All Episodes

January 23, 2024 60 mins

Today, this is what's important:

Zoa Energy, surgery, Christian movies, drinking baby blood, damp January, the Zodiac killer, Super Bowl babies, the Emmys, movie trailers, and more.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Welcome to This Is Important, a production of iHeartRadio, the
show where we only talk about what is most obviously
very crucially important today on This is Important.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
In the like hour and a half, I was there,
I took four shots of Jaeger and had three beers.

Speaker 3 (00:19):
So I gotta perform surgery tonight.

Speaker 4 (00:23):
Baby, fuck you, I'm peeling off for my homie Blake.
Let's go.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
All right, what we're bad.

Speaker 4 (00:47):
Nothing gets me juiced like doing ads before the.

Speaker 5 (00:50):
Pod of a few ads. Man, you people, you're gonna
love it to I I nation it was.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
It was fun watching you guys just kind of in
your element do it ads, just pitching stuff and pitching
products that we know and love, like tell them energy
baby yeah, baby man, Actually I am a little zipped
up from this. I like it.

Speaker 4 (01:15):
You know Adam the zoa construct. Yeah, he'll squeeze one
right down throat.

Speaker 2 (01:21):
And look at this. Look at this. You don't have
d D dude, I'm not I'm not trembling. Usually you
get the the energy drink shakes, you know, when you're
you're too jacked up.

Speaker 3 (01:32):
That's because you're mixing it with alcohol and other things.
But what's going on?

Speaker 4 (01:36):
No, look at that, Adam, you look like a cool
like magician doing that. And for viewers just listening, he's
holding his hand out like a fucking sorcerer, like a
warlock or something.

Speaker 2 (01:46):
Yeah, man, have you guys ever you know how like
uh you a woman in No, I look like a
like a search remember how I don't know. Maybe back
in the day they use robots to cut people open,
or maybe they are still like slicing people open with scuffels.

Speaker 5 (02:02):
Expand on that a little bit. What do you think
robots are doing back back in the day they used robots.

Speaker 2 (02:07):
No, I'm saying maybe now they use robots. But back
in the day that you just had to have a
steady hand and if you were a really smart doctor,
but then in the moment you couldn't do it, you
would you'd get a little nervous and you'd start to
do a little jiggle about right.

Speaker 4 (02:22):
Not with the zoo.

Speaker 2 (02:22):
Yeah, yeah, if they have.

Speaker 3 (02:27):
So you're saying that if.

Speaker 2 (02:30):
Dang you beat me, you beat me to it, Durstan,
is that where we're going? Or I was where I
was going and I was trying to loop back to Zoa.

Speaker 5 (02:38):
But you're saying when like back in like the wild
West when they were pulling like bullets out of people's
legs and ship you you wish they had that zoa
they took.

Speaker 2 (02:46):
Not even it could even be the fifties, dude, It
could just be like you know, sure, I.

Speaker 4 (02:52):
Wish we had in the fifties. That's the movie.

Speaker 5 (02:56):
In the fifties, be like this, we invent a time
machine just to get zoa to all of our extra residents,
and just we saved the world one zoa at a time.

Speaker 4 (03:07):
And that ad campaign is free of and soa is
coca cola.

Speaker 2 (03:12):
You know, it's it's sort of our beverage, our nation's beverage.
But do you guys think you could do that?

Speaker 4 (03:17):
Can you imagine if cocazoa was Oh my god, god,
if we all just ran around for all these decades saying, dude,
can I can I get a diet cocazoa because it's
as arbitrarily weird as coca cola.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
Yeah, yeah, it would have. It would have flown.

Speaker 5 (03:33):
Yeah that the world would be a better place. There
would be peace on earth if it was cocazona.

Speaker 2 (03:37):
Do you guys think going back to this surgeon uh
with the steady hand, Sure, do we think that we
all could be a surgeon. Obviously we're too dumb. I
get that. I do understand. Yeah, I do understand that
we don't have the brain power to be sure. You
are so dumb?

Speaker 4 (03:55):
Where's the skin at?

Speaker 2 (03:57):
Look at the titties on this one? Who do you
think you could have a steady hand and and and
slice someone up?

Speaker 5 (04:06):
Well, so you're saying no, no smarts is required. You're
just saying, am I physically capable of being the person
with the scalpel?

Speaker 4 (04:14):
Is this like ratitue? A situation like a mouse or whatever?
It was steady hand?

Speaker 2 (04:20):
See, I wish that it was a ratitudey situation, but
it's it's literally you just let let's say we're on
the run. We just robbed a bank. One blake took
a bullet. Okay, jrs. Do you think so I reached
in with my I sterilized my hand and I reached in.
I pulled the bullet out, and then and then it's, uh,

you have to Uh. It just kind of fucks up
because now you just have.

Speaker 4 (04:45):
To stitch suit.

Speaker 2 (04:46):
You're well, now you just have to stitch. I feel
like all of us could stitch each other up. But
I mean that could be a sloppy dog.

Speaker 4 (04:54):
Blake's over there dying being like, what if I got
shot in the dick and he had to suck the bullet?

Speaker 2 (05:00):
Yeah, man, I'm kind of weird.

Speaker 4 (05:02):
Wait what, He's got that one in the chamber, all right?

Speaker 2 (05:05):
So maybe maybe maybe we're on it that that story sucked.
What if we're like on an island and Blake's pancreas
is exploding and we have to get his pancreas out
and we're alone. He's gonna die if we don't cut
him open and rip out him.

Speaker 4 (05:19):
But is there like an instruction manual or are we
winging it?

Speaker 2 (05:22):

Speaker 4 (05:22):
I feel like maybe the it's gotta be an instruction manual.
That's what I mean by the ratit two wee. We're like,
it's instructing, but we're doing the actual.

Speaker 2 (05:28):
I got it.

Speaker 4 (05:28):
I got a physical work.

Speaker 5 (05:30):
It's all three of us on an island. There's a
fourth person. The fourth person is a surgeon, and they
can tell you everywhere to cut. He just his arms
were blown.

Speaker 4 (05:39):
Off, His arms were broken.

Speaker 2 (05:40):
He just lost his arms.

Speaker 4 (05:42):
Yeah, So trying to pick up Blake's humongous dick.

Speaker 3 (05:45):
Yeah, bro, he tried to freaking wheelbarrow my cottage.

Speaker 4 (05:49):
Oh sorry, I didn't give you a heads up about it.
You broke that's what you were thinking.

Speaker 2 (05:58):

Speaker 4 (05:59):
Sorry. I keep I keep beating everyone to their own punchlines.

Speaker 2 (06:02):
You know my brand of comedy, sir, And that's why
I like you.

Speaker 4 (06:05):

Speaker 5 (06:07):
So he's kind of on the side telling you, okay, oh,
just reach over a little to the right, right under
the Where where was I hurt pancreas?

Speaker 3 (06:16):
Where is the pancreas on the body?

Speaker 4 (06:18):
I like these movies, by the way, where this is
the scenario, or even like Last Crusade, were like the
old dudes out there, and he's he knows, He's taught
him everything he needs to know to get through to
the to the chalice, to the cup. Okay, but he's
like Jehovah starts with an eye whatever.

Speaker 2 (06:36):
What movie?

Speaker 4 (06:37):
What movie is this Last Crusade?

Speaker 5 (06:39):
Oh you gotta say, Indiana Jones, I thought you were
talking about some Christian movie dude watches well, I mean
like that one that uh the dude from cameraon Passion
of the Christ made.

Speaker 4 (06:52):
Oh yeah, cavesil yeah, I thought.

Speaker 3 (06:54):
It was a coveasl joint.

Speaker 2 (06:55):
He sort of he sort of cornered the market on uh,
Christian movies.

Speaker 4 (06:59):
You yeah, he's pretty good at it.

Speaker 2 (07:01):
He just did the one where they're like, you know,
don't kidnap, you don't sell children into slavery movie. Yeah, which, hey,
we're all on board for. I don't know why that happened.
Like a Christian I want a Christian movie. Like people
are like, oh, it's a Christian movie. I'm like, well,
every I think, everyone universally Christian or not, is like, hey, no,
that's not kidnap kids.

Speaker 4 (07:20):
I think And I do not know because I haven't
seen this. I think they added like a thing to
it that was like Hollywood wouldn't make this movie, so
we had to, right. I mean I don't know that,
but I heard there is like a disclaimer at the
beginning or the ends. I want to see it.

Speaker 2 (07:35):
I heard it. That's cool.

Speaker 3 (07:36):
We should do that on the Workaholics movie too.

Speaker 4 (07:38):
Everyone I know who's seen it is like it'll fuck
you up. And I'm like, dude, I love that.

Speaker 2 (07:42):
What is the name? Well, for sure, because they're going
to talk on your heartstrings because it's just like kidnapping
a bunch of kids, and you're like, well, don't. It's
just you yelling at your TV.

Speaker 3 (07:50):
Stop doing that. No, anamal, are you okay down there?

Speaker 2 (07:53):
Don't keep the kids look the kids play, don't put
him in the van.

Speaker 4 (07:58):
Stop your screen mean and not opening your mouth all
the way? Are you okay?

Speaker 2 (08:03):
Don't do that?

Speaker 4 (08:07):
Yeah, let's do a should we do a watch party
on Amazon?

Speaker 2 (08:10):
What is it? What is the name of that movie?

Speaker 5 (08:12):
Angels in the Outfield or something.

Speaker 2 (08:16):
Not that.

Speaker 4 (08:18):
It's called like Basement Babies.

Speaker 2 (08:20):
Called Sound of Freedom, Sound of Freedom?

Speaker 4 (08:24):
But just aheads? Is it not basement Babies?

Speaker 2 (08:26):
Okay? Well? And it is giving us? Okay? The guy
who inspired Sound of Freedom the movie was sued by
five women alleging sexual assault. Well were they of age? See,
that's that's the question. Were they of age? Because that's
not what this movie is about. It's about the protecting
of uh, you know, little little kids. Yeah, maybe he's

besides that, but that's not what the movie is about. Yeah,
I don't think. Halfway through the movie it you turns
it and goes down this road.

Speaker 4 (08:57):
What's I've never like live? Like? While we're doing this,
recognized exactly what part is going to be edited out?

Speaker 2 (09:08):
We got to keep that part man.

Speaker 4 (09:09):
I do love movies though Clean Break.

Speaker 2 (09:12):
What else is out there?

Speaker 6 (09:14):
Angels and the Outfield? I love Angels. Maybe that's how
we get to the Workaholics movie made. Is we just
call it a Christian movie and keep saying like Hollywood
wouldn't make it, Hollywood would not make it, and maybe
it's Christian.

Speaker 4 (09:28):
I do feel like.

Speaker 5 (09:28):
It was kind of Christian too, Yeah it was, but
they you know, I'd love to release the draft because
I would love for people to read what you put in.

Speaker 4 (09:37):
Release the draft is a cool way to say you
just started to release the draft.

Speaker 2 (09:41):
Yeah, I'm releasing.

Speaker 3 (09:43):
Just release the draft.

Speaker 2 (09:45):
I would say that we're probably you know, we could
say any movie we do is a Christian movie. Even
though none of us are very religious. I feel like
we're closest to Christianity, Like we have been to Christian
churches the most out of the other churches.

Speaker 3 (10:01):
Yeah, unless we're talking churches Chicken, I've been there a
few times.

Speaker 2 (10:05):
So yeah, So any movie I've ever done, it's a
Christian flick. So come out, Adam, you're your star meter
just went, just come on out.

Speaker 4 (10:15):
I do like seeing these people who are leaning into
it just to see what happens and then like it
kind of takes off for them. Yeah, and then they
just go full boar.

Speaker 2 (10:23):
Yeah, Steve, that's how it happens.

Speaker 4 (10:27):
What if I got rebaptized or something.

Speaker 3 (10:29):
I will go to that if I'm invited. That sounds fun.

Speaker 2 (10:32):
Are you gonna get rebaptized in that'd be sick?

Speaker 4 (10:35):
I think I should.

Speaker 3 (10:36):
Yeah, yeah, you should for sure again.

Speaker 4 (10:38):
Huh, just blow bubbles and the little You guys have
seen the video where the dude's dunking the baby and
it just fucking slips out of his hands and goes
what like face first into the bowl.

Speaker 2 (10:48):
I don't know if I have. So he's it's like
a priest or whatever, and he's a baptizing.

Speaker 4 (10:55):
The child, dunking the baby into like the little pool,
the little Yeah, I don't know what you call. It's
like a bird essentially of holy water. Holy water, but
like the baby slips out and just the face goes
you hear, and it's like.

Speaker 2 (11:07):
And he's like, it's okay, God wanted me to do that. Yeah. Yeah.
He immediately is like God chose that moment for that
to happen.

Speaker 3 (11:15):
This is the path, This is the child's path.

Speaker 4 (11:18):
There are no accidents. Jim Cabezel comes in and snatches
the baby away.

Speaker 3 (11:25):
There are no accidents. I just shipped my pants. There
are no accidents.

Speaker 2 (11:29):
There's no accidents.

Speaker 4 (11:30):
I do like that actor though. He was good in
that Denzel Washington movie where like everything took place four
days ago. What the fun was that called deja vu?

Speaker 2 (11:39):
Oh? I don't really know Jim. I mean he looks
like like he should be. He has like a cool look.

Speaker 4 (11:48):
It's definitely got a good looks.

Speaker 2 (11:49):
He's hot. And when he was Jesus in the in
the Jesus movie, especially brist You're like, good casting dude,
because he's sexy.

Speaker 4 (11:57):
He had my Christian Okay, get him.

Speaker 2 (12:00):
People wanted a sexy, sexy Jesus, you know, and they
got one. They got one with that guy.

Speaker 4 (12:06):
What was the casting process? Who else was up for it?

Speaker 2 (12:09):

Speaker 4 (12:09):
I wonder who was who for it? And like Stokes,
they didn't get it.

Speaker 2 (12:14):
I hope uh Dwayne the Rock Johnson who now owns
so uh Energy Drink. I hope he was up for it.
I hope that was like a conversation. We're like, well
the Rock he is reading right now.

Speaker 4 (12:26):
Who else was up for it? It had because that's
a big movie, that's a big casting call.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
But are you like and it was mel Gibson, like
at the peak of mel Gibson's powers, right, he hadn't
gone on any sort of like crazy rants at this point.
He was just wildly successful.

Speaker 3 (12:40):
He was beloved.

Speaker 2 (12:41):
Yeah, I mean, shit, I have a feeling, Blake. Are
you sort of mad? Are you kind of bummed that
you never got that call and weren't like kind of
on the shortlist there?

Speaker 4 (12:54):
Blake question?

Speaker 5 (12:55):
Yeah, asking me if I'm mad that I wasn't was
in Jesus of the Christ?

Speaker 2 (13:01):
Well, I don't, or at least in the conversation. I
feel like, how if it was, if it were to
happen right now, I would I would.

Speaker 4 (13:09):
Like, see you did that movie come out?

Speaker 5 (13:12):
I feel like it came out when we were in
like high school, right, Oh it's that old, I think, yeah,
because they I remember my school, Like, well that's the
reason why then, like you could skip a day of
school to go see it.

Speaker 4 (13:24):
Or some shit at your public school.

Speaker 5 (13:26):
I think so, unless I'm thinking of like maybe Braveheart
did that.

Speaker 4 (13:31):
This is why I'm in the homeschool all my children.

Speaker 2 (13:33):
Well, it came out Blake. Hey, Blake, you're lying, dude.

Speaker 4 (13:36):
It was two thousand and four.

Speaker 2 (13:37):
Yeah, it was two thousand and four, Okay, and we
weren't in high school then, so you're.

Speaker 4 (13:42):
Thinking of Schindler's List.

Speaker 2 (13:43):
Schindler's List, you can, Okay, So BJ's pizza.

Speaker 5 (13:46):
When I was delivering pizzas, they're like, yo, you can
take a day and go see that movie.

Speaker 3 (13:50):
You don't have to work today.

Speaker 4 (13:51):
Yeah, you know what, now our producers are trying to say,
Jim Caviezel is a big Quanine guy. We're talking acting chops.

Speaker 2 (13:57):
We're talking about Yeah, why does it have to get political? Yeah,
we're talking hotness. And maybe he is a q andon guy.
And and he does believe that liberal elites drink the
blood of infants, so you know.

Speaker 3 (14:10):
Some probably do.

Speaker 4 (14:12):
Is that how he got his abs? Or did he
get it from Zoa energy? Joy last this is the
first episode they were like fully on Zoa drinking and
they're like, if we could just talk less about Jim Cavizel.

Speaker 2 (14:30):
I did have one of my friends, like during the
pandemic when people were like crawling down QAnon holes and like,
you know, just kind of lose my minds a little bit. Yeah, Kyle, Kyle,
for sure. I did have a friend tell me. She
was like, I know that you don't. I know that
you're one of the good ones. But you've probably been

at parties where people are drinking baby blood and I'm like,
you see what, dude, like that is. First of all,
I've never been to that because they say liberal elites.
I've never been to a party where it's that elite.

Speaker 4 (15:06):
You know what I mean, dude, they go off like
the off.

Speaker 2 (15:10):
Yeah what is that? Because you know, like a baby
blood drinking party, that is probably the most elite party
that you go to. And tell you what, I'm not invited.
I'm not invited. How are you come on invited?

Speaker 5 (15:23):
We're talking like the Oscars, Like the after party of
the Oscars is probably blood fountains.

Speaker 2 (15:27):
No no, no, no, that's basic. No, that's basic ship. Yeah yeah,
it's basic. Okay, this is this is even more so
than that. Like people that are like, oh, cute you
you won a little trophy. I own the Indian Ocean,
right or whatever? You know, like those those people like I.

Speaker 4 (15:46):
Don't any that's I mean, that's that does Yeah, it
just sounds like a good time. Who is the most
like likely out of all the biggest stars. Who's who
are you thinking is even thinking about drinking baby's blood?

Speaker 2 (16:02):

Speaker 4 (16:02):

Speaker 2 (16:03):
I'm like, see, I don't know. See that's the thing
about that, because everybody has do for you. Everybody has
kids or it hits you know, everybody has kids, so
you're like easy access to He's looking at a baby
going like, I want to drink that baby blood. I
think I think it's a very small amount of people,

even if it probably doesn't even happen, is what is
kind of what I'm I.

Speaker 4 (16:28):
Feel like even the people you think that would do it,
you know, you're you're Gary Busey's they're invited to the party.

Speaker 2 (16:34):
Yeah, they're not like come on, Hamburger.

Speaker 5 (16:42):
I'm just saying a mouthrown shade on like Gary Busey,
But like, yeah, he's unhint.

Speaker 4 (16:46):
He seems like a wild dog. He's kind of out
there and if somewhere saw him, they'd be like, well this,
look at this guy. Obviously he's not doing this. But like,
you know, I'm not like, who is this? Who are
they thinking that he's doing it?

Speaker 5 (16:57):
It's probably like come on, it's probably more like a
glass cage you know, he's like a little weird, so anything, but.

Speaker 4 (17:04):
I don't like about where this discussion is going. Is
that for sure he's done it?

Speaker 5 (17:08):
Yeah, I'm trying to go like it's not possible, and
now I'm like, it's likely.

Speaker 2 (17:15):
It's actually Nick Cage might be the one to uh well,
the one that would out.

Speaker 6 (17:22):
Of the four of us is for sure allegedly is
allegedly yeah, allegedly, Yeah, this is all very alleged.

Speaker 2 (17:30):
For sure, Kyle and Kyle decided, I mean, is he off?
We don't know exactly what he's doing right now. He
says that he's working on what we do in the Shadows.

Speaker 3 (17:40):
Right he is in Toronto.

Speaker 2 (17:43):
Season six, the last season, the Last Bite. Maybe they
could take that and use that the last fights. Maybe
he's off drinking baby blood. We don't know. We don't
know what he's doing. There's no way to tell.

Speaker 4 (17:57):
This is all very alleged, but anything's post He.

Speaker 2 (18:01):
Chose not to do the podcast, and so we don't
know what he's doing right now.

Speaker 4 (18:06):
At least we did forget to mention that, but it
just kind of felt right.

Speaker 2 (18:10):
Yeah, it does feel natural when he's not here, but
you know, so be it it's okay.

Speaker 5 (18:17):
We got well, we got one pod off after the
tour and then yeah, and then we disbanded a little bit.

Speaker 2 (18:23):
It happened. Hey, it happens. The wheels fall.

Speaker 4 (18:26):
And is that how you look at it? You're like
getting these pods off.

Speaker 3 (18:29):
Yeah, I get these pods off.

Speaker 2 (18:31):
Man, I like to say, I like to that's what
That's what you tell that your girl when you're like, uh, sorry,
don't don't come in to this room. I'm gonna get
my pot off. Don't open the door.

Speaker 3 (18:45):
No, no, in the bathroom.

Speaker 2 (18:47):
I know, I know. I thought this thing.

Speaker 5 (18:49):
It's it's good acoustics in here. I'm just getting this
pot off. I'm doing it on my phone. Actually, I'm
recording it on my iPhone. I don't I don't need
the microphone, all right.

Speaker 2 (19:10):
I am messing with the Zoo energy drinking.

Speaker 3 (19:13):
Yeah, this ship is kind of hitting right now.

Speaker 4 (19:15):
It is. And what flavor are you crushing right now?

Speaker 2 (19:19):
It's a cherry limemade And the issue with an energy
drink that's so delicious and so smooth is now, I
want to have like four of them old. And that's
that's when it gets a little tricky. That's when you
piss rocks out of your dick like I did one
time because of energy drinks.

Speaker 5 (19:36):
Yeah, I don't think this is going to do that
to you because this is a much cleaner in it.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
It's a much cleaner Yeah. I won't say the name
being said.

Speaker 4 (19:42):
We don't know.

Speaker 2 (19:43):
Yeah, I won't say the name. I know you know
which energy drink I was crushing.

Speaker 4 (19:49):
We might have to get back on here and go. So, yeah,
don't drink four consecutive cans. Yeah, I will say.

Speaker 5 (19:56):
It's it's really bailing me out for my my damp January.

Speaker 3 (20:00):
It's it came just in time.

Speaker 2 (20:02):
So what is.

Speaker 4 (20:03):
Damp January because you've been drinking a lot.

Speaker 3 (20:06):
Yeah, No, it's just like, you know, it's a dry January, you're.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
Trying not to drink.

Speaker 4 (20:11):
But then wet, wet, wet January.

Speaker 5 (20:14):
Yeah, raining it in. But if like there's a football
game on, you know, I'm gonna have a beer.

Speaker 2 (20:18):
You know, yeah? Yeah, all right, and then and one
beer means a bottle of Jaegermeester and twelve beers.

Speaker 5 (20:24):
Right, No, no, six beers is the limit.

Speaker 3 (20:28):
Twelve would not be damp anymore.

Speaker 4 (20:30):
That's to the limit.

Speaker 2 (20:32):
Well, I don't know if we went to our buddy
Sam Richardson's fortieth birthday party and Emmy Emmy Winner, Yes,
Emmy Winner Sam Richardson. Yes, Congratt, friend of the pod.
We love the guy. But I believe because I had
like a baby breathing class down in Orange County at
nine am eating.

Speaker 4 (20:53):
I'm sorry, Hollywood, what yeah?

Speaker 2 (20:54):
Wait what the baby eating eating?

Speaker 4 (20:57):
Did they teach you how to do that out there?

Speaker 2 (20:59):
Yeah? They talk. Yeah. So I had like a Lama's
class basically there. And by the way, it's like four
hours long. It was the longest class. I'm like, yeah,
we get it. Yeah, you know, we get we get it.
We get it, Lamas. I I go for a little
less okay less, Yes, there we go.

Speaker 3 (21:21):
Now we're cooking now that Zoe's hidden.

Speaker 2 (21:24):
But in the like hour and a half I was there,
I took four shots of Yaeger and had three beers.

Speaker 3 (21:30):
So wait the Lama's class, Lamas.

Speaker 2 (21:32):
No, no, no. At the Sanatus party the night before
and then at nine am the next morning, I had
to go to this class.

Speaker 4 (21:40):
Oh the next morning at the next leave early because
you were going straight to it.

Speaker 2 (21:44):
Sorry, no, I left. I left the birthday party. I
had to drive down to Orange County and then did
the class in the morning, came in like where these
babies that? But when I left you, Blake, you were
keeping pace with me, or maybe I was keeping pace
with you. I don't know whose pace we were on,
but you were on a good one. Was that? That

didn't seem that damp to me? That seemed pretty wet.

Speaker 5 (22:08):
That's actually why I'm calling it damp January because I've
been good every single day except I knew Sam was
having a fortieth and I wasn't gonna not peel one
off from my boys.

Speaker 2 (22:17):
Four. Oh that's a big one. Yeah, that's true. One,
that is true.

Speaker 5 (22:21):
So I was I was keeping pace with the birthday boy.

Speaker 4 (22:24):
You don't think he would have understood he would have
been it.

Speaker 2 (22:28):
No, I don't, man, I don't think me the door dude. Yeah,
of the of the two hundred people there, he expected
Blake to Yeah, he was just staring at me.

Speaker 4 (22:38):
I do love the idea of like every year committing
to a drive January and just making new friends with
birthdays in January, Like, well, I gotta peel one off
for this guy.

Speaker 2 (22:46):
Yeah, it's just thirty six, so and I gonna peel
one off. Come on, dude, he's turned. I gotta peel
it off.

Speaker 3 (22:53):
So he's turn in thirty six three six months, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (22:56):
A big one.

Speaker 4 (22:57):
The fucking mailman's like, hey, how's going good? Good? When
is your birthday? Is it February? Fuck off? Get out
of here.

Speaker 3 (23:03):
Okay, you're getting moving. Good luck with that, you stupid.

Speaker 4 (23:08):
The next guy, Hey, when's your birthday?

Speaker 2 (23:12):
January twelve?

Speaker 4 (23:14):
Okay, give in here?

Speaker 2 (23:16):
Fuck youpy, fuck youp hey? Right?

Speaker 4 (23:18):
Am I right?

Speaker 2 (23:19):

Speaker 4 (23:19):
I right?

Speaker 3 (23:20):
What is uh? What's the zodiac sign for that Apricorn?

Speaker 2 (23:25):
Is it a zodiac?

Speaker 4 (23:27):
Is that?

Speaker 2 (23:27):
Is that the right term? Yeah? Your horoscope? Right, that's
they call it zodiac? Yeah, bro, dude, I did not
know that's your horoscope sign? Your horoscope is, or what's
your h would just say what's your sign? It's zodiac?

Speaker 3 (23:42):
Yeah, zodiac.

Speaker 6 (23:43):

Speaker 2 (23:43):
I'm learning something on this podcast. That's why this is
an important podcast because I never knew what the word
zodiac meant. I just thought it was like a cool,
cool name of movies and the killer Zodiac Killer.

Speaker 3 (23:53):
Why did they call him the Zodiac killer? That is
a good question.

Speaker 4 (23:57):
The actually mispronounced his name was so you're Zach. I
don't know, stupid. The movie's pretty good.

Speaker 2 (24:08):
So here's that. So you're Zach Zodiac, right, I.

Speaker 4 (24:12):
Gave you my name.

Speaker 2 (24:14):
You're Zach and you're the killer.

Speaker 4 (24:16):
So what should we call you?

Speaker 2 (24:20):
Keep him on the line.

Speaker 4 (24:21):
The guy asking his name was Zach, What are you
gonna call me? So you're Zach Zodiac?

Speaker 2 (24:27):
All right, works for us.

Speaker 3 (24:28):
That's pretty cool. That's got a read.

Speaker 2 (24:30):
That's sounds cool. Yeah, that'll that'll look good in print.

Speaker 5 (24:33):
What is it?

Speaker 4 (24:33):
Because he's spoken or he's like had symbols and stuff
like that.

Speaker 3 (24:37):
The he did write in codes, but Crypto.

Speaker 2 (24:39):
Braa just wrote it's never been determined why the killer
gave himself that name. But the press soon started calling
him the Zodiac Killer. So some guy in some press
room in like the Cleveland, you know, posts or whatever,
was just like he's like, yeah, we're calling him the
Zodiac Killer. And then everybody's like, oh, that's actually a

really good So. One of the most chilling Carr characteristics
of the Zodiac of Zach the Killer was the string
of letters with cryptograms launch he sent to newspapers. Killers
need to get back to this. See yeah, killers, I
feel like we haven't had a good ci killer creative killer. Like,

by the way, I would get caught right away. A
cryptogram no, yeah, right, yeah, you know, I try to
make up a language and ship. Yeah, I'm trying to
make up a language. But I just say my name.

Speaker 4 (25:31):
I mean, what are you a crypto zoology?

Speaker 3 (25:33):
They're like, all he did was write his name backwards,
So he's.

Speaker 2 (25:40):
Mad. It's mad at n n Okay, I got to
write it out.

Speaker 4 (25:49):
What clue?

Speaker 2 (25:51):
I thought that one was pretty.

Speaker 4 (25:53):
Good, A good, fun bad clue.

Speaker 2 (25:56):
It's a fun, good bad clue.

Speaker 4 (25:58):
This murderer is important and when he's not working, he's
a haulic. Is this okay?

Speaker 6 (26:09):

Speaker 4 (26:10):
And one of them doesn't do the podcast anymore.

Speaker 2 (26:13):
The only thing pitch perfect about this murderer is he's
a workaholic, right, And you're like, uh, that's I think.
I think that's the actor Adam Devine. Uh yeah, so
you're going you're going damp January. I I kind of
him too. I had said in December, like, you know what,
I might do a dry January, but then I realize

that I'm having a child in February. I know you
are so close, dude, Like in a matter of weeks. Dude,
it could really happen anytime, and they would just go, Okay,
now you now you have a baby. So I'm like, well,
I'm not going to be drinking like with a newborn
in the house like right away, like that first that
first day or.

Speaker 5 (26:57):
Two, Blake, Blake, Should we tell him go for it?
Should we tell him you will.

Speaker 2 (27:03):
I'm drunk now? Well yeah, I mean, honestly, you guys
aren't getting drunk when there's like they're a newborn, like
that first week or two right.

Speaker 5 (27:11):
I feel like, come on, it depends if there's a
game on, is passion of the Christ on?

Speaker 2 (27:17):
Well, there is a game, there's a super Bowl, there's
a super Bowl. Oh yeah, so do you think you're
gonna have a Super Bowl baby?

Speaker 3 (27:23):
In that case, you gotta.

Speaker 2 (27:25):
Win is a super Bowl, I might have a Super
Bowl baby.

Speaker 4 (27:27):
I've been known to hut hut hike a few babies
by accident, just in the you know, throws the passion.

Speaker 5 (27:32):
I feel like that wasn't that kind of a thing
back in the day, Like dads would just be like
at the bar while the moms were giving birth in
the hospital and then they'd kind of call them over
when it was all said and done.

Speaker 2 (27:43):
Yeah, yeah, those those were the good old days.

Speaker 4 (27:45):
That's when robots used to do surgery.

Speaker 2 (27:48):
It's our due date is February fifteenth.

Speaker 4 (27:53):
And what hospital are you guys at again? What room number?

Speaker 2 (27:56):
The super Bowl's February eleven. I could truly have a
super Bowl and then we'll have to name him super Bowl.

Speaker 4 (28:05):
The name of the like little robot the robot, Yeah, kal,
we were named after a CGI football robot son.

Speaker 3 (28:13):
YEP, that would be super sick.

Speaker 4 (28:15):
Didn't somebody in the Super Bowl have a baby on
the day of the Super Bowl?

Speaker 2 (28:18):
That's right? And then he's like he couldn't do the
postgame interview because he had to rush off.

Speaker 4 (28:24):
He was like, off, he had to go. And the
baby's name, I believe.

Speaker 2 (28:27):
His champion, Champion. Did they win?

Speaker 4 (28:30):
I think it. I think it was when La won.
I'm making all this up, but I think it was
when La won and a dude had to piece.

Speaker 2 (28:35):
I remember the story, but I don't remember any detail.

Speaker 4 (28:39):
Classic child's name is Champion, And I just imagine our
producers just diving into looking for this fact and not
looking at their at their phones at something else.

Speaker 2 (28:49):
They're saying it was Jason Kelcey. That's that would be
the be the Eagles and not the Rams. And also
I don't remember Jason Kelsey has a son or a dog.
Her name's Champion, that's yeah. And then I don't think.

Speaker 4 (29:03):
That's football player child Champion.

Speaker 5 (29:07):
If you lost, would you then name your loser? Yeah,
Van Jefferson.

Speaker 2 (29:13):
Okay, Well he has a daughter and a son named
two sons Elliotts and Wyatt, and a daughter named Bennett. Uh, yeah,
it doesn't. None of those names are Champion, so it's
not no. I think we're seeing Van Van Jefferson. And
the child name is Champ. Oh okay, it's just all right, Champ.

Speaker 3 (29:33):
No last name?

Speaker 2 (29:34):
And who did Van Who did Van Jefferson play for?

Speaker 3 (29:37):
I'm guessing the Rams if that's what you guys were saying.

Speaker 2 (29:40):
Well, I think yeah, it looks like he was. He
does play for the Rams? All right? Sick?

Speaker 4 (29:46):
Okay, So something I said one thing factual?

Speaker 2 (29:49):
Yeah you did say a thing, factual thing.

Speaker 3 (29:51):
Good job.

Speaker 2 (29:52):
And Champ. Uh, that's kind of a cool name if
you're an athlete, if like you know that's your thing,
You're like, hey, Champ, I mean it is a nickname
and he will.

Speaker 3 (30:03):
Imagine if he sucks, yeah, that's going to be a bummer.

Speaker 2 (30:05):
I imagine if you grow up and you like lose
a lot and your name is Champ, that's right, that's
going to come back to bite you.

Speaker 3 (30:12):
I feel right, yeah a little bit.

Speaker 2 (30:14):
I mean yeah, like more like chump. I feel like
if you maybe he doesn't maybe his he's like one
of those guys like he's a huge football player. Imagine
he's like married a woman who's four foot eleven and
they have the kid, and then this kid comes out
his no muscles, he's just headgear. Like it's really having
a tough time. And his name is Champ. Yeah, totally right.

He's rudy. That that does. The movie does suck for him.
So I feel like maybe you're setting your kid up
for a lifetime of failure if you name him Champ,
because you don't know what what where the genetics are
going to pull from.

Speaker 4 (30:57):
I mean this is like so you.

Speaker 3 (30:58):
Think you're saying that people should they should name their
children something that like set the bar up.

Speaker 2 (31:04):
I'm not saying don't name him chump or loser, like
just give him an name and then and then you
gotta go, Well, how can you loser?

Speaker 4 (31:12):
I kind of like it.

Speaker 2 (31:16):
No loser, Yeah, present that you gotta think of, Like,
who how other kids can make fun of that name?
You know what I mean? Right?

Speaker 3 (31:27):
You do?

Speaker 5 (31:27):
You really have to run it through the ringer. You
have to call up all your friends and say, just
roast my kid's name before it's born, just to see
what it is. Did you do that with your with
your name?

Speaker 2 (31:39):

Speaker 3 (31:39):
You want us to have?

Speaker 2 (31:40):
I done it with our name? Boh? Yeah, we're thinking
b E A U and who knows, maybe that'll change
when we meet him. We're like, this is not a bow,
this is a champ. Sorry it is, but no, I
I haven't How would you guys roast that name? Bo
bo Bo the fucking loser?

Speaker 4 (32:03):

Speaker 2 (32:03):
Yeah, I guess any name kid?

Speaker 5 (32:05):
I mean that's yeah, I mean that's the low hanging
called dig Bo.

Speaker 6 (32:10):
Yeah yeah, bo don't know, don't know?

Speaker 4 (32:15):
I mean you could just be like, what are you
Donna Tello's weapon of choice?

Speaker 2 (32:19):
Yeah, it's kind of cool though, Yeah, so I guess
that name does.

Speaker 4 (32:25):
Hey, where's Arrow? You fucking losers?

Speaker 2 (32:27):
Arrow? Yeah, there's his dag Bo.

Speaker 4 (32:32):
Why don't you go tie something?

Speaker 2 (32:34):
Yeah? Hey, these are all good, like.

Speaker 4 (32:36):
Why don't you go sit on the hood of a Mercedes,
you bitch, but also like.

Speaker 5 (32:41):
Okay, yeah, he caps them all with just then saying
like bitch, because I.

Speaker 4 (32:48):
Need them to know that it's it's it's a negative.

Speaker 2 (32:51):
These are these are this is important because these are
really good, like third grade slams, like where's arrow?

Speaker 5 (32:57):
Yeah, that's really fucked up. That's the kind of ship
that will break your spirit.

Speaker 3 (33:01):
As a child. You'd be like yeah, and you're.

Speaker 2 (33:03):
Like where's arrow? And you're like, oh, that really hurt.

Speaker 4 (33:06):
Yeah, and then someone goes, hey, dude, don't knock bow,
and then like, oh, that's pretty good. Actually, I guess
you knock an arrow.

Speaker 2 (33:12):
And then and then Bow comes home. He's like, dad,
why did you do that?

Speaker 3 (33:15):
They said, where's my arrow?

Speaker 2 (33:17):
You fucking ass whole? They said where's arrow? And you're like, yeah,
where is arrow? Arrow would be a tight friend for
you to have, that'd be sick.

Speaker 4 (33:24):
And that's when Adam rolls his sleeve up and shows
him the tattoo of an arrow and he goes, I've
always been here.

Speaker 2 (33:30):
I'm right here, some arrow, I'm right here. He's like,
fire away, fire away, dude. Imagine if like, he's like, I'm.

Speaker 4 (33:40):
Sorry, you planned this whole thing out.

Speaker 3 (33:42):
Adam has to get all these things tattooed on his body.

Speaker 2 (33:45):
So he said, they said, I'm a tie, Where's tie?
Bow tie?

Speaker 3 (33:51):
You're like, it's right here, it's right here, it's right.

Speaker 4 (33:54):
You get the tattoo? Time you away? Did you just
have whoever see you? Who? I was saying that re record.

Speaker 2 (34:03):
That song see you come out here?

Speaker 4 (34:05):

Speaker 2 (34:06):
God, Dad, damn dude, I do I I mean whoever
starred in the television show Arrow. If his son isn't
Bow and then this is the long con he's playing
on his son for when someone finally says where's Arrow,
he can be like, it's my dad. He's my father,
and you're like that kid who punked him is like,

I'm not punks now I'm punked, which sucks.

Speaker 4 (34:32):
Or when I like showed it to my kids graduation
and like fall off stage trying to high five, and
then everyone's like, you know he was on Workaholics and
somebody goes more.

Speaker 2 (34:43):
Like alcohol, that's that's actually I feel. And then and
then we're like it's.

Speaker 5 (34:50):
It's damn January, it's birthday.

Speaker 2 (34:56):
Damn I'm not drunk. I'm damn you.

Speaker 4 (34:58):
I'm peeling off from my only Blake.

Speaker 3 (35:01):
Blake's turning forty seven. That's a huge one.

Speaker 4 (35:05):
That's a huge one. When is your birthday? Blake? What month?

Speaker 3 (35:09):
March yello?

Speaker 4 (35:12):
That's a pretty good name for a kid, won't you
march off? That fucking cliff bitch?

Speaker 6 (35:16):
Well, Kyle's up, fuck, leave him alone, leave him a
little at Kyle's uh literally in a few days.

Speaker 2 (35:22):
I think Kyle's is the twenty third of this month, correct,
you see you? That's right? One? Two three?

Speaker 3 (35:29):
No, you're right, it's his birthdays.

Speaker 4 (35:31):
Peel one off for two three.

Speaker 2 (35:33):
So man, our sober friend Kyle, we got a peel
one off for him?

Speaker 5 (35:37):
Yeah, maybe maybe we all. I mean it's a big one.
That's his forty Yeah, holy yeah, we gotta call we
gotta call him really drunk. He will love that and
just say we're doing this for him. He's just eating
a salad at home. And since there's a time difference
in Toronto, so he's on set.

Speaker 4 (35:56):
He's up.

Speaker 2 (35:57):
Yeah, he's at work. Let me talk as a van.

Speaker 3 (36:00):
Let me talk about vampires.

Speaker 2 (36:03):
Why have I not been cast? Scout? Kyle?

Speaker 3 (36:06):
Make me a werewolf?

Speaker 2 (36:07):
Dude, i'd be really get a werewolf, so you would
actually make a great werewolf.

Speaker 4 (36:13):
Kyle, what is that show about?

Speaker 2 (36:16):
There's no way to tell. There's no way to tell.

Speaker 3 (36:18):
You got to watch it.

Speaker 4 (36:20):
But come on, what's this show?

Speaker 2 (36:21):
You gotta watch it? What is that I did that?

Speaker 5 (36:24):
Did he get it nominated for Emmy this year? Or
was that memory? What I feel like when we first
started the.

Speaker 4 (36:29):
Pop I didn't hear about it, so I don't think so,
because Kyle wouldn't shut the fuck up about how did.

Speaker 2 (36:35):
Not shut up about it when they were nominated? He
remember we had to talk. We had to really care
about the Emmys that year, and really we talked about
the Emmys like a lot for like a month afterwards.

Speaker 4 (36:46):
And he met the Fawns or something right and ye
ate ship, yes.

Speaker 2 (36:51):
Did you guys? Uh watch the Emmys? I went to
like an Emmys before party, which was very fine.

Speaker 4 (36:57):
I know, dude, I didn't get an invite this year.

Speaker 2 (37:00):
No, you did. I talked with Isaac. He said that
you got it, and he was like, he had it.
I told him, so, I don't know. I don't know
what to tell you. Blake, you weren't you weren't invited.
Oh yeah, I did.

Speaker 4 (37:13):
Blake, you were, I believe he's Isaac Goes. Yes. Did
we send you an invite?

Speaker 2 (37:23):
You did? We did we send you an invite? God?
This is our This is our man?

Speaker 4 (37:29):
I damn, Isaac, Isaac. Do you know why? I know
I never got the invite?

Speaker 2 (37:33):
How's that?

Speaker 4 (37:34):
Because I would have gone because it's like the best
party of the year.

Speaker 2 (37:38):
I'm drunk now. It's a super fun party. And I
was saying I was when I was there with Chloe.
I'm like, it's cool that. I guess we're just old
enough that I felt like in all the comedy people
show up to it because we don't get invited to anything,
so this is the one party that you actually get
invited to. It was cool. I felt like I knew
like seventy percent of all the people there. It was

really fun.

Speaker 3 (37:59):
That's around.

Speaker 4 (38:00):
The last email I have regarding the evening before is
from twenty twenty two.

Speaker 2 (38:05):
Oh so that's not this year, Isaac.

Speaker 3 (38:09):

Speaker 2 (38:10):
Yeah, Well, I would have loved to have had you there.

Speaker 4 (38:12):
I'm not heated, but like I'm peeved.

Speaker 2 (38:15):
Oh yeah, peeved for sure.

Speaker 3 (38:17):
I'd be pretty pissed.

Speaker 2 (38:17):
Yeah, I'm a.

Speaker 4 (38:18):
Little peeved because a lot goes on in those weekends.
If you're not invite to a party or nominated, you're
a true loser.

Speaker 3 (38:24):
Yeah, well you're drinking blood by yourself.

Speaker 4 (38:27):
You know, you want to be out there peeling one.

Speaker 2 (38:29):
All at home with your blood bag. I'm stuck at
home drinking blood by.

Speaker 3 (38:34):
Myself, watching the Emmys. It's fucked.

Speaker 4 (38:37):
And I like, and I got an invite to an
Apple party because of Monarch, And I was like, yeah,
I don't know. I'm not like, I'm not going to
go to any parties, but I probably would have been like, well, damn,
I did the dry cleaning.

Speaker 2 (38:49):
Look at this.

Speaker 4 (38:49):
You were right. It was the Apple Plus party. Okay,
so I wasn't invited.

Speaker 2 (38:52):
Okay, I'm drunk now. So Isaac doesn't know what the
fuck he's talking about because he I because remember I asked,
you guys, are you guys going to this party? You
guys are like, no, we weren't invited. And then I
was like, and then I talk with Isaac and I go, Yo,
get the boys invited, and he goes, anders Is invited,
and then he's like and I R R S V
pedd And then I go, what about Blake? And he's like,

and there's nothing we can do for Blake? Why is
he not invited? And then we sang the song.

Speaker 4 (39:21):
I mean there's been years when I when I was
like inactive or whatever, I didn't get an invited and
then this on the show You're number one show on
Apple freaking Tea.

Speaker 5 (39:31):
He picked up for season two? Right has it been?
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 4 (39:37):
I don't know, I don't know what's official.

Speaker 2 (39:38):
But yeah, and the reason I was invited is because
of Gemstones, I'm sure, so you know.

Speaker 4 (39:45):
Yes, Gemstones sucking and some come on, has been nominated.

Speaker 2 (39:51):
Ever for no, dude, anything that I've ever been in
has not been nominated.

Speaker 3 (39:57):
So fucking stupid.

Speaker 2 (39:58):
As soon as I get near uh A project, the
stink gets on it. When I joined Modern Modern Family,
won the Emmy, won the Emmy every year until the
season that I got there, Never wont to gain, never
won again, dude, never again? You kidding me more? The

statues dried up. Yeah, they won six years in a
row and tied Fraser for like the most winningest program
of all time. At that look at that he was
wearing a Fraser T shirt. Uh, and then the second
I got there they had dried right up.

Speaker 3 (40:37):
Damn dude, that's crazy.

Speaker 2 (40:39):
But uh and also McBride was like, yeah, none of
our ship ever gets dominated.

Speaker 4 (40:44):
Yeah, yeah, which is bizarre. And even Eastbound and it
kind of was like, Oh, what's this new fancy comedy one.

Speaker 3 (40:51):
Of the funniest shows ever.

Speaker 2 (40:53):
Well, it's because it's too funny, it's too like the
same with Workaholics and uh, always Sunny in Philadelphia. They
never been nominated, so it's like.

Speaker 4 (41:01):
That's insane, that's so fat, it's crazy crazy, And they
made a joke of it. I did. I did watch it,
like to a day or two after or maybe what's
half of it that night, But I did see the
Sunny guys being like, got a weird and by the way,
it is kind of weird, Like I guess they can
joke about it, but at the same time, like if
they're not nominated, who's nominated?

Speaker 2 (41:19):
I know? Well, I mean the Bear one And no,
I really like that show. I really really like it.
It's a very good show. It's not I mean, it's
something else. We have to call comedy something else then,
because that isn't a comedy. It's very not a comedy.
There's funny moments, but it's not a comedy.

Speaker 4 (41:38):
The Evan Moss guy or whatever his name is makes
me laugh very hard, but it is a comedy.

Speaker 2 (41:42):
There's funny people in it, and there are very funny moments,
but it's for the most part, like Always Sunny in
Philadelphia is a comedy. That's what they're doing. They're they're
the whole episode is to make you laugh.

Speaker 5 (41:53):
So yeah, Gemstones too, Gemstones is fucking hilarious.

Speaker 2 (41:57):

Speaker 4 (41:57):
I actually feel like the Bear is so good at
drama and when it tries to do comedy, it kind
of is like, huh, it like comes to a screeching
halt for me, where I'm like, you guys just broke
the tone or whatever.

Speaker 2 (42:09):
It's it's way more dramatic. I'm like, it should be
in the drama.

Speaker 5 (42:14):
Yeah, but then you get then they would have to
go up against fucking succession, and that one's a that's
a type of drama. But that's a funny show too,
Like why isn't that a comedy?

Speaker 2 (42:22):
Sure, yeah, that's right.

Speaker 4 (42:24):
Well, I mean it comes down to a half hour
hour long, right, Like that's the that's the genesis of
this all.

Speaker 3 (42:29):
Okay, that's weird.

Speaker 4 (42:31):
It is weird.

Speaker 5 (42:32):
So if it's thirty minutes, it's funny. If it's an hour,
it's a drama.

Speaker 4 (42:35):

Speaker 2 (42:36):
So they've been nominated for a Creative Arts Emmys, which,
by the way, I do not know the difference.

Speaker 4 (42:42):
They were nominated for stunts, Yeah against us, I believe,
and they we both lost to like Super Ninja.

Speaker 2 (42:48):
We were nominated for a stunt which was tights. Now, yeah,
what is the difference, onders, What is the difference between
the Emmys and the Creative Arts Emmys?

Speaker 4 (43:05):
Well, as Kat Williams said, one's a fucking full of
plants and uh no, the Creative it's like the more
niche ones that don't need to be televised, right, like
I think editors and so.

Speaker 2 (43:16):
But that's what uh Tim and Tim Robinson and Sam won.

Speaker 4 (43:20):
They won like Best Guest Star on Something, which I
guess didn't.

Speaker 2 (43:25):
Leave a comedy on a comedy. They don't air that
on the actually I means, so they do it at
the Creative Arts means, right.

Speaker 4 (43:31):
And then I think Tim won for what Best Short Okay, yeah,
well cool things that like don't get the big numbers
like best writer, best director, best actor, best supporting actor. Okay,
in a motion picture or streaming, watch.

Speaker 5 (43:49):
Program or on your phone, A lot of words, all
the words.

Speaker 2 (43:54):
Well, that's cool that and that's what I like about.
This is important. It's just kind of a learning process.
I learned that Zodia learn about like, uh, horoscope stuff
like scorpios and capricorns and that kind of thing. Now
I know that.

Speaker 4 (44:07):
That's I learned that my manager has no idea what's
going on.

Speaker 2 (44:11):
No, he never does, he does it, He does not know.

Speaker 5 (44:14):
He doesn't have your email. He's sending emails to an
old account.

Speaker 2 (44:18):
We did. We sent you an invites an rs VP
for you, and you're right. It was Apple plus reception.

Speaker 4 (44:24):
Yeah, I like getting weird with Kyle. Well, there you do.
I bet that's what happened.

Speaker 2 (44:29):
Hey, play some play some Isaac drops. Those are my faves? Yeah,
where the hell learned those? Where did I hide those?

Speaker 4 (44:34):
What's the one he says about me? It's not great?
I think it's the worst. That's one that can go
getting radical.

Speaker 2 (44:39):
I don't like you guys.

Speaker 3 (44:40):
Tell me to show my tits beautiful.

Speaker 2 (44:43):
Ye, drinking with Adam is always fun. I don't drinking
me that, you know why I do? Like when I
do Isaac, I do a short you know, short cadence
and like kind of a gravelly uh, just because it's
more fun than his voice. Like his voice. You hear
it now and you're like, it's kind of bitchy, you
know what I mean, like a little bitchy. Yeah. Yeah,

maybe play another one, just so we can really dive
into his voice.

Speaker 4 (45:09):
More like no sad?

Speaker 2 (45:10):
Like, well, what he doesn't he say one about and.

Speaker 4 (45:16):
I'm looking for I thought he did and because we
heard I heard it in like a live show and
I was like, that's not that good.

Speaker 2 (45:23):
What did he he says one thing about each of us?
So I hope he's He says he likes drinking with me,
he likes getting radical with you, you know, or whatever
about Jersey just skips over. He's like like, I know,
the night before the evening party?

Speaker 4 (45:38):
What is his name? Again? I like collecting a percent
off of his checks. I but that's what you like.

Speaker 2 (45:45):
I think you and Isaac have some beef.

Speaker 4 (45:47):
Due he likes talking about water polo with hers.

Speaker 2 (45:50):
That's pretty cool.

Speaker 4 (45:51):
Didn't we do it in Oakland? Also? Like Isaac's like
we're zooming. He's on it and it uses his wife's
name as like the fucking bad or whatever. You're like,
what it's like?

Speaker 2 (46:01):
Why, Okay, he's a professional. I mean he's our manager
and his he professionally uses zoom all the time. The
fact that it doesn't say his name and it says
his wife's name makes me love him even more. Isaac,
I love you, buddy. You're a real goof troop.

Speaker 4 (46:21):
So what energy drink?

Speaker 2 (46:22):
It's a better buzz, so good in charge of our career.

Speaker 4 (46:28):
Adam, how how was the night before party?

Speaker 2 (46:30):

Speaker 4 (46:30):
It? Was it like because it's pretty like heads on swivels,
people just kind of seeing who's there, and then at
some point the dance people start dancing.

Speaker 3 (46:40):
Adam is the dance person.

Speaker 2 (46:41):
I didn't really dance. It was a lot of standing
around in nice suits and gowns and drinking. I kept
it pretty damp though. I had five drinks over the
course of four hours. So that's not a lot. That's
not a lot. Okay.

Speaker 4 (46:56):
Yeah, and we're saying damp is like not, it's just damp.
It's not that well.

Speaker 2 (47:01):
Damp as you're drinking. Yeah, you're drinking, but you're not
getting wet. That That's what I was saying at Sam's party.
I'm like, Blake, that was not damp. You got wet. Yeah,
you got pretty wet. You're soaking. I got wet. You
were sopping wet.

Speaker 4 (47:15):
He was soaking.

Speaker 2 (47:16):
But when you span it out over the last eighteen days,
it's a damp because it's so it's oh sure, sure, sure,
So you haven't you haven't drank before or since this
entire No, no, wait a second, I've been good. We
haven't drank at all since the Sam's Birthday party.

Speaker 4 (47:34):
Ain't no way.

Speaker 5 (47:35):
There was one night on the fourth when my buddy
Adam came into town and we did have to margueritas
at Mexican Food.

Speaker 4 (47:44):
But other than that, the fourth, like right out of
the gate of dry January. I mean, I love it.
You had to peel them off for your boy home.

Speaker 2 (47:54):
Yeah you did. Hey, you're rude. I never see the guy.
He never comes to La. Yeah, you gotta peel I know.

Speaker 4 (47:59):
I just I would just tell you that, like everyone
is understanding if you're doing a thing, nobody really cares
if you're not gonna like have a margarita with them.

Speaker 3 (48:08):
No, it's not about that. It's like I want to
have a margarita with my boy.

Speaker 2 (48:12):
It's not Margit is wrong.

Speaker 5 (48:13):
I don't know when that opportunity is gonna happen again.
Of course you do. We want to do that all
the time.

Speaker 4 (48:19):
But then the point of then, why are you even
saying you're gonna do a dry January? Because you just
do a twenty twenty four peel one upude.

Speaker 2 (48:28):
Okay, I'll rebrand. The thing is he had good intentions.

Speaker 4 (48:32):
He had good intentions, and then when it's over on
the fourth, just cut it.

Speaker 2 (48:36):
Well. Then he pivoted, I'm with you, I'm I have
your back here up Blake. Then he pivoted right away.

Speaker 4 (48:42):
Good luck with that.

Speaker 2 (48:43):
He didn't stick to well, it's dry starting now he goes,
you know what it's gonna be, Dann, thank you. I'm not.
I'm not. It's not gonna be a regular banger rang.
I am gonna. I am gonna pull the reins back
some of the nine. But every once in a while
I might go out, have a couple, try not to
get blackout, try.

Speaker 4 (49:03):
Not get home and drunk. Now have a night cat.

Speaker 2 (49:07):
Yeah, I don't think it's that bad.

Speaker 4 (49:09):
Don't foot one on the night stand for so when
I wake up in the morning, I can have a
little dog hair of the dog that bit you.

Speaker 2 (49:15):
Yeah, if I.

Speaker 5 (49:15):
Wake up with the night's terrors, it puts Daddy back
to bed.

Speaker 2 (49:20):
Yeah, it stopped and stops the shaking. It stops.

Speaker 3 (49:24):
I gotta perform surgery tonight. Baby like it.

Speaker 4 (49:29):
No, it's been nice.

Speaker 3 (49:30):
I've been really enjoying it.

Speaker 4 (49:31):
I sow your lips to a beer.

Speaker 2 (49:34):
So what are you doing in instead? Are you? Because
usually when I go, you know what, I'm not going
to drink for a little while. Then I become a
true stoner. Then I'm like, dude, I'm like, oh, what
them gummies do? And then I'm like, uh oh h
how many joints? Is too many joints to smoke in
one day?

Speaker 4 (49:50):
Free needle on the sidewalk? Mine's now, yeah, it's minds
Now what is this? What is this?

Speaker 2 (49:57):
Random pill? I found on a floor of a Walmart?

Speaker 5 (50:03):
No, you know what, I'm you know what, I have
noticed when I don't drink, I'm very hungry. I snack
a toe, I eat way more. So I've been buying
hell at chip.

Speaker 4 (50:14):
Was waiting for Well.

Speaker 3 (50:15):
I will say that Blake doesn't I speak to my children.

Speaker 4 (50:20):
I remember all the capitals of every state.

Speaker 2 (50:22):
I'm a genius. Blake doesn't eat a lot, so he
usually fills that with beer. Usually he gets his calorie
for one of his meals.

Speaker 3 (50:32):
I eat just the same as everybody else.

Speaker 2 (50:35):
No, you don't, Blake, Blake. That is not true, because
I'm that is not true. On tour, you were like,
oh my god, we're eating again. It's like, yeah, breakfast, lunch, dinner. Dude,
it read I'm drunk.

Speaker 4 (50:46):

Speaker 5 (50:46):
You guys eat so much meat. It's fucking crazy, dude.
I can't keep up with that.

Speaker 2 (50:50):
Okay, well we three times a day. I am not
eating like steak every meal, you know, but I remember,
you know. But and then you're you're like sun is
like you have your your beers are your are your
meal for one of the meals?

Speaker 4 (51:06):
Yeah, I eat coffee cake. You drink MGD.

Speaker 2 (51:10):
So so I understand now that you're not drinking, you
gotta you gotta find those calories somewhere. Yes, I do.

Speaker 5 (51:16):
I do consider the calories of beer. So if I
know that I'm like having some beers, I'm probably not
gonna eat as large of a lunch or have you know,
a steak.

Speaker 2 (51:26):
Yeah really, see, I go the opposite. I'm like, I
need to have a nice base, yes, just soak up
all this booze that, uh that I'm gonna have.

Speaker 4 (51:34):
Yeah, sure, that's what I do.

Speaker 2 (51:36):
And maybe that's why I'm.

Speaker 4 (51:37):
Morbidly consider I consider considering, and then I don't.

Speaker 2 (51:43):

Speaker 4 (51:44):
I think, I think about and then I just go naw.

Speaker 3 (51:47):
Even when we were.

Speaker 5 (51:48):
On tour, like we were having those like two am
fourth meal. Yeah, dude, I don't do that, like those
nighttime pizza slices that are so loud. It's just delicious.
It is fun to eat that late at night.

Speaker 2 (52:01):
But well I don't. I don't really do that now either.
But that was a just so we can hangs so
we can hang out a little longer.

Speaker 4 (52:09):
You know.

Speaker 2 (52:10):
That was tour Gasm and we were just getting tour.
I'm Gary Goldman, who are you? And tour guest.

Speaker 4 (52:15):
Isarch I keep getting videos sent of him, and I'm like, from.

Speaker 2 (52:20):
Tourasm, gotten any video sent my way? But yeah, I
think that's the algorithm. He is an HBO special right now.
I think he talks about he's like really open, you know,
how like now you can't just be really funny. You
have to you head like you're I know, you have
to talk about like a thing that happened to you,

your stand up special. It can't just be funny. You
have to be like and also, I'm battling with depression
or whatever.

Speaker 4 (52:48):
And I think I think the reason I'm funny is
because actually really sad. So have you seen the Jim
Cavil movie Now, I.

Speaker 2 (52:58):
Can't stop Babies? Was that Cat Williams.

Speaker 4 (53:07):

Speaker 2 (53:07):

Speaker 4 (53:08):
Can we get it?

Speaker 2 (53:08):
Yeah? People? People for after the last podcast, people are like, oh,
I get it. Adam doesn't like Kat Williams, And I
just want to let it be known. I think Kat
Williams is hilarious. I think he's so funny. I think
why he thinks his career isn't where it is is
the wrong way to think about it. I think he
did it to himself, even though he is super funny.

I think if he would have showed up on time
more often, he would have still been you know in
uh people, we would still be talking about him all
the time. Love him super funny, I hate him. I
hate him. No, I wouldn't special. I bet it would
be fucking hilarious. The guy's great.

Speaker 5 (53:49):
The Emmy's added a stand up award, right.

Speaker 2 (53:53):
A Cat Williams section.

Speaker 3 (53:55):
Uh, they gave this Cat Williams lifetime.

Speaker 2 (53:58):
It's it's immemorial. You're like, but he's alive, Like he's dead.
To us, he is dead.

Speaker 4 (54:04):
It would be kind of if there was a Cat
Williams Award for like the most non conformist to the
industry person of the year, where it's like, well they
had a wild ass year.

Speaker 2 (54:15):
Yeah yeah, right, and and we would we would hear
about all of those actors and all the comedians for
like three or four years, and and then by the
fifth year, it's like some guy that's that you don't
even know. You're like, yeah, yeah, homeless Tony, and it's
just some guy just like hammering a trash can and
you're like.

Speaker 3 (54:35):
My god, uh for his work with poop puppets.

Speaker 5 (54:42):
Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god, it's
us again.

Speaker 2 (54:47):
Fucking disaster, my guy.

Speaker 4 (54:48):
I'm not out here sucking up penis. Oh wait, see
speaking of penis and speaking of your disaster, my guy, Blake,
I saw you finished the curse. I gotta finish it.
It's a good it's a good finish.

Speaker 3 (55:00):
I loved it.

Speaker 5 (55:01):
I thought that that show was fantastic.

Speaker 4 (55:03):
Mm hmmm.

Speaker 2 (55:04):
I don't know anything about it. I don't know anything
about it.

Speaker 4 (55:08):
So it's Jim cavisl and it is.

Speaker 5 (55:11):
That's a good way to go into it because it
just is fun to like not know anything and kind.

Speaker 4 (55:16):
Of I don't. I didn't know anything. And when I
watched the pilot also, I just when we've maybe covered this,
I don't watch trailers of things that I think I
want to go see, Yeah, because I don't want to
know anything. And I know from being on our side
of the business that they say, put everything you can
legally put from your movie or your show in the trailer. Yes,
even if it's like the best bit that reveals whatever. Yeah,
just put in the trailer to get the butts in

the seats, which I hate.

Speaker 2 (55:38):
Yeah, that does totally.

Speaker 5 (55:39):
You'd be like, you're like that obviously is the very
end of the movie. You just showed it in the
trailer because that explosion is the budget right there.

Speaker 4 (55:48):
Yeah, and I think we've covered that it happened. There's
a movie for me where I was like I'm done,
I'm fucking done. It was like I think Terminator Salvation
with Christian Bale or no with the woman the dude
from Avatar who like finds out halfway through the movie
that he's a terminator, like he thought he was just
like a guy. Oh yeah, and then like they show
his guts or all like gears and fucking wires, and

I'm like, like, that's a huge that would have been
cool to experience, Like fucking what. I love that idea.

Speaker 2 (56:16):
That's great, dude, dude, I'm sorry that happened to you. Dude.
That sucks.

Speaker 3 (56:20):
Yeah, that sucks.

Speaker 4 (56:21):
Formative about that?

Speaker 2 (56:22):
Are there any take backs, any apologies, any epic slams? Mmmm.
I'd like to epic slam Kyle for not being here.
I wish he could have made that work. But he's
eating babies apparently. We don't know. We're not sure what
the hell.

Speaker 4 (56:35):
So anything's possible, can see us.

Speaker 5 (56:38):
I mean, we gave a lot of really epic slams
to Bo, but now I'd like to uplift him. We
can't wait to get you here, buddy, Adam. You're about
to be.

Speaker 2 (56:46):
A daddy literally any week now. Like we you know,
we're with work stuff, Like people are like, hey, can
you do this on the week of the the of
the fifteenth of when I'm having the baby, like that week,
and I'm like, I don't think I should be anywhere
doing anything. I think I need to be close.

Speaker 4 (57:04):
That's right, Okase, I do like that you consider You're like,
I probably shouldn't run.

Speaker 2 (57:09):
Yeah, well I run a past close. She's like, it'll
probably be fine, And I'm like, I don't know.

Speaker 4 (57:13):
Ye, she's testing you, dude. Yeah, when she goes it
should it'll probably be fine. That means she's like leaning
in going. This is the part where.

Speaker 2 (57:21):
You go no, no, I so so I'm obviously I'm
going to stick around. It's it's very excited.

Speaker 4 (57:28):
You were just joking. Yeah, even though the super Bowl.

Speaker 2 (57:31):
I could be at the super Bowl right there.

Speaker 1 (57:33):

Speaker 4 (57:33):
No, I'm just in Las Vegas.

Speaker 2 (57:35):
It's a quick it's a quick quiet uh but yeah, no,
I'll stick around. I'll stick around. Yeah, yeah, I'll be
I'll keep it local.

Speaker 4 (57:42):
It'd be cool to have the baby born in Vegas. No,
it's fine, we can.

Speaker 2 (57:47):
Yeah, sure, that'd be fine. That'd be all right, see
it all right, no Champ, Okay, I guess we're not
naming her Champ. Okay, all right, And that's on you.
But that's fine and that's your call. That's fine. It is. Yeah,
very excited. Take you blakey Uh, we're very excited.

Speaker 5 (58:01):
Yeah, I'm excited for you. Dude, can't wait. That's going
to be cute.

Speaker 4 (58:04):
Yeah, I'm more excited. You know. I know it doesn't
seem like it, but I just want you to know.
I know there's no way in hell. And he's more
excited than I am.

Speaker 2 (58:11):
Too excited.

Speaker 4 (58:13):
Chill out, man, I love children more than you. I
have more kids than you.

Speaker 2 (58:16):
Well quit saying that. Quit saying that. He Yeah, you're saying.

Speaker 4 (58:19):
If you like kids, if you if you like kids
so much, why don't you have as many as I go?

Speaker 3 (58:23):
That's true, that is true. So but I can still
do it. I didn't. I haven't tied my tubes yet.

Speaker 2 (58:29):
So I do know, if I know, if I know, Blake,
come over here in check, bitch.

Speaker 4 (58:34):
Let me say.

Speaker 2 (58:35):
I could see Blake having like a sixty year old kid,
just like a whoopsies.

Speaker 3 (58:40):
And you're like, you're saying a kid when I'm I
adopt a sixty year old man.

Speaker 4 (58:44):
Yeah, he just said, Adam, divine language for you know,
why my kid when you're sixteen six year old kid.
You know what he's.

Speaker 5 (58:51):
Saying, because I will adopt a sixty year old tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (58:54):
That sounds cool as hell. It's just a dad.

Speaker 4 (58:57):
What is there an limit to when you can be adopted? Right?

Speaker 3 (59:01):
Yeah? I don't know. That's a great question.

Speaker 2 (59:03):
How old when what you can adopt? Yeah? You can't
adopt an adult?

Speaker 4 (59:07):
Yeah? Why not?

Speaker 3 (59:08):
That's fucking cool. Why aren't we doing that all the time?

Speaker 4 (59:11):
What if the adult has like needs, like special needs type, So.

Speaker 2 (59:14):
Maybe then you can.

Speaker 4 (59:15):
If you have special needs and then both your parents
explode in a fire, sure, can someone adopt you? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (59:22):
I think I think someone could just step in and
take care of you. I don't know about a full
legal adoption.

Speaker 4 (59:27):
And and then does Jim Caviez will have to save
you from that adopted parent the.

Speaker 2 (59:31):
Adoption, And that's the that's the movie.

Speaker 4 (59:33):
Holly was not gonna make it Magic, this is the movie.

Speaker 2 (59:36):
That's the movie. This is the movie.

Speaker 4 (59:38):
It is the movie. But Hollick was not gonna make it.

Speaker 2 (59:40):
No, and I promise we don't need them. And they
also won't make the Workaholics movie. So the Christian movie.

Speaker 4 (59:47):
The work all Yeah, not until Paramount Plus gets bought
by who knows, who knows.

Speaker 3 (59:52):
We'll see.

Speaker 2 (59:55):
All right, guys, Well, I think that's it Until then,
that's another episode.

Speaker 4 (01:00:00):
D is

Speaker 2 (01:00:03):
Sport art
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