All Episodes

August 9, 2023 51 mins

This week Mysonne and Tamika first give their condolences to the family of Imani Robinson, the young woman who was found dead after missing for several weeks. After they discussed some more trending topics that happened over the weekend such as, Jamie Foxx being falsely accused of anti semitism and black people uniting in the Alabama brawl.

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
What's up. Family, it's your girl to Mika d Mallory.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Is your boy, my son general and we are your.

Speaker 1 (00:10):
Hosts of street politicians the place with politics. I'm supposed
to be being on a little bit of a No,
I don't know. I guess it is a vacation. Anytime
you leave the country and you are at a birthday,
it's supposed to be vacation, right, y'all. Don't y'all don't
believe in vacation.

Speaker 3 (00:28):
No, I don't believe in vacation. They believe that you're
will to get them a show. Oh, based yeah, based
on what we call contractual obligations. We're gonna go and
put this good old yeah.

Speaker 1 (00:47):
Yeah, and we actually get shows off. But it's funny
how when you're competitive and you also strive for excellence,
even though they give you a certain amount of shows
you don't have to do, we still be.

Speaker 2 (01:02):
Still try to do them all.

Speaker 1 (01:05):
You definitely, I'll be the one to be like, it's
no show today, and you'll be like, no, no, no,
gotta do it.

Speaker 3 (01:11):
You gotta do it, because it's the truth. With the
number one show in the world. When you're the number
one show in the world.

Speaker 1 (01:20):
Continue to oh, please anyway as I sit in my
little vacation spot, which sometimes it might be a little noisy,
so please excuse me. I wanted to just start out
by sending a lot of love and support and sadness

and just everything all you could think of to the
family of Imani Robertson last week, her family reached out
to me asking if I could help them to raise
the profile of her being missing, the case of her

being missing. She had gone missing, and then I believe
that it sort of all happened at the same time
where her car was found torched, and you know, I
think that kind of really put a damper on the
search efforts. Like every you know, a lot of people
didn't say it, but I'm sure folks were thinking, damn,

if her car was found torched, more than likely her
life was taken, and that was sort of like a
cover up of evidence or whatnot. It's pretty sad. And
so she you know, has four children, four beautiful children,
including a newborn who was with the person of interest

or the person who has now been arrested, which is
his father, slashed her husband, Imani's husband. He's been arrested.
The police believed that he is responsible for her murder,
and he had the baby with him, this infant baby,
very small, small baby. I'm not sure exactly how old

the baby is. And her family member sent me a
picture of the reunification of the children and the baby,
and it just, you know, so sad. Just looking at
the kids, you could tell that, you know, they have
been traumatized by probably the separation from their mom. And

also I don't know whether they had been told exactly
what was going on, but they looked like they knew
something really bad happened to their mother in this picture.
And I sat there and looked at it for a
while and was just thinking, you know, if you really
get down to the nitty gritty, as they say, of
what happened to Imani and why if he did kill her,

which it looks like all roads lead to him. But
if you look at if you you know, really try
to get to the nitty gritty of it and understand why,
I bet you it's just the most ridiculous foolishness, you know,
probably an attempt to control, an attempt to you know,
silence her voice or what have you. You know, even

if she did something to him, even if she anything
short of her, you know, obviously taking the life of
her children or sexually assaulting the children, which even in
that case, I still don't believe that, you know, murdering
her was the right thing to do. However, I feel
like it's probably so foolish. Whatever the reason is for

why this woman was murdered. So that's just you know,
just my thoughts on it.

Speaker 2 (04:49):
Now. It's really sad, man. I was looking at it,
and it's like.

Speaker 3 (04:53):
It's like an overload of situations with you know, woman
to be killed, mothers are being killed, you know, for
some reason. It seems like relationships are going bad, and
even kids are like it's I don't know, I think
I say all the time, man, we in a like
a war for our souls.

Speaker 2 (05:15):
Like this ship is very it's like a demonic time.

Speaker 3 (05:17):
When you look at all of the stuff that's happening,
it'd be like it's coming from a dark place, you know.
And that's why a lot of people it's mad at
you know, the colleague the college Russell's situation, and they
were like, you know, there's too much things going on
and that's why she can't be doing these things.

Speaker 2 (05:35):
And I agree with it, but at the same time.

Speaker 3 (05:37):
We still every time situations like this arise, I don't
know if it's if it's.

Speaker 2 (05:43):
A false alarm, I don't know if somebody is lying.

Speaker 3 (05:46):
But every time that I think that one of our
women are in trouble, I'm going to utilize my platform,
my voice to try to figure out because there's situations
like this, you know that we see happen way more
often than somebody who's not actually telling the truth. So
my you know, my condolences goes out to the family,

you know, and it's really it's just really sad man.

Speaker 2 (06:10):
It's really sad man.

Speaker 3 (06:11):
And I don't I don't know what the mindsetate of
the individual is that that commits this type of prim
like I just I don't know. I just I've never
been that angry in a relationship on mad.

Speaker 2 (06:23):
I don't know what.

Speaker 3 (06:24):
I don't know what it looks like to be that
mad with someone that you supposedly once and are in
love with that you just want to take their life.
I just don't know what. I don't know what that
looks like. You know that that's that has I don't
want my mother used to say. My mother used to
always say, I don't want nobody loved me to death.
You know, don't love me to death, man, because that's

that's very strange. They love me to life man, love life,
and you know what.

Speaker 2 (06:52):
Too much.

Speaker 1 (06:54):
And I love me so much that I don't want
to go to jail for the rest of my life
for taking your life or doing something that causes me.
You know, while I'm trying to harm you, I end
up harming myself. I don't want that.

Speaker 3 (07:10):
Yeah, yeah, and nobody should want that. Like I say
that old time. Like I've had conversations where I've heard
you know, and it's more often and not saying because
it doesn't happen, but I've I've had conversations with women.

Speaker 2 (07:27):
Who are detrimental, want to be detrimental to themselves because
relationship is not going right, and they say, oh, everything's
going bad, I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do that.
I'm like you doing all.

Speaker 3 (07:39):
That that ain't gonna change whatever the dick out there doing,
he ain't gonna When you think because you you, you
make yourself worse, you hurt yourself, you know, you destroy
your body, You do all of this shit that's gonna
make him want you more.

Speaker 2 (07:55):
Well, he's still gonna be up there with Susan, you know.
So I don't know. I don't understan And.

Speaker 3 (08:01):
I'm not saying it's men that and now men who
have the same mindset. I just you know, you know,
unfortunately or.

Speaker 1 (08:08):
Fortunately understand it.

Speaker 3 (08:10):
Yeah, I don't come in content, but I still don't
understand it. And I'm never going to understand.

Speaker 1 (08:14):
I don't.

Speaker 2 (08:15):
You know, it hurts.

Speaker 3 (08:15):
You should be hurt. You in a relationship, things don't
go right. There should be a level of pain. There
should be disappointment, and I'm not saying that, but it
should never reach the point to where you when you
want to alive yourself or somebody else, or you want
to be detrimental. I just I just don't see it.
I just don't see it.

Speaker 1 (08:37):
And you mentioned Charlie Russell, and I'm thinking, you know,
the same thing with her. It's like her boyfriend or
ex boyfriend. Who if this is true, Like we still
haven't heard the reason why she did what she did.
But if what the Internet says is true was that
she was attempting to get the attention of him, then
he's at the club this weekend, this past weekend, you know,

talking about he's looking to find love, So no matter
whether you could do all this jump up and down.
And I'm and you know, we're using Carly as an example,
but this is just in general that you know, we
end up, especially as women, almost killing ourselves attempting to
be with people that have already shown us that they

don't want us, you know. And I think there's a
saying that I've heard many times, which is that you
can't try to keep somebody by giving them something more
of what they already don't want.

Speaker 3 (09:38):

Speaker 1 (09:38):
And so you know, it's like save yourself, sist. But
speaking of Carly Russell, one of the things that I
was talking about or of during the week last week
on My Life was this new found energy that the
Alabama Legislature has to start discussing making false reporting a felony.

And you know, it's one of the reasons why, you know,
just being in this movement and in this work and
being a conscious of society, because there's certainly the difference
between being conscious and being unconscious. Not that you're not
alive or that you're not progressive and doing positive things
every day, but consciousness means that you are in tune

and tap into what is happening racially, politically, socially, that
you're conscious on those levels, which means that you have
an opinion, that you understand, and that you are engaged
in some way, shape or form, and not so much
a movement, but just engaged at the table understanding, making moves,
making discussions or creating discussions, and then being involved in

discussions and especially in your professional spaces, making sure that
if you have power, that you are looking at how
to help shift the power dynamics towards people who are
most marginalized. So that's what consciousness looks like, and being
a conscious member of society ready for thirty plus years
of my life, as my parents started me in the movement,
I'm always very cautious about how much I jump on

the bandwagon to support the vilification and you know, villainizing
and tearing down and just whatever of other black folks,
especially black people who are just regular folks, you know,
just just regular people making it happen every day, who
do dumb shit, make bad decisions, you know, and just

you know, and whatever. So people like that, I'm always
very cautious of it. And with Carly, I also had
a level of grace because I thought about my own situations,
about my own life, and I know what it looks
like to do really dumb, dumb, stupid, super dumb stuff.
And so I've said that a million times. But what

I also realized is that white folks love to use
the voice of black people and the energy of black
folks too condemn, correct, assault, and ultimately lynch black people.

Speaker 3 (12:06):

Speaker 1 (12:06):
And so what's an example of that. Just let's go
back and think about what happened with the crime build
the nineties, right. You think about how they explain it
and how they talk about it now that they know
it was catastrophic for the black community. The first thing
you hear them say was other black people wanted it.

Black pastors, black community leaders, just everyday black people were
looking for a way to deal with crack.

Speaker 2 (12:35):

Speaker 1 (12:36):
And you know, I push back on that all the
time because they bring that up right now around this
whole idea of more policing in our communities. They're using
oh well, the black seniors, the elders in the community,
the church folks or whatever they are the ones calling
for more police. No, what black people want is safety.
They want to feel safe, and safety does not mean policing.

Speaker 3 (12:58):
The problem with that is, unfortunately, our community doesn't understand,
not not just our community especially, it's our elderly community.

Speaker 1 (13:07):
Like you.

Speaker 3 (13:07):
If you think about older people in our community, what
safety looks like to them is police. They've been taught
that you call the police. Something go wrong, you call
the police, right, And a lot of them either were unified.
So what happened was when they see when they don't
see unity unity within the community, they don't they don't
see it like they used to when.

Speaker 2 (13:27):
They were younger.

Speaker 3 (13:27):
We took care of each other, We fought side by
side with each other. They see these young kids outside
beefing with each other, gunshots, people getting killed. So in
their mind, there's no real unity, right, there's no real unity.
So the only course of safety is in their perception
is that the police can come save them and and

the reality is that's not the reality. Right, So they've
been able to sell that, and then you have a
lot of older politicians that keep selling that, and they're
engaged in the process of voting. They engage in the
government because they understand their points, They understand what it
took to get to voter, so they fully engaged. So
when they hear politicians, and they talk about safety, and

the only thing they talk about safety is how the
police have to do this, and if we need police
presidence here and we need police presidence there, And they said, well,
if that's the safety, then we need to get that done.

Speaker 2 (14:19):
You know, they're not right.

Speaker 1 (14:21):
But they've never seen yeah, they've never they've never been
presented with other options for what safety truly looks like.
They've not been presented with that, So they therefore lean
towards what a white supremacist society teaches versus what we
have always known as a people, which is to take

care of your own and to do in your own
communities what's needed for there to be wholeness. Because if
people are whole, they can also ensure safety exactly.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
And the reality is you can't.

Speaker 3 (14:59):
You can't ensure safety because police don't prevent. You know
that they're not they're not skilled or trained or even
actually their focus is not to come before the crime
is committed or before you know, to make sure that
the community it's like your household. You have to you

got a baby in your household. You gotta make sure
that the debate is baby proof. You gotta put foam
here you gotta make sure the socas is closed.

Speaker 2 (15:28):

Speaker 3 (15:29):
You're only gonna call the police after something happened to
the baby. So the police is not gonna give the safety.
Is you that's actually presenting the safety. Just like that's
how we have to have guardrails in our communities. We
got to put things in our communities that are sure
that the atmosphere is safe so we don't have to
call the police. And then they gotta come and arrest somebody,
or gotta come and pick up the carnage, or gotta

come try to rectify a situation before after this already
you know out of hand, no.

Speaker 1 (15:56):
Yeah, And so now the Alabama legislature is into hating
any idea of making false reporting a federal crime. And
I'm thinking to myself making it a felony rather a felanine.
And I was thinking to myself, Wow, what they will use,
how they will use us against us, is that now

that a black woman has made a false report, they
want to change the laws. And yet Alabama, Alabama is
the state of where white women have done false reporting.
I'm just thinking about the movie Oh My God, and
it's about a real story, but in Alabama, in the

city where my mother is from, in Monroeville, Alabama. The
Killermockenburg and other stories that have come out of that
area just by itself is the home of white women
doing false reporting, and they never wanted a felony assigned
to those cases, but now that a black woman does

it here, they want to change the laws. So I
just think that means that we just have to be
really careful, and we got away from the main reason
why I brought up you know, Imiani, of course, is
a really really sad ending to a story that we
were hoping would just turn out to be different, turnout
to just be, you know, a woman being found rather

than a woman being found dead. But I think these
stats are really important because people need to know, especially
since you know, unfortunately or fortunately, Carli bought a lot
of people's attention to missing black women. A lot of
folks knew what was happening, But I don't know if
people are aware of the statistics and so early earlier today,

Anastasia on our team share these stats with me that
black women and black girls make up eighteen percent of
all missing persons cases, but yet we are only seven
percent of the population. Five hundred and fifty six thousand

people have been reported missing, and of that number, two
hundred and seventy one thousand of them are women, and
of that number, one hundred thousand are black women. So
eighteen percent of the population of missing person cases in

this country are black women and black girl but we're
only seven percent of the population.

Speaker 3 (18:32):
Logic triple percentage of those who are being abducted and kidnapped.

Speaker 2 (18:42):
And just to put based on the percentage of ish,
that's crazy.

Speaker 3 (18:47):
That means it's a problem, you know, and it sounds
it sounds crazy because it sounds similar to you know,
we talk about the population and prisms, and I think
unfortunately in every major statistic that is terrible, we somehow
are leading it and I don't and it's and it's

not me, you know what I'm saying, it's not okay,
And we got to figure.

Speaker 2 (19:12):
Out, you know, how do how do.

Speaker 3 (19:15):
We we rectify these situations? What is the plan? You know,
That's what I I'm always solution based when I talk
about the problem. I want to figure out, like, what
is the plan? What can we do to try to
bring some level of change to the situation.

Speaker 2 (19:31):
That's crazy? Just just imagine that just imagine.

Speaker 3 (19:34):
Or that that you're that in danger when you walk
outside of not coming home.

Speaker 1 (19:38):
Yeah, well that's so true. That's so true, son. I'm
just going to leave it at that, because we do
need the solutions, and I think one of them is
that we got to keep our eyes open and keep
ourselves focused. You know, we need the buddy system at
all times. Lady ladies, you know, can't be out here
going out with people and slipping off with people and

doing crazy things that you know, nobody knows you're doing.
And it's just not that time because there's a lot happening.
They snatching you off the streets. So you know, if
you're getting in the car with some man and you
know you don't really know or you know whatever, these
things can happen. So you're right, the solutions matter. Let's

talk about Jamie Fox and specifically Jennifer Aniston. I did
a live on this and it has a lot, like
one hundred and nine thousand views at this point, so
people are really into it. I've been seeing a lot
of shares and I've also been receiving a lot of

d ms from people who are like wow, and I'm
talking about white folks and by the way, I'm talking
about white folks who are important people in society have
been sending me messages saying, you know, I watched this,
and you know what you said is so deep. And
first of all, we already have said, which I'm sure

you will reiterate that we know for sure based upon
what Jamie Fox said, he is not talking about He
was not talking about in his tweet or wherever he
put his comment in his post. He was not talking
about Jewish people. He wasn't talking about a people. He
was talking about person a person, And you know he

clarified that, which you know, I'm okay with. I don't
you know, people are like, well, I hate that he apologized.
You know, I've lived long enough and been through enough
stuff to realize that people have various reasons for why
they do things, and some people are just so good
at heart that whenever they hear that's something they did
or said impacted another person, they automatically are like, oh

my god, I'm so sorry. You know, so I don't know.
I haven't had obviously a conversation with the brother. But whatever,
whether he apologized or not, it's neither he nor did
the fact that if he apologized because he felt he
had to, that's a different thing, and that's something else
we could talk about. But you know, we don't know that.
So I'm just gonna kind of let that go.

Speaker 3 (22:05):
I say all the time, each individual is an individual.
If I say something and you interpret it as it
was wrong, and I feel like, you know, based on
a relationship or anything that me and you have, you know,
I want to apologize for making you feel it even
though it wasn't my intentions, and even though you.

Speaker 2 (22:25):
Might have misinterpreted.

Speaker 3 (22:26):
Some of us have that much selflessness and I don't,
and I don't hold that against I don't.

Speaker 2 (22:30):
Think that makes you wrong or sort anything.

Speaker 3 (22:31):
If if I feel like I said something or you misinterpreting,
I care enough and I want to apologize.

Speaker 2 (22:37):
I apologize.

Speaker 3 (22:38):
If I don't, I don't, And I'm a firm believer
in that, you know, I think. I just think in
this situation, right, it wasn't It wasn't Jamie's apology. It
wasn't any for me. It was the interjection of Jennifer
Anderson and utilizing her platform to label man right, a
label man that she probably could have reached out to.

Speaker 2 (23:00):

Speaker 3 (23:00):
She utilized that platform and her voice because of whatever
pressure she got to to try to deflect whatever somebody
made her feel on to somebody else. And that's just
a level of weakness, right, It's a level of fear,
a weakness that people impose on you. It's just like
we both go to the store and you buy candy
and I'm oh, this candy is good.

Speaker 2 (23:21):
Did somebody come to you like, yo, well you buying
that candy? This and that?

Speaker 3 (23:24):
Oh well such and such told me to buy it.
You know, he I don't support it. I didn't know
all of that. Well, he probably didn't know it either, right,
And because people don't want to deal with a level
of backlash from something, the weak thing to do is
try to deflect. And I think that's the more thing
to me. People talking about Jamie Shitner, maybe he shouldn't

have a problem, but maybe he wanted to because it
wasn't that serious to him, like, oh shit, I didn't
even think about that, And I'm not bad.

Speaker 2 (23:50):
It ain't about fear, It ain't about nothing.

Speaker 3 (23:52):
You know, a lot of times people want you to
take on their own personal battles or battles if they
feel that they're dealing with that that's not my battle.
And I don't have to feel obligated to hold on
to that bat. You know, and I might and I
might feel like I wouldn't apologize, and it might be
a lot, but that we can't hold Jamie to that

because of his mind, he don't even see the big deal.
He like, man, I was talking about fake friends, and
if that, you know, if if people that I care for,
people that I respect, pon me and say, hey, oh,
it looked like you were saying that, I could say,
what funk would it look like? And fuck you too?
Or I could just say, you know what, that's my bad.
I didn't even think of it that way. I didn't
mean that to harm. You're not saying it's my bad

because I did something wrong. It's my bad if it
offended you, you know, And that and that, and people
got to understand that there's things. They're nuances and conversations.
A lot of times as black people us understanding these
situations and a lot of times people knowing what this
situation looks like and have dealt with similar situations. You know,

it's you feel attacked, you deal with the trauma of it.
But you know a lot of times it's not that
it's not about trauma. It's about an individual holding himself
respond for what he feels, you know, for what he feels.
And that's why I was adamant when you know, with
Kyrie's situation, Kyrie was understood his situation, knew what he

was saying. He wasn't talking about nothing else. And because
he decided on how he was willing to deal with
I respected that as a man, just like I respected
Jamies feeling.

Speaker 2 (25:30):
Like you want and that's what it is for me.

Speaker 3 (25:32):
I want black men and women to have autonomy over
their thoughts, their feelings, their bodies, how they think, and
what they think. And nobody should be able to make
you think what they want you to think. You know,
whether it's a white person or a black person, you know,
we individuals. If I feel like, you know, I want
to do this or I felt like this, and I
know that where I come from is a place of

you know, of joy and happiness and you trying to
make something else, and I don't feel like I'm gonna
allow you to label me that, and I'm gonna fight
against that because that's a fight I'm willing to fight
for it. Then I'm gonna stand with you. You know what
I'm saying. If you feel that it was not that,
then I'm gonna stand with you also, and maybe and
if if the fight is deeper for me, then I'm

gonna hold on to it. I'm gonna continue the conversation
based on whatever the situation is. And that's what I think.
That's what people gotta start doing. If the fighter, if
the fight is deeper for you, then you take the
conversation to the level you wanted to go. Don't don't
think that everybody's gonna take that that same leap and
that same thing and it doesn't make them less than
or graded and it just makes them different.

Speaker 1 (26:38):
Yeah, I agree, I mean I agree with everything you said.
There's nothing for me to add. I will say that
on the Jennifer Jennifer Anderson piece, I think what made
me jump so quick, like my bones shifted around that
I wanted to speak on it is because of what

Lissa Milana. That's the same thing that she did to
us at the Women's March. Hers was even worse. Well,
I guess in a way it's the same because Jennifer
Andison I just learned yesterday is not even Jewish, So
she was literally inserting herself into a conversation and not
even allowing the people who are actually from the community

to lead the conversation. And she didn't use her ability
and her proximity to Janie to have a conversation and
try to bring people together. So, as far as I'm concerned,
as you said, it's weak, it's ignorant, and to be clear,
it's violent because whenever you even think about using certain terminology,

whether it be anti black or anti Semitic or whatever,
and you put it, attach it to someone's name, or
put it in the atmosphere and attached to that person,
there are consequences for that, And in this particular situation,
being called anti semitic is very very very very life

altering and dangerous for black people. So that is it's ignorant,
it's weak, and on top of everything else, is violent.
But Alyssa Milano, she did something very similar. Nobody invited
Alyssa Milano to speak at the Women's March, And if
somebody did invite her, I would, you know, want to

see what was the official letter, because I don't think so,
because I know the people who were responsible for inviting
speakers who were authorized to invite speakers, so she was
not invited to speak at all any period. And the
next thing, you know, after all the allegations of us
being anti Semitic and all of that, she came out

talking about how she would not speak at the Women's
March or speak at the march because she ftans against
anti Semitism. Well, first of all, boo woo, you wasn't
invite it, But even if you were, why would you
not pick up the phone and call and have conversations
before you run to the public to try to label us,
Which created a situation that ultimately, if we pay, if

we understand the history of what took place, even with
all the charge of anti Semitism and everything we were
going through, so many leaders within the Jewish community came
together with us to say, we have a fundamental difference
on this issue of whether or not we feel Tamika

Mallori should denounce Minister Farakhan, or whether or not she
should say these things or do these things. Of course,
there was a fundamental difference of feelings, opinion or whatever
in terms of people telling me what words I should
use to describe leaders within my own community. Of course,

there was just a lot of pushback on all kinds
of things that came up in the context that whole
situation that was beyond again the issue of anti semitism,
but really turned into the relationship between white women and
black women, and women of color and white women, and
how dangerous that moment could be in terms of our future,

and of course the dangers of feminism. I mean, it
was just so many things that came up, but the
leaders were together saying it was more important for us
to find ways to unify and to move forward with
our movement, and we continue to move forward, we continue
to build. When Alyssa Milano made her statement, it changed

the dynamics of the Women's March forever because it created
it opened the door for a literal assault. It was
her then the next thing, you know, Megan McCain. It
was so many different and women and black women who
were afraid, which we won't talk about who they are
today because those relationships have been some of them have

been mended. For Black women who were afraid, scared to death,
shaking in their boots, ran, ran, and some of them
were actually harmful. On top of it, some of them
got together and started other groups of women to try
to counter us, to find ways to catch our responsors
that left the women's March, and it was after Alyssa

Mulano decided to step in the chat to throw us
under the bus, to disrespect us because she wasn't even invited.
And so again what Jennifer Aniston did, there is an
actual prototype. There's an actual like you could go look,
there's a book on it. And the book is called
white Women a perpetuate violence against women of color and

black women, black men, and just other people all the time.
And it is extremely dangerous and we have to call
it out. And I know people don't like to hear it.
Some people will say, oh, well, Tamika, you shouldn't. I
don't care. It's just no, it's just it's just wrong.
And like I said, we don't like that. We don't
like that. So let's see what else are you going

to talk about today?

Speaker 3 (32:09):
Very much triggering, you know, it triggers a lot of
emotions based on personal experiences.

Speaker 2 (32:15):
So trust me, the flower in the wall.

Speaker 1 (32:19):
Gets all right, well, well, yeah, you were the Flower
Women's March, you know all about it. And by the way,
I think we should also say because you always have
to give credit where credit is due. That there were
some white women who ten toes down, hurting and all
being you know, being ridiculed by their friends and family.

They still stood strong and said we won't participate in
this this moment and assaulting other you know, women and
specifically women of color, because they understood that the history
books were therefore record their names as being some of
those who were harmful to other women that they claimed
they were supposed the allies with. And when things get tough, tough,

when situations, when the ground gets shaky, folks start running
and it's just pretty dangerous. I guess you could probably
talk about this next thing in terms of today waking
up being a proud black woman, black man. So not

necessarily because there was violence, but because there was unity
among the people in Montgomery, Alabama.

Speaker 2 (33:32):
Yes, yes, man.

Speaker 3 (33:34):
So by now I'm sure the world has seen, you know,
this video that's going viral of a black security guard
getting into not really altercation, who actually was jumped by
some white men for allegedly there was he was working

at the dock and there was a boat docked that
I guess was on by these white people, and there
was another boat trying to come in, and the security
guard looked or from the information that I was given,
was told, was telling the.

Speaker 2 (34:15):
White people that they needed to move their vote so
that this other boat could come in, you know.

Speaker 3 (34:21):
And then there was a back and forth conversation between
one man, one identified white man, and a security guard,
you know, and it seemed like the conversations were getting
little heated, but there was no punches, there was no
physical and then out of nowhere, one junk white man
comes and a tax them. And as he's fending off
this man, then two and three more come and they're

punching them, they're kicking them. And at that point you
see one black guy come from upstairs on the dock.
He runs down. He gets in the middle of trying
to break it up, so they's trying to hit on him.
He's making that up. Then you see a young boy
who they call an aquaman. He swims across, you know,

the ocean. I don't know where he came from. I
think they say he was on the boat that was
actually trying to dock as.

Speaker 2 (35:15):
He swam in. He was part of a crew and
he swam in and you.

Speaker 3 (35:20):
Know, first he was trying to separate and you know,
just trying to rectify the situation.

Speaker 2 (35:26):
And then he saw again physical, you know, and and
then he got involved.

Speaker 3 (35:31):
And then these three other guys came from nowhere and
you know, the day I called him about business, that's
they they they about business.

Speaker 2 (35:42):

Speaker 3 (35:42):
I seen these three guys walk up and they looked
like they had seen what happened. They came with their
shirts off, and they proceeded to match the same energy
of the white man that was jumping the black man,
you know, and that that energy became contagious. That's when
the young the young boy got involved. And then it

became all out, we ain't gonna We're not gonna be oppressed,
and you know, and it was a unified moment.

Speaker 2 (36:12):
And like like Tamika said.

Speaker 3 (36:14):
Man, I'm not celebrating the violence, because that's not something
that I advocate.

Speaker 2 (36:19):
I don't I'm not sitting here advocating for violence at
any level.

Speaker 3 (36:24):
But the unific the unity that was displayed in that
it just showed that I was my brother's keeper.

Speaker 2 (36:31):

Speaker 3 (36:31):
It reminded me of me and my brothers and my
nephews and you know, my son. Like it reminded me
of how we were taught to react and how we
were taught to protect one another at all courts, and
that's what they did.

Speaker 2 (36:48):
And you know, and they they and they proceeded to
whip some ass as we call.

Speaker 3 (36:51):
It, you know, and they proceeded to to show that,
you know, karma shows up fast. Sometimes it comes so fast,
you know. And as I watched it, it made me
tear up a little bit because it's so many it's
so many videos viral. It's so many times I watch

situations where I watch black men getting jumped, black women
being bead I've seen Shakisha Clemens getting through them. I've
watched where we've sat around and watched. You know, there's
no there's no.

Speaker 2 (37:26):
Mystery and I've always stated it all the time.

Speaker 3 (37:30):
There's no mystery that I'm I'm an advocate to protect
each other.

Speaker 2 (37:35):
That we should not be just sitting there just recording,
you know.

Speaker 3 (37:40):
And even in this situation, even the people that was recorded,
even though they weren't able, but you can hear this
to day, she was cheering it on, like go protect them,
fight back, do that that's right, brother, get get involved,
like you can. You can see that they were on
the same page and I think, you know, as people

saw that video, you know, it's hundreds of videos that's
going viral.

Speaker 2 (38:05):
You know, you got Ricky Smiley.

Speaker 3 (38:06):
You got applies, you got dm you got so many
different people who now like people.

Speaker 2 (38:12):
Talking about it, and.

Speaker 3 (38:15):
The main theme is that it was unified, that we
showed that we were together. You know, we weren't. We
weren't in port. We weren't the cause of any violence.
We didn't we initiate violence, but we protected each other.
You know, we weren't gonna be oppressed. We weren't victims.
It's the gloss of what we actually can be and

what we actually should be, you know, as as just
a community, you know, as a people, you know, And
so to me, it was probably one of the proudest moment,
people saying August six is not January sixth, you know,
it's it's two completely different days. It shows two different
sides of a coin, and August six should be a

national holiday.

Speaker 2 (39:00):
Man, they could, they said it should be. Do we
call the fuck.

Speaker 3 (39:03):
Around and find out that, you know, and I think
what we can learn from that is what we look
like unified. It's crazy because something prompter on my my
timeline and They had a lion getting chased by a
bunch of hyaenas and was fighting off the hyaenas, about
ten hyenas on him.

Speaker 2 (39:19):
He was fighting at and then next thing.

Speaker 3 (39:21):
You know, five lions came out of nowhere and they
started ten hyaenas apart and hyenas is running. And it
reminded me of that, and it's like, it's unification. Even
animals understand that they protect each other. Even animals they
move in pact, they identify, well, this is that we're
brothers and we're sisters.

Speaker 2 (39:39):
You know.

Speaker 3 (39:40):
And I think Black people have to get to get
back to that animal instinct, you know, not not in
the violence sense, but just in the sense of understanding,
I want to protect my brother. This is my brother
identifying and looking at saying that's my brother, and I
don't want I'm not gonna allow harm to come to him.
I want what's best for him, you know. And when

we started really moving like that, when we start making
that a conscious effort, we saw being so intentional about that,
you know, we're gonna see a lot of different results.
You're gonna see different cultures and different ethnicities. You know,
who I see is unified all the time start treating
us different, because they'll realize that we're coming into our

innate power, you know, the born the born energy that
we have that we.

Speaker 2 (40:25):
Just haven't tapped into in so long. You know, it's
it's it's for me.

Speaker 3 (40:30):
People always talking about slavery, and I think slavery was
a time, you know, before it was after that time
that we were we were one culture in one nation.
But it was also a time that we understood that
we needed each other. You know, we looked and said
to ourselves and they knew that, and that's why they
attempted to divide us. And they and they did a

pretty damn good job of separating us and and and
pitting us against each other.

Speaker 2 (40:58):
You know.

Speaker 3 (40:59):
So I'm hoping that you know, August sixth is not
just a moment, it's a movement, yes, and we take
and build on it.

Speaker 1 (41:08):
Well, I you said a whole lot of things, that's true,
And I think my thought of the day today surrounds
the what's the next steps? Right, folks knowah should be
able to understand very clearly what happened. That this was

a response. And you know, if it was just one
man fighting one man, it would have been cool, but
that man was in danger because there were multiple white people.
They were surrounding him. They started hitting him. And I
believe that we should definitely do what happened in that video,
which is to always step up stand in one man.
When he first came, he just was trying to stop

it and they were stopping him. And to be clear,
women also got involved with the fight. And I want
to just make sure we mentioned that black women whip
some ass out there too, because it was necessary. But
what's the next steps from my thought of the day,
is that Number one, if you're in the Selma, Alabama area,

Vassa's Mini Marked is the store that is owned by
the individual who started this fight. So Selma, Alabama residents,
people go to Selma every single year for the jubilee
and to be a part of the recommitment to our
movement that started in the sixties with doctor King and

Congressman John Lewis and others. And so while you're in Selma,
if you're there for any reason, if you just want
to go and visit the excuse me, the Edmund Pettis Bridge,
make sure that you do not support Vassar's Mini Mark. Also,
I'm sure knowing the revolutionaries that are in the Alabama

area and the Selma area, they are going to make
sure that that store understands the ramifications of its owner
being involved in this type of assault. Actually have been
watching a thread online. Not sure if it's real or not,
but it looks like the person who runs the store
and runs their social media it's still popping major shit

online that they don't need our support, that they appreciate,
they want superior white dollars, and so black people know
what to do when we pull ours. There's no way
you can't survive because we spend way too much money
in the economy. But Isaac Hayes the Third wrote something
on Instagram today the thought was so real where he

said that you know, they're gonna they're going to get
their lick back, and their lick back is gonna come
from their votes. So they're ready. What they know. First
of all, Trump was in Alabama. He did a rally,
and this whole situation happened after the rally, and so
there's reason to believe there's cause to believe that they
felt emboldened just because of the you know, the the

the the energy and the climate of what has happened
and politically around this nation. And so with that being said,
we now have to make sure we match that energy.
And I saw people in the comments like, oh, here
we go capping for the Democrats. It's not about capping
for the Democrats or capping for anybody. It's about the
fact that these people the way that they're going to

respond to what has happened and to what happened out
there and all of our you know, there's jokes, there's this,
there's that, and all of that. We got all of
this big talk and we should have it. But what
they're gonna do is buckle down and say they're gonna
make sure that Alabama organizes behind the individual who supports
them running up and punching the black man in the

face on the dock and anywhere else the supports the
January sixth behavior of trying to take over the capital
of you know, of all that they do and all
the the the violence that they in site on a
regular basis, and that they are candidates, not one, but
many of them that they all stand behind, whether it

be Ron DeSantis, whether it's all of them, even Mike
Penance is out here talking all of this. Oh you know,
trank put me in a bad situation. Bro, you was
with it until you wasn't, so stop. Okay. So anyway,
that's that on that make sure that you are politically
engaged so that your punch also becomes punching at the
polls to ensure that we double down on how we

would not be disrespected and we will not be oppressed.
So that's my thought of the day.

Speaker 3 (45:35):
That's very good thought of the day. Man, use your
you know, use your vote. I don't give for who
you vote for. Vote for somebody like. Stop sitting around
here talking about our Democrat. Man. Find you somebody you like?
I call what kind of credit is man? Find you
somebody you like. That's talking muscle shit that you want
to talk about. Find you a candidate that you invest in, right,

that you that you you grow from the seed and.

Speaker 2 (46:02):
Do something else.

Speaker 3 (46:03):
But just don't sit around here and complain. It tied
to y'all complaining. Get get active, like the like the
crew they calling him the crew. The boy jumped out
that boy who whipped ass. I'm talking about whipping ass
man and taking names. That's that's that's the season. When
I'm in whipped ass, take name, season.

Speaker 2 (46:22):
I here.

Speaker 3 (46:23):
I'm not gonna start nothing with nobody, but I ain't
gonna let nobody do nothing to me and mine. I
need the world to understand that, yes, I am definitely
I tell people I'm anti violent. I'm not now violent
because na, this means none. I'm against violence. But the
minute that you think you're gonna pose your will upon me,
you're gonna realize that you are dealing with a warrior

with the warrior spirits, and the ancestor is gonna the
ancestors is gonna properly show you who the fuck I am.
You understand what I'm saying, And that's what happened that night, man,
And and that's that's that's my.

Speaker 2 (46:58):
I don't get it.

Speaker 3 (47:03):
I don't get why we don't always move like that.

Speaker 2 (47:07):
That's what I don't get.

Speaker 3 (47:07):
I don't get why we don't always realize that we
are wanting were unified.

Speaker 2 (47:12):
I don't get that.

Speaker 3 (47:13):
I don't get how we don't look at shit like
that throughout history, you know, and seeing like people like
I used to watch movies in certain movies and be like,
damn inspired me seeing what our people went to say, Yo,
this is this is who we are we great.

Speaker 1 (47:30):
I don't.

Speaker 3 (47:30):
I don't get anybody that don't see ship like that
and say, look today, I'm a lover for my people.
I'm gonna give my people more grace, you know, a
little more grace than I gave me A say, I'm
gonna go to the store. It might be a little jannkie,
but I'm I'm a helper. I'm gonna say, yeah, won't
y'all fix this up a little bit. I'm gonna buy
some ship from here, but won't you get a little

better customer service? I'm gonna uplift my people. I'm not
gonna say we got it fucked up and leave them alone,
especially if I know the tools that could fix whatever's wrong.

Speaker 2 (47:59):
Right, So that's what I want I want us to do.

Speaker 3 (48:01):
I want us to be more intentional about fixing the
ship that we know is wrong with our own people,
instead of going outside and bigging up and supporting and
making them billionaires and trillion as fuck. All right, you
don't got you don't got all the pieces here, you
don't got it all right, but you got the idea.
Let me take this, you know, take this information I got. Well,

take this critique that I have. You know, let's let's
be intentional, Like I don't mind. I like I've been supporting.
Shout out to my voice Sia Man Saya got some
of the most comfortable shoes. I got my shoes that
I wear that Tamika hates. They my traveling shoes. But
I also got some new color ones that they so
they made me feel so good.

Speaker 2 (48:42):

Speaker 3 (48:43):
And it's a black owned business shoot with and and
I love the way what he's doing.

Speaker 2 (48:48):
Man, I love it all.

Speaker 3 (48:49):
Shout out to Kyrie because I love the fact that
Kyrie people like, oh he did this. Kyrie went to
the manufacturer, the people that's making all the sneakers, and
he partnered with its own manufacturer, completely owns his own sneaker,
designs its own ship, probably got his own family and
everything in the way.

Speaker 2 (49:07):
Else I seen his father there.

Speaker 3 (49:09):
Like, it's about us being intentional about owning our own
ship and producing our own ship.

Speaker 2 (49:15):
And supporting our own So that's what I want to do.
I want.

Speaker 3 (49:18):
I want to I want to see the positivity in
black people and try to figure out, even the ship
that I see is negative, how do we help them
change that?

Speaker 2 (49:27):
How do we come from a place.

Speaker 3 (49:28):
Of love to where we we're helping our people grow, right,
not just criticizing tean of down and say you ain't
got shipped and you ain't this and that. Why are
we not trying to help them become bigger than they
are or better than they are? That's what I want
to do, man, I want us. I want us to
be intentional on this day, after this great national day

of the fuck around to find out crew, you know,
we need to be a lot we need to be
a lot more intentional about us.

Speaker 2 (49:57):

Speaker 3 (49:58):
So that's that's my that's myn get it, and that's
my also, you know, my my charge. Do something, Do
something that's gonna lift your people today, you know, don't
tear something down.

Speaker 2 (50:08):
Let's build today.

Speaker 1 (50:09):
Well, hey, you said it all, you said a thing.
So that comes to the end of another episode of
Street Politicians. A great episode actually, if I might say
so myself.

Speaker 2 (50:22):
Yes, yes, it is a great episode.

Speaker 3 (50:23):
You know, we we you know we're not visible today,
you know for our visible crew. I will be back,
but all of our listeners, we'll love you. Thank you
for making us the number one podcast in the world.
We're gonna keep giving y'all this content, giving you raw
uncout facts you know, and we want you to keep
giving us your opinions, let us know what.

Speaker 1 (50:43):
You want and feelings, facts and feeling well.

Speaker 3 (50:47):
And feelings because I'm definitely gonna give you what I feel,
but we're gonna we we we temper it with facts, man,
So keep on giving us your opinions and your facts
and your feelings, and let us know what you think
about our podcast. Let us know who you want us
to interview. You know what you don't like, what you
do like, how much you think I'm the greatest, how

much you see how Beaker fix on me all the time.
All of these things you can just let us know,
you know, make it better for me. But we truly
appreciate y'all, man, thank you for the support. We're gonna
always always be authentic. I'm not gonna always be right
to me. It's not gonna always be wrong, but like
I said, We're gonna always and I mean always always

be authentic.

Speaker 1 (51:31):
So look, listen to Street Politicians on the Black Effect
Network on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 3 (51:38):
And catch us every single Wednesday for the video version
of Street Politicians on Eyewomen dot TV.

Speaker 2 (51:43):
That's how we all need
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