election Integrity Team protect them if
anyone wants to come join us. We want to have
people in every major polling location across this country, not
just poll watchers, poll workers and attorneys to strike at
a moment's notice if there's anything nefarious going on, because
we need to be proactive, not reactive.

Speaker 1 (13:16):
This election cycle, we've got more Laura Trump, but first,
Since October seventh, the attacks on Israel have increased, with
the rod and its proxies launching an attack of hundreds
of drones and missiles Israeli. As we're living with the
harsh reality of terror every day. The International Fellowship of
Christians and Jews is on the ground now addressing all
urgent needs, and that's why I'm partnering with IFCJ today well,

praying for the best. IFCJ is preparing for the worst
by packing emergency bomb shelter kits that can be delivered
immediately to those in desperate need. Your life saving donation
today will help assemble and place these kits with enough
food and life saving emergency supplies for twenty people huddled
in bomb shelter. The cost to put together and distribute
these kits is two hundred and ninety dollars each. Your

gift now will help save lives, and thanks to a
matching challenge gift from a generous IFCJ supporter, your gift
will double an impact to help provide twice the support.
The number to call to make your gift is eight
eight eight for eight eight IFCJ. That's eight eight eight
four a eight IFCJ or four three two five or
go online to support IFCJ dot org to give. That's

one word support IFCJ dot org. Well, the non citizens
voting is a major concern obviously, just seeing the horrendous
open borders that we've seen in this country. You know,
you look at twenty twenty and and Biden received about
three out of four mail in ballots that we're cast

in the state. What are we doing to close that
gap for Trump?

Speaker 3 (14:51):
Yeah, well, listen, we obviously, as I said, we want
to encourage people. If you have any question whether or
not you can get to the polls and your state
allows for mail and that's the best way for you
to vote, then that's how we want you to vote.

Speaker 2 (15:03):
We're going to have to encourage people.

Speaker 3 (15:04):
We're going to be engaging also, Lisa, with low propensity voters.
These are people who vote in like one out of
every four presidential election cycles, and we know that when
they vote, they're going to vote Republican. We have to
encourage them to come out. We need to get people
involved in this election. We cannot sit this one out.
We also, in addition to having people in the polling

locations as I just noted, and these are trained people.
These are people who work in the polling locations. They
can handle the ballots. We are also able to now
put them in the tabulation centers where you have the
mail in ballots coming in, to keep an eye on
things going on there. I understand people's trepidation, and I
understand that we were really scarred from twenty twenty, but

we certainly learned a lot and we were taking everything
we learned from twenty twenty and applying it to this
election cycle because we can never see that repeated again
and so again.

Speaker 2 (16:00):
And we just need to message.

Speaker 3 (16:01):
To people, I think better that that you can trust
to mail in your vote, because we're going to have
people there looking out for it whenever it comes in.
And if that's the way you can the only sure
way you know to cast your ballot, that's how we
want you to do it. And so we just need
to change I think a little bit of our messaging,
and we have to encourage people to do that as
well when they talk to their friends, because.

Speaker 2 (16:23):
That's how we're going to be able to do it.
We have to fight fire with fire.

Speaker 3 (16:26):
We can't wait until election day, have lines wrapped around
the block, have the potential for these machines to go down,
et cetera. We're going to have to start early, the
first day of early voting. We want you to get
out there and cast your ballot.

Speaker 1 (16:38):
Yeah, I mean, I think just giving the confidence to
voters is important. That you know, the number one thing
I hear from people is that you know, Look, I'm
feeling really good about things, but I just know that
they're going to try to pull something. There's going to
be some sort of you know shenan again that they're
going to try to pull, and just sort of the
distrust in the process that obviously you know, we all
have as as evidence by them trying to you know,

throw or your father in law.

Speaker 3 (17:01):
Yees it.

Speaker 1 (17:02):
Every time, we'll do it, I'll do it. Do you
think the VP will be a man or a woman?

Speaker 3 (17:08):

Speaker 2 (17:09):
This is a this is a good question.

Speaker 1 (17:10):
I knew you wouldn't tell me who.

Speaker 3 (17:12):
Yeah, not gonna break up here, not gonna read it
your That would be amazing.

Speaker 1 (17:15):
I could really be doing me a solid.

Speaker 3 (17:18):
But here's the beauty, Lisa, of the conservatives in this country,
of the Republican Party, and is Donald Trump as a nominee.
Donald Trump will base his choice for his vice presidential
running mate on qualifications, on merit, and on the best
possible person for the job.

Speaker 2 (17:35):
So be it a man or woman, be it a minority,
whatever it might be. It is not.

Speaker 3 (17:39):
Based on any identity politics. It will solely be based
on the person who would best be there to step in.
Should you know, the president not be able to, you know,
do his job. We know that that's the number one
job of the vice president. You have to be ready
to be president on day one if something should happen
to the president. And I think it needs to be
a person, and I think he's very well aware of this,
who can carry on the Erica First message and that mantle,

because you know, he really has changed our entire party.
The Republican Party has been broken wide open and it
is available to everyone. You saw in twenty sixteen how
Donald Trump was able to get you know, the working
people of this country, who for a long time have
been casting a vote for Democrats over to vote for Republicans.

I think you're seeing that happen now with a lot
of different voting blocks that the Democrats have thought they own,
whether it's the black vote, the Hispanic vote, or the
youth vote in this country, you are seeing massive shifts
in these voting blocks towards Donald Trump and towards Republicans.
And so I think that obviously that's to our advantage.

But I think my whole point is it's because we
don't do that dumb stuff they do on the other side,
because we actually want to merit based society. And the
saddest thing to me, Lisa, to be honest, is the
fact that we have our first woman as vice President
of the United States, who we were told was not
chosen based on are qualifyations. And you don't need to
take my word for it. Just take a look at

any sort of press event she possibly does, and it
is a disastrous, a train wreck ready to happen. But
it's so sad that we weren't able to just say
this is the best person for the job and that's
why she was chosen. Joe Biden himself told us she
was chosen because she was a woman and based on
how she looks. It is so sad and just really
the opposite of anything that would, you know, have forward

progress in our society. So I can assure you Donald
Trump will be picking the best person for the job
and the person who is ready to put America first,
just like he does.

Speaker 1 (19:35):
I just hope it's no one that has killed their
dog and then bragged about it in a book, So
that would be my only hope.

Speaker 3 (19:44):
Brust her heart, you know, Yeah, it's a tough one.

Speaker 1 (19:48):
That's a tough one, alright. I want to ask you
to comment on that quick break more with Laura. Okay,
so you know we're seeing and this will be the
question before we go, because I want to be respectful
of your schedule. You know what we're saying, just this
disgusting anti semitism at colleges across the country, at these

universities across the country. Do you think that will impact
the polls on election Day? And then also, you know,
what are kind of the big issues right now that
you guys are focused on and you think the American
people care about the most?

Speaker 3 (20:21):
Yeah, I mean, look, if people can't wake up and
see what's going on right now, I don't know if
they ever will. To be honest with you, Obviously, we
know that the Democrats get the bulk of the Jewish
American vote, and I think that we are.

Speaker 2 (20:36):
Poised to see that change right now.

Speaker 3 (20:38):
And I say that as evidence by friends of mine,
people who I know.

Speaker 2 (20:42):
And yeah, despite popular thought.

Speaker 3 (20:45):
We do have friends who maybe have not voted for
my father, and at least I do. I don't choose
my friends based on politics. I've had a lot of
friends because I lived in New York City for a
long time. But yeah, I've heard from a lot of
people who I don't think voted for my father in
law either of the previous two elections, kind of coming
around and saying, you know what, I can't stand for this,

but these they're you know, these are are proud Jewish
people who are disgusted, quite frankly, by the lack of
response that they've seen out of this White House.

Speaker 2 (21:17):
The fact that we now know that some of the.

Speaker 3 (21:19):
People who've been funding these disgusting displays, these pro terrorists,
pro Hamas, anti Israel protests and riots, quite frankly, have
been some of Joe Biden and Democrats' biggest donors. That's
really sick. So I certainly hope that that we see
a big turnaround here, and I.

Speaker 2 (21:38):
Do believe we will.

Speaker 3 (21:40):
But you ask about the things that we're focused on,
and I think you know, we're just here listening to
everyday people and what's concerning to people. Obviously, you cannot
go to the grocery store and by the same amount
of food for your family right now as you could
when Donald Trump was in office. Inflation has caused everything
to be about twelve twenty percent more expensive just to

live life in this country. Some things more than others,
but wages obviously have not risen to meet the inflation,
and it's causing people a lot of major problems. So
the economy is a huge focus. And obviously we know
who was great for the economy. It was Donald Trump.
People remember when he was president and how much better

things were, how much farther your dollar went, how much
safer we were as a country. You reference the insane
open borders that we have right now. Immigration, as you
saw in all of the primaries across the country, that
was the number one issue for people because I think
people are starting to finally realize you can't have a
country without borders. You can't just allow people to pour
in here and not know who they are. By the millions.

I mean, think about how dangerous it is that. You know,
we saw isis eradicated under Donald Trump. We saw Joe
Biden give terrorists eighty billion dollars worth of military equipment
and just turn it all over to the Taliban. Were
right now have had three hundred people caught coming in
this country just this fiscal year on the terror watch list.

Think about the ones Lisa who came in that we
don't even know about. It is terrifying. So I think
we're focusing on making sure that people understand when Donald
Trump is back in office, your dollar will go farther.
He understands how to bring inflation down. He will keep
us safe as the country. He will restore respect on
the world stage, which man, are we lacking that right now?

Speaker 2 (23:26):
And I think people just.

Speaker 3 (23:28):
Have to reflect back and they have an amazing opportunity
to do it right now, to compare two presidents and
two presidencies, and we have to drive that message home.
We're going to do it every day from now until
November fifth. You're going to hear a lot of that
at our convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin this summer, because it
is really the number one thing we have to talk
about with people. You can compare these two presidents and

is your life better now with Joe Biden in office
or was it better with Donald Trump in office?

Speaker 2 (23:55):
The answer is easy, and we have to save it
for everyone.

Speaker 1 (23:58):
It really probably is the easiest answer, Like, yeah, we
have maybe had before in terms of just things being
so bad under Joe Biden. I mean, I knew he
was gonna be bad, but I I do think I thought.

Speaker 3 (24:10):
Of this bad this quickly and I mean really so
far gone it. That's the scary thing, Lisa, is that
you can't continue this path right We're barely making it
three and a half years into Biden's presidency. I truly
believe another term of what we've seen happen right now
would destroy this country. We're not going to have a
country left on the other side now.

Speaker 1 (24:31):
Donald Trump hassed to win. Laura Trump, co chair of
the R and C. I really appreciate you making the time.

Speaker 2 (24:37):
I really do. Thank you well. Thanks great to be
with you anytime.

Speaker 1 (24:40):
That was Laura Trump, co chair of the rn C,
of course also the daughter in law of Donald Trump.
We appreciate her making the time to join the show.
She's a busy woman. We appreciate her making the time.
Appreciate you guys at home for listening every Monday and Thursday,
but you can listen throughout the week. I also want
to thank John Cassio for putting the show together. Until
next time.
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