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May 15, 2024 27 mins

Congresswoman Virginia Foxx discusses the importance of education and the challenges facing college campuses today. She emphasizes the need to support Israel and highlights the attacks they are facing. Congresswoman Foxx shares her personal background and how education played a crucial role in her success. She also addresses the issue of disruptive protests on college campuses and calls for college presidents to take a stand against such behavior. The Tudor Dixon Podcast is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network. For more visit

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Tutor Dixon Podcast. I'm excited today because
we do have Congresswoman Virginia at Fox from North Carolina's
fifth district with us today. I want to talk to
her all about education. She is the chairwoman of the
House Committee on Education and the Workforce. It's an important
conversation because she's done a lot of work to ensure

that we are not wasting money anymore. But also she
has a lot to talk about what's going on on
these college campuses today. You probably saw over the weekend
we had students that were screaming and protesting and running
out of the commencement ceremony at Duke University. I just
want to make it clear it was not the majority.
It was well broadcasted across the country. It was not

the majority. There were also people who were very supportive
of their speaker, Jerry Seinfeld, who came onto the campus
to give the commencement speech, and it was very well received.
But we do have these few, very loud people who
are getting a lot of attention, and really that's why
it is so important to support our friends over in
Israel right now. Remember, since October seventh, the attacks in

Israel have increased. Iran and its proxies are continuing to
launch attacks against the Israelis. They're living with the harsh
reality of terror every single day, and guys, I want
you to know you can support them. The International Fellowship
of Christians and Jews are on the ground right now
addressing all of their urgent needs. And that's why I'm
partnering with IFCJ today. While praying for the best, IFCJ

is preparing for the worst by packing emergency bomb shelter
kits that can be delivered immediately to those in desperate need,
and your life saving donation today will help assemble and
place these kids with enough food and life saving emergency
supplies for twenty people huddled in a bomb shelter. The
cost to put these together and distribute them is two

hundred and ninety dollars each. Your gift right now will
help save people's life, and thanks to a matching challenge
gift from our generous IFCJ supporter, your gift will double
an impact to help provide twice the support. The number
to call is eight eight eight four eight eight I
f CJ. Again, that's eight eight eight four eight eight

I f CJ or four three, two five, or you
can always go online support IFCJ dot org to give again,
that's one word, support IFCJ dot org to give. I
want to bring in the congresswoman now, Congresswoman Fox, thank
you so much for being on you. Hear us talking
about needing to support the folks in Israel, but we

also need to support people here on the ground in
the United States, don't we.

Speaker 2 (02:42):
Yes, we do. And what's happening on these campuses is
just unconscionable to there is. It is terrible, And as
you mentioned yesterday at Duke, my understanding was it was
only about thirty students, and in many ways I wish
they didn't get any attention because there's such a small

group of them, because that takes away attention from the
people who wanted to be there. And my understanding is
that Jerry Seinfeld said nothing about Israel, said nothing political.
He has always stayed away from political things. He wants
to be a comic and that's what he is. He
has a child graduating, He had a child graduating yesterday.

Am I understanding another child there? But I'm really proud
of Duke University and how the people handled it there.

Speaker 1 (03:35):
I think it was phenomenal, and I agree with you
on the point that these people should not be getting
the attention that they are getting. However, on the flip
side of that, I will say it doesn't seem to
be doing well for the Democrats in polling right now.
You have Joe Biden who can't seem to figure out
where he stands on this issue, which I think is
shocking to me because, like you said, it's a small,

loud minority. It's not a majority of people, and it
should not be getting the attention that it is. And
I think even as I watched the leftist media, they're
a little panic that it is getting the attention, and
I think they're getting panicked that the universities are getting
the attention. You have an interesting take on this because
of your background. Can you get into your background a

little bit so people understand why education is so important
to you.

Speaker 2 (04:22):
Absolutely. I grew up in the mountains of North Carolina.
Moved there when I was six and a half years
old from New York. My mother's family was from there.
I grew up in houses and with no electricity and
no running water, and I knew from early in my
life that getting a good education and working hard. In

this country, you could be successful, You could get out
of poverty. My husband had a similar situation, even worse
than I. He was living in a bus when I
met him tutor, and he was in college. So we
came from deep, deep poverty. Working hard and getting a
good education is the key to success in this country,

the working hard part along with the education, and so
all my life what I've tried to do is provide
that opportunity for other people. I worked in education. I
was on a school board for twelve years. I was
an administrator at a university, I was an assistant dean,
and I became the president of community college. So my

whole life has been devoted to helping people get a
good education. That doesn't always mean getting a baccalaureate degree.
My brother told me he didn't want to get a
baccalaureate degree. He wanted to be a carpenter, and so
I arranged for an apprenticeship program for him, so he
got his journeyman license. What people need in this country

is a good education, as I said, and certification most
of the time. But I'm very interested in that, and
my whole life has been devoted to that I got
to Congress. I got a chance to be on the
Education Committee, and now I'm the chair for the second time,
which is a phenomenon. I had to get a waiver

from the Republicans in the House to do that. But
I'm working very, very hard on improving what is happening
in education in our country, lowering the costs of an education,
and helping more students complete both a baccalaureate degree as
well as any other degree or diploma or certification that

they want to get. It's a great honor for me
coming from where I came from. But Tudor, that's what
this country's about. It's about anybody being willing to work
hard and get a good education, they can be successful.

Speaker 1 (06:49):
You know, I hear in your background. I love what
you're saying because you have sort of this good reputation
in Congress for being a no nonsense, get down to business,
hardcore congress woman, and I love that about you. You
recently had an interaction at the elevator. I want to
play that and then I want to talk to you
about that. So here it is.

Speaker 2 (07:10):
Thinking about I've got things to do, and why do
you think aunt symtism.

Speaker 1 (07:15):
Is the problem, and not Auntie Islamophobia.

Speaker 2 (07:19):
You're not welcome on this elevator. It's a members of
sorrying a lot of so many young people. Why are
you attacking children and teachers who are just trying to
speak to all Why are you having that.

Speaker 1 (07:39):
Appreciate that about you because you have You've lived what
you what you just said about coming from poverty. You
have lived a no nonsense life where you had to
fight to get to the point where you can ride
that elevator. And I appreciate what you've done, but I
also think it's important for us to sometimes just say this,

it's not your place.

Speaker 2 (08:01):
Correct. That was a group from Code Pink. They had
already disrupted our hearing that we were having. They most
of them wear pink clothes, but they're known all over
Congress for coming in and disrupting meetings. The police have
to take them out, They stop hallways. They're nothing but obstructionists,

and it's just unfortunate. We have about one out of
every twenty elevators in the buildings are there for us
because we're always in a hurry. I was late for
a meeting. I was leaving one meeting going over to
the floor to speak, and so I didn't have time
for that foolishness with them. And all they want to

do is ask you gotcha questions, and it's not what
we need to be wasting our time on. There were
police around the corner, but they didn't hear me, But
fortunately the young man took them off elevator so that
I could go on with my work.

Speaker 1 (09:04):
We've become a society where we think this is okay, though,
where we allow people to come up, and I think
too often there are people that are willing to engage
because they like the notoriety, they like getting out there
on social media and being that person. And I think
you have such a valuable lesson to teach that it
is time to buckle down, get to business, forget about

all of the noise, all of the Twitter fame, and
focus on getting things done. When you look at these
college presidents, because you've been a community college president, and
when you see what's happening on these college campuses, why
aren't they doing that same thing. Why aren't they saying
we don't have time for this. Get out?

Speaker 2 (09:44):
Well, you know that's what I said to the college
president that we've had in for hearings. I met for them.
I have a time, and I told all of them
get a spine. Why understand and explain moral larity to people.
What these students are doing in their protests, stopping classes,

threatening Jewish students, keeping them from going to class is wrong.
And I even asked one of the presidents, do you
have children. If you have children, you know how to
handle these people. They are children, basically, you know, and
you have to teach them the difference between right and wrong,

and you know, Tootor When we had the press conference
up at Columbia, I had a one minute speech to make,
and I knew I had better stick to the script.
But when I looked out at those students down below
us and at the encampment, what I wanted to say
is what a bunch of juvenile delinquents you people are
And your parents are paying ninety thousand dollars a year

for you to attend this institution, which is supposed to
be quote an elite end quote institution, and here you
are just acting like a bunch of again juvenile delinquents.

Speaker 1 (11:03):
Let's take a quick commercial break. We'll continue next on
the Tutor Dixon podcast. Well, and the other thing that
I keep hearing from these college presidents and from local
news stations is these aren't the actual students. Some of
them are students, but they're being organized by these people
who are in their late thirties early forties who are
coming on the campus. This is shocking to me because

I'm in Michigan. Just a year ago or a little
bit over a year ago, we had the horrible shooting
at Michigan State's campus by someone who wandered onto campus
who was not a student, and students have said, we
haven't heard from the state government about what they're going
to do to make Michigan States campus more safer, to
make sure that we don't have this situation. And now

here I see college campuses across the country who are
allowing people to organize students and who knows what they're
going to do. Why is there not a safety issue
with these people who aren't students living on the campus
in a tent.

Speaker 2 (12:00):
Well, that's what should have happened at all these schools.
And when they did arrest these people, two thirds of
them and in most cases are not affiliated with the universities.
You mentioned thirty forty year olds. There's one woman at
Columbia in her sixties, and she's being paid three hundred

dollars a day for going out and organizing them. And
if you look closely at the videos there at Columbia,
you can see her directing all of the activity. And
there's a big article that has just come out in
a magazine called Tablet that I read last night about
the interaction of all of these foundations and different groups

that are fomenting this aggression on these campuses. And it's wrong,
and it's the students. You know, Rush Limbaugh used to say,
they have brains of mush and they need to be developed,
and they don't know in many cases what they're doing.
They're easily influenced. I don't excuse them. I do not

excuse them for doing illegal things, but they're easy to
be influenced by these other people who have been educated
in these Marxist tactics over the years. This has been
going on for a long time. The preparation for these
encampments have been happening for a long time. Toodor. This

is nothing that just happened overnight, And you can trace
it back again to the nineteen sixties in many cases,
but even before that, we've got Marxists doing this.

Speaker 1 (13:44):
The brains of mush are the easiest ones to form
and determine how they're going to move forward. And I
think that if you look back at history, as you're saying,
the sixties, but I mean even if you're looking at
other countries and empires that take over in communist dictator
that rise up, they always go for the youth. And
it's interesting if you talk to some of the people
who have seen the changes in China over the last

several decades, they will say that even the youth, we're
turned against their parents, which we are seeing today, the
youth turned against their parents and saying no, if you
don't comply, we're going to cut you off. I mean,
how do we not see what's really going on? How
do people continuously choose to not look back at history
and not see this.

Speaker 2 (14:29):
Well, As we've said, there's an old saying if we
don't understand history, we are condemned to repeat it. And
that's important that people do make the connections between what's
happening in other countries and what's happening here and what's
happened in the past. And as always followed, the money,
who is paying for this and you will see that

there are people with nefarious reasons for doing all of
these things. They want to tear down our country. The
sad thing about it is they don't really have a
good replacement for it. This is the greatest country in
the world. I'll say that over and over and over again.
There has never been a place where people have had

so much opportunity, and there's never been a country that
has done so much good across the world. We have
made inventions, we have cured diseases, We've done all of
these things found in the United States, and we've exported
them to other countries, in most cases free of charge.

We are a wonderful country, and for the most part,
people here are wonderful. You know. I come home every
weekend and I'm out and about with the people I represent.
I gave a Lincoln Day speech, Lincoln Reagan Day's speech
Saturday night to a group of people just over the

border in Tennessee, and I'm so glad I did, because
I was in vigorated by them and by their down
to earth philosophy and their commitment to doing good.

Speaker 1 (16:08):
Well, and what you said about the country and people's
commitment to doing good when you are doing good, and
when you are the one bastion of protection and goodness
across the world, the enemy is at its strongest and
that's when the knives are out to take you down.
And like you said, there is no other country that's

stepping into this role. There's nobody else. Once the United
States goes down, which I don't believe it will, but
that's the goal, is to take it down, and it's
not a good, beautiful place anymore. There's nobody standing in
the way. And that's what President Trump has said so
many times. They're not after me, they're after you. I'm
standing in the way. I mean, that's the entire country

right now. We need people who are standing like yourself,
like President Trump, who are standing in the way and
saying no. One of the things that I think is
so alluring from the left is that they're willing to
give you free things. They're willing to buy your vote.
And right now we see Joe Biden doing that with
the student loan program, which he's already been shut down on,

and I think people weren't really understanding this's like why
he got shut down, but he's doing it again. So
talk to us a little bit about HR. Six ninety
five one and what you're doing there.

Speaker 2 (17:23):
Well, first of all, let me say something about the
student loan issue, and then I'll come to the College
Costs and Reduction Act. The Supreme Court told President Biden
he could not pay off those loans as he had
said he was going to do. But they're ignoring the
Supreme Court. This is another situation that people have to

understand too. There's never been an administration that has been
so lawless as this one. They completely defile the law.
They say that words in laws mean one thing that
can never had any re wanting to be Those words

were not meant to be used the way the administration
is using them. You know, when we file a bill,
we file committee reports and we explain what we mean.
And so what they're doing is they're twisting words. Of
course they're very good at that. So what we're doing
with the College Costs and Reduction Act, and it's a
great bill. It does so many good things that the

people in this country are interested in. Number One, it
stops the Department of Education from paying off loans that
they're not authorized to pay off. We will maintain a
loan program at the federal level. Now, if I had
my way about it, let me state, I would get
the federal government completely out of education. The word education

is not in the Constitution as a responsibility for the
federal government. However, I know I can't do that, So
I'm going to do everything I can to make the
federal government transparent and accountable to the American people. So
the College Cost Reduction Act will first of all, stop
the Department from doing lawless things. Then what we do

is we put a focus on the colleges and universities
and we force them to give parents and students information
about college and what it's going to cost, how long
it's going to take to get a degree, what is
the likelihood that you will get a job with the
major that you came into, And it shares with them

their financial aid in a very understandable way. Right now,
many schools are misleading students about their financial aid. They're
not presenting their financial aid situation to them properly, and
so they get fooled into borrowing money thinking that they're
getting grants. So it's all about transparency and accountability. We

know this will bring down the cost of college, and
we know that it'll make the colleges more accountable. And
by the way, if the colleges don't do what they're
supposed to do, they'll be on the hook for some
of the debt that the students incur if when they
graduate they can't get a job with their major and
pay off their debt. So it's a really, really good bill,

and I hope to pass it in the House before
the August three, says I now have ninety six co
sponsors for the bill, which is a lot post sponsors
for a bill like this coming in out of the
Education Committee. But the American people have awakened to the
problems in the colleges and universities, and so have members

of Congress.

Speaker 1 (20:50):
I mean the fact that we've just kind of ignored this.
But there's no other situation in the world or in
this country where you can take a loan with no
prime have been able to pay it back. I mean,
you are scrutinized all of your income everything. If you
take this loan, you have to be ensured that you
are going to pay it back. But this has gotten

out of hand and instead we just want to gift
it over to students. Oh yeah, we're going to let
this go Joe Biden doing this right now. To me,
I think that this is also a critical mistake in
his campaign because the young people are turning against him,
The people he's paying their education off are turney against him,
and the people who have paid their own education off

and are going to have to pay for these young
students are not happy about this.

Speaker 2 (21:37):
Well, and to let me just say, some of these
people are young, but some of these people are in
established position and established professions, and a large segment of
them make over three hundred thousand dollars a year. What
Biden is trying to portray is that these are all

struggling young people straight out of college. That's not true.
Some of these people have been out of college ten
twenty years and they have not paid back their loans,
and they're capable of paying back their loans. But that's
and you're right, people are turning against him because what
he's doing is transferring that from thirteen percent of the population.

It's only thirteen percent of the population that has these debts,
and he wants you and me and the other eighty
seven percent of the population, most of whom did not
go to college. You know, only about thirty percent of
the people in this country have college degrees, and yet
they're asking the people who chose. Some chose not to

go to college because they wanted to go into other professions.
And I call every working person in this country a professional,
because if you are working and you're making a living,
you're a professional. And I think that's important to talk about.
But those people chose not to go to college for
many reasons. Some went to college, maybe for a short time,

some and didn't borrow money. Some are like I am.
It took me seven years to get my undergraduate degree
because I worked full time and went to school part time.
And then there are many who paid off their loans,
or many whose parents worked two jobs to have enough
money to pay for their college. But those are the
people who are being shafted by what Biden wants to do,

and those are the people we hope will vote against
him this fall. But we have to understand this is
going to be a very tight election. It's not going
to be easy for President Trump to win again, and
it's going to be very important that everybody remember how
they've been treated by the Trump administration.

Speaker 1 (23:56):
Well, and that's why we do this. Let's take a
quick commercial break. We can continue next on a Tutor
Dixon podcast. I think it's so important to continually educate
people and remind them of what's happening, because I think
that people don't necessarily have all the information right at
their fingertips. Before I let you go, you've talked a
lot about the educate the Department of ED. You've called

on the Education Secretary to resign a couple of times
now because you say that he is mishandling tax dollars.
He hasn't taken care of this situation with colleges in
title nine is just ridiculous. What's happening there. Tell us
a little bit about that before we let you go.

Speaker 2 (24:35):
Sure, the whole department has been totally incompetent, and he's
the head of the department, so it's his responsibility. We
haven't even talked about the FACA. The FACA is the
application form that students fill out for financial aid. It
was supposed to be Congress simplified it over three years ago,

gave it to the department to implement, could not implement
it right now. It looks like as many as thirty
percent of students who were planning to go to college
this fall won't be going because they have no idea
what their financial aid situation is. The Face is a
disaster and people all over the country know it. Another

thing is the department has failed its audit two years
in a row. KPMG has gone in and said they're
in such a mess, we can't audit them. My goodness,
this apartment have done nothing right. I went through a
litany of things. I think I gave the secretary five

f's in our hearing last week. And you know, I
am a former teacher, and when you get five f's,
that's pretty bad. That means you should If you're in college,
you probably should should get out, or if you're the secretary,
you should resign.

Speaker 1 (25:56):
Absolutely, I one hundred percent agree with you, and I
agree with you on making sure that we know people
need to get out there and vote, because this is
the kind of stuff that will continue if you don't
get out there and vote. And I see every day,
like even over the weekend, I saw everybody talking about
look at all the people that came out to the
rally in New Jersey, and I said, you know what,
they did it the last time too. You still have

to have a ground game. You still have to get
people out, make sure you take advantage of voting early,
getting those absentees back, and making sure people get to
the polls that I just can't say that enough.

Speaker 2 (26:30):
Well, we have a great country again. I always want
to emphasize that, and I agree with you. I don't
think it's going to be destroyed, but it's up to
the people to keep that from happening. I can do
my part, you can do your part, but educating the
public is so important and that's what I try to

do every day, and I appreciate you doing that too.

Speaker 1 (26:54):
Congresswoman Virginia Fox, thank you so much for being on today.

Speaker 2 (26:58):
Thank you for having me toutor God continue to bless you.

Speaker 1 (27:02):
Thank you so much, and thank you all for joining
us on the Tutor Dixon Podcast. Head over to Tutor
diixonpodcast dot com to subscribe, or go to the iHeartRadio app,
Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts and join
us next time, have a blessing.
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