All Episodes

September 20, 2023 65 mins

This week Mysonne and Tamika first spoke on some trending topics such as Daniel Cameron trying to run for governor and wanting to give the death penalty to drug dealers, when there are more things to prioritize. Moreover, they speak with author/ tv radio host Bevy Smith, who spoke on her organizations in Harlem and the African American Day parade. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
What's up. Family, It's your girl to Mika d. Mallory
and your boy my son.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
In general, we are.

Speaker 1 (00:10):
Your hosts of street politicians, the place with the streets
and politics. Me's going on my song Lenin.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
Today's a slow day. Trying to speed up, but I'm here.

Speaker 1 (00:20):
It's slow day for me. Let me tell you something.
The other day I had a colonic, which is not
a colonoscopy. Colonoscopy is when they go inside and look
to see if they are polyps and cancer or so
sitting anywhere. But a colonoscopy is when they go inside
and it's basically like a a more advanced enema where

they are cleaning your system out. And the one thing
I could say is that, first of all, it definitely
makes you feel lighter, like you know, you feel better.
And the second thing is that I do not feel
as tired the last two days since I had it,
I am much like feeling much better. I'm not as

sluggish as I had been. I sat yesterday. See, you know,
no more braids. I'm back in my my tresses, back
in my inches, got my weaves back, and it takes
time to start from scratch from braids for six months.
I did braids for six months and now I'm back
to my hair, and that takes time to transition, taking

the braids out, doing the whole thing. I got up
at six thirty in the morning, I worked out, I
took my hair out, I worked out, I cleaned up
my house, I left the house, I went, I got
my hair done. I spent the full day in the salon,
from twelve to after seven. I never said I was

tired one time. Never, and not to say that I
don't want certain junk food. But I don't have the
same craving. So yes, it is uncomfortable people, it's uncle. Absolutely,
it's uncomfort, is extremely uncomfortable. But what I will say
is that it's worth it, and I do. They put

a tube inside of you and then they flush you
with water, and this particular place also uses coffee because
if you think about it, when you drink coffee, it
makes you want to use the bathroom most times, so
that is a part of their treatment. They flush you
with water, and they also at the end, the last
part is they pump you with coffee and they keep

on flushing you out and in some places they just
sit you, you know, shout out to our sister Kepra,
because she between Kepra and our other sister who send
the cross, they were the folks who suggested it for me.
And you know, in some places you just sit by yourself.
You know, they'll come over and ask you if you okay,
and you just sit. But in this particular place, Linda

Sarcer and I went together. In this particular place, they
rub your stomach and they helped to like really move
around anything that's inside of you, sitting in your in
testing this and that, and they move it and your
colon basically to get it cleared out and so in it.
And they keep filling you up and filling you up
until whatever's coming out is clear. So that it's very intrusive,

it's very uncomfortable, but I believe it's very necessary. Like
I see, I am telling you, there are results my stomach.
I actually lost two pounds. In fact, I kind of look,
I think I lost three pounds. But then the last
time I weighed myself, which they tell you not to do,
was right after I ate something, so that's never you're

not supposed to do that. But today I didn't really eat,
and I'm bad. I'm down three pounds, so it's I
feel it. I feel something lighter and everything. So anyway,
the point I'm making here is take care of your body.
Like for people who are listening, take care of your body.
Make sure that you are doing things like not just

the colonic but other things like a colonoscopy, like the
breast exams, all of that stuff. Take care of your
body because I can tell the difference since I have
started to really take care of myself a little bit more.
And the last thing I'll say is I still want
the junk and the still the all the things, but
I don't have the same craving like I don't. I

don't feel like I need to eat as much as
I felt. I think that stuff that sits in your
system kind of just kind of tells your mind feed
me more, feed me more, feed me more. So clean
out and just do something different. That's all I can say.

Speaker 2 (04:39):
That's good. I went.

Speaker 3 (04:40):
I just got you know, I do my annual and
I've been really a lot intentional about working out lately.
So like the last week, I just been working on
every day. So I find, like what you said, I
found myself. Once you get into good habits, especially like physically,
and you know, start eating, and I've been eating a
lot of vegetables. I don't I'm one of them people

that don't have any problem going to the bathroom after
I eat every meal. My body is like, okay, go
to the bathroom. So, you know, but I might look
into this.

Speaker 1 (05:09):
I don't really want I don't have a problem going
to the bathroom either.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
I never have a problem that a lot of people
do a lot.

Speaker 3 (05:14):
There's a lot of people that you know, they don't
they don't use the bathroom a lot. You know what
I'm saying, They constipated or they you know, I feel
like I use the bathroom a lot, you know, but
I might look at I don't really want nothing to
side on my butt though.

Speaker 1 (05:27):
You know, here's the thing intrusive you just said.

Speaker 2 (05:29):
It's very intrusive to.

Speaker 1 (05:30):
Be clear me either, you know, like that is not
my area of comfort and joy. So I'm not one
of those people that I don't want that either. But
I will say I know for a fact that if
all that waste is coming out of you, it can't
be good for it to sit inside of your system

from time to time to time. And even though we're
using the bathroom. We're just getting the surface out. We're
not really like cleaning out the whole colon. And so
I don't know, you know, I'm sure this is not
colon awareness, mom, but it should be health awareness every day.
And I'm just you know, sharing a very intimate thing

that I did and just telling folks that you know,
it's it. We get we you know, all of us,
not all of us, but many of us have been
under the knife for this or that, different things, different surgeries,
different you're trying to enhance yourself. You might be taking
some kind of pills, you working out, you're doing all
of that, and you should. And some people, a lot
of people are trying to eat better. You see it.

You see obviously all of these different vegan spots popping
up and people drinking more smoothie. So people are becoming
more conscious. And I'm just offering that another part of
that is to clean your colon and get your system
cleared out as much as you can.

Speaker 2 (06:51):
So a lot of people that's full of shit, You're
gonna get cleaned out.

Speaker 1 (06:57):
And we should make sure sure that we laugh our
way to go take care of ourselves. That's it happened.
It is very uncomfortable though I'm not gonna lie. It
ain't something you're gonna want to do.

Speaker 2 (07:16):
What you're not gonna want to go back? You know what?

Speaker 1 (07:19):
You feel that way while it's happening, but you realize, wow,
all of this stuff is sitting inside of me. I
need to go back. And people have different schedules. Some
people go often, other people don't go that often. They
might do twice a year, maybe even once a year.
But I'm I'm going to be not regular, probably like

semi regular, but I'm definitely gonna get it done every quarter,
absolutely absolutely. I mean, well, well, actually in the beginning
they tell you the first three times you need to
make them close together. So I have to go with
three week intervals, which is horrible because I don't want
to do it. But then after the three week intervals,

then some people do it a week, two weeks or whatever.
But I chose three week intervals. That well, you have
to ask Linda because I don't want to be telling
her business and you.

Speaker 2 (08:13):
Know, I'm just going to do what is it painful? Did?
She says? She?

Speaker 1 (08:17):
Well, she went before me, so when she went in
the room same day before me and took care of hers.
So when she came out, her thing to me was,
it's very uncomfortable because at first she was texting me
from the table, like telling me different things. Because they
we did a lymphatic massage as well, which means that

they rubbed the top of your skin and kind of
push all the stuff into your lymphos, which they help
you get out. You have to go to the bathroom.
You urinate the whole thing. By the way, when doing
the kolonic, they also have pressure points in your skin.
It's places in your arm and your hands that as
they were pushing it. This may be t and I,
but you know, we are an educational place platform where

we learn together and educate. As they were like pushing
and touching certain points on my arms and my hands,
you could hear more drainage. So they know exactly where
the points are within your body that when they touch
them it stimulates you to actually move out the waste

and be clear it is waste. So she was first
texting me and then all of a sudden, I'm telling
her stuff and she's not texting back. And I thought
maybe because I was texting about work that she stopped,
but it wasn't that it's that after a while it
becomes uncomfortable and you got to focus on getting through,
you know. So I'm not gonna say it's painful, but
it's uncomfortable. So speaking of being light and painful and

all of those things, our campaign in Kentucky, including our
office opening, happened this week. We are, you know, in
the middle of a fight. And as you know, Daniel
Caeron is someone who has raised a significant amount of
money from people who support his rhetoric, which includes things

like giving the death penalty to drug dealers. It includes
things like getting rid of the Civilian Complaint Review Board
so that people have no recourse to fight when there
are issues of injustice that have been committed by a
police officer. He wants to give cops more discretion and

more power to do surveillance. I mean, he is a
police guy. And now that we have really launched the
next seven weeks about seven weeks of our efforts to
fight him, we just want to make sure that the
people of Kentucky are armed and prepared to go to
the polls even if they make a decision that we

don't agree with. We want them to go to the
polls and when I say that some of the work
that we have participated in his nonpartisan getting out there,
registering voters, trying to make sure we get people to
the polls. That is done in a nonpartisan fashion, which
ultimately means that we are getting people registered and not

telling them anything about who they need to vote for.
But we also have many other things going on where
people are really clear about what we stand for. So
we believe in people being registered to vote and having
that power in their hands regardless. But in addition to that,
we want people to know that until freedom is unapologetically

against Daniel Cameron, are we the biggest governor basher folks? No,
I can't say that, because there are issues even with
Bashir that the local community can talk about. We should
actually have some of the local leaders to come on
this show. But I will say we restored the voting

rights of one hundred and seventy thousand, one hundred and
seventy thousand people who had felony convictions or other convictions
that prevented them from voting in the state of Kentucky.
And so that's just you know, people will say, well,
that's one thing, shirt Certainly there's much more to debate.
Some issues we agree with them on some we don't.

But those hundred and seventy thousand people that have access
to go to the ballot box to fight for their
rights and to stand up for what they believe in,
I think that is very, really important, and it truly
is an important space for us because we want to
make sure that those individuals know that the same behavior

that got you locked up, you know, whether it be
that someone didn't consider your story and your life and
provide you with the resources you need, that that same
behavior is what Daniel Cameron intends to inflict upon Kentucky Dame.

Speaker 3 (13:01):
Yeah, Daniel Cameron is a piece of shit. You know,
he's He's just not a good guy, you know what
I'm saying. When when you when you look at just
based off what you said some of the things, but
just what he did to Breonna Taylor and her family,
to me, was it just it was it was the
icing on the cake. It just shows that you're not
a good moral character. You know, you intentionally deprived those

people with justice, You lie to those people, you and
you intentionally inflicted more harm to a mother who had
lost her child at the hands of the police.

Speaker 2 (13:35):
You know, so I don't.

Speaker 3 (13:37):
I just the unmitigated golf for you to think that
you should be the governor of you know, Kentucky. It's
just crazy to me. You know, miss McConnell. Who's his guy.
He's not even in the right mental state. He can't
you know what I'm saying. So he's he's co signing him.
He's being co signed by a lot of people that

I don't even know how they eat and got into office.
But we're dealing with a lot of shit, man, were
dealing with a lot of shit and old skin folks
and kim folk.

Speaker 2 (14:06):
I know.

Speaker 3 (14:06):
A lot of time you look and I'm one of
those people who will definitely want to see you know,
brothers and sisters, you know, elevating in government. But this
guy right here, he's just not a good guy. We're
gonna do whatever we have to do to me about that.

Speaker 1 (14:22):
This morning, Yes, I got cussed out.

Speaker 3 (14:25):
You know, I'm I'm gonna go organize, you know the
demographic that I know that I feel to listen to
my voice because Amiga told me that I ain't doing
shit and basically I need to get on my job.
And I heard him a loud clear, so Yep, we
come to Kentucky. All of my bros. You know we're coming,

and we need I'm gonna need y'all help.

Speaker 2 (14:48):

Speaker 4 (14:49):
Y'all got guys, the guy for.

Speaker 2 (14:51):
The guys, Free the guys.

Speaker 3 (14:52):
I'm gonna need y'all man a lot of Like she said,
over one hundred and seventy thousand people got their voting
rights restored, and for a reason, you know, I'm being
a formally colstrated individual and understanding and.

Speaker 2 (15:04):
Not taking that privileged lightly. You know.

Speaker 3 (15:08):
I try to make sure that I vote in the
re election. I find candidates and people who are more
aligned to what I want to see in my community
and government. You know, all the time, it's not the greatest,
it's not the best people, but I definitely find those
people are on issues and things that I think the
community needs, you know, And and that's how I make

a decision. I don't think for me at this point
in my life, not voting is not really an option,
you know, because whether or not I vote or not,
somebody's gonna run this country. Somebody's going to run our community.
Somebody's going to be in office. And if if I
don't take the time and do the research and do
my due diligence to find someone and something in each

candidate or something that I don't like. You know, sometimes
it's a candidate that has just like you know, why
the hell would we vote for somebody that says give
the death penalty to drug dealers when when you got
big farm out here selling all the drugs and they
making billions, but you're gonna you're gonna kill some little

Joey on the corner that's selling some drugs because he
doesn't have any other way to make money, or doesn't
know that he has another way to make money.

Speaker 1 (16:25):
He doesn't know that's important.

Speaker 3 (16:27):
He doesn't know, you know, he hasn't been given opportunities
and feels like this is the quick way for him
to make some money. Why would I want to see
that man killed?

Speaker 1 (16:37):
And to be clear, we're not saying that he's.

Speaker 3 (16:39):
Right, you know, we're not saying he's right, but we
understand that there should be punishment if you get caught
doing a problem. Yeah, you know, but there's really a
drug dealer can be rehabilitated, you know what I'm saying.
So us just the men thought of that someone who
didn't take a like who didn't physically take anyone's life

is being.

Speaker 2 (17:02):

Speaker 3 (17:03):
It's it just doesn't even make sense in the mind,
the mind that thinks that it is even worse.

Speaker 2 (17:09):
So no, Daniel came in for me.

Speaker 1 (17:13):
It's a no for many people because as we've been
out walking and talking to folks, they're like, oh the
registered people are like, oh, no, we intend to vote,
don't No, They're like, oh, no, no, for sure. So
I remember one time I met a well you remember
Grandpa that used to be in the square. He used
to be arrested with us, and when he was out

there fighting every day, and I never forget he pulled
me over one day. Brought tears to my eyes. This
is a man who was older, who didn't even have
all of his dent, his teeth in his mouth, like
he was really somebody you could tell had a hard,
hard time, a lot of things going on, coming from
a real stressful situation. But he was out there for

Brionna every single day, and I never forget. We were
in March. One day he walked over to me and
he didn't want to talk, he didn't want everybody to
hear it, but he said to me, Hey, when do
we get to vote for Daniel Cameron. He said, because
I didn't want to vote in when Daniel Cameron runs.
He said, I didn't know anything about him. I never
I don't even know how, you know, he didn't even
know when the election was that the man got elected.

He didn't know because people weren't involved. But I tell
you what I said this about to me, kapalma, to me, kapalma.
Brianna Taylor's mother was the other day and I said, Brianna,
it's a tragic story. It's a huge tragedy. But she
definitely did a lot for her community. She did more
than people who are alive walking the streets every day.

This woman brought people together. She bought national groups into Kentucky.
And remember when she tweeted, Lord take me to a
place that I can't even imagine. She said, I'm gonna
be a star. I'm gonna be somebody. I'm gonna make
a way for my family. And this is this was
in her own tweets. She was talking about her future.
And even though she's not here to be a part

of it, she has set the stage and put a
burning fire under all of us and brought people together,
made us friends with LANDA just brought our relationships closer
and got the people of Kentucky who are unaware of
their political state. They didn't know what was going on.
And now those people are actual leaders, some of them working.

Look at too, K two k is working on anti violence.
He used to be a trouble kid who was in
Indiana getting in and out of trouble, going in and
out of jail. And now he is a leader on
the ground in Kentucky. And that's what we're talking about.
Kata is now an elected office. She was working for
the ACLU, but now she's an actual elected official.

Speaker 3 (19:42):
I mean, come on, listen, man, God will do it, Man,
God will do it.

Speaker 1 (19:48):
I gotta die. I want to die like that.

Speaker 2 (19:51):

Speaker 3 (19:51):
You know, unfortunately when we all unfortunately, we're all going
to leave this earth. But the impact what doesn't leave
is the impact that you have while you're here.

Speaker 1 (20:01):
So Pliza has been talking a lot, and you know,
I saw some people in the comment section being like, oh,
Plaz continue to rap. I'm like, you must not have
been paying attention to him, or maybe it's because he's
saying something you don't agree with. Because he has been
speaking up on political issues for a long time. But
he I think he got frustrated because or you know,
maybe I don't know if frustrated is the right word.

I don't want to mischaracterize his feelings, but I would
say some frustration because after the event at the Vice
President's house, which I attended with so all of my
friends in the blazing heat, and we had a great
time together. There was a many of people there, some friends,
some folks, but there were people there that I know

very well and they are and every you know, it
was just it was it was like a space that
was full of both political and activists. People who do
organize and work around the nation got together. Of course,
entertainers and others, but you know, we had our own
little hoard. And people were saying that she danced, you know,

she didn't dance, like like, oh, this is like the
first time she's ever heard this song, and look at
how she's dancing, and you know, and they were basically
getting on her because I guess she wasn't dancing black enough,
and you know, people were kind of talking down on her.
And he was like, I'm trying to understand. Kamala Harris

and Vice President they were trying. He was kind of like,
I'm trying to understand that. One thing he did say
in his statement was that he didn't understand what the
problem was, Like why like like he said, no, no,
he said, he didn't say themson. He did say that.
But the thing he said that I was trying to
call attention to was that, you know, forget about what
she did in the past, like what is she doing
wrong right now? And I would say that I get

why some people would say you can't just go based
upon now. You do have to go back and look
at her history and then bring it to four to four,
Like so what is happening to day that is different?
And I and I can say that I definitely feel
this administration could be doing a whole lot more to

address the issues. But one of the things that he
raised was a lot of the problem that people have
with Joe Biden. And I watched it on CNN yesterday
in the morning. I was taking my braids out. I
was listening to Andrew Yang and another group of pundits
on the show talking about how Kamala can run the

country and Kamala this, and Kamala is that and the
third and I agree with Pliaze. First of all, I
made a comment in his thing that said perhaps people
felt she should have been scrubbing the ground. Like, I
don't even understand why we're getting into how the lady dances,
because I know a lot of black people who are
super black that can't dance, that can't stay on tune,

that can't clap on the beat. I know a lot
of people like that. That's not been her focus, you
know what I'm saying. And I don't know why our
qualifier for any black person is whether or not they
dance black enough, or whether or not they've heard all
of these different songs, because some people just have not
had the same experiences. In fact, if you really want

to keep it a buck, it's a lot of our
own people that have children, people our age that have
children that don't even be around black people. They go
to school with other people. They don't dance, you know,
they don't listen to freaking bootyhole Brown, and they would
die if their children had access to that type of stuff. Right,

So Kamala Harris has a different experience, but she still
went to a black school. So the lady clearly has
been around black people because she went to a black school,
so I don't get that. I do understand challenge in
her politics. Cool all for it. Sometimes I challenge it,
sometimes I support it. It depends on where we stand.

But I'm not sure how to qualify it because how
she danced. But more over, listening to the pundits on TV,
the one thing I picked up and I'm not saying
Andrew Yang said this, but he was a part of
the panel. So if people want to go back and
listen to it, you can look up when Andrew Yang
was on TV on CNN. But as a part of

that the pundit tree that I heard, they don't want
a woman period. Hillary Clinton was the most qualified woman.
I don't and I'm not even a Hillary Clinton person.
Me and my mentor a Cora Passes Berry get into
it all the time over Hillary, to the point where
Hillary is off the table. Came to talk about Hillary
no more like me and you talking about the vaccine.

Can't talk, can't just can't. We gotta leave it because
sometimes I do. I am not a Hillary Clinton person,
but I know she was more qualified than Donald Trump
to run this country. I know that, And now looking
at Kamala it just seems like they don't want a woman,
and they damn sure don't want a black woman to
be president. I don't know if Joe, if Joe Biden,

don't be mad.

Speaker 3 (25:02):
At me because because that when when when you know,
when the whole election was. I'm like, I want to
give a black woman a chance.

Speaker 2 (25:08):
We don't.

Speaker 3 (25:09):
I don't watch white men run this this country into
the ground for a bunch of years. We finally got
an opportunity to give a black woman an opportunity I'm
gonna get.

Speaker 2 (25:17):
I'm a vote for her every time.

Speaker 3 (25:19):
If it's her and another white man, I'm always gonna
both for it just ain't gonna work. It's just not
for me. It's just I'm gonna give her opportunity. You
want to bring up her history, I can dig into
every one of these white men's history and show you
some ship that they did that wasn't for us, that
we didn't like, you.

Speaker 2 (25:36):
Know what I'm saying. And it's just the reality a
lot of us.

Speaker 3 (25:39):
We we we we have to stop being pigeonholed by
by you know, by small shit, not really small ship,
by history.

Speaker 2 (25:48):
Now we can't do like we can't.

Speaker 3 (25:50):
We have to acknowledge history, right, we gotta acknowledge things,
but we gotta understand that sometimes people evolved.

Speaker 2 (25:55):
Sometimes your thought pattern changes. If we if we if we're.

Speaker 3 (25:59):
Holding everyone to the things they did, they passed, and
I'm just not nobody you know what I'm saying, because
I know I've done shit in my past that people
will be like, that's fucked up.

Speaker 2 (26:08):
You know what I'm saying. I've been so at the
end of the.

Speaker 1 (26:11):
Day and in our recent past, in your recent past,
and you still don't want to be held to that
because you might.

Speaker 2 (26:17):
Have learned exactly.

Speaker 3 (26:19):
You just want to continue to grow and evolve, and
people give you opportunity based on who you are now
and and see those things. So when I look at
Kama Up, you know, I see as a black woman,
Yeah she was in you know, she was a prosecutor,
and nobody.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
Likes to prosecutor. Prosecutor and judges.

Speaker 3 (26:38):
They did not ever get the best, you know, especially
when you come from our communities, Like that's just the cops,
the prosecutors, all of those people is the people that
we don't want to talk about. We don't uphold the
system exactly, the uphold the system, but at the end
of the day when when we was being taught how
to get jobs and all that, those were the prevalent

jobs that we wanted to be lawyers, we wanted to
be in jail, we wanted to you know, we want
to do those things. And being a cop in our
community was actually one of the easiest jobs to get
if you just had a high school diploma, you know what,
so and you didn't have no no felonies and that.
So a lot of people it's like, yo, I can
get a bunch of money, get a good job, paying job,

and they did it, you know what. I'm saying that
that's why you have some corrupt cops some good cops,
because some of them were still in the street life
and they utilized the badge to carry out a lot
of different ship. But I'm just saying that to say
that Kamala Harris deserves the opportunity to do what she does,
I don't see do it.

Speaker 1 (27:39):
I mean, right now, she is the vice president and therefore,
and you know, I don't you know, you ain't gonna
see bus so much because she's the vice president.

Speaker 3 (27:50):
I don't think that I've ever seen but so much
that anybody, no, I mean, like I really don't want
to when we talk about vice presidency, I can't even
who call moves to the vice presidents, right, you know, But.

Speaker 1 (28:03):
The vice president does not run the country. The vice
assists the president in whatever it is that he is doing. Now,
I get it, people want want to be like us,
and we realize everybody like us running that motherfucker rip
it down, like tear it up. And people have the
right to feel that way. Understanding, we as black people

are dealing with so much hell that we need people
that do take over, that do speak out that do
I get it, But that's not what the presidency. That's
not what the vice president does, and that is it's
just not the system the way that it operates, and
you have to use it as a tool. And what
we continue to say is that we have to go
within it and fight to get parts of what we

need done or at least to stop the bleeding in
places where bad things are happening. So now the hunt
to old hunt body, which you know, anyway, I don't care.

Speaker 3 (29:01):
Like what happened either, Like Hunters, he gets high.

Speaker 2 (29:07):
He's a kid.

Speaker 3 (29:08):
He's like a lot of people have a strange kids,
like he's one of those kids like he's just the
rotten apple man.

Speaker 2 (29:15):
You got a bun. You're like, damn this he.

Speaker 3 (29:17):
Just can't do always can't get right. Man, he don't
give fuck. He rebels. He said, I'm gonna get hi,
I'm and smoke some crack. I'm gonna go out there,
I'm gonna try to make me some money. I'm gonna
use whatever. Yeah, it's just who he is, like, and
they've run it and I get it. It's a political strategy.
Like you you launch this impeachment ship. You do all

of this ship because you want to say if it's
smoke is fired, right, And if you do, the more
bad press that you can get for the president, the
more easier it is for you to be like, we
need to change this. Look at son, I know he
got something to do it. And people want to run
with the conspiracy theory anyway, So as long was you
giving him something to hold on too, that's I realized

that people enjoy the conspiracy theory, right. There a lot
of people who love the gotta be something, it has
to be more, it has to be more. And when
when those little conspiracy theories turn out to be right,
sometimes they feel so good. God, they tell them anything
like they're so good when it gotta be something wrong,

you know, and you know that that this feeds into it.
So Hunter is giving these people all they want. He
got three three gun chargers, indictment. They're happy, they get guns,
three guns, the three gun I think the three gun chargers,
that's what I'm see. I think it's three charges. Three guns.

He was and died on three. I don't know if
it was three guns or three gun charges. I have
to look into that exactly, but I know that on
seeing then they said he has three gun possession chargers.

Speaker 2 (30:57):
So but gonna do a little time, man, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (31:02):
He might. Well he got that's the point.

Speaker 2 (31:05):
That's the problem.

Speaker 1 (31:05):
That's why, because then they try to clear him up
some other ship and people act like we don't get
how this game goes. We know that because he's the
president's child, he's going to get a little bit more
cover for some bullshit that he did. But first of all,
let me just be clear. Yes, I want the system
to work, but I would be I would be a

big fat liar. I would be a big fat liar
if I did not say to you that I want
to hope that because my uncle worked at the police station,
that God forbid I get into some trouble. At least
I'm gonna get a little bit of a nicer treatment.

I might get some good blankets, might get a little
bit of understanding. Maybe the maybe that the chief gonna
listen to me a little bit listen close. Uh, And
that's the benefit of power.

Speaker 3 (32:03):
Yeah, what what do I what do the benefit me
to get in the office and I can't be able
to do a little sell for my own fai.

Speaker 1 (32:10):
I mean we get it right now, you should now
he now if it's some ship that is over the
top illegal, which that's why they came back again, and
that's what they're supposed to do.

Speaker 2 (32:20):
To your point, jail situation is people pay. Will you
think niggas pay one hundreds thousand dollars for a lawyer? Right,
you pay.

Speaker 3 (32:29):
He ain't gonna get the same thing with one hundred
thousand dollars lawyer that he gonna get with eighteen b
or a motherfucker quarter. That's just the bottom line. You
paid for your freedom, You pay for the best. Look
that this is how the the American justice system works. Now,
if somebody and you do certain ship that it's like, okay,
we ain't with so much. We can make sure they
don't kill you. We're gonna get you. We can probably

get you natural life or maybe twenty five. But you're gonna,
you're gonna, You're gonna do what you Yeah.

Speaker 1 (32:58):
I'm saying, I get what's goinging on. I understand the
whole thing.

Speaker 3 (33:04):
The hood that got three gun charges, that got a
little probation man for the first time.

Speaker 1 (33:11):
So it's three counts. So you know, production is making
sure we got it together. And also I have to
correct something I put up on Instagram that's wrong the
other day, which is fine, like we are humans, but.

Speaker 2 (33:22):
Yeah we are.

Speaker 1 (33:23):
We ain't perfect funny conversation. Listen, we got minutes to
go perfect. But I'm ready to But I'm ready to
correct it and say what I wrote the other day
was wrong. It was it was not exact, and it
wasn't even what I was trying to say. But being fast,
being emotional, I made a mistake. So anyway, Production sent

us something in the stage that says. Biden was indicted
Thursday in federal court in Delaware on three counts tied
to possession of a gun while using narcotics. So you
getting and you got a gun, you ain't supposed to
have it. I don't even think keep supposed to have
me go through You gotta go through it, but I'm
not gonna see it and act like I don't understand

how the system operates. And that to your point, even
with Pooky them, if you know the right people, or
you got the money, or you got all the things
you need, you gonna get a little bit of different treatment.
Doesn't mean you ain't going to jail, but you if
your lawyer know the judge and the DA it has
a good relationship with those two people more than bally,

they gonna have a little bit of leniency. That's why
some lawyers. I've had lawyers say to me, oh you okay,
I say, hey, can you help out with this person's case?
They go which judge?

Speaker 3 (34:46):
Is that?

Speaker 1 (34:47):
Why you think they asked that question because they know
certain judges. She don't like me. Every time I go
before her, she don't like me. And I'm gonna tell
you what it comes down to, some simple shit. I
had a black man lawyer tell me that the judge
tried to because these are regular people. I think when
people see you sitting as a judge. You're not you
as a regular person. When you come down and take

the rollbo off, you steal you out here fucking sucking
and doing everything that everybody else is doing. And the
judge try to get with him, and he didn't want.
You know the lawyer I'm talking about. You already know
the lawyer I'm talking about the judge try to get
with him. He didn't want to get with the lawyer.
And ultimate I mean with the judge. And ultimately every
time he goes before her, it's not that she does

anything illegal. He's not saying that.

Speaker 3 (35:37):
You give me none that good good. It's gonna be
some pride, don't worry about it. Yeah, you're gonna figure
this out. Gonna be the only one, you know what
I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (35:49):
Your client, whatever the look though, what did Ricky ruse.

Speaker 3 (35:54):
Are all the rest of that ship ain't no key
none of that. You got a chance to keep the key.

Speaker 1 (36:04):
That brings me to my thought of the day, sir, so,
I also saw a Plausa's comments. How first of all,
he also wrote the thing, I want to make sure
we represent everything he said, because this is so true
that the Trump administration and all the Trump trumpy trumpy people,

all his people, his administration, his people, the trunkers, the
Maga people. They keep telling you the system is corrupt
until they want to use it, because when they're using
it for themselves, they're not saying, how could Hunter Biden
be indicted? The system is corrupt. They completely fine with
him suffering the consequences and be it because it makes

the president look bad. But when it's them indicted on anything,
it's a weird chrying the system is corrupt, so on
and so forth.

Speaker 3 (37:00):
Like the system is always working fine, it's working just fine.
Whenever it's we catching hell, I don't get what happened.
We can be getting arrested and throw them to the ground,
beat up for two dollars crimes and it's not a
witch hunt. Niggas is doing jail ten years because they stole.

Nobody on that side says a world. The system is fine.
They put these judges. Do y'all keep putting them judges
up there? That's trying to throw away the key. Then
you came talking about locking people up and death penalty
for drugs is fine, Everything is fine, but you lock
up one of them Trump Trump get them as a

witch hunt. I can't believe it. It's just unbel It's
the worst thing ever. Trump got all type of shit
that he got, all types of emails January sixth, all
type of shit, but somebody get him as a witch
hunt and it's on record.

Speaker 2 (38:00):
System is broken.

Speaker 3 (38:01):
It's terribly We got the criminal on cameras and shit,
and we locking them up.

Speaker 1 (38:07):
Yeah, absolutely right, but s he here's my little quick
thought of the day. I'm reading the comments because of
course I said something, so then all the hate is
start tagging me to tell me I ain't shit, I
stole money, you know, the same thing, the same sub
And then they keep saying both of us are paid, right,
me and plies, we've been paid. And you know what

I want to say, What if we just believe what
we're saying? Like, what makes you think that we got
to be paid because you believe something different from people?

Speaker 2 (38:38):

Speaker 1 (38:39):
I don't get it to say I'm dumb or you
or I'm somebody you don't deal with, you don't like me.
Why do you have to say I'm paid because I
don't believe what you believe. I don't think you paid
because you have a different opinion.

Speaker 3 (38:53):
No, because you know why, because you actually have a
profile and your opinion resonates with a lot of people,
and it's valuable.

Speaker 2 (39:01):
Right. So when you have a valuable opinion and it
goes against someone.

Speaker 3 (39:07):
Someone else's opinion, who don't think their opinion is as
valuable as yours adult or it's probably not as valuable
as yours in a grand scheme of things, they the
only recourse they have, and the only other thing they
could come up with is the same motherfucking spewing bullshit
that you paid for this. Everything is paid. I don't

think that a woman should be beat. Yeah, you're simp.
They're paying you off. You know you're doing it for No.
I just don't think women should get beat I just
you know, I don't. I don't see a reason for
a man to physically punch and brutalize a fucking woman.

Speaker 2 (39:44):
That if somebody's paying me this, I wish they would
pay me to say that.

Speaker 3 (39:48):
I really wish that I was getting paid for the ship,
because yeah, I ready go through the ship and this
is how I feel anyway. So if somebody was paying
to think the way I think already, this would be
the easiest.

Speaker 1 (40:05):
Job in the world. Hey, I mean, what I'm trying
to say is that if I want, I don't want
to know where the check is. I don't want anybody
I listen as I get older and I am becoming
much more in tune with like my spiritual understanding in

the world and stuff I want to be. And I'm
not going to sit here and say that every terrible
place about me or I wouldn't say terrible, but every
dark thing or every bad thought that I have or
bad action that I've taken, I'm just putting it on display.
But of course not that's nobody's reality. Everybody has something

that they hold that it's like, damn, I hate I
did that thing or I said this thing, or even
the way that I feel about certain people. You don't
always want you don't want the world to know that.
So cool, But I want to be very transparent in
this moment right here with you. If it is a
check that is available for the purpose of me being

able to speak my mind and my truth, I would
like it. I need it.

Speaker 2 (41:24):
It's the best check ever.

Speaker 1 (41:26):
I need it. I really do. I am. I am,
I am soliciting the check. God's you are listening to
this today, and all I gotta do is say exactly
what I've been saying because this is how I feel.
Please write me a check because I need it.

Speaker 2 (41:46):
I need please.

Speaker 1 (41:53):
Okay, family, So friends come to Street Politicians, and we
love our friends on this show. We have one who's
actually been with us before, but it's coming back today
to talk about something really, really important. And I'm so
happy we're discussing this today because I feel like this
used to be my life, the topic that we're going

to talk about, and I don't know what happened to it.
So I'm hoping that this woman's energy is about to
revive some real, real stuff in Harlem that has been
so important to us for so long, so much legacy.
She is an author, She is a TV and radio host.
She is a celebrity influencer, and a friend not just

to us, but a friend to the people of Harlem,
a friend to people all over the world. Beby Smith
is the go to black girl, the go to black woman.
I still like to say black girl, Yeah me too,
who rocks. Thank you so much, Bev for coming to
Street Politicians today.

Speaker 4 (42:56):
You know I love you and my song always and forever,
and thank you for having me and thank you always.
Both of you guys are always representing for Harlem. You know,
my son, I know you uptown overall, but I mean,
you know you always in Harlem streets representing, and like
you said, we need that energy. We have now the
fifty fourth annual African American Day Parade, and that's incredible.

And one of the things I've been getting to Mika
and my son is that people are like, why isn't
our parade as big as the Dominican Day Parade all
these other parades, And I say it starts with us
as a community. We have to come out. People are like,
we're the celebrities. I'm like, we don't need celebrities. We
need to be the celebrities. We have enough lot amazing
people in Harlem who if they really showed up and

showed out, and if everyone got together and did every block,
did a float, every poping block, because there's a lot
of popping blocks in Harlem. The floats are literally twenty
five hundred dollars, and oh, come down and march down
Seventh Avenue and show our pride in our community pride.
So that's what I'm doing. I have my flow, my

flow is a little customs, so of course a little
bit more than twenty five podcasts. I got merchandise, I got,
you know, the church fans. I got towels, and I
have three organizations that I'm working with. I'm working with
Harlem United, which is an HIV AIDS advocacy group, working
with I think you might know these folks the go
Hart Dance Studio, well from three years old at eighteen

years old, who are in a dance studio where they're
getting scholarships and they're being kept off the streets and
they're being able to hone in on their creativity. And
then the third one, I know, you know Stephanie McGraw
from Warm Domestic helping black women who have been the
victims of domestic violence. And my son, I know that's

near and dear to your heart because you don't play
no games about black women organizations that I'm doing fundraising for.

Speaker 2 (44:58):
That's so dope, you know.

Speaker 3 (44:59):
I love love the African American Day Parade, the Home Prey,
and I was actually honored.

Speaker 2 (45:05):
I've been to Marshall on numerous years.

Speaker 1 (45:08):
A Grand.

Speaker 3 (45:12):
Let's make sure we get it right. I've been to
Grandmashall and I just like you said, I want to
I want to feel the energy of the parade again, right,
I want I wanted. I wanted to get back to
what it was when I was a young kid. I
used to love just to come down.

Speaker 2 (45:28):
Here and beat there.

Speaker 3 (45:29):
I just don't think at this point it's being marketed
like it should be.

Speaker 2 (45:34):
I don't think that, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (45:35):
I think people enough people know, Like if I didn't
know you, or I didn't know directly the person who
runs it and I run into them in Harlem all
the time, I wouldn't even know that it's here.

Speaker 2 (45:45):

Speaker 3 (45:46):
Why Why isn't it being promoted on social media? Why
isn't Hot ninety seven saying hey, we're doing this? How
is it one o five? Like, why aren't staples in
our community and major platforms, you know, really advocating for
like it should because it's a big thing, and it's
always a big thing.

Speaker 2 (46:03):
So I just want to get back to that.

Speaker 4 (46:06):
I agree. I think you're so spot on with that.
And you know, while we can't ever really say why
these other places are not doing the promotion, I really
do believe it starts with us, you know what I mean?
I think that one Jasmin who is heading up the parade,
but she took over from her grandfather who passed away.

She's a one man band. That's crazy right there, right.
And then two, you know, she doesn't have any sponsorship
people that are going out there and selling sponsorships for her.
Because that's how all the big parades really get it done.
And that's my whole thing. Right If we, all of us,
people who mean something to the culture, came out and

and really got people excited about the parade, it would
be a much bigger parade.

Speaker 1 (46:55):
You know. I you know, I want us to just
do it. I don't want to cast any negativity over
the conversation, but I'm sure you know of some of
the reasons why people have not been involved. And hopefully
this new energy that you're bringing is an evolution of
where we can go because I remember when it was

the shit, like when the parade was a big deal.
In fact, in my book that I'm writing now, I'm
almost finished. I'm on chapter eighteen. You know how hard, honey,
I know how hard, honey, honey. Okay, I'm on chapter eighteen.
I have twenty one chapters and I'm editing. Actually, so
the book is written. I'm editing that. I'm finishing actually

chapter nineteen. Now wow, And I know I got a
vent about that real quick. I got stuck on a
timeline issue with a woman who's helping me write it.
And you know how when you get in that spot
where you gotta go my songs book is about to
come out as well, you get in that second book.
You get in that and it's like, what the hell happened? Now?

You got to go all the way back to try
to make sure that the thing is consistent. Writing books
is something you don't understand.

Speaker 4 (48:10):
You do a memoir like that. The facts have to
be factoring right period.

Speaker 1 (48:16):
Because we get to wait to break one.

Speaker 4 (48:18):
Yeah. Yeah, so I know what you're going through.

Speaker 1 (48:21):
So I'm in. So one of the things that is
in the early part of the book is about my
mother didn't really like She wasn't like crowds and parades
and all of that. But my father, that is one
of the youngest memories I had of him waiting until
I came home from church on Sunday because my mother
took me to church. My father would wait until I
got home and when he when I got there, I

got myself something to eat, put on my damn near
easter outfit because remember you had a special outfit to
go to the parade.

Speaker 4 (48:52):
Hey, I hear that he would.

Speaker 1 (48:54):
I mean my father would take me out and he
would put me either up on the light posts or
on his shoulders to be able to watch those bad
ass black girls and guys coming down giving it up
in that parade. And it was and it was popped outside.

Speaker 4 (49:13):
Yeah. Well, you know they have the HBCU bands and
the major rets coming out this year, so that's gonna
be exciting. I have DJ S and S on my float. Okay, yeah,
I got I got my tequila already on deck, you know.

So I'm really trying to make sure that we have
the energy there. And you know, for us, our friend Wadin,
you know, he's one of the Grand Marshals, so you
already know that that's gonna be a full on movie.

Speaker 1 (49:47):
Tell us the three organizations again, It's.

Speaker 4 (49:50):
Hallam United, It's Warm, which is we all really matter,
and then it's the Go Hard Dance Studio. And these
are all grassroots organizations us guys. You know, there's a
lot of big organizations that give money to Harlem, but
they're not based in Harlem. These are based in Harlem,
and these are people from the community. You know. Stephanie

just decided.

Speaker 1 (50:12):
Every day Stephanie on it. Every day.

Speaker 4 (50:15):
Every day she's walking through the streets and grabbing women
that are being in abusive relationships, and she's like, I
got a place.

Speaker 1 (50:21):
For you, you know.

Speaker 4 (50:23):
Go hard dance studio. She just decided because her daughter
was being denied the opportunity to do hip hop, dance
and a classical dance studio in Harlem which will remain nameless.
She said, Oh no, then I need to create something
so the girls who want to do hip hop but
also want to do ballet, they have a home to
come to. And then Harlem United. It's on the streets

doing needle exchange. You're doing the testing for finsanol and
the drugs. They're like doing all of that stuff as
well as HIV and AIDS. They're doing all these things,
are doing the work. I wanted to get grassroots. I
wanted to get in it. Yeah, because that's what you do.

Speaker 1 (51:05):
That's the thing I think we love about her. Right
min It's like you can see Bev and Greece twelve
o'clock and then in the night. Somehow you have made
it back for a small event that one of us
may be throwing, or somebody else that's just doing a
little fundraiser for their community. You are the truly a

friend to the stars, and the people thank you.

Speaker 4 (51:30):
As are you guys. You guys do it all day.
And I think that it's important for the folks who
are your listeners and your viewers to understand that when
you get to a certain point, it doesn't mean now,
all of a sudden, you turn your back on who
really made you. Because if all of us are being honest,
it's really outside that made us. If without outside, we

don't get to even have the swagger that allows us
to be in all these big fancy rooms that we
are in. It doesn't allow us to go out into
the spaces. But it's really our grit, right, and it's
our and it's our street smarts as well as our
book smart. But that Harlem grit, that Bronx grit, that
just New York City grit, is what gives us the energy,

the vim, the vigor to go forth. So we got
to give back.

Speaker 2 (52:18):
You're always giving back. You always do so much.

Speaker 3 (52:21):
I don't even know you just don't do so much
Like Bev is just the all around, you just do.

Speaker 2 (52:28):
So much things. You always got something that's amazing. I
go to your page and I'd be like, look at that.

Speaker 4 (52:33):
The next year, you guys can be a part of
it as well. I would love, love, love Tamika and
my you guys, you know street politicians.

Speaker 1 (52:44):
Yeah, yeah we should, and please send us the flyers
and whatever else, so at least we can do a
lot of heavy promotion and just make sure people know.
I think that's the thing is that we got to
ask people directly to help us promote it because I
want to see it come back. I want to see
it come back for our children. I know it gave
me a lot of inspiration, and I want to see

that happen for our young girls because I think with
the and I don't ever put down any of these
young women whatever they're doing. I don't necessarily agree or whatever,
but I understand people have to evolve, they grow, they're
going to go through periods. But there's a lot of
content out there that is not good for the minds

of our young women. And instead of us trying to
fight that, because you know, you can only do but
so much. You got to provide them a different image
and we just need to make it fool. So thanks BEV.

Speaker 4 (53:40):
And we also can still be sexy and vibrant and
all the things, because I mean, when I'm wearing, it's
gonna be and you see the girls as out, so
it's all coming on the regular on the regular. But
we can still be flying. We can be all those things.
And it doesn't mean like because we're doing the right
thing or we're doing good things that we need to
be like you know the outset. Yeah, we too fly

for all of that.

Speaker 1 (54:02):
I don't live.

Speaker 2 (54:03):
That's I don't.

Speaker 1 (54:07):
I'm just telling y'all I would not even be a
portion of my true self if I didn't not let
y'all see. Sometimes the girls is out. Sometimes I might
be twerking. I go out. I was on a podcast
the other day. The lady said, you go to the
strip club? I said, you go to the strip club?

Speaker 3 (54:25):

Speaker 1 (54:26):
Yeah, Like when I go to a city and I
arrived at nine o'clock at night, everything is closed. Anyway,
I hang out where the.

Speaker 4 (54:34):
People wings and good and it might meet.

Speaker 1 (54:40):
Somebody, might meet somebody, because sometimes it be some you
know what I'm saying exactly exactly.

Speaker 4 (54:47):
But we can also still do until for him.

Speaker 1 (54:50):
When I get up in the morning, I go down
to the state House and tell a white man about
what he's doing to my people. And don't stop. It's
not like I oversleep the rat I'm doing both. That's okay.
I'm forty, So that's it.

Speaker 4 (55:05):
His talent is all about balance, and that's what we
do and that's what we give. And this is good
examples for the people that are looking and listening, and
they need to know that it's all about balance. That's right. Oh,
got to have a balance, got to have the balance
than you guys. Thank you so much for you.

Speaker 1 (55:24):
And that's the information so we can get it out
and y'all make sure you support the three organizations. Y'all
be talking about what to do. It ain't nobody doing nothing.
I can't find nobody do nothing. Well, there's three organizations
doing things for people who might be impacted by HIV
or trying to prevent folks from getting it. There are
there's a program for children from three to eighteen that

want to do hip hop and classical ballet dance all
in one that keeps our young women off the street.
Y'all talking about y'all don't like this and that and
that in the booty holes. Well, then here's something else.
Then you also have a woman that's doing I know, Steph,
she's doing real work, serious work around domestic violence, which

we know is an issue. And domestic violence is not
just your man beating you up. It might be your mama,
your daddy, you and your sisters. Like, domestic violence can
be a lot of things, and she's doing good work
on that. So y'all support these organizations.

Speaker 4 (56:19):
Thanks Ben, thank you, my baby, Thank you, guys, I
love you.

Speaker 1 (56:22):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (56:27):
Shout out to our friend, the great Bebby smith Man.
Bebby does so many things. Her energy is just contagious.
Like when you see bev, I don't give a fuck
what you going through. You having a bad day. When
you see Bebby, you gonna smile.

Speaker 2 (56:40):
You're gonna smile. That's just that's the energy she's always had.

Speaker 3 (56:43):
I remember Bebvy was like one of the first people
I seen when I came home from prison. I went
to see Fat joson when I think he was doing
a video shoot or something, and Bebby was in his trailer.
As soon as I walked in and she was just
so happy to see me, hugging me, and we had
the best coming and I just remember that I was
fresh home from prison. I was like still like, you know,

just moving and her energy just made me lighting up.
You know, being being in prison for so long, you
just you still guarded, you don't know what's going on.
You quiet, and I had like a child like joy
just talking it back her energy to shout out to her,
say is.

Speaker 1 (57:23):
My memory of her or my feeling about her? You know,
in this world, people are not always kind. And I've experienced,
just like everybody else, moments when I walked in the
rooms and felt like people funny acting towards me. You know,
just a lot of things. Never with Beverly, every time
I see her, every time you see Bevsmith, she gonna

give you love. She never acts funny towards me. She
never didn't speak. You don't really know where she is.
She is consistently on it and consistently supporting people. So
I'm glad she was here today.

Speaker 2 (57:57):
Yeah, shout out to her, love her man.

Speaker 3 (58:00):
That brings me to my I don't get it today.
So we were just talking like while we were interviewing her,
you were saying, you know, the alternatives to the music,
and certain things we don't like about the booty holes
and all these things. So I try not, you know,

I try to be you know, understanding I'm an artist
and understanding artistry and understand there's different things.

Speaker 2 (58:28):
There's ratchet shit, So even if.

Speaker 3 (58:30):
It's not for me, I try to just keep my
ears and just be okay. Maybe I understand that some
of the shit is just all the way to the left,
but I try to get people the opportunity for evolutions.
So I don't really, you know, really talk bad about
artists in that manner. But I was listening to a
song that the ratchet Girls, they call them the Ratchet Girls,

that I'm Sukiyana and Sexy Red hat.

Speaker 2 (58:56):
In this.

Speaker 3 (58:58):
Suki Yana the Sexy braversalk in my booty hole, and.

Speaker 1 (59:04):
Uh, everybody's about to say Thingucie Queanuci.

Speaker 3 (59:09):
Your Kouchie Green clear and all this ship and they
never said the stinking or whatever.

Speaker 2 (59:17):
And Sukiyana comes on and she said to tell Joe
Biden that she want to fuck the press. I'm saying
to myself, Joe Biden is damn near dead.

Speaker 1 (59:32):
No, one don't say that Joe Biden is eighty man,
but that isn't almost dead. I know eighty year old
people that's doing fine.

Speaker 3 (59:42):
I'm not saying they're not doing fine. But the life
expectancy for the average human being is not even eighty.
The man has lived past life expected.

Speaker 2 (59:54):
I can go with that. You know, in this girl,
young girl, it's too about you want to like, what
are we talking about? That's like me looking at old woman, just.

Speaker 1 (01:00:06):
Like like what Pelosi?

Speaker 2 (01:00:09):
Like what would I do with Nancy Pelosi?

Speaker 1 (01:00:12):
I just like we are in a clickbait era, and
so in this moment, that's the type of stuff they
talk about. I mean, what do you want? That's it?
That's it, booty hoole. It's the same thing like her.

Speaker 4 (01:00:25):
Being on the floor.

Speaker 2 (01:00:28):
I could understand if you gave me an old, handsome
black man or something.

Speaker 4 (01:00:33):

Speaker 1 (01:00:35):
That's not going to get the same amount. We are
in a troll slash click.

Speaker 2 (01:00:40):
You say the dumbest shit ever, like that's the wall.

Speaker 1 (01:00:44):
And see if it's stick. It's so. It stuck so
much you bought it up today and believe it, and
and and at the end of the day, this is
why right, everybody goes to the red carpet, it stands
up and takes a picture, and where they get mentioned.
Mainly it's for how fly they are or how terrible
they look. That's that's the red carpet game. It's how

fly you look or how terrible you look, or who
you show up with. Those things are no longer. It's
like drugs. It's we are in the era where they
gotta get more so dopamine exactly, it's not enough. You
need the fentanyl. It's the fentanyl error right.

Speaker 2 (01:01:28):
Where now now or you come close to it, you
need so.

Speaker 1 (01:01:32):
You because what I have on I don't know if
I can fuck with Joe Blow and Tow. I don't
know if that maybe I can, maybe I can't. Actually,
I personally thought that Sukiana looked really cute, Like I
liked her dress. I thought it was sexy and I
thought she her body looked nice in it. I thought
she looked good when she stood up and I saw

the picture, I'm like, Okay, that dress could but it
probably wasn't going to get the same attention as young
Miami who people had a bunch of opinions about how
she looked and then other people that were on the carpet,
that folks might have been like, oh, this was the
best thing ever, you know, or whatever, so probably was
gonna get that. Then she probably wasn't going to get

the worst, so she would have just been one of
those that passed through. So she went to the ground
to put her behind and her tongue out because that,
for her was what would get her offending all high.
So that's the era that we're in. So why not say,
Joe Biden my booty holes brown?

Speaker 2 (01:02:36):
Oh man, you couldn't even what you're gonna do. He
couldn't even do nothing with that.

Speaker 1 (01:02:43):
But these young women And one of the reasons why
I don't, I don't, you know, And people keep telling me, oh,
you need to say this, and then I hear them,
and I'm not saying they're wrong, because I do see
the problem. I see it, and I believe they see
it too. The industry knows. And it's once again the
same thing that you talked about of industry gives incentives

to violence and the drill rappers and all of that,
and the same thing is happening with the over sexualization
of women. But you know, I think it was either
sexy read or one of them came out with the
dog chain on being walked on the ground. Somewhere somewhere
I heard that and guess what people did that before?
Snoop did that? Like you know, this is the tip drill,

the credit card swipe, the whole thing. These are things
that have been happening. Well. A lot of people have
issue with it because women are now doing it on
our own, which we were not before. But the other
thing I realized is these are kids. They are kids,
and as time goes on, they will and that's the goal.

Speaker 2 (01:03:44):
Man. So you understand. You wouldn't have said for your mind,
so you come off.

Speaker 1 (01:03:49):
It ain't for you to understand. I read somewhere and
we got to go. But I read somewhere something that said,
nobody cares what you and I think because we thought
and forty seven and date on kids.

Speaker 2 (01:04:03):
He just you got here from somehow we got here.
You understand. Thing.

Speaker 3 (01:04:07):
So my thing is, if you if you want to
be around long and be relevant, I mean, listen to somebody.

Speaker 2 (01:04:13):
You know what I'm saying. I hope so, but come on,
not Joe Biden. Joe Biden.

Speaker 3 (01:04:19):
Anyway, that brings us to an end of another episode
of Street Politicians. Make sure you follow us on Street
Politicians Pod. Give us your likes, hates, loves, give us
ideas we want to hear from you. We appreciate all
the support that you give us, making us the number
one podcast in the world right now.

Speaker 2 (01:04:37):
Appreciate you. Man. God God got us. Man, He always
gonna take us. He got us.

Speaker 3 (01:04:43):
I'm not gonna always be right to Meeka D. Mallory's
not gonna always be wrong, but we will both always
and I mean always be authentic.

Speaker 4 (01:04:52):
Pace so Yote, so Yode, They're snydey
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