Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Welcome to This Is Important, a production of iHeartRadio, the
show where we only talk about what is most obviously
very crucially important today on This is Important.
Speaker 2 (00:15):
Your hair can't be longer than your dick. Did he
hit like your male g spot?
Speaker 3 (00:21):
When I'm on his table, my body is his.
Speaker 2 (00:27):
Let's go wait did you just interrupt?
Speaker 3 (00:47):
Okay, let's get ready to suck it? Is that what
he says?
Speaker 2 (00:51):
Okay? Yeah, I love that drop to your knees. I
love that, dude, love that blazer. Can you not play
like clips at the same time? So if you played
that and you interrupted, it cuts it off? Well, that
was not off the board.
Speaker 4 (01:03):
This is from that tech t I folder, so I
can only play them one at a time, yes or no?
Speaker 2 (01:13):
But anyway, yeah cool. I have no cool window into
your hurricane of who gives a fuck?
Speaker 3 (01:21):
Some people some people care, not my friends, not the
people I call friends.
Speaker 2 (01:26):
But yeah, there's plenty of people.
Speaker 3 (01:29):
Or already speaking of people we call friends, we we
hung out with the people that we call a friend, uh,
or we called a friend. I would say we still
call him a friend. For his birthday. Oh and none
other than Kyle, He's alive, dude, he's alive.
Speaker 2 (01:52):
To be clear, it was a bit. It was the
whole lunch was a bit.
Speaker 3 (01:55):
Yeah. It was like a three hour long bit.
Speaker 2 (01:57):
We were like, hey, can we take you out to
lunch for your birthday?
Speaker 3 (02:03):
And then he said yes, dude.
Speaker 2 (02:04):
I was like, whoa, yeah, dude, that sounds awesome, and
we're like yeah, okay, like don't worry, like, we'll pick
a vegan restaurant, and like we went.
Speaker 3 (02:12):
To a vegan yeah, and we'll pay for it.
Speaker 2 (02:15):
We paid for it.
Speaker 3 (02:17):
The worst part about that bit was that we picked
a vegan restaurant. We got there and then he's and
then he said, you know, I eat meat, right, And
then we could have went to literally any other restaurant,
because I don't know if this was just my body
who's never eaten anything vegan. Sure, Oh I think I
know where this is going. The worst diarrhea, dude, the
worst diarrhea, and my on the way back home, my
guts were my little rumble in the bronx, little rumble
in my tumble. I'm gonna be honest, I love that restaurant.
I also immediately immediately got the farts and some diary
came out. That's Vegan, Well, me too, and I had
a two hour drive home and then I had to
go right to physical therapy. A lot of stretching, were
a lot of a lot of a woman bending my
leg as my asshole is perched in the sky, just
doing just doing this.
Speaker 2 (03:19):
Speaker 3 (03:19):
Uh no, there was no cresting. That's my body crest
or whatever. That was my bodywork. Guy who uh who
doesn't quite breach the crest.
Speaker 2 (03:26):
Can you imagine holding in diarrhea and getting the crest
like touch whatever, the three finger special? Yes, do you
have to go? Hey man, not today because I ate
Vegan everywhere? You have to write or do you?
Speaker 3 (03:43):
Yeah? I probably would. We're close enough now after he's
felt my hard cock smack him in the arm.
Speaker 2 (03:49):
And Jesus sure fucking disaster.
Speaker 3 (03:53):
Well, I told you guys that, I told you that
I got a boner and it was smacking around and
I know it's still shocked. Yeah, this is a podcast.
I'm still shocking. Yeah, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, dude.
Speaker 2 (04:05):
I'm very casual.
Speaker 3 (04:06):
I didn't like it. I loved it. Pot hot hot hot,
still shocking here, brother, have you ever heard of TMI? Yeah,
but it wasn't that. It was my physical therapist. It's
a totally different thing. There's no breaching of crests or
nearing the breach. Okay, so that's a bummer. The crest is,
but it's a lot of stretching. And the the vegan food, Dude,
that shit is. First of all, it's not as good,
not hands down, I think you have to also agree
not as tasting if we're just talking about I know,
maybe health, but also I've read that also it's not healthy.
A lot of the vegan food. Okay, all right, go
off my fitness pal.
Speaker 2 (04:47):
There's a lot of like faux creamy green like I
just feel like it's very a lot of fake shit,
a lot of saucyness that doesn't seem like it's very
good for you that they add in.
Speaker 3 (04:58):
Okay, Yeah, they're just they're just whipping up some some
nasty ship that that then they they used chemicals to
taste more delicious.
Speaker 2 (05:08):
Yeah, right. I I enjoyed mine. I'm gonna I'm gonna
say that. Okay. I had a like kale shake thing
that was fucking sick. And then I had a fake
sandwich on an English muffin that was fake cheese and
fake sausage and the sausage sausage, as we discussed at
the table, I think it actually was they ran out
of fake sausage. It was real. Yeah, they're they're just
fucking with you. It tasted real.
Speaker 3 (05:34):
I wish I wish more of my ship was real.
Speaker 2 (05:36):
I liked it. I wish it was real.
Speaker 3 (05:40):
I know, Blake, I know it was your idea to
go there. It was your It was your idea to go.
Speaker 2 (05:45):
Was that fucking garbage peel kids? What was that? No?
Speaker 3 (05:48):
No, that's Freddy Got Fingers Sausage. The seminal film Freddy
Got Fingered that I know Durs never saw without a doubt.
Speaker 4 (05:55):
I didn't, so good dude. Yeah yeah, yeah, it's never
too late to watch. That is a timeless film.
Speaker 2 (06:01):
Yeah, there's weird there's weirdly like a lot of write
ups about that movie and how it was like groundbreaking
and stuff. It's very what, it's very funny.
Speaker 3 (06:10):
Speaker 2 (06:11):
I keep coming across like revisiting Freddy Got Fingered.
Speaker 3 (06:14):
And it's just and it's just Tom Green using pseudonyms.
He's just in his basement, so.
Speaker 2 (06:20):
He's using dudonyms. He's like, this is a different dude's name.
Did you?
Speaker 4 (06:25):
He has a documentary that is coming out today. I
believe I really would like to Tom Green. Yeah, let's
let's watch. Let's have a watch, park I love, I
do love Tom Green. Love Tom not Flowers.
Speaker 2 (06:37):
Pull it up. Let's give our man, not not flowers.
Speaker 3 (06:40):
No never, never that chocolates. Let's give him some love,
give him some chocolate. There it is, So what is this?
It's about just his life or what?
Speaker 4 (06:48):
Yeah, I think he kind of said that He's like,
you know, he doesn't really talk about personal stuff in
the media, so this is like his chance to kind of, like,
I don't know, shine the light on something I love.
Speaker 2 (06:59):
When that's kind of the messag where it's like I
don't I never talk about this stuff and now talk
about it.
Speaker 3 (07:05):
All now I am And you can buy it here
on though we do know like he had testicle testicle removed.
Speaker 2 (07:12):
And then after this not going to do it until
I do it again and sell something. Yeah, okay, but
I do that. Being said, I bet Tom Greens is
pretty damn good. Yeah. I'm really excited to see.
Speaker 3 (07:21):
Yeah. Well, and I'm glad he did that instead of
writing a book too, because one I think his book
would be pretty shitty. Okay, sure, okay, fair enough, because
you know, I bet the script for Freddy Got Fingered
was horrific unreadable, absolutely unreadable, because his comedy is like
his delivery daddy. Would you like some sausage written down?
Speaker 2 (07:45):
Yeah? That Yeah, that doesn't jump off the page.
Speaker 3 (07:48):
Yeah, that's not jump it off. You're not like, Wow,
the joke for him on this is incredible. It's truly
hit me over the head. But when you see that
that his fingers are have strings on them and they're
connected to sausages, and he's yeah, it's really good. It's
a visual he's he works in a visual medium. Yeah,
so I'm glad he's doing that. It does And also,
absolutely you forget he was like a professional skateboarder in
his youth, m Hey shreds and a rapper. Oh of course.
Speaker 2 (08:15):
My bum is on My bum is on your Remember
when he went on like some talk show sitting next
to ice Cube and started going off and ice Cube
was like not that. Ice Cube was like, oh my god,
I'm gonna sign this kid. But ice Cube was like,
what what's happening? A very nineteen nineties like free style flow,
fast talking hip hop style.
Speaker 3 (08:36):
Yeah, well, I mean the bum bum song is off
the chain. That's kind of a rap play some bum bum.
I don't know if I mean, I know, I know
it once you play it, but.
Speaker 2 (08:46):
I might have to pull that up on YouTube.
Speaker 3 (08:48):
The bumm is my bum is on the I remember
when Freddy yes Sweedish, Oh yes, Swedish? Can I play
more than fifteen seconds of this song? Or I remember
when Freddy Yeah, you could play the whole damn song.
It's all good, dude, I give you permission, thank you,
thank you?
Speaker 2 (09:05):
Okay, yeah, okay, can you close your windows? All right?
Speaker 3 (09:11):
You go ahead, keep talking. I'll let I'll let you
know when we're ready. Okay, go ahead. So I when
Freddy Got Fingered came out on uh probably DVD or
Blu Ray. Austin Anderson and I were traveling across the
country or no, we were actually it doesn't matter, but
we were in uh Aspen like we were looking for colleges,
and we went to University of Boulder and as but
where are these things? Yeah? Where are these damn colleges?
We went to Boulder. Look at the campus. We went to,
like the film school there in Denver?
Speaker 2 (09:47):
Can I ask you something real quick. Why did you
guys go look at the camp? Like, were you driving
to California?
Speaker 3 (09:51):
No, this was looking for colleges before we decided that
we were going to move to California.
Speaker 2 (09:57):
Oh, got it, got it, got it.
Speaker 3 (09:58):
And so we looked at a couple of school and
then we're like, let's make a scheme trip out of this.
And then it came out on DVD and we're like,
we have to rent it and watch it in the
hotel room, and we snuck out, we smoked some weed.
We came back. His dad was like, I want to
watch a movie with you guys, and watched that movie
with us.
Speaker 2 (10:14):
Oh my god, it was because.
Speaker 3 (10:16):
We are cry laughing and he and then I remember
he got up and was like, he's like, this is disgusting.
He was like, legit upset at us forking right, I.
Speaker 2 (10:28):
Can imagine it has upsetting visuals. Yes, like he sitting there,
white knuckled, mad, having lost his son to a generation
of idiots.
Speaker 3 (10:37):
Yes, God damn it. And then and then he was like,
you had to have smoked something, dude, like this movie,
and we had, so that made us laugh even harder.
You're high, I know, you're high. You're not going to
this You're not going to this college.
Speaker 2 (10:52):
I think I told you guys this to just should
into Boulder, to just piggyback on this. I watched the
Tim and Eric like billion Dollar movie with my mother
in law. She's like, what are you She like was
staying over, like visiting, and was like, well, I'm not
sleep y'all sit and watch whatever you're watching. And I
was like, well, just the heads up. These guys are
pretty wacky and I've I've never seen this movie, so
I don't know what's gonna happen, but they're they're out there.
And she was like, just to prep with her. And
then dude, there's like a full on bathtub diarrhea scene
done talking about.
Speaker 4 (11:23):
Yeah, yeah, and I'm just like, it's graphic.
Speaker 2 (11:27):
Yeah. I told you that these guys are real wild.
Speaker 4 (11:29):
They're all out there, they're pretty they're pretty crazy.
Speaker 3 (11:33):
Huh. Well, dude, I've had multiple people that were mad
at at us for watching Game Overman with their families
and watching Game Overman on an airplane. I mean, could
you imagine watching game because and even when you're watching
and it's like just a movie that's on the Delta TV. Sure,
and there's there's like a sex scene. You feel a
little weird. You're like kind of looking around, You're like,
there's titties out Blake.
Speaker 2 (11:59):
Blake's like, oh, I don't even just lead off about
a magazine. Now I can just watch a whole goddamn porno.
Speaker 3 (12:04):
Yeah, I could just crak down right here.
Speaker 2 (12:06):
Hey that's the young me.
Speaker 3 (12:08):
Okay, but could you imagine suddenly you see my literally
you see my asshole and you and you're there's just
a fucking nice mom crochet next to you.
Speaker 2 (12:18):
Oh my god, I can imagine you imagine?
Speaker 3 (12:21):
Can you imagine?
Speaker 2 (12:22):
Can you imagine?
Speaker 5 (12:23):
Speaker 3 (12:23):
Must really get your rocks off?
Speaker 2 (12:25):
Adam, this is Adam. This is why you did it.
Adam was like, yeah, I think I can film that scene.
And here's why.
Speaker 3 (12:32):
Something tells me you like that. Could you imagine?
Speaker 2 (12:36):
Imagine you're on a Delta flight. Your mom looks over.
Speaker 3 (12:40):
I flew Frontier the other day, dude, Have you guys
flown Frontier? How was it?
Speaker 2 (12:44):
Speaker 3 (12:44):
Go off? I have I have the dude Frontier. The
whole airplane reminded me of who Dres is as a person.
Speaker 5 (12:51):
I have the front Tier pin like it looked like
what dors Okay, it looked like what Dors is currently wearing,
like his whole durs is entire vibe is what the
inside of this airplane looked like.
Speaker 3 (13:03):
I'm a frontiersman. It was cozy. I liked it so,
oh look at that.
Speaker 2 (13:06):
It was almost hair it was almost hairless with oh
look at that. Yeah, whats so, guys, talk to me,
what's happening?
Speaker 3 (13:11):
Why do you have a.
Speaker 4 (13:12):
They weirdly out of nowhere sent me like three hundred
dollars to gift cards flights and buzzballs, and I'm like,
this is fucking cool because I think they serve buzzballs
on the flight. So Frontier, we fuck with you. Also,
I saw a deal they had that seemed pretty cool.
Speaker 2 (13:28):
They do a.
Speaker 3 (13:30):
This is not brought to you by Frontier, dude, this
is not happening.
Speaker 2 (13:34):
I swear I fuck with Frontier.
Speaker 4 (13:38):
Bro Okay, all right, they do a season past, they
do a year long past. You just buy a year
and you have unlimited flight.
Speaker 2 (13:44):
Guys, where are we flying on Frontier from lax or
Burbank or what.
Speaker 3 (13:48):
I think it was. I was I was flying to
San Francisco. So for you, there's a direct flight from
Orange County, where I flew. At least I'm sure there's
one out of LA to San Francisco, so you might
as well buy that. Blake get up there fan more often.
Speaker 4 (14:00):
Dude, it seems pretty cool, But I think a lot
of how much is that year past?
Speaker 3 (14:05):
They miss you? They always text me on the side
and say, we miss Blake. Maybe get them up here
a little bit? Is the year past like five grand
I think it's actually pretty cheap, like three hundred bucks
or something.
Speaker 2 (14:17):
Okay, No, I can't I can't remember how I can't remember.
Speaker 3 (14:21):
I can't remember.
Speaker 2 (14:22):
I can't heat up. I don't think it's five thousand.
Speaker 3 (14:24):
Okay, it's six hundred dollars. By the way, it's six hundred.
I told you. I mean that can't be real. And
you can fly NonStop all you can fly twenty five
twenty six annual pass available flights.
Speaker 2 (14:37):
Do we do this? Do we go wild? Doesn't it
seem freaking cool?
Speaker 3 (14:41):
Maybe we get an annual pass? Uh and just see
see where where Frontier takes us? Well, it's Portland.
Speaker 2 (14:48):
Yeah, y Don't you love the idea of just being like, hey,
you guys want to get lunch at one in San
Francisco today.
Speaker 3 (14:56):
I do like that.
Speaker 2 (14:57):
Yeah, I do like that. And then we just get
up there, we hang out for a few hours, we
hop on the plane back perfect.
Speaker 3 (15:03):
I feel like our wives and families would love that
if we were all just grabbing. Yeah yeah yeah.
Speaker 2 (15:08):
But you get back. It's like when you go up
to Big Bearry. You just drop your kids off at school,
drive up ski a little bit, has some lunch, drive back,
You're back before they're done with school. You've done that. Yeah,
that's freaking savage dude. Like you guys, I'm savage dude,
I see.
Speaker 3 (15:23):
And that's why. That's why he wears the hat, That's
why he dresses as though he is the Frontier Airline.
Speaker 2 (15:30):
The Alpine. Yeah, you're right, like made of granola bars,
you really are. My Dick's a granola bar.
Speaker 3 (15:36):
Oh, crunchy, nutty. It's twigs and berries, chewy, Yeah, twigs
and berries. Okay, are you ready for the bumbo song?
Speaker 2 (15:55):
Or have we moved on? No?
Speaker 3 (15:56):
No, no, no, We've been at the edge of my seat. Dude.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have the t r L world.
Speaker 2 (16:04):
The fact that he even remembered I mean, it's here
and it is ready to go.
Speaker 3 (16:08):
It's here, it's queer. It wants to drink your beer.
Speaker 4 (16:10):
Okay, Tom Green is in like a is like in
a colonial outfit.
Speaker 2 (16:16):
Is on the rail, Look at me on the rail
is hard right off the bat, establishing skating culture on
the staff, on the step. It's sick.
Speaker 3 (16:30):
Okay, Well, now I I do, I do have to stop.
And now I understand, like why Austin's parents we're questioning
everything about our lives. Yeah, after hearing that song, I
mean it still makes me laugh, but I understand, Uh
how bad it is? Now? Now you know, well, you
know it's just a it's a culture shock.
Speaker 2 (16:52):
It's it's because as you get older, you accept.
Speaker 3 (16:57):
More rules of the world, and.
Speaker 2 (16:59):
We're what's bad, what's a total waste of time? What's not?
When you're a kid, you don't know anything. Yep?
Speaker 3 (17:05):
How nice is that?
Speaker 2 (17:06):
It's so fun when you're presenting with something like this,
it just washes over you in a way that it
feels good.
Speaker 3 (17:14):
It feels good, isn't it weird?
Speaker 4 (17:16):
You just get old and you just you just stop
understanding things that are different. You just you don't even
have the ability. You're like, what the fuck is this?
Speaker 3 (17:24):
Yeah, dude, I will say, dude, who did they just
announce for the super Bowl? It's it's Kendrick Lamar, Sizza.
Speaker 2 (17:32):
You should know her. Sissa's got some jams.
Speaker 3 (17:34):
Yeah, who is that?
Speaker 4 (17:35):
She's a female artist. Well, yeah, she has a fantastic album.
But it's from what twenty twenty three? I believe it's great.
Speaker 3 (17:43):
Oh see that's yeah. I'm only into new shit, so
that I'm I wouldn't know. I wouldn't know that.
Speaker 2 (17:49):
Checkout that's never looked back. Divine over here.
Speaker 4 (17:52):
Yeah, Adam, I truly can't wait for your Scissor era.
It's gonna it's gonna be really good.
Speaker 3 (17:57):
Yeah, name what is the best scissor play me the
top fifteen seconds.
Speaker 2 (18:02):
Can't name songs in twenty twenty five? You know what
I mean? Like you don't know the name of a
song anymore?
Speaker 3 (18:08):
Yeah, or person.
Speaker 2 (18:11):
Here sounds you know it's music, but you only know
it says that because the super Bowl told you this
is their number one song. It's with Kendrick Lamar.
Speaker 4 (18:19):
Though here we go, we'll play I'll have to skip
ahead a little boom moment.
Speaker 3 (18:24):
I gotta skip a little bit bone, I gotta skip
a little bit more. And that's the way I know.
Speaker 2 (18:31):
Okay, that's the way. I okay, So that's the way.
Speaker 3 (18:37):
They don't like it, and that will be at the
super Bowl, you can guarantee it. I understand why you
guys aren't sticking around for the super Bowl. So we're
going to the super Bowl. These guys aren't sticking around
for the super Bowl.
Speaker 4 (18:50):
Well, Isaac won't even let me stick around anymore. I'm like,
I'm still thinking about it. He's like, no, no, no, no, no, no,
I don't have a ticket for sure. Oh why don't
you have a ticket, dude, you gotta have a ticket.
Speaker 2 (19:00):
I don't know. I never I never had a ticket.
Speaker 3 (19:02):
Everyone else had tickets. We just didn't get you a ticket.
That seems did you did you have a ticket to
the super Bowl?
Speaker 2 (19:08):
I was never planning on going, see you go? Maybe
maybe I slept on.
Speaker 3 (19:12):
So then I think what Isaac did was he goes, Okay,
Jurse isn't going, Blake's not going then too, and then
I'm not gonna go. Yeah, wow, dude, that's cool of him. Hey,
that's how that's how a punk rock crew rolls. Brother, Yeah,
that's cool.
Speaker 2 (19:24):
You you don't know what is going on.
Speaker 3 (19:27):
I mean, I'm the most punk rock out of all
of us, dude, and uh, I'm going man, I won't
know any of the songs will be very unfamiliar.
Speaker 2 (19:38):
Oh it's gonna be awesome.
Speaker 3 (19:39):
I like, good kid, Mad City.
Speaker 2 (19:42):
I do like that You're basing the super Bowl on
the halftime show.
Speaker 3 (19:45):
Oh, absolutely due. That's I mean, it's.
Speaker 4 (19:48):
The one thing you can take away that you know
that isn't h football obvious statement.
Speaker 3 (19:55):
Yeah correct. I was just recalling my experience.
Speaker 4 (20:00):
As you know, I went to the super Bowl last
year and my team was in the super Bowl and
it was not my ending. But I still hold the
Usher performance very dear to my heart. It was a
it was an excellent toime.
Speaker 2 (20:09):
Yeah that's good. I had a lot of fun.
Speaker 3 (20:12):
See that's what I wished. I mean, this is old man, Adam.
I wish it was Usher, dude, because I fuck with
Usher Man.
Speaker 2 (20:19):
Yeah yeah, Usher freaking rocks. You've got it bad, You've
got it.
Speaker 3 (20:23):
I do have it bad for him.
Speaker 2 (20:24):
I love it, and he's got he spans. I mean,
I guess so does Kendrick at this point. But I'm
so old I don't understand it. But I was gonna
say Usher like spans decades.
Speaker 3 (20:34):
But Kendrick has only been the last ten years, and
maybe less than that.
Speaker 2 (20:39):
He spans a decade, right, a decade? Maybe when when
did Kendrick come out two thousand and ten Kendrick first album? Anyway,
what I'm saying is we got like young teenager Usher,
and then we've got like grown man Usher. We've got
the whole there's a catalog.
Speaker 3 (20:56):
Yes, that's what was cool about it.
Speaker 2 (20:57):
Yeah, I like that.
Speaker 3 (20:59):
Thirteen years ago. Kendrick's been in the in the game
for thirteen was good Kid, Mad City. It was thirteen
years ago because that's when he popped off.
Speaker 2 (21:06):
Yeah, and there's four albums. Yeah, and not that he
doesn't have a catalog and Kendrick rocks. It's spam be
kind of like U two spans or like who else
has been?
Speaker 3 (21:19):
I mean, like I don't know Lil Wayne. Of course
they should have done Lil Wayne.
Speaker 2 (21:24):
Low Wayne Spans.
Speaker 3 (21:24):
Well. It was like when the Weekend performed and uh,
I didn't know what the fuck was going on. I
was like, this kind of sucks.
Speaker 2 (21:33):
He was like running through the basement or something.
Speaker 3 (21:35):
Yeah, it was like it was like Phantom of the
Opera type shit. I was this is too much of
a There was a lot happening that you couldn't see.
Speaker 2 (21:43):
Scary. It was too scary.
Speaker 3 (21:45):
Everybody's coming. It was frightening. Yeah, I was straight spooed.
Speaker 2 (21:49):
Wait, did you guys see Travis Scott's halftime thing at
the game the other night?
Speaker 3 (21:53):
Speaker 2 (21:54):
Oh at the college game? At the college game? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (21:56):
Yeah, they had a halftime show. Oh yeah, dude, and
it was the whack.
Speaker 2 (22:00):
Yeah. So he just he performed on the roof and
everybody there was just watching on the monitors. This dude
on the roof, like performing to the sky. What the
fuck are you doing?
Speaker 3 (22:10):
Everybody's coming. Also, I was like, this is pre filmed,
this is shot at a different time.
Speaker 2 (22:15):
Oh, it's like pre tape. Yeah you think so.
Speaker 3 (22:17):
I think so? Or why else wouldn't it just be
inside the stadium.
Speaker 2 (22:21):
We're not trying to pull back the curtain.
Speaker 3 (22:23):
Well, see, that's.
Speaker 2 (22:24):
Why we're insiders, that's ups.
Speaker 4 (22:29):
That's why Michael Jackson was the ship because he was
like way up on the roof and they're like, okay, wow,
so you're gonna do this entire thing from the roof.
Speaker 2 (22:37):
But then he was down on the field. The field,
you like Michael with some Michael Jackson magic.
Speaker 3 (22:44):
I stand with Mike, all right, Yeah, Blake stands by
everything Mike has ever done.
Speaker 2 (22:50):
Do you lay with Michael?
Speaker 3 (22:51):
I lay with Michael, I stand, I lay, I do
whatever he wants. I lay with Michael.
Speaker 2 (22:59):
We just yeah, in his little isobad team. I just
couldn't believe that anyone thought it was a good idea
for Travis Scott to be performing on the roof and
have that be a moment that mattered at all in
any way. I'm just like, who signed off on that? Goodbye?
Speaker 3 (23:13):
Also, do we always have halftime shows for the college
football National Championship?
Speaker 2 (23:19):
But it's a whole new era, That's what they kept saying.
It's a championship unlike any other. There's money. There's money now,
of course it's there's money now.
Speaker 3 (23:29):
Yes, there's always been money, but yeah, I know, but
now there's officially money.
Speaker 2 (23:33):
But now there's a what is the twelve team playoff?
Is the whole thing? Yeah, real money. It's not just money, Blake,
it's really real. Yeah. Yeah, okay, it's cool. So what
I said, but better and and right?
Speaker 3 (23:47):
Yeah, I was confused. By what you said, and then
we added the real wrong the wrong thing I said,
but the same. So it's right, okay, yeah, more better,
more better, okay, goodbye. I like that. Yeah it was.
It was wildly whack. I mean it was like, why
even why even do this? I would prefer to see
their marching bands. Yeah, I love that, shiit man, I
love marching band. Just have a marching band off. That's
what's cool about college football is you hear the marching bands.
Speaker 2 (24:18):
Just a blast and so cool. That's what's cool about
college football is the marching base.
Speaker 3 (24:23):
I agree. Well, obviously obviously the football, but the football
is the baseline. The football is the base. In the NFL,
it's so college football.
Speaker 2 (24:31):
And then it's the drum lineb what's happening?
Speaker 3 (24:34):
We know, but to make it that X factor is
the marching band. I love marching bands. That was my
favorite part of Marti Gras. When we go to the
like the parades. The marching bands are just out of
this world talented. It's crazy, dude, And they all come
for Marti Gras.
Speaker 2 (24:53):
Baby, they do all come. They all come. Hit them
with the blade.
Speaker 3 (24:57):
Many of them came numerous times.
Speaker 2 (24:59):
Believe it believe.
Speaker 3 (25:00):
That there's some cool parties we're gonna go to. Guys,
Shaq's having a party. What yeah, Blink is performing with
Meg the Stallion.
Speaker 2 (25:08):
Oh that's interesting.
Speaker 3 (25:11):
A Luda Chris is throwing a party.
Speaker 2 (25:13):
Dude, I hope he'll let us in.
Speaker 3 (25:15):
Guy for Fiery, Guy Fieri.
Speaker 2 (25:19):
Where are you getting this list?
Speaker 3 (25:21):
I asked my publicist for a list. Okay, go off, King,
don't worry, boys, we're getting in.
Speaker 2 (25:28):
I'm gonna come. Is this during the week ors? This
is the weekend summer happening.
Speaker 3 (25:33):
Most of the good parties are Friday and then summer
happening Wednesday night. We are invited to Travis Kelcey's throwing
a party.
Speaker 2 (25:42):
Oh yeah, yeah, we got a party with Big He
might be a little busy. He might be a little busy.
Speaker 4 (25:48):
Yeah what yeah, what happens if they're in the super Bowl,
he's got to call it right.
Speaker 2 (25:52):
And Jason's probably gonna mc this sucker.
Speaker 3 (25:55):
It's their podcast party, so I'm assuming if he's but
if it's early in the week, he could go right.
So it's Wednesday. I think that's why they do it
on a Wednesday. So I don't know what coach reads
a policy is what time they got to be.
Speaker 2 (26:09):
I would think you'd want to be a little more focused.
Speaker 3 (26:11):
Well, I think these athletes they can go, but they
just you don't drink, right, I think that has.
Speaker 2 (26:16):
To be and maybe that's part of his process.
Speaker 3 (26:19):
He parties, you just go, you glad hand. I mean
they signed a one hundred and fifty million dollar deal
for their podcast, so for.
Speaker 2 (26:27):
Their podcasts, yeah, yeah, yeah, but at the same time,
so it's it's a business thing. Yeah, at the same time.
I don't know. I don't know. I just I'm thinking back,
would I do a podcast if at a really huge
swimming come home guys, oh god, the super pool? Well Cod,
I just don't know, superson Pool. Yeah, I don't know.
If that would fuck my focus up and I would
lose my stroke, my touch.
Speaker 4 (26:53):
Well yeah, I could see you going off the rails
the night before. But maybe did you ever swim hungover?
Did you ever try that? Absolutely?
Speaker 3 (27:01):
Yeah, you mean like a practice or a meat at
a meat full blown me not a.
Speaker 2 (27:05):
Meat really no, no, no, no, no, Like uh in
Texas we went out. We would sneak out, but you
wouldn't drink to the point where like before, like the
last day. If you just had like one race, but
you wouldn't get hammered.
Speaker 3 (27:18):
You wouldn't get yeah shithoused.
Speaker 2 (27:20):
Oh you were just like, dude, we're in Austin. This
is fucking sick. We're nineteen, let's see it's all about Yeah.
Speaker 3 (27:26):
But also like, did you look back and you're like, what,
I was such a fucking nerd, dude, I should have
just tied one on.
Speaker 2 (27:31):
I could have been drunk. Yeah, no, because I was
like one of two people who actually went out. Okay,
I was a fucking wild dog.
Speaker 3 (27:37):
That's our boy. Yeah, that's our boy.
Speaker 2 (27:40):
Everyone else was like, uh, we're trying to make the
Olympic team. I'm like, okay, cool, good luck with that.
Speaker 3 (27:45):
Yeah, but you weren't. You weren't trying to make the
Olympic team.
Speaker 2 (27:48):
No, no, I was that. That wasn't my style. I
was kind of like boycotting drunk.
Speaker 3 (27:52):
Now, Yeah, that was your style, dude.
Speaker 2 (27:55):
I just didn't you know they build out these stadiums
and they dis abandoned them. It's bullshit.
Speaker 3 (27:58):
I love talking to swimming too. This is inc Was
there a point in your swimming career that you were like,
I'm good, I'm at the collegiate level. This is as
far as I'm going, or do you have to be
and maybe you were fast enough that you could. I
don't really know anything about swimming, and I've seen you
in the pool. You're a fucking a dolphin.
Speaker 2 (28:16):
That's the best part. That's the best part of that.
Speaker 3 (28:18):
Or was there a point where you were like, you
know what, this is as far as I'm going to go.
This is the way I cannot go any farther than this,
So I'm just gonna have fun.
Speaker 2 (28:27):
I'm gonna go drink tonight. Yeah, yes, yeah.
Speaker 3 (28:30):
But did you were you ever like you know what,
I'm gonna make the Olympics? Was there like a little
bit of delusion there?
Speaker 2 (28:36):
No, no, because like my my goals were like pretty small.
Like my goal before high school was like make varsity
as a freshman because there was other dudes i'd seen
done that that I was like, those guys are studs.
I want to do that. And then when you did
that and then got into high school, I was like, oh,
I think maybe I could swim in college. And then
it was like just get fast enough to swim in college.
And then when I got to college, Yeah, you truly
are like missing out on whatever you want to call
the college experience, right, Like right, it's a whole other thing.
You have a total dedication to this other world that
is brutal, not as rewarding as like football or basketball,
those kind of things. It's a different kind of reward
fucking thing sucks.
Speaker 3 (29:22):
Ye, you get laid probably every weekend if you're a
basketball star or a football star. Weekend, it's a daily,
it's several times a day.
Speaker 2 (29:33):
Speaker 3 (29:33):
Does the same apply for swimming.
Speaker 2 (29:36):
It's no.
Speaker 3 (29:37):
What I'm saying is like it's a real beatof fest.
Speaker 2 (29:40):
There's not as much of like a oh, I'll take
this to the next level, because going from college to
the Olympics, that'd be like saying, hey, if you play
basketball or football in college like that, you're going to
make the Pro Bowl, you know what I'm saying, Like,
it's sure.
Speaker 3 (29:57):
Yeah, yeah, it's the all star game.
Speaker 2 (29:59):
There's more to make it in the NFL then it
is for the Olympics. Wow. Yeah, So, like to really
be gunning for the Olympics, you truly have to be
the best of the best, top hundred in the world.
Speaker 3 (30:09):
Yeah, well, can I say that I want you to
set higher goals for yourself. I know, because you know
you you you do this. You set little goals and
then you achieve them. But I think you need to
set a big, beautiful baby goal.
Speaker 2 (30:22):
Can I tell you something I love? I love to
rest on my laurels.
Speaker 3 (30:26):
Yeah, yeah, I know that.
Speaker 2 (30:28):
I know that about you, and I don't even know
if I've ever said this, but yeah, you can. I
set some goals and then I get there and I go,
pretty good, let's rest on these laurels we've got now.
Speaker 3 (30:39):
Yeah, my boy is rest I think that's a good
name for a production company.
Speaker 2 (30:45):
Yeah, resting on your laurels, or just rest on your laurels,
or maybe just laurels laurels.
Speaker 3 (30:49):
Yeah, sure, laurels, laurels. Okay, laurels, Okay, Laurel. It's laurels.
But then it's a guy. Then it's a guy sleeping
on it, so you have to it's a visual.
Speaker 2 (30:59):
So it's Laurel. It's a whole title card, like is.
Speaker 3 (31:01):
This a is this a mattress company or no, it's
production it's production company. Well it's kind of clever if
you if you see it at the end of a
TV show or or you know of a movie.
Speaker 2 (31:14):
You're like, Oh, it's kind of clever. Explain how it's
clever though, how it actually means something?
Speaker 3 (31:21):
Yeah, it actually means something, and yeah to me, But.
Speaker 2 (31:25):
What is why? Why is resting on your laurel is
a good name for a production company?
Speaker 4 (31:31):
Speaker 3 (31:31):
Because it's funny, dude, it's science. It's a fucking gag. Dude,
it's a play on words. Yeah, because it's fucking has
and chucks and gigs.
Speaker 2 (31:40):
I missed the bit. I miss the bit. I miss it.
Speaker 3 (31:42):
No, you're in the bit. You're in the books and gigs.
Speaker 2 (31:46):
Dude. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (31:47):
There, Well I don't because I'm obviously not resting on
my laurels if I'm producing a bunch of TV shows
and movies. Dude, I'm moving, I'm shaking, I'm chucking, I'm
jive swimming.
Speaker 4 (31:57):
No no, no, no, no, no, no, no no.
Speaker 3 (32:00):
He By the way, I got some great new luggage.
I would love to talk about that. Did you No, no, no, no, no,
no no no.
Speaker 2 (32:05):
No dude, did you?
Speaker 3 (32:07):
I did? I did?
Speaker 2 (32:08):
Oh? Thank god?
Speaker 3 (32:09):
What was there something in swimming that you wanted to
go back to?
Speaker 2 (32:13):
Speaker 5 (32:14):
Speaker 3 (32:15):
Oh h not?
Speaker 2 (32:16):
But short Course World Championships was off the hook guys,
let's go.
Speaker 3 (32:20):
Yeah, that's why I have always thought, like I saw
all these when I was in the Bahamas doing that
CNN thing, which by the way, wasn't on CNN enough.
Speaker 2 (32:29):
Speaker 3 (32:29):
I should have been on CNN way way more often.
Speaker 4 (32:31):
Yeah, I had the dial fixed, and I'm like, I
even texted Isaac like, did A don't get too fucked
up off the Bahama Mamas and they're not putting them on.
Speaker 3 (32:40):
Well, I was feeling pretty good. I was feeling pretty
good on the Bahama Mamas. But no, I didn't know.
They just they they told me that they have too
many people, that they're getting to end times square and
they're gonna cut to me one or two times. So
they cut to me twice.
Speaker 4 (32:56):
And both times were fantastic. You repped it. Wasn't it off, dude,
I wanted twenty four hours.
Speaker 3 (33:02):
But the reason I'm talking about this was there were
that the neck We stayed a day after and then
there was some sort of Division two football game happening
there in the Bahamas, and so these teams were there,
so these like college kids are there gambling and stuff,
and none of them were drinking or party. And then
I was like that's that. That is the only reason
I didn't play college football right there, dude, because I mean, well,
you go to the Bahamas, you go to the Bahamas,
you can't even party. Dude, Well that sucks.
Speaker 2 (33:39):
My shit crapped out and I just came back and
I'm going And that's the only reason I didn't play
college fall.
Speaker 3 (33:48):
Yeah, that's the only reason I got to record. Hell,
there's what do you do? What do you do?
Speaker 2 (33:54):
Over there? I knocked something loose? Hot hot o?
Speaker 3 (33:57):
Buddy? What do you fuck it? Did you whip that
big ass dick out and fucking pull a plug?
Speaker 2 (34:02):
What happened?
Speaker 3 (34:02):
Speaker 2 (34:03):
Speaker 3 (34:03):
What Blake?
Speaker 2 (34:04):
I don't know? I did I I didn't Jesus.
Speaker 3 (34:15):
I am very excited about the super Bowl. That is
what's most chubbing me up right now.
Speaker 4 (34:20):
So well, with that said, with we know your extensive
health issues. So will the Super Bowl be another place
where the floodgates open for for beverages?
Speaker 3 (34:31):
I yeah, I'm I think I have to pick my
spots a little bit because it's a long week. We're
gonna We're getting there Tuesday and I leave Monday. Yeah,
So that's that's a bang. That is because to me,
New Orleans is a similar vibe to.
Speaker 4 (34:46):
Las Vegas, and in Las Vegas, by the time you
get to day three, you know you've kind of like overstayed.
Speaker 3 (34:52):
You're welcome, So all those days in New Orleans. Team.
But by the way, Blake, I've lived in New Orleans
right off the French Quarter for months and months. It
can be done, yes, but you also your head swollen
to the size of a watermeltain. That is true. That
is true. Not on that movie. Not on that movie.
Speaker 2 (35:11):
I suddenly can't sleep in my back hurts on on.
Speaker 3 (35:14):
Uh. When we first met, I stayed pretty pretty lean.
It was pitch perfect and house party. Those were the
times that I inflated and had to buy bigger pants
halfway through production.
Speaker 2 (35:27):
What were you eating again? You thought it was like
the salad of the sea fried oysters?
Speaker 3 (35:32):
Yeah, just like butter char grilled chargrilled oysters.
Speaker 2 (35:35):
What if they found an entire full fried oyster, like
down in your spine.
Speaker 3 (35:40):
Yeah, that's what is causing all these issues. Yeah, I
feel like they would have found it by now. Really shit,
there's a oyster.
Speaker 2 (35:46):
There's a pearl. Your butt made a pearl?
Speaker 3 (35:49):
Yeah, Oh that means so it's not that tight, dude.
My asshole's pretty loose from all that vegan food the
other day. Sorry about that loose. Yeah, so it can
be done. We can go to New Orleans. You can
have a great time.
Speaker 2 (36:01):
Well, what what do you do?
Speaker 4 (36:03):
What do we do if we're not getting freaking hand
grenade fucking dakkery towers.
Speaker 3 (36:09):
I mean, it's a beautiful city. We can walk around
and take it in. I mean, let's let's get real.
We are gonna party pretty hard. Oh yeah, brother, I
am gonna have to pick my spots because my body,
it is.
Speaker 2 (36:21):
Speaker 3 (36:21):
Alcohol does make me spasm out, darn it, and it sucks,
darn it. And that then makes my muscles so tight
it hurts to walk and stand and move.
Speaker 2 (36:30):
What a bummer, darn it.
Speaker 3 (36:32):
So am I gonna stop?
Speaker 2 (36:34):
Never can't. That's why I actually can't.
Speaker 3 (36:38):
But I I'm gonna have to. I'm gonna have to
watch it. I'm gonna have to mix in some waters.
That's that's the new thing. That's the new thing that
I'm really trying. I'm like, for every drink, a drinking
of water, a drinking of water, that's too much. That's
that is a lot. You're gonna be going peep a lot, right,
I would say, every two drinks, chug of water. Just
do whiskey waters every two drinks. Okay, so doctor said
one for one, you've slate it over for two for
one a.
Speaker 2 (37:02):
Little bit little yeah, two drinks, sip of water.
Speaker 3 (37:06):
Yeah, No, dude, I'll pound of water.
Speaker 2 (37:08):
If you give a water to someone else, it counts.
Speaker 3 (37:11):
Yeah, it's just being in the press. I'm not afraid
to drink a lot of water, dude, I'm gonna be It.
Speaker 2 (37:15):
Sounds like you are. It sounds like you're a little scared.
Speaker 3 (37:18):
I'm not afraid. I love water. You're a water boy.
I think you guys know how much my love of
what I mean this, Hey, this was full, all right,
I'd be sipping water, dude.
Speaker 2 (37:28):
But hell, but you think we know how much you
love water.
Speaker 3 (37:32):
I was unaware of how much you loved water.
Speaker 2 (37:34):
I didn't know.
Speaker 3 (37:35):
That is not true. You guys know how much I
love water. You guys have been on set with me
for years.
Speaker 2 (37:39):
I love it.
Speaker 3 (37:40):
I drink twenty five waters a day. I don't think
sparkling water mixed with red bull it counts as a water.
Speaker 2 (37:46):
Yeah, that's what I know.
Speaker 3 (37:48):
No, I only have one goat juice in the afternoon,
or I used to, Well that was only my afternoon
and sometimes two or three.
Speaker 2 (37:54):
I don't want to burst your bubble. That's all we know.
Speaker 3 (37:57):
Pas, I don't remember. I truly don't remember. Were you
consuming that much water on set? Okay, that's that's weird.
Speaker 2 (38:04):
I like how Adam thought he was walking around being
like everyone knows I'm the king.
Speaker 3 (38:08):
Of water on No, everyone knows I'm the king of water. Wow,
I should I should wear a fucking crown's.
Speaker 2 (38:15):
Adam, How you doing just over here drinking water? You
know me?
Speaker 3 (38:18):
Hi? Draton stay high? I mean you act like I
don't drink a lot of water, dude, when I'm known
for drinking fucking water. And I'm actually a little offended
that you guys are pretending that I don't.
Speaker 2 (38:29):
My circle rolled up to you and not us. I
get it. I get it.
Speaker 3 (38:31):
Yeah, Circle water came to me and because it's known
throughout the industry, right, and I thought through my best friends.
I mean, we didn't even know Blake had a fucking dog.
So there's a lot I guess we don't know about
each other. Yeah, that's because you don't listen and pay
attention to me. Okay, yeah, that is very hey, very
similar to you not noticing me constantly grabbing a water
from the cooler and slamming it like.
Speaker 4 (38:53):
This, which bry the ways circle water is flavored water
that's not logging in my head as Oh, Adam, there's
Adam drinking water again.
Speaker 3 (39:00):
But this is a new thing, dude, this is a
new thing. I'm talking old school shooting wlcoholics me slamming
waters on the fucking regular dude again making you look
like a bitch because you don't even drink any water, blake,
and you could tell from your sunken in dry skin
you look like a weathered old.
Speaker 4 (39:20):
Bad because we did take our blood, all of us.
We have a testosterone test coming up in New Orleans,
so it will be put to bed once and for all,
and you will see that I have the highest tea
of the group, and you will be shocked.
Speaker 3 (39:37):
I mean, maybe I'm excited. I'm excited. I would not
if I were to bet money, it would not put
my money on you. Okay, well, there's is load boost enhancing,
so he's just qualified. Yeah, I feel like durs might
that might tip the scales the load boost.
Speaker 2 (39:53):
I don't know if it does.
Speaker 3 (39:54):
Oh, it would have to raise your testoster.
Speaker 2 (39:58):
I got the wrong thing. Is this chold boot It's
making my dick wider?
Speaker 3 (40:01):
Oh fuck, it's making that part between your asshole and
your ball sack.
Speaker 2 (40:09):
Oh yeah, what's the Is that? What the is?
Speaker 3 (40:12):
Speaker 2 (40:12):
That's what's a dick that's wider than it is long.
I think that is a I think that is Okay, Yeah,
that's what I thought. Okay, Yeah, I think that.
Speaker 3 (40:20):
I think the chode is a several body a lot
of different things.
Speaker 2 (40:24):
Yeah, but for me, it's the wider than long.
Speaker 3 (40:26):
I mean, I'll chugle water for you guys right now.
But Adam, I I know you drink water. That's not
the first beverage. It's probably the fifth beverage that comes.
Speaker 2 (40:35):
To mind when I think of you.
Speaker 4 (40:36):
I like beverages, okay, but water is not number one
by any means, says you.
Speaker 3 (40:45):
He's crying.
Speaker 2 (40:47):
His eyes do look Hella listening. Well, maybe it's the
water coming up.
Speaker 3 (40:52):
Yeah, I'm full. Yeah. So we did get testoster and tests.
We all got blood drowned. We had doctors come to
our house take our blood sent away.
Speaker 4 (41:03):
I'm a little upset because the doctor told me that
if I wanted to raise my testosterone, I should have
chopped some wood before or like worked out used my muscles,
and I did not do that.
Speaker 3 (41:12):
Yeah, you keep saying chopped wood. The nurse or doctor
whoever said chop wood? This she did. By the way,
the guy that came to my house was fully on.
I mean he told me he's on testosterone, it's science,
and he was jacked.
Speaker 2 (41:28):
Dude. Oh how old was he? Fifties?
Speaker 3 (41:31):
A couple? No, like like your age, forty three? Forty four?
Speaker 2 (41:36):
Speaker 3 (41:37):
Damn, how do you know there's forty five?
Speaker 2 (41:39):
Hello? Docness forty three? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (41:42):
So, uh, by the way, you look great for forty three.
This guy looked my.
Speaker 2 (41:46):
God, thank you guy. Yeah, you look like you holiday.
Did he look good as well? Or no?
Speaker 3 (41:51):
No, no he didn't. He looked like a thick like
I mean, he looked he looked fine. I don't know,
but he looked like a like a toad. Uh, like
a very hard cock, you know, like very vainy kind
of red winning you know when guys, that's I think
the bad look on with TRT. Is that what it's
called tart?
Speaker 2 (42:12):
Yeah? Yeah, testosterone replacement therapy.
Speaker 3 (42:16):
Yeah. So that's the look of TRT.
Speaker 2 (42:18):
Speaker 3 (42:19):
Just everyone looks a little red and puffy and a
little gre vascular, like.
Speaker 2 (42:25):
A certain like a certain Instagram salesperson, maybe like Elliott.
Speaker 3 (42:29):
Are you saying, yeah, ye, possibly Elliott.
Speaker 2 (42:32):
Yeah, just a little a little too vascular.
Speaker 3 (42:35):
Yeah, and a little red, little too red yeah, red red, yeah, yeah,
like hot dog.
Speaker 2 (42:42):
It's like the nyasin, what is it? What's going on?
Speaker 4 (42:44):
It's got to be the it's gotta be the nicest
it's got it's gotta be all the nice or it's
just you turn into the devil.
Speaker 3 (42:51):
So that's why, I mean, I would one want to
take it. And this guy was selling it. He was like,
he was like, dude, you should get on it. Man,
it changes everything you're joined her.
Speaker 2 (43:00):
And I'm like yeah.
Speaker 3 (43:01):
He's like, your body's fatigued all the time.
Speaker 2 (43:02):
And I'm like, oh, of course it is.
Speaker 3 (43:04):
And he's like, you gotta get on it. And I'm like,
maybe maybe that's the cure.
Speaker 2 (43:08):
Dude, dude, Yeah, it's gotta be.
Speaker 3 (43:10):
Maybe I get on testostern and then that's the cure.
But you guys know me, I could get real fucking
plumped up pretty quick, dude, And I don't want to
just be a walking around fucking human showed.
Speaker 2 (43:21):
Yeah, we know you when you're not drinking water, you
would have to consume so much.
Speaker 3 (43:26):
Well, the thing about me is I'm always drinking water.
Speaker 2 (43:28):
Dog, you would have to drink so much water to
balance that out.
Speaker 3 (43:32):
Well, luckily I do blake and I'm I'm still offended.
Speaker 2 (43:35):
Dude. It's a good thing. It's a good thing.
Speaker 3 (43:37):
Okay, my bad. And that is a huge cup.
Speaker 2 (43:41):
By the way, we're getting on t r T. Oh, hello,
I don't know. Okay, I don't know when, but like
in our lifetime, it's going to be so normal that
people are just going to be doing it, and you
know what's going to be doing it. We're doing it.
Speaker 3 (43:55):
Well, I think it already is get it's already getting there.
I mean, Chrischer talked about how he's on TRT. Does
he kind of look like a vascular penis? He does,
And I don't know if that's the look that I
want for myself or maybe I do. I don't, you know,
I don't know. If it helps my body not be
in total shambles and disarray, then then yeah, I'll get
on TRT. Yeah, and they just white face me when
I'm in TV and movies.
Speaker 2 (44:26):
Yeah, I think that's fine. Fucking disaster.
Speaker 3 (44:29):
We have to we have to wipe him down.
Speaker 4 (44:33):
What is a brand of TRT that is like over
the counter? Is there like a do we do ad
reads for it?
Speaker 2 (44:41):
Speaker 3 (44:41):
That doesn't I don't think that exists.
Speaker 2 (44:43):
No, it's a you have to be prescribed.
Speaker 3 (44:46):
It's not like gas station dig pills. It's like a
thing that you have to inject into your own body
once a week or something.
Speaker 2 (44:53):
Should we open that store though? Maybe it's not actually
a gas station, but it's called gas station dick pills
and it's just like a variet. And there's also water, Adam,
there's water. Yeah, there's a water fountain that I'm in
that I'm in.
Speaker 4 (45:07):
What's the thing that Frank Thomas sells is like the
face of NuGen x eugenics.
Speaker 2 (45:14):
Is that TRT? What is that? No? I think that's
just vitamins with maybe like horny goat eat or whatever. Okay,
but that's not a prescription.
Speaker 3 (45:22):
That's for guys that want to look red and vascular
without getting the testosterone.
Speaker 2 (45:27):
They're like, you know what, the Sasterne's a legit shot
you have to get every week month.
Speaker 3 (45:31):
I think it's once a week, and then you have
to do it yourself. This is what nurse Homie that
came over to the house was saying.
Speaker 2 (45:38):
I can't do that. I can't do that. Mm hmm.
Speaker 3 (45:41):
Oh so you're a bitch.
Speaker 2 (45:42):
Yeah, you don't like shots.
Speaker 3 (45:44):
I was surprised, like she when she drin't mind shots.
Speaker 2 (45:47):
I don't want to give myself a shot.
Speaker 3 (45:49):
Oh you can't, but it's not You don't have to
hit a vein, you just go right into the muscle.
Speaker 2 (45:53):
Yeah, I'm not that's you still don't like that?
Speaker 3 (45:56):
Oh my god, that means nothing to me. I could
do that all day, will.
Speaker 2 (46:01):
I know you're mister bashots.
Speaker 3 (46:02):
We know I would love to get some backshots. Oh
good for you.
Speaker 2 (46:09):
There's something wrong with stabbing myself.
Speaker 3 (46:12):
I don't know speaking of backshots, my bodywork guy, this
was even This was the one that I was like, dude,
I might have to throw up the red flag because
I've I've let him in a four inches Hey, when
I'm on his table, my body is his. So I've
let him do monster whatever to make me feel better.
And it does, and he's done the three fingers special,
whereas where his fingers are right under my nutsack, right
above my asshole right and and I've you know, in
all these precarious situations. But then the muscles release and
I feel so much better. This time he has me
laying flat on the table and he gets in and
he's like, I know, we're getting a little intimate get in.
It felt it was the same spot essentially, but since
I was laying down, I felt so much more vulnerable.
Everybody's coming, I know, dude, I have a hard time
saying vulnerable. Too, vulnerable, that's crazy, I do, dude. In fact,
on on on in the Righteous Gypsunes, I had to
say it, I asked Dany. I'm like, I have to
say another word, dude, And he's like, yeah, I think
we're going to keep it exactly how it is, because
he thinks it's hilarious that I say vulnerable.
Speaker 4 (47:26):
What was the word I said during Juggalos where I
also couldn't say a damn word.
Speaker 2 (47:30):
I'll think of it.
Speaker 3 (47:31):
You keep telling you we are so dumb, but this
but he slid his fingers right there like contrary, and
I'm on the table. Yeah, it looked like that. Uh,
Lisa and video that Durs loves of her face.
Speaker 2 (47:47):
Yes, everybody's coming and I think everyone loves it. Well,
the thing that's why it is what it is.
Speaker 3 (47:54):
Yeah, well you're the one who pointed out to us
and and would send it to us, so and we'll
not stop talking about.
Speaker 2 (48:00):
And you guys know exactly what yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Uh so did he hit like your male G spot
or something?
Speaker 3 (48:09):
Is that what you're saying, Oh, he's not up my asshole, blake,
A male G spot is like in your asshole?
Speaker 2 (48:13):
I want to know.
Speaker 3 (48:15):
But he's he's right there, he's right there. Yeah, I
think so. Isn't it like up your Isn't it like
in your asshole?
Speaker 2 (48:21):
My G spot's on my penis?
Speaker 3 (48:23):
Sure? But guys get pleasure from getting fucked in the ass,
right or else? Why would they do that, you said
as a statement, and quickly went right, guys get pleasure
from getting fucked in the right right, right?
Speaker 2 (48:42):
I mean they have to just as far as I know,
as I know, yeah, they have to.
Speaker 3 (48:47):
The male g spot is the prostate which is in
a rode in a zone that can be stimulated for
sexual pleasure inside the rectum. It's so good all right,
see it's in the rector and we got we got
to the we got to the bottom, the bottom of it. Okay,
very nice.
Speaker 2 (49:08):
So this guy's wrecking your G spot.
Speaker 3 (49:11):
I would love for somebody to do that to me. Yeah,
And it was. It was right there and he's just
wiggling it and it's it was. I felt so violated it.
I mean, I didn't because I've been with this guy
for long, for over a year now, and I feel safe.
But it was, it was so I was like, my god, man,
this is so fucking insane. I never thought i'd be
in this position and here I was. I'm sorry, it
sounds like it kind of less traumatic.
Speaker 2 (49:42):
And I'm sorry. Did you say take me to dinner first?
Next time?
Speaker 3 (49:46):
I was like, hey, maybe next time we breached the crest.
He's like, now you're offending me.
Speaker 2 (49:52):
At least buy me, didn't.
Speaker 3 (49:54):
I like, I heard something about the male g spot.
Maybe if we released that, he would finally feel healthy.
It's worth a shot, right, It's worth a shot, right,
I love you just keep dropping dropping in. I mean,
it's worth a shot, right, right, Let's get to.
Speaker 2 (50:15):
The bottom of it.
Speaker 3 (50:16):
Speaker 2 (50:16):
These fires are the worst.
Speaker 3 (50:18):
Right, But uh, right, dude, new fires too, But maybe
you should suck my ass right. I don't know that
door has a lock on it, right.
Speaker 2 (50:30):
Man, this these fires are bad, you should suck my ass, right.
Speaker 3 (50:34):
These fires usually plugged my ass?
Speaker 2 (50:38):
Right? Yeah, the fires are bad.
Speaker 3 (50:40):
And the part part my house right a part B
of the question I said, right.
Speaker 2 (50:47):
Speaker 3 (50:48):
Eric Griffin had to evacuate his home out there in
Santa Clarita.
Speaker 2 (50:52):
Oh I know another damn fire.
Speaker 3 (50:55):
Dude, he just got that house too. He he just
bought the house and then like six months later these fire.
I was like, oh man, this is this poor guy
because you know, he's never going to work again, you
know what I mean.
Speaker 2 (51:07):
He's got a young young.
Speaker 3 (51:08):
Child, you know, because he just bought the house, he's
never going to work again. Like, if he loses this
house homeless, it is.
Speaker 2 (51:16):
A full time dat. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (51:18):
Yeah, so yeah, that would be a boom that would stuck.
Speaker 2 (51:20):
That would be so if the house burned, he has absolutely.
Speaker 3 (51:23):
Nothing, nothing nothing in his.
Speaker 2 (51:25):
Life, no chance, no chance at finding another home or job.
Speaker 3 (51:32):
Yeah, but it seems like they have it contained and
he's not going to lose the house. But the photo
that he posted online, I'm like, my god, man, who's
right there? And then that's way out in Santa Clarita.
My buddy that I went to a Clippers game the
other day with was driving home after the Clippers game
right off Mulholland and like scurball exit right there on
the floor off the four or five was just fully
a blaze getty right, yeah, the getty right by the getty.
I'm like, what in the actual fun?
Speaker 2 (52:02):
I saw Lamourne Morris I think also posted a video
of him driving being like, yeah, we're doing this again.
Speaker 3 (52:07):
He was also at the game.
Speaker 2 (52:08):
I do love that we're going from like I hope
everyone stays safe, like get get to help, like I'm
sending blankets to the local church to now like.
Speaker 3 (52:17):
Again, oh god, we're still.
Speaker 2 (52:20):
Doing like set up, we've had it.
Speaker 3 (52:22):
Yeah, we're still doing what is mine? Yeah, it's fucking
it's a little out of control. It keeps being fires
pop up, it's getting it is getting old, isn't It.
Speaker 2 (52:34):
Sounds like somebody not to make light of it.
Speaker 3 (52:36):
Yeah, maybe someone is maybe starting them. Yeah it's not me, brother,
everything you just said to me, it's not me, because
that didn't seem that didn't seem sincere dude, Yeah, it's
not me. It didn't seem that sincere when you said it.
I know it's not Adam with all the goddamn water. Yeah,
you notice it's not where Blake lives. You know, I
had to evacuate my house in Hollywood, DERs, he left
his home. Blake was safe and sound and studio city
right on the edge, right on the edge. Man was
very funny, very funny.
Speaker 2 (53:14):
Can I can I smell your hair? Can I smell
your hair? Absolutely? Absolutely? Not a little smoky? Uh, Blake,
let's talk about your hair.
Speaker 3 (53:30):
I would love to.
Speaker 2 (53:31):
Why what does the future hold for your hair? What
are the plans? Do we have any plans? Well?
Speaker 3 (53:35):
See, here's because we are you know, we're we We
have projects that are in the works that we're going
to go out and pitched soon and hopefully hope they wrap.
It's very under wraps, but hopefully that project gets picked
up and we get to make another project together and
we're very excited about said project. Now, theres as the
crater and possible showrunner of this show are Do you
think Blake's character has a full head of hair like this?
Speaker 2 (54:04):
Well, as you can imagine, I'm going to run the
show like a little boys school. M m donkey, everyone's
gonna wear a little little blazers. I want everyone had
the exact same haircut. Oh.
Speaker 3 (54:15):
I actually could see drs doing something like this. It
would be so annoying. If the writer's room is just
so annoying.
Speaker 2 (54:21):
There's a there's a uniform. I like that. Well, there's
a there's a cool movie called Without Limits about that
runner Prefontaine and uh it's like during like the hippie era,
and they're like, well, you represent the school. So everyone's
got to cut their hair. You can't look like all
the hippies out there. And he goes, so.
Speaker 3 (54:37):
Like try to catch me.
Speaker 2 (54:39):
So he goes, everyone has to get a hair Your
hair can't be longer than your dick.
Speaker 3 (54:44):
What that's in the movie.
Speaker 2 (54:46):
Yeah, And then he goes, so everyone's got a haircut.
Everyone's gotta got a haircut except for Bob. And Bob's
like the shy Christian guy of the team, and everyone's like,
way to go, Bob, You've got a huge cock.
Speaker 3 (54:59):
Wait, so that's in the movie. You that's the funniest
joke I've ever heard.
Speaker 2 (55:04):
Wow, my god, And I gotta watch Donald Donald Sutherland
is the coach who says that.
Speaker 3 (55:09):
All right, great deliveries on points. So if that's the
rule in our office, yeah, then I'm gonna have to
cut my hair unfortunately. Yeah. Oh yeah, not looking good.
I'm gonna get a buzz cut.
Speaker 4 (55:23):
Shah yeah hair as long as our Dickie is dead.
Speaker 2 (55:28):
I guess I had to bick it.
Speaker 3 (55:30):
Speaker 2 (55:31):
Yeah, you guys gotta see that movie without limits. Billy
crewed Up plays Prefontaine. I want to say that was
his big like pop off. I say, crewed up. Crewed up?
Speaker 3 (55:41):
So, so, Blake are you for this character? You expect
him to look the exact same as uh as your
Workholt's character.
Speaker 4 (55:49):
From what I've read, it seems like there could be
a new look on the horizon for sure.
Speaker 3 (55:55):
Okay, oh dude, now now yeah yeah.
Speaker 2 (56:00):
And Adam you too. I'm thinking a butt cut for
Adam absolutely, Yeah, reduction parted right down the middle.
Speaker 4 (56:07):
Oh, I thought you were saying cut some of his button.
Maybe this character doesn't have quite the dump truck that
he's I wish.
Speaker 3 (56:14):
Dude, Hey, I've been trying to cut that off.
Speaker 2 (56:16):
Yeah, there's a there's a c storyline season. What if
we all BBL.
Speaker 3 (56:24):
I mean essentially, I already have BBL.
Speaker 2 (56:26):
You have natural BBL.
Speaker 3 (56:29):
I feel like my character in the Upcutting show would
wear would only wear khakis with a woven belt, okay,
you know, and and a lot of tucked in shirts.
I feel like that's that's his look. Okay, I like that.
By the way, I hate that look.
Speaker 2 (56:46):
I like that a lot.
Speaker 3 (56:48):
Hate that look. Khakis on me, it just draws too
much attention at how absolute of a dump truck and
thick my legs are ye, and I'm fucking meg the
fucking stallion for the waist down.
Speaker 2 (57:00):
It'lt like a running back, is it because there's no like,
you know, like the pockets on jeans are on top
of the jean as opposed to like inside the pants
like on khakis. Sure, yeah, so is it that the
pockets on the back. Adam's looking at me like he's
never seen pants before. Well, now that he's thinking about it,
he's like, do you know what I'm talking about?
Speaker 3 (57:22):
You mean the flap, the little flap.
Speaker 4 (57:23):
Well, khakis don't have no, no, no, Khaki pockets don't have
the pocket.
Speaker 2 (57:28):
The pocket on jeans is put onto the jeans. The
pocket and khakis is a slice where it goes inside
the pants.
Speaker 3 (57:36):
Oh, I did not know that. See it's been years
since i've worn khakis. Like literally, I just don't wear them.
Speaker 2 (57:41):
You've never watched me walk away from you slowly. You've
never looked at my hind quarters. I mean no, not
really clocking.
Speaker 3 (57:51):
Yeah I haven't. I mean I'm sorry to say I haven't.
Speaker 2 (57:53):
So all those times i've been like, whoops, I dropped
that and bent over right in front of you, you've
never looked.
Speaker 3 (58:00):
I'm not saying never. I'm not saying never, but I
did not notice. Hey, hey, pat the back pocket. That's
not what I'm noticing.
Speaker 2 (58:08):
Okay, okay, all right, he's chowed from the back. We're back. Yeah,
what are the fruit basket? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (58:18):
I did not. I did not notice that. I'm so sorry. Yeah,
I'm excited.
Speaker 2 (58:23):
But maybe that's why. Maybe that's why. Yeah, we'll get
you in some khakis.
Speaker 3 (58:27):
I I'm excited for that. What is your character going
to wear a jersey? You're gonna be cool guy?
Speaker 2 (58:33):
Yeah, all Adidas jumpsuits the whole time like that, that's
cool guy for you. Or furries you know those people
who just wear like the furry costume like around, what's
up with those guys? What are they doing? They're just
being themselves?
Speaker 3 (58:47):
Man, I mean, is that even a real thing?
Speaker 2 (58:49):
Speaker 3 (58:49):
I mean? I know I see it on online sometimes,
like people being weird, but in real life I've never
seen that.
Speaker 2 (58:54):
So maybe maybe we started maybe he wears those cattiers. Yeah,
and maybe there's and maybe it's never mentioned. Maybe it's
just like we're normalizing it. That's kind of.
Speaker 3 (59:06):
Weird because in game over, man, didn't you have cat eyes?
Speaker 2 (59:09):
We thought about it.
Speaker 3 (59:10):
Aren't you a cat cat? Bernie at heart?
Speaker 2 (59:13):
There there was uh I think I put in the
contacts for like two hours and they were driving me
absolutely crazy. Yeah, and I was like, I can't do
this for two months or whatever it was.
Speaker 3 (59:24):
You don't you don't take eye shit?
Speaker 2 (59:27):
Well, thank you.
Speaker 4 (59:29):
Yeah, if it's a patch, if it's contacts, it really
throws you for it.
Speaker 2 (59:33):
Yes, I think we might have mentioned the fact that,
like I put up in our sketch days, we had
a sketch. Knew the lines I put on a patch
just before we were going out to do it. It was
like a karate sketch. If I recall, and I couldn't
remember the lines and Adam was like, what are you
talking about? And I go, I don't even know the
first line, and then I go and then I lift
a patch up, and then I set all the lines
and then I put it down and I was.
Speaker 3 (59:58):
Like completely, it was so weird, dude. It's just just
a little peek into Dursey's brain that he can be
a brilliant person, a brilliant comedic mind that you're like, wow,
he's very very smart, very funny, and then you order
patch over his eye and complete the dumbest guy you've
ever met, super super stupid.
Speaker 2 (01:00:20):
I don't know what happened. Yes, it's bizarre. I would
love like an optometrist or like a brain All those
brain surgeons who listen to the podcast, I love you
to slide into Blake's.
Speaker 3 (01:00:33):
D reach out, slide into Blake's DNS, absolutely and please explain. Sure,
I'll field those those comments for sure.
Speaker 4 (01:00:43):
I think when you take away a person any sense,
it can really affect a person's entire being sense.
Speaker 2 (01:00:49):
Any sense, Yeah, right right right right of So when
someone doesn't smell, all bets are off.
Speaker 3 (01:00:57):
Yeah, bucks me up. I don't even know how to identify.
Can I do a shout?
Speaker 2 (01:01:02):
Speaker 3 (01:01:02):
I'd like to do a shout out right now. Oh sure, absolutely,
I'd like to shout out the cast and crew and
the fans of the Righteous Gemstones because season four is
our very last season. That was that putting a bow
on it. It ends with the bang. I'm very excited
for people to see this season. The crew worked super hard,
the cast worked very hard. Dana McBride, Jody Hill, David
Gordon Green, and the whole rough House team. They did
a bang up job. I was very happy to be
part of the show. And you know, it's it's weird
when a show ends like that and it's just a
chapter in your life and it's over. What the crazy
part is, we did four seasons, but it was over
six years, yeah, because because the pandemic and the strikes
and it just kind of boned us. And that's the fires,
the fires that Blake started and Workaholics lasted over six
years too, But we did seven seasons because we were
freaking banging it out. But yeah, so it's it's weird
to have it be done finally, But I'm happy to
move on to the next thing, whether that's something that
we do or whatever else. But yeah, so it's an
awesome show to be a part of.
Speaker 2 (01:02:17):
God, it's crazy to speak to what you're talking.
Speaker 3 (01:02:20):
About, speak to it.
Speaker 2 (01:02:21):
But like, you're so all in with these people twelve thirteen, fourteen,
fifteen hours a day whatever for so long, and then
it's a little bit of peace, see you later. And
some of these people you ever see again, Yeah, you
truly just where you run into them on like a
production randomly five years down the line. Holy shit. Yeah,
and you go, Doug, But like you you had these
like deep connections with these people, real relationships. And then
it's like, like, there's a woman who is on my
voicemail who haven't seen it ten years, who was our
boom on Christina, Yeah, workaholics, who had like the coolest voice,
And I was like, will you do my outgoing voicemail?
Speaker 3 (01:03:07):
She did it.
Speaker 2 (01:03:08):
She's still there. And it's the reason no one leaves
a voicemail on my phone. They don't think it's me.
Speaker 3 (01:03:13):
Yeah, everyone's very confused. Yeah, everyone's very confused.
Speaker 2 (01:03:16):
Which is fine.
Speaker 3 (01:03:17):
Yeah it is. It is super weird. It's unlike any
other job. I'm sure there's other jobs that are kind
of like it. But if you are just working and
you work at a factory or or whatever wherever you work,
and you work fifteen hour days like you do on
production quite a bit, you are probably going to be
friends with those people the rest of your life if
you work with them for six years and you work
fifteen hour days, even if you get another job, you
live in the same town, and you're just going to
probably still be friendly with them. Yeah, ours is. I mean,
I'm all the way across the other side of the country.
We shot this in Charleston, South Carolina. Yeah, like, there's
a possibility that I'm not going to see ninety five
percent of those people ever again. So it's it's it's
it's sad. I'm sad. I'm a sad boy because I
really loved the show and we didn't. It wasn't we
didn't go into it knowing for certain it was going
to be the last season.
Speaker 2 (01:04:08):
It was.
Speaker 3 (01:04:09):
Danny was like, it might be like undercover, Like it's
leaning that direction, but I'm not sure yet. So it
wasn't like the whole time, we didn't go into it
knowing for sure. But by that last episode when we
were shooting it, it was this this was and everyone
was like this is and like everybody gave a speech
at the very last scene that we shot, everyone just
and then like so, Danny gave a speech, John said something,
Edie said something, and then everyone like kind of looks
to me. And by the way, Walton gave a speech
and everyone just crushed. And then it came to me
and they're all crying and I'm like, fuck man, uh
chugging water. So my speech kind of it kind of
sucked because I'm it was just a lot of like yeah,
because there's a lot of like what Walton said, and
then also what John said, but then also what Danny
say and a little bit of what he said, and
then some say what I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (01:05:07):
And you know what, each and every one of you,
you are righteous gemstones too. I'd like to put you
guys in a ring and where you guys.
Speaker 3 (01:05:18):
Wait and then hey, now now try that again, durs,
but wear an eye patch. It is not happening. Stones
are rings. Dang, what a bummer, So big shout out
to the righteous Gemsum.
Speaker 4 (01:05:32):
Yeah, yeah, I remember when you you you you got
the call or the offer to do that show, and
it was like, wow, Adam is doing a show with
Danny's gonna be fucking.
Speaker 2 (01:05:41):
Just slammed six waters.
Speaker 4 (01:05:43):
You didn't even notice, Just like this is gonna be
perfect the Diesel and Danny in one show, it's gonna
be Aweseah well, I mean legend a Matchmaden.
Speaker 3 (01:05:54):
Uh yeah, he's a true comedy legend. He and he
didn't disappoint either. Like you, you know, sometimes you work
with people and you wish they did things just a
little differently. You know, You're like if I was a boss,
if I was the boss, because we looked out in
our first big thing we were the bosses. Yea, So
we kind of fell into it and found our own
rhythm of how we like to do things. And then
to go on another.
Speaker 2 (01:06:18):
Show where you're plip for Blake that was screaming where
you're not.
Speaker 3 (01:06:24):
Where you're not the boss. It was like right away
like a TV show where you're just absolutely not the boss.
It was a little bit of like, am I gonna
like how they run steer the ship? And I was
like I learned so much from the guy. He's just
how he handles himself. On said what a cool guy is,
but then also has a clear vision and doesn't let
anyone fuck with that. You know, but lets you do
what you can do, and like gives you the room
to you know, to improv and to have ideas and
to be like, what if we were to try it
like this? And yeah it was great.
Speaker 2 (01:06:57):
Yeah, I mean it makes sense.
Speaker 3 (01:06:59):
The dude doesn't really doesn't really miss all his projects
are pretty pretty fantastic.
Speaker 2 (01:07:03):
So bang on.
Speaker 3 (01:07:04):
Yeah they're fucking cool. And what you know, it's just
uh posting. You know, we posted about it or I
posted about it and the cast posted about it, and
the comments are all like, wow, he really knows how
to end before the show dips, you know, because every
show can hang on for a little bit too long,
and you know, just you know, you're it's a well
oiled machine. People are getting paid. It's fun to do
and I totally get that. But Danny likes to just
pull the rip chord, get out of there, and you know,
go find something else to do, which is which is admirable.
Shout out next next time. Any take backs, any apologies,
any epic slams boys, I'll apologize to you.
Speaker 2 (01:07:50):
Adam. I'm sorry. I never truly noticed your water consumption.
The fact that you finished that is smart, It's miraculous.
Speaker 3 (01:08:01):
That's the second one second one today, so and I
had three last night pissed three times in the middle
of the night.
Speaker 2 (01:08:06):
Wow, Okay, that's crazy.
Speaker 4 (01:08:08):
I want to apologize to you as well, Adam. I'm
sorry that this is such a large part of your
personality that I never even clocked one bit.
Speaker 3 (01:08:18):
Again, we never knew you had a dog.
Speaker 4 (01:08:21):
It seems like that is like the fifth liquid on
your list of consuming But the fact that you have
water ranked one.
Speaker 3 (01:08:29):
Is absolutely I never we didn't rank them.
Speaker 2 (01:08:32):
Okay, rank your liquids.
Speaker 3 (01:08:35):
But I didn't see I didn't rank them. Yeah, didn't
rank them. It's light beer, beer, beer, I do like
staspilla ginger beer.
Speaker 2 (01:08:45):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely, whiskey water.
Speaker 3 (01:08:49):
That was the old me.
Speaker 2 (01:08:49):
Dude. Sorry, I'll be watching what you drink a lot more.
Thank you very closely. I like, how so that's the
old me. Now it's water, beer, light beer, whiskey and zero.
Speaker 3 (01:09:02):
You guys are gonna see you guys. You're gonna be
so disappointed me when I'm not cross eye drunk and.
Speaker 2 (01:09:07):
Can you do energy drinks?
Speaker 3 (01:09:10):
I cannot, I cannot not fun. I'm sorry, yep, huh yeah,
well life is in shambles. But hey, we're getting there.
It's only been three solid years.
Speaker 2 (01:09:21):
Honestly, all I all I want is for you to
get into whatever state you need to be in to
put people in headlocks, as you've been known to do
ye or if you're not walking around the party grabbing
people by the next I don't even know who I am.
Unless you're drinking water, I don't know who you are.
Speaker 3 (01:09:37):
Yeah, I'm still gonna send it. I hope to get
there at least at least on a couple nights. You know,
it can't be all six, It cannot be all six.
Speaker 2 (01:09:46):
It's a lot of nights.
Speaker 3 (01:09:47):
I will, I will, I will be now, i will
be spasmy now dude. And I'm actually worried about the
amount of walking that I have to do. That's what
I'm most worried about. Well, because New Orleans is very
much a walking city.
Speaker 2 (01:10:01):
So we'll push you in a in a wheelchair if
you want. I'm down.
Speaker 3 (01:10:05):
I would love that. I would love that. Signed up,
we'll see if we can get one.
Speaker 2 (01:10:08):
Also, you can get through the airport way faster. I mean,
unless we're flying frontier when we know it's kind of correct.
But if you get in a wheelchair, zip right, through.
Speaker 3 (01:10:17):
There's my shout out Frontier Airline six hundred dollars for
a year of flying anywhere. Look into it and they're
not a sponsor of the pod.
Speaker 2 (01:10:26):
But but we love it.
Speaker 3 (01:10:27):
We just do that. That was another episode of.
Speaker 2 (01:10:35):
Speaker 3 (01:10:46):
Hello, you have to race for the voicemail for numbers,
please meet a brief message after the chump.
Speaker 5 (01:10:54):
Thank you,