All Episodes

April 23, 2024 90 mins

Today, this is what's important:

Live from Atlantic City! Hard Rock memorabilia, babies, lifeguards, AC locals, car accident, gym friends, piercings, Q&A, hot topics, & more. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Welcome to This is Important, a production of iHeartRadio, the
show where we only talk about what's the most important,
bottom line, critical thing happening on this planet today.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
On this is important.

Speaker 3 (00:17):
When this is important makes a promise, we.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
Stick to it. I can't do a cannonball without my
dick out.

Speaker 4 (00:25):
When people say, hey, you went to the TII show,
how was it, you can all tell people you went
and you saw full penetration on stage.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
Buckle up.

Speaker 5 (00:40):
Time to buzz up, buddy, Drink the pain away.

Speaker 2 (00:45):
Drink the pain away.

Speaker 5 (00:48):
Uh, nothing like a hot buzzball to start the night.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
My god, ATLANTICX, I just want to soap this in
for a second. I can't see anybody because the lights
are so damn bright.

Speaker 2 (01:02):
But you didn't think we were gonna get these jackets,
did you? Y'all didn't think we were getting these jackets.

Speaker 3 (01:15):
That really felt like that moment, like you know when
like n Sync, like a song would end, but like
they wait for applause, so they just kind of are like, yeah, right,
kind of still gotta stay in the vibe.

Speaker 2 (01:28):
Well, we saw the in sync um memorabilia.

Speaker 3 (01:33):
Dude, Evidently they like dressed up as like a bootleg
Hulk one time or something.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
I don't know that. Yeah, they were all dressed as
like Mighty morphin Power Rangers. I don't know if I
saw a bootleg Hulk. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (01:46):
I was pretty hammered last night.

Speaker 2 (01:48):
Okay, I must. I got pretty drunk last night too,
because normally when because they were playing at the Circle
bar here in the middle, Okay, you know it, you
know it. You know it drove in first circular bar
and aptly named and uh was it called No, it's

not called lobby, you deaf fuck. Uh No, it's it's
like a circle bar. And they were playing Pitch perfect.

Speaker 3 (02:23):
They were Yeah, it was on TVs.

Speaker 5 (02:27):
And normally it'd be like, nah, we have to turn that.
But last time I was like, let's watch it.

Speaker 2 (02:32):
Yeah you did. I grabbed the bar tender.

Speaker 4 (02:34):
I go, can we get that one on the big
screen real quick, dude?

Speaker 5 (02:37):
And I know you said. I heard you say, hey,
can we turn that? And I thought you said off,
and I'm and I leaned over and I'm like thank you.
And then I looked up and it was on the
big screen. I'm like yeah, And then I said you.

Speaker 7 (02:55):

Speaker 2 (02:56):
It's a little early. It's a little early. Blame I
don't know. We can't give it to him, not yet.
We can't give it to him. No, we can't please
the music pupp.

Speaker 8 (03:16):
It's getting I'm gonna make my way to my favorite
plastic It's in my body, move and shake the stress.

Speaker 5 (03:31):
Okay, that's my favorite ship. Because people have the live shows,
that's they love it. And then the people online after
the show comes out and we release it, they're like,
why the fuck he's such a basic ass singer, Why
the fuck does he sing?

Speaker 2 (03:46):
They hate it?

Speaker 4 (03:48):

Speaker 5 (03:49):
Hey, this is for the keyboard warriors out there that
hate that. I'm a song and dance man at my
core and I can't help it.

Speaker 2 (03:58):
Who are your influencing? Disaster?

Speaker 5 (04:00):
My god, you were your song and dance influence, that's
my song and dance influences would probably be just Jack Black?

Speaker 7 (04:08):
Right right?

Speaker 2 (04:10):

Speaker 5 (04:10):
I imagine how Jack Black led sing Rihanna and then
I just do that.

Speaker 2 (04:15):
Dr Well, I don't. I'm not a good singer. I
never said I was a good singer. Thank you, Yes
I am.

Speaker 5 (04:21):
My mom's in the audience, Yes you are, honey, and
you're not fat.

Speaker 2 (04:26):
Quit saying that. And he's not. Guys, he's lost some weights.

Speaker 5 (04:31):
I have.

Speaker 2 (04:32):
I've recently lost twelve twelve LB's.

Speaker 4 (04:34):
It's it's pretty big to and you know what, It's
crazy that all it took was starting to exercise again,
quitting sugar, quitting caffeine, eating more vegetable.

Speaker 5 (04:43):
Breaking red bull right now, So I quitting is a
looser waitting is a loose k I'm just more hyping.

Speaker 3 (04:50):
I'm more hyped on the dude in the back when
you said I lost pounds, he said boom, yeah right.

Speaker 2 (04:55):
And he's like like, sorry, man, I just wanted to go.

Speaker 5 (05:00):
I'm like, I'm just trying to fit in my jeans again.

Speaker 2 (05:05):
It is a sad day when you go like it's
sweatpants from here on out. Right, Well, what's cools? Your
wife was pregnant, but now I'm officially a daddy. I'm
the daddy now.

Speaker 4 (05:22):
And the cool move that women when they get pregnant
they want to keep some of their jeans, they just
like get a hair tie, like loop it through and
go over.

Speaker 2 (05:28):
That was kind of a sexy move. Have you tried
that or no? I didn't try that.

Speaker 4 (05:31):

Speaker 2 (05:32):
I was a little embarrassed. Don't look at my pants.
But I'm just throwing that out there.

Speaker 5 (05:36):
She she actually it sucked because she lost like when
she had the baby, she lost the baby.

Speaker 4 (05:43):
No, No, like, if I lost the baby, where would
you think it went?

Speaker 2 (05:49):
Yeah. I got a text going, Hey, if I prefer
to forget the baby somewhere hypothetically, where would I lose?
I go, I said this, change strawer, go to the roof.

Speaker 3 (06:04):
And we didn't decide that you were taking the baby
to Atlantic City, right, And.

Speaker 2 (06:09):
I opened up the luggage and I go, Now we
got him. He's here. He's just eating his hand. Yeah, dude,
those babies be sucking. Dude. Okay, we've made this perfectly
clear on Instagram. Dude, these babies be sucking.

Speaker 5 (06:26):
Okay, I mean they will they like, they'll suck on.
I mean they're like constantly trying to. Yeah, okay, Well,
you guys are taking it weird and.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
Sexual, not weird as sexual. I mean you're saying babies, no,
get sucking is the way you say it is. No,
I get it. You're a sexual guy. I get I'm
a sexual being in this jacket. In this jacket, anything
is taken sexually. Uh. And for those listening at home

that didn't come out to the show, you'll never know
what jackets were wearing, but they're very sexual and they're
definitely not like the Letterman jackets. We were claiming.

Speaker 5 (07:06):
Very cool letterman jackets and we saw these jackets that
are definitely for tiny women, and we're like, we'll take three.

Speaker 3 (07:16):
They look like what's on the rack for like American
Idol contestants.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
They're like Justin Guarini and this is his line of jackets.
That's the Adam Lambert special. He's tall. He's also just
do that pretty good. Why do you know that?

Speaker 4 (07:36):

Speaker 2 (07:36):
Yeah? So anyways, very strong too, he's actually really strong,
too strong. You can like bench, He's got quite the
muscular bill physique. Can he could give really long piggyback rides.
It should be Adam got damn Burt. Okay, God, damn Burt.
We'll give you some point. Yeah, yeah, that's what he does.

He puts up points.

Speaker 4 (08:01):

Speaker 5 (08:01):
So, I I mean we talked about a little bit
on an earlier podcast, but I do this a first
live podcast. I fake had my son stuck on my titty.
Its a joke for an Instagram post. I thought it
was funny. Uh yeah, some people do think it's funny.
And there's a hard line. Yeah, I found out the

hard way. Either you're like, oh that's hilarious or you're
like foul right.

Speaker 2 (08:29):
No, So many people are like I used to like you,
you son, hum a bitch, so you ruined it for me.
Have you let your baby stuck on your nose? Yet?

Speaker 4 (08:41):
What you.

Speaker 2 (08:44):
Well, I don't know. It wasn't like a lud like
I'm letting him do that. I was like, he forced you.
You can talk about No, you're holding him your You
go to like kiss him on the cheek and he's
like hungry. So it's like, oh, he's just like I
miss it. Sometimes I chase my ten year old around

the backyard just saying just suck right, no, just give
it a nibble. They don't take you to school.

Speaker 5 (09:10):
It is wild because you hear these like I used
to hear you guys when you talk about your kids
and like, oh I miss how small they were, and
I'm like, what a bitch, My god, shut up?

Speaker 2 (09:21):
Uh now I get it. Yeah, yeah, because it is.
It is like wild. I was talking to my wife.
I was like, there never, he's never going to be
this small ever again? And what if I just started
to cry? You guys, Adams Adams starting to figure it
all out.

Speaker 5 (09:36):
What I'm I'm really sweaty right now. I'm sweating out
of the corners of my eyes really bad, right.

Speaker 2 (09:42):
Yeah, yeah, oh my god, I'm sweating. Jacket It must
be the jackets. Do you think you could do? You
think you could bust out of that thing? You think
I get flegs out of this thing? I don't know,
ain't no way, but me and you were wearing the
same size.

Speaker 5 (09:56):
DRORS got the larger size, which I think I think
I should have got the larger size.

Speaker 2 (10:03):
I'll try mine kind of works. Huh yeah, yeah, DRS
actually fits him. Here, I'll try to flex out of it.
Let's do it. There we go. Oh you got a
zip it? Huh yeah, okay, good luck, all right? Can
you zip it?

Speaker 4 (10:22):
Here we go.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
Do you want to show the back? Yeah? Yeah, yeah,
let's go. Let's go. Did it? Did it? Did it?

Speaker 4 (10:37):

Speaker 2 (10:38):
Not at all?

Speaker 4 (10:39):

Speaker 2 (10:39):
No, the zippers. That's actually a pretty cool magic trick. Yeah. Oh,
let me just get some change. That's actually a really
cool magic trick. Something, Adam, your shoulders out of its socket.
Something's popping. He's saying, I mean, maybe you couldn't it,

but it's looser. Now you try to do it because
it it does. You guys had him figuring everything out tonight.
If you stretch it, it gets looser. Now something popped.
It didn't split open in the back. No, it's be
on my fucking side for once.

Speaker 4 (11:16):
Yeah, some of the letters popped off, it says rod Cock.
Now somehow that's weird.

Speaker 2 (11:23):
You know who I bet could have busted out of
that thing? What Kyle, Big fucking Kyle. Yeah, yeah, no,
actually I did.

Speaker 5 (11:32):
I couldn't disagree more because now he's a little wayfish
bitch because he plays too much pickleball, right, Yeah, well
you know what, because Kyle is working on what we
do in the shadows, see you yeah, show show we
all know and love.

Speaker 2 (11:45):
He doesn't what we do.

Speaker 5 (11:47):
He refuses to come back to the podcast because he
chooses pickleball over his lifelong friends and devoted fan base
of t I Nation.

Speaker 2 (11:57):
You see, Is he the villain of the pod? Yeah?
I don't know. You guys are saying it so, yeah,
it makes a lot of sense. We didn't say that.
We didn't say that when you guys did backyard wrestling
as way too old children.

Speaker 3 (12:10):
Yeah, seniors in high school dude, I love you guys,
but I watched that ship and I'm like, wow, girls
did not talk to you.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
Yeah, you're like made your Wednesday nights were crazy. You're like,
this is Peaky Friday. No, you're just slamming gatorade zeros.

Speaker 3 (12:29):
A girl talk to me and she was the freaking
coolest girl in the world. Okay, yeah, okay, what was
your teachers? She wore an eyepatch and wow, you burnt me.

Speaker 2 (12:38):

Speaker 6 (12:41):
All right, I'm coming.

Speaker 2 (12:42):
I got a lot of ship. Yeah, but no, her
name was Teresa and she was first girlfriend.

Speaker 3 (12:48):
Okay, and she liked my hardcore backyard wrestling.

Speaker 4 (12:53):

Speaker 5 (12:54):
Well, dude, there's always going to be some cool chicks
that they'll go along with whatever their boyfriends doing. They're like, oh,
you're backyard wrestling with your friends as a seventeen year
old boy.

Speaker 2 (13:06):
Okay, I'll sit there and go good Eskimofo.

Speaker 4 (13:11):
Uh yeah cool, I'll be I'll be rode up right
over after fucking some other dude.

Speaker 2 (13:17):
We who just likes to stand around and look hot. Yeah,
that's the fucked up shit.

Speaker 4 (13:23):
You're actually doing something with your life, thank you, other dudes,
So you can just kind of see the outline of
their dick through their jeans.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
They're just standing around on the hood of their car
waiting to get fucked crazy. Yeah that never worked for me.
I was doing a lot of standing. Well you heard
the part about the Yeah, that's that's what I was missing. Yeah,
you have the hood of the car. I was on
the hood of the car. Yeah, but you were sprawled
out like like it's hey, you want to rye please?

The music hop in drop top screaming out money.

Speaker 3 (14:01):
Yeah, I hope you like Germaine depri Hey, mom, can
I get one of those new cell phone things?

Speaker 2 (14:06):
I think I need one for safety? Yeah on location, baby,
you got You guys have a cell phones? And I
I had a cell phone?

Speaker 4 (14:13):

Speaker 2 (14:13):
Hell yeah.

Speaker 6 (14:14):
I played Snake for days.

Speaker 2 (14:15):
Yeah bro, yeah we know you played. I played for days.
Did you have a cell phone?

Speaker 6 (14:22):
Wouldn't that be cool if you got a quaint snake?

Speaker 5 (14:24):
Don't come in I'm playing Snake again.

Speaker 6 (14:28):
No, I'm not about to get the high score over man.

Speaker 2 (14:34):
This is the best I've ever done. I think cell phones.

Speaker 4 (14:37):
I had a friend with the cell phone in high school,
but I think they popped when I was in college.

Speaker 2 (14:41):
And you guys well, you were so old preschool? Yeah, yeah,
sometimes I forget how old you remember when I was
your counselor at aquatics camp and uh, I taught you
guys how to do this when you fell off the
water skis and wait, wait, this is actually something I
want to talk to you about.

Speaker 3 (14:59):
I've seen some videos of lifeguards recently on like, uh,
what do you want?

Speaker 2 (15:07):
Do you want the spot? Dude? Your algorithm fucking sucks, dude.
I like how he's like, oh, I got it, I
got it.

Speaker 4 (15:14):
I've been looking at the lifeguards, dude.

Speaker 2 (15:19):
Hear me out.

Speaker 3 (15:21):
It's multiple videos that I've noticed where like, well, because
the first time I saw it, it was shocking, and
I'm like, this person has turetts or something.

Speaker 6 (15:32):
But what's up with lifeguards doing this?

Speaker 2 (15:37):
Because they're getting their hair out of their face? Homie,
what do you mean you have long hair?

Speaker 6 (15:40):
Like they like walk and they do like this?

Speaker 2 (15:43):
What I want to say that it look at your
hair just falling out. I would not be a good lifeguard.
Is it windy?

Speaker 4 (15:52):

Speaker 2 (15:52):
No, it's like they like are like are they standing
for very long periods? The lifeguards that I knew were
drunk right there. Friends that were lifeguards at the fun
Plex in Omaha, Nebraska. They were getting oh if someone
knows it, no you don't, uh five plex. I just

wanted to scream. Uh. They were fucking wasted, you know,
sitting up in their high chair.

Speaker 6 (16:19):
So you think that, like, don't do that.

Speaker 2 (16:22):
So you think that these lifeguards are on like Salvia
or something, and they're.

Speaker 5 (16:26):
Like, yeah, or what's the ship that you u in prison?
And Jacob ja Yeah, they're on Jacob and that's jencom.
Remind me exactly what that's like. Human ship, fermented, human
ship veabors.

Speaker 2 (16:39):

Speaker 5 (16:40):
I feel like I feel like Atlantic City is jacom Central.

Speaker 2 (16:46):
I feel like you go underneath the boardwalk and there's.

Speaker 5 (16:48):
Just like fifteen guys like you want some jankum, right,
come on down here, get some janko ocean spray.

Speaker 2 (16:56):
This place is a churrip. By the way, is anybody
local around here?

Speaker 4 (17:00):

Speaker 5 (17:01):
No, there's some locals, and I feel like it's it's
like la, It's like the locals are pretty normal. It's
the psychopaths had just come to Atlantic City. We're the problem, right,
We're the ones who like someone came here in nineteen
ninety seven with their family and then lost everything and
he's the guy that we saw that had his head

stuck in this hand oly Man.

Speaker 2 (17:24):
Yes, there was everybody here's like, that's ostrich Man. He's cool. Actually,
we like him. No, we went to take a hot
girl walk this afternoon on the boardwalk where we were
just walking. Yeah, yeah, up and down the boardwalk. Yeah.
So we're trying to get noticed. Yeah, we were sure.

Speaker 5 (17:41):
And by the way, dude, I was so offended by
the guy trying to get us to go to the
AC Comedy Club.

Speaker 2 (17:46):
He's like, you like comedy, and I'm like, yeah, I
am comedy. I don't know. You tell me pick up
do I?

Speaker 5 (17:58):
And he's like, I don't know, Yeah, you want to
come see comics. I'm like, which comics do you have?
Where did any of them perform on Comedy Central? Perhaps
Adam Devine's house.

Speaker 2 (18:10):
Party's like, no, no one was on that, never heard
of that. He walks away. He's like, fucking locals. Yeah, uh,
but it was. It was a it's a wild scene
on that.

Speaker 5 (18:22):
And then we see a man with his head stuck
in the sand and he's just going ah ah, and
then it.

Speaker 2 (18:30):
Looked like he was doing At first, we're like, oh,
this is peaceful. He's doing yoga.

Speaker 6 (18:33):
And now we're we're so la. We're like, oh, he's
always doing yoga.

Speaker 2 (18:37):
Yeah, he's like he's doing yoga. And they're like, oh,
he shipped his yoga pants. Yeah. Oh well, hey, that's
maybe that's a new ye. That's a thing that we
don't know about in Los Angeleia. And then on our
hot girl walked back right, we walked a damn near
to the Rainforest Cafe. Almost got there, Almost got to
the Rainforest Cafe.

Speaker 3 (18:58):
I and for anybody who saw my Instagram story, I
did take a nice jog to the Rainforce Cafe wearing a.

Speaker 2 (19:03):
Hot man jar.

Speaker 3 (19:04):
A guy was pissing in a garbage can. This place
is fucking coole at fu dude, it's sick.

Speaker 4 (19:13):
I am kind of surprised at how cool it because
a lot of people we ran into last night were
just like, what are you doing in this shithole?

Speaker 2 (19:19):
And we're like, it doesn't seem like it's that bad.

Speaker 4 (19:21):
We like it.

Speaker 2 (19:22):
Yeah, it's charming. Uh yeah.

Speaker 5 (19:27):
But so the yoga guy on our way back was
was getting assisted by the pre paramedics.

Speaker 2 (19:37):
Paramedics okay, sure, whom he.

Speaker 5 (19:40):
Was and he was trying to prove he wasn't fun,
trying to prove he wasn't fucked up, and they're like
doing like a like a test on him, like like
he's a drunk driver, and he's going.

Speaker 3 (19:50):
No, dude, no, He like he had props. He's like,
you see this cone, I could jump over like a
hundred times.

Speaker 2 (19:58):
What I'm cool? Man? They're like, we just are checking
for your hurt rape player. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (20:05):
And then and then we were that we were like, yeah,
it seems fucking cool, Like how many times he jumped
over that car?

Speaker 6 (20:10):
Yeah, and he's in the audience now, man, we put
him on the.

Speaker 2 (20:12):
List is bring him out? And then he stands up
and goes shot a tape, right, but those aren't words.
Uh and then uh and then there was multiple fires. Yeah,
a lot of fires. Did a lot of fires today.
We did not start. I guess it's because it's so
close to four twenty broy. Does anybody smell smoke? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (20:37):
So seriously, I think there's spool there's a fire, said
there could be, and then so much confusion outside of
that fire.

Speaker 2 (20:43):
Everyone's like, you smell soaking like happy holidays? Do you no?

Speaker 4 (20:46):
Seriously, I think something's happening, Something's gonna happen.

Speaker 3 (20:50):
The arcade is on fire, Arcade Fire. That's a great
band name.

Speaker 2 (20:55):
Oh my god, And that now I get it.

Speaker 5 (20:58):
Those guys came to Itanick City wants and that arcade
started on fire.

Speaker 2 (21:03):
Light's on fire every year. When you guys were my
favorite thing, I was a I was a high school stoner.
Oh really yeah, oh g that was a high school
stone And I mean I'm an adult stoner now, but
but my favorite thing was on four twenty, just walking
around as if no teacher knows what the fuck we're

talking about, and just going like happy holidays to you.
I'm still gonna send it. Yeah, And then the teachers like,
all right, just like I don't know.

Speaker 3 (21:37):
I think he just really celebrates Hitler's birthday. That's weird, right,
is it Hitler's birthday. Yeah, there's like a lot of
terrible things that happened, right exactly.

Speaker 2 (21:46):
He doesn't know, like he's not going to pledge allegiance
to you know, stop it is the other the other thing.

Speaker 3 (21:54):
I didn't know that everybody kind of like gets on.
I guess it's national like bicycle day or something. Oh yeah,
I don't know, there's hell of people in the dms
like show some love to fucking bikes every once in
a while.

Speaker 2 (22:07):
You know, also people like bikes a whole need. There's
no bike sitting around going But what about me? Well
you remember that? So why do we need a fucking
holiday for bikes.

Speaker 4 (22:19):
I think what people are trying to encourage is it like,
okay environmentally, people.

Speaker 2 (22:23):
Are like, can't you just ride a bike and not
drive a car?

Speaker 5 (22:26):
Oh shit, oh shit, Nah, we gotta burn those fossil fuels.

Speaker 2 (22:29):
Dog, I just want to party.

Speaker 5 (22:38):
We also saw a man just crash a bike, just
driving a bike on the boardwalk today and just eight
ship into a wall.

Speaker 2 (22:46):
This all happened on our hot.

Speaker 6 (22:48):
We're not kidding.

Speaker 2 (22:50):
Atlantic City.

Speaker 3 (22:51):
Baby down every corner is another another fun adventure.

Speaker 2 (22:55):
Yeah, dude was just going straight and then started not
going straight right into the wall. Like, aren't you glad
he wasn't in a car. Yeah. We never talked about this,
and I don't We cannot talk about it. Remember when
we saw a car accident in San Jose and San
Jose we saw a Legiti car accident.

Speaker 5 (23:17):
We were pretty drunk coming back from the bar and
this it was walking and yeah, and we were driving.

Speaker 2 (23:24):
We left the car there. We also cars we saw
our accident.

Speaker 5 (23:28):
No, and this guy it was supposed to It was
like you veer right or your veer left, and then
there's a light pole like right in the middle, and
he just went straight into the light pole.

Speaker 2 (23:38):
It did not veer either. He was zoom zooming, and
we saved his life. Well, you guys, we got him
out of the car. You guys did. I was on
the other side of the street, and you guys, I
was having my ailments, so I didn't want to run over.

Speaker 6 (23:55):
Ailments is a vodka soda?

Speaker 2 (23:56):
Yeah, right, I was having my ailments. You guys over
to help him, and I was right in front of
the hotel and I go, oh, we're starts pointing at
the watch.

Speaker 4 (24:08):
Yeah, you guys got this guy's got And I don't
want to get so detailed into it, but like the
guy gets out, his ribs are clearly broken and he's.

Speaker 2 (24:17):
On the ground. Yeah, were they clearly broken because he
breathed at all. Yeah, he couldn't really breathe. It was
really you don't worry about it, clearly. I got a
good night. And so that we're like calling nineber one.

Speaker 4 (24:30):
They're on their way, and Blake just we're hammered, and Blake,
in the most purest sense of human to human connection,
takes a knee, puts his hand on the dude's hand, holds.

Speaker 2 (24:42):
It and thinks he's gonna die and I think he
might on his knee and jin starts rubbing it. Yeah,
and I'm like, there comes with the boner. Blake starts.

Speaker 4 (24:51):
But Blake genuinely starts saying like nice things to like
make him feel better.

Speaker 2 (24:55):
But I was like, you're so handsome, and he's like,
it's great.

Speaker 4 (24:58):
You're gonna be okay, man, Like it's all good, Like
it's all good, You're canna be fine.

Speaker 2 (25:01):
We call that one.

Speaker 4 (25:01):
They're gonna be on the way here, and You're like, man,
this dude. Blake's like really connected with this dude. And
then he starts saying stuff like it ain't even that bad.

Speaker 2 (25:08):
Dude. He's like, it's not that bad. It ain't even
that That is what he needed to hear, I know,
but it's actually really bad. He's gurgling up blood. Blake's like, nah, dude,
that ain't even blood, dude.

Speaker 3 (25:26):
Because the way it played out was like fucking shit
happens like oh my god, and we kind of walked, Oh,
we gotta go see what's up, and it's like, oh,
this dude. Then it hit a switch where I'm like,
this guy might fucking have like a herd attack, like
he can't breathe.

Speaker 2 (25:42):
He started he did go into like convulsion.

Speaker 3 (25:44):
Ye, like I think he was like starting to be like,
I'm he's making it worse for himself.

Speaker 2 (25:49):
So I was like, yo, dude, it's not that bad.
And Blake just started to go like this a lot.
You hit a light post. That's a bitch.

Speaker 5 (26:00):
Yeah, you're kind of being a bitch about the whole
Your car didn't explode, you bitch.

Speaker 2 (26:05):
That said I'm gonna kick your acid. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (26:09):
And then when the ambulance finally got there, Oh this
is amazing. Remember the fucking guys down there and the
paramedic who was like looks up and he's like, oh shit,
you're blinking dirs.

Speaker 6 (26:21):
They were like, dude, you're in really good hands.

Speaker 4 (26:24):
Yeah, and then we walked, we took off and I'm
sure that dude's fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it has to
be so scary.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
It was like so scary that we forgot to want
to talk about it. Yeah, we have not talked until
you start talking without the crazy shit. It's so scary
that the next morning none of us even talked about it.
Is the first time hearing this story. Yeah, and I
just went to bed, Yeah yeah, yeah, got a good
night's sleep, and then we went to where we were
going the next day and never talked about it again

until six months later an Atlantic city.

Speaker 3 (27:01):
Hey, you guys don't talk about it, but it replays
in my nightmares everything.

Speaker 2 (27:08):
It ain't even that bad. Dude, Can you get under
the boardwalk? Because that's that?

Speaker 7 (27:13):
To me?

Speaker 2 (27:16):
If this is what's happening above the boardwalk, what is
the under If I imagine it's like the foot clans Layer,
where it's just teens fucking chain smoking SIGs and doing
cool skateboard tricks. Is that where the phrase above the
board comes from? Is that a phrase? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (27:35):

Speaker 2 (27:35):
What just a joke? Oh you can let that one go. Yeah, no, points,
don't give them, yeah yeah, don't give them points for that.

Speaker 6 (27:43):
Okay, all right, I'll give them a friendship.

Speaker 2 (27:45):
Can you get under the boardwalk? Because you you can?
And is that where you do your crystal meth? Or
that's it?

Speaker 4 (27:52):
Is it.

Speaker 3 (27:53):
Well, that was the most unanimous fucking that's why we
do Yep, that is where.

Speaker 2 (27:59):
That was a huge response. Yeah, yeah, yeah everyone's Is
that where you knew Jencom? People are like, well, it's
not the number one drug. You do under the boardwalk. Yeah,
I'm sure you could find some human shit to sniff. No, Jacob,
we do at the water slide park that places off
the chain. By the way, what is it the island
like that? Right?

Speaker 6 (28:19):
You got you guys aren't from here, are you?

Speaker 4 (28:21):

Speaker 2 (28:21):
By the way, no one goes through the water slide park.
Oh my god.

Speaker 6 (28:26):
It was popping, dude.

Speaker 3 (28:27):
It was playing like house music. I saw like it's
hanging off the side. I saw dude, slide.

Speaker 2 (28:32):
It was incredible.

Speaker 6 (28:34):
I saw guys filming a rap.

Speaker 2 (28:36):
Video and I saw a man on a water slide. No,
there was legit. Blake is amazed by just things.

Speaker 5 (28:43):

Speaker 2 (28:44):
He's like, look at what.

Speaker 5 (28:46):
Like we were walking down the boardwalk and he goes, whoa,
And I go what And he goes, So they just
build this boardwalk so people don't have to walk in the.

Speaker 2 (28:54):
Sand, putting it all together, and I go yeah, and
he goes, never thought about that before. You're a stupid
dumb hat, which is crazy. Like, you're from California. I know,
I grew around Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, Conquered.

Speaker 6 (29:12):
What's up, You're from Conquered bro.

Speaker 2 (29:13):
No, there's no, No, he's not.

Speaker 4 (29:15):
No he is.

Speaker 6 (29:16):
That would be really weird.

Speaker 2 (29:17):
What brought you here? Wait?

Speaker 6 (29:21):
Did we hardcore wrestle together?

Speaker 2 (29:24):
Supintour Rockabilly Rex Dude. I was at the UH.

Speaker 5 (29:29):
They have a very nice gym at this hotel. I
have some friends that I met at the gym. They're
around here somewhere. Yeah, there's my bros.

Speaker 2 (29:36):
Brothers in swall noise.

Speaker 6 (29:38):
They're like, fuck you, you could have ripped the jacket,
you bitch.

Speaker 2 (29:40):
At No, I felt like something ripped. You couldn't see it.
But it's my lad.

Speaker 3 (29:50):

Speaker 5 (29:50):
There's some There were some characters in that gym. There's
a guy wearing jeans, uh, gold shoes.

Speaker 2 (29:56):
He was. I talked to him. He's sixty six years
We all have gold jackets on by by go ahead, yeah,
well this is part of the reason. I was like,
we gotta cop these gold jackets. I saw this guy's
look your gold hat. He was sixty six. He's wearing
a lot of gold jewelry. Hell yeah, uh. And he
was telling me he just had heart surgery and three
weeks ago and the doctors told him he's not supposed

to work out, but what the fuck do they know?
Old And then he was like, you gotta keep moving.
You gotta keep moving or you'll die. What's crazy is
and I'm going, yeah, you have to, dude.

Speaker 4 (30:30):
Adam doesn't realize he was visited by the ghost of
the future, like that was you, and he's he came
back in time on a bogus journey to tell you
you gotta keep moving.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
If there's any advice I can give you, as I
wear my gold hat.

Speaker 5 (30:46):
Dudel arches chained, Oh dumb dude, you gotta keep moving,
you gotta get and I'm like, you have to, you
have to, dude. And then these guys had I worked that.
We're also in the gym. We're like, are you okay?
Like this guy's cornering you and I'm like, fine, well

that that's because you were talking to yourself.

Speaker 2 (31:08):
Yeah, They're like, are you okay? And then I was
just looking in the mirror. Yeah, going, you have to
keep moving, but you're talking to a ghost. You have
to keep moving. It's true. Are you okay?

Speaker 4 (31:20):
I do?

Speaker 2 (31:21):
I do as you were like, And the guy had
like a decent build, you know, pretty funny keep dimple.

Speaker 7 (31:27):

Speaker 5 (31:28):
Yeah, if he took a little bit better care of himself,
he might be handsome. Yeah, but he does hint, so
we'll never know. Seemed like pretty grounded, like Midwest mentality.
Also a little bit Hollywood.

Speaker 4 (31:38):
Yeah hello, a lot of gold chains, which, come to
think of it, kind of works.

Speaker 2 (31:43):
It works for him on his frame, on his traps.

Speaker 5 (31:46):
Dude, I saw another funny thing at the not this gym,
but I live in Newport Beach and that gym is
like just a bunch of fucking swoll.

Speaker 2 (31:54):
Bros with broccoli hair. Wow, what does that mean?

Speaker 4 (31:58):
You know?

Speaker 2 (31:58):
You know the kids now they all like, I have
broccoli hair. No, you don't have broccoli hair.

Speaker 5 (32:04):
The kids now all comb their hair forward and it
curls right here, and they're always going like.

Speaker 2 (32:09):
Right, uh, and why is that? Because it looks like broccoli.
It looks like the head of a broccoli. If you
lay broccoli this way, it looks like God. When it's
like kind of like a poofy cloud, it's a it's
a poofy.

Speaker 3 (32:24):
Poofy broccoli, cauliflower, yeah, or cauliflower or cabbage.

Speaker 2 (32:30):
What are some other vegetables?

Speaker 6 (32:32):

Speaker 2 (32:33):
No, not eggplant, blake life. That was on the tip
of my tongue.

Speaker 5 (32:39):
But there was there was this guy that comes in
with a straight up labrador. I was like, oh, theres
would hate this. And it's like on the little turf
area where everybody's laying down and doing their little stretches, okay,
and this dog lays down and just like yeah and

does like that dog move and just is laying there.
And there's these two dudes that.

Speaker 2 (33:03):
Are like also in the same little section. And the
guy was like right right, And I just imagine you
just snapping at this man. Would you have said something
in that moment?

Speaker 5 (33:14):
Because he loves dogs, but uh hates people with dogs,
which is a very funny.

Speaker 2 (33:19):
I don't mind dogs. I like dogs.

Speaker 4 (33:21):
Yeah, I know you do.

Speaker 2 (33:23):
You know, check my backyard. There's plenty of them.

Speaker 4 (33:26):
Married No, that would drive me crazy if if the
dog got up and there was just hella hair, Yeah
there was. I don't think I would talk to the guy.
I think I would talk to the dog. I'll tell
you my therapist about how I should have, would have,
could have.

Speaker 2 (33:44):
I don't I don't know if I would say anything,
because what are you gonna say? I mean, yeah, don't
let your dog do that. But he just did. He
already did it.

Speaker 4 (33:51):
Yeah, you know, so you kind of have to wait
at the door for that opportunity to happen. But then
you have never working out, so like, what are you
doing there?

Speaker 3 (33:57):

Speaker 7 (33:57):
Oh god?

Speaker 2 (33:59):
Uh And other funny thing happened immediately after that.

Speaker 5 (34:03):
So that just happened. And then the baseball game was
on TV. And you know how they put is it
for outs that they put like the K in the
a strike that's a strikeout. So it was like three
k's just laid out and it was on mute, right,
and so in the outfield they put a K for
a strikeout and it's it's a bad it's it's they
probably should change it. I think they did someplace, but

it was three k's just laid out and it was
on mute. And this woman looks up at the TV
and she goes, oh my god, right, and then she
goes disgusting goodbye, and then turns around and walks away,
and no one knew what the fuck she was talking
about until we looked up at the screen.

Speaker 2 (34:44):
And we were like, oh and no one told her.
So I bet she was just driving home being like these.

Speaker 3 (34:51):
Racist fucks have taken over our goddamn for the Anaheim
Angels again.

Speaker 2 (34:59):
Oh yeah, yeah, and that's down in Orange County. Yeah,
I guess it's changed.

Speaker 6 (35:02):
Yeah, maybe we need to get some ears out here.

Speaker 2 (35:10):
What do you guys think? What do you got?

Speaker 3 (35:13):
Maybe we need a couple of cool cools lines out here, Isaac.

Speaker 2 (35:21):
This is the way. Where's our boy eyes? Isaac like
for good? He has something to do. Oh, he's got
a couple of things to do. He's got a couple
of things to do. Yeah. Might might be to show
them nips, those pink bring them out. You want to

show us those pinks a man? Maybe you wanna Maybe
you want to show them to day I wants I do?
I know. Oh it fucking sucks.

Speaker 5 (36:01):
But guess what, guys, I have an even bigger surprise
because Isaac hates showing his nips. So I got a
piercer to come out here. I'm getting radical and we
hired this gentleman. There's a lot of really cool piercings. Uh,
and Isaac I believe is going to get something pierced.

He really doesn't want to get his nipple pierce.

Speaker 2 (36:25):
Uh huh, but I think he should uh huh.

Speaker 5 (36:30):
But if we have to go ear, I feel like
that's that's doable as well. But way less cool, way
less cool.

Speaker 2 (36:43):
It was pretty good. Can we just left that rip
one more time?

Speaker 4 (36:45):

Speaker 2 (36:45):
Yeah, got it? Cisco? Yeah, I like that's a good drop, dude.
I feel like that if you get a piercing, like
if you have a really cool piercing and it's like
a pink but dazzled piercing, that has to play every
time you walk into a room. Yeah, and then you're like, oh,

do to everything bagels. Yeah. And if I don't want
the handwash, just the car wash Deluxe is fine. Yeah,
it just kind of burns when I pee. Should we

have him get his piercing? You know what I have?
Come on, we need some support. Come on, we need
some support. Come on, legs do Atlantic City when this
is important, makes a promise, We stick to it.

Speaker 4 (37:49):
We deliver.

Speaker 2 (37:51):
We deliver.

Speaker 3 (37:53):
We said we would have a live piercings.

Speaker 2 (38:00):
Sit down, okay, Blazer, sit down, okay, okay, guys, for everybody,
our peers, our piercing specialist j R.

Speaker 4 (38:15):
J R.

Speaker 2 (38:15):
We found him.

Speaker 6 (38:16):
Under the boardwalk today.

Speaker 4 (38:18):

Speaker 2 (38:20):
Okay. As for Jacob, he looked up and we're like,
he's our guy. He gets pierce, Isaac, It's so good. Okay,
this is this is good, this is interesting.

Speaker 5 (38:31):
Hang on, hang on, Maybe we do a quick vote,
because I feel like we're dialing it right into the
ear piercund.

Speaker 2 (38:39):
Maybe maybe we should vote. Let's go, let's start with.
Let's start with. Okay, we understand, we understand. Nipples a
clear favorite favorite. We Hey we go, do we go?
Belly button? Who's here for a belly button? Okay, some

moves not a lot of people, well, because you can't
see the belly button all the time. Who is here
for an ear? Okay, okay, okay, all right you I mean,
this crowd might riot because he might not want to
do anything but the ear. You here a full on

Prince Albert. He'll do it behind the couch, Prince Albert.
Now for those of the of you that don't know,
does anyone here have one? Yes? Besides I just heard
like four dudes standing together.

Speaker 6 (39:42):
I'll go, yes, Isaac, it's in Atlantic City.

Speaker 2 (39:50):
That's where it goes down. Yeah, there's a full on
Prince Albert specialists under the boardwalk.

Speaker 4 (39:55):
If you go and then the dude shows up next
to you and you hear a t like when you're like,
damn son.

Speaker 2 (40:02):
Well, also you're kind of like damn son, because that's
that's a pretty big cock.

Speaker 4 (40:07):
But I also think it's the journal I think, you
know what it also might be is like just to
the side they do it.

Speaker 2 (40:14):
It's like a mating where they're.

Speaker 5 (40:16):
Like it's like it's like, how if you're looking for action,
you're supposed to tap underneath the stall, like that senator
a few years back.

Speaker 2 (40:23):
Yeah, not that I know, by the way.

Speaker 4 (40:27):
What I like how the news outlets had explained that
they're like, so in homosexual communities, a tap under the stall,
and I'm like.

Speaker 2 (40:36):
That's not covert at all. It's just humans, you know,
like I've I've like got some toilet paper stuck on
my foot, be phones.

Speaker 3 (40:45):
And what happened and what happened next, And that's how
Adam got cast and pitch.

Speaker 2 (40:51):
Perfect, Dick's perfect cats out of the bag. Okay, all right, okay,
all right, let's get real here. See got a hardware, got.

Speaker 5 (41:03):
We pre chose a circular hoop that we have a
pink dangly thing that can go in a belly button,
that can go in a nipple that could.

Speaker 2 (41:14):
Go Here's here's here's why I think we should do ear. Now,
shut the fuck up. He's a dad, and I think
we should. I'm gonna be a great father, gonna be adam.
You've had your kids. Yeah, you are a dad. We
lost the baby.

Speaker 5 (41:35):
Uh So here's why I'm thinking we we should go
ear because then we'll get to see it all night. Okay,
we'll get to see it if you guys go to
the after party tonight where Blake is djaying, we'll get
to enjoy the ear all night long.

Speaker 2 (41:50):
And that's my pitch. Now, is it okay to do
the ear?

Speaker 5 (41:54):
Because I don't think he's gonna pierce his butthole shot
like I want him to, like I want to.

Speaker 2 (42:03):
Now, Isaac, are you willing?

Speaker 4 (42:05):

Speaker 2 (42:05):
This is up to you because we I'm all about
peer pressure and making you do things you don't want
to do, and th bully. I'm a former bully. He's
in his real zone right now. I'm I'm harkening back
to my bully. Is this most pushing Isaac down the stairs.
I'm gonna have an aneurysm. Uh. So you're you're you

are saying no to a Prince Albert. Okay, that's off
the table. I got a second. What was that, because
I think it seemed like you said, yes, he wants it. No, No, okay,
you know you'd like it. No, I don't want it. Okay,
So no, you don't know you don't want a life
without a Prince Albert. No, I don't want a Prince Albert.
And save that for the board. That for the board.

I'm sorry I heard yes, I'm a bitch anyway. Okay,
So now a nipple. I think that that, to me
is a clean hoop. That's sick.

Speaker 5 (42:59):
Your wife can suck on it one fun night. Babies
be sucking, baby sucking. Dude.

Speaker 2 (43:08):
Imagine the number two supercides with this sprite. Imagine pulling
it up to your wife Wendy and getting a nipple pierced.
Adam could do it.

Speaker 3 (43:21):
Oh oh and the table, Atlantic City, Atlantic City.

Speaker 2 (43:30):
Uh the table. I didn't see that one coming. Here
we go, now, hang on, here we go, Okay, here
we go. I'm fair, fair, fair, fair fan tackle fair
interesting that's good. Interesting.

Speaker 4 (43:51):
If I do it, my boys have to do it too. Whoa, Oh,
I did not see that coming. So you know what,
I can give you one good reason why I can't. Oh,
why because like I'm t s A pre check and
if you do that, you gotta like report back.

Speaker 2 (44:12):
It's a months the backlog, can't I can't. Well, I'm
also a TSA pre check. But like you'res like famous
as fuck, and they'll be like, you're my guy.

Speaker 5 (44:21):
I'll get you moderately the same amount of fans I
would have to google, like the symptoms the sip.

Speaker 2 (44:29):
The sip are so numb, the symptom.

Speaker 3 (44:33):
I'm like seeing, like maybe my titty falls off and
I don't I don't.

Speaker 2 (44:37):
Know right, Well, there, give JR the mic? Yeah, JR,
I like to hold it like this.

Speaker 6 (44:44):
Has there ever been a really botched nipple piercing where.

Speaker 2 (44:47):
Somebody's titty fell off? I don't think so.

Speaker 6 (44:50):
But that's not a strong answer.

Speaker 2 (44:51):
That's not a strong answer, JR. He's like, I don't
think so. This is my first week doing it. Yeah
he was. He was asking for some beers, is like,
can I drink a few of these beers? I'm like
well you are, you might pierce Isaac's asshole. Shut So
the nipple piercing that Blake's gonna do. Uh now, how

long do you have to keep? Like? If will it ooze?

Speaker 5 (45:19):
If you take it out right right, it doesn't loose,
It might bleed a little bit. Okay, well, I'm down.

Speaker 4 (45:26):
To do it.

Speaker 2 (45:26):
If Blake does it, Wow, wow I went. I went
from the three of us have to do it to
now the two of us have to do it.

Speaker 3 (45:38):
Wow. So wow Hey let's do Isaac first and then
build from there.

Speaker 4 (45:46):
Okay, okay, wait a second, So Isaac's gonna do his
ear and Adam really wants to pierce his nipple.

Speaker 2 (45:55):
I don't really want to pierce my nipple. It seems
like you do. I seem I'm willing to back out
of it very quickly. Let's get some let's do some
Let's get to some action. Okay, what if Isaac does.

Speaker 3 (46:11):
His then he pierces his nipple and then we'll see
if we want to do it. Let's do there, all right,
we're doing let's start starting with your Let's start.

Speaker 2 (46:22):
We're starting with you here. Let's start rock.

Speaker 5 (46:24):
We're starting with the best friends. It's not gonna produce
her Anna everybody.

Speaker 6 (46:37):
We love her, we love her, we love her.

Speaker 2 (46:39):
She's the best in the biz. Rolling.

Speaker 6 (46:44):
Isaac's already crying.

Speaker 2 (46:45):
Yeah, didn't punk? Let's do it all right? What's the clip?
Punk rock grammical? Oh yeah, I got it right here, Isaac.
Because these are some sweet paint nips. I don't like
you guys, tell me, can we least see the nipples?

Speaker 4 (47:00):

Speaker 2 (47:01):
Yeah, brose perfectly pierceable moment.

Speaker 3 (47:07):
And by the way, your chest needs something going on,
because that is a depressing field of grass.

Speaker 2 (47:17):
That needs some shiny. But let's do the ear first.
That needs some shiny. Here we go. Do we need
sound effects? What I mean? Okay? Are we going to
hear a crunch? Hold on? Hold on? Hold, wait, wait
a minute, it's been a while since I went to Claire's.
Hold on what oh ship window sun remix? Okay, you guys,

it's happening. Okay, ready, ready, ready, okay, oh ship oh.

Speaker 3 (47:56):
Whoa, Oh my god, I say warn everybody, whoa, that's
already done.

Speaker 2 (48:06):
All right, now hold him down, get his nipple. This
is punk rock.

Speaker 4 (48:12):
Hey, that's yeah, that's warranted. That's warranted. Now, can you
guys do me a favor. When people say, hey, you
went to the t I I Show, how was it?
You can all tell people you went and you saw
a full penetration on stage.

Speaker 3 (48:32):
Yeah, that's what you could say now, and they're like,
I think don't know what podcast it was.

Speaker 4 (48:37):
Yeah, you could say that, now, can you guys just
do that and then we'll get it a little bumped.

Speaker 3 (48:42):
Lorench dude, wow, he's punk horn everybody.

Speaker 2 (48:49):
Every time I come around and hey, play that play
the I mean, dude, it looks so your head. Oh
oh my, it's a microphone. You just say anything into it.
I don't have anything to say, thank you. I'm a dude. Dude,
I'm a dude. You are How does it feel? It

hurts a little bit, right? Okay, okay, let's do the
next Let's do the other one. Now this side, why
my nipple? I said, I'll do it if Blake does it.

Speaker 4 (49:19):
No, you do it.

Speaker 2 (49:20):
I'll do it if Blake.

Speaker 5 (49:21):
Does Why do I have to do it? You do it,
you do it, and then I'll do it. Absolutely not well,
because I'm not going to back out. I know if
I do it, you will back out. That's not I
don't think that is true. I don't think so that happen.
I think if you do it, he won't back out.

Speaker 2 (49:37):
No, that is not true. I think that's gonna sound good.
I mean, god, I wish you had no he'll back out.
I wish it was on brand. For me. It's just
not on brand. Yeah, we know, and I'm trying to
build that.

Speaker 6 (49:47):
Do we want to give this dude a free nipple
pierc Well, can we do that?

Speaker 2 (49:52):
Is that street legal? We could, but it's funnier if.

Speaker 4 (49:56):
We do it.

Speaker 3 (49:57):
Well, I want to see somebody get the nipple to
see like how how bad it hurts.

Speaker 4 (50:01):
Well, it's gonna just hurt like an ear. Why don't
we Here's what could be fun. We could bring three
people up on stage. We can have the audience rate
their nipples and pierce the winner. I've been trying to
do this since the fifth grade.

Speaker 2 (50:14):
Let me. I mean if we do if we do
a version, okay, so then we're not getting our nipple piers.

Speaker 3 (50:20):
Well, if I see it and then like they do
it and they're like that was fucking awesome, I'm gonna
be like, I'll do it.

Speaker 2 (50:25):
Well, now they're gonna do that. Well, now they're gonna
do that. We'll see. Okay, well, I guess we're not
piercing our nipples. And that's on blake, and that's I'm blake.
What the hell? He's good. He's good, and that's I'm blake.
He's good. Can we get it? We need a nipple
pierce too, Well, we do need a nipple pierce. Well,
do we have three people that want full penetration? And

you know what, I'm sorry to say.

Speaker 4 (50:48):
I think this is a guy's only situation, which is bullshit.

Speaker 2 (50:52):
That make the what the fuck? It's bullshit, it's bullshit.

Speaker 6 (50:59):
I just all her titties.

Speaker 2 (51:00):
That was what just happened. He did a quick flash. Okay, okay,
wait we got now we got to keep this Sibyl.
We gotta keep this nipple. Okay, we'll pick some people.
This is your greend. I feel like this guy like this.

Speaker 3 (51:15):
Well, no, you're you came with the you want to
do this, keep showing her titties and we appreciate that.

Speaker 2 (51:21):
Your service, Uh this guy? Yeah? Oh for sure? You
want up? All right, ladies, I'm so sorry. Hello, follow up?
What's it saying? You fuck?

Speaker 6 (51:38):
Eric Griffin?

Speaker 2 (51:40):
Okay? How many do we have so far? Do we
have three? Well, I feel like if there's only a
couple more, we can bring them all up. No, there's
a lot, are there. This guy's kind of cool. This guy,
this guy's walking. He's already claiming this guy, this is cool.
This cool young and you and also you.

Speaker 3 (52:02):
Where's our escorts right over there? Atlantic City escorts right.

Speaker 5 (52:07):
Which, by the way, I think we met some of
them last night. They were coming over to me. I
was like, this isn't a regular Thursday night.

Speaker 2 (52:12):
Dress you're wearing. Okay, okay, maybe it is. I don't
know Atlantic City.

Speaker 5 (52:17):
They're like, I'm just gonna wear nothing but pasties out tonight.

Speaker 2 (52:21):
Okay, here there, and they're on their way.

Speaker 6 (52:23):
Everybody get ready.

Speaker 2 (52:25):
You guys.

Speaker 4 (52:25):
I don't know if this is Atlantic City, but I
have a ZiT on my face. For the first time
in like fifteen years. I thought the sea water was supposed.

Speaker 2 (52:34):
To like, it's got it's got some jancum in that water. Yeah,
just that that g water. All right? Are they it's
a long walk, it's a big hotel, casino whatever.

Speaker 6 (52:49):
Okay, we lost two of them.

Speaker 2 (52:53):
Well, let's bring up that.

Speaker 3 (52:54):
Let's bring your Oh that's sick ass hearing dude, is
it works?

Speaker 2 (53:02):
It works?

Speaker 5 (53:02):
Okay, come on, gentlemen, all right, come on out centers day.

Speaker 2 (53:06):
Yeah, I line up? Yeah, hello, cool youth pastor.

Speaker 6 (53:13):
Okay, already pierced that.

Speaker 3 (53:17):
Instruction, dude, I wish okay, put your tits away?

Speaker 2 (53:24):
Whoa? I wish they were like plants that just got
naked and flash their dicks that you go. Okay, Well
let's let's steal quick. Hello sir. What is your name? Neil? Neil?
Solid name for nipple piercing Neil? Before what do you do? Neil?
A lot of things?

Speaker 4 (53:40):
You know what this guy sells Jacob under a board. Well, yeah,
that's a typical answer for a lot of things.

Speaker 2 (53:46):
And you do have any piercings? Neil? I used to,
but not anymore. Okay, so he used to. He had
a punk rock phase.

Speaker 7 (53:53):
Me too.

Speaker 2 (53:54):
I have a nautical star tattoo on my cap. Yeah, okay,
where was your piercing? I had to my left or
three my left ear and two am I right? Yeah? Oh? Ship? Okay?
All right? Sick? Yeah? And they so he is a
past piercer. Does that disqualify him?

Speaker 4 (54:08):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (54:09):
You you be the judge are born? Neil Neil. Everybody, Neil,
Yeah those nicks see those nips? Yeah, that's pretty good.
So one out one inn? Can we get one degrees
kind of for this? Ye show the nips people over here?
One outy one kind of inning? Pretty good? Are guys?

Are we going to get arrested after this podcast? Maybe?

Speaker 5 (54:34):
I feel like, you know how like n w A
had the police fucking you can't say that about the cops.

Speaker 2 (54:39):
The Atlantic City Police are like, no, you could say that.
You're fine? Yeah? Yeah, what's her name?

Speaker 5 (54:45):

Speaker 2 (54:45):
Chris McElroy? The way you said it not real.

Speaker 9 (54:52):
I'm To's buddy. He want to get his nibbles pierced.
I'm here to get the job done.

Speaker 2 (54:55):
Okay, and wait at step Machael. But what's your first
name again? Chris? Chris McElroy? Everybody?

Speaker 3 (55:02):
What do you do?

Speaker 2 (55:02):

Speaker 9 (55:03):
I make websites for a bunch of bands and stuff
and I love Workahols seems like a cool dude, Yeah, Chris, Chris,
he doesn't have a fake answer like our boorn Neil
over here.

Speaker 6 (55:16):
I do a lot of things.

Speaker 2 (55:17):
I do a lot of things.

Speaker 4 (55:18):
Hey, Chris, I guess I just gotta tell you, Chris,
you've got.

Speaker 2 (55:20):
Like an NFL quarterback name. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so what happened?
We're not related. You can pierce my bunchies.

Speaker 9 (55:28):
I already have my nipples piers fucking years ago.

Speaker 2 (55:31):
Okay, I think we might be done here. We might
be some but cheeks Chris Chris McElroy dude. Yeah. And
also I don't know where that accents from, but under
the chester it's something I enjoy it. I mean, you

sound like a fucking crab fisherman, dude, Like I imagine
what every crab fishermen sound like. You're like, hey, hey, Adam,
he's crabbed hair.

Speaker 4 (56:07):
He's still next to you, Adam. Ship, we're not done
with the show at the hotel Lea, okay, yeah, He's like,
move off me.

Speaker 2 (56:15):
I know, I know my voice, Devine. What is her answer?
Connor Connor big cea big cr and I think Connor
might be the sleeper of the group because he seems
totally normal. This guy wants his butthole peers, he said.
Barb our Boy Needle is like, hey, whatever's clever baby? Uh?

Speaker 5 (56:37):
And Connor here seems like a straightened arrow. Are you
a golf instructor?

Speaker 2 (56:42):
I am not you, youth pastor.

Speaker 4 (56:48):

Speaker 2 (56:48):
What do you do for work? I worked for Mars,
a candy company, Holy Ship, a confectionery king. Get him
Adam with the word afectionary.

Speaker 6 (57:00):
Get your eminem Yeah, what's so?

Speaker 2 (57:03):
What's your h what's your favorite Mars candy? Just like
peanut Eminem's They're great.

Speaker 4 (57:09):

Speaker 2 (57:10):
Stand up, stand up guy. Connor, stand up guy. Stand
up guy had a piercing. I pierced my own belly
button with a safety pin when I was like twelve
or thirteen.

Speaker 5 (57:23):
Okay, Legend and Connor, Yeah, yeah, hey Connor, we all
we've all done that.

Speaker 2 (57:30):
Just just yeah, yeah, don't come in mom, I'm playing
snake right, so Connor, everybody. I don't know. He could
be he could be a sleeper, absolute ship. I just
want to say, we saw his nipples. Are we still
doing that?

Speaker 4 (57:45):

Speaker 2 (57:45):
Yeah, we do need to say.

Speaker 5 (57:47):
And then so we got a little a little bass,
a little tuft of hair around the nipples, just just
a nipples, Chris.

Speaker 2 (57:54):
Little, They're flat, little tiny, Chris. Your pants are falling down, Chris,
I think no, yeah, Chris, bro This.

Speaker 6 (58:01):
Guy uses a sweatshirt as a belt.

Speaker 2 (58:07):
I thought he was going on a field trip. Chris.
We saw man, it's going to the zoo, Chris.

Speaker 5 (58:15):
We saw some top cock right there, man, And I
was saying, he's tucked up this.

Speaker 2 (58:20):
He's the bear dude that was. Remember when Britney spears
to wear her pants like right there? Yeah, we all
remember that. It's really bitch. He's bringing sexy back and
Chris is trying to bring that that movement back and
I appreciate it. Thank you, Chris. Yeah, so we got
the big man of the squad right here. I like

how he's like me, yeah, don't.

Speaker 3 (58:44):
Don't shrug it off here obviously bigger than everyone on stage.

Speaker 2 (58:47):
Yeah, including are you the little guy at work or
something like? It looks great? What's where? Where where do
you work? And don't hit me. I do heavy construction,
he's not. Don't like constructions like ship. He only does
the heavy ship.

Speaker 8 (59:05):
No bar, no bar?

Speaker 2 (59:07):
Uh well rebar is pretty heavy. It is actually okay,
you dumb fuck Sorry I name the heaviest thing my
Tim Foley. Oh that's a good name. Oh ship? Hell yeah,
what's up? Dog? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (59:23):
Right? Tim?

Speaker 2 (59:27):
Now? So you you you're you're rocking the boots. It
it completes the look. I love your whole vibe you
you're pretty fucking rock and roll.

Speaker 5 (59:38):
You gotta sleep. There's a demon. There's a demon coming
out of some flames on your but oh that is.

Speaker 2 (59:46):
That's my my money and my mother. Okay, so yeah,
so very scary tattoos. So you're willing to a pierce? Dude? Yeah,
can we see your tits? So maybe, oh, ship.

Speaker 3 (01:00:01):
All the way all the way up to the show
the you don't want to do it.

Speaker 2 (01:00:06):
Wait I would have do it, but my girls over there,
but you can, okay, but yeah, maybe ask permission? Can
you say, show your tits?

Speaker 6 (01:00:17):
Permission granted?

Speaker 2 (01:00:19):
Show your tits? Okay? All right, all right, let's see
you go. Let's see him show the crown, very restainable.
Beef beefeed beefed man.

Speaker 5 (01:00:27):
This light is good on you, brother, ye shines down
on cast a nice shadow.

Speaker 2 (01:00:31):
Can we get the curtains down for a minute, just
t minutes all I needed? So we got tim my
boy Connor, big c oh okay, Chris, Chris, did you
think you just got back on? And he's like I
just got up here.

Speaker 5 (01:00:50):
Right and and big Neil Okay, so we're gonna go
down down the list Neils. So Neil the thrill that works? Sure,
So who the number one Neil show? Stand up, show
your tits one last, just for all the money. Wait,
we gotta see the nipples. So if you like Neil,
if you want to see Neil Pierce's nipple.

Speaker 2 (01:01:13):
You don't know what Neil does. You don't know where
this snipple is going to work the next day? Please,
no one start the music? All right?

Speaker 5 (01:01:23):
Okay, Neil back in line right, doesn't look promising, buddy, Yeah,
he doesn't look promise.

Speaker 2 (01:01:27):
That's okay, It's okay, but you got up here. Yeah
that takes nipples. It does take nipples. Now we got yes,
but I mean maybe one of my favorites.

Speaker 3 (01:01:38):

Speaker 2 (01:01:38):
Chris McIntyre Todd's buddy. Yeah, the wild child. You know
you don't know, I mean the science experience nickname is
crazy Nicknames.

Speaker 5 (01:01:54):
Went to high school with our sound engineer Todd, so
you know he's not to be trusted. Uh could be
a crab fisherman and also does websites for biddings. So Chris,
everybody go up here show your titties.

Speaker 2 (01:02:08):
Period are still gonna send it? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (01:02:11):
Yeah, I gotta be honest. I'm a little jealous of
like the definition he's got.

Speaker 5 (01:02:17):
Okay, actually yeah, kind of a nice frame, kind of
like a decent frame to work.

Speaker 2 (01:02:23):
Not a bad frame. Okay. So I mean, so are
we like, let's talk.

Speaker 4 (01:02:29):
About these nipples kind of small but makes the piercing
probably look larger, more nice decoration.

Speaker 2 (01:02:36):
So are we voting for Chris? Makes some noise to
your voting for Chris? Okay?

Speaker 4 (01:02:42):
And also let's pause because we might pierce his butt cheeks. Yeah,
he's down. I don't know if you have the equipment
or the want, but we'll how many how many gloves
you got here?

Speaker 2 (01:02:58):
All right?

Speaker 5 (01:02:59):
So now we're moving on to a guy that you
wouldn't think would get his his nipples, Peers Sult of
the Earth, Big C.

Speaker 2 (01:03:07):
Connor. You know you don't expect it, but sometimes.

Speaker 6 (01:03:11):
The Martians maybe he might be the winner mar Man, show.

Speaker 5 (01:03:15):
Them step up, show show them nips. And that's who's
voting for, bitch. That's coming on Connor. Everybody go loud
and proud if you want to name Connor.

Speaker 2 (01:03:25):
Get his nips. Piers there it is that's allowed us
so far. That is a nice that's a nice loud.

Speaker 5 (01:03:33):
You might be getting your next Piers here, Connor. He's
I'm alreay with it. It's all right with it, doesn't
love it, and maybe that's better. Maybe that's better. Okay,
our boy Tim Foley, he'll fucking kick your ass and
build you a home, right, Tim Foley, step up here,

show your nipples, show the world.

Speaker 2 (01:03:57):
Oh my god, here we go, don Yeah, what do
we think? Pizza?

Speaker 7 (01:04:03):

Speaker 2 (01:04:04):
Yeah, now now slowly caressed. I just point at him.
I'm drunk now all right, so we're we voted for
Tim Foley. I think we need Tim versus Connor, like
a head to head. They do, I think we do. Gentlemen,
I think you're Chris stick around. We might pu s
but chees. Yeah, thank you so much. Neil, Neil, everybody

Neil right, heel the thrill? Hey, hang on, hang on.

Speaker 3 (01:04:30):
I got honestly, I wanted to see your ship so bad, dude,
I really did.

Speaker 2 (01:04:36):
Oh oh shirt for you? Sorry sorry and hey wait,
I got a buzzball for you to come. Dude. All right,
it's it's empty, but there you go. No, that's real.
Oh slammed it? Oh ship? Can your rips? I love it? Ye?

Speaker 4 (01:04:58):

Speaker 6 (01:04:59):
You guys fucked up.

Speaker 2 (01:05:00):
Man, you might have fucked up might have fucked up.
You were the guy. Yeah, and I like he's a mystery.
Neil is just like a cold gust of wind. You're like,
where did that come from? Yeah? He definitely just sells
baseball cards online. But all right, so big c verse,

big t oh, your tea? All right, so stand up here, boys,
stand up here, put a hand over it. Yeah yeah, yeah,
all right, So this.

Speaker 5 (01:05:29):
Is for all the marbles. And then we're getting to
Pierson right here, Connor, everybody.

Speaker 2 (01:05:35):
Okay, okay, and then go straight over, go straight over,
go straight over.

Speaker 7 (01:05:40):
Big tea, everybody, And now Adam goes straight over. See
if it gets louder, yeah, wow, yeah, it is piercing
his Here we go, brother, thank you for your service,

Thank you for.

Speaker 2 (01:06:05):
Your service for you ready catch? Oh thank you can?
Oh shit? The walk off? God, tim dud, dude, damn
nothing belove the white wave. Okay, here we go, here
we go. Stit him down. Okay, oh my god, hold on,

let's let's get shipped. Really cracking. And so what did
your parents do that made you? I'm just kidding. Five kids, yeah,
five kids? What number you four? Ship? Dude? Damn you're
number one in our hearts. Though nice, Thank you dude.
Blake's number jokes have been off the charts. Numeracle comedy head.

Speaker 6 (01:06:48):
Wait wait are we're just keeping him in the weeds
for a little bit.

Speaker 2 (01:06:51):
I think it's kind of cool. He's our new Kyle.
We found the Aruga lord. Yeah fuck ya. So okay,
hang on, I hate me. Okay, wait wait wait wait,
I'm really getting down to the now. You look. Actually,

you just got scared, dude.

Speaker 5 (01:07:13):
This is this is what I love about my boy
Connor is he was the sleeper. No one expected him,
no one expected him.

Speaker 2 (01:07:20):
To win, came up.

Speaker 5 (01:07:22):
We all were thinking, oh, it's Neil all the way.
But then the fans spoke and they go, we want
Connor to get his nipples peers because he just seems
like a guy who would be behind you in line
at the Starbucks. Right, yeah, so like this guy's not
doesn't have his nipples peers. And then you realize he's

a sexual deviant. Okay, this guy's licking all kinds of stuff.

Speaker 4 (01:07:49):
And are you worried about this nipple piercing doing anything
about your modeling career at llbing or No?

Speaker 2 (01:07:56):
No, I think I'll be able to you know, gather
things up at Landsen and can you talk to the
people at ll being for me to maybe do some
modeling with you. Of course, you get in here, get
in here. Okay, here we go.

Speaker 3 (01:08:08):
Everybody give him some encouragement. Here we go, Isaac, take notes, Adam,
I'm definitely not doing it.

Speaker 6 (01:08:23):
Come on, baby, come on, you've fucking gotten this.

Speaker 2 (01:08:27):
Come on. Yeah, oh boy, oh boy, oh wow, whoa.

Speaker 4 (01:08:41):

Speaker 2 (01:08:42):
Honor Connor Connor, Connor, Connor, Connor, conn.

Speaker 3 (01:08:51):
You did it. Holy it looks fucking sexy, hot, God
damn did And.

Speaker 2 (01:09:00):
I want you to tell the truth. Yeah, yeah, definitely
fucking hurt. Yeah, it definitely fucking hurt. But Big c
you didn't.

Speaker 5 (01:09:07):
You didn't show it at all, dude, And that's why
you were my favorite, and you were the sleeper of
this whole fucking thing. It looks really good to honor everybody. Fantastic.

Speaker 6 (01:09:23):
Hey, that one was for Peanut M and M's right there.

Speaker 5 (01:09:26):
It goes out to Big Candy, legendary, legendary, He's no
Mom and pop shop.

Speaker 2 (01:09:32):
Here we go straight to Mars bars bits, regular man
man Candy.

Speaker 3 (01:09:38):
Wow, doesn't make any Oh I think I know what
sound that made?

Speaker 2 (01:09:43):
Jingle jangle yucks. Wow, yuh damn, it looks great. It's everybody,
Chris Connor, Connor, No, no Chris around here somewhere.

Speaker 6 (01:10:01):
Yeah, I don't know what he's doing here.

Speaker 2 (01:10:04):
Man, Thank you so much, Connor, you crushed it. Thank
fuddy Connor. You really you made the show.

Speaker 4 (01:10:09):
You showed up when Kyle did, I got exactly.

Speaker 2 (01:10:14):
Thank you, brother, thank you, thank you. And we're out.
They were out of piercing. So we're not going to
pierce your butthole, Chris, but we uh, we are going
to give you a T shirt. There you go. Dog
it for Chris everybody. Yeah, he's willing to pierce his

butthole or finger it or anything you want him to do. Yeah,
this guy's a wild card. Thanks everybody, get me outside,
cat outside. How about Gus dude. Wow, that's Chris j
j R. Thank you so much for showing up. Thank

you guys, dude, they are every buddy from Man come man,
thank you for doing this. Hey, and show the crowd
of your tongue, dude, because that's something I wanted Isaac
to check this out. Yeah, yeah, double tongue. That's wild.
I pitched that to Isaac weirdly. He wasn't brother, but yeah, wow, man, good,

what's what's crazy? He was born with it? Good?

Speaker 6 (01:11:20):
Third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh guest of the pod.

Speaker 5 (01:11:23):
Yeah right, really, it just went from my dad who
was battling cancer, my newborn son, and Chris Connor j R. Uh,
the other guys Jimmy, Tim, Timbow and uh Neil and
then Neil's.

Speaker 2 (01:11:41):
Real Hey, give me some Q and as Isaac.

Speaker 6 (01:11:51):
Okay, yeah, Q and a time.

Speaker 2 (01:11:53):
Let's also see that here when you come out here,
let's see it. Let's see it. Oh my, I got it.
Looks fucking cool. Great, it looks fucking cool.

Speaker 5 (01:12:05):
So all right, so you guys have some hot hot
cues and we got some sweet sweet as. Okay, So
Taylor Power wants to know, now that you're all of age,
what is your first what is your first prostate exam?

Speaker 2 (01:12:24):
Or what was your first prostate exam?

Speaker 4 (01:12:26):

Speaker 2 (01:12:26):
Uh, that was in the Worker Hawks writer's room.

Speaker 6 (01:12:29):
Whoop sees.

Speaker 2 (01:12:31):
Remember that. I mean I didn't get my prostag damn
in the Workhogs writers. I was like, I got an
episode idea.

Speaker 6 (01:12:37):
Yeah, I did it for you.

Speaker 2 (01:12:39):
That's not true. No, I haven't done a joke. Oh
okay well, I don't know.

Speaker 5 (01:12:44):
I mean, I mean, there is a world where you
might have fingered my asshole when I forgot, but I don't.
Uh No, I don't think we've done that yet. I
think we probably should. Right, forty is the age that
you have to have a man in a lab coat
finger your.

Speaker 2 (01:12:59):
Ass as a guy. Yeah, cool life, doctor, Now that
was a guy tricking you onto the boardwalk? Right? How
old are you? You got to come?

Speaker 4 (01:13:18):

Speaker 2 (01:13:18):
I haven't done it, can't wait. Yeah, it's gonna be fun. Well,
I feel like I didn't approve some of these because
Julia goes Adam your favorite killer? O. J. Simpson just died.
Oh I've been watching the documentary. It's crazy. Yeah, like
one from a few years ago.

Speaker 6 (01:13:32):
Yeah, made in America, O Jason.

Speaker 2 (01:13:34):
Yeah, it's really good. And that's not a documentary, that's
a series.

Speaker 4 (01:13:37):
Now there's both, oh okay docu series and then it
also well there's a show.

Speaker 2 (01:13:43):
There's a show I didn't watch that you should watch it.
Want to what deathbed message would you ask? Did you
do it? I mean I'm not just going to ask
him about his football career. No, I would be like,
how cool was Leslie Nielsen? And naked again.

Speaker 3 (01:13:58):
Okay, yeah, yeah, probably yeah, great question, Durris, what would
you ask him?

Speaker 2 (01:14:07):
Would you ask him?

Speaker 4 (01:14:08):
I'd be like, uh, because I just remember not understanding
who's the like blonde feathered hair dude who like lived
in the.

Speaker 2 (01:14:15):
Gate Cato Cato.

Speaker 4 (01:14:17):
As a kid, I didn't understand how Cato Kaelin like
came into the conversation.

Speaker 2 (01:14:21):
Then I got older and I'm like, wait, you could
just live in super rich people's like poolhouses. That's fucking sick.
And that's dude, that's something that we did not take
enough advantage of, Like Cato is a g Yeah, but
I mean I guess, like were we not sexy enough
to get invited into a pool?

Speaker 4 (01:14:41):
What I'm saying is like, can you imagine living in
like Lebron James poolhouse?

Speaker 2 (01:14:45):
I can, and I do. I don't think he has
a need for us.

Speaker 3 (01:14:49):
I think, if anything, I didn't have a need either,
think of anything like Kevin Spacey's.

Speaker 6 (01:14:53):
Gonna invite you to live in his blow and.

Speaker 5 (01:14:56):
He's and Kevin Spacey, much like Chris is like out
Piers any there you do.

Speaker 2 (01:15:03):
So, Michelle, this is a very apropos dude. My vocabulary
today fucking rich. Yeah, you're doing really good.

Speaker 5 (01:15:10):
This is a very apropos question because it's almost four
to twenty half you Jay hellas Michelle goes.

Speaker 2 (01:15:19):
Smoothie dude, and I do. And it's a problem. Who
is one person you would love to smoke? Love to
smoke with? Is what you should have put after that? Michelle,
you high as fuck.

Speaker 5 (01:15:35):
Love to smoke with, and someone you who you never
will has to be someone you don't smoked.

Speaker 2 (01:15:46):
Wow, Oh, Michelle, you sweet dumb bitch.

Speaker 4 (01:15:50):
You know, when you're like a little kid and you write,
you start writing a word really big, and then it
gets smaller and smaller and small to fit again.

Speaker 2 (01:15:56):
It's worse than that. Yeah, it's worse than that.

Speaker 5 (01:15:59):
If someone who you would love to smoke I've smoked with, actually,
like kind of all my smoking.

Speaker 2 (01:16:04):
I never smoked with Willie Nelson, and I'd be ted.
That would be pretty He's still alive, yes, very much, so, Yeah,
that's an okay question to ask. Yeah, he's one hundred
and twelve years old. Yeah, and he's just made of
THC at this point.

Speaker 3 (01:16:18):
I remember I smoked with Action Bronson at Coachella. Yeah, wow,
And it was the first time I ever did dabs,
and I was like, this is not good. It was
when like world Star hip Hop was really big and
they're like, oh, world Star is filming, and I'm like,
I'm gonna get beat up.

Speaker 2 (01:16:34):
Yeah, right, I smoked. I went to I think I
told this on the podcast, but I went to Woody
Harrelson's house once in Hawaii, sick yeah, and I got
so high with Woody and then Colin Ferrell was also there,
and then we jumped off waterfalls and I saw Woody
Harrelson's dick.

Speaker 5 (01:16:54):
Because he was like, I can't do a backflip in
these shorts. You mind if I go shortless? And me
and Chloe and my wife were like.

Speaker 2 (01:17:00):
Hang on, yeah, Kevin, Kevin Spacey's calling, Yeah, come on over,
he's here, And.

Speaker 5 (01:17:05):
So he does a nice hog by the way, as
you would think for sure, because it's I don't know
if he's worn boxers in like thirty years. That thing's drooping. Yeah,
wood support, no support system. The gravity has helped that
thing out. And he he did double backflip and and
then I was up next. So I just took my
shorts off and I'm like, I can't do a cannon.

Speaker 2 (01:17:23):
Ball without my dick out, and then Colin Farrell was
up next, and Colin Farrell goes, I'm keeping my shorts on.

Speaker 4 (01:17:31):
Right. Yeah he did a double backflip. Yeah, I mean
I guess he can ball.

Speaker 2 (01:17:36):
He's got some Yeah, you fucking just went maneuvers. And
then uh he was sick. That's sick. Yeah, there's who
would you smoke? Yeah? Who Albertin? Yeah, you fucking nerd.
I mean the first person that came to my mind
was Baron Trump. Okay, I just want to sit down

with him and be like, your vibe, Yeah, what how
chill are you? Because you know he's chill.

Speaker 4 (01:18:09):
They just don't take good pictures of this kid. Not
I'm not saying unflattering. I'm just saying, yeah, that kid's
hot as fuck. Dude, what are you trying to say?

Speaker 2 (01:18:18):
I just want to know his vibe because he he
gives off no vibe, which is like.

Speaker 4 (01:18:23):
So I kind of want to get past like the
veneer and be like, yeah, like, what does Baron Trump
do for fun?

Speaker 2 (01:18:32):
He's just middle school? No, he just like for high school.

Speaker 5 (01:18:35):
I don't know, kills people on video games, That's what
I go. Yeah, I mean, yeah, that's what I like
doing too. I guess I'm exactly like Baron Trump.

Speaker 2 (01:18:45):
Okay, next question, h Thomas Jefferson, is what in Max
they want to know? If you get what? Now, that's
how it's us.

Speaker 5 (01:19:00):
If you were to get married to if we were
to get married tonight Vegas style, will Blake officiate it?

Speaker 6 (01:19:08):
I mean I would. I'm not ordained or whatever, but
I yeah, she's not.

Speaker 2 (01:19:14):
I mean yeah, and maybe at the after party you
do that.

Speaker 3 (01:19:17):
Yeah, if you want to come on stage while I'm
spinning hot tunes, Oh, I'll get you all married.

Speaker 2 (01:19:25):

Speaker 3 (01:19:26):
Well if you, guys, instead of putting the ring on
the finger, you pierce it to your nipple.

Speaker 2 (01:19:33):
Wow, although a little jagged edge. Hello me and me
at the altar. So Joe wants to know, on a
scale of one to ten, how gay are you? Okay?
In these jackets? Wait, so ten being most gay?

Speaker 4 (01:19:53):
Well, I'm just saying ten being actually gay or ten
being like very gay.

Speaker 5 (01:20:01):
I would say they're already shouting out numbers, so like
you're seven. You are seven, So I would say no, no, no, no, no,
ten being.

Speaker 2 (01:20:10):
Like you're just like a cock goblin queen. Okay, you
know what I mean?

Speaker 5 (01:20:16):
You're like, not just a gay guy, like because you
know there's gay guys and then there's like guys that
are like, uh, that's ten.

Speaker 2 (01:20:24):
Okay, Adam's d ms are wild all right, Blake's to nine.

Speaker 4 (01:20:31):
Well, hang on, I think we can do just like
just like what you give off, Blake. Can I just
see you walk to and fro Doe's you walk all right,
just like when you give Blake, because you know I'll
be offended if you put.

Speaker 2 (01:20:47):
Anyah on it. Well, now I'm thinking about it. Well,
don't think about it. This is just a walk.

Speaker 6 (01:20:51):
When I walk.

Speaker 2 (01:20:52):
Do I have my hand on my hairbort?

Speaker 5 (01:20:55):
Sometimes you do if you want you're thinking about it
too much, just talk, just to walk, just to walk,
by the way, This is one of.

Speaker 2 (01:21:02):
The hardest things to do. Okay, Well, buddy, that walk
is not doing you any favor. It looks like you
just got fucked it. Did that currently looked like a
man who just got fucked.

Speaker 4 (01:21:17):
You were like, yeah, maybe if I loosen up anything, Chris,
get back up here.

Speaker 2 (01:21:22):
You have to fuck Blake real quick. Yeah, do you
want to go next? All right, I'll go next. I
feel well I kind of walked with a limp, so
like you just got fuck you.

Speaker 5 (01:21:33):
It's I don't it looks like, well maybe I got
fucked actually by cement truck when.

Speaker 2 (01:21:37):
I was eleven. Adam looks like he's on his way
to do some fucking. Oh yeah, I don't know. Yeah,
pretty straight. I don't know. I don't know.

Speaker 6 (01:21:47):
It's kind of given seven to eight energy.

Speaker 2 (01:21:50):
Pretty straight. I don't know. I mean the jack the
jacket is, I don't know if it's helping her.

Speaker 4 (01:21:54):
It's actually it is helping you look like a like
a fifties great right nurse as you're up.

Speaker 2 (01:22:04):
Yeah, the biggest applause yet. So I think that means
the gayest. I'm just gonna I'm just gonna walk. Oh
that's bad. Is the bathroom over here?

Speaker 4 (01:22:14):

Speaker 2 (01:22:14):
No, bathroom's over here? And okay, where's the bathrooms? Trying
to find the bathroom to do some under the stall taps? Yeah? Okay?
And to be fair, was I not clear I was
on the synchronized swimming team. Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 5 (01:22:28):
So I would say if if I were to give
you guys numbers, Okay, Blake, you're an eight?

Speaker 2 (01:22:34):
What the hell? All right? And that's I mean, don't
be offended by that. I'm offended that you're offended. I
was like, no, hell, I wish it was higher. Okay, yes,
how what you meant? Yeah? And then durs, I feel
it was like a like a five kind of not
not gay, not straight. He's just in the wind. We're
all just humans, man. And then one of my guys,

I can't I mean a lot of tens. I think Adam.
I think Adam's under five. Yeah, I think you give
us too bad.

Speaker 5 (01:23:09):
Yeah, because to make it in Hollywood nowadays, you gotta
be I mean throwing out little flavor.

Speaker 2 (01:23:14):
Yeah, it only started about four years ago that you
had to Yeah you had before that. Yeah, yeah, nothing alright, So.

Speaker 10 (01:23:28):
The fucking the next question, that was a silly question
that was that didn't make it didn't make sense, really offended,
like trying to come on, I wants to know who
is the strongest wizard, you know, Gandalf absolutely, Gilbert Arenas.

Speaker 2 (01:23:50):
That's pretty good, that's funny. Hey, dog wants to know
what's a push pop? And that's from a movie I did,
so its Adam picks these questions. I didn't. I don't
know what that's just, I don't know what just happened.
Did you not see Mike and Daveney wedding dates? I did, Yeah,
I just don't remember that. I think you were at
the premiere. So yeah. But when you say, what's a push, dude,

just support me. Okay, you're a five now, all right?
These questions fucking suck. I think I think that's gone.
Do you think answer? I think I think we're I
think we're ending it here here and now. Yeah, as
a five, three and eight. Well a few more, but
come on, guys, these questions are no good. One more.

This one was like, what do you like about Halloween?

Speaker 6 (01:24:37):
The costume pitches on the internet.

Speaker 5 (01:24:40):
By the way, that's such a deep cut reference from
an internet video we did fifteen years ago.

Speaker 6 (01:24:48):
Yes, look it up if it still existed.

Speaker 2 (01:24:50):
Didn't link that until you guys started singing that's what
I like about Halloween. It was a true let's do
some hot cues and it is because we got these
right here Atlantic City hot topic dude.

Speaker 5 (01:25:05):
I didn't know this, dude, the YouTube star Blippy Oh
boyd Because I'm now getting into like children's cartoons, because
I'm like our children's like uh television, because I'm like,
what is my son bo gonna.

Speaker 2 (01:25:16):
Be watching when he's old enough to start watching shit.
And I found out that Blippy did a viral video
where he poops on his friend. Yeah, you guys to
see this ship see the video. Look it up. It's
it's a Blippy Harlem shake video. You know, it's like

we do the Harlem shake and then it like craziness.

Speaker 5 (01:25:43):
And that was like the thing like ten years ago
or however long, and it's the craziness for Blippy was
sprain ship on his friend diarrhea. Uh, like real And
what's cool is you Definitely there's definitely like fifteen people
in the crowd right now that allow their children to
watch Blippy be like like, I'm gonna have to look
up that.

Speaker 2 (01:26:02):
I'm gonna google that Google in that one, he's really
trying to bury. That's that's being said, like, you know,
we all have passed and we just wanted to get
you guys up to date on that.

Speaker 5 (01:26:14):
So, uh, here's one an airplane passenger fine in Sydney
for urinating in a cup, which I to me, that's
the most Australian thing.

Speaker 2 (01:26:24):
Australians are fucking wild, dude. Yeah, that's pretty Atlantic city boardwalk.

Speaker 3 (01:26:29):
Well, being in a cup is Australian for beer, Yeah,
that's it, Fosters.

Speaker 2 (01:26:34):

Speaker 5 (01:26:34):
And also the fine was like it was a four
hundred dollars fine, which I'm like, that's not right.

Speaker 2 (01:26:42):
I mean, that's not like a crazy.

Speaker 5 (01:26:44):
They're they're just kind of like, hey man, just don't
do that next time, right, Like you're better than this.

Speaker 2 (01:26:48):
Is it four hundred dollars or four hundred rulebucks? What
are they? What do they have with it? It's gonna
be four hundred.

Speaker 6 (01:26:56):
I think it's shillings.

Speaker 2 (01:26:58):
I think it's shillings. It's not chillings. No, it's like
fucking dangery douche one hundred. Australia is so we were
just talking about this earlier, how like Australia is crazy.
We we've been a few times, and uh, there's like
the most beautiful women you've ever seen in Australia. They
all look like Margot Robbie over there until they have

one sip of beer and they're like, oh, fucking give
me a bee and then they like punch you in
the nuts and run off. You're like, what just a
little nut? Tab do a fucking showy a bitch? We're
doing really bad Australian accents. You think so.

Speaker 5 (01:27:36):
Uh, here's one an AI generated contestants will compete for
the title of miss Ai in the world's first Ai
Beauty pageant, which, by the way, dude, you showed me.

Speaker 2 (01:27:47):
I think like hot Ai Grandma's Yeah, I think it's
like gross, and I was like, you need to see
how stupid that is. So I think I think they're
gonna ai.

Speaker 5 (01:27:57):
Like, we're all gonna be like, oh, that's foul ai
hot people, yuck old c click click click. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:28:06):
I think I think it's gonna be a big hit. Yeah. Sure,
I'll vote. Yeah, and uh, here's one. Uh you'll vote.

Speaker 6 (01:28:13):
I'll vote for that.

Speaker 2 (01:28:14):

Speaker 5 (01:28:15):
Trump appears to fall asleep in court on the first
day of the New York hush money trial.

Speaker 2 (01:28:21):
Dude, I mean, say what you want about this guy.
He's such a boss. He doesn't care that he's on
trial and might go to prison. He's like, well, okay, uh,
he's just like straight up asleep during his trial where
he could go to prison. They're gonna wake him up
in jail. He's not I'll pierce your butts. I will

all right, And that's that's about it. Guys.

Speaker 6 (01:28:47):
Atlantic city.

Speaker 1 (01:28:49):
We did.

Speaker 6 (01:28:51):
That was pretty fucking sick.

Speaker 3 (01:28:56):
We gave all our merch away to everybody who first
our pierced ship.

Speaker 2 (01:29:00):
We get more shirts one we had one. We have
one shirt, Isaac. We're supposed to bring more here, Isaac
horn every today. Let's see that earring one of those shirts.
Atlantic said, he thank you guys so much for coming out.
This is such a fun show. Yeah, we had a blast.

We pierced a nipple.

Speaker 11 (01:29:25):
We pierced the nipple for the first preson ear as
far as I wanted, come on up. Thank you so
much everybody.

Speaker 2 (01:29:37):
We had a blast. Atlantic said, thanks for coming out.
We love you guys. We'll definitely be back. Atlantic saidy,
this was another episode.

Speaker 4 (01:29:46):
This is.

Speaker 2 (01:29:51):
Ship. Yeah, I gotta take a sa Piers damn. We
shall have that Christ once hears his asphop John

Speaker 3 (01:30:10):
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