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May 4, 2024 15 mins

Tudor discusses the recent protests and riots on college campuses and how they are impacting the political landscape. She highlights the concern of Democrats that these protests are turning people towards conservative politics. Tudor also touches on the comparison between the college protests and the events of January 6th, and how Democrats are using these incidents for political gain. The Tudor Dixon Podcast is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network. For more info visit 

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Welcome to the Tutor Dixon Podcast. This is our quick
weekend update to go over a few of the wild
clips of the week. And I thought this one was
interesting from MSNBC because as we are taking a look
at what's happening across the country at college campuses, you'll
also see that Democrats are freaking out about it. Listen
to what Joe Scarborough had to say on Morning Joe.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
The riots on college campuses, the riots at the Chicago
convention in sixty eight, all of those things moved my
family from being Democrats their entire life to being Republicans.
I remember I was young, and I remember my parents

asking why in the world is going on in this country?
And of course, you know, they were raised in the
Great Depression in rural Georgia. Kind of hard for them.
They hear rich kids on campus of Harvard or taking

over campus is a Columbian Whether if you're offended by this,
please I'm trying to help you. I know what Donald
Trump to get elected a right trying to help you.
If you're too stupid to figure that out, you can
change to another channel.

Speaker 1 (01:21):
He literally just calls his own audience stupid because they
might not recognize that these protests are going to turn
people to the conservative side, even though he admits that
his own family was turned to the conservative side of
politics by protests in the sixties. Now he sees this
instead of condemning the acts. Notice they don't condemn the acts.

They don't say, hey, we have to change things. They
don't mention that this is happening at college campuses because
our kids are being radicalized, or whether or not people
are coming in from terrorist forces and having any type
of influence on our kids. He's literally just saying, look,
I've seen this before. It's turned people into Republicans. That's

his fair. Literally, that's his fair, buddy. I think it
gets even a little better because then you have Al
Sharpton that comes in and he says something that Mika
just cannot handle. How do the Democrats, how do all
of us on that side say January sixth was wrong?

Speaker 3 (02:21):
If you can have the same.

Speaker 1 (02:22):
Pitches going on on college camp don't parallel with Mr
hu that has happened. Though this is MSNBC, Okay, she hears,
this is Al Sharpton saying, Hey, you know, I look
at this. It looks just like January sixth, and she
just freaks out. Don't make a comparison to January sixth,

Why because that's all they have to run on. They
had two issues to run on in twenty twenty four.
One of them was abortion, and they thought that was
going to be their winner. Donald Trump took that away
from them, and they do not know how to handle this.
They were going to put their star Wretchen Whitmer out
there and she was gonna just yuck it up talking

about murdering babies, and it's not gonna work because Donald
Trump took that away. Their fallback has always been January sixth.
My gosh, it was the worst day in history, worse
than anything we'd ever seen.

Speaker 3 (03:15):
How could anybody get past that? Now you've got.

Speaker 1 (03:18):
Al Sharpton, folks, Al Sharpton out there saying this looks
a lot like January sixth, But.

Speaker 3 (03:25):
You know what, you know what was way worse.

Speaker 1 (03:28):
How about Minneapolis in twenty twenty How about that? Because
they're not talking about that. But see, they believe that
that helped them, and I believe it helped them too,
because they pushed people to go out and destroy businesses
and destroy homes and destroy streets in the city. Of Minneapolis,
in Portland, in Seattle, we saw total destruction. We saw

people who had put their entire life savings into their businesses,
these black owned businesses in the minority communities in Minneapolis
that were totally destroyed. And Democrats played this over and
over again on TV, saying, look at what Republicans did.
This is how oppressed people are that now we are

going to glorify destroying these businesses. But guess what, this
doesn't look good for them. And you know why, because
Democrats don't actually care about the communities that are being
destroyed every day by violence by crime, like Minneapolis. They
didn't care about that, and they knew their voters wouldn't

care about it. Their voters would look at it and go,
oh my gosh. Republicans are terrible. But see the difference
here is they look at these universities and they see
their own kids. Right before that clip, Joe was talking,
we have kids in college and I'm worried about this.
I see this and it concerns me because we have
children that age. That's why this is panicking Democrats now,

because now they're voters actually feel it. Those riots in
twenty twenty, they just saw on TV. They didn't feel
it wasn't in their communities. Now they see their own
children at universities, or they see their alma mater, they
see places that they actually care about, because, let's face it,
they don't care about the communities that vote for them.

They care about the things that impact their lives specifically,
and their alma maters have got to be preserved. Now
they see this happening, they don't question who it is.
They're not questioning why these kids all have the same signs.
Where the money came from. Was it Soros, Was it
some terrorist organization? Is it coming directly from Iran? No,

they don't question Joe Biden coming out. Joe Biden comes
stumbling out and starts talking about all what's going on
in college campuses the other day. It's like, he's never
read the speech, and I'd like to tell you, I
think he's never read the speech, but I think he
probably has. But five minutes later he doesn't know he has.
So he gets up there and he's like reading it.

Speaker 3 (06:02):
For the first time.

Speaker 1 (06:02):
He's like, we don't like peaceful, I mean violent protests.
It was a disaster and it's taking over our entire country.
People been calling on him for days to come out
and speak on this, and he comes out and says
very little, just you know, we want it to be peaceful.
They ask if he wants to bring in the national Guard.
He mumbles as he walks out the door, no, which

you know what I actually I think bringing in the
national Guard at this point will cause total chaos on
these college campuses. But I do believe that these presidents
have created a problem that they do not know how
to fix because not only do they have students that
have been radicalized, their professors are the ones that did it.
So now they have a big problem. And I say,

peel back the layers of that onion. Let's go into
these universities and find out what professors have been saying,
what and how much are they getting paid. And if
it's a public university, we have a that those are
our tax dollars that are going to pay people who
are radicalizing our students against the United States. And I

mean these students who are saying death to America, get
rid of America. So who are saying we support samah Hamas,
we are a part of this terrorist organization. If you
are saying these things, and if you are a professor
attached to these things.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
This is not free speech.

Speaker 1 (07:23):
Talking about blowing up the country, talking about getting rid
of America.

Speaker 3 (07:26):
That is no longer free speech.

Speaker 1 (07:28):
That's when the FBI steps in, and that's when the
FBI has to be watching this. Now. Whether or not
the FBI is, we did hear that they know that
there was the wife of a terrorist on Columbia's campus
the other day, so obviously they have some eyes on this.
Christopher Ray is saying, we don't really watch college protests.
This is beyond college protests, folks, We need to watch it.
But I just want to point out again that when

these things happen, the Democrats come in and they pretend
like they care for a minute, or they care about
the communities that they mirror, the communities that they.

Speaker 3 (08:02):
See themselves in.

Speaker 1 (08:04):
Like let's take Lancing for example, because a year ago February,
there was a terrible school shooting in Lancing. I can't
it happened at a school. I don't even want to
call it a school shooting because it was a community
member who wandered onto campus, a community member in Lancing,
which is the seventeenth most violent city in the country.

Speaker 3 (08:28):
We have our.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
Capital and one of our premier universities in Michigan in
the seventeenth most violent city in the nation. Now, the
funny thing about that is you can't move the capitol
and you can't move the university, but you can't prosecute crime.

Speaker 3 (08:44):
And if you want us to.

Speaker 1 (08:46):
Try to tell me, oh, this just happens to be
the seventeenth most violent city in America, there's nothing we
can do about that's bs. There's always something you can
do about crime, always, But the Democrats don't want to
do anything about crime. They'll tell you they do.

Speaker 3 (08:59):
But they're lying.

Speaker 1 (09:00):
And one of the worst ones is Alyssa Slotkin, because
she loves to come out and play the crying game,
and she's boohooing over all of these sad things and
she identifies with these people. And again, let me tell
you when it's any other day in Lancing, which is
filled with crime. Because last year in Lancing we had

twenty four deaths and sixty two non fatal shootings. So
this wasn't like the only opportunity she had to come
out and talk. But when this happened on MSU's campus,
because she knew her constituents would be worried about their kids,
not the other people in Lancing doesn't care about them,
although they probably vote for her too. Listen to what

she had to say. This is it, This is the
press conference, and I.

Speaker 3 (09:44):
Am filled with rage that we have to have another.

Speaker 1 (09:47):
Press conference to talk about our children being killed in
their schools.

Speaker 3 (09:52):
And I would say that you either care.

Speaker 1 (09:55):
About protecting kids where you don't you ever care about
having an open, honest conversation about what is going on
in our.

Speaker 3 (10:01):
Society or you don't.

Speaker 1 (10:04):
Yeah, you either care about having an open and honest
conversation about what's happening in our society or you don't.

Speaker 3 (10:11):
Hey, I'll hold you to that, Melissa.

Speaker 1 (10:14):
Why are you not talking to the prosecutors and lanting
to make sure that we don't have these criminals back
on the streets because what happened at MSU could have
been prevented. It could have been prevented if we were
allowed to have an open and honest conversation about what's
happening in society. And that is that Democrats are electing

soft on crime prosecutors and they are allowing these people
back on the streets who then commit.

Speaker 3 (10:41):
Murders and rapes.

Speaker 1 (10:42):
And horrendous acts across the board, and it's all because
of Democrats who are allowing it to happen. And you
fall into that category, and so does that woman smirking
behind you, because guess what. In twenty nineteen, the Michigan
State Police brought Gretchen Witmer report that said, this is
how we believe we keep our schools safe. Let me

tell you, this is before the Oxford shooting. This is
before Ethan Crumbly and his parents and these lawsuits and
all these court cases, and all of these kids lost
their lives and families were changed forever and they didn't
have to be because Gretchen Whitmer had a plan. Had
that plan been followed, it was very likely that that

never would have happened at Oxford. So when these phonies
stand up in front of you, the moment they see
crime that affects them because let me remind you, the
minority community right behind them that deals with this every day,
they don't give a crap about them. They're not out
there every time there's a shooting. They're not out there

talking about how they're boohooing about Lancing being seventeenth most
violent city in America. How Detroit is the number five
most violent city in America. You don't see them boohooing
about that. But once they think that the average suburban
mom is going to be concerned about her kid at school,
they're crying the blues about that.

Speaker 3 (12:09):
Little do you know, they.

Speaker 1 (12:11):
Have the blueprints in the front drawer of their desk
to tell them how to keep our kids safe.

Speaker 3 (12:19):
But it doesn't jive with.

Speaker 1 (12:20):
Their idea of no policing and no prosecuting and soft
on crime politics doesn't jive with that.

Speaker 3 (12:28):
So when the rubber meets the road, keeping your.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
Kids safe doesn't mean crap to them because it doesn't
keep them in power. You heard Joe Scarborough say it.

Speaker 3 (12:41):
I'm warning you.

Speaker 1 (12:43):
This looks bad because the suburban moms that we so need,
that we thought we were going to get with abortion,
are now seeing this and they are freaking out because
we're not keeping them safe.

Speaker 3 (12:58):
So you've got to you've got to be careful right now.

Speaker 1 (13:01):
If I'm offending you be an idiot, go to another channel,
but listen to me, because this is the kind of
stuff that's going to get conservatives into power.

Speaker 3 (13:10):
We can't let that happen.

Speaker 1 (13:11):
Why because they might actually protect your kids. They might
actually care to make sure your kids are safe, and
they might actually protect the country against terrorism. Because what
he was talking about with Vietnam, he said, Oh, I
think Vietnam was an unjust war and we should have
been protesting that. Those kids were protesting war. These kids

are asking for it. It's a difference. This radicalization of
our college students today is a big difference than protests
we saw in the sixties. So this could get a
lot worse. And I know what they're thinking. School is
almost over.

Speaker 3 (13:48):
In a few weeks.

Speaker 1 (13:48):
School will be over, college campuses will be done, some
of them will be finished next week. Thank goodness, we
can get into summer. Well, guess what, as soon as
that convention for the DNC occurs in Chicago, you are
going to have protests like you have never seen in
the beautiful city of Chicago, where people are going to

be out there and they are going to be in
full force because they are pro Hamas. It's a new
world in the United States of America where we have
young people who have been radicalized to.

Speaker 3 (14:22):
The point that they are out there chanting.

Speaker 1 (14:25):
In support of one of the most notorious terror operations
in the entire world Democrats. Oh, they're pissing their pants
right now, and I guess they deserve it. So we'll
see what happens come this summer. But that's what we
wanted to give you an update on for the clip

of the week on this weekend update. This is the
Tutor Dixon Podcast. I'm glad you tuned in today and
I would ask you to check us out at Tutor
disonpodcast dot com, the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever
you get your podcasts and join us next time on
the Tutor Dixon Podcast.

Speaker 3 (15:03):
Have a blessed day.
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