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May 9, 2024 • 15 mins

In this episode, Lisa talks with Ryan Walters, the Oklahoma State Superintendent, who covers two main themes: the aftermath of tornadoes in Oklahoma and the impact of the Biden administration's changes to Title IX. Walters discusses the devastation caused by the tornadoes and the efforts to support affected communities. He then explains how the Biden administration's changes to Title IX, specifically regarding transgender students, are causing concern in Oklahoma. Walters expresses his opposition to the changes and discusses the state's decision not to comply with them. He also addresses the potential consequences and pushback from the Biden administration. The Truth with Lisa Boothe is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network - new episodes debut every Monday & Thursday.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Biden administration is continuing its war on women with
its radical transgender ideology. The administration changes to Title nine
are now going to include sexual orientation and gender identity,
essentially eliminating women, also putting young girls at risk in
the women's locker room and with sports as well. So fortunately,
we've got conservative states who are saying, you know what,

we're not complying. We're going to sue, we're going to
fight you, and this is wrong. One of those states
is the state of Oklahoma, and we've got the states
Superintendent who has said, look, we're not complying. We'll talk
to him about what this means for young girls across
the country and why he is saying we won't comply.
Stay tuned for Oklahoma States Superintendent Ryan Waters. Brian, thanks

so much for coming the show. I know that Oklahoma's
been through a lot lately. You know, first, before we
get into the crazy stuff the Biden administration's doing, how
are folks in Oklahoma right now after the tornadoes?

Speaker 2 (01:01):
Well, I appreciate you asking. I'm actually joining here now
from Barnsdoll, Oklahoma, where I was just touring the community
of from a devastating tornado We've got two deaths here, missed,
some missing persons, teachers had their homes completely destroyed and
I mean just completely gone. I just got out and
was in a several blocks that they're just gone. The

homes are gone. So still a search mission going on
here to make sure they found everybody and they're accounted for.
We're trying. We're offering we can put up families and
hotels from the state Department of Education for any kids
that have been displaced. So we're here making sure that
they have a place to stay. We're helping support them
with generators and school supplies, water, food, things like that.

So we're out in these communities trying to make sure,
you know, first of all, they're safe, that they had
a place to stay, have those supplies, and we're trying
to help them close the school year out. You know,
we want kids to you know, be able to have
a graduation, you know, have some sense of normalcy to
end their you know, their school career. So we're really
working with these schools to try to get buses back.
We had a school district that had all fifteen buses destroyed,

so we've been getting buses from all over the state
to help them finish that out, and so just a
lot of destruction here. So we do appreciate thoughts and
prayers for those across the country there.

Speaker 1 (02:15):
We'll certainly be praying for everyone in Oklahoma and you know,
the families who have lost loved ones as well. I
wanted to switch gears, you know a little bit. You know,
you and in the state of Oklahoma have been vocal
and saying, look, you're not going to follow through with
what Joe Biden in this administration is trying to do
on Title nine. For the audience, why don't you just

walk through what Joe Biden's trying to do and how
it's going to impact students across the country.

Speaker 2 (02:41):
Yeah, and Lisa, I'll just be real frank with you
at the beginning, I'm still shocked they went through with it.
You know, we've prepared for this for six months because
we've seen, you know, the Biden administration would pet out
guidance and hey we're looking at doing this and kind
of this forewarning, and we prepped for the worst, which
was what they did. But you know, there was still

part of me that thought, surely there's some common sense
here that they're not going to go through with it,
but that didn't didn't win the day. But so basically
what they did is overnight with Title nine, they said,
we are going to change the definition of female and say, look,
if you identify as a female, now you have all
the protections of a female. So what it does is
it completely turns the Title nine upside down and says, well,

instead of saying, yeah, if you're a young woman, you
should be able to go to a bathroom and know
that you're not going to be in the shower and
a guy walks in. If you're in a school, you
can know I'm going to participate. If it's girls' basketball,
I'm going to compete with girls, right. And what they've
done isntil we turned it upside down. So now states
are facing a threat from the federal government to say,

if you don't comply with these things by allowing boys
in the girl's bathroom, boys and girls sports, we can
take all your federal funding away. Number one. Number two,
they're also saying, so if you miss gender a student,
now you're out of federal compliance. We can come in
and sue you. We could come in and sue an individual,
will teacher or coach for because some boy wakes up

to day and thinks he's a girl. If you don't
say she all of a sudden, now you can find
yourselves in a federal courtroom. It's absurd. You know, we've
made two major statements on this. Number One, we're not
going to comply. So we're not going to comply. You're
not going to bully us for thirty pieces of silver.
We're not going to endanger our young girls. Okay, we're
not going to comply. The second thing we did is

we're the first state department to actually sue the Biden
administration and the Secretary of Education and say, listen, you
did it illegally. You don't have the authority to do it,
so we're not going to follow it. So we're very
proud of that fact. It's time for the states to
stand up against this madness, and we are going to
absolutely do that in Oklahoma.

Speaker 1 (04:40):
Why do you think he's doing this?

Speaker 2 (04:43):
All? Right? List So here, here's here's my best guess. Okay,
at this insanity is I believe that the Biden administration
are completely looking at far left donors and they are
trying to show them that they really do believe in
this gender ideology. Hey, we really are we bow at
the alter of Wochism. We will do it, we really will.

And so in order to get these far left donors
to really pony up for their reelect, I think they said, look,
we're gonna hey, look, we are willing to upend an
entire education system, our school system, in order in order
to move the woke agenda. And then that's the only
thing to make sense. I mean, I'm telling you a
last I've heard from Democrats to go, hey, now I'm

voting for President Trump? Are you kidding me? Like this
is craziness. And so I think that I think it's
a terrible, you know, political miscalculation on their part, but
it just defies common sense. But I just I got
to believe that they think that, you know, some donors
on the West coast maybe are going to really poney
up now that they've gone all in on this agenda.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
And so Oklahoma said, look, we're not complying. So what
does that mean for the state of Oklahoma.

Speaker 2 (05:47):
Yeah, So the first so in that we send a
letter out of every school district and I told them, hey,
we have state law and we have guidance from my
agency that say, you don't allow boys and the girls bathroom,
you don't allow boys and girls sports. So that is
going to be what you are going to comply with,
not a federal dictate that's illegal from the federal government.
So we sent that legal guidance out to all of

our districts to let them know that's the expectation from
our agency, which is the enforcement arm on our schools.
And I'll tell you, Lisa, instantly, I got back email
after email from superintendents. We're red state, and superintendents are
responding thanking me saying when we heard this, we just
couldn't believe it, and we're trying to figure out what
to do. But with me being able to stand between

them and the federal government, hey hey, they know now, Hey,
we're perfectly good to stay in compliance with the state,
not this overreach from the federal government. So it's so
important that states do this because I mean, ultimately the
states till we get President Trump back in the White House,
we have got a stand firm on just some common
sense and fight back against this overreach from the feds.

Speaker 1 (06:50):
What do you think the Biden Administration's going to do?

Speaker 2 (06:52):
And responds, good question, you know, I dare them to
try to make us comply. We're not going to. So,
I mean, they're really kind of at a crossroads here, right,
So are they really gonna jerk federal funding back from
every conservative state? I just don't think they're gonna do it,
you know. And I've told my colleagues we cannot be

fearful of retribution from the federal government on something like this.
That this is absolutely a test case to see how
far they can go. It's a test case to see
how much will people comply with before they push back.
But you know, I think we're an absolutely, you know,
stand off here, and if common sense wins the day

with most states and they stand firm and say we're
not gonna do it, so what are you gonna do?
I don't think they've got the guts to come in
and make us do it, frankly, So that that's where
we have got to stand strong, and that's where I'm
going to continue to stand for the state of Oklahoma.
But I also want other states to continue to join
up where we can push back on this.

Speaker 1 (07:51):
Do you think you'll see any pushback within the state
from any of the school districts, The.

Speaker 2 (07:56):
Teachers Union, you know, the teachers Union. You know, they
love all this nonsense. You know, they push this gender
theory on our schools. They threaten me all the time,
you know, they assume me all the time. So yeah,
you know they'll fight us on it. But you know,
we beat them back every day, so we'll keep doing that.
Other than that, we have some really radical groups that
have descended upon the state, some of these LGBTQ plus

groups from across the country that have demanded my resignation,
you know, for not bowing to the trans woke mob.
But we're just not gonna do it. I mean, it
is such a craze far left minority there. I mean,
they just do not make up much of Oklahoma, and
I don't think they make up most of the country.
And as long as we stand in common sense and

stand firm and don't back down to a woke mob,
you know they're not going to have their way.

Speaker 1 (08:45):
Also, what a confusing message for the Biden ministration to
be sending young people, particularly young women, young girls.

Speaker 2 (08:52):
Absolutely, you at list. I've got to I've got two
young girls, two young boys, and my two oldest daughters.
They are tenness players. They love to play tennis. The
oldest is just nine. They're young, you know, but you
know what when they get out there with boys their age,
the boys are it's a different game, right. And so
you know, I always think about, so are we gonna
wait for my daughter and for every all the parents

across the country. Wait, Let your daughter work hard her
whole life, let her develop, you know, a skilled tennis.
Bask them all whatever it may be. And then all
of a sudden, you know, some boy wakes up a
week before the state championship says, you know what, today,
I feel like a boy, And I mean, what are
we telling young people? I mean, we're gonna allow madness
to win the day. You know that common sense and
truth don't win out, that hard work doesn't matter. If

some you know, woke ideologue wakes up and decides that
they're something else today, I mean, it sends a terrible message.
We have got to fight back. It will destroy girls sports.
It's just it's just absolute madness.

Speaker 1 (09:48):

Speaker 2 (09:48):
The Biden administration. I do think it's really funny. The
Secretary of Education has been hiding under his desk on
this one. He is not out talking about it very much.
I hope you hope you notice that. I mean, I think, yeah,
good luck justifying this, buddy. We had luck going out
there and explaining to people across the country that, yeah,
your girl might have to compete with a boy now
or shower with the boy now, and you just got
to deal with it. I think they're going to have

a lot of trouble explaining in any way that's logical
an explanation for this action. No.

Speaker 1 (10:15):
I mean the I played Field, Docky and the Cross
growing up, so you know the idea of having to
be in the locker room with a man is you know,
it's disgusting and no young girl should be subjected to that.
And I guess this is we live in a crazy world.

Speaker 2 (10:31):
We do, and you know, and it's really sad. You know,
you talk, we talk about you know, what's right, We
talk about common sense truth. You know, at Lisa, even
in a red star like Oklahoma, we had a district
that allowed a boy to go into the girl's bathroom transgender.
Boy goes in there, gets in a fight, beats these
two girls up, very very badly, assault some one of

a breaks or orbital bones on their face, and you're going,
this is a real danger there's a reason why you
don't let boys into rivate spaces in a bathroom, a shower,
locker room with girls. So there's I mean, it's it's
a dangerous policy too. There's a reason why. No, you know, Americans,
we haven't struggled with this ever, u till you know,

a few years ago, when some left wing activists have
just lost their mind. It's common sense, and it's common
sense policy for a reason.

Speaker 1 (11:18):
Well, we also saw in loud In County when you know,
a young girl was raped in the bathroom by a
boy who was pretending to be a girl, you know,
and and so it just puts it just puts girls
in a very vulnerable position, you.

Speaker 2 (11:32):
Know, absolutely, you know, at least in my I was
a public school teacher as my background, and you know,
one of the things we always did is, you know,
you monitored kids, and you didn't want, you know, a
boy to be alone or off somewhere with a girl
because you didn't know if something of sexual assault, something
like that could happen. And to sit here and say, hey,
we're going to basically allow you know, any of that

type of behavior to occur in a bathroom, in a
girls bathroom, We had a district here that allowed this policy,
but we put an end to it, and we had
we had girls that I mean, I talked to the
parent just a couple of weeks ago, said in my
daughter developed, you know, uti infections because she wouldn't go
to the bathroom because there were boys in the bath
I mean just, I mean, insanity has consequences when you

allow policy to be set by people that just have
lost their minds. And so you know, we have absolutely
got to push back against it.

Speaker 1 (12:24):
We've got more with the superintendent. But first, since October seventh,
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That's one word support IFCJ dot org. You know you
had mentioned being a teacher previously, and it puts teachers
in a tough position to say, you know what, I
don't subscribe to this. This is against my belief system.
Or coaches in a tough position as well. I mean,
that's it's a really difficult position to be in for them,

that's right.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
I mean, you know, frankly, it violates their their rights
to express their religious beliefs. I mean to sit here
and say, hey, teacher, if you don't call somebody that's
clearly in front of you a boy. If you don't
call them a girl today, or you accidentally give them
a wrong pronoun or any of that, you can be prosecuted.
I mean, so you're gonna have to say that somebody

is not a gender they are, affirm a lie, or
you're going to be punished for it. It is. It
is an absurd position. And I'm gonna say this too
as a teacher. You know, part of the entrustment of
what teachers do with kids is number one, you keep
them safe, but also that what you tell them is right,
you know, academically sound, but also just truthful and honest.
And when you try to force teachers into starting off

a conversation and starting off a class with a lie,
you know, I've got a four year old and those
difference from boys and girls, and you're gonna walk in
and tell a teacher they have to affirm a lie
to young students. Now that it's just gonna, flat on
its face, undermine the academics of the classroom. And it's

just something that you know, teachers are going to continue
to leave the profession when they're forced into the wocal
let and whatever the far left decides is the new thing.
That they believe today. Now all of a sudden, teachers
have to ascribe to it.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
Well, you know, we're as adults, we're failing, you know,
these kids. So we appreciate people like you and the
State of Oklahoma for standing up and saying, you know what,
we don't comply. We're not falling through this nonsense. Superintendent,
I know you've got a lot going on. We really
appreciate you taking time to join the show, Sir.

Speaker 2 (15:24):
I appreciate it very much. Lisa, thanks for the opportunity,
and thank you for all you do.

Speaker 1 (15:27):
It was Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters. Appreciate what they're
doing in the state of Oklahoma. I want to thank
you guys at home for listening every Monday and Thursday,
but you can listen throughout the week. I also want
to thank John Cassio and my producer putting the show together.
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