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March 26, 2024 42 mins

What are the most important focal points entering the final three weeks of the regular season for you NBA standings-watchers out there? Chris Haynes has three and Marc Stein has three in this new episode of #thisleague UNCUT ... and they end up covering about two-thirds of the league's teams in the draft they conducted to make those points. Also: Chris reveals some secrets from the set of the Thanalysis podcast hosted by Bucks forward Thanasis Antetokounmpo. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to this league in new world of twenty four
hour NBA news. This is you, Chris Haynes. It's time,
Marks time, it's some time. This League Uncut is underway.
You're on fire. It should be a good one.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
Hey, everyone, welcome in to the latest edition of this
League Uncut. Busy week in the NBA is off to
a crazy start. We're recording this on a Monday night.
Mark Stein here in Dallas. Chris Haynes back in his
favorite Eastern conference city, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Chris Haynes, good to

have you back in the Central time zone. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (00:55):
I like the Central times I don't know problems with
it whatsoever. But you know, once you start to get
closer east, the Central time zone weather over here is
not the same as your Central time zone weather. I
would guess it. What is it like over there in
Dallas right now?

Speaker 2 (01:12):
It really ain't that nice right now in Dallas or Texas.
I mean it, I mean, I guess today was okay,
today was high sixties.

Speaker 1 (01:22):
Maybe you know what.

Speaker 2 (01:24):
It did end up being nice, But it was very
rainy last night and then into today and by the
afternoon it was pretty nice.

Speaker 3 (01:30):
Actually when I think, Okay, yeah, getting.

Speaker 2 (01:33):
To the point of the year where it's hard for
me to keep the day straight, too much scoreboard watching,
for me to pay too much attention to the weather.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
Why what's it like in Milwaukee.

Speaker 3 (01:42):
There's a chance of snow tomorrow, but it was pretty
cold and really yeah, so I actually because you know,
I'm thinking this spring break, I'm thinking again, it's going
to be good everywhere sun. You know, I'm spoiled in California,
so I'm thinking everybody is, every other state is mimicking

California weather. I just so happened, like as I was
leaving Sacramento, Damon hit me up for about something, and
I just happened to ask him before we hung up
because I was leaving, getting in my ride to the airport,
I said, Hey, do I need a coat? Do I
need a winter coat? Because I got a sweatsuit. I

got a couple of sweatsuits. Would I be good with that?
I was thinking he was going to say yeah. He
was like, nah, bring a winter coat, bro, He said, snow.
It's snow yesterday, so nah, bring your.

Speaker 1 (02:35):
Coats and see.

Speaker 2 (02:37):
I would love that. I would love to see some
late March snow.

Speaker 1 (02:40):
Love it. So I'm jealous.

Speaker 2 (02:42):
Yeah, some late March snow beautiful broad in downtown Milwaukee.

Speaker 1 (02:48):
Man, you are lucky, You are lucky.

Speaker 3 (02:51):
Yeah, Milwaukee is it's it's growing on me. The city
is growing on me. Sten, okay't lie, it's growing on me.
All right.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
Well, look, tonight has been a crazy night this league already,
and it's not finished. There are still a handful of
games going on as you and I record this on
a Monday night. Nothing, of course, crazier than the John
Tay Porter story from earlier tonight in Toronto. The league

is apparently looking at over under bets that were placed
on Porter in games played on January twenty sixth and
March twentieth, and so a story like that, especially with
everything going on in the world right now with Shoe
Hee Otani, that one obviously got everyone's attention around the league.

And then the game started and it's only been crazier tonight. Boston,
the Celtics absolutely running away with the Eastern Conference, an
eleven game lead over Milwaukee entering to Knight's play, and
the Celtics blow a thirty point lead against Atlanta, the

team in tenth in the East, the last spot that
gets you into the play in tournament, no Trey Young
and the Celtics. Look, the Celtics were missing some players
as well, but the way Boston has been playing, I
mean I expected to devote a pretty good portion of
this podcast to absolutely praising the Celtics. I felt guilty

actually this past week that I haven't been praise worthy
enough about just how dominant they've been in the regular season.
And then the Celtics somehow squander a thirty point lead.
But that wasn't even the crazy score outcome of the
evening because the Phoenix Suns.

Speaker 1 (04:51):
Who are locked into this battle.

Speaker 2 (04:54):
With Sacramento in Dallas for the number six seed in
the West, the Suns playing tonight in San Antonio, no
Victor Webbin Yama for the Spurs. The Suns still come
up short, lose by two, and Phoenix now has ten
games left on its scheduled. The opponent winning percentage for

those ten games six four to eight, the toughest remaining
schedule in the league for the Phoenix Suns, and both
Bradley Beal and use of Nurkic picked up injuries tonight.
We still don't know the severity of either one, so
the Suns suddenly have a lot of issues to deal with,

and so again, all these wild things have been happening.
But right up there, Chris Haynes flies right into Milwaukee
from far away Sacramento.

Speaker 1 (05:50):
And what does he do?

Speaker 2 (05:51):
First goes straight to the studio before our podcast.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
To record a podcast.

Speaker 2 (06:00):
With Bucks Forward the Nasis on Telekomo, Jannis's brother.

Speaker 1 (06:05):
The Analysis is that the name of his pod.

Speaker 3 (06:07):
Yep Analysis.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
How was it?

Speaker 3 (06:10):
It was pretty good. We went for about an hour
and forty five minutes. He he did his research, he
did his research. We talked about how I got into
the industry, and he actually broke some news on the pod.
So I'll wait till I don't want to spoil it.
Spoiled the episode, so I'll wait till he releases that.

Speaker 1 (06:34):
But he definitely but he's got sources.

Speaker 3 (06:37):
Now, he got sources. Die shocked the mess out of me.
Shocked the mess out of me, I'm telling you. So,
he has a really good thing going on over there.
You know. He recently just did a live podcast with
his brother Giannis where they had about twelve hundred fans
in attendance with a surprise visit from Stephen A. Smith. Okay,

so now, uh the analysis is growing, is growing over there,
so it was it was cool to be a part
of that. Man. So I went over there as soon
as I got off the golf my plane. I didn't
think it was going to go that long. But the conversation,
he's really good at what he does.

Speaker 2 (07:16):
I was gonna say, because I had heard about that
stephen A Live show. I can't say that I've seen
a bunch of clips from it or sound from him.
But man, that puts some pressure on you, doesn't it.
Like the first guest after stephen A. Smith comes all
the way to Milwaukee, which you know he's been adamant about.
He doesn't ever want to go to Milwaukee. It's a

huge deal for the Nazis and Yannis to get him
to come to town. And then you're the next, You're
next in line. That's it's big pressure.

Speaker 3 (07:49):
So yeah, you can look at it like that. But
I think Stein I believe he has another pod already recorded,
so I don't think I'm going to go in order
and he had. He hasn't released that pod, that live session. No,
he hasn't released it. It was just you know, if
you're alive, you could see it then. But so I

might not be right after Stephen Ay, so I don't
feel that pressure.

Speaker 2 (08:15):
But he has a nice studio setup and everything.

Speaker 3 (08:17):
Great studio. Man, he got the whole crew, like he
has a whole production crew, editing crew, like he's on point.
He's on point. And he told me, you know, he
doesn't want he doesn't want to be a player pod
that's predicated on hot takes, like he wants to actually
do this right and starin. He did his homework and

you know, I'm gonna go on again. And this time
I told him I'm going to bring you mark Stein.
You're gonna come to and he said he's all Game four.

Speaker 2 (08:50):
I would love to, And like I told you, I
love going to Milwaukee. I have not been there in ages.
I'm trying to. I don't think I've been there since
the finals. Man, it's been a long time. It's one
of my favorite cities to go to. So I, like
I said, I will happily join you for that. But
let's all right, let's on this Monday night. Let's move

on the idea that I had for us, because I
mentioned this on a previous pod. And look, I'm just
trying to be as candid as I can because those
are the rules we employ here. It's a struggle for
me to dig into the madness of March.

Speaker 1 (09:35):
Just can't do it.

Speaker 2 (09:37):
When Cal State Fullirchin season ends, my college season ends.
I have literally watched only one half of one tournament
game to this point, and that is only There were
two familial reasons why. When Purdue played Utah State on Sunday,
my son Aaron, photo editor of the Steinlein Substack. He

has a fondness for Purdue, so he wanted to watch
Zach Edy, and Zach Edy was leading the boiler Makers.
They were up against Utah State, coached by my pal
Danny Sprinkle. Danny Sprinkle got Utah State to the tournament.
He got Montana State to the tournament in his previous spot.

But he's a former assistant coach at cal State Fullerton.
That's why I know him, and like I tell him,
I tell everybody you know. He's a Titan first. I
don't care where he's coaching, but Sprinkle is one of
the outstanding rising coaches in the college game. Gets two
programs in his young head coaching career. He's already gotten

two programs to the tournament. So Zach Edy against Danny Sprinkle.
We did watch that showdown for a half, but that's it.
That's the most that I've been able to stomach and
get through. All my focus is on the NBA standings.

Speaker 3 (11:05):
Did you even enjoy that half?

Speaker 2 (11:07):
No? Because it turned into an absolute blowout. We should
have watched the first half. When you know, Zach Edie
went for like twenty and ten in the first half.
The second half was a runaway and not great, not
great spectating. So, like I say, like I like, you know,
this is my line. The march madness for me is
contained in the NBA standings, and there's tons of it,

and so the way we're going to attack it, I
figured this would be the easiest way for both you
and I to hit on multiple teams. Here, we're gonna
turn this into like a draft, a draft of focal points,
a draft of headlines, a draft of hot topics. I'm
gonna let you go first. We're gonna pick three each,
the three areas of focus for both of us in

the standings, what matters most to each of us. So,
as I said, I'm going to be gentlemanly and let
you have the floor first, East or West. You tell
me what matters most to you in the standings as
the regular season winds down from.

Speaker 3 (12:10):
Here matters most well. I will say what I found
to be compelling is a is an unfortunate injury that
occurred months prior that has simply derailed the rest of
the season for this team. And I'm talking about the
Philadelphia seventy six ers, who were up there as high

as the number two seed at one point with Joel
einbi there. Now they there number eight, and they've been plummeting.
They are not the same team, not anywhere close, and
all signs point. I mean, they would have to have
a catastrophic ending the fall lower than eight, but they're
going to be in the play in and for any

team that's in that play in situation.

Speaker 1 (12:59):
You think Philly cannot get to six.

Speaker 3 (13:02):
No, I don't see them jumping Miami or even getting
to Indiana. No. I think Philly is a playing team,
and you know, Joel and b Canny come back and
make it. I just don't see it. And so this
becomes a team. Man, It's crazy. I can't remember this

happening in recent memory where a team that was so hot,
they were so good, and the player went down and
they fell all the way out to potentially not even
make the playoffs. That is real. That is a real,
legitimate scenario that could play out a team.

Speaker 2 (13:47):
That was You surprised me with this choice. You surprised
me with this choice. This is this is not what
I thought would be the first choice.

Speaker 1 (13:53):
On your board.

Speaker 3 (13:53):
Well, it's a compe like it.

Speaker 2 (13:55):
No, I'm with you because because because you wrap Miami
into the same discussion, if the standings play out the
way they look as we speak, it would be Indy
at six, Miami and Philly in the playing which is
just crazy. And I think Miami and Philly come out
of the play But obviously, if you're in the East,

you want, if you're in that range, you'd much rather
be sixth because then you get whoever is three in
the first round, as opposed to you don't want to
have to start with Boston or Milwaukee.

Speaker 1 (14:32):
Now Miami is so crazy.

Speaker 2 (14:34):
Maybe the heat do in their weird twisted world, maybe
the heater like, yeah, we want Boston or Milwaukee in
the first round because all the pressure would be on
the higher seed. But I think deep down, both Miami
and Philly would rather be six and theoretically start off
a little bit easier in the playoffs.

Speaker 3 (14:53):
Yeah, and again, I just I just can't remember a
team in recent memory where they've had such a fall off,
you know, after losing their best player. This could be catastrophic,
go from being his highest number two seed midway of
the season to potentially not even making the playoffs.

Speaker 2 (15:14):
Yeah, and look, we don't even have clarity yet if
we're going to see Embiid. I think Nick Nurse has
said that he's optimistic then Embiid's going to be able
to come back for at least some portion of the
regular season, even if it's just a matter of a
couple games before the playoffs. But let's see how that
plays out, because again we don't We still don't know

if Philly's going to.

Speaker 1 (15:39):
Get him back.

Speaker 2 (15:39):
It's going to be a huge summer in Philly. I
wrote about this last week. Paul George still does not
have a contract extension with the Clippers, and I know
that that gives Philly a modicum of hope that the
Sixers would love to be able to make a run
at Paul George in the offseason. I think around the league,

most people expect that Paul George and the Clippers are
eventually going to come to terms there, and the Clippers
are going to find a way to keep Paul George
from even making it to the free agent market. But
if they don't, Philly obviously would have interest there. But
in the short term, I whan there's nothing else Philly
can do to this season's roster. They got Kyle Lowry,

they got Buddy Healed, they got healed at the deadline,
they got Lowry off the buyout market.

Speaker 1 (16:27):
Is that enough?

Speaker 2 (16:29):
Are they going to get embiid back and be able
to make some kind of playoff run? But yeah, I
would have nominated Miami and Philly together, But that's it.

Speaker 1 (16:37):
There's a good choice. I like that selection from you.

Speaker 3 (16:40):
Yeah, And even if they do get in bed back
towards the end, with everything that his body is going through,
can you just ramp his body up for that playoff
type of play, you know, even for the last the
last regular season games in playoffs, you know, unless he's
been playing in hooping the last couple of weeks. But

I guess that's kind of dangerous to put them out
there at that juncture when everybody's bodies are ramped up
for playoffs gonna be a tough situation.

Speaker 2 (17:12):
All right, now's my turn. That was a good opening
selection from you. This won't surprise you one bit.

Speaker 1 (17:20):
You know where I live.

Speaker 2 (17:21):
I have to look first at this six seven to
eight tussle in the West Sacramento, Dallas and Phoenix. We've
already talked about what happened with the Suns tonight in
San Antonio. I'm stunned by that one. With Phoenix having

such a difficult remaining schedule. How do the Suns not
find a way to take care of the Spurs in
San Antonio When the Spurs are resting Victor Webbin Yama
and Phoenix has such a brutal remaining schedule. The advantage
is Sacramento because the Kings have already won twice in Dallas.

But this week we got this huge baseball series Mavericks
at Kings on Tuesday night, Mavericks at Kings again on
Friday night, after two days off in between. I know
you'll still be in Milwaukee for the first one. I'm
kind of counting on you to rep the pod and

be there Friday night for the second one because I
think these are huge, just huge games and will have
a lot to say about how the rest of the
West playoffs shake out, and again same thing, the sixth seed.
It not only keeps you out of the play in
but look, I think Denver is gonna end up winning

the West and have the best record in the West.
And the Nuggets still play the Wolves two more times,
including once this week. But I just have a feeling
if you're the Kings or the Mavericks or the Suns,
you'd much rather be sixth than eighth, not only because
of the obvious, not only because it keeps you out
of the plane, but that that matchup in the first

round Minnesota. Will they have Karl Anthony Towns back by then?
Maybe they will, but it's going to be a rusty
Karl Anthony Towns if they do.

Speaker 3 (19:22):
Mm. Yeah, I would agree with you with that. With
the Denver, I believe Denver is going to get that
number one seed. I mean, they already have it. I
think they're going to sustain.

Speaker 1 (19:35):
Are they going to keep it?

Speaker 3 (19:36):
Yeah? I think they. I think they will. Being here
in Milwaukee. They just took care of OKC and Grand
Fashion last night, and so you know, good, good, a
good a good shot at that, I will say.

Speaker 1 (19:51):
Stein your not your second pick.

Speaker 3 (19:54):
Yeah, my second pick. I tried to go outside the
box a little bit.

Speaker 2 (20:03):
I'm going way outside the box with my third pick. Okay,
you go ahead and do it here.

Speaker 3 (20:07):
I'm gonna go outside of box on Missie on my
second pick. So the playing has done a really good job.
The play in format has done a really good job
of making sure more games are competitive, particularly late in
the season, making sure teams are still playing for something.
But there's still a few teams that aren't. Stein. Who's

gonna end up with the worst record? Obviously, the Detroit
Pistons are favored with that twelve wins on the season. Stein,
But I'm I don't want to say too much because
I don't want to get in trouble in light of
in light of what was reported today. But I don't

think the I don't think the Pistons are going to
run away with that worst record in the league. I
believe Washington is going to give them some really good competies.

Speaker 1 (21:07):
The Wizards have won three in a row. First of all,
you have shot me with this selection.

Speaker 2 (21:13):
I cannot believe we've gone two picks into a three
selection draft.

Speaker 1 (21:19):
And the Milwaukee Bucks were not mentioned.

Speaker 2 (21:22):
Especially when you're especially when you're sitting on a couch
in a hotel room in Milwaukee. So you you have
clearly shot the Wizards have. The Wizards have won three
in a row. The Pistons have lost seven in a
row and are just sitting everybody, their whole team is
in You think Detroit wins two more games before the

end of the season.

Speaker 3 (21:46):
Well, that's going to be a hard part. The hard
part picks up two more wins. But I think the
Wizards are going to follow suit with doing the similar
tactics as the Pistons to make How should I say it?
How should I say it? Sty? I'll just leave it

at the fact that I think they may follow suit.

Speaker 2 (22:09):
You're suggesting that from here, after this three game winning streak,
that the Wizards of Washington may underline may prioritized draft positioning.

Speaker 1 (22:18):
From here today you.

Speaker 3 (22:19):
Go, There you go, Sty, there you go.

Speaker 2 (22:22):
Well, look, you know what, I don't know that I
agree with any of that, but just the fact that
you picked this, that you went to the end of
the standings in the East, because honestly, my reaction the
Bulls lost to the Wizards at home tonight. In our

last podcast, I think I was touting the fact how
the Bulls were only one game under five hundred, and
since then, Chicago has promptly lost three in a row
to sink back down to thirty four and thirty eight
and return to the level that the Bulls have mustard
all season long. So that's what I get for even

bringing the Bulls up here.

Speaker 3 (23:05):
Lad, you were trying to show to some love, that's
what you were doing.

Speaker 1 (23:10):
Unbelievable. That was that was that was far off the board.

Speaker 2 (23:27):
Let me see what I'm gonna go with then on
my second selection, because I'm saving my third selection. Maybe
this is obvious, but it's too good not to talk about.

Speaker 1 (23:37):
I mean, the.

Speaker 2 (23:38):
Houston Rockets won again night. The Houston Rockets have won
nine straight games. The Houston Rockets are thirty six and
thirty five. The Golden State Warriors are thirty six and
thirty four. The Rockets without Alpraa and Shngoon, They've won

seven of those nine games without the guy regarded as
their best player. They're playing faster. They're playing with Jabari
Smith at the five when he isn't serving a suspension.
They are playing with a better than ever Jalen Green

after all the talk at the trade deadline, would Houston
actually part with Jalen Green if the Nets would engage
them on McHale Bridges scenarios? The Nets told them, don't
even bother talking to us about McHale Bridges and what
happens without Shngoon. Jalen Green is playing the basketball of

his life. It is impossible not to talk about what
the Rockets have done. Ima Udoka, I don't think he's
gonna win Coach of the Year, but he sure has
to be in the discussion the impact that he's had.

Speaker 1 (24:55):
In year one.

Speaker 2 (24:56):
But all of that is the long winded way of saying, Man,
the Golden State Warriors are in serious jeopardy of not
even making the play in tournament. We've had so many
talks on this show about the star power that is
supposed to be in the playing tournament. I mean, what

if the Rockets actually passed the Warriors and Golden State
doesn't even make the play in that scenario is now
on the table.

Speaker 3 (25:28):
What did Draymond say say he's not worried about the Rockets.

Speaker 1 (25:30):
Says, I don't give a damn about the Rockets.

Speaker 3 (25:33):
Okay, that could come back the bike. Yeah, the Rockets
are playing well. Jalen Green, Where's Jalen Green from? Against U?

Speaker 2 (25:44):
I was trying to think. I was like grasping for
this complicated answer because I remember when he was a rookie.
I did a story about how the Philippines was hoping
that they could secure Jalen Green's international commitment because I
believe his mom is from the Philippines. Yes, But then
I took a step back realized who was asking me

this question.

Speaker 1 (26:07):
Obviously the answer.

Speaker 2 (26:08):
You were looking for does not start with the Philippines.

Speaker 1 (26:12):
It starts with an F Fresno. He's an all star.

Speaker 3 (26:18):
There you go. Yeah, I actually I did his When
he announced his he announced that he was turning pro
and bypassed in college. He did that announcement through me.
That was I believe it was twenty twenty, during the pandemic.
But I wanted him start. I wanted him. I tried

to set when he was about to When I knew
he was about to go pro out of high school,
I tried to set up a conversation with him and Giannis.
I wanted Yiannis to to talk to him. I kind
of wanted him to, you know, see if he can
mentor him, I ever could get it really set up though,

But I'm glad Jalen is playing well he's It's definitely
a good time because you know, to you know that
report you mentioned, you know, Houston, they definitely were thinking
of making some moves, making some changes, and so you know,
this definitely probably has to give them a little bit

of a pause to evaluate further see if this is something,
if this is what they really want to do. He's
playing trim in his basketball. So my turn stun.

Speaker 2 (27:35):
Well, before we last thing before we let mean, let
me just expound on this before.

Speaker 1 (27:39):
We before we go to our last picks.

Speaker 2 (27:43):
Is he the best player to ever come out of
Fresno or does my man Bruce Bowen still hold that
title since he was part.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
Of championship teams in San Antonio.

Speaker 2 (27:51):
Obviously as an individual offensive force, Yeah, Bruce did not
have the statistical firepower that Jay Green could muster. But
who is considered the foremost NBA player to come out
of Fresno?

Speaker 3 (28:06):
So are we talking talent or are we talking accomplishments?

Speaker 2 (28:09):
I mean it's your city, so you you yeah, well,
talent wise, for basketball, it would have to be Jalen
and Dashaun Stevenson who you who you covered as well
in Dallas accomplishments Bruce Bowen for sure, the championships, the

you know, the All defensive team like he was, you know,
one of the best perimitive defenders we had in the
league during this time.

Speaker 3 (28:38):
But talent wise, like before Jalen, Dashawn was the guy
like but Dashawn didn't put up numbers like Jalen at all.
And you know, we thought Dashawn was going to be
that dynamics of a score. You know, one thing always
wondered about the Shawn and maybe maybe I could be

wrong I get in this regard, but you know, he
got drafted by the Jazz and that was more of
a system. You know, I know Utah wasn't where he
wanted to go. You know, I want to go more
of a place where more free flowing offense, a little
bit more freedom to do what you want to do

offensively career because he was DeShawn was a Deshaun was
an offensive stud man. You can make the arguments DeShawn
was better high school player than Jalen, but again, Dashawn
never put up numbers like what Jalen is doing right now.
So it'll be hard to make a case that DeShawn

is a better player than Jalen. I think you got
to get Jalen, so we have to say James is
probably the best all around player to come out of Fresno.

Speaker 2 (29:49):
You know what, I don't know how to get podcast
metrics that are city specific, but I bet we crush
the Fresno podcast ratings. Between you and as a co host,
between the conversation that we just had and how often
we talk about the various rec leagues in Fresno.

Speaker 3 (30:08):
You can make the same argument that we probably get
a lot of our metrics are probably high in the
LA area. When we're talking about cal State Fulletins. You
know you can, you can it's probably, Hey, we probably
wanta the top listen podcast is on the campus of
cal State Fulletin right now.

Speaker 2 (30:26):
And someday we're going to do the debate on why
Fresno is always going to be the two oh nine,
No matter that you youngsters think it's the five, five.

Speaker 4 (30:34):
Nine, All right, last topic, last pick back to you.

Speaker 2 (30:51):
You make the selection and then I will make one more,
but you get you get selection number five. What is left?
What in the standings are you looking at? Let's recap
so far, you have pointed to the very tasty and
complicated situation that the Philadelphia seventy six ers find themselves

in at number eight in the East. As we were
recording this with Miami at number seven and Indiana trying
to get a win tonight in Clipperland, which would help
the Pacers in their bid to hang on to number six.
So you chose first and picked. You're looking at how

high Philly can get. I countered with a look at
six seven eight. In the West, you countered with a
completely off the board nomination that you cannot stop thinking about.
Who's going to end up with the worst record in
the league, Detroit or Washington. I brought us back to
a little bit of sanity by focusing on Houston's rise

and threat to Golden State for the number ten spot
in the West. And here we are back to you
selection number five. What's left in the standings that keeps
you up at night?

Speaker 3 (32:09):
Keep me up at night? All right, let's see here.
Stop I'm looking at looking at the last game. You know,
I've been the East for my first two picks, and
I'm gonna stay in the East. I'll go You're the
one that said, we don't give the East enough love.

Speaker 1 (32:26):
You could you whatever, you will pick anything you want.

Speaker 2 (32:29):
You just went on for five minutes about about Washington Detroit.

Speaker 1 (32:32):
So you know what, take it anywhere you want.

Speaker 3 (32:37):
Oh, the Bucks really want to secure that number two seed.
Steve want to secure that number two seed. I was
talking with.

Speaker 1 (32:46):
They've got it. They've got it.

Speaker 2 (32:51):
Don't they feel good about? Don't they feel good about?
How much better they're playing? I mean, the way they
handled the thunder they do.

Speaker 3 (32:58):
They're two and a half games up on Cleve. I
asked Dame a couple of days ago about hey, when
you resting in the rest day. He's like, rest, man,
I ain't doing all resting right now. We got games.
You know, it's games. Be We got games we're trying
to win. We're trying to lock in this number two seed.
So you know, usually, you know, during this time, it's

when a lot of top teams start to you know,
start the rest guys, especially on back to backs. At
some point, the Bucks aren't thinking that way. They aren't
thinking that way. If there is a rest, it's because
it's a nagging injury, you know what I mean. Giannis
was out for a game here and there, and you

know they're working Chris Middleton back, but they're they're locked in.
They are desperately locked in on trying to get that
number two seeds. So don't look for any rest or
anything of that nature or less again unless it's for
a legitimate injury concern. And they got the Lakers here tomorrow.
That's why I'm hearing and walking out the Lakers here

tomorrow on Tuesday night. Looks like Lebron James is going
to be out for that game as he deals with
that ankle injury still, and that's going to be the
first game of a back to back for the Lakers,
So sitting out the front end. I believe they play
Memphis the second game of that back to back, so

that makes sense there. But yeah, the Bucks there, they're
locked in, feeling really good at continuity, and the chemistry
right now is probably the bestest ever being in that
locker room, back with the guys that I've talked to,
talking with the NASAs just now, like they're in a
really good spirit. I think that's the way he described

it with this locker room. So he said, don't bet
against him, That's what he said. That's what he told me,
don't bet against them.

Speaker 1 (34:52):
We're not betting on anything.

Speaker 3 (34:53):
Now. We don't do that. We don't and we're not
asking y'all to bet anything. We're not telling you that anything.
We ain't doing that Star Star. This stuff is just
what's going on in baseball the NBA now like we've
seen it coming. We've all seen it coming. I don't
think it's done. But yeah, we're not asking to tell

you guys do anything. Please take care of you.

Speaker 2 (35:20):
All we're gonna do is make this last selection and
put a bow on this edition of this League uncut.
All right, you finally brought this thing back to where
I expected you to go by bringing the Bucks up.
And look, I fully prepared to come into this podcast
with just an armful of flowers for the Boston Celtics
because again their lead over Milwaukee as well as Milwaukee

has played here recently, and I think Doc Rivers has
had an impact. He is doing what the Bucks brought
him in to do. They are playing much better defensively,
they look more organized offensively, you know, as you said,
they you know, mood vibe wise there, it's a team
in a good place. But the reality is Boston had

an eleven game lead on the Bucks entering play tonight,
eleven games over the number two seed and.

Speaker 1 (36:14):
Eleven game lead in the West.

Speaker 2 (36:18):
That's the space between Denver at one and the Lakers
eleven and a half games back at number nine. And
that is the gap between one and two and Derek White,
named player of the Week in the East earlier on
this Monday, and then did not play in this game
against the Hawks. But you know, again, I had all

these plans to talk to talk up the Celtics, and
they somehow squander a thirty point lead. But look, they
are going to win the East. They're going to have
the best record in the East. And for the Bucks
to win the East Crown and get back to the
NBA Finals, they're going to have to do it without
home court advantage in that theoretic showdown with the Celtics

in the Eastern Conference Finals. All Right, for my last pick,
the last focal point on my mind in the standings, Look,
I could have gone with the battle at four or
five between the Clippers and the Pelicans, with New Orleans
having gotten to within a half game entering Monday's play,

and as I've been saying, the Clippers and Pacers are
playing a close game as we record this. Indie up
in the third quarter as we record this, Let's see
if the Pacers can hang on to that lead. I
could have gone with four or five in the West.
I could have gone with the battle for one two
three in the West because the Nuggets, the Thunder, the

Wolves are all still.

Speaker 1 (37:49):
Tightly bunched up. But I'm gonna go back to the
Houston Rockets.

Speaker 2 (37:53):
I'm gonna put the Rockets in a category of their
own because, as I mentioned, the Bulls last week got
the thirty four and thirty five. I talked them up
as having a shot at finishing with a winning record.
The Bulls immediately go out and lose three in a row.
The Rockets, however, have surged to thirty six and thirty five.

As I mentioned, the Rockets have a winning record. If
the Rockets can finish the season with a winning record,
and everyone else who has one can maintain their winning records,
we will have nineteen winning teams in the.

Speaker 1 (38:30):
NBA this season.

Speaker 2 (38:32):
That would set a little known NBA record. So that's
my curiosity, that's my last focal point, my promise to
go a little bit off the board, basically focusing on
how many winning teams we're gonna end up with. Eighteen
is the league record. It's happened three times this century,
and there is a real shot that we're gonna see

nineteen teams with winning records this season. Let's see if
Houston and Golden State can finish with winning records and
ensure that that little known record is established.

Speaker 1 (39:04):
And I know that one was not on your list.

Speaker 3 (39:06):
No, not at all, not at all.

Speaker 2 (39:09):
There you have it, all right, Well, look, I think
that little exercise it did enable us to hit on
many many teams, which was the goal.

Speaker 1 (39:19):
All right.

Speaker 2 (39:20):
As stated, you are at Milwaukee, You've got Lakers at
Bucks on Tuesday night. You're working the TNT sideline for
that game, which is actually going to be tonight by
the time this pod drops. And you know what I
always say, I love when you're on the road, especially
with teams like the Bucks and the Lakers that you
know well, because I know that means the next time

we connect for a pod like this, you're going to
have a good story or three to share with us.
So I hope you find a lot of chaos and
trouble tomorrow night when you are stalking the sidelines, and
who knows if Lebron is out. If Lebron misses that game,
maybe you have a chance to sidle up to him
during the game a couple times. Maybe get some in game,

get some in game whispers from the new podcast.

Speaker 3 (40:06):
Oh yeah, he is the new posity. That's right, he
has joined the ranks.

Speaker 2 (40:10):
Of Yeah, feel free to make that same trade offer
to him. Tell Lebron come on there.

Speaker 3 (40:20):
That'd be gold right there. Now. I'm looking forward to it,
looking forward to be a good game again.

Speaker 2 (40:25):
I want to hear I want to hear you on
the analysis. I can't wait for that.

Speaker 3 (40:29):
Oh yeah, we'll see see when they when they get
to drop that. Yeah, it was cool, really good conversation.
So I'm excited. I'm excited, But I'm more excited Stein
about this dinner that I had delivered here, Stein, This
dinner that I had delivered is from let me see,
it's called JJ's Fish and Chicken. Look at this big

bag right here, Stein, JJ's.

Speaker 1 (40:53):
Man, it's licked there. How late did they stay open?

Speaker 3 (40:56):
Yeah? Close at two am. So apparently this is a statement.
This is a place where you go to the club
at night and then when you're home me at night
after the club, you go here and get you some food.
So I had what was Calledj's Fish and chicken.

Speaker 2 (41:12):
All right, I'll give you full report, of course, you
know you know I need the full report. I'm sorry
that we kept you up late and sorry that you
have not eaten all day, but I'm glad that we
were able to get this podcast, and everybody be sure
to follow us. Give us a five star rating if
you can rate the show. Review the show wherever you

get your podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify.

Speaker 1 (41:39):
You know the drill.

Speaker 2 (41:40):
And as I mentioned later this week, after Chris Haynes
has safely returned to the West Coast after his stay
in Milwaukee, he and I will get together again. We
will get the food report and all the stories from
his sideline work in Milwaukee. That will do it. I'll
be back with you again soon. Everyone, thanks for listening.

Speaker 1 (42:04):
And that'll do it for us. See you next time.
This League un Cutter is an iHeartRadio production Loca Chris Haines,
Den Mark Stein,
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