All Episodes

April 13, 2022 31 mins

Two fit and fantastic contestants bring their best in this nail-biter of a game! Elliott tells us why his favorite baseball players are the ones who look like they need a hug!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Ib Are you as excited as I am for this
week's episode about Jackie Robinson and Jacques Cousteau, two grates
that moved bravely into uncharted waters. Something about you being
in full Scooba gear tells me you are. Yes. I
am wearing my Dodgers hat. My son and I are
big Dodger fans. It seems like a lot of work

to get into full Scooba gear for the episode. Why
didn't you just wear Jacques Cousto's signature red stocking cap? What? WHOA? What?
I said? Because I was having a good hair day. Okay, Eric,
will you please play us in What do you think

you know about? The game? Is to get some energy
and burkle up your brain? Because it's time to play
the most podcast because it's sound live from Tom Baland
or so called So Cow Los Angeles. Welcome to Who Was?

The History quiz show that gives contestants the chance to
win mega prizes and podcast Glorie, I'm your announcer, b
who puts the B in benefer And here's your host
a turn signal in human form, it's Elliott Kaylin, Thank
you be. I'm gonna take it us a compliment and
welcome everyone to Know Who Was podcast. You know, the

show is like Jeopardy, only with surprise guests, silly games,
and a Devil May Care host. Thank you. Our contestants
were sent Who Was books about two great figures from history.
Now they're here to show off their knowledge in the
hopes of winning fantastic prizes. Today we're talking about Jacque
coin Staux and Jackie Robinson or is I like to
say Jackie is Jacques because it sounds like a French

New Way film. So true, foe, that's a French film job.
Now let's get to know our contestants. First up, we
have Abastus Augustus. Will you please tell us a fun
fact about yourself? All, I love faithball and I'm a
tap dancer. Have you ever thought about combining the two
and playing baseball? But you have to tap along the

baseline to get between the bases. That's a good idea.
Thank you. I'll have to try that one day. Please do,
and if it works, give me the credit. I would
really appreciate. It would get my sports dance career off
and running. And also joining us today, we have Milo Milo.
Please introduce yourself. I'm Milo I love baseball and I

love comedy. You know, Milo, have you ever thought about
combining the two? And so you have to run but
in like a funny way between the basis not really
all right? Well think about it again. I'm trying to
get this sports comedy career off the ground, so anything
you can do to help me would be much appreciated.
Thank you. Yeah, there's also a movie that combines U that.

It's a I think it's called is it Major League
Feel of Dreams something like that? Um? Is it a
League of their Field of dream Zone. It's called Angels
in the Field of Dreams Baseball, the movie based on
the novel of the same name coming to a theater
near you. Thank you both, and thank you to Eric
Are musician for providing that lovely live Meet the Contestants music.

So that's who is. Now let's find out who was.
Jacques Cousteau, with four fast Facts, invented scuba gear in
nineteen forty three, one multiple film awards for his underwater
documentaries in the nineteen fifties and sixties, pioneered important oceanic
research fund to protect the ocean for future generations. Pets,

as Jacques might say, Bama or not bad. Speaking of
not bad, let's move on to our first game. It's
called true or false? True or false? Is false? Is
it false? Or is the true? Is the truth that
it was false? It was true? Or true? True orful?
Thank you Eric for this game. B will read a statement.

You the contestant who has asked the statement or told
the statement, Well, then let us know if the statement
is true or false for one point each. First question
is for Milo, take it away be Jacques would one
day win Academy Awards, but his first film was recording
his cousin's wedding? Is this true or false? That is true?

You're right, that is true. Jacques had an early love
of filmmaking, and his first movie was actually his cousin's wedding.
Jacqu went on to have a great film career. No
word if his cousin's marriage was as long or as illustrious.
We can only hope. Next question is for you, Augustus.
When it came to transportation, Jacques was a triple threat.

He could get around just as well flying a plane,
driving a fast car, or captaining a boat. True or false? True,
You're right, that's true. Jacques thought he might become a pilot.
When he was younger, an injury prevented him from going
pro A swimming regime was prescribed to help from recover,
which led to his amazing career in the exact opposite

of the sky, the ocean. Next question is for Milo
be taken away. Jacque named his diving apparatus Scuba because
he developed it while diving off the coast of Cuba.
So when people ask which country was responsible for his
new suit, he'd answer a skullaw to think that might
be false, as amazing as it would have been. You're right,

it is false. That's true. That's correct. Scuba actually stands
for self contained underwater breathing apparatus, which means I guess
that the country Cuba's name stands for contained underwater breathing apparatus.
That's just how I understand it. Yeah, we'll have to
fact check that. Yeah. Next question is for Augustus. True
or false. Jacques had a hit documentary TV series called

The Weird and Wacky Jackie that showed him playing pranks
on fish, squid, and sea turtle. That's right, it was false.
He had a TV show called The Undersea World of
Jacques Pusteau that showed life underwater and help people to
understand why it was important to protect our oceans and seas.
He did not frank fish, although the weird and wacky

Jackie definitely sounds like priss DG DV to me, I
would watch it. How do you even frank a fish
of true? True? And that's the end of the game.
We'll never know how to prank of fish, I guess
Producer Jane, what are our scores? Elliott? You might be
shocked to find out both of our contestants made a
great splash with that first game. They're tied up to Nice.

It's truly anyone's game, anyone's game that was especially Augustus
or Mile because they're the ones playing it right. Yes,
the yeah, wait do you hear that it sounds like
someone breathing underwater? Well, yeah, and it's not me. I'm
out of my diving gear and into my evening where

lady and gentlemen, everyone listening at home. It's Jacques Cousteau himself.
May we I am here, but the cords by way
of the who what? Who was that you wanted to
meet someone in the past. Indeed, yes, I wanted to

chat more about my best invention, and perhaps the best
invention ever in the history of inventions, self contained underwater
breathing apparatus or the Scubah. Wow, we I'm so proud
of this device. Did you know that it was one
of many pieces of undersea equipment I invented to help

in the French Navy's War Afrie And speaking as a
lover of acronyms, it is such a cool acronym. It
was much better than the other acronyms I came up
with before I settled down SCU B A scuba. I
had a couple of other ideas, but all of my

friends told me that the acronyms made them sound how
you say bad? Come on, it's such a great invention.
The acronyms couldn't have been that bad. Will you be
the judge. The first name idea I had was Jacques
underwater not a co kiit or j U n K joke,
and it is not junk. It is the opposite of junk.

Another one was underwater necessary container of oxygen lifesaver or
U n c O l un cool. But breathing underwater
is track tray tray cool. Yeah, and then there was
this one which I don't think it's an actual word,

but people still told me it sounded weird. The sure
Fire Underwater Security s U s SUS. I don't know,
Elliott Jacques doesn't seem sus to me. I'm not so,
I promise, but you can see why after all that
trial and error we went with s C. You'll be

a scoop. But when you're trying something new, the important
thing is not that you don't make mistakes, but that
you learn from them. That is very well put. Jock. Yeah.
I know when you're out at sea you have a
lot of time to stare into the middle distance and contemplate.
But I have a question for our contestine. Please ask away.

They'll be great. I love taking adventures. As I said,
when one man has the opportunity to lead an extraordinary life,
he has no right to keep it to himself. And
I wonder what are the most fun adventures these young people. Well,
we'll give our contestants a moment to ponder that as
they stare into the middle distance, and we'll be right

back after this short break. Eric, play us out with
some underwater music. Please yea anglerfish, We're back with the

Who Was Podcast? Today we're learning all about Jackie Robinson
and are in studio guest Jacques Gusto. Back to your host,
Elliot Kaylin, Thank you be Jacques. What was it that
you asked our contestants just before the break? Well, Elliott
I was wondering what is one of their most favorite
adventures that they have taken? Them saves, so real life

adventures that are real contestants have really had. Augustus, Let's
start with you. What's what's one of your favorite adventures? Well,
technically I am Colonel and Canada because we technically crossed
the invisible line between the United States and Canada when
Canada was closed. I didn't know that because the driver

of the he just said, okay, now we're in Canada now.
So I don't know if that makes us an international
FEU didn't, but I sure hope not. Were they chasing
you when you had to leave? Was there like a
Canadian mountie? Yeah? Were the mounties on a horse on
a boat? Yeah? Yeah, Well they didn't they didn't see us.
There were a lot of salmon fishers, but they didn't

see us, and they weren't like Lores a get out
of Canada, Canada, Stuffy leave the French to Jacques. Okay, yeah,
it was a mistake of me. Well, Augustus, we really
appreciate you were coming out of hiding to to be
on the show today, uh, knowing that you could be
risking your very freedom. Thank you. It's an exciting adventure.

And Milo, do you also have an adventure? It doesn't
have to be one that involves being an international criminal,
but it should involve salmon fishers. Yeah, it's possible. So
we went to Portugal just like a very fun vacation
and one day where it was really raining part and
and it's amazing as your thing, it's like an enter

and it was so good. Well did I have like
a topping on it? And wasn't more like a chocolate
thing or a caramel or a car amount or like
a berry thing or yeah, it just was flat and
it's just so good. I mean, a dessert adventure is
a pretty great adventure. I'm a surprise was raining and
portual because I was always under the instanding the rainfall

mainly in Spain, in Spain which is just right next door.
But that's I mean, that sounds like a delicious adventure
and frankly safer in the short term than being on
the run from Canadian salmon fisherman, but less safe in
the long run because you should always eat healthily kids, right, yeah,
watch that cholesterol. So we both had some dangerous adventures
today from our contestants. Very exciting. Well, thank you both

for sharing your stories. Jacques, let's take it back to you.
We have some French people in Canada. I don't believe
they told me anybody snuck in, so perhaps if you
were not seen, but listen, I must have been going.
Make sure to protect the oceans. Kids. Thank you for
having me and thanks again forgetting me here. Who what's appy?

Always such a pleasure to meet dead people vietnapp? Yes,
investing in those app developers was a real home run
if you ask me. And speaking of home runs, excellent
Segway b. Thank you. Let's get to know more about
our other famous figure, Jackie Robinson with four fast facts
fast gas, broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball

in nineteen star college athlete who excelled in many sports,
the only retired jersey number across all Major League Baseball
teams in all of American sports history. Civil rights Pioneers.
So I mentioned at the top of the show, my
son and I are big baseball fans, and specifically Dodger fans,

because we're in Los Angeles, and I'm wondering if our
contestants are sports fans. Are you you like to play
baseball or you like to watch baseball? Because I know
you're both baseball fans. I definitely both. Yeah, both. And
in fact, if my grandfather was alive, I don't think
he would like you because he was a huge Brooklyn
Dodgers fan. Oh few, I thought you were gonna say

he didn't like people wearing glasses. I was like, that's
not very nice. It's possible. You know, he probably wouldn't
like you because of the Doggers, because he was a
huge Doggers fan when they were in Brooklyn. But then
when he was alive, he hated the guy who moved them.
Oh yeah, they broke his heart by moving from from
Brooklyn to Los Angeles. I understand that I also broke

a couple of hearts when I moved from Brooklyn to
Los Angeles. I'll tell you that much. The city is
still really is the team that people loved, ay those
don Yankees, but Augustus. I gotta ask, who's your favorite
Yankees player of all time, whether or not you got
to see them in real life. I'm probably say Marianna Rivera. Oh,

Marianna Rivera's where I did get to see Mariann Rivera
play and it was astounding. It was just it was amazing.
But my question is, can this Rivera person can they
tap dance on the diamond on the court, on the
baseball court. I don't know. Well, he well he didn't
really run the bases as a as a closing picture,
but you know it's but maybe he tapped it, maybe
tap danced up to the up to the mound each time. Yeah,

when I was younger, I was a Yankees fan before
was a Dodgers fan, and I always liked Chuck Moblock
because he really needed a hug. It always looked like
he needed a hug. There are some baseball players and
football players that just looks so sad like today, So
you know who he is, Chad Green. He always looks
like he's about to cry and just breaks my heart. Well,

that's very sweet. It's hard work being an athlete, hard
work being a baseball player, and you know, just knowing
that no matter how you feel that day, you have
to wear the same clothes that you wore every other
day and the same clothes that your rest your team
is wearing, and sometimes you just want to wear a
different hat. Do you have a favorite baseball player? Um?
My favorite baseball player was Rosie O'Donnell in a league

of their own. Okay that's fair. Yeah. Well, Also, speaking
of favorite baseball players, one of my truly favorite baseball
players is Jackie Robinson, and he led such an incredible life.
It's nearly impossible to encompass everything he did with one
history podcast quiz show, but we'll cover what we can
in our next game. This one is called play by play.

Play by plays beautiful, Thank you Eric. We will narrate
the events in Jackie's life like a play by play announcer,
and our contestants have to identify what is happening. We're
where it happened for one point each basically summarize for
us what's going on in this scene and bringing us
a pitch perfect announcer voice for this game is our
golden voiced in turns, Zach. So our first questions for

augustus take it away, Zach, there's Jackie Robinson. Is he
up at the plate? No, he's just a baby in
his mother's arms. She's carrying him onto a train with
his siblings. It's late at night, folks, almost midnight, midnight
train from Georgia, and the train is off. Okay, Augustus,
can you tell us what's going on? Where are they going?

I don't remember where the train was going, but I
think it was one of his first memories of like
being with his mom on the train. You can. Can
you remember why they're on the train because his father
was a personal assistant for an American millionaire, so they
had to follow him around all the time. No, that

was Jacques Cousteau, whose father wasn't oh boy, he gone,
oh my gosh. Unfortunately us you mixed up your jacks
and your Jackie's. That's okay. It happened to anyone that
it was one of Jackie's earliest memories. But it was
when his mother took her children from their home in Cairo, Georgia,
to Los Angeles to escape the Jim Crow laws of
the South and a kind of life as a sharecropping

farmer that she thought her children deserved better than. So
that was a great try. What our next question is for? Milo?
Zack taken away with the play by play and Robinson
is in uniform, but it's not a baseball uniform. He's
in front of a judge arguing for his innocence. He's
talking about his grandmother's lessons about slavery. He's talking about dignity,

he's talking about courtesy, and what's the verdicts going to be?
They're finding him innocent. It's a win for Jackie Robinson. Okay, Milo,
can you tell us what is happening in this play
by play? What is interns at talking about? Um? He
was wearing a military uniform and he was arguing for

his innocence, and he was arrested because he was sitting
next to so many he knew who had lighter color
and skin but was still Agrican American, and he was
mistaken to be breaking the law by sitting next to
somebody who is not in color. That's right, Jackie Robinson.

He's in military court in that scene. He is arguing
because he was arrested for sitting next to someone they
thought was a different race from him. In Texas, where
the segregation laws were still in effect. He was stationed
there as a soldier at the time, and he argued
his case and from the military court and he was
found innocent. Okay, next question, Augustus, Let's listen to intern
Zach and his golden voice. Jackie Robinson approaches a man

at a desk. The man is telling Jackie Robinson he
wants him to play for his team. He's asking him
if Jackie can keep his temper if he's called names,
or if a player throws a pitch on his head,
or if a player slides into him cleats first. And
Jackie Robinson is saying yes, he's signing some papers. He's

going off what he did it? He did it, Augustus,
what's happening in this historic moment? What did he do?
His higher branch, Rocky, He asked him to come to
his office because in Brooklyn, because he was putting together
quote unquote a new need real league team. And the

truth was he was actually trying to get Jackie on
the Brooklyn Dodgers, but just in case any of the
media reporters found out, they would have a field day
about it, so he was trying to keep it secret.
But when Jackie found it out, he said yes, and
he was extremely happy. That's right. He's in the office

of Dodgers manager Brent Ricky and Brent Tricky. I actually
live right near Brent Trickey's own office. It's not like
a bank, is it a branch of a bank? Well,
a little lit a little bank humor. Oh, that's a
little bit. That's some bank wordplay. But you're right. Brent

Tricky is offering him a position on the Dodgers, and
he's warning him it's not going to be easy. America
is still segregated place. He's gonna be the first player
of his skin color in with they referred to as
the professional Major Leagues, and he decides he is up
for the challenge. Great job of Gustice, that's great, thank you,
and I would like to commend you for getting a
field day in. There is another work play things a

baseball pun We love it. I love it. Let's let's
keep the baseball plans coming. Okay, but I actually didn't
mean to do it. From Some of the best plans
are accidental. Next question is for Milo. Let's go Zach
take it away. Jackie Robinson is on the field. The
people in the stands are booing him. They're badgering his
teammates too. Oh, here comes another member of his team.

But wait, he's putting his hand on Robinson's shoulder in
a sign of friendship. Who is this teammate? His teammate
is Peewee Reese is best friend in baseball who really
helped him a lot. That's amazing, And you're exactly right.
It's Pewe Rees. He was the Dodgers shortstop there at
a game in Cincinnati, and he came over and being

also a Southerner, someone who many people wouldn't have expected
to be friendly to Jackie Robinson because of his skin color,
he wanted to show that no, their comrades on this team,
their teammates, and it sent a big message to the
fans and the rest of the team. And it just
goes to show that little gestures can say a lot
when it's the right gesture at the right time. Great job,
there's a fantastic answer play by playing sports, and that's

the end of the old ball game. Let's check in
with producer Jane for the box scores. Well, Eliott, both
of our contestants headed out of the park. However, my
low has gone ahead in this inning with four points.
And Augustus has three. That's great. It's still a very
close game, though still a close game, so close it's still,
as they say in sports, anybody's game. Yes, thank you

very much, Jane. Besides careers that could have been described
as home runs, what else to our J and j
gentlemen have in common? We'll find that out after the break.
Eric play us some national pastime musically is peanuts and

cracker Jack? He who was ours? Want to share a
fun fact we missed? Tell us who to call on
the who Was? At? Maybe tell us what you think?
Abraham Lincoln smelled like what I'm trying to say is
we want to hear from you, So send us an
email or voice memo at the who Was Podcast at
gmail dot com. Starter and we're back with the Whos podcast?

We laughed leaf up. Milo had four points and Augustus
had three points. Back to you, Elliott, those scores are
pretty close, but it might be about to change. Let's
get right to the next great game. Did you just
hear that heavenly music as if we were contemplating the

heights of Athenian classical democracy? Oh well, that music means
it's time for our final game. Converge of greatness. You know,
both Jackie and Jacques had incredible lives, and in this
multiple choice game, you're gonna tell us where they connect,
overlap or converge. It's another play on words. We love them.
And because recovering two times the history, this game is
worth two points for each question, so it really could

change the balance of the game. Let's get started with
the first question for Augustus take it away being Jacques
gustav partly grew up in New York City and Jackie
Robinson played for the Dodgers, a team originally from Brooklyn,
New York. What were the Dodgers named after? Is it
a people in Brooklyn dodging the trolley cars, be the
character of the Artful Dodger from the Charles Dickens book

Oliver Twist. Or see it's actually pronounced the Dogers and
it was named after doge coin. That's right. The correct
answers a dog corner is like so September So you said,
you're saying we're out of day. When it comes to
cryptow we gotta keep up to date on the latest
crypto trends. We try, we look, we're trying our best,

but You're right the answer even if we don't know
we're talking about you do. The correct answer is A
from dodging trolley cars in Brooklyn. Of course, the name
stuck when they moved to Los Angeles. Only out here
they're dodging the limousines of the famous movie stars. Next
question is for Milo. Both Jacques and Jackie had strong
relationships with their brothers. Jackie had Frank and Mac, and

Jacques's brother went by this nickname. Was it A T Bone,
B PAC or p A C or C d D.
It was B, that's right. The answer is B for
his initials here Antoine Custo d D was a longtime
friend of Jacques, and T Bone is just a really

cool name. I wish people would call me that more.
The next question is for Augustus Jacques a Jackie. Both
traveled with their co workers. Jacques lived with his crew
aboard the Calypso, but Jackie Robinson had to stay separate
hotels from his teammates because of segregation laws known as
a jim Crow laws be apartheid or see sharecroppers. That's right.

The answer is a jim crow. Those gim The Jim
Crow laws were state and local statutes that legalized racial
segregation for a very long time. The next question is
for Milo b all right, Milo, speaking of solid teams,
Jackie had the Dodgers. But what did Jacques call his crew?
Was it a aquanauts, be man fish or see custos

Cutie's pretty sure. I'm sorry the answer is a aquanauts.
Jacques fellow researchers, divers and scientists were called aquanuts. Custos
cutis are, of course, those clementine oranges that you can
eat underwater. And that is a joke to close out
the game. While James Telly's up the points, I want

to hear more from our contestants. Okay, So Milo, is
there something that you learned about either Jacques or Jackie
that we didn't talk about in the show today, or
that we did even that really surprised you. Well, I
know Jacques Cousto before this because my dad has this
huge book of Wes Anderson movies, and I'm guessing that
Wes Anderson made a movie about him. He made a

movie that was inspired by him, certainly that was about
an undersea explorer. Yeah, it was called The Life Aquatic.
But that's an interesting thing that someone's real life can
inspire a story about a fictional character. You never know
when you're a famous historical figure, just what your legacy
will turn into in the hands of a capable artist.
That's true. I guess the human imagination at work and

play in the field of history. Is that? Is that
how you wanted to phrase it? Milo? Where my putting
words in your mouth? I don't know. I'm just I'm
just waiting to hear the scores. To guy, I think
it would be fun to win this, but also great
if we could tie. That would be fun. Okay, Milos
on pins and needles, he really want to set out. Okay,
we'll get to them. We'll get to them. But before
we get to that score, though, you'll be in suspense

for just a little bit. I want to hear from
Augustus to Augustus. Is there anything that really surprised you
or stuck out to you about Jacques or Jackie and
their life stories. I admire that they both broke barriers,
but in much different ways, from being the first black
player on the MLB to making the Scooba gear. I
really admire that even when they made mistakes or the

stuff that weren't working. They both kept going and they
never gave up. Thank you both so much for sharing
your thoughts with us. But now, okay, Milo, the suspense
is about to be over. It's time for the big moment. Jane,
please announce our winner. Elliott and b I don't mind
telling you that it was touching go there for a while,
but in the end it was Milo with six points

and Augustus with seven points. Augustus is our winner today,
break game, Milow, you did amazing. What a rollercoaster right,
you are amazing Tomorrow, congratulations, Thank you Augustus. You have
ten seconds for your special shout outs. Who would you
like to thank? I would love to shout out to
my family, including my sister's baby Yo did all and

as of course Jacques Cousteau and Jackie Robinson, and I'd
also like to shout out to their families and me
Low for being a great contestant and being really nice.
That's fantastic. That was really sweet of you. That's great,
that's wonderful. Augustus, you and your school library will receiving
a set of Who Was books. I'm going to give

a shout out myself to intern Zach to Jane to Eric,
to Brian McCann for being our Jacques Coustou and to be,
and a big thank you to both of our contestants
who played an amazing game that was fantastic. And thank
you to you at home, or maybe you're not at home,
maybe you're in a car, on a plane for listening.
You the listener, please subscribe and like who Was on
the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you

get your podcast join us. Next week we're going to
find out who the next two exciting historical figures are
in the Who Was Podcast. Until then, this is Elliott
Man Fish Kalin saying we're history. Goodbye. Everybody got a
question for any of our famous figures, send us a
voice memo at who Was Podcast at gmail dot com.

It might just end up on the show. Who Was
Podcast is produced by Radio Point, I Heart Media and
Penguin Workshop, based on the best selling who h Q
series published by Penguin. Who Was Podcast is hosted by
Elliott Calin with co host Megan O'Neill as b also
starring Jane Baker as Producer, Jane, Eric Shackney as Eric,
Zach Timpson as our golden voiced intern, and Brian McCann

as Jacques Cousto. The executive producers are Richard Corson, Alex Bach,
Elliott Calin, Megan O'Neil, Daniel Powell, and Houston Snyder. The
executive producer for Penguin Workshop is Francesco Sadita. The executive
producer for iHeart Media is Lindsay Hoffman. This episode was
written by Megan O'Neil, Elliot Klen, Zach Timpson, and Jane Baker.
This podcast was produced by Bernie Kaminski. Our talent producer

is Jane Baker. The theme song and music were composed
and performed by Eric Shackney, edited and mixed by Bree Mattan,
recorded by Joanna Samuels. Special thanks to Zach Timpson, Charlotte Dianda,
Daniel Goodman, and Michael Lewis Howard, who was podcast was
recorded at the iHeart Studios in Los Angeles, California. Sound
services were provided by Great City Posts. Podcast Chase its

standard freebook record
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